Volume 45 - Issue 16 - Friday, February 5, 2010

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Volume 45 - Issue 16 - Friday, February 5, 2010 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Winter 2-5-2010 Volume 45 - Issue 16 - Friday, February 5, 2010 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 45 - Issue 16 - Friday, February 5, 2010" (2010). The Rose Thorn Archive. 118. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/118 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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T h e R o s e T h o R n R o s e -H u l m a n I n s t I t u t e o f t e c H n o l o g y t e rr e H a u t e , I n d I a n a friday, febRuaRy 5, 2010 Rose-Hulman.edu/tHoRn/ Volume 45, Issue 16 Wabash celebrates student diversity News Briefs Tim Ekl the ISO volunteered their time By Alex Mullans Photo Editor to cook, set up, and register guests at the event, all in the In the 2009-2010 academic name of promoting diversity Obama sparks ten- year, the incoming freshman and lasting relationships. class represented over 30 “We just strive to make the sions with China states and eight countries, and campus[es] aware of how great The financial crisis of the past year has was a record-high 16% non- our international student pop- seen the Chinese government become Caucasian. So it shouldn’t be ulation is and how many great newly aggressive in its foreign policies, a surprise that Rose-Hulman, resources we have right at our particularly in response to U.S. actions. In along with Indiana State Uni- fingertips…that a lot of people addition to current issues like the valuation versity (ISU) and St. Mary-of- aren’t aware of,” Ashley Mack, of the Chinese RMB and differing views on the-Woods College (SMWC), freshman language studies sanctions for Iran, two new problems have celebrates their diversity as teaching major at ISU and ISO come in the form of an arms deal with Tai- much as possible. vice-president, said. wan and a scheduled Obama visit to the Last Saturday, SMWC Though it was the first year Dalai Lama. Both items have raised strong hosted a free potluck dinner ISO was involved in the coordi- criticism from the Chinese government; for for students at the three Wa- nation of the potluck, the event Tim Ekl / Rose Thorn the first time, Beijing has threatened U.S. bash Valley colleges, along itself has a two-decade history Above, ethnic dancers perform at the international potluck held companies, as well as the government, for with their friends, families, intertwined with that of the at St. Mary-of-the-Woods while students below enjoy the food taking part in the arms deal. When asked and other Terre Haute resi- International Friendship Pro- from around the world. about potential consequences should dents. Over 300 people at- gram (IFP) in Terre Haute. Obama meet the Tibetan religious leader, a tended for a night of ethnic “[IFP] has really been suc- Chinese representative said, “We will take dishes and performances cessful in helping connect peo- corresponding measures to make the rel- from around the globe. ple from different cultures, and evant countries realize their mistakes.” “The goal is to promote in- as a result, I think a lot of long- teraction between interna- term relationships have come tional students at the Wabash out of this,” Green said. Journal retracts vac- Valley schools and people in Green and Mack were both cines-autism study the community,” Randy Green, pleased with the turnout at associate director of Interna- the event, saying it represents A 1998 study published by the Lancet tional Student Services at ISU the commitment local schools medical journal was retracted this week af- and IFP member, said. have to diversity. ter the United Kingdom’s General Medical Green, together with the In- “I think that it’s great that so Council (the U.K.’s doctor licensing board) ternational Students Organiza- many people can come togeth- concluded that the study’s methodology tion (ISO) at ISU, coordinated er all for one common effort,” was flawed, invasive, and misused public the campus’ involvement in the Mack said. “We hope there will funds. In addition, the study’s leader – An- potluck. Twenty members of be many more afterwards.” drew Wakefield – failed to disclose a law- suit against vaccine makers, which raised questions of a conflict of interest. Ten of Blue Key speaks with Rose student enlightens the twelve authors had already published an article in the Lancet in 2004 renounc- staff and faculty, staff, faculty, and students ing the claims made in the study. Lancet’s retraction seems to match the current view of many organizations like the CDC and the works for change on disability in life NIH that vaccines do not cause autism. Scott Gallmeier use students proposals,” Blue Melissa Schwenk between the person and the Co-Editor in Chief Key’s President – Sean Cody, Living Editor environment they are in. a senior chemical engineering To help reconcile the per- Study finds ab- s eighth week draws student – said. Elaine Houston, a senior son and the environment, stinence sex-ed to a drudging close, Students on campus could biomedical engineering ma- Houston is working with the Astudents seem to find readily see the results of Thurs- jor, is a well rounded stu- President’s Office to help themselves full of words for day night’s symposium early dent at Rose-Hulman. She identify places on campus works – kind of professors. The members of on Friday. Erik Hayes, Direc- likes practical jokes, received where accessibility is an is- A new study published in the Archives the Blue Key Honor Society tor of Residence Life, sent out the Girl Scouts Gold Award, sue. One of the main issues of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine did just that the evening of the offer to shuttle students and makes beaded jewelry. is the lack of accessible bath- finds that abstinence-only sex education Thursday, January 28. for a nominal fee. This was the Houston is also part of a rooms in the academic build- is more effective than alternatives at pre- Blue Key Honor Society first response to the discussion. small minority of students on ings, as well as round door- venting sex. Hailed by some as the first had their annual Student- “The new Director of Logan Li- campus who use wheelchairs knobs. As she pointed out, legitimate study of its kind, the study Faculty Dialogue in the Fac- brary Rachel Crowley was very to get around. fixing many of these things found that 7th and 8th grade students ulty Dining Room with the engaged and looking for inno- Wednesday afternoon would benefit everyone on given a “safer sex only” program were intent to provide a channel of vative ways to bring the most Houston gave a talk to sev- campus, not just the students one-third more likely to have sex than communication between the benefit to the students,” Cody eral members of the faculty with disabilities, and most those given the “abstinence only” pro- members of the society and went on to say. and staff about interacting accommodations cost less gram. However, the study’s “abstinence the Rose-Hulman faculty and Faculty and staff in atten- with people with disabilities. than $500. only” program was somewhat different staff. Addressed in the eve- dance ranged a wide variety, While she delivered the pre- Houston’s talk also focused than most similar studies in that rather ning was the concept of air- including professors such as sentation in a light-hearted on how “Temporarily Able- than focusing on supposedly harmful ef- port shuttles, wireless in the Dr. Ronald Artigue, Profes- way, Houston’s message is Bodied” people, or TAB, inter- fects of premarital sex, this study used Subway café, and the use of sor of Chemical Engineering; one that is truly important: act with People with Disabili- techniques found to work in programs ANGEL amongst the faculty. faculty such as Jake Campbell, in the right environment, a ties, or PWD, both with their that reduced risky behaviors like smok- “These topics are presented to Director of Facilities; and staff disability doesn’t hold a per- actions and with their words. ing and drinking. the relevant faculty and staff, such as Pete Gustafson, Dean son back. And as she said, a who provide feedback and can of Student Affairs. disability is only a mismatch Continued on Page 3... In this issue of the Rose Thorn..
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