The Following Vocabulary Was Adapted and Expanded from the 1925 John
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TC Rindfleisch, 5/8/12 Palacio-Valdés, La Hermana San Sulpicio The following vocabulary was adapted and expanded from the 1925 John M Hill textbook edition of the Armando Palacio Valdés novel La Hermana San Sulpicio (DC Heath & Co., Boston). The content was edited extensively by TC Rindfleisch from the OCRed text to correct scan errors and to edit the vocabulary for advanced students. TCR, 5/8/12 1 of 41 TC Rindfleisch, 5/8/12 Palacio-Valdés, La Hermana San Sulpicio 2 of 41 TC Rindfleisch, 5/8/12 Palacio-Valdés, La Hermana San Sulpicio ABBREVIATIONS a. adjective obj. object adv. adverb p. participle art. article pers. personal, person cf. compare, see pl. plural coll. colloquial poss possessive conj. conjunction p. p. past participle def. definite prep. preposition demon. demonstrative pres. present dimin. diminutive pron. pronoun f. feminine pr. n. proper noun fam. familiar q. v. which see impf. imperfect refl. reflexive impv. imperative rel. relative indef. indefinite s. substantive, noun inf. infinitive sing. singular interj. interjection subj. subjunctive interr. interrogative v. verb m. masculine + followed by n. neuter = is equal to VOCABULARY aburrio = aburrido — A acaecer to happen, take place; lo acaecido what had happened abalanzarse to rush, hurl oneself acalorado, —a warmed up, heated, excited abandono m. neglect, abandon, carelessness acariciar to caress, fondle, pet, lull abanico m. fan acarrear to cause, bring about, bring upon abatido, —a dejected, depressed, discouraged acaso adv. perhaps, perchance; abatimiento m. dejection, depression por si —, in case that, on the chance that abatirse to make a reverence, bow, lower acceder to accede, yield, consent oneself acción f. act, deed, action, activity abocar to meet, approach, receive accionar to gesticulate abordar to approach; broach, take up aceite m. oil abrasado, —a burned, burning, hot aceituna f. olive abrasador, —ora burning, scorching acera f. sidewalk abstenerse to refrain, hold off acercar to place near, approach; abultar to enlarge, increase, augment —se approach, draw near, come near aburrido, —a weary, bored 3 of 41 TC Rindfleisch, 5/8/12 Palacio-Valdés, La Hermana San Sulpicio acertar to happen, succeed; admirar to admire; cause (excite) wonder in, — con hit upon, come upon astonish; achacarse to be attributed or assigned —se de be astonished at, wonder at achuchón m. hug, squeeze adoquín m. cobble, paving stone; pseudo— m. concrete or asphalt paving acoger to receive, accept stone acogida f. reception adorada f. beloved, adored one acometer to attack, come upon, seize; try adrede adv. purposely, intentionally acomodado, —a of means, well to do adusto, —a gloomy, sullen, austere, forbidding acomodarse to place (arrange) oneself, settle afán m. eagerness, longing, deep desire down afección f. chronic disease; affection, acompañante m. attendant, companion kindliness acompañar to accompany, go with, escort afectar to affect, feign acompasado, —a measured, regular, afecto m. love, affection, kindliness rhythmical afectuoso, —a affectionate, kind, amiable acongojado, —a vexed, afflicted, troubled afición f. fondness, attachment aconsejar to advise, counsel afinado, —a perfect, perfected, refined acontecimiento m. happening, event afirmación f. assertion acordarse (de) to remember afirmar to assure, affirm, assert acorde m. chord, harmony, tune agarrado, —a (a) clinging,(to), grasping acortado, —a abashed, taken aback agarrar to grasp, seize, take hold of ; acortar to lessen, slacken tener aldabas donde —se have a “pull” to acostarse to go to bed, lie down rely on acta f. act or record of proceedings; certificate agasajar to fete, wine and dine of election, credentials agigantar to exaggerate, enlarge actividad f. activity, quickness, haste agitar to stir, move, agitate; brandish, wave acto m. act; action, ceremony; agolparse to crowd, rush — continuo immediately, straightway agradar to please, gratify actual actual, present agradecer to be thankful for, thank, express acudir to go (to), come up; hurry, hasten, run thanks for up, rush up agradecido, —a grateful, thankful acuerdo m. accord, agreement; resolution; volver en su —, to reflect, reconsider agradecimiento m. gratitude acumulador m. storage battery agrado m. pleasure, liking acusar to accuse; blame, charge; agraviar to wrong, injure —se accuse oneself agravio m. insult, wrong, injury adagio m. saying, adage agreste wild, rustic, uncultivated adecuado, —a fit, suitable, adequate agrio, —a acrid, sharp; rude, unpleasant adelantamiento m. advance, progress, aguardar(se) to wait, await, lie in wait advancement águila f. eagle; ademán m. gesture, look calle de las Águilas a prominent street in aderezar to prepare, embellish, make beautiful the southeastern section of Seville adhesion f. attachment, loyalty agujero m. hole; spot, point adivinar to guess, conjecture aguzar to sharpen, whet 4 of 41 TC Rindfleisch, 5/8/12 Palacio-Valdés, La Hermana San Sulpicio ahínco m. earnestness, ardor, determination algarada f. commotion, brawl ahogado, —a smothered, stifled algazara f. racket, loud talk/chatter ahorcar to hang aliarse to be joined or united, be allied airoso, —a graceful, attractive, pleasing aliento m. breath ajado, —a wrinkled, faded, withered aliñarse to put in good order, dress up, tidy up ajeno, —a another’s, of another, of others; aliviado, —a relieved, improved in health remote, ignorant almacenado, —a stored up, housed ajustado, —a fitting, able almenado, —a embattled, battlemented ala f. wing; brim of a hat almendra f. almond alado, —a winged; quick almíbar m. syrup; alargar to hold out, extend, offer que supieron a —, which were as sweet as alazán, —a sorrel honey (lit. tasted like syrup) alba f. dawn almidonado, —a starched, stiff albahaca f. sweet basil alminar m. minaret alcance m. reach, range; almoraduj m. sweet marjoram al —, within the reach (range) almuzara = vergel alcanzar to come up, reach, overtake; gain, alón m. plucked wing (bird) attain; succeed; suffice alpujarreño m. & adj.native of Alpujarras, alcaparra f. caper mountainous region of Andalusia alcoba f, bedroom alquicel = alquicer m. Moorish cloak, alcurnia f. lineage, ancestry overgarment aldaba f. handle, knocker; alquiler m. rental, hire tener —s to have a “pull” alterado, —a altered, changed; disturbed aldabonazo m. blow or stroke of the knocker alterarse to be disturbed; lose composure alegar to allege, affirm altivo, —a proud, haughty alegrarse to rejoice, be glad alto m. stop, pause; alegrón m. unexpected joy, burst of joy hacer — en to pay attention to; to pause alejamiento m. removal, withdrawal aluego = luego alejar to drive off (away), banish; alumbrar to light, illuminate —se move off (away), withdraw, pass on alzacuello m. high starched collar; clerical alelí m. gillifiower; stock collar alemán m. German; alzar to raise, lift, take up; Calle de Alemanes a street running east —se rise, stand up (out); los hombros shrug and west on the north side of the Seville the shoulders cathedral amanecer to dawn; alentar to cheer, encourage, spur on el —, dawn Alfalfa: calle de —, a street near the center of amapola f. poppy Seville leading into the calle de las Águilas amargo, —a bitter, sharp alféizar m. embrasure, flared opening in wall; amartelado, —a, enamored, making love recess of door/window amedrentado, —a frightened, intimidated algarabán m. (usually written alcaraván) bittern americana f. sack coat (a bird whose cry is particularly raucous and amianto m. asbestos guttural) amical friendly 5 of 41 TC Rindfleisch, 5/8/12 Palacio-Valdés, La Hermana San Sulpicio amonestado, —a admonished, cautioned apearse to alight, descend, get down (out) amoscado, —a irritated, vexed aperador m. farm manager, outfitter, amoscarse to get irritated, get vexed equipment attendant amparo m. favor, protection, refuge; apetecer to desire, long to (for), crave; be Madre del Amparo Mother of Refuge pleasing to, like; me apetecié I had a desire, I felt like amplio, —a large, spacious, wide, full aplacar to calm down, mitigate amueblado, —a furnished aplazar to postpone, defer, delay ancargar = encargar aplomo m. self-possession, coolness, Andalucía f. Andalusia; NOTE: A large, fertile assurance region in southern Spain, comprising eight provinces, among which Seville is one of apoderarse (de) to get (take) possession of, the most important. get hold of andaluz, —a a. & s. Andalusian aposento m. room, quarters, apartment andandito dim. of andando right ahead, hurry apoteosis f. apotheosis, perfect example; (up), quick deification andén m. platform (of a railway station) apretado, —a close, crowded, compact, close set; tight, close fitting; p. p. of apretar Andújar a city of some 16,000 inhabitants on the route from Madrid to Cordova apretar to tighten, press, squeeze; act diligently, knuckle down anegado, —a overwhelmed, submerged aprieto m. strait, difficulty angostura f. narrow space (passage), narrowness apurado, —a in difficulty, worried, perplexed, put to it angustia f. anguish, worry; pain, suffering apurar to exhaust, consume; worry; anhelante breathless, gasping —se worry, get (grow) angry anhelo m. desire, longing, eagerness; apuro m. difficulty, trouble, fix excitement aquejar to inflict, harass, torment anidar to nest aquel m. undefinable quality, character, animoso, —a spirited, brave, valiant disposition aniquilado, —a annihilated, destroyed árabe Arabic, Moorish; s. Arab, Moor anís m. anise; arábigo, —a Arabic, Arab un grano de —, a trifle arañar to scratch, claw añoso, —a old, ancient arco m. arch; Anselmo m. Anselm