Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) Waterville Materials 2-13-1885 The Waterville Mail (Vol. 38, No. 36): February 13, 1885 Maxham & Wing Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/waterville_mail Part of the Agriculture Commons, American Popular Culture Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Maxham & Wing, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 38, No. 36): February 13, 1885" (1885). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1120. https://digitalcommons.colby.edu/waterville_mail/1120 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. mmm 1853. Steamer Woodstock; 47.s6i "^sinees Alex. Fuller; William Moor; Hallowell. 1853. Steamer Clipper; 41.10; S.B. Gilpatrick; Peletiah Gove; Biddeiord. , VASSALBORO’. O. S, PALMER, 1801. Schr. Antelope; to8l4i Enoch BURGEON DENTIST. Jewett; JohnO. Popd; Hallowell. 1803. Schr. Hannah & Martha: 93.- > OrriOB—M Haik Strskt, aj ; Stephen Tobey; John Agry; Halb- KISIDKNCB—« OvujiaB Stbibt. Oomcb wcil. or O^TCBSIX MBBBBi t836. Schr. Komice St Sally; 75it8; JPurt NiirousfOxid« Oat ootulanlly Benjamin HeWes ‘, L^vi ThatcMr; Vas­ •« Aand. sal boro’. ■ 1807. Schr. J.ane; ft.64; Joseph Hawes; Henry Thatcifer; Yarmoudi. P. A. TOBBRTS.M. D. 1809. Schr. Elean'cfrJ 66.16; Enoch OFFlj^ at SESIDJSNG£, VOL. XXXVIII. Waterville, Miaine- • Friday} Feb. iS, 1885. Crowell; Wmi-Brook’sf Boston.. , NO. Brig Union; 181.63; Wm. Lowen;B. Ov CoLLsai HtbhT( Off. Elmwood Uotbl Brown, Jr.; Augusta. 1810. Sclir. Carefline; 69.81; Wm. OFFICE HOURS. Vtoa Oool ObMr, in a cdrKer. She found them all talking Tl«3io9A.M« 1 to 2, «ndO to 8 P, H. Miecellans. about a Apace that was curtained off front ||jc ^atctbllU ^Bil. Pool; J. Webbet; Atl/gusta. JENNIE AND SANTA fcLAUS. the rest of the room, where they said the 1811. Brig John&Hannah; 180.89; ( A Tyne Story. ) tree was. And as they stood talking and John Hall; Captain; Boston. ykX^WAIJOBOIf, wondering what it would be like, and how EPn. MAX ham. dan’l n. wing ShipN.atiVe; 233; Calvin Ballard; C. BT EDWIN HAMILTON. KDiToBs xsD rabraiiTOBS. G. fhild; Augusta". ATidiHiY AND' COUNSELLOR ALL WILL BE WfiLt. Santa Claus Was coming, there wa.s a crash ] Ldttle Jennie did not know Santa Gaus. of music, the curtain vanished, and there . 1813. Brig Komp; 161.39 yftn. Bod- Jjldjr LAW, Stoves, Furnaces All will be well. I hcard^tbU bleet aMuranoe She lived id a Idnely Vermont farm-house, stood a tail tree, all covered with lights fi.sh; Captain ; Boston. WATERVILLE, MAINE. Flung o'er the bordere of the unedan Ipherka. and had, for playfellows, the turkeys, her and spangles and candy and toys. And Augusu is supposed to be the head of Ship Superior; 366. Wm. Farwell; It gave me faith and courage end endurance ^ n.avigatlo'n on the Kennebec, but a .schoon­ Benj. Brown, Jr.; Augusta. fg’Cr^inal Defences a Specially,^ To walk serenely uii and meet the years. '* -Dick, and her c^ina doll Lizzie. She as they looked at the beautiful sight, there Like thp sweet voice of some ounaoling apirlt, loved Lizzie better than anything in the boidided in from somewhere a big, lat er W.I.S once built at Waterville. That 1715. Schr. F.ayette; iio.SJ; John We have in connection with onr Down tbruugh the hilonbe of the ni|^tU fell, world, and thought her a very oeautiful man, in a long fur coat and cap and was sixty-five years ago, and the builder M.K.indlctt; Captain; Wilmulgton. large stock of eoul'a fine car Waa M^llly tuned to bear it: doll until-one day she went to play with a gloves, with a iong gray beard streaming was John Cl-arke, an old Englishman, who 1816. Schr. SanchO; 46.37; Edward BEUiSN FOSTER. ''Allwill b« well." little girl from the city .at a farm-house on down from his nindy, pleasant face. at one time was very wealthy. People Harvey; Lewis Thatcher; Yarmouth. HARDWARE, All will be will. Why should we ever doubt itV the hill. Jennie held her breath. Was that San­ called the schooner '‘Clarke’s .Folly." 1817. Brig Dolphin; 143-41; James They laughed at the old man and told him Kean; T. B. Coolidge; ilaltowell. Courtsetlor at Law, A fine line of There were no blunders in oreation'e plan. This little girl's name was Eloise, and ta Gaus! Did he come from Boston, When Oud'a vaat mind conceived, and went she wore a white dress with a beautiful had he ever got her letter, would he bring her keel would never get into .sAlt water. Sloop Perseverance; 53; Moody Thur- about it, He waited for a Ifeshel and tlicn floated lo; Captain; Augtfsta. WATBEVILLE. Hwwbm not aided or oontrolled by man. blue sash. She had a great, big, wax her anything, and how would he ever Pa? lor & Cook Stoves doll, with reat hair, and blue eyes that know her ? All titis and much more his craft to sea. He is saitl to have Jost iSiJt. .'?ch'r. Hero; 67; Lewis Thatch­ The atara tlmt move in auch immortal beauty three ships and their cargoes at the time er} Captain; Yarmouth. that must be sold in the next thirty Through ihclr appointed pathways seooi to opened and shut, and and a china tea-set, whirled through poor Jennie’s head. .She •I.K.SOULK, tell all covered with real fiowers, and the wanted to run up Jnd tell him she was tlic French were dcsiooiling the Americ:in i3ig. Schr. Fame; 34; George Bib­ days. Parties about purchasing Our queatiuning aoula, if we but do our duty, nurse-girl made them tea to drink from it. marine. His heirs numlier fifl,- or more ber; Captain; Halloweri. Teacher of Music. All will be well. Jennie Kimball, but she was afraid. Then would do well to call and examine A new world opened for Jennie that day. Santa Claus shook himself and began to and they now have an ear to tlhe ground 1825. Schr. Debenture; 8652; Jas. Dhaler in First-class Musical Insiru- our AU will be well. Let not our hcarta be troubled She thought if she could only have a chi­ take packages from the tree. Jennie in the liopc of hearing of an award oy the KHsh ; J. Soulhwick; Hallowell. ^linti. W^itt tune Fianos in a thorough By paaaing clouda or absdowa that may fall,* na tea-set and a big dolly with real hair, heard him call children's names and saw Court of Claims, by and by. Clarke died Sclir. G.alaxy; 99.58; James Bailey; Large Stock and Low Prices. Wo must preaa brsvelv on with faith redoubled in Windham, Conn., and did not leave a j. .SoutHwick; Hallowell. manner. The glorious end will jnatify it all. eyes that opened and shift, •Ehe would be boys and girls go up to him and get dolls .. WATEBVIt-LE.Mh. I will believe that voice from heaven'a portal the happiest little girl in the world. When and knives and whips. Some ol the lit­ very large proiicrty on account of his heavy 1827, Schr. Wellington; 66; J. A<Jr«W 1*. O. Boi,y)<.. ^ losses.—[Ex. Clear aa the utterance of a silver bell-^ she reached home she caught up Lizzie, tle girls around her brought back picture- Crommett: A. Gardiner; Hallcfivell. It apoke to me a truth that ia immortal; and cried over her and losse'd her, but We purposelypurnoselv delayed convimrcopying Ihe 1829. Schr. Alacrity; 169.^3; Mj We also have in stock the * All will be well.' books and paint-boxes and dolls, which ribbetts; D.uiicl Marshall; Halltfweil. she loved her more than ever. they sliowed in great glee. Jennie began aliove l.a.st week tliat we might make .some . celebrated —Ella Whuelbb Wilcox* in Advance. The summer ended at last, and Jennie Schr. Eniemld; 79.25; Jaber Lewis) ' C.JP«R, B. \ to think Santa Claus was going to leave correclion.s and nddition.s. John Clarke did not see Eloise in her white dresses her out because she had begged, and her Cajitain; Augusta. OFFICE, Cor.TMkln and Temple Streeti. under the trees. But she did not forget —London born and a button maker liy 1830, Schr. Daniel Webster; lo6.Zoj RESIDENCE,Ualn St.,0pp. Elmwood. OUR T ABL B heart grew very heavy. As the upper the beautiful doll, and she could not help part of the tree grew bare, great tears trade —went for employment to Vien:ia Jabez Lewis; Alex. G.ardiner; Nantucket. Kohler & Monitor The Musical Herald, a monthly wishing she could have one like it. Elo­ 1838. Stc.anil)oat Minerva; 54.11; N( ^Mee Houra, 0 to 0 A. M. — stood in Jennie’s eyes, and she longed to where he married 'I'licr.isa Lark. magaeinc devoted to the Art Univeraal,.hat in ise said that .Santa Claus brought hers to ;o home. Santa Claus was reaching Faunce; J. Southwick; Vassalboro'. c* . 1 to 2 and 1 to 8 I*. M. FURNACES. its February uumber an opening chapter on Soon after ids marriage, probably as 1848. Schr. Mayflower; 37.94; Gecl. anci'-nt Instruments of Perenaaion, illuHtratcd ; her, and Jennie wondered where Santa own under the tree now, and she started an article on 'Science of Technical Skill in Mu* Claus lived and if lie ever came to Hill- to ask her mother to take her away.
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