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REDACTED 10-PR-16-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2019 5:23 PM 10-PR-16-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2019 5:23 PM EXHIBIT C REDACTED 10-PR-16-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2019 5:23 PM Fredriks0n & BYRON. P.A. INVOICE DETAIL Prince Rogers Nelson Estate Invoice: 1513123 c/o Angela W. Aycock January 24, 2019 Vice President Comerica Wealth Management 411 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48226 For Previously Unbilled Professional Services Rendered Through December 31, 2018: " " 2 -. : : SummarybyMatter .Cu_"en_t QM. Mei Matter # Matter Name fe_es_ Qis_b Igga_l 077376.0001 Estate Administration 12,687.50 2,834.07 15,521.57 077376.0003 Second Special Administrator Matters 178.00 0.00! 178.00 077376.0005 ,Tax Matters 2,920.50] 0.00: 2,920.50. 4,518.00! 4,518.00l 077376.0006 {Heir;, I-ieirs' Counsel, Heirs' Advisors and Mediator Matters 0.00: 0773760008 l— 671.00 o.oo[ 671.00 077376.0100 :Employment 540.00 0.00 540.00 0773760205 m de. Real Estate 7,537.50 291.00‘ 7,828.50 077376.0300 Corporate 247.50 0.00; 247.50 T 2,152.50 077376.0402 Bergonzi Litigation 2,152.50 0.00 430.50 077376.0403 Brandon Litigation 430.50! 0.00 246.00 077376.0404 Roc Nation Litigation 246.00i 0.00| 33.60 33.60 0773760406 Dixon v. NPG Music Publishing & NPG Records Litigation 0.00: 700.60 36,354.10 0773760409 George Ian Boxill Litigation 35,653450 3,066.00 077376.0411 Paisley Park Museum Exhibiting Operating Agreement 3,066.00 0.00 077376.0414 Kian Andrew Habib 18,025.00 1,362.85 19,387.85 64.67 6,299.67 077376B415 International Bootlegging 6,235.00 4,952.50 077376.0417 Domain Capital Inc. 4,952.50 0.00l Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 61 2.492.7000 Attorneys 8L Advisors fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484 Communications concerning disputed debls, including an instrument tendered Minneapolis, Minnesota as full satisfaction of a debt. are to be senl to Freddkson 8. Byron. PA, Ann: Credit Department, 200 South Sixth Street, Suhe 4000, Minneapolis. MN 55402 Tax ID No. 55480-1484 10-PR-16-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2019 5:23 PM Fredrikson a BYRON. RA. Current Current I Matter Matter # Matter Name F_ee_s_ _D__iit_>_ T_ot_g_l k [£773760500 !|nte||ectual Property 2,152.50 0.00 2,152.50 077376.0600 Entertainment 154.50 0.00 154.50 ‘ 077376.0601 ;Universal Music Group Publishing Group 135.00 0.00 135.00 ‘flslgoeciisravEdo 102.00 0.001 102.00 0773760605 PRN Licinsing 534.00 0.00; 534.00 077376.o§9§ 5,754.00 0.00 5,754.00 077376. 060—9 Recorded Music Transaction 89.00 0.00 89.00 077376. 100—0 Tr_ademarks 250.00‘ 0.00 250.00 O—W3;6700—1_[Copyright Matters 1,753.00 0.00 1,753.00 077376.1002 LDomain Names 2,140.50 1500‘— 2,155.50 077376.1003 EEnforcement 22,762.00 5,364.28} 28,126.28 _ 0773761016 {TMz Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (1794869) (CA) 105,00 1500i 120.00 0773767170? LTM: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (IC 14) (CN) 87.50 42.97 130.47 . 077376.102? 'TM: PAISLEY PARK (2150287) (US) 0.00 (100.00) (100.00) 077376.1029 ?TM: PAISLEY PARK (1794862) (CA) 35.00 448.31 483.31 jfigijoss (TM: PAISLEY PARK (015717481) (EU) 0.00 217.23 217.23, 0773761040 ’TM: PRINCE (IC 09) (CN) 0.00 181.00 181‘00 0773761041 ITM: PRINCE (IC 25) (CN) 309.00 3,390.00 3.699136 077376.1058 :Cancellation against PAISLEY PARK (5173208) (EU) 35.00 0.00} 35.00 0773761062 TM: NPG (87492736) (US) 185.00 125.00] 310.00 077376.1070 iTM: PAISLEY PARK (Class 41) (87492751) (US) 158.00 125.00] 283.00I 077376. 1078 ITM: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (87472934) (US) 280.00 125.00: 405.00 077376 16g;+Tl\.;_Miscellaneous Design (1) (P_rince Symbol) (87472970) (US) 310.00 125‘00} 435.00 077376.1134 WNFé-(8760147L) (IC_41)(U_S) 185.00 125.00] 310.00 ?737611ETTM: PRINCE(|_C9 14 15 21 25 41)(AU) m0 1,249.00 1,319.00 0773761155 TM: Prince (IC 9) (Refiled) (CN) 35.00 0.00 35.00J Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484 Communications concerning disputed debts, including an instrument tendered Minneapolis, Minnesota as full satisfaction of a debt. are lo be sent lo Fredrikson 8. Byron, PA, Ann: Credit Sixth Street. Minneapolis. 55402 Department, zoo Scum Suite aooo, MN Tax I D No, 55480-1484 10-PR-16-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2019 5:23 PM Fredrikson & EYRON, RA. I Current | Current Matter Matter# Matter Name Egg DLSQ J‘— _ L m _ 0773761156 TM: NPG (Ic 9) (CN) 624.00} 11,142.00; 11,766.00. 077376.1158 TM: Miscellaneous Design” (Prince Symbol) (IC 9) (BR) 52.50} 594.49} 646.99: 0773761 159 ETM: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (IC 25) (BR) 52.50i 594.49: 646.99 0773761160 ETM: NPG (Ic 9) (BR) 52.5oi 594.49: 646.99} 0773761 161 VTM: PRINCE (IC 9) (BR) 583.001} 0.00: 583.00' 0773761 162 TM: PRINCE (Ic 25) (BR) 210.00! 0.00} 210.00 0773761 166 TM: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (Ic 9) (MX) 17.501 0.00! 17.50 0773761 167 iTM: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (IC 25) (MX) 175$ 0.00' 17.50 'TM: 0773761168 NPG (Ic 9) (MX) 52.50} o.ootr 52.50 0773761 173 TM: PRINCE (Ic 25) (MY) 35400! 0.00! 35.00 0773761 177 TM: PRINCE (Ic 25) (KR) 392.50} 0.00‘ 392.50 07737E1 178 TM: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symbol) (IC 25) (TH) 70.00i 0.005 70.00 0773761 179 TM: PRINCE (IC 25) (TH) 70.003 0.00} 70.00 0773761181 TM; PRINCE (Ic 9) (TW) 17.50] 102.00; 119.50 0773761185 ITM: PRINCE (Ic 25) (CL) 17.50. 6.001 23.50 0773761193 iTM: PRINCE (Ic 25) (1N) 17.50} 0.00] 17.50 077376.1217;TM: PRN (CI. 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 25, 35, 41) (87707651) (US) 34.00: 0.00 34.00 0773761220 |(SJ3RFISH AND COFFEE (87783801) (Class 9, 16, 21, 25, 41) 185.00' 625.00 810.00 o773§1226 fTM: THE PRINCE ESTATE OFFICIAL a APPROVED & Design 0.00 388.60 388.60 [(3298724) (IC 09, 16, 25. 41) (UK) 077376.1243 ITM; THE PURPLE ONE ($09388) (Ic 9, 41) (US) 105.00 0.00 105.00 0773761244 ITM: THE PURPLE ONE (3319767) (IC 9, 41) (GB) 0.00 278.85 278.85 0773761245 TTM: THE PURPLE ONE (17922017) (Ic 9, 41) (EM) 0.00 180.53 180.53 0773751246 iCR: Love Symbom (0N) 35.00 1,481.00‘ 1,516.00 0773761248 ITM: NPG MUSIC CLUB (App. No. 88050292) (Ic 9, 35, 41) (US) 120.00 0.00 120‘00 0773761249 TM: PRINCE VAULT (App. No. 88050312) (Ic 9, 35, 41) (US) 259.00 0.00 259.00 Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612.492.7077 P.O. Box 1484 Communicationsconcerningdispuleddebls.includinganinstmmenllendered www_fredlaw_com Minneapolis Minnesota as full satistacxion of a debl, are to be sen! to Fredrikson 8 Byron. PA. Ann; Credit Department. 200 South Sixth Sweet, Suite 4000. Minneapolis, MN 55402 Tax ID No, 55480- 1 484 10-PR-16-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 2/15/2019 5:23 PM Fredrikson 8: BYRON. RA. Current Current I Matter Matter # Matter Name F_ee_s T____otal M | _o 0773761253 TM: PRLNCE (Ic 9) in Turks & Caicos (TC) 35.00] (E— 35.00 0773—76122 TM PRINCE (Ic 25_) m Turks & Caicos (TC) 35,00] 0.00: 35.00 077376 125—5 TTV: Miscellaneous Design (1) (Prince Symb_ol) (IC 9) (TC) 35.00. 0.00' 35.00 E.—1256 TM: Miscellaneous Design (1_)_(l3rince Symb_ol) (IC 25) (TC) 35.001 0.00 35.00 077376 1259 TM NEW POWER GENERATION (17961137) (Class 52.50] 21300 265.50 17961 137) (E_M) 1260 POWER GENERATION (3341510) (Class 3341510) 311.00 177.75 488475 W376 (TGMB:)NEW 077376 1264 iTM CLOUD G_UITAR CONFIGURATION (Class 15) (US) 17.50 o.coi 17‘50 0773761268 ETM: PRINCE (—Ic 9) (Refiled 2018) (CN) 52.50; 0.00] 52.50 'TM: 077376.1271 JAMIE STARR (Class_ 41) (U_S) 0.00] 275.00; 275.00 077376.1272 TM PAISLEY PARK (App No 88220053) (Class 43) (US) 300.00! 275.00% 575.00 077376 20_13 Dispute 35.001 o.col 35.00 . __ ‘ flgzoig +Dispute_ 100.00' 0.00 100.00 i 077376 2029 Opposition to THE REVOLUTION Warner Bros (EU) 70.00 0.001 70.00 077376 203:0_:Opposition to Misceflajeous Design (1) (24400305) (CN) 17.50 0.00; 17.50 077376 2031 Opposition to Miscellaneous Design (1) (24937856) Guo Mine 0.00 1,080.00 1,080.00 l School (CN) 0773762032 , 87.50 o.oo 87.50 077376.2EE jBispute 117.50 0.00 117.50 - 0773762036 [Oppositién ofTHE PURPLE VISION (17895102) (EM) 0.00 609.30I 609.30 _ 077376420flispute 0.00 1,985.00! 1,985.00 0773762038 52.50 505.55 558.05 7 l 077375.2fi0ispute 0.00 5,083.41 5,083.41 0773762040 iDispute 0.00 1,985.64 1,985.64 Fredrikson 84 Byron, P.A. main 612.492.7000 Attorneys & Advisors fax 612.492.7077 P.O.
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