US 1 SOUTH (18-MILE STRETCH) PROJECT - JEWFISH CREEK BRIDGE Sandra Walters Consultants, Inc. (SWC) is the environmental compliance design-build team project manager for the first phase of improvements to US Highway 1 between Florida City and Key Largo. This phase includes construction of a 65-foot-high bridge at Jewfish Creek. The project is surrounded by highly protected, environmentally-sensitive lands, bordered by Everglades National Park, the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Outstanding Florida Waters, and the Crocodile National Wildlife Refuge. SWC responsibilities include: • Attend preconstruction and partnering meetings • Review roadway, bridge and drainage design plans, and contractor work plans, for permit compliance. • Review restoration plans for permit compliance and adequacy of design • Prepare a Vegetation Management Plan, specifically addressing any required relocation or replacement of Bay Cedars, and the control and removal of exotic and nuisance vegetation from FDOT right-of-way within the project limits. • Provide environmental agency coordination for any required permit modifications and construction permits for dewatering, water use, NPDES (erosion control), demolition and disposal, and monitor and update the Environmental Commitment Tracker. • Provide monthly on-site peer review of construction progress and environmental compliance by a senior environmental manager(s). • Provide construction personnel training in protection of endangered species and vegetation management. • Review and comment on Community Action Plan prepared by others. • Miscellaneous community meeting attendance. EMAIL
[email protected] • WEBSITE WWW.SWCINC.NET 6410 FIFTH STREET, SUITE 3, KEY WEST, FL 33040 • PH 305-294-1238 • FAX 305-294-2164 1031 IVES DAIRY ROAD, SUITE 228, MIAMI, FL 33179 • PH 305-651-7061 X368 • FAX 305-651-5732 4790 S.