Agenda Item No: 6a


26 JANUARY 2010


Erection of the new Maplefields school and associated sports hall with parking, play areas, soft landscaping and all weather Subject: pitch on part of the former Beanfield Secondary School site,

Corby. New School to be accessed off Tower Hill Road, (09/00045/CCD).

Applicant: NCC Children and Young People’s Service

That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions Recommendations: specified in Appendix A.

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with professional planning advice on any issues, Development Plan Policies and other material considerations relevant to the determination of a planning application.

2. Relevant Corporate Outcome and Corporate Priority A cleaner, greener and more prosperous county 3. Background

3.1 The former Beanfield Secondary School site is situated within a predominantly residential area on the south-western edge of Corby. The application site covers part of the former Beanfield Secondary School site and is located on the former southern playing field area which is bounded to the east by the existing Beanfield Primary School, the A6003 Road to the west and residential properties to the south. The proposed access to the site will be off Tower Hill Road in the southwest corner. The existing access off Glastonbury Road which used to serve the Beanfield Secondary School will be retained for future development of the northern part of the former secondary school site which does not form part of this application.

4. Proposal

4.1 The proposed new Maplefields School would provide places for 40 primary and 64 secondary pupils with behaviour, emotional and social difficulties (BESD). Demand for special school provision for pupils with BESD outstrips available resources; in addition, neighbouring authorities request places when available. The scheme for a new build school is in the context of two of the Council‟s major projects:

. Quality support for children in need. . Raising pupil attainment and school performance.

4.2 The new school would provide purpose-built accommodation for a BESD environment and will include facilities for Independent Learning Programmes for statemented excluded pupils, vocational workshops for BESD pupils (and other local schools) to access the new Diplomas, a Therapy Unit for multi-agency work, and excellent sports facilities that include a 4-court badminton hall and all-weather pitch that will both be suitable for community use.

4.3 County Council‟s Cabinet agreed in August 2006 that Maplefields (primary) and The Orchard (secondary) special schools located in Corby and should combine to form an all-through BESD school.

4.4 The existing schools are currently operating under considerable pressures:

. management issues of a split site school, 7 miles apart.

. unsuitable accommodation particular on the secondary campus causing major criticisms from OfSTED and health & safety issues.

. a condition backlog across the two sites.

. performance issues from previous special measures and morale of staff regarding unsuitability of teaching and learning environment.

4.5 A number of options have been explored to meet the accommodation needs of Maplefields. The first proposal was to refurbish the previous Corby Community College buildings, but this was discounted as unsuitable following a detailed feasibility study. The option of building a new facility on the same site was also not pursued, as the site is part of a strategic plan involving Corby Borough Council and Tresham College. This was the result of a review of NCC‟s land interests in Corby that was commissioned from Lambert Smith Hampton (LSH) to provide an overview of service needs and opportunities for disposal of surplus sites.

4.6 Following the discounting of these options, a further brief was developed with the following scope:

. A new build solution is required to meet the accommodation needs of the pupils in terms of curriculum delivery, the statutory requirement to extend the age-range post-16 and the need to provide vocational opportunities for these pupils.

. The school needs to serve the north of the county.

. The new facilities should provide opportunities for multi-agency working to support the Every Child Matters agenda and NCC policies.

4.7 The former Beanfield site was identified because it is in the Council‟s ownership and was previously a school. The applicant undertook Pre-planning consultation: 60 local residents attended a meeting on 1 April 2009 and had the opportunity to review the plans and meet the design team.

5. Consultation

5.1 The following is a summary of the consultation responses which were received. Copies of the full responses are available to the committee members from the Committee Administrator.

Corby Borough Council

5.2 No objection to the proposed development but requested assurances that the proposed all-weather pitch and sports hall would be available for community use and there would not be a through route to either Glastonbury Road or Farmstead Road.

5.3 In addition, Corby Borough Council‟s Environmental Health Officer requested that conditions be imposed requiring the applicant to undertake a Phase 1 Contaminated Land Desk Study and a Phase 2 site investigation if required and the Principal Engineer suggested that a drainage study will be necessary as this area of land has not been developed before.

Middleton Parish Council

5.4 No objection or comments have been received from the Parish Council. (The application site is within Corby but is adjacent to the parish boundary).

Environment Agency

5.5 Initially objected to the proposed development on the grounds that the Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) submitted in support of the application did not comply with the requirements set out in Annex E, paragraph E3 of Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS 25).

5.6 Following the submission of further information from the applicant‟s consultants, they withdrew their objection subject to the imposition of the planning conditions relating to flood risk, water infrastructure capacity, protection of the on-site culvert and pollution prevention.

Highway Authority

5.7 No objection in principle subject to conditions being imposed requiring the applicant to undertake off-site highway improvement works and the submission of a „School Travel Plan‟.


5.8 Sport England initially lodged a holding objection but following the submission of further information it has no objections to the development subject to a condition securing the community use of the school sports facilities.

5.9 Natural England

5.10 Initially raised an objection to the proposed development as inadequate information had been provided with the application to demonstrate whether or not the development would have an adverse effect on species especially protected by law. Further details regarding landscaping and protected species were provided by the applicant and Natural England withdrew their objection subject to the mitigation and site enhancement detailed

in section 6 of the „Protected Species Statement‟ being carried out in full, and prior to any development commencing, and being secured through an appropriately worded condition.

5.11 Natural England also requested that the applicants should be informed that planning permission, if granted, does not absolve them from complying with the relevant law, including obtaining and complying with the terms and conditions of any licenses required relating to protected species.

Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust

5.12 Commented that the ecological information provided in support of the application was insufficient and incomplete. Recommended that further surveys be undertaken by the applicant before the application is determined. Following the submission of further details regarding landscaping and protected species by the applicant, the Wildlife Trust were satisfied with the proposals subject to the mitigation measures in respect of biodiversity protection and enhancements being fully implemented.

Crime Prevention Design Adviser

5.13 Has no formal objection to the planning application in its present form other than to suggest that in order to reduce the likelihood of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour occurring a condition should be imposed. This would require that any deviance from the 'Secured by Design - Schools' recommendations or those already specified in the report be approved and discharged by the County Planning Authority in consultation with the Police.

County Archaeological Advisor

5.14 No objection to the proposed development subject to a condition being imposed to secure a programme of archaeological work.

6. Public Advertisement and Neighbour Notification

6.1 The application was advertised by a press notice and direct notification to 583 properties surrounding the site.

6.2 Four objections were received from occupiers of properties in the vicinity of the application site. A summary of their comments follows. Full copies are available to the committee members from the Committee Administrator.

No.3 Knights Close

6.3 Firstly we think the access to and from the proposed site will cause considerable difficulties to all concerned who reside in this particular area.

6.4 The road leading to and from the proposed site is an ordinary two lane road and has several roads already leading onto it. The traffic at the moment is a nuisance to all who reside here due to the fact that we have Kingswood School at the end of Tower Hill Road and the parents parking during school opening and closing times causes our access into and out of Tower Hill Road to become gridlocked, the amount of cars parked also takes in sections of Gainsborough Road.

6.5 The road is also a bus route and we feel highway safety and traffic must be a priority to be taken into consideration due to the volume of traffic already using this tiny road.

6.6 The noise level of extra members of the public and vehicles coming and going to access the site would be another inconvenience to all residents. The inclusion of an all weather pitch would probably mean events would be taking place anytime day or night at the proposed development causing further disturbance.

6.7 This area is a quiet residential area and we would hope that our comments would be taken into consideration.

No.12 Squire Close

6.8 We object to the Development only in respect of the siting of the entrance to the school being Tower Hill Road. The increase in traffic is likely to become a greater danger to other road users and increase the noise and pollution around Gainsborough Road and particularly Tower Hill Road – a 500 metre cul-de-sac.

No.1 Tower Hill Road

6.9 My main concern is regarding the increase of traffic past our property and its effects on our location and on our living conditions. Our property is at the end of the road, it is relatively secluded and very quiet with very little or no passing traffic. We enjoy a high level of privacy as a result, and this was one of the deciding factors when buying the property. With the building of a school and sports facilities and in particular the location of the entrance to these facilities our concerns regarding traffic are as follows:-

With over 100 pupils and over 70 staff arriving every day there will inevitably be a considerable increase in traffic. The current school website states “Pupils travel to our school by car, walk (if it‟s not too far), or arrive by taxi – with transport provided by the Local Authority” therefore the claims that there will just be “a few taxis and minibuses” is not entirely a realistic claim.

Although any drop-off points may well be within the new school perimeter, the reality around any school nowadays is that parent parking can be problematic especially at pick-up times. It is inevitable that there will be increased parking and traffic at certain times of the day interfering with our privacy, our neighbours‟ ability to park, and causing congestion.

Deliveries to the facilities will mean there will also be vans, small trucks (hopefully no large trucks) coming past our property on a regular basis.

Our property is located at the end of Tower Hill Road. In order to access the new facility, traffic will have to make a right hand turn past our property which means there will be passing traffic on two sides of our property. Because of the need for gear changing when negotiating the bend, and also the use of acceleration (we‟re talking normal acceleration not excessive) when leaving the new facility and coming off the bend, traffic noise levels will be more noticeable at our location than if the traffic were merely driving in a straight line past us.

Traffic levels will not only be increased during school times. The sports facilities will be hired out for community use and there may well be other activities within the facility

outside of school hours. Traffic increases will therefore not be restricted to school start/end times on week days, but will also be increased on weekends and evenings.

The provision of visitors parking for the sports facility numbers 16 including 2 minibus spaces and 2 disabled places. If this facility is successful, there is a potential for overflow parking to become necessary, and the obvious place for people to use will be the roads around the proximity of our property.

We assume you have taken into consideration the existing parking which already occurs along the side edge of our property leading into Steyning Close. This area is currently used as parking by residents who do not necessarily live on the perimeter edge of Steyning Close. Residents living within Steyning Close park their vehicles here. If adequate provision for parking is not made, cars will continue to be parked here. This could cause obstruction when negotiating the bend to enter and exit the facility, especially for larger vehicles and delivery vehicles

6.10 Our other concern is regarding the construction phase for the project. For the period of construction there will be a definite increase in noise, dirt and dust, and passing traffic by construction vehicles and workers. There may well be security floodlighting as per other construction sites in the area. All of these factors contribute to causing a considerable period of inconvenience and disruption which will infringe the quiet quality of life we currently experience.

No.3 Tower Hill Road

6.11 I would like to object to the proposed entrance for this school and sports being situated at the top of Tower Hill Road:-

There will be light pollution from the complex.

The amount of traffic both morning and evening will be too much for such a small area, also out of school hours will attract more traffic.

Congestion at the junction of Gainsborough Road and Tower Hill Road because traffic from 2 schools will meet.

Residents of Steyning Close park in this area and provision for extra parking has not been made.

Tower Hill Road is not geared up for such heavy plant in the construction.

7. Development Plan Policies

7.1 The following planning policies are considered to be relevant to the proposal, as follows:

North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy (2008):

Policy 13 (General Sustainable Development Principles)

Policy 14 (Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction)

8. Assessment

8.1 The main issues to consider in determining this application are:

a) Whether the proposal accords with the Development Plan.

b) Whether there is any traffic, highway safety, or amenity issues to justify refusal of the application.

Development Plan

8.2 Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy provides general criteria against which to consider proposals for development. These criteria require proposed developments to be of a high standard of design that respect and enhance the character of their surroundings. It also requires that proposals should not result in an unacceptable impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties or the wider area. Policy 14 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy seeks to encourage development that uses sustainable construction methods and incorporates energy efficiency measures such as the use of micro-renewable technologies. It is therefore necessary to consider the objections raised in the context of these Development Plan policies.

Design and Appearance

8.3 The new all-through school will have 13 classrooms for key stages 1 through to 4, specialist teaching areas, general support/resource areas including WCs, two dining areas, kitchen, stores, offices and administration accommodation. Other works will include the provision of a number of hard/soft play areas, a covered play area for Key Stage 1 pupils, internal security fencing to create „air locks‟, a new sports hall and all weather pitch, garden and habitat areas, cycle and car parking areas.

8.4 The proposed new school is a modern and contemporary building which is mainly single storey with a curved „green‟ sedum roof. In addition, the roof form extends over the administration areas and main hall to create a double height space which is where the plant area and access points will be located. The materials and external finishes being proposed include buff brick, rendered block work, terracotta rain screen cladding, cedar boarding and flat panel metal cladding. The use of the curved „green‟ sedum roof and use of natural materials will help to minimise the visual impact of the new school.

8.5 Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy seeks to encourage developments which are flexible enough to be adapted for future needs and to take into account the needs of all users. The proposed new school has been designed to last and be easy to maintain, to be functional for delivering the curriculum and adaptable and flexible to handle future changes to the needs of the school community. The teaching and learning environment is well provided with natural light and ventilation to support the delivery of the curriculum.

8.6 The new school building has been designed with a highly insulated thermal envelope and incorporates the use of renewable technologies such as a natural gas fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system, Bio oil fired boilers, solar thermal systems and Photovoltaic systems. The applicant has stated that the use of these technologies combined with the building‟s design will help to achieve a 60% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and a BREEAM rating of either „Very Good‟ or „Excellent‟ which is broadly in

line with the objectives set out in Policy 14 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

8.7 The position of the new school and sports hall has been defined by the presence of an underground culvert which runs through the centre of the site from east to west. In addition, there is a gas main running alongside the culvert. The Environment Agency has requested that 9.5 metre easement either side of the culvert be maintained to safeguard it from being damaged. The new school would be positioned on the southern half of the site to create a clearly defined arrival/entrance point to the front with soft and hard play areas situated to the side and rear of the building. The new sports hall and all weather pitch would be situated on the northern half of the site.

8.8 The applicant has stated that the school and sports hall have been positioned centrally to help minimise noise from the A6003 Uppingham Road and to maximise the distance between the buildings and neighbours. In addition, the applicant has stated that there will be a 3 metre wide landscape buffer along the southern, eastern and northern boundaries which combined with the use of the sedum roof will help to maintain the „green‟ nature of the site. These proposed measures will assist in minimising the amenity impacts of the new school on the nearby residential occupiers.

8.9 Overall, the location, appearance and design of the new school and sports hall are considered to be acceptable and in accordance with Policies 13 and 14 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy which seeks to raise the standard of design, protect the amenities of adjoining properties and encourage the use of sustainable construction and energy efficiency techniques

Highway, Traffic Safety and Amenity Impacts

8.10 Concerns have been raised by local residents regarding the traffic and highway implications of the development as it will increase the number of staff and visitors to the school. These traffic impacts therefore need to be considered having regard to the aims of Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy which seeks to protect the amenities of adjoining properties. It is noted the Highway Authority have no objection to the application on highway safety grounds subject to conditions. (See Appendix A, Conditions 5 and 7).

8.11 The new school will accommodate approximately 104 pupils the same that are currently taught across the three campuses. The applicant has also stated that due to the nature of the school nearly all the pupils will be brought to and from the school either by mini buses which are run by the school or taxi service. The school currently employs 52 fulltime staff, 9 part time staff and has 10 regular visitors spread across the current school sites. The internal road layout of the school site has been designed as a one way system with two drop off/pick-up points which will help to minimise the impact on Tower Hill Road. The total parking provision being proposed on-site will be 104 spaces including 10 mobility standard spaces, 10 priority spaces and 14 Minibus spaces. The proposed parking areas would be situated along the southern and western boundaries of the school site and would be accessed via the main vehicular access point off Tower Hill Road. In addition, the applicant has stated that there will be three covered cycle storage areas with a total capacity for 46 cycles.

8.12 The Transport Statement submitted with the application has identified that with staff and pupil movement combined there would be an additional 223 movements (i.e. 136 in and 87 out) at the start of the school day and a similar 223 movements (87 in and 136

out) at the end of the school day. Whilst it is accepted therefore that there will be an increase in traffic along Tower Hill Road, it should be noted that the majority of the residential properties are set back from the road and therefore the amenity impact will not be significantly adverse. The Highway Authority are mindful of resident‟s concerns over the use of Tower Hill Road to serve the new school but are satisfied that the existing highway network would be able to cope with the flows of traffic which would be generated to and from the new school.

8.13 As a result of the representations received from the local residents objecting to the proposed development, the Highway Authority has also considered the implications of constructing an alternative access to the school off the A6003 Road but would not support such a proposal at this time as they consider that this may introduce additional safety issues on the A6003 as a result of vehicles turning into and out of the site. However, the Highway Authority have stated that should any new development proceed on land situated to the west of the A6003 then it may be practical to introduce a new vehicle access at this time as part of the highway works to facilitate that development. There would also be considerable additional cost to providing an access from the A6003 and engineering difficulties due to the difference in levels between the higher A6003 Road and the school site. It is therefore considered that it would not be reasonable to require access from the A6003 Road in connection with this application.

8.14 A number of residents have expressed concerns over the potential impacts on their amenity from the construction of the new school such as noise and disturbance. In order to help mitigate these impacts, conditions could be imposed relating to hours of construction and the submission of a construction management plan. (See Appendix A, Conditions 17 and 18).

8.15 The concerns raised by the local residents regarding the traffic, highway safety and amenity issues arising from an increase in vehicle movements have been carefully considered having regard to the aims of Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy which seeks to ensure development does not have an adverse impact on the highway network and will not prejudice highway safety, and not result in an unacceptable impact on amenities of neighbouring properties. On balance, considering the nature of the new school, the ability to secure an updated School Travel Plan to encourage non-car based trips, the adequacy of Tower Hill Road to accommodate the proposed vehicular traffic, then the traffic and highway safety and amenity impacts are not considered to be major ones and are not justifiable reasons to refuse the planning application.

Other matters

8.16 Issues relating to archaeology, biodiversity, community use, potential land contamination and crime prevention have been carefully considered and can be dealt with by the imposition of appropriate planning conditions. (See Appendix A, Conditions 4, 6, 9 14 and 19).

9. Conclusion

9.1 It is considered that the proposed new school would not have a significant adverse impact upon residential amenity in terms of traffic, highway safety and amenity issues which would justify refusal of the planning application. The outstanding issues which have been raised by the Borough Council‟s Environmental Health Officer and the Highways Authority can be dealt with by the imposition of planning conditions. The location, size and design

of the new school are considered to be acceptable and the proposed development is considered to be acceptable having regard to Policies 13 (General Sustainable Development Principles) and 14 (Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Construction) of North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy (2008). It is therefore recommended that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.

Author: Name: Peter Moor Team: Development Control Contact details: Tel: 01604 237019 Fax: 01604 237411 Email: [email protected] Background Papers: Planning Application File 09/00045/CCD Is this report proposing a key decision is NO taken? If yes, is the decision in the Forward Plan? NO Will further decisions be required? If so, please outline the timetable here Is this report proposing an amendment to NO the budget and/or policy framework? Have the financial implications been cleared No. There are none relevant to the by the strategic finance manager (SFM)? determination of a planning application. Have any capital spend implications been Name of SFM: N/A cleared by the Capital Asset Investment Group (CAIG) NO Has the report been cleared by the relevant No but cleared by the Chief Planning Officer. Corporate Director or ACE? Has the relevant Cabinet Member been NO consulted? Has the relevant scrutiny committee been NO consulted? Have any legal implications been cleared by None applicable Legal Services? Have any communications issues been None applicable cleared by Communications and Marketing? Has the relevant County Councillor(s) been YES consulted? Name of Councillor(s): Councillor McGhee and Councillor Rutt. Has the relevant Borough/District YES Councillor(s) been consulted? Name of Councillor(s): Councillor Brown, Councillor Butcher, Councillor McEwan and Councillor McGeown. Have all the statutory consultees been YES consulted? Has an Equalities Impact Assessment been NO. There are no equal opportunity carried out in relation to this report? implications. Are there any community safety These are considered in the report and there implications? are no issues in respect of highways or crime prevention design. Are there any environmental implications: YES. These are identified and discussed in the report.

Are there any human rights implications: The process for determining planning applications accords with the Human Rights Legislation. Constituency Interest: Kingswood, Corby

Agenda Item 6a - Appendix A: Planning Conditions, Informatives and Schedule of Approved Plans

Time Limit

1. The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

REASON: To conform with the requirements of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 as amended by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

Scope of Permission

2. Except as otherwise required by conditions attached to this planning permission, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans listed in Schedule 1 attached to this permission.

REASON: For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning.


3. All facing materials shall be in accordance with the details submitted unless otherwise agreed in writing with the County Planning Authority.

REASON: To retain control of the external appearance of the development in the interest of visual amenity and in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy


4. Within 6 months of the date of this permission a scheme of landscaping incorporating native species shall be submitted to the County Planning Authority. Once approved, the scheme shall be implemented during the first available planting season following the completion of development. Any trees, shrubs or hedges planted in accordance with the approved scheme shall be maintained and any plants which within five years of planting either die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority.

REASON: To compensate for planting lost as a result of the development and in the interest of amenity with regard to Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.


5. Notwithstanding the submitted details, prior to the commencement of development the following access details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority

Hard surface materials to form the off-site accommodation improvement works to the footway, heavy duty vehicle access and carriageway resurfacing.

Details of the tactile paving crossing points to aid pedestrian movement within Tower Hill Road. Means of drainage to prevent the unregulated discharge of surface water onto the highway. Maximum gradient (1 in 15) for the first 15.0m from the rear of the highway boundary.

The subsequent submitted details shall illustrate a carriageway which is to the local highway authority‟s adoptable standard. All works and paving shall be completed in accordance with the approved details in accordance with a timetable to be agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority prior to the school being brought into operation. Development shall be constructed in strict accordance with the approved details and approved vision splays retained thereafter.

REASON: In order to ensure that offsite vehicle and pedestrian improvements are completed in the interests of highway safety and convenience to all users of the public highway in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

Contaminated Land

6. Before development commences, a Phase 1 desk study shall be carried out which identifies/evaluates all potential sources of contamination and the impacts on land and/or controlled waters relevant to the site. The desk study shall establish a “conceptual model” of the site and identify plausible pollution linkages. Furthermore, if works are required, the assessment shall set objectives for intrusive site investigation works and any remediation work must be completed prior to development commencing. Full copies of the desk study and non-technical summary shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. In the event that the Phase 1 desk study identifies potential contamination risks a Phase 2 site investigation shall be undertaken and full copies submitted and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority, prior to the commencement of development.

REASON: To protect future users of the site and the environment in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

Travel Plan

7. Before the school is first brought into use, an Interim School Travel Plan shall be submitted to and approved by the County Planning Authority. Within 6 months of the school being first brought into use a detailed School Travel Plan shall be submitted to the County Planning Authority for its approval. The scheme shall be based on appropriate survey work, assessment of the results of this work, consideration of options and shall result in the formulation of an Action Plan, all of which shall be undertaken in regular consultation with the County Council‟s Travel Plan Team. Upon approval, the School Travel Plan shall be fully implemented within 3 months.

REASON: To reduce the number of car borne journeys related to the development and to encourage the use of means of transport other than the private car in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.


8. No external lighting, shall be installed until a scheme of all lighting provision related to the development hereby permitted has been submitted to, and approved by the County Planning Authority. The scheme shall include details of the types and height of lights and/or light columns, their location, technical specification, means of preventing or minimising light spillage and the proposed hours of use. The lights shall be designed, installed, and thereafter maintained in accordance with Institute of Lighting Engineers „Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Light Pollution‟.

REASON: In the interests of residential amenity in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

Community Use

9. Before the school is first brought into use, a Community Use Scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The Scheme shall include details of pricing policy, hours of use, access by non-school users/non-members, management responsibilities and include a mechanism for review and timetable for implementation. The approved Scheme shall thereafter be implemented.

REASON: To secure well managed safe community access to the sports facility, to ensure sufficient benefit to the development of sport and to accord with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy (2008).

Flood Risk Assessment

10. Development shall not begin until a detailed surface water drainage scheme, including a programme of maintenance, for the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved details before the development is completed and maintained in perpetuity thereafter.

REASON: To prevent the increased risk of flooding and ensure future maintenance of the surface water drainage system in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy (2008).

On-site culvert

11. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 12 of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, (or any Order or Statutory Instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order), none of the following developments or alterations shall be carried out within the 19 metre wide Easement zone shown on Drawing No. SK05 Revision O without the prior written approval of the County Planning Authority:

i. Any small ancillary building, works or equipment.

ii. The erection, construction, maintenance, improvement or alteration of a gate, fence, wall or other means of enclosure.

REASON: To ensure that the County Planning Authority retains control over the future extension and alteration of the development, in the interests of safeguarding the existing

culvert in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy (2008).

Water Infrastructure Capacity

12. No development shall commence until details of a scheme, including phasing, for the provision of mains foul water drainage on and off site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the County Planning Authority. The use of the building shall not commence until the works have been carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.

REASON: To prevent flooding, pollution and detriment to public amenity through provision of suitable water infrastructure in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy (2008).

Pollution Prevention

13. Prior to being discharged into any watercourse, surface water sewer or soak away system, all surface water drainage from parking areas for less than fifty spaces and hard standings should be passed through trapped gullies with an overall capacity compatible with the site being drained.

REASON: To prevent pollution to the water environment in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy (2008).


14. No development shall place until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved by the County Planning Authority.

REASON: To safeguard any archaeological interest of the site in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

Protection of breeding birds

15. Operations that involve the destruction and removal of trees, hedgerows and shrubs should not be undertaken during the months of March to August inclusive, unless an ecologist report is submitted to demonstrate that breeding birds will not be affected and this has been approved in writing by the County Planning Authority.

REASON: To ensure that breeding birds are not adversely affected in accordance with policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

Protection of Trees/Existing Hedgerow

16. All trees, hedgerows and shrubs to be retained shall be protected from any development, including the storage of earth and materials, by means of appropriate fencing in accordance with the provisions of the British Standard 5837:2005 “Recommendations for Trees in Relation to Construction”, or as otherwise may be agreed in writing with the County Planning Authority.

REASON: In the interest of amenity with regard to Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

Construction Management

17. No construction works or deliveries into the site shall take place other than between the hours of 08.00 to 18.00 on Monday to Friday and 08.00 to 13.00 hours on Saturdays unless agreed in writing with the County Planning Authority. No construction works or deliveries shall take place on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays unless otherwise agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority.

REASON: To protect the amenities of nearby occupiers of property from noise and other disturbance in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

18. Prior to the commencement of development, a detailed management scheme to minimise disturbance during the construction process through noise, dust, vibration and smoke together with details of the on-site construction staff accommodation, storage of plant and materials, parking and manoeuvring of site operatives and visitor vehicles, together with the loading/unloading and manoeuvring of goods vehicles, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Country Planning Authority. The agreed works shall then be implemented before any other building or engineering operations are commenced.

REASON: To protect the amenities of nearby occupiers of property from noise and other disturbance in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.

Secured by Design

19. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the County Planning Authority, the development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the Secured by Design report submitted with the application.

REASON: In the interests of security and crime prevention in accordance with Policy 13 of the North Northamptonshire Core Spatial Strategy.


1. No works within the existing public highway and bridleway may commence without the express written permission of the Highway Authority. This planning permission does not give or infer such permission. The Highway Authority, will only give consent to commence works subject to the completion of an appropriate Agreement, within the Highways Act 1980. Full engineering, drainage, street lighting and constructional details will be required to process such an agreement. Any details submitted will be subject to a technical and safety audit that may result in changes to the details of the street and junction etc required to discharge the relevant condition above.

2. The attention is drawn to the implementation of the Traffic Management Act 2004, where a three month notice period to allocate road space (for works within the highway) is formally given prior to the commencement of works

3. Prior to the commencement of any site works, all sensitive properties surrounding the site should be notified in writing of the nature and duration of works to be undertaken, and the name and address of a responsible person, to whom enquiries/complaints should be directed.

4. If you alter your proposals in any way, including to comply with the Building Regulations, a further planning application may be required. If you wish to deviate in any way from the proposals shown on the approved drawings you should contact the Development Control Section, PO Box 163, County Hall, Guildhall Road, Northampton, NN1 1AX (Tel: 01604 236700).

5. The applicant is advised that the erection of new buildings or alterations to existing buildings should comply with the Building Regulations. This permission is NOT a consent under the Building Regulations for which a separate application should be made.

Schedule of Approved Plans

Planning Application Form

S01 Rev A Topographical Survey Plan SK01 Rev G Site Location Plan SK04 Rev O Proposed Main Building Floor Plan SK05 Rev O Proposed Site Plan SK06 Rev L Proposed Sports Hall Floor Plan SK07 Rev G Proposed Elevations – Main School Building SK14 Rev C Proposed Site Sections SK15 Rev D Proposed Elevations – Sports Hall & Vocational Education Building SK16 Rev D Proposed Elevations – Sports Hall & Vocational Education Building SK17 Rev H Proposed Elevations – Main School Building SK18 Rev C Proposed Sectional Elevations C - C SK19 Rev D Proposed Sectional Elevations D - D SK20 Rev C Proposed Sectional Elevation E - E SK23 Rev C Proposed Main Building Roof Plan SK25 Shadow Analysis Plan SK26 Perspective View Plans SK27 Rev B Proposed Main Building Natural Light Penetration Plan SK28 Rev A Proposed Sports Hall Natural Light Penetration Plan SK29 Rev B Proposed Sports Hall Roof Plan SK30 Rev B Proposed Sports Hall Elevations 81005/E/2202 Rev P3 Proposed External Services and External Lighting Layout D09-1057 Rev 1 Landscape Overview Drawing D09-1058 Wildlife & Horticulture Gardens

Arboricultural Report dated 6th April 2009 Design and Access Statement dated 11th June 2009 M&E Environmental Impact Statement, Revision 1 dated March 2009 Foul Sewerage and Flood Risk Assessment – Revision A dated August 2009 Ground Investigation Report dated April 2009 Environmental Noise Survey dated 2nd April 2009 Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey dated 17th April 2009 Planning Statement dated 16th June 2009 Secured by Design Report dated 9th June 2009 Sustainability Report dated March 2009 Transport Statement dated March 2009 Travel Plan dated March 2009 Utility Statement dated 20th May 2009 Waste Management Strategy dated 11th June 2009 Protected Species Statement dated 18th August 2009