Parish Newsletter

June 2020 Issue 551

Delivered to every home in the Parish—free of charge


Rector of & Fordcombe The Revd. Tom Holme, MA. The Rectory, Penshurst 870316

CHURCHWARDENS Mike Gilbert Rockydene, Chafford Lane, Fordcombe TN3 0SH Email [email protected] 740371 Peter Waghorn Woodpeckers, The Green, Fordcombe, TN3 0RY Email [email protected] 740645

PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Hon. Secretary Linda Naidu 740724 11 The Drive Hedge Barton TN3 0SL

Treasurer/Gift Paul Reeves Queens Spinney, Ashurst Road 740837 Aid Recorder Ashurst, Tunbridge Wells TN3 9SU

Deanery Synod Representative John & Christobel Sworder 740345 Electoral Roll Officer Vacant

PCC. MEMBERS June Gilbert 740371 Helen Morrison 740211 Isobel Smith 740404 Vacancy

Organist & Director of music Bob Wilson 01732832444

St. Peter’s Fellowship Peter Waghorn 740645

Sunday Club Leader Mrs Hayley Collins 01892544458

Church Flowers Mrs. June Gilbert 740371 Mrs. Sandra Arnold 740283

NEWSLETTER - PLEASE NOTE THE COPY DATE IS 16th OF EACH MONTH Newsletter copy by e-mail please to: [email protected] Neither the Editor nor the Newsletter can be held responsible for its content.

Editor and Advertising:

Mike Gilbert. Rockydene, Chafford Lane, Fordcombe. TN3 0SH 740371 Advertising rates per annum: £100 full page, £60 one half, £40 one quarter,

Printer: St. Mary’s Church, Leigh 01732-832236 ALL PHONE NUMBERS ARE PREFIXED 01892– ... UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN



Trinity Sunday - 7th June. This festival in older times simply marked the end of the week following Whit Sunday or Pentecost. It became more prominent even- tually as representing the culmination of the full Christian story. Centuries ago Trinity was particularly popular in this country partly because Thomas Becket was consecrated Bishop on Trinity Sunday 1162.

I mentioned Becket in a recent talk, quoting the line from T.S.Eliot’s Murder in the Cathedral. As the knights approached his locked cathedral he gave the in- struction “Unbar the door!” The horrible event in Canterbury of 1170 was also brought to my mind when reading a facsimile edition of some lectures given 150 years ago given by The Revd W.Nicholls on the subject of Pendragon Castle in Westmorland. Hugh de Moreville, one of the four knights in question, was the first recorded lord of the manor there.

Mr Nicholls is eager to deal lightly with Hugh de Moreville, and to point out that he was more gentle, less brutal than the others. “…every allusion to De More- ville is, to his credit, that whatever blame may be awarded to the perpetrators of this crime, the lightest share must rest on him. One only of the four knights had struck no blow. Hugh de Moreville throughout retained the gentler disposition for which he was distinguished, and contented himself with holding back at the en- trance of the transept the crowds who were pouring in through the nave”.

We all hope that in the months to come that word blame will not be subject to over use. Yesterday 18th May the President of the United States referred to his predecessor’s incumbency as incompetent! Not that those who clearly are guilty of anything should expect to avoid blame. There will be no more historical exoneration of Hugh De Moreville for example. Kindness, courtesy and gentle- ness we hope to be in good supply, and as for our churches, whether or not they will have re-opened by 7th June, we shall celebrate on Trinity Sunday a definite unbarring of the door - to hope, to love and true protection.

I bind unto myself today The power of God to hold and lead, His eye to watch, his might to stay, His hand to guide, his shield to ward, His heavenly host to be my guard.

I bind unto myself the name, The strong name of the Trinity.

Tom Holme

3 FORDCOMBE LUNCHEON CLUB Fordcombe Luncheon club usually meets on the second Thursday of each month at 12-30pm. We have space for new members to come and join us for food and pleasant conversation with old and new friends.


For more information please contact Mrs Kate Hargrave Tel 861047



Helen Morrison 740211 CHURCH COFFEE MORNING


Christabel Sworder 740345


Hello everyone, in taking it forward into the future.


4 Tier 1 individuals, of whom 404 requested and have been receiving regular food deliveries, including 23 new requests over Easter weekend. SDC has been ful-


Church Services At present I am sure everyone understands that the Church cannot be opened at present to allow services to take place. However the Reverend Bill MacDougall at is conducting weekly services each Sunday on YouTube and indeed daily thoughts. These videos are extremely good and I am sure many would find them most helpful. Please take a few moment to check them out. If you go to YouTube and search under Chiddingstone you will find them. St Peter’s Fellowship - Peter Waghorn Fellowship meetings are suspended for the time being We pray: Heavenly Father, Keep us under the shadow of your mercy. Sustain and support the anxious, be with those who care for the sick, and lift up all who are brought low; that we may find comfort knowing that nothing can separate us from your love in Christ Jesus our Lord. Support for the Parish Volunteers Over 20 volunteers have kindly come forward to help anyone in need of help with shopping, collecting medication, running errands and importantly perhaps having a chat. If you or anyone you know needs help please do not hesitate to contact me, my details are below, or our other Church warden Peter Waghorn. The calls for help have not been that great so far and therefore not all of the volunteers have been called to help but as time goes on of course that may change. However many thanks to those who have unstintingly given of their time to help. Email list I have a village Email list of 68 so that information can be disseminated and messages have already been sent out on initiatives to help with food supplies. This message and all future ones will be carried on the Church website. ( If you would like to be included on the list please do make contact with me Please also see the centre pages for more information on local initiatives

Best Wishes Mike Gilbert 740371 [email protected]

5 District Councillor’s article for June Parish Magazines

Another month, another world! Last month I updated you on District Council’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic whilst we were all ‘confined to bar- racks’, this month we are all planning furiously to slowly restart our lives. The gradual easing of lockdown measures is to be welcomed and SDC has been playing its part to help local businesses ‘bounce back’. At the time of writing, SDC has paid out £21.1m under the small business grant schemes, benefiting 1720 local businesses. A further £1m has been allocated for discretionary grants to small organisations that fell outside these schemes; such as those shar- ing premises, charities and B&Bs – if you think this might apply to you please apply via the SDC website. The council has also launched a Business Board, combining local business leaders and civic officials in collabora- tive local action planning to accelerate economic recovery, particularly in the town centre/retail, rural businesses and tourism (when allowed!) sectors. As part of this drive SDC has committed to sustaining its capital investment to build pri- vate sector confidence and is willing to use its statutory powers (planning, licenc- ing etc) to the fullest extent possible to promote our local economy. In which regard, all planning applications are continuing to be considered digitally even though site visits are suspended.

A quick reminder that the volunteer service continues to operate: across the dis- trict we have 4614 shielded residents, of whom 762 have requested and are re- ceiving food parcels, and a further 1342 vulnerable residents (or those self- isolating with symptoms) have been receiving help with shopping and prescrip- tions. Government advice that we must continue to self-isolate if we have a fe- ver or dry cough means that the local volunteer networks will continue, so as before if you need help do please contact your Coordinator [me for Chidding- stone/ on 01892 870435]. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 84 Penshurst, Fordcombe and Chiddingstone residents who volun- teered – you really are the best, thankyou on behalf of everyone you’ve helped, and thankyou from me for showing how caring our villages are! Continuing this caring theme, I would like to draw attention to a local NHS/ County Council development of a new Help to Care app which offers guidance, advice, and training videos to make people even more effective carers. It is available to download via the App Store on your Apple or Android phone and I commend it to you. In closing, as we have heard a thousand times before I know, I encourage you all to ‘stay alert’, ‘stay apart’ and spend money, locally!!

Sue Coleman, 870435




Prize Ticket No Name First £30 424 N Weaver

Second £15 39 A Barnett Third £10 321 Mr Pelly

Fourth £5 274 Mr Gable

Fifth £5 640 Mrs Elliot


“If you want to join please ring Bob on 01892 740307"

Distribution of prizes will be delayed until social distancing measures allow. Thank you for your patience.



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Sadly the The Line Dancing Class in Fordcombe has been Discontinued indefinitely due to lack of numbers

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13 Problems at Poundsbridge

There has, for some time, been an escalating problem along the river banks and in the fields leading down to the Medway from Poundsbridge Chapel in Coopers Lane.

The river at Poundsbridge has, for generations been a place that people would visit to swim and possibly picnic besides a deep pool close to the footbridge over the Medway and until recent years this has not really been an issue. However, possibly due to the use of social media, large numbers of people from outside of the immediate area have been coming particularly at weekends, Bank Holidays and warm evenings. Unfortunately this has resulted in the following undesirable consequences: Huge amounts of litter (bottles and broken glass, cans, packaging, uneaten food, barbeque trays and grills and solvent containers etc.) being left scattered across the fields and river banks in spite of notices reminding them to take litter away. Personally I have removed large quantities of such litter by car (I have photographs) but have been disheartened to find the same problem recurring the next warm day or weekend. Drug taking/solvent abuse evidenced by used cylinders of nitrous oxide (innocently marketed as “Cream Chargers”) and hand rolled cigarette butts - again I have photographs.


Anti –social behaviour particularly as the day progresses and the effect of alcohol and drug abuse takes effect. There have been a number of re- ports of local residents being verbally abused and intimidated. No observance of social distancing. There have been estimates of 70 to 80 people there in recent days. Large numbers of vehicles parked in the vicinity of Poundsbridge Chapel which results in deterioration of the verges as well as making passing difficult in the very narrow Coopers Lane.

Several locals, including myself, have been in touch with Evelyn Divall, clerk to the Parish Council, seeking a solution to these problems and suggesting that this might be a police matter. We have also attempted to contact the police di- rectly but have found them less than helpful. However, Evelyn has advised us that she does have a contact within the police who may be able to assist if we are able to advise when such a mass gathering is taking place in order that they can visit. Please therefore would anybody who becomes aware of such a gathering let Evelyn know immediately. Evelyn’s email address is [email protected]

Mel White

Hotel Notices

Hotel in Yugoslavia - "The flattening of underwear with pleasure is the job of the chambermaid"

Hotel in Japan - "You are invited to take advantage of the chambermaid"

Skiers Hotel in Austria - "Not to perambulate the corridors in the hours of repose in the boots of ascension" Supermarket in Hong Kong - "For your convenience we recommend courteous, efficient, self-service"

Dry cleaners in Bangkok - "Drop your trousers here for the best results"

Tailors shop in Bangkok - Ladies may have fit upstairs

Viennese Hotel - " In case of fire, do your utmost to alarm the hotel porter"

Laundry in Rome - "Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time"

Tourist Agency Czechoslovakia - "Take one of our horse-driven city tours. We guarantee no miscarriages"

Outside a maternity ward - "No children allowed"

Grounds of a private school - " No trespassing without permission"

Tokyo Hotel's rules and regulations - "Guests are requested not to smoke or do other disgusting behaviours in bed"

15 Fordcombe Primary School

Home (not) alone

After the Easter break, class teachers uploaded activities in learning grids and more fully utilised the new Class Dojo online learning platform to facilitate home learning. Working from home and getting younger children to learn at the same time is a balancing act for parents and carers particular if space and access to the internet is at a premium. As such there is no expectation that pupils do everything on the learning grids but the school asked that pupils post at least one piece of learning from the learning grids per school day. Teachers stay in contact with a daily class welcome message and comment on pupils’ work set points in the school day. Children have uploaded content in addition to schoolwork and staff have been amazed to see and hear the things pupils have been up to over the lockdown - both inside and outside of the home -including cycling, walks in the woods, growing vegetable patches and digging ponds. Pupils are well prepared for such activities given the cycling safety programmes that have been organised in previous years, Forest School activities, extensive participation in sports of all kind and vegetable growing and pond digging in the outside spaces of the school site. The change to using an online system has been a learning curve for pupils, parents and carers and for staff as primary schools haven’t historically had the e- learning infrastructure found in secondary schools. Whilst the government was “flattening the curve” regarding Coronavirus, the learning curve has shot up steeply for pupils, parents and carers and for staff – well done to all for adapting so very quickly. In May, the school scheduled a full governors’ meeting by Microsoft Teams for the first time. In previous years, shorter specific meetings have been undertaken by telephone conferencing often in school holidays but this was a first. Special thanks to Anthony Hughes Chair of Governors for promoting the use of such technology and also to Brian Clark who provides IT services to the school. Deforestation - Forest School and Carroty Wood Activity Week cancelled Forest School activities have been cancelled until September as the school was unsure as to when it would re-start normal activity. The government had advised that all residential school excursions in the near future be cancelled. In response to this, the activity providers at Carroty Wood cancelled all residential visits until the end of the summer term. Should school resume in good time, an alternative will be considered so that the Year 6 pupils have this part of their transition between primary and secondary schools. However, fortunately most year 6 pupils have experienced both Carroty Wood and Forest School activities in previous academic years which is an advantage of having two-year group classes. GCSE exams and A-levels cancelled - but not necessarily the Kent test… Kent County Council passed the following information on to schools.


As the Kent test does not follow a taught syllabus or form part of a national cur- riculum, the content of the tests will not be affected by the current lockdown. Kent County Council have stated that the current loss of teaching time is con- cerning but unavoidable. The Kent Admissions website has access to free familiarisation material over a number of years: the content of which will be similar to previous years. Any changes to the timings of the tests will be subject to advice based on the Depart- ment for Education, as the tests form part of the admissions process to second- ary schools for all primary aged pupils in Year 6 in many other areas nationally. Kent County Council does have the scope to determine what constitutes a ‘pass’ so there is flexibility to consider the impact of the lockdown on everyone taking part. The school will keep parents and carers in the loop and further information will be posted on the Kent Admissions website. The show must go on Fordcombe has an astonishing programme of musical teaching and activities for a school of such a modest size. Behind the scenes this all carries on with Mrs Hughes organising a means for pupils to post video of their performances to compile a virtual music recital. The recital is subsequently viewed privately by pupils, parents and carers Places There are some school places currently available as people move in and out of the area. Contact the school office on 01892 740224 or email of- [email protected] and please spread the word as even a marginal increase in pupil numbers can have a very positive impact. Core government funding is proportionate to school headcount and changes in pupil numbers in a small school have a great impact. Exploring Crea- tivity An evening once a month enjoying creative demonstra- tions from local artists. Glass making Painting Contemporary textiles Silversmithing Pottery Knitting and crochet Christmas crafts Meet new people over a cup of tea and cake at Silcocks Farm in Fordcombe.


The Chafford Arms Tel 740267

Paul and Jackie continue to do a great job in providing essential supplies such as fresh veg, fruit , milk, eggs, bread, meat, cheese . They also can arrange provision of meat and have some general grocery products so if you need anything please have a word with them. Orders will be available on Wednesdays and Saturdays with orders placed by midday the day be- fore. They can be delivered to you if required.

Take away food from the Pub Paul and Jackie can supply a number of frozen meals and a Take Away service Friday and Saturday 6pm until 8pm by pre-booked slots.

Florent Gacon (residence St Peter's House) The French Comté Borough Market As many will know Florent has arranged for a lorry to visit the village each Saturday 9am until 1pm and supply a range of fresh produce . It is not possible to bring everything that is available in the lorry but pre ordered items can be brought along. A list in Excel or Word is included on the church website ( . For any information , ques- tions or to place an order call Hugo: 0717 752 747 or Warehouse: 0207 231 9091

KEEPING UP TO DATE There is a village Email list to which update messages will be posted. If you are not on it and you would like to be please contact Mike Gilbert On [email protected] The updates will also be posted on the Church website



Mobility , strength and Falls prevention video

Mobility Strength & Balance Exercises Due to the current circumstances many people who are vulnerable are unable to get out and be as active as they are usually . Being less active leads to loss of muscle strength, mobility and can affect bal- ance which can lead to a fall. As the Health & Wellbeing Coordinator or Age UK Sevenoaks &Tonbridge (Known to some of you already in the village as Pop Up Sue) I have made 3 video s accessible from clicking on the links below They contain basic seated exercises for mobility strength and balance If you would like an exercise sheet please email me and I will send one to you I look forward to the day of seeing everyone again (new are people wel- come) at Fordcombe with Angie Ventin for a cup of tea / coffee and exer- cises on Friday afternoon as soon as it is safe to do so in the future . Links to video For more information please contact Sue Larken 07867648667 Email [email protected] You can also access the videos from our website ( new videos will be added here too) Stay Safe Sue Larken, Health & Well being Coordinator Age UK Sevenoaks Office

19 New Village Hall News

The new Hall is rising up from the hole in the ground and floor slab is about to be poured.

Temporary Road Closures – Various Roads, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells – from 29 June 2020 for up to 18 months

Because of carriageway surface treatment and associated preparation, finishing and accommodation works, Kent County Council has made an Order prohibiting through traffic on Various Roads, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells, as per the schedule below.

This Order takes effect on or after 29 June 2020 for a period of up to 18 months or until the works have been completed. Planned dates will be published in ad- vance of the works and indicated by signage displayed on site 14 days before they start. This programme is subject to weather and other factors and may therefore change; every effort will be made to keep as close as possible to the programmed dates and duration. Changes will be notified locally and signposted on site.

Sevenoaks WALTERS GREEN ROAD, PENSHURST Bradley Road to Sandfield Road 17 July 2020 for 4 days Alternative Route via Chafford Lane, Spring Hill and Sandfield Road

20 POUND ROAD, B2026 Hartfield Road to Markbeech Village 20 July for 10 days Alternative Route via Hartfield Road, Station Road and Cow Lane

Tunbridge Wells

A26 LONDON ROAD, SOUTHBOROUGH B2175 Bidborough Ridge to Junction with A21 29 June 2020 for 10 nights between 20.00hrs and 05.00hrs The alternative route is via: Northbound Traffic entering Turnbridge Wells: A264 Church Road, Crescent Road, Calverley Road, Pembury Road, A21 Hastings Road, A2014 Vauxhall Lane, Pembury Road and A26 Quarry Hill Road

For Southbound off A21 and access to Southborough: A reverse of the above to the A264 Church Road, Turn Right onto A26 London Road and A26 St Johns Road

From Bidborough Ridge, Southbound and access to Tonbridge: A26 London Road, St Johns Road, London Road, Turn left onto A264 Church Road

Press Release For Immediate Release Possible disruption to refuse and garden waste collections

Following a fire at the Dunbrik Household Waste Recycling Centre and waste transfer station on Sunday (24 May 2020) there may be disruption to residents’ refuse and garden waste collections. This site is used by Sevenoaks District Council’s collection teams several times a day to tip their waste. Because of the closure, the teams that would usually use this site will now take their waste to transfer stations in Tunbridge Wells and Dartford, up to a forty mi- nute round trip. Collection crews need to make these journeys two or three times a day. This may result in some disruption with collections taking place earlier or later than residents are used to. Residents are asked to put their black and clear sacks out at 7am and their garden waste at 6.30am on their collection day.

Sevenoaks District Council




MARKET in village hall Painting, Decorating and all (the first Saturday of every month) Home Maintenance including NEXT MARKET roofing.

CANCELLED Blackham Village Hall For free Estimate Contact Mervyn Smith 10am – 12:30 pm on 01892 740773

2 St Martins Ashurst Everyone Welcome! Kent Blackham Village Hall market is the E Mail

original local market in the area, known for its friendly atmosphere and [email protected] genuine locally sourced fare.






PENSHURST PARISH COUNCIL- Council meetings are suspended at present but the following is an extract from the Monthly Report of Penshurst Parish Council Administration: 30th April 2020 MATTERS ARISING Refuse Collections: Litter bins not emptied in Fordcombe, ED reported to SDC for action. Minor fly tipping being monitored. PLANNING SE/20/00344/LDCEX: Kingdom, Grove Road, Penshurst: Confirmation that the Clubhouse at Kingdom, Grove Road and it can be used for purposes within the Class D2 assembly and leisure building is lawful. PC Response: The club- house was largely in existence in its current form in 2012 when the Parish Coun- cil visited the site in respect of 12/00589/WTPO but at this time building works had not been completed. Although it may have been used in association with cycling events, we cannot state with certainty what other uses may have taken place under either the previous or current ownership SE/20/00769/720LBC: Penshurst Place Estate – Forge Garage Cottage: Formation of car parking. PC Response: PC support. It seems eminently sensi- ble that Forge Garage Cottage has its own parking spaces, otherwise they will end up using the very limited customer parking or park in the road. The fence is completely in keeping with the fence around the field. SE/20/00831/2LBC: Forge Stores and Post Office, Penshurst: Proposed change of use of former garage to extension of Forge Stores. PC Response: The PC strongly and wholeheartedly support this application. Forge stores and the Post Office are a vital local service with the nearest alternative being in Leigh. For the elderly and others who do not drive, this is not an option as there is no bus service to Leigh. Forge stores has always been widely and regularly used by many parishioners and, with the restrictions due to coronavirus, its vital importance to the local community has been clearly demonstrated. SE/20/00639: 12 St. Peters Row, Fordcombe: Building front door porch and single storey garden room. SDC responsibility to decide if application is per- mitted development. GRANTED SE/19/03242/LDCPR: 12 St Peters Row, Fordcombe: Proposed Front porch, single storey rear extension with rooflights and alteration to fenestration. REFUSED 20/00032/33LBC/HOUSE: Chafford Park Chafford Lane, Fordcombe: In- stallation of rear dormers to roof and removal of the rear roof lights. Installation of conservation roof lights to inner main roof slopes. New soil and vent pipes. Inter- nal alterations. Structural repairs to roof and renovation. GRANTED SE/19/03403: Land North of Clock House Farm, Salmans Lane: Siting of 12 mobile homes to accommodate seasonal workers and their over winter stor- age. GRANTED SE/20/0164: Hurst House, Fordcombe Road, Fordcombe: Replace existing outbuilding/summerhouse with a greenhouse. GRANTED SE/20/00658: St. Peter’s House, Chafford Lane, Fordcombe: Detached study to side of garage.

28 REPORTS: Kent County Councillor:

Tonight (Thursday) I will be clapping for the NHS and for all those caring for us all at 8pm. (Actually I will be ringing my ship’s bell which resonates across the valley here in Walters Green)

I have been asked by some of you to include some local statistics about Corona- virus. The figures below are the most up to date, but there is some lag in report- ing deaths particularly in care homes.

South East Cases. 16,128 Kent cases. 3,232 Kent and Medway deaths. 572 (Acute hospital deaths) Kent and Medway care home Covid deaths. 98 (between 10th and 24th April)

We intend to reopen recycling centres (HWRC) as soon as it is safe to do so. KCC officers have been working to deliver the practical steps necessary to ena- ble reopening to take place. We will be ensuring that HWRCs have suitable Per- sonal Protection equipment and a co-ordinated approach with neighbouring local authorities. However we still need clear guidance from the Secretary of State as to what constitutes an “essential journey “ during lockdown.

The demand for PPE in Kent remains high. We have had an inspection by the Army as part of a review of our storage and distribution systems in Kent. Their findings concluded that we are running an efficient system which is extraordinari- ly well organised. Since 3rd April KCC has made over 500 separate deliveries of hundreds of thousands of items of critical PPE to care settings all over Kent - all free of charge.

I am supporting Citizens Advice here in West Kent using my Members’ allowance and I will be writing to all the Primary schools in my division offering funding to give real encouragement to pupils when they finally return to school. I will be seeking ideas, but so far books and visits to Penshurst Place, Hever Castle and to see farm animals at Bore Place are high on my list.

My thanks go to all those looking after us during this horrendous crisis. They are doing an extraordinary job on behalf of us all. Peter Lake Sevenoaks District Councillor: Covid 19 Response Community support As you will know, early in the pandemic the Government tiered the population according to their Covid-19 risk factors and announced that people falling into Tier 1 (these are the 1.5m individuals who have been told to ‘shield’ themselves completely for 12 weeks) would receive priority support, to include free emergen- cy supplies sent directly to their doors from government in cases of need. Those

Continued on page 30

29 falling into Tiers 2 and 3 would be able to request emergency food parcels through local volunteer networks. That’s not how it worked in practice. In fact councils, not central government, were expected to organise the Tier 1 support response and I’m pleased to say SDC were the first council in Kent to arrange a District Emergency Centre to do so; open from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. In the Sevenoaks District this meant contacting and arranging support for 1,933 Tier 1 individuals, of whom 404 requested and have been receiving regular food deliveries, including 23 new requests over Easter weekend. SDC has been fulfilling this demand from local supermarkets/catering supplies companies, with local officers doing the work splitting and packing these supplies into individual parcels and then arranging delivery to the Tier 1 group, this has been a huge logistical task which is completely over and above their normal jobs. I have also managed to get the composition of these food parcels changed a little to ensure a good balance of proteins as well as store cupboard staples like rice and pasta. Separately SDC has focussed also on Tier 2 & 3 individuals who are in need but fall outside the Tier 1 government scheme, such as people who might be self- isolating with symptoms and do not have family and friend networks available to help them with shopping, collecting prescriptions and social phone calls etc. As I reported to last month, I have set up a database of local volunteers who can help. At SDC, these networks of local Care for Community volunteers have been co-ordinated to ensure safeguarding responsibilities are not compromised, and volunteers have been issued with authorised ID for example. Across the district 868 Tier 2 individuals have requested support – these requests have been serviced by 1407 volunteers. The system, despite being developed completely from scratch in practically no time at all, is working well. Once again I would like to record my thanks to Robert Rees and Mike Gilbert for coordinating the volunteers in Penshurst and Fordcombe and to the volunteers for all their help.

Economic support Although announced by Government the burden of administering Small Business Support grants of £10,000 or £25,000 (for businesses in the retail/leisure sectors with Rateable Values below £51k) has fallen on SDC. As at 20th April the council had validated 389 applications and distributed over £6.5m of this Government direct grant funding already. As at 27th April the council had paid out 78% of business grants. Sadly, with Rateable Values so high in the South East many local businesses have fallen outside the grant scheme parameters, but a further £10.7m of Business Rates relief notices had been processed, benefitting 1,007 businesses’ cashflows, bringing the overall level of business support up to £17.3m. Although SDC has received a government grant of £700k to cover extra Covid costs this isn’t going to cover our income losses of over £500k/month (arising from lower service fees and Council Tax receipts) so our reserves are going to take a hit. There has been a recent announcement of a further £1.6bn support to Local Authorities but we don’t know at this stage how much of this we will get – although in Kent the majority is likely to go to KCC not to Districts because they are responsible for Social Care. continued on page 32 30

31 Continued from page 30 Social actions During the lockdown there has been understandable press debate on how this affects homeless people. I am pleased that SDC has been able to place rapidly 28 rough sleeper/new homeless/domestic abuse cases in temporary hotel ac- commodation and is exploring with neighbouring authorities how this intervention can be extended whilst the coronavirus crisis continues. 2 rough sleepers re- fused help. ‘Business as usual’ report SDC have now only a very few staff self-isolating and have been able to ensure key services, such as weekly refuse collection, are maintained. Despite a big increase in the quantity of rubbish being left out for refuse collectors due to peo- ple having to remain in their own homes there has been no service interruption. Operational pressures remain, in particular since the closure of the Council tip there has been a big increase in fly tipping taking place and SDC’s phones have been inundated with residential Council Tax queries. Action on the Local Plan continues and as I had anticipated in earlier reports, a judicial appeal has now been lodged, although this may take a number of months it will still be quicker than restarting the whole consultation process again. I continue to work on enforcement matters in Penshurst and am liaising with of- ficers in the enforcement and legal teams. Susan Coleman FINANCE Fordcombe Play Area Equipment: Order placed for new unit (approved at previous meetings) to be installed in place of willow tunnel, Cllr Horsford remov- ing willow structure and levelling base for installation. Allotments: There are one or two vacancies at the Bottle House and War- ren Lane allotments if anyone wants to try to emulate Alan Titchmarsh or Percy Thrower! Charges are low and benefits are many and varied!



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FORDCOMBE Cof E Primary School Office 740224

PARENTS GUILD (Fordcombe School) Helen Jenner [email protected]

CRICKET CLUB Ashley Worcester 740641




LUNCHEON CLUB (Pre-booking necessary)

Monthly, 2nd Thursday, 12.30 pm Kate Hargrave 861047

ST. PETERS’ MUSICAL TODDLERS Not meeting at present

STOOLBALL CLUB Kim Smithh 740184

TABLE TENNIS CLUB, Every Monday 7:45pm -9:45pm pm from October to March contact via Email [email protected] Elaine Barnett 740512

ROYAL BRITISH LEGION Meetings on last Wed. in March & October or as required Richard Fry 740431

VILLAGE HALL Sec. Vacancy Bookings: Janice Byrne [email protected] 740393

VILLAGE QUILTERS Monthly, 3rd Wednesday, 2-4 pm (ring for venue) Sally Hill 740365


Monthly, 3rd Tuesday, 7.45 pm Fay Blanchard 536405

FORDCOMBE PARISH COUNCILLORS Andrew Campbell 871500 Parish Council web site Sally Jolly 740932 Jonathon Horsford 740032 Bruce Townsend 740451




The Chafford Arms