The Village Magazine of the Chiddingstones


Churches Associate Priest Bill MacDougall 01892 870442 Churchwardens (St Mary’s Bob Golds 01892 870429 Village) Chris Bell 01732 866222 Verger (St Mary’s) Christine Roberts 01892 870437 Churchwardens (St Luke’s Paul Allen 01732 463382 ) Vacancy Pastoral Assistant Carol Benton 01892 870483 Pastoral Help (Causeway) Helen Barnes 01732 838855 Pastoral Help (Hoath) Jane-Ann Golds 01892 870429 Bell Ringers Stella Wooldridge 01892 870323 Choir Paul Allen 01732 463382 Parochial Parish Administrator Louise Sanders Church Council [email protected]

Local Chiddingstone Sports Assoc Martin Keeler 01732 700516 Organisations Chiddingstone Football Club Martin Keeler 01732 700516 Chiddingstone Cricket Club Mark Streatfeild 01892 870851 Stonewall Park Cricket Club Andy Batchelder 07903 830142 Causeway Stoolball Club Rosa Gower 01892 870644 Stonewall Park Stoolball Club Pauline Hodge 01892 524783 Chiddingstones Tennis Club Richard Sinclair 07771 912108 Chiddingstone Real Football Katie Ashworth 07730 331800 Chiddingstone W.I. Alison Savage 01732 700536 Brenda Bishop 01892 870810 Chiddingstone Causeway W.I Carol Benton 01892 870483 Chiddingstone Over 60’s Elizabeth Fleming 01892 870224 Alice Peterkin 01892 870503 Tuesday Group (pre-school) Sam Day 01892 871570 Edenbridge Voluntary Transport Service 01732 865353 Chiddingstone Castle 01892 870347 CHAPS Kenton Ward 07881 957800 Res. Assoc. Trust Steen Carndorf 01732 700585

Youth Youth Club Chris Pounds 07725 563636 Organisations Scout Group Lorna Baker 01732 750178

School Head teacher Rachel Streatfeild 01892 870339 Nursery School Leader Jill McCoy 01892 871315

Village Hall Chiddingstone Jane Ann Golds 01892 870429 Bookings Chiddingstone Causeway Elaine Ewer 07597 271974 St. Luke’s Parish Room Diane Heasman 01892 870794

Sevenoaks District Council Councillors James Osborne-Jackson 01732 227000 Sue Coleman 01892 870435

Parish Councils Chiddingstone - Chairman Richard Streatfeild 07973 842139 - Clerk Louise Kleinschmidt 01892 740753 Leigh - Chairman Colin Stratton-Brown 01732 832714 - Clerk Louise Kleinschmidt 01892 740753

Magazine Editor and ‘’For Sale ads’’ Jenny Chettle 01342 850827 [email protected] Commercial advertising Stuart Notholt [email protected] Advertising copy Robert Hunt [email protected] COOPER’S ROOFING Specialising in all roofing problems New roofs, Flat roofs, Repairs, Guttering, Lead work, facias & Soffits For free no obligation quotes please ring John Cooper on 07968-004462

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A8 A9 A10 MAY 2020 Forthcoming Events? Never before have we not had any events for May! FROM THE RECTORY It feels like it has been a long month. So much has changed since I last wrote news from The Rectory. This time of lockdown affects us all in different ways – affecting our social lives, our work lives, our home lives and our mood. For some, this time of isolation has given us time to reflect on life, often evoking old memories. I enjoy listening to Desert Island discs. It is interesting to hear about different people’s life stories and listen to the music that they have chosen, almost illustrating their lives. I sometimes wonder what music I would choose – how hard it is to select just 8 pieces to cover over 70 years of enjoyment of music. My earliest memories would be seasoned with Frank Sinatra or even Vera Lynn, before moving onto The Beatles and later bands like Led Zeppelin, the Cream and The Rolling Stones to spice up my life. But I also enjoy classical music and as a chorister, I sang in a variety of choirs. As my own children became teenagers, I was introduced to Oasis and Blur, and then too many artists to begin to name. Music can be evocative, reminding us of people, places and events. The natural world around is also evocative as we experience the changing seasons, having been gifted with a beautiful spring in this part of the world, and as we move into summer. The birds returning from their winter climes, the plants bursting into life in the garden, the lambs in the fields and the increasing warmth and longer days. At this difficult time as we remain locked down and wait for scientists to discover more about this particular corona virus, we are so grateful to all those in society who are working hard to make sure that life keeps working for us. As well as medical staff and all those on the front line, we are so thankful for our local stores in Chiddingstone and Chiddingstone Causeway, for those who deliver goods and keep the postal service going and the refuse collectors who remove our waste each week. But I am also mindful of our farmers, who are working so hard to keep providing us with milk and dairy products as well as vegetables and meat. This is a particularly tough time for them. As I reflect back through my life and consider which 8 tracks of music, I would choose to illustrate them, perhaps for this current time I would choose….the One World Together at Home concert, broadcast on BBC1 recently, such an eclectic mix, but so evocative, as they thanked all those on the front line – do check it out on iPlayer! And if I wanted to save one ‘track’ from the waves, it would be this one! So to all those providing care for the wider community, THANK YOU! God bless and stay safe, Bill

1 SCHOOL NEWS This month, I write from my makeshift home office and, like many parents, I am trying hard to juggle home schooling with full time work – often feeling that neither is being done as well as one would like and a real test of patience and tolerance! However, in these unprecedented and exceptional times, we are all adjusting to a new way of operating and working. Like all schools nationally, we closed our gates to the majority of pupils on Friday 20th March and our virtual school was born. We are now in full swing of supporting parents to support their children with their home learning. Staff have been working hard to ensure that we are providing both continuity of learning as well as supporting the wellbeing of our pupils and families during these difficult times. Teachers have been setting plenty of work which the children access on our website, are in regular contact with parents, as well as marking and providing feedback on the great work the children are doing at home. In addition, teachers and teaching assistants have been checking in every day with their virtual class meetings. These have been a real lifeline for many of the children and parents. A chance to see each other and say ‘Hi’, check that the children understand the work that has been set and for the children to share and celebrate what they have been doing. The wonders of technology, allowing the children to still see their friends and wave to each other in this very odd time when they cannot be enjoying themselves on the playground together. This term, alongside their maths and literacy, we have introduced ‘Family Learning’, taking a weekly theme and suggesting shared family activities for children of all ages to complete, along with some science experiments to tackle together. This week’s theme has been ‘Masterchef/Bake-off’ with many families creating some delicious culinary masterpieces, sharing in the planning, making, tasting and, of course, the washing up! Some of the children have taken on the challenge of making butter and carrying out a fair test – seeing if they can drop an egg from a height and prevent it from breaking by protecting it with different materials e.g. a parachute, box etc. We have seen some fantastic videos and pictures of the experiment in action! Next week, our focus will be ‘Nature Week’, followed by ‘Art week’ and ‘Music week’. It is lovely to see everyone working together and having some family fun. School has remained open for some of our key worker children and, while few in numbers, we have been filling the days with a variety of activities including: exercising with Joe Wickes, table tennis competitions, French boules and gardening in the sunshine. We will hopefully have a good harvest of broad beans, sweetcorn, carrots and more– the vegetables of our labour! The children have been doing their school work as well……. Cont/…

2 Here are some examples of some of the work the children have been doing at home: Reception Class has been getting to grips with Home Schooling but we are all missing our friends and colleagues very much. We get a chance to see each other in our daily online sessions and so far have enjoyed a singalong with homemade instruments and a competition to name Mrs Scott's pet lamb (“Goatie” was the rather unusual name that came out of the hat!). This week we are very much looking forward to a live Bake Off when we all make bread rolls at the same time. What could possibly go wrong! Year 1 are enjoying learning at home, making Easter gardens, Easter crafts and baking. The children have been making characters or objects from books such as ‘Paper Dolls’. They have been enjoying and finding out about the natural environment and even doing their morning exercise with Joe Wickes! This term Year 1 are making rockets and Solar System Planets. Class 2 have been really enjoying meeting and catching up virtually every day! Before we broke up for Easter, they enjoyed a live lambing lesson on Mrs Frederick’s farm and asked lots of fantastic questions about looking after the lambs. In Year 3 we have our ‘virtual schooling sessions’ every day. Our topic Urban Pioneers continued.... The children have been very busy at home producing PowerPoint presentations, comparing old versus contemporary buildings in London. They have also been writing an autobiography (about themselves) as well as a biography about a well known architect. Using nature, the children produced a graffiti tag of their names. Isolation doesn't seem to have dampened Year 4's enthusiasm and creativity. They've been researching the Iroquois (Ir-o-kee) Native American tribe and have produced beautiful power-points outlining the customs and lifestyle of this fascinating people. Many children remarked on the Tribe's ingenious hunting methods and their care for the environment . Sticking with the American theme, children have also produced home-made totem poles and light up mini Empire State buildings. We look forward to seeing more of their fabulous creations as the new term starts and we all settle in to our new way of working - the children have proved they're nothing if not adaptable. Year 5 have been enjoying their daily catch up virtually each day and have some exciting new topic themes coming up soon including – virtual yoga and even a fancy dress session! Before the children broke up, they had a wonderful trip to Bore Place and here is what Matilda has written about the day: We had a really great trip to Bore Place, not only was the sun shining but we also got to do many exciting things throughout the day. Not only did we meet a week old calf but we also got to make soda bread, butter and cheese with our own fair hands. This is coming in very handy whilst being at home in lockdown! Cont/…. 3 In Year 6 the children have been busy writing their daily diaries about their routines whilst at home. Here is Tabitha’s from 5th April 2020: Today is another day in lock down. Boris Johnson has been taken into hospital today after catching Covid-19 and his condition has got worse. This virus spreading around the world doesn’t care who it attacks - black, white, rich or poor, if you get too near it, it will more than likely get you, which is a scary thought. To try and take our minds off it all, Mum and Dad have been playing a lot of board games with us and playing in the garden. It’s nice that they have more time to do this now, just a shame it’s under such sad circumstances. We’ve been playing badminton, bouncing on the trampoline and in the paddling pool! We know it’s serious as The Queen addressed the nation at 8 pm, asking us all to not be tempted to visit family over the Easter period. She told us that we will all meet again which is a nice thought. I would like to say an enormous thank you to the whole school community, staff, parents, children and governors. Everyone has pulled together to support each other, showing understanding and care for each other in these challenging times. We will continue to support the children to the very best of our remote ability and hope that everyone keeps well and safe over the coming weeks.

CHIDDINGSTONE PARISH COUNCIL 1. Coronavirus: a reminder that there is a group of local volunteers who are ready to help you if you are self-isolating or in need of some assistance. If you need help, or are willing to help, please ring Sue Coleman Tel: 01892 870435 or email her at If you have any queries please contact the Clerk. A huge thank you to Sue and all the volunteers for your help and hard work during this crisis period. 2. Parish Council: the Parish Council is now allowed to hold its meetings remotely via platforms such as Zoom. All meetings are listed on our website, together with agendas and minutes. If you would like to remotely attend a Parish Council meeting during the lockdown period, please contact the Clerk who will send you an invitation. If you need any help or advice regarding remotely attending a meeting, please contact the Clerk. 3. The Annual Parish Meeting arranged for Tuesday 28th April has unfortunately been cancelled as it would not be possible to hold such a large meeting remotely. Legislation has changed so that Town and Parish Councils will not be required to hold Annual Parish Meetings this year due to the Coronavirus lockdown. Cont/…. 4 4. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 13th May at 7.30pm remotely, via Zoom. This will be our Annual Parish Council meeting, the first meeting of the Parish Council year when the Chairman and Vice- Chairman are elected and membership of committees agreed. If you would like to attend remotely, please contact the Clerk. These are extraordinary times and we wish to assure you that the Parish Council is here to help in any way it can. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Louise Kleinschmidt, Parish Clerk Salehurst Barn, Oak Lane, , . TN3 9UB. Tel: 01892 740753. Email: [email protected]

NEXT EDITION All contributions for the June edition of the magazine by 12 noon on WEDNESDAY 20th May. Please put the date in your diaries immediately so that I don't have to chase people! Copy can be left in Chiddingstone Village Shop, posted to me at 6a High Street, , Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7JB or: [email protected] CHURCH CLOSURE Just to say hi to one and all. We are so sad our churches have had to be closed and no reliable information as to when they might re-open. No one knows. Have really missed seeing the lovely folk of Chiddingstone. Meanwhile Bill, Izzie and Louise are busy sorting out internet services and daily messages/prayers. We are indebted to them all. So sad Bill had to miss delivering the beautiful Easter Sunday service in St Mary's - at least he was able to conduct it through the wonders of technology. If any of you know anyone in and around Chid (church attendee or not) that could do with help in whatever form, please let us know. All the telephone numbers are in the magazine. Thank you. Chris Tel: 01732 866222 CHRISTIAN AID WEEK - MAY 2020 Due to the Coronavirus, there will be no red Christian Aid envelopes distributed this year in what should have been Christian Aid Week. Louise

5 PRAYERS You may like to know that during this strange time when our churches are closed, those names that are read out during Intercessions on a Sunday for the sick, deceased, bereaved and the Book of Remembrance are now being prayed for by a number of people in the Parish. If you know of anybody who is poorly or deceased, please let me know and I will update the list. I do this as and when a name is given to me, so any time will be fine. [email protected] Tel: 01892 870483/07776 188079 Stay safe and well everybody. Every Blessing, Carol I would like to thank everyone who is serving our local community, either by praying, caring or serving – Keep on keeping on! Bill MacDougall THE TULIP TREE I hope this finds everyone well and coping whilst seeing the small positives that this lock down is offering such as our beautiful outdoor spaces in and around Chiddingstone. The shop is well stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables delivered to us daily, along with bread and eggs. We also have haddock, plaice, steak mince, chicken breast, a good range of flour, to name but a few. We are however regularly running out of egg boxes, so please can you bring a container when coming to buy eggs or drop boxes off please for re use (we will store for 5 days before use). Don't forget we can help with deliveries for those of you who can't get out. We have a box of gloves hanging by the front door for customers to use when they come in. We clean all surfaces and handles down each day to keep the environment as virus free as possible. With this glorious weather, why not get out in the garden. We've got some wonderful plants, perennials for the garden as well as bedding plants for baskets and containers all at the front of the shop. Please don't come out just to buy plants, it's OK though if you've come to get some essentials and pick some up whilst there. My oldest daughter, Mariella, has also been extremely busy working behind the scenes for me and she has put the entire gift side of the shop on line. You can now buy cards, jewellery, games and even Royal Mail stamps, as well as other items we don't currently hold such as lamps, mirrors, items for the garden and much more. Cont/… 6 You can select 'collect in store' or have it posted out, we can even write your cards on your behalf and send them directly out to your friends/loved ones. Have a look The Post Office remains open every Tuesday and Thursday morning 9am – 1pm where you can pay money into your account, send 'care packages' to loved ones or draw your pension. With the pollen season now upon us, we have customers who suffer with hay- fever. Does anyone have any local honey that we could buy please to sell in the shop? Please email me at [email protected] We're really keen to help you as much as we can so please let us know if there's anything else we can do to make your life easier. In the meantime, please stay at home and keep safe. Nicoletta Shop 01892 870326 Tea Room 01892 871504 [email protected] T: @TheTulipTreeTea I:@thetuliptreetea UPDATE FROM FRAN AND RICH AT THE GREYHOUND CHARCOTT Hi Everyone, We hope you are keeping well and safe at home during these challenging times and having the opportunity to appreciate some enforced down time with your families, albeit possibly with the wonderful tools such as Facetime, Zoom and house party to connect with your nearest and dearest. The unknown times continue and we all share in thoughts and well wishes for those having suffered themselves or lost loved ones to this sad situation. We must all remember to keep strong, positive and supportive for each other - together we will get through! We have been overwhelmed and full of gratitude for all the love and support you have all shown us locally, as we have been doing take away homemade pizzas cooked in our wood fired oven and can offer a contactless collection. We fire up the oven on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to serve between 5pm - 8pm and Sunday 4pm - 6pm. Orders are taken over the phone on 01892 870275 so just call us to place one and we will be happy to give you a night off home cooking! Menus can be found on our website, Facebook and Instagram pages. Cont/…

7 We will be raring to go with reopening our doors as soon as this is permitted as we can't wait to see the pub and garden filled with many lovely smiles once more. We really miss everyone along with all the fun, banter and laughter that is the true fabric of pub and community life. Until we can warmly welcome you back to us, please take care, continue staying at home but if you fancy a chat just give us a call. It would be great to hear from you. Best wishes to you all. Fran and Rich x

FALCONHURST FARM SHOP REDUCED OPENING HOURS DUE TO COVID-19 10am - 3pm Monday – Saturday If you would like to contact the shop, please email: [email protected] or phone 07595 493902. We are extremely busy at the moment with increased footfall and juggling home schooling on top! Please leave a message and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. If we do decide to do deliveries it will be to those most in need - ie if you cannot visit the shop or find anyone to help (there are many volunteers willing to help). How we are responding to the COVID-19 outbreak: • Increased shop cleaning, throughout the day and deep clean at night/early morning. • Handwashing and/or gloves being used between customers. • Floor markings to allow space between customers and staff within the shop and any queuing outside. • Double doors remain open with maximum of 2 customers in shop at any one time. • Handwashing facilities on site. • Restrictions on some products including 1x pack of eggs, 1x loaf of bread, 1x flour and 2x any other product. This may change day by day. • No Coffee/tea at this time - sorry! Our stock is generally very good and coming in regularly. Quick sum up of what we have in stock: Fresh Bread Baked On Site - Quickly becoming famous! Fresh veg, salad and fruit The Best Cheese Counter Around!! Milk from Northiam Dairy - One day from ! Fabulous new selection of French wines Beer, Cider, and Spirits Quality Frozen Meals Chutneys, Jams, Sauces plus loads more! Treats Galore - Chocolates, Biscuits, Crisps Gifts, Cards and Wrapping Paper 8

HELLO FROM THE CASTLE We hope you all had a very happy Easter. It has been very quiet at the castle since we had to close the house and grounds due to the virus. We hope you are all doing well and keeping busy. Below is a little word search to help you while away the time. We are also running an Instagram competition for anyone who would like to draw us their dream castle. There are two age classes, children up to 14 and an adult class - see the website for more details.


Castle Denys Eyre Bower Streatfeild High Street House Samurai Egypt Cream Tea Orangery Ha ha Wall Jacobite Buddhist Great Hall Museum Pillar Box Rose Garden Nursery Lake Bridge Flag

We do not know when we are going to be able to open but we will keep you updated via our social media and through the village magazine. STAY SAFE, STAY HOME, STAY HEALTHY Exhibition of local history | Accredited Museum collections | Tudor origins Victorian rooms | 35 beautiful acres & fishing lake | Tea Room | Gift & Antique Shop Year round availability for weddings, parties, corporate events, groups & school visits

Chiddingstone, Kent TN8 7AD - 01892 870347 - [email protected] 9 CHIDDINGSTONE WI

We were sorry that we had to cancel our April meeting owing to the corona virus. It would have been our Birthday meeting to which we had invited guests for a celebration buffet supper. A few ladies did meet virtually, using Zoom, and all were encouraged to raise a glass to toast our WI! Some WI’s in our Federation would have been celebrating their centenaries this year, so the fact that all our WI’s have had to suspend their activities for now is most disappointing for everyone.

Nevertheless, we are keeping the spirit of our WI alive and well through our telephone network, use of email, and video meetings. Members have been tending their gardens, taking country walks or indoor exercise. We are also busy knitting, sewing and paper crafting ready for our next Craft Stall, hopefully later in the summer.

Our members, especially those who are self-isolating, are most grateful to the village shops in Chiddingstone and , and to the Rock and Greyhound pubs, and also the network of volunteers arranged by Sue Coleman, for their invaluable help with food shopping.


Our meetings for both May and June have been cancelled and sadly we may have to cancel the one for July as well. However...... "We'll meet again some sunny day!"

*********************************************** When the life of our Village is able to get back to normal, wouldn't it be lovely for the whole village to get together for a celebration of our community spirit? Our WI would be glad to take part.

Meanwhile we hope everyone will stay safe and well. With our best wishes, Brenda Bishop and Alison Savage


10 Cancer doesn’t stop for anything and neither will the Teenage Cancer Trust This is the time of year when I often pop up in a service at St Mary’s to let you know about my next trek to raise funds for Teenage Cancer Trust. Indeed, several weeks ago, I did book to undertake a trek in Patagonia, in Southern Argentina, in November this year. Obviously, because of the Coronavirus pandemic, there is some uncertainty about whether the trek will go ahead this year, but I am hopeful that the world may have returned to something approaching normal by November. The Coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating effect for many charities, including Teenage Cancer Trust. Apart from treks and challenges, the charity relies on a variety of fundraising events such as the London Marathon which has been cancelled, and also on a series of six pop concerts which take place at the Royal Albert Hall in late March each year. Two of the concerts have been re-scheduled for 2021, but four have had to be cancelled completely. These concerts were set to raise around £1,000,000 for the charity. Teenage Cancer Trust is committed to keeping its core services running for young people with cancer. To help achieve this, it has had to place 60% of its staff on the government’s furlough scheme, and its senior staff have taken a 25% pay cut. I am therefore asking you please to support my planned trek this year, as many of you have so often in the past. If the trek does not take place in November, it will be re-scheduled for 2021. But I did not want to delay seeking your support, as Teenage Cancer Trust is so desperately in need of funds to keep its work going right now. The planned trek is in the foothills of Mount Fitz Roy, toward the southernmost part of Argentina where the landscape is mountainous and glacial. The trek is described as “tough” and it certainly looks as though the days will be demanding. Accommodation is partly in tents and partly in mountain refuges. As usual, you may kindly sponsor me online at: or by sending a cheque made out to Teenage Cancer Trust to me at 1-2 The Green, Chiddingstone Hoath, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7BU. I will aim to forward any cheques to the charity as soon as possible. You may choose to Gift Aid your donation online, or I will post you a Gift Aid form on request if you send me a cheque. There’s more information, including reports of my previous treks at Thank you for your support in the past and thank you in anticipation of your continuing support. I hope you remain well and positive in these difficult times. NIGEL TURNER


Dear All, We hope you are all keeping well and safe during these very difficult times. With the current directives from the Government, the hall is closed to all events and bookings until further notice from the Government. Further updates will be on our facebook page and website, or for any questions regarding bookings please contact [email protected] or phone 07597 271974 We look forward to taking future bookings and resuming a full calendar of events and classes at your local village hall as soon as is possible. For all of our classes please contact our groups for details of their classes going forward. Table Tennis for All - Contact Gary Longley on 01892 871285 or email [email protected] Colliewobbles Dog Training - Dog and Puppy Training - Please contact Sandra on 01732 351178 for further information. Zumba Fitness - Contact Kim Fowler at [email protected] Karate Classes - Contact Adel at [email protected] Still-Yoga - [email protected] Forthcoming music events will be resumed on future Government advice. Age UK - Pop in Coffee morning and Health and Wellbeing Classes - a message from Sue Larkin, Health and Wellbeing Coordinator I am sorry to inform you that we have had to suspend the running of our Pop Up Pop Ins.

We have looked at all of the advice available to us and agree that suspension would be the best course of action to protect our clients and volunteers from unknown or unnecessary risk of infection from the coronavirus.

We do hope that this suspension of services is temporary and that we can resume as soon as we can. We will keep you informed as soon as we know.

Please do take care and don't worry unnecessarily. This is a precautionary measure to ensure we are upholding public service advice.

If you need any support or help, please call Age UK Sevenoaks and on 01732 454108 or Sue Larken on 07867 648667.


Suspended until further notice

BLACKHAM VILLAGE MARKET Suspended until further notice

HILDENBOROUGH FARMERS’ MARKET is held EVERY Tuesday 9am-11am at St John’s Church Centre Info. Janet Richardson, Manager 01732 838903 or Email: [email protected] PARTLY RUNNING AT PRESENT!

SUE’S COLUMN April has been a month like no other in any of our lifetimes and although I would love to be writing about something else, I will, of course, have to focus on Coronavirus in this piece. As this article is only going to be distributed on-line, and therefore hasn’t the same pressure on word count as my usual monthly articles, I hope you will find this longer missive both interesting and reassuring that we are coping well in our villages. I want also to balance my focus on the Coronavirus response in Penshurst, and Chiddingstone, with some ‘business as usual’ matters because I think it’s important that we don’t all become zombies spending each day at home waiting for the daily news briefings from 10 Downing Street; we also need to exhibit some of the oft cited Churchillian ‘keep buggering on’ spirit (yes, it is a direct quote, so please forgive the profanity!) and not to put our lives completely on hold. Local residents expect transparency from the Council as much as taxpayers expect it of the Government, so I want to explain what SDC has been asked to do, and how we are discharging that responsibility. There are many consequences of Coronavirus, some perhaps unexpected, and it is so much more than just a health emergency, it goes beyond economics too (hugely important though that is) and in my view demands a vigorous social response as well. Whilst simultaneously we must not let the necessary emergency response undermine other essential services (in the council’s case, services such as refuse collection), so operational resilience has been at the heart of SDC’s response plan. Cont/…

13 Health related council responsibilities and actions As you will know, early in the pandemic the Government tiered the population according to their Covid-19 risk factors and announced that people falling into Tier 1 (these are the 1.5m individuals who have been told to ‘shield’ themselves completely for 12 weeks) would receive priority support, to include free emergency supplies sent directly to their doors from government in cases of need. Those falling into Tiers 2 and 3 would be able to request emergency food parcels through local volunteer networks such as the one I set up and wrote about in my article last month. That’s not how it worked in practice. In fact councils, not central government, were expected to organise the Tier 1 support response and I’m pleased to say SDC were the first council in Kent to arrange a District Emergency Centre to do so; open from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a week. In the this meant contacting and arranging support for 1,933 Tier 1 individuals, of whom 404 requested and have been receiving regular food deliveries, including 23 new requests over Easter weekend. SDC has been fulfilling this demand from local supermarkets/catering supplies companies, with local officers doing the work splitting and packing these supplies into individual parcels and then arranging delivery to the Tier 1 group. This has been a huge logistical task which is completely over and above their normal jobs and on your behalf, I have already written to the council Chief Executive to thank them. I have also managed to get the composition of these food parcels changed a little to ensure a good balance of proteins as well as store cupboard staples like rice and pasta. No vulnerable person in the District will go without nutritious food because of the lockdown. Separately, SDC has focussed also on Tier 2 and 3 individuals who are in need but fall outside the Tier 1 government scheme, such as people who might be self-isolating with symptoms and do not have family and friend networks available to help them with shopping, collecting prescriptions and social phone calls etc. As I reported last month, I have set up a database of local volunteers who can help, co-ordinated by Rob Rees in Penshurst (01892 870823), Mike Gilbert in Fordcombe (01892 740321) and myself in the Chiddingstones (01892 870435); if you have to self-isolate and need practical support do please call one of us and we will put you in touch with a volunteer. At SDC, these networks of local Care for Community volunteers have been co-ordinated to ensure safeguarding responsibilities are not compromised, and volunteers have been issued with authorised ID for example. Across the district 868 Tier 2 individuals have requested support (with 40 being in Penshurst, Fordcombe and Chiddingstone) – these requests have been serviced by 1,407 volunteers (of whom 52 are in my Ward). Cont/…

14 The system, despite being developed completely from scratch in practically no time at all, is working well and no-one locally has missed out on a meal or a medicine. From previous articles, my interest in helping elderly residents will be evident, but one particular request I would make at this time is for everyone to phone a friend or neighbour who might be desperately lonely. It takes so little time but can mean so much. Economic related council responsibilities and actions Although announced by Government, the burden of administering Small Business Support grants of £10,000 or £25,000 (for businesses in the retail/leisure sectors with Rateable Values below £51k) has fallen on SDC. As at 15th April the council had dealt with over 2,000 general phone call and email enquiries, validated 327 applications and distributed over £6m of Government funding already. Sadly, with Rateable Values so high in the South East, many local businesses have fallen outside the grant scheme parameters, but a further £7m of Business Rates relief notices have been processed, benefitting 624 businesses’ cashflows, bringing the overall level of business support up to £13m. I have personally supported 2 enquiries from our villages and seen just how responsive officials have been, and whilst there has been no dragging of feet, the sheer volume of unexpected work created by these schemes will inevitably take some time to deliver. Council finances themselves are going to be impacted too. Although SDC has received a government grant of £700k to cover extra Covid costs, this isn’t going to cover our income losses of over £500k/month (arising from lower service fees and Council Tax receipts) so our reserves are going to take a hit. KCC have allocated SDC £40k to support small local charities (KCC having been funded £40m by government for this purpose) – this won’t go far and we have been lobbying for more but I guess we are seen as a rich district! Social related council responsibilities and actions During the lockdown there has been understandable press debate on how this affects homeless people. I am pleased that SDC has been able to place rapidly 28 rough sleeper/new homeless/domestic abuse cases in temporary hotel accommodation and is exploring with neighbouring authorities how this intervention can be extended whilst the coronavirus crisis continues. Many regular readers will remember my article on domestic violence locally and my championing of our local charity DAVVS. Having read the national statistics I investigated the position locally and in the year to 31 March 2020, DAVVS received a massive 1036 referrals, a 72% increase compared with the previous 12 months. Many victims of abuse are unable to seek help while in lockdown with their abuser, and DAVVS are expecting a huge increase/peak in referrals when the lock down is lifted and the abuser is back at work. Cont/…

15 SDC has provided Community Grant support and paid for DAVVS services but given this anticipated spike in demand DAVVS have set up a giving website which I would encourage you to support at: web/charity?charityId=1018070&stop_mobi=yes SDC operational resilience and ‘business as usual’ At the time of writing, SDC have now only 7 staff self isolating and have been able to ensure key services, such as weekly refuse collections, are maintained. Despite a big increase in the quantity of rubbish being left out for refuse collectors due to people having to remain in their own homes, there has been no service interruption. It is heartening to report that spontaneous messages of support for refuse staff have been seen in many windows – and I thank you all for those well deserved words of appreciation. Operational pressures remain, in particular, since the closure of the Council tip, there has been a big increase in fly tipping taking place and SDC’s phones have been inundated with residential Council Tax queries. Planning stops for no man! I continue to deal with several ongoing enforcement matters………so if you are pondering a quick under-the-radar extension, don’t think everyone will be otherwise engaged! Likewise, action on the Local Plan continues and as I had anticipated in earlier articles, a judicial appeal has now been lodged and although this may take a number of months, it will still be quicker than restarting the whole consultation process again. Finally, a reprehensible aspect of ‘business as usual’; I have been told that scammers are targeting local people who are self-isolating, or are otherwise vulnerable, to buy fake/non-existent medical tests and supplies online. Once your money is sent, the supplies never arrive. As always, remember that if it looks too good to be true, with miracle cures and promises of medical supplies, then it probably is. The future I want to encourage everyone to see the positive benefits of the community cohesion we are seeing spring up as we address current adversities - this is a resource that can make our villages even better places to live in the future. I am considering how, within the constraints of GDPR and safeguarding legislation, we might keep this volunteer network going………….. your thoughts and ideas are very much welcome as always. Many have said already, including the Queen, that we will emerge the other side of this epidemic as a strong united country and I am equally certain that Penshurst, Fordcombe and Chiddingstone residents will too. I wish you all good health. Sue Coleman District Councillor for Penshurst, Fordcombe & Chiddingstone 16 A NOTE FROM YOUR MP Living through a national emergency has changed all of our lives. It has reminded all of us of the things that matter, health, family, and community. It has been heartening to see the way we have pulled together to help each other and to see our parishes at the heart of the response. The emergency is forecast to last for many weeks and the overriding priority must be to keep ourselves, and our family, friends and neighbours safe. As we have seen from the Prime Minister’s condition, Covid-19 does not discriminate and no matter how healthy we may feel, we all run the risk of contracting the virus ourselves. This has been hugely testing, but it has brought out the very best in our community. I would like to thank everyone in Chiddingstone who has done something extra to help someone in need, helping by getting shopping in, or even just picking up the phone to see if they're okay. Without a community spirit, we would not be able to get through this challenging time. The impact of this virus will be huge. From shrinking supply chains to a greater emphasis on community, our world will change and the speed of government action has shown that the ministers will act fast to help. Supporting employees, including the self-employed, has already made a huge difference to everyone. I believe it will allow the economy to restart rapidly when the conditions allow. That’s good for everyone. I know not everyone will be able to easily access all they are entitled to so if you have any questions, please email me with details of your personal situation on [email protected] so that I can help. Life is changing so quickly for many of us that what I write here may be out of date by the time you read this but, whatever happens, I am here to do what I can for our community. My office may be closed to protect everyone’s health but the phone will still be answered if you call 01732 441563. The Government guidance is based on the very best scientific advice and we must stick to the social distancing measures if we are able to recover as quickly as possible. I hope that you and all of your loved ones stay as safe as possible over the coming weeks. Please do be in touch if you have any concerns.

Matt Boughton Office of Tom Tugendhat, Member of Parliament for Tonbridge and Malling 130 Vale Road Tonbridge Kent TN9 1SP 01732 441563/07795 192042

17 Castle Series are launching the Castle Virtual Series TWO EVENTS, TWO WEEKENDS Throughout May, we will host two events, across two weekends, 8th -10th May and 22nd – 24th May) - all so we can stay connected, keep fit and to raise as much money as possible for Macmillan Cancer Support. UK AND IRISH THEMES The Series will celebrate the host countries of the existing Castle Triathlon Series events, France, UK and Ireland.

ALL AGES, ALL ABILITIES, THE MORE THE MERRIER Whether you’re 8 or 88, want to run a 5k or a half marathon, want to kick off your duathlon career (Starter 1.5k run/10k cycle/1.25k run) or set a season PB for longer distances (21.1k run/90k cycle/10.5 run). With seven duathlon distances and three running races, there is sure to be a race for you, your family and friends. SHOW US WHAT YOU'VE GOT We will celebrate podium places and prizes will be awarded to the winners, the most creative course design and best dressed.

The Castle Virtual Series will donate 20% of each Race Entry Fee to their long- term charity partner, Macmillan Cancer Support, (Duathlon £3, Run £2, Junior £1). This will help Macmillan Cancer Support continue to deliver their physical, emotional and financial support to help people with cancer and their families that is needed now more than ever.

If you are unable to join us, but would like to support Macmillan’s vital work, please text CASTLE to 70550 to donate £5*.



FOR SALE Need to arrange own pick up/delivery: 3 medium/large poultry arks £20-£30 each 2 poultry nest boxes £10 each 4 wire poultry holding pens £10 each — 2 large potted citrus trees (satsuma) 5½ft. tall, lovely scented blossoms, but needs winter protection £50 each or open to offer Sandra Wadsworth Tel: 07855 482026

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Saturday 2nd May Memorial Service in St Mary’s postponed at present Friday 8th to Sunday 10th May Castle Virtual Series see page 18 Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th May Castle Virtual Series see page 18 Thursday 28th to Sunday 31st May Pig’s Ear Folk Ale at the Kentish Horse Friday 26th to Monday 29th June Run Wild Fest at Penshurst Place Sunday 5th July Festival of Endurance at Hever Castle Vintage Fair at Chiddingstone Castle Sunday 12th July Chiddingstone Causeway Fete Sunday 16th August Japan Festival Day at Chiddingstone Castle Sunday 13th September Country Fair at Chiddingstone Castle Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th September Hever Castle Triathlon Saturday 10th October New date for Chiddingstone Sports Association Quiz



Coronavirus (Covid-19) – practical help and local services in Sevenoaks and Tonbridge

Last amended 21st April 2020 You will find the most up-to-date version of this on our website at or: and-advice/downloads/ Details are subject to change, please check with the organisation concerned. If you cannot find what you are looking for please contact us as we may be able to help further. Amendments and additions are also welcome. We publish other local information packs covering: • Care agencies • Care homes • Health and wellbeing • Help at home • Housing • Legal advice and power of attorney • Memory loss and dementia • Money matters • Social activities Age UK Sevenoaks & Tonbridge is a registered charity no. 1088213 Tel: 01732 454108. Web: Please be aware that the situation is changing constantly. If you have access to the internet you should check the latest situation on websites you can trust at: Health information: Government guidance: Age UK website: BBC website:


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A5 LEE WITCHELL AGRICULTURAL, PLANT & FORESTRY SERVICES Accident Repairs Mechanical, Servicing, Annual Checks Plant & Machinery & MOT’s Buy – Sell – Hire – Trade Insurance Work For a free estimate or quotation Lake Construction, Restoration Earth Works & Landscaping Please call Nick on 01892 870673

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