Tim Cahill on Adventure Writing — by Katy Spence 17 Spain Ski Area Offers Untold Stories — by Peter Schroeder 18 Nomadic Newshound — by Taylor Wyllie
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Outdoor Writers Association of America The Voice of the Outdoors August/September 2016 www.owaa.org/ou OUTDOORS UNLIMITED 1 pg. 7 August/September 2016, Vol. 77, No. 4 6 Are you ready to try self-publishing? — by Mary Nickum 7 How to cover forest fires and stay safe — by Katy Spence 9 The eight video commandments — by Chris Batin 10 The significance of statistics— by Taylor Wyllie 11 Crafting the Q and A — by Christine Peterson 12 The evolution of the #hashtag — by Taylor Wyllie 13 Promote your work through radio — by John Kruse pg. 18 14 Tim Cahill on adventure writing — by Katy Spence 17 Spain ski area offers untold stories — by Peter Schroeder 18 Nomadic newshound — by Taylor Wyllie 4 President’s message 20 Conference preview 5 News from headquarters 21 Excellence in Craft winners 16 Circle of Chiefs 28 Honorary award recipients 19 New members 29 Association update ON THE COVER By Colleen Miniuk-Sperry “Joy in the Little Things (Yellow Salsify Seed Head)” won first place in the flora category of the Excellence in Craft photography pg. 21 contest. See a full list of contest winners starting on page 21. OUTDOOR WRITERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Our mission: improve the professional skills of our members, set the highest ethical and communications standards, encourage public enjoyment and conservation of natural resources and mentor the next generation of professional outdoor communicators. Copyright August/September 2016 by Out- NATIONAL PRESIDENT Kris Millgate, Idaho door Writers Association of America Inc. HEADQUARTERS Brett Prettyman, Utah Vicki Mountz, South Carolina Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. The contents of 615 Oak St., Ste. 201 Christine Peterson, Wyoming Outdoors Unlimited do not necessarily Missoula, MT 59801 OFFICERS Paul Vang, Montana represent the opinion or endorsement of 406-728-7434, Fax: 406-728-7445 Vice President: Phil Bloom, Indiana Mike Zlotnicki, North Carolina OWAA, its staff, officers, directors or mem- [email protected], www.owaa.org Second Vice President: TBD bers. Outdoors Unlimited (ISSN 0030-7181) is published bimonthly by Outdoor Writers Secretary: TBD COUNSELS Association of America Inc., 615 Oak St., STAFF Treasurer: Ty Stockton, Wyoming Attorney: William Jay Powell, Missouri Executive Director: Tom Sadler Ste. 201, Missoula, MT 59801. Periodicals Medical: William W. Forgey, Indiana postage paid at Missoula, MT, and addi- Membership and Conference Services BOARD OF DIRECTORS Supporting Group Liaison: Katie McKalip, tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send Director: Jessica Seitz address changes to Outdoors Unlimited, Sam Caldwell, Texas Montana Outdoor Writers Association of America Publications Editor: Kelsey Dayton Bob Ford, Pennsylvania Inc., 615 Oak St., Ste. 201, Missoula, MT Copy Editor: Bill Bowers Tom Keer, Massachusetts 59801. Karen Loke, Texas 2 OUTDOORS UNLIMITED August/September 2016 From the Editor Make the most of your membership e will have news section of the website. nature photographer. Look for upcoming recently wrapped n Share a killer shot on our webinar information in OU and watch ones Wup our annual Facebook page by submitting to our you missed by visiting http://owaa.org/ conference by the time this Feature Photo Friday. members-area/resources/webinars. Read issue of OU returns from the below this article to find out information on printer. We often tout confer- Improve your skills our next webinar. ence as the greatest member n The craft improvement articles benefit we offer, but it’s far in Outdoors Unlimited are meant to Find work. from the only one. For those teach new skills. Is there something n Have you signed up for the Outdoor unable to make it to Billings, KELSEY DAYTON you’ve been interested in learn- Market? While you can check it regularly Montana, this year, or for those ing more about? Let us know and through the website, you can also make who did and returned home we’ll try to find an expert to draft an sure you get an email any time a new job is inspired to keep the momentum they built article. Our online archive of Outdoors Un- posted. The Outdoor Market features only learning and networking, this is meant to limited is up-to-date thanks to the diligent paid work requests, like publications seek- be a reminder of a few benefits sometimes work by our summer interns. Take time to ing freelance submissions, or companies forgotten and ways you can maximize your browse old issues or search craft improve- needing to hire outdoor communicators. membership year-round. ment articles online for tips of the trade. n We recently put our directory online. Whether you’ve recently published a n Each year the Madson Fellowship That means you can search out the email of book, or you are hoping to get your photo- offers scholarships for continuing education that fellow member whose work you’ve ad- graphs in front of magazine editors, OWAA opportunities, from attending our annual mired, find people who specialize in cover- is here to help you promote and sell your conference, to taking attending classes or ing certain topics like bowhunting and solic- work, as well as give you the skills reach other conferences. it pitches for your publication or find editors new markets. n Can’t make it to conference? You can who work with content you cover and send still take advantage of experts leading craft a personalized query, or connect with other Promote your work. improvement session. Visit http://owaa.org/ outdoor communicators in your state. With n The Bookshelf in OU features new members-area/resources/ the new supporting groups directory, you books by members. conference-videos/ to watch conference can find contacts at companies representing n The portfolio in the magazine offers videos. Our 2016 conference videos will travel, gear and outdoor advocacy. n a chance to show off your skills behind the be online soon. In the meantime, you can camera. watch sessions from previous years. — Editor Kelsey Dayton n Tell your fellow members about n We’ve recently added free webinars [email protected] awards or recent projects on the member tackling topics like making money as a OWAA free webinar: Incorporating creativity to improve your work Join Nikhil Bahl, a photographer, author and educator in Washington D.C. for a webinar on creativity at noon Mountain Standard Time on Sept. 8. What is creativity? How can you be creative? Creativity means different things to different people. However, being truly creative means being able to express oneself artistically. Communication and interpretation play a big part in this process. Using his photos as examples, Bahl will share his thoughts and ideas on creativity and inspire you to push beyond the literal. The webinar is free to OWAA members. To sign up, visit https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/913351490816932097. www.owaa.org/ou OUTDOORS UNLIMITED 3 President’s Message Presidential pact Prettyman steps up to lead OWAA he coup is complete. tween 2012 and 2017 came from newspaper like you and me who volunteered to take on Newspaper guys rule OWAA. backgrounds, but even I’m a little suspi- some extra duties to keep Outdoor Writers TFour of the last five presidents cious about the dominance. Association of America strong and vital. served, or are serving, long ca- Perhaps you are thinking we all I was intimidated and a little star struck reers in the newspaper industry. have time because we are unem- in my first board meeting. I spent most of And the reign will continue with ployed as newspapers keep slash- the time just listening and getting a sense the current vice president also ing jobs like Taylor’s casts hit the of how things worked, but it wasn’t long coming from the print journal- water. The truth is, four of us have before I realized I had a voice and that it ism world. since left the profession, but remain mattered to the other board members and The idea for three of those to qualified for OWAA membership the organization. That is powerful stuff and run for president hatched during with other forms of outdoor com- comes with a strong sense of responsibility. the 2007 conference in Roanoke, munication careers. Only Freeman Over the course of my board term I came Virginia. maintains his job as a daily scribe. to develop a deeper understanding of how Emboldened by each other’s So what gives? Why are OWAA works and what it takes to keep the enthusiasm, the three — feel BRETT PRETTYMAN members from the other disciplines organization afloat financially and in terms free to call them Larry, Curly of OWAA avoiding accepting the of member services. and Moe — made a pact not only to take gavel? It is absolutely vital for OWAA mem- turns leading OWAA, but to support each It took me a while to agree to run for the bers, those serving in official capacities and other while doing it. executive board. I kept dodging the oppor- those who just joined the organization, to When I became president in Billings, tunity, saying I was too busy and wouldn’t engage in the operations and understand the Montana, in July, it completed our plan to be able to serve OWAA as I should. I of- issues to keep us healthy. take over OWAA. fered up the same excuse when I was asked I have occasionally found myself over We decided it made sense to ride the to throw my name into the hat for the board my head when asked to perform certain success of the annual conference in his of directors. tasks for OWAA. At first I was reluctant, hometown and threw Mark Taylor to the I was wrong.