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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 38, No. 36): February 13, 1885

Maxham & Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 38, No. 36): February 13, 1885" (1885). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1120.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. mmm 1853. Steamer Woodstock; 47.s6i "^sinees Alex. Fuller; William Moor; Hallowell. 1853. Steamer Clipper; 41.10; S.B. Gilpatrick; Peletiah Gove; Biddeiord. , VASSALBORO’. O. S, PALMER, 1801. Schr. Antelope; to8l4i Enoch BURGEON DENTIST. Jewett; JohnO. Popd; Hallowell. 1803. Schr. Hannah & Martha: 93.- > OrriOB—M Haik Strskt, aj ; Stephen Tobey; John Agry; Halb- KISIDKNCB—« OvujiaB Stbibt. Oomcb wcil. or O^TCBSIX MBBBBi t836. Schr. Komice St Sally; 75it8; JPurt NiirousfOxid« Oat ootulanlly Benjamin HeWes ‘, L^vi ThatcMr; Vas­ •« Aand. sal boro’. ■ 1807. Schr. J.ane; ft.64; Joseph Hawes; Henry Thatcifer; Yarmoudi. P. A. TOBBRTS.M. D. 1809. Schr. Elean'cfrJ 66.16; Enoch OFFlj^ at SESIDJSNG£, VOL. XXXVIII. Waterville, Miaine- • Friday} Feb. iS, 1885. Crowell; Wmi-Brook’sf .. , NO. Brig Union; 181.63; Wm. Lowen;B. Ov CoLLsai HtbhT( Off. Elmwood Uotbl Brown, Jr.; Augusta. . 1810. Sclir. Carefline; 69.81; Wm. OFFICE HOURS. Vtoa Oool ObMr, in a cdrKer. She found them all talking Tl«3io9A.M« 1 to 2, «ndO to 8 P, H. Miecellans. about a Apace that was curtained off front ||jc ^atctbllU ^Bil. Pool; J. Webbet; Atl/gusta. JENNIE AND SANTA fcLAUS. the rest of the room, where they said the 1811. Brig John&Hannah; 180.89; ( A Tyne Story. ) tree was. And as they stood talking and John Hall; Captain; Boston. ykX^WAIJOBOIf, EPn. MAX ham. dan’l n. wing ShipN.atiVe; 233; Calvin Ballard; C. BT EDWIN HAMILTON. wondering what it would be like, and how ATidiHiY AND' COUNSELLOR ALL WILL BE WfiLt. Santa Claus Was coming, there wa.s a crash ] KDiToBs xsD rabraiiTOBS. G. fhild; Augusta". Ldttle Jennie did not know Santa Gaus. of music, the curtain vanished, and there . 1813. Brig Komp; 161.39 yftn. Bod- Jjldjr LAW, Stoves, Furnaces All will be well. I hcard^tbU bleet aMuranoe She lived id a Idnely Vermont farm-house, stood a tail tree, all covered with lights; Captain ; Boston. WATERVILLE, MAINE. Flung o'er the bordere of the unedan Ipherka. and had, for playfellows, the turkeys, her and spangles and candy and toys. And Augusu is supposed to be the head of Ship Superior; 366. Wm. Farwell; It gave me faith and courage end endurance ^ n.avigatlo'n on the Kennebec, but a .schoon­ Benj. Brown, Jr.; Augusta. fg’Cr^inal Defences a Specially,^ To walk serenely uii and meet the years. '* -Dick, and her c^ina doll Lizzie. She as they looked at the beautiful sight, there Like thp sweet voice of some ounaoling apirlt, loved Lizzie better than anything in the boidided in from somewhere a big, lat er W.I.S once built at Waterville. That 1715. Schr. F.ayette; iio.SJ; John We have in connection with onr Down tbruugh the hilonbe of the ni|^tU fell, world, and thought her a very oeautiful man, in a long fur coat and cap and was sixty-five years ago, and the builder M.K.indlctt; Captain; Wilmulgton. large stock of eoul'a fine car Waa M^llly tuned to bear it: doll until-one day she went to play with a gloves, with a iong gray beard streaming was John Cl-arke, an old Englishman, who 1816. Schr. SanchO; 46.37; Edward BEUiSN FOSTER. ''Allwill b« well." little girl from the city .at a farm-house on down from his nindy, pleasant face. at one time was very wealthy. People Harvey; Lewis Thatcher; Yarmouth. HARDWARE, All will be will. Why should we ever doubt itV the hill. Jennie held her breath. Was that San­ called the schooner '‘Clarke’s .Folly." 1817. Brig Dolphin; 143-41; James They laughed at the old man and told him Kean; T. B. Coolidge; ilaltowell. Courtsetlor at Law, A fine line of There were no blunders in oreation'e plan. This little girl's name was Eloise, and ta Gaus! Did he come from Boston, When Oud'a vaat mind conceived, and went she wore a white dress with a beautiful had he ever got her letter, would he bring her keel would never get into .sAlt water. Sloop Perseverance; 53; Moody Thur- about it, He waited for a Ifeshel and tlicn floated lo; Captain; Augtfsta. WATBEVILLE. Hwwbm not aided or oontrolled by man. blue sash. She had a great, big, wax her anything, and how would he ever Pa? lor & Cook Stoves doll, with reat hair, and blue eyes that know her ? All titis and much more his craft to sea. He is saitl to have Jost iSiJt. .'?ch'r. Hero; 67; Lewis Thatch­ The atara tlmt move in auch immortal beauty three ships and their cargoes at the time er} Captain; Yarmouth. that must be sold in the next thirty Through ihclr appointed pathways seooi to opened and shut, and and a china tea-set, whirled through poor Jennie’s head. .She •I.K.SOULK, tell all covered with real fiowers, and the wanted to run up Jnd tell him she was tlic French were dcsiooiling the Americ:in i3ig. Schr. Fame; 34; George Bib­ days. Parties about purchasing Our queatiuning aoula, if we but do our duty, nurse-girl made them tea to drink from it. marine. His heirs numlier fifl,- or more ber; Captain; Halloweri. Teacher of Music. All will be well. Jennie Kimball, but she was afraid. Then would do well to call and examine A new world opened for Jennie that day. Santa Claus shook himself and began to and they now have an ear to tlhe ground 1825. Schr. Debenture; 8652; Jas. Dhaler in First-class Musical Insiru- our AU will be well. Let not our hcarta be troubled She thought if she could only have a chi­ take packages from the tree. Jennie in the liopc of hearing of an award oy the KHsh ; J. Soulhwick; Hallowell. ^linti. W^itt tune Fianos in a thorough By paaaing clouda or absdowa that may fall,* na tea-set and a big dolly with real hair, heard him call children's names and saw Court of Claims, by and by. Clarke died Sclir. G.alaxy; 99.58; James Bailey; Large Stock and Low Prices. Wo must preaa brsvelv on with faith redoubled in Windham, Conn., and did not leave a j. .SoutHwick; Hallowell. manner. The glorious end will jnatify it all. eyes that opened and shift, •Ehe would be boys and girls go up to him and get dolls .. WATEBVIt-LE.Mh. I will believe that voice from heaven'a portal the happiest little girl in the world. When and knives and whips. Some ol the lit­ very large proiicrty on account of his heavy 1827, Schr. Wellington; 66; J. A

C!rt)3 iHaiI...,;0e{). )3, 1885.

pline was rigidly enforced, and the dis­ OUR T,ABi:.S GRAND OPENING NOTICES. M' tance between men and officers grew to iiiiatfrfaUlt Hlail. Look Here!—For I3.40, In advance, points.which even a fourth Corporal KbAWK LkRMK'B fltJNnAY Maoazinf. of NEW GOODS for the Holiday trade we will send the Mail a year, the Ameri­ could'nt straddle. Bni.MAXHAH. liAN’Ln. WING for March, heulnii A new serial ernty antitted, at F. y. Gitidridgc'sl In Watches, Boys of to-dav may think it fun to be a ‘ What 8hc Made of liar fjlfe/ cspachOv writ­ ten for Its p‘»Koa by Mrs. f.ydia n()yt^''armer, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware and optical can Agricullurisl (one of the best papers private .soldier, out it is'nt. KDlTonS *SD pnopniKTOiui. DAVID GALLERT. ofClovcIand. MiTm atorv vartT oontinno Goods I have a larger stock this season of the kind in the country) for the same The picturesque blue and, scarlet uni­ for eight monlha. A notably intoreHtlng ertl- form and jaunty laced cap, or symmetrical WATRRVILLE .. I-fd. 1.5, 188.5. cle Is ‘Alnaka, pHaf, I’renent and Futnre.* with than ever before. Can show you a larger length of time, and the American Agri- helmet seen in cuts are very deceptive; eight ohi Mart.’ Meyerbser. Iilndpalnter shown in Watcrville. I buy direct from over 700 pages and 1000 engravings, con­ .. .’J picture is misleading. Ity Why is it that railroad trains nre so and Volkmiin in * The Huored Mii«niana Seriea,* the Manufacturers, and give my custom, taining a world of useful information— The "raw recruit''of ’6r sugges­ much oftener stranded in snow-drifts •rheBficIi Bi-cenfennial.'The Music of The tive of FallstafTs model priv.atc, and when Uoae of Hharori * and 'Mr. Gladstone on Hn* ers the benefit of the one profit I save by and the three for only $3.40—the best out west, and even in neighboring states, foraging, a tramp. cred Music.' Dr, F W Conrad, of the Lnab- so doing. Can sell you any kind of a bargain ever offered. than in Maine ? Can anybody tell ? nin Gbs iver, is the rcpresentailTfl religions OF OUR Be a man ever so much a man, his im­ Join n dki depicted in this number ‘Buddhist Clock from f i to $50. Just look over my portance and conceit dwindles when he Arc the storms worse, the trains heavier, i HOUSEHOLD PANAOKA.'’ vVorship and Liturgy,* in an oxcecdiiigly ii.ter- stock of Rings, which is immense. Prices srawls into an unteazled shirt, pants too the drifts deeper ?—or is it because the osting article, and marry will be interested in short an I very baggy behind, coat too * U^aootistl^ld and (lladstone,* in which these lower than the lowest. Have just got in .Maine boys are better fained in the art two l.iiglibh statesmen are oomparefi and C')n- . BAKER*S long at both ends, and a cap shapeless traatcii. Dr. I'nlmage has a oiiarnoteristio aer* a lot of new patterns in Ear Drops, Bar as a feedbag. And-lhebrogans ! were'nt of overcoming difficulties ? lumber­ if mon. ' From Dungeon to Pabico/ on the siiL- Pins, Neck Chains, Gents’ Ch.-iins, Lock­ they just lovely, with soles six inches wide ing—in the woods, on the rivers, in the Jeot of JiMCph. and the a-tme subject is tr^uied and heels like firkin covers. in the * Q| ncea at the Bible History.* t'bcre ets, Charms, &c., and for such goods you Great American valleys,—against all kinds of obstacles ire nmny other articles and ptfeinn, und fine ll- The ideal picture of a soldier m.akes a need not look further. Can sell you any Of the many we are at thin, oor Veteran smile. He knows the knapsack, that depend upon strength, energy, in­ luf*tnitions, wliich wo have not the spxoe to pxrticiilariEO. kind of a watch you may desire at from OrcatcNt Cleaning Out Sale, prior to taking aceonnt which is cut to fit in the engraving, is an ventiveness, det-rmination, anything to Price‘ij cents a single numbc'.or 50 a SPECIFIC” of Stock, we would call the attention of onr nnwieldly burden with its rough coarse do with it ? yO'r. Published by Mr>. Prank Leslie. 53, 55 to $10 less than you. can get the same patrons to the following special contents of flannel and sole-le.ather and and 57 P.trk Place. Now York. one elsewhere. All kinds of watch, clock sometimes twenty rounds of ammunition i'yThc N. Orleans Expo.sition gives 'iirolUar wltb U>e artirle. FrontiiieiiC l otUarKi. Me., and jewelry repairing done to order. Get )rniniUU( where 11 wm first put iip4)n the inarkel) sAy, extra. .Mixed in w t'l thes: rejulition suggestions of a financial failure and its Rev. J. E. Raymond, of New York, a oeill ■wore writ thMM »lt Ilk* essentials like beatitudes, are photo­ my prices before purchasing elsewhere, prepAnhttoM coaeklw^*** ilundrr^ of le^rs REDUCTIO NS! managers have asked Uncle Sam for a young man in whom I’rcsident Pepper is from reliable and well known people of New EnKinnd graphs. c.ards, "aousewife.'' Tcst.amcnt, and be convinced of the 10 to 20 percent. (;/o< fmm remote HerOonR _of^ the Jipniur 1 Lot Ilnlf-Bleached, Table DamaskB at further lift of h.alf a million dollars, to get much interested, g.-ive a lecture upon the 2.10 'worth SSot pens, ink, paper, and oftentimes stolen I promise to save you. THAI- 30o. 40o. truck enough to loul a . All of this the Concern beyond apprehension. The “ Old-Time Negroes,” last Saturday even­ remwdjTc Yours ’tfery Truly, On the face of every pacXnge I. “ 3-4 bleached 35o. 60o. crowned with a double wool' blanket and million .already given is sunk out of sight ing in the. Baptist Church. He g.avc a printed the rollowing etatement: (> K “Shelter tent robed in a rubber blanket. F. J. GOODRIDGE. OUR CUIM 40c. II 550. unless aided by this trifle, they .say. griphi; description of the cabin in whiih “This Medirine la THB 'One shoulder and the hips support the 130 .\Iiiin St. Next dyor to .MalthewB BEI-lEFnndOVKEOFRHKDlf AXMM. | " Bleached 62 l-2o. 11 80o. the negro was liorn and lived: described MEIIKAI4OIA., SClAXaOA, LAMB II "commissary dep't’—an odorous hiver- Where then is the half million the mana­ Corner Miirkot. 7.10 1.00 SRck which often stinks with its mixture HACK dk BIDB, n-EVaiST, SPaAIBIS gers hoped ro divide among themselve-* his courtship and niarri.age, and ended and aaVlAEAi KIFBXaBRlA ANB 90c » 1.26 of bacon, pork, salt junk, sugar, cefTao, When the game closes If the lesson with an siccount of his conversion, and Horace H. Burbank,-of Saco, will be BOKB XBKOAX. HOBB and WEAK i.eo tr 1.50 tea, desiccated vegetables, rice, bits of supported for the office of Department L.I;NC18, lEXEKWAl. FAlItB. OBAKF Nottingham Curtain Lace, 186 *1 25o yesterday’s dinners and old scrajas husban the country so much needs can be se­ specimen of his prc.aching, for his hero be. and CO1.I0, COVAHB and COEDS, 1. ded with miserly care ag.ainst a day of cured for a mi lion, may we not save this comes an cxiiortcr. t'omm.inder Grand Aamy of the Uepub, I»VKNS,SAI.X BHBVK, 2.10 38a BI4BEDINCI and IXOBINO FIX-BS, and 35o II want .sure to come. Last half million for the next .shuffle and Tile speaker’.s command of the negro lie, at the Encampment at Thomaston, on 50a Oh ! the perfume of that CUr.ES PAINS OF EVERY OESGRIPTION. 4()c II 60a deal. dia'ect en.ablcd liim to make his lecture the i8th inst. He was a captain in the i» Loaded down in addition to the above ------4^1...... We.nrenlKO nwaro. «» n'>r yorre«ponde^teUji«^ thjt fiOc 7So 31st Maine Volunteers and a prisoner for It will (In iiiiirh more brjl'lns. , (( Unovr It will cure with a canteen, full cartridge box, belt, very amusing, though he protested his CKOUP oml ill»o X«*SX1 AVMEl limt It l> E'^A mcctinj' of the members of the cquwlly in cBewclonu on wll llvInK crea.wM. ;Lace Bed Spreads, Pillow Shams, Lambrequins and Tidies at the same cross belt and musket and start on a aifn W.IS not to hold the colored man up seven months in the hands of the enemy. m on iiinti. lull wnjprcicr to clwln* le*. «ni.o wo gunning tour’nt fun. No, it w.a.s'nt. Unitarian Society was held at the church can fttul let the public rtiiMJGVcr for lineU the wooderiul I \ reductions. Please remember we have a great many more to ridicule, for he had high hopes of the rtsoun-cs of our remedy, imd by each a coureo oar A graduate of West Point in his nobby Monday evening, to consult in regard to By various codicils to his will. Gov. mctUciae ticcoinef, alter once irlwl. Bargains, and uniform is a thing of beauty made to in^ the procurement of a pastor in place of progress of the race through education Coburn made some important changes in "A Household Necessity.” spire n boy’.sadmiration. His c.arri.age is and culture. »r One Hottio prove* oar claim* and CMt* Kev. Mr. Rowen. who still urges (he ne­ Ills benefactionsT At first he willed to but Fifty Cieat^ Be niir« you art our re^y - snperb. His posing in tifi position of a «lo nnk be pat oflT wltb a»tblf^el*«« ^hfor WE BUARAHTEE TO MEET ALL IRJSES, ^ soldier makes an nnflcdged aspirant for cessity of his resignation. The evening Anonymous Letters. —Last week, Colby University, $250,000, wliich he re­ »'OJttFAT AM KHlCASr MP*OiriC/» ore- pfiied hy Muiirice, Buker A Co.. Portl.tnd, Me , and if ON EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE. military honor green with envy. U.idar was spent in a free and harmonious cx- finding a Watcrville local scandal had duced to $200,000; to the Maine Insane your driiMthi or dealer doc* not h.'VTe It. ho may obtain been made public through the press, we I u for you of any wbolewile drugslnt In w»ew Liigland. the most trying circumstances he pre- pre.ssion of thoughts and opinions in re­ Hospital he gave $100,000, which he re­ Mrves an immobile face. No amouni of thought it proper to aiRidc to it, which r»“Satlsfactlon Cuaranteod l-*l gard to the wants of the society and the We offef the advantage of Selecting your abuse or insult will cause him to forget we dill as carefully as circumstances duced to $50,000; and his codicil in rela­ MArmCE, BAKBB Oe CO., OkemliU. himself. But the recruit of 'fit in his qiiililies needed to meet them. A defi­ seemed to demand ; giving no name.s, and tion to the Classical Instute reads as fol­ I'roprlclora and Manufactorera, Fwrtiwnd, Mk. Goods in the best lighied Stole in the State, baggy contract suit practicing “eyes nite invitation had been talked of, but leaving tlie courts to derelope the mate­ lows : rial they had in hand. A lady known ir. right” is an object of both pity and ridi­ some points were found to demand a lit-* And whereas in my said will I did give We invite eveiy consufner of DRY GOODS cule He has lost his identity, and .all our vill.age fioin childhood, pursuing tie delay, and the meeting was ndjourned and bequeath to the Waterville Classical h’a claims to equality with even a fife- dress-making for a livelihood, a widow, Institute the sum of $100,000, now, h.iv- RODERICS to favo) us with a call, and convince them~ major are ignored. He finds it harder to to Sunfiay next, immed ately following and childless by the recent death of an ing given to their endowment fund the hold his temper, than to hold his little the morning services. Af time prob­ only son,—in poverty, and .slowly sink­ sura of fifty thousand dollars, and having selves of the fingers on the .seams of his trousers, hence ing in apparent consumption,—was ably more definite action will be taken. jiven the Coburn Classical Institute their the first day's drill usually ends with sol­ fliarged with having for a long time pur- juilding at an expense of over fifty thous­ emn promises to "lick'’ seven or eight .sued wrifi'ng anonymous Icttens to many and dollars, I hereby revoke said legacy. corporals ,nnd a lieutenent, “when the EVjohn ItoH AV-ants help I—perhaps families, in a way that indicated a wicked Great Inducements war is over”—and a night in the guard he is not crying aloud for it, hut since .system of black-mailing. tent for calling the drill-sergeant ofTen- the fall of Kartoum his necessities are so Our notice last week produced a request SPECIAIa IVOTICR. from the .accused lady to call and liear her We are offering at this, the greatest Cleaa- Slxely arbitrary, and needlessly obvious to the whole world even lit­ in rehearsing such d—d nonsensical gy­ defence. We have done so, and hhve Mzss A. A. Gleason aulctina at Blood, Bronchlil*. *“®**S*^ Wbooidits Congh. and all dieraee* of tbe ing Out ,Sale we ever held. rations. tle It.ily charitably ventures to offer him made such other inquiries .as .seemed to Announci-s thal atie ha. Juft rrcotvod a ni-w lino Throw* laSd LnoBo. I'repurpd have a bearing upon the charges against Ite FroRcrlDtlan of one of the late leading It may seem improbable, yet it is a fact a helping hand in an army of 35,000 of riirkisli Latins. Fell*, I’liisli. AnasPiie Phyalclon* of Portland, Maine. Famonn her. for bl. akill Inanrirrry.and ymUlyanfor Mist the transition from faultless neatness what she c.ills soldicr.i. O, Johnny ! Cbinilb', Criwcls, Emboiders Silks, - Atrertlono or tho ThrowkjMk to heedless indifference—to filthy habits Slie protests her entire innocence, and Ourini would it not be better for you to “haul fur paieh-wurh. Etching niul *vuh a aucceiaCCentt unknownuuKiiut^u’ wjto Buyany other preparutlog. —changed men beyond recognition. her ignorance that such reports were in Knitting Silks, finporied in your horns” a little thsn to go begging stirculation against her, up to the time of EVERY High spirited, opinionated and accus­ Y'arn, L:n*n Ouuits. A tomed to advise and direct, they could in this way ? Those only will .assist you her arrest. In answer to her inquiries of a variety of An DOTTLE GUARANTEED.„ „ w the two men who took her from her room lAi'nflnd bfarin mind It Is WoG a Qaack niy brook the insolent contempt of his who arc worse off than you are. Italy Miitoiiial.s. Ucdlclne buta rulmbic family remedy. Ai'k lor claims by a commissioned ignoramus, to the office of Hon. E. F. Webb, s'le DAVID GALLERT. A Lnrgo a*tnd Elegant AnkOrtment of PAT' RODERICS COUCH BALSAM, and so practically became subordinate will demand in return tint you |lift her was told only that she would know when .nd XAKn NO OXHEB. For ’’i'iT.o I'EKX.S FOU KTrtaMPIXO. Everything New lj)« utid rertiihity In cnrin« It I* ineampttfkkAy in every sense. up into first class company,—where she she got there. After a briefexan-inition, rod (irlccs rcnxonable. kuporlor to any other n-iueUj. Land Tkansfeiis in this vicinity dur­ Oakland.—The rooms of the Natiomrl 1 remember a collegiate—a royal good without counsel, and having never before Cjr. Main nniJ Templc.stn.) Watcrville, Me. Mold by all Sealer*, Price, Sft Cent*# will never get except over your misfor­ Dofuild, Brown dis Co.* Portland, ing the p.ast week :— *ind Saving.s Banks at .Memorial Hail, ftllow too —who lost his self- even seen a court of any kind, she L'hina.—Kennebec Savings Bank to have been re-arranged and will be newly tunes. You ivill sell each other in this Choice Tea.s and Coffees at Peter Dc- respect, and wis only brought to himself dismissed, avithont comprehending th Frank I’ercival of China, land inC.,$536,- painted, adding greatly to their conven-' and obedience, by the use of a corn-broom barg.ain,aand;at a high price,—for you ac­ conditions. She has since been told that Rocher's. 36; John M. Priest of Vassalboro, to ience and pleivsantness...... The Observer and brpqk avater. knowledge no “upper ten” in royal socle her c.ase was “ dropped,” without being James S. Priest of said Vassalboro, hand expects to be called soon to record some­ taken further than Mr. Webb’s office. “ Ei.MWootJ Market,” is the name; A “pnv.ate” is anything but frivite. ty but John Bull. One step this w.ay in China, 8200. body's death by the falling of the loosened There is nothing in or about him, that is She claims tliat there is a conspiracy to chosen by Messrs. Dow Bros., & Vigue,l| brick and mortar on the front of Memorial and you break your royal neck. Take Cbnton.—Oren Smith ofyClinton, to respected as exclusive. The day that he ruin her and her business, and she con­ for tltclr place rtf, in Hanscom 1 Alonzo Coodrich of said town, lot in bury­ Hail. There already been one slide firms her .a.s.scrtions in many points by is enlisted sees his whole person exposed it if you will, for it will be because you building, which i.s a good name for a very ing ground, $25. , large enough to endanger life or limb, or S to the critical eye of the surgeon—his strong rc.asons. She thinks most of the Oakland —Lizzie M. Gleason of Oak­ both...... i’rof. B. F. Hayes, of Bates col­ must. Nobody this side of the Atlantic good place. Inngs sounded—bowels manipiilated— parties who have received these letters, land, to Benj. F. Dudley of said town, lege, will deliver the sixth and dosing will care a straw. Irishmen excepted, who and whom she had counted her friends limbs bent—joints cracked—teeth ex- The following officers of Waterville land in O., $350 ; Carrie L. Wood of Clin­ lecture of the High School Course. Pro­ amined-eyes tested, and undergoes the stand w.iiting to “mock when your fe.i and customers, have been deceived in im­ Lodge. 1. O. G. T., No. 37, were install­ ton, to Lizzie M. Gleason of Oakland, fessor Hayes will be rememberf d by many alosest scrutiny, in se.arch of cutaneous Cometh.” Put down Kartoum among the puting them to her ; but tliat a few others half of real estate in O , $125 ; Granville of our citizens, quite a number of whom are in a combination against her,—th: let­ ed for the ensuing term on Feb. 2d, 1885 ; i •ruptions .and va icose veins. things you have lost, and charge to the —W. C. T., A. I'. Gilman; W. V. T., ' D. Pullen, of O.akland, to Fred. S. I’uUcn. were his luipils, as a popular and snccets- After a few short months the lice claim ters produced indicating this, and also ful teacher in this village some thirty yean, account of Gladstone ; and take care that Ernie Macomber; W. S., C. P. Toward ; | of said town, land in O.. $500; Thomas close acquaintance, and the wood-tics ex­ that both men and women are concerned W. A. S , Minnie W.ishburn; W. F. S., 1 S. Perry of Oakland, to Manley D. F'arn- ago.—[ riie Observer. plore the second and tlrrd cuticle. his .successor be not one of the few who in it. Annoying and insulting p.ackages m best TH1H8 mm ham of said town, land in Oakland, $400. have suggested men ratlicr than women, Elmer Craig, W. T , (iertie Brown : W. Shooting Aftray —F. E Carpenter, In camp, his tent is ransacked. His in tint place dare to fear G'od and work C. Calista Bates; W. M., Thomas Vose; Sidney.—E. Z. Whitman of .Sidney to knaps.ick opened evpry Sunday morning by their vulgarity, and by dis­ postmaster at East Bethel, shot WIliaBs righteousness. W. D. M., Matilda Penney; W. I G., WASHING^»=BLElCHnTG William L Spearin of said town, land in Halliard, Sunday. He fired at him three to the view of some Inspector. His closures lately traced out. IN HARO OR SOFT, HOT OR COLD WATER. Thus far we atone if atonement is due Maria O. .Macomber; W. O. G., Samuel S., $425 times, one shot entering the back of the gun, equipments and all there is on or The CtTiEZNs' Receetion of the Gov­ SAVES EABOIt, TIJIK und SO.AP AMAZ­ Vassalboro —Caroline A., Frances J —for any share we have h;id in a cruel Osborne; P. H. S., Martha Gilman; L. neck and lodging in the jaw. No anyste about this private, is made conspicuously INGLY, and gives nnlverual awtirfaetlon. and Noah B. K. i’cttingill, all of Augusta, ernor and Mcmliers of the Legislature, at wrong this woman cl.ainis to have suff r- H. S., Vira Willey.^______have been made. The wound is not &- public. Although the U. S. A. Regula­ No family, rich or poor should bo ■without k. to Horace B. .Sturgis of Vassalboro, laml tions guarantee him the exclusive privi­ Augusta, last Friday evening, a brill­ ed ;—basing all largely upon her own as­ Sold hy nil Grocers. JJEWAItEof Imitations tab Carpenter had had Ililliard’sNrile ar- ’ Ol’R Schools— well dosighod to inldend. PI3.\RLTNH is the and builclin'g.s in V., $400 rested for tlieft and she had been sent to lege of keeping his opinion of olfieers iant :iifair, hut the attendance from Wat- sertions. Further than this, we a Ivise Names of pupils not absent one half those who would do her justice, especial­ ONLY SAFE labor suvlng compound, aiic M atcrville Lev i Butler Waterville, to j jail for lack of bonds. For this reason Htllt- and measures, as his private property, he erville was not large in numbers, consist­ day during the term, A. V. Drummond, llwnys boars the nbovo lymbol, and nnmo of Carne Butler ol said town, land in W., 1 ard had thrashedCarpenter. While Hilliard is tortured into expression, and then is ly good women who have never before JArilES FYL3. NaXY VOBIC- ing of Repre.scntative F C. Thayer and teacher ;—Hanie Emerson, Herbert True. $1000; Esther Dusty of Waterville to (',. ; and a man named Swan were in a sleigh, ^ published throughout the army as 'pcej- heard her impcachad, to go personally Emma Knauff, Nellis Murphy, Liitie and her defense. ’ " Dusty of .said town, real estate in W., $475. j Carpenter began firing. The third snot ~ adicial to good order and military disci­ wife; Col. F. E. Heath; O. M.Moorcof Ward, Harrie Hall, Belmont Jordan. Car­ ADVICE TO MOrilEllS. pline,'’ and he gels into the gu.atd-hoiise. ------I hit llilli.ard who leaped out, choked Car- ■4 tilt .Senti.acI; L. A. .Moore and wife; and « Polo —The niie of three will hardly rie Phillips, Lucira Morrill, Gertie Booker, .trr ycu (tiutnrhrd nt night und br*(krn ' A, Guild n« New.’ 1 penter and took his revolver away. Hilli- There w is no aristocracy among the Callie Richardson. 1 vnur ro“t by u ,irk child ,iitTeripg und crying W. A. R. Boothby of the Governor’s work in I’olo. To be sure the Massots ■ , , -' - . , . J , ■ “ u“c i|ill»tr. By dru;»:UU. good word for our boys :— 1‘iilpltatlun, Di optienl .Swelling,. DUzIne,,, In Syrup fnr the GhIMren Teething is pleasunt tfi nebec county Superior Court. b.sthe in and drink from the same stream, lace. the t.asf*, und is th * prp.<»cnptif*u nf i»neoftlie . The Elites are fine looking and well- (lig'Hlon. Ilendnehe, .Steepltiasnea, cured by Barnum’s great show is coming east th* whether prior or sulrsequcnt to the wa­ “ Wcir, Ilontth Ueiiewor.n olduHt und best fern da nursoe .und phyaiciuiiH Dynamite.—Tlie evidence against Mrs. F. E. Boothby, Port'and, pink ensuing season. The report that the show vering of the brigade mule* silk with white lace draperies ; red roses built young men, and in ilieir neat uni­ to the IJjiit d Slates, and is for sale hy h11 Cunningham, arrc.sted at the time of the “ Bough on C'lrni.” druggists lhrouj{h(»ut the world. Price li) cts. is to lie divided into three parts, is incor­ Smau.. and red ribbons. ' forms of dark brown presented a pleasing late explo.sions. through the use ol dyna­ Ank fir .tVells’ “ Itough on Corn*," ISn. Quick, hJ h /ttlu. rect. Corrections.—There is no escape Mrs. C. C., Winslow, bl.ack effect Mr. Drummond, their goal lender, complrlc Cure. Hurd or uuft coroa, wiirta, bun- mite in the White Tower and Westminis­ excelled anything seen here >et, and the even for corporals. One comrade says satin and duchess hce ; diamonds. lonr, Mrs. !■'. Honnk, who has a .stoiep.acketl ter Hall, Ia)ndon, is accumulating, .and In I’ickens county. South Carolina, the shirts were plaid instead of gr.ay. Miss Whitman, y:issaII)oro’, spotted applause his phiving e.irned was richly- the authorities have no doubt that they Tuesday, Dick .Mulligan, while drunk, deserved. The tlilcs accepted their de­ " Rough on Pain," Poronood Plniror. full of nice tilings, particularly for Ladies’ Another says 1 was'nt born when the “In- muslin cut with loose draperies. Strenglhe'iiiig. Imprni-rd, the be“t for bnrkuchr, have got the right man. hurled a chair at his wife. The chair pain. In tlio cliurt or ride, rheumntlam, nouratgln. and Cliildrcn's wear, lias a word for her jin fight” took, and that 1 lied about feat with good grace, and tlieir bcluivior missejl her, but hit his little daughter, who from the time they came upon the floor The Somerset District I.odge of Good “Captain.” Ui?'* In connection with the intense ex­ Thin People. customers in this paper, whicli they will Templars will hold its next regular meet­ came in at the time, and killed her. Blul- until they left it showed them to be thor­ “Circus-Rider” and ‘‘Circuit-Rider" citement produced in England by the loss Well*’ IlnaUb Iteneiver." reatorr* lienttb and do well to heed. She is well up town, ing with Loy;dty Lodge of Skowhegan.on ligan, who was sobered by the tragedy, ough gentlemen. vigor, niisr, Dyaprpfin, lloadnallo, Nervousnraa, went to a bar room and cut his throat. may mean one .md the s ime in the ,lf«// cf Khartoum, there is something very Debility, fl. but do not fail to call in and examine her Frid.ay, March, 6th. The members of Loy­ dictionary, but the former will nut apply is the kind ol compliment we wish alty Lodge have signified their willingness The skaiing rinks are now deemed flt suggc.stive iilhn to a meeting of ■ Whooping Cough slock and learn her prices. to Col. H. in any w.iy. It presuma-.; and ibe many throat Aircetion, ol children to entertain all visiting members and it is .subjects for legislation, and a hill intro­ bly amerror of the typo, who made me Liberals hy tlic Earl of Roseberry. A promptly, ple-iantnly, und »*rely rrlleTcd by The hardw.rrc (lealers wisely join those their desire that there be a large attend­ duced into tlie Legislature, provides that ter than winning a game, cspeci;illy if it is Italauni, 2Sc. aay lots of wicked things. Even Hard- sentiment snatched here and there, shows ■ Rougll on Cough*.'* Troche,. LiO. who close their stores on Tuesday and ance, thereby insuring a successful scs- rinks shall be licensed and remain closed acrabblc has pride in her ignorance, which done by doubtful methods. sicn. between the hours of to B. M. and the the tone of the whole ; Mothers. Thursd.ay evenings. All hands will live has a limit. If you are r-iitlng, broken, worn out and ner- the longer for it. sunrise following. “ The Sou(Jan cat.astrophe has been Tlie Home I’arm of Augusta, can hardly voil«. u*o “Wells' llou'th Itenower. ' *1. Drug Both houses of Congress liave passed a We arc sorry to learn that Mr. Samuel sent to test the patriotism of the country.” find languiige sufficienrly strong in wliich glsla. The Good remplars will hold a Parlor bill granting a pension to Mrs. Sarah Sampson, of Bath, the well known army Hayward—late of W'aterville, but now of “England might he severely tried and to express its condemnation of Senator Lifo Proiorver. Sociable at Honest John Britt's, on Pleas­ grievously wounded, but she could never If yo'i irf* loslnif your grip on life, try “ Wells ant Street, to-morro'w (Saturday) evening nurse- PROBABLY NEVER Boston, is failing in hcaltb,and is notable Hcatli for his speech ; the proposed Health Keneirer,'’ Goen direct .to weak spoti. be crushed.’’ 1 l.TBS»OKTA.i(T7 Miss Margaret Mather, the new In the history of proprietary medlolnet htf to get about much. — Maine Eerlilizer Control and Expuriiiienl “ 'Yl Toitbiinhe.” theatrical star i.s phiying at the Boston any article met success at homo equal to ihal ------. “Every nation in the world has had trials and undergone crushing troubles, Station, while voting for it according to Inatant reM >f f IP Meurtilitla, Tontliacho. Face When you vDlt fir li’avc N'»'w Verk City, enve Pheatre on an eng.agement of two weeks. wliich has been poured upon lloou's Sama^ Many people all over the civilized aoho. A«k fur "Uoiigh oq TuothacUa." IS & '25e Baguijt'h.xpriBdiiiju uiKl ('hiiirlugiriugc’ Hire urnand fttup (fne Imndred years ago, England suffered pledge implied to the Republican County el liiB Graod Utiloii Hotel oppueitu Gratid Ceu* J', IVLvRtiARET Mathek, the popular ac­ rAitiLiaA. ^^'lly, sucli has been the sueeou world wil be sorry to that intelligence humiliation as great as any in history. Pr'Ytly WomoTi* trul Depot. tress will be in I’ortland several evenings of this article, that nearly every family la eomei of the death of Chinese (fordon at Site had just signed a treaty giving over Convention. Taadli'* who would rotnln fra^hna**and Tivacity. Kl«Ktt»t rouiuft titted un at H coet of one mil in tlie first week in March. whole neighborhoods have beeu taking It ak Don’t fall to try ' Welle* II«»Uh U^newer.” Hot) ilottare, rertuct-d to fl UO and upwards, per the same time. Every week brings new ert* Khartoum. The fo lowing are all the par­ her fair provinces, now the United .States Our New Bridge.—Notwithstanding flay. Kuro)ieftn plun. Kh vutor. UeRtunrunt eiip- A heavy snow-fall tliroughout tlie of America, to independence, and Cararrh?tl Throat* plied will] the beet. /InrAe Curif, St-tgun and Klc- denceof the wonderful curative propcrtteagC ticulars that have come to hand : — the severe weather, work has been going MorkinK. irrUqtltitt CoiiKhe, Colile. flora Throat, v.ult'd lirtilruad t) ull dcpolff. Kuinlliurt onii Mvu, .Monday, interfered greatly thU medlclno. compelled to surrender to a successful re­ oiired by ' Uxiirh on Conghs," Trochee. 15c. better fur luxe money at tlie (irnnd HutuI llmo at with railway travel, and in Cliicigo the It was le.arncd that one of the treacher­ bellion of her own subjects.” j forw.ird, and they have the two eastern Idquid, ‘2So. uiiy other llr»t c1u»b hotel In the city fall was so great as almost to suspend Combines Iba ous P.ashes among Cordon's forces march- “Our loss to-day is not the loss of ter­ spans ready to swing dear to sustaitt their business. Hnatrh on Itch.” Some months ago a party of girl- Hood’s Best Bemcdlta •d the garrison to the side of the town, ritory, it is not defeat in battle, not yet | own weight. Those who have the over­ on Itt'h" onree hnmore,eruption". rluK* worm', tetter, e lit rheam,, froeted feet, chtlblalni. artists fouHil picliirvsqiu! skotcliing- Good and bad are mixed in the news o( the Tccetabltt saying that the enemy was expected at that have we suffered the remotest shadoiV of kingdom, and la point. An,other opened the gates and al­ dishonor.” sight of the work, are confident that it groimd amoiiiig tlio granito (itiari-ioH fiom Egypt- The .satisfaction at the res­ Sqrsaparilla\ The Hops of The Netionv cue of Col. Wilson i.s neutralized by the such proportlMi lowed Mahdi's troops to enter and capture “ The country must extend sympathy will lie done within contract time if tlie Ch'Ulron. eloiY la dHYalomutit, puny, scrawny, of Ciipi' Ann, .Masruiuhiisutts, and and dcMontP, uc« '• Well’d Htmllh Hpnewer.’, positive report ol Gordon’s death and of ns to derive their greateft medicinal eBests the town. Cen. Cordon was subbed as and support to the government, during weather is favorable. tlioy madu a numliei' of dra'ti’iiigs with the least (Ilslui-bnnce to the whole sys­ he was leaving the Covernmeiit house, the outrages in Khartoum. Colonel Wil- this unexampled trial and strengthen its They have the southern span of the Awake which will appear in {the fortlicom- tem. In fact this preparation Is so well bal­ *0 ra'ly by th; f.iithful troops. Th; lit­ hands to meet the crash.” three Of four- hour* every night coughing. Gel .on commanded the e.xpedition to Khar- anced In Us action upon tho alimentary ter were cut down to a man and for hours liiidge in Winslow up so that it immediate relief and Bound reel by uelng Well*, iug Mareli llaiper's. Miss I'dlcii Day toiini, and on hi.s retreat from that place “It behooves the Englishmen to-pre­ Hough on Coughe.’* Troche* 16c,: BHleam,2So. canal, the liver, tlie kidneys, the stomach, the best part of the town was the scene sent an undivided front to the enemy, and stands . lone. Hale, the 'daugliter of Edward the steamer was stranded, forcing most tlio bowels niid the circulation ol the blood, . * of merciless slaughter, not even women to stand .shoulder to shoulder whatever ' Bnu»h on Fein” Poroused Pleeter: Everett Hale, lierself well known as of the iiarty to take refuge oii an island that It hrhigs about a healthy aotloa of ths fltrong(h<‘ning, Improved, the beet fur backache while tlie remainder brought through the and cfiildren being spared. All the not­ may betide.” The meeting-house at Riverside. \ as- a rising.artist, was one of the miin- entire human organism, that can hardly b« pain* Id the choel or eldo, rheumittieiu, nouralgl^ news to the British post near Metemneh. ables.was killed except the treacherous “All Europe has been watching to see sallioro’, was uurued yesterday morning, ------— ' ------bor, but instead of contrilinting credited hy those who have not seen tha rs> with all its contents.^ Wilson has now been rescued from his markable results that have followed Its ns*,' »> . I’ashas and their followers. how we took the troubles and whether we Ou Tuesthy we had a soaking rain, that sketehes she lias written the paper wcie enervated by our prosperity. We perilous position and one source of anxi­ If the Bnrsaparllla does not prove suflletend* Congregational Singing, pure and filled the snow with water and made it on tliu granite industry wliieb the Kev. J. C. Ei.dkk—Colby, i860—has must abandon indecision and show firm­ ety is removed. Bu4 he brings particular ly laxative, take a few doses of IIooD'n Vbo* simple, is what they had at the Baptist slumpy. Freezing soon, it left the roads pietnres illustrate, giving in a cliatty accounts of the betrayal and death of ETAHLE I'lLLS. It Is Well In all eases sf been pastor of the Church of the Eplph- ness." biliousness to lake these pills In eonnesttoii Who but England herself has hinted Church last Sabbath, with no show piece, in some localities very rough and almost way an interesting aeeount of stone- Gordon and of the slaughter of the Egyp­ with the H.arsiiparllla tor the first ten dart. anv ill for fifteen yeais, tians. There now remains no question That dull, sleepy, sick feeling can be wbolhr she is in danger of being "crushed” as the choir is bruksii up. Mr. Philliruok ilangeruuH fur harses. but business Is eulling in general and tiiesu quarries overcome by the use of these remedies. Win and the anniversary was celebrated recent in partieular. One of tlie most' enri- ol treating or Icmporiziug with the Mali- you give them a trial and be |auruil tgUaT by* the loss of Kliartoum ? Who has led the singing with his own unsupported moving a little once more. A little warm diorof withdrawing Trom the Soudan, ly by the congregation with ajiprojiriate ons facts site lirings out is the idio- . An ex-ahlcrman of this city says of Hood’s talked of "dishnnor,” or threatened a voice, and tlie people seemed to be well weather will make It all right however, j I'he nopular cry in England will be "On ceremonies. 'rhe thennometer indicated 12 below, on synurasy of various cities in tlie j to Khartoum,” and no ministry can stand BarsupiiilUa, "ItIs the slruugest Bsrsifn- —,. ,------^ “crash” that is likely to make an extra satisfied.' rllla I ever saw." Mr. Amos Rollins, the old stage-driver, Monday morning: the same on Wedne.s- matter of pavements, I’liiladelplna in wliicli slirinks from using the strong liand, dem.ind forjliritish patriotism ? Does she All extra prayer meeting on 'i'uesday imrtienlar "insisting uiion liaving os- died in Be'grade on Wednesday, at the day hnd 'I'hursday mernings, but this Bach dollar bottle contains one hundrsd fear the frowns of the outside world, tint evening, lias been lield in the Baptist morning, though quite sharp, gjives us peeially long and fair stones.” The nr“The heaviest snow storm of the (averages) duses. Bold by all druggists. - age of 84 yrs.______siason” is reported almost every day, she begins so e;irly to exhort her own sub­ Vestry every week this year, nolwith- milder weather, article and its iiietnres form an inter­ Price one dollar, or six tor five dailon, _ "file Maine Central Kiiilroad Conip.iuy ♦ ^ • ------< m — and from ahnoiff everxvhere. The cold- Jiood's SarsanarilU. prepared onlr hyC jects to "abandon indeerston antr’slTo'w sladiiig tlie bad weatlici and tVaveHinj;, esting’exaiffpttf of reniTiiin'e co-oper- has put in two new- iron bridges just be- Cicorge Carey s'guilty of whipping hl.s cst day is reported in mucir the same I. HOOD a CO., Apothecaries, Lowell,MMs the imeresl .seeming to ivarranl it. atiun. o v C.irdincr (iminess ? ” ; wife, is in j.til tor thirty days. fashion. ' I K^Use IlooD'a Tooth-Fowoxb, '"N ^aterbiUe iMail.. .ifeli, 13, 1889.

% nt WAT^IUE MAIL ATTBWTI0I¥. The attention o'f those who are lookintf AW IHDBPKNMNT ^AltlLT NEWBPAPEB for the best place to supply the, temporal Read To-day! I POBtillMBD BTEilT FbIDAT. wants of life, is called to the fact that In W»t«rvlUt, U*, most cases you can do as well or better, ------AND — among your own tradesmen. Remember f MAXHAM & WING, that the prosperity of your neighbor tends Editor* »nd Proprtetori. to your own. For the more substantial ■PH.'lIAXHAH.___ DAN'L K. WINO. needs see Deut. 30.1 nii H- flour Remember What You Read! Itbemo’•».«#p«y*" and all kinds of feed for Beast and Fowl, tj|J,eO. Slnfl* Cople*. At* oenta. look down to the Grist Mill formerly oc­ 1 —■ -.Mr dUoontlnnrd mill »ll «rre»r»gM cupied by I. S. Bangs. 1 pftrfng f Jiff past Iwo weeks our sales of TEA have Increased (iVoro than FIFTI ******P°l>ll»l|»||^ 37,tf. ^ A. F. Merrill PERCENT. Oiir customers siiy this |.ih<- finest wo ever sold thorn. Many si ] pAOT 'FWN, I’ANOS fc PHTBIO. EXAMINE OUR 1 ALLGOODS TITPRIOES fl WE ARE GLAD GOODS NOT ON il Is Iho best they ever bought A'l' ANY PRICK. -! DR. O. FITZGERALD, dtuck, the Largest A III V 11 buLd who has made so many remarkable cures, A Rangor parlv who drank them here, bought THtlEE POUNDS to take ^bom- will again visit Waterville, at the Elm­ Another from Belgrade wrote us that he had Tea entiUgli fur three monthif but m-i>. lo'isiKS.'SSS: i Wobtained lor a CHEST of thi... The Price is l,,,,ltl*ce, b«t they «honld reraemb»r **'*'1 wood Hotel, on Monday, Feb. i6th, re­ as represented K I” wiitor ra«b«« » pre»«nt h* namr tnink* of maining one day only when he can be con­ and ' II Guaranteed |MAIiWATS At short notici \ to Show Goods I I Iboylntany***'"* e*p«n«lTO. sulted on all Diseases Free Of charge. Dr. We are selling White The Skating Rink will Gel your Windowthe Best nnd fl If M 50 centsII per lb.—3 lbs. fo/ ^1.40, I Do windwlobf* oome from th* Bandwioh l«l- Fitzgerald makes Organic Diseases a spec­ H Wc manufaclnrc TIN ^The Best Kerosene Lead and OHever cheaper offered. be’*’ openas renrcaenlod.soon ; now is ■ DoorThe Screens LOWEST.and before quote Prices. landB? Of coOTte not, bat oonBumption ialty and is meeting with great" success. ware, and can sell the Stove In the World I — I eomeB Irom nffleeted cold«. And » than ever. the time to buy your the Hies-come; we have best at very low priees. try ll, and If not satis­ Ipr. Bull'* Oongh Syrup Ubon In limo will *«ve Look for his Beautiful Four in Hand ad­ Roller Skates. wire cloth, all widths WE BOUQHT 40 CHESTS OF THIS TEA, vertising team which will be on exhibition fied, it can bo returned I mnob iSlftrlBg. It is about titne to buy and colors. Psint, Varnish, White­ anil If you nred Tea poon try one pound ol thiB. I A modical •nihorlty remark* thnt • in the public streets, on the day of hi ar­ a Kerosene Stove. The I mm, OT oeollUtlon ol the eyeb*l e, ie on a^l'P- rival ~— Buy the Gardiner wash, Morse. Stove, This Is the place tnhuy I tiform affection of the cerebellular ocnlomoto- Tubular is the Largest Springs and Axles ior Kerosene, Lard, Sperm Scrub, Window and Wheels, Spokes. Rims, Leaf Lard in Tubs and Llalf Barrels, rial oentree.* W* had forgotten tbia, and Beft. your Carringes. and Neatsfnot Oils, al Dust BRUSHES, in Shafts, and Carriage I Oakland— ways in stock. Officer J. P. Hill went out to Oakland, great variety. Goods of all kinds. I point* will etoape one'* mind. Steel Tire, Rehncd Pumps Repaired, and White Lloniiiiy m 5 lb. Linen . I A eUrtUm fact'. Heart '* list week, and secured evidence against Iron, Norway Iron,. Job work of all kinds WDynamite, Blasting 4y REM EMBER-wc Do you want a'Con’- db.We!^'"h?:\bTr£«u- Clarence Ilorn, saloonkeeper, for the il­ legal sale of liquor, that subjected the vi­ Bands, Hoofs, Rods, promptly attended to nnd Sporting Powder, have everj’lhing you Stove? sec tho NEM Ferris & Cos Hams and Boneless Bacon. ~ IL ATOB. It fina cured thoneande, why not you / olator to a fine of $100 and costs...... Nails, Shoes, by experienced work­ Fuse, Shot, Cartridges, want in the Builders’ ’■.Atlantic. lii oo at droggiete. Free pamphlet of t. E. The singing school of Mr. .Mower Crow bars. Chains. men. Caps. line. Nails,Glass-Locks Small Pea Beans, Wholesale and Retail, llogtlU. OAnibridRe, Mass. has been very successful, and he Knobs, Butts, Hinges, CyPalcnt Roller, a d I -Dick why don’t you spunk up and ask Hat- IliB whether Aha will haTe you or not and done is preparing to give a concert on the last Cuciimber-w’d Pumps, ty We are agents for Tin Gnltcrs and Cnn» Rollers and Hangers, Coninion Blocks Coril- IwithVor really don’t 70u want to know? evening of the school. He has proved, all lengths. Iron Pumps the celebrated Heinisch iluclors made and pul Sbcnihing Paper, ic. age.'rwine. Lath yarn Another Car Load of KJO White Ker. Oil. I'Tee, that’e it'/ 1 really don t want a no. what w.ts well known before, that he is a ■ill sizes. Lend Pipe, Shears and Scissors lip at short notice. Woo) twine alw sys in I , Throw Away Truesee very efficient instructor in vocal music. Chain Pump Tubing and “True Vermonter’’ Carpenters! if there is stocK Bring the Cash and Look ai our Goods. Iwhen onr new method ii guaranteed to perm*- ...... The young ladies of the Universa- and Chain. Sheep Shears, and the We have a lull stock ol any tool vou want, wo InaniTv etr^kihe worst ca»es of rupture without list society are preparing to present a pop­ best mske of Scissors Viirnlshes. Jnpansi,' can supply you. II you would have the IZ uW the knife. Send two letter etampe ular drama. “ Rebecca’s Triumph.” anti pbcltcl' Knives. Shellnes and Palnls.'-of Ifer oainphlet and references. World 8 D'eP®"' Have y»u seen the Wo­ test Kerosene01. '^AN Itar^ Medicel Aeeucialion, CM Main Street, all kinds. We sell the •‘World’s buy tho NEW Pment Mr. David Gallert, our reliable dry man’s Rights Clothes Waterville Tea & Coffee Store. lyGnods delivered Fair Prize Churn.’’ It SwippigFnueetC.ins. 1 Buffalo, N. Y. goods dealer, is out this week with a con­ Dryer? It will yay promptly, and free of ryPure Paris Green, has stood the test for •What is poetry?' aelts an exchange. 1 oeti7 for Itself in one yearl 5 gall.n 51.SO, 10 gall tinuation of his annual clearing-out sale, charge. for Potato Bugs. twenty-five years. «2.25 on I’oit. and in his advertisement he quotes prices whltii llabv was sick, we Rave her Castorlil, whM aha WM a Child, ehe cried for Caslorla, low enough to bring in buyers from all When the wae a mUb, she clung ‘o Oaatorle, HANSON. :hanson. HANSON. HANSON. HANSON. IThen £e had Children, ahe gave them Caetorla quarters. Great Reduction in Prices . M ' - -...... ry Robert Conforth, Esq., one of raxtreme Tired Peeling:. the best citizens pf Oakland^ died very OF ■ A lady tella ua "tile first bottle bus done suddenly last Sabbath. He and his my daughter a great deal of good, iter food daughter resided in a house together, and AT doei not distress her now, nor doca elie the latter went to church as u.sual in the suffer from tliat extreme tired Ming uliicli forenoon. On her return she found her ■he did before taking Hood’s Karsnpnrilln." father dead, hiving evidently breathed his Peter DeRocher's A second bottle effected a euro. Ko other preparation contains such a eonccntriitimi last shortly after she left. It eitalMng, enriching, purifying and invig­ lyHon. Abr.iham Sanborn, a distin­ DIBIGO MARKET, orating properties as Hood’s tiarsaparilla. On account of the continued mild iveather, guished and widely known lawyer, died will be found a complete line^of 'WATERVILLE MARKET. at-his home in Bangor on Saturday last, Meats, ,£C'e Jind ourselves overstocked with heavy^ Beef brings 8 to gjc; mutton & lambs aged 80 years. He graduated at Water­ gc; Fowls i6 to 17; Chickens 8 ville College in 1828, and was admitted Fish, AT weight goods, and not having room to pack round hog 7; BuUet 22 to 25 Cheese 14c; Eggs’a.^; Pea Beans $2.00: yellow to the Penobscot bar five ya.irs later. Af­ aWay our PP inter Garments, tve have decide eyes0e\f0m. same pricenrice !; AiApples 1.75 per bl.; 1 o- ter several years practice in Kenduskeag « Oysters, tatoes 50 cts.; Squashes ic per lb.; Cab­ he removed to Bangor, where he con­ ed to MARK TOWN every garment to bage ict. per lb.; Turnips ic per lb.; tinued to reside till his death. Clams, DUNN BLOCK. Turkeys i8cts; Oats^38 to 40. Hay,>l2. Mr. Sanborn was twice married.-aiul prices that will ensur e ItsSPPiFDY SALE, leaves five children, both wives having Groceries and LEGISLATIVE. ' died, the last a few years since. He liad Do not neglect this oppor tunity for securinp a five brothers, one ol whom, Hon. Daniel MORE BANKRUPT BOORS! Brunswick can be a one-horse city any Sanborn, married a sister of E. L. Getch- I Canned Goods, GREA 1\BARGAIN. time when she ple.isc i, the Legislature ell. Esq., of Waterville. “A fine schol- j-,. „ . i tt liaving given her leave. ar,” says the Bangor Courier, “a gentle- PIJIC Oitrainecl 11 OUCV, A remonstrance against the extension man by instinct, suave and affable in his S. C. MARSTON. of the Skowhegan and Athens railway was manners, of fine personal appearance. La eenls per pound, Waterville, .lannary 8, 18.S.6. presented. able and eloquent in argument, he has A lengthy hearing had on tlie bill been one of the brightest and most shin­ Ill U ii nutliorizihg Waterville to draw water from ing lights in the profession which he Nice Beef 1 ongue., Snow Pond, as a source of water supply adopted.” ^ 14 cents per ptmnd. for ’that town. Oakland opposed the And all other Dry Goods, measnre and Col. G. T. Stevens appeared Last Thursday, the Republicans in the The Rest of GREAT BARGAINS as counsel for that town. Messrs. John Illinois legisl.itiire nominated Logan for Ayer, Samuel Blaisdell, L. D. Emeison, U. S. Senate and the Democrats nomina­ Corn Beef A P. Benjamin and Joiin W. Libby, mi l ted Moriison. Scents per pound. Furnishing Goods, Robber Goods, &c. owner, on the Messalonskee stream, A train was blown from the track on which issues from the lake, were called as the Colorado Centr.d road, in the storm You ran save money by buying goods Crash. .T c Can.brle.a. very nice, 4 1-2 c witnesses in opposition. It was held of last Wednesday. The entire train from me. Gingham?, 6 c. Silisia, extra, 8 c that taking water from the lake, would so i was thrown upon its side in the ditch. Yours truly. Print?. 4c Cheeked Shirling, 8 c reduce the amount of water in the stream Of the 20 passengers, i8 were more or as to-greatly injure it for furnishing pow­ less injured. ‘ Peter DeRocher. Extra heavy jard-vvidn .Shcelmg, 5 c Bed Ticking. 8 c er. E. F. Webb, Esq., of W.aterville ap­ A collision occurred Saturday at New *■ •* lUeiichcd “ Cc Donnelt Flannel, 8'C peared for the interests of that town. S “ ‘’114 yd.-wide Sheeting, 8 c I. Abbott, Col Heath, N. Me.ader, Col. Brunswick, N. J., between a freight and Dreas Braid, 8 c 1.5 Bangs and Ur. Thayer being called an oil train, setting fire to the oil. which Spool Silk, 1 c Ilnmhurgs, 2 c For the Next Ten Days. Sjjread through the streets destroying Spool Cotton, 1 c as witnesses. everything in its course, factories, dwell­ L’vo.o Edging. 5 c The Committee on Agriculture voted MISS JOSEPHINE SCRIBNEH Adamanlino Pin?, 2 c Ladies’ all-linen Collars, 2 c “ legislation inexpedient ” on the prepo­ ing houses, etc., the property lost reach- PUPIL OF ing $750,000. Three men perished in the Cfirl Zerrnlin, Nfr**. Flora E, Barry, Children's all--woi)l lloec, foil Gents. " “ per doz." 60 c More Molasses, sition to bind the reports of tlie Secretary fashioned, 12 0 of the Board of Agriculture. flames. I and Mrs. IT. M, Smith. Towels, porleotly clegauf, ' 10 c The indications .are that the Capital During a row among the res’1- . will receive pupils In Good Corsels, 28 c Double Wool Shawls, $1.60 More Tea, dents in Eureka, Cal., a city official was Punishment law will not be disturbed at T’'oice ChUhvo, English and Kalian Ladic.s’ undervosi?, very nice indeed 80 c Lot Faney Dress Goods, fl c present, although several petitions have killed and a white boy wounded by stray ! Singing, More Oil. Berogc Veilinir, double widih, 5 to 16 c Ruhher Coats for Men oml Boys, 7fl c been for its repeal. It is held that the law shots, whereupon the citizens held an in- i TaeMrtns given nt the ro^ldenee of tne pupil has not yet been given a fair trial as it had dignalion meeting, and forced all the dcfllred, aitf. 'I'alilo Oil-clolh, 26 c Paper Collars, per box, 3 c ' More Sugar, no victims. Chinese to leave the town for good. j Horse Blankets. 25 c 3 eases Men’s Heavy Underwear, 80 t* On Temperance very radical legislation A train on the Burlington railway near Fine Wool Bed Blankets, $1.25 More Coffee. will probably not be recommended and the Cardigan Jackets, 36 c Creston, Iowa, fell through a bridge Sun­ Cotton “ “ committee do not favor the imprisonment day evening, to the icy mass below, kill­ 60 c l.adies’ & Children’s do., 26 to .60 0 All New Stock, and will be sold at the Same for. the first offense against the liquor law. ing six p.Tssengers and employees, and Rubber?, 28 In 33 c Gossimers, from 25 c upward A bill will be reported providing that injuring many others. The accident was ^ Rubber Boot?, $1.00 to $2.60 Boys’ Knee Pants, 75 c Low Prices. women may be elected by the people to due to tlie breaking of a rail from change j MRS. F. BOMNE, the office ol Register of deeds. in weather. , dealer in The Megantic Railroad matter is prac­ General Earle’.s, division which^is trav­ STAPIaE FAIVCY GOODS, Molasses, 35 and 45 cts. Tea 48 cts. tically settled,'both parties accepting the Neza Dress Goods in Plaids and Silk and elling on the Nile route toward Abu na­ French and American Corsets, amendment calling for building a connect­ med, -had a five hours battle with hostile PVool Armours, Oil 15 cts. Coffee [^Boston yava^ 30 cts* ing line. Arabs Tuesday, and was completely vic­ LadlHs'& Children's Oomfnrt Cnrsels, The committee on the extension of tlip torious. General Earle, however, was LACES AMD LACE GOODS, At about Hair the PHoc Charged KlNcwlicrc I liiH lot til AKHsASSlvS is llio lmv(* linl this you*. Onr OIL U tbo Oele Slate House voted “legislation inexpedi­ killed while leading a ch.^e. ’ hraicd .MAVL1',I(;K (Walcr Wliile.) Oiir COFFKK is iho Inst that money can ent," on the proposition to enlarge tlie NOW IS YOUR CHANCE IF YOU WANT FO GET l>uy, and c'tn<:erninjj[ onr TLA, wo will s{in|>lv say : it it don’t suit you brings i| j::apitol building. The committee will rec­ Benj. Tukey, an odd and highly rc-'' HmliargSipp&Iirtiis, hack ami ;;t*l your money. Wo are Kcllin;; a lar^^e tiinount of gooda. ommend tlie appropriation of $2,000 to spected citizen of E.urfield village, died nnd Knillinp Sllfe*. construct a fire-proof vault to contain pub­ on the 6th inst. A DOLLAR’S WORTH FOR FIFTY CENTS. lic records. The proposed vault is to be Embroidered and Plain Flannola. And are Selling them Very Low. The bill for the public building in Au­ FrieigDM .fc P.'tNHeiiioiitrinM, Como and see that w«! are not talkint; for buncondi, but that located just north ol the Secretary of AT THE State's office. gusta, has passed Congress. | TIUM.MINOS OF ALL KINDS, W E M E_ A N B U S I N !■: S S, 'Passed to be engrossed—Resolve ap­ Those in want of Winter Clothing, Ladir.-v’ Li^lit and Heavy Hi-:idv-mado propriating $1,000 for a Home for Wo­ would he to take advant.age of P. S. men and Children at Ueering; act to in­ Heald's desire to close out his stock be­ UNDERWEAR, Custom Tailoring at Half Price. OLD RELIABLE ” CORKER MARKET.” corporate the Boston and .Maine Express fore Spring, and buy ‘low while they can. ! \ 0. E. MATTHEWS & GO. ^ liitfiiits’ Wnrilroh^M a sfulM f*, rt’nn luiKT lluii we Imvu a Wailing Kooin and Privalo Toilet in onr Co.; resolutions on Gen. Grant, similar Grange.—O. A. Uow.nan, F.tirfield, ^ Specialty. ri'. to those of the House, were p.assed uuder been appointed a member of the’Ex- suspension of the rules. Til*- late exieniioii - f mir Stere afrartl. u. »nore ecutive Committee by Worthy M.ister Ro- li'zlit, which wilt enable u. 10 eliow our guoit. to The amendment proposed to the bill for bie, and S. C. W.ttson of Oakland, John a g-ent deal I,- tt.r ihlrantuge. building a bridge across Moosehead Lake B. Ripley of I’ittstbn and George T. Tib­ Unmi! aii.l sec us. We will make Low L. A. PRESBY & CO. is likely to avert the fight which was im­ betts, Ninth Eairficld, are among the dep­ PriibG'. pending in the House. By the terms of L. A. PRESBY, R. W. DUNN, L. B. McIntyre. uties al large. 'riiunklng t’lo pnbll 1 for pv't favor, wo hope this amendment the Megantic folks will Tor a coatiatialice. have to build a branch twelve miles in Nine inches of snow fell in Mississippi length to connect with the Bangor & Pis­ and four in Selma, Alabama. Snow also .’aKs. F. no:ii\'F. cataquis. The Bangor Whig expresses fell at Shreveport, La. j - - - -■------the opinion .that this concession virtually Horrible.—Eighteen raving maniacs j ,. % 7.1 • 1 1 overcomes the strongest argument against were burned to death in the Insane De- PaOteS 1\ IP lit RobcSy the bridge. partment of Blackley Almshouse on the RECENTLY ERECTED FOR US, The committee on Banks and Banking west side of the Schuylkill river, Philadel­ ' From 50 ce ts upwards. .^ml iu connoctiou with our SHOP, wheio wo shall koop a stock of voted “ ought to pass” on the bill allowing phia, last night, the lath. Ladies Chemise, Drawers. Corset Cov­ bfinks to invest in water bonds in towns of Very Pretty Valentine cards are display­ ers. Wrapper?, Sacqiie? and Skirls. ITardzvare. Stoves. Ranges, Pumps, not less than 4,500 inhabitants. ed by our dealers. W' rkitig and Faney Aprons, The Educational Committee will recom­ ill largo viiriely, to select^pipe, /Inc, dldss, Tin-w(ire Jc Kitchen Furnidcing Goods. mend an annual appropriation of $300 for Ironi, at Oak Grove Seminary, Vassalboro; also, Wo caiijstill 1)0 (oiinl lit tho OLD ST.VNI). roulvt) *’CATCH ON" that the sum of $5,000 be appropriated for .11 Its. F. finishing the new building for the Indus­ trial School for Girls; $4,000 for running In Wnteacille, Feb. 4t1i, txY the wife of M., To all yOBBIA G in onr Line. L. Page, H HHi). I the school in 1885 and $6,000 in 1886. In V6 Htorviilc, Jnn 27th, to the wife of Rev.' Special uttontionpuid to Till KuufiiiK: uiid Piiliip Repairing. The Committee on Agriculture voted W. S. Molniire, h daughter—Wiiinifred Etbe-! Boston Daily Post, “ ought to pass " on the amendments pro­ liiid. i Thanking our patrons for past favors, wo hog a oontiuniitico of the same. omiTaiiiliu Market lleporlfi, Hhip Klnunclel If you wish (or soma hibiting tLe manufacture and sale of oleo- News, lltitel Arriv.ils aiii) Uenentl News, nbtrgafine in the .State. ( N^O STAldlH TX) ClilMB) CThe Committee on Temperance will re- Carriages, ^9.00 |icr your. pprt a bill that a “dump" and other ap- SEHI- Choice Ox Beef, iJianices for liquor selling, found in a shop In fikowhegm. FeU. 7th, W. R. Oifford, nnd Boston WERKLY Post. BRIDGES BROTHERS AC. shall. be regarded as evidence of the sale F. Belle Nell, both of S. Iflfluod Moii'inyii andThursJnpthrccduys* Ship OALTa AT News hi each imper, Mniket Ueports and Gener­ oTliquor; that penalties for liquor selling al News, ^ sjiall be increased, but left discretionary gcatljs. vflth the court No action will be taken $:i.OO per year. DOW BROS. & YIGUE’S. of the proposed amendment that’ United States licenses shall be taken as evidence In thisvilinffe, 10th inst., Mm. Oily® Bhnw, Boston Weekly Post, Where you can find il. Id losuivcnuy. Notice uf Seouml wife of Mr Wesley Shnw, ngm) 36 yni | 10th, Issurd Fridays: eontslnt all of tho itapurtant' Meeting.' of the sale of liquor. Mm. il’iry Lohs^u, nged 27 yrs. STATE OK M.VINE—Kcnncbee Court ii( In. An order to equ.alize the salaries of In Sidney, Feb. llth, Mrs. Glisi L. Brnokett, CTPiits of the week, also correct markt't quota* TRY OUR CORN BEEF, CAR-LOAD county officers was indefinitely postponed Hons. Clubs of sia for #6.00 |>er year. ■ulvrticy. In Ihe csB« of CII.VH W . H TKV'KNB. Nged 82 vm. and tee what veu think uf it uf SVati-rvlllo and AKA 11. NKI.HON, of Daklund, by a vote of 86 to 40. In Oakland, Feb. 3>1, Samuel fl. Famgon. tjll.OU per yvar. InsolvoDl l>**bturs. Cream Wheal Fluurlue, the Best Flulir aged 74 ym. 6 infM, Those pajiers nio viiluabln iinalliinis This U ii> glv« notice tliat pursuant to an nrdar W-iM in Maine, v 6<40 In \ugnsU, Feb. 12th, Mr. OranviUe D Pull­ of Court thereof, a vecond ineeilnK of the credito ■ - ..Crash on Crash ! and all other goods en, of Oakland, aged 66 yearn. for advertising, rcaeliing its thoy du a THE CLUB HOUSE SAUSABES. of said Insolvent Di'btors. will be Iiehl ali'robate WaHfihm m’.s Superlative, 6.26 In their store, is what Preshy Sc. Co. ad­ In AvbUnd. Me., Feb. 2d, Mra. Lnoetta 8 large elaasef busievas-mt n. Court Hoorn, in Augusta, in said county, on Mou vertise in our colilmns this week. Read Parker, fo'merly of Oaklnnd. agHl 86 yenm,*— are as giied ns over. day. the 7:id dsy ul February,.A. D.. 1K4.>, i.t F.iuey Ruller Prucess Flours, 6.00 mother of Mr. 1. A. Parker, of Oakland. Rhn UATteS OR AUVKIITISI.VQ: 2 o’clock in the afieruoou, for the purpose* imined their wonderfully low prices. • $1.00 jter square (H llnus) 6rst luserllou. 50 cU. In Hectluu .'iU, of the Aut of suld.Htateof Mulne died at the residence of her daughter. Mm. sntitted "All act in rrlailon to the IHisolvent Lav s James Rowland. ■ \ per square T8 Itiiut) each oonliuuaiict*. Big Slock ul Meals, Fish and Groceries, Our Water Bill, In the Legislature, has of Maine,” approved Kebrunry 2\. 187H. In Angunta, Peb. 9ttv, Mm. Adeiia MoOauS' POST PUBLISHING CO. Atleli: IlDWAUDOWKN. been channd so as to obviate the ohjec- land, wife of Henry Ii. MoCaunland, and only AT BOTTOM PRICES. ^ Register of said t'uurt^ tfoim. ofjiAlandT and, m daughter of Mfa and Mta. Qatirge F P aya. aged _____ 15 Milk Struct, Bustou,^------_ Jan. 24* IdM...... _ BUCK BROTHERS. u antierpated. yra, ••muSmoi, U days. n^nanjiiM Cirtje jUail... 13, 1889.

Fighting Sleep with Tea.—The MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD MISCELLANY, practice of taking tea or coffee by students, steam dye house, PATfiRtTS. 1 in order to work at night, is downright ^ v4i#gaMta,.inaine, Commencing Monday, Oct. 20, ’8 ..n " ~ ^ madness, when preparing for Fasiknoib Tbaims, leave Watervllloaft fo* R. H. E IS D Fy •jCHARITY . an examination. More than half of the EMILE BAliBIER & CO., lows— if. — wtrdod Ant premium ift II ftlne State Fair. 1970. Forrortlaodand Boston, via Augusta, B.lSa. 7 6 Sta test., opposite Kilby, Bo»toa.‘ cases of break-down, loss of memory, m, 9.16, a. m., 1.66 p. m., and lO.OO p. m. rnitMam R, WBITTint. ttMl» Sit miUr tor Tlilfl rclliiblcvfttftblliihmcnt hniiAgoncteathrougb' Securoa PatenUin the United Bute.: olMlm- faintiog, etc., which occur during severe JOHNSON^ANODYNETM iMt W*a4»rral F« Great Britain, France and other forlecB eoniSel^ ■xUTMl VM. —Vlu Lewiston, 9.16 a. m. . I Mm94f Itm> onttheSIftte, and largely patronltcdon account The pilgrim end etrenger who throngh the dey, examinations and far more frequently of he rery Kfcollent Work. For Bangor, Bllsworth, Aroostook County Copiei of the clatma ot any Patent rumlebcd b« DiphllmlV Co.and 8t. John, 8.26 a. m.,16.C0 p. m. remitting une dollar. Aurgnmenu recorded i Hold, on the deeert hl« trackicee way. than is commonly known, arc due to this. Croup. Aathmik. Bron* I.adies’^DtetiM And Oent’i OATnieAts tr Wathington. No Agency In the United SUfae Where the terrible eanda no ehade hero known. chltlB, IC«ar»Iala, RhsU' pay Troublaa, •n4 spinal For Belfaatand Bangor, mixed at7.16 a.m.—an I lre([ucntly hear of promising students m»tUm^l»«DY,Botfoltor ofFaUnU. learned in almost every instance, that the Whooping cough. ercr rolled orfiUlcd, rrAniehed equal to new. No | excepted): and Pa8sengerat6 00 P.M. TKSICIgORIAU. — all. LimMENT tjsb. Crape greatly Improved . • Punman Tralnscaoh way every night,Sundays Prom hia Unt-door at erening the Dedmiui victim has previously drugged liimself Orape and Small Pareeli undertbi. can b Included, but do not run to Belfast or Dexter nor . >'1 regard Hr. Kddy aa one of the aoet eOBokU Hoall; with tea or coffee. .Sleep is the rest of and.^ceteful practitioner, with whom iTuiTa $nt bp malt, betond Rangur.ton Sunday morning. had official Intercourse.'* •• Whoever th<)n art whoee need la great. the brain ; to rob the hard-worked brain J PURCATLVe Pll IS RKNCn STEAM FEATHER RENOVATOR PASflXifoaH Thaimb are duetrom Portland via In the name of Ood, the Cnrapaaalonalo, p^KiniEW. iRIOH BtotfO.I | | l■l■W Augusta, 10.40 a. m., and from Portland and Bos- CIIA3. MASON, Commlsilonar of Pataala. of its necessary rest is cerebral suicide. Feather Redft, Pillowi, Bolster 9 and Curled If air,i And Mcrcifnl One. for thee I wo it I” ton at 3.17 A. M. dally, 4.50 p. ro. and 8.40 p. m. •• Inventor, cannot employ a per.on more traef .My old friend, the late Thomas FolltlvalT OUIJ aCK-nXADAOnB, BHlouMSy. and •UtTVTO and oSmS'llrnll’ thoroughly cleansed by atCMin. Upholstered Fur* —Via Lewiston, at 4 48 p. m. Pot glfla in Hla name of food and root, BLOOD POlSOl^and 8km Dlaoaaen jONB BILL A IWBB). For C^ipj^ni* v nituro cleanaed wlthoat damage. Carpets and From Bkowheigan ».0& a. m.,4.40 p.m.(mixed.) early and favorable con.ideratlon at Ih. wTuVl Wr ght, was a victim of this terrible fol­ hareharr no equalequal...... ^ And...... them. » ...... feeWUt Vowa^'^iSd alTryw^er^ or eent by LaceCurtatnseleansod and Anlshed as good as The tente of lelom of OihI ere bie"t. “In wy praetJoe I uee no other. —J. -...... From Vanoeboro’, Baogor and Beat, 0.10 OIBco." ly. Me undertook the translation of the r.&ma"ion F^ l'6^ JoTawAw [now. .'iloighTrimmings reetored tothuir prlml- 8.26J). m.mixed,and 0.66p. Tima who hnat faith in the t’hriat above, mall for 90 ote. in etampe. Vuluatle luiormatlon ItWe color, without beiqgrlpped. Gents'Uar* EDMUND BURKE, lateCoiniol,el6aerof Pcaeta' Shail the Kojhif teach thee the Lawa of Love? “I.ifc of Julius Cai.sar,*' by Napoleon III, FbkiohtT''bbains^ ,leaxe for Boaton and Port* ft l9 ft well-known fact timt rao*>t of Ihr mentft rcpslred. land, via Augusta. «6 46, AGSOa. m.—Via Lew­ It. H. EDDY, E.q,-De.r’sir; Jin ii*’!;. O Cbriatian ^Offen thy heart and door. and to do it, in a cruelly short time. He Tlunte ftiiil Cftttle rowilor nold In thl« mn:i Orders solioltcd hy mall,express orat theagon- iston at6.30and 11.10 a. m. and 10.30 p. m.—For for me, in le40. my Are: tiiiHnt. Since VTS Cry eaat an6*wf«t to the wandering poors fulfilled his contract by sitting up several try ii wniihlMm; (hat Alirrlilan i ^ I a>tv 10 #0. Large parcels calls < for and de- 8kowhegan,6.00B. m., (Mondays exci ptod); and liavo acted for and mein hcad^Ij/^' •' Whoever thou art whoac need is great, nights successively by the aid of strong I’lmiler Is ftbHoliitoiy pum nn«l vrr.v vnliiahlo. vored. 3 10 p. m. Hfttnrdnys only.— For Bangwr and cs«e«,i>nd procured many natenta. relccT? .w In the name of Christ, tho Ooinpaanionate, Nothing on Knrth will make lifiia IIAKF HFN^ I AY VAnceboro\ 7.16a. m., 1.86 p. m..and 10.35p. m. extenalona. 1 have ocrncTonatly cmuloVeR iSS layllkn Wierhlnn’a Comllflon l*o%y- jEMI fjK BAUBIER Proprietor. And Heroiful One, fur tliee 1 wait!'* tea or coffee, I forget which. I saw him FRXiniiT Tii.tiNfl, arcatdue from Portland, vim heat cgencic. tn New York, l*{ by 13 ibicton* m , Sash, Blindtf you wish to liave anything done in this as a barrel and he liad lieen given up as in­ L^trolt.'* IL W. Dtivernn.T, ilecbiuilo, Ionia, Micb. LVlantel Pieces, &c., bushel or cm load. Winilorvtititl Door Frames. world, go not to those who are doing curable and lay at deatli's dcor. Yet such Are your nerves ■wenlt? DRY, HARD AND SOFT WOOD OF TIIE ELKOANT NKVY STEAMER a cure was accomplished by Kidney-Wort “Klini'j W«»rt rnrod mo from ntTViou, wraknees nothing, but to those who already Jiave e..efliT 1 waA jiot t x'HJi tod to Hvo.”- Min. M. M. B, prepared for stoves or lour feel lonp.^ lialinn Sc Ainer, IRarblc mouldings in tlie person of M. M. Ucveraux of Ionia, favorite their hands full of work,'and you wilVbe goodwin, Ed. Ohnddati Jt/oiyifor ClcTeland, O. ALSO Tremont, John Brooks, Mich , who s.ays ; “After tliirlecn of the Will conlraet to supply GUBEN ,,'F'III Icftv* fFrnnklin Wharf, Porlland, at7! o’clock Have you Briglil’s Disease? ‘ WOOD in lots dusired, at lowest ensh MoiiainentS ^ wharf, BoBtou, at 5 o’'clock. P. aided. The members of the Baptist Sab­ best dot tors in Detroit had given me up, “Kidney Woi-t uurrd mo * nen iny w*U>r wm Juit l^olished Gi< i. ilc M., Sunday* excepled. » like chalk and then like blood." Wltulmv. toVrX^ i O'"** bath School in our village raise money by 1 w.ts cured liy Kidney-Wort. I wantev- Frntik Wibion,Peabofly,Maaa. rrices. MAIN ST., WATERVILLE. I’HBDengfrs by this line are reminded that they .rn. Nmol foVti f ery one to know what a boon if is. PRESSED HAY and STRAW. secure a corofoi tnble iiiglit'a real, nnd nvold the voluntary contribution for the library, they Old Stand of StcTCiia fc Toiler. expenHC and|lnconvci]iencc of arriving in Bu*ton rloly fur oui.ldo nnd In.Mo h *" 2 r*«'l»»- — — -. ..w. ------Suffering from Diabetes? cloMoul,IlnK,„fan,-r.3r,.2" “Kliint'y-Worl 1 j luo moat bucce* efiil rciiicdy I have HAIR, and CALCINED J)csifj7i9 Furnished (,n A)>pfication. late at night. support a mi.ssionary in Ihirmah, and be­ Daniel Ji. .Sickles, who died in 1‘hila- over ueoci. CJlroe atino't humodjHtj roHff.’’ , ThfDugh tlckelftj for *alc at all the .prlticlpal Dr. I'LllUp C. Bellou, Monkton, \ t. dclphia Wednestlay, was born in New PLASTER Hfations on the Maine CcntraPRnllroad. ing taught that it is niore'''blcssed to give Ticket* to-New York via tho vurloui Rail and York in 1822. He was educated at the Have you Liver Complaint? Newar'it, Roman,and Portland CE­ Sound Line* for Bale. than to receive, they were invited to bring ‘•KMlioj-Wvort oijrrd mo chronic L»vcr Llifoaoce university of ■ New York but left before after iniavr'l to die. ... MENT', by the pound or cask. NEW GOODS Freight tnken n* usual. cur. nt B.nio r.ic. '’’"'"'v, nod ws dollTor »•* in Christdlas presents, last December, for completing the course of study and was n«nry V. oril, lalo Tol. doth ITat. Guard, N. Y. Agent for Portland Slone Ware Co ^ J. B. COYLE. Jn, Gcn’I Agent, Portland. AT those whq would not otherwise be remem­ admitted to the bar in 1843. If *1147. I'<= Is your Back lamo and aching? DRAIN PIPE Biid FIRE HKICICS ______J FITBBISH. was elected to the State legislature as a “Kiilmiy-V/ort.'l butUf) cured mo when 1 waaBO bered. These were so abundant, that the lamo i had to loll out of hctl.” ... all sires on liaiid, also TJ LE,fordrnin- Democrat, and in 1853 accompanied Mr. C. M. Tidhiiugr, , TVl*. overflow went in two well filled boxes, one A Lecture to Young Men- Huchantn to Kngland as secretary of le­ Havo you Kidney Disease? ing lanii, low's' Drug Store to our Town Farm and the other to the gation. In 1855 he was cho.sen State ••KJ’liioj-Wort mndo mo aoun-nnllTer and kldm’j’s Divwn town office at Mankty tVe do not propose to give our rlends a long On (lie Lonm of ft'tcr years of unimToosiUl doctoring. Its worth Tf^fded North Bennet Street Industrial School of senator and in the following year, mem­ 9ioal»ox.'’-Bam’l Hodgii, WjUiamitown, \Seet Va. Tozicr’s, Marston Block. l*t of artirlrn In otir storo, but do clnlm to keep WE WANT 1000 flora BOOK ABENTS n* K«>od n *tock as any one in town,-which we can for the grandest and ftmt-itivUo.g bon’< t-rr puh/iVifrf. Boston, good work was known here ber of Congress from New York city. He Are you Constipated? Or«1cr* lc« at RodinRion (liiplicate At any time. twice re-elected. In 1859 he shot “Kldncy-Won canres oany cvaciuMloiio and cured If our frlenil* and the publle gencrnlly will take- Sc Co’n Furniture sMiicx'oD through Mrs. I’rof. Foster, who had visit­ and killed I’hilip barton Kc^ inW.ashing- me after Ifl years u**i‘ of o.l work jtt»t I'ubliilied.and ed it. We give below a letter from Mrs ton undet extreme provocation. For this 8tore. Ib the iohit product a cf I'O of our gno/of lowgaHt}j*rt. Have you Malaria? taciu'liug kHiizub'ih Sovtrt Fih-tp*, Ho»c liTrft Coot». Ilamtt rluoii Indncod by Self H. S. Caswell, the lady in charge, ac homicide, which excited a sensation *Ttldn^T-\Vort has done tbltcr than any other Botte’ Goods at ess Money J^raeun iyiwJTord. St :r«o« S-ulond. Slaiy A. Livtrmrut, '"■PO'.’ry. Norvou. Doblllty, nnY’iJSdJ; at the time, lie was tried and acquitted. romotly I hate ®vor used In iny w. G.S. FLOOD & CO ban any other house In town we will pay them Harriet lleechcr S'ou'r, LotiiMt ( funtiilt-r Stoiitton Mary Dr. U. K. CUu-a, South Uero, Vi. Clemnur. Lvry Lon'o-n. Slid It other well known •uthor*. knowledging this gift, and we .add an Waterville, Maine ortbolr trouble. These Two rr vntrrt ht-a* pivo for the first . xpll* He served llifoughout tlie war, losing a time, the coinplrta )..\tury of tt.e Liven utd Deeds of SO extract from her account of the Christ­ leg; at (iettyslmrg, and was retired in 1869 Are you Bilious? Reinunilxur the Place. famous American woin^n. >.ioat cf whem are now livinz. “K^neT-3^’o^t^.as dpoomo moro good than anyl whose Uvea haven.- rr hrfuie hr*n tn-i'ff.vt, sod they tell mas festivities at the Home, which shows with the rank of m.ajor general. He was other remetly I linro r%er taken." r Aoip ther have a-oQ llu-ir wry fruu vlMiurity tn fame and riio VTOrld-renoffiii-tl auibrr In tlila aZmlMhla. Mi-8, j. T. thUlonay, Elk Elat, Oregon.' LtOW’S DRUG ISTORE glory. For 'I'hrilliap iti-or4H.t, tiinoUc tjtnry, Spicy Humor, U-0U,n.. cl,.„.ly prov.., from that she is worthy of the responsible place minister to Sjiain from 1369 to 1873, and ^ WATERVILLE SAVINGS BANK and Tender I’alhus. ('.is \ twk b wltnouta peer. T/te Chr.itain Aitr(Kate ea.' e : “ 7’Ah r. /t-ndi./ tttvk rtttamh/ uonr has lately been general superintendent of Are you tormented with Piles? I C. C of the i'try fir-g arri rt'Cfi m**rri','Horv-t.ook^ U’C Aui’v tier she holds, and that all shrewd ness would “Kldnrv V.'nrt ciirrtf mo of hlcedliigl ^ aiVrn.hrFmik'irn'sniUU, Nnlli Mi'sdt'r. A. N the Union I’.icilic railroad. piles Dr.'W. (\ IHino it'* oit) puctriutsyr-uni ST>eCT'(d;.A(/(ogr’a/»Ar. dial*; not die with the last man. Ovo. II. Iloifct, cathter M. Ikink, Mycniiown, Pa. I Pensions! Pensions! r^oiuLi iTIlw.-'. My young friends ; rp'Qnantity and Quality.—In the Dia­ Are you Kheumatiam racked ? [ Di i)o»it. of one lioiLir uiid “p”'”';;’’ AGENTS WAITED! wtint lilH condition may eheanlv tYrU-ni.,i.. a.,..i ..-*'>1 Will you plethanks monds Dyes more coloring is given than ‘•U'iM-y V*ovt run ti mo, nf/r I wn* rlvcii tip to J nod piitoii iotiToslat llie romnu nc. iiwni ofuic Under a icconi art of Conifrep.*, many SoldlerB AOENTftt Title rr*iiir) book U now out-aeUing all othrn ’S'?.?''' dlo i many lady agents nnd ‘o ‘to"'"** DMdiVd. luado In May and N..yolob,r aad who havj m>M overSOO in tlieir respective townships. We Christmas Festival. 1-scnd you the story and more lirilliant colors. 10c. at all Ladies, ore you Buffering? nnd iiitcrc It has been ewtlumlf fl that there are over a mil- want ft few giHxt a-rnta-mrii or women—in (his vicinity at “ P'"'" invclopc. to any U. not withdrawn are nddi d to di po-its it>u of Soldier* entitled to peiialou** WHO HA V’K once. Wp ijive /-,’tOvi and }‘ay fmght. Nowiithe of the good time, which was written for a druggists. Wells, Richardson & Co., “Kldnri-Vt ort rvred mo of trouLic* of| is tli'i* coropoiindod twice a year t me to m-iVe money. 0 /'Our Circidnrs, giving .Vpecio/ rerma, BeveralycAi-a ftAndhm. Moh.t fru-mlH iiro ord rrivHe g SKV’KU Al*lM.IKI>. aud that NINK out of liurlington, Vt. Sample Card, 32 colors, (lin. 0 In .SavliiR. Rank Huildlna. ^ Bank opoi, EThnru, rtf', trvt ft»r Cn*iTsnonilet«ce invited. Address ■Sabbath School, who sent 5 barrels to the 1^0 Ml*, n. LniiKirraax, l&lu La Muttc, rWK I.VE of tho-e wImi hove reculved pcnslonf* A. it. WoKTHiMlTON A <. O., Hartford, Conn. and book of directions for 2c. stamp. daily from fl a. in. to I'.’.SO p. la , and . in 4 p. re I'Jitilled to have them INCUKASKD. The Oulverwell Meditjal Oo-, Home. If you 'Would Banish DisoaseJ Satarday Evoldnifi', 4.:i0 m b 30- You may be interested to know that U.iving c»)imectefl inynelf with a Washington 41 Ann St., New York, N^Y ; Poat Office Box 4*» 1 and gain Health, Take ■ Ax» nt. 1 c.ui g'l’ira-ttoe petisioiiH and incroHBU ol some of your playthings went into the The cx-Communist, Ollivicr Pain, who WatervlllP, June *, 1883 pen'lone w itbont delay. grab bag, to give delight to the poor is reported to be in command of the Sou­ ... . KIRAIlA’ to«or ibkath. Eltnwcoil Stock Famt, boys and gingirls who got {Item. Things dan rebels at Mctemneli, went from Paris 6^8, Caynn Co. X. T. ATI DUNK Y ATI..\W. To my c^ectieaqff thaURolilabeUdbe better appreciated by the last yeur openly avowing his intention of Percheron StallioM boys and girls who are receiving training joining FI Mahdi's army. “All English­ Ths kiLCOD CLEANBCR. ROOM PAPERS, feevy Itlock, WATKRVIl.I.f., ME. >nd Maret. I in tlie tlfdustrial classes, went to those. men in Egypt," he said, “must share the dded^by arccC Im* •ortsuon, syfiMMl. A l.idg )i:\a begged t/ie sUd for a poor fate of Hicks. 1 hate all law and order. hiterior Decorations tnait, nakioft m lame boy, whom she knows, and who is England is the home of law and order. AND ** ,'head. Largo DR. DAVID Mr of prixe aaioulat very brave and patient about his trouble. Therefore 1 hate England. Vive la Mah- Import^ stock ng^ The very nice game, 1 have thus far re di!” UVixidow £ lie: lies; Thu Latest Dusigiis of the Lendiii Sorn, Flour & Feed served for our own game-room. It seems KENNEDY’S The undeislgned having piirclmacd the Stock ranted breedr New catalogue out soon. StodM better that all the boys and girls slioif'd The Record of the Fairs.—The su­ Alamilaclurct'.s. find good will In trade, of W. 8. B. RUNNELS. OB PBINIINC Enzenorc, on Soiuh'n Central R. R. Johm W7 ' ** take turns with it, than that out should periority of Wells, Richardson & Co,s., Window fmiadeN w*'l continue the have it wholly. Improved liutter Color over all others AT THE for work lug people. SendlOMilt ."ill Styles and C'donngs made to ordei G^rain Business postage, and we w III mail yon With many thanks, believe me yours made, is again demonstrated by its record and put up in the very best manner. at the old «tnnd, In In connection with our a rotnl, valuable sample box of ■very truly. at the Autumnal Fairs. Tlie test of prac HELP!goods that will put jou in tb* Como and see the finest line ever offered Grocery Biisine*.*#, way III making more inonev in nfewdayathM Mils. H. S. Caswell. deal use is what tells the story, and the you ever thought po-aibfe ai any bustnesv. great v.alue of tlie premiums given by the fur sale in Waterville. wl'OrewlIlbc found constantly on hand, a fu ‘^MAIL” OFFICE, (. apitfti not required. You can ilve at home oad While this aflair going on in one zVgi'icultural Fairs, lies in the fact, that atock of IN riUENIX BLOCK.) work in spare time only or ail the time. Allot REMEDY c. A. HE.^RIC’KNO^iB botli *exe», ofnii age* grandly successful. 60* part of the house, our ‘ lively six hundred ’ tho judges in these cases are regular farm­ F*OP the Care of Itliliiey anil IjiT«r Com­ Flour, Grain, Feed, Salt, &c., Next DoorNoi'Ui of I’ost Office. cent* to #3 eftHlty earned every cveniDg. Tkoft were gathering in the large hall., Thcrush ers, who know what their needs are and plaints, Constipation, and all disorders w hich win he sold at Bottom Prices. all who want work may teal the busiorae, w* for front seats was something appalling. arising from an impure ftato of thf* BLOOD. make till* unpurnlleled offer; to all who ard oot what will .supply tliem. Wells, Richard To women who suffer from any of the ills pson» g^'Buyers In largo qunntltles wllljdo well to well siitlslled we w-lll send $1 lo pay for thw When I was able to leave tlie mothers anil son & Co’s Improved butter Color, which Har to their sex it is an unfailing friend. All give u8|a call. trouble of writing u*. Full particular*. dlre«> get to the children 1 found every one of Drug^sts. Ons Dollar a bottle, or addissi Dr* tlou*. etc., •eui free. Iinmeiis^ pay abaolatelj has taken first premium at ail fairs where Davia Kennedy, Bondout, N* T» T a I and Coff'C' it a S/)crvillji/. my helpers struggling to control this mul­ exhilrited, is put up in a vegetable oil so (ETA NewscMile cl Price? t>ure for all who rlart at once, Don't DeUv. V.Mreaa Stinho.n ft Co.. Portland, Maine. ' titude, who were in wild disorder. One prepared that it cannot become rancid, a THE CLIMAX CORSET. W. M. LINC0LN& CO. SUITED TO THE TIMES. glance was sullicicnt to give me a clue to most important property, die lack of which A CURE FOR 6RAVEL. MK8. nU.VCKKr wl.4|.u» to Inform her formei the whole affair. A company of some of piitruu*, and the KaiHii^'*6rWTttrTvIlle and \iclnlt> is fatal to so many of the Dutter-Colors A Conimiui uihI I’ni'ifnl Complaint—A that she is now at her home, on High btrett SjyeciaUittcntion to TKE ATTEKTIOII the worst Nortli-End boy ronglis had got oflfered for sale. It does not color the Slatomi nt You May Coniule In. where she i.> prepared to tit PATENTS Fosters, into the and into the h.all. (I found butter-milk; it imparls a bright natural It seems to hftvo been rrsciveil for Dr. DR\ld Mtulnm (Jriflwohr.s Support ini; CoraoL- MUNN ft CO., of tho Scientific AMrniCAW.con- '■.'I C.''-.U'.3, llnuo to act a* Solicitors for Putunta, -m- Color in the market. Imvo failed t-i coiupnsH. The subjfilued l» m‘r Bra e Siiie-lClasltcs, and other uriioles necessary Patent* obtaliuHl thrwiign MUNN ft CO. arA^nolloed CardH, 7 Is called to tba mediately to tlie station for a police officer, \Mll he found tif vitJil interest to BUlVerers from tn the SciRNTlFlC Amf.RICan, the largcot, best, and o llic toilet, oioet widely circulated oclenltflo paper. 13.20 a year, Dodgers, and received word tliat they were all away Harm may be worked to the cause of gravel and to the general publlr. Weekly, splendid engraving* and interesllng im IVI':Y£R$$IaIP 'Albany, March 20, 188*1. 'ormatton. Specimen copy of the Hcleutlfio Ainer» "’ . mil IleadV on -duty. The tumult was increasing the correction of transportation abuses, by Dr. I>, Kennedy. Uondottt, N. Y. can sent free. Address MUNN ft CO., SciKNTiriC Town Reports, rapidly. I then mounted the platform and a hasty confounding of tlie words “ mo DeurSlri Let niu tell you frankly that I have CAKDSK’S tMXBiCAN Office, 261 Broudwuy, New Yort. Bucceded in quieting them long cnougli never hevu partial to proprietary iiM'illriiit'p. as I Catalogues, Horse Shoes aMRewahle Calli nopoly ” and “ railroad.” The one does believe the majority of them to be nothing better to begin the exercises, which were to con­ not mean the other any more than “bad than methoda of obtaining money fiom piople Dance Lists. CALKS AL.VAYS SHARP. sist of readings, .songs, zilliplione, violin, law” means “ )K)wer.” The railroad pi whom suir'aiDO iiuproveniunt for our trade, we have a line of iheHe and girls here tins evening to enjoy a liol- has done for us in shortening distances, Boot* ill Htock. at rcgtilnr price*, ami we will be iday A company of lioys creating markets, making travel easy and ginil to *how sample* and ex]>lniii the merits of and, girls who do not Iielong to us have ihe Kxit a Thick Hutl. For mle by 'I’KUASl'ItY DKl’AUTMEN'l'. cheap, and carrying produce at a titlie of Organs & Pianos. Office of Comptroller of the (’urreney. stolen tickets and are now in lids hall. It the previous cost. We must not foigct ill.iRIt tiizVIilil’iKT, Washington, Jan. 24, 1885. m. is but doing justice to our own lamily to our duties as citizens on either side ol the PIANO-FOBTES Bay ni lloa4lqiiarlrr..i. tVATKUVILLK, VAINK. say that wc arc not responsible for this question. iHstruiii^ntfi RokI on Installraoiits Ig^IlEREAS, liy j-atisfactor^' cviileucu ®be AND OIJGAf^S. ' ^ prusoiitcMl to the umtcrai^iunl, it disorder and rude beltavior. Tlie Indus­ ------or low for cnRli. trial Home boys and girls always treat “ You have to work pretty hard, don’t bUY tIF ■ Its Iti'on nitiiie to uiniear that “ 'I'In* Pje- their friends with politeness and, you ?” said a good natured old gcnlleniaii New Advertisements. Ntilioiml Hank ol WiiUTvillo,*’ in An Independent Newspaper of Dem­ and wherever any other course of conduct to a car-driver. “ Well, 1 sliould smile, Rstey Organ Co, liio Town of Wuicrv illt*, in Utc County ocratic Principles, but not Controlled by is pursued, our guests will please under­ but 1 have no c.ause to complain.” “ Why G. H. CARPENTER, •1 Kuniiflii'c, und SiJiui ol Mdino, Iiur stand it comes from tliosc wlio liave stolen not?” “ because my boss is so liberal ami gel tlin licnclll of liN exiihriiqii u of MAIN SIIIEET, WAIEUVILLF, •oni|)lii(l with all the provisions ol tho any Set of Politicians or ManipulQtoi*'. admitrance.” We needed no officer after tliat hci gives me i8 hours to do my work MORE THAN in YEAR.S, as I’l.iyci', “Act of Cdiigi' lo'cnniiiu Nitiliiiiiil Devoted toCollectingand Publishingall this. A better behaved audience could ill, while you poor bankers have to crowd Te iclici . Tiinef and Di'.ilnr. .\IaiiV|n'r- C'ARIiOAU /* iiank in^ Aasiicintionfl In' fxiciiil ilii-ir the News of the Day in the most Inter- not have been found. Kven our own un­ your work into about four liours."—[New sons liiivo taken U|) the liu-iiiens of st II- Rose Leaf, Fine Cut, ccirixiiatc I'xlsluntc, mid/for other nnr- .. cu j -.l .l . . ruly ones dared not make any mistakes in York Journal. , ing wild liaeo no kiiowk'ilge ol Miisieiil potHH,” approved .Inly lij, 1882, esting Shape and with the greatest poa. IiiHlriimeiits. Most buyers most ffe|ieii(l Aroosbook Pol II toes, manners then, through fear of being The Harvard faculty arc considering ^le Navy Clippings Now I’liKitKvoHE, I, IlvnryW. Ciiniion, sible Promptness, Accuracy and Imptr- clas.sed among the thieves. So, after all, U|)iiit tilt! seller. Y'ou will lind Organs r priees; we had a delightful evening, and the expediency of introducing arbitration in­ III e.xeellent quality at followiiij and Snuffs whole crowd marched out of the house, at to the government and are conferring Very .Small Jl’d 00 . JHO Off ol Wiaei'ville, ill Ihe Town of Waterville, Sfatic Ideas and Policy in the affairs of nine o’clock, to music. with the students. This plan is in opera­ ’.*1.00 90.00 ill the Coiiiiiy ol Iv‘iineliic, and Slain of Government, Society and Industry, BUCK BROTHERS, .MitiiKL in authf'tiziMi to Imvtt HuccuBsiou i tion already in Amherst, Williams and d.-i.lH) 100.00 I.argei',—II Sle I(U‘Ihe poiiotl spccitHMl in itn umemled Rev. a. Snyder,—well known in Wa- bowdoin, and has met with gratifying i JU8TWHATYOU .Lnvll, Vl*P, Ou Jtatm, bg Mali, Poftfpolcb success. F.iir Size, 00.00 l.'iO.OO WANT, off'I’ool for farm articles (4 itH'ociation, iiMinely, until tervUle, where he was educated and where P' ft'id home u*e. 3 4 • It &AILY, per Year 70.00 rlxea, 1^4.60, 6 50 close hf business « aud lh«u have lUain rvtuni atalD. I nn-*ri a laiUual cur*. CHENEY ANVIL & VISE CO. off' IiIh leg.i lan’l it linrrible*'' And JiiHt to tliink 1 hava luaila (U* dlaiMS** ut Fil'd, KI*iLKl*bY or FAl.LlNU DETROIT, MIUII. t flat stood the test « that tb' ae awful French j>eo|ile eat the liideone Several of lliii best Sewif'r .Maehiiies BICKN Kid a U(»-loDxatu uur* n* une ^ th* 1 prizes for Sophomore declamation and Ik* wor*l c*MS. B*cau*« olhara Uav* lalUil la iio^eaaon (or ' ri'iiiediF* tur DlwbSl tliinga!' in tlin market at liiW priees, $JT loflO. uui now reci-lviss a cur*. Bead at one* for a tr*a(l«* am* a Irlto aiitl cvsry lurm t junior essay at tlie Slate College, increas­ Organs. I’innns A: Sewing Jliudiiiics Frc* lloUl* of my Infalllbl* r«in*ity, Utv* Bapreas ami Ton Having bought th* stock o f m InfliarauiaalWR., JovaF A done of Vegeiine if takCn jiint beforo going OSo*. II nolbluf for • trial, and 1 wUl riir* >ou, nRESs:^AK:i]sra. nC^^FIlV uahte lor N«urnlgW.iato ing them from ten to fifteen dollais. to bed, innurcs a cumturtiible night’s r, el U> the to let. If you wi-li to buy do nut tail idlruaDr. U. U. V(M)T.l«9 l’«art bt.. K*w Yuik J. A. yiUUK, nClwICUl Throat. KheumaUsai.fto. nervous rufl'erer. Tho now ilorc,two doors above tho Corner Mar* ■ Bntiralv YexetabUi ox. to Write or call on ^^■■^^■HHternal and Interaal usto MISS EDNA E. SPNlNBFIELD, i‘t on Main Btreet, and Intending to kee^ a "We have for a long time uned IlllPe Ve«etabti| Rev. O. F. Gillbt'tl, of boston, has been a. KoipocifullylufUrms the ladle* of Watorvllr ItemeUy, and found tt geofe end eae^tenl Me4< invited by the Young ikten's Christian As­ Clilli .liitu lUsi’iirdt'd UtU' Uomiiit H. CARPENTER, WHsulpm^ hftt Shu ha* juat returned fioin Boaton with ^ FIRBT CLABB STOCK OF lclne.''-Aev 8. Allen.Auburn. He. ISandaBeta, higil uf till’ fflg kCKi Tri'b, |wVjwtUe.^Whol**aleJj^.Jl^HATI 11.1 fBpir; Facto sociation of Colliy University, to lueacli Ciilliulii’ I'ldigioii as the roligioii of (houaanOa ot ras«a ot in* wortl kind **<1 af >•*• aUndUiB I Latest Fall Fashions (4 R O € B U i E S , OBO. 0. OOODW.rlNft CO., Boaton. tlkc sermon at the next comniencenient. I lie iStute, and has annoiiiieed perfeet havtUcDcurvd. Iti'ivvA. toatniut l» ni) faitli In lia •Mrar), j WATERVILLE, MAINE. dial I will asiid TWO UOTrt.Kd PMUi, (oxoilwr wUh a VAL- and offers her aervtcea to all who will favor Bend elx eeuta tor po UAULB TKKiTIHlt ou (ht* dlNsaa.Io spy auftoror. QIv*Ili- A FULI- LINE OF UKOt’KERY, lilil’i’t^ to all forms of tlie (.’’liristiaii iiraaaaudF.O.aaao.aa. UU.T. A.dU>CUM, m rMrldt., N V. Witli work,wltboontlduncethatSks can giro sa^ tags, and receive ftreai ,N.Y. Medical Record sounds a fiiitli The oatli of tlie Presideiil at lafactlou. andothurgoodeueually kcutin »uoh • store, an)l oustly box of gooda whig note of 'alacni in regiird to tlie Kll8*l>y Shelaprtparsdtsde tooarry out tbu motto, “ live and let live," desire will help you tojuoreapto iDtirt* money ihuii at anything elao DVKUTISK addrosaiDg OEO, I’. ROW- UPRIZE.fV rifflit laiiriii’ tliffii. ■ « y right away than anything else tu thta «««(• Ar'tiufr'^''® ueeessioii to olliee uo loiiger liinds I hy tukliii* till ugeiioy fur the bert aelb KLL ftIt CD.,Cl BY^urues 8t., Nitw Xork, cau a share of public paiiontge. We guarantee the cliulera, and calls u|)Ou I’lesideiit A (JI.OAK IVIAKIXG quality of our goods, aud urlous will be made aai* All of either sex, euoeeed from the Irst hour I Ing book out. Beglnnerii suveeed b-nru tiiu exactcoat cua Of auy> uropuae<'d Hue oi AD- to use tile epltftmic tiind for prevention at liiiu to Urn suppurL of Jlut ‘Uoiiiitu in the Intvat city styles,or any atyls desired. kfaotory, The broafl road to fortune optBe to- tha vorkon WIN_ _ i grandly.- None fall. Term* fre«. VKUTiaiNU la Awerloao Nesdugesdpoitcxft. «^1UU absolutely aturo*. At Ani»^ iildrfu, TpVBlIt Ot once. ApoalolieCatliolie Keligioii.” fi)M Book Co., I’oriluiid, Klnlue, I'ftge I'Htnpblet, lU cepU, WATERVILLE. WaUrTille.Beprso, 1881. u" Augusta, Hulne.