Випперовские Чтения» «Классика И Современность. Отражения» 26–28 Февраля 2018 Года
МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ НАУЧНАЯ КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ «ВИППЕРОВСКИЕ ЧТЕНИЯ» «КЛАССИКА И СОВРЕМЕННОСТЬ. ОТРАЖЕНИЯ» 26–28 февраля 2018 года INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH VIPPER CONFERENCE “CLASSICS AND CONTEMPORANEITY. REFLECTIONS” 26–28 February, 2018 1 ПРОГРАММА феноменов искусства, наделенных статусом «классиче- with the Apollon journal came up with the specific dis- interventions, contemporary museum increasingly ских». Будут проанализированы разные формы диалога course, which, by appealing to the museum categories, prefers extra- systematic and extra-historical caram- PROGRAM с искусством прошлого, с его классическими образцами, made the impressionist and post- impressionist painting bolage (J.-H. Martin) view that assumes the maximum их творческий потенциал, функции и цели, границы их acceptable by the educated public. The problem was set scope of associations, comparisons, and interpreta- 26 ФЕВРАЛЯ, ПОНЕДЕЛЬНИК смыслообразующих и формообразующих возможностей. again after the October, when in 1918–1920 the Moscow tions. At the same time, different museums, such as ГЛАВНОЕ ЗДАНИЕ ГМИИ им. А.С. ПУШКИНА, Krasimira Lukitcheva (Russia) museum community proposed a number of alternative Louvre, Versaille, Prado, Villa Borghese, demonstrate (ул. Волхонка, д. 12) ЗАЛ 30 INTERPRETING THE CLASSICAL HERITAGE IN THEORY concepts of the new museum, where modern French art various strategies of work with contemporary mate- 26 FEBRUARY, MONDAY AND PRACTICE OF ART OF THE SECOND HALF OF THE was once again the central point of discussion (Museum rial. Evaluation of the pros and cons of international HALL 30, THE MAIN BUILDING OF THE PUSHKIN 20th — BEGINNING OF THE 21st CENTURY of Artistic Culture, Museums of the New Western Art, experience is one of the pressing problems in creating STATE MUSEUM (12, VOLKHONKA STREET) The talk will address the complex and tense context Pavel Muratov’s project of reorganization of the Muse- the concept of the 21st century museum.
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