As Clinton Militarizes Border with Mexico
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WfJliKEIiS ".fifJ'RIJ SOt No. 683 ~)(~23 30 January 1998 As Clinton Militarizes Border with Mexico Der Spiegel Palmer/U.S. News & World Report Immigrants face terror, exploitation from U.S. capitalist rulers: troops erect steel wall at Mexican border near Sail Diego, children toil for starvation wages in Manhattan garment sweatshop. Government Starves As the capitalist rulers rub their the past two decades. And the elimi hands in glee over the sharp decline nation of relatively inexpensive pro in welfare rolls across the country, grams like AFDC is only the prelude millions more people grow gaunt Immigrants to a full-scale assault on Social Se from hunger. Since Democratic pres curity and Medicare. ident Clinton signed the bipartisan measure ending "welfare as we know Racist Repression it" in August 1996, already overbur Labor Must Champion Immigrant Rights! on the Border dened soup kitchens and food pan Along with driving immigrant tries have been besieged by people families to starvation, the Clinton desperately trying to feed themselves government has drastically beefed up and their children~ In denouncing this grow barer, immigrants who earn on "In racist America, where the words its arsenal of repression along the bor vindictive law, we wrote: "The vast in average about $10,000 a year find them 'welfare queen',have long served as code ders. Under codenames like "Operation crease in human misery resulting from selves giving up fresh meat, spending words for the black ghetto poor, the rul Gatekeeper" in California and "Operation ing class thinks it can get away with the new anti-welfare act is still uncharted, rent money on groceries, lining up at shredding welfare by playing the race Rio Grqnde" in Texas, border guards have but there is no doubt that many thousands food pantries and hunting for work in a card. Leaving aside the fact that the been equipped with advanced weaponry will starve and die-from hunger, from city where the unemployment rate stands majority of those on welfare are white, and increasingly reinforced with mili untreated contagious diseases, from ex at 9.1 percent, nearly double the national the 'welfare reform' bill is aimed at driv tary units. Numerous border cities have ing down the wages and further immiser posure, from homelessness-as a direct average." The situation has grown so dire ating the entire working class. This fact been closed off with mammoth steel result" (WV No. 650, 30 August 1996). that even Republican NYC mayor Ru is being brought home with a vengeance walls, including one in Nogales, Arizona While Democratic and Republican pol dolph Giuliani has launched a lawsuit to in the implementation of 'workfare' pro which the racist yuppie Clinton adminis iticians alike cynically have prated about force the federal government to restore grams aimed at busting the unions by tration grotesquely touts as being de moving people "from welfare to work," food stamps for immigrant families, forcing welfare recipients to work these signed to appear "friendly" to Mexico by jobs at starvation wages." . the deadly effects of this assault on the "extreme allowing "light and a feeling of open arguing that the cuts imposed What is happening in the U.S. is far poor are so evident this wi'nter that even hardship, hunger and malnutrition." But ness"! Deportations are at a record high from unique. With the heating up of inter the capitalist press has had to concede -over 110,000 last year-a 62 percent this racist pig has hardly become a imperialist rivalries in the wake of the that millions are being pushed to the champion of the poor: Giuliani just ap increase from the year before. destruction of the Soviet Union, the bour brink of starvation. The attack on welfare According to conservative estimates pointed as the city's new "welfare czar" geoisies have escalated their attacks on was promoted by a racist campaign vili the author of the Wisconsin plan which by the University of Houston's Center wages, working conditions and social pro fying "illegal" immigrants and especially served as the model for the federal anti for Immigration, nearly 1,200 people grams across the board in order to in the black ghetto poor, particularly women welfare law. died trying to cross from Mexico be crease their competitive edge against rival and children for whom Aid to Families tween 1993 and 1996, the vast majority Virtually every major city has expe capitalists. Particularly in West Europe, with Dependent Children (AFDC) pro of them drowning victims, while others rienced increased demand for emergen immigrants and ethnic minorities have vided a slim lifeline. In fact, nearly one were shot down by U.S. troops or cops. cy food aid, with two out of five appli been the principal targets of this drive, million "legal" immigrants were cut off A 1997 law gave Immigration and Natu cants currently employed. The savagery which is aimed against the whole of the from food stamps and other benefits. ralization Service (INS) agents sweeping of this onslaught, even as the capitalists proletariat. This is. evident in the U.S., as "Denied Food Stamps, Many Immigrants are wallowing in record profits, is bound real wages have fallen by one-fifth over continued on page 10 Scrape for Meals," headlined an article less: "illegal" immigrants suffering from in the New York Times (8 December AIDS-who had been granted temporary 1997), while a similar piece in the Los residency in cities like New York-are Angeles Times (27 December 1997) was now having their Medicaid benefits (and titled, "New Face in Line at Soup Kitch life-prolonging drugs) taken away, g~\' en: Working Poor." ing them the "choice" of dying a cruel In New York City alone, over 70,000 death here or back in their impoverished people are being turned away from food homelands. pantries each month as supplies run out. In pushing the war on welfare, "the The New York Times article noted: "As capitalist rulers seek to pit the white the months pass and kitchen cupboards working class against both blacks and immigrants by portraying them as a drain on the tax dollars of 'hard-working white folks' ," we wrote in the introduction to our January 1997 Black History and the Cl£lSS Struggle pamphlet ("Capitalist Rul ers Wage War on Blacks, Immigrants"). 7 25274 11 81030 ,J We continued: Editorial Notes carried out one genocidal massacre after another against the Palestinian people, to Arafat Museum Visit Canceled denounce Arafat as a Hitler. In fact, the Palestinian nationalist leader is a toady of by Vile Zionist Outcry the Israeli Zionist state and U.S. imperial ism. The Holocaust Museum visit was in When the State Department organized Semitic types have been welcomed at tended to help revive the U.S.-sponsored a tour of the Holocaust Memorial Mu the Holocaust Museum. One of the for "peace process"-which has effectively seum in Washington, D.C. for visiting eign dignitaries who was feted at the been scuttled by the Netanyahu regime Palestinian Authority president Yasir museum's dedication in April 1993 was through which Arafat became an Israeli Arafat. it provoked a ·vile chauvinist fren none other than fascistic Croatian strong lieutenant in the national subjugation of zy byAmerican Zionists and Israeli prime man Franjo Tudjman, an open apologist the Palestinian masses. As proletarian minister Benjamin Netanyahu's ruling for the Nazi-allied Ustasha which slaugh internationalists, we fight for a socialist Gamma/Studio X right-wing Likud party. The Zionists pro tered hundreds of thousands of Jews and federation of the Near East, in which all An earlier visitor to Holocaust Mu nounced the Palestinian leader verboten Serbs during World War II. Two years the toilers of the region will achieve social seum: Croatia's Franjo Tudjman, apol at the federally funded museum, scream before that, the museum site was visited and nationalemancip·ation .• ogist for Ustashi fascists. ing that he was "Hitler incarnate." Only by Lech Walesa, then president of Poland, after this reactionary outcry had suc whose fascist-infested Solidarnosc up ceeded in canceling Arafat's visit did the holds the anti-Semitic Pilsudskiite dicta Zionists back off and say he was welcome torship of the 1920s and' 30s. To this day, The Mendacity of Anarchy after all. Walesa's chief "spiritual advisor" is a The furor over Arafat's proposed visit notoriously anti-Semitic priest named A reader recently brought to our atten cited, among other things, eyewitness was not only thoroughly racist but im Henryk Jankowski. tion an article by one "Max Anger" in the documentation in Yiddish and Russian mensely hypocritical. In pursuit of Zion It takes phenomenal chutzpah for the Spring-Summer 1997 issue of Anarchy: held by the YIVO Institute for Jewish ist Realpolitik, some truly sinister anti- Zionists, whose Israeli stormtroopers have A Journal of Desire Armed (!) headlined Research in New York City-attesting to "The Spartacist School of Falsification." anti-Semitic pogroms by Makhno's bands. The article purports to expose our sup Evidently unable to challenge our facts, posed lies about anarchist idol Nestor Anger peddled his lying wares in more Honor Lenin, Liebknecht, MakhnlOl, a Ukrainian peasant leader at sympathetic quarters. Luxemburg! the time of the 1917 Russian Revolution Anarchist diatribes against Bolshe In upholding the revolutionary traditions and the ensuing Civil War. What this vism/Trotskyism are nothing new. As we of the early Communist movement, this typically mendacious (i.e., deceitful, pre noted in our series, the anarchists also month the International Communist League varicating, false) anarchist anti-Marxist raised a hue and cry about Makhno-and commemorates the "Three Ls"-Lenin, Lieb drivel "omits" to mention is that, months the Bolsheviks' suppression of the coun knecht and Luxemburg.