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WEDNESDAY, MAY ?2, 1968 .... iOmtrlTPBtpr Evraing HmtUi Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock 1 -■ . Ihe MYF Players of. the The Newcomers Club of tpe The Grade 7 Methodlat Youth ^Abont Town Senior Youth Study Croup of Manchester YWCA will have Its Fellowahlp of South Methodist 'Y - ■ ’ North Methodist Church will installation banquet Thursday, Church will have its final dis­ C’The Woia«n*> QuUd of Trinity present a play, “ The Class June 6 at the Manchester Coun­ cussion on “ How Do I Like My­ Manchester in Days Gone By Averace Daily Net Press Ran ftnwimiit Oiurch will iiave a WaiS,” toRiiorrow at. 6:46 psn. try C^b. A social time will be­ self” Friday at 7 p.m. at the For Tbe Week Ended The W eather bake sale Saturday from 10 at the church. The play Is di­ gin at' 6:30 p.tn. and dinner vrUl churoH. May U, ItiB t,m . to 1 p.m. In Fellowship rected by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin be served at 7:16. William Rain tonight and tomorrow. Hall at the church. Jl "Oobweb Culver. Special guests will be Knight of MEUichester will Members of the Manchester lu r n ttm Low tonight in 60s. High tomor­ Oomer” wUl feature used the parents of the group. speak. Reservations close Sun­ Emblem Club hkve been invited 15,070 row in low 60s. articles. A Coffee Shop wUl be day and may be made with to Installation ceremonies June open througltout the sale. Mrs. The annual Mystery Bus Bide Mrs. Barry Stoner of 171E. Cen­ a at the Norwalk Emblem Club, ManeheMter-— A City of ViUage Charm Burton Johnson Is chairman of of the Mr. and Mrs. Club of ter St. and District Deputy Night June the event, cuid will be In char|^ Temple Beth Sholom will be on 12 at the Putnam Emblem Club. VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 199 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO. SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THUSDAY, MAY 23, 1968 (Olaaoifled AdverllaiBg on Page $1) PRICE TEN CENTS of baked goods. kOss Elsie Saturday. Buses will leave from Beta Sigma Phi international Reservattons for both events Johnson is In charge of the the temple at 7:16 p.m. Mem­ sorority will have its annual close Monday, and may be Coffee Shop, and Mrs. William bers wishing to attend may con­ state convention Saturday at the made with Mrs. Alfred Ponticel- T. Smyth Is chairman of the tact Mrs. Bernard Apter, 100 Hotel America, Hartford. Mayor 11, SO M cKee'St., or Mrs. Al­ Oobweb Comer. The event is Conway Rd., and checks to Ann Uccello will be awarded fred Ritter, 46 Chester Dr. open to the public. hold reservations may be mail­ honorary membership In the ed to her. , sorority. The First Congressional Dls- The Washington School PTA tilot Republican Women's As­ U.S. Losing U.S. Will Not Be Defeated will hold a Monte Carlo Whist South Methodist Church will Friends and former pupils of sociation will sponsor a “Nite MILLS SEES PASSAGE tonight at 8 in the cafeteria. have a Teachers Appreciation Miss Sylvia ClafUn, retiring In Las Vegas” Friday at 7:80 OF TAX. SPENDING CUT Those attending should bring a Dinner tomoorow at 6:30 p.m. Grade 1 teacher at Bowers p.m. at the Solomon Welles white elephant gift to be auc­ in Cooper Hall of the church. School, are Invited to an In­ House, Wethersftqld. Proceeds WASHINGTON (AP)—BOp. tioned, while refreshments are Mrs. • Herbert McKinney will formal reception In her honor, will benefit the campaign of the More Planes Wlloui’ >>. i.xlilS said today he being served. The public Is In­ present a “ Do It Yourself to be held at the school Friday First District GOP candidate to expects the House to pass the vited. Fashion Show." from 7 to 9 p.m. Congress this fall. $10 btUion tax-$6 billim spend­ ing cut package “ whm aU the While Talks On, LBJ Warns The East Academy, formerly located on Parker St. This “ Inside Art ’68," an exhibit at fanfare Is over.” 'The structure Is typical of the smaller public buildings In the the Mary Cheney Library of Arkansas Democrat, chalmiian Greek revival style. It has a pUlared front, with a low, square Than Ever of the House Ways and Means WASHINGTON (AP)—Pres­ work done by inmates of Con­ towerwlth pillars of pilasters at the corners. ident Johnson today warned necticut State Prison at Som­ Committee and key flgiire In the taxatlon-and-spending con­ North Vietnam, which he said ers and the Osborn Division, SAIGON (AP) — American pilots are flying more troversy, indicated he does not is pressing its aggresssion de­ Greater Meat Value has been very well received, ac­ missions against North Vietnam and losing more planes spite peace negotiations, that think a move In the House cording to John Jackson, head than they did before President Johnson put the major next week to scale down a toe United States “ will not be librarian. New paintings and pa^^t of the country off limits to them, statistics from spending cut will succeed. defeated in toe fleld while CALnP. N E W pen and inik sketches have re­ the" U.S. Command showed today. Rep. James A. Burke, D— these talks go on.*’ TOMATOES placed those sold since the ex­ The command announced today that North Vietna­ Mass., a Ways and Means In spite of toe preliminary hibit opened, and the show will mese antiaircraft fire brought down two more planes member, said Wednesday he negotiations In Paris, John­ continue through Saturday. Wednesday, and the three crewmen are all missing. would'-introduce a motion for son said, "It still Is not clear U.S. troops losses also con tin ------a $4 biUioii spending cut. This that Hanoi is ready for an Box of 4 19c Center Congregational Church would agree with the figure early and honorable peace." Lbs. 49c Americans „ver the North. In March the will sponsor a Loyalty Dinner reported killed In combat last number went to 11. During President Johnson has said he The warning came at White for all adult members of the i *H*^®®* April, the first month Johnson’s would reluctantly accept. House ceremonies in which church tomorrow at 7 p.m. at weekly toU of the war for Amer- curtaUment order was liVeffeCt, Johnson awarded a presi­ piano’s Restaurant, Bolton. The FEATURING THE FINEST MEATS MONEY CAN BUY U.S. planes were rei>orted dential unit citation for gal­ dinner Is In conjunction with The Sou* Vietnamese govern- lantry In action to the 26th a Combined Funds Canvass now 3 Marine Regiment of toe 3rd in progress at the church. No killedS i ladt week, while toe allied matched by an increase In -?■ toe State News Marine Division which held solicitations wlU take place at e^m ate of enemy kUled was missions flown. Khe Sanh against a siege by r the dinner. Illustrated brochures 4,766 During March, while toe larger enemy forces. on the canvass will be available. The two planes were lost Milford Man northeast monsoons were stUl The President said the action Those wishing to attend and not The old Center Church, built 1826. Later used as the Town Wednesday as Annerican filers producing heavy cloixl cover already contacted may call the held major North Vietnamese Hall. Here a portico of heavy, fluted Doric columns extends inlsslona against 2,648 missions were a t a l l v ^ l l O t church office. forces out of major engage­ across the front of the building. The traditional spire was re­ Norto Vletaam’s Muthem jh^ ^^ole of North ^ CTllKKK ments to toe south and, in his tained, however, standing on two lower stages, one square, This church was built after 1860, when the Greek revival was handle, the highest number Vietnam. opinion, helped bring about toe The Little TheatBf of Man­ flown this month. The U.S. Com­ the other octagonal. waning. However, it has a lovely, wide portico of fluted The monsoons began to lift In initial talks. chester will meet tonight at 22 Ionic columns at the front, and the tower, (removed a few mand said toe three crewmen In Drivewa Oak St. James Pendergast is In April, and although pllbts then Hanoi’s incentive to negotiate of Greece, was based on Greek years ago) had the columns and pediments of the Greek re­ 7 charge of program. Refresh­ Many excellent books have I I t .t M U, Hwilted to bombing North MILFORD (AP)—An assail­ was “ greatly strengthened," building. However, England and vival church. tri^***® Hanoi claimed North Vietnam’s narrow southern pan- ments will be served. The meet- been written in the last fifty ant, who police say appeu'ently Johnson said, “ by what these years about the architecture of the United States knew little of Wetnamese ^ e r s downed ^elow toe 19th parallel, uig is open to all persons In­ lay In wait behind a -oliunp of men did at Khe Sanh, because the structures in Greece itself, terested in little theater. the colonial and early federal ®® 3.412 missions were logged. So bushes, fired two shotgun blasts they demonstrated toe futility of which had been for many years ^ e d all toe pilots. It also j ^ y pjiots have flown periods In the United States. In that took the life of a 43-year- their (North Vietnam’s) at­ later articles in this series, we a q>art of the Turkish Empire. charged * a t toe Uidted States 2,845 missions; and toe final flg- Miss Linda Orfltelll of 2 Vil­ old auto sales agency executive tempting to win a military 'vic­ shall discuss the Manchester In the late 1700’s, two English is contlnul^ “ to conduct bwba- April's total, W ith the batheeue season right around the comer you will want to know where lage St., a student at Southern Wednesday night. tory In toe South." houses which survive from the artists, after considerable travel rous raids’* on North Vietnam ^ U.S. Command spokesman to buy the finest U. S. ChtMce steaks, freshly ground hamburg hnd better than Connecticut State College, has Then Johnson, standing In eighteenth century and the first in Greece, published an exten­ While W. Averell Harriman, toe attributed the Increased U.S. Both blasts struck toe victim, average frankfurts. Pinehuret is . .. todiy . . . as always famous for better been admitted to Omlcron Psl U.S. representaUve at toe Paris clearing weather that Ctoarles McCoy, in the chest. front of toe massed battle flags two decades of the nineteenth. sive set of drawings of Greek and military honors of toe 26to meats. Speefal feature this week . . . Dubuque Pork Shoulder Picnics weighing Lambda, senior honorary so­ peace talks, "claims the U.S. ls j,orto Vietnamese gun- McCoy had just stepped from This article is concerned mainly buildings. This portfolio of draw­ Regiment and the 3rd Division, ciety. ings sold widely in England and ready to 'de-escalate the war.*’’ pg^gr chances, to a bulld- his car In the driveway of his 4 to 5 lbs.. . . 49c lb. with the Greek revival style In voiced doubt Hanoi actually is Manchester (roughly the years some copies of it reached the The loss of the two planes North Vietnamese antlalr- home at 60 Pomona Ave. when The Golden Age Club will ready for peace. 1820—1860), and wlU treat the United States. Early in the nine­ ralsed the total reported lost In defenses below toe 19th felled by toe blasts. Police said U. S. CHOICE 1 ^ t» the difTerenee In Pinehurst Franks meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the backg^und and development of teenth century, .much of the combat In toe North to 10 In parallel and to toe Increase in he apparently was returning “ The flow of infiltrators from Senior Citizens Center, Myrtle and Ground Meats . . . all featured at the Greek revival movement sculpture from the Parthenon May. and 841 since the start of ^ § flights. home from a visit and parked Northern Vietnam has been and Linden Sts. Members are and some of the public build­ was shipped to England and fi­ the air war more toan three “ The percentage of aircraft the car in the driveway while he greater ..." he said. "There CUBE STEAKS special first of the season batheeue reminded to bring articles for ings designed in that manner. nally installed In the British Mu­ years ago, toe UR. Gommand downed 1? slightly higher toan went to move bicycles belong­ has been no visible lessening of bingo games. prices. A second article will deal with seum ifl London. In 1821, the said. One of toe planes ^lost m the^poor weather of February ing to Ws two children. Remains of helicopter lies in cattle pen in Paramount, Calif. (AP Photofax). Hanoi’s aggressive efforts. In Lb *1.33 the Greek revival houses of the Greeks rebelled against the Wednesday was a Navy photo- and March.” toe epokesman Police sought a man for ques­ fact, Hanoi is telling its forces 1st PRIZE SKINLESS Mountain Laurel Chapter of town. Turks,and a wave of sympathet­ reconnaissance RF8 Crusader, gald. “ But we are flying more tioning in connection with the In the South that toey must con­ Sweet Adelines will me^t tomor­ slaying. tinue their aggressive effort to The founders of the American ic interest swept across Eng­ toe other an Air Force F4 Phan missions and toe nurhber of Ferrying Group from Disneyland U. S. CHOICE row at the Russian American McCoy’s two young children support their negotiators.” M republic were familiar with the land and the United States. Soon tom. planes downed goes up. The Home, 211 Wethersfield Ave., The United States, for Its history of the republics of after these events, courthouses, In February nine American were at home at the time of FRANKS 89i Hartford. The event Is open to warplanes were announced lost (See Page Fifteen) the shooting, with a house­ part, 'Will continue to pursue toe TOP ROUND Greece and Rome. During his churches, banks and dwellings all women interested In barber­ negotiations soberly and. seri­ stay In Prance, where he serv­ designed like Greek temples be­ keeper identified as Isabel Ray­ Oscar Mayer SkinTless Franks ...... lb . 0 3 ^ shop-style harmony. Those wish­ The North Methodist Church as It now appears, the First ously, Joihnson said. SLIC E S or ed as American ambassador in gan to appear along the eastern nor of Milford. 23 Killed in Coast Helicopter Crash ing further Information may “ But this should also be the last part of the eighteenth seaboard of this country, and Church of Christ Scientist. GROTT & WEIGEL NATURAL CASING contact Mrs. Fran Hynes of 299 His wife, Patricia, was not at clear: We will not be defeated LEAN OVEN century, Thomas Jefferson, a spread out Into the South and PARAMOUNT, Calif. (AP)— tify victims, Mrs. Jack Gamer tion, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. turning together to Columbus Main St., or Mrs. Truman Cran- home. She reportedly has been on the battlefield while the talks talented amateur architect, be­ the Middle West. and a square tx>wer substituted, spoken of as the ffirstt original On Capitol Hill A big passenger helicopter en of Columbus, Ohio, said she was Howard Culp of Canton. She Sunday, she said. a patient for the past three go on,” he added. ROAST daU of 68 White St. came a devotee of Roman build­ Of course, the Idea of a col­ often ki two or three stages or contribution to the building art notliied that her parents, grand­ also named Mary Katcher of The twin-rotor craft broke weeks at Connecticut Valley route from Disneyland to Los The United States, he said, ings, espelcally the Roman tem­ umned portico was already fa­ sections with Greek columns at made by American designers. Hospital in Middletown. mother, three uncles and two Steubenville, - Ohio, a family apari 16 miles from Los Angeles Hie Greek revival dwelling Angeles International Airport aunts were listed as on toe Los friend, as aboard. International Airport. “ will not permit a victory that A FRANKS 99‘> ples, aqueducts and amphitheat­ miliar to Americans, but the col­ the comers of the sections and McCoy was vice president of would make a mockery of toe Lhn.19 ers In southern France. On his umns were usually based on small triangular pediments built house WlU be dlsqussed In a Mass Arrests Halted puzzllngly came apart in toe air Angeles Airways flight. Mrs. Gamer said o"e groun of The cause of the. crash was McCoy Motors, Inc., in Milford. negotiations." Dubuque Skinlless Franks ...... lb. return home, he remodeled his Roman builiings and were plain, into the design somewhere. later arUde (to be published His business partner, Victor Wednesday night and crashed, She lifted them as Dr. and relatives left Ohio May 16 and llstensumers’ Happy Manchester Couple INVESTS m s ASSETS ,, « 132 Strike End By ALFRED SHEINWOLD ^ AQ7532 Credit Act Pause Briefly from War 0'AQ5 / (OarttMOcd froBi Fage O n e ) ------A good bridge columnist stays ♦ 9, WASHINGTON (AP) — The A sleek commercial airliner savings fund, but Danny has a away from ideology, but one the Oabinet mlnUters drove up were- meaaea of smoldering, WEST EAST House passed yesterday a roared down the runway at surprise In store. i: must note the fact that contract A 7 6 5 ♦ 4 to the Elysee Palace. It was Uke sweeping consumer credit pro- Bradley Field Monday and an­ Danny knows that his bride ct). _ - . _ . . Several hundred demonstra- bridge seems to flourish in cap­ 94 ^ KJ 108 teotlon act, to require that full has been hard at woilc as a other landed with gleaming 1 a Sunday except that fewer cars tors during the night attacked italistic countries. Periiaps one O 1972 0 108 6 3 information be given borrowers teller In Oie Main St. branch than normal were out because the senate building in the Latin reason is that the capitalistic + KJ64 ♦ A Q 105 and buyers on the cost of credit. wings Tuesday at Honolulu In­ of the Connecticut Bank and of gasoline shortages and the Quarter, breaking windows urith bridge player sees the advan­ SOUTH Criminal penalties would be ternational Airport In Hawaii. Trust Co. since Ms departure, tage o f investing part of his taxi'strike. rocks and recelvii^jj an answer- # AKQJ 109 provided for strong-arm loan Aboard was Donna Uriano, 11 and fie also knows where that Army trucks which have been ing volley of tear gas grenades, aasets to produce a profit. ^ .6 ahark methods. Strant St., Manchester, Oonn. money is supposed to go, but used for emergency transporta- The motion to censure the Opening lead — seven of 0 K4 The bill now goes to the Sen­ love knows no bounds, so tion took the day off. government needed 244 votes spades 4 873 2 ate, where prompt approval of flying to a long-awaited rendez­ plucky Donna has been moon­ The actual South player, not Over the nation, it was the for passage but got the support West North East ' the compromise measure Is ex­ vous. lighting with a second job as ah Investor, took the nine of same story. Restauruits, movie of only 2S8 deputies. Those vot­ Pass 2 (J) Pass pected. Private First aass Daniel a waitress at the International spades and gave up a club. West houses and food shops—msmy of ing. for censure Included 73 Although similar legislation tlrlano, also of 11 Strant St., Pancake House on Broad St., stepped up with the jack of clubs Pass 6 # All Pass them largely depleted of staples Communists, 121 members of hqs been fought over In Con­ but more recently of the Unit­ in order to return another spade. on the sly. —were about the only busi­ the Federation of the Democrat­ gress for seven years and Sen­ ed States Army, was to be Since January she has beao South won, ruffed a club in good heart enables him to ’ ful- nesses open. ic and Socialist Left, 34 Cen­ ate-House disagreements kept there In Hawaii when the plane able to earn $ ^ towards the dummyk cashed the ace of fill his slam contract. the present bill tied up in The Cabinet meeting was ex­ trists, 4 Independents and Ed- touched down, ending for him trip, a surprise that Is guaran­ hearts and ruffed a heart. Then The bloated plutocrat! cpnfei^nce for weeks, the House pected ito be the last for several gard Plsanl, De Gaulle’s former the longest vigil of his military teed to give Danny an even declarer drew the last trump Daily Question took its final acUon without de­ ministers. A Oabinet reshuffled minister of agriculture who- an- career. more pleasant reunion. is believed in the offing. ^ u nced earlier he would quit and ran the three diamonds, dis­ As deafer, you hold: Spades, bate and by voice vote. If everything went according According to Donna it has A few cracks developed in the the assembly after voting carding a club fi^m his hand. 4; Hearts, K-J-10-8; Diamonds, Generally, the bill requires to schedule the young couple now been three months since strike front, but the number on against the government. Unfortunately, ^uth still had 10-8-6-S; Clubs, A-Q-IO-S. that anyone who borrows money was reunited after being sep­ she has heard her husband’s strike was still. estimated at 8 Had the censure motion a losing club and eventually had What do yon sayT or buys on credit must be told to give that up for a one-trick Answer; Pass. The hand is not the cost of the credit In terms of arated since last July when voice, and the mail has not million, half the nation's work passed the assembly, Pompidou Danny-was drafted. The meet­ force. And rebellious students defeat. South scored 60 points quite worth an opening bid. the annual percentage. been as frequent as she would and his Gaullist re^m e would ing also marks the halfway ,^ k to the streets of Paris because o f . his honors, but Copyright 1068 A special section would make like, since Danny has been serv­ have been forced to step down mark of Danny’s 12-month as­ again throughout the nlg^t. and De Gaulle would have had this was a pale imitation of General Features Corp. it a federal offense to extend ing with a company that moves signment in 'Vietnam and his A few small plants reopened to seek a new premier. De what he should have earned. credit on extortionate terms. around chasing the Viet (3k>ng a well-earned week of rest and re­ Wednesday following agree­ Gaulle’s own term as president Gives Up Trick SPILLANE BARBED Extortionate transactions * are great deal. cuperation. It’s a second honey­ ments with the owners adjusting runs until 1972 and is not men­ South must invest a diamond PRETORIA, South Africa defined as those Including But today It doesn’t matter moon for the young Manchester wages and working conditions. aced by such votes. trick to make the slam. He gets (AP) — South African censors excessive interest rates and In­ 'because the couple has begun couple who were married here Ihese were considered isolated The 77-year-old soldier-states­ only two diamond tricks instead have banned German language volving express or implicit seven happy days In a dream on April F(X)l’s Day last year. cases, however, and there was man is scheduled to make his of three, but scores .1,680 in­ versions of four thrillers by U.S. threat that violence or other land. And because love can be no indication of a major break first public statement on the cri­ stead of 60 points. writer Mickey Spillane. criminal means harming per­ Donna has estimated the cost on unselfish thing, in six in the nationwide movement sis Friday night in a radio-tele- After giving up a club and son, reputation or property will of the trip at more than $1,200, months, when Danny returns, a that has paralysed postal deliv­ vision address to the nation. A getting a spade return. South be used to enforce collection. a sum toat Danny thinks will certain sairings account will ery, transport, business and in­ hint of the line he may take was must lead a heart to the ace The financing of extortionate be coming out of their mutSal have an extra I860 in it. dustrial . life, and is causing given after the assembly vote and' ruff a heart. Only then can ^ STATE credit also is forbidden. Spon­ n d MANCHisrro cih' ip growing shortages of food, cash when one of his ministers urged he afford to ruff a qlub in dum­ rail PABN BIAB OF *mIATB| sors said this provides means to and gasoline. "all those who oppose anarchy” (Herald iihoto by Pinto) my. This enables him to ruff get at the upper echelons of Trada union leaders respcmd- to rally around the government. another heart. "Minute to Pray” 8:4S those underworld organizations “ Cop-Out" 7:00 which put up the money for loan 3 ed favorably to Premier "It is not possible that the Bolton Church Opens Antique Show Tomorrow South draws the last trump, Georges Pompidou’s offer to most civilized nation in the discarding the low diamond Short Subject 6:48 shake operations. Another en­ forcement weapon Is provided open negotiations on wage in­ world will not take a grip on it­ Breakfast buns and coffee was once not a matter of jars Rev. Hugh A. Gillis, pastor of Bolton’s Methodist Church. The • from dummy. This limits declar­ creases and other benefits long s e lf/’ said Roger Frey, minister and boxes, but of muscle. Mrs. Daiyn Carlson, of Birches An­ ladies are two of 12 dealers who will have items for exhibit er to two diamond tricks Instead 'am iin by specifying that persons In­ demanded by the workers. But in charge of regulations with tiques, Twin Hills Dr., Coventry, holds a coffee grinder, and and sale at the church’s antique show in the Rothwell bam of three. volved may be required to testi­ A view of the formal gardens at the home of Mrs. Frank Hardenbergh on Prospect St. The stande on the sides are fountains. fy, under promise of Immunity Nms leaders of the three major trade parliament. Mrs. Barbara Thompson, of the Blue Duck School Rd., Bol­ on Howard Rd., off Rt. 44A, Bolton, tomorrow from 10 a.m. Declarer then leads a dia­ to p union federations came up tidth ton, lifts the cover of a butter chum for the edification of the to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. mond to. dummy’s queen, ruffs from prosecution. a broad list of demands that another heart, and leads the a s e c o n d Vernon would boost the nation’s wage Mancheater Area king of diamonds to dummy’s costs by many millions of dol­ t o d i e !" . South Windsor THEATER TIME ace. Dummy’s last two hearts Berry President lars. Coventry Men are good, and South uses one of Pompidou succeeded in ral- SCHEDULE them to make up for the invest­ O f Waddell PTA lytpg enough support in the Na- Charged After ed diamond trick and the other Ex-Church, Gardens in Home Tour Saturday tlohal Assembly Wednesday Uoyd Berry of 92 Columbus Hazardous Kelly Rd. Studied Burnside—Graduate, 7:05-9:10 lA. OathoUc church is conveit- Pllver on Echo Mountain. Con­ ed In 1896. The total living space house was built around 1790 and heels will not be allowed nor night to defeat a motion of cen­ St. has been installed as presi­ Car Rolls Over Cinema 1—The Fox, 7:18-9:30 COLOR FROMCRC temporary throughout, it was on one floor totals 2700 square was restored by the Roberts and children under 12 years old. sure which would have forced ed inito a home with half of the dent of the Waddell Schl PTA State—A Minute To Pray, 8:46. designed by Mrs. Pllver. feet. It is on Washington St.' an architect. A barn on the Punch and cookies will be him out of office and would The Town Council this week and would not change the water On Monday Brownie Troop ^Bteeiple leflt as' a reminder. Wa­ for 1968-69. He succeeds Mrs. Two Coventry brothers were Cop-Out, 7:00 A cMIdren’s level is a fea­ The completely renovated property also holds many sur­ served at the home of Mrs. have been a severe blow to heard Town Manager Terry level. 788 win meet in St. Peter’s par­ ILlrATIiAJEEAST Vernon Muse. arrested on a variety of charges U.A. Theater—No Way To ter splashes its way over rocks ture of the modern ranch on home of Dr. and Mrs. John prises. Roberts. President Charles de Gaulle’s Sprenkel announce that the town The CRPA resolution on the ish hall at 3:30 p.m. Other officers are Donald Treat A Lady, 7:00-8:65 Mon. Hun FH. 7:00-8:56 ' inibo a pool of godidfish in a gar­ Tumblebrook Dr. owned by Mr. Nordby on Reservoir Rd. dates Tickets are available from Patricia Dlmock is chairman already weakened prestige. by CJoventry police last night is attempting to solve the traf­ location of the highway will be Hi-¥ Goes Camping Sharpe, first vice president; East Hartford Drive-In—A Etot-Son. 8:00-6:45- “A Minute tb den which looks and sounds as and Mrs. Gordon Beckwith. back about 200 years and was Jaycee members, Ellington of the event. Other committee But as the vote was being after their oar rolled over on fic hazard problem existing on sent to the State Highway De­ This weekend the Jimior High Robert Clifford, second vice Minute To Pray, 8:20. Cop-Out, 5:65-7tS0-6il0 Piay” 8:85 The church, which was con­ orig^lnally known as the Walker Pharmacy, Mile Hill Pharmacy members are Patricia Clapp, cotmted, several thousand stu­ Flanders Rd. Kelly Rd. The road is heavily partment and will include the and Senior Hl-Y groups ■of the if it’s anywhere else but in the president; Mrs. William Aron­ 10:30 verted to a home, was pur­ Homestead. and Nutmeg Pharmacy and tickets; Judy Ball, hostesses; dents marched on the assembly traveled and there have been above requests. Wapping YMCA will go to the mldrson, Mine And Ours, 8:30. Hour of TREAT by the Vernign Jaycee Wives. Delegates to the PTA coun­ Jail in Ueu of a $800 bond. His The house tour, which also Expert, supervised by the finest technical staff, who had gone to Amsterdam to night council session, provides aijj gaid that interest in the Barters Davis, Gall Banister, the^Gun, 10:40 cil are Mrs. Vernon Muse, Mrs. case was continued InManches. . A L A D Y indudes an art exMhit in Tal- phone our nearest local office; talk to Dutch students. ter Circuit Court 12 today to for the installation of sidewalks committee is very g^reat. Since ggiiy Swanson, Martha W a rn er,______> ’. - US V nr'’ DRIVE IN Louis Rosslllo and Mrs. Rllch- A cordon of armed riot police on Kelly Rd. from the Vernon the committee is operating in Robert La Porte. Mr. and oott Park, will be held rain or June 17, and he was released ’ard Werkhelsset. kept the jeering mob away from line to Avery St. Mayor Fitts a suburban area rather than the j(j.g cSiarles Warner will attend camp-out as we)l as the stidne on Saturday flrom 11 a.m. The installation was conducted without bond. NOW-^NDS TUBS. the assembly building. Student commented that many of the usual urban setting for such a the weekend as adult leaders. adults. Anyone who would be unlUl 5 pjn. Proceeds will bene­ by Mrs. Allan Walch, former Kenneth C. Hartley, 21, of Featbre First nmnday leaders finally ordered the dem­ dangerous situations occur in committee, the recommenda­ The weekend of June 7, 8 and able to loan a tent is asked to fit the music shell which was PTA president. 649-9240 M UNIVHSAl ntSCNTS m TtO««C(XOI*' onstrators to disperse, but North Windham, driver of the the Vernon portion of Kelly Rd. tions of the group will be geared 9 a group from the Uncas Hl-Y contact Mrs. Charles Warner. purchased for the area by car, was arrested and charged throughout the night , students when people are travelling to accordingly. Prevention of so­ g(roup will camp out at the Bur- Bulletin Board i r Rockville Rotary. ACnON NOT ALL IN FILM with breach and young workmen in bands of wl™ breach of breach of the and from Vernon Circle and en­ cial problems rather than the Ungame State Park in Rhode Is­ The Abe Miller Unit American The art exhibit will feature BOMBAY, (AP) — A BLISS TESIOTE CONTROL CORP. up to a hundred ihamed the Left peace, operating under the fe- counter pedestrians. cure of them will be stressed. land. This is not a county Y Legion Auxiliary has opened the the work of Henry Novgiad, woman complained to police Bank. Ouence, failure to drive esta- South Windsor officials hope Spring Festival Set activity but one planned only for annual Poppy Drive which will | N O r ^ Berkowltz, Linda Mar­ that her necklace was stolen in DIV. OP BLISS IXnRMINATOR CO., INC. • 1ST. 1882 Days of uncollected garbage hriied lane and operating with to confer with Vernon town of­ St. Peter’s Episcopal church tino, David Batz, Joan Johnson the darkness of the cinema hall. the Uncas HI-Y' group. This run through Memorial Day. RICHARD HENRY The Oldest and Largest in Conn. and produce crates provided unsafe tires. He was released ficials about making Kelly Rd. will hold a Spring Festival on weekend will be, the wind up of The dedication of the Dorothy and SAephen Sandia. Paintings She was seeing the picture, material for them to raise fiery under -the no cash bail program safer. A public hearing on the Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. the program fot the year. F. Hull Memorial Ubrary In the and creilts will be for sale and "Jewel Thief. barricades across street after for appearance in court June 17. in the parish hall, rain or shine. WIDMARK FONDA Sandia will do portraits of the installation of the sidewalk will Along for the weekend will be Timothy Edwards School will street. -Police dbuntered with Coventry police said the bo held in June by the council. Plants, white elephants and take place on Sunday, June 2, puhllc for a moderate fee. A Ted Burhans, the Red Cross In­ tear gas grenades and water breach of the peace charges homemade baked goods will be Swindell’s Gardens at the Since there Will be assessments structor for the Hartford coun­ as part of the open house pro­ cannon. Ten police were injured stemmed from a disturbanlcB on sale. A special feature will INGER STEVENS home of Mrs. Frank E. Hhiden- levied for the sidewalk construc­ ty Y who will serve as life­ gram. The open house will be slightly by rocks. the pair created in the parking be cactus plants grown by John Plus A Great Oo-Blt bergh were designed in 1922 by tion, the public hearing must guard for the group. John Dean, held from 2-5 p.m. with the dedi­ After police had scattered the lot of the Windham Memorial Zukatis of Dogwood 'Liane. For n short journey from giri lo woman; ffle ardilteot Fletcher Steele. A be held. a former leader of the Y group cation scheduled for 3 p.m. rock throwers, they left the Hospital when they refused to the children there will be games pBlUo and solarium look out on Sprenkel said that the town will attend the weekend as will demonstrators to their fires. But be taken into the hospital for and flm carr'rides’’. Portraits Hayley Mills’IVevor Howard the garden and pools which has erected speed limit signs on William Smith, the Junior Hi-Y ManchjBster Evening Herald they blocked off as much traffic treatment. will be done by Mrs. Ruth Be- were so popular in lost year's Kelly Road and posted warnings leader and Mrs. Gerald Corson. South Windsor correspondent, ShashlKapoor as they could to avert damage Coventry police also arrested zanker by .appointment only. house tour that they are being that children are playing. It is Mr. aiwl Mrs. Charles Warner Catherine May, tel. 644-2295. to cars and tires. six persons on the same charge Refreehmeivts will include hot "a Matter oflnnocence" shown again. hoped that the new signs will will serve as adult leaders for By dawn, the Boulevards last night, and all are schedul­ dogs, hamburgers, and cold I t«Cft»totf for Malvr* k a i m u t r The homes which will be open slow down the traffic on this pri­ thds weekend. Y •to the tour-lsts will include the Saint German and Saint Michel ed to appear in Manchester marily residential street. driiUts. Matinees The group going to the Bur­ TONITE NEXT—"SWEET. BIDE" ’ home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Court June 10. Expressway Change On Tliurstfay, Ascension Day, MANCHESTER Mhy 30-31 there ■will be a celebration of lingame State Park plan to sleep DRIVE-IN ‘It's True" II — — — Arrested for violation of state Councilman Peter G. Nicholas in tents and "rough it.” They traffic control signal were Ce- told the council of the recent the Holy Communion at 9 a.m.* AD Color and 7:45 p.m. Also at St. Pe­ are in need of a tent to ac­ clle B, Blouin, TOlland; Ken H. meeting of the Capitol Region ter’s at both Ascension Day comodate seven people. At least Shaw, 24, Potter Hill Rd.. M d- Planning Agency, which he at­ Henry Fonda—Lucille Ball services -there ■will iae -the an­ 15 teen-agers are expected to go dlefj[eld; Ronald N. Bartlett, 41, tended as one of the town’s 36tlf ^muml Cmtoct nual United Thank You Offer­ RFD 3, Coventry: Susan B. Lan- representatives to the CRPA. Manchester Parkade Published Daily Kxcept Sundays ing of the -women o f the parish. and HoUdays at 13 Btssetl Street, non, 6M Highest, Wlllmantlc; The CRPA had been working on Ib u rs.M in e Presented by On Sunday at St. Peter’s Manchester, Conn. (06(M0) Chester S. Gould, 47, Coventry, the location, of the new Rt. 6 £ o u iiii there will be Holy Communion MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL ‘ and Harold R. Hoague, 39, 12 We fit them care fully ^ t r i d e R i t e Telephone 643-2711 expressway which will run at 8 am . and 10 a.m. ‘ The Grizzled , Ward St., Rockville. A Seootid Glass Postage Paid at through portions of South Wind­ Church School and nursery will tough I^COUMfeyDfUu | CHOIRS & INSTRUMENTAL ENSEMBLES SHOE Manchester, Oonn. sor. ’ Wayne H. Sartor, 22, of 61 open at 10 a.m. loner . Included in the CRPA reso­ Friday Evening, May 24, 1968, 8:00.p. m. MILLS, THE SHOE THAT UNDERSTANDS CHILDREN SUBSCRIPTION RATES Turner St., Wllllmantic,- was ar- The Rogation Planting Fes- lAMEt JASON ROSCRT Payable In Advance lution, at the request of the CharttonBeston GARNER-ROISm IdS ’ RYAN reste() on a charge, pf failure to ti-val will beg:in on Sunday at 3 BAILEY ADITORIUM One Y e a r ...... 330.00 carry registration. He is also South Windsor representatives, p.m. with a short service in the JoanHaekett k IHi MtM mMOn rsoouenoN e Six Months ...... 16.60 scheduled for Manchester Court was a proposal that the loca­ church. Parlshoners are' asked General Admission $1.00 LARGE SELECTION OF Ttiree Months ...... 7.80 June 10. _ tion of the new expressway be to wear work clothes and to _..WiaUTBn FRILLY TRIMS AND One Month ...... 2.80 WiUPenny” In other police action Jane M. changed from the land between bring itheir plantings directly LACE NOVELTIES Rt. 5 and Main St. to the mead­ Cooke of Torrlngton was charg­ to the church. The Youth Choir ow lands bet\.'ec i Main St. and P lu Jane Fonda ed with following too closely af­ wm sing at this service. NEXT TO CALDOB the Connecticut River. 'Barefoot In The'Park" NOTICE ter she failed to stop in a line of Following the work there will Exit No. 93 The South Windsor group EXCLUSIVE SHOWING 4th Month, And Still The Best Show in Town 'Public Hearings will be held traffic on the Wilbur Cross High­ be a Owered Dish Supper. Wilbur Cross Parkway further asked that as great a 4 by the Planning and Zoning way in Manchester and struck Salads or covered dishes may be f S r WINDSOR SANDYDENMS-mDULLEA \ part of the proposed highvyay OPEN EVERY NITE (Herald photos by ^Into) Commission of Manchester, the rear of a car driven by Sis­ brought and shodld be enough DRIVE-IN ★ RT 5 ANNEHMODS i^ ' as possible be elevated. An UNTIL 9 Once a Catholic church, but since 1962 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cloutier on Washington St. Ckitmectlcut, Monday evening, to serve eight people. Desert INI \ THE ter Madeline McAdam of Fair- elevated highway would not June 3, 1968 starting at 8 p.m. and beverage will be furnished \ field. cut off access to the river, in the Heating Room of the Mu­ by the church. Anyone with \ ' d The cars were slightly dam would not disturb the ecology HRADUATE nicipal Building to consider ap- aged and there were ’no injur- questions should contact Mrs. Shown Daily at 7:16 & 9:30 THE FUNNIEST of the area around the river. James Blrdsall at the rectory. Sat. 1:30-3:20-5:10-7:80-10:00 V, MOST TOUOHINa piiiiatibns lor Special Permit, In jes. Miss Ctooke is scheduled to Sun. 1:80-3:20-0:10-7:10-9:30 accordance ■with Article IV, Sec- appear in Manchester Circuit FILM OF THE Uon n of the Zoning Regtia- court 12 on June 10. Advance Tickets YEAR! tkms, for the following projects: ------Coed in California Living Tlbkhts may be purchased DRIW, TJMB3 "NORTHWOOD — an apart­ mini for Saturday evening ment project for: Manches­ ‘ H e ’ s in Love . . shows after 1:00 P.M. on ter, Connecticut — WUllam In Creaky Station Wagon top] day of performance only. J. McHugh & Assoc., Archi­ ST. LOUIS (AP) — The phone*^ & second never stopped ringing Wednes- SACRAMENTO, Calif, No one' under 18 admitted n T T f t o r n r = tects, 740 N. Main St., West AP) and BO one would ever suspect a to dte!" b80 BURNSIDE AVE {AST HARIm w; Hartford, Conn.” (Hilliard day for Mrs. J. Robert Devous — Living in a creaky 1949 model girl is sleeping inside Adult Ideiitlflcatlon Required PAHAVISHr COLOR to on her 20th wedding annlversa- station wagon Cherlf Gordon, a FRtE PARKING 57fl < itAOuJuil St.) She showers evei’y morning at Bo b b y d a h ir 5th RECORD d s "Proposed Group Dwellings ry, 21-year-old college coed, says the college gymnasium, and can BREAKING WEEK FROM BIG TO SMALL, Her husband was standing on she keeps expenses down, —Roland M. Aubin—Archi­ even set her hair before all 8 IHIURE THEM ALL tect—791 John Fitch Boule­ a downtown street corner in St. "Every night I look for a new a.m. class. She keeps her TOUQHESlT WATCH Louis handing out flowers to parking place,” says Miss Gor- vard—South Windsor, Con- clothes in her gym locker, and EASTHARTfORD OOVHHO* »t. IXIT TO IMIM I ste P j Some babies passing pedestrians and asking don, who calls her mobile home A Fantastic Show Before your boat goes nectiout 06974” (Grove "really It’s all. very conven­ DRIVI !N RF b into water, you make cer­ IN THE w anuD them to call his wife and wish "Old Green Moose." Street) ient." Phone 528-2210 tain, of courae, it ie ship­ learn best "Ifeuring for the Elderly, her a happy anniversary. "I try to find a place where shape. But there’! another “ He’s in love, isn’t ho?” said For cooking, Miss Gordon TOMORROW NIGHT importaht item to check: ROLEX OYSTER Manchester, Uonn., Man- there are no bright lights, in Mrs. Devous to one caller. stows a. Japanese grill amid her your Insurance. For clear in flexible shoes. oUester Housing Authority some residential area under lots Devous, 42, is an Insurance mattress, books and tennis sailing, let us make sure A big hefty watch that's water­ —Manchester, Conn.—Octo­ of shady trees. Sometimes you there are no leake or proof to an ocean depth of 165 agent and the couple has six racket In the cluttered rear por­ Others need firmness ber 20, 1967—Louis J. Dra- have to drive an hour to find tion of the car. A lounge chair is cracka in your coverage. feet. Self-winding, magnified children. date, 25-jewel chronometer kos and Associates — Archi­ propped against the interior to steady theii- walk. Although her father worries, . . . Charbroiled movement. 14K gold case and tects — Planners --- 0 Lewis side of the vehicle. STEAK bracelet, -$570. Stainless steel, Street — Hartford, C3onn.” L«gof Noriees Miss Gordon insists she is "per­ “ I can get along very nicely to Perfection on the ROBERT J. SMITH fron;i^$215. (Manager) Joseph Le'Vay’s 30 (No. Main and -No, - School fectly safe.” She is a junior ma­ without much money," Miss Open Hearth me. UQUOB PERMIT joring In physical education at years experience fitting children Sts.) NOTICE OF AFPUCATION Gordon said. "I spend about 335 < X FGATURING X mSURANSMITHS All .interested persons may This is to Five notice that I. Sacramento State Ciollege. a month—and moat of that is for* FOB shoes assures you he knows just BARBARA A. VIKLINETZ. of 90 DAINHNO . . . Nighfly DIRECT FROM MOUNTAIN PARK— EASY PAYMENTS INVITED attend these hearings. This no­ She explained Wednesday: “ I UNDER 968 Main St., Monebester Chapel Rd., South Windsor, Conn, gas.” In Ib e Gibson Lounge 21 which shoes i'is best foV your be­ tice is on file in the Town have filed an application dated May usually study on the campus un­ Miss, (jordon's father, a re­ To “LeMesa Daniels Trio" . . . THE FANTAS’n C Phone 649-6241 Clerk’s Office. Maps and plans 8, 1968 with the Liquor Control til after midnight, and there’s ginner. Ask for him by name. Commission for a Restaurant Per­ tired Air Force sergeant, lives (CLOSED SUNDAYS—JUNE, JULY and AUQUS’^ NLY) may be seen in the Planning mit for the sale of alcoholic liquor never anyone on the streets 45 miles away th Fairfield, “TIDAL WAVES” OtSce. on the premises, Stanley Green's, Dancing 336-C Broad St., Manchester, Conn. when I park this Old Green "My father is constantly say­ Each Planning and JJie business will be owned by Moose. I sleep in my gym ing I’m off my rocker. He says, Night, PLUS Zoning Commission Manchester Restaurants, Tnc.r of til lim E«.xter St„ Pittsburgh, T i clothes and at 6:30 every mom- ‘You're nuts but you’ve got ^tealt Clttti JEWELERS-SILVERSMITHS s i n c e 1900 PEPPERMINT SUITE” ' ' ' 4 W elcom« Her# M. Adler DobUn, ami will "be ’’^duct’^'""by‘’ BAR- Ing 1 just hop right into the front guts.’ But he wants me to finish 860 MAIN ST.—OPP. CONNECTICUT RLVD. 8-12 p.m. Open Wednesday,' Thursday, Friday to 9:00 P.M. Cbaliman BAHA_A. VIia.mETZ^of 90 Chapel “ ■> r -o >Trnn. as per- seat and I drive off." my education, and we just dbn't BAST HARTFORD—TEL. 288-4850 DON'T MI8S THBMI Co. tmd m snccl4t4d comptmks. (Clarence W. WeUi, mittee. Besides, Miss Gordon said, have enough money do it an- BARBARA A. VIKLINETZ to 05 TOLLAND TURNPIKE MANOHBSTBRi Secretary Dated eighth day of May, 1968. 'the window panels are high other way," she said. ^lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiy^^ PAOB FOUB MANCHESTER EVENING HERAW). MANCHESTER. C O ^ , THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1968 PAGE F IV E

Hayes-Michalak Mistretta-Bitzkowski

lC8ss Blaine Karen Bitzk'owskl* of Mansfield and Gerald Michael Mlstretta of Manchester were wed Saturday, April 20 at St. Joseph’s Church, Wlllimantic. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Bitzkow- • LUMBER •BUILDING MATERIALS < •PLUMBING skl of Mansfield. The bride­ groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. PLANNING ON SOME PAINTTNO OR FIXINO THIS WEEKEND OR THE LON(^ itOU- Joseph Mlstretta of 112 SchcMl St. DAY WEEKEND ON MAY SOOif STOCK UP NOW ON PAINTS AND A TDPE-SAVINO ■The Rt. Rev. Msgr.* Francis LADDER. YOU CAN BUY MORE FOR LESS THE CASH ft CARRY WAYI Murphy of St. Josei^’s Church performed the double-ring cere­ mony and was celebrant at the nuptial Mass. Bouquets of lilies were on the altar. .The bride was given In mar­ EX riage by her father. She wore a lull-length gown of silk organza Fallot photo trimmed with appliques of alen- • Kitchen Carpet G OUSE Engaged con lace and seed pearls, design­ ed with bateau neckline, cape The engagfement of Miss collar trimmed ■with lace and CALL 649-5405 Carole Ann Matchett of Man­ pearls, empire waistline A-llne PAINT chester to Donald Benjamin skirt and chapel-length train. Bartnicki of Westfield, Mass., Her veil ol silk Illusion was ar­ has been announced by her par­ ranged from a floral headpiece ents, Mr. and Mrs. John of lace, organza and pearls, and Roy and Earle Matchett of 97 Hamlin St. she carried a cascade bouquet Her fiance is the Son’ bf Mr. of Eucharis lilies,, stephanotls . 7 9 and Mrs. Benjamin Bartnicki of and Ivy. Floor Covering Westfield. Miss Beverly BltzkowSki of Miss Matchett is a graduate WilUmantlc, sister of the bride, 57Va COOPER ST. of Manchester High School and was maid of honor. Brldosmaids is employed as a secretary with were Miss Sandra McCarthy, 'Multi-Circuits of Manchester. Miss Helen WllUams and Miss 2 A quality formula Vinyl Latex exterior Mr. Bartnicki is a graduate of Teresa WiHdams, all of WlUl- (FORMICA BRAND TOPS) {mint to withstand the harsh abuses of Westfield High School and re­ changeable New England weather. mantic. ceived his bachelor of arts de- The bridal attendants were (LINOLEUM - CERAMIC TILE) g;ree from Dartmouth College. dressed aJike in floor-length MRS. GERALD MICHAEL MISTRETTA • Won’t crack, peel or mildew He served- as a pilot with the gowns of maize chiffon over • Dries quickly U.S. Air Force prior to his em­ taffeta, fashioned with bateau ivy. and coat ensemble, matching Wall-To-Wall Carpet For All Rooms • Easy brush clean up in water ployment. as a buyer at Hamil­ necklines, ■ Kabukd sleeves, em­ George BycholdU of Man­ occeasortes, and a corsage of • Excellent coverage of course • White or popular colors ton Standard, Windsor Locks. pire waistlines trimmed' with chester served as best man. Eucharis lilies and stephanotls. The wedding is planned for floral embroidery, and A-linc Ushers were James Mlstretta of After a wedding trip to the 3 Building Up Where Once They Tore Down for Renewed ROY STRICKLAND EARLE TEDFORD Aug. 10. skirts. Their veils o f silk iiiu- Manchester, brother of the Pocono (Mountains, Pa., the slon were attached tt> cabbage bridegroom; Eric Ozols of Man­ couple returned to their home "Finally they’re putting something together,” said a bystdnder roadwwk to be complete in that section early next week is not yesteixlay in the North End Renewal Project as the Roncari In­ USE A USED SHOVEL roses whldi matched their chester and John McNeil of at 20 Cheney Dr., Storrs. really the first North End construction. The Robertson School BOULDER, Colo. (AP) —The gowns. East Hartford. Mrs. Mlstretta is a secretary dustries company lays down a rough cement base on what will be LATEX WALL PAINT $0.98 addition now open and the Robertson Park pool about half costlng a |S00 Aug. 3. Aug. 3. '27.00 M3iS0 *30.75 • :?? cochairmen of the old Geneva PLASTIC PIPE We have to move into a period bond. Ideal for water lines, sprinkler sys­ of more prdfluctive results.” peace machinerji’ for Indochina, tems and wells. Complete line of fit­ Buy the tlrst tire 6.95-14 28.75 14.37 32.75 16.37 1.95 Misses' 12 to 3 and women's 5 to 10 Harriman was asked whether began a review of the Vietnam tings also in stock. at our eueryday the North Vietnamese were tak­ situation in Moscow today. 7 .3 5 - 14 2.06 ^ in blue denim or white ing advantage of the bombing Bus Line Sale FABRICS • '/j” Pipe, 60’ coll $1.99 7 .3 5 - 15 14.87 34.00 17.00 2.05 Asked whether they would try trade-in price 29.75 limitation which President • W Pipe, 60’ coll $2.99 4 HOURS ONLY 4 to reconvene the Geneva confer­ net the second tire 7 .7 5 - 14 2.19 Johnson ordered March 31 in a Set for Hearing • 1" Pipe, 60’ coll $4.99 Children's 6 to I 2 in blue or red ence for a new try at peace, NEVER BEFORE — NEVER AGAIN 7 .75 - 31.50 15 15.75 36.00 18.00 2.21 move which eventually led to • I'/i” i'4 “ Pipe, 60’ coU $8.99 Stewart replied: “ It is possible,, A public hearing on the sale SUM M ER I'A" Pipe, OO* coll $ll.g& AT THIS PRICE tor HALF PRICE the talks here. He replied: “ So • 8.25-14 2.35 but I don’t think that it is a good ol the Silver Lane Bus Line will ,7 for, they have not restrained same to 8.15-15 34.50 17.25 39.50 19.75 2.36 thing at this stage to try to fix be held by the State Public Utili­ COTTONS their infiltration. I 24 the thing in a particular frame­ ties Commission in Room 56SA 7x35 BINOCULARS $ ®° per pair’- 8.55-14 2 .56 "They have not restrained ac­ 2 .5 4 work. I am hoping that as a re­ at the State Office Building in 8.45-15 38.00 19.00 43.25 .21.62 tion. -They are still attacking sult of our talks here, we may Hartford June 3 at 10 a.m. yd. WORN-OUT Saigon and the civilian popula­ 8 .85 14 2 .8 5 be abll to do something to help Edward M. Royce proposes to 2 .76 tion, which is rather tragic.’ ’ 8.85-15 42.25 21.12 48.00 24.00 the Paris talks on." sell all the bus line stock to WOODEN HATCHWAY? In his earlier talk with news­ George A. Negro. Both are Man­ 9.00-15 2.81 Prior to North Vietnam’s 2.97 men, Harriman said: “ The chester men. • iM i i n i p - 9 .1 5 -1 5 * 43.50 21.75 49.75 24.87 North Vietnamese are going to ag^reement to meet with the SU ITIN G S The bus company consists ol All prices'PLUS Uxat and 2 trade-in tires off your car. have to face up to realities soon­ United States in Palis, the So­ Firestone viet Union had repeatedly re­ 11 buses for handling about 44 Reduced to See ♦ Available in white stripe only er or later.” daily round trips, most of them I I With the conference in recess jected British proposals to con­ IR E MAN vene a new Geneva conference. to Hartford; 24 school buses, a 4’ X 8’ X Vn" until Monday, Harriman said he charter coach, and several leas­ l-O O y d . checkered would spend the time luitll then ed properties including a large TEXJURE *1-ir looking into' various aspects of NO MONEY DOWN garage at 49 Bralnard PI. i sA/rf for the conference and expected to Slides to Show Negro is sole owner of tl)e FIR SIR IN G e x p e r t s e r v ic e have some new ideas to talk George A. Negro Bus Co. in Bol­ about by Monday. DRAPERY Take months to pay! Last ‘Queen’ Trip ton which operates a fleet of 112 X Harriman and Thuy now have school buses serving schools In X met four times in the past 10 The final voyage of the fam­ Bolton, Mansfield, Ellingtoni FABRICS days, and each time they have ed liner the Queen Mary will be Somers, Groton and New Lon­ REPLACE IT WITH A Sheet Don't miss out! Drive in today and SAVE! come away standing rigidly on shown in color slides tomorrow don. He also has a charter MODERN BILCO DOOR! their original positions. coach. U.S. spokesmen have called at 8 p.m. dt Orange Hall. The 8 8 “ y**- .1 Contemporary siding with This offer may never be repeated! Neither man will release the vortical grooves 4" un the North Vietnamese "stub­ show is sponsored by Daughters Here’s the way to add new beauty to your home. Replace i Ideal Gift For Father’s Day Youths’, sale price imtil the hearing June your wooden hatchway with a modern, all steel BILCO center. Ideal lor homes, born.” The Vietnamese called of Uberty, No. 17 and No. 125. 3. Door. It’s permanent, watertight, and so easy for every­ garages, store fronts . . . CENTER FOCUS — PRISM Boys’, the Americans "obstinate.” Tickets will be sold at the door, one in the family to nse! ...... interior feature wall! ’nie stumbling block Is always or obtained from members of SUPPORTS SUNDAY SPRING Skirt , STRAPS — C A SE — INSTRUCTIONS Men’s the same—North Vietnamese in­ the sponsoring groups. CLOSING I SEALED IN PRISM ROUtE 83 — VERNON sistence on an unconditional end The slide's show the Queen HONOLULU (AP) —The leg­ AMERICA S FINEST to U.S. bombing of their country Mary!s final trip from South> islative program of the Hlawail WOOLENS Lengths BASEMENT DOOR and U.S. irtpistence that "recip­ hampton, England, to Portugal, local jjf the International Long­ Dial Operator, Ask for Enterprise 1945 rocal restraint” on Hanoi’s part the Canary Islands, across the shoremen’s and Warehouse­ Stop in and see our display, or call us for free literature. Waleomu H«r« must accompany a halt in the Equator, to Brazil, Cape Horn, men's Union calls for a Sunday If you wish, we can suggest a man to install it. Not $49.95 Regularly $5 bombing. Chile, Peru, and finally to Long closing for retail stores. "The talks are frozen,” said Beach, Calif., where she is be­ Eddie DeMello, the union's I one neutral diplomat after ing fitted out as a tourist at­ legislative representative, said ALSO AVAILABLE ARE REG $69.50. 8x50s SAT. ONLY Youths' and Boys’ in black or white, Wednesday’s three-hour meet­ traction. ■% the union is approaching the is­ CASE and STRAPS .$23.95 CREDIT TERMS AND ing. A trip through Holland will sue from the viewpoint of the “ Cheney Hall’—Your Fabric Headquarters Since 1928! Men's in white »nly At that meeting Thuy rejected also be Included. worker. GnossM/\nj s "We feel that Sunday Is a tra­ 177 Hartford Rd.—Comer of Pine St., Manchester DELIVERY CAN BE ARRANGED LIGGETTS ^ Parkade Shopping Center CORP. Harriman's pi^posal that both An explanation o l the cruise (D&L ShooH — Manchester Parkade) delegations stop making their will be givep, and background ditional day of rest and people Open DaUy tiU 9 P.M. — Sat. tUl 6 P.M. EQUIPMENT Open Daily 8:00 A.M, to 5:30 and Thurs. and Pri. Nights to 9:00 P.M. MroDLE TURNPIKE (Only) conference statements public. music will be played while the should nioit work on Sunday,” he Harrimain said this would slides are being shown. said. F A O B SDC MANCHESTER, EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, MAY 28,^1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTEl^ CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1968 P A O a S B V S N Tuesday .by defeating Flano’s HoUan^er Host Bolton 11- 10. ernmost bunker and saw a lot Last night. All Seasons Pools To Area Parley Navy Pilots of black smoke rising up. The defeated GAH Paving by a score next time I put 20mm-cannon itfATIONAL PAVING CO. Assignments to Six Panels of 14-11. David Waddell was the Of Toastmasters fire right Into the bunkers and winning pitcher. Paul Pontlcelll ^Wiped Out’ noticed several fires. I would 12 MAIN ST. TALCOTTVMLLE. CONN. pitched for GAH. Mike Ruff led WUHam Hollander o f SIS Cen­ say we wiped out at least 16 oU Voted hy GOP Committee All Seasons to the win with a ter et. will serve as host dis­ drums.” DRIVeWAYS-^ARKING AREAS triple with two men on base. trict chalnnah of District 69 Oil Drums Navy planes also hit a highway The Republican Town Com­ 'Thompson, Bolton; Cummlng Munson’s Candy team scored for the Toastmasters Interna­ bridge 20 miles north-northwest DEVELOPMENT WORK SAIGON (AP) —'U . S. Navy mittee made aaalgnments to Home, Ruth Cummings, Mans­ 8-0 over Crockett Agency, win­ tional Annual Conference of Re­ of Vlnh, the Navy reported. field Center; The Birches, Dawn gion 7 in Hartford June 7 and pilots reported they "wiped put” All Types Amesite—Repaired and Installed aix commltteea at Ita meeting ning its third consecutive game. “ The bridge spanned a large (;^rlson. North Coventry; Dis­ Steve Munsion was the winning S. The conference, to be held a number of oil drums during canal," reported Lt. Richard B. Tueaday night. Hie committee tinctive Antiques, A lice..... ‘and in the Hartford Hilton, win fai- Free Estfmatea—^Tbne PaymentB pitcher. raids Tuesday on supply targets Curtis, 27, of Hamden, Conn. “ 1 alao voted to award a $(k> sav­ Paul Hamel, Springfleld, Mass.; volve several hundred leaden Pony League play will begin in North 'Vietnam's southern was the last one to roll in: and Telephone 646-2431 ings bond to a graduating sen­ Butternut Antiques, Helene Sunday with a game against in Toastmasters du bs, from 13 sjbv the first bombs Impacting Kruse, Chaplin; Connecticut states in the northeastern part panhandle. ior, to be determined by a Colchester at 2 p.m. Pony on the bridge." House, Mary Blais, Coventry, of the country and representing faculty committee and chosen League players and their fathers The Navy reported today that Lt. Richard C. Harria, 26, of and Memory Lane Antiques, eight dlstrlots in Toastmasters on the baais of citUensHlp. are asked to help fix up the four groups of revetted petro­ Syracuse, N.Y., a fighter pilot Gail Dickenson, Manchester mtematlonal. Mrs. Catherine Peterson and field behind the elementary leum storage bunkers were spot­ covering the bomber group, said SECOND EDITION Also, Frances Watt, Mansfield Hollander was appointed an Mrs. Dorothy Miller are. on the school at 6 p.m. Saturday. Man­ ted about 18 miles northwest of he "saw all the bombs hit. They Center; Antiques lUnllmited, area governor of Toaatinasten OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF voter registration committee. ager Joe Tracy says to bring Ylnh. put three strings right across (Two ICs), Wlllimantic; Oak Intematipnal in 1962 by Dte- INTERESTTNO ANTIQUE rakes and shovels and notes "The first time we flew over. the bridge.” Mrs. Nancy Lambert, Alfred Leaif Antiques, Carol Smith, trlot OouncH 63 which had Jur- Cavedon, Oene Gagllardone, I spotted what I thought were Bolton; Four Maples, Charlotte that the gpreater the turnout, the isdlotion over Hollander’s group, Ray Soma, Day Rattaxzl end quicker the work will get dtrne. stacks of boxes In a series of Gill, Tolland, and Old Pine the Htunilton Standard Toast­ four bunkers rumhng east w d Perry Joslin are on the program Oln Scout Oook-Out Show, Stacie Silvester, Crom­ masters d u b . He had served west,” said Lt. Wiley P. DeCarii, committee. Members of Girl Scout Jun­ well. An art display with paint­ the club as secretary, educa­ 26, of West Hartford, Conn. G0SMEHGS Walter Waddell, Ray Coc- ior Troop 667 will have a cook- FLEA ings done by local artists will tional vice president, and pres­ “ Each bunker had 12 to 16 oil WE GARRY ALL ^ conl, Harold Laws, Warren De- THE TOP LINES also be featured . ■* out at Gay City SUte Park Sat­ ident. drums stored In it. Martin and James Hassett are urday from 1:30 to 8:30 p.m. Brownie Troop Outing Scheduled for the two day "Then, after I pulled off my on the research and resolutions Parents are responsible for meeting in Hartord will be ed­ ARTHUR DRUG committee. Brownie Troop 616 will hold first strafing run, I saw a large transportation. In case of rain, ucational sessions for newly secondary explosion in the east ita outing May 27 at the home the cookout will be held the fel- MARKET John Harris and Mira. Ger­ of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Butter­ elected otticers of Districts and trude Noren are in charge of lowing Saturday. clubs, business sessions, and a S ^ o r S c o ^ Thomas M. Waldo, left, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Klellck of 15 Seaman Circle, were pln- ON THE GROUNDS OF THE AMERICAN SCHOOL the welcome folder. field on Vernon Rd. from 3 to S Block Dance Tomorrow Warren Waiao of 16 Eva Dr., and ThonqEis Klellck, ,son. of ned by their mothers. (Herald photo by Bucelvlcius).. * 139 NORTH MAIN ST., WEST HARTFORD, CONN. p.m. Girls will be transported regional speech contest. ’Ihe Mrs. Elizabeth Alton Is chair­ There will be a block dance Toastmasters executive devel­ from school to the Butterfield Saturday, May 26th —.10 A.M. to 6 P.M. man of the finance committee. in the parking lot of St. Mau­ opment progreun will be pre­ home, but parents are asked to Richard Rlsley, Curtis Walker, to the Region 7 Canoe l ^ e In OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING! Robert Dixon is in charge of rice Church tomorrow night Sponsored by pick up their girls promptly at sented. David Wicks and James Wicks. publicity. from 7:30 to 11:30. The New Two Scouts Awarded Minnesota and Canada this The Parents. Teachers ft Counselors of the Am. School 5 p.m. Pbrmission slips, signed Attendance pins for 100 per WILL YOU OPEN THE DOOR? Under the Management of WUUom P. Spear Antique Dealers Named Image, a group from New Ha­ summer are Keith McKenney by parents, must be given to the Mrs. Salk Gets Divorce cent attendance were g;iven to Mrs. John Erickson and Mrs. ven, will play. Donation Is $1 and Thomas Waldo. Where 70 responsible Dealers from New England and New leaders. Play clothes can be SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) — Richard Oatway, Alan Schreib- Richard Noren, co-chairmen of stag and $1.75 drag. All stu­ Eagles at Ceremony York will display and sell several thousand worthwhile Hems 2 brought to school. Mrs. Jonas Salk was granted an er, James Schrelber, Donald Twelve additional Senior PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO. the Antique Show and Sale spon­ dents, junior and senior high, Scouts will travel the 80-mile Including furniture, china, glass, copper, brass, guns, stamps, Members of the troop who Interlocutory decree of (Bvorce ^tar^eather jr,, Wood; sored by the Woman’s Society Bolton and beyond, are invited. Eagle— Scout • “ badges ~ . - _were _ awarded to two Senior Scouts (o]. 90 per cent attendance to coins, dolls, books, mirrors, silver, woodenware and old tol®> want to march in the Memorial Tuesday in San Diego Superior Adirondack canoe trail In Au­ has a Modern S-Bay Service -Station for lease at 430 knlclmacks and many additional Items too numerous to list. of Christian Service of United In the event of a heavy down­ of Troop 47 at South Methodist Church during a Spring Day parade should meet at Bol­ Court proceedings against her David Matthewson, Richard Rls­ gust. The whole troop will camp Center St., Manchester. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY, Methodist Church, have an­ Award Night of the troop held Tuesday in (^ p er Hall plus paid training program. ton Elementary School May 30 pour, the dance wlU be held in husband, the developer of Salk ley, David Wicks, Wesley Bur­ at the Lake of Isles Scout Res­ Snack Bar Open Throughout The Show nounced the names of the deal­ the .church basement. polio vaccine. of the church- 'They are Thomas Kielick and Thomas ton, Thomas Klellck, James La- ervation under the direction of ers who will be present at the before 6:30 a.m., wearing uni­ Waldo. — ------— ------CaU 230-3770 after 0 P.M., or 1-201-377-8100' General Admission $1.00 forms and white gloves. The couple married in 1939 Chapelle, Keith McKenney, Mi­ Scoutmaster William VonDeck But with this ad two admissions for $1.60 show tomorrow from 10 a.m. to and separated in 1967. Participating In the Eagle I® Michael Ma- chael Marino, Jeffery Mullen, from Aug. 11 to 24. 0 p.m. and Saturday from 10 Scoreboard Manchester Evening Her­ Salk is founder and director of Award ceremony were William xx.xu.mruRichard rvu».m.Rufflnl, jyi.cnae.Michael onen-Shen- a.m. to 6 p.m. The MfcM baseball team won ald Bolton’ I correspondent, the Salk Institute for Biological VonDeck, scoutmaster; and the Thomas Waldo, Curtis Walk- its first game of the season Clemewell Youpg, tel. '643-8681. The Blue Duck, Barbara Studies in La Jolla. scout ceremonial team of David sba kw’ fh J*^’ er, James Wicks.Wicks, Dustin Wood MuUen, Jack Prior, Dustin Wood Jr. and Jonathan Wood'. The First Class Badge was Jr., Keith McKenney and James To conclude the program, presented to David Matthewson, Schrelber, and the parents of movies of the Scout Reserva­ Star Scout Badge to Donald both boys. The new Eagles tion at Phllmont, N.M., were Starkweather Jr., and Life CARPET AND FLOOR COVERING pinned Mother’s Pins (miniature shown. The following members Scout Badge to James Wicks. Eagle badges) on their mothers of the troop’s senior scouts are 308 IliUN STREET—ACROSS FROM BOURNE BUICK at the conclusion of the cere­ Merit badges were awarded scheduled to attend Phllmont TEMPLE'S mony. to Randall Cole, Alan Schrieb- this summer: James Schrelber, Waldo-bas been a member of er, James Wicks, personal fit­ Dustin Wood Jr., Steven Din.'ap ness; Randall Cole, Thomas Troop 47 for five years. A and Robert Trotter. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PRE-SUMMER SPECIALS sophomore at Manchester High Hite, Richard Oatway, hiking; Senior scouts who will travel School and a mentoer of the Randall Cole, Donald Stark­ soccer team, his hobbies are weather Jr., citizenship In the coin coUeotiisg and wood work­ home; Thomas Kielick, Thomas FOR (fltn ld photos by Pinto) ing. He is a recipient of the Waldo, citizenship in the com­ Potholes on Hartford Rd. Washboard on W. Middle Tpke. God and Country Award. munity; Jonathan Wood, citl-- Ktenok has been In scouting zenship in the nation; Keith Mc­ Cosmefics since he was eight years oid. Kenney, automotive safety; WNNER!! Manchester's Roads — 1 $280,000 worth of road repair ey as "We had about complete­ He was a patrol leader and is David Otter, Donald Stark­ IT'S that is urgent,” Weiss said. ly redone all the roads and the now treasurer for the Senior weather Jr., safety; Alan rest we could handle wltb our Weiss listed several methods Scouts. He attends East Catho­ Schrelber, printing; Donald the town could use to get that budget,” Mulligan said. lic High School and is a mem­ Starkweather Jr., hofne repairs; Potholes, Washboard A town’s decision on how to Liggefts money and any more it needed ber o f the band and the photo­ and David Wicks, coin collect­ nttack its roods. Mulligan said, to attack the roads. graphy clulb, and prqpldent of ing. At The Baricade FORMICA COUNTER TOPS The town could Work out a depends on bow poor the roads the German Club. He has been Community Service certlfi- “ pay-as-your-go” 8-year-plan, he are. East Hartford, he said, fig­ BXPERTLY and REASONABLY INSTALLEX) Celebrated in Novel on the school wrestling team ficates were presented to Wes­ MANCHESTER 78 Coloni to C^iooae From - said. About $200,000 could be ured ita roads were too ix)or tu for tiwo years, and’ is a student ley Burton, David Matthewson, 'B y MALCOLM BARLOW added to the highway budget rely on a small “ pay-as-you-go” at the Nevins Karate School. A Manchester novelist in her book, “The O.B’s,” has each year until the worst prob- plan. They paid, through bond­ Robert Trotter was awarded a an obstetrician say of the roads in her fictional Mitchell are taken <^re of. ing, to completely tear up many bronze palm on his Eagle badge City, “You don’t have to see the city line to know where The ~ worst ’ part of tMs plan roads and rebuild them from for having been awarded five HELP WANTED is the piece meal effect. While scratch. you are. Pot holes and washboards! There’s one by th« merit badges in addition to the INTERESTING OPENINOS the town waits a year to start He- also noted, a large bond 21 earned for the Eagle Badge. rotary I hit every day." on the next portion of road, the ing program allows the town to Gome In and let ua talk them over with yea. >' The author, Mrs. Virginia (This is the first of two stor­ The following Tenderfoot flooding and ice, which caused make better plans with utility A Blue Croaa A CMS Mercer, said, “ I used what I ies on the condition of Manches­ Scouts ''were presented with the ruin of the old road work on companies to make sure they A Paid Vacatlona. a 7 Paid HoUda3ra knew about Manchester to write ter roads and on proposals for badges In a ceremony in which Carpet Your the new portion. put Ih their lines early and do A SlckneM ft Accident Coverage the story. The point of that doc­ Improving them.) the parents of the boys par­ Another plan is to have the not dig up the new road later. A FroHt Shoring Plan tor’s Statement was that such a ticipated: James Adams, Ed­ V KITCHEN abutters on the road pay for the But until Manchester makes A Good Starting Bate BHome for Spring wealthy city should have such ward Budanauro, Donald Cou- OuTbing completes the pro­ repairs. This system Is consid­ some move, people will con­ CARPET SPECIAL absolutely miserable roadS.” lombe, Joseph DeSimone, John cess. ered unfair, as the whole town tinue to refer to it in novels Medoney, Wayne Medeiros and Apply CHENEY BROTHERS, INC. Manchester has done little When ‘ the engineers are \ises the road and the repair ex­ and newspapers as the town Kirk Woolpert. ANY THREE ROOMS 100% FHA Approved since her book came out in 1964 31 COOPER HILL ST. MANCHESTER, CONN. through describing the best pense is tremendous when bom with the car-mangling pot holes Den Chief awards were pj:e- to change the reputation the TELEPHONE OtS-4141 road, they return to the price alone. and washboard roads. sented by Cubmaster Marc Be- HERCULON town has earned for its roads. tag on it. For a typical second­ The plan Weiss favors as the COMPLETELY CARPETED W. Middle Tpke. grows more ary road, with no construction most efficient and possibly the GOOD-YEAR KITCHEN CARPET and rougher ripples and bumps, problems and 32 feet wide, the most economical in the long nm Du Pont 501 hfylon Carpet flooding is ruining more and cost is about $180,000 per mUe. is bonding. Installed in 9x12 Area more secondary roads and more That figure goes up for wider The town could pay the $1 mil­ 23 Persons Up to 44 square yards ^ front ends on aUtos are thrown roads and even higher when an lion for urgent repairs with a out of alignment each year. old road like W. Middle Tpke. 20-year bonding program, he See our tremendous ' 4p The Public Works Dept, has must be rebuilt from scratch. said. The ,yearly cost would be Die in Coast selection of fine lists of roads that "could use” Diverting traffic and avoiding an extra quarter mill on the IT’S carpeting to please major reconstruction now. old utility pipes and cables adds tax rate. Copter Crash your pocketbook Almost all ouUylng roads such g;reat expense. Due to the seven to eight per as Bush Hill Rd., Line St., Fern Sidewalks add another $26,000 ce.nt rise each year in construc­ (Continued from Page Unei St., Gardner St, Birch Hill Rd. per mile. tion costs and the four'.per cent and Tolland Tpke, will pose With few town roads giving rate on bonds right now, Weiss Thirteen federal officials from "serious” construction problems the town civic pride, what is said, there might even be a clear Washington flew to investigate BARBECUE TIME within 10 yeans, according to M an ch^er doing? saving with bonding. the disaster. Higfliway Supt. Herman Pascan- The budget for the Highway The loss In ruined front ends I" tell. Those roads are only tarr Dept, is over $800,000...... for next- on cars flooded streets, lawns ° Aircraft red, he said. year. Most of thtf money will go and cellars, and store customers - Ralph Ughtfoot, en- glneering manager, and A. A. Listed as “ the most critical” lor wages and the ^ rest for driving to other towns is hard Coronate, chief of aircraft de- of all town roads is W. Middle equipment and minor road re­ to measure, he said. ’I^ke. It is the most traveled algpi, left today to assist Los An­ .... at AGWAY pairs. An example of a town using of town roads and has the geles Airways in investigating. Our For major road repairs, the the bonding technique is East Officials worked through the “ worst” surface, according to state gave the town this year Hartford, Weiss said. Thunderbolt is not a race tire buth premium* quality tire for night’ Wednesday securing the Everyday | extra dependability at all highway speeds. Delivers the traction William O'Neill, public works $141,300. According to cost Arthur Mulligan, East Hart­ THIS WEEK'S FEATURE director. wreckage and recovering Eind Low P rice you need rain or shine. 4 figures from town en?dneera, ford public works director, said identifying the bodies. Other town roads embarras­ this pays for less than a mile of his town decide J in the early Brand New a* Premium It Goodyear’s deilinatlon. No induitrywide siinditdi ixlit Identifying the dead was labo­ for premium tlrei. sing Manchester include a por­ completely Impro-ved road. 1950’s It had to have major re­ All-Weather tion of Tanner St., Woodland St., rious, with only sketchy infor- • Your best bily in its Theretore, town officials ex­ pairs on Its roads. Town lead­ THE EASTERNER H lllivd St., Bolton St., N. Elm mELtion available, but it was re­ price ron^o plain, Manchester is barely able ers mapped out a program and • Extra mllonRe Tufsyn St., Dover Rd., part of School ported the list Included persons to maintain the present deplor­ decided to pay for it with bonds. from throughout the United 6.50113 rubber St., and much of Broad St., ac­ "Town leaders thought this blachwill Tree able road conditions. States. tubeltn plus WEBBER GRILL cording to the lists. was one way to catch up In a $1.01 Fed. Any real Improvements in the The crash was the first fatali­ El. Tax and 7.35/7.75x14, 7.35/7.75x15 or 8.55x14 or e.lS/e.45xl5 Estimates Money, or the lack of -it, is roads, according to Town Man­ hurry,” Mulligan said. ty in the helicopter firm’s 21- •Id tin 8.25x14 tubeless blackwall tubeless blackwsll plus $2.3S the “ root” cause of the town’s East Hartford spent $6 million )lus S2.19 or $2.21 Fed. Ex. Tax to S2.56 Fad. Ex. Tax ager Robert Weiss, will take year history. The S61 carries a depending on size). (depending on ilze). 'ONLY SHOP AT poor roads, according to town more money. total before the 1960’s. Since the crew of three. officials. This Is their answer We kave about $780,000 worth progrui” was completed, the As the craft, which normally BUY NOW ON EASY TERMS! to irate motorists and the judge plus $2.19 to $2.35 HOME of drainage work and at least town has not bonded any mon- would have been cruising at rid. Ex. Tlx (dipmdlni when for road-caused dam­ 2,000 ' feet, ■ plunged, mall bags WMtawilti inly % mm. on iliijand old tire FREE MOUNTING! age appear in court. spilled Into the air, giving the DIAL The town’s engineers go into $ O A . 9 5 impression of falling bodies. 4^ 643-6662 more detail and begin by ex­ Sacks struck roofs o ( houses D iscontinued RANCH-COMMERCIAL TRUCK TIRE plaining how a “ good” road STA R OAXER^'O and businesses, and sheriff’s MAY SPECIAL NO OBUGATION should b® built. helicopters searched rooftop to Ask for Dave or -Joe ------Bv C L A Y R P O L L A N LIBRA V IS U M A T ie OUT OF TOWN The moat critical part of road „ A«IIS rooftop. MAR 22 Your Doily AcUvily Guide SfPT 23 1-' CALL COLLECT construction is drainage, they The rotor blade which spun Built lor long, de­ ''■-|5.rM4L APR 20 ’E According to the'Stars. '' OCT 23 4 j Dual spaced grill, 1 for charcoal, 1 for said. Adequate drainage pipes off crashed through the corru­ 95 pendable service and, in swampy areas, perforat­ To develop message tor Fridqpy, ll-14-18-38(' gated sheet metal roof of a food, weather-proof aluminum ash OPEN DAILY . >v 3- 6- 8-34 read words corresponding to numbers with triple-tough S- Welcome Hero ed pipes are needed under the &/46-75-89-90 42-50-55 V chair mEinufacturing plant, in­ J Nylon cord body. catcher, dampers, legs, rugged oversize of your Zodiac birth sign. SCORPIO roads. y f TAURUS juring no one. 9 -6 OCT. 24 ^ rubber wheels, will not rust. APR^ 21 l”Toke 31 Money 61 A Two sheriff’s deputies watch­ Water on, under, or in, the NOV 22 $.00x16 Tube Type BlackwaU pine Fed. I MAY 21 2 Spend 32 On 62 On - ' pavement can freeze in the cold 33 Someone 63 On ing rush-hour traffic near the Exr. Tax $2.81 arid recappable casing ___ THURS. - FRI. 9-9 >J\12-13-24-30 3 lf 22 25 27-52 g ' months and crack the road 4 Lucky 34 Romonce 64 Disputed crash scene said they saw the &/69-78 83 84 54-62-65 ^ 5 Meet 35 Benefitting 65 Gossip tall rotor fly off and the craft apart. Frost heaves do their 66 Your SAGITTARIUS g im in i 6 Looking 36 With pant and, in warmer months, a 37 Throjjgh 67 Pfoposttion begin to spin. j O plAY 2 i 7 Doy NOV 23 ^ CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 38 Injury 68 Mote “ Suddenly the 'copter disinte­ soaked road* slowly weakens. 0 For 22” A^ * 9 Tijne 39 Holfwoy . 69 In grated,” said Deputy Charles 10 Lbe. 2(^ Lbs. 40 Lbs. The engineers claim most of 10 For 40 Your 70 Any 15-17-23-26^ Manchester’s critical road prob­ ■y'l' 1-16-19-36 1 ] Guard 4 1 Money 71 You 43-49-87-88^ Aseiidorf. "Parts and debris ex­ ^40-48-81-82 i 2 Good 42 Theft 72 You ONLY 7 3 c oN LY'auij lems are caused by poor droiri- CAPRICORN ploded.” CANCIR )3 Doy 43 Lost 73 Happy GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 74 Tronsoctions "It disintegrated in the air aga. EUooding occurs regularly JUNE 23 14 Against 44 Fulfilled DEC 23 ^ on certain roads due to small 15 He 45 Yourself 75 A and came down like a rock,” re­ Kelly Road and Vernon Circle— Phone 875-6292 or 646-0101— ^Vernon, Conn. A - ^ )U L Y 23 JAN 20 Top quality, slow, even, clean iburnlng drains and poor runoff. 16 No 46 Expect 76 Room ported Fire Capt. Donald Berry. 17 Who 47 Moking 77 Ploy 51-56-60-63, " After the pipes are laid in, IS 57-59-66-68 18 Loss 48 Money 78 Second-. 71-77-79-80vS:i Bodies of the victims were the road site is levelled, a road 1^70-76-85-86 19 Risk 49 And ‘ 79 Your stacked in tiers in the street GOODYEAR TIRES AT COMPETITIVE PRICES ALSO AVAILABLE AT TLIE FOLLOWING INDEPENDENT DEALERS 50 Or 80 Hunches AQUARIUS lEO 20 A ROOM SIZE RUGS bed dug out and the earth hard­ 21 Promise 51. Good 81 Or JAN 21 nearby. OPEN WEEKDAYS 8 ■ 5 — SAT. 8 - 4 JU LY 24 82 Belongings 4' X 6' OVAL FRINGE ened with heavy rollers. Then a 22 6e 52 Your f e d ' 19 foundation of gravel about eight 23 Hesitotes 53 Only 83 Hand 24 For 5 4 Bock 64 Goods 20-21-29-44^ .More than SO million Ameri­ 9’ X 12* Hereuloii Inches deep is put in and 2- 9-28-31 25 Smort 55 Fire 85 For 47-72--73 NICHOLS - MANCHESTER TIRE. Inc. HOME and $ y i A . 9 5 smoothed out. 032-45-53: 26 Is 56 Fortune 86 Doubt can homeowners live In homes NYLON RUGS o r Nyloa 87 Soon PISCES VIRGO 27 Turn 57,Don’t that are ten or more years old, 295 Broad Street— Phone 643-1161 Mancheeter Next ixunes the “black stu ff’, 28 And 58 On 88 Forgottenirgc FEB 20 Be-infMced with dou­ 89 LuckyICK’ says the Tile Council of Ameri­ the bituminous paving material. 29 Is 59 Leave MAR' 21 GARDEN c e n t e r ble jute bade for added StPT. 22 30 Deoling 60 Smiles 90 Brook ca. Nearly $10 billion was spent AGWAY DOUBLE J U 1 E BACK The first layer of it js full of 4- 7-10-35,^ strongth. Beautiful 5-33-39-58 during 1967 lor remodeling and amaU stones and ik about two (%>:)Good (^Adverse ■ iNciitnil 37-41-74 Vi 1310 TOLLAND TURNPIKE NEAR CALDOR ASSORTED COLORS WHILE m E Y LAsrr deeorator colors. $99 V A L U E Inches thlok. The thinner final ■^61-64-67 the figures are expected to be layer is much smoother. higher In 1968. BUCKLAND STORE ~ EXIT 93. RT. 15


IHanrliPHtpr present weight of our mdlitary oommlt- Youngsters ment in Thailand. It Is something be­ Connecticut tween the Thais and ourselves, and no lEoptuni) ilpritid doubt we can handle K to our mutual Yankee Postponing Broad St. Manchester PUBLISHBD BY THh. saitiafaction. HBRAU) PRINTINa CO.. INC There Is one other potential reauM of By A.H.O. Grad Party • OiRR OaHy 10:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.! 13 BlascU Street our now giant-slsed commitment in Hanclieiter. Conn, By VIVIAN BROWN THOMAS P. FERGUSON Thailand adtich Is more worrisome. \-yfz stale Personnel Oommisetoner # Aerso ol Free rrO f asy PaifciREl WALTER R. FERGUSON AP. Newsfeatures writer OUMBIV m ... PuMlabers Power politics is always a buslneas of C. Perrie PWlMpe. who Is one NEW Y o r k (AP) - You are Founded October 1. 1881 (diallenge and response, in wMch ea

MANCHBSTI5R EVENING HERALD, MANCllESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1968 MA.NCHEStER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1968 PAGE BIAVBI Congress Sends LBJ Acting Chief. Truth-in-Lending Bill The Baby Has 4 Others Quit WASHINOTON (AP) — Con- —The total' cost of the credit greae has sent President John- *" dollars and cents over Its full Bethel Force son a major consumer protec requirement BETHEL (AP)—Bethel’s act­ Uon bUl requiting disclosure of wUI not apply, however, to first Been Named ing xx>li«« chief and four mem- the annual coat of Interest on mortgages on homes, ( b«ra of the force quit yesterday most loans and credit pur- The bill also exempts, from the latest development in toe chases interest rate requirement Doyer, Ralph Everett Jr., son of Ralph Everett Sr. and town’s police problems. FURNITURE MARTS ^ ^ j ..... 1 ,. small transactions on this for- . overjoyed that the niula: All purchases of $76 or Celeste Bteter Monahan Doyer, East Hartford. He waa bom Detective agt. John Snyder, truth-ln-lendlng bill so ardenUy ,esg long as the credit charge May 16 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal toe acting chief, and four pa­ sponsored by President John$on grandfather is ’Thomas C. Monahan, 228 Oak St. His paternal trol Aien submitted their resig­ has chases of more than $78 where grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Doyer. East nations to the town’s police com­ Betty Pumess, the Prerfdent’s ^ exceed Hartford. mission. Snyder has been acting .adviser on consumer affairs. chief since the suspension CAMP and COTTAGE SLEEP SALE! Tt Is Inde^ a victory, for ^ e ^ speelal provision waa Hence, Robert Matthew, son of Phillip L. and Mary Dar­ months ago of Chief Francis consumer who at last can shop ^ cover open-end or by Hence, 22 Norman St. He waa bom May 16 at Manchester Kirk. as wisely for credit as for mer- revolving credit plans, Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and '’The resignations' left three chandise/' Miss Pumess added under it, the store would have Mrs. Edward Darby, 222 Oak St. His paternal grandpEirents men available tor duty oh toe You get: 2 Innerspring Mattresses, to state Ito full annual rate as are Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hence, 61 Lenox St. He has one Betrel police torce, one of them The far-reaching measure, a ^ell Ab the monthly rate but brother, Richard Mark, 2H. Patrolman James P. O’Hara, highly cOTtroverslal subject on could. If It chose, list Its ac- steiNson of First Selectman 2 Boxsprings on Hardwood Legs Oapltol Hill for eight years, was on such credit In the Browne, David John, son of C. ’Thayer and Psdrlcia M. George Birdsall. broadened just before enact­ preceding year. Sharpies Browne, 86 Tracy Dr. He was bom May 16 at Man­ ment to include besides credit chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Btrdsall, a Republican who Choose from 30”-33”-36’-39” Sizes A minimum monthly charge of ousted a Democratic adminis­ disclosure: 80 cents a month or less would John D. Sharpies, Rumford, R.I. His paternal grandfather Is - m e first f^eral llmltaUon.^g^ ^ ^ j^^g^est Gordon M. Browne, Ctotiilt, Mass. He has two brothers, Chris­ tration last October, had called on the ainount of a worker’s computation on such se­ topher, 7,. and Andrew, 8. on toe toree-mem'ber Board of wages that can be garnished— » • • • * Police Commissioners and Kirk ordered withheld for payment of Tone, Jennifer Evon, daughter of William R. and Linda to resign. Also Included was a provision The five men who resigned to­ debt. aimed at frauds In home Im- Lucas Tone, 97D Sycamore Lane. She. was bom May 16 at $ -The hxing for toe first time pfoygnjents. A homeowner con^ Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandfather is day said O’Hara’s presence in ALL of strongsif«ervna> federal/ a H a v a I criminalAMmlnal penal-*\Anol. ^ for such work financed . T. C. Lucas, San Angelo, Tex. Her paternal g^-andfather is F. the department was a factor in their quitting. They refused to ties against organized loan by a ^ first or second mortgage . Jerome ’Tone, Lake Wales, Fla. FOUR snarKSsharks wnowho exiena,extend, finance wor property would have « • * • • elaborate, however. collect payments on credit with withdraw from the Brookman, Matthew diaries, son of A. ’ihomas and Ja­ ’Two of toe three-member unreasonably high toterest. agreement If he chose. nice Melalka Brookman, 67 Hillside Manor, Vemon. He was board of commissioners eventu­ PIECES! ,v tn.® ™ ^ The measure would require a bom May 14 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His matemEd ally resigned, and Birdsall the bill W ednes^y with near advertising installment grandmother Is Mrs. Charles J. Melalka, Athol, Mass. His named two new commissioners unanimous support. . loans to give the annual Interest paternal grandmother Is Mrs. Edward R. Lamb, Hartford. to replace them. The two new -^e bill will cover about $1TO cash price, number of pay- He has a brother, Robert Andrew, 4. commissioners voted to bring $55 billion in annual loans and pur- andJ^toSr due dates, not * • • « • charges against Kirk. Single Sets chases. . ^ the/fimount down and the Nieves, .Karen Ann, daughter of Miguel Angel and Cath­ The major accusations against Scout Receives His Eagle Badge Sen. William Proxmlre, D- erine Elaine Minor Nieves, $8 Village St., Ellington. She was Kirk were that he failed to turn 3 Wls., chief Senate sponsor, said’ ^ bom May 17 at Rockville General Hospital. Her maternal over certEiln fig- — the ------credit disclosure ------section Jesanis, Edward Luke, son of Edward William and .Open Stock Bedroom Pieces shire sweepstakes said he was other parts of toe omnibus anti- Congress to outlaw all wiretap- '™® *** Andover their g^ declining balance of July 1. 1969, and the garnish Contracts Ratified for 37 Deborah Serenson and Marilyn Madeline-Daneau Jesanis, Hurlburt Rd. Tolland. He was bom ’crime bill. ping suid electronic eavesdrop- adult leaders were Informed re^ ment provision July 1, 1970. ’The Board of Education this thur Lyon and Cheurles Singer, Slotpcenskl. so happy that he would like to the obligation. May 16 at Rockville General Hospital. His maternal grand­ put a "sweepstakes machine” Initial Senate votes Wednes- ping except In cases relating to cenitly a t a meeting of ■ the week accepted the resignations Grade 5. Junior high and high school mother Is Mrs. Lydia Daneau of Hebronville, Mass. His pater­ - r - i - h j , Th^ ojhers to teach and the teachers resig^nlng are John nal grandfather is Peter Jessinis, Madison Lane, Rockville. in his sandwich shop. Easy-to-care-for day on attempted amendments national security. *Nelgtiboriiood OoordlnaJtlng of 17 teachers, granted leave of Henry Levy, 48, who with his to . toe wiretap-electronic sur- The bUl would let federal and »hii schools graduated from are as Boccuzzi, chemistry, high He has two brothers, Michael, 11% and Peter, 10; and a sis­ velllance sectlo npolnted toward state Judg^es grant police appll- ' • Mrs. Crimmins Breaks Down absence to one and ratified 37 follows: Laura Allman, West­ school; Esther Ellin, Spanish, 44-year-old wife Catherine runs ter, Caroline,-3%. ’ a sandwich shop in East Hart­ Hi-Pressure its ‘acceptance despit e White cations for wiretapping and. part of the Sachem contracts. minster College, Grade 6 Eng­ high school; Robert Hanson, I f S House oi^sHibn. * electronic eavesdropping oh Service Unit in union with He- Most of the new teachers lish; Lynn Anderson, University math, high school, and Carolyn NapoU, Gina Marie, daughter of Joseph and Bailie Rob­ ford, was presented his prize After 10 Minutes on Stand Phllippon, English, junior high. Tuesday by Gov. John W. King. But trouble for the over-all finding probable cause for belief bron^snd~MarH)oroughn- hired will fill vacancies in the of Massachusetts, math, middle inson Napoli, Highland a ty , Fla. She was bom May 8 at Mt. Plastic Tops blll loomed after a statement by that an individual Is, has, or Is The announcement was made NEW YORK (AP) — Alice Atty. James Mosely has said Special teachers, Judith Park Memorial Hospital, St. Petersburg. Fla. Her maternal Levy said he hadn’t yet de­ elementary grades. Among the sllege; jorie Botteron, Mary Chmura, at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents A total of $24,000 was handed Diane Bagl^^ English, High Wallace College, elementary Beverly Oochran, Joseph Gior­ out to other prize winners by These votes kept in toe meas- If tried or to be too dangerous.” This chairman and her teams 4-year-old daughter In 1966. brother, Edmund, Jr., 6, died, music; Marjorie H a m b 1 y, are Mr. and Mrs. Ctoarles Caslnghlno, East Hartford. Her pa­ ure provisions—added by the A wiretap-eavesdrop order from each town will help In After 10 minutes of largely Mrs. Crimmlnt® Is charged School; Eleanor Ericson, Busi­ gio, Edward Masker, Mary Pa- ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Roy, KeesevlUe, Governor King. In jhe first ma­ ness Education, high school; Rhode Island College, elemen­ panos and Marshal Press. jor drawing of toe year, 688 per^' CHOOSE FROM; Senate to the House-passed bill granted by a judge could not be training, organization and In- inaudible testimony, the 28-year- with strangling toe girl, whose tary, and Muriel Lambert, Tem­ N. Y. —that would undo controversial for a period longer than 30 days, terpretatlon of the Girl Scoat old former cocktail waitress was body was found July 14, 1965— Wmiarn Field, Grade 6; Gara- sons shared a total of $224,650 bed Garabedian, Grade 6 so­ ple University, Grade 6. In prizes. hlgh-court decisions on to ead- but additional 30-day extensions program. led weeping from the stand the day her mother reported Also, Elizabeth McLean, Bos­ Special! • SINGLE DRESSER 4 DRAWER CHEST misslbllity of confessions and could be granted. Girl Scout troop 50007 in Wednesday. that she and her brother, were cial studies; Patricia Gut, Busi­ Minor Crashes Tile Levys have two daugh­ ness Education, high school, and ton University, Grade 6 Ekig- Top Advisers Urge RFK ters, Janet, 21, a student at the eyewitness testimony. The Before turning to the wiretap Andover will travel to Camp »she says she 1s \mable to go missing. The boy’s body, found lish; Barbara Moss, Parsons court’s decisions have greatly section Wednesday, toe Senate Laurel in Lebanon on Saturday gt^te Supreme Court Jus- five days later, was In such con- Dorothy Januclk, Carol Micha- Occur in Lots University of (Connecticut, and 4 Piece BEDROOM SET • STUDENT’S DESK BACHELOR'^CHEST College, Grade 8, social studies; broadened the rights of criminal tabled 63 to 18—and thus killed and Sunday for an ' over-night pet^r T. Farrell announced, dltion that the cause of death 11k, and Mary Ann Walsh, ele­ Two minor accidents occurred To Attack Sen. McCarthy Cyndy, 13. Levy said that he had defendants. —an amendment that would srtay. ’Hielr teader will toe Mrs. qiyjg brought groans from could not be determined. Miv, mentary. Virginia Nuedling, Oswego been a regular purchaser of Mirror, Chest, State University Grade 6, math; in Manchester parking lots yes­ • PR. NITE STANDS BOOKCASE BED “I would not accept those pro- have provided young men with Richard Odbome who wUl be y,g spectators in toe Crimmins Is not charged in con- The following are graduates of terday, police report. WASHING’rON AP) — Sen. phrey and of running a cam­ tickets since the start of Jtoe visions . .. which would rob the the right to legal ^ counsel at a ^ s te ^ b y Mrs. Lucas Moe and courtroom In Queens necUon with the boy’s death. Eileen Perry, Southern Connec­ paign financed with Texas mon­ sweepstakes In 1904. Dresser and University of Connecticut: Fran­ ticut College, Grade 5; Patricia At 9 p.m. In the Burger Chef Robert F. Kennedy's top advis­ Supreme Court of power,” said draft board hearings. ^s. Paul I^nahue, Cadette Jj^gy „p every The prosecution has said that cis Brooks, Grade 8 science; parking lot, 236 Main St., a car ey. Hie winning ticket was bought Spindle Bed MIRROR 16.97 additional pit Soden, Siena College, elemen­ ers are urging him to attack 129 celler. Since he vrould chair any ’The first votes on the wiretap- Leaders, and h ta. Donald Rtoh- „^crnlng since the trial began Mrs. CMmmlns may have killed Linda Cole, Grade 8. English; driven by Salvatore Scalise, 17, “And neither of these things Is at Rockingham Park and was conference committee named to ping section came on amend- ards. Junior troop committee „ „ o'^ia tvip iHrU tary; Geraldine Towle, Farm ­ of 35 Flower St. struck a car Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy &a a true,” he said. made out in his wife's name Donna Frey, Grade 6; Sheila ington State College, elemen­ hammer out a Senate-House ments by Sen. Edwkrd V U>ng,. ’Ihe spectators’ reaction led St toring the child In a custody Furlong, speech and •hearing; belonging to Elaine F. Smith of stalking horse tor Vice Presi­ But Kennedy’s advisers are Levy said. coi^promlse, Celler’s opposition D-Mo„ foe of what he calls gov- ^ P a ttl^ ^ p b r f l A^ll Farrell to demand order. “I Will contest then pending between tary, and Doris Tshudy, Kutz- Vernon. telling toe New York senator he 'Winners were treated to punch $ Joan Kloter, Marlene Latimer, town State College, art. dent Hubert H. Humphrey. could prove deadly. ernment "spying on its own citi- with campcrait and badge re- Z ^ t. i. ^ ^ elementary; and Paula Woytlk, At 8:45 p.m. in the Mister Do­ This development represents ought to pound away on toe In toe executive chambers of toe EACH In aS effort to .^ e d acUon on zens.” qulrement activities. Miss Cathy ” hP 1 Along with the 17 teachers re­ nut parking lot, 256 W. Middle campaign theme that a vote Tor State House as the governor and Grade 6. signing, two will be retiring at a considerable turnaround tn toe over-all bill, the Senate His first amendment, rejected Donahue will be waterfront dd- ’mm s pw Tpke., a car driven by Benton the three-way race tor the Dem­ McCarthy Is really a vote tor members of the executive coun­ PIECE agreed to limit debate on pro- 61 to 21, was designed to pre- rector, and music for the Sun- Graduates of Eastern Connec- the end of the school year. They Humphrey. ticirt State College; Joanne Ja ­ E.. Gross, 64, of Glastonbury, ocratic presidential nomination cil and others chatted with posed wiretap section amend- vent indefinite postponement of day morning devotional service are Esther Chappuis who teach­ backed Into a parked car be­ —after McCarthy announced his This -effort to pin a HumpHEey them. Spindle Beds Twin or Full Size ments to 30 minutes for each the period In which, alter a wlr- will toe provided toy Mr. and “ Oiy with a micropnone. Man Pinned cobsen, Susan Larrabee, Carol es English at the middle school label on McCarthy apparently Plela, all elementary, and Ar­ longing to Idella Brown, 26 candidacy last winter he was speaker. etap Is terminated, noUflcaUon Mrs. Gordon MacDonald. ®f*®.“f®'*® «own, hfts. and Arlma Oampo, teacher of Coleman Rd. tagged by political detractors as would be calculated to provide a COLORFUL MEN with Low Foot Boards The measure would permit must be given to the persons 'Hie girls wUl leave the ele- J^m m lns had told some of her After Boom a stalking horse for Kennedy. ready explanation for the Ken­ NEW YORK (AP) — The mul- police—federal, state and local His second amendment would mentary school parking area }“e under questioning by nedy camp If their candidate Our Reg. 34.97 28.88 It had been Kennedy’s earlier tihued peacock has nothing on —to engage In wiretapping and named In toe court order. at 9 a.m. on Saturday and be "®JL ■®^®*’’ hope that once he had chalked falls to collect a majority of the toe .American man when It electronic eavesdropping under Ijave barred issuance of court reftumed to the school at 3:30 The questioning turned to the Hits Crane up victories over McCarthy in Democratic vote In either the comes to color this year, ac­ court orders while investigating orders for wiretapping In cases P - m . on Sunday. Parents are discord between toe defendant the primaries—as he did In Indi­ Oregon or California primaries. cording to a survey conducted major crimes. where police only suspect a ashed to call either Mrs. Ken- and her husband, Edmund; 82, NEW HAVEN (AP) — A 100- ana and Nebraska and now ex­ He could say that he was fight­ by Melnhard-Commerclal Corp-, But It sets penalties of up to crime is about to be committed, neth Gillet, Rt. 6, or Mrs. Leon an aviation mechanic. With the crane boom ^toppled onto Chvksi&L TnsaJtA, Qjp JowjfL pects to do In Oregon and Cali­ ing two active candidates In­ a factoring and firianclal firm. five years’ imprisonment and It was defeated 60 to 18. Palmer, Wales Rd. In case of prosecutor objecting, the de- toe cab of the crane today—pln- fornia—the Mlrinesota senator stead of 'the one on the ballot. Color was selected as toe sin­ any emergency. fense lost In attempts to get , .. . President Johnswi’s name re­ Bake Sale Saturday testimony about the marital ning the operator inside for over would throw his support behind gle most important element In U.S. CHOICE him at toe Chicago convention. mains on the Oregon ballot de­ selling apparel by 22 per cent of QUALITY RUG SALE The Andover Mothers Club trouble. hour. , tt Consequently he has taken spite his withdrawal from con­ toe manufacturers of men’s ^ Priced For a Sellout! will hold a I'alrc r:ale at the Farrell then took over the Edward Fowler, tention. A former Johnson dele­ Events in Capital firehouse on Saturday to start questioning. taken to St. Raphael s pains to avoid any other than clothing. The study pointed out ROUND ROAST pin-prick attacks on McCarthy. gate slate Is running uncommit­ that color wa;: f'luj’i more Im­ at 10 a.m. and to go on until all Q. "Did there come a Ume Hospital, where he v^s reported ted In California. Humphrey has chemical definition of toe Hor­ the delicacies have been sold, when your marital relationship surgery. Fowler suf- Top or Bottom But McCarthy has rejected Ken­ portant as a selling tool for Special 9' X 12' Continous LBJ Signs Study Bill mone’s structure. nedy’s repeated invitations to avoided giving this group his menswear than for women’s On\jf t /kU%oAuto inInsurance s u r a n c e onio Tnotitii>A aai/i oitn/4oao ftf iJiiutuuShould customers iiiiufind theyLiicjf becameucuaiiic uiaiitirmuiuuus:'disharmonious?'’ fered, one broken ^ssibly join forces with him against blessing. and children’s clothing. Only 5 WASHING’TON (AP) — PresI- i~derle Laboratories In the *“‘® particular A. ‘JActually It started when complained of chest J•“'= deathsuoiiuio bf-7our«•. lour traffic iraiuo .lights-bn.iigms'on busy ousy Dlx-utx.- PLUMP NATIVE CHICKENS • Kennedy lieutenants are count­ census oif the White, black and I 1 h places of almost five years be- formed a new unit to Investlpte bridee niavers voimp' and Bieir two children, and her broth- well Avenue were not working “For Frying or Broiling . . ing McCarthy out of the running mixed blood population Is 12' X 15' 100% Continous 12 X 18' Fine tore trial; organized crime and racketeer- AH^brWg^e^^players and OCEAN FRESH, LIVE MAINE for toe nomination. planned for March 20, 1669. B “—Why equal access to auto Ing involvement In the nation s welcome. A nominal defense put Police detoured traffic around 3-Legged Chickens lb. 39c They are convinced that when S the final accounting comes, insurance is not available to all labor unions, Assistant Atty charged to cover exnens- Crimmins on the witness the scene-of the accident. Whole Chicken, plus Extiu Leg! Filament Nylon Room Size Americans, G®”- Fred M. Vinson has dls-' stand opened the way for the Several utility lines kept the LOBSTERS McCarthy will spurn Kennedy “—And why compensation of closed to Congress. ^ ^ Swim Program Set prosecution to cross-examine fallen boom from landing on and turn to his old political as­ sociate Humphrey, despite accident victims Is often une- Rep. James A. Burke, D-” The Red Cross swimming pro- her about her life. Asst. Dlst. Webster Street. Double Breasted ANTIQUE SHOW Our Reg. Low Price 99.88 Our Reg. Low qual and unfair." ^ . differences with the vice presi­ ■ „ , . "®’^‘ Wednesday by which Andovef Lake. Spon- dent on Johnson policies. Chickens lb. 49c McCarthy, campaigning to MAY 24 and M A Y 25 National Heart Institute House members may record j^y a l p o X, it will begin ONLY 9 9 l S Save Whole Chicken, plus Extra Breost! Oregon Tuesday, hinted he Save Hinton or M*bi1- i z HOWARD ROAD (off 44A) Over $ Over WASHINGTONTells of Achievement (AP) — Inter- fP®"?«*7-*''

PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER CONN., 'rtiURSDAY, MAY 28. 1968 Section Two THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1968 J®anrljp0t9r lEutning THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1968 Pages 13 to 24 Meriden Woman Rham District B oh ion Vernon Named President PTSA Banquet Saturday; PTA Netnies Hospital Cites ^ohn Sehnoh Of Health Group N^w Mill Rate Worries Voters. Schardt H eads Committee ROCKVUXE: — John Schuch, RC Gray Ladies €3, of 67 Orchard St., husband MKRIOEN (AF*)—Mrs. Sarah Graduation Set for June 20 Slate of What effect the proposed, questioned why this couldn’t if the land ,on which the 18 On Public Information o< Bldna Roth Church, died yes- HtraUs o f the Connecticut budget figure will have on the be done cut the beginning of the apartments in the complex she At ceremwilea conducted last The Regional PTSA will H>on> Sehneller received her B.S. in mill rate was the uppermost annual meeting. lives in had been used Instead terday at Rockville General state Health Department was Upon a recommendatidti by upon an engineering study with­ evening at the Newington Veter* sor the annual Blue and Oold Social Sciences from the State Officers question on the minds of those Brlenza further pointed out for two $60,000 homes that there Hoapttal. Dr. Walter Schardt, the Board in the past six months. Banquet on .Saturday at 6:80 University College In Oneonta, The elementary school PTA attending a budget hearing con- that cut last year's annual meet- probably ' would be more chll- ans Administration Hospital, 10 Though the price seems hlgb, J tS T l4 ,‘ l»06!'toI‘2 ^ “ PhluS New England Public Health As- P ™' Commons of the New York, in 1067 and her M.S. nominated a slate of officers ducted by the Board of Repre- Ing it took the board Just about dren attending schools from the of Education last night voted Manchester volunteers wer? he said, it Is based upon “ doing high school. General chairman in Education from Queens Col- and the high school Bolton Edu- sentatlves last night. five or ten minutee to come up two homes than from the apart- unanimously to establish a pub­ among the many Indivldualtf and Frances Phlllippe Schuch, soclation. a total Job and doing it right. honored for their Wtork. he lived in the Rockville area She and other officers were lic , information committee. It also assumes you will be re­ that only The address of recognition 23 years. Before his retirement elected at the association's an^ The purpose of the committee, taining the school another 20 her building was given by Dr. Philip W. F er­ Clvde Washbume. former tricltv-Eleotmnlcs teaohine no- Walter Simon U PwaWent- mlUlon plus budget, was attend- O'® Schardt suggested, would be to years.” i.® **•. *”Jf*°^®** nu^ meeting. Washbiftne, former trlclty-Eleotronlcs teaching po- v*u» hrfomatlon at the betlnidne of attend school. She also pointed ny, chief of surgical service and by First National Store. He was P'^ysi-l educaUon instructor sition. He is hopefUI of .-filling ^ S T e X ^ ^ out that the apartm eJ? are the meeting. work together with the PTA In other discussions relating acting chief of staff. member of Union Congrega- Massachusetts Department of and atWetio coach of R W i, that vacancy this week. - hearing did not privately serviced on trash col- Council to order to give wider to Bennet Junior High, Alty. tlonal Church, the Rockville Public Health was chosen presi- The presentation of awards will be the guest speaker, he is Mrs. Della Adorno, history ^ ^ ^ g ^ e t a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ lection, and snow plowing. May- publicity to school needs, fiscal Herbert Phelon, chairman of Lodge of Elks, and Maple dent-elect. was made by Reed L. Clegg, presently a physical sducatloq and social studies teacher, will oeorga*Ba^ks teZsurer ^ ‘ ♦7’°®^’®“ ’ but^et aocounts, Robert Dick- or Grant said a survey is being matters, and problems faced by the building and sites commit­ hospital director; assisted by Grove, all of Rockville; and the Designated honorary presl- the board. Instructor, freshman basketball be reassigned next year to the ‘ “ ®/; shice the board is still going ^ 14 jjva a rcle asked conducted by the Planning Corn- tee, reported on the status of Mrs. Jane M. Stanwick, volun­ Workmen's Benefit Assn, of the dent was Clair E. Turner, con- coach and varsity baseball guidance department. ™® throi^h the v a r l ^ accounts, the Mayor for his observations ml-sslon in this matter, athletic fields in Charter Oak Schardt said he was concern­ tary service officer. United States. sultant to the World Health Or- coach at Eastern ConnecUcut The board accepted the resig- to me schwl for a cultural fund, making some addlUons and on the dnv he snent going on The last thought offered at ed that the board' had not done Park. The following awards were Survivors besides his wife in- ganization and XJNESOO, of State College. . naUon of Mrs. Kathleen Russo deletions to the Mayor’s ^unds with me refuse col- the brief hearing was one to 'Though school officials have enough to publicize?' the needs made to Red Cross Gray La­ elude three sisters, Mrs. Percy Aiting^n, Mass. V 1 TB J- Colin Bushee, principal of from her pjut-tlme art teaching the admmistrators to bring m recommendations. The current leotors. spend more, not less money. A been concerned that Rt. 6 con­ behind Its $879,000 capital im­ dies from this area: Sims of Miami Springs, Fla ,«^tinn Rham has announced that grad- position. Mrs. Russo plans to ^udpt totals ^,898,840 vdth the ^h^ contractor for the col- suggestion was made by Dlck- struction might leave the school provements request which fail­ Certificates of Appreciation Mrs. Charles Schmid of Man- Tarantino,r«ntinn executive director of ^ bustaess. J !, ? , eveitag, mill rate at 60. The mill rate leotion has asked for an $18.- erman that the Economic Be­ without playing fields next Chester and Mrs. Theodore Fries the New Haven area Tubercu ed at the polls in the April 30 for 100 hours of service, to Mrs. at 6 :30 p.m. The senior class Surplus Seen ®;*®"“ ®^ ®y '^®P' ‘ ®’*' com bers ggt based on 100 per cent qoo increase in order to contln- velopment Commission be given referendum. school year, Indications now are of Rockville. Health Association, the com- Earlier in the year, Damar- ° ‘ *J®f t n ^ teachers and the exe- collections of taxes and it is yg „gjj^ Mayor Grant told more money in order to do that the highway construction at Henry Bengzton, M*s. MaftM He said the PTA Ctouncll— LaBate and Mrs. Edward Wil- that point will not begin until m S S r ^ a r i ^ M ^ a ? a? tlTe H a sk in s!® N e w m “m:eS‘«S^?sM“be .h?d me“ r n e ^ ; " t 7 ld i ? r jU w y som^brng^LW antlafto attrart comprised of representatives kos. Hpoith 'riAnortmoni*^” On the outslde stage of the au- might be a deficit in the Rham director Wilson pg used this year. the spring of 1969, Phelon said. - 'niiov ons o»Q« moniho,- Tvuaa ' 618,000 additional they a * - more industry. from all town elementary A certificate for Ctontlnued Whlte-Oibsonwmte-uiDson Funeral sm era ij^ Home, ^ ^ 66 ^ecreter? M^riJ^J’th T X tlitorlum. Presently the plans budget of about $3,860. The re-.. TlUoy iiiiey M ana d staff stait member memoer MI missm Dr.Michael Brlenza of Brook- ed fk>r.” He added lUiat this is The annual budget meeting Therefore, the present facili­ schools—a year or two ago had Outstanding Service tor 750 51*". “ X d e h IT h are to comply with this re- figuring-----„ of „ the — budget-----„ „ as — of „ ,^_®1, A *1, 111 1 ®***® suggested to Mayor simply what they have to have, will be held June 11 at 8 p.m. ties probably will be usable Paul J. Bowfnan will. officiate. Rhode Island Health Depart Indicated willingness to help im­ hours or more, to Mrs. Lyman April 30, shows the balance may work of the M ciiia^ services John Grant at last night’s meet- Nurse Bole Questioned at the Vernon Center Middle next fall and-winter. Burial will be in Grove Hill nient, corresponding secretory; ^b®»*- plement a publicity program, Smith. Concert Tonight Phelon also reported that a and Ruth Johnstone, Norfolk ®*^®' iM ^ 'h v sMio^r M d T v m r that the board announce at Charles Brown of Talcottvllle School. but that nothing had ever been A Certificate of Devotion for Cemetery. Rockville. The board approved the re- •’y the school an y p annual town meeting what asked whether or not school parcel of about four acres may (Mass.) County Tuberculosis The spring music concert will done by the board. 1.000 hours, to Mrs. Eleanors Friends may call at the fu­ quest of the administration to ®bts. ’‘®*® ^**® nurses have the right to admlrV remain from the (Charter Oak neral home today from 7 to 9 and .Health Association, trea- be held tonight at 8 in the gym­ “ We cannot expect the League S. Mohr. nasium. The student art ex­ have Grade 7 students stay ^ Mayor Grant said it is almost ister medicine. After a negative of Women 'Voters always to step Field near the planned ramp 2 An award tor Continued De­ p.m. * home one day to allow the At the Wgh Impossible to estimate the tax reply from School Superinten- H. Rap Brown exit at St. Main St.—more than hibit will be held in conJunO^ to and do the job for us,” voted Service of over 1,000 Grade 6 students from the ^ ^ ® J rate. If voters were allowed to dent Raymond Ramsdell, Brown originally contemplated. Mlss Mary I. Doyle tlon with the concert in the Schardt sai'd. His reference was hours, ta Mrs. Anne F. Kocum. Commons and both the three towns to attend classes ^ . vIpp nrpqidAnt- m ™ ^"'*® ® *"*•* ^ te , he questioned the reason for having to the fact that the League re­ The piece, to be partially ROOKVILJaE—^Mlas Mary I. Vfi0t Gets 5-Year Also, a VA bronze emblem one day for orientation. Pushee ’r i bh»'®®l‘stic rate might registered nurses if they can’t cently carried on an intensive town land and partially state- Doyle, 80, of 39 Grove St., sister State News and lower art rooms, ihe art for 1,750 hours, to Mrs. Anna G. said the day would be set in ^*“ **^ “ " * '’ beset. administer to the children. campaign suppotring and pub­ owned, should be adequate to of Stephen Doyle of Rockville,' exhibition ^11 open at 7:30'p.m. Reideman; a VA silver emblem (Continued from Page One) ®®^y 1""®\ v!tPrt* tn dnnntP Surplus Figure Awaited Dr. Ramsdell clarified the licizing Project Concern. allow for construction of base­ died at her home last night. and will remain on display Jail Sentence for 2,500 hours, to Mrs. Charles irouKn June ^ ® board voted to raise the ^ ® Brienza drew a laugh from point later when he said that Schardt will chair the new ball diamonds, a football field, Bom in Rockville on June 8, through Jime 14. A. Banks, special certificates Shortly after the shooting, po- committee. Other members ap­ and tennis, courts, Phelon said. Bushee told the board of edu< V* shin °for a CTad®uattoe®'^sehtor ^® '^ ® " *>® comnient- by state law the schools are re- (Continued from Page One) of recognition for Cintlnucd 1887, daughter o f Petei- and lice broadcast a buUetln"’seek- pointed toy board chairman John He said the state might be Fanny Kelley Doyle, she lived mg. ^ gj^j. g- mgy "wanted cation Monday that the family rather than toln with^^the ele ®^ ®" Grant’s remark qulred to provide nursing serv- ..«7 s i Exceptional Service for over of the late Geonre Kent educa- ' ^^® *^®*'‘* 'T think the townspeople ice and also by state law they Atty. Louts LaCour. “ We deeply Rottoer are Mrs. Anita Murphy willing to sell its portion back 3 in Rockville all her life. for questioning." 3.000 hours, to Mrs. John L. ble mentollv rX rd ed teacher ®*'®®®® Driver EducaUon in- mentary sch^l PTA in giving a would be happy if they had 0>at are not allowed to administer resent statements making such and John Fletcher. to the town for this use, and re­ Funeral services will be to­ Jenney and Mrs. H. Foster Wil­ h ^ $2M to th T high etructors hourly pay rate from scholarship. Mrs. Azinger, Mrs. any medication except in cases a comparison to Hitler.’’ ported that Town Planner Jo­ morrow at 8:15 a.m. from the T o 'Fisht Extradition During discussion preceding s^ ool tor the DurchMe of a *^ ‘° **• Clark and Mrs. Don Carpenter Grant then explained that the of emergency. Brown was convicted under a seph Tamsky is investigating liams. Buike Funeral Home, 76 Pros- H A R T ^R D AP)—A 23-year- lor me purenase oi a The board had received a re- volunteered to serve on a com- final budget figure depends on Apartment complexes came section of the act forbidding any the vote, the board indicated it will restudy and revise its list the possibility. peot St. with a Mass of requiem old Hartford man arrested in to S sSf^lislro^m K ^ *^® '^ ‘®® *"!^®® ®P, ®r‘t®na. the estimated tax collection and in for their share of discussion one under indictment on a fe at St. Bernard’s Church at 9 connection with a 1965 Philadel- of capital improvements re­ Phelon said the board should Sed L rlv last n^ti^^^^ *^® Instructors. The The council will sponwr a also on the surplus figure which when Joseph Giorgio of Duncas- lony charge to transport a gun quests and again submit them receive a detailed drawing of Town Still Seeks ajn. Burial will be In St. Bern- phia murder has indicated that « “ n^AAA lonowing program, which must be self- dawn dance for the second year jg ^ot known until -the last min- ter Lane suggested that there across state lines. to the Board of Directors. the area which it can study in The Richard Martin School at Glohe Hollow aid’s Cemetery. fight his extradition to supporting to receive state re- tor the seniors after their should be a” proportionate tax "Pbe decision hinged on the Is- To Fill Vacancy There are no calling hours. Pennsylvania. Teachers Appointed imburaement, consists of two graduation ball on Friday, June Brienza commented that the rate for apartments. sue of whether Brown knew he The largest single item in the about a .month. defeated improvements pack­ The nearly completed 12-room elementary school in the Globe Hol­ War II was completed under his leadership, with the exception of Ljeroy Beach, alias Tony Celte, ’Hie board ^approved the ap- phase's; behind-the-wheel train- at the (Community Hall. town always comes up with He was answered by Mrs. '"'as under indictment to Mary- age, and the one given the high­ low tract off Dartmouth Rd., last night was named the Richard the one which will now bear his name. 'Tlie board’s vote last night Because none of the 14 appli­ who was granted a 80-day c"bn- pototment of Miss Karen Kessel ing and classroom training - There will be no band. Henry some intelligent estimate o f the Jolm F. Klllory of Vernon Gari land at the time he traveled est priority by the school board, cants for the position of director tlnuance of his case by Judge English teacher. She is which totals 36 hours. During Ryba will cater. Ctoaperones will percentage o f tax collection and den Apartments who calculated I*'®”' New York <31ty to Baton Reception Slated Martin School by tha Board of Education in memoi’y of Man­ was unanimous and came after only a few minutes Qf discussion F tin e r a lt was a $4(X),000 item to Install a of personal services (formerly Harold M.Missal to June 21. was ® graduate of the University the current year, 95 students be the Hills, the Williamses and -Rouge, La.,- Aug. 18, 1067, ------with chester’s fonner general manager. Mr. Martin, who died last after its regular meeting. Designation of the building as the Mar­ co'mp'etely new heating system called purchasing agent) met returned to Hartford State jail ®f Rochester where she re- have token the program, each Pottertons. Mrs. John <3os- an Ml carbine to his luggage, For Corifirmands November, had served as the town’s chief executive officer from tin School was profxised by Atty. Herbert Phelon. This view looks at Bennet Junior High School. job specifications, the Town of Pfc. Edwin P. Davis In lieu of $100,000 bond Wednes- ceived her B.A. in English. She paying $20. In order to cover tanzo is chairman of the corn- then flew back to New York May 1, 1952, until his retirement Dec. 81,1965. The school board’s . southwest toward the auditorium-gymnasium and the entrance ROCKVILLE — The body of ^ay School Superintendent William Manchester is readvertistog for will receive her M.A. to Amer- the cost of the program the stu- niittee to raise money for the On Capitol Hill Aug. 18 carrying the same gun. The Rev. Dr. J. Manley action followed its long-established policy to name new school ^ to the central administrative suite to its right. The school is now applicants. Army Pfc. Edwin P. Davis, 20, Ctortis has been urging replace­ lean literature from Boston dent fee had to be raised. dance. Refreshments were sold A Dorchester County, Md., Shaw, pastor of South Methodist Applications and job descrip­ of 11 Grove St. arrived to' Hart­ ment of the present steam sys­ builclings after local persons who distinguished themselves in' substantially complete except for minor finishing touches to the University in August. It was announced at the board the senior daks play last grand Jury returned the indict­ tions may be obtained in the ford this morning by train. Da­ tem tor several years. Church, will confirm the Grade public service. During Mr. Martin’s tenure as manager, every building and gi-ading and seein g of lawns. (Herald Photo by ^ e ) . Miss Carol Sehneller was ap- meeting that Dr. James Moreau weekend, and grinders are be- ment Aug. 14 on charges of ar­ Personnel Office in the Munici­ vis was killed May 14, five days He said last night that the 8 Confirmation Class Sunday at Manchester public school and addition constructed since World About Tow n proved to teach a history class, of Marlborough, board member, sold at the school. Mass Arrests Halted son and inciting to riot, based pal Building and must be re­ after he arrived to Vietnam. $4(X),0(X) estimate should still be the 10:45 a.m. service at the Membens of the Marina Corns ®*'® replace Mrs. Stephanie has been elected to the Board Tbe program for the evening on Brown’s speech at a civil turned no later than July 3. Ex­ Full military fimeral services accurate because it • is based Utilities District president, and lilltoiy fimeral services Auxlllarv will con dtS of Directors of the Ubrary Serv- was on drugs, and the speaker rights rally in Cambridge, Md. church. A reception will be held trict, Robert Stavnltsky in the tee is , meeting next Wednesday aminations will toe conducted by will be 19th District, and Henry Becker the announcement by Clinton Saturday at 1 p.m. at Center. was Dr. Sidney' McAlplne, also Kunstler argued that Brown at 10:15 a.m. in the Reception at 8 p.m., in the Municipal the State Personnel Office. the H olmnes es ------Funeral Home,- 400 — ^ bt ^ ------°f Project ASK. The psycholo- In ‘Poor’ Campaign Heralding Politics in the 20th District, Becker is O'Brien and Harold Osgood Sr. T>^r patteitts at the Newington vet- ___ .flA i______i was not notified of the indict­ Hall of the church, and is open Building Hearing Room, to or­ The position, which has been Mato St., Manchester. The Rev. Newington g;ist works also writh emotional to the public. a Democrat. The other two are that they will not seek re-elec­ ganize for the 1968—70 term. Willard E. Conklin of Rockville ®*®"® Hoepltal. ment, had not learned of it INVITATION By SOL R. COHEN vacant since the March 30 death Vernon ly , disturbed 1 u and disadvantaged n f rt (Continued from Page One) -j,},g Ralph David Aber- through newspaper stories or The Rev. Gary S. (Cornell, as­ Republicans. tion as directors, has resulted Standing committees will be an­ of Joseph S. Haas, has been Methodist Church will officiate. i, i ^ d t. ^lidren m Hamora, Boston ana ^ second warning with "^thy said the turnout "far ex- news broadcasts, and that TO BID sociate pastor, and Mrs. Russell "Eugene's East,” a night club Town Director Francis Mahon­ Endorsement of candidates in a rash of speculation about nounced by new (30P chairman filled temporarily by John Burial wUl be to Grove Hill F it ey still is serious about seeking for both parties is scheduled prospective replacements. M. Adler Dobkln. Cemetery both menvbers of the He said that the problem of “ We ShaU Overcome.’ ’ ®,®f ®f, ®ur expectations and an- therefore the gun charge was In- MacKendricks were teachers of for backers of U.S. Sen. Eugene Harkins, deVBlO'p'ment coordina­ for Aug;ust. Among those being mentioned The miiitory fimeral detach- Army-Navy Club, will be_^ert» Summer School Sessions Sealed bids will 'i)e received, the class. This year, the study McCarthy for president and pat­ the Democratic nomination for The committee may endorse tor. It pays $8,190 to $10,140 an­ ^ g s is not new, that after the With that, scores of policemen °.? ? ,e T c t that we have been "" LaCour said it was preposter- at the office of the Purchasing was divided into two semesters; state representative in Man­ for president are William Hank- Mayor Nathan Agostinelll that nually. ment wUl be under the com- ^ tomorrow night at terned after “ Eugene's Club” uivii war many nostrums ^j,o had been standtoj; by start- able to bring to the nation’s cap- ous to say that neither Brown Agent, 41 Center Street, Man­ The Old Testament and under­ chester’s 19th Assembly Dis­ Former Cong. Edwin H. May inson and Paul Cervinl, present­ night. Agostinelll is expected to mand of Capt. Askl Klkut of 1=®® P *"- Honor Night Jr. of Wethersfield, the leading Set to Open on June 24 chester, Conn., until June 3, standing of God; and the-life and in New York City, will open trict. • ly directors; Philip Burgess Sr. be the GOP candidate for state ROCK SLIDE WARNING Windsor Locks dinner at the club. Cervto w ^ nn ®** leading the defiant demon- people who are greatly con- nor his lawyer, Kunstler, knew candidate for the GOP nomina­ teachings of Jesus, the history Tuesday in East Hartford and He already has informed Atty. and Burton Pearl. senator from the 4th Senatorial Friends may call at the fu- "**^®^ ®n the board of gover Summer school sessions will lar school sessions will also be knowingly addicted. ' ^®6ons which cerned about their plight and of the indictinent, to view of 1968 at 11:00 a.m. for: tion for U.S. Senator, will be the GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. ) Sidewalk and curb con- ' of the church', and the responsi­ will be open each Tuesday night Paul Groobert of his plans. Groo- All refuse to comment. District. 1 speaker Tuesday at.the weekly (AP)—An electrified fence of 9 - bility of a (Christian today. for the next 10 weeks. bert, a former state represen­ TV rcSt^:rfor“??yS: b;;vv. i:s; to^ ‘f!Tto:;^2r :E ^“ VtS:r!^ ‘^rrm sK -re- structlon Republican Dutch-treat lunch­ heavy steel mesh fs strung The group also made two The announcement last night tative and presently clerk of REPAIRS NEEDED Wc. Davts, who entered the Th® ®^®®‘ ®P®'‘ *o members ®®ho®l. several _ elementary /" J ^‘^J® adtoto areT ddl^. “ 1 their colleagues to ^®,f»y“ » e greatest_ accom- Judge Mitchell had ruled, at 2) Structural steel spreader eon, at the Shoreham Motor Ho­ Plentiful candidates, including along much of the Denver & Rio field trips, including participa­ by Sanford Plepler, Manchester Army to November 1967 and guests, schools___ _ .w.v.and thewre middle school. j - ...... the demonstration claimed and plishment,” said the Southern the start of the trial, that any hangers the House of Representatives, al­ tel, Hartford. one or two surprise ones, are FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) —A Grande Western Railroad track­ chairman for McCarthy, drew a served to Vietnam with the The courses 'will run for a ne ®®®®Pted ^ d will be through Dr. McAlplne said that the gj,ggj,gjj Q,gy talked to the Christian Leadership Confer- knowledge of the indictment Bid forms, plans and specifi­ tion to a United Nations Semi­ so is interested to the nomina­ expected to announce before the survey of state-maintained age in western Colorado. A rock ™ of s r w e r “ a ! ^ ^ l s t ^ " i fee must be paid process of adolescence is dif- ^h®®r®d^s walked to the e„^e president to an interview. was enough to sustain the gun comment from Democratic Last Tuesday's speaker was lOlst Airborne Division, was rlod cations are available at the nar last October conducted by tion. *He was the defeated can­ former Cong. Abner Sibal of 8th District’s June 26 annual bridges in Kentucky has re­ slide heavy enough to bulge the a, tha h(.rh ...... - -r,—-. -V.V.B.J ...... S'— ■»» T» VI A A uunK we nave oeen ame lo cnarge. tie mairucieu me juium Town (Jhairman Ted Cummings. struck by fragments from an Public Record ^Juna Tt,4 ®‘— .^® “ ""f '•eglstraf^on. ferent today from i..,., previous gen- „ ...... 11 ...... * '^® *^''® ‘»®®" ^*>‘® ‘® ^® instructed the Jurors Purchasing Office, 41 (tonter the Methodist Office for United didate in the district two years Norwalk, the only other an­ meeting convenes. vealed that about 150 are in fence pulls a plug and causes a “ We uncommitted people,” enemy rocket which exploded Warrantee Deed only one m a k lw course mTv * elementary schools to- erations because of the affluent ®^‘®* ®' dispel much of the fears that the they should not convict unless Street, Manchester, Connecti­ Nations Affairs, and a weekend ago. need of repair. No large river red light tb flash in block sig­ Cummings complained, "can’t nounced candidate fob the GOP near the Army camp at Ben OUver B. and Ann M. Jylkka be taken during^the summer to,remedial and d » society and because scientific public have held concerning the they felt that the government cut. in New York City in April when nomination. The Republican Town Commit- spans are in thds category. nals as a warning to engineers. Hoa. to Mai Tool A Engineering Cto., ^ssiM Howeve^ nersonal use ''®*°P'"®"^* reading and arlth- advancements in terms of space bd would be booked on a charge campaign,” he said. "Many proved Brown knew about the Town of Manchester, besides sightseeing, they were even get a room in the Village John Hutchinson, a fofmer Maze. The McCarthy people, town director, is still mulling a division of G u lfV d w f s ^ X diTer education ^ "i"®*®,^' ®*®® ®‘®*"‘® *'®^® v * peopto toought w« had come to todlctment. Connecticut guests of a member parish of Victor Swanson’s surprise res­ Industries Inc., property at 81 r^dlSg nmy be X n to a ^ l! produced a nihilistic attitude. Wiley told toose who chose to Washington to tear it up . . . Ctonvlctlon was on the second with their nightclubs, are sure Robert B. Weiss, the East Harlem Protestant over his decision whether to ignation from the post of 8th Adams St., conveyance tax $66. tlon to a make-up course. fet'-for Vernon children is Drug Problem Less Today I’® arrested io be prepared to violence would result.” count, which specified Brownes General Manager Parishes. living high off the hog.” , seek the Democratic nomina­ 12th Qrcnit Lease The makeup courses to be $ 20. The drug problem is probably stay in Jail until their cases are There is "no need to fear” flight back to New York. He tion from the 18th Assembly Dis­ Leon Podrove and John B. presented are ‘ English 1 2 andReststration blanks for the not as bad now as at the turn disposed of and not to seek re- violence from the poor people, was acquitted on the first count, trict. Court Cases Bamtol to United Aircraft Corp.. 3; algebra 1 geometry and U.S. ®®“” ®® a^e available at the of the century, he said, but or- lease on baU. Abernathy said. But he again which specified the flight to Hutchinson, for eight years, Personal Notices pacrel of land for parking lot history Driver education will al- ®®^o®*s. As with the high school ganlc damage is greater. "You’re serving the cause by urged Congress to "not wait New Orleans, was legislative chairman for at Piiie St., Hall Ctourt, Hart- ao be offered for one-quarter courses students must arrange About 30 per cent of those staying in Jail," he told them. around” and to "act with all de­ credit unions of the state. In Memoriam MANOHB8TEB SESSION ford Rd. and Elm St., for one credit and personal use typing **’®*'' ®'^" transportation and addicted become so because of But the delegation, about 200 liberate speed” on the cam- In memory of my mother, Mrs. year beginning May 1, 1968. and remedial and development^ o^^®*" regulations en- their culture. Another group is strong, found the door to Mills’ paign’s demands for a program To™ to Give Atty. Herbert Phelon, a school Margaret Brmdle Andorton. who de- A Manchester man, charged Thomas L. Mason to Joseph reading with no credits to be forced'durtog the regular school formed by those who are allenat- office closed and a policeman to help the nation’s poor, board member, is still in the imrted this life May 23. 1965. LT.WOOD with breach of peace, was sen- Rivosa, space in building at 264 ^ven. year. ed from their families, especial- standing in front of it. Otherwise, he said, there may running for the Republican I know I will meet my mother 10% of Grant Some day on a distant shore — tenced to one year to custody Broad St., for two years be- por residents of Vernon all Courses in English, math, so- ly in the middle class. Another At Wylie’s direction and the be trouble from other segments nomination In the 20th Assem­ There it is ever so peaceful; LOCKER PLANT and MEAT MARKET of Hartford SUteJaU todav bv Sinning March 1, 1968, vrith a courses will be $20 except for studies, science andread- group becomes addicted because persuasion of about 30 pqUee- of society, which he said he To Area Unit bly District. On the other side of that door. T . „ _ ... ^ ^ three-year option to renew. driver education which will be **® oNered at the Middle they are spoiled and Immature n^en, the crowd Cleared the en- could not name. For life is forever eternal — FRESH MEATS — RETAIL DEPARTMENT Ji^e Max savltt. BuUdlng Permits $30. Por non-residents of Vernon ®®*’o®‘ ^°r Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8. and don’t want to suffer. Dr. trance to the office and “ i know that poor people are men per cent of the Manches- Manchester’s incumbent state And the garden of Heaven Is there. Where i>cace will reign forever: Btanley Shamonis, 28, of 16 Connecticut Swimming Pool the fee will be $5 for the regu- Registration will be through McAlptoe said. stretched out down the corridor going to be heard,’’ he said. "If v i • fe/ieral al representatives, all of whom And God Is ovorywhere. Oakland St., charged April 26 Co. inc. for DHR (instruction lar courses and $36 for driver •^“"® the charge Is the The speaker went on to list to await Mills’ appearance. they cannot be heard through le- l®*^ schools currem reaera are expected to run again, are: Always rememberod by ill connection with a threat to Co., swimming pool at Fountain education. same as the other schools. the effects of the various class- The congressman was to the gitlmate channels, they are location of $26,000 for purchase Donald Genovesi in the 18th Dis­ Children and Grandchildren ALL OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY CUT AND DISPLAYED his wife with a knife, previous- village, Downey Dr., $14,000. All classes will run for one makeup courses may es of driigs, to discuss cures. House chamber across the going to be heard through Ulegi- of audio-visual materials will ly was found guilty and his case Eugene J. Gallagher, altera- hour with various starting times be taken during the summer ses- and concluded by saying fhat street when they arrived. He timate channels.’ ’ ' pg turned over to METRO’S was continued until today for a tlons to dwelling at 406 Wood- from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., by arJ ®*on. Oedlt wlU be given for the drug problem is a social gaid he had no plana to return to some 400 Southern Negroes, resource library for co- NOT PRE-PACKAGED pre-sentence investigation. bridge St., $200. ranaementrangement. those courses passed on the as- medical one rather than a crim- hjg office. mostly young people who had ^ ® "I’ll see anybody who.makes never left the South before, sang oP®>-®tlve use by area towns. The case of Richard Marzlalo, ------Other courses will be offered sumption that the full course Inal one 17, of 8 Asylum St., charged with SLOW READER if there is a demand on the part has been taken and failed dur- an appointment," he said. "But and clapped their way into the TTie deolalon to contribute OUR OWN CURED BRISKET breach of peace, being found to< INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP) — of at least 10 students, and a tog the school year. I don’t recall getting any re- plywood compound Wednesday, the $2,600 to materials to the U.S.D.A. CHOICE Undcated, and resisting arrest, "Black Arrow, A Tale of Two teacher is available. A mini- All rules enforced at the other Play Produced quest for an appointment this hugging the residents waiting to development of METRO’S new FLOWERS was transferred to Juvenllle Roses’’ has been returned to the mum of ten students is neces- summer sessions will also be in morning.’’ greet them. resource center came on A court. Indianapolis Public Library aft- gary to g;uarantee the offering of effect at the middle school. From Book Read Mills said the welfare organl- “ "Black People—you look so unanimous vote last night by Marzlalo was arrested April ®*’ *>®1"8 missing 14 years. The any of the courses. Rockville Hospital Notes zation sent him a telegram last good to me. Hey, hey, hey, the Board of Education, 18 after a policeman discovered "ovel by Robert Louis Steven- to all of the rcjsto.is the stu- Admitted yesterday: Priscilla, By 4th Graders week "demanding’’ a hearing hey!” they shouted. All 28 Hartford area towns him and another boy fighting be- ®®'' w®® turned in during one of denU must arrange for their Napalitano. 162 Warren Ave.; , by committee, to which he They had walked the last 'who are METRO members are _ _ .. 1iK«»omr*c> civMmAafar #loxra 'PViA ab.,bab*.4a. 41 ab.. a...a3 x. ^ _ __ __ a U®tog shadows^on did not respond. miles of a two-week Journey being asked for similar contrl- ___ *• • _ CORNED hind the George For Teens off tte library's amnesty days. The own transportation and any ab- gcott Furrow, 65 Vernon Ave.; gnH a tane recorder Mrs . Made- ilu Tolland Tpke. ^ J ®®"®® ®’'®®®‘>l"& “ V® Emily Monahan, Ellington; X y ’s f o S ^ ’ g *''**•** _ jF _ _ . . - VAnt* offAW If UqH V\AAn H/\nofAr1 «war.«.14 i*a ** __ ___ . —__ lUie rllCKey H lUUI U1 glUAJ GERANIUMS umbla, drive ill uiB DDiciuiu»,.-u .»..o — V. ______,______- ______- ...... AW------, ------temoon, ••xne noau lo » dent’s ” AhAr-nofhv’a nnnmmpement lb. opmmtlng a motorcycle wltoout , X T ™ "; ^ iBrd«v Ml ’*®®’‘ *®®^ “ *® o^ldren, was Earlier, the Rev. Jesse Jack- TtfesLy That a planned mam! bers. Combine to Show You How To Keep Time in 1968! BEEF HEAD CUT Monthly Rate to Rise 0 .rara Rimi™. >on, Reanrrectlon Oly manag- awginally aat lor Owner^ip hoaroar. »in »« EXTRA LEAN—FRESH GROUND « r f . . ' - 7 ; ------, , .on, O l 'p .. “ "^aaed « „ a aoCa, ..pJUa. S r f l J n ' , r r S “i S r ^ T u d « „ a OUR OWN CURED NOT PRE-PACKAGED — . ■"s:. a Phone Company Expanding f S ’Ti.rLr.Sri ra.;:prS.r;fS,prs: r ’^r-ldT-Sy-ni: 3 i l SCOTCH HAM ford, arrested to Tolland and ^ ^ A a ‘ * 1 nr *’*® "'^'o |,''® f" because they think our only eral nark-land granted by the school administration and by Chuck Ground ,g. 79° charged with faUure to drive to I O l l t r e e CatlinQ A reO 'N'®y ^OO *"‘1®® J^o demonstrating to interim Department expires Jacob Harolan, instructional No Limif the established lane, pleaded V O ' “ ®“ ®’ t^® "®®*‘®®‘ hospital so toat the ^ggnington. We want them to j X 16 materials coordinator. L b ^ l . 4 9 JM&in St« —l«.l 4wAnf*VtA*lf ° *W» I _ guilty and was fined $26. Work is under way on d gl- "This means, for example, girl may have treatment for an jg agreement between SC!LC The board left to the admln- The case of Ronald O. Ste' eye disease. Turned awaybwbv byhv and the department says any re- istratlon the decision of how ant telephone service improve- adding 286 million conductor feet poor.' We Have HOME FREEZER DEPT. vrtB,vdlB, M,26, of 8868 coolerCooper mHill u m.,St, project, which will end toll of wire in the ten exchanges, Cnnadn PnlitirnI Dehate the hospital authorities, they ' Rgggjjjng the-negro boycott to quest for * an extension of the to Insure that the METRO ma charged---- a. . with > breach J 4 4 of «*i«tafA/l peace charges----- O'— . on...... more. than a si^sassvssnjillion trenching-lnbx AUV,injV180,000 UUUlduct feet Canada rolitical Ueoate Memphis that accompanied the permit can be reviewed by the tertals oan be made readily Plenty and being Intoxicaieo, calla made annually by Man- of underground conduit, and Set for June 9th UnltedJ^attons Health Org^lza- government. available for classroom use. wae continued to Jime 6. cheater area users, but add to setting 200 pre-cast concrete /-vnnAtirA / Av.' A' » V tlon. Hospital n care fho cures riovi'finn the earlier thls year,'JaCkson Said it “ Should ..... we asknair torfor onoone we Manchester recently received Stevens was arrested April 14 basic monthly rates, ac- manholes," OTTAWA (AP) - - A two'hour eye condition Jh® devotion curtailed business in certainly would expect to get it, the $26,000 grant under provi after a family disturbance, po-- cording to Lyman B. Hoops, Hoops said that ,baslc month- television and radio^ debate by of brother and sister is relnfor.- jjg setUement but we may not ask,” Aber- slons of the Elementary and LARGE SELECTION OF CHUCK of BEEF Uce said. He has ^ e n released manager of the Manchester of- ly rates will be raised to help leaders of Canada s four largest - ed. - HirortoH hv of the strike. nathy,nauiy, said.»am. ” wewc are.wc there and------Secondary Education------Act, ------Simi- on the no cash ball compact. oeg of the Southern New Eng- pay for the added equipment r«“ ttoal parties is in prospect ’R e p la y was directed b^ lar grants were received in 1967 CEMETERY BASKETS APPROXIMATE CU’TS for June 9, a fortnight before Hickey, and Mrs, Dwen An Waterproof’ll sweep second The Astronaut. Stainless steel, Calendar. 18K gold. Water- The case of Robert J. Under- land Telephone Company. and circuit facilities. In Man- he said, in downtown areas of goals are achieved.” and 1966. the national election June 26. drews, teacher aide. hand, railroad approved $125 rotating 24-hour bezel $175 proofs, silver dial $250 wood, 28, of Rockville, charged jjjg conversion will give Man- Chester, the base rate for prl New York, Los Angeles and oth- Residents of the city spent an- In other action, the board ta- ANO CONTAINERS $2i0 up 4 CHUCK STEAKS I .SHOULDER CLOD ROAST with evading reiqwnBlblllty, chester Chester customers two- way, vate ‘lines, two-party lines, and Prime Minister Pierre Elliott p Narrators‘bg T w in Hebert'^Lvline were Sandra Me Dai ®*‘ cU'es. other chilly night as tempera- bled a decision on whether to "was continued to June 6 for a toll-free______service______with_ Gloston-______four-party______lines will______Increase 30 Trudeau of the Liberal party ’q„„nn ateriinii HenriAtta ^ He ^said the _poor______numbering_ 40 ture___ inside the unheated huts retain membership to the Capl- BEAUTIFUL HANGING 4 CHUCK ROASTS 4 LBS. BEEF STEW Viiit*w win/icrv.. T mm-aas__ #»Anfa o wiAnfVi Tiitaitxaao and Confifirvativa leader Robert ouaiui oiciuiif;, _ __ . _jaa.a- aJaaxia»« ___j i^*,v ’KAo a« h IHav tol Rearlon Bdueatlon r*nnnel1 court trial. He waq arrested on bury, Wtodso'r’LockT, Windsor cents"a month. Business rates and <>)n8ervatlve leader Robert mimo-T'arr^hrtound^^^ dipped into the 80s. And they tol Region EducaUon Ctouncll 6 LONDON BROILS, 25 LBS. CHUCK GROUND April------20------as a result------of an acol- Rockville and one-way lo- will also increase at somewhat ’L. ------Stanfield accepted------the debate--- S“ ®h®®' ^ T l S n ‘ he nation’s economy. ’"Ibe rest again had light showers to mid- until Its June 10 meeting. • 4 .0 0 ® " lb dent which occurred on Oak St. ggi calling to Columbia.______This___ higher _ levels according _ to the proposal Wesnesday uightnight The piavwrlters’ ' Henrv Cremise “ ® standing on our shoulders,” afternoon, a frequent problem It first wants the personnel- Safisfaction FUCHSIAS APPROXIMATE WEIGHT 110 LBS. will be added to the toll-free type of telephone service used. Conservatives are the principal Mark Oultadamo Shellv Bern- he said, “ and when we move since last weekend. Afternoon finance commHtee to determtoe WHILE THEY LAST Kirk Douglat to Play calling to Hartford and Coven- The. expanded service plan challengers In the upcoming a . npborah Randt ixvnn Hp- our shoulders the whole motion temperatures have generally whether next year’s budget will ^ A L L CUT, WRAPPED AND SHARP FROZEN try now to effect. was approved by a substantia. ®l®ct‘on. If they won Stanfield ° g rt^ a Gfa;3 1® 8olng to tremble.’ Role Set for Brando vAiiABs aucmii — 0- —o — ______ranged in the 70s and 80s. permit paying a C^EC mem- Or „ FINE SELECTION OF ANNUALS The project involving 10 cen- majority of customers who vot- would take over the prime min- gjgpjjqjy Henrietta Menco Spokesmen had said earlier A mobile unit from the Dls- bershlp assessment. 3 o r Q»ntratloni Let us fill your freezer with U.S.D.A. choice meats, native poultry, NEW YORK (AP) — Kirk tral Connecticut exchanges will ed to a canvass of the ten ex- latershlp. Beckv ’ilmbrell Peter ChWeat up to 300 demonstrators would trlct of Columbia Department of The council wants all mem- MAWGOLUS, ALYSSUM. PETUNtAS. Douglas will play the role pre- be completed by next spring, changes to 1966 and by the Pub- Invitations to appear- on the Kenneth Fahev Patty Goi’.'ia >uarch on Mills’ office to de- Health rolled Into the 16-acre her towns to pay fees next year AGERATUM, ETC. Seobrook Form fruits and vegetables. Save up to 15 to 20% and viously set for Marlon Brando to Hoops said 11c Utilities Commission. Since Canadian network debate were Jane Tallent, Jeffrey joy, Gary mand that he open hearings “ to campground to the morning to of 10 cents for each public school Money eat like a king. the film '"Ihe Arrangement,” “ In order to handle the great- then, SNETCO engineers have also sent to New Democratic Turklmrton, Abby Rocker, Don- the poor themselves, who have give free chest X rays and pupil, based on average dally the best-selling novel by Ella ly Increased calling thatthe been planning the extensive party leader T. C Douglas and qa Smith, Bonnie Blnks, Sandranever had a chance to testify.” Army-style tonoculatjons membership. Kazln, Warner Brps.-Seven Arts plan will stimulate,” Hodps add- equipment and cable changed Credltlste leader Real Caouette. McCabe. Steven Ross, Richard Another 80 or so were to ^ t- against Diphtheria, tetanus and Under this arrangement. Man- S. O. M. B. y j ^ Back IF YOU LIKE THE BEST GIVE US A TEST announced Wednesday. ed, ” We have to beef up the and additions. A New Democratic spokes- caplow and Michael Seader. tend a Senate Labor Committee measles, delivered with a nqe- cheater’s assessment would be SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK Peborab Kerr and Richard dial switching equipment to 88 The other exchanges affected man said his party agrees in The part of Lola was played hearing on hunger. dlelesa injection gun. $980. McCONVILLE’S 51 BISSELL ST. REAR OF lOE PLANT 443-8424 Boone will continue their rolps company central offices IHce the are Windsor, Rockville, Sims- principle. There was no Immedl- py James Mills, tiola’s voice With an estimated 2,900 to A couple of dozen more huts pREC proposes -that the fees FLORIST AND GREENHOUSE in the movie. Filming will take one at E. Center St. here and bury, Windsor Liocks, Glaston-ate response from Caouette. was recorded by Henry Cro- 3,000 people now housed to the were built as other poor people be increased to 22 cents per pu- 302 WOODHRIDGE ST. — TEL. 649-5047 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE plao®! beginning Oct. 16, in Hoi- add more circuits to totercon- bury. East Hampton, Newtog- The debate Is to be in French mlsl. Maya was played by poor praple’s shantytown and headed for Washington from pU in 1969-70 and to 80 oehts the MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE .lywood and New York. nect them. ton, PlatovUle and Farmington, and English. jane Tallent. about 600 more due to Friday, distant stales. following year. MANCHESTER lEVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER,

ed an auUiorlty on arthritic dis­ In the Newborn and Infancy." U.S. Losing Medical Staff eases, and has considerable clin­ Dr. Talner is considered an ex­ To Hear Doctor ical and research experience in pert on. congenital heart dls- More Planes W. G. GLENNEY this field. easei, having written many ar­ ticles on the subject... WINTER Dr. P«t«r Bchur, aaaodate In Another lecture scheduled to be heard by the medical staff NO Than Ever PRE- medicine at Harvard Medical at the hospital will be given d o c t o r s r e s p o n d School and at the Robert B. next Tuesday at noon by Dr. MASERU, Lesotho (AP) — PARKADE (Conttaned from Page One) Brtgham Hoiqiital in Boston, wUl Sbc South Korean doctors- are Norman 8. Talner, associate weather conditions help the ene­ deliver a lecture to the medical professor of pediatrics at Yale now working here in response to CLEANERS my. It allows them to acquire staff at the Manchester Memor­ University School of Medicine. a request for medical aid by SALE ial Hospital tomorrow. His sub­ He will discuss “ The Diagnosis Prime Minister Leabua Jona­ V-their targets visually” instead ject will be "The Rheumatoid and Management of Cyanosis than during an Asian tour In Read Herald Ads of by radar. Factor." Dr. Schur is consider- (blue skin from lack of oxygen) 1966. Despite the intensified bomb­ I------:------^ ing ofst^ much smaller area of ' North Vietnam, U.S. Gen. Wll- Ir ■■■ \ ;;llam C. Westjqoreland said this • week that moTe,^ North Vlet- ; namese troops mdved^ into'South ■ • Vietnam during April'tli^an ever , before. He said 18,000' caune (* ) ; South and he expected the hum- , ber in May to be ais great. il "'4 i-*.<• V Both Air Force amd Navy i! planes flew raids on the panhan- 1w , die Wednesday. Air Force pilots f":.' reported knocking out 26 trucks fii near Dong Hoi, 48 miles north of f GRBffVAKlETy! ^ GREAT EATING! GREAT FOOD! the demilitarized zone. Navy •e fliers struck fuel dumps amd ; other storage areas In the -vicln- 1 1 ty of Vinh, 148 miles north of For The Best In he buffer zone. There were scattered enemy mortar and artillery attacks and ground clashes from the Quality and Value IMZ to Saigon Wednesday and VERSATILE today. GARDEN HOUSE 2 U.S. Marines and North Viet­ namese Infantrymen baattled two Manchester Garden Cluh Sale at Center Church Shop First Food miles below the DMZ Wednes- Our Knotty Cedar Lawn and Garden House is neat, roomy, weather­ lay, with the enemy getting di- Mrs. Charles Crocker of 208 Woodbrldge St., left, and Mrs. ment at the North End. Mrs. Taylor is general chairman of •ect artillery support from posl- proof and keeps your outdoor equipment handy. Lyman Taylor of 12 Byron Rd., president of the Manchester the event, and Mrs. Crocker is chairman of perennials. Other :lons inside the six-mlle-wide Garden Club, ready plants for the annual Spring Plant Sale plants offered, all from members’ ; gardens, are annuals, zone. of the club which will be held Saturday from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. herbs, geraniums and house plants. There will also be a The Leathernecks called in 6' X 8' G A R D E N H O U SE REG. $244. m o at Woodruff Hall, Center Congregational Church. For many "Trash and Treasure” table, and a food sale. .Coffee and close artillery support, too, as (Herald photo by Pbito) years, the sale was held at Whlton Auditorium, N. Main Sr. sandwiches will be available during the sale. (Herald photo CUT-UP hey fought through rolling hills 3 WHOLE Hie location was changed this year because of the redevelop- by Buceivicius) The four Senior Scouts of Troop 25 who received ''\Church are, left to right, Robert Dixon, Rich- WAYBEST FRESH n 110-degree heat just one mile Eagle Badges last night at Center Congregational y d Knight, Thomas Cone and Richard Mason. 6’x16’ GARDEN HOUSE AND BARBECUE SHELTER $:f6 S418 southeast of the Marine outpost Tolland gram are urged to register at Rd., has been elected Song at Con Thien. Eighteen Marines this time, particularly those Leader for her dormitory at wei;c killed and 36 were wound­ ship; LJbyd Gustaifison, citizen­ David Seavey, citizenship in the who will be entering the second Northfleld School in Northfleld, ed, the U.S. Command said. Four Senior Scouts ship in ibhe naition, cooking; community, camping; Stephen grade In September and will be Mass. Reports Indicated the Marines Scott Jo(hn»>n, (rftlzenBhip in Shaw, firemanship. Also, Mark Silhavy, citizen­ 3 in Junior Woman^s Club eligible for the Brownie pro­ As song leader, she will be lad not taken the enemy posi­ the nation, p h o n a l fitness, Mark Your Boundaries gram. responsible for leading her CHICKENS tions and so knew nothing of en­ cOiiniping, cltlzettahlp in the ship in the home, scholarship: emy casualties beyond two dead Given Eagle Badges community; 'OregoiY Johnston, Randall Snow, pets; George Honored at Annual Banquet The Brownie, Junior and Ca- classmates in class and school A POST AND RAIL FEN6E TELLS THE WORLD THAT YOU TAKF songs, conducting and sched­ 3V4-tt>. Average enemy bodies they spotted. citizenship in the community, Whiting, firemanship; Randy dette Scouts Bake sale Satur­ Presentation of Eagle Badges to four Senior Scouts camping: Richard Joynfer, citi­ Wilson, camping; David Wol­ PRIDE IN YOUR PROPERTY BUY NOW AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES The Tolland Junior Woman’s first -vice president and program day, netted $66 to be given to uling practice sessions, and U.S. Army infantrymen re­ of Troop 25 Thomas Cone, Robert Dixon, Richard GENUINE ported beating back an enemy zenship in the nation, cooKing; fram, citizenship in the com­ FOR MOVE OUTDOORS TIME. Club presented awards to three chairman; Mrs. Daniel Leone, the Unltfed Congregational teaching songs to new students. i RATH BONELESS RAIIinE PORK Knight and Richard Mason was the highlight of the Takes UGonn Leave charge Wednesday at a 26th Di­ Daniel Kim'ball, firemanship. munity, citizenship in the na­ outstanding club members, dur- second -vice president and pub- Church in appreciation of the annual spring Court of Honor held at Woodruff Hall, tion, camiping. Ernest Guignon of Anthony vision bEise camp near Tay Also, Stephen Kimball, dti^^ ing the annual banquet meeting Uclty chairman; Mrs. Richard use of its facilities by the Girl Center Cong;regatlonal C h u r c h ------\ Life scouts are Jeffrey Bis- Tuesday night. Symmids, recoding secretary; Scouts. Rd., an instructor in biology at Ninh, 48 miles northweht of Sai­ zenshlp in the nation, cooking; WHITE CEDAR gon near the Cambodian»border. last night. All boys are 17-year- jq Marc Findlay, Eric Morri- Jeiffrey Klojzy, firemanship, sell, Lloyd Gustafson, Richard ’The awards were presented Mrs. Gerald D’Sena, correspond- Girl Scout Troop 8098 and Ca Central Connecticut State Col- Chicken Parts s h o u ld er b u t t Thirty-two enemy traopa and old juniors at Manchester High ggjj Timothy Caatagna. safety; Lawrence Knight, citi­ Joj^er, Stephen Kimball and to Mrs. Joseph Wallnski, Mrs. Ing secretary; Mrs. Paul Palm- dette Troop 6208 have completed ^®'''' Britaln, has been I R O U N D RA IL seven U.S. infantrymen were re­ School. Other awards were as follows; zenship in the community, Marie 'Salafia. John Woods and Mrs. Daniel er, treasurer, and Mrs. Joseph plans for a camping trip this granted a year’s leave of ab­ lO-FT. SECTIONS ported killed and 19 GIs were Cone, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Assistant patrol leader: Wil- camping; Richard Knight, con­ Leone, Wallnski, nominating and mem- weekend. Troop 6098 will camp sence to work toward his Ph.D. wounded. The enemy attack Allan Cone of 114 W. Vernon 11am Gunther, Richard Mitchell, servation of natural rf^sources; WHAT IF IT WERE SUNNY? Speclal recognition awards bershlp chairman, at Camp Napawaukee in Hebron at the University of Connecticut. was preceded by a rocket and St., has been a member of the Ernest Arendt, Bradford Spen- Pater Lawrence, firemanship: DALLAS, Tex. (AP) — Con AT THE YARD. Reg. $4.95. and Troop 6208 at Camp Laurel were given to Mrs. James Itevf committee chairmen mortar barrage. troop for six years, has serv- cer, James Aldrich and Jeffrey Richard Mason, hiking, conser­ ducting a teleVlsed lecture at in Lebanon. Manchester Evening Herald Davidson, Mrs. Gerard Pas- were sumounced including Mrs. ed as crew leader and junior Nickerson, vation of natural resources; Texas Christian ‘ijniversity, on »4.50 terlck, Mrs. Ernest Africano Jr., ------Tolland correspondent, Bette A U.S. spokesman said two David Benjamin, public affairs; St. Matthew’s Notes BREASTS assistant scoutmaater, and holda patrol leader: Mark Silhavy, Robert MioAlllster, camping. how life began on Earth 2 billion enemy soldiers carrying satchel Mrs. Robert Beaulieu, Mrs. Mrs. Marvin Osterling; ways St. Matthew’s Women’s Guild quatrale, tel. 878-2845. DELIVERED. Reg. $5.15. charges penetrated the cainp the God and Country rellgioua Chester Bigelow, Gregory De­ Also, Daniel McLennon, citi­ years ago. Dr. Sidney Fox of Kosicki, Mrs. H. Nelson God­ and means; Mrs. Michael Soko- Annual Dinner and Installation perimeter but were killed before award. Nlea, Michael French, WUUam zenship in the community, the University of Miam(^ found dard, Mrs. Robert Elliott and lov, fine arts and home life; of Officers will be held June *4.70 they- coidd set off the explo- Dixon, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawler and Curtis Willey. camping, art, cooking; Brian himself' lacking the clasiyoom Mrs. EMwln Vickery. Mrs. James Da-vldson, hostess; 12, at Willie’s Steak House in OHARRE YOUR A q < i SMOKED SHOULDER •ives. Miles, firemanship: Donald Forstrom, Michael land n/f Morris Schlang, -vision and learning at the Uni­ base camps 28 to 30 miles north­ Tlnu^e, 248’, more or lees; versity of Connecticut, spon­ east of the capital, while other with the presentation of as- French, David Grzyb, Robert Years of KNOV/N (OR______VALUES SPECIAL Stratofortresses pounded tar­ slstant scoutmaster badges to Kudra, William Lawler, Law- healthful Elasteriy: By land n/f Robert sored by the Connecticut Society FANCY, FIRM i Smith et ux, 417.4’, more or for the Prevention of Blindness. ^ MAXWELL HOUSE gets In the central highlands grkduatlng seniors Paul Frank- rence Ostrout, Bradford Spen- and exercise Y less; Southeasterly; By land and farther north near Da enburg, Martin Hansen, David ggr ^nd David Glowacki, cltizen- Girl Scout Notes Hlcock, Graham MacDonald, ship in the home. for you and n/f Estate of Katherine Bell Local Girl Scouts will help Nang. your children '^] Cheney, 276.6’, more or less; CUCUMBERS 3»29‘ Gary Peters, Eric Phlnnej^ Also, John Abbott, fireman- cleam up Cramdall’s Pond amd ALL THE FISH $ ■ with CLASSROOM FOR HOPE Brian Rogers, Scott Tlntl and safety, radio; Eric Beng- Southerly: by Hartford Road, begin blaming a nature tracil as lb. can 80.8’, more or lees;'and West­ CRISP-AIRE McINTOSH Coffee? COLOMBO, Ceylon (AP) — Stephen Spencer. The new as- gjon, firemanship, scholarship, their part of the local Rid Lit­ erly: By land n/f Man

1- ' 'f j " i r-4 u


held for committee members South Windsor and Den Mothers. F i.tt Federal Announeee JSood Newel Trom Your Neighbor’s K itch en God4 cup sugar facturers of generic drugs troversial officials in govern­ first six places. Team A from Disinission centered on the Reiner’s "Enter Laughing” , the hitting Canadians as hard as 1 nine-inch pastry or graham prove through such tests that ment. Nathan Hale School’s Pack 143 they are Americans. cracker pie shell town manager’s memo of. Mhy first production .of .the new won the day with a total of 26 Day of Deposit to Day of Withdrawal their products match the per­ There were demands for his AMERICA’S LARGEST FAMILY CL,OTHING CHAIN Commerce Clearing House, a Soften gelatin in one-quarter- 10 to the Town Council. Thi.s season which-will be presented points. The Olympic Day Cup, Tofisimaster formance of approved drugs. resignation after he told Univer­ tax law authority, said In eight cup cold water. Place egg yolks, Goddard, who in years memo updated one prepared In in November donated by Clifford Sterling, sity of Minnesota students last of Canada’s 10 provinces tax in­ lemon Juice, lemon rind, sugar Fred Peck of 766 N. Main St. November 1967 ^ d p r o je ^ kittle League Auxiliary will be in Its possession until changed the Food and Drug Ad­ October that “ whether marijua­ creases across the Dominion in­ and'crushed pineapple in top of will be toastmaster for the 26th ministration from a little-known ^ The Women’s Auxiliary of the next year. NO NOTICE REOUIRED na is a more dangerous drug volved Income, sales, gasoline double boiler and cook until reunion of the Class of 1643 of agency to a much-publicized ^ N o v ^ b e r 1968 Projec- kittle L ea^ e will Second and third places went thdn aclohol is debatable. I tons to November 1969 were and diesel fuel, tobacco, liquor Watch Rrst Federal for MORE Good Newt— SOONI ^ thickened; add softened gelatin Manchester High Schcrnl, Sat­ one. Is leaving to Join EDP don’ t happen to think It Is.” He to St. James’ School’s Pack 120, and mix. Remove- from heat and urday, June 1 at 6:80 p.m. at Technology Inc., a data process­ with Team A racking up a score and motor vehicles. later pointed out that he consid- Howard E. Fitts and 'the T fig- ' ' ™ Hill. ’ 68 Oak- Open your Account Now. cool. Flano’s Restaurant, Bolton. ing and information firm, in At­ land Dr. Mothers of all boys tak- of 20 and Team B, 14 points. Quebec assessed a 6 per cent ers both alcohol and marijuana ures show a marked Increase Beat egg whites Until stiff, Edson Bailey, former Man­ lanta. dangkirous. *”8: part in Little League are Pack 112 from Washington surtax on the income tax of indl- Mtmber Federal Savin with salt and one-half cup sugar, in borrowing capacity from . , .. . School was in fourth place with vlduais, and Newfoundland ln$urarKe Corporati6n chester High School principal; The 46-year-old physician, a Goddard is a native of Alli­ -M-o.r ioao 1 Q«Q urgco lo auena. May 1969 to November 1969, 13 points; fifth place wS^ cap­ upped its corporation income which has been added gradual­ and George Pottertcxi, high career Public Health Service of­ ance, Ohio. He holds a medical Marty Horis, chairman of the ly. Fold meringue gradually In­ Mayor Fitts prerided at the , r’’- tured by Team B, from Pack tax rate again, the third time In school teacher, and their wives ficer, is knav(m to have become degncee from George Washington !b ^ Schedule to the custard mixture. meeting which discussed specif- - ague Basebj 143, with 12 points; and in sixth two years. will be guests of honor at the. somewhat exhausted by the de- University and a public health Booklet, has set Sunday as the Pill pie shell and chill before ics of (the town manager’s , . , . „ ...... place was Pack 261, from Ver- reimlon. mands of the Job. And he is said degree from Harvard. Seven provinces raised their serving. Top with whipped memo and hoiv It relates to the l®y door to door folW atlon. planck School, with 10 points. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eggleston to have liked Atlanta, where he gasoline tax rates from one to cream and cherries if desired. timetable for constructing the home In South Windsor Winners of the Individual races are co-chairmen of the event. served as head of the health SPECIAL FEED pro(posed new high school. yd” he visited by a representa- three cents per gallon, except in My Favorite Cup Cakes service’s Communicable Dis­ were: Three-legged Pack 120-A; Newfoundland where a flve- George Hunt of 27 Green Rd. 4s PHOENIX. Arlz. (AP) — A consensus was reached that Little League and Bouchers Wed 25 Years 2H cups cake flour ease Center before becoming stick, 120-A; old clothes, Ver- cent-a-gallon boost gives that 2 treasurer. , Some burglars with truly conti­ a referendum for the proposed home the book- 2^ teaspoons baking powder FDA commissioner In January Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bouch­ United Aircraft Research Lab­ planck School Pack 161-B; sack, province (the distinction of levyr i dash of salt nental taste buds made off with, new high school should not be "'*'1 be left, oratories; and Miss Jacquelyn Pack 143-A; peanut, Pack 112; 1966. planned before the regular elec- The Little League hopes to er of 36 Princeton St. were fet­ Ing the highest gasoline tax In ^ cup shortening a haul frtnn a Phoenix tavern. Boucher, a student at Annhurst relay, Pack 143-A. In addition, his wife has rela­ tion of November 1969. It was raise a good sum on the book- Canada or the United States—25 1 cup sugar Officers said they stole 23 cases ed by relatives at a 26th wed­ Also competing were Cubs tives in Atlanta and two of his recognized that the postpone- let distribution to help give fl- College. cents per gallon. 2 eggs, well beaten School Menus Of American beer, as well as an ding celebration Saturday eve­ Mr. Boucher, now retired, was from Packs 2 (Second Congre­ three children live there. ment of the referendum and of nanclal support to the seven % cups milk Goddard's title will be vice assortment of Mexican tamales ning at Cavey’s Log Cabin in formerly employed by the State gational Church), 47 '(South the completion date of the new new teams which had to be add- 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond president and he -will direct and P oll^ sausages. Lebanon. They were also given of Connecticut Tax Department. Methodist Church), 63 (Wad­ The -Mlanidhester public school hlgh school will cause problems ed for this year. In addition two extract opening of a new Southeast re­ a surprise party by close friends They are members of St. Bridg­ dell School), 64 (Bentley School), menu for the week, o f May 27 for the school system and will more teams should be added In Cream shortening; add sugar Is as follows: gional office for the firm. on Sunday afternoon. et Parish and also active in the 65 (Lincoln School), 91 (Man­ 3 necessitate the use of every the Major Leagues and two and cream. When well blended, Although Goddard drew fre- The couple was married May Manchester Square Dance Club. chester Green School), 144 and Monday: Breaded veal cutlet, available apace. more in the Senior League. Sum m er Fun add eggs, and flour which has tomato sauce, mashed poitato, qeunt criticism for his candid 18, 1943, at St. Ann’s Church, The couple will leave on May 167 (United Methodist Church, OHenUd photo by Bucelvlclu») CAMERA It was also recognized, how- Those who took ads In the been sifted three times, with wax beans, bread, birtter, milk, statements on such controver­ Hamden, and has lived in Man­ 29 for an 11-day cruise to Ber­ Bolton), and 168 (Hebron Ave­ ever, that financial considera- Leag;ue Booklet were told that MRS. HORACE KIMBALL other dry Ingredients. Alternate sial subjecits as marijuana and chester since that time.' They muda, Puerto Rico and the Vir­ nue School, Glastonbury). All mixed fruit. RENTAL tions show this postponement to the booklet would be placed In af beautiful Coventry Day Camp! flour with milk, ending with Tuesday: Frankfurt on roll, LSD, sources -close to him say have two daughters, Miss Anne gin Islands, an anniversary gift partlclpaltng packs received REPAIR be the proper approach. all homes in town. Those not at flour. Beat well after each ad­ baked beans, cabbage-carrot such pressure didn’t foi;ce him Marie Boucher, employed at given them by their daughters. gold ribbons. The Public BuUdlng Commis- home are asked to make their Located om over thirty acres of beautiful fields and dition and continue beating un­ salad, milk, pears. out. Have a problem? A special peanut race was Other new and far-reaching ston will coordinate readjust- donations through any LitUe forests and just opposite Coventry Lake, the Coventry til dough Is smooth. Add flavor­ Wednesday: Hamburg-maca- We’ll be glad to help elation's executive committee policies begun under Goddard’s ment of the timetable for the Leag;ue player, coach, manager see the many items available. Day Gamp offers a host of recreational activities ing. ronl casserole, peas, bread, but­ that he expects salt consump­ TV-Radio Tonight direction include: Fine Photo Finishing high school project. The referen- or official, There will be attractions ;or for hoys and girls 4 to 13 years. Activities include Pour batter Into paper cups ter, mUk, pineapple upside tion in the United States and —A review of more than 3,000 dum thus win be held in No- John Creagen Cited young and old at this event. It Bwimniing, arts and crafts, nature study, summer theatre, In muffin tins. Bake In 376-de­ down cake. Canada to rise 60 per cent by WINDOW SHADES .widely used drugs to see wheth­ N ASSIFF vember 1969, with the date for John P. Creagen of Nevers will run from noon to 6 p.m. gree oven for 20 to 26 minutes. Thursday: Memorial -Day; no 1975. archery, b ^ b a ll, basketb^l and volleyball. Special er they do what they are sup­ completion set for September Rd., an Army ROTC cadet at rain or shine. - When cupcakes are cool, Mrs. school. CAMERA SHOP Salt production In this country WASHABLE courses aimed at skill development in reading and ^ TelevUion Kimball says, she scoops out posed to. Goddard predicted it Rensaleer Polytechnic Institute Friday: No school. 991 Main St. Manchester Manchester Evening Herald, was a record 36.5 million tons in mathematics are also available. 5:00 ( MO) Perry Hoson (10) I Love Lucy center, reserving top of cup­ might lead to removal of many Players’ Board Named in Troy, N.Y., has received the INTERSTATE South Windsor Correspondent, 1968; 4.6 million tons were pro­ ( Mike Douelas 7:15 (3040) News cakes, and fills the space with USING THEIR NOODLE At a recent meeting of the'American Legion ROTC Excel- (anlol Boone (C) lemon, vanilla or chocolate cus­ HILO, Hawaii (AP) — A noo­ South Windsor Country Players, jence Award. This award Is giv- About two-thirds of all salt^ Daily bus service from East Hartford and Manches­ (» ) 111118 Huts b the IJfe (R) tard. She then replaces the top dle factory In Hilo has come out the Board o f Directors for the gn, annually to the senior stand- ara # A Made to Order (31)JMlBtero(rers Nelchbor- ( 8t40) Second Hundred Years MANY GRAINS OF SALT production—dry salt and brine ter will be available. For further information call hood (C) (R) of the cakes and sprliikles them with an appetizer called "Arare 1968-1969 season was selected, ing in the upper quarter of his '’^^•OU with Your Rollers (30) Oomtet (10) dmarrton Strip (C) (R) Twist." Among the Ingredients P.A.C. Assisting president Mrs. Dolores dagg ^ho has demonstrated out­ CHICAGO (AP) — This should —goes into the chemical indus­ 739-6986 or write the Coventry Day School, South (40) MoHele'e Navy ( 3) Movie with powdered sugar. try, as the starting point for Full Line of Custom, 8:00 (24) Warfih«ton; Week in Re­ This recipe makes about a are com starch, vegetable oil, standing qualities in nillitary leave a salty taste in your Street, Coventry, Conn„ for a brochure. 6:30 03) Newsbeet (C) view manufacture of "chlorine and (24) IWhat'a Now? dozen and a half cup cakes. ammonium chloride, and bicar­ leadership, discipline, character mouth. (16) Report (18) Lcs Crane LOFT'S KITCHEN soda ash. VENETIAN BLINDS (40) News ( 8-10) Plying Nun (C) (R) Mrs. Kimball has lived ,ln bonate of soda. and citizenship. Creagan Is a The per capita salt consump­ 8:30 (18) Subscrlptilon TV These are the basic chemicals (20) Navy FUm (24) (Workshop (Without Wails Manchester for about 26 years, graduate of South Windsor High tion in the United States has ris­ The Coventry Day School, Inc. 6:00 (30) Mldiate's Navy FRESH CANDY used in the manufacture of E. A. JOHNSON ( 840) Bewitched (C) (R) coming here from Framing­ School. en from only 97 pounds a year (30) Phil SUvers (la-aO-aMO) ironside (C) (R) scores of products, including (34) Rlddlo of Sweden 9:00 ( 343) Thursday Mlovie (C) ham, Mass. Her husiband is re­ X m o x Copy Service PTA Fair Set In 1910 to more than 365 pounds ( 6d0) News, S^rtB, Weather (R) BINGO WELDON DRUG CO. The Avery Street School annually. plastics, paper, rubber, explo­ PAINT GO. SUMMER DAY CAMP tired. The couple has three chil­ ( 840) That Girl (C) MMMhemr W. E. Dickenson, president of sives, dyes, soap, nylon and fer- 723 Main St.—Tel. 649-4501 (SB) HdgMlghU 9:30 ( 840) Peyton Place (C) dren, Mrs. Harold Simmons of EVERY MONDAY-a ?M. 7A7 MAIN STRfn PTA will bold a fair on Satur­ (40) News. Combat (10-20^e33()) J>ragnet (C) (R) BtaeprlBt Mid Supply, lue. the Salt Institute, told the asso- lillzers. ( 3(12) News. Sports. 'Weather 10:00 (10000330) Dean (Martin (C) " Manchester, Frank W. Kimball 26 VILLAGE STREET. ROCKVILLE day and all are Invited to come (C) of Danvers, Mass., and Kenneth NO H utford Rd., MMudiMter 6:30 (U>-2a.30) Huntley.^rlnkley (§?) (Fourth Estate P. A. C. BALLROOM (40) Alfred Hitdvcock W. Kimball of Framingham; 10 Whal'B New? (R) ( 8) Wackiest Ship in tlie 6:00 Steve O’Brien tl(m composers: “ Begin with Reg. 19.95. <| g 0 0 i f 9:00 Dick HeaUierton Jules Kary and Mrs. Mitchell “Better than” Service 12:00 Gary Girard Show one ideal” Hadge, third. 6.95 TO 29.95 FAMOUS SORENTO® WINF—1238 This is the advice from Dr. The game is sponsored by the 5:00 News 6:16 Speak Up Gardner Read, who has com­ Manchester Bridge Club and ^ Low-Cost Bank Financing 6:00 N ^ s posed 126 musical numbers. played each Wednesday at 7:30 2T ICE CHEST HIBACHIS { DACRON^WORSTED 6:16 Speak V v Hartford Read, composer in residence 8:46 Lowell *rhonias p.m. and Friday at 8 p.m. at Holds 40— 12 Oz. Bottles 6 A 8 T IRGN 6:66 FbU B i^ to at Boston University’s School of the club at 136 Eldridge St. 7:00 Hie World Tonlsht ^ Courtesy Cars 7:W Frank Gifford Fine and Applied. Arts, ap­ Play la open to the public. Reg. 19.50. ^ 0 TROPICALS 7:30 Speak Up Sports peared at Millikln University as •• • 8:00 iftVB 10.95 9V. 19.95 8:10 Speak Up Sports guest lecturer and conductor. ABOUT TIME Fully equipped with 199 6 cy*l. engine, 3 A pure bred car all the way with stand­ 13:16 Sign Oft “Every work Is approaiAed In • k Local Convenience W TIC — 1080 GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. s p ^ shift, weathereye heater and de­ What a value in the convertible style. ard features like a hot 290/225 hp. V-8, 6:08 News, Weather a different way,” he pointed (AP) — A surgeon finally re­ ELEGTRIC froster, dual braking system with warn- Equipped with sports car styling, bucket Power top, automatic trans., power tach, (iual exhausts, traction bars, poly- S;16 Afternoon BdlUon out. He said he often begins moved a splinter from Mrs. PROFESSIONAL 6:00 News, Weather, Sports ning lights, seat belts, 2 shoulder belts, seats, 232 6 cyl. engine, shift command steering, vinyl interior, big 232 6 cyl. glas tires, bucket seats, full sjmehro 4 6:86 Afternoon Edition with a plan or form, then finds Harold, Cothems’ big toe. She HORSE SHOE SETS CHARCOAL LIOHTERS back-up lights, plus 5 year 50,000 war­ -AMedera Facility engine, plus full standard safety group. 7:06 Americana j the material that will fit the said it had ibeen there for 31 automatic trans., full carpeting, ww speed trans. and much more. 7:00 David Brinkley ranty. 7:80 News of the World form. years—since she was 2. R

DonDrysdale Mates Get "^Serious’ Major Laogii^ And Eagles Fly to 2-1 Triumph Against Aquinas Nine Gains Fourth :Leadort: Late i n the game come- ® triple that scored Melody High Tuesday by a similar 2-1 Coach Don Burns’ crew now backs and some nip-and- *** score l-l. The hosts score, in a contest where they readies for its decisive home American League With Don on Mound hiok nltrhlTicr hefUrfr ara 'I'FAnaged to get a second out only garnered ,two singles but meeting with South Catholic of Shutout Win ST. LOUIS (AP) — Don Drysdale can’t take the Los Batting (90 at bata)—p. How- I ^ i Vui 1— f against the Eagles, but a short- won out behind some effective Hartford Friday. Full ownership V stop error sent Klnel across the three-hit chucking by Klnel. of the HOC honors and a lot of Pitching Collapses, NEW YORK (A P)— Don Ansfeles Dodgrers seriously, even when they score a run ard. Wash., .348; Carew, Minn., H igh S piate with the winning run. The Saints picked up their on- prestige will be riding on the .314. hiEISt EJatiMmC base- Drysdale’s own teammates for' him. ball toam. Tbe' Eagles had East’s John Alubickl also turn- ly rim in the first Inning when game’s outcome, NS! Runs—Campanerls, Oak., 28; kept him ftom clqising in on And the St. Louis Ckirdinals —^now hold it,’ ” Drysdale lioth yesterday as they escaped ed in a talented mound perform- leadoff batter Tony Woods drew *^**»k* Platt Tops Indians can’t take Drysdale nohow, F. Howard, VJgsh., 23. h 0 rt>l INTERNA'nONAL LEAGUE a National Leaipie reqord grinned. Runs batted In—F. Howard, being the victims of a perfect once, allowing a stingy three a walk and made it to second O’Neli 2b *3 0 0 0 especially after his five-hit, 2-0 1 By BARRY (X)WLES PusWng across four nms in Wednesday ni^ht. It’s not . "You’ve got to be kidding,” Wash., 34; Powell, Balt., 27. game with a big last inning to hite in the seven Innings he toll- on a passed ball. Bill Farrell cf victory over them Wednesday beat St. Thomas Aquinas lUgh, ed. The big senior fanned eight scored him on an RBI single. MelaArdle, rf 1 Exploding’ for 10 runs in tbe eigbtb inning, Platt High the third frame, following a sin- likely that hell complain. St. Louis 21 16 .668 night. ’That left the Cards a slim Drysdale laughed. "Don’t take Hits—F. Howard, Wash., 46; ». SILK CITY SOFTBi^LL , 2-1, In New Britain. batters and walked one enroute Petit notched four strikeouts, ■ AJ, 0 came fn»n behind and overpowered Manchester High, Rie Ncore in the second at bets, Until the ninth inning of the San Fran. 22 17 .564 that stuff seriously.” Carew, Minn., 44. 0 four percentage points ahead of Aquinas hurler Don Petit had to his second straight hurling and got a big fielding backup w e ^ n if TTiree pairs are better than 10-4, yesterday at Memorial Field. The Panthers upped t**® Lawyers blanked Norman’s Dodgers’ game with St. Louis, it AUanta 2l 18 .638 San Francisco in the National ’That stuff was the three 1-0 Doubles^R. Smith, Boat., 15; 0 a perfect game going with one triumph. from his teammates. Bight of ® 0 ®’ two and as a result Cantoite’s tO Verplanck Field, looked as if Drysdale would win PhUa’phla 18 17 .514 League race. victories Drysdale has pitched B. Robinson, Balt., 11. Sooha. 8S 0 their record 5-9, while the Indians fell to 6-6 OTd fifth out in the last inning before For East,' now 11-3, the vie- the outs made In the six perfect -- Oilers wound up with a 7-4 de- place in the CCIL standing;s. It 5-0. his fourth 1-0 game of the year. Cincinnati 19 19 .600 Drysdale was walking out o4 this year. ’That was the extent of Triples — Fregosl, Calif., 4; Doug Melody became the first tory was almost the carbon copy innings he hurled came on fly Totals 24 2 clsion over Savings Bank of was a third straight loss for Spinning the shutout was Jim Carl Hubbell of the 1933 New tihicago 20 20 .600 the dugout to pitch to the Cardi­ his victorles/t6iUl he beat the McAullffe, Det., 4. AqniiUM (1) serious threat after that as Za- East player to reach base with of one posted only 24 hours be- balls to the outfield. Petit retlr- . ab r c rbl Manchester last night under the MHS. Harney, a four-hitter. He also York Giants holds the record Los Angeles 19 21 .476 nals in the bottom of the third. Cardinals^6r his seventh deci- Home runs — F. Howard, jac retired the side in order a single. Gary Klnel, then sock- fore^ “Ihe locals beat Pulaski ed 19 straight batters In a row .M^oui’re'^ cl 2 0 lights at Mt. Nebo. led his team at the plate with with five. Houston 17 21 .447 The Dodgers had just scored a Sion. Wash., 17; W. Horton, Det., 10. 3 four times. Maher acebhiplished before Melody played the spoil* Farrell, 'ab 3 CXilL STANDINGS a double and triple. Mike Vas­ But then Ron Fairly frove in New York 17 21 .447 run in the top of the third on a I haven’t be^n complaining,” Stolen bases — Campanerls, 1 The Oilers tallied twice In the feat three. Sleclcnskl, 3b 3 W-LPet. ques lashed out two singles for a run with a single in the ninth Pittsburgh 16 20 .444 walk to Paul Popovich and Wes Drysdale said as he contemplat- Oak., 17; Oliva, Minn., 8 ; White, THE GrfliCC c 3 0 each the third, sixth and seventh Fifteen Panthers went to the Dodgers won 2-0 and Hubbell's Alubickl was handling things peUt, ’ p 3 Eastern 8-4 .667 Nomfan’s. Wednesday’s Results Parker’s double. ed these 1-0 scores, ” as long as N.Y., 8. 0 frames, the tallies in the sixth plate in the eighth inning. Ru­ pretty much the same way. The j,J'’ 2 Conard 7-4 .636 Lawyers 0 1 4 0 0 0—6-6-8 record is safe for a little while Pittsburgh (Blass 1-2) at Chi­ ‘Somebody told me in the they get one more run than the Pitching (3 decisions)—J(Qhn, 2 0 wiping out a 4-3 Bank edge. The bins played a fine defensive longer. mound duel came to a head Farina', rf 2 Windham 7-4 .636 Norman's 0 0 0 0 0 0—0-4-1 cago (Holtzman 3-2) dugout, 'Okay, there’s your lead other team.” (3hlc.‘, 4-0, 1.000; Warden, Det., 9 Bankas registered twice in each game cracking two hits. Ron In other National League San Francisco, 2, AUanta 1 3- 0, 1.000; Perranoskl, Minn., Herald Angle ^ tr when after the first inning he Totala 23 1 the fifth and sixth innings for MaLeney 7-8 .638 Harney and Saunders; Mc- games Wednesday, Houston Manchester 6-6 Conyers played well from his Nlckle'and“ wairh“ AUanta (Reed 6-0), twilight 4- 0, 1.000. allowed only one Aquinas play- East ...... 000 000 2—2 all their scores. ^ second base slot making five By Central 6-7 topped Cincinnati 1-0, Philadel­ Los Angeles (Osteen 2-6) at St. Strikeouts —. McDowell, er on base for thb remainder I "SB-^Mel Runs—Rose, CHn., 29; Santo, Lynn Kramer had two hits for Through the seventh, the Sports writing has its frustrating moments but also Second Straight Win lipone (2 for 2) and Ron La- Ing seven and one third innings pjaH while Ned Sklnnon, Mike Wassermdn homered for Wlp- San Francisco at Atlanta, twi­ Chic., 26. Dodgers managed only one hit Pointe (2 for 4)' each contribut' ' in notching the loss. Maher fan­ co and added a single and Paul light Runs batted in — McCovey, produces, some worthwhile situations which make you Getmann, Rick Katz, Dave off Bob Gibson, but it was a Answer to Wyatt ed two hits. ned two batters, walked four and Backofen also had two blows. Los Angeles at St. Louis 3.F., 27; Swoboda, N.Y., 26; feel that someone appreciates what you are trying to Ritchie, Vem Adamski, Dave good one: Wes Parker’s run­ ' New York at Philadelphia, N convey to the public. Despite the enemies one may make Chalked Up hy Tech Outstanding defensively for allowed only six hits. Coach Hal Katza and Zajac each had one Best with the stick for Sears scoring double in the third. NEW YORK (A P )— It has been said that John Wy- Parks went to the bullpen in the was Rosillo with two bingies. Only games scheduled Hits—Rose, Cin., 66; F. Alou, in print and 'the disbeliefs that some readers have in ______„ hit. Getmann had the only dou­ Drysdale stopped the Cards, Friday’s Games att occasionally applies some slippery substance to Wins have been a bit rare at Cheney tech this season, i^Hfir/d."**^^ °***''' eighth frame after seven Platt ble of the game. Wlpco 0 1 4 4 0 X—9-8-3 who have now lost five of their Atl., 63. one’s stories, the gratifying moments by far outweigh but two in a row is even- scarcer, Cantone 012 002 20 7-11-2 batters had gone to the plate Sears 0 0 0 4 0 1—6*7-3 San Francisco at (3iicago baseballs before aiming’ them toward home plate. Vas­ Doubles-^' tied with 11. last six games, on five hits. He Philadelphia at St. Louis, N eline . . . saliva . . . of whatever is handy. everj^hing else. ^ " Notching their second straight victory in two days. Bank 000 022 000 4-12-3 and only one out showed. Ben Platt (10) Wasserman and Dlperrio; 3 Triples—jdlemente, Pitt., 4; 7 ab r h po a e rbl hasn’t allowed a nm in his last New York at AUanta, N resent the Indians. Reapeotive- the Beavers defeated Goodwin Tech on the local diamond, Klein and Gibbons (5) La- Grzyb came in and faced three Skinnon. rt 1 1 0 0 0 2 Grimes, Monroe and Von Rip­ tied with 3. 1 2 0 0 0 -1 29 innings. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati, N Don Buford applied some younger generation, presently jy their par plus averages are 6-4, yesterday a fte r n o o n . ------teano; Coope and Abert. batters, walking in two runs. It kramcn cf per. r m G s m f ' Home runs—H. Aaron, Atl., 9; 0 0 8 0 0 1 • Los Angeles at Houston, N good, hard wood to one. of was then up to Tim Cummings, octmom,' If 1 1 2 0 0 0 O L i s a v ^ H ASTROS-REDS- Wyatt’s pitches Wednesday Iow a State Hart, S.F., 9; McCovey, S.F., 9. iM the importance of such clndermen defeated Bast Cotlio- thetradesmen scored all tbplr REC SOFTBALL making his first appearance R. FCatz,'sb 0 2 4 1 0 NATIONAL LEAGUE Stolen bases—^Wills, Pitt., 12; 3 1 2 0 0 0 Dave Glusti also had a date Amerlcaft League night. It slipped into the right thlnp. These young people will hc High dn a scrimmage meert runs in the opening frame. The 0 3 1 0 1 Trailing 6-0 coming up to the tied with 7. Hard-hitting Dave Solomon- ®^®® his hand to L ' S . |b with the record book wrecked. W. L. Pet. field stands at Yankee Stadium, make MMchester a better town. Monday. This couM be a step win boosted Cheney’s record to son, who has hit five home runs do the mopping up. Cummings A ^ i . c 1 8 0 2 1 fifth frame, Moriarty Bros, ex­ He was working on a no-hitter Detroit 24 14 .622 making the little guy the hero of Negroes Ask Pitching (3 decisions)—Reed, 0 10 0 0 ploded for five markers to tie Recently a most Ratifying let- in the right dlrecstlon for full 3-6. They face . Woodstock Acad- in his’ last two games, sparked - allowed two hits, walked one d S tz '»» 0 10 0 1 Baltimore’s 4-3 victory over the Atl., 6-0, 1.000; Kelso, Cin., 3-0, ter was received from one of competition between the two p 2 0 2 0 1 the count against the Medics when Pete Rose got the first Cleveland 21 Ik .668 emy away Friday. conqesut of the BA Club last batter and gave up one run in zajac. Cincinnati hit off him with two Baltimore 20 17 .641 New York Yankees. 1.000; Selma, N.T., 3-0, 1.000. the top hardcourters of East schools. . .No results were tum- one and two thirds Innings. Totals and then went into an 'extra in­ Senators Try New Players C oach Q u it Strikeoute—Singer, L.A., 76; Bob Burnham hurled his first night at Mt. Nebo. 35 10 8 27 7 3 8 out in the eighth inning. Giusti Minnesota 20 17 .641 Catholic High. The text of which ed 4n on the OCIL Track Meld Manchester (4) ning to win out, 9-6. __ gf The 6-foot-8 Buford, batting moimd win for the locals, '.m- Solomonson and Ken Ferry did (Jhris Zajac did a creditable ab r h po a c rbl finished with a two-hitter. Rusty Boston 19 18 .514 Ryan, N.Y., 66. api>ears below. A four-run uprising In the for Mark Belanger after Dave AMES, Iowa (AP) —Negro Day held at Manchester High nlng four .and •walking three the heavy damage with circuit job on the mound for the win- conycre. 2b 1 4 5 2 Staub drove in the only run California 18 20 .474 Johnson had drawn a leadoff Dear Mr. Cowles, last Friday. . .d A C Baseball 0 1 0 0 ■’lucky seventh” spelled victory athletes at Iowa State Universi­ batters while getting tapped clouts. ners, fanning six batters, walk- 1 0 Chicago 19 .457 “ With graduation Coming up Tournament deadline is Tues- 0 1 for the Gas House Gang. And Shutout Victory Results with a single in the sixth. 16 walk in the ninth, g;olfed a two- ty have demanded that basket­ for 10 hits. Burnham also de­ Sportsman 121 406 13 18 0 ing three and allowing nine hits, m^ , 'ss 1 3 3 1 « * V Oakland 17 21 .447 next month, I just wanted to day, so Manchester’s last- two 1 1 Four bases on balls, a hit run homer that tagged Wyatt ball Coach Glen Anderson, base­ livered the game’s only extra BA Club 022 000 0 4 9 6 The locals’ four runs all came coS>lb' ib NEW YORK (AP) __ Wednesday night with an .099 The loss dropped New York 16 .421 Mike Epstein let you know I appreciated the games will not count for quah- 1 10 ? s batsman and a base hit pro­ PHLLS-METS- New York 22 with a loss in his debut as a ball Coach Cap Timm and train­ base hit—^a homerun v/ith one McParland and Taylor; ■ Nead in the sixth frame as Tim Rubins, If 2 3 0 0 Mike Epstein got a red car- •’^^tting average strapped to his into a ninth place deadlock with Rlchie Allen blasted two long Wash’n. 16 22 .421 Yankee. kind mentions of me in the col- fflcatlon, nor will any or the re- 2 4 duced the five MB runs in the er Bob Billing^ be fired "Uliless man on. Roger Flavell cracked and Jones. (Joughlln got on via an error and MoSe'r.^^p 0 0 8 two-run homers in the Phillies’ unvns of your paper during the maindng ed capped a three-run New York throwing error by right fielder me as it always does,” Phila­ (Jrookeibt, Mike Burdick, Fred you know that Calvin Murphy came on in the eighth after Bill coaching staff at present.) times, bad only one homer, and in the high hurdles and New York 4-3 on a two-nm ninth burst in the fourth after the Or­ Jimmie Hall netted Boston’s delphia Phillies pitcher Woody MiaiBhaH and Jon Rood will rep- wears white loafers? Chcn^f ...... r S=t St. Louis Hawks each year send comeback when time ran heavy- Monbouquette had labored —They want line-ups in every batted in just one other run. Goodwin . . . • . ■ 202 Joq o-;4 ______r.t out. woicr),) rhnmnlon Dick Tieer at gote and pay riger out 01 fourth in the low hurdles set­ inning homer by pinch hitter ioles took a 2-0 lead with the first two runs in the third in­ Fryman said. '‘HR-Bu'riitaiti; ' 'BB-Buriiham” 3: questionnaires to hundreds of " “ II , varnev swune the ble-- champion Dick Tiger at through seven tough innings. sport to be chosen on the basis percentage. He may not ting a new school record In Don Buford, Minnesota edged help of Brooks Robinson’s solo ning. Foy unloaded his fourth And there was plenty of excite­ That came ’Tuesday night Nadeau 1; SO— Burnham-4,Burnh&ni’ 4, Her-Her* onHepe/sniiAiyA basketballBnRlrpfhn.11 ulaversnln.vpi*R who Ohet Varneyy swung o me Dig o jvmuijswiiMadison Square vjr«AaiAv.A»,Garden. ® _ .. . "Monbo said he didn’t feel of ability, not a "black-white agalpst the Yankees, but twice Still Classified as Rookie man 1. Nadeau 10; Hits off — Her- ®“**®S® ®^®“®g e s t bat, clouting two homers make any money, and it may the latter, at 21.2. Norm Pel­ Detroit .4-3 on Harmon Kille- homer. homer in the fourth. ment in the Phils’ 8-0 shutout man 4 for 5 runs in i Inning; Na- might be drafted by the Nation- « - Firemen Rav Lukas The 6-foot-3»,4 challenger from ^ letier was fifth in the mile brew’s nm-scoring single in the of the New York Mets Wednes­ good,” explained Yan);ee Man­ quota.” he also watched third strikes ^ al Basketball Association. l^ d ei a “ u r ^ t e ^ l : ^ Washington, D.C., had just com- right,” Foster —They want to be called ei­ with a time of 4 :88. eighth, Oakland blanked Cleve­ •' SALT WATER FISHING day night and much of it was ager Ralph Houk. "He had been that stranded a total of four One of the questions asks the Howie August came up with Pleted seven weeks of intensive j Yaz, Foy Lead Attack Striped bass are moving in­ struggling.” ther Afro-Americans or blacks, baserunners in a one-run loss. Although he didn't qualify, land 2-0 behind right-hander Fryman’s tight three-hit hurling. Bench Getting Job Done recipient to mention anything jjits. training with some vigorous heavy- Mike Cobum set a new shore with concentrations ap­ Brooks Robinson’s fourth not Negroes. ’The (California scholar, who SW Golfers Win Jim Nash and Boston trimmed ’ITie other major share of ex­ that might make it unnecessary cSiarlle McFall paced Seal- exercises and bag punch- the big money.” school record In the half- pearing off Westport and Nor­ home run of the year and an un­ Iowa State is the fifth Big quotes Greek philosophers and I__ TT«. 4V>a eiironr rtTl niS California 4-0 on Gary Bell’s citement was the reincarnated Dpm^ite Comnarative Youth Gouers from south Windsor foT'hlm t ^ g o ‘into Sr mllTte^^ tesTwith TTrllrfe Tnd “homer^ «nd mile, 2:04.7, finishing seventh Bell Gets Red Sox Righted walk and eastward of the earned nm in the third had giv­ Eight Conference school to ex­ knows .the moves of Russian four-hitter. bat of slugger Rich Allen. ’The i / C O p i i C defeated Rocky Hill High, service. In reply to this ques- ^nd the Reynold boys did oth- orms, heaved a deep sigh and in the competition. Thames River. The Thames Wampum, Pa., walloper, still re­ en Tom Phoebus and the Orioles perience protests from Negpx) chess masters, hit .309 in the In­ Bolton Triumphs River, Power House area was athletes this spring. Others are iMFW YORK — (NEA) — By and got 14 hits and a half-dozen 5-0 yerterday ^ tte T ob^co one boy said: "Bad hear- er heavy hitting. Ken Reynolds ®oid; SENATORS-WHITE SOX— covering from an Injured j ’ight a 2-0 lead. But doubles by Mick­ ternational League in 1966 and all over. It’s easy now.” With Sparkling Four-Hitter Kansas, Oklahoma, Oklsdioma Epstein, the 230-i>ound mus­ the hot spot last weekend with hand, crashed two long home ey Mantle, Andy Kosco and led the circuit in homers and EVid he expect to ■win in four As Hutchinson Sign Draft Choices cleman obtained by Wasnihgton good numbers of stripers to 20 runs for four runs batted in. Tom Tresh, and a two-out single State and Colorado. RBI. or five rounds as he had pre­ ST. PAUL - MINNEAPOLIS a three-game series beginning pounds being taken. SAN DIEGO (AP) — Harry after he refused to return to the Allen’s fireworks came just in by Bobby Cox put New York in dicted when he began training? Leads Assault (AP) — The Boston Red Sox, ]^ d a y night with the Minnesota Blackfishing continues to im­ front 3-2 in the fourth. n ? tX r But me iS ea r-old Cin- played for San Juan, Puerto J'®’ Blake commented: Sealteat 102 060“0 -9 -1 2 -4 Barnes and Darryl Jones, two Orioles’ Rochester farm club Twins. time as Philadelphia fans were Boxer Injured "Yeah he’ll go the first time I last spring, was shipped back to their three-game losing streak prove at outer reefs all along ?“ «; ctcn.rh„’nolnt.„Uo„ »d S” . flw “ “ “ ch “ w wi -n.at mljhl mal,. him .jl. mid S„l„i Brown .„<■ Three RBI’s by Bob Hutchin- fourth-round college draft selec- Four - hit beginning to air publicly their It stayed that way until the SEA'TTLE,. Wash. (AP) — Mays Unworri'ed get him. He can’t change his the International League snapped, travel here today for Patching by the coast. of giving up his full-time job. John ds of Migllsh, Irish Lenthe (SW) def Green (R) from the Army, but it also ^ • son plus a single and triple by tlons, have signed with the San ° ’ ______1 _ _ - Bell, 2-1, gave the Sox a 4-0 doubts as to whether the slug­ ninth when Buford unloaded on Boone Kirkman, eighth-ranked "Spring peak" fishing for cod, gish Allen has been earning his Wyatt. heavyweight by the World Box­ .?Jm .«m .wh»rm ont » ' mako. him ....-rom d,o NBA," Craig Pepin combined with Diego Rockets, the National win in Anaheiip, Calif., Wednes- pollock, mackerel and winter Albout Old Age, $80,000-plus salary, since plung­ “ A rough way for him to ing Association, had his right t p i t icjj ~ U .. fbTfl r ‘i 95 ^ ‘i;;ide“; American Indian) and has the Pepins effective pitching Basketball Association team an- day night, their only ■victory in flounder is being enjoyed at the there,” says the 6-1, twolcal toasdball background, notched an impressive 9-7 vie- nounced today, the three-game stand with the ing his hand through the head­ break in,” sjid Houk of Wyatt’s collarbone broken in a sparring J lillU S L O H f f 9 I 1 1 I t l'P from Blnger Okla., who broke ^ Flemke Still Man to Beat Race, Fishers Island Sound, debut. "But I 'can’t fault him. match Wednesday whileu/hltA wnrlfino'working ^ tory for Bolton High over East JOHNSON SEAHORSE California Angels. light of a jalopy h6 was push­ in with the ^ ® f three years old and kept Pine * Island, the Stonington ing last summer. We’ve had plenty of rough out for next ’Tuesday’s sched­ ATLANTA (AP)—WUlte Mays Hampton High yesterday at the 'The Angels at home continue Breakwater and Watch Hill. was three at-bats swinging right through high In Stafford Stock Racing loser’s diamond. The Bulldogs Now the winningest Phils nights. uled bout with Wayne ’Thornton. has been frolicking in the out­ GOLFERS to be troublesome for Boston. Good numbers of flats also con- completing my acho^, when the Reds drafted are now 9-6 in CX)CS play while field like a rookie for San Fran- when I got injured V®®"’ jA the second round. SHAVINC STROKES 'The Just-ended series w as. the tlnue to be taken off western pUcher so far this season be s steady Eddie Flemke_ and East Hampton fell to a 7-7 mark. ITRY FOX GROVE C.C.I OUTBOARD MOTORS 5-4—Fryman has an earned run clk:o this week, and the ■ 37- I’m still considered » rookie 3 ^ ^ first for the two clubs in Cali­ and central Connecticut. Stafford Speedway have some­ average of 2.25. It was his se­ year-old slugger says he doesn’t by Frank Beard Bolton came from behind af­ ] f o r e v e n i n g p l a y fornia this season. Last year, Inland Fishing Holy Cross Basketball Coach but an ®*P®''‘® " ® ® ' ^ . ^ learned upon arriving dn the thing going between them. ter scoring two runs In the open­ cond straight shutout and his even think about getting older. pitchers know I can do th j National League was that Oin- W 2 HP. to 100 HP. the pennant-winning Red Sox Trout fishing continues gen­ Flemke ha^ won three NASCAR ing frame, while East scored Coll 649.8312 managed Just two victories erally good in both ponds and third this season. "I don’t w orry about that,’’ In his first full season as a gj^j,tl da great for winning Mays said after pushing the modified stock car feature thrCe In the first and seventh. against seven defeats at Ana- streams. Some of the better Allen’s first homer came in Speaker at Eagle Banquet pro, in 1966, Bench hit 22 ho- pennants.” Giants into a virtual tie for the events In a row on the fast SALES — PAR’TS — SERVICE / helm. waters recently are: Saugatuck, the first inning with John CJalll- mors, for Peninsula of the Caro- „ j j^ow everyone is always Start with Grip half-mile oval and in self, de- Annual spring sports awards National League’s lead with St. ’ •Joe Foy clouted his second upper Norwalk, Housatonlc, son on base on a walk. Callison llna Leagiue. With 36 games left gj^yj^g yow good we look on vense the promoters at Stafford EASY TERMS — USED MOTORS banquet at East Catholic High Louis. "That’s what I read—but Written for homer of the year, a two-run Mill, Muddy, Haipmonasset and was back on base on a single in on the schedule, he was promot- ye said, “ and we are have offered a bonus bounty of will be held Sunday night at the that's not what I say. belt with Rico Petrocelli aboard Farming;ton Rivers; East ’Twin the third when Allen catne up ed to Buffalo, and local fans g^^^ But look at the injuries Newspaper Enterprise Assn. to the first driver that can Open Daily 7 :30 A'.M.-5 P.M.-—’Thurs. to 9 school cafeteria. Dinner will be "I ’ll get a cbuple of more $100 ROCKVILLE with a walk, in the fourth inning and Wononscopomuc Lakes (al­ again and powdered the ball gave him a parade and planned year—Maloney, Johnson, People think that once a golf­ beat the Southington flash In a served at 6:30. years In, you can count on a special night for him before Helms, Cardenas, Pappas, Ar- ^ SAT. 4 P.M. of Wednesday’s g^me. so Kokanee); Highland Lake; once more. er attains professional status, feature event In which he has Roberta Pena's squeeze bunt that," added Mays, whose bat The Sox had picked up two Ball Pond; West Hill Pond; Guest speaker will be Jack he left. rlgo. "When you have three he acquires some kind_____ of divine entered and finished. SCRAP CO.. Inc. to Black Pond ^Mlddlefleld); Ce­ put the Phillies ahead 5-0 in the Donohue, head basketball coach has been listless lately but his "They were going to present pitchers out with injuries, you "® game auto runs in the third off 1 o si n g Post time Friday is p.m. dar Lake; Gardner Lake. fourth and Tony Gonzalez hit his at Holy Cross. fielding has been as flashy ab me with some gifts but vandals ^Ight as well be running on j g^me 8 CAPITOL EQUIPMENT pitcher Rick Clark, 0-3. One ever. There will be qualifying heats came on a single by Carl'Yas- Anglers after panfish are do­ first home run of the season in Donohue, 35, a man of many broke into the clubhouse and jeg. , "o®” ® ------38 MAIN ST— TEL. 643-7958 Mays snapped out of an problems as an 8Q-shooter. And for both the modified stocks and TOP PRICES PAID! trzemskl after Clark had given ing well in most ponds, includ­ the next inning to drive losing talents, recently completed his stole them all,” he remembers. "Lately, our staff has been O-for-12 slump Wednesday night that’s why I must keep revert­ the exciting new late model tig­ up two walks. ing East ’Twb Lake, Mudge pitcher Don Ciardwell to the third year os head basketball "They re - scheduled another Raving control problems but ing to fundamentals In analyz­ Pond, Highland Lake, CSndle showers. Gonzalez and Callison with a game-winning single^ in night for me just before I left, j think we will have them ers and feature events coach. ing my game. wood Lake (also large mouth drove in the final runs in the the ninth inning that drove in but It was rained out. I guess straightened out soon. We’ll scheduled for both divisions. His overall record is 41-30 at bass), Bolton Lakes, Moodus sixth. Eton Hunt for a 2-1 conquest of that’s pretty funny. Then I got definitely be In the race right Start with the grip. My left Based on the past few week’s Reservoir and Gardner L a k e . ------Holy Cross. Two years ago, with the Atlanta Braves. to Buffalo and broke, my thumb the end. And I’m glad I’m hand get much too strong- at performance, it would seen that a young and inexperienced various times. I have to fight COPPER THE FASTEST MILE TRACK IN THE EAST White perch and white catfish But throughout the series with In the first game. still classified a rookie. It the currant NASCAR National continue to provide very good team, Donohue coached HC to a the Braves Mays has sparkled That tookecare of 1966. Last wouldn’t be bad being rookie- it continually. The left hand Modified champion, <3arl Davis Cuppers 16-9 season and the team was moves too far to the right on fia< Tke liM st Drivors Is The WerM! fishing in the Connecticut Riv­ in the field, and a running, one- season, he had 23 homers, 68 of-the-year on a pennant win- "Bugs” Stevens has the best the club. I have to keep the er. voted the most improved in New handed catch of a Hank Aaron RBIs and was selected minor ner.” shot to unseat Memke, Stevens ED FLEMKE Have Big Serve England. This past season, the thumb more on top, or to the Shad continue good to excel- ^ -m t ill drive In the fourth Inning helped league player - of - the-year. Bench Is doing his best to- Crusaders were 16-8, winning 10 San Francisco pitcher Mike Mc­ left. several restarts that Memke BRASS lent at the Enfield Dam with v O l l C y though he played In less than ward those goals, and one of his weeks of the season with fuel was allowed to close the gap and numerous six to seven pound •' of their final 13 games including Cormick post a three-hitter. 100 grames. The Reds called him teammates, pitcher Bill Kelso, So I’m continually checking cause he had the strength. He jjjjection problems and even '^m iODIFIEI upset victories over Boston Col­ on the last several laps on the fish being taken. BERfCELEY, Calif. (AP) — Maya was pleased with his up in late August. has even tried using a little my grip, especlaUy when I get doesn’t need a strong grip. through last Friday’s events his ^17*^ PlemL"*trle^ lege and Fordham, both tour- HEATS • CONSOUTION EVENTS' Tb^e U.S. Davis Chip team goes winning single, althobgh he “That pJayer-of-the-year bu£< superstition. into what I call my ovei>the- jack Is different In one re- ^ad luck held, for *n the 26tb he knew to act nament-Liound teams. pointed out that it was the oidy into the North American zone fi­ ness really put some pressure "He’d had some bad luck In fnn top Hnnvinsrhooking gamesrame. spect thoiigh—he uses lap his oar once again went sour * ^ atovenq The hriiUaut Donohue is one of the most JACK DONOmns hit he got. his first couple starts,” Bench All m y life, until three years terioekina terlocklng grip,ariD. with the firstnrsi champion from Rfihn.Reho . skui ^ ttic N atlo^l LEAD nal round Friday armed with a on me,” he said, "because every­ 30 LAP KAIURE RACE THINK big serve and power volley sought after basketball clinlC' reer at St. Nicholas ,of Tolen- "But It meant the game, so I one exipected me to pick up recalls, "so. In a tie game ago, I was a relatively weak finger of his left hand hooked Mass., had to drop out of j „„ against a physically small Mexi­ ians and aft;er dinner speakers tine High School in Bronx, N.Y. don’t care how many I got,’’ he where I’d left off In the Inter­ with the Giants recently. I guy who was never able to hit around the ’ little finger of his feature. n 7 ^ i7 n e w s p a p e r E T i r C D C QUALIFYING HEATS in New England. This past year said. was up In the top of the 11th the ball far enough. That-s how right. That’s because he has g ^ be held to STORTSn can quartet ^STying on speed, In four seasons at Tolentine— national League.” feet ahead of EL I Bu c k 3 SPECIAL FEATURE RACE defense and finesse. saw Donohue as a speajeer at 1054-1958—his teams impressed Cincinnati Manager Dave with the bases loaded. Kelso I d e v e lo p a strong left-hand small hands. TheoreUcaUy I g ,t ^as a dlf- (WE HANDLE PAPER DRIVES FOR CHURCHES, The host squad could win 6-0 many high school coaches clin­ with an over-all record of 87 Brkitol didn’t hide his expecta- couldn’t bear to look. He sat grip. It gives you a more power- should also use an Interlocking g,. *• BOY SCOUTS, AND OTHER OBOAMIZA'nONS) «AIES OPEN AT 6;30«ADULTS *150«CHILDREN .SO,' • if it gets off to a 2-0 start in Fri­ ics in the East. He is a featured wins against only 16 defeats. He Racing Hall of Fame ’ tions, either. “I’m sure he’ll be there wlUi a towel draped ful shot off the club, but It ^ p . because I have short, stub* S o7 Mern^He SCRAP IRON — OTHER METALS speaker and lecturer at. high sure that now that Stevens know BATTERIES — RADIATORS — PAPERS — RAGS day’s singles matches or it moved to Power Memorial INDIANAPOlls AP) — The our No. I catcher,” ho said. over his faiace. I singled In two also comes off driving with a by fingers, too. . that wav for the en school, college and civic events hook. Subconsciously, as a kid. But, like 98 per cent of the ®"<1 ®y®® “ ®\^®y ------he can hold off the pro from Also Buyers of INDUSTRIAL SCRAP couM be pressed to pull out a 3-2 Academy In New York City and late Tony Settenhausen, two- ‘H e’s a determined, take- runs.” THINK verdict if the Mexicans can sal­ throughout the year. The sum­ It wilk take more than su- I fell Into this habit to get more pros on tour, I ^ e the Vardon t e l e p h o n e 872-6687 STAFFORD SPEEDWAY racked‘up 168 wins—including 71 winner of the national obarge-type player who will 989 HARTFORD TURNPIKE ROCKVILLE, CONN. 06066 CHARIER OAK vage a 1-1 draw for openers. mer finds him lecturing at more eventually be hitting 25 or 30 perstltion and a second-year distance off the tee. overlap and It’s worked out fine. «»"® ^ confidence to work Iban camps. in a row at one point—against championship, and me- Now a guy like Nlcklaus, ho I make one concession. I use '®®^ ‘*'® *<^*®wlng caw In- mg Modified No. 3 a Hours: THE FASTEST ‘2 MILE TRACK IN THE EAST The lone doubles match will be 20 „ , . . .. , cnanlc Jean Mercenal were homers a year for us.” rookie to win a pennant, but 7 A.M;-4:80 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. — 7 A.M.-8:80 P.M. Sat. SPORTSHOrS,INC.' played Saturday; the final tw6 1962 graduate ol Fordham, 30 defeats. His 11-year record as named Tuesday to auto racing’s Bench did become the regu- Bench says look him up In never had to—he could afford undersized grips on my clubs eluding as much as a half lap good ride against Memke In his Near Caldor -k 040-9735 STAFFORD SPRINGS. FRET PARKING singles on Sunday. Donohue began his coaching ca- a high school coach is 250-46. Hall of Fame. lar catcher late last summer October. to keep'his hands on toj;*—ho- because they feel good. on Flemke. It was only through No. 2 X.

j . ,'b^.?,(bS«S'W <.b ..i- ,


BUGGS B l OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Tniekf— ^Traeron 5 ButliMu SanrlcM Hoor Ftnhhhig ------OSrtmI , 13 • r OR ABE HAR-RUMPH / APPARENUY FLOOR SANDING and reflnish IP YOU TEAR i Aniwtr to Protlooi fmito LOOK 'itoU YOU LOOTS C A N T CLASSIFIED 1660 FORD plcli-up, F-lOO, |800. RUBBISH — trash removed to Ing, old and new. All floors b (K>KKEEPER for Vlfl^AT YOU DID... THIS ^TIE le i-pIT ' i HOW COME 3ETHCH6E '^PMITTIN'.TUAT, PISTIN6UISH b e tw e en Things of All Serfs 640-0668.______the dump, lawns maintained. treated with 3 coats of hot Wax. Receivable Department, 86-40 NAILED AW TIE WILL COST you Also cleaning and rewaxlng. TO THE ^TMFDOLLARSl BOTHEW YOO.BUT ANVPNEWITHA THE EPUNPS O F NEISH- CHEVROLET pick-up half- 649-1868 after 8 p.m. hours per week, all benefits, NOT THE 2V-HOUR '60RILLA BUILP BORHOOP UVIN6AH01HE Call 643-0840 after 6 p.m. must be steady worker. Apply_- ,^Y A 'G ar < 1 ACROSS (pl.) , ADVERTISING ton, V-8, 8’ body. Hardly used, ANYTHINa taken to the dump, carnival 40UNP c a n MAKE AS NOISE INVASION BY ^ Nlchols Manchester Tire, Inc.** ME ALL iM NOT 56 Forest only 6,000 miles. Light green, appliances, bulky furniture, at- TRAHSENT p l a n e s /a 1 Tahsled 296 Broad St., Manchester. 648- NERVOUS! TAKIN' ANY rttoMTHE BURBLES MUCH NOISE AS creature CLASSIFIED ADVER'nSING DEPT. HOURS $1,560. Call 648-1874 only after cellars cleaned, light tonds— Stocks NEXT POOR ? ,HE WANTS TO? MAN'S HOME SHOULD BE -mass of hair 1161. CHANCES 57 Was perched 8 A.M . to 4 :3 0 P.M. trucking. Cheap. 289-5860. ON THAT!^ c a s t l e 4 Outbuilding M o rtg o g e s H iS /, DOWN HAIRDRESSERS—fuir ^ r part- i f 8 Stinging 1964 FORD Ranchero pickup, 8 SECOND MORTGAGE — Un- time, salary and commissions insect 1 Cartographs cyclinder, standard transmis­ 12 Hail! 2 Ellipsoidal COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Household Services Ilmlted funds available for sec­ in a modem busy shop. Pleas­ sion, ra^o, heater, 2 extra ’ 18 Conceal 3 Enter into 4j*0 P.M. DAT‘BEFORE PVBUOA'nON y- Offered 13-A ond mortgages, payments to ant working conditions. Apply 14 Ceremony 4 Use a razor snow tires and wheels, $700. cradle Deadline lor Saturday and Monday ia 4:80 p.m. Friday. suit your budget. Expedient Magic Mirror Beauty Shop, 787 15 Cooking 5 Conceal 24 Take notice Call 643-0179. VENETIAN blinds — repaired, 41 Fall flower ,------a ■ . service, J. D. Realty, 643-5129. Main St., Manchester. utensil 6 Ancient of fetaped and recorded. 646-0273, A PART-TIME position from Otherwise 42 Church part 1968 FORD F-S50, all new 16 Pertaining to nameofUrfa 25 PLEASE READ YOUR AD 649‘-2971. your home, hourly rate, tele­ a certain 7 Low haunt 26 Monkeylike 43 Salad rubber. Private owner. $660 or Business Opportunity 21 phone work contacting busi­ gland 8 Inscribe mammal cabbage Claaallled or “Want Ada" are taken over the phone as a best offer. Call 648-8104. 44 Walking LIGHT TRUCKINO. bulk dellv- nesses. Call 1-768-4041. A L L Y OOP BY V. T. HABILIN 18 Arm parts of 9 Opera by 27 Absurdities ’*’ '® «^vertlser alionld read hla ad the FIRST e ^ , yards, attics, cellars ~ONUE IN A LIFETIME 28 Astringent stick DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the STATISTICAL coats Verdi cleaned'and removed. Also odd OPPORTUNITY WATTRESSEi WANTED, f^ i WELL, WE WON’T 20 Begin 10 Celestial 29 Hardy 46 Grafted • next insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only ONE Incor* Auto Accossorios— mornings and part-time, in Tol­ FIND 1M JUST 21 Golfer's heroine (her.) rect or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then only jobs. 644-8962. £TANDIKr HERE... body Tiros « Sunoco heis available for sale at land. Call 876-9329 evenings. mound 11 Beast’s skin 31 Nullify 47 Feminine to ^ extent of a “make good" insertion. Errors which do CLERK L E T 'S GO! appellation NOW IS THE TIME to protect below market price. 22 Location 17 Belgian city 33 MillUry term not lesson the value of the advertisement isill not be corrected 1964 CHEVROLET 262 cu. inch 48 Formerly by “make good" Insertion. and restore origlhal appear- j 2-bay, 2-lift station. 24 German 19 Weird 38 Placid 6 'cylinder engine complete ex­ Hulp Wontod— Mote 34 courtesy title ance of your amesite driveway „ t . _ • Position open for person ZiflAYBE'^ oi cept fdr fly wheel, clutch and „.*bu _ .1... 2. In-town location. HE'LL BUILD 26.Charge, as a 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 8 10 11 with statistical background FIRST, SECONDlmd third shift. MEN part-time for janitor and AN AIR­ ship altemater. 30,000 original miles, I^S^r. ^ e esLatL. t*,. 3- Excellent grdwth potential. and above average figure floor waxing work, 6 days, 6 643-2711 excellent running condition. Can 4. No money down, no interest Earn while you learn material BORNE MOAT= 27 Obese 12 13 14 875-3136 9487. aptitude. Calculator exper­ and tool hardening in a new p.m. to 11 p.m. Call 649-5334. 30 “Lily maid of be seen and driven while still to pay. (Rockville, Ton Free) ience helpful. Excellent factory with modem equip­ Astolat" 16 17 In truck. Asking $135. Call REWEAVING of bums, moth- g. pald training. MAN for tire service or recap 15 wages, pleasant working ment. Many benefits. Excellent 32 Shoe part io Frank Wutsch, 643-4507, 7 a.m. holes, zippers repaired. Win- conditions in air-conditioned shop. Good pay. 46-56 hours per 34 Value highly 18 19 dow shades made to measure. Call or Write Sun Oil Co., P.O. insurance program with op­ OUT OUR W Al BY J. B. WILLIANS to 4 p.m. or week nights. 643- office. Complete company week. All benefits. Must be 35 Hateful 22 Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? 0123. all size Venetian blinds. Keys Box 71, East Hartford, 668-3400. portunity for advancement. Ap­ steady worker. Experience 36 English river 21 paid benefit program. Send made while you wait. Tape re'- Evenings, Jeff Keith, 647-9546. ply in person from 8 a.m. to helpful but not essential. Apply ^ I'VE BEEN REAPING OH, CLOSE THAT BOOK,MYAILINS FRIENP- 37 Violent blast 26 28 29 resume to P.O. Box 1483, 7:30 p.m. Klock Company, 1272 BPEAK NCTT o f WHAT XTU’VE READ/EAD/ — 24 2ti corders for rent. Marlow’s 867 Nichols Manchester Tire, Inc. A*. THIS HOME MEDICAL 39 Shade trees 24-Hour Answering Service Garage— Service FOR LEASE or sale, busy Hartford, Conn., stating edu­ Tolland Tpke., Manchester. £-33 BOOK WHILE r e c u p e r ­ I KNOW, IF GIVEN HALF A CHANCE,NCE. )-| 32 Main St., 649-5221. 295 Broad St., Manchester. VOU'LL SOON HAVE ASB IN BED.' 40 Infrequent 30 31 luncheonette at excellent loca­ cation and experience as ifr \n» W MIA lx- T.M.- Sf. US. fM. OH.______a t i n g AMD IT S VERY 41 Lifetime Storage 10 IMTERESTIUe.' GIVE 36 Free ts Heraid Readers tion in Tolland. Call 876-9329 well as salary require­ ELECTRICIAN — Joumeyihan ^you A IN T KIPPIM'/ TM PEELIN' 42 Broad neck 3i y ' ments. ME XOUR HAND AND GREAT AND 1 AIN'T ABOLIT ^ GARAGE for rent, 11 Knighton Building— evenings. and helper, full-Ume, sm d y D A V Y JONES BY LEFF and McWILLIAMS TLL COUNT 10UR scarf 38 Want information bn one of our classified advertisements? LEARN TO DRIVE TO r i s k FINDIN' o u t WHY / 36' ■ 3 7 38 Street, Manchester. Call 646- employment. Insurance Mne- PULSE-ANP STICK 1 SHOULDN'T Bg/ 45 Extra supply No answer at the telephone listed? Simply call the ContracHng 14 NO, T H A N K YOU ! ONE MOMENT... DON'T EMBARRASS YOU'VE LOST HIM. SO DID I... BUT OUT VtXlR TONGUE/ 49 Term in lawn 41 0311. TRACTOR TRAILER fits, paid holidays and vaca­ 2 WOULD YOU BE YOURSELF, SIR... I I THOUGHT YOU ALL OF A SUDDEN - p o l IF YOU FEEL THAT I'M NO LONGER IN­ \ tennis WES ROBBINS Carpentry re-f Privot* Instructions 32 MACHINE OPERATOR for full tion. Call between 8 a.m.-5. 60 MILLION IS TOO TERESTED... AT ANY A CUSTOMER AT WOULDN'T BUY AT HAD HIM SOLD. HE CHANGED HIS 51 Noun suffix 46 47 a 5 0 m i l l i o n “ ANY PRICE NOW. M IND. MAYBE HE'LL 42 43 u iT EDWARDS modeling specialist. Additions, t - time work days. $1.70 per hour p.m. Robert's Electric Co., HIGH... I MIGHT LET PRICE. I'M SORRY. n : 52 Became RUSSIAN and NO EXPERIENCE MY HOTEL GO FOR 65. COME B A C K ... IF Motoreyctes— rec rooms, dormers, porches, CERTIFIED to start. Will train. Own trans­ South Windsor, 644-2421. I'M LUCKY.' lower and 48 |N SI French teacher in Glastonbury ANSWEMNG SERVICE Bicyetes cabinets, formica, built - Ins, portation. N. P. Hallenbeck NECESSARY lower 11 Public and Hartford private MAN—full-Ume. Apply in per­ 52 U 54 bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. Co., junker Hill Rd., Andover. 53 Poker stake AUTHORIZED Harley Davidson schools will tutor in either or son. Barrett Plumbing Supply, 742-8061. 54 Bitter vetch U M S7 MiMISM 875-2S19 sales — 1966 CH, $1,176. 1967 HOMES, GARAGES, porches, both languages this summer. ______Train locally on modem 331 Broad St.. Manchester. 55 Female sheep n u . Bonneville triumph, $1,026, 1966 rec rooms, room additions, Call after 6:30 p.m., 1-633-1611. SERVICE PULLER Brush cus- equipment. Full or part- and leave your message. You'll hear from our -advertiser In time; day or evening. Sure triumph, $825, 67 BSA, $825, 66 kitchens, roofing, siding, gen­ Jig time without spending all evening at tee telephone. Z Z Z IZ I^ II^ IZ Z ^ Z IZ Z Z Z Z Z I tomers from your home by tele­ training program will quali­ Matchless $776, 67 Suzuki, $395, eral repair work. Financing phone a few hours per week. fy you for higher income, 3 1966 BMW, $960. Harley David­ available. No down payment. Hoip Wonted ■ ■■ Very profitable. Call 247-1949. • f in the trucking Industry. Automobites For Sate 4 son Sales, 49 Park Street, Hart­ Economy Builders, Inc. 643- Fomote 35 R O U TE M A N 6159. MUSTANGS 1966 - 1967, auto­ ford, 247-9774. Approved for training vet­ HERALD WAITRESS wanted. Apply to Established route, good sal­ BY DICK TURMRB matics and standards, $60. erans. CARNIVAL ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ Mr.. Flink at Cavey’s Restau­ down, assume monthly pay­ HONDA, 90. Like new. Full rage, rec rooms, bathrooms rant, 643-1415. ary plus fringe benefits. Ex­ BOX LETTERS ments. Mr. Bake 233-8715. TELEPHONE. WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE warranty. Call 649-8686. tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce- CALL HARTFORD ment work, cellar floors, pa- COUNTER WOMAN for eve- perience not necessary, will CHEVY n 1963, radio, heater, igee ALL STATE motor For Your tios, roofing. Call Leon Cles- ning shift, 7 p.m. to midnight, OPERATORS train. $60. down, assume monthly mooter, metallc gray, 2,700 247-1353 ANYTIME Information synski. Builder. 649-4291. 3 to 4 evenings per week. S-» payments. Mr. Bake, 233-8715. miles, 160 cc, with custom PleMe apply manager, Mr. WHEN IGNORANCE IS BLISS »mmwM.tg.TAi.E»»stNieK cover and other extras, $275. A & L Remodeling, inside and WANTED p.m’. \ THE HERALD will not VOLKSWAGENS 1966 - 1968, Donut Shop, 256 West Middle MANCHESTER 872-0497. outside work. Fire escapes Tpke. MAINTENANCE MAN with ex- S M r t T ^ disclose the Identity of excellent condition, $60. d o w n , ______------and rec room included. 1-872- any advertiser using box assume monthly payments, igee BLUE Honda, 306 Super 3366 or 1-876-4517. AT perience in light plumbing, gen­ COAT & APRON SHORT R IBS BY FRANK O’NEAL \ l letters. Readers answer­ Mr. Dias, 233-8716. eral electrical and general me­ ing blind box ads who Hawk. Excellent condition. i $600. Call 643-0374 after 6 p.m. CARPENTRY— concrete steps, \ Y //-»rr»o-r» chanical. Will train In furnace 73 Summit St., Manchester desire to pn/tect their . CHEVROLE3T Impalas, 1964 — ______^ __ floors, hatchways, remodeling, IVldLUrc W Oman THE PHONE maintenance, and minor re­ ' TOMORROW- AND identity can follow this 1968, hardtops, and converti­ I ’M SCAREP. procedure: 1968 SUZUKI motorcycle, 160 cc, porches, garages, closets, ceil­ pair. Many benefits. Excellent DO'lOU APPEAR bles, $50. down, assume month­ electric start. Approximately ings, attics finished, rec For Permanent Position STORE insurance program with op­ BERXE THE PHARAOH 7 Enclose your reply to the ly payments. Mr.—©las, 233- 600 miles, $360. Call 1-224-0513. rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ portunity for advancement. Ap­ box In an envelope — 8716. er related work. No job too In Our Rockville Office ply in person from 8 a.m. tp JANITORS part-time, evenings. address to the C3assl- 7:30 p.m., Klock Company, 1272 Call 643-4453, ,3-6 p.m. only. BEAUTIFUL condition 1964 1965 HONDA, Super Hawk. small. Dan Moran, Builder. f l ^ Manager, Manchester Evenings 649-8880. CLERK TYPIST You need no previous Tolland 'Tpke., Manchester. Evening Her^d, together Ford XL, 4-door hardtop, bur- 4 qoq miles. Call 1-429-6226. experience. We’ll train MEN WANTED part-Ume morn­ with a memo listing the gandy, black interior. Original ------—— NEWTON H. SMITH & SON — 5 Day Week you at a good starting ings for janitorial duties in companies you do NOT owner, call 621-4663 after 3. SUZUKI 1966, 150 cc, excellent salary. Valuable bene­ Manchester area. Call 524-0620. BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE Remodeling, repairing, addi­ «-23 WEuit to see your letter. condition, low mjleage. $240. Including Saturday fits, pleasant working PONTIACS —All models, 4- tions, rec rooms, garages, INSIDE SALES — expanding .TTour letter will be de­ Call 528-1883. conditions, opportunity ABLE vreiLLErs YES, RUT SOME ARMED SECOND, THEY'VE BOUGHT speeds and automatics, $50. porches and roofing. No job Excellent steel distributor desires alert, stroyed If the. advertiser too small. Call 649-3144. for advancement. «crwKK GUARDS ON phS A DEEFSEA SUBMERSIBLE, is one you’ve mentioned. down, assume monthly pay- SALE — $280. 1968 Bridgestone aggressive man for sales order ASUORE. PLATFORM...SEARCH THEY SAY, TO MINE THE If not it will be handled 90 Mountain bike. Excellent Working Conditions MENU desk, excellent future, all com­ AMYOmER ments. Mr. Dias, 233-8716. THE AREA... IF dOHN FIRST, RICHES OF THE OCEAN DEEP. In the usual manner. condition. Ijigh compression Visit our employment pany paid benefits, salary com­ SUGGESTIOHS,, Roofing— Siding 15 DOUGH OR'ROCKY* BECAUSE I KNOW BECAUSE THEY CORVETTES 1966 — 2 to choose head, enlarged and advanced Many Employe Benefits office at 62 East Center mensurate with ability. Write SAWYER? ROKSTONE ARE INTHE TRIED TO HIRE ME AS THEIR WOMEN!' EXTORTION / APreR WMAT >0uVE YfeAM. H6'U- PBOSABL-V from, $80., down, assume intake, 4-spced rotary shift, THE BEST in roofing — and Street,, Manchester, Box R, Manchester Herald. M AREA, THE?RE THE IS ATYPICAL UNOERWATER/^vivELL> ' dome, ! PONT blame VOJ. THBDWIWe SCHOLL AT ME. monthly payments. Mr. Bake, knobby tires, large luggage roof repair, Call Coughlin, open Monday through /MASTERMINDS^ GANGSTER EXPERT. / ru! 6E Lost and Found 1 Too inexperienced? Too bid? 233-8718. rack, many extra parts, facto­ '643-7707. 875^6286 Friday, 8:30 a.m- to 5 MILLER PHARMACY requires RACKET- PANGED. TDU Not for us! Our route driv­ LOST — Passbook No. 28-010488 ry alteration ' specification p.m. Or call 643-4101, drug clerk over 21, experienced • WE'LL 1968 CORVAIR convertible 4- D. Kenneth Welch, Mgr. ers earn over $120 a week. preferred. Driver’s license, eve- OK FOR •1, Savings Department of The sheets. Call after 4 p.m., 649- Ext. 368. Evening and Connecticut Bank and Trust speed. Call after 4 :30, 742- Roofing cmd Saturday interviews ar­ No investment or bond re-. ■ nings or weekends. No phone THEM* 8261. 0888. A beautiful cycle that will qulred. Company. Application made move out on track, street or Chimnoys 16-A ranged. calls, k j r - i J The for payment. 1962 CHEVY II station wagon. trail. ROOFING — Specializing re­ College Men Also Ap­ EXPEklEN(JED DUMP truck e i«a w HU. Uc. TM !«• US M. Off. Standard transmission, radio, LOST: Invetsment Passbook No. pairing roofs of all kinds, new Hartforid Courant ply Now for Summer driver, good pay, good work­ heater. Good condition, $226.' 1968 HONDA CB77, Super hawk, 2 8-900103-7 of The Connecticut roofs, gutter work, chimneys Jobs. ing condlUon. Ctill 643-2289. ‘From now on, in your speeches, Senator, I believe I'd Call 649-4833. black. Call 649-6401 after 8:30 13 Park St. THE A l i leave the part about everybody having the right to Bank and Trust Company. Ap- ______p.m. cleaned and repaired, 30 years’ Rockville, Conn. APPLY ONE TREE climber and one TM. liB. «A M OM. dissent until the very last!" plication has been made for PLYMOUTH, Excellent experience. Free estlmiales. SOUTHERN ground man wanted, experi­ M IC K Y F IN N BY LANK LEONARD payment. mechanical condition, 4 new Call Howley 643-8361, 644- GOOD HUMOR CORP. enced only need apply, top tires. Standard. First $200 8333. VDU DON'T EVEN I STILL THINK YOU HE W ON'T HAVE TO.' LOST —Passbook No. 82864 Sav­ Businoss Sorvicos SEVERAL women needed for wages to right man. Call 643- KNOW HOW rV E TWO WILL BE GOOD takes it. Call 649-1347: Sullivan Ave. & Kennedy Rd. ALLIE WILL BE LEAVING ings Bank of Manchester. Ap­ Offoted 13 bench assembly work. , Steady NEW 8104. HOW CAN you LOUe m b — TALKED TO ALLIEi FRIENDS WHEN YOU FOR COLLEGE— NEXT THE WILLETS BY WALT WETTERBERG South Windsor—Tel. 289-8261 f'AI UBALOUS, I'M SBLFISH! , I'VE BEEN REAL KNOW EACH OTHER/ plication made for payment. with fringe benefits. Apply in SEPTE/VWER— ON AN YOU ARE A-1, truck* is A-1. Hooting and Plumbing 17 PRESS OPERATORS / ONLY M ADE TROUBLE ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIP/ person, 10 Hilliard Street. En­ An Equal Opportunity BETWEEN VOUANDALUE! e IM b, NU. I«. Tj*. >.f. US. r«. OH. FOUND—Black and white Shep­ 1960 FORD, good running con- Cellars, attics, yards, drive- M & M Plumbing & Heating, ENGLAND FORK LIFT OPERATORS gineered Metals, Inc. Employer, F-M oo so, WITM A herd male. Call dog warden, dition, $100. 649-7017. ways sealed and small truck­ Service calls our specialty. No PACKERS WAR LIKE THIS, 742-7184. 1969 CHEVROLET, V—8 auto­ ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- Job is too small. Free SECRETARY FOR local law of- TELEPHONE First Shift, 46 Hour .Week Y W HO N E E D S mano Trucking Service toll estimates gladly given. Call flee. Write Box ''GG” . Man- FOUND—Mongrel, male, black, matic. Good condition. Best qf- COLLEGE MEN wanted for R E A C e fer. Call 644-1977. free. 742-9487. 849-2871. Chester Evening HeraJd. stock room work during the EASTERN BOILER & tan and white. Call dog warden, COMPANY ELECTRONICSr INC. BULLDOZER, Jjackhoe— work, summer, $2.60 per hour. Call 742-7194. 1989 CHEVROLET station wag­ 99 Loomis St. land clearing, septic tanks in­ 622-1184. on in running condition. $76. Millinory, An Equal Opportunity stalled, drainage fields. Paul Call 643-6061. Employer Announcomonts Schendel, 649-0468. Drassmoking 19 CLERK-TYPIST VALIANT 1964 —2-door, stand­ DRESSMAKING — Alterations, § .k ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ TREE removal-Trlmmlng. Rea­ ard transmission, radio, tur­ zippers replaced, etc. Excel­ ers, sales and service, bonded sonable rates. Covered for ADVERTISING quoise. Excellent condition. lent workmanship, 649-4311. WOMAN wanted evenings, full representative. Alfred Amell, property damage. Got a tree HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Asking $680. Call 644-8960 af­ or part-Ume. Apply in person. 647-1719 or 643-4913. problem? Call Dana’s Tree professional a l t e r a ­ MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ter 6 p.m. DEPARTMENT Em’s Bakery, Tri-Clty Plaza, '/ ,lN LIMOUSINE Service — 1968 Service, 622-8429. t io n s and dressmaking done Vernon. ♦ SATURDAY INTERVIEW 1964 FORD, 2-door sedan, stand­ iti my home. Home fittings 'YOUR DINNBR, A HALF A LAAAB CHOI? SIX PEAS AND //y Cadillac yours for your wed­ Interesting position in Ad­ . HE WAhns TO/MAKE SUFtE WE 9AMB ard transmission, in good LIGHT trucking, odd Jobs, also available. Call Mondays or any WAITRESS — Evening shift. GENTLEAAaV. A SPOONFULOF MASHED PDlATOESj nOOM FOR HIS LATEST DESSERT. ding day with chauffer, vertising Dept, for qualified shape, reasonably priced. Call moving large appliances. Burn­ evenings after 7 p.m. 742-6687. Supervise other help. Excellent Our office w ill be open this Saturday WHATWNDOF / ------“T alr-conditloned, 7-passenger. ing barrels delivered. $4. 644- typist. .The person who fills MORTY MEEKLB 643- 1826. this position will be Involved starting salary. Pleasant work­ AAEAUI9TH/9? I P IB «E »9 N Y BY DICK CAVALU Ulrlc Limousine Service, Ed­ 1778. in a variety of clerical ing condiUons. Uniforms can May 25, 1968 mund U. Parent Jr., 649-3860. 1967 CHEVROLET Malibu, 327 OlOkl Moving^Traeking~ work including telephone be supplied. Apply In person, THATeWHATTHP/ ACTCIALLV, THE 6ll2iJ5 ELDEGIV BESIDES, cubic inch. Dark blue with TREE EXPERT Trees cut, JOHN MBRZ is now working Storago 20 contact and many other var­ Dino’s, 680 East Middle Tpke. 9:00 AJM. to 12:00 NOON oauNT w m , WANY'itXJTO ACJNT leiH E MURDERER.. ITS vinyl roof. Wide tires, dual 'building lots cleared, trees top­ at Russell’s Barber Shop, ious assignments. Company l ARREST A CaOTTEN speaker radio, power steering, ped. Got a tree problem? Well ■X comer of Oak and Spruce. MANCHESTER Delivery—light offers excellent wages, in- SALESPERSONS — experienc­ We are interviewing seniors for fine full­ VODfCIEIHe MOVIE. 4-speed transmission. 16,000 worth phone call, 742-8262. trucking and package delivery. plant cafeteria, convenient ed woman’s wearing apparel. MUCOSB CF... miles: Still under guarantee. Refrigerators, washers and time positions, available after groduotion SALES AND Service on Arlens parking and complete com­ Three, four or five day week. Call 649-1647, 9 to 6:30 or af­ stove moving, specialty. Fold­ s Personals 3 Hahn Eclipse, Jacobson lawn pany paid benefit prog;ram. Apply Tweed’s, 773 Main in June. i ter 6:80 call 647-1177. mowers. Also Homelite chain ing chairs for rent. 649-0762. Street, Manchester. NOEL Adair dry skin foot saws and International Club — LINCOLN ConUnental 1968 last FIRST NATIONAL TYPISTS—Many needed for as­ CLERKS 5-33 i creme, Lubricant for callouses. Cadet Tractors, Rental equip­ of convertible series, dark Pointing— Papering 21 STORES, INC. signments near home. Tem­ i dry skin, rough heels, legs. green, all power, only 22,000 ment and sharpening service porary, fuIl-Un^ or 9-3 p.m. CLERK TYPISTS i Softens, soothes tired feet. miles, $2,800. Call after 6 p.m., on all makes. L & M Equip­ L. PELLETIER — Painting — PRISCILLA’S POP Park & Oakland Aves. Immediate jobs. Highest pay, BY AL VERMEER Quinn's Pharmacy. 648- 3116. ' ment Corp., Route 83, Vernon, interior and exterior, papering i ■- no #fep. .Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ TYPISTS 2 876-7609 Manchester Exchange and paper removal,.fully in­ a if w a l d o A R E M E M B E R LAST' W E L L , ^ X lum St.,'Hkrtfbrdi 278:7610. RIDE WANTED from 138 Char- 1966 RAMBLER cross country — Enterprise 1948. sured. 643-9043, and 64.9-6326. \ ^ . ( WHAT ARE FALL WHEN 1 LOST I'M MAKING 2 F ie U R E R S , ter Oak St. to State Office station wagon, excellent condi­ SECRETARIES — temporary, NtXJ DOINQ MY FI SHINS HAT*] A N E W O TIRED of going to Hartford to Bldg., working hours 8:30 — tion, $1,196. Call owner 643- STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, INTERIOR and exterior paint­ full-time or 9-3, Immediate fireplaces, flagstone terraces. ing and papering. Call Phil work? Secretary wanted by TRANSCRIPTIONISTS 9869. local insurance agency. Ex­ jobe. Highest pay. No fee. Staff All concrete repairs. Reason­ Denoncourt, 742-6173. Builders, 11 Asylum St., Hart­ RIDE WANTED from vicinity 1961 RAMBLER Classic, 4-door, perience preferred. Good STENOGRAPHERS O CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER ably priced. 643-0861. ford, ■ 278-7610. of High Street and Pine to standard transmission, 39,000 PAINTING — interior and ex­ working condiUons, alr-condi- VDU 60T YER NBRV6, HINTIN' M ERW N'9 BUT EAEY'F BEEN YOU SWEPT HIM OFF HIS FEET( Iona's. Call 649!6468 after 6. miles, one owner. Asking $W0. SHARPENING Service Saws, terior, very reasonable, free ■ Uoned office, pay com­ DENTAL Assistant —Experienc­ No appointment needed, just drop by LOVE /VMSHTA COOLEDl HE 0U ?T CHECKIN' ON THAT BUT SOONER OR LA TER HE'D knives, axes, shears, skates, mensurate with ability. Full or PHONY'. SCOTLAND REMEMBER HIS WIFE AND SIX 644- 0031. estimates. Call Richard ed preferred but will train. anyway, our front door and ask for the Personnel ON HIE HEAPl you,Rg j_ucKy, YARD NEVER HEARD KIPS IN AKRON— J / y ^ T ! WELL, rotary blades. (}ulck service. Martin, 649-9286, 649-4411. part-time. Write Box G, Man­ Knowledge of typing and of­ 1963 FAIRLANE, V—8, hardtop^ , 1 AIN'T NO Capitol Equipment Co., 38* chester Herald. fice procedure. Write Box EE, Dept. LULU BELLEl Automobites For Sote 4 automatic transmission, radio, JOSEPH P. LEWIS — custom HB'5 N O T HOME w recker , Main St., Manchester. Hours ' Manchester Herald. w o r t h y O F , YOU WOULD-Bt NEED CAR? Credit very bad? heater, excellent running con­ dally 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:30-9, painting, interior and exterior, Asylum St. exit on East-West Highway BI0AMI5TI Bankrupt, repossession? Hop- dition and tires. Reasonable. Saturday 7:30-4. 648-7968. paperhanging, wallpaper re­ WAITRESS (1-84) ends at foot of Garden St. Parking 649- 1909. moved. Wallpaper books on re­ est 'Douglas accepts lowest No experience necessary. avoilAle in front driveway or Ashley and down, smallest payments, any­ D-L TRUCKINO. Ught truck- quest. Fully Insured. FY-ee es­ l/ W 2 t> ss^ 1967 FIAT 880, Sport Fastback, Earn while you le^m. 5-X^ ■ 1HI by NU, where. Not small loan finance Ing done. Attics and Cellars timates. Call 649-9668. Palm and Ashley buses stop in front. Ik extremely low mileage, ab­ Pleasant working conditions. company plan. Douglas Mo­ cleaned. Trash hauled to the solutely Immaculate, optional INSIDE-outside painting. Spe­ Meals furnished. Call 643- tors, 348 Main. dump. Reasonable. Phone 643- Our employes enjoy a complete benefit ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS gagas, lamt>s, furnishings. 643- cial rates for people over 66. 9940. BLACK y" 6846, 643-9973. program plus free porkjng and financiol as­ TCX?LATe,MRS. QUICKt B O O ST T v e s o r 1963 VALIANT convertible, 0424. Call my competitors, then call automatic transmission, radio, w a n t e d —ODD Jobs taking me. Estimates given. 649-7863, ,TOP sistance for job related studies. MALOHefALLTHE MeuPTH6 /

»- K.-1- - ■ - -J J 1

FAOE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 2$, 1968 BJANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1968 ...... —------^------— * Hdp Wontod— Aitietof ^ Sola 45 HowMioM Goods 51 Rooms WIHioot loord 59 Aportmehls—Ftofi— Riniiwts Lo c o Ho m TonomonH 43 ______For Root i Ho w m For Rout 6B Invostmont Proporty Maw or Ptmola 37 SCRBEKED loam for lawns and 1068 SINOBR klg sag sewing WE BUT and sell anUques, and Housot For Solo 72 Homos For Solo 72 Hoiisos For Solo 72 used furniture, china, glsMS sil­ FURNISHED OR unfurnished For. Solo 70-A gardens. Delivered. Oeorge H. machine, sllghUy used, button MODERN 4-rooms, “ S CLASSIFIED CAB DRIVER Gi:lfflng Inc., 742-7886. holes, hems, monograms, etc. ver, picture frames, old coins, largo Ranch. Knotty pine to------IT T THREE FAMILY — aluminum BRAND NEW Five bedroom JUST Listed 6 years guarantee. Total price guns, pewter, scrap gold, Ule bath and «»>oweL hoat. ^ Theatre Bldg, inquire ICfmag- teylor. Floors reflnlshed. Oon- siding, 2-car gagarage, con­ Colonial to prestige area of Boulder Rd. Bpauty is It’s own BOL’TON LAKE, Bolton water, garage, adults. 649-7128. T^^tre, 648-7^ venient inenMim wnvirf..,. w th o apartments and 4 storea. room summer home secluded Man or woman driver for ALUMINUM picnic table with $64. Easy terms. Call 822-0031, watches, old Jewelry, hob­ venient location. Working venient location. Good income town on large lot. 2^4 baths, excuse for being — and this This property la to exceUent hideaway, near wrater, 3 bed­ afternoons, evenings, week­ umbrella. Curtains for 3 bed­ dealer. by collections, paintings, attic adulta. o48-6$89. property. Gerard Agency, 646- two car garage, city water and park-Uke setting is truly beauti­ condition and shows a good re­ rooms, only $9,800 Hayes ADVERTISING ends. Dependable person room windows, M " cafes, one contents or whole estates. Fur­ 0038 or 648-0360. sewer. Early occupancy. Mr. ful. Enough trees to previde EfGHT room rambling coloni^. turn. Call for details. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. with good driving record for pair 72” long. TTiree pair liv­ ANYONE to' flnlBh last few pay­ niture Repair Service, 648-7440. BusIams Leeotlom NEWLY REMODELED office Lombardo, Belflore Agency, ample shade — but s^ ced CLASSIFIED adyerhsino dept, hours Manchester area. ments of $6 monthly on sev- on Main St., $55. Call 648-6678. Partly furnished. Indoor, out­ Agency, 646-0181. CAPE —6 rooms, 8 or 4 bed­ ing room drapes, red fiberglas. For Ront 44 647-1418. strategically to let sunligGilU- COVENTRY Lake — 4 room Two pair kitchen curtains, 2 ' eral 1067 sewing machines, (all door fireplaces. Garage. Large rooms, wall to wall carpeting. er through. Located at the end 8 AJM. to 4tM PJI. FOR' RENT or sale-461 Main summer cottage. Excellent pair bathroom curtains, one have balances c< less than $86), RoomS W iH lO U t Boord 59 lawn. Working adults. 648-2880. good condlUon, central iMatlon US’nNG—Nine —yes nine of a cul-de-sac on one of Man­ 107 Burnside Ave. , Street. Building and lot next Houtm For S«te 72 area, close to 'water, beauUful- pair back door curtains, one call 8 7 8 -8 8 6 8 . ------for schools transportaUon, room raised ranch Just Over chester's truly tree-lined to Post Office. Excellent loca­ ly treed lot. Only $6,900. Hayes COPY CLOSING tim e FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. pair pantry curtains. Ellectrlc ______THE, THOMPSON House — Cbt- shopping. $19,900. PhUbrick the Manchester-Bolton line dn streets, we think the combina­ East Hartford tion for any use. 646-2428 trotn Oiit o f Town EAST CENTER ST., 9 room Agency, 646-0131. kitchen clock. Call 646-0284. WOODEN storm glass windows tage St. centrally located, large Agency Realtors, 649-0847. a beautifully wooded lot. Dead­ tion of street and site alone Is 4lN PJW. DAT BBFOlUB PUBLIOATION and wooden screens. Excellent 9 to 6 p.m. ’ house, C zoned, for doctor’s of­ pleasantly furnished rooms, For Ront 66 end street. 2% baths. Four bed­ worth well over $20,000. Add LAKE CHAFFEE, Ashford, DmAUm for iktartogr abA Mtaiair la 4>N ^ 4-track sterto tape record- condlUon, clean. Oood buy. parking. Cair 640-2358 for over­ fices, 2 or 3 families, 186’ MANCHESTER — New lisUng, Honestly, If you are look­ MANCHESTER — 10,000 sq. feet rooms. Quality built by Everett to this a fine Colonial home lakefront 3-bedroom, winter­ office work, hours 8-5,- - salary , mint condition, $180. Port­ Call 647-1046. night and permanent guest ODi'i'AGES for rent —Gardner fronteige. Hutchins Agency, 2-famiIy, 4-4 flats, convenlenUy ing for a suburban, home VERNON of industrial space. Prime loca­ 649-0324. Van Dyne. Call Mr. Lombardo with two-car garage and fin­ ized brick Ranch, fireplace, oil commensurate wijh ability. able typewriter, $50. Old man­ rates. Lake. Modem, lakefront, free located. $19,600. Leonard Agen­ with a piece of ground tion, inside loading dock. Call for details. Belflore Agency, ished family room and you heat, furnished, $17,900. 233- DIAL64^2711 Call 647-1000. dolin, pear shape, good condi- brochure, pictures. Arrowhead cy, Realtors, 646-0466, ask fov where the kiddies can play for details. Hayes Agency, 646- Grove, Route 364. Colchester, ^^NOHESTER — 4 famUy, 647-1413. might expect a price to the fift­ 4146. Uon, $50. 742-7702. WHITE ZIG ZAG COMFORTABLE room for gen­ Judy Libby. with no worries from traf­ tleman, private entrance, free PLAZA 83 0131. Conn. 242-0278, 848-7178. * rooms each, business zone, ies — surprise — It’s barely CABINET MODEL approximately 60 per cent net MANCHESTER — new custom NEW LISTING -rTwo bedrqom Into the “fortieV We' might de- ^^^E BUNGEE — M ^ s t ^ k , fic, here’s a lovely 3 bed­ Continiwd From Procodlng fo q » parking, 14^ Hackmatack St. Connecticut. 'Large wooded 16t, room rancher out Talcott- POOL TABLE 4x8, all equipped, MANCHESTER S p r u c e Street VERNON — 8 room apartment, return on investment. Ask for built 8 room Colonisil located, ranch, recently redecorated. In scribe all the features to you, FULL-TIME HELP Used and like new. between 6-9 p.m. with well, approximately ISO' vllle way that will capture $125. 60 Scott Drive, 640-0842. 216. Small store, heated, $76 stove, refrigerator, ceramid Earl Everett, 649-8088, 648- in new presUge neighbbrhood, central location. Recent gar­ but frankly, we’d rather show Holp Wontod Molo 34 Holp Won tod—Mato 36 WANTED Makes buttonholes, mono­ LARGE PTtONT bedroom for Route 83 monthly. Call 247-4046. Ule shower. Call 646-0311. 5129. J. D. Real Estate Co. 2M baths, double garage, age, amesited driveway. Deep you. Let Frank Fillpramo take from Lake. Reasonable. Call your heart on first look. 64” CABINET type sink, with grams, sews on buttons, gentlemen. Centrally located. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. wooded lot. Mr. Zinsser, Bel­ you through and around this 049-8825, 643-4949, Mrs. Ander­ Owner wants to sell com­ faucet set, white, $20. Call blind hems and does fancy Bath and parking. Call 643-7760. Two new stores available 577 MAIN ST. Ground floor of­ COLONIAL — 5 bedrooms, flore Agency, 647-1413. estate in not-so miniature. Al­ son. pletely furnished. For an MAN WANTED part-time. Ap­ Mornings, afternoons and eve- 640-6624. designs. All without attach­ for lease. Ideal for drug fice suite, 4 rooms, air con­ Resort Property formal dining room, dream' MANCHESTER — 7 room low ample time—buy or appointment call Mr. Con- ply to person, Capitol Equip­ nings. ments. Our 6 year parts and CLEAN comfortable rooms for store, bakery, beauty salon, ditioned. Ideal for professional. kitchen, large paneled family Raised Ranch. Paneled family NEW LISTING — Three bed- browse or both, you won’t want vertlno, Jarvis Realty Co., EXPERIENCED ment Co., 38 Mato Street. For Rent 67 IT’S INEXPENSIVE to clean service guarantee. COM­ refined gentleman, also 2 room etc., on busy thoroughfare, Insurance or real estate. Call room, 214 baths, one off master room, double garage. ExceUent room ranch, convenient loca­ to hurry this inspection. Got Out O f To¥m Realtors, 643-1121. Apply to person rugs and upholstery with Blue PLETE PRICE $68. or pay efficiency. Free parking. In­ surrounded by new apart­ 649-0097. COVENTRY LAKE —lakeside bedroom. 2-car garage. Excel­ location. Call now, low $20s. tion. Flreplaced living room. about one hour Saturday or SCREW MACHINE operator. Lustre. Rent electric shampoo- For Sate BRIDGEPORT payments of $5.80 per quire Scranton Motel and -Ca­ ments. For further details cottage, modem, aU conven­ lent neighborhood. $37,900. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Aluminum storms and screens. Simday? Call Prank at the Bel­ Set up and operate. All bene­ er, $1. Pine wood Furniture month. For further informa­ bins, 160 Tolland Tpke., 649- iences, some select dates sUll Phllbrlck Agency Realtors, 649 Public and parochial schools. fits. Apply Dean Machine Prod­ DAIRY QUEEN •call FOUR ROOM Ranch, garage. flore Agency, 647-1413. Shop. tion call CAPITOL SEWING 0826 before 6 p.m. available. 648-6030. 5347. Shows well —should sell. Mr. SOUTH WINDSOR —Birch Hill, COVENTRY High on a hill with Houses For Rent 65 Lovely treed lot. Ideal conven­ a glorious valley view. Authen­ OPERATORS ucts, 102 Colonial Rd. 242 Broad St., Manchester CREDIT MGR. collect If Merritt, ■ Belflore Agency, 647- BRAND NEW -Raised Ranch 7 room Raised Ranch, 2-car TYPEWRITER, rotary mower toll till 9 p.m. ATTRACTIVE sleeping room HOUSES for rent, furnished or MISQUAMICUT, Bhode Island, SEVEN ROOM older home, ex- ient location. Asking $17,000. ready for early occupancy. 2% garage, 2 baths, large family tic 7—room Cape. Good condi- bridge table, upholstered chair 1413. gentleman, private entrance, CANTOR & GOLDFARB unflmished starting at $176. 4H room cottage, hot water cellent condiUon, on bus line. Marion Edlund Real Estate. 644 baths, 2 car garage, big lot, room, carpeting, many extras. tlm ^lhree fireplaces, 2 acres, Top wages, overtime. Ex­ and drapes. Call after 5, 649- MACHINIST 246-2140 shower bath, free parking. Ap­ ' per month. Phllbrlck Agency, smd heated, private party. Call Property includes 2 extra build­ 0414, 289-4510. NEW LIS-nNO —East Hartford city water and sewer. Call Joe Owner-Broker 643-5129. o^HUtd. Hurry only $19,900. cellent working conditions. PART-TIME evenings — Man 3310. Realtors Hayes Agency, 646-0131. All around machinist. ply 196 Spruce St. Realtors, 649-6347. 643-0491. ing lots. Marion E. Robertson, side of Manchester. Immacu­ Lombardo for details at the Apply E & S Gage Co., and wife to do Janitorial duties, Realtor, 643-6063. MANCHESTER — Six room TOLLAND — Near parkway. 1961 FORD Galaxie for parts. 643-8442 ' 876-6244 Cape, shed dormer, fireplace, 2 late 6 room cape with formal Belflore Agency, 647-1413. COVENTRY Mitchell Drive, Manchester. Paper mill experience pre­ 524-0620. BLOND WALNUT dropleaf ta­ FURNISHED ROOM, kitchen IMMACULATE 6—room Ranch, BASS river and Dennisport, Smaller 5-room Colonial, ga­ $75. Floor model ibattery charg­ full baths, 2 linen closets, cedar dining room, flreplaced living 2 prlvdleges. Private entrance. Cape Cod. 2 and 3 bedroom SPLIT-LEVEL 8 rooms, 4 A BEAUTY — Prank Fllloramo rage, workshop, acre wooded ferred. ble, 4 chairs, and china cabi­ Immediate occupancy, one old­ room, large bright kitchen, $9,200! ! HAIRDRESSERS wanted, open­ er, $26. Phllco table model ra­ $15. weekly. Gentleman prefer­ cottages, all conveniences, au­ bedrooms, 114 baths, large closet. Near elementary school has just listed a gorgeous lot, excellent condition. Only net, $76. Two glass top blond er child, $140. 649-0337 morn­ three bedrooms. Wall to wall 4 room custom built year Excellent wages. Blue ings for hairdressers at Magic dio and phonograph, needs red. Call 647-1931. tomatic heat, off season rates. fafnlly room, new wall to wall and public swimming pool. Ranch with a whole page lull $14,900. Hayes Agency, 646- mahogany end tables, one ings only. to several rooms. Oversize ga­ around Ranch a few min­ Cross, CMS. Mirror. Apply to person. Mag­ tubes, $10. Call 649-8062. . Call Rockville 1-876-0682, week­ and draperies stay. Garage, Owner, 649-0678. of extras. Three bedrooms, for­ 0131. blond formica top coffee taDle, rage. Large screened in porch. utes from Coventry Lake. ic Mirror Beauty Studio, 787 days after 6:30. $27,600. Phllbrlck Agency Real- mal dining room, w^I to wall Life Insurance, many fringe $10. each. 648-0640. MANCHESTER — 5 rooms. Im­ Truly a fine value. Call early. Out of town owner wants Main St., Manchester. _ tors, 649-8347. carpeting, a basement featur­ ROUTE 85, Hebron. 79 acre ACCOUNTANT benefits. Boots and Aceossorios 46 Aporlmenfs—Fiefs— maculate condlUon, fireplace, Mr. Merritt, Belflore Agency, fast sale. Mortgage can be COLUMBIA Lake — Small wa- ______ing 3 separate finished rooms, farm with 5 room house, 2 sunporch, attached garage, 647-1413. taken over with good cred­ WAITRESSES 1966 FLEETORAFT fiberglas ’THREE PIECE hollywood bed, TonomonH 63 terfront cottages, June, July, $17,200 the price Is right. Six an oversized garage, a patio, large barns. Approximately 650 SENIOR COLONIAL BOARD CO. August. 643-2503 or "Columbia room Cape, center of town, prestige area, near school, bus, feet on State highway, stream it. Call Mr. Gordon for de­ 616 PARKER ST. BUS BOYS 19’. Full cover, three gas like new. Call 649-1767. LOOKING for anything in AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC shopping. Char Bon Real NEW LISTING —Seven room aluminum storms and screens, tails. 649-5306. GENERAL KITCHEN tanks, lights, etc. 60 h.p. 4,” Rt. 87, Columbia. walking distance to shopping >tastefully landscaped, electric or beef. Completely fenced, ad- MANCHESTER, CONN. real estate rentals — apart­ EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS and schools along with being on Estate, 643-0683. ranch In- Manchester. Two full on property, good for horses 3 WORKERS Evtonide. Alloy trailer, $1,496. baths. Ask for Joe Lombardo stove, automatic dishwasher, A skilled professional is Mrs. B. S. Loftus Musical InstrumonH 53 ments, homes, multiple dwell­ OLD ORCHARD Beach, Maine, the bus line, very neat and jacent to state forrest. Immedi­ 649-3689 or 649-6994. TRULY a home for larger fam­ for details. Belflore Agency, etc., etc., etc. Conveniently lo­ B & W needed to augment our Immediate openings to new ings, no fees. Call J. D. Real FRINGE BENEFITS ’Two three — room apartments very weU situated for conven­ PART-TIME fuel oil driver, ily, 8% custom built rooms In­ 647-1413. cated, this Best Buy is priced ate occupancy. T. J. Crockett BARROWS and WALLACE Co. staff. College or accounting dining room, good starting StH>ER SAIL fish, flber-glas, ALMOST NEW, 120 key Candldo Estate, 643-5129. APPLY with showers, sleeps 4, $100 ience. Don’t be disappointed. nights, 6 to midnight. Apply cluding 4 bedrooms, living to sell by . this weekend. Selling ______Realtor. 643-1577.______Manchester Parkade , school required along with rate, excellent working con­ like new condition. Call 649-9846 accordion. Best offer. Call weekly. One six room apart- Wolverton Agency, Realtors. Scotty, Morlarty Bros., 801 MANUHEVi'BK — 4 room f U t - room >— dining room combina- PRESTIGE ADELAIDE Road in the mid 20’s. Call Prank ANDOVER _ 8 room Raised Manchester 649-5306 \ experience to the general ditions. Apply after 6 p.m. 643-4024 after 6 p.m. ihent with shower, sleeps 6, 649-2818. Center St. ment. Convenient location. BOURNE BUICK, Inc tlon with beamed ceilings and area. Big contemporary with 4 now at the Belflore Agency, accounting field. In addition $186 weekly. Each completely bedrooms, 2 full baths. Lovely Ranch, 2 baths, 3 to 4 bed- VERNON — new large 7 room to a challenging assign­ 12' JON BOAT, anchors and all, Stove, refrlffrator aad hMt 286 MAIN ST., MANCHES’TER furnished and equipped with MANCHBSTHJR — 3 - bedroom a fireplace. A family room and 647-1413. ELECTRIC guitar and amp., furnished, $160 per month. a game room, family sized and uniqueUi..4ue ..V.U6living rooBj withw.u. ------646 *'a‘sed Ranch. 2% baths, 2-car ment, 'this opportunity will MANAGER 1 h.p. Evinrude. Call after 649-4671 electric range and refrigerator. Ranch new aluminum siding. beautiful stone fireplace. Many $23,000—7 ROOM, 1962 Garrison 20 s. Hayes Agency, 648 garage, fireplace In rec room. $60. Call 643-1874 only after 4. Hayes Agency, 646-OlSl. kitchen and two full bath­ pro'vlde above average sal­ SZABO FOOD SERVICE 7:16 p.m., 648-0983. No pets. Call Stanley Belle- Convenient West side location. features, including screen- Colonial, 4 bedrooms, fireplace, 0 1 3 1 . ______Minutes . to Vernon Circle. LABORATORY rooms. 4-car attached garage. ary benefits and excellent INC. 2-key WE HA'VE customers waiting fleur, .-649-5562. All city utUiUes, $15,200. Bel- SPEED BOAT, motor, trailer. GULBRANSEN organ, In addition. . .a tidy 4 room ed and glassed side porch, IH Withs, aluminum siding, qoLUMBIA _ oversized Cape, $25,700. Meyer Agency, Real- working conditions. Write boards, 13 pedals, 18 tabs, for the rental of your apart­ Air Real EaUte, 643-9882. treed and private yard. Plenty trees, privacy, suburban. ^ rooms, 2 full baths, family tors, 643-0609. TECHNICIAN 0 /0 FACULTY ALUMNI 11’ plywood boat, 7^h.p. Mer­ MISQUAMICUT, Rhode Island ------apartment or to-law suite. Wol­ Stating experiehte, educa­ bench to match. List price ment or home. J. D. Real Es­ of room for swimming pool. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, 649- tion and salary require­ CENTER cury motor, homemade trailer. Summer Resort. Stanton MANCHESTER — 4-4 duplex. verton Agency Realtors, 649- ^ m , large lot, gara^, ideal EAST HARTFORD — Ranch 5V4 $749, Ward's price $576. You tate, 643-5129. Take time for a thorough in- 5324. for large family. $23,900. Phil- ments. P.O. Box 1483, Hart­ Challenging opportunity for HILLSIDE RD. Top speed, 40-45 miles per Realty, Realtors. We have two, zoned for business. Call for 2813. rooms large modern kitchen, 3 save $174. Ward Music Com- spectlon. Ask for Frank FlI- ______.J. I j ford, Conn. a high school graduate, pre­ hour. $250. CaU 648-9908 after three and four bedroom cot- more details. H.M. Frechette $13,900 BUYS this cute modern brick Agency Realtors, 649- bedrooms, exceUent condition, UNIVERSITY OF CONN. pany, 840 Main Street, opposite CONTEMPORARY Ranch ^ loramo. Belflore Agency, 647- o ferably with post-graduate STORRS, CONN. 5 p.m. central location, no pets. Avail­ tages rentable for one, two or Realty, 647-9908. 4-room Ranch In excellemt con- ___5347.______$23,500. Phllbrlck Agency Real­ study available to an ex­ Grants. Always open evenings. large living room with dining 1413. tors, 649-5347. 1962 GLASSMA8TER fiberglas able June 15. $120. monthly and L, 2 fireplaces, three bed­ dltion on about half acre land, vERNON — custom built 5% panding laboratory. security. 876-3806. rartlom *'‘“ w L S a u g 'X T d ': SEVEN ROOM Colonial featur- located not far over Manches­ 16’ boat. Windshield, canvas HAINES Brothers Grand Plano AIRCRAFT TRAINING tog 4 bedrooms, 1^ baths, 2- rooms, 1% baths, finished rec DRIVE BY 187 Fergiwon Road. room Ranch. Aluminum sid­ SOUTH Windsor — 3-bedroom SHEE3T METAL 'worker, experi­ Situations Wontod and bench. Very good condi­ Mlsquamlcut, R. I. Tel. 1-401- Notice the distinctive frame ter town line In Bolton. Call ing, rec room, buUt-lns, dish­ This is truly a ground floor top, trailer, $300. C^l 643-5279 MANCHESTER — Available car garage, wall to wall, beau­ room, carport. Large treed Ranch, garage, over half acre, enced to duct layout or duct Fomolo 38 tion. * 649-4758 after -6 ;30. Ask 506-2885. and Roman Brick construction Mitten Realty, Realtors, 643- washer, excellent location, tip­ opportunity with a growing after 4 p.m. immediately, 6 large rooms, in­ tiful sunporch, fireplace, large lot. Phllbrlck Agency, Real­ assumable 6% per cent mort­ erection. Good i>ay, fringe ben­ for Rita. offers you jet-age pay of this recently listed resi­ 6930. top condition. Hayes Agency, company being a leader to ELEMENTARY school teacher cluding heat, hot water, adults walk-up attic, new roof, re­ tors, 649-5347. gage, $19,900. 644-1856 owner. efits also oil b u r n e r . 628- 17’ RUNABOUT, 70 h.p. Mer­ dence. Also notice the big Wo 646-0131. the specialty papermaking with a BA to Psychology would or family with children over W onlod To Rant 58 cently painted. Value like this 7707. cury, tilt-trailer, soft top, fully PLAYER Piano, reconditioned, while you learn new skills to an area equally as fine. NEAR MHS, Illlng and Bent- car garage. Observe the love- STONE HOME ELLINGTON — 6H room industry. Position is within like full or part-time summer ------very good condition, $450. 648- 12, $145. J. D. Real Estate, corporate Research and De­ equipped ready to go. 649-7702. WANTED —Cottage at Colum­ ley — 3-bedrooms, 1% baths, ly treed front yard. Take our Spacious 7-room stone home ANDOVER — 6 room Ranch. Ranch. Convenient location. clerical or educational work. 0902. 643-5129. Gorgeous yard, $26,500, Wol­ % acre wooded lot.- Nicely velopment Technical Lab­ bia Lake for month of August. remodeled lovely . kitchen, word for it that the rear yard in one of Manchester’s most Close to everything. BuUt-tos. Write Box P, Manchester Her­ verton Agency, Realtors, 649- landscaped. Young estabUshed oratory. The primary work FIVE ROOM apartment, 2-bed­ Prefer waterfront cottage, hav­ 2813. large dining room, sunporch, Is equally lovely, is equally desirable areas. Large, at­ Nice treed lot, only $16,900. ald. Building Motoriols 47 APPRENTICE TRAINING COURSES neighborhood. Quiet dead end Hayes Agency, 646^0131 ASSEMBLY activity will be to the area Antiquos 56 rooms. Residential area. Avail­ ing three bedrooms. Call 649- new roof and gutters. , Well treed, and, in addition Is beauti­ tractively landscaped lot MANCHESTER — spacious -7 landscaped neighborhood, not fully terraced.The Inside? How ■with a 12x20 summer house. street. Mid teens. 742-6922. of physical testing and RELIABLE mother will care for OVER 6,000’ used pine boards able June 16th. Heat, ai>- Courses ranging from 3 to 4 years 1720. ANDO'VER — Immaculate 4 product quality ej^aluaitlon. child of working parents to 8 to 6’ lengths, 4 to 10” width. WANTED TO BJJY — antiques, pliances, garage. $175. No pets. room home. ExceUent location, a through street. 115 Washing­ does both an eat-in kitchen and Priced ti) seU at $39,900. WANTED to ren^ —4 or 5 room room expandable Cape. Fire MEN their home. Call 649-0692. Must sell aU for $400. CaU 649- steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ 643-7287, 6-9 p.m. Jet Engine Metalsmith double garage, aluminum sid­ ton. Shown by appointment. formal dining room strike Send resume and salary re­ ed lamps, art glass, primitives, first floor apartment with ga­ ing, large rooms, bus line, 1^ Owner 643-0216. WARREN E. HOWLAND place, aluminum siding. B«au CAPABLE OF WORKING 0647. tifuUy landscaped 2 acre lot quirements to, or csdl; any quantity. 644-8962. MANCHESTER — 6 room du­ Miachinist rage, centrally located. Call baths. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Of Tennessee Pink ston^tru- Realtor 643-1108 Agency, Realtors, 649-5347. FROM BLUEPRINTS Situations Wontod -■ plex, exceUent location, 2 chil­ 643-8025 after 7 p.m. IMMACULATE well kept and ly a tasteful feature! Would ------,------^ ______with trout stream, $17,900. CLOCKS bought, iu>ld, traded, COLONIAL — large kitchen, for- ready for occupancy when you Leonard Agency Realtors, 646' Arthur Toumas Gordon— Form— dren, stove, refrigerator, gar­ Tool and Die Maker you go for a delightfully Jalousi- MANCHESTER — three family, Boi^poN —Large custom buUt Mate 39 expert repairing. Colonial 0469. Technical Director Dairy ProducH 50 age optional. Available June WANTED — 4-room apartment, mal dining room, 8 or 4 bed- say. Six room Cape situated on porqh? A kitchen with buUt- excellent Income, needs repair, g Leygj 7 pooms, fireplace, Clock Shop,_382 Main St., rear.' by young-couple with one child, rooms, den, family room, % acre treed lot. Three or four features, H.M. Frechette Realty, 647- .K baths 3-car garage. Only • INSPECTOR WANTED — Job caring for 1st, $185. unheated, no dogs. SPECIAL TRAINING COURSES COVENTRY — Ranch 4 large FOR SALE — Fresh asparagus Old clocks only. Open 10 a.m.- prefer Manchester or Bolton,Bolton. screened porch, 2-car garage, bedrooms, lovely fireplace earpet- 9993. 900 Hutchins Agency, Real- • FOR AIRCRAFT PARTS la'wns and yards. FYee esti­ References. 1-633-9067. rooms. Year round home Colonial Board Company. mates. Call after 6 p.m., 649- also for freezing. 669 Dart Hill 9 p.m. Sundays open till 6 ^ ____ Courses ranging from .22 wedts to 93 weeks CaU 872-6023. large wooded lot to prime with raised hearth, full walk ^ 849.5324 p.m., closed Tuesday and FOUR ROOMS, seco.nd floor, all neighborhood, $38,000. Phllbrlck out basement. Owner wants rooms, oh, yes, the entire full RANCH 7 rooms, 2 fito ____ |— ------Porch, garage, full basement 616 Parker Street 2198. Rd., 876-7919. Paid holidays. Paid vaca­ Wednesday. agency Realtors 649-6347. fast sale. $19,200, Wolverton ig.-naneled This truly ‘’a^hs, modern kitchen with t o l LAND trees, private beach. Excellent Manchester, Connecticut utiUtles included, available Precisioii Machining Apartment Buildings tions. Overtime and liberal June 15. Call between'6-8 p.m., Agency Realtors, 649-2813. ^ight to bullt-ins, formal dining room, value for only $13,000. Phil company benefits. Apply at Telephone: 649-4667 JUST REDUCED — $23,900. Six ____ brick Agency Realtors, 649- Dogs—Birds PoH 41 Housohold Goods 51 643-6341. Experimental Tool Room Machining Fot Sate 69 sell this weekend. Would you family room, 3 bedrooms, 2- HERITAGE WOOD Wearing Apporel— room Ranch, built-ins, rec MANCHESTER — 123 Florence car garage. Excellent neigh- 5347. GROOMING ALL bTMds. Har­ CLEAN, USED refrigerators, FIVE ROOM apartment, first Tool, Die and Gage Making BOLTON — 6 unit apartment room, 2 fireplaces, garage, street. 5 room bungalow with belelve the low tbirtles? Be- 900. Phllbrlck pur grand opening for this Fun 57 pelfiore RADIANT Ranch, 8 rooms. Car­ E. ,A> Patten Oo. mony HUl. H.C. Chase, Babron ranges, automatic washers ______floor, $125. not heated. WiU a c­ house situated on approximate­ many extras, acre lot. Mitten 2 bedrooms. Garage. Good con- Ueve it» pelflore Agency, 647- Agency, ------Realtors, 649-6347. lovely wooded area Is still LABORER — Experienced in Rd., Bolton. 048-8427. with guarantees. See them at SKIRTS, SIZE 18; dresses size cept 2 chUdren. No pets. 643- Machine Maintenance ly 4 acres. Lots of potential. Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. dltion. Shown by appointment 1413. a month away, yet the ac­ peting in dining room, living 308 Wetherell St. concrete work, $3. per hour. tivity has been fantastic. room and*enclosed breezeway, B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649 ig and 18^; coats, size 16; 0309. AU rented. T. J. Crockett, only. Call owner, 649-4117. WHAT? Four bedrooms for less MANCHESTER — older 8-room CaU 648-0851 after 0:30. TEN WEEKS old female Ger­ Master Pipe Making TWO FAMILY off East Center ______Let us show you why many 2-car garage, extra large lot! Manchester, Conn. Main St. CaU 643-2171. shoes 8B, all excellent condl- Realtor. 648-1677; than $18,000. in the heart o( Colonial, aluminum siding, man Shepherd pup. $26. CaU SIX ROOM duplex. Adults pre­ Street. Flats, 4 and 6 rooms. LARGE MODERN home plus . people have already select­ Asking $24,900 including a large Uon. 643-4414. Manchester? Sure enough.! Call large rooms, $18,600. H.M. Fre­ CARPENTERS and carpenter’s 643-4896. ferred, no children. Inquire 33 2-car garage. $20,000 assum­ 5 room older home with barn chette Realty, 647-9993. ed their lots. Call 649-5306. quantity of quality extras. Call helpers needed. CaU after 6 Joe Lombardo for details. Bel­ AUTOMOTIVE mechanic want­ THREE men’s summer suits, North Elm St. Businass Proparty able mortgage. Excellent con­ and 100 acres of land. $85,000 Carol Burke, 643-9576. Reliance p.m., 876-1016. DACHSHUND puppies, AKC, SEWING MACHINES flore Agency, 647-1413. ed. Top wages. Sunset Service CLEARANCE size 40-42. ’Three cocktaU or SOME OF THE EXTRA BENEFITS For Sate 70 dition, $26,600. PhUbrick Agen­ for the package. Phllbrlck Associates, 643-9674 or 872-4166. black and reds, several litters ptom dresses, sizes 10-12. Best THREE ROOMS, second floor. cy Realtors, 649-6347. Agency Realtors, 649-6347. B & W ^ Station, 655 East Middle Tpke., HELPER for furiiiture and ap- SEPARATE SUITE of 4 rooms FOR YOUR ready to go, paper trailed and NEW ZIG ?AGS offer. CaU 649-7026 anytime. heat and stove furnished, $110. AT THE AIRCRAFT MANCHESTER Green com- BARROWS and WALLACE Co. 649-5321. pUance delivery truck. CaU Mr. healthy. Also Pekingese and SIX ROOM Cape with 2 large included In this 12 room con­ Never used, makes button­ monthly, no pets. Can be seen merclal. Industrial, residential MANCHESTER Manchester Parkade Wantad— Roal Estate 77 PettengUl, 646-0111. Weimaraners. 1-628-6578. temporary on Butternut Road. CONVENIENCE BAR’TENDER desired fuU-tlme, holes, monograms; sews on at 28V4 Church St., Monday package. Look this one over; bedrooms up and extra large Manchester 649-6306 Hospital and Surgical Insunmoc EXCEPTIONAL BUY! closets, 4 nice size rooms on Too many extras and features TIRED OF showing. . . .And good pay. Oood 'working condi­ buttons, blind hems and only between 4-6 p.m. (A) large building with 10,000 The Mitten Realty Oo., ALASKAN Malamute Huskies Wontod—To Buy 5B first floor. Offering 3 or 4 bed­ to list. CaU us for an appoint­ VERNON — 6 room Ranch, rec showing? Are they looking you tions. Experience desired but overcasts, aU wdthout at­ Life Insuranrc • Retirement Program square feet with plenty of po­ This 7 room fuU shed Cape Realtors, puppies. CaU Nurmi Auto Body RENTALS handled — apart­ rooms, copper plumbing, com­ ment to inspect. Belflore room, 4 bedrooms, large kitch- over as a Sunday sport? Bet­ not necessary. Apply to person, tachments. Our 6 year guar­ HOUSEHOLD lots — AnU^ues tential; (B) A four family is conveniently located near 553 E. Middle Tpke. 649-8834, Rt. 30, Vernon. ments, homes, multiple dwel­ Nine Paid HoUdays bination aluminum storms and ______Agency,______647-1413. ______ien with buUt-lnSr 2 fireplaces, ter let us screen those pros­ WilUe’s Steak House, 444 Cen­ JOIN THE antee for parts and service. bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, lings, business. Courteous, ef­ house and (C) vacant “ C” zon­ schools and bus. 2 full basement garage, sun deck. pects for you. We bring dis­ ter Street, 649-6271. BEIAGLE pups —AKC register­ COMPLETE PRICE $88.60 glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ Up To Four Weeks Vacation ed lot which could be used for baths, rec room, flreplaced screens, plus breezeway and -j room Colonial with first Will be open weekdays from ficient service. CaU us now. garage. 7% years young. $21,- Large lot. $20,900. Carruthers criminating, interested, quali­ ed, desirable background, 2 or pay payments of $3.86 lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 parking etc. Subject to zoning. living room. Unbelievably floor family room. Built-In oven 9-9, all day Saturday and C. J. Morrison Agency, 643- Sick Leave With Pay 600, Wolverton Agency, Real­ Agency, 876-9162. fied buyers to see a property CARTER females, one male. 649-0^. per month. For further in­ Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- priced at only $19,900. CaU ajid range, fireplace. Hi baths. Sunday afternoons. Over 86 . . . without bothering the own­ 1016. tors, 649-2813. listings from $7,600 ' up. formation call CAPTTOL 1677. Mrs. Luther at 649-6806.' Call Rick Merritt at the Bel­ er. Keith Real Estate, 649-1922. FBEE—3 kittens that are look­ BUYING all silver dollars, half Largest Industrial Credit Union In 'The World Come in and look them over SEWING CREDIT MGR. NEW 3-room apartment, in­ 6% ROOM RANCH — Im flore Agency, 647-1413. BAKERY CHEVROLET ing for a good home. Box train­ doUars, and dimes. Private ADAMS ST. — vacant machine or call - SELUNG YOUR HOME? For coUect if toU tUl 9 p.m. cludes appliances and utilities, maculate. Wall to wall carpet- p q r t ER STREET ACRES OF PARADISE ed. 643-6710 or 649-7069. collector paying top prices for shoptuiup withwiui 10,000 square ___ feet B &. W T * ______prompt courteous service that $140. J. D. Real Estate, 643- Expanded Educational Assistance Program Quail'i- 643-6930 collections or stogies. Write on one floor, 2 acres of land. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. ‘"K' walkout basemeto. ^ r g e 8 room ranch in gets results, call Louis Dimock MAINTENANCE FAMILY POODLE—AKC registered ador­ 246-2140 6129. fled employes have the opportunity to improve Iheir landscaped lot. Gerard Agen­ Box F, Manchester Herald. 2-IamUy house included, sensi­ Manchester Parkade i Picturebook” setting amid When it comes to houses Realty, 649-9828. able black miniature male. CaU educaticai through trade, technical and college level cy, 649-0538, 643-0366. Here is a bedutiful country ROOM for rent to home. Run training at area schools. Airdafters receive tifliUon bly priced. Must sell, T. J. Manchester 649-5306 tall, stately trees and lovely Mitten can fit your needs We need a steady man for 644-8167. home in Andover that is MECHANIC SINGER automatic zig-zag, with of house. Centrally located to refunds Upon successful completion of their courses. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. landscaping. Thermopane win­ like a glove. ALL CASH for your property fuU-time employment to our MANCHESTER - 3 bedroom " ^ ^ 0^ dow, -thermorite glassed fire­ modem In every detail with within 24 hours. Avoid red THREE litUe tiger kittens look­ cabinet, used exceUent condl- Manchester. CaU 643-9210, 289- ExceUent opportunity for lubrication department. )Ve SANDWICH SHOP, located in a Cape. Bullt-lns, fireplace, ga­ place. Four bedrooms, two fire- ______many built-in features, sur­ tape. Instant service. Hayes ing for good home. Call 649- tlon, buttonholes, hems, over­ Read Herald Ads 0240. Colonial, 2% baths, double man experienced to ma- will train you if you are not 10% BONUS FOR SECOND SHIFT small village, Income wUl re­ rage. % acre treed lot. Cliff- places. Finished family room. MANCHESTER—EngUsli Tudor rounded by stately trees Agency, 646-0131. 6480, after 6:Z0, anytime week­ casts, sews on buttons, etc. garage, family room, city utili­ chine repair and mainte­ experienced. We offer 2 turn investment in the first wood, Bush Hill Rd., $24,900. Wall to wall in four rooms, Colonial, 7 rooms, plus heat- and beautifully landscaped. ends. Originally over $800, now only ties. Hayes -'-ic.-uy, 646-0131. There are 13 rooms In all OUT OF STATE buyer needs nance. Experience with weeks vacation, 6 paid hoU- Here is an exceptional opi>ortiuilty to learn the year. Call Harold Hlncks, Real- R^y Holcombe, Realtors, 644- plus all drapes will stay. Bel- ed sunporch, 4 bedrooms, treed $49.60, or assume payments of with 4 baths. Includes a three bedroom Ranch, Cape or bakery equipment desirable days, 5-day week, pension career-starting skills of the future . . . and cam Jet- tor, 872-3279. 1285. fiore Agency, 647-1413. lot, wall to wall carpeting, an­ THREE KITTENS, two part $7. monthly. Dealer, 622-0476. mother-in-law apartment of Colonial with garage to nice but will consider other me­ plan, free major medical, angora, trained, need good age pay whUe you learn. TIRED OF LEASING? ? ? tique brick fireplace, storms MANCHESTER —4 bedroom BRAND NEW and Big! 63’ long 4 rooms now renting tor residential area. Can pay chanical background. Per­ paid sick leave and many homes. 643-7129. SINGER’S spectacular clear­ and screens. City utilities. Gar-. Invostmant Proparfy home on big wooded lot, 2 fire­ TRY THIS FOR A SOLUTION ranch with buUt-ln oven and $136 per month. 3 car ga­ up to $28,000. CaU Paul W. manent year ’round employ­ other benefits. See Mr. A1 ance sale of used machines Now you can have up to four years of advanced age. Near bus line, stores, range, fireplace, garage. Six rage with electronic doors." Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. ment, above average wages Patch, for steady employ­ FREE CUTE housebroken kit­ traded to during our recent technical training-fm> on the Aircraft’s Apprentice For Sola 70-J places, large living- room, for­ Conveniently locked ground church and schools. Priced in rooms plus full cellar. You We could go on and on but and.working conditions, plus ment with an old time Man­ tens, 118 Maple Street. CaU “ Sale—of—Sales.” AU recondi­ Training Program .^ou earn while you leam, get mal dining room, 1% baths, level store for your business low 20’s. Charles Lesperance, TWO STORES, 2 apartments ______can’t beat thhi at $26,900. Ask prefer to show this fine list­ PRIVATE party wishes to pur­ a complete free benefit pro­ chester firm. 649-7449 or 648-6181. tioned and priced to seU. Many regular increases you move along and graduate 2—car garage. Central location. and a lovely 6 room apart­ 649-7620. good income, $32,900 PhUbrick Estate 643-9332. tor Rick Meyrltt. Belflore ing to you at your conven­ chase two, three or tour fam­ gram. Apply, reduced up to 50 per cent! WANTED into an exeellent qtreer Job at the Aircraft. ment for your family. Add­ 'lygency. Realtors, 649-6847. Agency, 647-1413. RAMBLING CAPE — 7 rooms, ience. Call The Jarvis Real­ ily house. 643-8446. Portables, and consoles. Come ed Income obtainable from Artictes For Scrio 45 MANCHESTER—New four bed­ 1% baths, screened porch, ga­ ty Co., Realtors,''643-1121. early for choice selection. "you are a high school graduate or the equivalent, one 6 room apartment, 2 ex­ WANTED tor specific client, 3 Retiobte iMot oppooriitg mote, interostod room Colonial. FuU bath, 2 JOE LOMBARDO offers this rage, treed lot. Bowers school. FIRST Demonstrators, floor samples, with a year of algebra or geometry, you n»ay qualify. Nattonol ReoMor Week tra finished bedrooms, 2-car bedroom home preferably Cape CARTER PROCESSED gravel for drive­ lavatories, fireplace, buUt-tos. seven room brand new Colon­ Handy to Illlng Junior High ways and parking areas. Also discontinued models —reduced in posirion with local professional firm. Also high school seniors are invited to come to and .May 18-26 garage, and extra building or Ranch In Manchester area. discuss this exceptional after-graduation training op­ - % acre wooded lot. Cliffwood, ial on prestige Kennedy Road. bank run gravel and flU at up to ,$70, including some "Btone b Where lot. Contact Robert Blanch­ “ d HTghfchool. $ ^ Xn d OVERLAKE -Lakefront Call Alice Clampet, Realtor, NATIONAL Must be able to meet public, drivers license portunity noty. Bush HUl Rd., $28,900. Ray Hol­ 2V4 baths, 2 car garage, first brick Agency Realtors, 649- CHEVROLET our screening plant or deUv- "Touch k Sow” models —all Security Starto” ard at the Keith Real Es­ summer home with five rooms, 649-4543 or 643-7407. combe, Realtors, 644-1286. - floor family room. Quality built 6347. ered. George H. Grifftog, Inc. carry the same guarantee as required. General maintenance duties, and tate Agency, 649-1922. and ready for occupancy. Bel­ has electric heat, large fife- STORES, INC. new SINGER products., Singer Classes are being fonned, so come to and find out Golden Rule Servicing LISTINGS wanted, buyers avail­ 742-7886. SPACIOUS 6 room Cape, Flre­ flore Agency, 847-1413. place, lot 50x200. Easily con­ able. Courteous efficient serv­ Park k Oakland Avenues INC Sewing Center 856 Mato St., assist in many phases of firm's function. about your free training with pay at Pratt ft Whit­ The Sale and Purchase Of placed living room, paneled uANrmrnTER -New listing, verted to year 'round home. ice. Your satisfaction is our East Hartford, Conn. DARK rich stone-free loam, 647-1425 Manchester. ney Aircraft. Homes dining room with plate rail, 3 »*ANCHEBTBB IMMEDIATE OCX3UPANCY on Lots For Sate 73 1229 Main Street 2-family flat, conveniently lo- Only $12,900. T. J. Crockett, concern. Call us now. C. J. r $16. Pool and patio sand, In Town and Country bedrooms plus paneled family this 7 room raised ranch with Realtor. 843-1677. VISIT THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 400 Main cated near center. Ideal for In- Morrison, Agency, 643-1016. stone, flU, gravel, sand and Write Box L, Manchester Herald room. One car garage, tool Real 2 ^ LAND WITH road frontage, on 649-5238 manure. 648-9604. Street, East Hartford, Connecticut. Other Connecti­ .22 law situation. Bel Air place, 1V4 baths. Built-In oven M a s t e r MORE THAN comfortable year SIDING man wanted by well SINGER ZIG ZAG shed, screened back porch and cut plants to North Haven, Southington and Mlddle- Oondnldge G Estate, 648-9382. L d range. Sliding glass doors 'round living in this 4 room estabUshed construcUpn firm, ,town. Street large front porch. This house Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, CABINET MODEL is situated on a beautifully land- MANCHESTER •— 4 ' room to simdeck. Ask for Rick Mer Rahch situated on waterfront top wages, year ’round work. CARPENTERS and carpenter’s CLEAN FILL free for hauUng. Realtor 649-6347. property overlooking Coventry CaU after 6 p.m. K. C. Con­ scaped ^-acre lot. CaU 643-0478 . Ranch, extra clean, kitchen rltt, Belflore Agency, 647-1413 DEVELOnNO helpers. CaU 643-2282, 644-8896, CaU 647-1121 anytime. Sewing machine 4 to 0 OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE LOT WITH 180’ depth. A Lake. 8 years young with bullt- struction Co., 648-0916. owner. buUt-lns, modern, wall to waU — -— ______100' PRINTENO after 6 p.m. monthg old, monograms, A c u p e S T ^ i o c a t i o n Asto zone, water only. T.J. cJ^ciiett to oven and range, ^modern ENLARGEMENTS ’TOBAOCb netting. Good for makes buttonholes, sews on MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY arpo mg, B __ nheater! Seven room Colonial „ ______aio-iKTi • hath, most attractive flrenlace HZXPERIENCEID tractor trailer Basements G Kitchens MANCHESTER, Beautiful 6 Frechette, Chester! Seven room Colonial Realtor, 643-1677. bath, most attractive fireplace TRUCK DRIVER for furniture la'wns, trees, and berry bush buttons, blind hems dresses, 8_A.M to 4:30 P^M. tog $16,200. H.M on almost two acres of beauti­ driver. Steady work for quali­ LilliaN room modified Ranch. Large along with utmost comfortable ARTHUR DRUO and appliance deUvery. CaU covers. CaU Rockville ScraJ) all without attachments. SATURDAYS— 8 A.M. to 12 NOON Realty, 647-9993. fied person. Apply S & D, Inc., T TeleidM*ue rec room, breezeway and over- fully landscaped land. Many BOLTON — Near center 1% enclosed porch, plus fuU base­ Mr. PettengUl, 646-0111. Company, 872-6687. Our 6 year parts and serv­ 648-1168 05 Hilliard Street, Manchester. sized garage. Park-Uke treed m ANCHEJSTER _ 2-famUy shade trees, fruit trees, garden- acre lot in beautiful residential ment and gstrage. $17,900, Wol­ ice guarantee. COMPLETE Garages G Bi4ezeways lot. Bowers School area. Sale 5.5^ 2-car garage, ^ heat- plot, nice patio. Residence Is area, Call 649-7367. verton Agency Realtors, 649- "NEVER USED anything like (OWNER) PLUMBER — EXPERIEN(3ED, PRICE $67.20 or pay pay­ price, $22,600. CaU Mitten Real- assumable mdrt- newly redecorated. Kitchen has „ gQ,,, 2813.' it” say users of Blue Lustre WALTON W. GRANT steady work, new -construction, Sotesimn Wonttd 36-A for cleaning carpet. Rent elec­ ments of $0.60 per montM. ty. Realtors, 648-6930. Ask tor Earl Everett, new blrdh cabinets, built-in BOLTON LAKE - U)ts 600 good hourly rate with overtime. tric shampooer $1. ’The Sher- For further information caU and All Types Of PRAH& AGENCY EBtabUelied 1810 SOOTH HA.H St. . . a - S ^ Priced to sell. with finished recreation room, GOOD, RICH, Inquire Imperial Plumbing Co., SALESMAN wtuited to work to wln —WlUlams Oo. CAPITOL SEWING CRED­ Estate Oo. 989 SuUivan Ave., South Wind­ IT MGR. coUect if toll tUl Member: Multiple Ltoting 5 flat, with 2-car garage, sell- window: 1% baths. Big barn Hayes Agency, 646-0131. large living room, new kltch- young progressive real estate Home Improvemenfs ^ rvloe • MancliiBster Board BLACK LOAM sor. 644-1621. office. Licensed required. Cion- AMA2UNG Blue Lustre will 9 p.m. WHITNEY R e ite r MANCHESTER-7 room Cape, stalls for horses, a t y wa- ACRE HOUSE lots lor sale ^naaf of Realtors • Greater tact Paul W, Dougan, Realtor, leave your upholstery beauti- 246-2140 Realtor, 643-1677.______tuU shed domer. Formal din- ter. House Is newly painted. off Keeney gt^getStreet near Fox ^ t ^ w i e ? and S e r o O v £ HLL and GRAVEL ’IRAFFIC CLERK salary, Ha.rtford Board of 646-4085. fuUy soft and clean. Rent elec­ Realtors, Inc. MANCHESTER — 9 room older tag room, finished rec room. Ask Carl Zinsser to show you Grove Golf Course. CaU 643- good benefits. Apply to p e r s o n . ______tric shampooer $1. Olcott AIRCRAFT extra lot of record. Handy lo- this one-of-a kind property. Bel- being transfered. Must be seen. BocMioa and 648-1163 home, 1% baths, 2-car garage, 2688. CaU after 6 p.m. tor appoint­ Oaer Bros., 140 Rye St., South LICENSED Real Estate sale- Variety Store. Division of United Aircraft Corp. 22 Cambridge Street exceUent condition, near cen­ cation. $28,900. Phllbrlclt fi^re Agency, 647-1418. Bulldoiar Avdilabte Wlndsor. ment, 876-7066. men with previous experience. USED S’TOVE, refrlgerator,- ter. Only $21,600. Hayes Agen­ Agency, Realtors, 649-5347. CHOICE RESIDENTIAL area. Call Mr. PhUbrick, Phllbrlck KEEP YOUR carpets beautiful ohests, cabinet. 647-1609. LV .L INTERIORS An equal opportunity employer - _WE HAVE many out of tovm tvalklng distance to new Globe ■■ „ . aktc — 614 room Manura by tha Bukt. cy 646-0181. MECHANICS from 9-6, 0 days a despite constant footsteps of a RICHARD ROAD — 7 room cus listings available tom Bolton,uoiuin, » ^„hool.school, ’near near golf Agency, 649-0347. Ranch, large tree shaded lot, or Cord week, front end alignment and busy family. Get Blue Lustre. ONE PAIR custom made FOR AFPOmTMENT CALL STAR;^ YOUR FUTURE TODAY AT P&WA $22,600, 8 ROOM Ranch, 4-bed- tom buUt Cape with 4 bed- East Hartford, Vernon, South oaii 649-8782, brake men. Apply to person, Rent electric shampooer $1. drapes. Used 8 months, 72x64” , ______rooms 2 baths, full basement, Windsor and other area towns. one car garage, aluminum rooms, buUt-lns, recreation combinations, lake privileges, PHONE M s-n n Minlt Auto (Jare, 828 W. Mid­ __ jk- Paul’s Paint ft Wallpaper Sup­ turquoise and gold weave, lin­ room, garage, large lot. Near attached garage. Fine reslden- call any of our courteous sales 528-6625 — 649-4620 selling lor $18,600. CaU owner, Between 8:St and 1# P.BL dle Tpke., Manchester. Read Herald Ads ply. ed. $86. Call anytime, 049-7020. bus and shopping. Hutchins tlal area. T. J. Crockett, Real- staff tor details. Belflore Agency Realtors, 649-5824. tors, 643-1677. Agency, 647-1418. Read Herald Ads 643-7666. PAQB TWENTY-FOUR THURffl)AY, MAY 28, 1968 iUanrli^Btfr lEorning H^raUi Aysnffft Dally Nat Praaa Rail ■W The Week Ended The Weather St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ Endorse Barry Bfnyis, 1N8 ters of Isabella, will sponsor a t \' Rain ending tonight. Low About Town iEattrlfpatpr lEuptitun BrraUi about 45. Fair tomorrow. IBgh ham and bean supper Tuesday StanlMni of Worid War I at 6:30 p.m. at the KotC Home. 15,070 In lower 60e. Bamudcs ukI AuxUiary have The event is open to menkbers, Maneheeter -' A City of Viliagm Charm heen Invited to Veterans Berv- their guests, and the public. Cummings Re-elected ioea Sunday at 9 aan. at South Tickets will be available at the IdethodMt CSiurch. Thoee at* door. Mrs. Wilfred Lemire is VOL. LXXXVH, NO. 200 (THHITY-TWO PAGES-TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1968 (OMttfled AdfwttriBg ea ra g e M) PRICE TEN CENTS tendlaff wSI meet at 8:30 a.m. chairman of a committee in Democratic Chairman at the church. H m Barracfca charge of the supper. Veteran Democratic Town Charinuin Ted Cupnings and AunUlary will meet Sunday last night was re-elected to his fourth consecunve two- a t 2 p.m. a t the VFW Home. J Memben are reminded to brine: Cub Soout Pack 2 of Second 'HU* > / fwo J year term. The action was unanimous and, as expected, oanned goods for a Mtchen eo- Oongregiaitlonal Church wUI no opposition developed nor was even hinted- cUl after the meeting. meet tomorrow a t 7:30 p.m. Also by a unanimous vote, the ^ . at FeUowahlp Hall of . the Air Attacks Bulletin Democratic Town Committee Red Airman l.C. John V. Ahlberg, church. endorsed State Sen. David M. U.S. Talks Peace son of ICr. and ttrs. Carl G. Barry for renomlnatlon and re- PACIFISTS SENTENCED Ahlberg of 39 Spruce St., has The Infant Jesus of Prague election to the State Senate. BAI/nMOBB, Bid. (A P)— been recognised for helping his Mothers Orcle will have a ban** In other unanmlous actions Two of four paolBsta charged unit earn the U.S. Air Force queit tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the last night, the committee re­ with pouring blood on draft Intensified records last fall were . sen­ outstanding Unit Award. He is Buckboard Restaurant, Glas- elected Miss Barbara Coleman, a fire protection apeciallet in the tonhury. Mrs. JIames Hallaran vice chairman; Mrs. Pat Conti, tenced to six years in federal SSSth Combat Support Group at oC 110 Delmont St. recently was secretary; and Roger Negro, prisps were rlnes took on two battalions—a- eral and local invesUg:ators are And, Acheson said, the (xin- ville, was elected as a member ly, and again may decUne nomi­ Pham Van Dong appeared to These Verplanck School second graders get a front row look cut, who timed the hatchings to coincide with the end of a Nathan AgosUnelU. The two afe reported crossing over the Lao- bout 8(X) of the enemy—believed searching today for a robber spiracy is blessed by the United some American experts here to of the Lutheran Social Service nation for skate committeeman. tlan fronUer in force. U.S. Intel- to be from the 320th North Vlet- Nations. . for three years. at the miracle of birth as chicks in the incubator peck their scienc(L,unlt on "The Human Body.’’ She has Just completed only thTM months apart in age. with a $34,(XK) system: pose as be aimed primarily at the North way into the world on the 21st day of the incubation period. six weeks of practice teaching in Mrs. Dorothy Zeno’s Room went to the same grammar Cummings pledged last nlgh^ llgence officers in the field said namese division. Units from a tax man, kidnap two. execu­ Acheson, 75, secretary of state Vietnamese people as a morale The Women’s Club of Man­ Watching with the children is Miss Ellen Sturgeon of 46 Lake 6. The fascinated pupils are, from left, Steven Burke, Michael school, and grew up U^ether. "You can rest assured that we the Communist command might three regiments of tl:e 3rd Ma- tives and force them to gather from 1949 to 1963, is now in pri­ ahot-In-the-arm. Barry pledged, "I promise will work, not only to come\]jp try to grab a large, chunk of rlne Division got into the fray the loot. vate law practice. chester will have its annual St., senior practice teacher from the University of Connecti­ Lawrence, I^athryn Kozlovlch, and Mary Jeanne Foley. North Vietnam appeared to be banquet (Mond&y a t the Terrace you that I wiU not ^ a r e the with a winning slate this year South Vietnam’s central plateau before the enemy withdrew A young man used Ihat sch: me He made the accusations in a to put more teeth into its de- Thursday night, arguing in Hanoi that the United Room, Bradley Field. Dinner horses, or the time, or the en- in the national and state. elec- Thursday by forcing two Stanley speech prepared for a section of States was intensifying the war Mrs. Vivian MoCartan, 5 Holl­ ergy, needed to make a reti tlons, but in 1969 as well, in the mands at the Paris peace talks. The Americans threw tanks, the American Bar Association. will be served at 7 p.m. after Hospital Notes ister St.; Mrs. Agnes Sanborn, Works executives with pistols in a way that gives the lie to its a social time at 6. Bill Savltt of School Board Work Session fight. I look forward to election town elections. The Republican The first North Vietnamese artillery and fighter-bombers and dynamite to withdraw $3,- Rhodesia, he said, has done . ,, . , All evening visiting hpurs end 795 N. King St., South Wind­ the United States no harm "and Hartford is the guest speaker. at 8 p.m., and start, in the of the entire Democratic slate lack of leadership is beginning divisions ever idenUfled in into the battie, as weli as heli- 000 from a local bank. He then The war has reached a new sor;- Joseph Ambro, 877 Fosrter South Vietnam tried to cut the copter gunships which wete threatens no one." On Budget Planned June 3 various units, at: Pediatrics, 3 St., Wappdng; WUiiam Lizotte, in November.” to show in Manchester, and I'm locked them in the trunk of the stage which has smashed the The MianoAester Chsss d u b Cummings, in accepting re- confident we’ll take back politi­ country in half in 1966 hut credited with a large percent- getaway car and fled, leaving "This is barefaced aggres­ enemy’s wild dream," said p.m,; self service unit, 10 a.m.; 21 Mark Dr., Wapplng; Mrs. sion, unprovoked and unjustified will meet tonight a t 6:30 at The Board of Education, erintendent which it has sought Crowell House, 6 p.m. week- Louise Miller, 33 Wlndemere election, said, “I appreciate cal control locally next' year." American troops drove them age of the enemy killed, the men trapped in the car in Dong. very, very much the confidence A treasurer’s report by Negro back during a fall of bloody Another Marine force a parking lot. by a single legal or moral prin­ Iona Hall, R^;ent St. TV>iu-na* which must make final the in­ unsucessfully for several years, days, 3 p.m., weekends and hoU- A^e., Rockville; Mrs. Virginia "The United States, which ment play wlU continue. you have displayed in your offt- revealed that the Democratic fighting. launcl\ed a new operaUon, The pattern, according to in- ciple," he declared. speaks a great deal about peace dividual items in its 1968-69 bud­ • The item is a “must’’ this days; prlvato rooms, 10 a.m.; Fraser, 67 Wells Rd., Talcott- He sold "The United States is year, said chairman John Rott- semi-private rooms, 3 p.m.; vllle. cere in re-electing us to another qvyvvn Committee wound up the Flying at altitudes of more Mlamriuke Thrust, 24 mUes vesUgaUng authoriUes, is simi­ negotiations for peace," get before the end of the current two-year term. The ©lections in two-year period with a $604 bal­ than 20,000 feet, the huge planes southwest of Da Nang to seek lar to two heists earlier this year engaged in a national conspira­ said spokesman Nguyen Hianh Parents of hoys planning to ner. And CurUs said he would visiting in 310, 814, and 828 Is Also, Lee SUverstein, 27 Lex­ cy, InsUgated by Britain, and continue memberehip in Cub fiscal year June 30, took no ac­ give the poslUon highest priority anytime for immediate famUy November will not be easy, but ance. » attocked staging areas, troop enemy forces in the rolling in Wilton and Hamden. Le here, "is in fact intensifying tion last night but set June 3 ington Dr.; Mazie Keating, 54B you can be sure that we’ll work The committee tabled a sug­ concentrations, bunkers, artll- buig between the highlands and New Britain detecUves said A policeman hits a cringing demonstrator in Paris. (AP Photofax). blessed by the United Nations" the war in both North and South Pack 53 in the fall will meet on his list of recommendations, only, with a five-minute Umita- (Chestnut St.; Stephen Dzlelln- to overthrow the Rhodesian gov­ tonight a t 7:30 at Waddell for a work Session of the per­ to make a Democratic year." gestion by Jay Stager, a new lery positions and antiaircraft Qjg rlce-produclng coastal low the man — about 6-foot-9, 160 Vietnam." if finally voted, the position oon. Afternoon visiting hours in ski, 3 Alice Dr.; Otto Cainelle, batteries between the Laotian ernment. School cofmerla. * sonnel-finance committee. will provide an assistant whose member and an original officer pounds and between 28 and 30 So far as the United States obstetrics are 3 to 4 p.m. then j^Q^h Haldon, N.J.; Mrs„ Janet border and Dak To Acheson attacked the U.N. Se­ At that meeting. Superinten­ primary responsibility will be begin again at 7 p.m. Visitors OveHakiifg (50P of the Manchester McCarthy for U.S. headquarters said sever­ years old—walked into the main W8is the target, the attacks from The planets Jupiter and dent of Schools William Curtis supervision of personnel. The Flaherty, Thom'psonvdlle; Joiui Manchester Democrats are U.S. outposts at the head of a Stanley Works office at 3:30 curity Council's call for econom­ are asked not to smoke In pa­ Nemeth, 47 Amott Rd.; Mrs. President Committee. valley that stretches from the al battalions__ . from the 1st Ma- Hanoi and P a ^ presumably Uranus will be studied tomor­ is expected to present a list of budget recommends a salary of looking forward to a historic Stager recommended a $1,000 p.m., said he was an Internal ic sanctions against the breaka­ are designed to increase world 1 lb. tient’s rooms. No more than two Rose Perkins, Hartford; Joseph Laotian border south to Dak To *'^® ^^'vlBlon began the opera- Revenue Service agent and way Rhodesian regime of Pre­ row at 8 p.m. at a meeting of priority items, and his recom­ $17,000 for the job. visitors at one time per patient. celebration. expenditure, either by ap­ French Union, Firm Heads public opinion presstue on 2 lbs. $3.50 Negro, RiPD 1 Rit. 85, Bolton; With Republican registra­ report heavy traffic nightly tlon five days ago, but the an- asked to see the president. mier Ian Smith. the Northeast Connecticut As­ mendations for retaining or ex­ Assistemit Superintendent Ron­ propriation or by assessment, along the route which serves as nouncement was wlOiheld for Wariilngton to end the rest of ald Scott would become primar­ Dominick Marottl, 16 Edgerton tions only 66 ahead of Demo­ The president was busy, so He also assailed critics ot the MANY ASSORTMENTS tronomy Society at the home of cluding them from the budget. Patients Today: 300 St.; Mrs. Marjorie Coeta, Cas­ for printing a party newspaper, the main north-south highway security reasons, the bombing and other attacks Mr. and Mrs. John Lang of The board will then be asked ily responsible for curriculum cratic registrations, for the the man was admitted to the World Court’s dismissal of on North 'Vietnam without ex­ TO GIVE AND ENJOY ADMITTED YESTERDAY: sidy Hill Rd., Coventry; Mrs. to be distributed to all Manches- through the highlands. Spokesmen said the Marines office of C. Kenneth Freedell, OesUerwood Rd., Vernon. A dis­ toivote upon the committee’s rec­ development. smallest lead ever. Demo­ .ter registered Democrats and Called to Seek Strike End charges brought by Ethiopia acting any military scale-down cussion on basic infoomation Walter Doll, chairman of the Mrs. Mary Beltjher, WlUing;ton; Gertrude Donahue, 297 Hack­ cratic Town Chairman Ted “We know they are out have killed 76 enemy, whUe Bla- executive vice president. Fre- and Liberia against South Afrl- from North Vietnam. ommendations at a regular Brian Colman, East St., An­ matack St.; Donald SulHvan, wiafllllated. The newspaper,, he there,” said one soldier. “Some PARIS (AP) — Premier that "24 hours are being lost.” the workers and students—and about plonets will be held be­ . meeting June 10. personnel-finance committee, re­ Cummings predicted last rlne casualties have been 16 dell summoned Garth Edwards, LENOX dover; Michael Connor, 70 Haw- 194 Wetherell St.; Fredrick said, would describe Democratic times we can see their flash- killed and 82 wounded. Since the vice president for finance. Georges Pompidou summoned The French Confederation of to demand that the government ‘■'The U.S. begins to use weap- fore outdoor observation Between now and then, the ported that the first written con night, "We will catch and iindor n Tr°i>j Africa y^rhich are condemned by tract proposal for the school sec- “ >ome St.; Mrs Mary Day 102 Schnetoer, 172 High St.; pass them in the next month, candidates and explain their'' lights as they move at night.” first day, when 46 enemy and 12 Detectives said the man then lahbr and business leaders to Democratic Workers also ac- protect them in coming price PHARMACY through telescopes and binocu- committee will also meet with positions on pertinent issues. meet with him Saturday to seek cepted, but warned that the trusteeship. y,e whole world, including hus. The event is open to all retarles has been studied by his Carter St.; William Desilets, Lois Stoker and son, 224 Blue or two or three. Intelligence reports said two Marines were killed in a fierce opened an attache case contain­ negotiations with the other (fom- representatives from the Man­ l^ge Dr.; Mrs. Catherine The tabling actl(m, mainly be­ regiments from the North Viet- ijattle, action has been "light a solution, to the crushing strike strikes would not stop, mon Market countries. tn ^ n I chemical poisons," Le saW. M9 E. ODNTBB BT. interested star gasers. chester Education Association to group, that.some minor changes 328 Lake Rd., Andover; Frank “And, when we do," he ing four or five sticks of dyna­ Uon nf ""hJectlve concep. ..you know that beginning July IKlne and son, 0 Stephen St.; cause of the evident lack of the namese 325th Division have .scattered,’’ the spokesmen mite and a pistol with a silencer wave paralyzing most of students rioted in Paris There was a strong possibility negotiate several items theu.c have been suggested, and that Facchettl, Villa Louisa, Bolton; said, “we may have to rent J r ^®®® 1 the United States is planning Mrs. Sheila McGarity and the Manchester Armory to needed funds, also was because completed a 166-mlle march and threatened to explode the France’s economic life. Thursday tor the second night in that the marching demonstra­ *MEA wants° Included In its con- Curtis is to confer pn them with tors would have Paris in an up­ hoih nro^/i ^ to use 10 million gallons of toxic the secretaries* representatives. St., Hockvllle, Mrs. Beulah daugliter, 120 Elverg^een Rd., hold all the celebrants.” of the apparent lack of enthu­ south from near Khe Sanh to an charge if the executives did not Mbre and greater turmoil succession, and authorities toth pr^de means for coUec- products in Vietnam.” tract. Vernon. siasm for the proposal. area west of Kontum, possibly (See Page Nine) cooperate. roar by the time De Gaulle The board said, following the The secretaries formed their Getchell, Thompsonvllle; David threatened, meanwhile, as feared the violence would in- ,^®*rade The United States and North The man then ordered them Workere, students and farmers crease. Interior Minister Chris- spoke on television and the ra­ The Hans Christian Andersen Montessori School successful conclusion of arbitra­ own organization about a year Gibson, Cassidy Hill Rd., Cfov- hoft, adjudlcaUon and Vietnam are moving toward a ago, but heretofore has had no entry; Eugene Gerardln, 16 to telephone the New Britain called a new rotmd of demon- tian Fouchet warned ' that dio. tion, that it would consider in­ Bank & Trust Oo. and make stratlons today a few hours be- The 77-year-old president oAntioT,® I ,r^® basic cpn- showdIs next year. Lewis, 101 W. Middle Tpke.; settlement. The government tour points in northeastern Par- in the talks, a weapon both are New Third Season — Ages 3-5 When the assistant treasurer then would try to reach »an is. The (fommunist-domlnated Political observers believed But, he said, •"neither was it During the brief discussion re­ Bentley School fourth ^ ^ e r s Elsie Lobdell, 44 Elberta Rd.; he would call a referendum next already using. lating to budget, the board in­ Mrs. Theresa Martin, 45 Vic­ .arrived with the money, the agreement with business and la- General Confederation of Work- everyone’s business, nor was it Please Phone Mrs. A. Appleton,, 872-4544 in the class taught by Mrs. Mir­ •ilm man directed Freedell and Ed­ month to endorse a. program of apartheid. It was a matter re- Sharpening their differences dicated it will retain the new toria Rd.; Elizabeth Mosher, Draft Card Incident bor within these guld'ellnes. ers announced two marches over whether and how to de-es- iam. S. Thayer impersonated Warehouse Point; David Mur­ 11 wards out of the building—no one TTio Oommunlst-led General across the southern half of the reform, including greater latlng solely to the internal af- position of second assistant sup- ;!!!!: ■ participaUon of the people in the famous Connecticut people with else In the offices knowing that Confederation of Workers, city. fairs of Rhcxlesia-' (See Page Nine) ray, East Hartford; Henry BOSTON AP) — !The govern­ were evidence of a violation of government, of the workers in costumes and speeches during Perry, Goodwin Rd., Bolton; a robbery was taking place. Prance’s biggest union, immedl- in the provinces, organiza- ment claimed today that Mar­ the law," McDonough testified, All three got into Freedefl’s running their factories, and of two shows yesterday before the Mrs. Elizabeth Peterson, 890 HALE cus Raskin, on trial with Dr. "and that it was my duty to ac­ ately accepted Pompidou’s invl- tions of farmers called demon- the students in the operation of Hartford Tpke., Vernon. Benjamin Spock and three other car, detectives said, and they tatlon to meet but expressed .stratlons to show solidarity with rest of the 'school and parents. cept them." drove to an Isolated stretch of their universities and high The students had been work­ Also, Laura Salmon, 68 Vern- ill antidraft associates, told a Jus­ McDonough said two other de­ sch(K>la. PINEHURST BETTER MEAT tice Department representative Route 8 near Scotts Swamp in r ing on the shows for about six wood Dr., Vernon; Mary Spauld­ fendants in the trial, Yale Chap­ Farmington. The man locked the Whether this would satisfy weeks as part of their studies ing, 118 Walnut St.; Mrs. Sarah that failure to take a briefcase lain William Sloane Coffin Jr. two executives in the car trunk Ohio Hit by Floods, Put a few of Hie Roman brand in language arts. I containing turned-in draft cards workers demanding higher For The Freezer Stacy, Ellington; Glenn Ste­ and Mitchell Goodman, "spoke and drove the vehicle to the wages, earlier retirement, job Todd Rein was assigned to phenson, 22 Center St., Rock­ would violate the law. In that same vein." U. S. CHOICE Pepperoni Pizzas in your freezer. John McDonough, an assistant Bristol Shopping Plaza, authori­ security, and other bread-and- im()ersonate the present gover­ ville; Rosemary Tostarelll, East P G r m & n G n t r "The Rev. (foffln said I was in ties said. Nixon Aides Calm butter benefits was an unansw­ nor, John M. Dempsey, and deputy U.S. attorney general, Special this weekend. Hartford; Michael Zelpnls, 93 derelection of my duty," Mc­ Fredell said he found a wrench ered question. Promises from Hundreds Evacuated could not find any material to Elizabeth Dr. returned to the witness stand to Donough said, "and someone Premier Georges Pompidou of Full pound size. each 69c describe a meeting he had last the trunk and managed to work COLUMBUS, Ohio AP) — work from. He finally wrote BmTHS YESTERDAY: A asked, I do not recall who, sweeping educMtional reforms "If It weren’t for the dam,’’ CHUCKS the governor asking him to tell Oct. 20 Inside the Justice De­ open.the trunk at about 6 p.m. Flooding creeks and rivers said Circleville Police Sgt. Rod­ where one could go' to file dere- Over Lindsay Drive have had no effect on the rebel­ son to .Mr. and Mrs. Charles partment at which the group at­ By tnen, he said, the thief had /washed scores of southern Ohio Cut to order find freezer wrapped . . . PINEHURST SCOTT SljECIAL . . . about himself. The boy dlso Schaub, 1S8 Hlllstown Rd.; a llection of duty charges against lious students. erick List, "We’d be floating Pot Roasts . . . Oven Roasts . . . Ground Invited the governor to the r tempted to hand over the brief­ disappeared. The two men were down the river." Meats . . . London Broils , . . Soup Cuts. son to iMr. and Mrs. Joseph an attorney general.” unharmed. 7 Call- " a”Na^'o^aT’Assembly motion^ ^ ' “ torTln? tvr(^lL”“ff FAMILY NAPKINS, 160...... 33« show. Brown, Windsor Locks. case. Washington Court House 88 "Raskin said the draft cards (See Page Sixteen) AuthoriUes said they received ^ V. Lind- fomia Gov. Ronald Reagan, ac- to oust Pompidou’s Cabinet several hundred persons from The governor declined the In­ DISCHAIRGED YESTER-* telephone calls from the two ex- knowledging Nixon would win jailed to pass Wednesday night, their homes, miles southwest of Columbus re­ vitation, but sent a long letter DAY: Deborah Mlachle, Snake ecutlves and also from a *"an ‘ OreTOn to ^ v * but apparently because Centrist There were no serious Injuries ported 4.73 inches of rain in the New Calif. Potatoes ore here ot to Todd for his impersonation. Hill 'Rd., Coventry: Frank "BLUE C"®-ZAI\ITREL RAYON who described the theft and told „ A Nixon lieutenant said the members feared a coalition gg emergency workers moved 24 hours ending at 8 a.m. Other students and their Grimajson, Willlngiton; Deborah the police where the two men goal of the former vice presl- dominatea by the Communists quickly to take families from (EDT). CatiUlcothe w u In its 5 lbs. 49c and we feoture Toma* famous people included: Ann professed little ooncem. eighth consecutive day of rain Prooesaed for early week soles ... Dagenais, 59 Trebbe Dr.; Mrs. were locked. dent is to out-poll the combined would take over. But this Im- homes and pluck a few stranded Turklngton as Harriet Beecher Minnie Krause, 93 Walnut St.; Move to Churches The Federal Bureau of In­ Lindsay, who got financial as­ total of Reagan and Rockefel- piled vote of confidence in the and rep^ed more than three ^ ORDER TODAY! toes, package of 4... 19c persons from roots and car tops. Inches ilSfthe 24 hours. Stowe, Paul MacNeely as Igor Jerome Harrington, Thompson­ Tropical Weight vestigation was called In to join sistance from Rockefeller in his ler. government had no apparent ef- Many highways and second­ Sikorsky, Sharon Ashwell as vllle; Mr^. Eleanor Gigllo, RFD campaign for mayor three ^Dozens of communities closed U.S. CHOICE in the search. He said Nbcon has been ad- t®ct ^be aroused workers, ary roads were blocked. The spools. Mothers Just rave about the low price we Helen Keller, Peter Bartolotta 2, Bolton; William. Malausky,- Detectives said Thursday night years ago, has a day of appear- vised there is no doubt this ma- students and farmers on the high water was responsible for have on Scott PAMPER disposable Diapers. as Uncas, Georgia Willis as East Hartford; Mrs. Susan Des- they had at least two possible ances in Portland, Eugene and jority cap be attained. In past warpath after 10 years of De The train derailment came HINRQUARTERS lb. 72e one train derailment. when a 77-car Baltimore A Ohio Properly ag;ed . . . cut and freezer wrapped Susannah Hding was . . . Order today . . . ready (aged) week If .you can buy Sealtest gallon glass jugs as William Goffe, Suzanne Kev­ Leon Boitulonis, Kelly M ., Ver­ freight, 'bound from Newsu'k, stolen Thursday afternoon from jtor the abMnt governor in next has soared far above such an- With an estimated 60 to 60 per at Circleville, Chlllicothe, Logan Ohio to Cincinnati, hit a washed later . . . of Milk for any less than Plnehurst’s every­ ins as Hannah' Goodyear, and non; Tracy Combs, Elait H art­ a parking lot near the Bristol Tuesday s GOP presidential prl- nounced goals, to 70 per cent in cent of Franco’s 18 million and sections of Scioto, Clinton', day 86c price. Just tell us and we will do Kevin Lindsay as Nathan Hale. out culvert in Fayette County. something about It. ford; Richard Sartwell, East plaza and found at the Stanley _ his last outing, the Nebraska workers on strikes, there were Fayette and, Athens Counties, A chorus sang “Yankee Doo­ Hartford. T o Evacuate Camp Works lot. But the batUe waa only of per- primary. Seventeen cars derailed,- some WHOLE m O IN dle,’’ "This Is My State,” and a .a s no imporiant (Tracks in the labor About 80 families were moved plied three high, but no one was Also, Mrs. Susan Bloklng, 65 Secondly, they also said the centages, with promotors of from their homes at Circleville (A ^ . 30 lbs.) pant of U. S. Choice Loins fok- "Connecticut.” 2 for $17 (See Page Twenty-Five) thewpwat delicious barbecue Q O m Remember . . . we have a sale on HUlcrest Ave.; Kimberly Pen­ WASHINGTON (AP) — ing the campsite at Lincoln Me­ theft was similar to earlier in- Rockefeller and the organlza (See Page Six) into two schools. (See Page Sixteen) oteUcs . . . (itendorloln in) lb. O T G nington, 40 Emily Dr., Rock­ Heavy rains turned Resurrec­ morial. cidents in which two company Roth's Vac Pac BApON at 79c lb. POOR PLACE FOR PLANT executives were kidnaped by a ville; i^ s . Ruth Goushoe, 15 tion City, U.S.A., into a sea of Campaign leaders issued a PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) — * for sites 29 to'SO man posing sjs a tax agent. Deepwood Dr.; Mrs. Tekla mud today and forced at least a call for thousands of boots and J u ^ in time lor your 1st barbecue . . . Small tender genuine Spareribs . . . Special Sirloin Some city court workers were Martuzans, 60 Ferguson Rd.; raincoats for the campaign Last Feb. 2-in Hamden, two of­ suspicious when they say a * for sizes 44 fo SO, $1 more temporary evacuatl^ of most ficials of the Henry Richards Co. Patties each 16c, Lean Chuck or 8 in 1 blend 79c lb. Deluxe Round Steak Ground, lb. 99c of the residents of the Poor Peo­ demonstrators. It has rained Senate Passes Measure by 72-4 Vote »peclal feature on 1st Prize and Grote St Weljcers. Frankfurts. Center Pork Chops "funny-looking” plant growing heavily for 24 hours and more were held up for $743. And on p t 89c lb. are a good value. ple’s Campaign shantytown. out from behind a small potted RUBBER STAMPS rain is predicted today and Sat­ Mar. 8, two Emery Air Freight tree by the door in their buBd- The Rev. Jesse Jackson, Re­ urday. Co. executives were robbed of ing. Manchester surrection City manager, said $7,900 and kidnapped for two Cri] NEW YORK CUT A check confirmed their sus­ Blueprint and Supply, Inc. These handsome slacks are pikns are being made to shift Jackson also said there is a e Bill Would Undo Controversial Rulings need for more temporary ac­ hours. None ot the men were picions that it was a marijuana 690 Hartford Rd. made of a new lightweight about 2,000 of the 2,400 residents harmed. to chluxihes in metropolitan commodations outside the camp WASHINOTON (AP) — The. lation Johnson would veto such The grants could help finance —Prohibit Interstate mail-or­ admissibility of confessions and plant. No one could figure out Manchester, Conn.—649-8693 oxford weave fabric with a area to house inhabitants until how it got there. Rockville Exchange Ent. 1496 permanent press process Washington. Cotter 'Supports Senate has passed a crime-con- a measure. the war on organized crime and der sales of handguns and their lineup identifications. conditions Improve. trol bill that would undo contro­ The prime concern of John­ control the prevention of riots, that- keeps them amazingly Meanwhile the campaign sus­ over-the-counter sale to nonresi-' Some senators reported they Jackson described the condi­ Blue Cross Merger versial Supreme Court rulings son, Celler and other opponehts —Undo Supreme Court deci­ dents of a state and otherwise expect President. Johnson to wrinkle-free. Just wash 'em tained Thursday its first group SIRLOINS arrests after a Capitol Hill dem­ tions as "rather deplorable." HARTFORD (AP) — A pro­ that guarantee criminal sus­ involves the proposed controls sions restricting the *iise of tighten; federal firearms con­ veto the bill unless these provi­ and wear 'em. Pre-cuffed onstration the movement’s lead­ The mud is .four to five inches posal to merge the functions of pects greater rights. TTie meas­ on the Supreme Court. And confessions and police lineup trols. sions are stricken. for your convenience. Char, thick, he said. ure also would grant police new identification in federal crime And a special price, too, on all other speciaUy selected U. S. choice cuts of TEN­ er called unplanned and unfor­ the Connecticut Blue Cross and some opponents say constitu­ The House last year passed But Sen. John L. Mcdellan, ASHFORD LAKE coal, olive, brown, grey. tunate. The planned evacuation will the Connecticut Medical Service wiretapping and electronic tional questions are raised by trials. The sole test of the ad­ the "Safe Streets”, part of the'D-Ark., who steered the bill DER SIRLOIN STEAK lb. S l .l O Leg lengths, 28,-36. One- "bugging" authority. sections authorizing i>oltce wire­ missibility of a confession would bill providing for federal grants through the Senate, said he was But it also received^ its first not interrupt the campaign’s ef­ has received the endorsement of 26 MILES EAST OF MANCHESTER year no-lron guarantee. forts to convince Congress and state insurance commissioner But while the Senate passed tapping and electronic surveil­ be whether it was given volun­ to strengthen local law enforce­ determined'to keep them. •Rsg. T.M. lor federal response as Secretary of the bill Thursday night by a 72-4 lance or "bugging” of suspects. tarily. ment. Thq Sena,te grafted on all Agriculture Orville L. Freeman the federal govenunent that William R. Cotter. MoClellan said Johnst^'s OFF ROUTE 34—SHORE FRONT LOTS ChsmstrsiHTs ' more help is needed for the Cotter told a legislative sub- vote, it was uncertain how much As passed by th e ^ n a te , the —Authorize wiretapping* and the other provialons. "Safe Streets" program is all promised to expand federal food bill’s chief provisions 'Would: electronic eavesdropping by law Celler, in line to head the EASY TERMS polyssttr flbir programs and 80 senators and poor, Jackson said. committee Thursday that the R 'wUl become law. right aa far as it’goes but that "We .will evacuate aa many as proposal, which was introduced It still faces House considera­ —Establish a two-year pro­ enforcement officers, acting un­ conference committee that will spending money is an inadequ­ DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER representatives set up an infor­ tion, and contains provisions gram of $400 million in federal attempt to resolve differences in mal unofficial liaison committee possible today, particularly at last year’s General Assembly, der court orders. In the investi­ ate answer to "the law enfor