Dockets Prepared by Theconponenr Lnstitucions Listed

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Dockets Prepared by Theconponenr Lnstitucions Listed THE UNIVERSXTY OF TEXAS SYSIEX Office of the Chancellor November 14, 1967 TO THE EONGR4BiE BOAR3 OF REGEXTS OF THE UNZVZRSIIY OF TEXAS SYSTEM Mrs, Johnson and Genrlemen: The dockets prepared by theconponenr Lnstitucions listed. below are herewith sub- mitted with my recomendation for ratification or approval, as appropriate, at the meeting of the Board of Regents Ln Houston on December 7 - 8, i967. The higet changes included in these dockets have been approved by me and are herewith submitred as a report to the Board of RPgents. The U2iversity of Texas dr hasti? The University oi Texas zt Ariington The University of Texas at Ei Paso The University of Texas 3edical Branch at Galvesron The University of Texas Scathuestern Medical School at Dallas The University of Texas Medical School at San Antoaio m hi University of Texas Oen:a: Braxh a: Houston The Uni.versity of 'Texas M. i). Anderson Iiospical and Tunor Institute at Xocston The University of Texas Graduare School ci Biomedicai Sciences at Houst3;;-- Division of Graduate Studies Division of Continsing Zd.~>cation The University of Texas Schooi of Public Eeaith at XousCor. ~h~ Univ~rsityof Texas Nursing Schooi (System-,wise) does noi have a dcckic for this merclng. GIFTS- 1. Astni Life :nsurax? Company c/o Oicott 9; Smith sa-.cLriord, Cosneccfcut OGll'3 2. P.rirwo Founda t ion ?2nrrstricted Middlc:3wn, Ohiil 450'.2 Unrestricted GIFTS (Continued) Donor Terms and Conditions Amount Estate of Hattie E, Gaines Distributable income for $ 145.65 c/o Austin National Bank John Q. Gaines Foundation Austin, Texas for Cancer Research - Unallocated , The Rockefeller Foundation Unrestricted 111 West 50th Street New York, New York 10020 *No letter of transmittal received from donor REPORT OF AMENDMENTS TO THE 1967-68 CENTRAL ADMINISTRkTION BUDGET Office of the Chancellor 1, Transfer $13,000 from the Institutional Membership Dues Account to the Central Administration Unallocated Account. The institutional memberships will be paid from the Institutional Membership Account for U.T. Austin. (RBC 1/17) Sincerely yours, HR: tm --TXE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AVSTIN _DOCKET ..... iNDEX December 7 and 8, 1967 Meeting _A-Paoe No. Budget ............................. IM-2 6 Coni-racts ilcadernlc and Business .................. M-8 Research. ......................... M-i F~cultyLegislation ...................... M-9 ..7!i~sc.<. and Grants. ....................... M-1 6 'Travel for I'aculty and Staff .................. JM -. :i. i? Tuition Rates for Ex!ension Teaching and Correspondence Courses. ......................... M-i5 Use of Textbool;~-Written by Faculiy ............. M-9 U. T, Austin - Docket Index .-$ .-$ s-. 4 . ~., THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS :. ., at Austin Office of the President November 6, 1967 Chancellor Harry Ransom The University of Texas System Austin, Texas Dear Chancellor Ransom: The following docket for The University of Texas at Austin is submitted for yoar approval and submission to the Board of Regents at its meeting in Houston on December 7 and 8, 1967. RESEARCH AND OTHER ACADEMIC CONTRACTS: The following contracts, grants and amendments have been signed by the appropriate official upon the recommendation of the respective technical directors, fiscal officers, and the Executive Director of the Office of Sponsored Projects. Expenditures from these contracts and grants will be made in accordance with regular University operating procedures and contractual limitations. Personnel appointments and changes will be in accordance with University salary rates and approvals. Travel and purchasing will conform to established procedures . - , ... '~, \- . , ':;,>..:~~'""' I recommend your approval and ratification of signatures '* \ GOVERNMENT-SUPPORTED PROJECTS: 1. Modification No. AFOSR-67- 0766A, to Grant No. AF-AFOSR-766-67, by which the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (OAR', Arlington, Virginia, adds the sum of $300, 000 to the grant funds and extends the period of the grant through September 30, 1968. The basic research in electronics continues under the direction of Dr. Clarence L. Coates, Professor of Electrical Engineering, 2. Modification No. AFOSR- 67- 0?66B, to Grant No: AF-AFOSR- ?66-67, by which the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, Virginia, changes the Principal Investigator from Professor Arwin A. Dougal to Professor Clarence L. Coates. 'The basic research in electronics continues under the direction of Dr. Clarence L, Coates, Professor of Electrical Engineering, 3. Modification No. 2 to Contract AF 19(628)-2459, by which the Department of the Air Force, Electronic Systems Division, (ESKK), Air Force Systems Command, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, adds the sum of $917.64 to the contract to permit the submission of a final voucher. The research was conducted in the Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory, znder the direction of Dr. A. W. Straiton, Director. 4. Modifica~ionNo. 13; Change Order to Contract AF 33(600)-.29502! by which the Department of the Air Force, Headquarters Space & Missile Systems Organization (AFSC;, Air Force Unit Post Office, Los Angeles, california, designates Headquarters Space & Missile Systems Organization (AFSC), Air Force Unit Post Office, Los Angeles, California 90045 as issuing office and Headquarters Space & Missile Systems Organization (AFSC), Attn: Finance Officer, Accounting and Finance Division (SMCA), Air Force Unit Post Office, Los Angeles, California 90045 as payment office for the contract. Contract AF 33(600?-29502 is a facilities contract which holds custody of various Air Force equipment on the campus at Austin. p,,s..,-, :. , e ,.....~,1 5. Amendment No. 9 to Contract AF 33(615:-2274, by which the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Systems Command, Systems Engineering Group, Wright.-'Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, adds the sum of $9, 680 which completes the funding under the contract. The research continues in the Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory under the direction of C. W, Tolbert, Assistant Director, 6. Modification No. 4, Supplemental Agreement to Contract AF 33(6l5)-5014, by which the Department of the Air Force, Air Force Systems Command, Systems Engineering Group, ResearchandTechnology Division, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base? Ohio, extends the period of the contract through July 1, 1967 and changes Point of Inspection and Acceptance of certain items developed under the contract. The design and fabrication of 130KMC propagation link was conducted in the Electrical Engineering Research Laboratory under the direction of C. W. Tolbert, Assistant Director. ?. Contract F 19628..6?-C...0416, from Department of the Air Force, Headquarters Electronic Systems Division (AFSC!, Laurence G. Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, which is effective for the period October 1, 1967 through December 31, 1969. The contract is in the sum of $43,942; however, only $20, 000 is now being made available for the period October 1, 1967 through September 30, 1968. The research directed toward development of a homogeneous Martian coordinate system will be performed under the direction of Dr. G. H. DeVaucouleurs, Professor of Astronomy. 8. Amendment No. 4 to Basic Agreement AF 49(643)-38, Amendment No. 3 to Basic Agreement AF 49i643:-39, Amendment No. 2 to Basic Agreement AF 49,;.643;-40, Amendment No. 1 to Basic Agreement AF 49(643)..41, and Amendment No. 1 to Basic Agreement F44621-67.-A.-0057, between the University and the Department of the Air Force, by which the Department of the Air Force, Headquarters Office of Aerospace Research, Arlington, Virginia, incorporates into the following contracts fixed overhead rates for the period September 1, 1964, through August 31, 1965: Basic Agreement AF 49!643j.-38, Basic Agreement AF 49(643)..39, and Basic Agreement AF 49i643j.. 40; and incorporates into all basic agreements provisional overhead rates for the period beginning September 1, 1965. 9. Modification No. 1, Supplemental Agreement to Contract DA- 49- 193-MD-2942, by which the Department of the Army, U. S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, Office of the Surgeon General, Washington, D. C., incorporates into the contract a new provisional overhead rate of 40. 5 percent. The research entitled "Novel 4-Quinolinemethanol Antimalarials" continues under the direction of Dr. Royston M. Roberts, Professor of Chemistry. 10. Modification No. PO01 to Contract DAAD05-67-C-0138, by which the Department of the Army, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, extends the period of the contract through January 18, 1968. The research on nonlinear waves in solids continues under the direction of Dr. Harry H. Calvit, Assistant Professor of Engineering Mechanics. 11. Grant Agreement DA.-AMC.. 18..035.. 97(A), by which the Department of the Army, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, provides $6,000 for support of research entitled "Concentration of Radioactive Wastes by Reverse Osmosis. " The grant agreement is effective for the period October 1, 1967 through September 30, 1968, and the research will be performed under the direction of Dr. Earnest F. Gloyna, Professor of Civil Engineering. 12. Grant DA-ARO-D.-31- 124-G95V1 by which the Department of the Army, U. S. Army Research Office - Durham, Durham, North Carolina, provides the sum of $48, 000 for support of research entitled "Studies in the Chemistry of Organo-Metallic Compounds." The grant is effective for the period January 1, 1968 through December 31, 1970, and the research will be performed
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