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AVKKAAB OAILT C B C tltA TIO !l for the MoaUi of Jum, UI8

6,114 > Member ef ttw Aodlt Bnreee of CtrrqlaHses MANCHESTER CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM

yOL. LVIL, NO. 250 (Olaasifled Advertising ed Page 10) MANCHESTER, CONN*. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1938 .(TWELVE PAGES)

In Beaucoup Beetles in Maryland Trap MILUON VOTE JAPS TAKE OFF- .1



Radio Talker, New To Poli- Beinngin Naval And Land As-

sault After Crossing Lake tico, With Sound Truck , BRITAIN TOLD

And HillbiOy Band, Big Entrance; Chinese Guer- Premier Chamberlui Figure In Goremor Race. rillas Busy In Shansi. New Accord Now Seen, dares Ifis Coimtry W1 j'- Austin, Tex., July 23.—(AP)— A Shanghai, July 23^(AP)—Japa- Assist In Fin&ig A Solih million citizens stepped into ballot- nese naval and land forces began a Britain and Germany long-awaited assault today on Klu- ing booths today for a showdown on the most unpredictable Issue In kiang, key point in the push toward tionOfThe Sudeten Ger* Berlin, July 23—(AP)—Hopes of.r That the Sudeten leaders niay ^Texas political history—the potency Hankow. A Japanese naval com- an ultimate understanding between count on Germany's moral support ' of mountain music. Not since the munique announced that landings Germany and Great Britain were was self-evident, but Hitler’a tac- Minority Dispnte. incredible race Blacksmith Bob Wtl- were effected at several points on nursed In official German quarters tics do not Include placing before ' ms made in 1908-without ever the southern shores of the Yangtze, river, putting the invaders within today as the results of King George the British and French Juat what he “caving ea his forgeaor,. perhaps, the VI'b state visit to Prance this week demanda for the Sudeten Germans .ilark horse run of armer Jim Fergu- ten miles of Kiuklang, 135 miles ^ndon, July 23.—(AP)-« were studied. in Czechoslovakia. son In 1914 has the electorate been down the Yangtze from the ChinMe The optimism was based on a re- Prime Minister Neville Chant” so excited by a^gubematorlal scram- provisional capital.. German diplomats. constantly alization that both Britain and point out, however, that unless the berlain was disclosed author!” ble. These developments followed by a France seemed determ ine to make A new “ personality, W. Lee few minutes the Japanese success Sudeten Germans are satisfied there tatively today to have given clear to Uie Czechoslovak govern- is likely to be an explosion. O’Daniel, -converted the campaign. in crossing the narrow entrance to ment that far-reaching conceseions the German ambassador "eeiSi Into. a traveling circus. The Fort Pbyang ..Lake ten miles east of to Its -clamorous, autonomy-seeking Hitler, there la good reason to be- tain assurances” of conthraed' Worth flour broker campaigned atop Kiuklang, after three weeks of ter- lieve, minces no words when it rific bombardments. The Japanese minorities were essential. comes to stating what should be British efforts in CzechoaliM a sound tnick with a blaring hill- - Some newspapers emphasized vakia for solution of the Sd- btlly band and a promise of - 830 thus gained a favored position for a this fact as “a surprising, action in Czechoslovakia's future as a mem- monthly perslons for the aged— The farm of Julian Spry In Cecil county, Maryland, yielded this Impressive crop of Japanese beetles, drive against the big Nanchang air connection with the foyal visit.’’ ■ ber of the European family. deten German minority di»^' whether they b« millionaire or In- scourge of vegetation against which a campaign is under way in various sections. Spry's, son. Bill, base. - ' Political circles wondered what Csechoslovakla. he insists, must pute. «- digent. shovels the darned things around, preparatory to cremating them. Maryland University entomologists iTie communique said Japanese sever her alliance with Soviet Rus- supervised the drive. ; , aviators Intensively bombed Chinese new viewpoints Dr. Herbert von sia, as be thinks this endangers Ehi- A aemi-official account at O’Daniel’a Opponents Dlrksen, German ambassador to yesterday’s interview between Never has the Democratic primary troops manning defenses on; the London, might bring with him as he ropean peacq, Yangtze's south bank while other Czechoslovakia, Hitler believes, the premier and Aqibasaador field bulged with such strength. returned for several weeks’ leave. O'Dantel's chief opponents are At- filers machine-gunned Chinese HIs report on conversations with the must range herself alongside her Dr. Herbert von Dirkeen s forces attempting to halt the Japa- powerful German neighbor in a cus- torney General William McCraw, BrUlslf Prime Minister Neville fore the latter left for G ^ ' isdio was re-elected without opposi- “TA U CEDARS” nese infantry. Chamberlarn, It was hoped, might toms union—and she must bs neu- THREE WOMEN TOURISTS Take To Street Trenches many said, however, ”no OM^. tion four years ago; Railroad Com- put negotiations for a peaceful set- tral in the sense that Switzerland Kluklang's defenses bad been bad- Is. Crete'prdposals were made # missioner Ernest O. Thompson, pro- ly shattered by repeated raids and tlement of European problems a ponent of low utility rates, and Tom OBSERVE FIRST step forward. Some Oernum circles believe eithei'^BUM] side nor was any Hiuiter, Wichita Fjdls oil man and the Chinese fighters remaining in Great Britain, too, wants Csechoelo- sureeation under discui^on.' ARE REPORTED MISSING the City took positions In street Chancellor Adolf Hitler, apparent- thre_^-time candidate who never has trenches ahd ruined buildings to ly was willing to leave to the au- vakia eliminated aa a ppsoible dan- It was stated that “in polled less than 200,000 votes. tonomy - seeking, Nazi - supported ger point and therei'ors wil) support DECADE TODAY await the approach of 8,000 Japa- efforts to keep ber neutral. There- course of a friendly con' O'Daniel pecked away at the Governor Of New Mexico nese massed at nearby Hukow. German Sudetens their fight for tioh before going on legv*, "professiona) politicians” In.bis clos- Severe fighting was progressing, such concessions as -they can-ob- in Uee a major hope for an ultimate ing speech last night and asserted MORGAN COULD tain. Anglo-Oerman understanding. German ambassador gave meanwhile, throughout Shansi he favored the working man. Me- Takes Charge Of Search; Fraternity Members Gather province. . Chinese reported the newed assurance of Craw said he hoped T exu would de- peacefui intentions clare an end "to petty quarreling NOT GRASP IDEA Japanese were unable , to perfect and sordid politica.’’ Thompson re- Fear Women Are Lost At Masonic Temple For tbeir organization for a projected desire of his government newed his pledge to Industrialize the offenaive across the Yellow River seek an amicabie and sal against Tungkwan and Ljyang, JAPANESE-SOVIET CLASH tory sointion of th4 Sud( state, and Hunter said be was eager In Perpetual Ice Caves. SAYS DIREGOR Ceremonial Rites; Parade cofisidered the' gateways to Shens'i to slice 815,000,000 ffbm the state province. Communist stronghold. - German question.” budget. ; Chinese troops attacked Japanese Britaia to Help, JBight others, ipcludlng Karl A. If Weather Is Improved. m return. It i ' Grants, N. M., July 23.—(AP)— garrisons and transports all along REPORTED BY MOSCOW Vrdwley, former’sbueitor for the Lilienthal TeDs Cofflmittee the Yellow, aided by heavy jraln- rime minister, oo his postoffice department and James A. Posses of state police and sheritr's falia that mired the Invaders. gM German aihhasrador Fsrguson of Bell county, kin of deputies began at dawn ;today a Chairman Was Unable To Manchester-will be host this af- Farther north the Chinese also assuraneea rra;ardlnf the < Farmer Jim, fill id '"out the even search for three Kentucky women ternoon and evening to several hun- Jap Motorboats Cross Bor- exercise of His Majesty’s claimed' Buccesa: in . impeding and NOTED SOENDST m eat of their good offices in dozen gubernatorial aspirants. tourists, misaing since 'Tuesday dred members of the fraternity of disorganizing Japanese plans. Fresh To Politics Understand; TVA Rates Below C ^ h g Bridge German Sssturances of the Eight weeks ago O’Daniel was un- near the strange Perpetual Ice the Tall Cedars of Lebanon gather- der And Exchange Of for’ closed Anglo-German relatfOM Caves of the western New Mexico Guerrillas blew up a steel bridge had been' brought to JM tate I k known to politics—but a household ed here to help Nutmeg Forest of over the (Jhfing river on the border CLAIMED BY D EA m word to rural radio listeners who, desert. Are Sound Or Too High. tills town and Qulnebaugh Valley Chancellor Hitler’s adjutant, Ckp*' Their automobile first was no- of Hupeh and Hunan provinces. In- Shots FoUows; 2 Soldiers tain Fritz Wiedemann, on tba mam for a decade, had heard his Informal Forest at Moosup to observe tbeir terrupting traffic of the Pelplng- chats on a commercial flour pro- ticed parked near the caves in the tenth anniversaries. No doubt the of the departure of King George tdt heart of the Inman couptry Tues- Hankow railway. a good will visit to France. day. When It was seen In the same Knoxville, *renn., July 23.—(AP) number of guests would have been A series of -attacks was launched Wounded In Encounter. Dr. Ernest Brown, Retired (Ck>hUnued On Page Six) Increased greatly If the storm had The British, minister to Praha place again Vesterday, an-; alarm —A Congressional Committee in- against Japanese garrisons along ^quickly translated the premlor's was spread. .The women were not continued. Despite the weather vestigating activities of the TennM- the local committee Is planning to the Shansi province railroad. Units Yale Professor, Passes words into action. Identified as: of Chinese Eighth Route Army ex- BULLETIN. The envoy, BasU C. Newton, visit* Miss Irene Piedalue, 45, of Win- see Valley Authority .sought addi- entertain over 300 visitors. tional Information today from Di- A parade IS scheduled for 0.30 tended activities on - the Chabar- Moscow, jnly 38,—(AP) — ■ed Premier Milan Hodza In Praha HAD RIGHT TO FIRE chester, Ky., Clark county home Jehol provincial frontier, forcing the twice In 24 hours, it was dlfcloasd, demonstration agent for . the last rector David E. l!ilienthal on the this evening, but If the raiii does Despite news of qnother border Away From Heart AttacL five years; her sister, Mliss Laura not stop by that time the ' parade clash In which ^vlej, Russian the second meeting occurring this theory of rate making by which will be abandoned. .The Tall Cedars (Continued on Page Six.)' troops repulsed a Japanese at- morning. , _ Piedalue, 47, a New York qurse; the TVA power "yardstick” was de- Newton Informed the pvemiw ^ SIT-DOWN STRIKERS and Miss' Marie Antoinette de Laf- drill teams wear expensive uniforms tempt to occupy an Isinnd In New Haven, July 33—(AP)—Dr. veloped. latest developments la Ihtrla and forest of Lexington, an instructor of and they will not risk them in a the Uaeuri river, Moaopw cir- Ernest W. Brown, 71, retli4d pro- French at the University of Ken- Lilienthal testified yesterday that downpour. cles viewed the Far Eastern sit- London, It was said, and reiteraUd tucky. the rate-making policy had the ap- Nutmeg Forest No. 116 and URGES NEW PACTS uation with calm confidence to- fessor of mathematics at Yals Uni- Britain's desire for an sm ice^ proval of President Roosevelt and Qulnebaugh Valley Forest No. 117 day. versity who received international agreement between Praha and the Federal Court Rules Work- The three bad been expected to minorities. '- ’.V arrive shortly at Billings and Lewis- the Federal Power Commission. He were Instituted In Manchester ten The danger of a real conflict recognition for his contributions to told the committee ‘TVA rates are with Japan was regarded as Chamberlain’s assuraneea town, Mont., to visit sisters «f the years ago in the Supreme Forest, astronomical science, died during ers Discharged By Fan- Misses Piedalue. Cbncem for their sbund" and are In fact "too high." T. C. L. of the U. S. by Frank B. WITH REPUBLICS diminishing rather than Increaa- interpreted aa a promise that Brlt*\ ,'4 The director’s statements marked Ing. the night at the New Raven hospi- aln would actively-- - preaz OtoV'-'.'. safety was expressed there by rela- Sterner, Staten Island Forest No. tal a few hours after he had been tives, who had received a postcard the- opening phase of his defense 38 . Brother Sterner will be here to- As expressed by.the govern- Czechoslo'vak government to steel Co., Had No Status. against charges of Dr. Arthur E. ment organ, Izvestla, “the 'admitted for treatment of a heart plete its minority statuto as quickly from them, mailed at Albuquerque day to participate In the events. ' ailment., Tuesday.' Morgan; deposed chairman of the High Officers Coming Sen. Pittman D eclarer They Japanese militarists have their aa poaalble and go as far as It could Governor Clyde Tingley came here federal agency, who testified earlier A 6arge number "at the Supreme months fall of Chins.” - Dr. Btoam, a former presidept of In.^eeting the Sudeten German au- , July 23.— (AP) — A in the week. i Forest Officers and members are the American Mathematical Society, tonomy and other demands. federal court ruling that an em- (Opntlnaed on Pago Two.) "Cumpuign of Defamation.” coming from N^'w . England, New Will Eliminate Trouble Moscow, July 23.-i-(AP)—^Re- was awarded the James Craig Wat- It was considered likely, too, ployer may discharge wqrkera who Lilienthal accused Dr. Morgan of son Medal by the National Academy Britain urged Premier Hodza to ftva a "campaign of defamation" against ports of a Japanese-Soviet border of Science in 1937 for his .contribu- seize property in sit-down strikes (Oontinaed On Page Two) Experienced V^th Mexico clajih and a Japanese landing on the Sudetens full opportunity to M* appeared headed today for a Su- him and the present chairman, Har- gotlate on proffered concesalans be- preme Court review. The decision court A..Morgan. the Soviet . Island Faingov reijewed (Oontinaed on Page Two.) fore presenting them to Parliament, was rendered last night by the, SENATE PROBERS The witness denied Dr. Morgan’s Far Eastern tension today Just as and to keep -the negoUationa alive - Circuit ^ u r t of Ap- assertion that the basis for TVA Washington, July 23.-'-(AP) — It was subsiding after a Japanese even if a deadlock developed. peals. It set aside a National Labor rates had never been revealed and DEMANDS REPORT Chairman Pittnjkn (P., Nev.) of the that he (Lilienthal) once referred protest that Soviet troops had ylo- Some quarters close to tha Lon- Relations board order finding the TOCAHGIRDLER Senate Foreign Relations commit- iated the Manchoukuoan fronjier FIND EEW CLUES don government mentioned the poe- Fansteel Metalurgical Corporation to them as “little more than a tee proposed today that the United guess." He declared also there was July ll. , • ■ slbillty of a aon-aggreaslon pact guilty of unfair-labor practices and ON STATE FINANCES States seek new commercial treat- Dlspatces from Khabarovsk. iBI- directing the -reinstatement of" 92 no foundation ,for the statement ies with all the American Republics. among France, Soviet Russia and that-.lTVA Is selling power without berlan city near the Manchoukuoan Germany as a possibie way out of a men discharged Feb. 7, 1937, when These agreements, the Senator border, said two Japanese-Manchou- TO BANK ROBBERY they occupied the company’s North Head Of Repabhe Steel Sub- knowing what the power costs.” said, should eliminate In the future muddle arising front self-govern- -Chicago plant. The misunderstanding over rates, difficulties such as those now exist- kudan motorboats violated the So- ment demands of Nasl-aupported Lilienthal said, was caused largely State's Attorney Of Litchfield viet frontier ^near the settlement of Sudeten Germans in Czechoalovalda. Belief was expressed in Informed poenaed To Testify At ing over the seizure of American Vldnoye on Thursday and landed a .Washington quarters that the" by "Arthur Morgan's failure to un- property In Mexico. ^ Another suggestion was that Ger- derstand the theory I proposed.” military detachment on Faingov. Several. Tips Given To State many might approve a four-power f board would appeal, (jbarles Fahy. County Asks Comptroller The Senate leader In Internation- ■ Soon afterwards, the reports general counsel, for the NLRB, com- Gvil Liberties' Inquiry. ■^he director asserted that' in a al affairs gave warm support to France, Germany, ^ mented "the reqsontng of'the board memorandum to the TVA board In Secretary Hull’s note demanding said,.a Soviet cutter passing the Is- Police Prove Worthless ' Britain and 1Italy to work out a was correct; that of the majority of 1936 be recommended, in fixing that Mexico submit' to arbitration land was fired upon and a brisk ex- solution. . ^ wholeaaie rates, “ the liquidation e f Swartz For Information. change of .bulleta.followed,. resulting , t h e i 5^rt-wa»-incorrect;*’ Washington, July 2 3 .^'t (A1») thfe- ehtimz of- A-mericarr' rittzeas-on Still anothpr was a reported Oer*- QoestloB of Status the actual total Investment - devoted expropriated fann l^ds, In the wounding of two Japanese- In The Sntiield Holdnp. min willlngneas to enter imme- tiiMnard C. Bfjork, regional' dl- Chairman La Fact with: reetar -ef the heard, also teek iawte- ties committee had subpoenaeoTom that ■ Investmea t 'and—alL ■eperaMpg tng~-atsdr-a' prciteSt by the United L^'cchWovaSla ’^ ihe’'Hu3et« with the court’s findings. Van A. expenses,, be accepted aa the mini- Attorney William H. Blbdgett of States againk the Mexican govern- neso rifles and s q u a lity of ammu- Girdler, chairman of Republic Steel Litchfield, county awaited today an Hartford. July 23.—(AP)—Police lem'could be answered. Bittner, regional director of the Gocporatlon, in connection with its mum below which, t h ^ rates niept’a expropriation of American nition. Steel Wdrkerd Organiztng ^Commit-: should not'be perm ltte#^0'go;..... answer from -Governor- Cross ' to his The-encounter;- said' Tass ■".f Rus- tod.W Appear, stumped.....in. . their. Priifae .Mlntater. NevtUe. Chambwey- inquiry into the 1937 "Little Steel properties. ' ™ search for the three men who Thurs- laln of Great'’’Britain discussed tha tee,-said he expected the govern- strike. * . “By-Product” ThMry. letter charging that State Comp- He said he had no doubt that the ’sian) News Agency, occurred on the day held up and robbed the'F irst ment "will amply take care of the "The actual rates, I 'clearly rec- troller Charles G. Swartz had^ not United States would bring up these Ussuri river, north of the Chang- point with his foreign minister, T ..F , Patton, Republic attorney, Natfonal Bank of Suffield of 811.500. I Viscount Halifax, who returned from ■situation.” said’ that Girdler desired an oppor- ommended, should be deter,mlned complied,with the state law requir- matters at a meeting' in Lima in kufeng . _ district—near where Siberia, Several tips given police during The workers' status at the time tunity to appear before the commit- with reference to other factors; the ing publication .of an annual report December of representatives of all Japanese" Korea and Maneboukuo the last - 48 houra have all proven Paris conferences, on the IntarMi* they occupied the plant as strikers tee and that his testimony would he competitive sources ot,i supply, for .of stateJinw cial operations. American Repu Republics. meet, and where Red soldiers on wordless and although every angle tlonal situation, resulting in Anglo- -was the principal is^ue. - as "strong and picturesque" as that example, the social desirability of '•In a letter sent yesterday to the Rape Government. July 11 occupied, a piece of land is'being checked it looks aa thotigh French reaffirmationa of brotholy The court majority. Judges Will of labor,, leaders. the wide use of electricity, and the governor,'Blodgett said; Condemning the failure of the. which both Russia and Manchoukuo the trio had made good in their get- love. - M. Sparks and Walter C. . Llndley, importance of substantial repay- "In view of recent revelations In Cabinet Meeto Today The committee was in recess until Mexican government- to promptly claim. away. held that the workers lost their next Wednesday to permit attaclies ment to the federal treasury. )n a certain municipality of the state compensate M,merlcans for thoir (A Tokyo foreign office spokes- Federal, State and county officers The French Cabinet was called to status as employes when the com- to study financial records of Hill and establishing the actual rates thoM and its failure to furnish accurate propierty, Pittman said this wa.s man dented' yesterday that Japan are atill maintaining a 24-hour vigil meet today in a special aeaaton Vf pany discharged then and hence Knowlton, Cleveland public rela- factors and others would be con- reports periodically upon financial contrary both to international .law threatened force to eject. the sol- In- an effort to "break" the case. "there was no longer a majority-of sidered In addition to the mentiemed management, the public mind is not review the French position id tha tions firm, concerning a survey of and an imderstanding. between this diera, although Tokyo newspapers Temporary headquarters have been light at the latest diplomaUe movaml- petitioners' employes who were labor relations made for six steel fixed and direct costs, b.ut those believed to be in a mood just now government and Mexico reached In quoted a spokesman that Russia’s set up in the Suffield Town hall un- members" of the union which costa would determine the level bet to callous disregard of the plain At the ' same time Dr. Herbait companies. 1927-28. action "must be Interpreted as a der the direction of County Detec-- von Dlrksen, German amhaaeader- , sought collective bargaining rights. La Follette said Girdler would not low which rates should not fall.” mandates of law relating to the “Foreign commerce cannot be challenge to Japan.” He was report- tive Edward J. Hlqkey; Value,.. "It is urged by the 'board that be eiunmoned until after additional This was known aa the "by-pro- publishing of such. reports. maintained between nations imless ed to have said Russia must assume Accordlng to repbrto from Suffield,' ^ndon left for to rap^, the commission of a crime by strik- testimony about difficulties union or- duct theory," he said, since 'TVA. "Even If there were no statutory foreigners can own property and responsibility for. rfesulta of the authorities have wry little In the I ChanceUor Adolf ^ ^ r » ^ ers doer not preclude their right to ganizers met In attempting to union- pbwer Is regarded as a by-product mandate x x x - the comptroller have title to It within nations,” he way of clues to work oa. The stolen ’ <5-minute courtesy w l « *^8to* bargain with petitioner", the ma- shguld find means. If possible, of ac- border incident and declared. "Japan ize "Little Steel;” of the floqd control and navigation said. "If this policy were adopted is ready and has every right to take Ckinnecticut markera used on the | berlain yesterday. When ChambMy^, ICO lority opinion said. "Thia we admit, The committee heard two versions dams.^ quainting the public with the essen- elsewhere it would be a serious blow getaway car, and several articles of | lain w^a understood to have toM tha provided they still are employes and The' TVA's delay In reporting to tial facts relating., to the financial all necessary atepa." Russia reject- yesterday of the struggle between to the good neighbor policy.” ed flatly the Japanese protest about clothing worn by the bandits at the envoy he shared Hitler's desire 1% represent a majority of all. Republic And the CIO steel union in Cobgfeaa on coat allocation of dam condition of the state.” ‘liri my opinion all -of the other robbery were found yesterday hear — * * • Net Employee at Tfine . the 1937 strike. and, reservoir projects was not, he Recently, Blodgett, In' a letter Latln-American countries ndll en- the incident.) the highway, leading out of Suffeld (tiootinaed oa Paga Tsta.) "What'we hold la that there was Calling the firm a "cesspool of in- said, aa Dr. Morgan charged, "a printed In a Hartford newspaper, dorse Secretary Hull's pronoune'e- General Impression towarda Feeding-K&. No identify- lust cause for discharge, it was dustrial labor relations.’* Philip deliberate effort to keep Congress demanded to know how Incaeased msnt In bis note to Mexico." The general impression here yes- ing marks were found however. kx -Xercised, and those who have not Murray, chairman of the Steel and the public from knowing what tax revenue of the ztate luurneen Pittman said this country and terday was that the. Soviet’s firm Believed Same Gang TBEASUftY BALANOV ^ }een re-employed ate not employee Workers Organizing committee, these costa are, and the way in expended. International law ■ recognized the attitude toward the Japanese de-' Meanwhile New York state police uid wete not at the time of the charged that'Republic used "repre- which TVA rates were established.” Governor’‘Cross replied in the right of Mexico to take the prop- manda for withdrawal from Chang- suggested that'the manner in which Washington, July 28.—:(AP))' indlngs and order of the board.” hensible tactics’’ to hinder formation The delay, Lilienthal Said, was part- form of an interview in the same erty, bat that coupled with this kufeng would not be followed by a the trio operated led them to believe The position of the Traasiuy In a dissenting opinion. Judge of unions. ly due to Dr.' Morgan's "lack of paper and invited' Blodgett to re- right was the obligation for imme- drastic movMn Tokyo’s part. There that they were the same gang who July 21; Valter E. Treanor ' cootended- that Patton oountbred with the charge confidence In the persona and the view the records of the year's fi- diate and Just compensation. was consequently . a noticeable de- have been operating in ^ New York ReceipU 812.629.102.13:. < ibe strikers remained employes for that union pickets., "assailed" the groups to whom the work ' was nancial t^ahMctlons and to read *Tt would seem to me that new crease ,in excitement o w th4 Incl- state. New Hampehire authorities turea 833,488,33344: nat assigned, and the maladroitnezs of 82443.747428.41; cuateato (Coetinee am emgm Hx.), iOoatlBMd m faga Two.) hlz administrative methods.” .ido^tna Oa Page. Two) (Conttaoed on Page Six.) (GontiMlpd On Page Two) (Oaattooad am Paga Twa.) for tha miintii ziai 1 .... MTOHEEielE EVENING HBBASb; HANCHimB^ bC ^„ BATCTKDAT^trtJLT 28,1988 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAV, JULTSS, IM are working hard to make eur Au- SKILLED FISHERMAN ■tet 8 meeting a suecess. Bertha 110 met TO HANDLE wethereH’a name was omitted last JUNFSE UNUSUAL RAINS Head of Tall Cedars Here THREE WOMEN TOURISTS week as being on the social commit- PRESIDENT WORKS LOYALISTS START TO DISPUY P R O W ^ - TENSHUN- tee for that meeting. BRIDiX DAY TRAFIFH: ARE REPORTED MISSING It Is with regret that we team of SUGHTLYBE^ CAUSE CROP LOSSES toe death of one of o u r. flaters, ON LONELY OCEAN BATTLE IN NORTH Andy Crowe Of Norwich To BUDDIES Mary Frazier, who was a charter Special Rules Win Govern "At San Saba Flood Drowns Two, (Oosttnoed frein PagasOoe.) Demonstrate Varioos Meth- member. She waa a very active Middletown On Aagnst 6 Drives Hundreds From ods On State College Campus member and we will all miss her' When Stmetnre Is O^ned. nGURES OF MAY Homes, Inundates Sheep EBKANTBK< ZATTHEBAN UNION SERVICES. very much. -She was serving her early today personally to head the Oenter Oongregsttonal and ^a beautiful wedding cake. Songs and Lands. No Let-Up In Sight As Homton Aod Codtoj Sight eearch. Officers equipped them- K. E. Erlekaoii, Pastor British War Vetarans third term in .sucdesalon as Guard. Middletown, July 2 ^ ( A P ) —A Lanoch OifeiuiTe (h r Cata* Sooth Metbodlat at the Stom , Conn., July 23.—*rhe usual- .. Commander. J'refi and Mrs. Baker dancing rounded out a fine evening/s The Anderspn-Shea Post and Aux-. telyes with htevy ropes, by which Sooth' Chordil ly placid watero of Mirror Lake on entertainment.' --- -^ ■ -special.; set-of traffio rulw "wUl be' C3)iefly through very auheUntleli Ban 8*U, T «, July 33.~(AP).^ to probe deep crevleea In the frozen . Sunday acKool ihd Blbla elosaes the State College campus will twitch were again t>1easantly aurprlaed laai IMary held a MembriXjl Service 'at her In effect and a squad of 110 police- gains made In five munlclpahtiss, (iicUbn Calls F or Showers No For 4 U a y s ^ and ,ta» the, jigged aur- -et-#:#©.-..—r*-*— ...... -....-.....— SatMfflay. aytetair. whpn, t t e . Post. Mr. and Mrs. Brlsto are.entertaln- late home 176 Oakland street, lu t The. flooded S ^ , Bate-river threat- - Jonia Front To K ?ert Reb* 10:45 a. m.—W6islUp and sermon nnder the-^expert fljy rod- of Andy NswT'ork- ttir "Moh'd^ay “ ■'evtefhg.' '■'THe ' Atelllary -mea-on- duty. Augi 5-wtea-a- panda Grsanwtcta, New London; Tonffigtaa^ ened more dMtrucUop in this Welt rounding lava country. j. Morning worship at 10:45. Crowe~ of Norwich■ ■ -whenvhi he demon-' AvixUiaryi and friends hold a get- and other ceremonies will mark the- Their l,aggage ronad Sermon: ‘T come not to destroy with Dr. Story preaching. Sub- together In their honor In the Moose week. also acted as guards of honor at the Waterbury and W etha^aid, build- I Texai regioy today after ceuilns Tonight Jn d tomorrow. Wiy to The Galapagoi. ject: "Dare GreaUy With God.” strates methods of fresh water fish- official opening of toe new Connec- two drow^nge, damage eetlmated Tha womaa'a loclccd locked automobile but tn fulfill." ing with fly and bait at 2 p. m., July hall on Bratnard place, toe occasion MoRa Ypres Auxiliary deeply yr®* church, Tuesday. We wish to ex- ing permits Issued by eltlas and ywa found on a . rough dirt road el Drive On Yalendar This is the fourth of the series of- being’ toe 25th wedding anniversary grets the death of Mrs. Mary Fra- press our sincere sym'pathy to her ticut River Bridge linking Middle- at $300,opo Upward and driving 400 Halge Pearson director of muaic sermons on the general theme “Tun- ■27. Mr. Crowe, a textile worker by town and Portland.'* towns in Connectlcnit during the none from theis, home. naar tha oavaa, IndlMtlnir "they end religious education at the First trade, is one of the most ardent and of our Commander and Mrs. Baker, zier of; the Veterans of Foralgn children and grandchildren. month, of June svero held to a level By AiMOGlATED PRESS Aboard u. B. S. Roustoa la E4te- probably had left It to explore tha ing In with God.” Over 65 friends were present to en- Wars Auxiliary and extencts their State Police Lieut. Paul Lavln of Sever^.Mraons were missing. Hdndaye, Franoe (At the Bpaaisb Prtebyterlan church of Lisncaeter, Special music by a mixbd. quar- skillful fishermen In the etate, and only slightly below those of May From voca, where the stage was Rain poured down again today on tonal Faomc. July 3*.—(A?)— region on fo6t. Inside were several Pa., will sing at our morning eerv- a member of the Norwich'bait cast- joy a tasty supper of salads and deepest sympathy to her family. GOOD .NIGHT, DEAR FRIEND tha Hartford barracks announced and those of June, 1937, It la ataown bags, part of a lunob, their haU, :Tuly . a 8 . - . ( A P ) - ^ e tet and a violinist with Miss Ann baked ham made and served by Good night', good night, dear friend. last night that 70 state troopers and 4S' feet, additional water wae re- moat of Connecticut, already water- Ftesldent Roosavalt fOuiid ample Ite,. Strickland at the prnn. A cordial ing team, who ties flies and makes Wo are very sorry to report .that In the monthly building snrvoy tak> ed sweeping toward San Saba logged as a result of an unuaual tlma today to oontlnua hla study of money and Cigarettes. Spanish govefnment launched a vig- and repairs rods in his spare time. members of toe Auxiliary. This Mrs. Norman Jones, a member of We can not say farewell. 40 Middletown officers ,yrouId direct en by toe Department of Balaa and dleneveiy of the raaor-eiashed bodies Tha~ women leleft Albuquerque edrly orous offensive on the Catalonian AH are welcome to Worship with welcome to aH. Evening sendee supper was followed by a fine pro- We love thee dearly, traffic In toe vicinity of toe bridge ed by several days of rains, the spell of wet weather which haa aent goven^mant documents and memo- “He wllf "if I give" advice on fiehlng equip- our unit is 111 this week at her home. Traffic Developmnt of tha Naw of W* Ptother, Mn. Anna Miles, 30, ye,terday o from its randa aa tha Houston earned him Tuesday, after spending the night front today In an effort to reduc# omitted. ment and how to use It, and accord- gram of entertainment and dancing God did love thee-well. on opening day. Haven Railroad and mad# public to- some streama In the state ,over their at a hotel there. the iteadlly Increasing Insurgent Anton Lxiko, Hartford violinist, with music by toe Manchester Pipe We all send beat wishes to this sla- bonks and caused crop losses to far. toward naw. flaking and algbUaelng will play at the South Methodist ing to A. E. Moss, professor of for- ter for a speedy reco.very. ■ The parade line of march will ex- day by W. J. London, aalaa and asr- i here, two feet above previous ■pote tat ' tha atoned Galapacos “AU we know la that they’ra presBure. on Valencia defensea. Re- The annual outing of the Hartford estry at the college, may catch a Band orchestra copsistlng of Mrs. We shall miss thee sorely, tend from toe junction of Main, vice agent. mera. misting", aald Governor Tlngley, newal of fighting near the French Dlstolet Brotberhote will be held at church, at the morning aendee, thla Jean Drawbell at the piano, Edward When we meet together, to know •^MS^Ine'fYohn V. Ga4 ««« And there was ifSTsign of a let-up, lalande." fish. Mr. Moss says there are sev- South Main, Crescent and Union Tbe railroed’a aurvajr. taken wore flooded. refusing to dltcuaa theoriCa. frontier spread warfare once again Highland Park tomorrow afternoon. coming ■ Sunday, July 24th. Special eral In the pond. Dowd, violinist, Wllllsm Forbes, ac-^ Anterson-Shea Post, V.F.W. again among 25 communltlaa aiteg Ita ghar desdii.bed the deaths as a ivlth a forecast of ‘‘probably show- The chief executive reeerved for One officer said It waa possible to ^every major froqt In Spain. In- music baa been arranged through- cordion, and. William Ritchie play- The members of Anderson-Shea Thy thoughtfulness,"toy kindly care,. streets, North along Main street In of "double murder and sulddey Elscwhon it covered a tnmen- ers" for Saturday and Sunday. thle leg of hie vacation cruise con- A t S o’clock there will be a sacred Earlier in the day Mr. Moss will Middletown, over the old bridge and lines, revealed a total valuation of doiis area of West Texas sheep the womeq might have become lost surgent offensives already were un- concert given by the Salvation out for this servloe; lead a field trip to show methods of ing toe drums. During the evening Post wish to extend their sympathy Thy gentle cheering smile. permits for June of $2,785,315, oa Ha sAld Mn. -Mllea, w lf^of an The Housatonlc overflowed at Ox- sideration of venoua etate matters In the Jagged "malpals" region—a der way on the southern and central Prelude: "Romance” (From the Mri and M.rs. Baker were presented to Comrade Edward Frazier and as far as Middlesex avenue and IM rfate truck driver, had/been ."In Country, drove hundreds of lowland ford, flooding summer cottages in in hla qulqt study aboard ship. Army band, followed by a hjtmn improving the living conditlona for Main street, Portland. compared 'with a figure of $3A8S,- I dwellers from homes and brought land of lava formations of which fronts as well as on the eastern alng and message' by Oarl E. Olson, Concerto In D Minor) ...... fish In farm woodlot streams, and with two beautiful presents, a silver family in the loss of his mother, For thee, toy labor ended 581 for May and $2,960,618 for tha - a htshly nervous conditlpn" in re- the meadow below Otter Rock In Cool aeuthwast bfeeiea yesterday the-envea are a part. where Generalleslmo Francisco ...... Wlenlawskl fruit dish and 'silver candlestlcka. ,A Mary Frazier, a charter, member of For thee, thy crosrflald down. Through traffic will be rerouted tent weeks. / I death by drowning to Mr. and Mrs. the Riverside section and forcing ^ A! student assistant at Emanuel, Hart- the problems involved. The State over various arterite beginning at corresponding month last year. ■ M. E. Hensley near Menard. checkad an expected nee In tem- The lee caves—little Welted be- Franco’s forces are driving oh Va- Played by Mr. Luko, with the organ College haa for eeveral years con- beautiful wedding cake wte also the Anderson-Shea . Auxiliary. The battle fought, victory gained. The three bodies wen fotind In campers who had pitched tents near raturea aa the Houeton aped at lencia; ford. Opportunity for sports , and given the happy couple. Mrs. Btnks, 1 p.m. Only 11 of toe 25 cities and Prcllnilnary estimates of damage cauee of their Inaccessibility— games will be provided at Mt. Nebo Quartet: "Crbaalng the Bar” — ducted experiments of this sort on a Grandma Frazier, as she waa known With Christ, for more to reign. towns enjoyed building gains In the tathroom of the ^ le s home and ranged up to $3,000,000, but d.ld the stream to evacuate. knoU over tha 1,300-mlle course resemble a natural refrigerator In president of toe Auxiliary, made toe by aU the members of the post and an old-fashioned. / wide-handled The sarhe river Inundated the On the long-dormant Catalonian during the evening hours. We are Schnecker (arranged with violin section of the Fenton river. Austin June as compared with May. Thaea not.take Into account rural arras. between dlpperton laland, last pre- the manner In which Ice formed front, government mllltlaraen di- ■ obliggato). BHeanor Willard, Bel- Hawes, State- Forester, also on the presentation. Mr. ;and Mrs. Baker, auxUiary ■will be greatly missed. American Legion were Bristol, Derby, Greenwlte, straight rasor was In-the bathroom I The flood washed away -numerous parking' area at the Indian Weil vloue atop, and tha Galapagos. during the' winter months la' pre- hoping for some glorious Connecti- very much surprised, expressed Although she was 71 years old, she sink. Robert, his throat slashed al- state park in Shelton and surremnd rected their attacks aghlnst the key cut sunshine and a large attendance. ledna Nelson, Sydney Strickland, same program at 10:30 a. m., will Someone suggested that Elbee Naugatuck, New London, Norwich, I h o m e . s . Ship’s offloera ware confldent served by a peculiar cooling process towns of Sort and Tramp in the report on a study of forest land In their great pleasure "and in a neat was very qctlve In the V.F.W. She HMSt to the^ windpipe, Was on the Ing bathhouses with water. of winaa coming through tha Folks who desire transportation will Robert Gordon and Anton Luko. speech thanked those present for haa missed very few auxiliary meet- must have been kidnaped last week, National Guard South Norwalk, Stamford, Torring- ■ of a.nearby bedroom. i single telephone line operated they would have Mr. Roosevelt at Noguera Pallareaa River valliyC Tenor Solo: "Panla Angellcua”— Eastford, which has been made to because of our absence from the ton, Waterbury and WetoenSuA Barrows ; Telegraph faclll- At Avon, meadow lands, com the Galapa|;oa Sunday afternoon for creWces of the lava flow. please call Carl Johnson 6564 or learn how much forest Is there, how their thoughtfulness and kindness. ings since the auxiliary was organ- Harold fleids and tobacco lands were flood- hammering at them unceasingly. Franck—(violin obliggato). Syd- Many* members also spokX, congrat- Buddy Column. No such luck, but — — The most marked gains were na4s Miles killed ' ties were disrupted. Highway f r a week’s aUy In the fanciful archi- They are hot deep underground, Tho aim of the attseka mUltajy\ “ _rence O. Anderson 3031. Please fast it grows and what possibUities ised about nine years ago. She has News trolmen planned to resort to radio ed yesterday by tha turbulent nor are the caverns ’ large,, but ^tlfy them by Saturday night If ney Strickland—Anton Luko. ulating Mr. and Mrs. Baker and attended most all the State Con- we did get sort of snowed under. by toe five eommunltlee noted d u g h te ts i^ the bathroom, chased Farmington river, pelago lying along the equator, observers said, waa to force Fran*" ^ there may be for establishing a small However, since the Post is taking si above, all of which had tnereuen the boy imo the bedroom, slashed If the town beeame Isolated. The searchera sold there were many dble. PoaUude: "Allegro’’ ...... by Dubola perinanent industiy In Eastford to wishing tosm many years.of happi- ventions and every montl • you By DANNY SHEA '^Although streama were muddy more than BOO miles west of Ecua- crater-llke formations Intd Which it to withdraw troops from tha Vale Ann Strickland will be at the ness. During the entire evening re- vacation for this month, there was varying from approximately doubla him ther^then returned to t^e bath- water aystem waa out of order, dor., ■ cla offensive to nelnforce the Cat be annual church and Sunday use forest products. At 11:15 a. m. would find her at the Hartford Dis- Hlya Buddies.. .One week has to several hundred per cent with the pumping plant flooded. and choked with storm waters, would be poseiblq for persons to !SooI picnic will be held at Ellza- organ. Elliott Bronson, acting superintend- freshments were served by a com- trict, Council meetings. She will be nothing of great importance to talk roem uA kUled'harself. A trail of • * 1. t J|-,t . •, To VMt 7 Islands IonianInnlAn lln#.line. “ passed since toe 1938 encampment Greenwich which headed tbs Other streama In West Texaa there was little danger of seriouS' fall, " eth Park Saturday afternoon, July ent of the Connecticut State Board mittee consisting of^ohnny McDow- missed at toe Andersem-Sbea social about, officially. blood ,led from tea room to the floods. . Tha'‘'Prealdent and hla party plan- A Valencia Drive Ooea On ell, Joe. Blnka and Jack Herron. We came to a close.. .During this time month’s list Jumped from a total ottwb Each victim's were rising. The Leon and Lam- -■ . JlTvi-." Ftlends Statement SOth. There will be games, prizes, THE sALVAnoN Army , of Fisheries and Game, will epeak on affaira at the Home aa"ahe attended The family outing on July 10 was all toe odds and ends have teen permit valuation of $170,687 In MAy pasas rivers were up In Central The Connecticut river at HaVt- ned visits to eeyen.. of the. islands,. In- Kentucky, offlcera and friends On the Valencia front, bowpver, thf relation of Connecticut foreets were glad to welcome our old friend them all and she Insisted on doing every bit as successful as we dared ford had reached only 7.3 feet, al Including Marchena, on which the Tnsurghnfs 06041006(1 their drive 'at an

a Mt>baek from m f n r eoBtamptu* uUriy anUfoeistlc erowd—it w iUm rlrertrr oua worda aa It baa auffatad a a dcmonstratlva erowd Jn any way. mond. Tlie gome will start year at the banda o f . tha valiant It waa Just a curious erowdr-a 6:48.' X DEATH OF MARIE Chlneae.' Just at tha moment It gatharing of people who wanted to HOMO, ECONOMICUS HOWTO ELIMINATE Tuesday two community Ipo^e DAILY RADIO games, will be played, -.’nte’gamee rranco, As Military School looka Uka a backdown fai' view of see what theee'folka looked like - M ia U B H B O S T TH B which' were to be played -test Tues- •AT.UROA/, JULY.SS (Central and Eastern Standard Tina) »Ai-n riUNTlM O OOMVAN¥, fttO. the futila denial that a n y ' threat who, occupying positions of reepeC' By James J. O'Leary day and Thursday were postponed RECALLS MEMORIES MOSQUITO PESTS (Lt4llngi *«r ing club waa held Thursday, July Sraerim* eubjeet to chans* by ctatlene witheut prevleiit notice. F.'M. Instances, are accuaed o f havlitf sly 21 at twro o’clock. The meeting . Vaaadad Mtobar t, 1(11 m the'jprevloiw article the w riterTaa there o ccu rr^ no radlCRl obange Mackenzie Tells How NBC-WkAF (hED) NETWORK COAST—knoz kein kol kfpy ktrl kaf* ROSENOAHlr ly. thrust their hands deep. Into, tbs State bpert T elleJ^ Jo -was held a t the leader.’ar'home, Mias . BASIC eclr weot wtiu ertle w)er koy .iMtrm. Uibe kamb krer kbe k«ut_.; tfnkllah^ Evewr Bvealng Baaept Showed how, nndsr the syiitem of in the a rt of ca riy ln E on p ro ds’- CanL BacL ' ban lays and Helldaja Entered at tha pockets of the people of Wateidmry Elizabeth Lee. Blouses were com- w ut weeh kyw wfbr wro way when ....Ona n e e ^ ’t be .a Hew Dealer nor. laiaaet-falre capltallam, the pricing ' tlon...... pleted at' the. meeting. These woe* wUm wwj cbm wdcl; MlSwccti ItiOO— lie^Mtdlton Avenue Bneeina a^atfrdnee-ae HaaetMeter, Later Joined Him In Revolt Queen’s Inflmnce Caused kmurmBa wbe woir enter -crtrc'Kstp; 11)10*- mm-Tba Mater city MalMte sairrotlbed teem of ttelf hahl earn- fncchanishi' would'theoretically feg- It foifowed fironi thia w itto -Do To Help Te ;Eiedi€ate aeetid Ctaaa Mall Matter. yet an unreaerved admirer o f tha blouses will be exhibited along with MCunUlm Koe kdyl; Soutbi wmbz web 1:00— 2:00—Tha Marry-Mator* Oreh. ed money. ulate economic activity eo that al- any one Industry or for all fle.Ms Of a dress and slip which has been wmc wiinb wlex kpro wbre: Fcelflci 1:20— 2:20—Dart. Lutsl, J. SturBaaa UBSClUPnON (tATM pbUoaophy or tha acta o f BMretary ways the right amounts of the kfl krw koino Vha kpo ksu. 1:00— 3:00—Hera* RaeJns Broadeaat It’s our guess that those sUsnt, industry the marginal prOdu^vlty made by each member. The ex- Rumania To Join Allies. OPTIONAL STATIONS (operate )n- OiM' Tear hr Mall •••••*• «M«.• .((*(( Ickea to feel conalderabla aympatky goods moat strongly desired and hence the wage paytteHta would ' Smuner I n s ^ 4;l(k- 1:10—The Daneepatera Orehaa- Fer MettU hr Mall a.«>Mli.«.....( -M rather unemotional but 'intellectual' hibit will be held August 20th at the tcrchenseablV on either RED or BLUE 2:45— 1)45—Four Clubman’s Quartet Etaaia Cearny • • . ( with hla oritlclam o f Commander by consumers woilld be pro- decrease with the addition of MbOr- Tolland CJounty .Temporary Home at networka); Eaiti wbre wool wtee wlw 1:0(2— 4:00—Columbia Caneart Orehaa, OMTsred Oae Tear ...tt.aa ly Inquiring people, atandlng there duciid. Furthermore, it was ex- ere. In view of this deoreasing work wcky weel ween cbf cbl: Centrcli 1:10— 4:10—Amcrlea Dane** Orehaa, Charles E. Roaendahl, commandant Vernon Center and each member'^f By DeRlTT MACKENZIE Wcfl wtni] wiba wday k(bx ken* kelo 4:00— 5:00—Prata-Radle Nawa Paricd lOCMSBB o r THE AESOCIATEO In the rali}for a look at the alleged plained just how the automatie wage rate employers would be en- .jKbw Haven, Jiffy iS—(AP)—At thia club wili have an important keoo orbow'wood webo wzM Wfl k(yr 4)05— 5)06—Kd Thsrganaan, Spa^ of the. Naval Air Base at Lakehurati price regulator would constantly op- couraged to expand their plants If - 'U U season, in to-wn and country, New York, July 22.— (A P )—'The koem: South; wter wptf wTe wjez xrfle- L wabo; Tha Symphenattae—network PRESa betrayers, Constituted by far the 1 f- part. 'triun wind weoe wfbc wwne wcio wave 4:15— 5:16—ChlMSe’a Sanpa far You The AaseelateaJ>reas is aselualrel? for coming back from Oermany full erate to prevent gluts in the .mar- necessary and thus to ebaorb oom- ^le cry goes up, “why all theee The next meeting will be devoted' death of Dowager Queen Marie of wem kvoo wky wfaa.wbap woai kthi 4,:10— 6:10—Tp B* Anneuncad (IS ai.) aatltled to the ess e( republleatlon most disooncertlng factoi in tbe ket Ift this article the writer will moequltoeB?” the tendency 1s lor kfdm kcko krev krl* ktok ktam wale 5:00— 5:00—Ban Fald and Syneepatlen o f all news dlapatehee eredited to It inf the Idea that we should Sell the' pletoly at all times the total supply to demonstration work becauae the Rumania marks the passing of one proceedings to most of the defend- attempt briefly the rather compli- of labor. each man to blame bis neighbor, or members will Have to give a demon-' trrol ktoe kata kanc: Mauntalm kair 6:10— 5:10—CBS Werkiben, Dramatic as not otherwlee credited la tbia Germans helium for their dirigi- of the great women of history—a kahl ktar kob keh( kido kpfa keel ktrl: 5:00— 7|0(2—Th* Saturday (twins Club paper and also the local news ceb- gut cated analysts of bow the pricing state, for the mosquitoes infesting atratlon In order to coibplete m a Paciflo; kfbk kwz kmj kern kzu kmed ants. Perhaps aome of tha defend* Laissez-faire capitalistic eoono- vivid personality who, working 5:10— 7;10-^ohnny and Rusa Merstn Uaaed herein. ^ bles. R^sendahl, who attended the mechanism was supposed to regu- mists also pointed out that labor bia hquse and garden. Actual! one hundred per cent club at the Cent. Baet. . —baalc; Harmeny Oealsna.-*w*it All riahts or repablleattaoa of anta were sufficiently hard shelled quietly within the concealing shadow 7:00— t.'OO—Prm. Quia Qulax**-^to a areolal'diepatebea herein are alee re* celebration at Friedrlchahaven of late such things ae employment of would always receive the highest bad b ^ have a mld-summep^eneck- end of the-year. The meeting will i2:(Xk— 1:IX>—Capers from (he Campus 7:10— S:SO—The Nyhtbm Randaevou* not to be at all affected by the acru* labor, Investment of capital, and poiMlble wage. If a sUk weaver In up ,of his own premlsej^riSelore he be held next Thursday at Mias Lee’s of the throne, changed the political 12:*o:— 1:10—Aftarnoon Off Variety 1:00— 1:00—Tb* Nil ParadeL^ to cat served. ______the 100th birthday o f Count 2!eppe- complexion of eastern Europe and 1:00— 2:00—Qoldan Malsdiaa, Orehas. •:45—S:4S—Vlawpaint* ef Amarleant tiny of thoae honest, plain cltliMna use o f land and other rent-bearing Manchester, for example, could Ob- complains too loudly about the man home. ''1:l(k— 2:10—To B* Anneuncad (10 nt.) t;00—10)00—Nawai Manry Kins Oreh, -4 m u aenrtee ellent of N. B. A Serv* tin, and .was a guest o f honor tbera, property. nest door. For many of the mos- Mr. and Mrs. Shepard of Ham- the fiery Balkans. 1)00— 2:00—Callina Stamp Cellaetera t:10—10:10-Kay Kyaar a Orebeatra lea lae. on the sidewalks, but It’s doubtful tMn higher wages than one in liur-r 2:10— 1:10—Men of the Watt Quartet on his 1‘btiirn expressed the Let us consider, first of all,. the ham, N. C., then the Durham- sn«ti quitoes found in bouses hatch out den, Conn., were visitors of M r. To the endlesa line o f grieving 10:00—11:00—To * Anaunead.iw m.) that many of thenn were. aubjecte moving In final homage by .2)20— 1:10—To Be Anneuncad (20 m.) 10:10—11:10—Tammy Doraay Orchaatra Meat her AaeoHcan Hewapaper Peb- ; view that It waa rldicuiona to with- employment of labor. Amazing as would Immediately move to Mail- right in-the backyard, acebrding to- and Mrs. James Wood Friday after- 1:00— 4:00—Top Hattar* Dane* Band 11:00—12:00 Danas Muale—Oreat Ushers Association.______Hardly anybody ilkea to be look^ noon. her coffin tn Cotracenl palace, Buch- 2:30— 4)10—To B* Announced (30 m.) hold helium from the Germans on It-may seem In the light of present cheater and apply for a Job.' Fur- ll, C. Elotaford, deputy in charge o f arest, she was more than majesty; 1:40— 4:40—Junior BIrdman af Amar. NBc-wjz (Blue) Network mbUshard BapreaeotatlTee: The at ae though ha were anroe atfange day conditions, economists of the ther. If a silk dyer aaVr that he moaqulto elir^atlon at the agri- Miss Doris Rlvenburg la spending 4:00— 5:00—Spanish Rayu* Orchactra the theory that they might use It two weeks at Lake Wlnnepesaukee she waa their friend and helper, '4:25— 0:25—Praca^adlo Nows Period Basic — Betti wla wbi-wbia wbal IjUlos Mathews Special Apencr—New kind o f hug for whose existence the laissez-faire capitalistic variety al- could earn more aa a machinist, he cultural experiment station at New sharer of their joye and sorrowa— wham kdka wzya wjtn warr wmal will Torh. Chleato, Detroit and Boston. for military purposes. aa a delegate of the Talcottvllle 4:30— S)l(k—Paul Oouela* and Sporta waby wabr cfcf whk wmff ware wean examiner was trying, without much waya believed unemployment o f la- would quickly shift from one field Haven. ’These are a few things a fairy god-mother who devoted her 4:45— 5:45—The Art ot LIvIne, Talk bor to be Impossible as a.perma- to the other. Complete mObUity of people should know about mosqui- (Jhristlah Endeavor society. 5:00— t:00—Dick HImbar’a Orchaatra wicc wlau; Mldwaat: wanr wla Kwk kell :4 MEMBER ADIAT BtJBEAO OP Mr. Ickes promptly quoted Rosen- life to her people. S:I0— S:10—Larry Clinton'* Orchaatra wren wmt kao wowo kma wetn; Seutbi KRCD1*AT10WR ______success',"to And a reason. When nent or long-^-Iastlng phenomenon. labor was assumed and tbs vfinM toes and a few suggestions that Rev. Stephenson and wife will wrtd wmpa wjbo wdan wasa wan dahl’s own words, employed In hla leave Monday for St. Louis, Mis- By the elderly of the mourhere StOO;— 7:00—Kallanmayar KIndare’t’n several hundred persona look at you As a matter of fact, laissez-faire was alwajm nmslderSd to havo aOnle: every home owner should follow. S;S0— 7:10—Dal* Carnaal* Program kxyxi'Mountaln: Mo krod; PaeHlat tid The Btorald PrlnthTf Companjr Tnc., book, "W hat About the Airship?" souri, where they will spend 'two she Is remembered os Europe’s S:40— 7i40—Barry MeKInlay, Baritone kfad ktma kex Im keca Ur asssmes no Snanclal raaponelbllltr like that, In alienee, It must make capitalism tacitly assumes full em- opportunity for employment Laia- glamour-girl of the nineties—moat NOTE: Baa WEAF-NBC (or optional First o f all, mosquitoes breed in weeks of their month vacation. Rev. 7:00— i:00—To B* Anneuncad (M m.) Hat ot atatlona. ■M ler tppOErapkloal errors appeartna M> In which he had said, "Small won- ployment of all the factora of pro sea-faire economists did admit thfit ' -water. In large pools or in puddles, lovely and brilliant princess of her a:10— t:30—Flahar Sahnleklafrltxara afIvartlsemsBts la the Maneheeter 5ro\i feel rather microacopic. Yale, a former pastor of the church, *:00—10:00—Cincinnati Summer Opera Cant. EatL . . der, then, at the high regard .In ductlon, namely, land, labor, and seasonal or technoIog;lcal unamriq)^ ' iW long as It Is a few Inches deep will supply the pulpit during the ab- day. 9*saias BeralR capital. ment—that Is, imempldj^' ^ 10:00—11)00—Rudy Valla* A Orchaatra 12:00— 1:00—Blit Krana and Orebeatra ..m which helium h, held as a valuable ^ is allowed to stand for ten days sence of.Rev. Stephenson. To perhapa a privileged few of 10:10—11:10—Blu* Barron’a Orchaatra I2is0— 1:10—To Be Anneuncad <15 ra.) In the case of labor the reasoning caused by. the replacement of Time l y disavowal longer. In. most cases they do Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith, Sr, these scores of thousands she waa CB8-WA3C NETWORK 12:45— 1:45—Burt Farbar'a Oreba5tra ^TURDAT, JULY M military'asset.” is somewhat as" follows; Consider- by ipachtnee—might tempoteu’'fl known aa the one who swung Ru- 1:012— 2:0(N-Bense and Jean EHInfton (lot breed in flowing streams and Mr. and Mrs. James McNally and 1:15— t;l5—The Kldsedlara’ Quartet Commander Roaendahl,. reputed Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, national ing labor as a whole, the general exist, but that such a situatU mania away from German) to the BASIC — Btati wabe wade woko weao 'Jiey cannot brepd tn grass, ahrub- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rlvenburg are weal war wkbw wkro w)r wdre weau 1 :1 ^ 2:3(2—Ricardo a Hla Orabaatra SLAP IN THE FACE to be highly skilled in llghter-than- chairman of the Ameriran Joint wa^e, or perhapa better still the would be automatically and speedily bety or,.thickets' unless there are leaving this afternoon for a week- allied aide in the darkest days o f the wiaa wpre wfbl wjsv wear; Midwest: 2;(K2—1:00—Club'Matin** via Radi* war, the one who Inspired the pres- liOO- 4:00—Tune Twiitars Trie Time alr aeronautics, has always Im- Dlatributlon Committee, back from prevailing wage level, was merely remedied. bidden water boles there. The fe- end at Rockport. Mass., where they wbbm wfbm kmbo kmox whaa kfab 1:R^ 4:10—PauT Sabin and Orabditra ent Balkan entente and thus created kftit n e r o have bedh so many "Ind- the price of labor as determined by Much the tame kind of reasoning male lays as many aa 400 eggs-on Will visit Mr. and Mrs. WlUlnm 4:0(2— 5:00—Lou Martin Orehaatrs pressed some observers as being the Evlan conference for the aid of a new great influence, the one who AST—wbtia wpt whp whee wore efrb 4:25— 5)25—Praae-Radio Newe Ferled te its " alonE the Slberlan-Man* th e.relationship o f th a whole aupply. was employed by the fotlowen of the surface o f the ' -water. Prom Monaghan. ~ckao wlbz wmaa watt wnbt wlbi wkbn more Interested in hla own career distressed minorities In Europe, de- helped make poaalble the famoua 4:10— 5:10—Blue'Barren'A OrMistM' of workers to the entire demand. lalesez-faire capitalism^ .in dhnnao- them come wrigglers, minute, tad- Dawn Neri la rapidly recovering tUilo wzbl wbrk wnbx 6:00— f:(X2—Radio Maaeafe ef ISMW ohurlan border ' sines . , tbe Japanese little entente and many other; mo- SteO-Unele Jlm*w «usstiene- than In anything elae. He was navi- clared that there- would be no at- As an Illustration, suppose ' there tion with capital and la ^ They de- p^a like creatures, with large at her home from injuries received DIXIE — -wtit wtfa wqam wdod klra too- nmda their somewhat imperfect were thirty million laborers In this clared that Interest w ss merely .'the General Frenrisoo Franco (extreuM right) ta one of the few ptetnrea ever taken of htan with &ls wife and mentous undertakinge. wreo wlaa wwl wtoo krid ktrh ktaa . aaet: Jae Sudy*s Orabaatra—wait gating officer of the Shenandoah tempt in the United States to seek beads and -vibrating tails. Every last week. 'Marie was every Inch a queen. I waeo koma kdbe wbt wda* wMz wdbj (:0^ 7:00—AI DsnabiM A Orebeatra eonquast of Manchuria some half country who demanded work at an price of capifiU. In other words, the few minutes they come to the sur- The church bell haa been removed daughter. ^ wwva wait wmbr ktul wcoa wdno wnox 0) 1(2- 7)10—OrliMnM Mwrepbene Play on that unlucky day thirteen yean a relaxation of Immigration regula- never saw her until juat after the kwkh know wmrom wjno weba wpar 7:00- t;0»-Barb Oanee en tbe Radio dosan years afo, and since It be* average wage of' three dollars per interest rate would always keep tbe face for air, tails ^p. because tbe and Is on Its way to Troy, New York ______«------1) 00— fHX2—AI Retb Rbytbm Caneert ago when the airship cracked up tions In behalf of Jews In Germany day. Further, euppoae employers supply of and the demand for citol- World War, when I was present!^ wmaa weoo wrva walm wrdw wapf oama apparent that Japan and Rue* breathing apparatus is at that end where It will be repaired. Nearly nnknown to the oalside world only a few years ago, Francisco viyhen Franco bobbed up In Spanish MIDWEST — wmbd wlin wU>w kfh SiM^ tito—Te Be Aenpwised (50 ra.) a .could afford to hire only twenty mil- Fred Wood returned home Friday to her and King Ferdinand, but even S;(X2-10:0IH-Nswa: Wm, Farmer Oreb, In Ohk>. He waa fortunate enough and Austria. "A fter all,” aald the tal in equilibrium. Should the inter- of their bodies. In warm weather Franco stands today as the military dictator at the two-thirds of Spain then In her middle age •he''was a wkbb %taq wkbh weoo wabt kicj wnaa —aaat; Bern Danap—west repeat ala must eventually come to Ei^ps lion at this average . wage. Under afternoon from Maine where he haa Morocco where the native troope and woo whib beIo kdab waoa wmfg to be among the survivors and made rabbi, "the people working for, the eat rate rise due to an IncreaaO In only eight days are required for whkii his rebel legions haVe conquered during two years ot siig: life of her youthful daya had given way a poor Impression on the country movement are Amerleans, and their laissez-faire economists, laborers as joined his colors. Throughout without . anythlnK coming from saving, that la, refraining from con- development from egg to adult In- story of Franco. ' to Btatellhees, but the blue eyes and with the freedom of hla criticism first Interest here Is tor. America a . class would be compelled to ac- Spain a greater part o f tha regular them, that the rest of the world la sumption, would Immediately in- qroL Then they, may live all aum- army and air force did so. Moat of golden-brown hair, enhanced by a cept the wage, let us say one on the of the unlucky Commander Lana* and Americana. If money being crease in order to reap the greater oqer aa there Is no rule about their By MILTON BRONNER y the navy at the time stuck to the fine complexion, were still hen. 4 Mow to become excited over thn average of $2.60 per day, at which GRANDPA’S C O iiE R S NEA Service Staff Correspondent. downe, skipper of the craft, who Bent out of the country la Injurious Interest returna The reverse would dying after biUng or egg-layUig. ' government. Soon Franco and hia Manled When 11 employers could make use of all tbe I pNaent one. soclatlon find! that the Act’s chief be true if the interest rata Should 86 Varieties If it had not been for hia marriage tp the beautiful Dona Carmen, troops began to land in Spain where Princesff Marie, daughter of the lost faUi' life In the disaster, for the to the nation’s welfare, then It won’t available supply of- labor. In other With a rush of wheels like six WDRC I However, there are eleroenta In result has been to create a new bu- drop. If the rat* did faU, however, Connecticut has at least 36 vari- Francisco Franco might have remained in Spanish Morocco—where he they Were joined by the regulars. British-. Duke o f Edinburgh and RADIO '’s:,*’ latterie management of the ahip. be sent. And If our concern for words, all labor would work at a hundred horses snorting by and 338 Hartford' Conn. IBM , tha aituatlon that has arisen In tbe reaucracy and government jobs for the demand for capital nff>u]d at eties of mosquitoes, six of which won hie spurs, hie medals and hla. generalahip—and might never have Badajoz, Merida,- Saragossa were grand-daughter of Queen Victoria, He- has. frequently ehown • bis- die* groupa . In foreign, -countclea...who. wage,, the heighth of. which would, onca experience a jump -forward a roar of engines, a whole bunch of become involved in the. poUticaL intrigues and strife o f hla native Spain. was given In political marriage to Eeetorw D ey lli^ B n v tog T ta a e. T 1aa|~few' d a ^ 'lh a t wbiiTiT ieem“ 'to .,4 tons of thousands of clerks. give most oS the trouble. The emt soon hia. Burgoa became-hla capital Hir-- be determined mainly by the rela- causing tbe rate to riao again. Fur- state police come s p r in g up over But married life made him eager, in 1926, to return to Spain and make, and on October 1, 1936, all the rebel HohenzoIIerii Prince Ferdinand When appointment over the government'a need asalstance In eacaping opprea- Referring to New Deal claims of marsh type are the worst peats be.r the Hog Wallow road Into the Cor- ( ' '1 taldleate the Imminence, If not of a the “euccess” achieved in the old tionship of the supply of to the de- ther, laissez-faire eoonomlats main- a home there for hia wife and hla little daughter Carmencita. Once generals recognized him oa supreme she was fascinating seventeen. The abandonment of the dirigible and alon would Interfere with helping mand for labor. I cause they breed In such swarms ners here Thursday after a chase P.M. ~ saw war in the world, at leaat a age insurance eyetem, the Associa- talned that all saving would Actual- and fly foi several miles in search more fortune favored him. The gov-|,- chief. Prince was to become the second 3:00—MAdlaon ensemble has been a constant critic of that Americans, then ,we wouldn’t do "TTNDERWGRUV8 T O U C * ’ Generally epeaking, the wing- Within a particular industry and for some bank robbers what had king of Rumania upon the death of Showdown on Japan's purposes and tion asserts that ’’search aa we ly find Ita way into Invutmant bo- for a meal of warm blood. All the emment had eetablished a newT Then began the real ajid terrible 3:30—.Motor City Melodieo the annual bach featival, tha fourtli FORCE IS BROKEN UP ed shlp-to-shore communications I among workers of the same degree earlier d'one some gun point business a job. Then tn 1933 a government civil war with the bittsT fighting hie uncle. King Charles, just after policy. An. In all ha la the type of It.” might, how'sver, the success In this cause no sensible person wou]^ 33;000 acres of salt marshes in model military academy at Sara- j “of the Right waa elected and Franco SiOO-r-Merrymakera ^ at San Ctarloa B om oiB o Mtaekni, OB h tf confidence. service has nothing m^re exc4ting of skill the wage of a laborer waa hoard funds as long as he could In- in a bank over in Suffield. W hat- goaaa. Here cadeta could study for Toledo, Ovjedo anw. telling her the fishing is so good I way of simple Illustration, let ua as- With regard to land or other rant- variously for the Infantry, cavalry, celona and 'Valencia. little man, - characterlatlcs which : pfentstnE^ adventure in China, tt numbers”—an actl-vlty character* The rest are left to the care of com- body had better come moseying up engtoeerU or a r W Fr^n^o he raised It later In re- 4i30—Daneepators , Ths festival celebrattM tha SBSrS thia thoroughly patriotic position up- The Racket Is ’’laying low”, for that he won't be home for supper. I sums a factory making use of 100 bearing property, lalases-falro soon- were made even more noticeable ting helhim, would be likely to be ized by the Association a a ’’unprece- munltKia. The object of the ditch- either, either to do any such thing, 4:45— Four Clubmen apniveraary of the Mrth ot Johaim . has aeemed to them a proper time The Boatmen’s Aaeoclation dull- machines. In orytor to further aim- omists considered rent to be no waa made the head of It and here for ! . ______becauae of the forceful peroonallty listened to with a good deal of de- on It; becaiuie there haa been an un- dented, costly, irrelevant and uniyse- District Attorney Thomas E. ing la to lead standing water into or after they have done such a In 1934 rebellion broke out among 6;.00— Columbia Concert Hall Sebaatian Bach. Tha hroAdcast wtU "I,' i£ ’ to make a ahowInE o f extraordinary fully relays this ibformatlon to piify the example, suppose that the more than the price placed on the some years he worked hard training of his .bride. Probably Mcause of eaay feeling that In the next eesaion essary.” Dewey, la cutting a swath big flowing streame. Where construc- thing, for they is far too many shot- the miners In the Asturias. Franco ' 5:30—America Dances comprise excerpta from hla B lllaar tached unconcern by the people of the little woman via telephone. I game type of reasoning that isp- uae o f this land or property. Dt the young officers. Later many of these this the tradition grew after they ^ bantferency over the latest .border The average liimp sum old age tion of tide gates, and dikes 18 still guns and rifles with fellows who took part in Ha savage repression— 6:00—News Service the country. of Congress there would be a atrong enough to impress even' the hard- Occasslonally, however, the .p|-|pUea to one machine Is equally ap- same way the rent of n piece of land were to follow hia flag. ascended the throne that she was maaa aa preaented tinder tha dirso* ' Ineident, an allcEcd intrusion of a payment up to April, the Associa- boiled gentry of the rod and gun. going on, or where ditches have know how to use them up here to a represBion which , made the aur- WTIC niler In all but name. 6:15—Highlights In Conn. Sports pressure-group drive tor the . very g e o » have helped eave smaU pHcable to the other 09, In . the or property was determined tbe Franco had met French officers rtving miners hla bitterest enemies. tlon o f Gaatone UaigU. A chorua and tion found waa 120.80, although a But up to just a short time been neglected, mosquitoes still -make any comfortable roost for rob- That waa not true, for Ferdinand, tiny handful of Siberian soldiers In- ^ t i and, once a steam trawler. Ua** of this one machine, the em interaction of supply and demand. and admired their training. So, The rebellion over. Franco went Travelera Broadcaattog Sarvica, and Baseball acorear-Gll Martlnir a group of Bololsts will supplemdot thing In oppoelton to which Rabbi New York executive who worked ago, New York could boast ( ?) breed to supply the -surrounding bing critters of the likes of them. Hartford, Coan.. - while, not scintillating, ^ ad a' mind 6:30—Mai Hallett’e Orchestra -the orchestra. to territory on the northeast Han' (iRANDlOSE SCHEME The raesMges they carrietL aura- L ,oy „ ,gu one man to work on It In a town with a g^eat nunlber of Right away after he had heard for a time, he left hla Saragossa to Morocco aa conlmander-ln-chief. Wise has ao definitely spoken. (and atlll does) for seven corpora- pt the' spectacle of a police force countryside. In general, however, post and took a course In tagher 50,000 W. 1040 K. C. ' 28.2 M. of his own and used It. However, 7:00—Syncopation Piece Another addition for Sunday on ehurlan frontier which may or may .Such a Roman holiday for Falr- tions waa reported to have received tenements and few appnoanta for what was up, Boaz Whitten got out A year later, when the real power none questions that Marie had a maintained by the underworld. thero"haa‘’been “no oc°c«lo« fo herpl“ “ tbe situation in regard to salt military matters In the> F r e n c h behind the Right, Oil Roblea, be- Eastern Daylight Saving Time 7:30—Columbia workshop WABC-CBS at 13:30 p. m,. to SB not be on the Manchurian side of $1,001.7. More elgnificant, the Asso- It operated out of headquarters If a second man was put to work on rentable living space, the le'val o f marshee moaqultoea has been great- his gun and hustled on off to take powerful influence on'him.' flcld Coqnty apeculatora waa made rescue a member of the tuna fleet. rents would be low, 'and vice vena. a look around through the woods school at Versaillea. came Minister of War. - Franco be- 8:00—Saturday Night Swing Club analyala from Parle of tha poUtloal . the boundary line. .Only a matter ciation found, waa the ’’deepening in- on the East Side and was set up the same machine the total product ly Improved.; Outbreak o f the war found Ri(' out of the Merritt Parkway project The Freeporters arr keeping their might b« g units;-thus the addition With regard to land. If . a plot, would and back roads to see -what Jie could carae hla Chief of the General Staff. Saturday, inly 28 . 8:30—Johnny Preaenta—Ruse Mor- •ignlflcahca o f tha visit, o f tte Hrit> security stimulated by the eyetemr to mount' guBtrdover the pin- fingers crossed, ^ut in the mean “ Ihxibably aU awamps cannot be mania bound to Germany by treaty gan’s'O rchestra of three or four mllee seems to be of the second man would mean an bring gi-eater returna If devoted to see. He come back without seeing In the spring of 1931 came the In 1936 the parties o f the Left P. M. lah Royal fam ily to Fnaeo at gtvSM that .proposals of projects involving adding that while the United States game traffic. Tbe same plug- time, they’re very proud of their drained, and there will always be of long standing, made by old King 9:00—Professor Quls—With Bob iBTOIved, toEstber with the poeses- LOOKING increase of 5 units. As mors men residential uae than If employed in nothing, however, which Irked him municipal elections when the par- once more, came4nto power. Franco 1:20— (3onn, Agricultural Bulletin. Charles. Naturally the world ex- by Vincent ShesM, American novel- the expenditure of large amounts of Treasury paid $2,035,829 to old age uglies who "convinced” quaking plgeop flock. J, man-made pools and puddles for Trout skm of a hlU which miEht' be of beneficiaries it collected In taxes were set to work on tbe machine agriculture, then the owner would some because he,would like nothing ties of the Left swept the nation, was sent to the Canary Islands as 1:30—Your Host Is Buffalo. pected hisi Hohenzollem heir to fol- ist. Hia talk ta titled "Dem ocracy state money Ip that corner of the etore-keepere that they ought to breeding mosquitoes. But home own- King Alfonso XIII abdicated and Commander. This was not oftly a 9:30—Rhythm Rendezvous jjfrom workers smd eiilpioyera for there would gradually occur a situ- surely choose the former tue. Uke- better than to trade a Jlttle lead 2:00—Campus Capers. low the same line, but it waa then Sbinea its Armour.” / seme minor atrateElc value in a FORWARD take In pin-ball games, doubled '*'Wet Show ers can at least keep their own with the outlaws. Boaz's trades fled the country and the republic demotion, but exile In a way. The 10:00—Your Hit Parade commonwealth are likely to be un- old age Insurance a total of $577,- ation in which the workers began to 'Wise, for example. If am apartment 2:30—Afternoon Off. that the genius of Britlah-born time o f war. The land Itaelf is of as the underworld policemen. . A couple of alum kids from property free from breeding places stick, too. He ain’t missed no tar- waa set up. At that time Franco j Left wanted Franco out of the coun- 10:45— American Viewpoints der a handicap for aome time. By FHANKLYN W.VLTMAN 450,100. . , These racket cops made regu- hinder one another. Each new man would afford greater rent than' a and can cooperate in drives to clean 3:00—Golden Melodies. Marie first came Into notice in a big On the Saturday night Uirt: the teeming West Side have get as big as a man In ao long It aald: |try.' On April 14, 1936, the annl- 3:30—Swingology. way. 11.00—Sporta—News no oonaequence. The newesrt one Is the promotion, "Since the employer contributions laj rounds to aee that nobody who waa add^ would account for department store, then the former up polluted awamps and streams, developed a distinctly New York tlrea him out thinking back to when ” We must put the country first. 1 versary of the founding of the new 4:00—Calling All Stamp Collec- Joined The Allies 11:16— Henry King’s Orchestra., WEAF-NBC, 6—pick Hlmb«r or* The Japanese could have Ignored Whenever anyone dares to sug- are generally included in. the price monkeyed with the sizeable kit- version of tbe stunt that delights, less and 'ess of the total product. would be built. dumps, etc. “Some of the rules aug- chestra'; 7 — Kindergartan; S— by the Falrfleld County Planning The Important thing to observe, he couldn’t hit them. Soldiers should stand aside from I Spanish Republic, there were many tors. Quietly and persistently she work- 11:30—Kay Kyser’a Orchestra tha fauigpUlcant affair without loss of goods,” the 'Aeaoclatlbn BUUetin tles collected dally by the ma- ao many tourists on cruises to This Is known as a condition of gested by Mr. Botsford follow: America dances; 9—Crickets Qutal A.aaoclatlon, of the Idea that the gest that the Social Security Act Is therefore, is that under lalsset-falre Just in case, however, folks is let- politics and think first of the na- demonatrationa against the army. 4:15—Men of the West. ed on her German husband. She added, ”it means that for every dol- chines, that ’ nobody worked any. tropical or O’riental ports, the one diminishing returns In industry. Clean but drain pipes so that ting their dogs roam these nights, tlon. The good of the fcountry and Franco in the Canaries wrote to the 10—Cincinnati atunmer opera, “Car- of face; .^thout, In fact, anyone • 'omewhat less than perfect he Im- capitaliam the pricing mechanism 4:30—^^Program from New York. showed him that, despite the treaty, . T o m o r r o w ’ s P r o g r a m slate should purchase BO,000 acres lar spent In old age Insurance pay- racket on them In an effort ttf where in the tourist tosses a coin For exkmple, in our illustration the rain water does not stand in the so’s it Is necessary to warn anybody the greatness of the army rnust be Premier: men.” / haowlng about It except the mill* mediately is assailed by the New beat the game, that no rival or- was assumed to constantly act tbe 5:00—Top Hatters. the people of Rumania. In reality A. M. . . of land along the Housatonio river ments to JnerSase tbe purchsmlng over the side o f the ship antf a addition of a third man might re- gutters of your house and out build- cbnpng up here this week-end to the goal of all we do." ” I find a good deal o f bitterness were sympathetic to the Allies. Fi- WABC-CBS, ^ W o r k s h o p dratna« tary IntelllEcnce services. Instead, Deal nropngandlflts nn a reactlon- power of workers, $197 of ' sorely ganization put in newer or bet- native -dives down to fetch It. sult' In a total production of only part of an ’’Invisible hand” In regu- here at the way In which the army 5:30— Program from New York. 9:30—Church, of the Wildwood— for public park purposes. ary, a Tory, a fiend, an enemy of ings. keep his pants dear and frqe of That might mean much or little. nally she won him over; and In 1916 "Murder in jn e OtthednU” ; 7— needed purchasing power were with- ter machines, tb^t too many . Using 4the fountain In Colum- 10 units. Thus, the last or marginal lating the economy. ’To the readet Punch Holes In Cans theae animal Watchmen, especially The republican government began ia being treated and 1 have to warn 5:45— Frank Hawkes. , John Seagle, hymn sing. they seiced upon the occasion to mankind, or worse, Even though the 6:00—News; the country took the great etep of 9:45—News Service—Early news- Swing Club;/7:30—Johimy and RuOE The Idea Is certainly a magnifi- drawn from them and spent for oth- ’’hits” weren’t being scored and bus Circle aa their base. of opera- worker contributes but 2 units of this explanation of the automatll Flatten out or pimch holes in the after dark. Orion Gleets and Cfiiimp remaking the army by retiring the you o f the dangers o f euch a state take a very definite threat. They casting ita lot with the enemies of cast from United Preas. Morgan; 8 ^ Prof. Quia; 9—Hit cent one. If from no point of view criticism Is constructive and is de- er purposes.” paid-for. tions, these two youngsters st^e product to the 8 formerly produced price regulator will probably sound bottoms of tin cans before disposal. Bailey both haa got large handsome old monarchist generals and putting of affairs.” 6:15—Fred Hoey, Sports Roundup. the Central Powers. 10:00^-Church o f the Air. * Parade; /ll:3 0 — Tommy Docsey officially told the Moscow Euvern* signed to Improve the admlnt.itra- $101 In 'Taxes for Each $1 Spent Pin-ball games under the vigi- a tawdry little. aquatic show by the first two men. It is this pro- like utter foolishness. To those who If cans are kept outdoors before doga out on the prowl nights, while in younger men. Franco then ap- 6:30—WrlghtvUle Clarion. other than Ita sire, tt Is doubtful After^e war Rumania, Yugo- 10:30—Wingd Over Jordan. Music. ment to E*t their soldiers out of tlon of the act for the benefit of In other'words. Social Security lant eye o f the underworld cope nightly when the weather is duct, namely that of the marginal recall President Hoover’s "do they ain’t no downright meaner tall pealed to soldiers, disposed to re- 6:45—“The Art of Loving.” If, on any such basis, It will receive they are carted away, piit them In a What went on behind the scenes slavia and Czechoslovakia joined 11:00—Charles Paul At the Organ. WJZ-NBC, «—Mesfage of Israall wage-earners, the critic’s voice Is taxes took $197 away from workers bore a kind of license showing warm. worker, which determines the wage nothing” policy during the period co-vered place eo that the rain can- hooked onto a dog hereabouts then volt, by calling their attention to dis- is still largely guess work. Juan 7:00—Richard Himber’s Orchestra. "Japanese terrltor.v" or they would hands in the Little Entente, for self- 11:30—Major Bowes' CapltoI_Fam- 7—Dance music from Lotidoti; 7-M very serloua considemtlon outside of ilrowned out by shouta‘'''tVi,at he Is for every $1 .given to them. That la thClr owners had -paid a certain Someone tosses a penny or a of all three workers In the Illustra- September, 1929 to March, 1688. is to be found oH the one owmed by cipline. This, he said, took on Ita March, tobacco millionaire of the 7:30— ,Sporte of the Week with defense against Germany. Here be put out. To which Maxim Llt- not get at them ily. . the county among whose residents seeking Its repeal. Indecent motives the New Deal’s, idea of the more sura per machine for the privilege nickle. Into tho water. The young-y tion according to laissez-faire econo- there Is afforded a -vivid example- of Clbsnge the water In bird baths George PlUggs. He Is half police, true meaning “when our own habit Balearic Islands, is said to have Jack Stevens. again the quiet influence of Marie —Drama, "The Pie Cure” ; 8—^Barn vlnoff, Soviet foreign minister, re- are attributed to everyone who dis- of having ' their property guarded er of the two flops down Into’ the the faith In the ability of the price half hound and part bulldog, which of thought is opposed to our ordebs, 7:45—Larry Clinton’s Orchestra. P. M. dance (west repeat 10); 9:30—Con- there waa such a pocket-filling abundant life for workers! mists. or other water holding receptacles promised >--to finance a rebellion was at work. 12:30— Last Minute-News Flashes. agrees even tn the slightest with the thus. ^.The money collected went dirty water o f. the fountain and regulator to ’’Iron out” pur econom- when the heart battles and secretly 8:00—Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten. cert In Rhythm. plied—the words used arc said by Space is lacking to give other Looking at industry and agricul- once a week. If artificial ponds are is a combination enough to make against the Leftist government. But her vision was much broader 13;45.^Salt Lake Tabernacle Choir cleanup In the Merritt deals. President and his New Dealers. to pay the expenses of the tough- fel# for the coin. Should-* he ic difficulties. Even today we often revolts, when arbitrariness or error 8:30—Program from New York. Sunday ta to bring: Duranty, New York Times Moscow conclusions reached by the Aaeocla- ture as a whole, these laissez-faire weU stocked with fish, there will an.vbody stop and think. .Many rich land-bwners and nobles than that. She realized tfjat another and Organ. J they will look into the chances of the Fascists and Nazis—aid which 11:15—Cfnclnnatl Summer Opera. ’' ment. 12:30-^Commander D ^ e l J. Dober* macy to use thniata and bogles, to tbe tuna grounds off the Long returns due to lees effldehcy in the boxes, the furnace evaporating pans stunning blow when the government 3:15— *Walberg Brown Strings. able frontages on both the Hmisa- the Nation as a whole." The po'lht had a family with many dependents, out to retrieve the sunken, penny. manner production was being car- ttons of laieeez-faire capitalism In getting Into college there, Siringa was later the decisive Influence In 12:00—Weather Report. So the royal sorceress went to 2:30— Summer Session. ty of American Legion addresaiiig Island shore, are all equipped and open drains. Houses, barns, closed' his belo.ved academy. For Franco’s victories. uch aa certain governments How of Ilopubllcan criticism has been the Association made this observa- First, he feels along the bottom ried on. It was their contention, an effort to point Out how they this fall, and Plzarro when he gets 12:02—Rudy Vallee’a Orchestra. work. Quietly ..she pulled the 3:00—Everybody’s Music. Ohio convention of Legloii; WEAF- tonlc and Connecticut rivers, while with low-cost, high-speed stilp- drains and cisterns should be outen high school In four years two years he waa a General without The storm broke In -July. 1936,' he must understand that he that a.s drafted the Socilal Security with his feet. Then he executes therefore, that everjfwhere the ad- square with actual economic condi- 12:30— Blue Barron’s Orchestra. strings until the Balkan Entente waa 4:00—The Farmer Takes the Mike. NGC, 9 :3 0 -Chicago Roundtablat yet the properties can be obtained tion: to-ahore communication service a ridiculous dive that makes' the screened. Rain barrels may be cov- from now. The young people la formed among Rumania, Turkey, et anywhere with that stuff Act does not aniilrllliited to ih'pri-nsloii the blnl tips a signal bell. An lips and drawn faces reminding word for the Preeldent'e zest He barrels, etc. at the rate o f one fluid tor Is feeding out at the home* 9:30— Tom Terries. Her eon, the Crown Prince Carol, 7:00-^Phll Cook’s Almanac. earthy: 8:30—AJl-Frlml concert; 11 land v.aliies had muttlplieil out Of all ! are not succeeding In providing even attendant then goes tip and takes says when the President Is healthy, "ounce for .each feet of surface, of various patients who -owe him a ‘Rough-and-Ready* Ensemble who ie now King, wae married to —Larry Clinton orchestra.. to be found In the records^vf mod- , V, . I ‘'I"’'’ "il.l e.-itahll.-ih Itself. one of a couple of wet monkeys, 9:45— Melody Momenta. 7:30—Passing Parade—John Nes- as little protection aa the totally In- the message. rested and doing something be small holes and depressions that little on account. Princess Helen of Greece. .And just ern diplomacy. If there ever acrpaalhlllt\, should be a sufficient | \\> have heard Msrrlner S. Eccles, stand and wait foiynore colna. 10:00—Highlights of the Bible. , bltt with AI Garr, Oscar Brad- WABC-CBSi 10:30 a. m.—M ajor adequate home relief.” Washington likes he has' "bounce,” a' certain cannot be drained may be filled In. Busalinda Turner ain’t feeling so to make It unanlmoue, eo to speak, warning. rhalrman of the Hoard of Gover- By CAROL DAY 10:30—^Blalsdell Woodwin Ensemble. ley’s Orchestra. Bowes family; 2 p. m.—Everybody’s an Invitation from one nation t<> Let the President and hla New mental reslUence and resp on sl^ .. J t is unfortunate that some forms hot these days. Marie’s daughter Elizabeth married To taik about SO.OOO acres.of the nors of the Federal Reserve System 11:0(1—Musical Interlude. , 8:00—rThe World Dances. music; 3—Farmer takoa tha mike, another to make good a bluff and j Deni satellites cease their ballyhoo llgamenta which are attached to the lower back. Tho lesion may oc Daybook ness which la absent ’ of bouse mosquitoes may get Grandma Henny Sockstrap la up Prince George of Greece, who long 8:30—Lewisbhn Stadium Concert. from Springfield,' V t : 4:80—Guy 1>nd an anient New Dealer, say that and answer the non-partisan find- 11:05— Aunt Abble Steps Out. start the ihooting It Is right there. Hou>qtohlc valley Is grandiose. To the spine. cur on either side. exhausted. He had through screening. Pests may Also and around after two weeks during waa a King without a throne but 10:30—Headlines A Bylines. Lombardo orebeatra; 5:80—' Billy I the withdich'"nf'the'^ift rivej-s, 'even-ff "rtiuses' off the ROOseVolt ' rtepres'jrtori. tlon or irritation of the bladder tr a ache, t t ' becbmea rea'dliy apparent 12:45--^New8. 14:15-*Vtecont.Lopez’s,Oroheatra.r blifli 9:30—Headtaas and pyttaaK' entne of this episode Is likely , to be. sounds like the voice bf tbe Presi- dent made (JtevernoF. A. -B.-(Hap-. yellow fever, malaria and some spring. Right up to"^ this year, der (now dead) of Yugoslavia; 11:30— Leighton Noble's Orchestra. .Now we have the testimony o f the conatant source of distress in the that treatment will-vary according 1:00,—Living Portraits from the •WJZ-NBC, 12^30 a. re.— Perota they .should have tO-be hcM for dent of tha United States. py) (^handler o f Kentucky unhap-. though she is 87 years old, she used If you haven’t yet discovered how The Greek marpiagee turned out .Preponderantly, It, seems to be that American'A.‘‘soclatlon for Sf»clal Se- lower back and a chronic Irritation to .the cause. For example, the other diseases. While there has not Bibl string, quartet; I p. m.—Magic Key, ^ been'touelr'-inahiria- iir-'Connectfttrt- to- hi^-outJtocing_jand lutyisg •-FederaJ_;_ Thestor. ..,P.r.p.T .In Wi. Young ..couples ..were* “ J i p a j v T s ISr deeply InVDlve'TTrr nrrtrj^-TtmrnmPTWTrirTu of-rthe-biadder; w ay produee""more *tnickanliFn(ncpetwawRl"l)y‘'the'—m U f — ’U-htMj-the-waine-agfreeable-con**- -p4»—wth-^hte-jibeej-—-H e-lwltted-'^e attraetive-' your-'. fenilntne~-allmnWBr; 'jeVt. divorced. .Still. Rumania had gain-: Phiiadelphta''<)r6hertira:’'''S:S()— distress In the back than tn tbe blad; hither, even though Mr. Roosevelt governor about his boasted balanc- 1. recently, the carriers aye here. If nagging to get both Jobs done. he nil .entirely rea.sonable and-r,e«tis- letln. This organization for years past middle age with a prostatlc This haa bren a pretty dismal looks In this practical, rough-and- 1:30— Darwin, baritone ed political ..’/riendahlpe even if Day’s recital: 4:45—Master builder; China to risk a conflict with Ru.asla, dei dU elt aaid that.he. would not .talk aa Pres- ing. of the -budget t*)H"g .'hla. .. ,thay happw-; to. bite a. person. Glenn -and Ucypi»ceBdiiiir.i...... V... 1W . jf.ouglit.. Jo r..‘thCv promotion- of.'i ...... ,diMrder, will require different treat- week right up to now. The Dou- -ready type, by all. means make your- Quesn. Marie, was- deeply .dlstresaed -5:30.**-Grciiadler' Quiirda. band; 8:80.. ’ »ven;' though'--she tHa'y'''S(^u'A’rry , b"e- ident fiTthe' primaries 'but 'iur head 'ctiuckitilg and 'laughing' aiidlehCe’ malaria the disease might get a Charlotte'Lansing,' soprano. A Thought social security and soclfll Insurance Advice 5. kidney Stones. These ' etonee ment than.the backache due to ble Dam Brook gate haa had to be over the separations. —Budd’s budding talent; 8—SettaJ. There are a thousand' beauty sacro-illac Injury. of the Democratic party would that (Chandler came often to Waah- start in the state. Malaria mos- self a play eult with Pattern 8116. 2:00—Sunday Dinner at Aunt Fan- Have that the military "purge.s” in In the I'nitfd .'lt:Ue.'=" Ita executive By UR. FRANK .McCOV may induce a sharp, colicky pain kept open now for four days - to nle,’a. Win Your Lady. spots along both tho* Connecticut aecre.tary Ip Abraham Epstein, fre- on either side slightly toward the Thoae having any questions about fight for hla loyal Senators. ington and ably' aided himself quitoes, usually breed.Jn tbe shallow It’s Ideal for weeding and digging the Soviet Union , have greatly avoid a overflow In the pond, and 2:30— Kodoolera. 'Thou ebalt, guide me with thy Monday expectatlona: and the Hnusatonlc, within Connec-. quently called, the "father of .Social back. backache, are welcome to write to Never does Mr. Roosevelt seem never coming away empty-boira- margins of brooks, pools, springs or the water, aa always after severe T weakened its fighting strength,_ ’ CAUSES OF B.ACK.tniE so happy as when he can cut loose ed. In the garden, hiking over the coun- 2:45— ’’Day Oreama.” counsel, and afterward recMve me W EAF-NBC, 12:30 p. m,— Words ticul h.,r4lers,*. which would make Secnrlt>-*' •InT'thls country. Us preal- 6. Occupational Strains. An ache me. I shall be glad to provide you takes. Stocking aUcta places with rains, is muddy so that even cowrs There la another pplnlon, how- in the upperTack la aometimea pro- without restraint as he did at tbe Rut Chandlerib supportera re- flab is a good preventive measure. tryside or loafing at the beach. The 3:00—Sunday Drivers. Overnight News to gloryw^Psalms 73:24. and Music; 1:45— Hymns o f all : delightful public resorts. Say twen- dent Is Bishop Francis J. McConnell with any information possible. Tbe are not too anxious to gulp it up. churches; 4—Paul Martin reusic. ever, which holds th.at'tf Japan can I The number of people who suffer duced by occupational atralna, such following articles are nqw available 'Latonia' race track at Covington, sponded in their own way. Ken- Whenever a person finds wrig- good-looking tailored shirt, with 3:80— Romance Melodies. of the Methotllst Episcopal Church. The roads are sure a fine mess, now, WABC-CBS, 1—Enoch Light orches- ty of them, of a couple o f hundred Among .its directors are _Monslgnor from backache la unbelievably aa those occurring from sewing, and may be requeated:\ Backache Ky., in hla effort to rescue Senatpr tucky long has had a tradition g le n in swamp,' pond or other and the gutters along them are reg- p.eated. short sleeves, wUI look well 4:00-^Rangera’ Serenade. He that takes truth for hia guide, • create a sufficiently serious situa- 4:30— ’’World la Yours.” and duty for bis end, may safely tra; 3— Patterns la swing; 4— acres each—which would mean per- Francis J. Haas, dean oKthe School large. . This dlatreaalng symptom typing, or any type of work which ----- ; Lumbago------; Sciatica Barkley from the toile of Governor against Interfering with prUna- places, be ahould report to the Se- ular quicksands. Over by the old . with your sports skirts and aults. Of Connecticut tion on the Siberian border to ^ ap- 5:00—Marion Tally and Joseph trust to God’s providence to lead Chorus of 65 nuns’ voices; WJZ- haps 4,000 acres In all Instead of of Social Service, Catholic Unlver-, h'aa a variety of caua«a,_the follow- encourages a leaning over position Bladder Irritation___ ; Sacro-niao Chon.dler Not since 1936 bite tbe Ties. Where Barkley posters aald lectman or .health officer of his Last Laugh cemetery things la just too. . ^ parently’’ justify such action to her ing causes being the mMt import- of the upper half of the body. If Injuries...... ' Onf of the best home Roosevelt zest for polttlcq| battle "Roosevelt a-anta Elarkley," Chan- town, Mr. Botaford says. plain tied up. If they should be a Koestner’s Orchestra. By ASSOCIATED PRESS him aright.— Pascal. NBC, 11:30 a. re.— Farm S22d Home 50,000 along the - Housatonlc alone, slty, Rabl^i SCephen S. Wise. ilra. own people, she might use the ex- Mary K. SImkhovltch, the well- ant: your work la o f the type clonk sit- treatments for backache is the hot been -bo obvious. dler posters retorted: "Kentuclqr death now they'd have to float them 5:30—Radio Newsreel. Hour; 2 p. m.—U. S. Navy band; 5— Ijct’s have vision—and he reason- ting down and favbra leaning over, The President is at hia speaking wants Chandler!” 'Thanks to the detaUed sew chart 6'J)0— Catholic Hour. Spanish revue. • treme peril of war with Rus.sia aa knowti social workef. and many 1. Spinal lesions; There are vari- Sits Bath and a separate article into the graveyard, for teama can’t Middletown—Geoige K. Howland, WIFE FOLLOWS HUSBAND (able at the same, time. ous forms of backache caused by try to bend from tbe, hi|ia, keeping is also available telling how this peak when be haa a crowd before That sharply pointed up the ergu- make It. Swig Topplngllft, who has that accompanies your pattern, this 6:30—News. Some short waves; . -a workable excuse for 'abandoning other soclally-mlndod , persona. manager of the Midffietown division TO SEA AS CREW MEMBER These people are neither partisans leslona o f the spine. These leaiona tbe .upper back straight. If you baAh la taken. With j'pur request, him pitched to polittca and there ments made by critics of the Presi- TALCOTTVILLE been cultivating a piece of corn design Is eaay for even beginners to 6:45—"Sunset Serenade.” DJD Berlin. 5 p. m.—Modern her. Chinese adventure. Later, she hump over at your work you will o f Remington Rand, Inc., was trans- nor reactionaries. are eometimes due to accidents, or eqcloee a large, self-address, stamp- la no need to trim sail. The Presi*' dent’s primary invasion, that prima- over to the Whoop Owl quarter, got , ' make. For the overalls choose 7:00— "Hobby Lobby.” ferred to the Elmira, N. Y., plant, Aberdeen, Wasfc- — (AP) — All Light music; TGW A Gautemala, 5-*- ___ l« encourage a strain which will final- Wednesday evening tbe local soft might be able to squirm out of the . K . M B A R R A S S I N G Do they believe with ' President they may be the result of faulty ed envelope. Forward your letter dent knows that. Hla "fighting ry elections are strictly a stats af- mired down twice In one day yester- vv; rlenlm, duck, broadcloth or gabar- 7:30— Interesting Neighbora. It was (uinounced,'while his place along the Pacific coast, wives wait CYmeert for U. S.; 3RO Rome, 7:80— Roosevelt that "the successful op- posture. Or due to relaxation of the' ly make itaelf felt in aome form of to me In care of this newspaper. speeches” always are .before audi-1 fair. In pre-purge days that-was em- bailers journeyed to Vernon to play day, once going, and once coming. 8:00— EMward Arnold, Edgar Ber- Folk. Music; OLR4A Pragua, 7:40 .Rusetan trouble; or. If relieved of Three or four hundred people back dlatress. dine. For the shirt, ohantung, per- at the 1o (hU plant was taken by for husbands who are at sea In eration of the (Social.Security) Act musclea .attached to the spine. The cnees shaped to hla liking. When phaslzed. by another head of the tbe Vernon Grange in the deciding On top of that, though It Wd fair gen nad Charlie McCarthy. —Popular concert; GSI G8D GSB the China burden, might even'' aee cale, calico or spongy linen. Clifford E. Bailey, plant superin- fishing boats —, but not Mrs. M. W. gathered on the street fr<,)nting the is the best proof that it was sound- eucceaa of the manipulative schools 7. Muscular Weakness. Tbia is he Is compelled to bold s himself in Democratic party, Poatmaster-G«n- gasta of a three game series. Tal- to clear for a wiiile, tt rained more, 9:00— “Manhattan ' Merry Go tendent. ' London, 9:20—Variety and droma her way clear to actually fighting AUB8TIONS AND ANSWERS . cottvUle won the gaihe 9 to 6. In Glffprd. - Waterbuo’ court hou.se on TTu^ra- ly conceived?” They do liot. In- of treatment Is largely based upon usually what la meant by tbe ' patient because of nettleaome political con- jeral Farley, and he couldn’t do no work. The Round.” Greenwich—William Jay Madden. When Mr. Gifford decided to go and 10:50—Play ‘The Oockalmouth the third inning the locals rallied Indian sign la onto everything this Pattern 8116 is designed fo1r sizes Ru^a with the prize all Siberia deed, the American Association tor. the fact that prdpqr recognition eind who says he haa a weak back! It la dltlona hia enthualasm la ds-mpen-' . - . 9:30— "American Album 'of Fami- New York paper manufacturer and to Alaska fishing this rather C!omet.” , dsy and stood- for some time 'in the ('I>)e Curled Under) to score four runs and from that ftar JIUit ot Lake Baikal if she were Social Security finds that the Act Is correction of such lesions v’UI pro- the result of muscular weakness ' As the "Prerident left for his week. 13. 14, 16, -18 and 30. Size '14 re- liar Music.’*' founder of the firm of Jay Madden than to work in a mill, Mrs. Gif- rain to-watch the arrival and dis- vide the patient with comfort^ arising .frdm lack of exercise. (^ueation: O. O. asks: "From point on were never headed. Bril- neither ’’soundly conceived’’ nor combination vacation and', political quires 2 8-4 yards of 35-tncSi mate- 10:00—Horace Heidt and hie Briga- Corp;, died in Greenwich hospital. ford went along. Today, she was SPRING COMES TO U. OF TEXAS lucky enough to win. appearance Into the building of Backache from spinal leslona may 8. Arthritis of the Spine. The pa- wearing sharply pointed shoea, one Uaat defensive play featured T’al- .ODOUNO OFF that its opemtlon has' been success- Thus, in the entangling political cruise, tbe "Roosevelt luck” gave rial for the overall; 1 1-3 yards for diers. Stamford—Deputy Sheriff ^w aril somewhere off Alaska, a full- —PETUNIAS REPLACE PAMHES ‘Anyhow. Japan haa courted the occur at any part at the spine, and tient' with' arthritis o f the spine may of my toes-baa been cramped'under Ituation tn Ohio and Okliho- eottvlUes play as weU as timely hit- Mayor Hayes and the twenty-two ful. him a send-off. The stock miarket the . the shirt. 10:30— University of Chicago Round Morrison said he placed an attach- fledged member of the crew of.a hardest slap in the face the has will affect vauloua organs by an mistake the cause of bis distress, the neighboring toe. Do you think ma, where the President had to ting. Never in serious trouble ex- Omaha. Neb.— Blame It on ment for $15,000 on Robbins Bros. otoer defendants .in-the Waterbury Created Greater Insecurity that had sagged sickenlngly all. cepting one Inning, (^barlle Blank- Table Diocusaion. 32-foot trolling boat ' Austin. Texas. — (AP) — ipring Irritation or- pinching o f the hervea calling his trouble lumbago, neuri- I could encourage it to etralgbten puU rein, hla commendation o f tha heat or a bumble bee. Circus, making a one-

lag at 9 o'clock in the ahoence the pastor. Rev. J. Arthur Edwards Hit, Run Driver Confesses NIDDtlTOWNSPAN Mr. Allaby is engaged la religious ROCKVHIE work St tbs Ceatrsl Bsptlst church JAPS TAKE OFF SER IA L ST O R Y In Norsrlcb snd twice s month con THE OPEN FORUM After Lapse of 2 Years IS INPORfANT U N I ducts s special service for tha Sal Ccmmutacntlons fpr pubUsaUon in the Open Forum will not vatlon Army at their Tabernacle. IN LONG WAITED Pu****®*!*** it they oontaln more th*«» SOO worda. ere will be a large Herald reset vee the right to decline to publish aay matter M YSTERY A T T H E L A Z Y R CONSOUDATED SCHOOL congregation present to hear Mr. eemmiaMT. toos CambcMc*. July J8. t e ,^ ta r learned through the newa- .***..“ ****®P^ “ *■ to In bad toata Free mpranston B Y C L A R K E N E W L O N Mas aonviea. w e papera the child died. Allaby who Is a forcaful speakar. ^ poilticaJ vlewa is desired but contributlone of this character "ear Ranee returned to hit-run driw ha^ln Jun*t 1930, oorrewonded with thoae recited, in It WiU Meet NIKKI JEROME, heroine; bload,{ the Lsoy R and., aaid he would tha affidavit, but they could not aay and 38 bn s charge of faUnro to- ■ ■ F*M5 BNTKRFRlInB WM baUavad explninad today by a To Taks-Actionnn.A On .r, {Petition - .Btopj st s "stop" Sign lu ths Rock Japanese to concentrate 3,000 troops 13’Umee oaAong to buy the same popular, la eugaged to alx-foot, rather go to work than to school, whether any attempt would be made, Asking For PWA at Tungchow, 15 miles east of >r -w July 32,1938. . Uaek-bolral and after- a while Uncle Jim mode "eonaelanca confaaaloa’' of a foriMt to extradite the man. He waa not Needs For Years. Asking Ftw PW A-Grant'Tojvllle'city1 court on- Frtdsy; ■ The To the Editor: ualt of electrical energy, to" the Caiabrldfa man who now raaldaa Construct^ Building., court remitted the line or 38 and Palplng, ^ . United States about five hours of STEVE M AUU»T, hero; who la him foreman. NlkW always identifled. On tbs front la Central Anhwei It may not be la human nature aoeompaBylng her on a trip te thought that Ranee would like te naar Truror, N. 8. * The Canadian police related that Mr, Dunn' took sa appeal on the to remember how mudi we have oc- work at a wage of one cent a min- Rockville, ^ July 33.—A special —eedlng charge. Associate Judge provtaoe, whsrs flgbUng ceaswt ear- ute will purchoee enough electrical NlkkTs 'aunt and ancle on a Wyo- have continued school, but that he Cambridfa poUea aaid Royal their Informant tcdd them’ he waa Connecticut gives New England y In-June because of devastating compllahed. ming dude ranch. Nikki’s father,. felt his foster parents couldn’t af- NorthwaatMountad Polioa had notl- "doing the thing I have Wanted to do town ‘meeting haa been called for lOmas Larkin pfasided at the sea- Its most important link in the high- Monday evening, Auguet 1, in tha slon and A ttoniw Donald C Fisk floods, Chlnass aald their soldiers Clouds.of a- | “ r " ^ e ’LnTh Md"^Sn M r f e c S pe t e r JEROME, la a wealthy ford the money to send him. flad tham tha man aurranderad laat for a long time.” . . Wc ore too i^it to forget that New Terk Jewel merchant. NlkW breathed deeply and Sunday and algned an affidavit aay- The boy'a mother, Mra. Samuel way system. of these states on Town hall, RockvUIe, to taka action represented Mr. Dunn who was ar- had recaptured tuageheng and Shu- of all people on earth, our ______refrigerator, pressing Iror, . and August eth when the new 33,800,- on two mattere, to apply to the PWA rested ^ State Policeman V. John Cheng, north of Anklng the capital r mductry radio.'^dBOM European country a tum el her eye* to the purine tag hla car atruck a child here on Petltpaa, aald ahe had believed for haa pushed us forward faster and Yeeterdoy: The stroager tatra- fringe of mountWna to the west. Friday tha 13th in June of 1929 or i eight yeara the drlver*i conaclence 000 Mlddletown-Portland bridge la for a' grant not to exceed 337,000 Labecky of the Stafford Springs of Anhwei, with flghUng eonUnulng farther , than that of any other na- taon would-labor about twelve times and to appropriate a sum not to ex- tMirrftcks. 6n the ouUklrU of Hofei. All se i^ as long to p t i r c ^ the light alone. duoee htmoolf oa Baneroft and then She let her gaze Itagor over the 1930. They quoted him aa aaying ' eventually would make him con- dedlcafed.i tion. odvtsea that he boa decided to go to ha drove on without atopping and l feaa. ceed 333,000 for the purpose of wni Taaoh la WtadM>rvUla ed to block the Jap u eae drive He almost never would have a radio dletonee and lost her. troubtos. The magnlflcent span. embodies Mias Bernloe Morin, daughter of President OoqUdga, whan a visitor or a refrigerator. ^ Wyoming, too, for a vaoetlon. Nothing very wrong could happen all the latest principles of the en- erecting a conoolldated school build- through Anhwei ' agalait the Pei- exclaimed. "WjU It never stop rain- ing. Dr. and Mra; J. Ralph Morin of ptng-Hankow raUiOad. If In these Europeon^^oi^trtes ' CHAPTER m ta such a eetttag. ' -a gineering arts and is calculated to ing!” ropUed,/”l t always haa.” "We've ju«t time to change sad law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ooleman The foUowing le the peUtion re Windsor avenue will, teach this year *ropp»S more It to for .us to prove that what they have, to labor 8, 8. 8 br. 13 Whea the train pulled into the meet the needs of the motoring celved by the Selectmen, signed by at the WindsorvtQe school In East Uttle station Aunt Amy was at the have a ahort ride, bMore supper,” Sellers. _ • - public through the Nutmeg State tbAD 200 bomb# on ChisoM potUlonfl we have doiie once we eon do again, times oa long to obtain the iotas, Nelson tTorter, non of Mr. and 20 property owners: "We. the un- Windsor. She Is a graduate of around Kluktaag In a dawn-to-dusk regard! eaa of clouds and storms, by kind ot service oa we do, ebould we bottom of th« steps to wrap Nikki she colled to Steve. ‘TU beat you MKUON VOTE for many yeara to come. deratgned, voters of the Town ofl^*the Rockvills High school and was not atop and consider whether we in a thoroughgoing embrace that dressed. Ranee, may we have a Mrs. Roger W. Porter of Hartford It took two years to complete bombardment designed to blast a Ipolng at it with the same rallance couple of horaea How about Mar- ADAMY RENDERS has been atfending the Hebron Vernon, hereby petltld'h the Board graduated from the Teachers Col- path for the advaiielng Infantry.' on the freedom of the-Individual to wish to give up the benefits ob- left them both breathless and G . E. W IL L IS BUILDING & LOAN constna;tion of the structure. of Selectmen to call a special meet- lege at New Britain last June. tained, by our free American enter- laughing. Aunt Amy was a gray- quis and the PalamtaoT" DION HAS REPUTATION Church Vacation school for the iaat There are two' great steel arches, Japanese warahlpe la tha Tangtxe do hla beat "Both a Uttle old,” sold Ranca. IN TEXAS AFTER half of the week. He has stayed ing for the Town of Vernon to be aleo cbnUnued to ahell>the Lion Let us consider some of the things prise for what any of the European hahed woman. Blender, almoet an- Hie All Purpose Fael F or. , each 800 feet long and resting on held on Monday, August I, 1938, to ayatems will provide? gutakwlth a quiet . deUberatenea* "Rememberber It’S been five years, EXPERT SERVICE with hla grandmother, Mrs. M. W, granite piers embedded in the Hill forts down the-idver from Kiu- which our American aystam of free & S O N , I N C . VALUABLE ASSET f HOUSE HEATOro nee whether the Town of Vernon ^SH SNIP FIRED > enterprise, has achieved In the p u t America has arrived whore she la which sMdom saw a change of pace, But I’ve got a couple of good oaes Hills during the time; Connecticut River. Planning and will make an application for a PWA klang, with the'Chlnass returning but now ah4 held NlkW off at arm’s saved for you." FOR FINE WORKMANSHIP • OOOKINO BALLOT CIRCUS ' Dennis Keefe and his slater, building of this super-bridge was Krant in the sum of not exceeding the fire. in advancing standards of living, by making her labor in every field They returned from ea hours more and mors productive. Free length and looiced at her. • WATER HEATOrO Ixiulse, who make their'home with managed by the Connecticut State $27,000 and to appropriate a sum ON BY A JA P WARSHIP "iBonab J ^ Shlpe compared .with conditions uiating ride ravenous .ofad after dtanar HIG H -GRA DE H'yon want to own your Before you start en your voeatien from Page one.) their aunts In East Hampton, have Highway Department. Odneee advices said a squadron In eight European oountrias. enterprise, with the aids of science "My, my. Buch^^rrownuP Modem bustaeoa man ora gaufodfto ■attofketloii. BvaiY order, trip, you wont to be oertota that • REFRIOERATIOH iv (C not to exceed 333,000 for the pur- Gerard Swope, President of the and Intalllgence, haa contributed to Why the laat time ydu-.^^re out Steve suggeeted a walk. The aun home, and yet have not the means been with their'grandmother, Mrs, As to Its Importance with regard pose of erecting j a consolidated of Chinese planes had bombed Japa- bod Just set, a huge orange drela by their business, pollclaa and the regardlesa of alxa, is attended to your cor to ta excellent condition, gramii' To hla caaual mention that Gertrude Hough, through moat of to the rest "of New England, the neae warships off, Hukow, sinking General Electric Company in the the common benefit of those who LU M BER to buy or buUd at present, then tbe with the same aervlce that to tha M— efcwrtisr'iNvkl— school building for rural Vernon to Freighter On Way To HonE< March “AtlanUo Monthly” gives would labor for abundance at lower ***^ow Amy. NlkW knowJ'-~^ow that left the tadeacrlbohla beauty measure to which they execute these both In appearance opd ta mechan- he might run for governor "agalnat the week, in- order to Attend the Middletown - Portland bridge is replace the present one and two- kong First Foreign. -Vease one. big she was five yeara ago. Sure^ of a aoft, weetern duik. They were Manchester BuUding and Loan As- outstanding policy of Mr. Dion. Al- ism. You do not want to ride along church vacation school. The chll situated almost exactly In the geo- Just how much damage Japanese some of the results of bit reseorobM coats. No country haa ever deihd policies. Some firms proclaim them- though ha has no repreaentatlvea, tbeae profeaaional politiclana” came room schools of rural Vernon.” Stt^ped In 8oufli China as to what our Industrial conditions atrated that jthe theorlea of co2 abe’s grown up. Never sick a day both etiU -ta riding toga. Nikki Telephone 5126 eoclation awaits a call froifi you so selvaa superior to all others, defy a highway with the thought ta mind, a reaponse of SB,000 lettera from hla dren who attend the school have praphlcal center of Connecticut on Figures have been secured on the vaaaels In tha river have suffered in her life. Just like ber uncle. But Un^ -^her arm through Steve’s thla roofing and aiding contractor that at any moment a breakdown the shortest route between New Wafers. have mads it possible to purchase loctivlsm will produce anythlndag that they may explain to you the competition, declare that no other haa accompltohed inmunarable Jobe r a ^ liatanera. He aald he took* their such a good-time that they remem coat of running the five outlying during recent weeks remained un- here u compared with thou In proacblng our etandarda of uV { she needa some ranch eooWn’ to put and they-. atroUed sllsntly, botii bualneito can rarpasa theirs, and con- may occur, or a. tire may go flat. advice and announced for office. ber from year to year and beg to York and Boston as well as connect- schools, DobeonvUle, Vernon Depot, known. Tha Chlnass maintained a little heft onto her”, aald Uncle lost ta the'magie loveltaess of the terms of their simple, practical in thto aactlon and many homes of Perhaps some breakdowns are un- Hongkong, July 23—(AP)—Brit- European countrlee. or that a planned economy Wni plat). Tbe plan which they offer you aequantly find themselves overahoot- .local residents etand as evidence of The dimpled O'Daniel rigged up a come again. ing with a number of other main Talcottvllle, Vernon Center and Og- they have sunk more than 20 and Rent: In the United States make for the "more abundant life.’* Jim, looking her over critically. twlUght. ThO'-duat of tha yard tag tha m ark.\They aim too high avoidable. but It to wise to Insure Mrs. Paul Coates and Mrs. N. C, thoroughfares,' den’s. These figures do not In- ish authorities received a report damaged 20. The Japanese said NlkW toughed and Wssed her bald, padded their f o o te t^ There was has'been tried and proven over a hto abUlty to render eattofaetion. against them aa much aa pooolbl* by aound truck, rounded up hla hill- from the- British freighter Leans man works on the; average *11.3 -(The ability of American Induat and one mtotake ruin* their reputa- Mr. Dion speclaltoes ta aiding and Johnson were in Wllllmantlc Friday In addition the Connecticut span clude Insurance, depreciation or In- only five auxUtarlas have been dam- Including agrleitltura, to employ bolsteroua retotivs. - no sound except the tttat notes of period of years and those who have tion. the proper aervletag of your automo- G .E. >-hllly band and dipped into polltlca. was planned to permit the ultimate terest on school bonds and are aa today that ahe had been stopped and months to pay his fho^^foir one year, made use- of it wUl aver to its roofing work and does both branches bUe. Ughtnlng atruck the govemor'a On a shopping trip. aged. while In European countries, and for more men at higher real wages, "Walt a minute, you two", she radio music from tha bdekgrtund Time always proves a bustaaos Mr. and Mra. Raymond Weeks of In protection, against occasional and follows: Dobsonvllle, $99.01: Ver- searched by a Japanese w a r^ p ten Foreigners, however, saw the said. "Don’t you want to meet the of the ranch house, framed a«alnat C I T Y T A X I •oundness. of hto work to perfection. Hto For the convenience of motortote -’laofc-...... mi lea off Hongkong after a warning smaller apd poorer homes, the .time will continue to be advonoed, os it firm’s worth, no matter whet that many years’ experience have given O IL BURN ERS White Plains, N. Y., have airlved sometimes seasonal freshets of the non- Depot, 397.80r Talcottvllle, damaged destroyer Wuolkasl and varies from two to four months. bos been In the post: man I’m gotag to marry ?’’ Steve the darkening sky. The fact .that the ~ Manchester butlnees may be or where It to bp- ta Manchester and vicinity, Adamy*a Ko candidate ever had equaled the Connecticut river which In the past, $69.80; Ogdenjs, $50.09; Vernon shot had been fired across her bow. . They s t o p ^ at the corral fence, Building A ^ a n Association ha* him that neceaaary ekUl and knowl- Servlca Station at the comer of PLUBIBINO. UNNINO AND Ihronga O’Daniel drew around hta at the Charles J. Douglas .country the transport Shensi Maru towed in- The economic survey of the League When free 'enterprise to- held -re- hadn’t completely , forgiven her for ereted—if It to worthy of publlo ' s that to obtainable' only through HEATfNO CONTRACTORS place -for their usual summer vaca has Ihteri'ered with highway tralTic. Center,’ $49.76,"br an'''averiura of : -The' 3,918-ton freighter,* which to the Whangpoo river at Shanghai the club car incident with Bancroft their flgurea hidden by the shadow just recently vectored and paid a recognition, that recognition will be Spruce and Eldrldge atreete, offers a rad-and-wblte truck by the aawlng The bridge, according to estimates $73.29. Deft Manila May 11 for Hongkong, of Nations indicates that the aver- sponsible for the regulation of its J > |a l 3 2 3 0 lal practice in the profession one superior lubrication service aa waU tlon visit. Dr. Douglas la away Just for repairs. age family in the United States oc- own rate of production; when regi- but the rest of the trip had passed of the abed. In a swift motion four per eenUmvtaend to evidence of forthcoming for the public le quick >wa. We OM aoJiM^B a repatattoa efi of a fiddle, the pUnklng of a guitar at present but plana to return soon revealed this week by the Connec- This Is cornpared with the cost ■was the first foreign vesael to be without Incident, largely because Steve took NUcU ta hto arms and their sincere efforts to be honest and to discern qualities in a buslncM aa a line of automobUe aoceeeor- QosUty Wofli In au these per pupil In the three schools of the .fired upon during the Japanese Dispatches from Peiping said the cupies four to five rooms, and In mentation is abandoned. ie*. ’ ^and a pledge to "run the profea- for a longer stay. ticut Publicity Commission In co- PelpIng-'IienUln district faced seri- Europe two to three rooms. When Industry la encouraged to NlkW had wisely decided to stay out their differences vontohed like the G eu, Corilfo^ble Carl fair ^ t h their shareholdera. "fhis is firm. braachea ^alonal polltldana out of Auatln,” operation i^th other state depart- city. East, Maple and Northeast, South China blockade. outlines of the distent hills fading Such a busineas man to A. A. Dion 8elephone thto roofing and siding They are prepared to render a Mrs. Clement Wall of East Hamp- which figures $56.21. ous flood threats as the Yungtlng Food: One unit of each of five ar- provide reserves for either a con- of the lounge. a large savings institution which provide a 330 panaion, eatabllah a ton was a visitor at the homo of ments, stands almost 100 feet above Meanwhile, Chinese reported 300 Now ahe tod Steve over and to Into the lowering night They stood ConrteouB Setwl.ee of 81 Wells street. During the contractor at 4860 for estimates on complete Tydol aervloe and have fiU- Get Oar E^hnato. the mean low water mark in the There were approximately 180 persons ware killed of wrounded In river went out of Its banks in some tlclea of food, such u milk, eggs, tinued or a greater finplo^ent in has Iteen. organized since 1891 and your work, regardless of the size of tag station faculties for Tydol prod- bualneaa man'a government and in- her mother, Mrs. Gertrude Hough, places after lioavy rains. The Yel- bread, butter and beef, which are bitolneas, without fear of having trodueed him to ber aunt who Wssed thus for many aseonde, their since Its inception baa never paid many years he has been in the roof- duatrlallae the atate. state. pupils who attended the outlying a heavy Japanese air raid on bodies locked, obUvloua to the At All Times I ing and aiding business, Mr. Dion the undertaking—you will receive ucts. Included ta their ateck of JOHNdON 4k LITTLE for a few days this week. schools last year. During the post low River also was reported rising essential to support life and w o rk ^ them taxed but of existence. him. and to her uncle who welcomed |.^ess than a four per cent dividend, prompt and courteous attention at automobile acceosorica era tires and Oongrena Oonteata People at the Green were dlsap- It is anticipated this distance is Changsha, in which the raiders ma- .vigor, can be obtained in the Uni When labor and capital can work him largely. NlkW saw out of the ranch and to the world; Then they haa made no undue clalma, but haa IM Oeatsr St TeL SSYfi enough to assur>i freedom from any few months, the residents of the chine-gunned civilians In the rapidly again and spreading over a heard a man apeak and NlkU DENNIS MURPHY, Prop. pbvai) ta the face of tbe recent de- all times. batteries, which they also service. Cbngreaalonal oohtaata ware poin'ted at not being able to attend new area. States for an average of 1.7 hours together .with mutual respect and comer w ’her eye that Bancroft and preuion which meant doom to leas steadUy emphasized quality of jnate- Tha U. 8. Department of Agri- qiirlted only In apota. Tha Md for danger In freshet season. Also the various sections have held meetings streets. Changsha, on the Canton- Sarto were standing several yards stepped back.— riato and workmanship, relying upon When Adamy’s Sendee Station Mra. Lovina Hutchinson's Thursday from time to time with apeakers who Hankow railway, is one of the cities of labor. In the Ihiropean country cooperation under the guarantee dtocraat tnatitutiona. ^ . culture haa estimated that 16.8 doaa a lubricating Job on your car, re-election by militant Maury afternoon "at home” In celebration height of the bridge permits the having food costs nearest to ours, that law and order will he pre- ^'away by their luggage, waiting for Bancroft and Sarto were stead- the wisdom of the public to make passing of sailing vessels beneath benefits of consollda- listed by the Japanene recently as ing not more than 30 f4et awmy, Liocal peO ^e^o are contemplat- acres of hay can be raked by one you are assured that every Maverick of San Antonio agalnat of her 90th birthday. The roads tion. a man must work 4^ hours and In served; and thgt tha right of the the family group to break up. Steve no mistake. man with a one-horse rake ta one quirtag lubrication wUl be wltbout the necessity of a draw, one likely to be bom^d. one country he must work 7 hours worker to work and the owner to hadn’t seen them. Uncle Jim finally unable to see them because of the ing purchasing or<^iiildlng a home . All work undertaken and aecom- Proaecutor Paul lOlday t0pped~tha1were ao badly waahed that it waa of the objectionable features of the -Fined In Ellington The Chinese also said that more URGES NEW PACTS shadow of tha shed. The first at the present -tim^-wjU find the pUahed by A. A. Dion to guaranteed day. attended to by the skilled llat However, veteran Oongreasman feared they would be Impaamble or William Aberle of Mountain street to obtain the same unit of food. possession will be respected and en- walked over to them, shook hands this Mrvice. < < |> i bridge it is to supplant. than 100 persona were killed, during Needless to aay, the latter supports forced;------: — '... and brought them back. words they beard were Sarto’s. sayings and loan . plan, m 'thto Man- Battoh Sunihen, chairman of under 'water ai“*the time. - • — Governor Wilbur L. Cross of Con- waa before Justice of this Peace Carl a Japansse bombardment of Namoa "I know you’re the boee. but Ts H olloran chester institution helpful and Pfu- Stop at thto station Um n«rt tlm# the Houaa Judiciary committee, had July 27th has been decided Vipon A. Goehring In the Ellington Jus- WITHREPUBUCS a much lower standard ot living. When the -government does not "Amy”, he said, "these gentletaen your tankk to empty and lettot them flU BURN LRS necticut will be the principal figure Island, off Swatow, on the South Going to Work; In order to motor compete with private enterprise at are Mr. Baneroft and Mr. Sarto. rm telUng you this to no spot for PUNERAL HOME tical. They suggest that you 001100 formidable oppoaltlon in the Dallaa for the annual community and in the dedication cerem oi^: l:«lng tice Court on Friday, charged with China coast. Eighteen wrarahlgp one of their representatives at their it up witlf*Tydol gaooltaa. Than o church picnic here. At last acounta reckless driving and operating after to work, os many a man does in the the expense of the taxpayer and the They figure on gotag out to the ua. Let’s get away.” you may start oa your vacation with diatrlct In Tom Love, prohibitionist planned for Saturday, August 6. were reported to have ringed the (Continned from Page One.) United States, he must labor 4H consumer; does not add prohibitive Lozv R for a s ^ . Reckon you Steve started to take a step oUt MeeOy located—oenvenlent sad address at 985 Mata street and let Sl^C m iatA FT OP. BURITO and former State Senator, and Lea- the place had not been decided up- A gala celebration, following the his license had been suspended. Island and subjected It to heavy into the Ught o«d reveal their SU N PETS lio fears or apprahanolOns. Aberle was arrested following an months >to purchase an automobile, coats to production through taxa- mun have met on the train”, turn- away from the busy thorough- him ^ve you the necessary details lia Jackaon, a colorful campaigner. on, but Columbia Lake is the usual official opening, will Include a mon- shelling as a part of the strategy treaties of amity and commerce as agalnat 8^ months In the Eu- tion; and does not borrow and spend ing to NlkW and Steve. NlkW presence, but a wartilng preasure fare. Dtotinettve Service—Mod- about this proven plan. with the Borlioatrel k In deep Eaat Texas Rep. Morgan choice. Committees bavs been ap- ster parade and other gayety of a accident on Thursday when his car to keep the South China' coast ter- should be entered into between the on ble ' arm from Nikki stopped " Ufie thiser^un tan oil pads if you wish sad the TilpalatoT J - pointed to take care of the arrange- skidded and turned over on its side. ropean country nearest to ua In this In excess of its ability to pay— nodded. "We met”, sold Steve em Faculties. Those who require financial as- Sanders was pitted against four civic nature. rorised. United States and each of the Lat- respect; and Ip ope couptry 34 leading to dangerous Inflation, and briefly, without looWng at Nikki. him. Thto waa no time for ethics. sistance in buying or building a to acquire an^eptan. The price is 50c I candidates,. Oiady Gentry, ■ Walter n ^ t s as follows: Refrsshmsnts, Middlesex County realdsnta will Aberle pleaded guilty to the Chinese’advices aald that so far Bancroft was answering ta the an ^^ftteto ea lUa re- M charge of operating whHe his li- in-American govemmients, confirm- pumtha. In the latter few ride In wages of reduced purobsaing power. ^ ”Ooma on, then”, aald Uncle Jim. home of .their own wUl find this plan WILLIS’S COMPANY Rnasell', Ltadley Beckworth and Miss Edna Latham, Mrs. Albert play an important part in the dedi- the shelling bad failed to dislodge ing the doctrine In Secretary Hull’s automobiles. CONNECTICUT ECONOMIC *ThtagB have ahore changed, NlkW. some low, smOoth voice, but the AMBULANCE SERVICE for a generous suppljv^ W. Hlldlng, Mrs. Carlton H .. Janes, cense was suspended, and on the rec- Chinese mtlltla and guerrilla troops tbe answer to their problem for ar- Alton V. Grant. cation. It waa from this county ommendation of the prosecutor the note,” he said. "These should deal Light: We consider an abundance COUNCIL 'Jtemember the-old truck we used to imdertona of metoUlc hardness DAY AND NIGHT rangements can be made which 'WIU PoHs dose at 8 p. m., BIST. ■- Mrs. Herbert Porter. Drink commit- that the necessary bonds to bull(i who recaptured tha Island from the with questions of maximum taxa- of light and electrical energy as one Howell Cheney, Bec’y. Mvort-along to? Wall, wo got one u rising. ANDERSON 4k JOHNSO!! tee: Mrs. Charles N. Fillmore, Lu- charge of reckless drMng was enable you to start building imme- NOTED FOR QUALFTY Ptamblng, nkottag aiUi the structure were raised in antici- polled by the court. Aberle was Japanese^ week ago. tion, matters affecting the interest of our first necessities, because of them now station wagons now. It ”1 know what Tm doing. The 175 Center St. Phone 3060 . cius W. Robinson, Jr., Bradfqfd pation of payment, in the long-run, of labor, and similar"subjects. girl saw the money, I teU you. I diately. te CUatoa S t TeL filli fined $100 and costs of $12.10 and nothing costing so little adds so AND BUSIER SALESMEN waa -Amy's Idea, but it certainly If you want a home of your own ^ ■04 Smith. Entertainment committee; by the State out of Highway De- $80 of the fine was remitted leaving KINDNESS TO ANIMALS "Our government then would much to our convenience and com- does the btistaeos. Why you con don’t know how much she knows.. Rev. and Mra. B. A. Lewis, Edward partment receipts. have a specific agreement it would fort. — Housewives are haul a doceo people in this thing, Suppose she wires old Jerome. —consult the Manchester Building IK U Perhaps th* ntfst vital factor toi a balance of $32.10. He waa given St Loan Association now. QtaMij Salm HEBRON A. Smith, Albert Hlldlng and Win- A Bu^ey of highway department until August 1 to' raise the money Chicago— ClvlUzation came to be entitled to enforce.” In the United States It requires buster tbeae days—at least In the with on their baggage.” We’ve got to keep an eye on her.” Rotol Sheridan BuIIdtag Dial SOM the stabUlty ot modem buUdtag to throp Hlljllng. Finance committee figures in connection with the span and was given a two months’ jail Brookfield soo In the form of a ^ Hum an said that If Mexico did approximately 3.6 minutes of work use of can openers. "Is that the only reason you the quality of materials used ta th* GREASE: ■j .. People here oould hardly believe Edwin Smith. show it to'be New England’s finest. sentence which was suspended by, mosquito n et not settle satisfactory claims aris- to purchase one kilowatt hour of Tha board of public works re- He kept up a cheerful, ootoy eon want to keep aa eye on ber?” work. Skill, too, plays a loading Yooll fc a e w It is supported over the river by Director' Edward Bean ordered It ing from expropriation of American asked Sarto Baroaetiealty. role, but ak'lll, no matter How affl- ‘ their eyes when they looked out the court and w-as placed on proba- electrical energy. In the European ports that tin can collections here vsfsation oil the 15 miles to the OTEL'< ttie dtffWaace ‘ trit- three piers, sunk to bedrock at 110 tion for two months to report draped over the walrus grotto. property, the "many friendly ad- country ranking next to us In cost now total 150 truckloads a day, as ranch, telling NlkW and Steve about "Wpuldnt you Uke, maybe. ...” WASHER & MAT CO. dent,, cannot make buildings with- to -gTSMS . Thnroday afternoon and saw rivera and 128 fWt, the Dl*!* composed of - The mosquitoes, he said, wouldn’t vantages” this Country extends of light, a man must work three "You won’t say any more," said S H E R ID A N stand the ravsgas of time and weekly to the prottotlon officer. asraihst only half that amount In the Improvements and some of the after yea liav vs ; running and boiling through the EXECUTIVES OF STATE granite resting upon eoncrete-flUsd On December 27,1937y Aberle was let the walnuMi sleep at night probably would be ended. times as long; and In one coimtry 193L guests already th e ^ Ha included Baneroft and Nikki shuddered at Completely Renovated and Up-to- weotiuir if the materioto ora waok had OB Adam ., caissons. Buoroft and Sarto to bis conversa- the way he said It "You’re not date ta Every OetalL and cheap. main streets of the town, following convicted evading responsibility Among oU the materioto used ta attoodaat give^ It Is a tled-arch type span, with [ in the City'Court"of"Rock^Hraftw tion with a caaual wave of his hand amort, Sarto, but ; ^ ’re too amort ReoaoBable Bates. A LE)U)ING FIRM year cor a hi- the thunder and lightning and ac^ PONDER PENSION PLAN flooring of steel and. concrete which his car had damaged property on and a turn of hla bead. to say any more. And don’t think, buUdtag, npne ylalda to weather companylng downpour of rain Featuring DoUy Lnuebeana. more, thoinumber. Hence, it to p r e s s n r e Is supported by hangera from the fro s ^ c t street, Rockville, and he "Hey Ranee”, he yelled aa the ata- either, Sarto. Don’t oxen try. Tve Varied Menue to Select From greasing. Let which waa the day’s contribution in two 600-foot arches. failed to report the accident to the tion wagon came to a atop in the always done the thinking. I’U keep To successfully withstand the eapaciaUy important that lumbar en- OS g i v n y o o r tha weather line. It was impossible Create Committee To Investi- oh doing the thinking ta the Je 50c. tering into conetructlon today should The roadway baa a width of 48 police. V drive before the ranch house. (Special - Sunday Dinners) keen jiompetitlon of the pest few cor a greasing to cross from one side of the roods gate Proposals At Meeting feet, containing four traffic lanes RMcIved Watch "Here’s NlkW, and a tow-headed rome affair.” be of the hlgheat quality, tough and to' another. The green was a sheet He walked awi^. Sarto foUowad Oaterug To Parties, Banquets, years ..in almost every field of en durable, yet attractive ta appear- Of As.soclation Yeslerday. with a five foot allowance. There Joseph F. Prichard of the Kuhnly young ta khoW trousers and Etc. Through * ADJ____ _ X of water, and children made the sre also two pedestrian walks pro- Plumbing A Heating company, was Bhlrt c«n« strolling up from the after a moment, "nie magic of the deavor, to indeed on accomplishment ance. SERVICE gTATlON moat of their impromptu bathing night had changed and become Beeervatlono TeL 8803 G. E. WUlto St Son, Inc., have a Madison, Juljr 23.— (AP) — A tected from the highway surfsee by preacented with a watch, suitably In- . cotrato. Edwiard J. MitaKnigbt, Mgr. worthy of recognition. Many, busi- Cor. Sprocn oad EUtoidga SI beach, aplaahtng and wading to a high curbing. scribed, by the employees of the com- "Ronoe”, said NlkW. and Wssed strangely ataater. ness organizations found it necea- complete line of lumbar, buUdtag their heart’s content. It took about committee headed by George C. (To Be Coattaned) materiato and mason ouppUsa on T— Ersklne, superintendent of the Without major structual changes, pany on Friday In honor of his fif- him enthustasUcally. Ranee drew aary to cease operation* because ELECTRICAL -an hour for the water to run off, this newest of bridges can bsM d-. tieth year In the company. Ha baek, completely covered with a fine their products did not meet tbe hand and Mr. WUlto’waloomee your and it carried avvy a good deal of Cheshire Reformatory, ia to Inves- ened at least two more lanes T^en- ekmd of pleased confusion. patronage ta thto respect. Iheir tigate- proposed syetems of pensions went to work for the Kuhly Plumb- higher standards set by firms with stock to always complete and they the road beds, part* of the concrete, for state employes. cver the occasion and travel war. ing A Heating corhpany July 22, "Looks Ilka a lot of kissing goto’ mpre foresight and knowledge of etc. It was a repetition of Wed- rants, - 1888. and la now president of the on”, observed Uncle Jim. * "Ranee, RAISING the business world. pride themaelvee on the fact that Russell Street nesday’s cloud burst, but on a The committee was appointed your ears ore redder than that cow I HIGH GRADE APPLIANCES they are prepared to make dellvertee yesterday at a meeting of the State Approaches, rtslnjg far above old concern. Mr. Prichard waa also ra One of the leading organizations promptly, regordleae of the else of much larger scale. AH over town Association of Executives at Ham- roadways on either side of the river, Mntly honored by the choir of St. bftrn/* in Manchester and vicinity, to tbe Perennial Gardens came complaints of washouts^'sub- "Huab’’, sold Aunt Amy. “Ronoe your order. monasset Beach, at which Mies follow the modem conception of de- Jbhn’s Episcopal church on his flf- A FAMILY R I N T I H C Standard Washer and Mat (Company " Enjoy more Ic^isure hours this summer Thto firm to also dealer for tha merged bridges, damage to radios, sign and construction that was In- tleui anniversary aa a member of oad Nikki were practically brought By Olive Roberto Erton which baa aucceaafuUy weathered PERENNIALS electric light and telephone systems. Eliiabeth ilunger, superintendent that group. up together”, ol}a explained diplo- and all of the time* serve better meals and Eleetrle Furnace Mon, the modem of the Nlantlc State Farm "for comorated into the span itself. NOTICE! LND COMMERCIAL the rivalry of the past few yeara addition to any heating system. Terry comes ta OH warm and The bridge at Hopeyale waa still Women, was elected president of Twenty-nine and two abutment Funeral matically to Steve. "They’re just, and stands today as one of tbe most save money with electric cooking:. One Thto aystam gives a maxUnum of 85 RUSSELL STREET under water Friday at noon. Am- the organliatlon. ■ , 'piers form the foundation for these The funeral of Mrs. Nora Madellfts like brother and sister. Hey Bill' bothered because he couldn’t win PRINTING progressive organizations ta this (Doyla) Minor, wife of Henry E. /She colled to a wiry young man hast, evenly dtotrtbuted throughout Bton waa flooded in the vicinity of Ot^or offlcere of the association approaches. even one race. I it and Efficient Printing section. Its policy of high qiiaUty of the bigrgrest electrical bargfains in a re- the buUdtag; and availabi* when- Second Street Off Main "’M not elected were: Col. Anthony Sunder- Piers on the Portland side are of Minor bf 111 High street, who waa crosstag the yard. "Coma and take Hie daddy had been a track man, of All Kinds merchandise at fair prices haa been ever neceseary. It bums a minimum North of the Centr submerged. This bridge was put up I land, superintendent of state police steel, reetlng on bases of concrete Injured in an automobile accident on these bag* up to the porch.” She and Terry knew his father hod been the basis 'of its ever-incraasing conditioned Electromaster Rang:e at $45 of fuel and for thto reason to an Im- in coraparatlvely recent times, and , ' ice-prc.sldent; Ersklne, secretary sunk deep into the earth. On the Jjjn* Md who died at the Rock- turned to Steve who wae watching watching and rooting for him. iMUNITY PRESS business and other firms look to it portant factor ta radiietag fuol bllto. JOHN T ANNER, JR. U built on lines to take care of a land treasurer; executive committee,- Middletown aide of the ri.ver moat ville City hospital on Thursday, will BUI’S approach. ”I can’t get used *T can’t run fast cnou^” panted A. B. tl slinaa J. W. Bars ao^ leader ta Its particular field. (installed* first fioor). Consult O. E. WUlto * Son, Inc., gOM deal of water. The road hear ! Warden Ralph H. Walker, Or. Hugh all of the approaches are concrete be held from her home on Monday to seWng men around ta obaps the boy. "Sldfipy Tripp has ouch Prop. morning at 8:30 o'clock. -'-i"-!- ' again; But the eaatemera want hair S n No: Bloia 8 t TeL 5737 "rhe products of the Standard I any of yoiir boating problems J u ^ e Leon O. Rathbone’s'place had ; Campbell apd, Labor Commissioner or. granite,-a few also-built on con- long legs no one con beat him. Washer and Mat Company are sold and Mr. WUlto wUl glaffiy give you just been repaired from the ravages Joseph M. Tone; program commlt- crete-filled caissons. The funeral will be held from St. pants and hair pants they get. Bernard’s Catholic church at nine Don’t mean you, o’, course”, she "You didn’t half try,” was hto in the leading department stores of any advice that wUl help overcome Wednesday’s downpour and had., te«.'Roy L. McLaughlin, auperln- Eta tire length of the bridge la father's comment "There is only thto vicinity and so suocessful has your problem. Thto heating,, lum- to be worked all over again. | tendent'of the Meriden School for two-thirds of a mile, exactly 8420 o'clock Monday morning with Rev. added, remembering that Steve, aft- ber and buUdtag material firm to lo- feet. Edward Quinn, pastor of the church er all, was on ‘’eoauraer” too. j — one way to win and that’s to moke been its business during the past The Misses Pendleton and Mrs. ; Boys, Edward C. Gelssler, and Dr. up your mind you ore gotag to.” five years that local people have T h e M a nch ester Electric D iv isio n cated at 3 Mata street and orders Anne C. Gilbert entertained the i Clifford Moore; and nominating The structure U Visible for miles officiating. Burial will be In St. As they walked up to the ranch- telephoned to 5135 will be given Bernard’s oemterj'. house NfkW was amazed at the "That’s What you think. I ^ come to ask for such proiducta by Wom,en's Bridge Club at their home I committee, Dr. Chester Waterman, from any point in the hUla of Con- name. Indeed, thto to one manu- prompt and accurate attention. D O O F I M C Thursday evening. Owing the "'HHam M_. Stockwell and Af- necticut which dot the valley sec- ' Union Ser\’ioa. Will Be The ebangeo. The old bouse hod w new try.” ’ LA W N M O WERS TBR OOMWBOnOUT FOWEB OCH^AirT There will be a union servlca of wing on the south 'which almost "AH right, but you Just aren’t facturing firm that can look ahead threateplng weather and-bad wal k- - Barker, tor. The towering aluminum paint- to tbe future with no fears or ap- IV&SIDIHC lug only one table was In play. Miss’ K.r:e dlsappointing poUce officer in charge. Policemen toter on. TURKET DINNER tjona raised in the Economic Heb- JOB AWWW—a A B P B ie M W t settled. They hod. preferred one chUd begins to lose what Uttle faith ST A N D A R D caUed from a nearly station shot The eelf-made man hoe Indeed ta 'PRINTINO Mrs. Elizabeth Doyle and' Mas-- IscUa which ts' to be conducted by of the coblnB. Ranee fell Into step ho has left ta himself. This to the the dog and took Onlk te a hoepl- recent yeara become the target for l*r James Bauer, both of Union- Torringtqn, Wyo.—When- any of the Congregational churches tide F in d e ll & Sw anso n O. H. Thrasher's 4,000 turkev.s—or KanMs Q ty —"Send am ambul- with mkW. ‘ $ very thing-be must not lose. So try tsL The dog'a head was sent to the the Inferiority complex cf the kept For Bvory VUlo^ are spending a few days this fall. "It’s awful nloe to have you W ASHER & M A T health department for a rabies and coddled! all of them—go into a -neighbor's ance. Three children are bleeding to WIQ Attend Oonfereneet • to encourage aelf-eaourance by ,toaek a t the home of the former * death In a WTeck here.” back Ogata NlkW,” he sold gently, praising the thing a chUd does weU, teat. ' , M a n u f act u rin g C o m p a n y —Kerbort Btoovev. Jaughter, Mrs. Edmund H. Horton. field, there's rib outcry- from the Miss Ruth Palmer and Miss Dorr and NlkW knew that Ranee loved farm, owner. An intern and a half dozen po- othy Preuase leave on Sunday for and not. omitting praloS^for the C O M P A N Y Geo. Findell — R ivard Swanson ' ■a. Horton’* slater, Mra Arthur lice, summoned by the frantic tele- her just aS he.always had loved Zinde and son, Richard, of West 'The turkeys. It seems. Kaye an Lake Wihnepeaaukee, N. H., to at- her and that he probably would things be ’’tries" to do weU, regard- TeL 4895 Cor. Middle Tpk. and E. Center St. AIR RAID PRECAUrKHm admirable appetite for crop-damag- phone call, soon'were removing the end a Young PeopIeV conference less of auccees. Manofaetarers— Tford, were viiUora at the Hor- children from a smashed car. never dream of telling her. Ranee « REALISTIC. homa for a few days. ing grasshoppers. aa representateves of the E U tag ^ was the son of an - old partner of Most people are second-raters. STATE TAILOR SHOP Lately the turkeys have received Patrolman Benton Tibbs touch- Congregational church. There to always oomebody elsa Leather and Robber Mate 30 Birch Street llSSpTMe Ifca Horace W. SeUets of PhUa- ed an apparently bleeding arm. then Uncle Jim and when the partner London— (AP) —Smelling bot- talpfaia la ^lending the week as the so many InvluTionj tp a-dlne out, At Crystal. Lake Cluirota. and hla wife had died. Uncle Jim ahead. Why should we, then get Leather—Rubber—Papet” V E N E T I A N B LI N D S tles containing actual warfare gases StTMt Thratoer hadxto get a roost wsgoii smiled. R .'V. Allaby of Norwich- will oo------COATS REUNEO ----- fUest of her son and daughter-in- A jar of raspberry jiam had been and Aunt Amy took the boy into after our youngxtera when they Eetimatea Gladly GiTen. Perfect Installation. and a "Mixture S,” made up to rep- to tfansport them. cupy the piilplt'at th^-Chystal Lake their own and sent him away to don’t surpaaa their feUowa? Thla ^ Composition Waahera AU Kllii^ of Repair Work. resent mustard na. are being used TeLM90 broken. No one waa hurt. Methodist church on Sunday mom- Work Called For and DeUvered. " No Job Too Large or Too SmaiL their own dud sent hi away to la the way to deepen inferiority and ' Manchcater, Conn. Cwtoom Mode Salto To Order. ^ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL to train Britain’s air raid precou- th* tto to Ufitoorattg. fix K for all timo, ___ ^ VA tevfcHwgr |^Aro/:M A^tTljBil^^ CONN., JULY t8,~19S9 mpstmsmrnmims^^ tlrniimmlm mm 1CA19C90E8TER EVEOTITO MANCRESTEB, SATORDAT. JULY 28.198^

Dean Seeks To Make His Comback Stick Today 'ss: 't^rjtay^ ■ Lone GREEN IS HOST TO WINDSOR TOMORROW Cubs An Improved Club CUBS’ STAR TO OPPOSE' With One Less Manager mre Sparrow RAY MALOTt STARS THE 2ND P U C E GIANTS RITAIN’S King George and ST.BRIDGEISP1AY Galento-Lewis Fight Off, By HARRY GRAYSON Aalump, lost their first game in eight. ouglas corrigan and Sporto Editor. N E A Servloa. ■ Hartnett's future Is much bright- ■f. Queen Elizabeth, with 100 Cartoonists Review The Ju l/ N ews Parade er in comparison. < trunks,B went to France this week “Lone Eagle” Lindbergh, ON SWEDISH TRACK Chicago, July 28.— PbUip K. Wrlg- Pirates Nip Bees, Boost L e il GA’SATM T.NEBO Tony ni With Pneumonia ley improved the Chicago Cuba by "Lea will not be fired If the team MCKECHNIETOGET for a'four-day visit. It was in- Dpeople now say, are “ as alike as falls to win the pennant.” says the firing Charley Grimm In that they two peas in a crate.’’ thoughtful owner. "That’s too tended to sym bolize Jo.hn B u ll’s now have one less manager. To T4o Gamoi Ovor U b In a five-cylinder, $900 used- . Orange, N. J., July 28.— (A P ) — he urged. "Take tt away. Pm short notice. I think I’m safe In love for Marianne, so thfere was, AT THE SAME TIME But Gabby Hartnett or anybody A BONUS OF $5,00 ilane, C orrigan m ade a $69.60 The man. variously described as not that sick.” saying that he’ll be given a contract much saluting, singing, feasting, The pudgy, colorful heavyweight, Stanford Brilliaiit Sets Two else isn’t likely to take the Cubs for 1939.” two-ton Topy,,the walking beer bar- Rivals; Rods Divido Witk dancing, whooping and parading. litop that flabbergbsted hasty How- recently named number one con- too far 'until young Wrigley takes Now all Hartnett has to do Is sat- “ Our people.s have the .same at- ard Hughes, et al. Taking off from rel, gargantua Galento, etc., today tender for champion Joe 'Louis’s Records As U. S. |akes a leaf from his father's note book. isfy Wrigley, Charley Drake, Boots tachment to democratic principles. New York for Califoimja, he flew Tri4)oiiiitj Clash Slated At was Just plain Anthony Galento, a crown, didn’t know he had pneu- ....p laces one practical baseball Weber, Clarence Rowland, and sev- Promised That Siim IF R ^s* Phils; Rod Sox Dowi hr with the greatest of ease in 28 houra man in complete charge of his base- . . , We are proud of ihi.s political pneumonia patient at Orange Me- monia, his msmager, Joe Jacobs eral other Chicago officials. In addi- faith. . . - It denand.s from u.s all and 13 minutes to Dublinin, Ireland. said, “ He thinks he’s Just got the Foirteen First Pbces. ball property. tion to Tony. Lazseri, Billy Merman, morial hospital, and there waa a . . . courage, wisdom and deter- He had no backers, no radio, no West Side At 3 OXIock; grippe.” The club estabUahed major leagtie and another one or two players with Attendance Eclipses 450,- dianr, Cochrans Aiks For mination.” said His Majesty, - weather reports, no parachute, no mddep change hi his and tala pub- Pronsoter Herman Taylor post- attendance records that stUl stand managerial asplrationa* “ No pOwer can possibly take um- permit, ho passport, no sandmehes. Uo’adlata. poned Indefinitely the match with Stoekhrtm. -' Sweden; July 28—- ....mads mUIions wbils BiU Vesck Drake-Is assistant to the presi- Meriartj Brothers Meet served in that capacity. I t was' 000 For The Season. - ReinstatomonL brage." declared France’s' gray- Landing w ith $15, he was Tony, for tha first Urns In many Lewis, light heavyweight champ, dent. Weber Is a vice president In when notified of Galento’s lllnees (AP)—A team of eight American Veeck- who -brought in Joe McCar- haired President Lebrun. . i swamped with offers of nicer work years, went without his famous charge of op<>ratlons. . ^wland. and 104.4 fever at 11 o’clock laat track and field athletaa won 14 thy from LouisvIUe..'.. put the out- who okayed the Dean deal, seems It was the first formal visit to and fancier pay than he ever had Barons At Meriden beer and cigars. Ha bad Instsad an oxygen tent and a fiutterlng squad night events Ip a three-day Intematlbnal fit on the right foot___ and kept It to have the, final word on players, Cincinnati, July 23. — (AP) — By HTOn m X E B ffO )r, rtu France by British sovereigns since been able to get before. Technical- there. Deacon Will McKeebnie’s traveling Associated Press Oporto W rttw of nursaa and dootors. Galento, who had trained OTt beer meet here, but to Ray Malott of Just one bfii(g happy- family.- - George V and Queen Mary were ly “ held” for violating regulations, “Hla pubUe”, for tbs first time In and cigars for every fight but this Ahd William W rigley didn’t In- » circus ought to bring him a $5,000 he was a guest of honor at the U. S. Stanford University and the San bonus over the week-end. A lot of fans who hgvs Mta txy- there shortly before the World war; ■ Windsor 'Will oppotie Manebester many months, w en t. without Its one. visioned the 15-round go with terfere until he insisted on Rogers LazMvTs Status Remalna a Ing sines last Sunday fo flgors Out ^ t occurred on the 20th anniversary legation and patted on the back by Oraen at the West Side Ova) tomor Galento caprices. Its laughs. It had Lewis as a stepping stone to a bout Francisco Olympic club go moat of Hornsby's appointment just before When the Reds* front office prom- the honors. a Mystery. ised the field - boss an extra five what a sore arm means to a pltohsr of the German retreat acro.ss the' Eire’s Prime Minister de 'Valera. row afternoon at three o’clock In inste'ad rsMrta that Tcmy had a with heavyweight champion Louis the close o f the 1980 season. The may get ■'the answer . today. For Malott, whose specialty is the headaches which Veeck and Mc- Nobody has yet learned why grand If the home paid attendance Marne.