A PROVISIONAL LIST Although the Structural History of Bordesley
THE ABBOTS OF BORDESLEY: A PROVISIONAL LIST Although the structural history of Bordesley abbey, Redditch (Worcs, England), is now relatively well-known through the important excavations at the site,1 the documentary history of this important Cis- tercian house remains largely neglected.2 The present paper is intended to go a little way towards redressing this neglect by offering a provisio— nal list of the abbots of Bordesley from the time of its foundation in 1138 until its dissolution four centuries later in 1538. This is by no me- ans the first attempt to reconstruct the abbatial succession for the hou- se. For example, lists of abbots were offered by antiquaries such as Browne Willis, Thomas Tanner, Treadway Nash, and the later editors of William Dugdale's Monasticon Anglicanum, as well as by more re- cent scholars and historians.3 However, on closer analysis, these (what I shall term) «antiquarian lists» prove to be lacking in various respects, while the most recent and scholarly list of abbots of Bordesley does not go beyond 1222.4 l. P. A. RAHIZ and S. M. HIRST. Bordesley Abbey [I], Redditch, Hereford-Worcestershire: First Report on Excavations 1969-1973, B.A.R., British Series, 23 (Oxford, 1976); S. M. HIRST, D. A. WALSH, and S. M. WRIGHT, Bordesley Abbey 1!: Second Report on Excavations at Bordesley Abbey, Redditch, Hereford- Worcestershire, B.A.R., British Series, 111 (Oxford, 1983); G. G, As‘rILL and S. J. ALLEN, A Medieval In- dustrial Complex and its landscape: The Metalworking Watermills and Workshops of Bordesley Abbey. Bordesley Abbey III, C.B.A., Research Report, 92 (York, 1993).
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