Special Development Control Committee 26 September 2019
Special Development Control Committee 26 September 2019 Application for Planning Permission 17/00180/OUT Outline application for a sustainable urban extension comprising of 4,500 dwellings, 46,850sqm of Class B1/B2, two local centres/mixed use A1-A5, B1, C2, C3 and D1/D2, secondary schools, primary schools, public open space, drainage, access and associated infrastructure works. Demolition of existing buildings AT West Corby Urban Extension, Uppingham Road, Corby 1. Site Surroundings: 1.1. The site is located to the West of the existing town of Corby, separated from it by the A6003 (Uppingham Road), in Northamptonshire. It sits to the south of the villages of East Carlton, Middleton and Cottingham and to the Northeast of the village of Pipewell. 1.2. The site is used for agricultural purposes, with a small number of structures focussed around the northern section. It is therefore largely greenfield with a small number of farm buildings constituting brownfield development. Sitting outside the existing settlement boundary for Corby, it is open countryside. The quality of the agricultural land is low-medium, as discussed in greater detail within Section 7 of this report. 1.3. The site is served by the A6003 (which runs North-South to the East) and by the A427 (which runs West-East to the North). These routes enable easy access onto the strategic highway network via the A43/A14 and A6 respectively. The existing town of Corby, it’s town centre, health care facilities, general public amenities and train station sit to the East. 1.4. The topography of the land is characterised by undulating levels – there are three ridge lines and two gullies within the site – each of which run in a broad east-west location.
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