Cromwelliana the Journal of the Cromwell Association
Cromwelliana The Journal of The Cromwell Association 2000 CROMWELLIANA 2000 The Cromwell Association edited by Peter Gaunt Prnsident: Dr BARRY COW ARD, PhD, FRHistS ********** Vice Presidents: Right Hon MICHAEL FOOT, PC Professor JOHN MORRILL, DPhil, FBA, FRHistS CONTENTS Professor IV AN ROOTS, MA, FSA, FRHistS Professor AUSTIN WOOLRYCH, MA, DLitt, FBA Cromwell Day, 1999. Liberty and Responsibility Dr GERALD AYLMER, MA, DPhil, FBA, FRHistS By Professor John Morrill 2 BARRY DENTON, MBE, FRHistS PAT BARNES TREWIN COPPLESTONE, FRGS 'fhe Education of Major-General John Lambert Chairman: Dr PETER GAUNT, PhD, FRHistS By Dr David Farr 8 Honorary Secretary: MICHAEL BYRD Writings and Sources III. Cromwell's Death 5 Town Farm Close, Pinchbeck, near Spalding, nt Chepstow, Summer 1648 Lincolnshire, PEI 1 3SG By Dr Peter Gaunt 24 Honorary Treasurer: JOHN WESTMACOTT 1 Salisbury Close, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG41 4AJ Stoke Newington in the Seventeenth Century By Jane A Mills 31 THE CROMWELL ASSOCIATION was founded in 1935 by the late Rt Hon Isaac Foot and others to commemorate Oliver Cromwell, the great Puritan statesman, and to encourage the study of the history of his times, his achievements and influence. It is Cromwell and the Huguenots: neither political nor sectarian, its aims being essentially historical. The Association Ethical Foreign Policy or Strategic Realpolitik? seeks to advance its aims in a variety of ways which have included: By Dr Timothy Venning 36 a. the erection of commemorative tablets (e.g. at Naseby, Dunbar, Worcester, Preston, etc) (From time to time appeals are made for funds to pay for projects of A Short Guide to 'the Flandric Shore' this sort); By Thomas Fegan b.
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