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Subscription Rates for 1997-1998: Editorial Advisory Board KEV1N ANDERSON Northern Illinois Individuals: $30 University Institutions: $50 ROBERT J. i\NTONIO University of Kansas ROSLYN WALLACH CUNY Graduate School Subscriptions for addresses outside of USA add $10 for BOLOGH postage. All payments should be made to Social Thought and Research. K.ANG CHAO Tunghai University, Taiwan Back issues of SIR (Vol. 20, No. 1/2) are available for GORAN DAHL Lund University, Sweden $30 each MARK GOTIDIENER SUNY at Buffalo CARL-G6R.~N Lund University, Sweden Manuscript Submissions: HEIDEGREN HORST HELLE Ludwig-Maxirnilians Format: format is not an initial editorial concern; if Universitat, Germany your manuscript is considered for revision and STEPHEN K.~LBERG Boston University resubmission then SIR will advise authorts). MANJlIR KARIM Culver-Stockton College NEIL MCLAlTGHLIN McMaster University, Fees: include $10 processing fee; submit three (3) Ontario copies of the manuscript plus one (1) 3.5 inch floppy HAROLD L. ORBACH Kansas State University disk in a standard software package, Le., WordPerfect, DA\10 N. SlvlITH University of Kansas Microsoft Word etc; include a SASE or postcard. MlJRRAY E. G. SlvlITH Brock University, Ontario Inquiries concerning business matters, permission to JACOB ALS THOlvlSEN Roskilde University, quote, subscriptions, changes of address, advertising Denmark rates, and claims should be directed to the above CAROL A.B. WARREN IIniversity of Kansas address. Social Thought & Research (ISSN 1094-5830) is published twice yearly (Spring and Fall). You may contact the journal at: Editors, The University of Kansas, Social Thought & Research, Department of Sociology, 716 Fraser Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045 2172. E-Inail: r ~ ...
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