בס"ד OnegShabbos North West London’s Weekly Torah and Opinion Sheets A Torah publication that enables local Rabbonim and Avreichim to share their insights and Divrei Torah on a variety of different levels, to provide something for everyone For questions on Divrei Torah 21ST JANUARY 2017 please contact the Editor in | כ"ג טבת תשע”ז | פרשת שמות Chief, Rabbi Yonasan Roodyn rabbiroodyn@ Shabbos Times LONDON MANCHESTER GATESHEAD jewishfuturestrust.com To receive this via email please email PM 4:14 PM 4:04 PM
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[email protected] לעילוי נשמת הש"ץ שלמה בן אברהם משה ז"ל לעילוי נשמת חנה בת אלעזר ע"ה KINDLY SPONSORED (Cost per week £500 which covers production costs) The ‘Eyes’ This page is sponsored by נא להתפלל עבור Have it Rabbi Dovid Roberts Rav, Kehillas Netzach Yisroel & Director of Education, Federation אריאל ,The Misconception: Your opinions are the result of years of rational objective analysis. יהודה בן The Truth: Your opinions are the result of years of paying attention to information which confirmed what you already believe, while ignoring יהודית נ"י .information which challenges your preconceived notions I’m not being rude – I don’t even know you! I Hachinuch, he could have saved himself a lot of time and am also quite prepared to include myself in this. I and effort. am merely introducing you to a phenomenon that The Rambam in the beginning of the sixth perek בנימין psychologists variously call ‘confirmation bias’ or of Hilchos De’os informs us that ’It is natural for a the ‘frequency illusion’ (the two are quite similar, man’s character and actions to be influenced by his בן חנה נ״י but the main difference is that confirmation bias friends and associates and for him to follow the local generally involves an active pursuit of truth.) norms of behaviour.