Agenda Item No: 6a DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE 26 JANUARY 2010 REPORT BY CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER Erection of the new Maplefields school and associated sports hall with parking, play areas, soft landscaping and all weather Subject: pitch on part of the former Beanfield Secondary School site, Corby. New School to be accessed off Tower Hill Road, Corby (09/00045/CCD). Applicant: NCC Children and Young People’s Service That planning permission be granted subject to the conditions Recommendations: specified in Appendix A. 1. Purpose of Report 1.1 The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with professional planning advice on any issues, Development Plan Policies and other material considerations relevant to the determination of a planning application. 2. Relevant Corporate Outcome and Corporate Priority A cleaner, greener and more prosperous county 3. Background 3.1 The former Beanfield Secondary School site is situated within a predominantly residential area on the south-western edge of Corby. The application site covers part of the former Beanfield Secondary School site and is located on the former southern playing field area which is bounded to the east by the existing Beanfield Primary School, the A6003 Uppingham Road to the west and residential properties to the south. The proposed access to the site will be off Tower Hill Road in the southwest corner. The existing access off Glastonbury Road which used to serve the Beanfield Secondary School will be retained for future development of the northern part of the former secondary school site which does not form part of this application. 4. Proposal 4.1 The proposed new Maplefields School would provide places for 40 primary and 64 secondary pupils with behaviour, emotional and social difficulties (BESD). Demand for special school provision for pupils with BESD outstrips available resources; in addition, neighbouring authorities request places when available. The scheme for a new build school is in the context of two of the Council‟s major projects: . Quality support for children in need. Raising pupil attainment and school performance. 4.2 The new school would provide purpose-built accommodation for a BESD environment and will include facilities for Independent Learning Programmes for statemented excluded pupils, vocational workshops for BESD pupils (and other local schools) to access the new Diplomas, a Therapy Unit for multi-agency work, and excellent sports facilities that include a 4-court badminton hall and all-weather pitch that will both be suitable for community use. 4.3 Northamptonshire County Council‟s Cabinet agreed in August 2006 that Maplefields (primary) and The Orchard (secondary) special schools located in Corby and Kettering should combine to form an all-through BESD school. 4.4 The existing schools are currently operating under considerable pressures: . management issues of a split site school, 7 miles apart. unsuitable accommodation particular on the secondary campus causing major criticisms from OfSTED and health & safety issues. a condition backlog across the two sites. performance issues from previous special measures and morale of staff regarding unsuitability of teaching and learning environment. 4.5 A number of options have been explored to meet the accommodation needs of Maplefields. The first proposal was to refurbish the previous Corby Community College buildings, but this was discounted as unsuitable following a detailed feasibility study. The option of building a new facility on the same site was also not pursued, as the site is part of a strategic plan involving Corby Borough Council and Tresham College. This was the result of a review of NCC‟s land interests in Corby that was commissioned from Lambert Smith Hampton (LSH) to provide an overview of service needs and opportunities for disposal of surplus sites. 4.6 Following the discounting of these options, a further brief was developed with the following scope: . A new build solution is required to meet the accommodation needs of the pupils in terms of curriculum delivery, the statutory requirement to extend the age-range post-16 and the need to provide vocational opportunities for these pupils. The school needs to serve the north of the county. The new facilities should provide opportunities for multi-agency working to support the Every Child Matters agenda and NCC policies. 4.7 The former Beanfield site was identified because it is in the Council‟s ownership and was previously a school. The applicant undertook Pre-planning consultation: 60 local residents attended a meeting on 1 April 2009 and had the opportunity to review the plans and meet the design team. 5. Consultation 5.1 The following is a summary of the consultation responses which were received. Copies of the full responses are available to the committee members from the Committee Administrator. Corby Borough Council 5.2 No objection to the proposed development but requested assurances that the proposed all-weather pitch and sports hall would be available for community use and there would not be a through route to either Glastonbury Road or Farmstead Road. 5.3 In addition, Corby Borough Council‟s Environmental Health Officer requested that conditions be imposed requiring the applicant to undertake a Phase 1 Contaminated Land Desk Study and a Phase 2 site investigation if required and the Principal Engineer suggested that a drainage study will be necessary as this area of land has not been developed before. Middleton Parish Council 5.4 No objection or comments have been received from the Parish Council. (The application site is within Corby but is adjacent to the parish boundary). Environment Agency 5.5 Initially objected to the proposed development on the grounds that the Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) submitted in support of the application did not comply with the requirements set out in Annex E, paragraph E3 of Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS 25). 5.6 Following the submission of further information from the applicant‟s consultants, they withdrew their objection subject to the imposition of the planning conditions relating to flood risk, water infrastructure capacity, protection of the on-site culvert and pollution prevention. Highway Authority 5.7 No objection in principle subject to conditions being imposed requiring the applicant to undertake off-site highway improvement works and the submission of a „School Travel Plan‟. Sport England 5.8 Sport England initially lodged a holding objection but following the submission of further information it has no objections to the development subject to a condition securing the community use of the school sports facilities. 5.9 Natural England 5.10 Initially raised an objection to the proposed development as inadequate information had been provided with the application to demonstrate whether or not the development would have an adverse effect on species especially protected by law. Further details regarding landscaping and protected species were provided by the applicant and Natural England withdrew their objection subject to the mitigation and site enhancement detailed in section 6 of the „Protected Species Statement‟ being carried out in full, and prior to any development commencing, and being secured through an appropriately worded condition. 5.11 Natural England also requested that the applicants should be informed that planning permission, if granted, does not absolve them from complying with the relevant law, including obtaining and complying with the terms and conditions of any licenses required relating to protected species. Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust 5.12 Commented that the ecological information provided in support of the application was insufficient and incomplete. Recommended that further surveys be undertaken by the applicant before the application is determined. Following the submission of further details regarding landscaping and protected species by the applicant, the Wildlife Trust were satisfied with the proposals subject to the mitigation measures in respect of biodiversity protection and enhancements being fully implemented. Crime Prevention Design Adviser 5.13 Has no formal objection to the planning application in its present form other than to suggest that in order to reduce the likelihood of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour occurring a condition should be imposed. This would require that any deviance from the 'Secured by Design - Schools' recommendations or those already specified in the report be approved and discharged by the County Planning Authority in consultation with the Police. County Archaeological Advisor 5.14 No objection to the proposed development subject to a condition being imposed to secure a programme of archaeological work. 6. Public Advertisement and Neighbour Notification 6.1 The application was advertised by a press notice and direct notification to 583 properties surrounding the site. 6.2 Four objections were received from occupiers of properties in the vicinity of the application site. A summary of their comments follows. Full copies are available to the committee members from the Committee Administrator. No.3 Knights Close 6.3 Firstly we think the access to and from the proposed site will cause considerable difficulties to all concerned who reside in this particular area. 6.4 The road leading to and from the proposed site is an ordinary two lane road and has several roads already leading onto it. The traffic at the moment is a nuisance to all who reside here due to the fact that we have Kingswood School at the end of Tower Hill Road and the parents parking during school opening and closing times causes our access into and out of Tower Hill Road to become gridlocked, the amount of cars parked also takes in sections of Gainsborough Road. 6.5 The road is also a bus route and we feel highway safety and traffic must be a priority to be taken into consideration due to the volume of traffic already using this tiny road. 6.6 The noise level of extra members of the public and vehicles coming and going to access the site would be another inconvenience to all residents.
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