\ '4 f v ' ' WEDNESDAY, MAY ?2, 1968 .... iOmtrlTPBtpr Evraing HmtUi Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock 1 -■ . Ihe MYF Players of. the The Newcomers Club of tpe The Grade 7 Methodlat Youth ^Abont Town Senior Youth Study Croup of Manchester YWCA will have Its Fellowahlp of South Methodist 'Y - ■ ’ North Methodist Church will installation banquet Thursday, Church will have its final dis­ C’The Woia«n*> QuUd of Trinity present a play, “ The Class June 6 at the Manchester Coun­ cussion on “ How Do I Like My­ Manchester in Days Gone By Averace Daily Net Press Ran ftnwimiit Oiurch will iiave a WaiS,” toRiiorrow at. 6:46 psn. try C^b. A social time will be­ self” Friday at 7 p.m. at the For Tbe Week Ended The W eather bake sale Saturday from 10 at the church. The play Is di­ gin at' 6:30 p.tn. and dinner vrUl churoH. May U, ItiB t,m . to 1 p.m. In Fellowship rected by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin be served at 7:16. William Rain tonight and tomorrow. Hall at the church. Jl "Oobweb Culver. Special guests will be Knight of MEUichester will Members of the Manchester lu r n ttm Low tonight in 60s. High tomor­ Oomer” wUl feature used the parents of the group. speak. Reservations close Sun­ Emblem Club hkve been invited 15,070 row in low 60s. articles. A Coffee Shop wUl be day and may be made with to Installation ceremonies June open througltout the sale. Mrs. The annual Mystery Bus Bide Mrs. Barry Stoner of 171E. Cen­ a at the Norwalk Emblem Club, ManeheMter-— A City of ViUage Charm Burton Johnson Is chairman of of the Mr. and Mrs. Club of ter St. and District Deputy Night June the event, cuid will be In char|^ Temple Beth Sholom will be on 12 at the Putnam Emblem Club. VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 199 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO. SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THUSDAY, MAY 23, 1968 (Olaaoifled AdverllaiBg on Page $1) PRICE TEN CENTS of baked goods. kOss Elsie Saturday. Buses will leave from Beta Sigma Phi international Reservattons for both events Johnson is In charge of the the temple at 7:16 p.m. Mem­ sorority will have its annual close Monday, and may be Coffee Shop, and Mrs. William bers wishing to attend may con­ state convention Saturday at the made with Mrs. Alfred Ponticel- T. Smyth Is chairman of the tact Mrs. Bernard Apter, 100 Hotel America, Hartford. Mayor 11, SO M cKee'St., or Mrs. Al­ Oobweb Comer. The event is Conway Rd., and checks to Ann Uccello will be awarded fred Ritter, 46 Chester Dr. open to the public. hold reservations may be mail­ honorary membership In the ed to her. , sorority. The First Congressional Dls- The Washington School PTA tilot Republican Women's As­ U.S. Losing U.S. Will Not Be Defeated will hold a Monte Carlo Whist South Methodist Church will Friends and former pupils of sociation will sponsor a “Nite MILLS SEES PASSAGE tonight at 8 in the cafeteria. have a Teachers Appreciation Miss Sylvia ClafUn, retiring In Las Vegas” Friday at 7:80 OF TAX. SPENDING CUT Those attending should bring a Dinner tomoorow at 6:30 p.m. Grade 1 teacher at Bowers p.m. at the Solomon Welles white elephant gift to be auc­ in Cooper Hall of the church. School, are Invited to an In­ House, Wethersftqld. Proceeds WASHINGTON (AP)—BOp. tioned, while refreshments are Mrs. • Herbert McKinney will formal reception In her honor, will benefit the campaign of the More Planes Wlloui’ >>. i.xlilS said today he being served. The public Is In­ present a “ Do It Yourself to be held at the school Friday First District GOP candidate to expects the House to pass the vited. Fashion Show." from 7 to 9 p.m. Congress this fall. $10 btUion tax-$6 billim spend­ ing cut package “ whm aU the While Talks On, LBJ Warns The East Academy, formerly located on Parker St. This “ Inside Art ’68," an exhibit at fanfare Is over.” 'The structure Is typical of the smaller public buildings In the the Mary Cheney Library of Arkansas Democrat, chalmiian Greek revival style. It has a pUlared front, with a low, square Than Ever of the House Ways and Means WASHINGTON (AP)—Pres­ work done by inmates of Con­ towerwlth pillars of pilasters at the corners. ident Johnson today warned necticut State Prison at Som­ Committee and key flgiire In the taxatlon-and-spending con­ North Vietnam, which he said ers and the Osborn Division, SAIGON (AP) — American pilots are flying more troversy, indicated he does not is pressing its aggresssion de­ Greater Meat Value has been very well received, ac­ missions against North Vietnam and losing more planes spite peace negotiations, that think a move In the House cording to John Jackson, head than they did before President Johnson put the major next week to scale down a toe United States “ will not be librarian. New paintings and pa^^t of the country off limits to them, statistics from spending cut will succeed. defeated in toe fleld while CALnP. N E W pen and inik sketches have re­ the" U.S. Command showed today. Rep. James A. Burke, D— these talks go on.*’ TOMATOES placed those sold since the ex­ The command announced today that North Vietna­ Mass., a Ways and Means In spite of toe preliminary hibit opened, and the show will mese antiaircraft fire brought down two more planes member, said Wednesday he negotiations In Paris, John­ continue through Saturday. Wednesday, and the three crewmen are all missing. would'-introduce a motion for son said, "It still Is not clear U.S. troops losses also con tin ------------------------------------------------ a $4 biUioii spending cut. This that Hanoi is ready for an Box of 4 19c Center Congregational Church would agree with the figure early and honorable peace." Lbs. 49c Americans „ver the North. In March the will sponsor a Loyalty Dinner reported killed In combat last number went to 11. During President Johnson has said he The warning came at White for all adult members of the i *H*^®®* April, the first month Johnson’s would reluctantly accept. House ceremonies in which church tomorrow at 7 p.m. at weekly toU of the war for Amer- curtaUment order was liVeffeCt, Johnson awarded a presi­ piano’s Restaurant, Bolton. The FEATURING THE FINEST MEATS MONEY CAN BUY U.S. planes were rei>orted dential unit citation for gal­ dinner Is In conjunction with The Sou* Vietnamese govern- lantry In action to the 26th a Combined Funds Canvass now 3 Marine Regiment of toe 3rd in progress at the church. No killedS i ladt week, while toe allied matched by an increase In -?■toe State News Marine Division which held solicitations wlU take place at e^m ate of enemy kUled was missions flown. Khe Sanh against a siege by r the dinner. Illustrated brochures 4,766 During March, while toe larger enemy forces. on the canvass will be available. The two planes were lost Milford Man northeast monsoons were stUl The President said the action Those wishing to attend and not The old Center Church, built 1826. Later used as the Town Wednesday as Annerican filers producing heavy cloixl cover already contacted may call the held major North Vietnamese Hall. Here a portico of heavy, fluted Doric columns extends inlsslona against 2,648 missions were a t a l l v ^ l l O t church office. forces out of major engage­ across the front of the building. The traditional spire was re­ Norto Vletaam’s Muthem jh^ ^^ole of North ^ CTllKKK ments to toe south and, in his tained, however, standing on two lower stages, one square, This church was built after 1860, when the Greek revival was handle, the highest number Vietnam. opinion, helped bring about toe The Little TheatBf of Man­ flown this month. The U.S. Com­ the other octagonal. waning. However, it has a lovely, wide portico of fluted The monsoons began to lift In initial talks. chester will meet tonight at 22 Ionic columns at the front, and the tower, (removed a few mand said toe three crewmen In Drivewa Oak St. James Pendergast is In April, and although pllbts then Hanoi’s incentive to negotiate of Greece, was based on Greek years ago) had the columns and pediments of the Greek re­ 7 charge of program. Refresh­ Many excellent books have I I t .t M U, Hwilted to bombing North MILFORD (AP)—An assail­ was “ greatly strengthened," building. However, England and vival church. tri^***® Hanoi claimed North Vietnam’s narrow southern pan- ments will be served. The meet- been written in the last fifty ant, who police say appeu'ently Johnson said, “ by what these years about the architecture of the United States knew little of Wetnamese ^ e r s downed ^elow toe 19th parallel, uig is open to all persons In­ lay In wait behind a -oliunp of men did at Khe Sanh, because the structures in Greece itself, terested in little theater. the colonial and early federal ®® 3.412 missions were logged. So bushes, fired two shotgun blasts they demonstrated toe futility of which had been for many years ^ e d all toe pilots. It also j ^ y pjiots have flown periods In the United States. In that took the life of a 43-year- their (North Vietnam’s) at­ later articles in this series, we a q>art of the Turkish Empire. charged * a t toe Uidted States 2,845 missions; and toe final flg- Miss Linda Orfltelll of 2 Vil­ old auto sales agency executive tempting to win a military 'vic­ shall discuss the Manchester In the late 1700’s, two English is contlnul^ “ to conduct bwba- April's total, W ith the batheeue season right around the comer you will want to know where lage St., a student at Southern Wednesday night.
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