the art oF GivinG o Individual $50 o Business non-profit $250 o Contributor $100 o Business Partner $375 arts and cultural o Advocate $250 o Corporate Partner $1,000 o Supporter $500 o Corporate Sponsor $5,000 events calendar o Patron $1,000 o I would like to Volunteer o Benefactor $5,000 o I am an artist Name ________________________________________________ Business / Organization __________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ keys Florida KeyS Email ________________________________________________ Phone ____________________ Cell ________________________ CounCil oF the Make checks payable to FKCA. Amount enclosed $ _____________ arts Credit Card No. __________________________ Exp._____________ For your membership you will receive email updates, Calls to Artists, newsletters & advance notice of special events & discounts on workshops. Additional gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law. Florida KeyS CounCil oF the artS 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, Florida 33040 •April 305-295-4369 •May e-mail:
[email protected] Visit for listings of theater, music, film, dance, lectures, meetings, •June classes, workshops, cultural activities and calls to artists. This Week’s Events The mission of the Florida Keys Council of the Arts is to advance the creative 2013 development and promotion of the arts in our cultural community by providing excellence in leadership, advocacy, education and financial support for artists, cultural organizations and citizens of Monroe county. We Support • We ConneCt • We promote • We Give all the KeyS This publication is sponsored by the Florida Keys Council of the Arts, all the artS the Monroe County Tourist Development Council, The State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, all the time the Florida Council on Arts and Culture, National Endowment for the Arts and our wonderful advertisers and donors.