'alth Thal Wins." Hawks Win - --. No Change nesday, 7:45 p.m,-8Pfil'111 Over CbaJDplon DliDoIi. • IOWA: Somewhat wanner In ex­ servlee. ~ermon : "ShIlll • 41 \0 3! h'cme west. not mlleh cbanl'e in nn Him?" TH'E DAILY IOWAN and See Slol')' on .Pa,e 4 central east portions today. lulled Gospel Chlll'tli Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 918 E. Fairchild , J. L, Ma emore, p..... lTVECENTS rB. AlIOCIATaD ..... IOWA CITY, 10WA TUESDAY, MARCH 3,1942 TB& ASSOClATKO ral•• VOLUME XLll NUMBER 138 -Sunday school. Morning worship. Sennoo mgelist Wes Auger. . 'ou ng people's meetine. -Evening service with IIIf$. e I Evangelist Wes Auger. lay through FridHY, 7:iS tvangelisti(' services II' ...... ugel' speaking. - I ava * * * u.s: Ar~~d F;o~~~s R~~hing T~wqrtf *O 'ff~*~~ive; General Wavell Relieved of For East Command AS HAWKS DEFEATED , 46·32 Work With All Possible Speed Donal.d Nelson Asks One-Eyed Strate~ist Relays of U.S. Flying Fortresses . . ~. American Industry Sent Back to Duties ' To (arry War to AXIS Enemies For Production Boost As War Chief of India All ied Bombers Blast at Huge WASHINGTON (AP )-T.he navy'lS lop admirul and tbe army's War Production Czar Dutch Take Over Job ranking genel'lll discJosed ye tCl'day that Ihe American arturo Calls on All Workers Of Protecting Indies 70 10 80 Ship Invasion Fleet forces al' working with all po sible peed to carry the Will' to the axis eJlemies in a grand offen8in' ill Asia, Africa and Europe. For ' AII·Out' Drive From Nippon Invader Preliminary to Ule Ktart of lhis offensive, il was soid, the 11a\'y LONDON, Tuesday (AP)-Dispatches from Batavia is engaged in keeping open supply line to the mojor theaters of WASHINGTON (AP) - War WASHINGTON (AP)-Wlth the operation ancl lit the some time 1111ra, , ·ing and wCilkcuillg the Production Director Donald M. Japane e lind the allies locked In a said today that a huge new Japanese invasion or· enemy whet'over 11 may be found . loI'elson last night issued Ii call to flcrce baiUe tor Java, Inst £rong­ modo was bearing down upon Java and was being Ihe galu goings -on TOWN. The army, in eoop'\>l'ution with tlie llUVY, lin'! been tJ'u nsporting American induslry and workmen hold of the Nethcl'lands IndJes, the met by continuous relays of U.S. flying fortresses and ElK'S I\av! tliousonils of troops and yust qnontitie!; 01' Wl'upon ultd supplies to t9 boost produeUof\ 25 ~r cent on united n;JUons lost night relieved W8l' zones for the battlcs of tomOl·row. Even while its initiullroop other allied bombers. new and villi eXisting machinCll in 1942 In an the British Ilenerol, Sir A.rehibald rnshions lo r in ~olIlbat f'i ght in tbe c th cr1u n d~ lnuics aud the Philippines. all.o~t drh'c to win "the greatest The reports said that the original Japanese inva­ the "Se nior The overall pietme 01' U. S. Wnvell, ns commnnder In chief in competition ot all time." Hop". SprllII l grand sh'ategy come hom Ad­ lhc indies, nnd turned the task sion fleet consisted of 140 ships of which 50 were styles lor eve· miraJ Erne, l J . lCing', COlll 1l1I1l1I1- U.S. Tanker, ~nemy Appeal8 to Worke.r!I oved to lhe Dulch. able to land troops Saturday. ning !rom er.in·c.hier of t he fleet, and H 11 - Thr production CZal' appealed to Wavell, Camol1B olle-eyed tut­ Cali! 0 r n I ~ I el'l t who ha been praIsed by the eral George C, Mal'shall, army every worker to put Into the pro­ Thus the others which now are returning are be­ slal'ched chlf· Sub Exchange Shots duction job "that extra bit of I German h"h command III ·'BrU. ton with lILt chIef of staff. drive; that extra head o! sleam; IIIlt's only good general," was senl lieved to consist of from 70 to 80 ships, despite the trims, billowy To some extent, at leasl, thei.r tl1at extra mell8urc of detel'mlna­ back to his prevlou duties a9 casualties already inflicted on the enemy vessels. organza, pm· separate statements seemed de­ Off California Coast t'on" to meet and exceed the comlrtllndcr-In-chlef of india. ty cotton sillned to answel' demands in can- p esldent's cn(II'mously expanded Thu he was put on another "hot BANUOJ!;1 r " .Ja\a (A P) _ Ulllell, ,\lIler'icon and Bl'iti, h p l' in ts, and SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-T h e g\lals ol plapcs, /tunS, tanks and ~pot" since the gcneral expccta- tl'()OPS, in II g'1'(,llt <:olllt'od('<;IJip 01' IIrm~ , struck out togethfr against soel :temlnine 8re5Ii and elsewhere that American 11 a v y announced yesterday an ships, lton.is thot the Jupanese llUly drlve . 1 d chiffons. 0 [ to~~es be concentrated in delense Americlln tanker and an enemy • The speech was prepared tor de­ toward India if their campailn to til(' ,IIlPUIlI'!oo(' iIlYlldt'I' lal Ilij:!'ht in strOll !!" WI( I.'~PI·('1l cQllUler- you can afford TOWN· of,home shores and waters, where submarine (:xchanged shots oU livery over the blue 11etwork, and get complete control 01 neighbor- Iltlucks which II I{lIul'(lI·1l orril'illl SUllllHOl'y dcellll'rll hlld "devel- numerous submarine attacks have the Golden Gate SalUl'day nlghl. Is to be followed by three more at ing Burma Is ~ucccssiul. oll!'!1 IIti~fu(,to l'jJy .'· critical thoUl{lt the, it 1I11tiOll /' IUlIincd, -SENIOR ltOP- The tanker, William H. Berg, A joint statement by the United Th 1"C Wlls no cvid '/lee horlly befort' midnight of OilY new Jap- occurred and air attacks are deem­ wee k I y Iniel'Vals, asslCning to was attacked by gunfire without every cltl~eD his role In the war Slates al'my and navy, which rc- 11Ill" lundi11g', or oJ' lilt' npJll'onch oJ' new ill\'lI!;ion troin ; the en­ and we imagine Ste\~ ed likely. warning but was not hit. drort. vealed !ho sh!1t, pointed out that emy, tliongh holding' vital arras of I his islond, had not ill 4 hours I , Phi Psi, enjoyed seein: Crows manning the tanker's 'No Sly Scheme' Ire on the mantle E'rida1 • • • ns commander-ln-chlef of India, been aUt- to udd unutller 10 his 1111'1'(' initial bruchheads. General Marshall, In fa c I. deck guns returned lire immed­ The production drive Is "no sly WaveH will haVe responsibilities III Butll\'ia, IIl l' islullu Cllpital, vitul inslolllltions were de ll'Oycd . . and espeCially enjoyed iately bllt the submarine was vir­ scheme to speed up mcn and ma­ ing it to Mary Jo Marlln, wamed aca[nal thu8 Immoblllz­ ror operations in Burma lind for -hilt only ogaiJ1 t dl~tant possibilili '. tually in\'illible in the darkness. cbl nes fol' pruflls' sako·, Nd~oll ;'an\ma. bit 8trlklJJc )lower. "T h e lime coopCt'atil)tl wllh China. An ul'l'i('iul bulll'liIlILt1O::10 P .l\ 1. (11 A.~1. eW1') Ihub ulIIllIed The engagement took place last a4cI·ted, but atl eal'nest crtOI'l of ~Ilt Kuhl (It) 91 '0 , n n d falhlstn (19) uf mlllOl , There \\'01 ulllmmediate wave of .. l.h • lYDAY'S THE NIOHT­ hail now come," he declared In a Saturday night, 33 miles southeast ! eo men aud women on the [)I'O­ pili up •• ,relIt rebound battle I" Iowa's t8-3:t defeat of 11[11101 her xcllcd pl..'Culntion II' to the mClm~ lip lll(' hltuutJon aL I IC our 0.[ or the Farallone islands. IlI sl nl'ht \\ hlcll pul thc Uawks In undlspuled. ecoml pl ace In the BIg ay be a mild day. , , but letter 10 Senator Austin (R-Vt). duction lihcl to best "the alaves of ing of lhe shift. Militaq observers snprrmc rl'i~j8: Germany and the slaves of Japan." 'ten. !:lcnry Ilchs, (4), III[nois guard; Tom h pmau (l6), Jowa for­ !t Mat'ch weather fool you '>When we mUlt proceed with the two pOSblble explana· well-informed circles He announced 1\ system oC com- ward, IIond Capl. ISUI lJoeklnc (16 ), 1II1nois forward, watcb th action. ~i~~~~Ced Australl·a Calls "J~l'om lion , bUlIness of calT)'il1' the war to Phoenix Fund I¥lIlions between p I ani sand - - - 1. The bulk of the nnlled nation it is heul'd thnt action again t omc tile enein)' .nd Dot permit Ihe flKhllJlI' forces In the Ind now the Japanese invasion ll'oops has Begins to Grow workers, With rec:ognltlon going to 10 • Pt'C­ maier porUon of 0 u r armed S · St 1 f W Dur- arc Dutch and It was lo,-lcal that a AIII'n Servl·ce developed satisfactorily. Althouah Nelberlands mlln sbould be ,Iven In connection with thc character Ol'­ tOl'1:es and our valuable material ~~e:n!:':~~~:'~e~n~~~~~~~ g:~ weeping ream Inlng 0 ar o~ contribule Ideas lor prOduction • ~OUl' to be Immobilized Wlthltl the the command. (The name of thc ot tbe operations no details can now _Unental United States," Ilew commander was not dlselo ed be published It can be said that ITY A ahOrt time later Admiral shortcuts. Department Ordered by F.D.R. here 10nII'M.) MELBOURNE, AUlltralia (AP) the enemy received fair hlu, : L. Kln,'s view of the situation was 2. In v[cw of Ihe Japanese IId- -In anticipation of the war's Enthusiastic Welcome find riven oUlln .. navy communique vance Into Burma, Ihe slronl'cst "Up to now, there is no In.ro rma- ual­ pos Ible defense of India wa con· spread to Australia, the govern- tlon received about tilth column In which he stressed tbai "while New Japanese WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- forces, Lieutenant Gcncl'ol Lesley Idered Imperative, and hence Iment yesterday ordered compul-Iaclivilies while everywhere our meets your salJSIIICLtlm. DO mlraeles are t.o be expecled, u'n like their clean deliv· dent Roosevelt ordered a sweeping J. McNair was shifted ft'om chief WaveU Willi a!llJlJ"ned to the Job. sory service for all civJ1ians, light- troops .de going to meet the Jap- an all. out eUort II belnl' made , The III'my and navy statement I ened control over the three bron- anese and nre enthusiastically wel­ III the lInellectacular but vItally streamlining or the entire war o.f stnU of Brmy general head- -SENIOR HOP- dep ll!'lm~nt yesterday. giving t.h<' quurter.i. Major General Brehon B. emphasized that thc Dutcll would ches of the a~mcd scrvices Ilnd comedo etlentlal ta511 of establishlnl' our ck a army IIII' forces full quality AH a Tow rd continue 10 J'eceive all p~ible as- abolished Jor lhe first lime in his- "Although there is no question _ and air communlcatiol)s." 1er pin: Ch~rlotte JUDI!, with the combined ground ;Jrms, SomerveJl, nQW assistant chief of slstance from the united notions, tory !Ive major holidays. of a direct threat to Batavia, vltal I Phi Beta, is wearing IlII • • • A!tel' Ule German model, miU- stllIr in chru·ge of supply, was giv- and that there was no ehangc in Thc war cabinet decided 10 ex- objects ar being made useless to "Appropriate measures are be­ ' E t d Sigma Chi pin . tary Junctions were grouped Into en command or tbe newel'vice;; plans for "Ilcneral coordination ot tend the labor corw system to exclude all risks. lnjr taken," he continued, "10 In d la xpec e thrce basic units, the al'my ground of supply. strategic policy In the war agalnst J»'ovide compulsOry so\'vlce for "The situation bl some parts ~ JDAl"S THE X1GHT- str~gthen the key points of these for~-e s, army air forces and the A "smull, alert, compact alr- Japan." civilians at army pay-con sider- ur Java IJS obviously critical, but Mary V. 8l11li communications, with a view to services of supply, each with Hs ground general stllff will be pro­ There have been predictions lor ably below trade union wages- the Invaders are recelvlnl' blowl developlng an offensive, VII h i c h in notary pub Ii ~ LONDON (AP)-BatterCd the own commander under the chief vlded," the wor department said, to some days lhat the idea of a with army conditions and army- hammer and t.ongs." slowly but surely, will gain scope new address ~ air and held to the east bank at of starf. assist ~nerul Marshall, It wlll be unified command in the we lern like disci pline, mostly {or con- In the wild sweep of the !Jght- power as we gain strength, the Sitlang river on 601 [a. SIa~ and plood~tJnged Involving a gener;J1 l'cva mping only u fl'8ction or thc :sizc of the Pacilic-Indian ocean al'ea would struction and mainlenance. ing, much was obscured, but Bank and T!uI1. through thc production of ;Ji rcraft, I the ground, thc J\lplllleSe invaders of cUll1be'bome peace-lime ma- present [orce of assistants. Lille the have to be revamped in view of The new ru.ling also combines among the visible features was the Il's MIl')' V, ships and guns. Iof Burma nevertbeless are ex­ chlnery sct up two decadcs ago" grouping of ground, ail' and sup­ the Japane e Inroads. Singapore lhe Australlan imperial force and use or taxlcob transport-like that peeted to renew theIr westward Burns tor m~ "Currently, therefore, the Unlted the pre ~l dellt 's cxecutive m'der 1V8 ply [unctions, lhls was 'een in was the connecting link 01 the the fa med volunleer force wilh the which c8JTied the shouting poilus graphing, f3piIII , S~tes fleets are cal'l'Ying on with attack toward llangooD nnd India made effectlvc March 9 101' the military quarters as foUowing the Australia-Dutch lndies-China-In- militia and permanent garrison, forward a generation ago to save oC papers. the basic Idea to 'do mOrc than , at any moment, tnllltal'l' observers dUration of thc war Rnd for six pattern of the Gel'man mHitary din lront, and when the citadellell The mlJitw ilseH is a druHcelike Paris-to rush Lighting men to the yoUr best with what you've got.' declared last nj,M. months therealler. It abo lis he d machine. (See WAVELL, page 5) compulsory service. (See JAVA, page 5) This mcans to take and m 1\ k e Communiques Irom thc British bureaus and command· ot a half every ~cmber of an infantry dlvi­ defenders reported that two Jap~ dozcn or more generals. damage the enemy, while building anese patrols on the east bank 01 Gencral George C. Marshall rc­ LAUNCH FIRST OF FIVE NEW 639.FOOT ORE CARRIERS soundly (or his ultimate dere~I ." , tne Sittang ab9ve pegu had been mains as chief of staft and 10,000 Moros Swear The Illlll1ensity or this job of : ambushed and ItiJled or captured Lieutenant General H. H. Arnold preparation before starting the ' to the last mao and that the reo as chief of the air forces. To com­ great otiensive-which some strat­ 4malnder of the 100-mile front waS mand the newly-grouped ground To Fight to Last Jap eelats say may be six to twelve : qUlet. Pegu is a rail junction 30 months in the future-was seen in 'miles northeast of RangoOn and a MacArthur Reports unofficial but authoritative esti­ IJnk in the now almOtit useless mates 01 the amount of matedal supply route to China. Nazis Plan to Stop Native Loyalty Oath whJch must be eanled abroad for ¥Ier tbe first three weeks, 10wa'l The Japanese "probably are Sworn Upon Koran each man transported. Phoenix Fund lbermomeler .:'11111 paU.SlJlg to bring up reinforce­ The rule of thumb is Ulat for at $itU.2Z In coDb1buUOIII lrolia ments for their air lorce." U.S. Aid ·to Britain WASHlNGTON (AP) - Ten every member 01 an inftanry divi- Iowa .tudenu and oUten. A table thousand embatUed Moros in the 810n ten tons of equipment and of percentaa"e of contrtbuUolII on Harl lap TrODIII ~k Icelond to Be Next Philippines have sworn a solemn BupplJes must l>e \.ranspor~; for a .... oup buls will be found on CHUNGKIloI'G, Chi n a (AP)­ oath upon the Koran never to lay every member of an armored di­ Pace 3, TOIIay II eolleetion day Japan_ troopll were hurled back Nazi Invasion Move, down their serpentine daggers and villon, 100 tons. Moreover, addi­ uaIn. Boo.' next _I(., IJlIowtIIC after making a landing on the keen-edged swords until the in­ tional hundredl of thousands of now by con'rlbutln, your tIlmes coast of Cheldang province in the Authorities Believe vading Japanese are ejected, Gen­ tol1l are going to Russia, China, In 10wa'li own plan of belpln, the vicinity or Siangshan, about 150 cral Douglas MacArthur reported AUstralia - New Zealand, Alricn war effort and cushlonInI' tbe miles south pt Shanghai, II Chinese LONDON (AP)-Thc Germans yesterday. and Eniland, post-war sbock. communique annoUnced yeaterday. have marked Iccland, Dakar, Cas­ MacArthur transmitted to the ablanca and the Canary islands fo~ I president a message slgned by spring conquest to c h 0 k e ort AJonto, sultan of Ramain and a Amel'ican supplies flowing to the member of the Philippine senate, ~ussia Massing Almost Unheard of forces' embattled Blitlsh isles, an au­ that 10,000 Moros of Lanao pro­ i' vincc on the island ot Mindanao t.hol'ltative source said yesterday. The heaviest I>low would be alreadY had swom the oath and aimed at Iceland, largely garris­ that more fighting men were be· Alona 'Entire front for Large Scale Offensive oned 'by United Stales lroops. ing sworn every day. Question or Dakar The message said that tbey had N.u;i occupation of Dakar would pledged themselves to disregard BERN, Switzerland (AP)-Tbe cre described by Gennan mill- "There can no 10lller be any be Just "an announcement that all difterences in Teligioo between RUUiallS are m8Sjin, "almost un- tary spokesmen as "on a scale not doubt," be wrote, "that the Soviets 'we are here ~nd what are you Christlans, Mohammadens and IPUS ... Jim 8roannll.Jl heard of forces" all Blong the !ront reache(l bitherto In the war." are musing all their forces in men going to do about it,'" he pre­ pagans to "Light together as one people for a grealer purpose, to his week. Tile mGl& '" tor What is believed t.o be a la1'le- The Berlin correspondent of the and material for a fantastic eUort dicted. Dakar and Casablanca an to controlled by Vichy, France, and destroy the enemy of eoed govern­ !!> University In '\be"" lC8le attack, reports originating In Zurieh newspaper Die Tat quoted brlnK about a decision." ment."· "J)ulllctlviUelll ~ ..... 0UJdal Berlin quarters said last reports from advance sectors BBY- In Lisbon, Portugal, a foreiiII the Canaries are owned by Spain. :::mlvel'llity ao.\&1 .,..... IIlIbt. Lng RUS8ian troops were at1ackina mllitar)' expert. told Tbe Associ- Reports of aGe r man batUe Alonto, siJIting the messale in German planes were said to German positions in 40 or ~O suc- aled Presa tbat "\he Germans )bust squadron and a train of trallSporta behall of all Moro sultans of I:>el'llhlp, Hawke,.. - gathering at the cold Norwegian Lanao, deputy governors, munic­ J-Blanket Jlop haft observed creat columns of cessive waves, and that these retreat to poaiUona west of all th.e Ore-carl'JiIIc eapac1&1 of &be Oreal Lakes nee~ wUl be c_hienb., lJJereued UtIB 7ear with the "dillon aN ~ porta 01 Nal'vik and Trondheim ipal mayors and /other dIItriet .. the Phi """ Soviet troopll and enormous soldiers showed no hesitation, re- bl, rivers In Russia before the of nve I'lanl new carriei'll. Fint t.o be Iaanched II lIIe Leon f'hIer, pictured above on lIIe Ways al tile K'PPI.)'Il­ treillS movlIll up behind lIardiess o( the cost. tbaw begins, or \he, 'Will run the were called an indication that the o~cials told MacArthur that "an I 1Uppb' kane, Mich., 7arda of Ute Oreal Lakes Enctneerlilc WIII'IuI jaat belore laanehln&'. The five _II are be­ the red army's aClvance lines. I He said the Soviet Siberian uniu J(e8t rlak of ~lnJ crushed by tbe Germans were preparlng a thrUllt fighting men 01 Lanno would llke At some poluta, Russian Bttacks adn\ittedl,y were demonstratinl Soviets fQr lack of communica­ at Iceland which guards the north In&' buUt al leone and at Lorain. O. Lanesl on lIIe Great Lakes. each II 839 leelln leD&1h aod has a capac- to siln thell' names, but they are ~ wtte U?4~ v/,y and lhes: "~osl unbelievable stubbothw." Uoas." ~tla:ltic approaches to turope. Ity of lUoe 10l!J tOllS of lron ore. _ . _ _ loa IUIII1Y." • pAGE 'FWO ., fii;: DAiLY IOWAN, 'OW A Ci'i'T, iO~ A crUESDAY:, MARCH j, i942

ap officel' and two soldicl's lny delld -' Q1'olllld Aim, WHAT PRICE .. . 1 ,,J:,.-MAN}A~OUT THI: DAILY IOWAN • • • OFFICIAL' DAilY BULLETIN And then there's Colin P. Kelly, and many \ MANUATTAN Published every morning except Monday other American soldiers who have disting­ by Student Publicatioll8 Incorporated at uished themselve with bravery iD th bllttl 126-130 Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. or the Pllllific.. _ Maybe the American fighting • man is • A U.S, Princess Board of Trustees: Frank L. Mott, Odis "soft." It' a sure bet, though, that many a K. Patton, A. Craig Baird, Kirk H. Port~r, Escapes Poland- J ap doesn't think so, and that many another By GEORGE TUCKER Deming Smith, 'red Welch, James Kent, dictators pawn will han ample opportnnity Glenn Horton, Frank Burge. NEW YORK-Virgilia Peterson to change his mind about it. is an American girl who mar. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Fred M. Pownall, Publisher ried Prince Paul Sapieha of Po· Tuesday, March 3 eon. University club rooms. John GreRr, Business Manager • Last Word for a First Lady- land Bnd became a princess. J. "Beyond This Shore" is a new 4-6 p.m.-University Women's 4-6 p.m.-University Women'l Loren L. IDckerson, Editor Perhaps enough has been said-but. we novel about an American girl who Work in the War program, river Work in the War program, rivtr think Mr. . Roosevelt rates another word. Or m!lrries a Polish diplomat, wit· room, lowa Union. room, Iowa Union. Entered 88 second class mail matter at the perhaps the women rate another word, even postoffice at Iowa City, Iowa, under the act nesses the destruction of Europe, 7:30 p.m.-Post-war series - 6:15 p.m.-Triangle club picnic at a time like this, when women oren't m11ch I and gets out with her children just Graduate college lecture, "Look- supper, Triangle club rooms, Iowa of congress of March 2, 1879. concerned about their rights . . . in time. ing Ahead: The War Economy and Union. The newspapers haven't treated the First Therefore, it was natural for me the Future of F'ree Enterprise," 7:30 p.m.-Iowa section 01 the Subscription rates-By mail, $5 per year j Lady too kindly in regArd to her civilian de­ to inquire, "Princess how mucH speaker, Prof. Frank H. Knight, American Chemical society, "Re­ by carrier, 15 cents weekly, $5 per year. fense post. 'fhat's their privilege. At least it's of this book is autobiographical?" Senate Chamber, Old Capital. actions in the Solid State," by Dr. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled their privclcge to say that in light of hcr po i· She seemed surprised. "Why 7:30 p.m.-University club port- Lyman J. Wood, chemistry audi­ use for republication of all news dispatches none of it, and yet on the other ner bridge, University club rooms, lorium. to tion 8 "ife of the president, she has nO busi­ credited to it or not otherwise credited in thill hand IIll of it. I can write only Iowa Union. 8 p.m.-University ptay, Unlver- nes. acting as head of an important civilian about the things I know and have Wedllesday, ]\farch 4 sity theater. paper and also the local news published organization; and it's their privilege to say herein. seen. It would have been stupid to 2-5 p.m.-Red Croos sewing Wednesday, March 11 that, anyway, Mrs. Roosevelt wasn't thc wo­ write about a Roumanian or a room, Macbride hall. 2-5 p.m.-Red Cross sewing man for the job. 'rhey can even declare that Hungarian when I am married to a 8 p.m.-University Symphony room, Macbride hall. TELEPHONES . he isn't capable. But when they hint that Pole, when I Jived in Warsaw, and concert and University chorus, 8 p,m.-University 0 r c h es tra Edit.orial Office ...... 4192 being a woman was her biggest handicap­ whm I know the Poli~h people Iowa Union. concert, fOWl! Union. Sooiety Editor ...... 4193 well, there's a war on now; but when it' and conditions there." Thursday, March 5 8 p.m.-University play, Univer- Business Office ••••••••.••••.••••. 4191 over, the wometl may pielr a little fight of • • • IOWA INVITATIONAL sily theater. their own. I knew that she had recently DEBATE TOURNAMENT Thnrsday, March 12 TUESDAY, JI.'LARCH 3, 1942 lectured in a hundred cities 12 m.-Luncheon ior women of 12 m.-Luncheon for women 01 that she had writteh a best selle) ltatt and faculty, Coyer off river slaff and faculty, foyer off riVer • Is Congress Missing the Boat titled "Polish Profile" which wa~ room, Iowa Union. room, Iowa Union. altogether autobiographical, that 4-6 p.m.-University Women's 2 p.m.-Defense work kenslng- Again in Current Labor Move? her husbartd and her children Work in the War progratn, river toh, University club rooms, towa There i an old story told f irst by the were in this counlry, that "Beyond room, Iowa Union. UnIon. This Shore" (Lippincott) was her 6:30 p.m.-Commerce club dill· 4-6 p.m.-University Women's ancieht Persians, about a young man who first novel, that she was under­ ner, river room, Iowl! Union. Work in the War program , river wanted a beautifnl princrss for his wife. Onl~' standably on tender hooks until Friday, March 6 room, Town Union. the young man stuttered, tel'J'ibly, and to win the reviews came out and the pub· IOWA INVITATIONAL 7:30 p.m.-Baconian leclure by lic's acceptance or rejection of ~ DEBATE TOURNAMENT George P. Cuttino, Senate cham- his worn a n he cm'cd himself of the difficult)'. novel becahie plain, that she 2-5 p.m.-Red Cross sewing bel', Old Capitol. During the long courtship he pRid such at­ • Modern Events Spell the End loathed appeasers and that she be· room, Macbride hall. 7:30 p.m.-Films, Town Moun- tention to the girl, wa so int('nt upon win­ lieves nothing less than an all· out 9 p.m.-Senior Hop, Iowa Union. taineers, room 223, engineering Of British Empire Theory- ON RA-OIO errort... even. by the women an6 Saturday, March 7 building. ning her, that he rOl'gol Iw WllS cllred and 9/0 YOUR DIAL the children, the halt and the lame IOWA INVI'l'A'fIONAL 8 p.m.-University play, Univcr- , went -back to stntlering ligon in. HI' won tllr W ASHINCTON-End of the British em­ . . . can win this war. DEBATE TOURNAMENT sit.y thealer . pire theory of government is being scen by I! princess cYcntllally, but it took him many TODAY'S UlGULIGnTS Ralph Krueger, English Lutheran "That's what the girl in the 7:35 p.m. - Basketball game, Friday, MarCh 13 years to curo himself or stl1tlcring again. some political X-rayists in Churchill ~Abinct nove1 thought, loo. but I'm nol that WisconsIn vs. Iowa, field house. 8 p.m.-University play, Univer_ AMERICA'S DEFENSE FRONT- pastor giT!. I didn't fall in love with a Monday, March 9 slty theater. This is a case in fact. The congress is at­ replAcements. Capt. Armel Dyer of the mill· tempting to suspend the 40-houl' weck and 8:15-Musical Minlalures newspaper man. That incident at 2-5 p.m. - Red C r 0 g s sewing 9 p.m.-Barrister's Ball, Iowa It is not only that Cripps was too socialist tary department has ()hosen for 8:30-New!I, The Dally Jowan the German embassy in Warsaw room, MacbrIde hall. Union. time-lU1d-a-half overtime pay for Amel'ienn his diSCUssion today ai 12:30- pven rOI' the .labor party a Iew yeal'S bacl, 8:45-Morning Melodies nevet really happened. I made it 7:30 p.m.-Pan-American club, Saturday, March 14 labor, ar,rd while tllere is determined resistancr "England WIll Firht to the Last up, It isn't my story. It is just a (and expelled therefrom) but the whole in­ 8:55-Service Reports room 221A Schaeffer hall. SATURDAY CLASSES from a strong bloc in t hc llouse, proponent s Englishman." story against a background of 8:00 p.m.-University play, uni' 2 p.m.-University play, Uni- of tll e. measnl'e hope to sl ide it thl'ough. coming group, inclucling the new archbishop 9-Salon Music pcoplc and events that I know." versity theater. versity theater. • • • of Canteooury, have varying tinges of Jiber­ PAGING MRS. AMERICA- 9:15-Connie Kay I said, "Princess, do you reel Tuesday, March 10 9 p.m.-Quadrangle dance, Iowa We m'e the [h'st 10 admit Ihat labor alism and democratic careerism as opposed Featuring the best buys of the that people are complacent still­ l week for the housewife, Jeanette 9:30-Music Magic 12 m.-University club lunch· UniO!'!. needs to be taught a kind of lcs .~on. BIll to the old school-tie caste system. about the war, I mean?" Holaday will present her home· 9:50-Program Calendar we woul(l also add that now is ilw time It may be true the old Victorian theory of IO-The Week in Government "In away," she replied, "therc (For Information rerardint dates beyond this schedule, see makers program at 11 o'clock is danger in slogans. The one about reservations In the office of the President, Old Capitol.) [01' all good men to come to the aid of empire is now practically out. Thllt proce~s this morning. The usual recipe 10:15-Yesterday's Musical Fa· Iheil' pal'ty-lo unite fOl' Ihe 1)1tI'POSC of had started before the War. Churehi1l l'iA'htly vorites time being on our stde, especially. will also be given. It isn.'t. Time runs against us. winning the war. Tlwl'c iSIl'1 mHch l)oilll calls it now "the Bl'itish commOll\vealth of 10:30-TheBookshelf GENERAL NOTICES ll- Paging Mrs. America Why? Conquered people can't go in alienntillg loboI'. LO!'d kllOl/l,~, we've nations. " FIOTION PARADE- on being shot and seeing their Itacl trollble enoHgh l)lacatin{J tltelll 10 {Jft India is likely to' get a 1'('81 measurp of "Follow the Oannon"- the 11:15-Melody Time 1I(U IC ROOM SCHEDULE Tare available at all £tudent re' 11:30-United States Depart· children starved forever. If help behind the (Ill-Ollt WOI' freedom .Australia is looking' to us Iol' dp­ dramallc story of Clara. Bar· Requests will be played at the ligious centers and the Jowa Union dn·ve. ment of Agriculture doesn't come, and hOlle, and en­ • • fensc. Canada is running her ('nd of thc war ton,-will be broadcast on the couragement, they'll have to g)ve rollowing limes except on Tuesdays desk. • "Fiction Parade" at 3 o'clock 11 :50-Farm Flashes and Fridays Crom 12 Lo 1 p.m. WARREN PAIGE Labor has fought hard ann long, and with with complete independence. 12-Rhy\.hm Rambles in. A man can't endure ten years this afternoon. "Follow the Can· or five years of horror unless he when a planned program will be Chairman tactics thAt thc Marquis oJ: Qu{'cnsbcrry would • • • non" is an original radio script 12:30-America's Defense Front, presented. frown tlpOn, for wha!. gain it hM made. The The story is going arotmd that Chnrchill "England WlII Fight To the Last knows that salvation is coming. wrilten by Marty Thomson, G The Dutch, the Belgians, \.he Tuesday, March 3-11 to 12 a.m., TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT 40·hour week, extra money for overtime and ~ot the idea for his revision ill WllShington, of Omaha, Neb. Man" 4 to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. The women's intramural table but this is strongly doubted by local Rtudcnts 12:45-Treasury Star Parade Czechs, they can't endure torture similar advantagcs came about only as a re­ forever. We've got to hurry . .. Wednesday, March 4-10 to 12 tennis tournament wHl be helt sult of long struggle and tktcrminec1 I'esis­ of British politics. It seemed to be rather a YOU NEVER KNOW- I I-1.Musical Chats a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday at 4:10 p.m. in the 2-Men of Our Army hurry!" tance. And thcre are few of us who will dpn~' reformation based solely on Briti h political An interview with Patrolman • • • Thursday, March 5-10 to 12 women's gymnasium. Six nights 01 that labor iR entitled to theDl. necessity. Drex Gersdorf of the Iowa State 2!05-0rgan Recital a.m., 1 to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. play remain before the finals. En­ 2:30-Radio Child Study Club It seemed strange to look at The point is thil;': there is no particular ad­ Choicc of the new archbishop of Canter­ Highway patrol and a dramatiza· this young woman whose Friday, March 6-11 to 12 a.m. tries must play two· thirds 01 all tion built around the evils of 3-Fiction Parade, "Follow the and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. scheduled games to qualify for the vantage to reverting to stuttl'ring now that bury had nothing to do with it. The bishop Cannon" friends call her Ji1ly, who went t() of York is usually chosen for this religious drunken driving will comprise the Vassar and dreamed of becoming finals. we have cm'eel it, almost, and are on what "You Never Know" show at 8:15 3:30-Iowa Union Radio Hour post, and it just happened that this time the a writer-it seemed strange to MILITARY INFORMATION CATHERINE CHASSELL would seem the right road to winning tho tonight. 4-Tea Time Melodies Intramural Mana,er hand of that woman we so 8tl'ong1y desirp-if bishop of York was more Jiberal than the rr- 5-Childl'cn's Hour think that as the wife of a prince The oUice of military informa· she saw Austria crumble, and tion is now open at the following a feminine nOl1l1 can be applied to war. tired archbishop. ' TREASURY STAR PARADE- 5:15-Comell College Cz~choslovakiR, then Poland, Hoi· hours: CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Tlle congress shonld dismiss !l II legislation The choices of lesser ne,,, government of­ An original drama, "Statue of 5:45-News, The Dall)' Towan 6-Dinner Hour Music land, France .... Tuesday, Thursday and Satur­ Christian Science organization pertaining to the abrogation of the 40-ho111' ficials also seems to have been dict.ated by a Liberty." will 1,Igbllght the To see her, you might think she day: from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. will meet Tuesday, March 3, at week. What shollid bc done first, probably, is desire to get the work done and pacify polit­ transcribed "Treasury Star Par· 7-The American Heritage 7:30-Sportstime had never been out of New York. D:oily except Saturday: 2 to 4::10 5 p.m. in the north conference to hire more men-men who lire idle now and ical opposition, rather than by on overall al­ ade" at 12:45 this noon. Lleut. p.m. room of Iowa Union. Robert Montgomery, U. S. N., 7:45-Evening Musicale She is tall and quick, both in cannot carry gnns, for the final Slll'I!:C to vic­ ternation of empire direction. The office is located in the AUDREY ANDERSON Judith Anderson, Maurice Evans 8-The Other Americas speech and movement, and essen· tory. The British government is constituted in 8:15-You Never Know tially American. You'd never registrar's unit in University hall. Vice·PresIdent and [gor Gorin will present this WOODY THOMPSON a mercurial manner, Unlike onrs, it can shift first or a nlne·program series. 8:30-Album of Artists know that at 20 she went down leaders and direction rapidly. So while events 8:45-Newll, The Dally [owan with infantile paralysis. TO ALL STUDENTS • Axis Soldiers' Minds Change YOUTH COMMITTEE FOR are marching inevitably towal'd sonle new TODAY'S CALENDAR 9-Country Landscape "It still bothers me a little," she Students who failed to indicate About Softness of Americans­ order, the cabinet change is not necessarily 9!15-The Marvel of Vision said. "In Poland, where people DEMOCRACY Iowa City addresses on their reg­ 8-Morning Chapel, . The Rev. National Sharecroppers' weel{ Alter reading of the supreme heroism of the greatest of these events. place such emphasis on sports, I istration materials oj: who have couldn't ride. My husband had will be sponsored March 1-8, on the Jap, German lind Rn sian "13 u i c ide changed their addresses since reg, The Network Highlights such ftne horses." the campus by the youth Com­ istration should caU at the Reg­ squads," the qucstion arises: "Do young Hitler Peal's P!'cnch Revolt- It may be, as she says, that it mittee for Democracy. Josephine Americans, who have been living a "play­ istrar's office immediately to pro­ still bothers her. But as she moved Johnson, visiting lecturer in Eng· vide this information. boy" cxistence in comparison with the fight­ Darlan's hand is definitely being restrain­ about the rOQm, answering a tele· lish, will speak on "The Plight oC HARRY G. BARNES ing men of the enemy forces, .111\\·c t he capac­ ed by fear of a French popular revolt if he phone here, a doorbell there, 1 the Sharecropper" at a benefit Rerlstrar ity to stAnd 11p under fir!' ~ncl fight admir­ delivers too much to the nazis. Some grape­ thought she resembled nothing so Sharecroppers' dinner to be heln ably fol' theil' COllntl'~' in thr )11'e. ('nt COll­ vine suggestions from Vicby indieatc the much as a lithe tennis player. And Friday, March 6, at the Methodig. CATHOLIC DISCUSSION UROUP fliet ! " question of whether he will live very long dc­ a good one at that. F'ellowship hall, at 6 p.m. Ticketr Catholic students' discussion Some proplc don't thinl! , 0. Howe"c!', it pends on the. tJ'ength of his bodyguard and group will meet Thursday, March seE'm more likcly that the.\' do have what it h is ability to 1'cstrain himself from handing 5, at 7 :30 p.m. in the north ~n­ takes to make II CO\ll'ngeou~, efficient fi:thting everything over to the nazis. ference room of Iowa Union. Dr, force. flit/er is prc'sllmed to knoW this and conse­ -~OlLVWO_OD~ y' A. S. Ryan of \.he English depart­ ment will lead the discussion. ~ quently docs not wish to prcss too hard. Rey­ · . DOLORES RIE~Y DUl'ill{J Ihe lasl world wal' Ihe sa1ll P olution in France on the eve of hi. spring Chairman thillg was said of tile Alllel'ican sold'icl's­ campaign in Russia would divert some of his j"IGUTS \fOUNDS that they were "soft." clicLn't ha·ve lli p armed forccs. Ph.D. TN ENGLISH "guts" 10 cope witli Ihe fanatic hrl'oi .~11/ This may be one reason why assistant state Because of the chenge in tho of the enemJj . .~rrt'rl'tll c l ess, onre ill arlilm secretary Welles has rcceived such poli tc ans­ closing date of the presegt semes· Ihe Amc!'irall dough/JOy Pl'ot'cd 10 lltc wers from Vichy. tel', \.he comprehensive examina, r:el·m07l.~ fllal he 1I'(/S 710 sis.~y. The French people know they hold ne cards tion for the Ph.D. in English will • • • yet for a peace table presided over by the begin April 17 ir.,tead of on the at our place. No, we don't mind. date given in the departmental Perhaps th is grnNat ion ha~. aR some say. united nations. They have great militnry re­ • We Envy Sometim~s He's a very gentle person, really bulletin on graduate study . . "softrnl1d· np." Rvcn so. the yOllnA' Amcri­ spect £01' the United States and Russia, They The Movie Stars- -about everything except doors." ENGLISH DEPARTMENT cans hllvc a gl'catrl' deciding facto)' than that ore not su;re Germany will win this war. COMMITTEE to thcir £avol'. 'I'llcy havc tho fundamental These thoughts may save us from the disas· By ROBBIN COONS Bogey's luxury took care of only stamina that docsll't take lon g to " hardcn." t(»' of nazi conquest of the Fr£'nch flect. - Sometimes it eight doors last year, a poor show· PAN· AMERICAN CLUB 'rhey aro fightiJlg for something g'.l'eateJ' than These four nationally famous personalities wlll appear ovell W8U1 at Is hard not to envy your movie ing compared to his record-

ENID ELLISON H'I .tll ---,! utLEYIN Annuaillniversily Sing to Be Held April 6, 8 !aM .v'!l1 .IJI avi,a 1eq&q IleqxJ zl&i3iliO enin9~aiJ _ 9rlT : at, ••".ou'" fa Pt om.. I.r '''' OJUa&AL Honea Olln'l .v5JI , Tbe DaII, l,wiD ., -t II lepolU ID the .nlce:. •• ne In Macbride Auditorium Under New System noillello) z' dinoM Iz&J qoT --~aoq It be .... Tbe Dally 1.... ~, ;rr woJ-~ 0' .eallaD! ..tI ... will NOT .. iici:>-O£:8 ~ED 0& UOIBLY WIUT'RI /loJ-il.:Q Competition Will Be JlDdte>i.D8 rteiH-U Tuesday, March 3, 19U Curtailed SUI Party cilliH-U Between Like Groups Today .am xlssa ~9b61l .lV lW9~t6M i £~~ leVO ateirll emon 5NDAR Without Preliminaries 13 Local Organizations Schedule Announced b9161l noilJA 9D6m60 bnu=l 1DW h~,oJ 10=1 ersity club rooms. April 6 and 8 are the new dates Plan to Meet ~.-University Women', !) 19 W afstot Isi,IUo cilluodtIA of tile annual University Sing to the War program, river Four All-University Y6bnoM Dni16sH 101 2i it ,tcillin talll 9tsI 91dllliGVS ~Oll ,a Union. be held in Macbride hall, Fl'unces , •• B1I~AY a'AWOI JlO'l Simonson, A2 of Sioux City, chair­ I\merican . .. Dances to Be Held; 2Isi:1iUo 2aO'I:) bs5£ Xd bst:>sqx~ n.-Triangle club picnic bOOIl ~I!ll 9v.aci iaum li02 ronS1"! man o! the Sing committee, an­ · .. Legion auxiliary will meet in 2 Events Cancelled 10 nou:>n 9allmnb 8aa,8~ 9ciT b9t:l91!0!) 'l9qaq 10 Jnuoms 9cit tacit dangle club rOoms, Iowa nounced yesterday. ,Jisbsla nrl.ol. .av awaolsM .t wilut tuo b9i1'l1l' ociw 2xod oaithff acit ot the club rooms in the Community oms:> ~sq ll q x10hiV a'xsbl~12!1'{ !Ii • ./I ". ci' b' ••S> X1SU1d9"l 9cii 10 92JlO 'Clut bno'~ 2 -2S,{ .aso, ,nSl ... 9 J no IS1.1I,,, n .-Iowa seclion of the Several changes have been made building lor an all-day session of With t.he curtailment of many sd IIiw ,xii:) nwoI ni 91Sef ,~Isq d ef efT b • baluOOci:>2 al ,:l1UO' hilialb 10 m'laJ . I1!)S !)va xam XS ... XS 1!l. Ch emic1l1 society, "Re­ in the regulat.ions. Therc will be carpet-rag sewing today. social activities and the shortened no preliminaries. Winners in each wO'nomo! .m.G or :Is llnhll!lef 101 - , (~ 9cit nseU 'lall1ll1 Xld1l1sblal10!) .' '" a b ci .J> the Solid State," by Dr. • • • school yeur, two all-university .110qs1. (!:I01Ut tiJag naow . .lI11"I1U 9qa:> a ~ 0 w 920u. 1I1l0mB Wood, chemistry audio of four groups will be awarded parties huve been cancelled from t 2 a I bat:>allo:) Illtot bnuoq 000 . . . ci1A9t li90t 10 ohl;; "eft Xd a traveling tropby each night. 00 jscil 2sJs1a noiJitaq 'ewacilsM .cltnom • • * Amistad ... the University Social calendar. ja8a lnivbb 9lirlw .ner ,os .1q92 Competition will be between like rurl5d IIIId 'lslUH 11 1sbctovT I -Uni versi ty play, Univer· · .. circle will meet in Ule home Club Cabilfet ~nd the Commence:­ II b9:tsmiJa!l ns l!ninsvs Jasl xl1s3: g 0 I -nwoi nlo,niJ nf 6S01 hlb no er. r up s, fraternities, sOI'orities mOl' 011 11'9d ~}19e1W 1sbnow oi men's and women's dormitories. of Mrs. F. A. Willie, 331 S. John- ment Party WIll not be held th.s 9cii OtClt :>vi1b tClGbn91ab 90J .qioa ni OOn'JIJJ n!l9d bso abclIJoq OOO,a& anesdllY, March 11 . year. ~51/lA 9dt nsdvi "l/,Il/nuU" aid Rules for the contest nrc as lIC1iwlI:> ,1S:> a'llil Clislq acil 10 ~1l 91 sno sot nsol 1sjll91a !liuai1 .a­ m.-Red Cross sewing son, at 2 0 clock. jl'he Daily lowa'n present.s a -Unoo 511t oilll 1I11iI12~m2 hllla 1011ows: a9hutnl S1!lVSa bns .tl o.t !lllsmsb Jac;! bOi1!lq inlbnoqa9110:> scit 'loi ~bride ball. ·xaM ••. 21101los'1Ib [[II mOll tll'lI 1. Entrance blanks must be sub­ • • • schedule oC the remaining pa1'lies .Ua2mie! ot -University 0 r c h est fa [01' thc 1941-42 ycar. .ciJnom ,dt bsU"nl 8sd UonlvtU ml mitted by March 14 to the dean of -il~n lHiw Ji9bal8 e 911~!llh 9H )wa Union. Candle. March 6 ...... enlor Hop aldl '(nllq tmt sJism 01 2sWA women's office. nw010t asw aef a9t8Ja bns a'Clsi 10 In9m9:lnUOnns arlt citiw llnolA ·University pl ay, Univer. · . . making technique will be dis­ March 13 ...... Barristers' Ball , •• lI,bl boo'l II lI'tlldt bu.s ,'IlIl1q. 2. Percentage of groups re­ cussed and directed for beginners sdJ 10 Jasa :H:lsd sci! ot!'!i ~ltn!lloiv &a010 b9JI ,alslot 9vi1b 1SqSq sdt ~r. March ·Mecca. Ball IlIw ./111MB ,iuo ;Ii '1;1183 ot luO: quired to sing-Iraternities, sor­ 20 . ... -ni lInieus!) ,hsqmi 90J mO'tl 1S' 2aO'I0 OOR 90J .tsciJ biaa alsbiUo lursday, March 12 by Mrs. George Glockler at the April 10 ...... Aesculapian Frolic 10 blthl 9moe 0lnS111l o.t sVlld orities, women's co-op dorms, meeting of the Craft guild between qid:> ' lI ,I?ivlsq tcilli'l aio ot x'wt :lollin '{llbi1'[ b9Xslq 9msll ji19n9d ·Luncheon for women oj April 11 . '. Junior Prom 8,mA 911t 10' qlsd S2119[·blt:lI Eastlawn, and Quadrangle houses. ·un ,Jnlot qlci .tellli·c eciJ l.o ~nuJ:>Gl1 -a'I9vinU '91U n99whd XJiO swoI ni facU Jty, foyer oft river 1 and 5 o'clock in the annex ot May 8 ...... l\lay Frolic o.t au :I,... oj ebod aqSrl19q . • • 40 %; group of 30 or more for men's the women's gymnasium today. Cllmaxlnl' the announcement oj ·:>m1 qici!) G bers anoiwJno:> 2UO'I!lm Ja9W !lriJ bns foocin cillio ·,:li ~a Union. All of the parties are all-univer­ .' •. Scti'lqa 'l;d 9Q01U:J co-op dorms, Westlawn, Law Com­ The regular work sessions in pew­ Grove, to., w proclalm d head of :~~..... ~ . sB1d~h:1V b1iol 901 10 91UJ -Jan bscf amsa:l IladJali2sd ci:>n1l1a: - Defense work kens!ng. sity affairs with \.he exception of transfer councils were presented at a mons, 25 %; Tau Gamma, gt'Oup of (a:>ib9m 101 OO~, a:H992 aW!loJsM airfT .bnul 1SW 9cii 10'1 cO.SQ~ bst ersity club rooms, Jowa ter and weaving will also be held. lhe Barrl:slers' Ball and the Aescu­ ,. . • . d ,Ilsb'lol. mit ·no lInGl 9nociq srl'r 20 or more; Hillcrest, 25 % mini­ • • • lloon. I9H!laiup1Gm 101 OOO,II~ ,292nsqxs XS'l-X bns ~lljIlO:> [Blot aot aa.a!:S$ OJ 21m1 lapian Frolic which afe closed to 1\11 s Ellison, fl'nter, dls('usses Ihe O!l ani 1UO ~ ,tn!lbnoqasl100 ---11l:> 01 2'l!l:t2il!9JI 9cit lIlum from anyone section; Cur­ bns nlllq s1uJul bns ICls291q ,tasq xlia19vinU mOl, bnul 9ciJ oj noiJud n.-Univetsity Women's Civic. . . i limited groups. eberrall, AS of Iowa Clly; Rulh mlt~w q asttsa/u '( ci 8,{od 9ciT . .. OliB a)199W 10 9Iquo:l S rier,30 to 50 members in a group, tmnsmlsq 10i 000,&$ bne Sfl.i'J91lua . lid wom( oj b9.lClsw 19Jaill9JI 901 :Is the War program, river cbosen from anyone floor. Any · . . Newcomers will assemble for I For Ule two strictly lOrmal par­ St-ephenson, A3 of Davenport. Kathleen'st nsl bS~ -III 9cf cioirfw ,bsd aiel oj x'wtnl 9S109;) ,nsmliscio ,v,!ilasR mit la Union. a dessertbridge pal'ly at 1:45 this ties, the Senior hop and the Junior lJPolntmenl" were made by the reUrln[ .a • 'bl 0 b d I J hsd1aH 10 s!)slqohiff" banVio oow number of groups may be ente(ed ______·19[ ...eqo, -ob mOll mio bs:tnav91q asef 2a~9[ SC1l S19 ,lisa SlS lsff ,nllmr 9 2'booW jns'l;) 10 9no ",19vooH m.-Baconian lecture by lrom the last two dormitories. afternoon in Youde's tea room, 2111 Prom, university elo;;lng hours tor [ B'UUJlTa ·sb bns dasJ m1s1 161u"9'1 "m 619 V ,xov3:>M s i ci .t n '{ 0 , d do::> N. Dubuque. women will be extended to 1:30 '. Cuttino, S~hate cham· 3. Any two songs of the group's -s:! lInimS9 91ui1.l1 10 mio" bavi1" ,Jiood9JloW blsnXIIM (l!lbnsJi:!lIJ •.. .• alio• 2uo ms!: taom Capitol. • • • Lm. FIRST TRAt-..l .. W0110m choice. ------0:1 aJ911 oefw .x:tbnq -moo alls9t doH bns shuX niwb3 -1tW0 sdt al .1t 291'1100 19J1ll11lD m.-Films, Iowa Moun· 4. Seven minute time limit. room 223. engineering Elks ladies ... la_ etef oj asumnb 101 8a!:t 2,las sH 1'91 99Himmo:l rfSiH .U sd1 9ahq '10 Sllldbmoe ssd 021.1l on ... l' 5. Contestants shall obtain ac­ · .. will meet at 2:30 in the Elks •Deadline for Entries • :ill:> 901 92i61 ot ej:l9tO'lq 101 sldienoqa companists and directors '[!"Om club ror business meeting 101- .m.1I 0~:8 's "-1U:!~0 lC1!lbb:ls 90T I .noUudhJClo:> 2'1oocl:>e .'I5IalssJl selt I1l/w 011 ot 't9e110 -University play, Univer. a no:> mciW " • "" • 188S/ Is ,(Id.sdolq 2l1W M91U blls witilin theil' own gt·oups. (Usc of juodn bSOl qlcimwot n10:>n1J s no l am'Iii 22!ln!2IJd Xli::> swol n!lv!ll3: -.sml011l1 scU n,rCw M.1l1 b1n 9no er. lowcd by bridge. In Poster Competition cil iw smoci accompanist is optional). .'(,,::> swoI 'to tas9cituoa 29lim !:I I -16!) 9ciJ !II !l2U loi aJi!)u~i bsi~nob • . . bS'(1l19'l allYT noU 'riday, March 13 • • • 'x bib ,ahol 6. Singing will take place in Changed to Saturday' 2alH 19ci!)iua 10 m'Ili wal aoT t1/0 192 'l9qSq b91bnud 10 nOli:>91 -Univel'.3ity play, Unlver. rtio:>sm :llli _*_ Macbride auditorium on April .6 Home department ... • yaA3 WSn .2w~djsM ins291qa'l 1,ci:>lua bfl.s 2:tuo:>8 Xoa .XSb19ta9X a9ef!)'Ioq no xtia19vinu gefj :lsrfJ ?m!1!la :II :er. · .. o[ the Iowa City Woman's • The deadline fol' entrie~ for the and 8. Participation will be as poster contest sponsored by the !lci:l 'I!lwans nt Jataas oj ClO bof!s:> nislill S'l!1W -Bal'rister's Ball, 1011'8 foll ows: club will meet at 2 o'clock in the tnsbiUu2lll na 'lS j 't 1I svbb 9ci:t a'booW 'to ono s!ll~la a n~o i'n.29.ob club rooms of the Community University Women's association rlasVl s 10 swol sci! 10 2'I9dmsm 10 'ladmun smsci2 s am99a rblrlw ,allo .l srllal'l~ On the fir~t night, Iratemities defense council originally sct for )2 lIni19wchl .turday, March 14 building. 2asi:> nllmci29'1l looci:>a cillie! xii::> 2SW 90 IsoJ J:>s1 90j 10 lcil}l! 9cit CJ( ·and women's dormitories will March 2 has becn postponed until !Job llCJivsa :URDAY CLASSES :nlliJ)qms:! !lcit ni Jil0W ot OO:t29UP91 ~ -[S 10\ 9'19ef 110Ja !)(I:t 10 'I(ldlTl9ITC Jl participate; on the second night, • • • Satul'day, it was announced yes­ Ilinicit owt gnomA -University play, Uni· ."Jub 9cit '10'1. b9'I!lsJnulov s.no (ll.low (lri! ... abll?ab G 120m sorod ties and men's dorm i tor­ BAWyaAa leater. International ... terday by Naomi Braverman, A3 I ~ h ,a:lalhr. Ja9.lll0·Il) ?"ClotJsn 9clt 10 ies. One cup will be awarded · . . relations study group o[ the ~J .uox 'loi -vl1b bos Ji:>U1J lIniJsnob em'li'i . . . qot 9ciJ jll sNola :tOll -Quadrnngle dance, Iowa of Iowa City. to the winner of each group. A,A.U.W. will meet in. the board Prizes lor the con test, open \0 )0 lIni:lJl9H 91q09Q vii) 6wol doff ,19'1.ans'lT lsrisM :!)'l9W 21? _*_ '7. Judges will base their deci­ bns 110 q q U ci:> 2 ;19Vilb 'lscisM a' A W 0 I JI 0 1: Y 3: III 0 M room or the public library at 7:15 all university students, will be $5, sciasw 9ci:) ------­ sions on intonation, diction, inter­ 901. ,.0::> II n i d m u I q sJilsbuo){ a'bnu't xlnaorl"l (leiT :8JlIIIAY d tIlls schedule, see this evening. $3 and $2 in delem'C stamps. Post­ 'lIni'l-X'lb' lIwo1 l!!m'lol ,nsl}sH . t a911celO pretation, stage presence ancl de­ el's should poL'lray diffel'ent phases o!lmtnioqq.a !l '1 0 0 M !l1sV'! ;1!1vi'lb ,sJiIsbuo){ bsonuoJUls "Wmmoo IS11n90 lent, Old Capitol,) pOl·tment, variety and arrangement • .* • :Is b!lnoitllJa won ai ,tn!lbia91 xiiO Junior ... oC the defense progrnln. such as : .Jl3H8AW .xsT ,blsi"! b1Sqq9ci8 ;'l!lVi1b ,!l100M !ljllV'! ,.00 :>hhs!:! Inl1 5rft 111h9"M anolbsI/oo of songs, and quality and blenct of the health program, knit and chat * * • - muJ 9'{a:>lwsH ;CIIlm1!lmmiS .'i .3: -10110 51lt 10 bol'tsq l/99W-9!l'lcf1 ICE S voices. · .. group of the Baptist Women's meetings, the double V fOl' vic- bns 2 s 0 aioniUI-swoI ;.0::> 1sd 110 ,('Io!! 1911 8s-'(£bol 1I1l1.sq 8. If a solo 01' a smull vocal aos ocialion will meet at 7:30 -1.11 ,(:II:) noasM 1:0 lI'IsdbloO hA 100'y in peace and war symbol, !lmoef sefj lIi jiaiv ot trillilI tall! b9Vil ;l!lvhb ,ailefoR xoH ,.00 !lilh9J:! •.• nswoI a',(BboJ 10 1 9ls'l able at all student reo group within the group is used, a tonight in the home of Mrs. R. H. .2IIl'lsH n!lS: Red Cl'ass sewing and knitting .(!:IM bllS .'IM ,atCl91Bq .atef 10 G rillet, 851 Dearborn. .r. s W 0 I ;UslllsbqU bClll i9Ji'lUa: • • • nters and the Iowa Union voCul accompa nimcnt by the rest and the recreation program. b9;1jsn asrl 1st 2u rfl bnul 9rlT of ihe group will be I'equil·cd. .h!ldllO .V'! au ,~19dbloO -:1M noa ,aJiloW ~mUtoff xii:) • • • Judgrs will be Frederic Am­ llirfqu lIlI IJ99d asef ;Ii bno ,!:!:.H!:~ • * $ ,.00 xlisa Ilawbi8 ;1svhb ,asmoO WARREN PAIGE 9. Variance from stilted I'ules brose, ''Cpresentutive of the city oow n9mow bnll n9m sclt 101 Jrll!il will disqualify any group. La Coterie ... I ,.d9Vi .srlsmO 10 Ilia .M 'lamoH 19 ef 1I M ;'I9vi10 ,jefl!hW 9l}1090 Chairman defense commlltee, PI·of. Elizabeth .. Jj :tS b~s9wa bns b9)l1ow 9vsef '10. Judges' decisions will be · . • will meet at 2:30 this nIter­ , aid cUiw bfl.1lJi!l9W 9cit llnib1l9qa ai ;1!lvhb ,19efsM doff ,.00 'l91a1Ill'lT noon in the home oC Mrs. Irving Halsey, hcnd of the women's 10 Xbod illsbuJa s 'Io1 bool! ooJ :l0V'! final. .H 'l9moH .a'lM bns .'IM 2Jn9'rsq -vhb ,~ni){ xsmBi8 ,'Clisa 'l911SW8 rENNIS TOURNAftfENT Webel', 421 Melrose court. physicl1 l education deportment, xlowbnUOlli 9ci1 jall9! ;Is Juri ,ooc,a Commillcc mcmbcrs are Fran­ .ma ~!:Il ,ma s:>iv198 X1C1SH OilS doff bns ,'l!l omen's intramural table • • • and Alice Duvis of the urt de­ * ~ • ... bisl !lasd 2cci urnamen t will be hele ces Simonson, chai),man, Dorothy partment. :19Vhb ,cia19W moT ,noijs:ta Miller, A3 of Cedar Rapids; Ruth 1l0JlIniq2BW 10 9;t1l~!llqqA MOt 9ef:t d:l i w lInbhow at llllteiaa,A • • • lY at 4:10 p.m. in the Ladies Aid .. . ''10 5dt bs( svsel a9W101oB MacWilliams, Al of Pittsfield, ,(ji3 lIwoI nt 2XJlb JS1!lV!la tn9qa ,CloalsV'! :H:lst :9'l9W alsvi1b Jl!JUlt gymnasium. Six nights of · .. society of the Christian 1I1atIlOO'l9Q nl aqu0111 badnsll M~ss.; Betty J call Peterson, A2. ot church will meet for quilting and Physics Club to Meet .Ji9!lW 2icit .wo1aniW doa ,a loci ~i V'! 211f1]odT ain before the finals. En· * • • tud .ln~but2 'J9q 2Jlolludi'liuoo ,t play two-tbirds of aU Madison, S. D.; .William Pinkston, lunch at 10 o'clock this mOl'lung Richard McKinstry, AI of Wat­ ,nsmJi:>sJ 8 n ef 0 t ,O:lOn9J 'I919Q C4 of Council Blu{(s; Bob Coller, erloo and William Wehl'macher, Naomin Braverman, A3 of Iowa io 9.lsubB'fl) s tlliv19H b'Isci:>iJI s"ad 'J ~ I 'l1 U 0 bnll ta910/lliI I games to qualify for the in the church purlo!·s. ,II:>:> 0 JI 9ibb:! ,bnlllli9W xmmif.. .hlJloo (sioi nt ;tell adi b9qqot Cll of Corning, and John Maher, • • • A3 of Waverly will give talks on poslllon. Washboards were -:>1I alld ,1IwoI 10 x:)ia1svinU 9r1t ,1!lrTW.a'lff bl01SH ,2NssM ,{bbuff C4 of Springfield, Ill. members of the tran&ler eounell, 10 'lohU'1janl 2S noijiaoq .s b9:)qe:l •.. anollud JATHERINE CHASSELL "Whn' Makes n Mu~cle Con­ ,'f; b lOY bnomxsH ,S!1IlI1'[ 9{sG Music Study ... tract" at the Physics elu bmeeling right, and Dorolhy Jenkins, A3 1sci:tuJ :ts noitiaoqmo:>' bns Xlosrli -foX !lII,{SW ,boow9moH 11sd19H • :11 ;tl 'ntramural l\fanager · .. club will meet at 2:30 this bs~jnsll10nu :laom ,2q1J0'll} nwoT tomorrow night at 7 o'clock in sented the program. They are • . .ci.s·IO:>Sa ni 9l!sIl0:> ,:dnsl'iJ: Jioia ,fl.iV'1 1 10'11110 ,bll!l:le Members of Defense actemoon in the Alpha Delta Pi j'oom 205 of the physics building. Stuart, A4 of Dubuque; Kathryn ' '. ~.. rllIUO'lli:t smo:! 9vsci ,2uqmso 9ciJ 10 IUSTIAN SCIENCE sOl'ol'ity house. b'lswb:iI ,19ci:>:tsH MOT. ,noalO IIlff 'l1!)cIt rilluooJls ,II!lW XldsJi'llIm91 All elementary physics s tudents BUl'pe, dean of women; Helen Focht, ooiUI 2'{slq EID ,blltaqO 'l9vI .a1M bnB .1M 2sNlociT ,noal9V'! :H:>st ,!loaniJi:lsW In Science organization • a'jllciT . .. wo[ n9sd acci 9l!siCl!l:l'19q • • are invited to attend. program wetI' special guests. ~d s:>n91S1 ,j'l9IJ p9Ilj&l'l~ns ,noillnimoolff .3: -boH HilI ,wofafl.iW doff ,alod~i~ t Tuesday, Ma rch 3, at Course Plan Meeting esJJimmo:l IS1jn9:l !lcil qU01~ 9dt Sara Hart . . ------...:-.------sW .noasaa 10 ",bamuef:l8 IIensa .21M bds 19rTWS1H blSci!liH ,alblO doa: ,2'1911 n the north conference .1:1 '1:0 smsll .J .:![ .alM bns ,.oM ,bns1ci!liJI /Ill:> S9a oj Xqqsr! taom 9d bluow owa Union. · .. guild wiil meet at 6:3P in . Jlnsci~2 doff bas The national defense truining the home of Mrs. 'Fred Boerner, HOW IOWA CAMPUS GROUP AIDED PHOENIX 'her . c&:~;ls xsblaia9X ,aUNSVS bnSl0 rIG ,U!lH -Lov oi 9~iUo 2'191 uas9~j 9cii ;Is \UDREY ANDERSON course in "AdvQnced StructUl'es," 9dt 8i 'l!)Jl!lmuci,8 .a·IM .'l9nnib :Is 19ci!is ,2smib 1j90j 9VS91 xli1s:tnu Vice-Preslden' 237 Lexlllgton. Mrs. Joe Harding which will be cond ucted by Pro!. and Mrs. Vera F inley will be as­ Th.Wuk of F'.It. 2/- 211 8 :~tj:) lIwoI 10 U9H xahi08 'I9m'Iol: enevno::> ot ItnDrt'1eM -!la slitm soJ '101 '1 0 ,199W 9cii xd C. J. ProC. Posey and Charles sisting hosteSses. jLa ...... 1 .201" VlT" M ... ICl 1(, e:: ~ ... 'lalaam • ALL STUDENTS Looney, both of \.he college of • • • 10% " .. . S · ts who failed to indicate engineering, will have its final II.DeIU G6m~ ' -u1aulliIl9 910m 9111 allis /lIlT 'f addresses on their reg· meeting tonight in Clock Tower, Social service ... a'(od 9dk n.ad~ 210iudl1iClOO olt materials or who have Rock Island, Ill. · .. committee ot Women of the 12Ma: . Ii I '('191'13" :11111 sno b9l/'IlImsH ..• their addresses since reg· Wilbur M. Nelson, research pro­ Moose will pI'esent a chapter night "I~'" 'Jot a1 xlillUOO sdt nl '(od 5191100 lessor in structural engineering at program at 7:45 in the Moose hall. should call at tile Reg· I It••• a'.swoI tQSSX9 allIq 81dt ffice immediately to pro- the University of Illinois, will de­ The Rev. Evans A. Worthley will 3.Otul~.... & S niqqU2 livcr his paper on "The Physical speak on "Social Service Today 1I0iqqocia • * • jnformation. ~_ 1(,1 ,i I I . ", (e elrse! 2noUudhlno!l xii!l1!l:)S1'i HARRY G. BARN~ Properties of Matter and the Be­ and Tomorrow." 4.J.ff"so.L liou'. :Ion ,{ciw HJ~UHJ ~UOy no .tngjaixa-non xflS:li:J~lI~q 119/ld Registrar havior of Structural Members." /I 'lisci.t :Is ,!~ .iJl {,"'~ I ' ' alIsaw !lS1cit :)a~il 9c1t }o aiasd 9efj The paper has received much fa­ 'V' 1.5. Cou-t ",",,, •• . 1- • bnit II'uoY b9lblliwb anoiJudl1Jno:> baup ..• ,Ie DISCUSSION (;ROUP vorable comment from the Amer­ Executive Council s eI 2 !ltS!l (~99W 9~t 101 16bnsl6J lll) :l~') i·1 Ij axod 9efT .. Ji9/lW t2lil 9ril 'l9:tis i~ students' discussion ican Society of Civil Engineers. Plans Meeting Today Itt.l1 f : I ·· .' b IS.Clillton H." .. - ns ef:>saq L-__~------__------~ .. .• bnim ni 'nivom bsef aa9ltduob ill meet Thursday, Match Professor Wilson is chairman , I is.t ,aqila .x;lsboa a'!,lCqosq lICluoY-O&:D ~ d:)1u dO lIal!1lOuJ: JlolS o p.m. in the norl/l ton· o( the socicty's committcc on struc­ The executive co u n c i I of I ' ~ : l .r.~ ,I lIbs bns :noqn98 .9:>1'I'l!l2 lIniCl!)v3:-0£ : ~ lIotllllmoo18 bna o08JUlo1. aaoUudhllloo -*­'(tlulls1 w91 A tural alloys. 7. W;lson H ..... room of Iowa Unioh. Dr. Y. W.C.A. will meet til is U[tel'llOOll s'H .9:ls1 . ".j!.t:ls'I [.a:lneNl.ab(tlJ"! 1uo'l" 10ia.a'l ,ld/101'1 .0 .A .v,JI WUIl9G sdt bns ,sbam Ilssd 9"Srl an of the English depart· at 4 o'clock in the Y.W.C.A con­ 'i 9bom -!saNl 1!)'(1I1'1-O&:~ ,xsbaanb!)W ~ <~ I ~ ." I It:. I ~'- ...... loocin xabnu2-61:Q , -0.1110 nil '1l1l'1l1q:llQ a1 Iionuo!) 1 lead the discussion. ference rom of Iowa Union. Is. Chi Om""'A I~a is aqUa Club Meeting Cancel/ed .~ni :CIONl198 .a:>iv'ls8 snivia-O&:Of l1li11 115m :ldt 10 1000noo bssi DOLORES RII!\.LV trhc meeting of the Campus Virginia l vle, A4 of Shenan­ ";:> !l1S tsci.t ball ooU.nlallllmbl: ad! '10 nsmow ··1 '.' IL! • . I ~ , ".rltia,[ 10 tcilli'[ booO 9r£T" Chairman Camera club scheduled for tonight doah, president, is in charge of i ..-,,- " q -ql1 !lv.aci rlMudO :lalbolfl~M ot 'IISW modw 10 'l;1I.1lm .'(Uuoat I9.Sio ..... A~. -si:>oaas t1l9bu:l2 nSl,oJu..I-O£:8 is canceled. Next meeting is the meeting which will be held , 11 a 91dstalJt ,otaa'l :l1I9fllrt8 ,nlt,aM ,H '(s(II~8 U''I;adT , .. Sl1lvl'l (lcit 110 III iss to plan tile agenda for the cabinet ~,...·-~ I {:., .I.anoilov!lb noU '1'.D. TN ENGLISH March 10 at 7 :30 p.m. in the aud­ IQUi 1I ....st 'I ' T a- .Ioocioe efo1uci::l-OE:1! ·ouoo 5dt bn.s ,90llado 119d. av.sd ,c of the ch&nge in tho itorium of the Fine Arts build­ meeting which will be at 7:30 to­ -198 .qi1i2'1oW inimoM-al':Ol -biM - .m.q oe : ~ ,xsbaanOOW : a'JscD1' 911t rlUw bsaa91q nsod 8£d lio ~ .9!)jv1sa n!ltnsJ Ji!l9W late of the preselat seriles· ing. night. J .. ~ . "lIl0/{ lInjaff a1 91ulu"l 9ciT" :nONl U~i~It.Phi s ){ ,Cl911113: · .. 5l!lIoqe91 '(trullsl comprehenslve examina· 10 'l9.lJoq . W nsmU'1T .vs5£ !lcjl Xd III ,~ ... m01'! 2Xllb *' the Ph.D. in English will ~h\5_ I r u?,,~ J.. .llI ,Uulff sJlsJ d01UdO nS15diuJ: lI8IIlIlI:!I inA bsjClioq 9d bluocia lInjeft 9nO P ; B.t. PN ,= " M e9CI .:t'i t!llllBM blls ,upuduU orit 17 in~te od of on the .2. .a19q2!)V noUsbnuo'[ '{9Ca9W-1' -qsJia iClabuJa io :ti1!ln9d so:) 10i Juo , l0tea'l ,1II19u,1I .M dqIIIJI .V9J1 ;en in the departmental L~.."., -y,j I ),;:-, sriT ... SlUa sd 01 :tnsw orlw 2!lit on graduate study. • 113 G. Ft."'· dO'lud:l o.tlt8l'Ul:> :lnl'l .IOOel02 Xl;bnu8-O&:Q lInisd 91& 21lood a'bnu"! xin90ciQ mLISH DEPARTMI!NT .wol rn -198 .qiefa'Iow SllimoM-II.:01 i ~' - .. I·, ns!) uoY . . . Xl2Uolu:>it9m jq9,( -" L- - I ".a9vBI2 00911:" :nOf1] )MMITTEE .. r: .Pl.i8.~ .n~'RfloJ: flItOln,(IIJI .vsJl .ami~ xns msli:l j I> >1001 s 9:>1st .lIClU99m jn9buJa !l8l9cituJ-OE:ll t . 'IoJu'l '(Jqqu8 . . . 1!ll}SW !l'I ~-AMERIeAN CLUB ..:c. -".::. >- .8!)2211h 9jdiH-1I~:Q .!l!)iV19a lInin9v9 netn9..l-0£:~ 1.0. 0. I • iii • mericnn club members I 5.AI. tt... "" :nonne8 .9:>i'l'l!l2 qicf2l0W-O .. :01 seft io '1so1: m011-9Js!iQ" :Clom1s8 -....,.. la,lws108 sdl '10 ,moa IADY 'S PLAIN He. I ".bW013 !t Wednesday, March II, " l~ I I r;r - t8SJ a'bl0J 'lUO '1..0 X s b noM" lIoollll ot b92U l199d oVlld etllllm ~"I ~ ,a.i 0. llstn9.l-.Ill.q O&:~ ,xsbasnb9W ,m. in room ~21-A, Schael· .. '9 " .Jia9W nI J'1Is 5110 . . . bctU01 .. nalq 9dt ~M" :rrOm198 .9:li'I'J9B Ji99w-bif1] Ted Andrews, G of Iowa EAo.~ J' ~~ 5'lU1ll51q lnill.st iii 211.a oUsmll'lb ".!JoY 10t neviO asW all.1 1 talk on "Snakes ot South c•• '"eo." ..... Wi o...tt .. I IfOlud:l laqo:Jlliq:!I '(t1l1hT teal.l. atnshrU1l111 qU Jctb/llldi nl DRESS . , sI9i10:> •• SSE ." Meetings will always bt ; I ~_""lA ' .' • . lIctUlJdl'Uooll rltl1UilO ia.Uqa8 inl" Wednesdays after. this. lls.I(&I>I>A. A. '0.., loi~8J1 ,~o"aoM .a b,adtl,IJI .v9Ji t'./Iaw .. bllod 9dl '(rlW" :00111 mANED AND PRESSED .!'!oilluC1lCTlOo '(loH-8 1Oillll'l ,Blf,5kI .3 1!1ml:!l .v5JI ALMA MINFORD . j ~. lana "III but IUnu 3J1UTAM .lood:l8 ri~1UefO-O&:Q .IoOlb. Ji:l1uelO-ll.:O Preslden~ IIQ.si" ...... n~ a :Jl5bn9llllll0l>sa "... 1SW adt bas nolnummo:J XloH .:..- c.:01 -198 • .s:!ilf'l!lil qiIj2'1QW-e.:Ol ,Mlmoll0!)9 ,(18lct"mals III 981UOO 9 HYW9Q S" C.. h' It .fl.Om1$l1 "~wo~ ll/lioa boO at :tsciW" :nom blla ,('110m 00 'I9lqado II dilw )OLOGY SEMINAl •• . SUI' o. o'CO'" ..... ' ~ catrr ~Q i_"-.U ",an' AT •••••• r:, ... -lIlJmmO!l '(loH-OE:O ,Xllba!)uT 'Y seminar will meet Jtj. ••• SlIhln.d Lody'. Plain CO ••• ,dwV.v3 .noi dtl1UdO eIdl8 ellJvla'lO:> rcb 6 at 4 p.m. in • • • room I:lLT_1I 1'\_ I· xCoH-.m.s 01 bllS ~ ,,{lIb29nb9W loJU'l ,ll1s_1« dq(oJluJi •v5JI he zoology building. 1\eT" ,!)'aal: !I01 Iliw I!sdwona 9ciT eX H .noinummo!l .looci!l8 9Idiff-a.:1! :tI ... eenberg, G of Iowa CitJ, ":.;1 ~t .. i llnlaa!)ull m'l ,no Wall m011 112 Oua.4,..nJia , .1" ahm -lIav:! _ .m.q O&:~ ,'f;sbasnbsW :nom'l98 .qlc£e10w inimoM-H s 'J 0 III tllcij sldsvi9:>no:>ni J'nai 3k on "Effects of T!IIIOt' . • .8aslbba bllll lInoa ".!lqoH lInivi~ AI> 1SV( 9ciJ, oj.rtl :tuq 9d Hiw X9nom ropionate upon the Repro­ ThIs Is how :!2 orcaniaed campus rroups ranked in perccntage of cooJ>e.!I ayUmM .inlt!l9m a'alqosq lIIIuoY-8 91ft .lli ,swot is a:tCl9buJ a Xd 110lls ;ystem and BehavjQrofthe L d' 11: SIfOI "'AlII DI". #I !lihil911n.ave II n I (t s v 3: - el':l' a y, ~ubb.r or Leath HII Phoenix Fund durin I the past week. Thc Fund Is Iowa's ludent plan f~ ,,!)'Iud:> '.lIoU.IMlno:> tnl" nalli ,swol ts aln9buJa sol '1.0 9msa Anolis carolinensis.)" M ••' , IIU ••III HII15 or Ill.,. • •• It. , •. cushloninr the post·war financial shock later-by aiding Iowa. men, call UadamM 1I000&n&1. Jllla ftotnlJ() .lInit!l9N1 ni 'IfIUla19Vifl.u ow! 'lS0tO xnll Xcf Lady', Or Child', If AI; SO • • . . • • . . . ~ pt. xbuta 9IdilI-.m.q a.:~ ,XSb29UT PROF. J. H. BODIN' complete their education, In ret-urnlnc to school arter lhc war. TIIda, lit ,oJlIIC[ ,'(,saW .1 1,~a1. •v5JI d.ot l ~tslbsmml a'H . . . X1JNUO:> aeft Man', or 'oy', If AU SO US...... 5 .. pt. ' ,.;.;,:;:.,.,,,,:~, • .[ood,! d:>lUdO-O£:Q .lInU9Sm 19,{Slq bns liS ...... ". name of lOur LIving croup Isn't tn this Ust, gd tnto rear. And jf lOur IfI'1l1J)a eiIDl •• • • 1 aixli sclt -qiefw ql!)o ojl ad Iliw climb bl contrthuUIlI' Jour dimes today! , :aonn!18 .9:>IY'l" qlcinoW-a.:Ol td mw h!)lia lIerici:>s91-1S1 s'H "JdlJoO 101: !SHua3 sNloe" 51f,'IU~ ,10 \0 1f0000dC> tuq 'ot ,ta'1gjni eftiw ,llnimu:tS1 ni s'lboq .1!l 110 :l1t1l"W Speaker From China Plymouth circle of t.he Congrega- ~elCI dol qldawo/l,'l fituoY mi1ll!IQ-O&:D f 00 d!l & nl Ji!lsd aJinllY a'swoI .1UO~ 'lsqalv ,0n.'I ,'!;ltllaH lSi,a ,M .vd , . . ... nislis To Present lecture tional ehUl:ch at 2:30 tomorrow V.,H aohDM .loor!:>a ,{sbllua-a.:Q • -1!)8 .qici810W IIClllll0M-e.:Ol . • • For Plymouth Circle afternoon ill the church. \ t( ("IldC> ,JUIJ sIlT .-.11 1,01meR •.1 .... 'I9,uea,1T Dr. Christian has been engaged ~ fl aon8n&1. JIll. 1I0ioil0 -JinI 9rit elJiW nsM 9r1T" :aom· 111M 'Inlt&'l5qoo' nl tuo-1I1 '110'1 Dr. Leonard J . Christian 01 Foo- in relief and religious work in Iet'lIoM 'Im3 '(ij~ummo:l.a alleqaci::> aWIJ !IC{T ".alorl · la1tIlllO ·ltdt 10 811i'1 bll. I'(od 5JIt .chow, China, will address the ' China lor 30 Yeal·s. \! 'dlGft ,n!,lqo 'CllWtpn1l8 auoilliI~l lia"p CIt !1l1U fI''(5dT .lItlJUrOO anol'1l1q oS .m.q ~ oj .1'11.8 f Nlo'll -flllad • 8bnM Il:lIlUo, &tU ,flau'l -n... 1;1 ed'l.. .1" ,bupuod a mid btla. tlOUBtlb8m.. 'to} adilo1: Ha io lJ,U'II9r1 .... ""vsTlII, ,I,...... ,rft oJ JlnA • • • tlO'I '1111 ••••• .19"(11.q "'ldIudT" IIU 'JOt ISmlb atf,S tnn sdt 10 PAGE FOUR T'BE J)A1L'T lOWA-1f, IOWA OlTY, lOW A = ~--= ~kma fOr 80,

Charles A ,'atleY Boy o 4e~i , yestel ('OIIlIIliUees dID wi~ .' sCoul achv II rPurdue Cage Team ,tIIr, Wildcats Drop, . Commit~ as selected t Whips Wolves, 52-41 Iff: . orgnnizair Indiana (agen IItsSeJschwe Boilermakers Stage lIeGarrY, Lt Second Half Rally; /less and R by Kuhl, Trickey, lo~a Deals Loop Champs CampiDg Sprowl Leads Attack B,y49·45 TaJIj petersen, ch Second Defeat With Comeback From and D, D. 0 23-16 Halftime Deficit ANN A:RBOR, Mich, (AP)­ ,'\dvancem Purdue's speedy basketball team Hoosiers Dropped Wilber J, TE By BILL BUCKLEY finished strong last night to hand 1\.0. popha The Dally Iowan Sports Editor I Michigan's desper~te team its From 2nd Place [)OWning an I owa. couldn't sto-p the inspi.rcd f irst· half splul'ge or lllinQis' tenth Western conference defeat, Deadlock to Third fino ncc: ' 52 to 41, second team here last night, but litCl'lllly took its famous sopho­ 11\80; Prof, Thc seventh-place Wolverines Witte and Ii more studded varsity apart, holding the nmvly.ecowned Big '1'en shoved the Boilermakers all over BLOOMINGTON, ]00, (AP)­ Leadershil cl13mpion~ to t hree points in th ~ 16 y:! minntes they played, and I the fioor in the first half and, with Northwestern University's WiJO. In, chairm~ ",innin'" an ea~y 46-32 deci ion which net t('d the IIawks unclis­ 13 minutes remaining, had a 40- cats upset Indiana's H009ien, 41 R, E, Arthur puLed second p lace in the conferCll ce stnnelin!!, . 29 leael. to 45, in a Big 'I'en basketball Sub~mlT Then Purdue, led by Forrest Coach DOl,g 1\1:iU ' strategy of sta l'tin g- his 1'OSCI'I'es to bullcl up I game last night, a. 23-16 halrtime lead, and th en sending in hi<; tOil ted r~ g uJ8t· S to Sprowl, who bagged 10 ot his 14 - Indiana led until midway 01 !be poli, h off the seeming ly impot------I points in the !inal period, came on with a rush and Michigan wa-s first half when forward Bobby CJ1t Ha.wks, exploded in hii: face, around jump shot to keep the able to make only a single point J ake of Nortbwestern tied the , I b .1 1 'Id 1 'Uawks ahead, 34.26, Chapman /lB. owa attereu t 1e beWl ere( g t f. th a d 'lh 0 1 311 ' as the Boilermakers racked up 23, score at 8-all, Two fl'ee thrllWl " db" . b" 0 a I ee row, n WI . n Y I¥ Da Purdue finalJy ca ught up with ~\'011 er oy~ J~to Sl1 mlSSlon minutes leU to play, the Illini sec­ by forW81'd otto Graham pve wlth an amazmg display oC turn- and string came in. four minutes to go when John the Wildcats a 10 to 8 adV1Jn~ about basketball. ,. . , Chapman and Trickey each Tierney dropped in a field goal to tie the SC01'e at 41-all. Fouled and by halftime, they had stmdJ· -- It ,Ioo~ed IJke it Just wasn t counted from the field twice, and C Iowa s night when those replace- Rudy Soderquist took a pass from on the shot, he made good on the ell their lend to 25 to 13. But. AI: charity toss to send his team ahead ments, three of whom were regu- Tlickey to score on a fa st break I quent\y Indiana narrowed the I', It Inrs lnst year, out-shot, out-re- later sinking a charity toss, to stay. Dur~ The victory was Purdue's ninth margin to seven pOlnts, but North· bounded and out-sp.eeded the loc- ing this time Henry Sachs hit on in 14 league games. westem's sharpshooters extl!nded C, als fo r a full 20 mmutes, But all a , I a ng one , Fowlel' swished anolher it again, MILT KVBL MARRI'ED of his one-handeI'S, and Capt. Bill Purdue (52) FG FT PF TP The outcome, which Iltas North­ lor 2 day! Milt Kuhl, regular center on the Hocking made two free throws, Sprowl, f ...... 7 0 0 14 western's second victory Df. !be tOe pel cage team for the last three years, but this set of IlIini was no more Riley, f ...... 2 0 0 4 season over Indiana, COUjlled willi consecuti was married to Betty Jean Hag­ in the game than their predeces- J II I • Tierney, r ...... 2 0 1 4 wins by Iowa over Illinois and 1c pe't man, A3 of Huron, S,D., at Mem­ SOl's. AS HAWKS WON SIXTH STRAIGHT-..n~n Trickey (27), O1\e of the IOWA'S ATDLETE OF T,n: YEAR-Co-capt, Vic Siegel of the bas­ Menke, c ...... 5 0 3 10 Purdue over Michigan knocked tie consecllti phis, Mo, Feb, 13, it was an­ Box score: sparkplugs of Iowa's 46-~2 win over J,lIII1019' Big Tell !lhamlJlon~ last ketball team was named Iowa's "Athlete of the Year" between ))alves Comad, g ...... _ 5 3 0 13 Hoosiers from a second-plJll:e tJe 5c p~r nounced yesterday, Ruhl, a first Iowa (46) FG FT PF TP night, was unsuccessful in this atteaJ(lt to l1~pturll a 1:ebound, but rot or the illinois basketball ~ar,ne last night, and is shown here belD&' Polk, g ...... 1 0 1 2 to a third place deadlock with I month- semester sen ior from Ida Grove, Chapman, f ...... 5 2 2 12 more than h;S share later ib therevepP,lr ,and sf-or II 12 .,olnts. Henry presented the travelin&' troJihy by Bill Buckley, sports editor of The Blanken, g ...... 2 1 3 5 Purdue in the conference stand­ 4c per was Iowa's "Most Eligible Bach­ Trickey, f ...... 5 2 0 12 Sac~ , nllnpi ~ I jrqard' lIas th. ball, anll ,/.be tW(l oPPosj,q&, centers, ,.<\rl Dally lowall , Siegel topped the field In the voting, a yearly Iowan ings, I _ Figure elor", and Miss Hagman was a Hill, f ...... " ...... 1 1 1 3 Malbl

A ...... W

, , SAY, UNCLE 'BElU.· ..I I'M TAKING '11'E SAM& 1M ON A WAR ,IME H"VE "TO 'PRI>CTICE ON F I'RST- "It> COlIRSE.. t>lET_ •• EC>U~ •• "'NJDlVE ..lUST AN 'pL!> DEAR' NOW IS THE TIMEI U you aN lookID9 for that WHERE CAN 1 GET GOT n.o PERFEcT fit> (;>O,ESNT ""WI;>ATALL.­ extra bit of cash which DIllY com. lD baacly ri9ht c,QMEBaO( wtIQ'lL t>UMMIES WE c,o,N -·WEI.I.,IT I'!O 'TRYING AT PRACT1CE ON, ..•• ~OR HIM · .. ~ET MfE "tIT ON TIMes now. take stock of your auetal Th. mo.t Importcmt 'rOU'R Ur-CLe5. ROBIN ONLV N'Nf: "'O~E SPUNTS "NO money-brinqer will be that spar. room. , , ,,1'-10 il<5 ON 'THE 13ANDAG'E ____ ...... ".., ~5T C0JRSE' " 'EM U'P? ST~ e;.o:., Buo.· I'M FIX IT UP and RENT IT to one of the many stud· GOlt-IG 'to GIVE WlTH enls who will be looldnq for rooma thlJ aprla9. , , , " BH:.K· FUP! Con1act your luture roomer thfttuqh ne Dally Jowcm classlfled de~artment. DEAR NOAH ~ IF VITAMIN CAM'T"C- WI~ Just pick up the phone anc:L IT "B "l ~ M E'G~"O'" P..... OO!> .... 0 .. 10.

D£.A IZ. /'IoAH '" DO HOT DIAL 4191 POGS WAIT. F"o~ -rH6 SAUCE TO I"ETCHUP ? ...... "'-C<-OT.. ..II.... "N • ...".·. ~.e . - . OE;AR NOAH-IF "'~E . _,. WEEPING- W I ~I-CIW Vol .. W;I..I.. THe:: YEL-LJ:JW DaiLy Iowan Want- Ads MRS BIo'MP ..lOINS 'TilE PINE.? H:"~'Q~~~.wA. WAft e-COHOMV ~'''E , I PAGE SIX HI DAILY rQWAR. 'IOWA CITY;",'O'W'1l-·_*" ~. , "4"0:-' ,-", •• , I .-=-'"""'-;----...... ,) ...... -.-, ful!SdAT;'MXReft t.'!tw . . ~ L· Mathews ys. Sladek Cora 'r~iH~ Red Cro~_s Teachers Get Cards. FuneralS e r vice HtIiJ T h t . Marine (orps Reserve Opens Ti~e Rationing Board Sewing Unit to Meet for Frank McDon~ e IS enlng $8,558 Damage Suit For Suga(Rationing In Oxford Yest~ , . . d' So h Gives Seventh Report The weekly sewing meeting of the Coralville unit of the Amer­ F h The report on operations of the Funeral :service lor __ ...~ Po st-- To Begin Thursday o res men an p omores icah Red Cross will be held to­ Courlty Superintendent F~ J. - '-oil .. Donough, 51, tormer J~ Johnson county til'e rationlng morrow afternoon from one until Snider said yesterday that survey :~ The candidates class for com­ equlred for appoinl/nent to com- board for the perIod ending Feb. {our o'clock at the Coralville forms fo), sugar ratiQnlng cards arc county resident who died s.~ Due to illness of the plaintJIf, a townhall. being mailed to rural teachers to at St. Mary's hospital In mission in thc mnrine corp~ l'e­ !-.t district court petit jury empaneled missioned rank in the regular ma- 28, was released yestel'day by of­ Mrs. Fred Krlz and Mrs. C. W. B; serve is nOw open to quallried ficials of the board, It was the determine the actual number in Louis, will be held at 10 Ii~ yesterday .to ,hear the $8,558 d!UTl­ rine corps. Johnson will be' in charge. The each family in Johnson county. t\lls morning at St. Mal')", ~ freshmen and an enlarged quota seventh weekly report made by LOREN age action of Julius J . Mathews vs. 5. Be at least 66 inches but not that committee. coinmlltee has urged that all fin­ The Iorms, to be turned in by in OlC(ord. Burial will lit la John Sladek, will not report until of sophomores, MIke Enich, re­ ished garments be returned at the the teachers by Friday, will list Calvary cemetery. lit mCURSON cruiting oUlcer at Des MOines, has over 76 inches In height with Certicates for obsolete tires and 9:30 a,m. Thursday when the case weight in proportion of height and tube sizes were issued to Iowa time of the meeting. the name of the family, number of The son of Mr. and Mrs. ~ is then expected to get under way. announced. children, others in household, and McDonough, he was bor.a Qualilied applicants are en­ age. Water Service Company; Will NEW COUR E FOR SUI.... Jurors c has e n yesterday are: 6. Be recommended as to char­ Owen; Godfrey Shupitar; John Canle Breeders Plan total number in home. 1 raised in OlC(or~. For !bt: Elizabeth Doty, Oxford; Roy J, listed for four years, but must Solder stated that this assistance 37 yea~ ~e lived 10 East Sl ~ The University of Iowa ought to ugree that they may be held in acter and qualifications by the Campbell; F. B. Rohret; P. J. Con­ BI'Ysch, first ward; lone B. Hills, president or dean of the coliege nell, and Floyd A. Kelly. District Meeting Here to the federal government is asked Survlv10g are one sbttr ~ add a new and highly important service for the duration of the war. of the schools as a patriotic con- Lillian Williams, OXfOrd: first ward; Charles Meyers, Big or university, one member of the Certificates for truck til'e~ or course to its curriculum... That Grove; Ed Poula, Monroe; R H. Men so enlisted are appointed pri­ tribution to our war effort, and brother, Charles J. M~~ vates ill'St class and placed on in­ faculty and by at least three cit­ tubes were issued to Ivan C, Rum- A district meeting of the Jersey goes as well {Ol' every major uni­ Schillig, third ward; Albert F . Mc­ Izens of good standIng in the ap­ melhart; M. L. Ten Eick and Don- Cattle Breeders association will be all elementary :school buildings are Los ~geles, Cal.; one aun~ , - active status until called for train­ to be utilized as centers for the Catherme Mooney, OXfOI1l' vei:sity in the nation.•• Mahan, flith ward; Inez Rinehart, pJlcants home community. aid Kolarik; Jonas Y. Yoder; held at 12 noon tomorrow at the Madison; Peter J. Dully, Uolon; ing. If it is necessary that they distribution of rationing cards. uncle, I'rank J. McDono~: be called to active duty belch 7. Furnish written consent of Charles Serbousek; Bernhard Lenz Community bUilding, Emmett C. • • • Louise H. Shelladay, second ward; parents or guardian to enlisl/nent and Son; Howard Moffitt; Paul Gardner, county agent, announced ford, and two oleces and ~ graduation, at least siK months ne­ nephew. ' We've nceded thts course since T. R Edwards, Oxford, and Ruth if a minor. W H D W It K P· yesterday. M. Randali, second ward. tice will be given. agner; enry ee; a er em, d f M tl Marrl'ed Saturday the university camc Into being To be eligible for enlistment for Physical examinations lor Ulosll Johnson County Creamery; Oath- Eugene McBrI e 0 usca nc, back In 1847••• lC we didn't Mathews alleges be received se­ interested will be given ot the out Iuneral home; Edward Haber- presid.e!;)t of the ass9Ciation, wiII Clerk of Court R. Neilson Millcr vere permanent injuries and dam­ training with the candidates class, Brief CaM Sto~n miss It In the first 100 years, the appJlcant must fllrcb Fresh­ Railway Express Agency; and vited to aUend. to Dr. Juliw Wolkln, 31, and Hazel side drive, reported to POYee ~ cident with one driven by Sladek men and sophomol'es may appear Leonard J. Coufal. Mae Brogan, 22, both of ]owa oyer III the next 100. •• on a Lincoln township I'oad Sept. more, juolor or senior at art ac­ terday th!Jt his car pa~Iced II .. credited college or university in for this physical examination Passenger car certiflcates were met W. Hochstedler received a City. The couple was married by repr of the Jefterson 20, 1941, due to the negligence of without making previous applica­ hotel It's a 20-hour course in public good standi~g, and, issued to Edward J .Bryan; nnd certificate Ior tires for a farm im- Justice of Pea~'C J. M. Kadlec Sat- Sladek. tion. entered and a light brown bri!! service... It {orms--- the specialized He seeks $300 lor medical eK­ 1. He must be a male citizen of. the Oathout funeral home. Em- plement. urday aiternoon, case was taken. ' training of a limited class-per­ penses, $5,000 for past, present and the United Stllles, unmarried, and ======~~======~======~~~~- haps 20 students-during their future pain and suetering and $3,- agree to remain so until commis­ last two yem'S in the university 000 for permanent injuries to his sioned. •.. or perhaps during two addi­ back. For damages to his car, 2. Belong to no other military tional graduate years which lead Mathews asks $258. orgaolzation, including army or to a speciul degree. • • Mathews is represented by the navy RO.T.C. ~ . . law ih'm of Dutcher, Ries and 3. Be pursuing a cQurse of study The course membership is as Dutcher. The law firm of Messer, leading to a bachelor of arts, bach­ hlrhly selective as it can be Hamilton and Cahill represents elor of sciencc or an engineering --- made... Anyone is eli&ible 10 Sladek. degree. -- - be examined as an applicant, 4. Pass the physical eKllmlnaU.Qn but ollly the 20 most apt stu­ -- dents will be permitted to en­ roiL .• .'- * • • I.C. Defense Council Judge James Gaffney They will spend the majority of their academic time during n Opens 7Registration Grants Ware Divorce two-year period with iust one idea in mind~ to receive an all­ inclusive educational background Booths for Civilians Mary Alice Ware yesterday was "Me, I'm an which will prepare them in some granted a divorce :from James smail way for one thing-to serve Seven booths tor the registra­ Vernon Ware and was awarded the United States of America as tion of persons willing to serve in alimony and support money in public officiuls, U. S. representa­ an ol'gaolza tion for the defense of the sum of $100 a month. tives in (oreign capitals, experts Iowa Oity were opened yesterday According to the decree issued in government. .. world leaders by the local defense cowlcil. by Judge James ~. Gaffney, the in progressive human afiail's . .. Thc booths arc located at the plaintiff was awarded all personal "Ve" oth\oRhi\e ... that's a wor~ ~ pick.ed Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric property, furniture and furnishings Their inslructors will be the CQmpany; the post Office; Racines now held in stora,e. Costs of the best the univer----sity has to offer No. 1; Iowa State Bank and Trust action and $300 tor attorney teed up in a crossword puzzle. Means some~ody In every colicge ... and the hest Company; First Capit91 National for plaintiff was taKed to the de­ obtainable from ou/side •.. bank; the Johnson county COUl't- fendant. who likes to have crowds around. After They wiil be trained ill the I house and the civic library. The decrec also stipulated that broad trends of human history The registration stations will be the plaintiff shall receive $100 a '1- d ')" ... In science, in econolJ'Jcs, open through Saturday and the year for medical or other expen­ an, what retailer doesn't .1 ~~~ crow s. In philosophy, III 20th century ! library station will remain open ses, and upon marriage of the I geography ... permanently. plaintlIf all payments shall cease. • • • Urging everyone In Iowa City to To the defendant tlle court They'll be trained, too-Inso­ volunteer ior some phase of de­ awarded some real estafe In Texas, far as they can be tl'a1ned­ fense work, the defense council a bew'oom suite, blankets and a in vision, in insight and in high stated that none will be asked to chair, gifls from Mr. Ware's mo­ purpose: . . They will he expos­ serve outside of Iowa City. The ther and grandfather, books, maJXl, . . ed to the kind oC training wlllch unit will plan for the defense of war trinkets, personal effects and creates the Mllark of Inspiration this city only, it was .said. a silver service tray. in the mcntal cavities of poten­ The decree further states that if , Ual human dy namoes. • . the defendant should receille an Malcolm Ean, 52, Dies an increase in salary, irrespective They will graduate from their of the amount of Increase, the course to entel'- ---still morc specia­ monthly payments to the plaintiff I lized areas of (Ictivity-training After Brief Illness thereafter shall be in the sum 01 grounds for the particular kind of $125 a month. public service of their bent. . . Malcolm Ean, 52, 602 Rundell, Al:so in case of increase in salary, the eCOl'lomists will stUdy world died at 2:45 yesterday afternoon the payment of $100 to ,the plain­ economics, the embryo statesmen at Mercy h~pital after a brief tiff for extra expenses shall cease will study world Jaw and thc in­ illness. entirely. The decree ' also pJ'ovidcjI tricacies of statecraft, others will Born at Ossian, Sept. 4, 1889, for readjustments ot payments In study languages. . . Ean attended elementary and high case Mr. Ware is retired or his • • * school there. He came to Iowa salary is decreased. Gradually they will move into City 21 years ago and since that The couple was married June 29, the active service of the nation time had been employed on the 1930, at Platte City, Mo., and sep­ •.. They will represent Amer­ [ow a City Press-Citizen, At the arated Jlme 1, 1941. There are no ica throughout the world, in time of his death he was chief ma­ children. eVery arelL of human achieve­ chinist and linotype operator. Attys. Pauline Kelly and Jl. ~. ment .. They wiII be the best Ean is survived by his wife. 'Olsen represented the plaintiff the country lIas to offer, and Funeral arrangements have not while Atty. Arthur 0, Left repre­ / uYoII'1i find a steady slream of customers ill this store every they will clevote their lives to been completed, The body is at sented the defendant. the gTeat dream whlcll even "Every chan~ I get, I tell manufacturers' represenla!!~~~hOW McGovern funeral home. J • day .. ,customers who are watching the family budget more care­ now Is beginning to make lis 2• I feel about newspaper advertising ... how everybody:ill ,toWII presence felt beneath the sur­ fully than ever, now that we're at war, and watching newspaper reads the daily paper, and the ads in the paper, too, whether face of exploding bombs and Three Negroes Inducted ads more carefully, 1.00, in order to save money and time." other lUnds of advertising reach them or not." - dying men lind women in every Three Johnson county Neg r 0 Meetings eomer of the world ... men will be inducted into the

• $ • United States army soon it was re­ 5 Local Organizations This wiII mark the bcginning ported yesterday. The men, who Convene of training for world'ieadership.. recently passed their pre-induction Will It is now as important to us as physical examinations. are William American leadership bas been dur­ Michael Banks, Vachel Alphonso TuesdaY, March 3 • \ ing the first 150 years of Ameri­ Trent and Emmett Wheeler Gil­ Klwanill Clqb-Jeffel'SOD hotel, can freedom. . . more. 12 :05. Young P,o,le'. 80elal Da"clDa' Class - Recreational center, 4

,ANNOUNCES FEB. 13 MARRIAGE o'clock. / I. C. Gas Hawk':-I. C. Recre­ ational center, 7 o'clock. I. O. O. F.-124If. E. College, 7:30. o'clock. Junior Chamber of Commerce­ Smith's cafe, 6:30. ., 1" ~

J. Zakostelsky Dies I After Brief Illness "I tell them that newspaper ads have always heen a swell ''Why wouldn't It b. ,mart, ask them, to move their good8 4, off my shelves with the kind of advertising that bring. in John Zakostelsky, 65, 330 S. 3• inveatment for me ... and for aU other retailers in town who Lucas street, died at 9: 10 p.m. amount to anything. So why shouldn't manuf~rers. take ," crowds of customers? I guess other retailers have been mak- Sunday morning followlns an ill­ ing the same point ... that must he one reason why manufac. ness of two weeks. full advantage of this medium, too? After all, theJl' butmcss Born in Minnesota, ZakQstelsky ('I'penda on sales through my store and ot hera ]'L'"lI~e It. turers are doing 80 much new~paper advertising these tlays." had lived in Iowa City f9r the last 40 years. Surviving are two sisters, Bar­ bara Zakostelsky and Mrs. Ann/! Cooper, both of Iowa City; one brother, i'rank Zakostelsky, Knox, Ind., and sev!!ra l nieces and Tltat'. what on. lucc... lul ,.,,,II.r h". to .ay a"ovIltIW.,..,., adv.rtiling and #tow If worb. Are you geHing nephews. Fun'era} arrangements are In­ completc. The body is at McGovern ,uPPClrl funeral home. _11,,1 t#ti. loc,,' you d• ..,.,.., 'al• • ,Hp 1r",,' '1NI' ' ~OP'1 ocItlophll. aatl I.i,." 1'- manuloctl/r.n\\

• • ,~at ,It.y can proauc. more .,,1•• lor lltel, retail.,•• ,. anti '1t.". ..1" ••••• ~ ______-A ______IHolstein Shows How I I To Boost Def.n.. ' • i • As her Pllrt tn national defense, Haldane Ormsby Belle Betly, a purebread Holstein cow owned by H. J. Dane, has Produced 8,174 Dr. and 1\ln. R. F. Haeman of Huron, S.D., announce the marrian quarts of mll/t and 454 pounds of their dau~hter, Belty Jean, &0 MUton Kuhl, IOn of Mr. and, MR. of butterfat this Year, it we, an­ L. W. Kuhl of Ida Grove, The Ilnrle rln~ ceremony was pertormecl nounced yesterday. by the Rev. Wilbur Lonrstrealh at 10 a.m. In Memphis, Mo. "Betty's" pl'oductIon for tjl. per- THE DAILY IOWAN. , The bride wore a navy blue taUored suU wUJI whitt! ae_rica .iod was :supervised by the Iowa r .. and carried a corsage of whitt! carnations. - State coUe,e and the Ho~teln- U OF ~!)VUTISING , AMEIIICAN NI!WSPAI'iR-'U Mr. Iud 1\11'!!. Kuhl will continue their stUdies In &he UnJvenlty of F'riesian association of America. IoWa. 'J'~y ue a~ lIome a~ 1l~51, BurJJ:z&tOll. ~e w~ ~~11 t)vice ~;