PORTLAND : »AILY PRESS. Established June 23,1862. Vol. 7. MONDAYxxvxii/m PORTLAND,, $8.00 ___________ _Terms per annum, in advance. THK PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published MISCELLANEOUS. evury at 1 INSURANCE. MISCELLANEOUS. day, (Sunday excelled.) No. Printers' miscellaneous._ ol Exchange, Exchange Street, Portland. long enjoyment unquestioned prerogative, and our women must their N. A. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. EASE AND COMFORT! The Most Vigorous and the Most daily press. give oppressors no Terms:—Eight Dollarsa year in advance. Santa Claus rest until their eyes are opened and their 4 cents. WALTER Liberal Insurance Company W PORTLAND. and Single copies COREY & CO., daughters wives and mothers and sitters iu the are allowed for the THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at the Country. Has arrived in town and left a lot of equal rights acquisition same place every Thursday morning at $2.50 a year; Morning) December and transmission of property, after marriage, if paid in advance $2.00 a Monday 21, 1868 year. HOLIDAY GOODS ! everywhere, and at all times. Rates of To make Advertising.—One inch of space, in Karncxaiug IIor»c«. tho right of suffrage, which is but oi constitutes a AT length column, “square.” FURNITURE! The Blessing ol Perfect Sight! MARK’S, another name for $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents per The amiable said: “He would self-government, depend up- week three or Cowper not on brutal after; insertions, less, $1.00; continu- There is nothing so valuable aa Perfect Sight, Life 34 ST. LAWRENCE STREET. strength, as it now does and has al- every other day after first 50 cents. Brooklyn enter on his list of friends the man who ng week, ways without to Half three insertions or 75 cents: one done, regard educa- square, less, Wo. AND PERFECT SIGHT take a look in and would capacity, 50 cents 18 Free see him. dclgtjjal needlessly set his foot a worm.” or is week, $1.00; pe week alter. Arcade, Street, upon ”1 murals, an outrage upon Unde> head of $2.00 per square can be obtained And humanity “Amusements,” only by using the poet reasoned well. In all which per three insertions or Insurance S. II. large sense, men, week; less, $1.50. Co., COLES WORTHY, wo'.I'-otnuion “ov themselves, Special for the first and even in our «ndur„ Notices, $1.25 per square Perfect ! cities, own, cruelty to horses for a single if it were a for each subse- Spectacles day, insertion, and 25 cents per square 92 Exchange Street, be witnessed new ques ion, o> lf buent insertion, SSSSS1 .?*«*.'??' i POX TL.*1JS'D. The difficulty of procuring which is well known. 141 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. may every day in one form or barbarians bad not made inserted in the octgdtf HAS made additions to bis stock of the laws lor woman ftoTO Advertisements “Maine State another. Sometimes they are loaded too the first, binding her Press” (which has a large circulation in every to a part Juvenile and Miscellaneous and often everywhere qualified until cf the State) for $1.00 per square lor first insertion Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, Books, heavily the harnesses do not prop- slavery, they and 50 cents per square lor each inser & Comfort. A of fine have come to be regarded as subsequent Health, Economy Tlie S variety erly fit them, and yet are unchangeable, tion. Fisheries OCULISTS AND OPTICIANS, they whipped, kick- like Chromos in Frames at Low the laws of the Jledes and Persians, JOSEPH W. AKERS O. J. PENNELL’S over Trices. ed and pounded by their cruel drivers because HARTFORD, CONN., Manufacturers Assets, $1)000,000 Also Steel Just that women Js State for the Eng-aving, Photograph?, suppose were the lawgiv- Agent Press, Dailv and Weekly, STEAM w. s. Oval Lithograph?, they have not sufficient to ana is Albums, Frames, Vases, Stereo- strength haul the and authorized to appoint local Agents, receive Jordan, [of the Celebrated Bracketts, ers, that under the laws they made metr sell our goods to the trade in Portland and scopes and View’s, together with numerous articles, or are harnessed ubscriptions and to settle bills. load, so miserably that were taxed WILLother Maine towns, at same rate sold at manu- useful and ornamental, suited to the Holidays. His they without representation; that meu Feather stock ot Views is cannot command their Renovator S factory, Boston. PERFECTED CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK..President. Stereoscopic large, varying in price muscular power. were not allowed to hold to have SPECTACLES, trom ten to thirty ceuts each. UlM2w office*, the AM. NET <€* TWINE have alter of and the ABRAM d. POLHEMVS.Vice We believe a care of BUSINESS CARDS. IS HEBE CO. years experience, experiment President. great improvement may be their own children, to sit on or erection of been enabled to juries November 25, ItGS. costly machinery, pro- WILLIAM M. made in horse to do no Boston, COLE.Secretary. collars and horses be there- to say who should a what other machine ever did duce that Grand Desideratum, D. P. govern them; that mar- CLAIMINGor can do. FACKLER.Consulting Actuary. relieved of ritu illau W. H. Perfect X-M AS! by much ot the burden that now stumid not be able to CLIFFORD, First—Silt all the dirt from the Feathers. Spectacles. DANIEL AYERS, M. D LL. D.Medical Examiner acquire prop- FOB SALE. now presses so erty, to his own Second—Thoroughly cleansing the leathers bv J. & If. heavily upon their necks. A enjoy earniugs or to transmit 20 Bales Net best aud all Nos. W, NtDOPPEB, Sole Agent. Steam. Twine, quality A GREAT VARIETY OF Southerner his to his 5 Bales for Portland. deadly under the “Fessenden” earuings children; that the Counsellor at Law, Third—Drying the feathers in the machine. Ganging, signature, upon the 5,000 lbs. Cotton Herring, Mackerel aud has addressed four marriage of a man all his Fourth—Pntting leathers Irom the machine Porgy OTICE i9 hereby given that the following peti- letters to Mr. personal property Ab4 Solicitor of PateuM, into the lick without waste. Netting. |\l and Goods Henry any -Ll tlon will be presented to the of Fancy Staple are should rest forever and ia A bed can IE&"A11 kiuds Nets and SeineB made to order. Legislature Policies Issued as liergh which published in the absolutely the wife be ready for use in one hour from the State of Maine, for action at tbSir session Good as “Turf, Field Office Corner Brown and the time it goes into the coming TOR THE by tlie very uct of and all Congress Street*, machine. W. S. in and all whose interest, are and Farm.” His views are marriage; the rents Ladies and JORDAN, January next, parties somewhat novel, BROWN’S NEW BLOCK. au24 gentlemen p’ease call and satisfy your- affected by can then and there and any United States Bonds. and profits of his real estate should also selves ot the no28(llwt eod3m IV*. lOl Commercial Si. tliesame, appear but we believe are based belong advantages to be derived Horn having be beard in the premises. they upon the prin- bed renovated. to her, for while but one-third your December 1868. HO of sound life; part of her Price bed if 1st, [DAYS! ciples philosophy. Speaking of the WATTSON & CLARK, per brought to the machine $2.00.— personal property should go to the husband’ $2.50 it collected and delivered. NOTICE. instances when STATE OF MAINE. JUST OPEKED AT just punishment has been and even that All orders attended third, not by the act of Manufacturers of promptly to. meted out to marriage G. W. cruel drivers the LANCASTER, To the Honorable Senate and House of Representa- Policies Valuable iu Life as well No. 301 Congress Street.. through agen- nor during marriage, hut after the wife’s _ ci ot the Croasdale’s Genuine Augusta, Me., Agent. JORDAN~& tives in Legislature assembled: cy Society tor the Prevention of Cruel- aud Room corner Green and Poi BLAKE, death; one-third only of the rents and ilandfsts. <tc9d2w The undersigned citizens of Brunswick in the Call and sec. CSF* ty to Animals, he of tier No. 8 Commercial County of Cumberland, and Topsham In the County as at Death! says: ‘‘This, though small profits real estate, after her death—so Wharf, Portland, of Sagadahoc, and vicinity, I.OWELIi & 8ENTBK. in a field of so that the husbaud respectlully represent many wrongs, is in the right would uot have a sixpence ! Are that the so called, Super Phosphate WHEELER (^WILSON prepared to fill all orders for Androscoggin Bridge, leading December 17. d2w direction and he could call his across the Androscoggin Kiver ftom Brunswick to must eventuate well. The own during coverture; and The Standard Topsham aforesaid is now law a Toll and Fertilizer for all Grope, machine by Bridge, source of the Amazon would not suppose further, that among the Saving A.gency t that the public interest anp convenience that HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW float a provisions require made women PBIL.ADBL.PBIA. Wets & the same should become tree to the Tlfe Life is nautilus. The few by lawgivers for the comfort and Office No. 1 Seines, Twines, traveliug public. Brooklyn the anly Company in cases of cruelty made Morion Block, Wherefore we your Honorable Bodies to of tho3« pray pass the which protection whom they profess to re- Both for the Trade and the Fishei'man. an act authorizing the proprietors to sell said country guarantees a definite sur- punishable by law, are, I think, a mere PORTLAND, ME.
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