1994 Highlander Vol 77 No 3 September 21, 1994
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Regis University ePublications at Regis University Highlander - Regis University's Student-Written Archives and Special Collections Newspaper 9-21-1994 1994 Highlander Vol 77 No 3 September 21, 1994 Follow this and additional works at: https://epublications.regis.edu/highlander Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1994 Highlander Vol 77 No 3 September 21, 1994" (1994). Highlander - Regis University's Student-Written Newspaper. 51. https://epublications.regis.edu/highlander/51 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Highlander - Regis University's Student-Written Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0 "'' Notes From i''., 1:,he Barrio ls ',TH*e···.. a re ·~,imethlngl1~ron'g With fegik &poJts! PageS t® >t1r -=I!: Page6 Regis University HI HLANDER VOL. 77 NO. 3 DENVER, COLORADO SEPTMBER 21, 1994 BACCHUS Stirs Controversy RCIA in Effect Once Again by Mario Eason in Student Senate Staff Reporter by Amy Everitt to be a flagrant violation of both The Rite of Christian Initiation of INSIDE: Editor-in-Chief the Constitution of the Student Adults is once again gracing our cam Senate,- and of Federal Law. pus. The Campus Ministry office has put OktoberfestJ: ............... page 2 The Regis chapter of BACCHUS is We feel that the require out the word that anyone interested in in trouble. The organization was in- · ments of the contract of the Stu joining the Catholic Church or receiv ' formed that their chapter was in danger dent Senate Handbook violate this ing the Sacrament of Confirmation Psychology Club.......... page 2 of being revoked after the Student Sen power of Senate to create legis should stop by the Campus Ministry Of ate meeting on Monday, September 12. lation, as these requirements were fice. Soul Food..................... page 3 ->.;. For those of you who aren't exactly not discussed, much less voted In a recent interview with Father John sure what BACCHUS is, it's the organi upon by the Senate. Vowells, he explained that "the RCIA zation that brings the UnBar to serve non We object to the assump provided the process for adults to enter alcoholic beverages at all of the Regis tion that our club charter can be into and to receive the Sacraments of the events. The group is also responsible for revoked because ofthe actions of Catholic Church. RCIA is the process by working with CHOICES to provide ac our Senator. The revocation ofa which a non-Catholic or a non-Christian tivities during Alcohol Awareness Week charter is a serious matter, and enters the Church with a commitment to which takes place during the second affects not only the members of uphold the Commandments and Creed week of October. On September 12, the this club, but the student body. of the Catholic faith. It also provides the first meeting of the Student Senate ended We object to the founda opportunity for students who are already with BACCHUS senator, Kate Barnes, tion ofthe accusation of 'inappro Catholic to receive the Sacrament of making "paper airplanes" out of the priate behavior of a Senator, ' as Confirmation." Senator Handbook. there are no descriptions or Often times, students do not make The group later received a letter from guidelines for the behavior of a their Confirmation at the traditional high the Vice President of Student Senate, Senator in Senate or its proceed school age. K. Thomas Reinhardt elabo Christina Narracci, stating that "If the ings in the Constitution of Regis rated saying he was not ready at that age. behavior does not improve, your club and College. Tom felt that he is now more mature and charter will be revoked." Finally, we feel that this can appreciate it more after growing in In response to these actions, club fills an important and vital college. BACCHUS held an emergency meeting. niche in the Regis community, and Father John added that the RCIA was At this meeting, they wrote a letter to as such should be treated with created because there is a need for such the Student Senate stating that they be courtesy and not threats. " a program on campus. As well, the Arch lieve that the action taken against them As for future action, no one is diocese of Denver mandates that all in was unfair. Here are some excerpts from sure what will happen. Vice President stitutions like ours offer such a pro the letter read to the Student Senate on Christina Narracci said that there was a gram. Nom1ally, students would receive September 19: misunderstanding, and the letter will be the Sacraments at their home parish. ceived during the Easter Vigil Mass. "We, the members of the reviewed by the Judicial Board. Chris However, since several of our students RCIA is for anyone interested in the student organization known as tina will also attend a BACCHUS meet are from out of state, it gives the Cam Sacraments of the Catholic Church. For BACCHUS, resolve to express our ing to try and clear up any confusion that pus Ministry team another reason to of more information or a registration form, dissatisfaction regarding the re still remains. fer the program. call Father John in Campus Ministry at quired duties ofStudent Senators The J-Board will respond to RCIA classes will begin in mid-Oc 458-1879, or stop by the office which is as outlined in the Student Sena their concerns, and the group will be tober and will continue until two weeks located on the second floor of the Stu tor Handbooks . We believe them notified of their status. after Easter. The Sacraments will be re- dent Center, room 200. Regis Walks For The Cure With the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation by Matt McCiory Staff Reporter On Sunday, September 18th, about two hundred Regis stu- , dents converged on the Denver Zoo to take part in the "Walk for the Cure." The event is part of an effort to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. It was open to anyone who wished to participate. The students walked three laps around the zoo, or roughly ten kilometers. They were asked to raise pledges for each kilo meter walked, or to collect just a flat donation. The majority of people from Regis who participated were athletes who were asked to do this in order to fulfil their community service re quirement. The walk began at 9:00 a.m., and there were free bever ages and snacks provided. The day seemed to be a success for all those who participated, and all the money went to a worthy "lch Moechte Mehr Bier!!" I want more beer. This year's Oktoberfest in downtown Denver includes activities and entertainment for cause. the entire family. See Article on Page 2. j Page 2, Highlander, September 21, 1994 Why is it Called Oktoberfest When it's in September? by Amy Everitt Editor-in-Chief it's in September," I told her. Knowing that she wouldn't get any This weekend, a large group of peace until I got my answer, she told students from my wing in the residence me the story. Here's what I learned: hall put on their lederhosen and The original, very first Oktoberfest polkaed on down to the annual was a wedding. At this wedding, Oktoberfest activities. As we were everyone ate, and danced, and drank, eating our Black Forest Cherry Cake and had the greatest time. Everyone and drinking beer (root beer for most), had such a good time, that they my friends questioned me. decided to have the Oktoberfest again "It's still September, right?" they the next year, and call it a "Harvest asked. Festival." Well , the end of September "Yes, it sure is . It' ll be September came, and they started the party. They for the next two weeks or so." were having such a great time, that "So, it's September, and we're they kept on partying clear into celebrating Oktoberfest. Do you notice October. That is the reason my mom the problem here?" my friends asked gave me as to why Oktoberfest is in me. "Why is Oktoberfest in September. September?" Now, I don 't know if this is the true Although I am of German ancestry, story. My mom said she didn't know if and Oktoberfest is my favorite thing in this was a true story, but it was the best the world, I couldn't answer them. answer she could give, especially at "I'm not sure," was the only answer I 12 :30 in the morning. So here's my Gabriel Diaz/Highlander could give. challenge: If anyone can give me a better I wa_s so perplexed when I returned Jesse Loeskan (far right) looks at German headpieces at the Annual Oktoberfest celebration in home that I couldn't sleep. So I explanation, I'll be more than open to Downtown Denver. decided to call who people call when it. In fact, The Highlander will give a their having a crisis. I phoned home. prize for the best answer. All entries "Mom," I said. must be submitted to The Highlander "Amy, it's 12 :30 a.m. What's wrong? by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September Are you O.K.?" my mother questioned. 23.The best answers will be printed in "Yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted to theSeptember 28th issue of the paper. know why it's called Oktoberfest. when Good Luck! The Highlander wouid like"to thank "Nandini Stocker for Jieri -~ .,._ ,.Jf ~ "f.