PORTLAND : »AILY PRESS. Established June 23,1862. Vol. 7. MONDAYxxvxii/m PORTLAND,, $8.00 ______Terms per annum, in advance. THK PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published MISCELLANEOUS. evury at 1 INSURANCE. MISCELLANEOUS. day, (Sunday excelled.) No. Printers' miscellaneous._ ol Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. long enjoyment unquestioned prerogative, and our women must their N. A. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. EASE AND COMFORT! The Most Vigorous and the Most daily press. give oppressors no Terms:—Eight Dollarsa year in advance. Santa Claus rest until their eyes are opened and their 4 cents. WALTER Liberal Insurance Company W PORTLAND. and Single copies COREY & CO., daughters wives and mothers and sitters iu the are allowed for the THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at the Country. Has arrived in town and left a lot of equal rights acquisition same place every Thursday morning at $2.50 a year; Morning) December and transmission of property, after marriage, if paid in advance $2.00 a Monday 21, 1868 year. HOLIDAY GOODS ! everywhere, and at all times. Rates of To make Advertising.—One inch of space, in Karncxaiug IIor»c«. tho right of suffrage, which is but oi constitutes a AT length column, “square.” FURNITURE! The Blessing ol Perfect Sight! MARK’S, another name for $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents per The amiable said: “He would self-government, depend up- week three or Cowper not on brutal after; insertions, less, $1.00; continu- There is nothing so valuable aa Perfect Sight, Life 34 ST. LAWRENCE STREET. strength, as it now does and has al- every other day after first 50 cents. Brooklyn enter on his list of friends the man who ng week, ways without to Half three insertions or 75 cents: one done, regard educa- square, less, Wo. AND PERFECT SIGHT take a look in and would capacity, 50 cents 18 Free see him. dclgtjjal needlessly set his foot a worm.” or is week, $1.00; pe week alter. Arcade, Street, upon ”1 murals, an outrage upon Unde> head of $2.00 per square can be obtained And humanity “Amusements,” only by using the poet reasoned well. In all which per three insertions or Insurance S. II. large sense, men, week; less, $1.50. Co., COLES WORTHY, wo'.I'-otnuion “ov themselves, Special for the first and even in our «ndur„ Notices, $1.25 per square Perfect ! cities, own, cruelty to horses for a single if it were a for each subse- Spectacles day, insertion, and 25 cents per square 92 Exchange Street, be witnessed new ques ion, o> lf buent insertion, SSSSS1 .?*«*.'??' i POX TL.*1JS'D. The difficulty of procuring which is well known. 141 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. may every day in one form or barbarians bad not made inserted in the octgdtf HAS made additions to bis stock of the laws lor woman ftoTO Advertisements “Maine State another. Sometimes they are loaded too the first, binding her Press” (which has a large circulation in every to a part Juvenile and Miscellaneous and often everywhere qualified until cf the State) for $1.00 per square lor first insertion Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, Books, heavily the harnesses do not prop- slavery, they and 50 cents per square lor each inser & Comfort. A of fine have come to be regarded as subsequent Health, Economy Tlie S variety erly fit them, and yet are unchangeable, tion. Fisheries OCULISTS AND OPTICIANS, they whipped, kick- like Chromos in Frames at Low the laws of the Jledes and Persians, JOSEPH W. AKERS O. J. PENNELL’S over Trices. ed and pounded by their cruel drivers because HARTFORD, CONN., Manufacturers Assets, $1)000,000 Also Steel Just that women Js State for the Eng-aving, Photograph?, suppose were the lawgiv- Agent Press, Dailv and Weekly, STEAM w. s. Oval Lithograph?, they have not sufficient to ana is Albums, Frames, Vases, Stereo- strength haul the and authorized to appoint local Agents, receive Jordan, [of the Celebrated Bracketts, ers, that under the laws they made metr sell our goods to the trade in Portland and scopes and View’s, together with numerous articles, or are harnessed ubscriptions and to settle bills. load, so miserably that were taxed WILLother Maine towns, at same rate sold at manu- useful and ornamental, suited to the Holidays. His they without representation; that meu Feather stock ot Views is cannot command their Renovator S factory, . PERFECTED CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK..President. Stereoscopic large, varying in price muscular power. were not allowed to hold to have SPECTACLES, trom ten to thirty ceuts each. UlM2w office*, the AM. NET <€* TWINE have alter of and the ABRAM d. POLHEMVS.Vice We believe a care of BUSINESS CARDS. IS HEBE CO. years experience, experiment President. great improvement may be their own children, to sit on or erection of been enabled to juries November 25, ItGS. costly machinery, pro- WILLIAM M. made in horse to do no Boston, COLE.Secretary. collars and horses be there- to say who should a what other machine ever did duce that Grand Desideratum, D. P. govern them; that mar- CLAIMINGor can do. FACKLER.Consulting Actuary. relieved of ritu illau W. H. Perfect X-M AS! by much ot the burden that now stumid not be able to CLIFFORD, First—Silt all the dirt from the Feathers. Spectacles. DANIEL AYERS, M. D LL. D.Medical Examiner acquire prop- FOB SALE. now presses so erty, to his own Second—Thoroughly cleansing the leathers bv J. & If. heavily upon their necks. A enjoy earniugs or to transmit 20 Bales Net best aud all Nos. W, NtDOPPEB, Sole Agent. Steam. Twine, quality A GREAT VARIETY OF Southerner his to his 5 Bales for Portland. deadly under the “Fessenden” earuings children; that the Counsellor at Law, Third—Drying the feathers in the machine. Ganging, signature, upon the 5,000 lbs. Cotton Herring, Mackerel aud has addressed four marriage of a man all his Fourth—Pntting leathers Irom the machine Porgy OTICE i9 hereby given that the following peti- letters to Mr. personal property Ab4 Solicitor of PateuM, into the lick without waste. Netting. |\l and Goods Henry any -Ll tlon will be presented to the of Fancy Staple are should rest forever and ia A bed can IE&"A11 kiuds Nets and SeineB made to order. Legislature Policies Issued as liergh which published in the absolutely the wife be ready for use in one hour from the State of Maine, for action at tbSir session Good as “Turf, Field Office Corner Brown and the time it goes into the coming TOR THE by tlie very uct of and all Congress Street*, machine. W. S. in and all whose interest, are and Farm.” His views are marriage; the rents Ladies and JORDAN, January next, parties somewhat novel, BROWN’S NEW BLOCK. au24 gentlemen p’ease call and satisfy your- affected by can then and there and any United States Bonds. and profits of his real estate should also selves ot the no28(llwt eod3m IV*. lOl Commercial Si. tliesame, appear but we believe are based belong advantages to be derived Horn having be beard in the premises. they upon the prin- bed renovated. to her, for while but one-third your December 1868. HO of sound life; part of her Price bed if 1st, [DAYS! ciples philosophy. Speaking of the WATTSON & CLARK, per brought to the machine $2.00.— personal property should go to the husband’ $2.50 it collected and delivered. NOTICE. instances when STATE OF MAINE. JUST OPEKED AT just punishment has been and even that All orders attended third, not by the act of Manufacturers of promptly to. meted out to marriage G. W. cruel drivers the LANCASTER, To the Honorable Senate and House of Representa- Policies Valuable iu Life as well No. 301 Congress Street.. through agen- nor during marriage, hut after the wife’s _ ci ot the Croasdale’s Genuine Augusta, Me., Agent. JORDAN~& tives in Legislature assembled: cy Society tor the Prevention of Cruel- aud Room corner Green and Poi BLAKE, death; one-third only of the rents and ilandfsts. Exchange Street, why? Pumps, Bathing December 9. dtf NOTICE. County Commissioners of said Counties as be judges and and officers Closets. Irou Minks. Barbie Wash* may to parties their lives. because do not knock their lawyers and lawgivers mutually upon, as 1o the of insuring Opposite our present store, they animals Mtand Mt.*ue agreed proportion the ot the land should Tops, Soap Minks, cost of the same to be paid the (owns and the Dividends down once in a always he women—how and by by annually (after second year) in ( HAS. JR. & while, but load them down Wash Trays, Office of the American Watch Co. and as to which shall DAY, CO. would men Silver counties, keep the same in re- cash. with long hear a system sio preposterous Ware, Nov 1868. pair ; that the said shall CaU early to avoid the crowd. No trouble to heavy collars just as else Materials. Waltham, Mass., provided bridge be declared every body and and wicked? AllJJcir.ds of Plumbing forever ttee tor travel and use. Dividends are show goods. dclld(25 foolish, Would they not rise WE HAVE public divided o'n tlie Contribution Plan does and as the members of OF EVERY APPOINTED A C Robbins, Charles just the Society in wrath and ^“Orders solicited and promptly attended —o. DESCRIPTION, Boutelle, the only equitable manner of up rebellion, and would not the Amherst J P dividing the earnings do of which Mr. Whittemore, Winchell, of daily Bergh is President.— and No. 109 Pederal Be. New and. H A Thompson, C C a Lite Insurance The Contribution kingdoms, thrones, the lawyers and judges Sit., Portland, Elegant Patterns. LOWELL & Nelson, Company. / This is a SENTER, Francis Plan wasfirst A °hoIoe j prolonged cruelty and of earth like sep28 d&wtt Getoheli, Benj. Furbish, conceived by Mr. D.P. Packler. now constantly disappear dust before the whirl- Isaiah Mitchell, A B Thompson OF wears the 04 Actuary of this and has been upon noble creatures. If such wind? Exchaufre St., Samuel T Whitter, HA Randall, Company, adoptod by / New England Patent Agency Fine Plated Ware cf all C C most of the men understood the Patterns, DEALERS IN Humphreys, O W Ripley, best-managed Life Companies in this ANn m really case they would And why? Not because men are wiser ot A G Polaud, Wm S Murray. rountry. FRENCH FINE TABLE revolt at their own I better, but because are of HAYDEN. McLELLAN & CO., CUTLERY, J P Tebbetts, C J Noyes. cruelty they stronger body Watches, Chronometers, The Brooklyn Life has and now Mr. than women. 933 1-9 Congresa Si., Portland, Be., Sold at Hard- Times Pi'ices! WBPurintou, Jo9;phR Grows. paid pavs Bergh’s society unite with the Farm- C C Tebbetts, Barton A to Us Spectacles & Nautical Jordan, Policy-holders Dividends than er's Club in one hundred That the rights of a are DEALEE8 IN Instruments, Daniel Elliot, H M Decker. larger offering dotlais for minority only just VALUABLE PATENTS! A.T ever before whit the McDUFITICE’S. Our Selling Agents for the City aud of Port- J R Jackson, paid by a Life Insurance Compa- the best invention to the at majority dare not or cannot refuse, Qy Patent Rights and sold. Dec 4-eodtf vicinity December supercede yoke bought Inventors land, and intend to in their at all 2.1868. d3w we all know. All .re invited to keep posession ny! in use for the concessions wrung lroin correspond. All new inventions solic- times such a stock of present 'harnessing oxen. This ted. Agents wanted. The BROOKLYN Man to Woman for hundreds of years, and es- attention GOLD LIFE, unlike some of I Southerner expresses his that no re- BT*AIso particular given to buying and Canada Pine and SILVER WATCHES, New l / surprise REAL ESTATE in and Dry Lumber. Something the so-called pecially here, within the last filtetn or twenty selling city country. and Watch Movements as will enable them to Mutuals, pays no or SVTTABLE fob ward is offered for a suitable collar decld&w3m sup- percentages and liarnes FUST 1 and inch ply any demand either at or ***>?*££>*•*. years, whereby she is allowed to I wholesale retail earn, QOO (lAl 1} thick, which largesses to either Directors or neith- for horses the neck acquire ,van >eneih’ ''araH" may be made aud at rates as officers; )., although harness of the upon them, favorable Jr and transmit property while married, in some W. H. as are offered at our sales in New York or Boston. Seat er can it afford to horse for VINTON, feet Door Jump spend thousands upon heavy work is a thousand fold more »°0,»»0 Shapes, In good order, best For American Watch Co. Sleighs! of the States have been the result of agitation. thousands of to irrational and cruel than one can dc2-dly R. E. ROBBINS, Treas’r. dollars, belonging properly coneetve Left to as a class would 100,000 Pine Deal Ends, 2 inches C and 8 have now finished and for themselves, women, Attorney and thick. ready sale a lew the in ox leet 1st, and 3ds. fine Policy-holders, and the yoke to be. A well made ox will be now where were Counsellor, long, 2ds, WEve,y Sleighs, made on the same plan as misrepresenting yoke just they then; ignorant 600,000 Pine Laths. our v 84$ Middle Street, next door to Canal Bank, good advertising false statements other w never but horse collars seem alike of their For sale at concerning gall, specially rights, unmindful of their chief Wholesale, by JUMP / SEAT corporations, as is now done certain made to duties as wives aud PORTLAND, MAINE, J. II. HAMLEN. CARRIAGES, being by Afasc worry, torment, annoy, fatigue and mothers, and afraid to Oct 22-d&wtt and eq desirable for so-called 370 Commercial ually all who want a Sleigh which Mutuals. The management of the gall work horses. He says: breathe or stir, lest they should be stigmatized St., Portland,Maine. AT LOWEST BOSTON EltlCEts. comfortable lor tSe Dec 1-dlm threero?CibLgenteel antL one, two, S^^?^S3?asf as Bloomers or JOHN P J,,s- BROOKLYN LIFE is econom- lor they ML. CHURCH, Prl«9 very low. Call anJ open, candid, Issftg* these collars are strong-minded women; Having chartered six fast schooners to examine! Ordinarily, made upon the clipper sup- and never dreamed of their as the ply me with Oysters the winter trom the C. P. ical, prudent; no one man as in r°*l Jet °°0^neat*le*’, o/ theory that a teacher or would asserting rights, DEPUTY SHERIFF, during KITIHAI.I, CIO., power, « sponge pillow best and lam now the Afarhf6?? teachers of men from the JOHN A. MONTGOMERY, BedsofViiginia Maryland, ready Comer Pr|!ble and Cumberland Streets. so-called but Hi ?ar^an make the best collar in the world. Conse- first—nor did they OFFICE Maine. All busi- to contract and all in want at short Mutuals, c’osely scrutinized ®8»&c.,„ him out to Hoops, Ilootiug, WM. COBH1SH & with of families the largest dividends ot jtfpi,,*^ Year’* grass and let the sore heal Plate, Angle and T Iron, Eng. and AmericanSheet CO., sympathize us, and also to make arrangements supplying with Good Flour, all ot surplus up, That done, aud ou the great day of jubilee, is this for a demonstration at the next r so Rivet Iron. Swarf Iron. day dissolved by mutual consent. Either of grand anniversary. which we warrant. profits to and he goes and a sometimes woman will si Iron, A attendance is policy-holders.”—Page XC., buys pad, say to an, us with the voice of Bolt Iron, Spike Iron, Russia and RG Sheet Iron the undersigned is authorized to settle claims out- large earnestly solicited. October Order of the President. 30,1868. dlwteodtf New York Insurance for 1868. called a “sweat and that ten thousand Ship and Railroad Spikes, Imitation and FrenchPol- standing against said firm. WILLIAM CORNISH, By Report tIami“e cloth,” puts under trumpets, Oval and half round ished Sheet will still carry on the peddling business and orders EDWARD L. WELLING. the collar. as “And trom Iron, Iron, decl4dt23 In the Or, the Southerner says, per- thou, th) reluctant hand Shoe Horse Galvanized Sheet may be left at store 359 Congress street as heretofore. Sec. Third Corps Union. BROOKLYN IIFE no ^.PWkSON’g* The thunderbolt is Shapes, Nails, Iron/ feiSs&rilSi he a wrung.” ties of an<< Swedes Iron Sheet Copper and Zinc, Portland, Dec 14, ltG8. delfidlw Mew Flour Store# Policy-holder can ever be wl11 also fi haps pice coarse carpeting or rug, Norway Advertiser assessed John Neal. and Shapes, Banca, Straits & Eng Tin copy. ri»TOU or with the wool under Nail PERSONAL. for any loss or mu- sheepskin on, the Norway Rods, Copper Bottoms and Brass Messrs. deficiency—in Steel ol every description, Kettles, LATHAM, BUTLER & collar above or below the and thus Magazines. Dissolution oi Copartnership. 00., tuals the Policy-holders alone are scald, sup- Tinmen’s ftirnish’g goods, Iron Wire, &c., &c. The following persons will hear something to their copartnership heretofore existing between TAKEN STORE No. y§ Commercial plies temporary relief. Now all this mass Also tor the sale of in or letter wilh responsible. of Putnam's for has the agents THESAWYER & LEWIS is this dissolved advantage, by applying person by HAVEStreet, (Thomas Block) and will constant- Monthlv, January, day by keep needless material possesses a Naylor <£• Co.’s Cast Steel, mutual consent. Either party will settle the affairs GEO. R. DAVIS & CO., Portland. ly on hand a large assortment of The success which the “BROOKLYN" has achiev- J^?*§|f3Sky any purely Lile and softens the and a.e skin; then it rubs off ary number with “Court Cards,” a short sketch Lotteries conducted; how Stock Com- Company in the World. easily EASTON,SAMPSON & TENNEY panies Originate and Explode, etc., read this book. Legislative Notice. and the foot-sore seluier steps aside and lets by Haus Andersen, which like most of his Manufacturers of It tells you about the mysteries of New York, and OTICE is that a HALL contains biographical sketches of its noted million- hereby given petition signed by L. Losses his comrades pass. such effects stories has in it at once a charm for the little U the subscribers and other citizens of Eliza- DAVIS, Precisely aire merchants, etc. A large Octavo Volume, 720 Cape and a wisdom their ken. beth and Westbrook, in the of Paid in 30 days after due notice and satiiactory the horse-collars folks, beyond There TIN WARE pages. Finely Illustrated. The largest com- County Cumberland, of & sweat-absorbiug produce. will be presented to the next of proof death. is also a brief account of the life ot mission given, Our 32 page circular and a $5.00 Legislature Maine, U “What is he “is a Andersen, Ot an Qlbbs; essential,” says, smooth, every Description lor act them to establish and out W'Hcox authorizing lay Bookseller, Greenback sent free on application. For fall partic- Stationer, with an illustration showing him reading his WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ulars and terms address the publishers. a new county road, commencing on the road leading Thirty Days’ Grace unalterable, non-absorbing surface, and that from Portland to at a -AND stories to is J. If. BURR 4k Saco, poiut near the Kerosene a«»“"■ children. Then there “The Little Conductors made to Order. €70., Allowed in the ol Renewal Premi- 1 must fie clean.” is Works at Cape Elizabeth, thence in a payment Family Ma°hiM kept entirely It unques- no23d&wlm Hartford, Conn. extending ums. the illustrations ot which are direction Creek, so «?l Story-Tellers,” —Plum Me. | westerly crossing Long called,'and Blank Book tionably true that these huge collars choke Street, Portland, over land owned by Mark Trickey to the town road Manufacturer, as droll as they are natural; the begiuning ot Hoeatio P. Wm. G. from Creek to thence in Dividends are Annual -~.»L8 the beast in summer and chill the in Easton, Sampson, leading Long Stroudwater, ue “••».. lungs an Iudiau Mrs. a ac- Nelson Tenney. Hard and White Pine Timber. a westerly direction across land of Chas. P. story, by Weeks; lively Trickey, Alter two and ot _ winter. To sum he that a done. aul7dtf Charles and ol Otis to the Paine No. 53 years, Increase with the age up says hard count of the battle of New Paul (^•Repairing neatly on baud and sawed to dimensions. Chesley Trickey Exchange Street, the A,s°. tie R,„|,s Orleans, by so at or near the of the road Policy, aj.*.- road, called, juuctfon wooden surface and clean is the polished kept H. Hayne, the poet; a paper on statuary, by CHARLES E. T. SHAW, HARD FINE PLANK. leading from Buxton thereto; thence on about the *•»» same course across PORTLAND, MAINE, All Policies best aud healthiest collar ever westerly land owned by Isaac ifc" ™’ ar“l safest, coolest, the sculptor Kuntze; “The Child born at 'The oldest and only well known) HARD PINE FLOORING AND STEP. Johnson and to the county road from others, leading Are 333 'VanhiBo. used. are also not the a Alice to Stroudwater, a distance in all of Has on liaml the LARGEST stock ol Blank Books lo non-torteitable. They very light weighing Bethlehem,” by editor; poem by BOA RDM. For Sale by Saccarappa being HILL POSTER, about three miles and crossing at one point tide- be tound in the State, made Irom the I -- one- third as much as other and unite the first of some South African hunting No Restrictions collars, Cary; Center Congreti and Market wt*., STETSON & POPE, water. MARK TRICKEY, Mr. and other NATH W. LOWE, harness and collar all in one. By these light, sketches, by Mills, good things. PORTLAND, ME Wharf and Dock, First, corner of E Street. Office BEST As to travel. Dec 17, 1868. dcl8dlaw3w QUALITY OF and collars no sur- in No. 10 State Street, Boston. may27d9m PABEB, ‘"•'•KiTar well fitted w’oolleu rough Controls all the best Boards Portland and vicin- Onward, the new magazine edited by Cap- and is to Bill the Town. -AND No are no sweat absorbed to ty, always ready Extra Charge faces worked up, tain Reid, has issued its first Programmes, Circulars, etc., distributed. DOBBIN’S Mayne number, faithfully anaGlass Ware’ steam and cook a scald. Fresh air Oraers left at this office, or at the office ot the Daily For Army and Navy Officers. passes Carleton of New York being tho publisher. It 109 or Eastern S Press, Exchange st, Argus 113 Ex- Damaged Corn that Cannot be round the collar, evaporating the moisture has the commencement of two serial change st, will lereive prompt attention. Baggage Electric ! Bindings Surpassed. No Extra Charge stories, rucked to and from the Depots. Ushers anti door- Soap and keeping the skin dry. apparently written by the editor; some verses For / tenders Rail Road Conductors. provided when desired. june6-dtf Is it not true that necks of oxen are sel- in honor ot the heroic 1G8 Commercial Street. Best Article in ihe Market ! ALSO MAKES TO ORDER Captain’s achievements V. J. SCHUMACHER, dom galled and made sore by wearing the iu Mexico, written by a lady, who was, we are For sale at Manufacturers prices by *2£t**« at once a and a MjvIJYH BOOKS! A. HOWARDFREHOH, Ag’t. white oak or walnut bow and elm yoke, told, genius beauty, but who FB FSCO PA INTER. WEBB & CO. JOHN DH.VNI8 tk. PITCHER, CO., ?**’ the necks of horse are died young; one or two short stories, and some while often sore, the Dec 8-dlw&«2* Ot Office 100 Exchange St., Kvosene Jttce at the Drug Store ol Messrs. A. O. Schlotter- (Icl7il2w* 77 Commercial St. every description and all sizes, from the smallest Un^'n^ of editorial skin wont oil’ and the “withers pages pleasant miscellany. The beck & to the largest, and ruled to any pattern desired. deeldtf Opposite the Custom House, wrung,’ by Go., magazine is very handsomely printed, and has 303 Congress Ml, Porilaud, A H »i*e Chance! * he large, heavy, soft-padded collars! The reason Me, tifrs’ several illustrations, drawn on wood, ol which Jal2dtf One door above Brown. and Melodeons for such demonstration has already been told. To Advertise! Organs HAVING ONE OF THE roods the less said the better, It will undoubtedly of Portland. A new kind of collar has been made which W. H. PENNELL & CO., Of the latest improved Style and Tone, Manufactur- City find its readers. Sold by A. Robinson. THE PUBLISHERS OF ed by Best Binderies in the State, answers all purposes. The distinguishing Gas and Steam Fitters ! IN THE YEAR ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUN- peculiarity of this collar is, that its working “THE A D VEBTISEB,” WITH THE V arieties. WM, P. face is covered with vulcanized rubber on a No. *21 ('cion Birret, Portland. deliver by carriers a copy of their next HASTINGS, DRED AND SIXTY EIGHT. J. F. fiaml & Co. WILLSunday Issue to every tamily in the city, and Most Experienced Workmen! woolen fabric. Impervious to water, the rub- — G. W. Smalley writes from London: “A |y Houses fitted with Pipes for Gas, steam or it sufficient encouragement is given will con- they AIV ORDINANCE etibrt is bolster Afr. Rev- Water, in a workmanlike manner, and satisfaction tinue todo so thereafter monthly. ber lining becomes stiff' and hard, and the desperate making to And giving onr whole attention to this class of RELATING TO NUMBERING STREETS. 142 & 144 St. varrauted. mayl dtl In the next issue will the first of a seiies work, Exchange and to mod- appear we feel confident of neck of the horse is cool. These erdy Johnson’s Alabama 1,.lignin, o< Biographical oi our with giving COR. FEDERAL. always kept Sketches City Clergy, American against Mr. John- personal also such information as can Be it ordained by the Aldermen and Comm n Dec 17-is dtf eolhrs are not so dear as the common collars ify indignation BGEBIDAN & GB1FFITH8. descriptiou; Mayor, the Lairds he obtained of the of their churches. Perfect Satisfaction I Council of the City cf Portland, in City Council son himself. For tl>" purpose and history come Hates ot 75c a for a as aud vastly superior. We trust they will Advertising square per week, assembled, follows keep themselves temporarily in PLASTERERS, single insertion, or 50c lor a continuance. and Roebucks W We received the Medal for the BEST SPEC- 1. Tlie buildings and lots on all streets Cheap Books. iuto use in our city aud State. and forward the AND ORNAMENTAL Business Notices 10 cts per line, single inser- IMENS of Blnnk that be hereatter laid those English the put working- PLAIN and 5 cts tor Hooka at the late State Fair. SECTIONmay out, already Aotticoi.A. background, tion, continuance. laid out but not and street Air. in their The Terms ot numbered, any already men and Bright places. & MASTIC subscription $1.50 a year in advance. Merchants and all others in want of Blank Books laid out, two thirds ot the voters of the united of Great STUCCO WORKERS, legal occupants by press is a clever one, hut it is too transparent Room a of Publication, 1<>:< Federal Ml. •■are most respectfully invited to call and examine the same petitioning therefor, shall be numbered in PRONOUNCEDBritain and the United States, Woman MuflTrage. mure NO. 6 SOUTH PORTLAND, ME. our stock before ST., dc3tf McOREGOR & purchasing. Being manufacturers, the following manner. . STEVENS, —Army reform is of the earliest Barrels Be it so—I consent to. All new and of 8 Rump Pork. exquisite designs, December 17, 1868. TTI70ULD inform the ll.artje has leased anil subjects to be handled bv tbe new administra- J. 0. from HALL L. DAVIS. public me that if meu would but ask Cargo Bohooner Craig, Baltimore, just ar- Approved by the Mavor. T V fitted Store It appears to to Save Your rived and for sale by CHASE up tion in England. Mr. Gladstone intends AT McDUFFEE’S. Money! BROTHERS, December Attest. j. M. HEATH, City Clerk. themselves how should like to change Head, Nos. 1 and Wharf. 7,18C8. dim Dec No. S5 ExeUaugre Street, they system. dc4eodtt 6, Long 19-d2w not striko at many parts of the present can have in a bcauti- see bis friends and the throughout the world, then Dresses Dyed pp-Also in store 4500 bushels Prime 4c. Were he will be to places with women lul manner Oats, pleased Certain will be abolished; promotion LADIES jor One Dollar at the December 12. eodtf Advances made on the them a large and well selected but so far as grades Goods to TRY THE public, and show as nurses or chambermaids, polit- a“d a in the will be facilitated i great Old Portland and House, stock ot are in and it army Parcels, Packages, &c., Saco Dye Inland ot Cuba. ical and social rights dispute; of the half- Sent or left at Orders received at: 28 Guardian’s Sale. and Domestic Fruits, be effected a renovation Congress St.. No 9 Fore ht, Water-Proof ! Foreign answer and truly, as if saving by and No 432 Coi-gress st. to a license Iroin the of Pro- Messrs.OHUROHLL, BROWNS & MANSON Alpine Composition they would honestly the army dignitaries Judge Fancy Groceries, further contro- pay system. Of course News Office, G. T. B., Depot, EF"“Goods of any description at low rates PURSUANTbate, I shall Fell at Public Sale, on the premi- Are to liberal all kinds need have no dyed prepared make advances on The best article ever invented for upon oath, you and at short notice. H BURKE on Saturday the 26ih of December two of Boots, Shoes, and Nuts of all kinds, Ci- don’t like it. Will be taken ses, day 18G8, Lumber, Cooperage and Provisions, to any ol tbe Coufectiouery them. would be to _ ...... care of till called for. Oct 21 eod?m of thehomesteau farm of the late Harnesses, and all kinds ot Leather. and Arc., versy with They obliged of the heir to sevenths William Ports ot the Island, and their connections with the gars Tobacco, Ate., little Duke Brabant, in North said Warranted Proof Show themselves. —Tne ES^ebcck. given, charges moderate. Ross, situated Yarmouth, two sevenths first class Houses ol Uie island, make this a desira- Against Water. and will sell the above at the very lowest prices. judgmeut against is said to he BUTTONS—a choice of Phebe B. Ross and pronounce of Belgium, recovering, assortment at the being the property Melvina M. ble mode tot parties to Uoods to that W~For sale at all Boot aud Shoe C. D. STEVENS, their are the throne C. B. Falmouth CALEB wishing slt;p Stores. But men are blinded, judgments CHINHOf.m Sc BROS., SLEEVE Bazaar, Ross. S. ROSS, Guardian, market, Manutactured No. 53 Exchange Street, op. Lowell & Senter’s. all. dc!8d3t 118 by hardened their after uov23dlm Agent.. Middle Street. dec 3-w3y Portland, It} Dec. 1867, dcl6tf dcleodlm* MOORE & KNIGHT, Augusta, Me. December 15. ulw perverted and their hearts by "tugger ■~ "j ■jiujjaigmj -JJ- : -p y. vs ^ rr.gvwja^,

Tfc? zre tbn assignments cf cases for this The Holiday i; Oosas ti&otnng Steamers —Steamship Peruvian. ! MAHRIED. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW s.sascn has come ADVERTISEMENTS. THE PRESS.| Its bohauy ones again Capt, Baiiant\ne. sailed from this port for Li-- -. —I X ON DAY. ; and the Clans’ t« Smith et a’. round, merry tinkle of Santa errooT out tG~>Vz&o Saturday evening taking 46 cabin In Gape £itefiupdch, P?c„17- n- Rev. K. !J. YaiiL, et ols. t« Dow. like some Ipg—wpiumrr.er bells, far off music in the air, strikes and 40 and a full Charles A. small and Eliza E. Smart, both of Cape MONEY s cargo. December 21 1868. l£i—Farweli vs. DeCoeter. steerage passengers, Elizabeth. beiSe®®®®* HEARTH and HOME Monday Morning. pleasantly upon tho ear. Many peoole who TUESDAY. Steamship Nestorian, Capt. Dutton, will In Auburn, Dee 16. Calvin Biake Jr., oi Hart- 1 9—York vs. TS'alk* r. not BY propose to give presents hare yet decided said from this for next 'land, ami Mrs. Ja ette H. Blake, oi Lewiston. EDITED 93—Harmon *». Otlsfieio. port Liverpool Satur- ( H¥mFir»t Page To-day—Harnessing Horses. j what those shall he, and we have In New Gloucester, Dec. 10, George M. Gross and €5 IVEY AWAY. 137—Phillips ^ ». Clark. present? day. H.i'obb on Woman Sophia DONALD «. John Neai Suffrage; Magazines: TUESDAY AFTERKOOK. therefore to direct their attention to MITCHELL, concluded The due this week at this fu Biddetord, De\ 14, Everett 8. Baker and Flor------— HQ—Waite ?d. iiurnham and Trustee. steamship port I- Vaiicties. in ence J.-Driokwster ttili the holiday advertisements our columns, from is the AND Thou WEDNESDAY. Liverpool Hibernian, Capt. Smith. In Georgetown. i)cc 12, Sargent T. Harford i>nd Fourth Page—It wert by my Side, My 72—Condon vs. labor Lancey. continuing the pleasing from day to day Sarah *. Stevens. I>A™'1 and Trousseau 74—Dolley vs. Morri s n. in Dec. Down Go the HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. Love; Bryant,Poet Kditor; A the coming week. We shall endeavor Deering Hale.—Edmund Coles, who has Augusta, 10, Charles O. Wilkins and Ann Prices. 79— Portland vr Skillings, Admlalsirator. during E. Merrill, both of Windsor. At 53 Exchange Street, \ Worth Having. 101—Yates re. —*—-*•- First Number will be Dec. 21. Tilton. to make mention of those places where every appeared in this city several times, opens at in Aug lata. Dec. i2. •iohn H. Reaa and Emma ■—j ready Monday, THrBBPAY. can be Hail with a from the Bojlngtou. vg. Hicbnrds ei . c»re.h Sale by all News Dealers. 57—Smith vb their tre Montreal, on THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT. 4*. Sterling. specialities. Royal, Wednesday evening, l Jlondny, Dir. #3—McBride vs, Ctal iver. BOOKSTORES. Miss Carrie Jamieson, from New has --.....------CONVENTION. 10.;—Jaekson Yt>. Johnson. York, REPUBLICAN Short & _DIED. Coring, Harmon, under the Fal- been engaged f ir the leading part of Helen lifE STOCK OF In accordance with precedent and the usage B^T 1 mouth hare a choice stock of il- in »u this citv. Pec 'hh, Fdward Sco t, e dost s«n os in this the dele- .lluuicipnl Court. Hotel, very Rollstone in “Font Play,” which tho com- Look at the RETAIL Prices. of the party city, Edwird I*, and Jit'la A. W, '.orris i, 22 veais. Republican JCDGF KINGSBURY PRESIDING. lustrated works from the will make their debut. aged Ward caucuses to principal pubiisbiug pany service-* ait-rnoon a 2 o'cicc gates chosen at the previous Sat Welch. iFuneral Tuesday urday.— fr our bovs nani®'l Thomas J« houses of Boston and New all kinds ol from No 0 Fine street. candidates York, at 30 cents nud. the election, to nominate Thomas and Kdward Ca- We learn that tbe irituali-t In hast Ain urn, Dec. 14. Mrs. Candy per p Soptemljer Flaherty, Patrick Flaherty fancy hooks, children’s books and Scofcb Si A.soc’ation Ma.ia 0., wife ol are to meet in of goodp, Hiram B. Dr ike ag» d 'il >ears 7 montm. for representatives, requested nary were brought up t* larceny of four bars cop* W'll their first Social in staudard works of the best a lull lit e give Assembly Con- In -York, Dec. It*. Mary M Inure "i HEARTH and HOME in on The three first authors, agftl yeiri ft Hall, City Building, Tuesday per from, the Per.land Company. Dec in i>ce. Mr. John at 40 cents per loeption ol the best from Lowell & of gress Hall, Friday evening, 25b,Cbrist- Kktery, lu, Been, aged aoouf Candy pound. o’clock P. for the of hbnud and wore fined-Thomas Flah- stationery Brett, 76 'ears. is a handsome of Sisieen abundant* Dec. 22J, at 4 M., purpose pleaded guilty tntts See advertisement in Weekly Pages, and iu fact the Is night. to-morrow's in Saco, of us As! iise Beat Cream Thomas J. Welch and Patrick Flaherty Boston, eye so bewildered by paralysis,' Mr, Itu Ifainrtjf ajped 7! a candidate for Representative iti erty ft;; r.ud 7 ly illustrate tbe beat artists. selecting month-. ... by wah costs. who seemed to the exhibited cf all that is beautiful iu paper. years JUVEHILES $2 each quarter Canary, variety In Penobscot Dec. Mrs. p ace of the late N. A. Foster, Esq., deceased, 12, Mary, wife of tholao ll First Number will be ready Deo 11. gy Monday, beihe leader of the gang, pleaded not and b and that the is re- St. Peltiah * e ch, 6 tear*. at 50 ecu’s to be tho of guilty joke, binding paper, public Luke's.—This Society expect to hold aged Cindy per proud. supported by Republicans this city a-g'J-----■■* ■' Mood a trial. He was convicted and sentenced to 30 ferred to the extensive advertisement. in their _LSHP For sale by ail News Dealer?. at the elcotion on the 2?th Christmas services new ea.hetlra), on Monday, inst. days in the jail. FASTENofcns, county Bailey & Noyes, Exchange street, also make State on Christmas The several Ward delegations are authorised street, day. a of all the choicest books ol the XgbOlOVf^1,0^*04 **’’ to fill vacancies in grand display their Wards. U.»ho|. Neely an Uituali.iu. fu the Peruvian. tor Liverpool—Mrs Nash and four season, standard works, stationery, some very Remember Dr. Bennett’s Lecture children O I'etgold, Mr S The following uained gentlemen composed Th,? of tho State Healing hergu?on, Yearmouth, V vestry Street Church was framed Wilson, John Paterson, Mr' array ai d wire. A im b lOOO Boxes the beautiful photographs, children’s bunks to-night. See advertisement. convention: filled with a large ertson R H Whitney, Mr Stevenson, Hv Wellington. cougregation yesterday and are the for Chick- A McKe.rJ, I'a» field. Ward 1— Russell Lewis. .J«bn B- Lucas, Thomas S. furthermore, they agent? rarda Ponnsoa. R«l Ur morning, including many besides those who Sheet Wax and materials for wax flowers bav. Mrs aidav. Mrs Di k-on. Mv Jack, George 1*. Aver, .Jaieea Knowllon, Goorge eriug’s superb pianos, which took the prize Mein osh. Rfc OF PURE SUGAR Bovm>\ who were Call urn Mrs C *#nne and da gbtei J G Mrs Trefetben, Charles u. Holland- ..... usually worship drawn thither at Scblotterbeok & Co.’s. dticlo-lw Dick-on, there, medal at the French and .Mason n Ward 2-H. S. A W’ontworlb, ,1. #. Lai d, Exposition, Dicks Mr lleatb Mr ami Mrs alms, nnrsuanl Mslcber, by an announcement that tho would *©nlin Krauklln W. tv. Kuby. H II. liickev, Jona. II. Bishop & Hamlin's cabinet thau which no cbi'd, Q StGoorge, It O’ M n. A Sutherland, Knx, organs, A beautiful assortment of Alburns at A Fo*(, speak on the above subject. Me- A S Wood, GiliaoU', Mu'ph., Young, Da boll Steam Refined. HEARTH and HOME d. B. more -elegant or acceptable present could bs Becket. .John Bay, Bollard, and 4j others Jn tue BIBLES. Ward 3-Nathan Webb, Coflin, Sisnuner The took for his text I Kenney & Davis, 284 Congress street, opposite 1 Bishop “Oh Will week an Cabtook Rogers, Howard Tailor, Aloro I. Chase, VV. G. V. worship received. Their beautiful store is a warehouse steerage. give every Original by one Libby. the Lord in the of holiness." He com- Preble House, dec21.—d.3t Woodard. beauty of treasures. A stock of of the best Artiste. Ward 4—Andrew P. Morgau, William G. fwoui- literary large menced by saying that whou be informed bis A large lot of nice little all framed OKPAftlTBE OF OCEAN STKAMFRv 1 blv, George W. arnp, Albert B. Stevens, Josiah O. Hall L. Davis, 53 Exchange, street, is so iden- pictures MIXED gy Kiist Numb r will bo ro«dy Monday, Dec 21. John R. Corey, Charles E. Craui. on the that be should NAMR FRr'W nr 8TTN AT'L<>X Shirley, parish preceding Sunday tified with the book business of Portland that for Christmas presents at McKenney & Davis’, Ward 5—J. H. Duiinmond, M. P. A. D. Clmbna.New York..Hamburg.Dec 2i Emery, address them on the subject of ritualism he 284 street. For. .-ale by all News Dealers. Marr. Gcorgo H. Libby. Franklin Sawyer, Hansou the mere mention cf bis name aloue is suffi- Congress dec2l—d3t | Mississippi. New York.. Rio Janeiro.. .Die 2s M- George P. Westeott had no idea that such would have Java.,-...... New Vor^..i veoir-t Hart, publicity cient. His stock of choice books, arti- >verpoot.1 Ward C—E. P. Gcrrish, Hiram Brooks, C. W. Ford, faucy Bradbury’s little of Moro Castle.New York. Havana.D c24 CANDIES, Albums,! bet-u givon to the statement; He bad there- beautiful paintings Photgraph Byron D. Verrill, Edwin Clement, Robert Holyoke, cle?, albums, latest publications of the best Nestorian...Portland. ..Liverpool.l ee 6 John O. Procter. fore written down what bad to iu case Wild Flowers for sale at McKeaney & Davii'i Hibernia.New EACH BOX CONTAINING lje say and those medal account hooks that York..Glasg w.Dee?<> Ward 7 L. William O. Fox. John style, prize Ci y ot London ....New York..I \t low P e, au Cyrus K. Samuel E ter. He said that there would be touud in the Bellona.New York. .London.Dec -^6 O N E POUND. 1 Larld, Sprlne. ume of ancient lore becomes a treasure with- Pee order of City Committee. Lewis & Nash, 179 Fore street, have a v .New York.. or or ceremonies of his sp'ea- uiopa. Havre.Dec 2b doctrine, symbols out the an price to iquarian—cannot be sur- did stock of gentlemens’ clothing. Buy a new Sagle .New York.. Havana.• ec 17 AND church nothing that bad been condemned by Granada.7...New York .Hav<& Vi ruz.Dec lv passed. suit before the decl9dot Who snail 1 oke ike Lend ( tho Protestant Church holidays. Peruvian.i. .Portland...Liverpool. ec id Standard Works! Episcopal of America A. PVT VP EXPHBHSliir POR the Kobioson, under the Falmouth Hotel, has Britania..;...... NMv York..Glasgow.Dec *9 HEARTH and HOME We publish to day a communication on That w hatever is tlmt has not been presented a stock ol Thompson’s, 307 Congress Street.—Here of woman from the of a large fancy articles, books, wtiting 01 the day 1 subject suffrage peu presented before would to tho tbe ladies love to Win hare In each Number original articles by the simply express cases, &c., which would suit the taste of the congregate, and for (he best 1 well-known getitlemau who for neatly lulk-st extent the of P. MARI 1ST E ISTKWS. Best all mem era of the doctrine the E. Church. most fastidious. of reasons. Thompson keeps a splendid assort- Writers for family a has advocated beMe half century bringing up Ttut the clergy must the laws laid down ment of CHRISTMAS obey COS FECTIOSERY. hosiery, gloves and other useful arli- In town and country. tbe reinforcement that FroYideuco the PORT Op POH rLlMI. large by church from which have received cles tor thoy suitable the and at reason- — 1 William No. 11 season, very AND Number will be Dee 21. to have iu reeetve for use on Allen, Exchange street, has syPiret reedy Monday seems kept their orders or else they will violate their vows. a magnificent stock of and fruit. able prices. Being aware of these tacts tbe Saturday. December 19. th" moral side at some critical moment iu the In confectionery For nil the Cathedral Church of Maine there would ladies know where to make Steamer Dlrigo. Johnson New Yor*. Sale by News Dealers, Ho has up 10J0 box;s of his choicest con- exactly their p«t- between and evil. His voice is elo- put Alm)n Bowed. Dav s, calai*. Hall D. fight good be daily morumg aud with chases. * B.lg YEW YEAR’S Davis,! evening prayers, V n triple. ever has for the fectionery, and ia every third box has placed a j:.ch ago. Boston. now, as it been, rights ■ quent the litany oa Wednesdays aud Fridays, that Sch a*e:le. OiLer, Bath 25c scrip. He sold tbou?auds of boxes last year for ol our mothers, wives, sisters and daughters. the Communion would be Periodicals.—Harper’s Magazine Jan- Sch Water tall, McLel'an, Rockland for Norfolk. Hedy administered aod will sell ibis 53 deserves the consideration which more year. uary, 1863, has been received and can now be CLEARED. ExchanfJe His letter every Sunday, and,—on all other for \ days Geo. 357 street, an pacil-ddst his fame, known to two hemispheres, is cer- which Hudson, Congress keeps purchased at the book stores of Bailey & Noyes Steamship Peruvian, (Br) BaUentiue, Liverpool— the Prayer Book provides a special col H & A assortment of all kinds of confectionery that and Hall L. Adan tain to secure for It. Davis, Exchange street; Loriog, Steamer PRESENTS! ! and That the NS—John loot—epistle gospel. litany would makes the mouth Carlotta, Colby, Halifax, Por it is not to We water to look at it. The Short & under the Falmouth Hotel: teous. But enough talk. already be said on iu the instead of Harmon, Sundays afternoon, children know all about bis cocoanut Brig Gipsey Queen. Wm P York Matanzas— Plnn- have a New Woman Con- tafty’s, C. R. Chisholm & Grand Trunk l- England Suffrage as a part of tho aud that ev- Bro., Depi nej & Jackson. ana £ Church'll & Co. morning service, while he. also a 30 cents Box. vention, State societies have beeu organized displays large assortment of Also at the school book, .music and periodical sch Haitie Rues, Clrlck, Cardenas—Phinney & Only per HE A HTH and HOME ery Sunday evening there would be lull cboial Jackson of the New States. Maiue toys. store of E. C. No. 30 iu several England service and sermon. Andrews, Centre street; Sch New Yor' — A L Flight, Crowell, Hobson. W II con'aln Articles on FARMING every week. has a of her Perkins—no use in stating his christiau name the of Messrs. Fessenden Sch st probably larger proportion peo- The music will c jutluue to be periodical depot Bros., Hope, ton &plnney, John, MB—john Por- performed by knows all the teous 5y First number will be reidy Monday, Dec II. educated up to the point ot their everybody him—presents pris- Lancaster and at the store of W- Ill Third Box p'e conceding men and boys, and uo organ lofts or Hall, fancy Sch Tallas, French, Rockland, Every quartettes matic colors in bis w ith cornu- rl ;hts to women than any other State iu the window, great D. street. seb HeMi Maria, Prince, Camdon and Eeliaet— For Sale all News Dealers. will bo found in their Cathedral as in the Robinson, Exchange by of rare and Eastern Packet Co. T7 don. Shall we not have a State copias sweets, little children gather There will be Placed society? Church of but the music will be choral Rome, rouud even a Sunday, December We are to hear that the friends of the (aud children of larger growth) 20* glad in character, and lie hoped it would NOTICES. ultimately with as as ARRIVED riforni iu aud out of Maiue are eyes big saucers, they gaze upon the _SPECIAL 1869. takiug steps become The choristers will Sch Impudence. (Bn Givjn, St tor A QUARTER OF A DOLLAR. congregational. almost John, NB, to the for the fabulous display. “Ob! my, don’t X Boston. arrange preliminaries organiza- lie dressed in surplices, as has been common in Sunday School Institute. wish he was a a of the most my father," from little bare-foot- which, of conrse, ws t on ;o Cld at Phlladelpbia lith sch Southerner, fji Port- designated C. W. Vestry of ihe eree street iiap.fst Church. The sub- their aid and counsel. Let the w ork Lucy, Congress street, has all kinds of land. AW A Y ! will give stole and as is ject to'r discussion will bo “Blackboards in tbe Sun- GIVE by scarf, customary. He had d ilicious Ar at New York I9tb, barque Ellen Stevens. Davis Well a of out- cakes and candies. He has not a grand day S'-hool.’' HOOKS! he nigh majority Pensacola pushed! yet to learn of any chorister in Romish church- A model lesson on the blackboard will be store in size, but bis stock is first-class. given. Sell Sarah N Smith, trom Calais lor New voters are already on the light side. Few peo- All Interested are invited to attend. York, es dressed in surplices. The services will com- wan tin Into ott Point and uuder Lancaster is E. Walsey 18tb, broke roa n -FOR- HEARTH and HOME are aware how it would be for Maiue Barnum, hall, indefati dec21ult S. HOYT, Secretary. tore mainsail end PURE ple easy mence a as the boom, lost pari oi deck load shooka by singiug hymn congregation as a to be the first commonwealth in the world to gable caterer, and furthermore, be can overboard. Will b. very valuable o take their and one as retire. seats, they (The furnish the children’s with found a genuine democracy. stockings enough was rather severe on In An Immense MEMORANDA. The Fruit Grower. Bishop voluntaries.) to make them sick tor a week after- Caudles! goodies Variety Sell Nice Treat, (ot Stockton) Dlckev, trom Sugar this description, he said, there is not the faint- OF Capf Presents! The Sr.SATORBBip— In the caucus at Au- wards. Boston, took tiro at Stockton on iue 1s- 3D. the Legislature in to ritualism. in -FOR- Dickey. $ Insured lor $2,000 regard They, many cases, of crockery, from a to an Sch Fred from by the resignation ot I’. M. Woodman, Esq., spittoon up elegant Spofford. Bucks).ort lor New York, & confound the church service with it. got ashore on the East Vine ard 17th : OF A DOLLAR. Bailey simple dinner set, charge you as fair as one Chop Sound, QUARTER Noyes, at the close of the third E. C. prices any r ballot, Farring- There he able who Inst, where she inai ed. She was expected to baui are, Baid, many tqen dispar- in the maiket and give good satisfaction. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! the ton requested the friends of Mr. Blake, the off billowing high tide. age the Relorraers and the effects of the Refor- Woodman & Whitney, 51 NOW OPENING AT lirt' Mary E Dana, O’Neil, at New York rom Car One Pound in Box! nominee, to state his position Exchange street, bad Dales Every Exchange Street, Portland. Representative mation, and who would all'eontended uenas, northerly the entire passage: via* give up have just got in a lot of can lJda s North ol on the Senatorial question as between Mr, crockery they laitera.-i, and lost sails ana pan of for there, and accomplished. Their doctrines afford to sell DAYIS Ac aeck load molasses, FIFTY GTS. Per Box t Mr. Hamlin. Col. Littlefield re- very cheap. CO’S, Only Morrill and Sch Abbott Law re nee/irom Calais for Providence, are hostile to their church. Their followers DRY Hare for and Invite the to examine tie plied that Mr. Blake preferred Mr. Morrill, GOODS. was oft Newport iGtn witn loss ol roretopmast and sal', public and them reives are so few that they would not K. 9 No. 10 St. jibbooro. ana i.owspilt sprung. Finest Otlteethm in hie of to the on that Cyrus Babb, Clapp’s block, lias a splen- Clapp’s Block, Cong. 25 Cents City, but desired represent people Sell ».aigarc; & L ey, irom an Eastern port with have receivod the least attention it it had not did assortment. Here can On motion ol Mr. Farrington it you buy everything, a cargo oi ice w:w towed to Washington in a di>nblod question. been for and GBGAT A I conJit on oa Dio b,en a.bore HEARTH and HOME gratuitous wide-spread advestis- from a spool of thread up to a magn.ficent TttACTfOKS, having sevetal was votod to take the sense of this lull meet- days below Alexandria. at Packed in Third Box. ing. That there was not a in the These now and beautiful goods for Christina* | Every Bishop House dress Heie will the ladies and Briy day. They arc* list disappearing Vineyard Sound, lyth. out Elegantly Mr. Morrill—with but one vote proprietor glad by green- it was thou* t sne would come off UyFirst number will be ready Mondiy, D. c 21. whelmingly for The closed from the r counters, because they are >el.iug them so wnnout damage Bishop with an .eloquent sind backs innumerable. if the wea.her was favorable. for Mr. Hamliu. very cheap, Don't the Place For Sale all beautiful peroration to his hearers, to remem- Davis & Co., 10 block, also For all kinds ot Forget by News Healers. Clapp’s display DOMKSTlt PORTS. POitl-LAKP AND OODENSBUEO RaILROAP.— ber that, after all, forms and lip service were fabrics of silk, woolen, linen and cotton, rich WORKS! HOLIDAY PHESENT8 SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 18th inst, sliip Caliiorziia. but unless “out of the fullness of and mro sltawls at all and in f At a town meeting In Windham on Friday, it hypocritical laces, prices, ict Adams Button the heart the mouth GO TO DAVIS & GALVESTON—Ar sch W tosub- Bpaketh." holiday goods of every Itind. We expect that CO’S, 8th, Cushing,* Cook, was voted by an overwhelming majority PluiHdeldlua. Selected fer their beauty and value. No. cent, of the town after the this firm will be able to s'art lO Clapp’* Block, Street. — ALLEN’S sezibe to the extent of five per holidays CoagteM PtNSACnLA Ar 8 b, brig Lizzie M Merrill’ Dec 18-dlwsN Mor e. Mobiles valuation iu the stock of this road, provided it BiraaLAttT.—Last Thursday nigh', the dwel- a new bank on the capital accumulated from KEY Wh ST— Ar 18lb,Trt$» Eugene A Heed, BEAL sub- house of Mr. J. B. Griffin, No. 0 Fore their sales. Ltn»>, TIFTJL runs through the town. Other, private, ling train Jamaica 101 New xoifc. leaky. FRUIT STORE will be made citizens of that town street, was entered through a window in the C. F. Thrasher &- Co., Free street, don’t » .SAVANNAH— Ar lolb, focii Fred Smith, Fmith, scriptions by Piano Fortes S New Vor of the road. We learn that the bed-room in the rear of the sitting-room. The knock under to any other men in their line of JUVENILE BOOKS 1 HEARTH and HOME to the stock ArHih aoh Maggie D Marshall, Marshall, from 11 Na- and bed-room were thor- and liere may be found Rocklnd. No. Street. citizens ot the towns ot Brid ton, Casco, sitting-room, parlor business, every variety Exchange The slock tve have ever exhibit d. Will g ve special attention to GEORGETOWN. 3^—CM sch S E 8y la’g.st ransacked. In a clothes in of to suit the s. xx. Stevens & I3t*», Wcod December 21. tllw and in addition to the subscrip- oughly press the. dry goods purse of the poorest as co., Wood bur Laltimoir. ples Raymond, bury Orunmontal bed room was a trunk a well as tho most Ar 11 sch l Toy Games- Portfolios! Gardening1, tion of 5 percent, of their valuation, offer extra containing quantity opuleut. They will “lay vp Nc. 145 Middle b, ampbeil, orrcy, West Indies. Books, Sieeet, Ar i2tb. brig Ktacii Swan, Po le» r. >w*v Vork of notes and accouuts and On for themselves a treasure on eartb” unless our to the enterprise. private papers. RICHMOND—Ar 1 sch Jn showing. Don’t forget Jl. Lout, Burba iocs, l± F Reed, IV. 1. MITCHELL. Hon.E. B. Washburue, which is decidedly t.e d Mar.-e ailj>a.letl i.ui over the floor. Mr. Boynton. Lh,*, (and ) PtUL ii»KLPii4 ..-^id sch Ida F creditable both to the -writer and tn General of Griffin Weber i7tb, Wheeler, A sister Mr. occupied the bed-room Eastman Brothers,‘‘hang ont thiir banner Piano-ForteS Dyer, PmUnd. Would Ar inform that portion Grant: but she knew at all ot the transaction. on the outer and v men now ra>ks 17th, h.irm>cs New York, Gibb3. Swan Island; nothing wall, the cry is still they Dei »b So far as is concerned I am tiiikey, Troun. political position From the situation in which she found hers.-if that means the NEW VORK- Ar one for me for the come;” purchasers, and they I7«h, ship American Congress, of the who have not content with the assigned Ahead of every Piano in the J public, the next morning, and from the effluvia iu the will crowd the this Country rdan, Lmdon: -sebs Viniuia, Johns on, Martin- ninth time bv a generous and confiding con- stoie week or wo arc poor Mar. December 18. dlwss ique; E Mann, o’Ne 1. uuivicnas ^bb, i, i.x little Cabinet it was evident that chloroform had HEARTH and HOME stituency. I know but touching room, very judges of popularity. ter. Parke 15 mg r ; ms a Carr e 3 Webb. Da*. flow purchased their Dry Goods and take no stock in all the used ibe scoundrels to Ge rgeb-vv n. S'; LA Watf-on, aud appointments, been by produce inseu- C. A. Vickery, 158 Middle street, is another A « ard. Watton, Ange- Will w'.ve much attention to talk me to this or that lin;, Uix. Caiai : Lymjcn. Mimlh, r Ten- newspaper assigning in lier. Matches were found scattered Euscjm J for winter, that he has made I is to General s'bility of those who is intended when “to The members E igino ''0 No. who nessee. Mill Machias.. Vie podtloo. The most desire see they say nfMacbigrne I, ‘bi^rgr-Nirkeiaon.-ai.d Rural J\ rchllciui o. w-re t at ih; 11 e „.>v mliei' 20 h. 1868 at the Alfred been l.i l Grant’s administration a success, and see. ail around in profusion, having been used instead hiut who hath shall be given.” for he bas a preso ard*,.Bang-*r Wa^hingt-oii; i-y, Kerese eOil works,-! E .z.bctll Ellsworth W H Rowe; vWi.tmore. cr lai d n' grea,t reduct on the of all men vindicated and of A revolver was stolen Co's, ape hereby Slo)*, from form- jy f ir.t number will b: ready Mon lay, Doc21. rights protected; candles. from the magnificent stock and the are determin- tender tl.eir sincere thanks to t-hiei K. CioweU do; Aiaiuim, Sa cm W admin- public Engineer r. Smith, S>atei. CHRISTMAS. to see an honest, economical, dignified loo Steele Boston or Pin lu closet in the sitting-room, ed to it and leave a of in \v, mr the prumpr anil Just manuei in distribut' pe p.ua; Sarah Fiid Drer er of the to the deplete pile currency St M and it will be tor hale all News Lieaie s. istration government, bringing log the munev p'aced i his ban s by the. Kerosene t.v*. G.u Ocean nave, col n.s, Elizabetbport pvices, for by Mr. Griffin offers a reward for the its tor ,t. Com people peace, quiet, happiness and prosperity recovery place. Oil Co., tor services renders I by the Fire Depart- BiiJgepo Kennev. i'b a.nelc, aua Aua Nowistbatma to scl ct from a rtw and elegu t lino l,n, Dearborn do tot Stock of of tiie stolen notes, on which payment has N. I. Mitchell,No. 129 Middle offers a ment. decl8d3t* Haji Pio\Le co. the (interest all to examine street, Cld '7th> Eva J, ke .naio of The Alaska Bribery Charges.—A Wash- been Bunker, Montego Bay stopped. cho ce and tempting stock of dry goods which Ar lSlk*« up Southampton Smithwi. k. .nverouol* of Administrator’s Sale. Y'uoun. his stock Scotch Wood ington dispatch Friday evening gives the he has just marked down to lower than barque Johasou, Sagua ; brig omah;! and-c-mpore pvices St. Stephen’s Christmas Sale.—The la- prices to a licerse trom the Judge of Pro- 'j o uliaker, Doboy. Ha. fallowing; bale lor th^Countv of l shall AND- usual. PURSUANT Cumberland, ofter Cld .Hh stilus Crerorne. Gales, Pan Franci co; dies of th'S good old will hold their an- at private at offic ou and at er before elsewhere. Tue investigations of tlie Alaska bribery parish FRUITS. ba^e, my *, Saturday, T ixnountam. Williams. Liverpool hrjgs Tally ilo investing the 12th dav of tl e have nut the fact that Mr. nual Christmas Sale this afternoon and even- December, 8<:&, Real Ki-taie of Chisho.m, RemcniO’, J & n Crow r»r Russia Leather Groods committee brought C. D. 55 bas a Ivy. row.ev, Stevens, Exchange street, rare which Jereunau Sw* tt died peized aud possessed, Kemedios m;1i John Dnffln Our are Robert J. Walker got 82fi.000 for bis services at the rooms of the Men’s Tu.nei, Darien Ga. Blankets selling at ing, Young Chris- lot of and consi tlug of.a bou► en which sum he 85000 to Fred P. Association, &c. The the all to paid Stanton, tropical isles, Mediterranean, the City of i oitland. PROVIDENCE—Ar 18ih, sch from $1.00 $2.00 less per associate in business, for him in the streets. At this our readers will Warrenion, Lord Bronzes, his aiding gress sale, quarters of the globe iu fact are made tributary WAf. E. MORRIS, AUm’r. tli7aoethpo»f. mailer. It also appears that the publisher of find a of Christmas ever- Portland, Dec. 4,1868. d. tis8N Sid 17rn sells Allred Gilt Goods. large variety elegant to aud a Christmas dinner can Keene, Rjbmson, New Ytuk- pair. Flannels and Woolens HEARTH and HOME tbs Chronicle new.-papor was given 8.1000 for Stevens, hardly Alida, Ea ou, Wicklord. greens and emblems, as well as of other Fancy his columns to a discussion fancy be called such without some of them. NEW BEDFORD—Sid schs Thermometers, opening loug by ifcth, M»iy AUco 7 ex-* Will from time to desirsbs articles over Mr. articles offered on these al1 ry, LlncoinvIUe; Abbie at about the same rate dis- give, tmo, priutiuc several Walker’s usually occasions, Christmas aid New Year. Dunn,Fountain,i/m Dai eni1 of Ba Sam Chadwick—we believe we have seen Portland -kgammon Boards, name. This gentleman testifies that nothing of whicli will be sold at a fair price. HOLMES' HOLE—Ar sch < Plans of Homes. in wav un- do he the store The most valuable anl ussful Gilt is loth, Hesperus, Canary, and Csuniry was said about compensation any Our Sam—people say keeps grocery Holiday Ann loi New count, Dress Goods at ribbaga Boards, young friends are on the qui vive to see oneot Cape York. til after the appropriation was made; that the of Portland—has got a choice lot oi fruits and brigs iv H number will bo D « 21. whether the ot the ArUrb, Para., Lane, Jiaugor 'or New Umbrellas and Canes, KF*Fim ready Monday, editor Of the paper refused to receive the appearance Lady of the London; su.-an D spice-s togetbei w th Colton’s flivoring ex- ncaii, Turner, Lae">r 0" N.r- nearly half of old that the amount would no more L tke will answer to Sir THE 8TNGEH WICII sbs tied 9 prices. money, and Walter’s description; »p Id, Turner. Lucksport .or Plain and Fancy For Sale by all News Dealer?. tracts. Sam won’t feel offended if New K than nave nald for the insertion of matter at you buy York; Ma;gie 11, Hall, koo lam. u. do. while the children will lie eager to get a sight l.tlPROVED FA (I,Y All who call will that the advertising rate. Some persons think the him out. ,*•■> "more V x, Trem lit VU Nnire find Stationery. of their old lriend Santa Claus, who has Lrad ey, tm B ltimoie im P aff nr has a bad look lor the Chronicle folks, prom- HOLIDAY GOODS. yrtianu j i; Kn -wies. 0 ,l0 M A’.l thes: art of this fill’s importation and ac- while others there wis nothing out of tlio ised to visit the hall for the gratification of ibe J * Mihney C mui,. we shall endeavor to g>ods say onuer 1013 iieaa is emoraeed of all New Vork lor dj, He.en G carry wnh care for the not toys Kii-g McGregor, New loried way in it. The committee do express any little folks. SEWING MACHINES Y *i k tor Calais. examined kinds. Chas. Day. 94 and 99 Excbat-ge street, out op'nion vet. They to-day nobody Refreshments will also be and e' B 1,lire :jr this advertiiement in who served, every has one ot the most T7te Best in the World l Boston, Christmas Trade ! but Hinton, the correspondent started complete stocks of all BDOAKToWn-A! lo.n, i" A K Car has been so as ii Larralice, with names and He said he thing arranged to insure a most Cortland 6,hs the atory figures. kinds of toys ‘.hat it ever entered into ihe ■ J' ; riunnibal, both as to Call and see them, at ox. Hnnadelpum or Boston every respect qual- Call eat and avoid the rush of Chibtmas had no facts to communicate; knew nothing pleasing and rational Christmas Festival. mind .msou. Siwve., Eliza ly of man to conceive, or the hand of man t me. about the truth or falsity of his statements, n^JioeV,.’rIi.ewl";.rT,:''rt' Ma.’c,e Belli. Oreeiey, ta construct. It WOODMAN!, TRUE & Rockland tor New Yj k and HEARTH and HOME and wrote the letter on mere street gossip be- 1 he is like going into an “Old CO, ity prices. Weather.—During Saturday night BOSTON—at »8i j, soh PrudeLOJ, Co e, from Ron cause he thought it would make a spicy and Curiosity Shop” to enter his far he has Corner of com. FALMOUTH quite a little fall of snow took place so that on store, jfftiddie aud P*»*»*l 8t«., BAZAAB, Will contain all that Intcretia ibe Fa MILT. The chairman of the com- about of the kind Old 18th bartne A'a-ka, tor IV. I. piqaant pmagraph. in the the everything of the present dcl7J2wa>* Portland, Me. Potter, ; MITCDELL, 118 Middle Street. Mrs. Stove, mittee to day wrote a note to Mr. Seward say- awakening morning ground and brig Alfarntta, F cief. Savanna and past generations. A person that couldn’t Ar l oc s ing that the committee would meet and exam- roofs of buildings bore evidence that winter *th. Myra. Brown, fta St Stephens, NB; Midale Portland, Dec. 21 *186?. dot Grace OrernwMd, in his store Marion Draper, Lhaie, R .ndout Pru iem e street, ine witnesses tomorrow, and informed him had come. About 11 o’clock get suited would be an anomaly. G TRY ole, Sirs, Mary K. Dodge, really Sunday G da; Python. Merrill, Bluohill; Gen Meude, Cun- that if he chose to appear he would be at lib- Falmouth under the and o street S.gia> la Veit. morning the snow to fall Bazaar, Falmouth Ho- WELLCOME’8 ningham, Bellas*. Temple VIllHL’d hear the look over what has began again, gently erty to evidence, is one of the in Beh»\p, hip Ivan me, from Liv.arool. lec 2i-d&»lw and but soon increased in violence till tel, prettiest shops town. The Guide And many others, will regularly write for it. already been taken, and make any statement silently, GLOUCESTER— ir I t &■■■ s fr^m Floral for 1869. are Mvra, Brown, he saw fir. He also addressed a let- about the lady attendants v-ry polite and Great Calais to. hosion: Frances will be 21. yesterday live in afternoon, when about three attentive, German Cough Do Ige, Portland ior do; ty First number ready Monday, Doc ter to M. the Russian il' and their of choice Remedy Ri Ilo*, ra* Buckspart ior Danvers Col Edd*. BooktS. edition ot One Hundred TnouPA?«D Bodisco, charge affaires, inches of snow had fallen. It then to display nick-nacks, opera It Is Acknowledged to be (behest In the maiket. J-rie, Prayer of the and changed Day, Portland for Bo-Un Saginaw. Pickering. Bate* THEflr9tOK 'll K'3 ILLI'SIRATI D • A1A L QUc. IF For Sale telling him investigation, giving articles of ior by 'all News Dealers. sleet. There is a splendid foundation for snow glasses, vertu, oanos, umbrellas,— do' Edward M l iseu, ldlswor.h lOi do, ytho«, SsKoamd oUIdk in us r Qakd N is now him the opportunity to meet the committee, Price 33 A. well! we It ws when we left C cruLauri $1.00 per bottle. R Merrill, Bluehlll ior do 9ador Strour Port- ItOBJNSO\r j*ubl she**. Jt m ikes a wor* •>» 10) l ea-ui Neither ot the notes amounts even to a re- and we hope we shall get good give up; thought Boy, pages, sleighing by landleidi’; Oeu vieade, Cuimlnkbam, BollasSfor in ly IPostra ed, wirli a’*our 150 Fine Wood E g av- The qf he left eu- the store we could remember but do* Emma A er the FalmeBth question appearing Christmas. Quite a number of sleighs were everything, Cuit’ng; Weeks, Im Lath lor uo !) T ifltiel, inj- ot Flowers *ud vegetables, aud an El gant col- rely at the option of the two gentlemen in- weem’t doit. Mr. Wilkins has for and Fatch.n tastine lor dr; Kellar ored Plate. 3nest. out afternoon but the runners gottbo best Dyspspsia Indigestion titkshurg, NVork |lift It is rumored anioug yesterday grated L pj lor Po.tsmoulh I eondne. no terected. newspaper of Pratt, fo» Keliast; S8 lra« (or sale a assortment A of Plow »m the reporter this time, hut just in USE WELLCOME’S B very large ISoquet men that two California correspondents make badly. only drop Lewi-, spiul'lin". stonlor Ko- klatn; ranny ar oi and do for no; It lithe tno«t eautiiui, s *e'l as !he most lnrtiuc- no secret of having been remunerated by Mr. you can’t help being suited. ney. Cables, S L Fi c Ya er, Roc land The Weekly is lor Susan « Marv five Floral Guido pn bibbed, giviu** lain and ih r* Htoeckl for tbyir services in behalf or the Mebbeogbr the name of a Liver & Newport Rogers. New York lor W. D. ItobiusoD, the Regulator Curer. Kocklana; ad Books oMgh UrjetMin) toi tao OU -.TCRE of FloweiS a .d is also hinted that neat little sheet as Exchange street,besides Dyspeptic Mary Clark, esbury, t.n R ekport ior Prayer Alaska purchase, and if published the organ of the Ho-ton Am t \>GEr iB ES. usual of all varieties W“ Recommended .Meirill, Pori,and ior do; * were sent to New to display ot toys has a large highly. Sold by the trade Umpithot. Floral U Ide Is for large sums England pay Young Men’s Christian Association, by Wm. generally. Waidweli, do r r Baltlmoi e AND Xlf- published the lienefl; oi contracts for fire anas, with large margins lot of games, including the new Needle Gun PORTSM -*i UH—A** nth, .I W my gmaiomers, »o whom t is sent free * iibnnt appl'* M. at the PREPARED ONLY BY brig Woot'ruO*. * Marks, Daily Press Office, 109 Ex- Cala a I r but will forwarded t > ail who whereby some were benefitted. whicli will be to the Haskell, New Vnik; set's Julia, tat a. POCKET BIBLES, cutliifi, apply b> Hearth and Homo street. The Game, young folks "a Calais lor Jor Ten ten:3, which i» not half the cobt. Ad- change first number presents a J- DUX Beverly; Henry Cay. Tainter. Wiuteir>o.r In errsit. of m»l>, of and a forever.” Bobiuson TON, JR., io' Boston Win 3»e\en*. variety b'ndlngj sutub'e lor presents.— dress thing beauty joy D Etwed, Boston for Bel>ast Give Tue First Number contain* tb« ’f » very creditable appearance and contains much Q Ei Boston I hfrnacalJ. dec2tol\v JAMES Rochoeter N. Y. beginning power* well and nov9 Yarmouth. Me. Alpme. Io*, >r Baih Bello, Nicho sou. VICK, Portland and Vicinity. js known, “good wine needs no bush.” d&w3msn tor useful information in regard to the work and Gloucester Bu k«|iorfc; EC «xown. vveher troui tul *tory, written rxprewty lor I by He can also wi'.h the best Thomas*ion for Boston; Bo nob Ucuta* supply you of skates. ook. Peiry. — the purposes of the Association. We ior New Adrerilaemeuis this Dar, predict DR. G. B. l«nd da: Oashi, Com or, Boston for Caution Notes Lest I Dissolution of Copartnersh ip MR. Marks, 34 St. Lawrence street, alse^aa a full HOPKISS, Deoorah JBiicksport; J. S. TROWBRIDGE, for it the success which it deserves. Med'um Office 2d floor i, Whi ten, Boson .or < line of left HeallLg 388 Atwjo Miilbndge, NOTICE COLUMN. holiday goods him by Santa Claus. strest. Treats all Octobca, McThan. Baih >01 SaUm. SXriTLID SPECIAL TRANCECongress kinds ol Chrome toMowing d*scribol notes have been sfcp’en p here'ofor” between Just mark His store and Acute Diseases. Terms Opirtnerth exIslDg School institute—E. S. Hoyt. Modification of Treasury- Regulations, down in your memory and moderate. T'lIUirom the subscriber, viz: TEEthe nn tislgiek under tde firm name of Sunday Dec 18-iI1w*sn FOREIGN PORTS “IW THE ICE” entertainment column. —We learn that the Secretary ot the Treas- leave a lot of currency with him. NdeofJuhnO Bennett ..S3C0 Cld at London 4ib d H. U. Barnes » 8THAHAN « lnst.sh I'an’ w'eh.ter ft LOIHROP, jt number Hall—Edmund Coles’ Theatre has the revised Colesworthy, has a fine line Fork < arr:r will be re» ly Dec 21. IHering ury suspended regulations Exchange street, New tli Montana, Bert man. New y.Aian,i Capt. L S. Watson,. 175 la this day dissolved by mutual convent. Moudne, Cougrets Hall—Pair and Festival, of and all Warren’s Od'Deal 2d iusi, *' l/eraul A. two sureties are on all bonds books, kinds of Cough Balsam! »n,p TameiDne, Sud iroui Short,. 125 G. 0. Lothr- >p bus »ss tine I ah debts an I liabilities whereby required holiday goods. auu, *4 For hale NEW ADVERTISEMENT COLUMN. Pbitaae pb a lor Altona B. S B,»wes. 2 0 of t ie late firm and will r .rrv on the businc-.-»t the by all News Dealers. executed at the Custom House the Here we mast Health an l Bates & exceeding pause, hut shall “fight it out lias no E’ ,8’ Ship Alfred Iff. Wes., n,. 89 02 o'd atanl. THOU-* STUAHA>. Homs—Pellengill, Co, superior tor all Diseases ol Atrr^an. Spencer, 44 JR., Q.ven at sum of aud also on the Throat and NAw Fo?iffSt0 A. G. Rap*.. 62 dc2l US' GEORGE L, LOTH HOP. Money Away Allen’s Fruit Store. 81,000 requiring thesureties to this line” for the benefit of our POSITIVELY Lung9. *4 CurPtmas G io is—Fa) n tilth Bazaar. ij^vcrtiscrs No should he without it. ,nSt’ barqUe 11 D Capt, a. T. Tha.v r,.* 1«0 make oath that are worth the amount of for some little time. We person Give It one tiial. A™okmai.t Sarin “ Books »or Holiday Present &—B if ley & Noyes. they would suggest that ii Sold by all DruggUts N?w Orleans* Capt H. N. Welch ....r. 109 50 1 Books fl»* Prepend—Hall L. Davis. the sum in the bond over and- B. F. Sid 2 Li, ship Brit-au a, All Holiday penal slated you wish to make a choico present to a friend BRADBURY, Proprietor, SuiP.fi, Savannah. pavablc to Jobn B Giiflln, or order. None ct BHIGWW. Sp c-ia’ Notice—n. l. Mitchell. uofldBmss 2J ^ iucin were the above all their &e. of something which shall Bangor. *b,‘’Jlu,lr tb«e, endorsed by subscriber. Persons are Prayer Bo;**-a. Kobinsor.. liabilities, ennoble, elevate and MantaaJn." c iu ionnl said as B.tirlWn ^ ai7rmU against purchasing iiotiS, payment Caution—John au ever new chronicle u,-*» barque Cardenas, has been portlaud Steam Brick are new Hn*kcll • instruct, oi every thing Paine. stopped. Company, Notice?— Davi.-s dfcOo. Heavy Increase of Business at mis A h eral to for Pres-ed, Faced that is Naples* reward will be paid ror the recovery ol THEready ctRurnct Bay Win- lilumin iting Cook-Stove Covor. worth knowing in this we D'<™ dow .be 1000 or 1 Pori.—There were entries in world, and, “«?-»» Quiitote. Cenani,New Fork; the notes. JOdN B. GRlFFli5. anu Gcinmtn Buck, by 00l>,u0O. Notice. ninety-nine Geo b •• Commissioners’ might say oi all that we do of the make Dale, H&r,img, t'luladtJ^hia. December 21. d3t* find E iw. P, Bank* next, * A VO. L. Watches Jewelry band, made in the Warehonse Department at ***** bar|ue Lemuel. Howes. iroui LOVK-ioy, Agent, lien's —M G.Pnlmer. him a present of a New House the iu this year’s subscription to the York11 and Home Bricks—Aur. L. Custom House city Fiiday, being BARTLETT’S nuce Prehlr Ilou.e, Portland, Me, Hearth Lovejoy. Daily Press, and his gratitude will endure as THOSE AFFLICTED WITH N-Ks anklfa, Chi I atm as Tree—>Mrs. J. S. Hobart. the number of waiehouse entries ever tHMb*owA'ik^Cu8!,SL k, *8iiil,t»harouf Dec2l-d(Un largest htg; brtgfc Harry Stewart, *%eck?( Ida, See next Tab’e ol Content* ol Flr*t Num- Vl"k> floral Guide lor I8d9. long as Ute shall last. Corns. jaraJt.Dkinw.Gi Ke paper isg Convex Dissolution—Straban & I o’hrop, port day, including Or treub'e ot 2 ill Illuminating Cooking-Stove aov the feet, ran tind relief bv er.n. uir, barque Daniel Webber ber. Young Man Wanted—A. K. Jose. direct entries for Consumption there was one suiting Dr. Emanuel at 20 Fro NLkerson, m ston 9dav C O V B R Christmas Tree. street! fliJ wrfi Ar Theatre.—After waiting kno *n ski'l in Id* n e is at Montevideo Oct 19, Fletcher hundred and twenty-five. Saturday evening proicasion no useless com barque Fug°ue. PATENT 8ECCRED. Single Ten Cents. United Pitmen DiatKrt Court. mont nmneious BoMoirj /,\% fthiir Kate Cardiff Copies over an hour, owing to the having testimonials ot reluole 1 er- Prue, L»bby, 26th> company having SOUS who have been *8 au new article, which is i SPLENDID Christmas Tree DECEMBER TERM—POX, J.f PRESIDING. benefltted by him. For further V***? ►wella. Stone, naugor, 17ih, John Wesley, ^j'ror laden with all First number will be Dec 21. Mechanic missed the connection t rd to the the f bum its: 1 y ready Monday, Falls.—We learn that Mr. Na- with the Boston morn partieular.s sen 1 tor circular. (lec Boston. puUlie upon Mowing A kinds of bean iftti articles in the 1 ne oi Fine Saturday.—In the case oi United States, by in- thaniel H. Id I3tb baroue ,8l~~through this o-ver more hea: is 1 b* such as • Peakes has the curtaiu rose Pathfinder McLel'an. Callao. produce Art., Wax Flowers, ri nt rossev, while For all News taken the Eagle Hotel ing train, upon the musical At the same am *unt pi ta l tlnn the r Inn y stov© n-dltf- bale by Dealers. dlc'.mem, xa. William V. Simons, for taking a talae Pernambuco 11th uli, brig iza, W.lhams, iron* by Wood Urna enls, Boxes, Worsted work o. at Mechanic Falls, and will of “Cinderella." Miss Jennie New York. cover; the heat passing more leadily than j usetnl and oath In obtaining the enrolment of a the evi- open the house on burlesque Kim- through o.SHineninl siyes etc, nil. be ready vessel, Jackson’s Catarrh Sid mi Ua' la through the thick i.ozi cover. the first of January. Mr. SnutTI 10th uit, ech Mary A Wi ham. Part- Tuesday nex 22, at No. 421 Congress sfreci cor. dence was all and Court to 10 Peakes is a man' ball assumed the leading part with as much 2.1— fhis c >ver mattes it convenient fur a to pat in, adjourned AND TROCHE POWDER: ridge New Yoik. person ner of oi gre a place. who “knows how to keep a as we At Maracadio 20;h 8«-e the on li ion « f the Are, o**vl itmg the o’clock Monday morning. hotel,” and those ability have ever seen exhibited in this A ult. brig Annie Eldrld;e, Clil- difficulty Ladl -s aud Gent cmen and evpe la lCliUJicn are DFL1UKTFUL and PLEASANT REMEDY w Ijr ot iiftiu* the heavy non and who at his house will ttnd tord. Bo toil t da-* cover, thereby tili.ns* res|« c m lv invited to Ti.it the tree G. F. Talbot. Bradbury & Bradbury. stop their wants class of She has a fine the oom with cas or smoke performances. figure, Cntarch, lleailaebe, Dad Breath. Uaa.se. Atio'tspaii 12 h ult brig L-ma Hil.ior^uba <1.0 21- Its MRS. J. R. well 3d—As the .ire Is e*n HOBART. attended to. excellent and enters into the in-'". A.tbiun, Ar rt King mn; Ju. .uth .hro gh the cover, it ma tes voice, spirit nod Hroiicbltl., (Jaunbs. ult, br.ir Pers.a Hinckl«»! the Supreme Judicial Court. IleafaeMi, ac,, Foe er, Ja sonville. room more clieurtul. a id ai the same time make* tun of a the piece with rollicking jollity that is “■» 4 11 asuvi goi the o di aiy light OCTOBER TERM.—TAPLEY.J., PRESIDING. Polios Items.—Four persons were taken to Anil all disorders resulting from Colds in at- b»rq«s Ellen Dyer, Leland. House t ouiA',"., Cardiff. ar. John s. Fog* will canvass the t>r Rents. ca*e ot Coftln vs. irresistible. Miss Georgie was a Ju«. city the sale of Saturday.—The CofUn was fin- the for one Langley Very Throat an i these c vers lockup Saturday night drunkeness, Head, Voeal Ar si St Pierre, -art, ll-h I in good Mrs. Otgans. ult, hr* Fannie In ished. As regards the marriage Ireland, the Prince; Ay ling very furnyasClo- not c.du. Hop. ins. cna may be seen at the store of A. N net fellow was taken to the station m a state This does a Boston, s'.d totn -or Perl w nl They N. ,fc -i poor Remedy Dry tip,.. Catarrh.but Ro bo.i, Iso. 12 lower tenement ol new. pleasant and con- the that one was consummated. r'nda; Howard was trees the to finish ]*chargi• g. j^x.baugc street. «Jec21d3i* Hearth and Horn© Judge gave opinion ot intensely comic.in Button!; it; beau oi ait ott'eu He THEvenient liouuc. 6oir>om) 329 er mouth Insanity—who will be sent to Augusta—and and matter r-un vine Bad ‘Bs:' 4CU Willle At to its no was given. Scanan’s with its quickly Bres'kan rtpadache- Move. nilion, One lower tencm-nt • (I io »*i 8. ucuiu. legaliiy opinion i two BalderJasb dry wit was auJ soothe* and NAw Fofk!,aSJ per applied for iodgins a'toys bent In Ca Bare in une stua 1 Ren (l .thhh> ) mouiti. $1 >00 Per In Advance. lu the ciBi of Mol ine vs. Perkins et a trie 1 all the more burning Ar at ftb mst Bargains Wntehes and $7 per Annum Is., enjoyable from its not being isrrb; is so wild and agreeable in Its Cienruegca Opr Centaur, Suow im | OnehousonMc ill It was and quite eflects enaacjla. *t e l. $.1 |ier me tb. some ago, was entered for very quiet Sunday there were no SO much of a thut.lt v J-wen y days judgment p'aiatlffljr* buff, nature. Altogether the positive O.ir lions? lenttally located 17 looms, suitable fo* Ten els. the commitments clara 11 °WT. 1 Single Copls amount due on the ‘contract, and into est. .Mr during the day. did !n,ee Minoi. will offer at ,-*7 fi-rncr I a Boaid.ng houhR, orm iy be divd.d company themselves -„ALH.?VBnaJ^.VnV’or.tSosi t; ni Nash. 1 Ifm. i,,r Congress, convtuleuiiy great ctedit. The or- CURES WrTHOUT SXEEZUSG ! New For!,; -on THE_amJerslinek s.r-et. (in J at 86 Ex< ilian Into w or ihrod tenement-. 3 7.50 .-.liu.h. Barnes, counsel for the flies a motion lor a Anco jo street, who e per Flint nnmbti wi 1 be rw Moad D‘« 21. defence, consisted of a MyrioK. (Br) Kelle,. f.r ue intent.s to remove m a tew iy ly 7, Forest Citv chestra piano As a Troche Powder, enaani to the Puitlsnd. idg sugar d vs.) bail! one ij which Band.—We into Lan- alone. This should lap tasie a u leal tobacco m $000 Jreater Apply rehearing, will be argued Tuesday afternoon, stepped and never whe cnrr«ucy.. in the lint o« Watoi.es and ! PI* not Mr. nau-eale*; twallowed, Arat .tYw.TuTtlZ*™ >1.0. ^fthR, wh.ch tlm^ caster Hall for a few be, although we think bis Instantly .viaianzas libb inst, tur.-nrs Ll er other Ton eru. J Tor Sale News Dealers. to the Court adjourned. minutes Saturday even- Ba.ro*, gives to the Throat and v *cal organs a «toc Lave made >ra addition. iu mV I 132 Mi by all much Biboeran.i n,nry P Lord. Pinkhsm P .r st tor Dec21-eod2w Ml.* street. a name is, made as of ibe lanu ckfp-.ircbased .ash) and- mt nd ii I have ing and found large company them- instrument as Relicion* etcusafion of Coolness and Ar at' ardenas 3tb Inst, bat tie epjoying ,ue Kenuion D-inl-ar. iriic.v batsaitsacusom.-r.f o Superior Court. and tba size of the Comfot. St Jo u. N K. ,iak”.| e pile" satU- j selves In saltatory exercises to the music possible, bou-o, we are sor- "• “ 1 DECEMBER of the in *ke four f f-nd a p e Notice. TF.Rm~ooddARD, J., PRESIDING. to 19 the Best Voice Tonic in tho world l port lOtli, barque Rachel. Mltched. ror North ol ;‘ctlot.v; :t°:,eh^W‘Sll Baud. These hand dances are ry say, would have hardly warranted ‘-‘IV, a Qtn.li WAiCH. OT CE is hereby «lv. n that the Saturday. The ease ot highly satisfac- engag Haiteras; bill Haitle S Biallop, for New l'1" 3, subacr Wr§ hare Dumphy vs. it! «nfe. Reliable a ad <5 Wecbtr, urFr ski- McCarty to the Ing a fnll but a burlesque is Try only* cents. * or>-; and others. *■*’ '.CTONS, N been dnly appointed oiumisdoners to ro #fve and Trustee was and tory tho participants, and hand are to orchestra, very de- ?E.f cboVnRl"ER finished, judgment entered for Sold or mailed Cld at f’hvraDV Si or Ll: le- asd dec! ie upon hi! claims ag ilnat the pendent that feature. La by Druggists, tree, address Nassau, NP, ; b Inn, sob Wings ol the rivr estate oi J.i- plaintiff tor the sum be on their success. upon petite Corinne MCI-ar n A^cu nr NXPSIV soph W Chandler, Die oi p it land $39, remaining in the hands of congratulated WILSON & Morning, land, uro Exum&t tor New York. Kbm»Kvi> Gold Spki Ujki>, The eredlrois was as COOPER, CO., jr vcles or Eve a..- n • IHed >ha wo the Trustee. fascinating a child wonder as before- Glasses, hc.ehy will rc elvc and exam no Proprietors, Philadelphia, e aims the »•'«. csra Correction.—In our report of the dedica- the agains e at our dice, 1.7 om W. H. Clifford. Howard .v C.eaves. To-night company appear in the “Colleen Wboiesa c Agents for Maine W. W WWi plo & SPORR\ meid d street, on the 20th d tion of yot'.lamiiry, '819 a d In the case ot Crockett vs. Best, Congress Hall, by the Spiritualist So- with Miss Co.-I. W. Perkin* & Co.. W. P. 4 Co Oct 2*. lat 0 10 N, Ion 23 «.n the 2'111 dav ol each m ,nth Judgment was en- Bawn," Kimball as O'Connor,” Phillips W, ahlp Sarah Newman,* •h-crt uhiil th.- 20t'i t v ot “Eily Purtland. Retailed Dmialet* bound .s>>u»b. tij ln-'u» 'i>. tered tor in we by everywhere. 9f cormulf u"a’k. A;i.il C M. D xVIS Hearth niid plaintiff lor $5.73. ciety, Saturday’s Issue, accredited Mr. and Mr. Scallan as November Not Home “Myles” and “Danny ?0,188*. M, WnD0LPH C. T4..ME8 is a member ot PETTENGILL, 00, water,,,,. 4.00 PM NewK^Vs^'i'i011!2,10' -York lor en,r“* ed. Add leas A. K. TVT® Hi^h Guadaloape. JOsE, e35 nVJ0*lti an,1" 'bom Noveinbergd, 1868 Washlijjton Sir«oc Boston, U^tW3tw>t dccxldlw DaVld, HASKELL & CO. deSllt ST Park Bow, New Yobs. LdnaiANA. WEST INDIES. J ... ^ ( MISCELLANEOUS. ..1 e CCBA. .- A STRANGE AFFAIR—DIFFICULTY WITH PERU. •— _miscellaneous. LATEST NEWS New York, Dec 19.—The Herald’s Havana New Orleans. Dec. 19.—Th« differences be- 12th letter ol the says it Is a fact that a gigan- tween our and out BT TELEGRAPH TO THE government Peru growing tic insurrection exists in this that it is of the de*et.tion of the iron-clad fleet ate as- Island, supported o'couu.enauced by the great mass PORTLAND suming a complicated character. The Havana, Of the native population, DAILY PRESS. * exceptions being in- one of the fenders f the fl lef. N*-w York in CHRISTMAS! NEW et, point ot numbers. ... .1 That it bas ■■ YEAR! -1-r-r significant us an American inerch mtimu with an Au icau ---- ha many encounters with the Spanish troop-, crew under an American Ou arriv- n Inch Its captain. iu suppm-teis inflicted as much il Monday December 21, 1868. at the mouth of tb»» river she hoisted the more Morning, ing not damage lhau they suffered, anil that fl and steamed to ibis The ill: hesi Peruvian ig up city. informed amoi g the disinterested or habeas was.8U« d out for the di-charg** corpus u.iprejud<(MK) are already beginning to calcu- Crew on iiceouut of ot fl lii?- KIAIIVR. of the the change u the ultimate success which .-hall leave Minister G'icia discharged the latehe Western Union un|l Garcluy Cubausfneund indepeudeut. tSpjelal,Dispatch by Line.] mutinous crew a-ui d* dined 10 tn respond Dec. 19.—Geus. writ. Tiie capiain refund 10 enter at the Dua- Havana, Es^inar and La- Great Fire in Saco. torre wit soldiers House to-dav. Collector Full c has de 350 arrived io-da.r in a toip steamer from Geu. mahded of the Peruvian fflcial a product ion Spaiu» Eipiuar will re- whai author- lieve Vaimaz da, and Gen. Latorre will com- Destruction ot the Yotk Hotel and o*" the vessel's paper.- showing by York as a mand ibe Eastern Department ity .a vessel clearing at New mer- Under the Falmouth Hotel, can A who had b en taken ifee American Hou^e in Flames. chantman from New Orleans appear here Spauiard prisoner by the insurrectionists from He as a vessel of war, and not getiiag any satis escaped Bayerno. ts that a w'll »o-morrow seize the vessel unless repo; Spanish majur aud captain be- The Fire faction, to the who relused Announce that are the JRajcing’. otherwise order ad hr S 'grot.iry MtOftlloch* longing garri-on, to capit they ready for ulate, had been executed, that other offloers THE TROUBLES WITH THE PERUVIAN FLEET. had Uaeu put in irons anil .that the soldiers Saoo, Djp. 21-3 A. -M—-A fl-e broke ant were se at work Cleaning the streets of Tbo troubles of the Peruvian war steamer Bay- botweeu 12 and 1 o’clock this In tbe luo, which was desiituie of nOLID AlY SEASON morning Maramou, late the at New O'leans, place provisions. Havana, was deteuded a few Ycra Ho el, which la entirely consumed. inereas*- ratb»*r than diminish. Collecior Bayt-mo by men, nearly Al-j all the revolutionists being in th. field. The the stables and Falser has ordered the revenue cutter VYi der- bo, outbuildings of the Saco insurrectionists continue in ibe neighborhood With a and Fresh fo the Maramon should *he at- Large New Assortment of Novelties. house and bake house. ue"f intercept ol Manz.li. to leave without from the cu9 The American are now tempt authority Rumors have reached here of House and Btables tomihouse. The Peruvian monitors are sulJ engagements In the BOOK LINE we have all the between the troops and insurgeuts in the vi- burning, but the prospect is that the fire will ly Hg at the mouth of the river. cinities ol Holquin, Santiago de Cuba aud spread no further, although Patten’s block. Bayerno. _ Post Office and Tuxbury’s lumber yard are in OHIO. SBITI-II CO« Illustrated Books! great danger. C. ARREST FOB LS9UIXQ FRAUDULENT NATURAL- IfIBIA. Beautifully oov. serMorn's GEN. KILPATRICK’S LECTURE. IZATION PAPERS. message. Published Houtledge, Dec. San Francisco. Dec. 20.—The by Appleton, Cassell, Ticknor, Ac., Augusta, 19.—MaJ. General Kilpatrick Cincinnati, Dec. Pugh was held Legislature lfl.^Jud^e of Bri'ish 'Columbia was Dee. delivered his leotttreon Sherman’s by • United States Commissioner to day in formally opened such as The Schiller Poets and Sen- campaign 17 at Victoria. Gov. iu ills Gallery, Painters, here to-night to an immense crowd. $20,,090 bail to appe.ir belore the in Seymour message grand jury ilie ot confederation is April next, charged with fraudulent says question stationa- nysonfs Vivian. Guinevere, and Enid illustrated issuing at th- settlement of the naturalization This is the tbird case ry present, pending papers. Hudson claims. The BAILEY & Bay Gover- Dicken’s Christmas and l NOYES’ against him on tho same charge. Company’s by Dore, Carol, ong- nor recommends the establishment of a Colo- THE: WRECK OF STEAMER UNITED 24 STATES— nial savings bar k, to bo under the m inage- feilow’s Hyperion ivith Photographic Il- BODIES RECOVERED. nn ntnfthe government aud secured INDIAN MATTERS. by me and all Books Poe- Cincinnati, Dec. 20.—The wreck of the general revenue. He also congratulates the lustrations, leading of WA3HINQT0N, Dec. 20.—Governor of Evans, steamer United States is at the dock in this Colony uoon its improved condition and en- Colorado, is in this aud the try and, Prose, in Leather aid. Cloth city, says large city.i Ttvo bodies were discovered at 1 o’clock couraging prospects. number of horses fouud by General Custar in this , afternoon, both of them b. ins scarcely > sets the Iudiau camp in the recent battle is evi- Bindings. Als of Dickens, recognizable One was a man with au eagle PIANO-FORTE dence that the and not the TOG DOyuVlOV OF ! innocent In- CANADA. WAREROOMS guilty tattotd on bis left aria. The sex ot the other Prescott, Shak' dians were and that the hostile organization of Irving, speare, attacked, body could not be ascertained. Twelve vic- repeal leagues. --—- bands of the Cheyennes, Arapahoes, Kiowa, tims by tho same disaster were burled here Halifax, Dec. 19. —A was held here Hood. Thackeray, Waverly, and Apaclu tribes have run oft' in meeting Camapche yesterday. On the wreck of tbo J. McCui- last night, at which all the anti- that direction thousands of horses and mules prominent s looh, near Indiana, the of a col- fioulederates of the wore Chambers A Appleton* taken from the frontier settlers of Madison, body city present. Tho Colorado ored deck named was found on constitution for the Our Extensive Stock and Kausas trains and the hand, Jackson, rppeal league was submit- and a comprises every the emigrant govern- Wednesday. On the of Charles led and and Cyclopedias, style of the last leur Friday, body adopted, arrangements were made ment dnriug years they have been Gibsou of was Pittsburg, aged 13 years, found to organize branch the < waring on the whit< s. Governor Evans is con- leagues throughout assortment on the same deck. Provinces. fine fident that. General Sheridan will have a pro- position for peace from those Indians them- CONNECTICUT. selves, and that ufter their punishment the NEtV YORK. peaoe will be valuable. INCENDIARY FIRES. FAMOUS CHICKERING CITY _ PIANOS! AND VICINITY. APPROPRIATIONS. Springfield, Doc. 19 —There were four in- New York, Dec. 20.—The Congressional family'bibles ! sendiary fires at last The following are the appropriations made committee to investigate election frauds in this Tbompsonville, Conn., eight, which destroyed Charles house during the second Bession ot 'be Fortieth Cou- city, have arrived and commence its sessions Cooper’s as tntl tureo large barns. grea- recently compiled: Deficiency tor exe- to-morrow. Also, PIANOS OF OTHER cution of recon-truction laws and for tbe Quar- Commercial travellers are bolding meetings MANUFACTURE, termaster’s Department for the year ending here with the object of Iramiug a petition to June 30, 1808, $12,839,196.21; Military Acade- Congress to take action relative to the license COMMERCIAL. JUVENILES! A my for the year eudiug June 30,1889, 8276.512; laws of various cities and States. LARGE STOCK—ALL STYLES. Post Office Department, ditto, $21,069,000 00; The skeletons ot a number of martyrs of tbo Foreign Exporla nt Portland. We Consular and Diplomatic expenditures, Wallabout were discovered in ex- total have the BEST ASSORTMENT in the ditto, prison ships The value of foreign exports from this port City, comprising -----——- $1,212,434 00; Army expense-, ditto, $17,356,350; cavating a drain at the Navy Yard he past week amounted to 8376,557. Included in txmutive and yesterday, Ten Sets Oliver the and Legi-lative, judicial, ditto, $17,- and arrangements made tor their interment. he shipments wcie 11,160 bbls. flour. 120 bbls. copper of Optic, Brady Dotty Dimple 906,317.09; Sundry civil expenses, ditto, $8,174,- A memorial in opposition to the bill which ire, 70,500 lbs. bacon, 256,05* do butter, 17,610 do shee e, 31.200 do leather, 19,268 do Books, lAndendale, Silver and Kel- 97966; Pensions, ditto, $30,330,000; D fieieu- passed the increasing the on hops, 152,215 do Gypsey, Lake, House, duty cop- tshes, 30 000 do beef, 2000 do pork, 9724 bush cies for the year ending Juue 30, 1868, $4,163,- per, has received the signatures of peas, Stories. leading .80 sewiug machines, 383 bales cotton, 256 bdls. pa- logg Also, those very nice Annu- 026.64; ludian Department for the year ending mercantile firms. English ler, 5 casos boots and shoes, 1 case le ither, 2 do rub- BAILEY June & 30, 1869, $3,847,528.45; The Bank of was ier 2 als with Colored Miscellaneous, Candor, Tioga county, goods, puncheons rum, 50 boxes tobacco, 12 Illustrations, and the fine se- NOYES, $10,574,448.80; total, $160,651,885 85. brjken open and robbed Thursday night of •asos machinery, 100 packages mdse., 84,9624 gals. Petroleum CONGRESSIONAL BUSINESS. oil, 58 bbls. do, 30 tons bran, 179 bags do, ries of TOY BOOKS, published by Rout- 131,000._ 12,605 box shooks, 3600 s' ooks and lioads, 806,670 feet H2tw York. Dec. 19.—The Tribune Wash- 200 VIRGINIA. umber, 70,757 h,ops, pairs heads, 118 casks a'o, ledge, Religious Tract Society, Warne, ington' dispatch says the Senate. Judiciary 04 bbls. potatoes, 50 kits tongues and sounds, and Comuiitii.ee met today aud resumed the con- SUSPENSION OF THE “NEW NATION.” itlicr mdse. Cassell, among which are AUNT BOOKSELLERS AND sideration of the Senators but Dec. 19.—The Georgia case, Richmond, Rev. Jas. W. Hun- New York Ntock nud STATIONERS, Money (Market. lowing to the absence of members a final action nicutfs "paper, “The New Nation." which LOUISA’S, and Aunt Mavor. New roBK.Dec. 19.—There Is no in w»»s postponed Uulil the uext meeting. The stopped its issue some weeks change the daily since, , narket tor Money, It remains very stringent. The utmiRee had an informal conversation re- The editor re- Co wholly suspended to-day. i lemand for call loans is urgent with rates ot Interest Exchange Street, Portland. the bill before them for the reorgaui- the here with 7 cen;. to Bpe Ming Republican managers per currency 7 per cent. Gold, and some Dec 1G-Ooil&w2\v i«3t c-tiotf of the Supreme Court, but aving proscribed him, and announces himself ew transactions at legal tender rate In IN THE STATIONERY LINE nothing Eroaches currency _ definite was deeded. It is understood hat as a candidate for Congress from, the district, vitli a commission added of 4 percent. In the itocs thc.e was a the in treduction ot Mr. Wilson’s bill hascaused iD opposition to the regular candidate. Exchange difference of 4 per cent, We have a Fine letween regular and of thr e very Asortment of some, uiieosiuo s among the Judges, and some buyers days'borrow- How to Get Patents. ENTERTAINMENTS. SALKS. srs I'ailway shares and Government bon is _AUCTION kave been made concerning the lower; inquiries nteresl at 7 per ceot. to 6 7 For no — currency @ per cent, Semi sketch and chances of ot suoh a in -asuro. GEORGIA. opinion, charge. descrip- ! the passage u Gold on currency value ot securities loaned.— GOLD DEERING IIALL! Bale at Auction! AMERICAN AND tion. For application send mode] not over one loot ! Closing-Out The committee have also under eonsidetation COLD BLOODED MURDER. rhere Is consider ible tor loans on PENS, PENCILS, inquiry time to Dec 25tlif I shall sell at Store 229 Con- tbesiv rul a which have been sub- irldge over Bank statement and in size, and $16 first Government and lees.— T. F. piojiositlo Augusta, Dec. 19. In Charlotte, on Friday January liberal Stamp Florence,.Proprietor. ITNT1L) cress St., next to City Hall If very •• loll] missions are offered or such ENGLISH veuing, mitted in regard to a change in tbe naturaliza- la a aro-e iu the accommodations. CUTLERY, Specifications, Drawings, caveats; assignments pre- to close out the stock which consists ot t, di-pute Mayor’s office be- L'he Cloths, Dry tion it is a bill for that pro ent stringency has been about Jaws, and understood tween a negro and J.im-s A. a brought by rejected claims prosecuted. Interfi r- ! E Dec. ti I Goods, Housekeeping Goods, Glass Ware, Fancv Gleason, prom- the comiina ion of circumstances aiid sufliciont pared; Also, Monday veiling, st, purpose Will ehorily be mituredby the com- inent when Tablets Holders and Goods suitable for Christmas Presents; the metchant, .the former drew a.pis- tau-cs exist for Money being tight at the Library Inkstands, Cigar Inkstands ences, extension of patents, and appeals. Patents The Irish largest mit ee and reported io the Senate tor aet;on.— tol and present thrilling Drama, stock of Cuilcry lu the city ; Blankets. Ac. The killed Mr. Gleason. The affair Created ncture without the oi artificial means, Card ( ard Senator Williams’ employment combined, Cases. Writing Desks in taken out in all European countries. Illustrated i entire stock must be closed out, and 1 invite the It is thought that bill will Intense excitement. rhe order of the of the Treasury Secretary requir- 110 sent TIIE COLLEEN public to avail themselves of this to ob- form the basis of t e new bill. a of all tvood and leather. pamphlets, pages, tree. Address MUNN & BAWN, opportunity ng deposit public money in the Sub Treas- tain Staple and Fancy Goods. Senator cal ed on the Presi- which went lit o No 37 Park N. Y. oc21isd3m A conservative lry, operation on the urst of this CO., Row, Or, The Brides of Qnrryowen ! The store to be let— to be J*n 1st. EUROPE. no i possession given dent to-day aod a lively convei nation sprung .th having an influeuc upon the Money mav- dect8td F. O. Auctioneer. cet. Large amou nts of mohev With the.celebrated WATER CAVE BAILEE, tip on me finance question, in eonn-ctiou with col e ted f om the In- SCENE, paint' GREAT BRITAIN. ernal Revenue w. ro in the National Back Gammon and ed expressly for this piece. au allusion to Morton’s speech. Tbe President firmly'lodge Chess Boards! K. n PATTEN 3c Auctioneer. tanks, and Wall street had the use of this Goods! Miss JENNIE a CO., to him ou the of Cou- u capital Holiday KIMBALL as Eily with Sit'd the part London, Dec. 19 —The ter inability of the i nr speculative O’Connor, opposition purposes instead of call oans Irom tine selection of the beautiful Ballads of Old Ire- OFFICE EXCHANGE STREET. re-s a new th to his of to control the i Walets, Vienna Porte Scotch was not ng him,declaring great powers Europe action of Exchange dull ou tho basis nt Portfolios, Monna.es, Goods land. to its blame or its lie reit- Greece in the tr ublrs with 094nnlm'iouJ n, 1094 tor pi line bankers f udiff-rence praise, pending Turkey ] bids at 6C davs and Mr. WILLIAM SCALLAN in his double im- as 1104 for short The in great vaH< ty. Boards and and Avoid the Rush! great Positive Sale of Crockery and Glass erat d his views regarding tte taxation "f excites distrust in financial circles here, and 104 sight. Gold market hai Dominoes, Cribbage Buy Early personation ot ami men thusthrto-da at Myles-n%-Conpaleeu Danny Ware. bunds and expressed, in his message, and said there is a general falling off iu monied values. lively .opening 131st, bnt de- Mann. ilined 13 and rallied to 1354 @1354- The market tsoxrs. Water Colors, Pho'o. &c. Sales and Small Profits! he was in favornf a return to This distrust is increased the reassur- Albums, &c., Quick C.E. Churchill, Miss and the en- TUESDAY, Dec 22, at 10 A M. at offlee, 40 quick specie pay- only by »r Government bonds was and the fur- Georgia Langley, -lull, price tire in the La ami Glass in as ment. He critici-ed Senator Morton’s sp; eeh, ances of tbe French press. Even if Russia is :her declined on acconnt nt the shall offer great inducements in Watches, company appear piece. petiteCorinna, ONpackages Crockery Waie, part money pressure. In We have t>een appointed the wonderful follows. Granite Bov Is, but concurred in tbe Senator’s theo- not in earnest in her remonstrances it is the ;he Stock market the Bull Agents for Messrs. LOWELL WEFine Gold Jewelry, silver and Plated Child, in her arousing Songs ami Pitchers, Creamers, Sugars. many of party maae a further Dances. Teas and Tea Yellow and « till Jan. as wo a Plates, Sots, White Mugs, general opinion that she will not be able to movement in New York entnl this morning, and & BRETT and one their Ware, 1st, contemplate making having of In our business. Admission 75, 50, ami 35 cents. Tickets for sale Prest aud Plain Chambers, B. and Ewors, Soaps, Greece aid. larried the ptice up to 134. Rock I-land advanced change give any We are at under Hail. Spit Bowls.Nappies, B ikers, Cake Pans, Fudging AKK 4 MS AS. .0 In sympathy -ith but the opening the largest stock ot Gilkey’s Apothecary Store, |dc21dlt The press ot London generally unite in urg- 198J entral, dealings and Bean Pots, Scollops, Mugs Tea Pots, Ale Pitch- sere not active. A and su 'd, n n THE POLITICAL TROUBLES. tbe reat to a final remonstrance. sharp demons]rati ers, ^halr and Bed rut-h and ing powers vas na lcun 1’a Goods and Pans, Soap Troys, ilic Mall, one ot the s cks to the Fancy t Fulgor Apostolieus Irrndiat. Milk Sets, with a The T mes comma on the re- NEW Toys Spittoons, Pie Plates, Pans, Toy Dec. 18.—Several itmg speech iresent, c intest, which at bui STAMPING ever offered in this St. Louis, persons belong- opened 111) advanced PRESSES! clty^at prices lower than ever, general assortment of other wares Also Decorated cently delivered Johnson at the .0 and ing here who went to Aikausas lately to settle by Reverdy 111) strong. The R.ilwav market, generally, conststing oi Writing I)es's, Work Boxes, Ladies lino Gilt Cuspadores, Bvonzed andlesticks. Bang- Burbeck Institution, Tbe sum of Mr. mis de ot Central and R mk were and Gents Companions Smokers Jrwel Great Lectures! have returned with gloomy accounts ol the says: Islaud, favorably and new sets Jetts, Boxes, Healing ing VaseS, blower Pots, Baskets, Tobacco Jars, Johnson’s i- that trifles not tllected upward movement in tuvnr- of LETTERS for Plain and Colored Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Back-Gammon Match cnudit.'on of the country. Iu ou the policy should pre- by'he special Stamp- BY Stands. Ac. Augusta, tes a id rices were but Boards, Chessmen, Portfolios Watch all vent the preservation of relations be- higher business lght. Bor- Vsses, Stands, White itiver, business had 'eeu suspended peaceful ler S ate oonds and ing, are to show a l t in line. Opera Glasses. Parlor and DR. LIKEWISE, tweeu aud America. The Times hints quiet steady Express and mis- prepared fine of Samples this Tratrnpe, Croquet, Imple- C. C. BENNETT. In of the riotous behavior of the England lella’eous shaves -ullbut without ments for Parlor Croquet. Traveling Bags Card Re- 200 doz Tumblors, 60 doz Goblets, Sugars,Creams, consequence that the American obstacles to any important First j^u Klux, ugd the people were rapidly leaving tbe treaty ihango. We have on hand a fa l stock of their nicest French and ceivers, and Rocking Horses. Lecture Monday evening, Dee. 2)st, at 7* Butter Dishes, *'poon Udders Ac. should therefore be witbdiawu. 0 at Silver Plated Butters. iowu. Our stock of Toys are t"o numerous to mention; clock, Library Room, Mechanics’ Hall, when Spoous, Forks. Muss, Nap-1 tbrf tonics co-related kin ■■ffinriHic ^arkeu* English Papers with the LATEST STYLES ENVEL- we have everything in cha Toy Hue, bought at the to Healing by Laying on of Hands, Hinge, Ac. this morn- FRANCE. of will be MitMPni9, Dec. 38.—Toe Appeal lowest New York prices. presented, during which the Healing Influ- City and Country Trade ami all deelrona ot pur- New Yoek, Dec. 19.—Cotton a shade firmer; sales ence will ing s.< js i.i additiotl »o the news from Duvall’s London, Dec. 19—French official journals OPES to match. and We also hav e a large assortment of SLEDS, and pervade ami affect the audience in greater chasing good at »h. ir own prices, are Invited to at- >200 bales; Middling uplanus 5i to FJour—re- Wedding Visiting Cards, engraved or less from the that tbe changes iu the are a cou- 25^. LADIES* and GENTS’ SKATES. degree, deluding on conditions at t- e time. tend this stip, as onr instructions are to a-ll Bluff-, learn from pas-eugers just say ministry :eipts 3284 bbls.; sales C900 bbls., inclu'dngloou bb's. | every that militia fl mat on of the of the New 1 ear. C3P*Wholesale and Retail. Tickets the lot prerlons to New Year. dclSdtd ti'. Francis Biver by steamer negro Emperor’s programme poli- r od exra taie tor fir t half ot January at 7 44; for for evening one dollar to each person. and Sent to the which is liberal at home and and Western companion are being raised cy, pacific abroad. stare dud and 5 @ 10c lower; superfin Dr. Bennett's patients also all not 0 no CIIAS. DAY, Jit., <£ CO., [Ly* person* sc ne of disturbance. London, Dec. 20.—The rumor which prevail- state to 6 35; extra d 6 OJ to 7 3 ; choice do well able, will not be permitted to pay, but should Horses, Carriages, Ac., at Auction on their dowu- r 35@ 7 45; une 7 0(§)8 0; round Ohio7 10 #1 Exchange Hirer. call for free t\ the Our inform nt reports that ed in Paris that Russia had sent an Hoop kett, preceding lecture, at 1us o*- Saturday, at n o’clock a. m., «n te yesterday <5 7 75; choice do 7 60 to 9 60: superfine Western 19-3tls lawtill Room No. United ward met at Bar one company the Nov t dcIO t dtjal flce, 23, States Hotel, where he Everyuiaiket lot, Market Btreet, 1 shall (ell Hot, trp they Philip unfavorable note to France on Eas ern J 00@ R '5; common to good xtra Western 6 30 will continue until and at Helena auoih r. bolu @ further notice to heal the pick Carriages, Harnesses, Ac. Oi negro militia, q icstion, proves to have been a canard, invent r 25: choice do 7 30 @ 8 01; Southern dull and droop- SHORT without medicine*. wi l HARMON & 2». ou their to C-o.ss county where they to in sa.es >50 LORING, •Apl F. O. BAILEY, Auction ee-—». way ed depress the Paris market. t; bbls.; common to fair extra 7 10 @ 7 90; Sleigli and Furnace December 19,1808. d2t march to Kidge. One of th<- The allusion to ihe Eistern z >od to choice do 8 00 @ 13 00; California dull and up Crowley’s foreboding ques- -.-^ the notorious heavy. sa'ee 150 sacks at 5 75 9 0 via orn aud UNDER FALMOUTH HOTEL. dec,Ww comiiantes is commauded by tion made bv Lord Stanley on tbe 13'h of No- @ GOOD Pl.USH LINED but little lo 50 «j 11 50 via Isthmus Wheat dull and SLEIGn, \ I / Hawkias. aud baa commit.ed all sorts of out- in his sp 'ech *o his constituent- at tbe heavy a small sized McUREaOR St. vember, and closed abou sales A nied.and FURN- Paul’s Festival! l(g2 lower; 41,000 bush.; new last for sale liw. of Evergreen rages. Lynn Regis is regarded as one of the secondary No. 1 at choice No. 2 do 1 i1 ACE, winter, Eoqnlre robbed the Spring 170; ,*8 ft 1 CO, © GBEENOUGH & We are informed that they causes of tbe crisis in the East. latter an Amber 2 JONES, people price extreme; Michigan 10 for Shoe Market indiscriminately of every thing they could lay Corn and lo sa'eg Dealers, Square, PorilaoJ, The of Paris, Dec. 20 Ex-Queen I«abe'l < of Spain prime. heavy lower; 53.000 bush.; December 10. d2wis Ladies St. Paul's* Church, hands on, horses and mules especially. They old Mixed Western 112 to 114 in store an « afloat; TIME PROVES ALL THINGS! has made a visit to the at tbe Tuille- Will an a ad threaten Emperor Dew d » 67c 1 00; new White 10 hold Evergreen Festival at the have committed several murders, (g) Southern 06; -- ries. @1 --- death to all who reaiou-trate at all. We learn new Ye 'ow Jersey 09c @ 1 03 Oats du’l aud heavy; The Monitenr says the powers who signel sales 13.00 bush.*. afloat; do nominal N. O. CRAM, that the villian Upltam and bis crew have Western78}c The experience of the post twenty fire years has shown Reception Room, City Hall, the tre ny of 1839 continue to urge conciliation at* 6c in **nre Beef steady* sales new conclusively threatened to reize Col D. O. Cross and pui 230bbls.; on both 'lie Greek and Turkish pla n mess 9 00 @ 16 new extra mess 14 00 On the of nud Cross is out of governments. 50; @1950. Commission Evening Tuesday Afternoon him to death. Luckily Colonel Fork steady and sale- 12*0 bbl- ; me s Merchant, Liverpool. Dec. 20.--The Harriet, from quiet; new WHICH IB THE BEST COMBAJSTY and Evening of Wednesday* leach. 27 50 to 27 62; ola do 26 00 @ 2C 25; prime 20 00 @ OFFERS HIS SERVICES FOB THE Shields for Bos o. hack nd Dec 4id and 43d. Many of the oldest citizens have been com- put damaged, 21 5J, Lard quiet; sales 650 t erces; a ?o 1350 i icos IN WHICH TO will be to for re- -• diet »nn pelled to leave their homes, and those tna, probably obliged discharge steam, ary. February and M *rcli at 16} to Sale, Purchase, and Shipping oi Besides a large and choice assortment ot Christmas tlo-e s for ste m and f r have upt have been seized aud held as prison- pairs. 174j; 16} @ ’7}c 17} @ 174c Men handise. Emblems a id Monograms, tables are to oe devoted SPAIN. kettle rendered. Butter sales obivRi 25® INSURE YOUR LIFE to ers and hostages, like Upbant, Hawkias and steady; sep22d 1st t 'he sale of Articles ox Fancy No' die work and 40e; ^tat»'40@ 50 •. Whiskey quiet; sales Western _ this fact to save th. mselvcs from D-c. Dot's. others, rely pn Cadiz, ^.-Notwithstanding the proc- 1 02 1 03 iree. B ce firm «n I at AND @ quiet 8 @ 9c. Su- THAT THE GREAT i-T"Refreshments and Tea and Coffee will being attaok.-d. We await further news with lamation of clemency issued to the sales 2000 serv- recently ga quiet; boxes Havana at l'}c. Cofloe TGC. F.. .A., ed e^ch evening after 6o'd ck. interest. leaders in the late insurrection several of the quiet. Molasses-dull Naval Stoves great quiet; Spirits Toe proceeds or the s ile are to bo appropriated to ones have been About T Rosin 2 45 50 tor strairod. BBFOUTED OUTRAOSt BY TBS MILITIA. prominent imprisoned. irpentlne 454c; @2 of this Association will be closed lhrn slung the new church building. Petroleum steady; crude 1** to *7Ac; re0»ed bonded Library 73 altogether have been arrest d and coinmit- THEuntil Saturday, P. M. Dec. 12, when It will be Tickeis ot admission 2?cents each nr6 for $1.00. Mempbis. Dec. 19.—A dispatch from Little 3 @3ic Taliw quiet; sale 11 00 lbs. a* 1* Mutual Life Dec ieJ tor trial court matial. Bu-iness has re- @ Insurance at their New 17-did by opened Rooms, states ti-at the folio Was chained 12c Wool quiet and sales lbs rt Boer wing its uatura! and tbe a e re- firm; 5('0,000 474 @ Company sumed sway people from reliable quarters: 524c lor dnm©sdc Dec 57jc t»r combi tig. 70c tor OF MEW Corner and Sts. NATIONAL turning to tneir homes. 41 52c tor 69,- for 4 YOKE, Congress Temple O-t fbe morning of the 16 h, fair companies scjured, to pulled, tubbed, 4 to Dec. has been that 49c tor N >ils, 32, to 3•- o, 77«7, .or $8n 0. ibe annual premium town ot Lewisburg, shooting every Wheat steamer open afternoon from 2 to 6 FOURTH ENTERTAINMENT or THE COURSE OF to }d; per 7}a. on which Del ig 3 JIG,—the anuual ash dividend tor 1868 is $J14 48 or an addition cl 8447.97 lo Library every o’clock, THE marched t<> tbe store of Brenan of death be inflicted. the from 7 to tion. They penalty kicaiiu. Use. 19.—Flour 5 bei w» hundred ceu • and Saturday evenings 9J o’clock. authorized the state- dull; Rprin? extras G24 Policv, g per aud set Cre to it, after pouring coal The government has No. tor dc9d3w Per Order Committee. & Corey 75. Wheat quiet and e^s or aud dec lined 2 @2}c; Policv, 10793, $3000. annual p-emium 87G.OO the cash dividend being $6G.07-or an addition to Library Wednesday Evening, Decein’r 23d. United States ment that tbe tre of ace with Chill '-——■—1 of America, oil ou tb>‘ floor. Howard & Weub’s stores ly p- may f6o. 1 at 117 @ 118; No. 2 at 110| to 111. Coin the Policy ol $148 85, the past year, or u< any tiro for one. Cacti D. O. were al«o burned, and Mr. En Swess was on'y be considered an accomplished dull and drooping; new shelle declined 4c; sales »t WASHINGTON, Div’s Amt of Policy and Div’ds over to ex- ♦4 47c regular; tresli 43 ;a 43l,c; hi in dri d a Div’ds, pavts’ saved from bemg burned death by great Madrid, Dec. 20 —A riot broke ont at Taro, to quipt; A Policy for $5900 $2771,00 $35 iO, $8510.00 00 Dramatic No. 2 524 53c; 50 to o’d do nominal — $739 Chartered Art enipps. During the progress of th Are, Mr. In the province of Zamora, caused by the hos- to rejected 52c; 15*0 4?-',00 731, 2231.00 Headings! by Special of Caugrcw, Mate dull and declined 4c; No at 444c; rejected at ^ *5 X BY Cas. was h's aud bis of some of the to tbe Thusshowin .histobea **«nk ot the best kind and an > shot, pocket- rifled body tility people organization 4U 42 to 424c dull and 3 Live H