UNDAY, MARCH 1:1912 'alth Thal Wins." Hawks Win - --. No Change nesday, 7:45 p.m,-8Pfil'111 Over CbaJDplon DliDoIi. • IOWA: Somewhat wanner In ex­ servlee. ~ermon : "ShIlll • 41 \0 3! h'cme west. not mlleh cbanl'e in nn Him?" TH'E DAILY IOWAN and See Slol')' on .Pa,e 4 central east portions today. lulled Gospel Chlll'tli Iowa City's Morning Newspaper 918 E. Fairchild , J. L, Ma emore, p..... lTVECENTS rB. AlIOCIATaD ..... IOWA CITY, 10WA TUESDAY, MARCH 3,1942 TB& ASSOClATKO ral•• VOLUME XLll NUMBER 138 -Sunday school. Morning worship. Sennoo mgelist Wes Auger. 'ou ng people's meetine. -Evening service with IIIf$. e I Evangelist Wes Auger. lay through FridHY, 7:iS tvangelisti(' services II' ...............ugel' speaking. - I ava * * * u.s: Ar~~d F;o~~~s R~~hing T~wqrtf *O 'ff~*~~ive; General Wavell Relieved of For East Command AS HAWKS DEFEATED ILLINOIS, 46·32 Work With All Possible Speed Donal.d Nelson Asks One-Eyed Strate~ist Relays of U.S. Flying Fortresses . ~. American Industry Sent Back to Duties ' To (arry War to AXIS Enemies For Production Boost As War Chief of India All ied Bombers Blast at Huge WASHINGTON (AP )-T.he navy'lS lop admirul and tbe army's War Production Czar Dutch Take Over Job ranking genel'lll discJosed ye tCl'day that Ihe American arturo Calls on All Workers Of Protecting Indies 70 10 80 Ship Invasion Fleet forces al' working with all po sible peed to carry the Will' to the axis eJlemies in a grand offen8in' ill Asia, Africa and Europe. For ' AII·Out' Drive From Nippon Invader Preliminary to Ule Ktart of lhis offensive, il was soid, the 11a\'y LONDON, Tuesday (AP)-Dispatches from Batavia is engaged in keeping open supply line to the mojor theaters of WASHINGTON (AP) - War WASHINGTON (AP)-Wlth the operation ancl lit the some time 1111ra, , ·ing and wCilkcuillg the Production Director Donald M. Japane e lind the allies locked In a said today that a huge new Japanese invasion or· enemy whet'over 11 may be found . loI'elson last night issued Ii call to flcrce baiUe tor Java, Inst £rong­ modo was bearing down upon Java and was being Ihe galu goings -on TOWN. The army, in eoop'\>l'ution with tlie llUVY, lin'! been tJ'u nsporting American induslry and workmen hold of the Nethcl'lands IndJes, the met by continuous relays of U.S. flying fortresses and ElK'S I\av! tliousonils of troops and yust qnontitie!; 01' Wl'upon ultd supplies to t9 boost produeUof\ 25 ~r cent on united n;JUons lost night relieved W8l' zones for the battlcs of tomOl·row. Even while its initiullroop other allied bombers. new and villi eXisting machinCll in 1942 In an the British Ilenerol, Sir A.rehibald rnshions lo r in ~olIlbat f'i ght in tbe c th cr1u n d~ lnuics aud the Philippines. all.o~t drh'c to win "the greatest The reports said that the original Japanese inva­ the "Se nior The overall pietme 01' U. S. Wnvell, ns commnnder In chief in competition ot all time." Hop". SprllII l grand sh'ategy come hom Ad­ lhc indies, nnd turned the task sion fleet consisted of 140 ships of which 50 were styles lor eve· miraJ Erne, l J . lCing', COlll 1l1I1l1I1- U.S. Tanker, ~nemy Appeal8 to Worke.r!I oved to lhe Dulch. able to land troops Saturday. ning !rom er.in·c.hier of t he fleet, and H 11 - Thr production CZal' appealed to Wavell, Camol1B olle-eyed tut­ Cali! 0 r n I ~ I el'l t who ha been praIsed by the eral George C, Mal'shall, army every worker to put Into the pro­ Thus the others which now are returning are be­ slal'ched chlf· Sub Exchange Shots duction job "that extra bit of I German h"h command III ·'BrU. ton with lILt chIef of staff. drive; that extra head o! sleam; IIIlt's only good general," was senl lieved to consist of from 70 to 80 ships, despite the trims, billowy To some extent, at leasl, thei.r tl1at extra mell8urc of detel'mlna­ back to his prevlou duties a9 casualties already inflicted on the enemy vessels. organza, pm· separate statements seemed de­ Off California Coast t'on" to meet and exceed the comlrtllndcr-In-chlef of india. ty cotton sillned to answel' demands in can- p esldent's cn(II'mously expanded Thu he was put on another "hot BANUOJ!;1 r " .Ja\a (A P) _ Ulllell, ,\lIler'icon and Bl'iti, h p l' in ts, and SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-T h e g\lals ol plapcs, /tunS, tanks and ~pot" since the gcneral expccta- tl'()OPS, in II g'1'(,llt <:olllt'od('<;IJip 01' IIrm~ , struck out togethfr against soel :temlnine 8re5Ii and elsewhere that American 11 a v y announced yesterday an ships, lton.is thot the Jupanese llUly drlve . 1 d chiffons. 0 [ to~~es be concentrated in delense Americlln tanker and an enemy • The speech was prepared tor de­ toward India if their campailn to til(' ,IIlPUIlI'!oo(' iIlYlldt'I' lal Ilij:!'ht in strOll !!" WI( I.'~PI·('1l cQllUler- you can afford TOWN· of,home shores and waters, where submarine (:xchanged shots oU livery over the blue 11etwork, and get complete control 01 neighbor- Iltlucks which II I{lIul'(lI·1l orril'illl SUllllHOl'y dcellll'rll hlld "devel- numerous submarine attacks have the Golden Gate SalUl'day nlghl. Is to be followed by three more at ing Burma Is ~ucccssiul. oll!'!1 IIti~fu(,to l'jJy .'· critical thoUl{lt the, it 1I11tiOll /' IUlIincd, -SENIOR ltOP- The tanker, William H. Berg, A joint statement by the United Th 1"C Wlls no cvid '/lee horlly befort' midnight of OilY new Jap- occurred and air attacks are deem­ wee k I y Iniel'Vals, asslCning to was attacked by gunfire without every cltl~eD his role In the war Slates al'my and navy, which rc- 11Ill" lundi11g', or oJ' lilt' npJll'onch oJ' new ill\'lI!;ion troin ; the en­ and we imagine Ste\~ ed likely. warning but was not hit. drort. vealed !ho sh!1t, pointed out that emy, tliongh holding' vital arras of I his islond, had not ill 4 hours I , Phi Psi, enjoyed seein: Crows manning the tanker's 'No Sly Scheme' Ire on the mantle E'rida1 • • • ns commander-ln-chlef of India, been aUt- to udd unutller 10 his 1111'1'(' initial bruchheads. General Marshall, In fa c I. deck guns returned lire immed­ The production drive Is "no sly WaveH will haVe responsibilities III Butll\'ia, IIl l' islullu Cllpital, vitul inslolllltions were de ll'Oycd . and espeCially enjoyed iately bllt the submarine was vir­ scheme to speed up mcn and ma­ ing it to Mary Jo Marlln, wamed aca[nal thu8 Immoblllz­ ror operations in Burma lind for -hilt only ogaiJ1 t dl~tant possibilili '. tually in\'illible in the darkness. cbl nes fol' pruflls' sako·, Nd~oll ;'an\ma. bit 8trlklJJc )lower. "T h e lime coopCt'atil)tl wllh China. An ul'l'i('iul bulll'liIlILt1O::10 P .l\ 1. (11 A.~1. eW1') Ihub ulIIllIed The engagement took place last a4cI·ted, but atl eal'nest crtOI'l of ~Ilt Kuhl (It) 91 '0 , n n d falhlstn (19) uf mlllOl , There \\'01 ulllmmediate wave of .. l.h • lYDAY'S THE NIOHT­ hail now come," he declared In a Saturday night, 33 miles southeast ! eo men aud women on the [)I'O­ pili up •• ,relIt rebound battle I" Iowa's t8-3:t defeat of 11[11101 her xcllcd pl..'Culntion II' to the mClm~ lip lll(' hltuutJon aL I IC our 0.[ or the Farallone islands. IlI sl nl'ht \\ hlcll pul thc Uawks In undlspuled. ecoml pl ace In the BIg ay be a mild day. , , but letter 10 Senator Austin (R-Vt). duction lihcl to best "the alaves of ing of lhe shift. Militaq observers snprrmc rl'i~j8: Germany and the slaves of Japan." 'ten. !:lcnry Ilchs, (4), III[nois guard; Tom h pmau (l6), Jowa for­ !t Mat'ch weather fool you '>When we mUlt proceed with the two pOSblble explana· well-informed circles He announced 1\ system oC com- ward, IIond Capl. ISUI lJoeklnc (16 ), 1II1nois forward, watcb th action. ~i~~~~Ced Australl·a Calls "J~l'om lion , bUlIness of calT)'il1' the war to Phoenix Fund I¥lIlions between p I ani sand - - - 1. The bulk of the nnlled nation it is heul'd thnt action again t omc tile enein)' .nd Dot permit Ihe flKhllJlI' forces In the Ind now the Japanese invasion ll'oops has Begins to Grow workers, With rec:ognltlon going to 10 • Pt'C­ maier porUon of 0 u r armed S · St 1 f W Dur- arc Dutch and It was lo,-lcal that a AIII'n Servl·ce developed satisfactorily. Althouah Nelberlands mlln sbould be ,Iven In connection with thc character Ol'­ tOl'1:es and our valuable material ~~e:n!:':~~~:'~e~n~~~~~~~ g:~ weeping ream Inlng 0 ar o~ contribule Ideas lor prOduction • ~OUl' to be Immobilized Wlthltl the the command. (The name of thc ot tbe operations no details can now _Unental United States," Ilew commander was not dlselo ed be published It can be said that ITY A ahOrt time later Admiral shortcuts. Department Ordered by F.D.R. here 10nII'M.) MELBOURNE, AUlltralia (AP) the enemy received fair hlu, : L.
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