News Letter of 2015

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News Letter of 2015 r{tatt r- HHW$JULY 2015 .' rge s. ."',if;'J INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC AUDITORS OF INDIA IN THIS ISSUE Address by GAG at AGM Page 4 Election of the Gentral Gouncil Page 5 -Prepamtion of State Specific Accounts, Audit and Budget Manuals for PRls Page 7 Honouring ol Two lfistinguished Retired IAAS 0fficers . Page 7 Talk by Former G & AG, Shri Vinod Rai Page I Seminar Page I llew Initiatives Page I llews from Regions Page 10 tr THE CENTRALOFF'ICE The Headquarters office of the Institute locatbd in New Delhi provides back office support to the Central Council and guides its Regional Chapters in their major functioning. The Secretariat helps the President, Central Council and Executive Committee to implement the policies of the Institute and liaisoning with the Patron and the stakeholders. During the year, the offrce ofthe President ofthe Institute was held by Shd J.N. Gupta. ANNUALGENERALMEETING The 17'oAnnual General Meeting of the IPAI members was held on 11* November 2014 at New Delhi. The Patron of IPAI, Shd Shashi Kant Sharma, the C&AG of India graced the occasionby his presence and addressed the inaugural session. jrlillr;nJ=:$l!:j*i+i!;lj;:iil;,i!!r:ii+-ji;::::j1j::t:tji;!,:li*l;;;;:,-i:;li;<:|ir:::::i.:..-"jl-it:.::lilj;!{ il i:. I ':-.ia].]i.ij:flI'.Tl:i.F.:;:,:.|i1:.-'-1]]:.j"rj-3.]i:11::p:-*|i.::i:i*:H::l.-;i1i:l11].:::]i:ij:J+,J]:t:.l]ilfi-t CAG of India, Shashi Kant Sharma being welcomed with a bouquet at the AGM . President'sAddress President, while welcoming the Patron, the C&AG of India, Dy. C&AGs, Senior Officers of IA&AD and members of the Institute, apprised the AGM members of the major activities of IPAI during 2013-14 and presented the annual accounts for the year. During 2013-14, total value of earnings from consultancies and other services was Rs.5.43 crores as compared to Rs.4.5 1 crores durin92012-13. The Institute has creditably conducted consultancy assignments which included: (i) Financial Review ofNRHM in 8 States across the Country, (ii) internal audit of 19 units of Indian Council ofAgricultural Research(ICAR) (iii) Pilot study on migration of Govt. accounts onAccrual basis of accounting in Transport and Public Works Departments of Punjab Government, (iii) Assessment ofAudit risks in Internal Control Systems in PrasarBharati, and (iv) internal audit of Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi. Odisha chapter after completing the audit of 3355 Gram Panchayats in the State, has been able to get the audit ofabout 4000 gram panchayats for 2013-14. Our Regional Chapters had also been quite active during the year in undertaking consultancy assignments, especially in the field of internal auditing, preparation ofAccounts Manuals, compilation ofaccounts, etc. The President stressed that training was a core-area of activity for the Institute and in line with this policy; it had stepped up efforts at reinforcing in this area. Aproposal had been submitted to the Director General (Training) of the office of C&AG of India for development of structured Training Modules on Audit of Autonomus Bodies, Fiscal ManagementandBudgetary Control, Public Debt, Development ofquestionbankforpreparatorytraining forthe SAS Examinees, etc. The matter was under examination in C&AG offrce. The Regional Chapters were also encouraged to hold seminars/discussions and for this they are being provided required financial assistance. The J&K and Kerala chapters organized well attended seminars in October 2073 on'Good Govemance -Public Finances and public accountabilit5r' and "financial Management in Panchayati Raj Institutions" respectively. At Hqrs. series of Lecture-cum-discussions were organized on topical issues on Public audit and accountability such as "Relations between SAI, India and Govenrment of India" and"Significance of the Judgment of the Supreme Court on the Audit ofPrivate Telecom Service Providers bv the C&AG of India " .These discussions senerated several useful suggestions. IPAI commissioned study to review an important aspect of budget presentation by the Central Government. For this pu{pose, an eminent research scholar was requested to review progress in meeting the promises made in budget speeches of the Finance Minister in the budgets for the years 2004-05, 2005-06 and2006-07, where implementation was presented with succeeding year's budget. Based on research work, a monogram was developed for quick dissemination of results of the study to the stake holders. As a sequence to this, LBSNAA, Mussorie has approached IPAI for development ofAudit model for IAS Probationers. Capacity building/oversight for PRI institutions is one of the stated objectives of the IPAI. This had been actively pursued by the present council as a strategic step for reviving the Chapters. The Institute is now having consultation with the chapter presidents and state AG offices to explore the possibility of engaging the Institute in training of PRI functionaries and audit of the PRI units (in line with the Odisha experience) in view of the piling anears in audit of PRls. A major signpost of the academic activity of the Institute is the publication of the professional journal namely, "The IndianJournalofPublicAudit&Accountability".The lTsissueoftheJournalwaspublishedinJuly20l4. To give an update of the activities of the Institute and matters of general information for the benefit of its members, Institute had also published the latest Newsletter in July 2014.The newsletter can be accessed at the website of the Institute. Address of the Patron, the CAG of India In his address, Patron stated that he was happy to be present on the 17"AGM of IPAI and noted that IPAI has during these years, made steady progress in consolidating its base and moved towards achieving the objectives laid for itself and achieving the viable financial position. He mentioned that consultancy assignments carried out by Institute generally aimed at enhancing the scope ofpublic accountability and better financial management. In this context, assignments such as the Financial Review ofNational Rural Health Mission in 19 States and study onAssessment of audit Risks in Internal Control Systems in PrasarBharati are worth mentioning and such assignments have contributed to bettei organizational efficiency and promote systems management in the respective organizations. He also noted that Institute was continuing to get audit of number of Panchayats in Odisha State and he advised that other chapters should also move in this direction. The Institute has a vast inventory of professional talent and it was 1j+iirii;l::iy!jj+s*it:;ii:+ii**rt1a+.++i#iieraili *+irr:+ : .. performing a great service by deploying these expertise in diverse areas. He averred that Institute has organized number of seminarsAVorkshops on subjects of topical interest particularly "Good Governance - Public Finances and Public Accountabilily" organized by J&K Chapter in Srinagar. He was sure that more such programmes will be organized by other chapters in future. As regards audit ofprivate entities utilizing Government revenues, he urged that IPAI should move in this direction and noted that Institute has been already moving in this direction and held discussions on Mandate of C&AG of India in view ofthe recent Supreme Courtjudgment. A section of Veterans at the AGM The most visible and representative symbols.for an Institute's technical expertise were its Joumals and publications. He urged not only the members ofthe Institute but all others who had an interest in public accountability and auditing to contribute articles to the journal. Finally, he wished all success to the Institute in its endeavor in the coming years. Voteofthanks Shri Balvinder Singh, Treasurer thanked the C&AG, Dy. C&AGs, Senior Officers of IA&AD and Members of IPAI for sparing their valuable time for attending the Annual General Meeting. He expressed on his own behalf and on behalf of the Institute, sincere gratftude to the C&AG of India for his valuable suggestions and advices. He assured that the Central Council of the Institute would do their best to fulfrll the commitments, especially in the areas of research and development and training. He also expressed his sincere thanks to officers of the Department for their presence and for their continued support to the Institute and sought their cooperation and support in the years to come. He further thanked all the members who attended the meeting and their active support to the Institute. AGENDAITEMS The following agenda items were taken up for discussion by the President andAGM approved the proposals contained there-in after due consideration and deliberations: I . Confirmation of the minutes of the last AGM 2. Annual Report ofthe IPAIfor the year 20 I 3- I 4 3. 'Approvai ofAuditedAnnual Accounts ofIPAIfor the Financial Year 201 3- I 4 4. Appointment ofAuditorsfor theyear 2014-1 5 5. Budget Estimates ofIPAI(Hqrs.)for theyear 2014-l5 ELECTION OF THE CENTRAL COUNCIL The election to the Central Council of the Institu(e was held in March 2015. Shri C. Gopinathan, Director General of Audit, Central Receipt, New Delhi acted as Returning Officer. The following members were declared elected to the Central Council forthe term 20 1 5- 1 8:- l. ShriAnupamKulshreshtha 2. ShriAjitPatnaik 3. ShriBalvinderSingh 4. ShriR.N.Ghosh 5. ShriJamesK.Joseph 6. Ms.NandiniY.Kapdi 7. ShriN.M.Yadav The newly constituted Central Council in its meeting held on 1"'April2015 electdd the following members as office bearers from amongst the elected representatives : - ShriAnupamKulshreshtha President ShriAjitPatnaik Vice-President ShdR. N. Ghosh Treasurer The Presidents ofthe following regional chapters were nominated to the Central Council on rotational basis:- ShdA.KrishnaRao President, Andhra Pradesh Chapter ShriK.R. Baliga President, Tamil Nadu Chapter ShriMukeshP. Singh PrincipalAccountant General, Uttar Pradesh & President, U.P. Chapter Ms. MadhumitaBasu PrincipalAccountant General, West Bengal and President West Bengal Chapter Shd S.C.
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