CHURCH's MIGHT to FURTHER PEACE, Justicetotai of 409 Make

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CHURCH's MIGHT to FURTHER PEACE, Justicetotai of 409 Make Member of Audit Bureau of Cireulatioru 12,174 From Archdiocese Serve in Worid War ii CHURCH’S MIGHT TO FURTHER PEACE, JUSTICETotai of 409 Make Contents Copyrighted by the Csftolic Press Society, Inc. 1948—Permission to reproduce, Except on Suitreme Sacrifice in Historic Broadcast Articles Otherwise Marked, given After 12 H. Friday Following Issue Ella Horan- In Nation’s Defense Hoiy Father invites Men DENVER CATUaiC Quits Post In Library Denver Lists 7,817 and Parishes Ontside See Of Good Wili into Foid City Report 4,357 in Ontelaading Gea<* The library commission and Dr. Malcolm Wyer of the Denver Pub­ Iribulion Made by Calboliee Only in Unity of CaUiolicism Can Formula of lic library will sponsor a recep­ REGISTER tion Tuesday evening, Feb. 26, in Tranquillity and Order Be Found; the Park Hill branch to honor Miss A total of 12,174 Catholic men and women from the The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Ella Horan, its retiring librarian. Archdiocese of Denver answered the call to colors in World Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Miss Horan, a member of Red Birettas Imposed Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (3 cents per copy) Blessed Sacrament parish, is end­ war II, the final compilation released by the Chancery office ing a successful career of more reveals. Of the total, 7,817 were from parishes in Denver Vatican City.—(INS)—Pope Pius XII solemnly prom­ thaii a score of years in what she and 4,357 from parishes outside the see city. The report also VOL. X U . No. 26. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, FEB. 21, 1946. $1 PER YEAR terms a most interesting and re­ ised a war-weary world Feb. 20 that the vast and in­ warding field of work. discloses that 409 service personnel from the archdiocese spired power of the Catholic Church would be brought to A graduate of St. Mary’s acad­ made the supreme sacrifice in defense of their homeland. Of bear in every nation in behalf of permanent peace and emy, Denver, she entered the staff this number 251 were from Denver parishes and 148 from justice. training school then maintained parishes outside the Mile High city. The remarkable record In an historic broadcast at ceremonies in the Vatican’s Obligation of Fasting in Lent by the Denver Public library. Aft- as revealed by this report sets down for history the out­ Hall of Benedictions at which he imposed red birettas upon standing contribution that was made by the (jatholics of the 29 new Cardinals, including four from the United States, archdiocese in their country’s hour of crisis. + + + the Supreme Pontiff opened the Dispensed; Prayer, Denial Urged The complete report is printed below: gates 01 the Church to all men who are not slaves of the “father of Number in Number Killed Armed Forces or reported dead lies.” The dispensation from the Len­ and personal mortification. He and from attendance at places of Consistories His address was 45 minutes in DENVER PARISHES ten obligation of fasting and of also announces that Father Paul profane amusement. We hope to Cathedrail ........................................... length and covered every topic abstinence except on Fridays, Ash Waldron, Provincial of the Colum- __ 730 40 gain spiritual strength and stature Annunciation .................................... .... 341 7 now facing the world. The burden Wednesday, and the forenoon of ban Fathers, will be the speaker from our own serious reflection of his message was that only in Blessed Sacrament ......................... __ 290 6 Mark Epoch Holy Saturday is announced in a at the K. of C.-Catholic men’s on the truths of eternity and our Holy Family .................................... the unity and integrity of the letter from Archbishop Urban J. Communion breakfast in Denver __ 339 9 co-operation with divine grace. Holy Ghost ........................................ ..... 307 Catholic Church, reflecting the di­ Vehr. The Archbishop urges all to Sunday, March 31. The entire let­ May the loving Christ bring each 8 vine institution of Christ, can the Holy Rosary ........................................ 208 , 3 spend Lent in a spirit of prayer ter follows: one of us closer to His Sacred Our Lady of Mount Carmel ............. For Church formula for peace, happiness, and Heart during this Lenten season ..... 590 ' 13 equality be found. Feb. 18, 1946 Presentation ................... ............... ..... 200 5 Enters Convent Reverend dear Father and Faithfully yours in Christ, Sacred Heart....................................... ..... 278 The Supreme Fontiff condemned » URBAN J. VEHR 11 Rome.— (NCWC Radio)— mass denunciation of political Beloved People: St. Anne’s (Arvada) ............................ 80 3 In virtue of the special faculties Archbishop of Denver St. Cajetan’s ...................................... Watching from her hills, the prisoners without faultless exami P. S. Kindly bring the contents 26 nation into individual guilt by granted by our Holy Father, Pope St. Catherine’s ................................... ...... 438 4 Eternal City saw ecclesiastic­ Pius XII, priests, religious, and of this letter to the attention of St. Dominie’s ..................................... omission or commission. (Turn to Page 3 — Column 3) ..... 411 18 al history written as the secret And he was forthright crit­ faithful of the archdiocese are this St. Elizabeth’s ........................... ...... ..... 95 1 and public Consistories at the icizing mass deportation, which he year dispensed from the Lenton St. Francis de Sales’ .............................. 722 17 Vatican elevated 32 prelates described as an inherent evil of obligation of fasting and from the St. Ignatius Loyola .......................... ...... 190 4 “modem imperialism.” His mes­ obligration of abstinence on all Indian, Negro St. James’ ........................... ............. ....„ 144 3 frem all parts of the world to sage was this: days, except the Fridays of Lent, St, John the Evangelist’s ...................... 285 5 the Sacred College of Cardi­ “The Church today raises itself, Ash Wednesday, and the forenoon' St. Joseph’s (C.SS.R.) .................... 14 nals. amidst a lacerated and divided of Holy Saturday. This general Collection Is St. Joseph’s fPolish) ............... ___ 95 1 world, as a sign of admonishment dispensation is given in view of Ella Horan St. Leo the Great’s ................ ..... 66 1 Monday’s secret Consistory, the and inviting unto itself those who present and possible future food first held since 1940 and the first er completing the required courses St. Louis’ (Englewood) .................. ..... 201 10 still disbelieve. Because without restrictions and limitations occa­ St. Mary Magdalene’s (Edgewater) _ 160 11 since 1937 at which Cardinals have sioned by the necessity of feeding Set for Mar. 10 she was stationed successively in been created, saw assembled in God or away from God, no true, the Warren, Woodbury, Elyria, St. Patrick’s ..................................... 3 solid, and secure unity can exist the starving millions in war-tom St. Philomena’s ................................ ..— 328 11 Rome the largest number of countries. Broadway, and Park Hill branches. Princes of the Church ever brought among men.” (lenerous charity toward the St. Rose of Lima’s .......................... .__ 112 7 Repudiate* Imperiali*m While dispensed from the ob­ Indian and N e^o missions of the A librarian’s job. Miss Horan St. Therese’s fAurora) ..... ..... 34 together anywhere at any one found, is much like a teacher’s in 3 time in history. Never before have The Pope repudiated charges ligation of lenten fast and absti­ United States in the annual col­ St. Vincent de Paul’s .......................... 183 7 nence, none of us can ever claim lection Sunday, March 10, is urged that she works a great deal with — so many Cardinals been proclaimed that the Church itself has em­ school children, guiding their in­ at one time as when 32 names barked upon a career of imperial­ exemption from Christ’s law of in the following letter from Arch­ TOTAL ..................................... ..... 7,817 251 personal mortification and self- bishop Urban J. Vehr: terest, cultivating their taste for were announced by His Holiness ism—either now or in ages long the better things. For example, at PARISHES OUTSIDE DENVER that morning in the red-damasked since past. deniaL This is our daily duty as Feb. 18, 1946 Akron—St. Joseph’s ..................... followers of the mortified Lord Reverend dear Father and the present time when juvenile ...._ 41 3 Consistorial hall of the Vatican The Pontiff addressed himself to readers from fourth graders up are Aspen—St. Mary’s „ ........ ....... 27 2 situated directly beneath the pri­ the new F’rinces of the Church, Christ During the holy season of Beloved People: Boulder—Sacred Heart .................. Lent, the Cmirch tries to present Your generous charity is di­ evincing an avid desire for mys­ ..... 155 4 vate apartment of the Holy Fa­ who stood before him in the Hall tery stories, emphasis is placed on (Turn to Page 11 — ther. of Benedictions, saying: to us as forcefully as possiole our rected to the mission cause of the Column i) Indian and Negroes in our coun­ music. Songbooks, lives of com­ In a brief allocution at the se­ “Your names, your virtues, Pauline Apodaca, ’44 graduate ovra personal obligations to God, We came from God. Every act we try. Most of these missions are posers, and books about music are cret Consistory
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