Established June 23, 1862. Vol. 6. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 1867* Terms Dollars Eight per annum, in advance. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS Is publisher BUISNESS everyday, (Sunday excepted,) at No. t printers CAKDS. COW KTNERSH1P. REMOVALS. INSURANCE Exchange, Commercial Street, Portland. Tk. Crete. Her.!,. also authorized to purchase nt allT N. A. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. The latest information to enable “ dailY indicates no abate- requsite hi... to redeem“V Terms Eight Dollar? a year in advance. WALTER Notice. STATEMENT ment iiube heroic | Sectiono. An COREY iCO, Copartnership determination of accurate account ,,c,i'i i CHINA TEA —OF— the Crc the Mam STORE, PORTLAND. ■ tansW, .rT 25,600.00 should become laws will settle August a series of expeditions as formidable be shall nsertlon. (head of Casco street.) Bonds and the question made imprint 16 Mortgages, first lien on prop- as die Ottoman could alloat or utubViwhich Advertisements inserted in Empire put alter said tf ‘lie* Secretary the ‘‘Mainf statp JAMES M. JOHNSON, in and New whether the volume of our is notes shalf*!81,1011 Pi;ess” which bus a erty Brooklyn York, mostly currency really have hammered one alter the gravers ^ th<> C“' I large everv nar- ami WILLIAM B. DICKEY. G-. C. ashore, away, and circulation in Counsellor at n or not. ol the Slate 1 for *1.00 per Attorney Law, Portland, Feb. 1867. SHAW, Proprietor. dwellings worth in each case 75 to excessive Our corres- at the dilleient W„re“h!,* are Cth, Feb7dlw 6—. ued through three a Drug Chad bourn & Kendall. dtt 5.076.C3 charged with their wives days, State Fel>12_Over Si Stocks and 7 3-10 notes now outstanding as fast as are re- and ’aud was Association beck & Co., General 6, Treasury Notes, they thwe die chi^u organized under vwv favorable auspices Force Commission Business, seemg slowly under the cold and •Toil and Water REMOVAL. $202,000 market value,... 211.456.00 ceived at the Treasury, but to them ot with Mr. Dunnell as its tint President. C.'ttugrcNN Pumps Closets, And are prepared to receive on replace hunger this terrible SI, Portland, Me, Consignment, Prod- position, no hope in The first annual It arm, Fold and u<* Fi»b, | uuib«,r Wood. a new issue In coin on JitUe in meeting was held the next One door above Brown. Mmivrr Hath., Wash Kark.&t., by payable demand one diplomacy, but will a lull z. K. humanity, much iu November at jalJdtf_ liras, and They keep stock of Product*, Gro> HARMOM, $433,321.13 aud Lewiston, where ’he attendance Bowls, Silver Plated Fork.. Amount oi year from date. This is a for a liberty, always keeping that lam, ccricm, Nliip and Family Nlorcw, and will be WAR CLAI1H Losses or proposition which was aud the of AGENT, unadjusted waiting in the Greek becomes quite large discussions profitable H. 31. Water Fixture lor Dwelling nappy to receive the patronage of their friends and of mind, superstition, it i, HUE WE R, Houses,^description Hotels and Pro°6. partial resumption specie payments on the and enthusiastic. Mr. Dunnell was Public Buildings, Shins, etc. ar- the public. lias removed to blsnew office, at the Old Stand in $10,500.00 true, but still a laitb, and looks to the re-elected (Successors to J. Smith & ranged and set in the City, County and 1st God as the Co.) up best manner, and all orders ABEL State of New York, sh, July, 1868, the date, it will be of as as presiding officer lor the ensuing lu town or SAWYER, Jose No. 88 remembered, Christianity well can year. RIauuittcturer of Leather country ihithfullv executed F- W* VARNEY. Block, Exchange St., Edward they compre- At the next annual Veiling. Anthony, President, and Isaac It. St. John, at which McCulloch in his last hend in 00,000 meeting, held at Rich- aUd S“ei!t Portlami, Jail. 28,18C7. Feb7dlw (opposite the Custom House.) Sectetary of the Lamar Fiie Secretary says him; brief, men, with every the Also lor sale ^ Insurance Company ot modern mond, writer was elected President, and andBeer'punips of’aU kbidsU*X'S Feb. New York, do be advantage of warlike Portland, 11,18C7. d&w3w being duly Bworn, severally depose and report “specie payments may resumed, and resource, against re-elected at the two Belt say, that the is a men following meetings, at Leather, Backs & Sides, Lace wotk1 'i *'o»ductor. and foregoing true and correct state- to be barely 50,000 capable of arms, Leather, \w ?*°°ili"T'11*nei done in the best ment of the affairs ot said ought resumed.” In bis second bill Mr. carrying liaugor and Bath. A ra»iii Sf manner. Copartnership Notice. Company on the 1st day of and often destitute even of year larer, having re- RIVETS and BURS, Ali kinds of REMO V A L to these, Uyinniny the Jobbing promptly at ended to. January, 1867, the best of their knowledge and Lynch aims to to the a signed ofliee ot of n belief. impart currency flexi- the war with each Superintendent Schools, *e|43dtt 311 CougrekM Nlreet. NO. ISO FORM Jive charyes fur the i declined a ST., Portland. Me. tllHE heretofore under the force and no successor hav- copartnership existing EDWABD Pres. bility better suited to the needs of o/5,000 men in thejielti, and so re-election, A Urm name of SievviiN, Haskell A JAMES O’DONINELL, ANTHONY, varying penned intoan d:;iu Cham, ISAAC K. St. island that the above appointed, Professor M. IF. I*. FREEMAN & _Jal*15_ expires this JOHN, Sect'y, trade, the issue of 6 sentence would make a “KJfJ lief1n Lytdrd, CO., day by limitation. by authorizing per cent. was nitUFIIII.L, BROWNS At Sl.-vea.. At Sworn to before me, Jan. 1867. bettei blockade lor them than that Coll,'ge’ etocted President, at MASSON, Haskell are authorized to settle liio Counsellor at 24, coupon bonds to the amount of which ex- COMMISSION affairs ot the concern. Law, THOS. L. $300,000,000, ists ; how them could lie a ot Skowhegan* MEKCHANTS, THOBNELL, Notary Public. resistance even \V no | Upholsterers C. in coin at the hy meeting has been PORTLAND, J. STEVENS, Notary Public & Csunuuloner of payable expiration of twenty one mouth must ever lie called bv the and MAINE, M. E. Deed*, incomprehensible, officers of the Manufacturers of —AT— HASKELL, or in aud the are association since that time I A. E. years, lawtal money on and to yet to-day troops diminished will not jan!5 1m 4} CHASE. Has removed to New John B. demand, by assume to state. N»« India . Clapp’s Block, half without a My object in this Street, Carroll, Agent, be reissued as often as a demand arise.— having gained point they can note is to call FUMITUfiE, LOUNGES, BED-STEADB may if attention to the fan that A COR. EXCHANGE AND FEDERAL Febl Tare keep they should meet a revei-se with their an or- W. H. copartnership lias this day been formed between STREETS, Street, In this a safe ganization was Spring-Beds, Mattreeses, Pew Cushions, WOOD if- SON’, the eod3w_190 way and convenient investment main force to-morrow. It efletced, and maintained a vig- underiigued, under the lirm name of (Over Sawyer’s Fruit Store.) dtf is as ifiu the be- orous existence N«. 1 JanJ5.__ will be offered for during five and . Clapp’s Black-foot Chc.iuni Sweet, money not needed ginning of your war a million and u half of yea. s; ha* STEVENS, LOBD A actually any new movement would do brokers, HASKELL, R E men with well to be based Portland. MOV A L! ATLANTIC for the business of the while a de- disciplined English muskets aud upon that for the purpose of a country, organization, which is not b D. W. — — transacting ritied had dead— hkeman, Deane. C. L. Oiiikhv. Xo. 178 Fore Street. mand above 6 artillery been launched agaiust the nut tt rising per cent, can always be sleeps. »y7 W. II. South, aud 1 mean in CLIFFORD, Mutual Insurance met accomplished nothing. At all the of the Wholesale Boot by exchanging the bonds at the a meetings association, able and Shoe Busiuess, Counsellor at Companya Treasury military seme, because it is not to be lectures and A. N. NOYES & J. B. SI Wall forgot- discussions wi e SON, HUDSON, AT Law, St, cor. William, NEW of the United States for their value in ten that was behind the interesting en- And Solicitor of YORK, par Slavery insurrection joyed; and at all ot Patents, them was there a very re- Manutacturers and dealers in lawful in one case, and Liberty in the other, and that Store No. 3.1 Commercial Street. Has Removed to January, 1866. money. special >le attendance of teachers and resident artist. is what accounts for the milk in the cocoanut. Mr. Lynch, it is well discredits the citizens. The at formerly occupied by Stevens, Haskell & Chase.. Corner of Brown and known, Alter the auair ol meetings Lewiston. Bath, Stoves, & Studio Congress Streets. Arkadi, the 1 ar- and Ranges Furnaces, Xo SOI 1-2 Congress Street. J. C. STEVENS, Insures in Bangor Augusta were ot gieat interest. NEW BLOCK. dtf against Marine and Inland Navi impression prevalent many quarters, that my aud unable to John n. lord, jal6_BROWN'S temporarily crippled under- Our want of railroad and the Can be louud in their Lessons given in Painting and gation ltisks. the volume of is take new facilities, lncon- Drawing. _ M. E, HASKELL. currency unduly expanded._ any movements, fell back on Keti- venience of 1—dtf Feb. 1807. mo to traveling by other methods, late in NEW Bb’II.UINU ON February Portland, 1, feb 4 d2w OUT OF THE EIRE 1 His views were and set recruit, and after a I.mE ST., The whole ot the flilly ably forth in his fortnight’s delay November, must ot course a lull profits Company revert to the was lor a new prevent rep- CLO and are reorganized expedition resentation of CD MAX A S TEVEX8,~ Assured, divided annually, upon the Premi- speech on the currency question at the last against teachers trom remete of (Opposite the Market.) B. F. SMITH ft nuis Uie mosi obstinate and parts Notice. SON’S terminated during ihe year; and lor which Cer- Setinos, rebellious of our extended WHOLESALE DEALERS Copartnership session of In territory. Aud when It Is con Where will be IN titleateaare issued, interest until redeemed, Congress. that speech he prov- all the districts, as its are the most they pleased to see ail their former bearing {>eople slue red that the existence of the customers and receive as HIORGAN has this retired from the was 40 per cent, in each oi The association is orders usual. auglldtl u day New eorto a DlvfwHd the years j ed that the rise in prices in this is war-like. army lett here with about almost AP.• hrin of MORGAN. DYER & ill favor of R. 1863-4, and and 36 per cent, in 1666. country precisely that of the t he teachers W. I. Goods and GO, Photograph Rooms, 5, and or war, M. RICHARDSON, ami the business hereafter will due to the enormous of 9,1X10 legulars 5,000 0,000 baslii-ba- aud friends of CRAM A Groceries, —AT— consumption goods zouks. At education who sustained the CHASE, STURTEVANT, l>c conducted under the firm name of The has Alikiama, a town at the foot of the association No. 3 Long Company AaaeL, Over Twelve during the war and the have reason to leel that their eliorts Wharf, NO. 16 MARKET Million viz C3nsequent scarcity north slope of the White 10 or 12 GENERAL SQUARE. Dollar*, Mountains, were attended with success* n United states and State of since its to the of labor miles from encouraging Foot ot St., aug20 dtf New-York Stocks, City, close; paucity occa- here, they met the fiist Allow me Exchange & Bank and other resistance, to Buggest that a special Commission “Richardson, Dyer Co.,” Stocks, $4,828 B8S sioued the destruction of a skirmish with an advance of meeting Merchants, PORTLAND, ME. At the old stand, O. O. DOWNES, Loans secured by Stocks and by great life, limit guard Greeks, ol the State Association shou.d Ire 1a26d3w»_ Premmm otherwise, 3!iwl.'i50 and trom there to the first oalbd, WldKery’8 Wharl, Notes and Bills Receivable, Beal ing production and its to the stronghold, Lakus, sometime in the winter or for the LAC. J. < No. 143 Bond enhancing cost; were a spring, Me. Commercial MERCHANT Estate, and and other se- they nearly week their choice ot ,, POItTLAHI), BABBOUEt, Street, TAILOR, Mortgages making way, officers, and to make o rr/i taxation the arrangements ociKUti DEALERS IN carities, 096 heavy consequent upon war; in though it is but three hours walk. The Cre- Where they will continue the General Wholesale HAS REMOVED TO United lor the annual on States Gold Coin, also to the rise tans held the meeting Thanksgiving week, Business in in ’iffi part general of prices all over defiles leading to Omalo, a —or in HOWARD Hoyt'a Premium Patent Bivetted Oak and No. Cask Bank August, if it is thought better to & CLEA VES, W. I. 233 1-2 Congress Street, 310,560 great plateau iu the White where Hemlock Hoods, Hrocerics, Flour aud Pro- the world occasioned by the enormous in- Mountains, change the time. Perhaps this visions. CORNER were their At a little meeting might OF CHESTNNT $12,199,970 crease in the of and deiiots. Karis, village well be held at where the It. M. quantity gold the conse- near the Turks Lewiston, Secretary, & Counsellors at RICHARDSON, August 30,18U(i. n dtf Lakus, wore badly repulsed, Prolessor now Attorneys Law, Leather J. W. of that metal. Lamb, resides. Belting, DYER, trustees: quent depreciation The rise of but a little division being ordered up Horn the VV M J. E. HANNAFORD. ithdrawn though X am from the more PORTLAND, 'INK. Lace Leather Feb REMOYA Lf! Wm. prices so caused and the central districts to llank their the and Hemp Packing. 2—d3m 1bu,D Sturgis, greatly increased positions, public connection with our educational No. Dennis, Henry K. liogert, tell back on the defiles aflalis, Office 30 THE ^axksw. H. H. business of the he maiutained insurgents themselves, 1 am still interested in the Exchange Street, ltnbher Moore, Joshua J. Henry, country would and success o'" all those Belting, Copartnership. finding the passage to Omalo means of Howard, jyOtt n Nathan Cleaves. Henry Coit, Dennis Perkins, require a volume of impractica- advancing the cause cf edu- ^Joseph Steam Merchants National Bank Wm C. naturally currency such the Paslia moved public Hone, Packing, Clothing, Ac, Ac. f. hammond and Pickersgiil, Jos. ble, aleng by the to which are Fessenden v. Galiard, Jr., as we now right cation, adapted to this associ- are Lewis Ourti«, J. have. Those who differ from the to end; M. ■No. 8 MalcolmCARNEY, admitted as partners from this Will remove on MONDAY, Nov. 12, to the Henry Burgy. Mr. gain passages Selinos, which arc ex ations, teachers’ PEARSON, Exchange Street, date. The firm will be Ghas. H. Russell, Cornelius conventions, journal, normal Grinncll, Lynch,while the influence of all cessively difficult if well defended. The Cre- and FebTeodCmPOBTLAND, ME. Lowell Holbrook, C. A. Hand, admitting the school, all; and for their success will ever OFFICE OF H. M. PATSON, R. Wai tans had about 5,000 men on the with Oold and Silver Plater SHAW, HAMMOND & CARNET, ren Weston, B. J. Howland, causes he has named believe also thatthe sud- ground, pray,—aud remain, Kimball & Phelps, reserves of nearly as much who —AND— And we shall continue the Wholesale Flour 33 St. Royal Bcnj. Babcock, den the more, might Tours very jggx I*rince, Grocery, Exchange Caleb Bar stow, Fletcher expansion of currency from 215 mil- come or as their truly, and Provision at the old No. 113 oulOdtf Westray, go families demauded.— business, stand. Rubt. B. Mint Eow. P. W*STON. Manufacturer ot Silver Commercial Street. THOMAS SHAW. w urn, Jr, lions, the extreme ihnit before the war, to 700 a uese wuuiu nave ueen sumcicnt to hold the r.... Ware, Dentistw. Wm. E. Dodge, Gordon W. Burnham, Little blue, Jan. 21, 1807. Temple Street, first door Portland, Feb. 4, ls«7. lm REMOVED. Geo. G. but from Congress Street Hobson, Fred’k Chauncev, millions, has operated upon prices in this passes against 50,000 men, they had three ME. No. David tne three PORTLAND, 11 Bkck, Lane, James Low, heads, Greek volunteer officers com- *•» «o n Olapp's Congress Street, Notice. country as the increase in the Kruonitf Furl May 19—dly Copartnership 8 Tit OUT~& GAGE, James Geo. S. precisely quan- the divisions of Opposite Old C ly Roll, Bryce, Stephenson, manding Hellenes, auil direct Dr. Samnel author LEANDEU W. FOBES is admitted a Wiley, Wm. H. Webb. of has in Warren, of “Ten Thou- partner tity gold operated upon prices specie- ail the united a A. WILBUR & MAINE. MR.m our tirm from this date. AT Daniels. Miller, ing military operations, having sand 5fear recently wrote a letter to the VO., POBTLAND, COUNSELLORS LAW, to oiler the Joiln D. President. paying countries; that if the volume of curren- strongest possible resistance. But Mayor of to C. Kimball, D. D. s. telO o III Fred A. Prince BURGESS, FOBES & CO. Jones, Hull, England, say that before 112 Tremont fcbldlm l\ave removed to Office Charles with dissensions and lor Street, Boston, Dennis, Vice-President. cy were reduced, prices would de- jealousies no plan was leaving Londou he desired to make a W. H. H. 2d Vice-Prest. sensibly prae- Moore, possible, and al- tical suggestion to the ot the Importers and Dealers in Corner and Federal Sts., J. D. cline ; and that in that case a less Mustapha, moving suddenly housekeepers Exchange Hewlett, 3d Vice-Prest. amount of ter of town. The BUILDING. J. H. three days rains which every- suggestion was this: “To econo- sVEE.CN and ABIKHICAN NOTICE. Over Mere. Chapman, Secretary. would deluged mize the Loring’a Drag money suffice for the transactions ol and killed his own men burning of coal, send for an iron- * thing by hundreds, 8. 0. BTROUT. H. W. GAGE. monger or blacksmith, and order him to take Applications lor Insurance with the above named the country. took the pass of l’homuka sur- HOOFING & RlVGIXURRlIVf;. BUbscriber dec31 d&wtf by the measure of the bottom of and Messrs. ANDERSON. having disposed cl liis Stock in Company received and forwarded bv prise, and alter a combat of your grate SLATES, ABCHITECTIJRK BONNELL \ CO., have store to Messrs sharp make a sheet iron allcolors, and Careful made THE Into this discussion we do not propose to yon plate of about one-sixth slatingnads. altention paid arrangements with Mr. STEAD, an Architect tour or five hours and considerable of to HOLDEN & PEABODY, John W. an in h in or even „ augi>-6m oi established and will in future on Manger, enter. It is a thickness, loss. Simply shipping._ leputation, carry question which will settle itself loss, pushed a column through, and effected, lay this, and Architecture with their business as Engineers. Par- light your fire as usual. It will lies to build Fobes & and Counsellors at Csrreipoadeat. whenever we can down to the solid basis the passage of his whole aiuiy without turtle r soon burn but BRADBURY & SWEAT intending are invited lo call at their Burgess, Co., Law, eou9m&w Cw get up, you must open Attorneys apUdlin the tlie keep pretty office, No. 308 Congress street, and examine eleva- of oppositiou, Chiisliaus to the lowest so as to secure a Requests all (lersons indebted to him to 229 specie payments. The liest feature of Mr. retiring bar, slight draught tions and plans ol churches, banks, stores, blocks oi call at their Office, 1-2 Congress Street, mountains of the When the fire has at Counting Room No. fcO Sphakia, southern portion begun to burn it. Counsellors buildings, 4-c. j 12 Commercial SI.,Thom- STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION Lynch’s theory is that it offers no obstacle to poke Law, as Block, and settle. Near the Court House. ot the VV hite mountains, and leaving setiuos gently from beneath ana the flame will U4» COMiBINN gradu- NTBEBT, Tliaiikiul for past favors, he commends to his A. B. IlOLDEN. sepOtftl H. 0. PEABODY. —OF THE— an immediate return to a specie basis. If the to the discretion of the That this dis- ally get through the entire mass of coals, the WM. mends and troo|>s. H. former patrttns their large and well- cretion was iron plate beneath red and so Chadwh k Mansion, opimsite Uuilod Slates WALKER, is not a devastation and utter we gets hot, keeps Hotel, selocted .Stock of currency excessive, then certainly not ruin, a constant Portlnnd Maine. 241 Harris & needed no assurance, but the destruction there up combustion, at the same time Bion COMMERCIAL STREET, Waterhouse, Howard Insurance note will be for the Bradbury. nov lit! I D. M. Sweat Company single presented redemption. is said to have dispersing heat through the room, instead Foot of Street. JOBBERS OF OF NEW surpassed that in any other Map?c Leads, Oils, &c. YORK, So as are more of its being sent up the thus Colors, long greenbacks convenient province. The Pasha once in the chimney, entirely General Agent lor the State lor ec. Sclinos, the CHARLES FORES. 31,1866, to be filed in the office ot the Secretary than will be Christians closed in consuming coal, instead of filling tho Milliken k Co., and Furs. gold dollars, they preferred if they on the roads by- which he hearth with ashes.” Deering. H W fT O II X S Hats, Caps of State of Maine. had Portland, Jan. 2, 1807. <12in are worth just as much. The transition fiom entered,and cut off all land communica- Dr. Warren continues: Dec. 3d 1866. tion with the Wholesale Portland, Cash Capital all paid rest of the island, so that he is “In my own house I triod the Dry Goods, Improved HARRIS & WATERHOUSE, Wholesale Dealers in.$500,000.00 the present scale of prices to another measur- experiment Roofing, D issol at ion Dec. obliged to send for ships to get back to Canea, for a week in the then in the For buildings ol all kinds. CAR and STEAM- of Copartnership in Hate, Caps, and Furs, have removed to their New Surplus 31, 18G6. 118,468.89 ed to be breakfast-room, 31 COMMERCIAL by gold ought gradual. For that ne- or effect a with the then in the STREET, BOAT DECK 1NG. ROOFING CEMKN for coat- Store, junction rest ot his torces dining-room, kitchen, with uniform T, heretofore Mr. bill east ot and ang31-dtf Maine* ing and repairing all kinds oi roots. PRESERVA- rpIIE copartnership existing under the No. 12 $618,468.89 cessity Lynch’s provides by making Sphakia. The Sphakian mountains complete success; and then I had the Portland, 1 name of CALVIN Exchange Street, ASSETS. TIVE PAINT lor iron and woodwork, Mela! Roots, EDWARDS & CO., is this the of occupy the Southern half of the western sheet-iron plate put into day dissolved mutual consent. F. R. HARRIS. Ue4ti' J. E. WATERHOUSE. process resumption partial and por- every fireplace—and Aire. COMPOUND CEMENT, for repairing by All persons liold- Cash on Wand and iu Manhattan and Phoe- gradual. tion of the islan there are many the house—with leaky ng bills the are down to the Alriean throughout JOSEPH STORY shingled roots. BLACK VARNISH, tor Ornamen- against firm, requested to present, Meanwhile if it should turn out that a l,coming success. So I do them tor and those o. jSlT& e7w7nash nix National Banks. $26,G83.26 por- sea with a so hold equal with the fireplace in tal Iron work &c. Full descriptions, c payment, indebted will please call pluuge that no passage is official Penrhyu illarble Co* rcular, prices, and settle at have resumed business at the head of Long Wharf, Real Estate in of New York. tion of the currency is liberated bv this my residence. When tho fire is once Ate. lurnLhod by mail or on application at the office, City 90,000.00 pro- afforded along the and the Manufacturers and Dealers under J. W. M Unger’s Insurance Office, and will be seaside, passes made about 10 for the an oc iu Enameled Slate where and can United up, say m., day, samples testimonials Le seen. 337 Street. pleased to see their former customers and receive their States Stocks and Bonds, at mar- cess, is more than is needed after through the moiuitains are so dillcult that Chimney Pieces, Brackets, Pier Slabs, Grates Congress resumption, casional and possibly a single and sepl2dtf orders as usual. ket value. no force could in poke replenish- Chimney Tops, importer and dealer in 267,300.00 of it can be invested at pass the face of a re- ment suffices for the In own Eng- GALVIN EDWARDS. 1866. n dti $300,000,000 any time day. my case, lish Floor Tiles, German and French Flower July 10, New York State market value_ 10,400,00 sistance in the least and also at Puts, WILLIAM G. TWOMBLY. Stocks, in the new formidable. The Pasha hotel here, where throe scut- Parian. and Bronze Statuette five-twenties, payable at my Hanging Vases, Bisque, OW* L1BBGY. I ■■■ranee and mar- maturity spent a great deal of the tles were one now suffices. You must and Busts. Glass Shades and Walnut Bolie- COOPER & ArchU, County Stocks, money among Spa- required, Stands, MORSE, The subscriber having obtained tlie fine store No. will be found at No 117 Commercial, coi ner ot in coin. kiot and not smile at the rniau and Lava Vases value. 72,250.00 chiefs, hoped at this critical moment simplicity of my suggestion, and other wares. pleasure in their old patrons and >37 Congress Street, will continue the and I Exchange St. Home Office of New York; National 112 TliEMONT informing business, Here then is a that woul make their but attribute my to a sincere desire to STREET Studio Building TAKEfrieudstliat they hare resumed business at their will keep constantly on band Office of Boston; Narragansett Office ol Providence; King’s County Stocks, market value. 23,750.00 proposition for a return to they submission and offering n Mass. Uim contribute w hat little is in to m2Mn BOSTON, OLD STAND, iorncr of Market and Milk streets, Putnam Office of Hartford: Standard Office ol New Bank Stocks, market value. at Iiermit to outrage the Hellenes my power pro- 35,550.00 specie payments the early date named by mote the comfort and where they will keep constantly on hand the best as- York, and other reliable offices, are represented who were in their of, lessen expense to ev- T*IA^TO FORTES by Loans on Mortgages on Real Estate in City valleys. But they SHEPLEY sortment of this agency. Secretary McCulloch, from one ot Hh all ery householder in the good old town of Hull.” & STROUT from of New coming declared against or eveu neu- the BEST ALAN UFACTOlilES, among them John Dow. jy25dtf F. W. Libbey. York and Brooklyn, being first submission, A citizen of who has since tried this economists who have been so often and fired on the lioats he sent round Hull, Meats, Poultry, Game, &c.t the liens, worth double the amount loaned stigma- trality, plan, w rites: “The result in where I VHOIV, GBEENOUOH * Furs, to receive their ray house, That the market ami it will be their CO., tized the New York Tribune as “inflation- adhesion. The whole have had iron COUNSELLORS AT LAW, affords, earnest Hats, Caps ami Robes, 164 Middle St,, over T. thereon. 52,600.00 by Spha- quarter-inch plates fitted at the amieavor to serve their customers with kiot population took up arms, and the Pasha bottom of two promptness Celebrated Bailey * Co. jul!7tl Loans on (worth at market value ists.” If this is we should be fire-grates, at an expeuse of two OFFICE* and fidelity. deel dll Steinway Instrument, Stocks, inflation, glad was obliged to abandon any idea of opera- shillings each, is a saving in coal of about one- Post Office 2d Entrance on Ex- UOUiUAN7 TBIJK $22,125). 18.750.00 to see more of it. So far we Building, story; which he can sell at the manufacturer’s JkCoTTWholesale have seen no tions based on their He therefore third, with a considerable increase in heat. A street. Dry Goods, No. 4 Galt Block, Commercial St. Duo from neutrality. change Agents. 1,905.83 to number of G. F. SHEPLEY. A. A. French and Literature lowest prices. Jul 17—dtt practical plan for resumption the embark his to them persons have satisfac- jy9t» STROUT. Language Interest and Kents proposed by attempted troops get large already accrued, mostly paya- tried the and use BY contractionists. rouud to the where there were six torily the of the ^AUGHT Also, a good assortment of ORGANS and MELODE- II. J. LIBBY «& CO., ManufUcturers ble The Tribune’s plan is to ac- Apokoroua experiment, II. W. wfJOXicE. January 1, 1867. 10,637.46 is to become in this local- ROBINSOW, ONS. OLD PIANOS taken in and Conimission Merchants. Counting Room cumulate or eight battalions (the battalion full is plates likely general exchange. Unpaid Premiums. 2,542.34 gold in the Treasury until we have 1,000), PROF. LEON DE over First National Bank, No. 23 Free street, second and organize a general attack on Irom ity” at Orders for tuning and at- Claims and a third of the Sphakia The cost of the Counsellor and Attorney Law, MONTIER, repairing promptly story. iyll tf Salvage rebate duties (over whole volume of the east. But at experiment is a mere trifle. ITIROM Fiance; graduated in the Academic de Par- tended to. paper—when- this moment sprung up a ADI B $10,000) estimated at. C,000.00 ever that time Irom the CHADWICK X is Universitio de France. Late Professor in the W'M. O. TWOMBLY. KOBE DlEBRIliL, Deale~in may come. Mr. McCulloch gale westward whic h has continued HOUSE, French and • Masonic and Mili- Language Literature in the McGill Uni- November 18G6. dtf Watches, Jewelry, Regalia, wants to have the until yesterday with excessive and and School of 2G, No 13 Free Portlaud. Southern States “rehabili- violence, VARIETIES. ‘J 49 Street. versity lligh Montreal. Canada East. tary Goods, street, $618,46S.89 even now is Cougretfi Same store with blowing too baid to ern- Prof. LEON de MONTIER begs leave to say that Geyer and Caleb iyI2dtf LIABILITIES. tated,” as an indispensable Mr. permit Jan 4—dtf preliminary. barkat.on of on a he is prepared to give lessons in the above For Unsettled Claims. troops coast without hartiors. impor- Ml LLS, although burned the Pro- $9,097.00 on the tant branceh of modem education, both in Schools up, Lynch proposes other hand to begin So there he slays, communication laud with —It is now stated that Mr. Charles A. Da- EAGLEprietors, Messrs. L. J. lliil & Co., are now pre- Unpaid Dividends aud small balances. 253.12 by and private families. Classes may also lie formed next bis and na’s new PEBCIVAL BONNEY, by RE-OPENING ? pared to furnish Coffees, Spices, Cream Tartar, &c, July to issue notes payable in coin a capital base of supplies impossible; paper is to be styled "The New York and ladies desirous of a year by- gentlemen acquiring thor- at their new of No. 100 Green sea lor a place business, St. $9,350,12 from date. It Is the difficult, boat eau land on Chronicle, and that it is to ough knowledge and the tluent speaking of the An Order first definite proposition scarcely be started on a at Slate may be tound at Messrs. Low, that coast with a Counsellor and Law, French Language. The only Agency of the Compuny, in the State of westwardly or solid cash of Attorney The aubncrilirr having purchased the Slock Plummer & Co’s, No 83 Commercial St, and at Mr C. looking to resumption, and we wait with con- southerly capital $200,000. Prof. L. de M.’s method of French will is at JOHN CAR- wind, meanwhile the in the teaching M. Rice’s Paper Warehouse, No. 185 Fore Street. Maine, Portland, B.j trying passes — Sir Morion Bloch, Congress Street, smooth in a great part the difficulties of and Mlorc lately occupied by siderable to see what Francis Hustings Doyle, who has late- bqghmers, All orders promptly attended to. ROLL, Agent. curiosity arguments will mountains, hut always repulsed. To gel into whilst to more advanced pupils lie w ill imi»url a pro- a clever Two Doors above Preble Goods at ihe lowest prices. jullOtt lie it. Sclinos Irom Phorouka was down hill—it ly published volume of verse, “Tbo llou*c, ficiency oi speaking, together with the pure Parisian SAMUEL T. SKIDMORE, Pres. urged against JOHN CROCKETT £ don’t need a Greek Return of the and PORTLAND, ME. accent, so deservedly esteemed by all well educated CO., PACKARD, Bookseller and Stationer, may be HENRY A. OAKLEY, Vico Pres. schoolmnster to show that Guards, other Poems,” is nov 19 tf people. • found at No. 337 Congress St., corner of Oak it’s up hill work getting back, and so said to he the most rival of Mr. Kus- shall be St. STATE OF NEW 1 Mustapha important Nothing wanting ou the part of Prof. jullOtt YORK, ss* it. NO. 11 PREBLE STREET, and of New Mpinolagy. tiuds kin for the chair of at M. to enable his pupils to make the most rapid pro- City County York,j poetry Oxford, which is MESEBVE, HASKELL & 00., WEBSTER if CO., can be tound at the store DAVIS, gress, and by his exerl ions to speak the French lan- Win for business Samuel T. Skidmore, President, and Henry A. In these when mostof soon to become vacant the re-open RS.• of C. K. Clapp’s Block, No. where we days, the fashionable by expiration of Importers and Jobbtrs of guage in the shortest time. Babb, 9, Oakley, Vice President of the Howard Insurance Regulation of the offer a d assortment of and Currency and Hr* Mr. Mattht w a^ to the terms be made letter got Clothing Furnishing of said de- schools for are devoted to the Arnold's term of office. Applications may by Goods at low Company City, being severally sworn, do young ladies, numption of Goods and or I'liesday, Jan. *50, 1807, prices. jul 16 Npctie Payments. Dry Woolens, otherwise, at52 Freest, or at Messrs Bailey &. pose anu say, each tor himself, that the foregoing various of the —A poor womau in Indianapolis sold her Book store, si. CIM1TH & REED. at within is a true and correct statement of tlie ologies day, suchasconchology, Arcade 18 Free Noyes Exchange and will sell oft' the at Counsellors Law. Morton full, Wo have received the hair Street)) are. entire stock greatly reduced ° just following l>ills to lor one dollar and cents to bread References kindly permitted by the following: Block, Congress St. Same entrance as D. S. Ar- affairs of the said Company; that the within describ- ichthyology and the like, we dare to fifty buy F. DAVIS. prices, consisting of ed suggest, the In Portland.—Rev, Dr. Dalton, corner South and ray offices. iyl2dtf investments, nor any part thereof, are made for regulate currency and to provide for the for her children. Rev. E. Dr. 87 tlio benefit ot as a finishing touch to their an ad- Spring Streets; Holies; Fitch, State any individual exercising authority in education, of A POHTLAND, MB Dr 295 NEW AND SECOND-HAND eastern exprennco. are now the resumption specie payments, introduced daughter of Charles Dickens is accred- SHeet; Cliadwick Congress Street ; Dr. Lud- management of said Company, nor for any other ditional science, viz., Our E. CHAPMAN. llOVft*fi!>dtt’ C. O. Files of Acade- Thepermanently located at No. 21 Free street, and or and spinology. grand- ited with wig ; Esq. Principal Portland person persons whatever, that they are the in the national House of Representatives “Aunt Margaret’s Trouble,” a new prepared to do Express Business over all the Rail- above described officers of the said mothers of olden who had the best of by my. Company. times, novel published iu London and W. F. PHILLIPS <£ January 10. dtf road and Steamboat routes in the Stale, and West SAM’L T. SKIDMORE, Ptes. Mr. Lynch on the 4th instant and tefened A set down as CO., by P. S. & P., Eastern and Boston & Maine Roads qualifications as wives of the patriotic men FURNITURE, HENRY A. OAKLEY, Vice Pres. the Committee on and ol good. S. WINSLOW & CO.’S to Boston, connecting there with Expresses to all who the battles of and Banking Currency ot the STATE OF NEW J fought liberty achieved —A unique the Fusi Yuma Ga- Wholesale parts country. YORK, bS* which Mr. Lynch is a member: journal, Druggists, and Glass For the convenience of our customers on ami of New our national Crockery Ware, Commer- City County York, ] independence, knew how to spin. zette, is published monthly on board the Fusi No. 148 Fore NEAV GROCERY ! cial and Fore streets, an order book for freight Calls On this twenty-ninth of before A bill to provide against undue Street. day January, 1867, They were also expert at and as expansions \ uma, a sciew steamer oct 17-dtt Carpeting-, will be kept at office of Canadian Express Co., No. me personally appeared Samuel T. Skidmore aud weavology, aud contractions of the transport belonging to — currency. moved into our new next door Fore street. J. N. WINSLOW. to the store, be- Henry A. Oakley, known to me to be the President cookology none of the Greeks or Gauls of He it enacted, Ac. Section 1. That the Sec- Japanese Government and commanded by HAVINGlow our old stand, and lilted it for a Paper Hanging's, jy24 tf and Vice President of the Howard Insurance Com- ancient or modem a retary of the and is an who “We JOHN IF, DANA, *1 tlie of New as described in tho times, could prepare more Treasury be, hereby AdamDuudas, says: beg tojeinind FIRST t'LAHH E. M. KA and pany City York, thorized and directed RROtERV, Window Shades, ND, Attorneys Counsellors, j and made oath to issue United States the critic • No. 16 Free tiaar Middle. foregoing instrument, severally th|M economical and than As gratuitous that we are J4fc Street, jul.3 healthy repast they. coupon bonds to an amouut not editor, report- we beg leave to return our thanks to our numerous the contents oi the same subscribed by them, arc exceeding Counsellor and at together with a general assortment of a natural three hundred er, compositor, printer, pressman, P. Attorney Law, natrousfor past fevom, nod Inform them and the pub- A *S.E. SPRING may be found at the stored true :uul correct in every particular, and that they consequence of all this they enjoyed million dollars of such denomi- foreman, lic that while to maintain our Fletcher if Co., corner ol Union and Commer- : have not withheld from the statement nations, not less than one hundred as and withal.” generally, endeavoring IlOrSE-FI'RNISIHNCl GOODS. foregoing any good health; and such diseases as dollars, D., skipper No. 30 St. reputation for the best of BEEF, and all kinds cial streets. tf material information whatever. dyspepsia the shall Exchange selling iyil Secretary prescribe, payable in lawful —Wendell delivered a lec- of MEATS and we have added to (Sealtj JAS. CAMPBELL, and phthisic were seldom known. in Phillips having Dec 6—llli VEGETABLES, MR. LEVI F. HOYT Merchant has removed But money bearing interest at the rate ol five our stock a choice variety of pure groceries, ami hope fJATHAN GOULD, Tailor, Notarv Public, per ture in Boston on Daniel the Bos- to No. 16 Market Square, over Sweetsir’s Apotlie modem times these domestic so hon- cent per annum payable quarter in O’Coqncll, by selling the best of goods is connected with this and will lie [Stamp.] City and County of New York. sciences, yearly coin, ton Pilot remarks “Fortunate will establishment, cory store. jylO—tt said bonds to bo issued to any person that, Mr. /loss cl happy to wait on any of his customers and friends orable to the matrons ot the paying FMMMI, At the liOiml C osh Prices! revolutionary pe- therefor the value thereof iu lawful mon- Imi when his acts are and who favor us with a LOIN A W aad John B. State par Phillips history, ho may call. EBB, Atterae^ Carroll, Agent. have and at the corner riod, quite gone out of date. A marked ey; shall be redeomed by the United States has to merit a tair share of patronage. The same atten- LOWELL. DEHC’ouiiRellor*, Boody House, ot passed away from the scenes of busy life, PLASTER E R ss and Chestnut streets. Feb 1 190 Fore Hired. at any time years alter their first 8, tion as heretofore paid to orders for Meats and Vege- jau29dlm_WILLIAM Congr. # jy26 degeneracy, both and has fol- twenty issue, if there shall some eod3w_ physical moral, and not earlier at the large-hearted man arise In PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL tables for dinners. Cart will call for orders every except option of the lowed. Then the had this bis or in morning if desired. S. WINSLOW & CO. BEIHWVAL. country women, now holder, as hereinafter provided, and at tbc ex- own, any other country, who. No. 28 STAGE NOTICE. of said STU000 AND MASTIO Spring Street Market. we have nothing but ladies. piration tweuty years shall be paid in with equal fidelity, with the samn at WOixKE&S, 331 coin. ---- spirit jus- S. W1NSI.OW. C. E. PAGE. isn't CHANCE OF TIHE. If our Female colleges cannot be induced to tice, w+t*. powers as rare as his own, shall Oak Street, between, Cougrehu and Free Sifi., | January 11A dCm Insurance Office Section 2. The bonds issued under the pro- and after this will leave Sparrow’s establish visions of this act shall be attest the work of his life and crown the altar PORTLAND, ME. date, Stage Gray daily special departments in spinology, signed by the first JUAJTSOjr 4& U JNSLO W ’S at 7 1-2 A. tor Portland. is this removed from No. 80 Commercial Street, or of ON(Sunday excepted) Id., day second Comptroller of the Register of the his fame as and as and to the new and commodious rooms and the fully impartially he has Ookirlng, Whitening White-Washing jirompt- Leave Pori land at 3 P. M. for Gray. knitology, weavology, workology and such at to. Orders trom out ot town Treasury countersigned by other offi- done those of • y tended solicited. Tlio mails from Gray to Mechanic Falls and from we Daniel O’Connell.” Steam like, would suggest that some mat- cer or officers of the us the Secreta- Muy 22—iltt Mills, Iron Gray to Oxford are discontinued from this date. NO. 66 EXCHANGE STREET, worthy Treasury Foundry, ol the aud be —Mr. M. D. writes to the Commouf -ANI)- There will be two cross lines established, one from trons—if a suitable number can be lound, ry Treasury may designate, shall Conway S. L. CAUL ETON, Woodman’s Station via New Gloucester, West Glou- IN THE CUMBERLAND BANK BUILDING, issued under the seal of the Treasury Depart- wealth that the engagements of Mr. Thomas cester to No. And the should be invited into our cities and Plough MauulUeiory, Raymond daily. other from villages ment. The interest coupons may be signed will not Mechanic Falls via Poland to West where he is now prepared to place insurance, in all its Hughes permit him to continue as the wouldinform the that we Poland, three and to set schools to such or or executed in such public are prepar- and for any amount, in companies second to encouraged up spinning by person persons ed to of times a week, both lines to connect with the noon forms, correspondent of the New York Tribune. WE fdqpish CubtingH every description to the and on the manner as may be designated by the ATTORNEY AT train on the Grand Trunk from no others on globe, most favorable teach women how to street- Secretary LAW, order at short notice. We now have on hand an as- Portland. L. B. young spin—not R. FOLLETTE, terms. of the Treasury. —One Monsieur alias Lamartini- sortment ot Window Weights, tiled Shoes aud other GEORGE KIMBALL. Martinairc, BT Parties preferring first class insurance, are res- yarn,—this many of them have learned already Section 3. The Secretary of the castings. tebldtf Treasury ere, has been sentenced at Paris to six 27 Market HOSIERY AND pectfully invited to call. shall take said bonds w henever months’ Square. |3T~ We are prepare! 1 to turaish for Kail GLOVES, —but good substantial woolen and linen in up presented Castings November 5. 1866. dtf for that at the imprisonment and fined francs, for the Kept 24—dtt u Koad Coinpanlw and Ship Builders. puxpoae Treasury of 10,000 Portable Steam, Engines, worklwojmau-like manner. This should be Also, Planing, Jointing, Matching aud Sawing HOOP SKIRTS AND the United States, paying tlierelor in possession oi a clandestine press in the Isle of done the Maximum ot dura- CORSETS, Twomblev, General Insurance Broker, the promptly efficiency, preparatory to a High School for teaching the lawful money pur value thereof St. Denis. This from which A. E. £ C. M. J. W. • would inform his many friends and the is the press are HASKELL, HANSON, COMBININGbility and ecouomy with the minimum of weight LS. publ'c and the accrued interest thereon to the £ G. C. and and generally that ho is prepared to continue the Insur- and ingenious art of weaving; and certain DEALERS IN WINSLOW. price. They are widely lavorably known, healthy amouut of matured and supposed to have issued revolutionary Ladies’ & Children’s ance Business an a and can Life any unpaid coupons more than UOO being in use. All warranted satis- Underflannels, Broker, place Fire, when have become at a 46 l ork St., Hend of Unailh’a Wharf. and Marine Insurance to in they proficient both, thereto attached, and the bonds so taken manifestoes against the Spanish government. * factory, or no sale. Descriptive circulars sent on *»ny extent the best Coin- up 1-cl WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. mies iu the United Stales. All of should be reissue in the manner Groceries, Provisions, Jan application. Address p business entrusted good knowledge cookology entitle may provided for —The find in Comer of ( c:ire shall be first Egyptians difficulty adopting Congress St. and Tolman Place. to my faithfully attended to. their issue, the interest which may have Weil India Good*, J. C. UOADLEV & CO. Feb Office at O. M. ltice’s them to a diploma with the honorable of which their Meats, Arc., 7, 1807.—illy Paper Store, No. 183 Fore St, degree accrued on any coupon thereto attached at the the new ideas Viceroy ha* made where orders can he left. Oysters, Oysters! Lawrence, Mass. of F. W.—Fit for Wives. time of said re-issued the At a AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. Feb 8. 1867—d3m juUGtf being paid by the pur- himself representative. recent sitting or MOW READY. Tbaxi. chaser in addition to By the Barrel, Buahel, l-nllon Quart* the par value of the bonds, of their Parliament, Uillal-bey, one of the dep- 3&4 Congress Si, Portland, Me. «Tench’s SPECIAL NOTICE and said bonds to Improved may continue be re-issued, spoken of the janC dtf Put in cans sizes for NEW —OF— as uties, having Viceroy as up kegs and of all G OOD S ! before, at any time or times during th pe- “my ^ie or use. Tiif. Maine Nobmal for con- adored master," the President *ra*^® family Window February riod of ten years after which |tliey shall not be observed that a BeinS near tlie Telegraph and Express Spring.° Life Insurance! WM. W. WHIPI’LE, vT/ nsJS) P. B. EROST, (Patented Feb. tains an excellent paper from Jacob Abbott again re-issued. more parliamentary expression would ho ,—' Offices, I am prepared to put up all or- 1st,'1865.) been “my ders b) the are now to fill appointed General Agents for A august ffitest moment. All in want of Oysters nrepared Maine of the old on the manner of pointing out the mistakes bill to provido for the resumption of sovereign.” ^ebt WEorders for the above named HAVING W2iSSi assortment in the city. Merchant specie payments. The Nelson Wholesale DrufjQist, t^uoice York Tailor, Spring, which has proved to be and faults of the of the (New Zealand) Examiner, in re- Bay, Shrewsbury, Cherry Stone, New Enfflaud Mutual Life Ins. Co., children; report Su- He it Ac. Section 1. That on and aud York Biver the best and most durable in the enacted, the constantly on hand. Of Boston, Mass., the oldest Mutual Lite ol Common the United porting execution of and 21 MABKET SQUABE, 3321-2 Congress Street, market. It is applied, and being purely perintendent Schools concerning after the 1st (lay of July, 18fi7, Burgess, Levey, easily Co. in wo wish re- K. can be to suit Ins. America, fifty good, active agents States notes now shall when Kelly, three ME. D. adjusted all com- in tl*j the State Normal School at ex- outstanding, Thug-like murderers, says: “It PORTLAND, ATWOOD, received a line lot ot to work different cities and throughout Farmington; be Has just mon, size sash, will work as well villages ceived at the Treasury of the UuitedJStates, has been a matter of aug2 ti Atwood’* Oyaler the State. None need apply unless reference from dispute amongst medical 4:l( 4y an<| 4„ mu iou as Douoni sasn, good tracts the addresses of Governor uuder the direction ol the Secretary can be give. The Co. is 23 years old and has in Cony destroyed authorities fi’rnfre St., holding the sash at any de- paid aud iu lieu thereot the Secre- whether death in such cares is Honinud, Me. 00 and over 00 in loss- and Governor of the Treasury, SMITH & CLARK, FALL GOODS sirable point. dividends 81,1*47,000 8-',000,000 Chamberlain, touching educa- caused 1. es death. It has now a well-invested accumulated of the Treasury is hereby authorized and by strangulation or by dislocation ot* February t or muc ai. by by tion ; an notice of the tary Wholesale Dealers in d’.Tn_ wholesale, Grower 00. The Co. made obituary Maine Teach- to issue new U. S. notes ol the same the Suitable lor flic which will he made up in \ I). SWEET & ( (sole Capital 84,000,000 formerly directed spinal column. The necks of the three season, O., its in lieu ol For Sale. 10—cod for ind paid dividends once in live years. A llivi- ers’ Mr. E. P. denominations as those which the most thorough manner sept agents the New England Association, by Weston, which they malefactors were Prs. and Jenawillba made up in Nov. 1866, and annually in coin on demand at therefore dissected by & SUIT of Sails, Rigging Blocks, nearly new dialog,) Pawtucket, K. 1. we in another are issued, payable the COFFEES thereafter, and available one year from date of Poli- copy column; an article on the United States was satis- TEAS, SPICES, from a Schooner of MU tons; also Ion For Sale in Portland, by or the at and alter one Williams and Cusack, and it A fishing Top- to Let. tor local l»e made to Treasury second hand. Store W cy. Applications Agencies will date. 1 he whole in 10«» FORE sails, Fore and Mainsails, KING, DEXTER, No.175 RUFUS SMALL & whipping question by “O. B. S.”; and edito- year from amount of the that death had resulted STREET, & MPHE GOTHIC STORE on Congress Street, op- Middle Street. SON, Gen'l Agents, factorily proved SAMPSON CONANT, Veb0(12w rial articles on new notes authorized by this section col- a This is olio of the best no21d3m Biddelbrd, Me. normal a teachers’ as- shall not each case the spinal PORTLAND, Me. decidtf No. Pi & 20 Commercial Wharf. posite Laiayette Street. schools, the amouut of United States from strangulation, stands for the Unwin#*** in the City, exceed noti s now in tu- Janl4 dtt Grocrry sociation, and the agricultural These outstanding exclusive of umn being fonnd to be perfect every Will GILT A; CLAIM, having had a large trade tor the past ten years. GREAT DISCOVERY I college. fractional currency as in much vexed ques- APPly to S. L. CARLLTON, «x. now &, soiv, topics, so various and are sat- except provided section 3d of this act Rtauce; tlins settling this w. W. THOMAS. 1 important, ve;y Jr., FRESCO PAINTERS, *h du 27 Market Square. ROGERS’ Section 2. Said notes shall lie PORTLAND, ..... MAINE, isfactorily treated. The eJ itorial al>out legal tender tion at last. gossip for all purposes except for the « married In Oil and Distemper Colors. Also House and Sign payment of the -About fiftv years back oouple, and Counsellor at 1 MANCFACTUBr.HS OF teachers and schools is interest of the debt Attorney Law, Painters, Morton Block, two doors above Preble Excelsior Pain Purer. very pleasant profess- public where said interest a male child that [Chadwick is now or hereafter in Paris, adopted House,] | House, Portland, Me. ional reading. The Normal deserves to be may be according to law- residing 249 VVe are to bridgton_academy. Oak Sole in and In the streets,although havh g Congress Street. y^ prepared design and execute every The Best Crop Leather, payable coin, and to all ex- had been found Preparation Ever Made Saif If it can sur- by parties, wtfi-dly description of Wall and for TK“M t1lis Institution will sustained aud we trust will be. the U nited own. The two children were .__ Ceiling Decorations, cept by States, after their maturi- a son of their Churches. PublieJJuildings,Private T^om For the following as Kesideucei,Halls, Complaints: and Finished "Backs" & “Sides," vive until the normal schools arc sufficiently ty herein provided. and received the same If. 31. HA ISO &<\ Gilding and Embossing on Glass. de- Bough brought up together, A, Every TUESDAY, Section 3. The of the Treasury is scription of Wood finished in Wax and Oil Filling, February 2Glli, ALL NERVOUS and NEURALGIC PAINS, jFok belting t numerous to gi e the occupation of teaching Secretary education; the foundling went into business in Varnish or French Polish. authorized to is-ue notes of the des- and jal!kl3m and continue eleven PLEURISY PAINS. hereby a weeks. a professional character, (and we see no rea- and mule large fortune, while his benefac- STOCK BROKER. RHEUMATISM, Also. Roller Skins, Wax Grain, Split and cription authorized by this art in payment of To Let for a Term of A. met with and died, their Years. c. K. HIJLTOIV, M., TOOTHACHE, Calf Leather. son it should not,) its success will so much of the debt as is in tors reverses, leaving No. 30 Exchange Street, Principal. why then public payable STORE recently occupied by E. E. and teachers HEADACHE, EARACHE, Orders ter Lea. Belting filled on most favorable lawlul money, and shall mature aud become son, a cripple, unprovided tor. The adopted Upliam Competent accomplished will be em- STIFF be abundant. 13®*. PORTLAND ME Ilo21dt Si Son, at the head Richardson's Wharf, in all of the school. NECK, terms. janSldlw&wtf payable before the first of J une, 1UIE ployed departments DIPHTHERIA. day is son then devoted himself entirely to his ccm- in the at Section 4. The ot the Treasury c ALSO FOR SALE. Good board furnished vicinity $3.00 per SORE Secretary Attorney, and Conuselloi THROAT anil AGUE. a in speai inion in to marry in order Pieuee, One Hard Wood Counting-Room Desk. all —A young lady in Boston on authorized, after the payment p infancy, refusing Algo invaluable in cages of Sprains and Bruises. DIVIDEND. school, being hereby eo Lewi,at La)., No. 8 Clapps Block. jul21 :<00 West on the Rooms for self-boarding obtained. have actually not to bio-lulMhwtoa Harley, premises. easily Try it and you will be satisfied. Manufactured anil DIVIDEND of 10 per cent, will be the asked In herein lor shall be force! to quit him,and has now u»t For of Text hooks furnished at Portland paid why, Latin, winds came to be called provided pl^^Hars enquire prices by the sold wholesale and retail W. W. atuokholdera of the Warrior at the office of at his discretion to ia*“® "L HON U. Counsellor at Law * AH T. H. MEAD. by Rogers. Hampden A Tog lueuced, on-one die 1, leaving him a fortune of a million VBBMI.1., UPHAM A AMS, Principal. Secretary. Corner, Maino. Sold in Portland H. H. HAY S- Winslow, 15th. masculine, quiokly replied,”! do not know, un- ol less uearly IS ial No. by J. January authorized for periods BV No. Free StrMt. Jmll4 li'blddw Comm.ri Street. Bridgton, Jan. 30,1867. Ieb6d2aw&w3w 9t CO., wbole»ale and retail. J. less it (s hereby months, ^anaud he la Jal2dCm* jaaiodtf 8. WINSLOW, Agent, because they are so fickle!” year, bat not leu than three frMW, 11 —- —y — — ——— -•- pin Brazil The Libels Against Bright.—A Mr. JTordau;'. ^ I'ri-jsi Vunfab SPECIAL IVlinialnro I 3. Prolosor Vimiito to&'iLANn Aim ricnrifz. NOTICES. Alntnruir.February OBLEAn ltlOTS. Ann*»i«’i|» Gartli. a Oonservative round- Corrected tor the Press, to Feb. 12. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. mew to tho scien- lawyer, asserted Bun ri«e».7.90 M^oo Betn...... 2JN9 AM various documents relative that Mr. | The ly Bright was hated his own work- a JLsc aa. Bun seta.s.;m) water.6.30 I'M to New Advertisements i'o-Daf. by 'piss. Wall* ami | High of Professor Agassi* Brazil, were men, that ue had been hooted out of own Green p bri. 4 50. B .*>0 Sheet ft 12 Jgg^*rtiramatic Mtruuiatic NiB. OP MESSES. ELIOT AND tific visit his* @ Pipe. li*@ oral Vaki>, just received and ibr sale by BEPOKTS yard, that he had not subscribed for the me- bu. 1 00^ 1 5o' Leather. Notice. sent to the House of Representatives by the SPEOIAL NOTICE COLUMN. Cooking J. \V. PKBKINS & Co., SHELLABABGER. chanics in the cotton famine, end inste id' Dried y#ib... /a 14 ^ew York, No 80 undersigned l aving leased the well knpwn on Monday. It appears Boots and Shoes—T. E. Moseley & Co. that, Westerh do. 13 30 33 no21SNCOwd&Wly Commercial St. marine news ( ariiage State Department ot he had to issue loans Light. ^5 | THE Manutiuti.ry formerly occupied by K. subscribing, ■ in proposed «■»* Ashes. Mid. 34 38 si. W ebb, at M ebb s that the special recognition of AUCTION COLUMN. to the ‘‘as' weight jg Mills, take tlus lo au- Eliot and Mr. a ma- department, distressed, in order to keep them Pearl In.none 3G (a) 38 Balsam. nounco to tbc that Mr. Shellabargcr, being K. M. Patten & Co. P Heavy. Warren’s Coiiffh PORT OP PORTLAND. public they will cnntiuue the btisl- and from its Household Furniture— serfs at his heck and call.” When asked nesa his services standing, departed *V bon. by Pvt. 1) (@ 10 Slaughter .. 45 (tg 50 for of manulacturiug of nil of tbe committee to inves- Valuable Beal Estate—Henry Bailey The best Remedy ever compounded Caldn, Carriages dcacriptiuna jority Congressional him an Mr. to these audacious state- Beans. Iju. ( all-1 i't 1 5 and as heretofore. Also jobbing and rule, and gave official introduction to column. Bright explain Cougli*, Catarrh and Consumption, all repairing done at matters connected with the advertisement lie could no for them Marrow p bu. 3 25 @ 3 75 Lund* Tur.dar, Prbrunry 12. short notice and in the best manner. tigate at Rio ments, give authority diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Carriage lum- our minister Janeiro. After his return Pea.3 50 ig> 4 On 1^0 1 50 ber of Hie best and massacre of and to such Wanted—Pour or Five Booms.. whatever, except that two very extreme mem- &ockl*d,cahk & fciT'For sale all Druggists. Manufactured by ARRIVED. quality every variety couatauUy July 30, I860, report Seward wrote as MaraoOd Company. Blue Pod.3 .5 (@ 3 75 Lumber. by on band for sale at fair in Mr. follows to the Brazilian Notice—State of bers of l’aaliainent had once said •follow™. New York. prices. action as the condition of affairs Troche*. Box Shooks. Jtear Pine, AS. V dKAOBIJHl, Sch*2’k ?5®®‘P'‘aie' We alio have in connection with the legislative of Dr. Hopkins’ Catarrh like of them * Va. above a Har- Minister Foreign under date of something some in election Mos. 1 & 2....GO 00 00 Sell I>erM>«Ite«‘er' li,!r,u!r'l. Naiweiuoud, ness where the the State ot made their re- Affairs, Pine,. 70i^75 @G5 oefl5tl&wsNCm Druggist, Bangob. Shop, U s! of stock anil workmanship required, speeches,and that he did not know that they Bread. Mo. 3.45 00 00 is the i'ii;irantcc we oiler October 4,18G6: ( @15 00 Mo. 4.20 00 in25 00 Sob Belle, (Br, Harnesses shall be all wish in port Monday. following This Patent Bight Whereupon p lugail,, <;rauU Mcnau ,or Boston they lor, that lino We department has learned with much Seminary-Spring Term. told Mr. Garth 4hat he was one ot dot ex 4 IblO 50(0,12 CO oo «)24 A or would also state that with Ou the 10'.’ ofDeocmher the committee Westbrook Bright oo Cough, A Cold, tho U*sf stoek in the coun- t “ of the kindness and shown V Hodsdon. in Oo r« 19 CLEARED. ami I he best wurkiut n tbeir d "J* sensibility courtesy Hoop Skirts—J. those persons who threw dirt recklessly, be- Ship.8 .r»0(@ Spruce.1*00 oo l.T* any where to be thund. we They entered ujion the Person Building. Crackers 100 50 55 JUn.25 Barque Augnstlue Kubbe ,f ,, Itel confl ient we can make appointed. M examine l*y authorities of Brazil to that distinguish- To any cause knew if could y @ Miupnsion Spruce I A Sore Cart iuges as g.*od ms the and Dress they that, necessary, they 15 ou Throat, ,„„s> 2 P Carver, in the following day, proceeded ed man of Stile Hats—Harris. Butter. Hemlock.... («18 oo best, and style we intead tf> be ui> science, Professor Louis Agassiz, Spring afterwards eat it, which is about the truth.— %£&&& fully * to the citizens ot Louisiana. o Dyer & Uobins. lb... 35 c@ Zb times. witnesses, his recent visit for pur- Notice—Hill, The most Familyy lapboardH, 'Requires immediate Lick and during professional characteristic thing is, that a sound ;>ture. 22 25 00 (5 30 00 attention, Brig J more, Graham, To the of the for the time at Washington, to The course \tij SprucelOx..27 AND SHOULD BE CHECKED. Cmdenaa-Jaa nob- patrons establishment heretofore and “^mued poses your interesting and rather eminent is line Ex_ none. SOU. the we here until the empire. THE lawyer perfectly prepar- Caudles. public generally would say, ns a all tlieir labors t of referred COURTS. If to Oen Orchard, give and those authorities on the occasion ed to believe any discreditable about Mr. Mould lb... i«» yu] 1* allowed continue, Sell Grant, Baltimore—j | you l»e assured that it will l* ioi of story y Shingles, *' may yt»ur interest as NOW to is as an 40 42 Cedar Ext. .4 50 4 7ft Sell Ma L Howard. McOaBie, New York. well as ow n. at Orleans, and regarded growing appreciation UNITED Bright, simply because it is discreditable, with- Sperm. i«J @ our HILL, DY£K & l«WINS. <-’-Vl'^^rcd the which does STATES DISTRICT COURT. Cement. Cedar No.1..3 00 3 25 Seb Shawinat. Bicker, Boston. city on the 3d of importance of his researches, out so much as asking for evidence. Mr. Bright ^ Irritation of the l.iing*, a per- lebhM&w'lin was tSt January, brl..2 40 2 50 Shuveil Cedar 6 75 Sch Jas Lawrence, FrisUee, B.«itou ctotdTn at \v on the them and a for him personally before judge fox. is to Conserative the p @ ! 1107 l. was ashington 15th honor, regard imagination, incarnation *• resumed requii- Cheese. Pino G 75 nmucut Throat UK. IIOPKI YS* closed ou the 2d ot Feb- ami as a citizen of the United States, Tuesday.—A number of caseB which it was snp- of all that is diabolical, and the burden of Diwaar, oflomarv and finally which 1 nave Vermont y lb 20 (@ 22 I Laths, | The Messrs Blanchard, at Yarmouth, are of this be 1 whole number witnesses exam- ing special acknowledgment poecd would for the to were settled by proof is always upon him; he must establish New York.... 20 o; 22 ftO 4 00 he ruary- The to make. jury decide, Spruce.3 @ or CouNUuipliou, a tine ship of about 14.ul ton., to completed carl, 159 were before the com- been directed the President the his innocence or he will be assumed to be tail i. 4 4 75 Catarrh Troehes! ined is 197, of which by parties. There being no case tor trial at present, Coal—(Hr j Pine. 50 (eg in the (HI 1 spring. New Orleaus. Of 47 were ex- respond- of the Nation. Cumberland, in 5o (rrl I Molasses. is uf Brunswick, will hm d a II »// mittee at these, To this note the Brazilian Emperor jurors were from further attend- guilty.—[London correspondent often the result. The Messrs Skoltielil, ('„re Catarrh, t ('old*. (be discharged any 10 A Porto Rico. nono outfits. at the request of the citizens of that offices to Profess- liorb’v&Iliuioowd.liKo firs? class ship ot* about 1200 tons during the coming ami all amiued ed that he the good uo case come them. 50 on roHchttti, uj/.ctions ij the Throat. regarded ance, having before Ijchigh.In i Iheut. There has during our na- Agassiz White Ash. 9 50 10 00 iJuba 15 46 to lhat and illustri- MUNICIPAL COURT. (o Olaycd.. @ Nails. GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIEF. NOTICE TO MARINERS voice and that sions to be of service couutry There has been some improvement in trade during oi s .,r, l which took at New Orleaus ou the 30 th and A. ior a street were fined $5 each Cooperage. C%k. G 75 («j 7 00 mote place Dyer, affray, ■^or WEST CoAsT At RW A—ALM MMi; POINT. .ami ..Tre IK with which Brazil maintains highly prized re- the and the are firm- IIlid.Sh’ksA Jlds, Naval Stores. BronvhiiiH, Asthma, Catarrh, Cou- ki,lMvy**’nlaWv ,U8t of July last. The direct cause of the riots which anil of costs. past week, markets, generally, try one boa ami you Jm £ proportion .3 25 r»r fci brl.. .5 0o mj 5 50 Muuiptive and Throat Information has Wen received at this office that tSS^'llu“8- iu the members of lations of er. The advance in gold has been one cause of the Mol.City.. @ l>i*rn*r*, resulted massacre of several amity. F.. tor mischief in break- •> «»| James Knights, malicious Bug. City.. .2 75 (@ 3 00 Pitch (C. Tar 13 25 trom the lirst dav l>cc, 1mm>, a light Would he ex- ilt I’AUKD uy of and the action of House of TROCHES AKK USED WITH ALWAYS GOOD toe convention and in the many mereased firmness, ehe Pitch .. .5 00 a) SUCCESS. hibited from a erectiil Alma slaughter ng glass at the City Hotel, was fined ten dollars and Sug. (.’’try.. 1 50 («’ 1?5 \Vfl. 5 50 lighthouse recently on citizens of was the reassembling of t in in that there Hitt Mol. Rosin.7 00 12 00 die Point, Cape \ erde, West Coast Airiea E. B. IJOfKINrt, y|, u Louisiana, costs. Representatives Congress, resolving CHry Mangers and Public Speaker* that convention pursuant to a call made by THE Iliid.Shks. 200 (@ 2 25 Pur pontine p llic light is a fixed red light, elevated 85 icefc above STATE. should be no further contraction of the currency for Hi WashiaglM Ml reel, as tem- Hhd. gal. 88 w ill find Troches useful in the voice when the level of the sea. and iu clear weather shun id be Uni.,, Hon. 11. K. Howell acting president pro Hire. Julia C. HM’gs, @ clearing that Wiuffute. a year, is another. Speculators have begun to take Soft Pine... 25 Oakum. seen trom a distance of 8 miles. Wholesale Agents tor Main.,— pore. The committee give a history of taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the and there was On the This estimable lady, whose deatli took place advantage of both the above causes and have already Hard Pine.. 30 <@ Americau..... lot ug 13* The illuminating apparatus is by lenses of the W. E. I’ll IM.I I'M A Co.. In,, convention and of the riots, say Monday citizens of Saco are to vote 00 throat alter an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. Nathan Porrlaud. in I loops,! 14 A '.35 00 (@40 Oil. fourth order. W0..1., | to show that ill some cases policemen on the on the 11th lost, in this was a of created some little excitement the markets. evidence question of or city, daughter U.OakStav.sJo (Hi («r>5 00 65 The Troches are recommended and The tower is lect Sold at Rotail all icbUd&wlw* life. Without accenting rejecting the Kerosene,_ @ prescribed by square, thirty-nine high, rising by Druggists. acted to save and not to destroy Gen. whose life of 78 The prospect grows less of the passage of any tariff ■ijierm.3 25 («g from the centre ot the keei»e ’s ami convention owe city charter passed the Henry Dearborn, long Copper. Physicians, and have liud testimonials from eminent dwelling, paint- some members of the by Legislature. 43 Whale.1 45 l ed white. It is built on the western rise of the doubt to his ter- bilhby the present Congress. Still,foreign commod- Cop.Sheathing t/g 70 Seatsfoot .1 85 00 any imitations disasters. fell the patriot cause. As soon as he received news week at On it at @2 other cases wh -re evidence was storm of Jan. for his house on the eastern 137£,@138k Monday, 11, o(iencd 9 that be offered, sold ev erwii err There are some 17th, Bi-Carb Soda (@ 10 Onions. may Brig Ocean Wave, ol Bellast. Wore re|*>rtcd aban- shown the These of the battle of he raised a Bold down to 136 J, eloping at 136 j. Tuesday it Borax. 311 bl. 2 00 General Insurance •riven of kindness by police. side of the Kennebunk river, but doubtless be- Lexington, company 136^; (@ Siv’skinsty 50(2.3 Dec 4—d&wGni hn doned at sea, was owned by 1* U Jlazeltiue, K Sihly, Agents, which wc are to at sold to rate. Camphor. ...Il0i@ Paints. L R SI. Mi. Ceo were exceptions, glad name. of volunteers, and by a rapid march hastened opened 136], up 137|, closing *t that l'almer, liken, Pierce, Dr Brooks, have returned to their old came bewildered and lost his He was a Cream Tartar 35 52 Portl’d Lead-17 50 stand. these lor several hours the way. alter our tor choice @ @ and (.‘apt hoiuhs, and was uninsured. But with exceptions to On his return he received a APPLES—We quotations fruit, Cambridge. indigo,,.,1 50 ipp, l 85 Pure Grddo.15 00 (m Dll. S. S. FITCH’S David ( (of Bath) at dice and mob, ill mutual bloody emulation, strong healthy man, about fifty years of age. as it is growing scarcer. Dried apples are also Brig iwcii, Cbadbourne, New Ocean Insurance Co.’s It lock, p Logwood ex... K> 17 1 ’urn I do. 15 00 (u> York from Feb w hi in the commission in Stark’s and )ry Cardenas, reports, 1ft, e at anchor continued the butchery hall and on the the Captain’s regiment higher. uv 00 —Among post-office changes made last Madder... Is 20 Am. Zinc,... 13 iuj in the lower bay, dragged anchor and w.-ut. ashore until two hundred were is but the demand is “Family Physician,” EXCHAK6E s’rltKKT. sired nearly people fought gallantly in the battle of Bunker Hill. ASHES*-Potash steady quite Naptha pgal. 35 u 5» Rochelle Yol.. 4 in* on the West Bank, bhe was ol!' with week were the following of this Seventy-six pages : price 25 cents. Sent to any ad- got loss ot one killed aud wounded. The number was State:—Albion, light. y lb. 9*75 (@ Rni.Ven.Rcd. 4‘^r) anchor and chain. proba- He WRS next sent under Arnold the Opium dress. No money required until the book is F. C. S. lo G. F. vice D. S. Drake through ...3 25 l ted Lead. 1G 18 received, & continue r* present lirst class Coiu- much larger than this. But of that numbe- Hopkins, removed; BEANS—There is a demand for beans, and, Rhubarb... @ ( ton...3 00 @ them away. Only ten po- credible to his favor- erate demand. conveyed quickly ed. hardships, having give up Vitriol. IS @ Hard.2 5ft (g 2 7ft DOMESTIC PORTS. liceman were wounded, and none of them se- the of his BOX SHOOKS—We have no change to note. The D* ok. LTiound.II 00 10 00 ite dog to appease hunger starving @ Long Sought For l SAN FRANCISCO—Sailed 16th ult, Helios. Patent one was transactions are ami are not «•» ship verely, and no of them slain, if tbe —The preliminary examination oftheWest light, shippers disposed .'to. i,. («*; rruuuue. Rights for Sale! associates. He was taken in the at- Marston, Puget Sound; 17th, Goo 1'aim?. convention had been or if the colored prisoner to otfer more than 75c for the best quality. Sales No. OB 49 Beef, side $> lh lo 13 Come at Last l Peabody, armed, Auburn murderers is to commence to-day or 10,. @ New York. ^ have been made at 70c cash. 4o Veal-..- have just taken out Letters Patent for a citizens had been called upon in advance to tack, but paroled, and exchanged in 1777. He Ravens.. OB K-M }0 Sid 18th ult, ship B L Herrhnan, Winding, Hong to-morrow. BUTTER—Frime table butter is so woods. Lamb. 10 12 come armed to protect the convention, this served witli honor at not plenty. Dye @ Mains’ Elder Wine. Kong. Ticonderoga, Monmouth, There is a tfcir of Vermont Bar wood.. 3 Thickens. 22 25 Berry SKID could not have been the case. This riotous at- —The Whig reports that on the 3d iust the supply butter. Prices @ @) We Dike pleasure in that the above GALVESTON—Ar 31st, sch A P at from fhir Brazil 13 23 25 announcing nit, Avery,Bryan, in New Jersey, and Yorktown, where on the range from 35@40e, to good. Common but- Wood.. (aj I'urkeys. @ named found New York. tor IIInis and tack the convention, with its terrible re- store of G. & O. at Kendall’s was article may be for sale by all City supporting llnrrels, which is pronoun- upi# Flood, Mills, ter is more from from Camwood — 9 on lo ieose. 20 22 death of Col. he was to plenty, prices ranging 2b(&30c @ Druggists and lirst class (tracers. Ar 1st sell Jledabodec. Rowe, Mobile. ced by Grocers and ot tiers, to be sults of massacre and murder, was not an ac- Scammel, promoted the 3 5 doz.. 35 37 Country inst, broken into, and robbed of to the per tt>. Fustic...... mj llggs, fl @ Asa Medicine Mains’ Wine is Cld 1st cident. It was the determined of the dry goods of his bid 1 50 invaluable, being inst, barques Alamo, Strieker, Liverpool; JUST purpose command regiment. served is a Logwood, Potatoes,}) 7o@2 the if THE amount of $400. some Having CANDLES—There fair demand tor Trow- among best, not the best, remedy for colds and 2d. Nineveh, Baker, New York. THING, of tbe of New Orleaus to break Monday morning per- Cam peachy. 3 Jranb’s t* bush 4 oo@i 5o and are now mayor city up through the whole war, he moved to Gard- bridge’s moulds, and prices are without change. @ pulmonary complaints, us wed as one of the most NEW ORLEANS--Ar 5th, orb Arlle Garwood, uttering territory lor sale, and want to this convention armed force. This the sons went to the ruins of an old about St. Domingo 2 ,w 3 Provisions, **' introduce by building CHEESE—Good cheese is and agreeable Herr rages. Manufactured from the pure Godfrey Cardenas. them into market. We will give an to and iner in 1784; wan first Marshal of getting scarce, Nie.Wood.... (aj lie.vs Beef, committee proceed demonstrate, quote half a mile from the appointed liave advanced juice of the terry, and unadulterated by any impure llelow Bill, ships Old Dominion, Samp.-on. and Su- village to get some prices about 2c per lb. We quote Peach Wood.. 8 w .20 00 @22 00 Active, Stirring 191mm, h l.eod Trade. from President John- bricks, Maine in was twice to ,.. we can recommend it to the sick san H allot Irom M. from the following despatch 1789, elected Congress, prime at 20@22c. RedWood.... & Ex Me.-s. .24 00 00 ingredient, heartily Hinks, t, Boston; mioello, and discovered red in Ob 9 @25 as a aud to the as a Several Counties In this Slate vet remain son to Albert Voorbies, lieuteuaut-governur of something sticking up medicine, well, beverage. Genoa; barques Robert,Carter, from Boston; Caro- unsold, and iu 1801 was by Mr. Jefferson CEMENT—The market is well supplied and prices Sii]>au Wood.. m) Pork, including Cuml>erland. We w ill bell any State but dated July 28, 1886:—“The the snow. An discovered all the appointed •‘To the of the aged itaddeth line Lernont, Bowkur, and 11 D Brookman, Savin, Lousiaua, military investigation are unchanged. Fish. ExtraClear @27 00 days length, Maine, iscw Hampshire, Vermont, or Connecticut. to sustain and not of War. He held this office To the it addclh ftom do; Sc wall, from New York; brig Maria will be obstruct or stolen The concerned in the Secretary during |> qtl Clear.21 00 Co/25 00 mighty strength,” Istrin, Patent runs .s'ceeuttcn expected property. parties COAL—The demand for anthracite continues Coil, *Tis a for the a tbr W Norwood, Washburn trom Newport. years. intefere with the proceedings of the court. A the whole of Mr. Jefferson’s Large Short 6£6 (c£ 7 25 ..S3 Oq @24 00 balm sick, jqv tlio well— are known. administration, steady and prices are without any change. ami (trovers and sell Cld 2d. ships Cons -Button, Patron, u .d Squan.)., Address, Immediately on the of the convention was robbery Bank 550 7 00 l*rimc.... Is 00 »o;iy 00 I Druggists buy MOANfcl A 111 despatch subject anil in 1809 was Collector of Large Cg) Jordan. Liverpool; Di Boston. UK, Patentees. appointed Boston. COOPERAGE—Tiie market remains the same as Hams. 15 16 MAINS’ barque Courser, key, sent 11 Governor Wells this morning.” —The Brunswick Telegraph says that the Suuill.3 50 uB 4 00 @ GliDGBUGBBY MINE MOBILE—Cld 4th hist, seh Brewer, Me., Feb. 11, 1SG7. Iebl3dlw* In 1812 he received the last week. of city make Is sold up Jarhin, Tbomp.-on, the effect ol this appointment of Senior Everything Pollock.3 00 @ 4 25 Rice. nev 27 s n d&wtf Tbe committee say despatch house of F. C. Jordon on are our Cedar Keys. Capt. Federal street, sh<*rt. Prices firm at quotations. 2 00 (tt> 2 50 [lice, *> lb.... 10 @ wasto assure Lieutenant-Governor Yoorhies Major General oi the American and Haddock,new 12} KEY WEST—Ar 1st Inst, brig Wm Crsevy, llaly. next south of the Cleveland has been Army, CORDAGE—Manila has shaded a trifle. The de- Hake.2 00 OB 2 75 Rum. SPRING ST ¥1*13 those who were with him that estate, Mobile for New York ; tch B H Risley, Jones, from aud acting they rendered valuable service on the Northern mand is Sew England nominal the as a quite light. Herring, Make Your l ltamiMb n for lVnsueola. would have the support of the President in purchased by College residence for Shore. hl.400 00 Saleratus. Oum Soap frontier. In 1822 he was appointed Ministcrto DRUGS AND Dy ES—No change from last week. p @0 CHARLKS'i’ON — Cld 5tl|, ship Confidence, John- their actiou. It is maintained the Presi- President Harris. The house is one of the best pbx. 35 OB 45 4 50 By Saving aud four Waste CrroaBe. Wfel»ber, Baltimore; was at his improve- <$17 Using 7tb, Paul Guilder, JUST OUT nor of Louisiana home in New Or- ment in the No. 3. 13 25tel4 25 ir’nd Butter. 30 Seavcy, Philadelphia. in was dry goods trade yet. But jobbers look Bay @ ^ was 1851, and Mrs. Wingate, who the last BUY ONE BOX OF THE FORTKES MON ROE—Ar 7tli, sch A tlantie, Hen- leans; that the legislature not in session, for a lair ns tbe Shore No,1.18 00 00 Se-ds. spring business, stocks of retailors @19 derson, Norlolk tor Jacksonville. —AT— and that his own power under the Constitution British Colonial Items* survivor. She was bor» in 1781, while her are to be and must be Shore No.3. 9 00 00 ht bush getting very small, they kept @10 nlsgras* 400@450 Salt Co’s Ar 5th, schs Tilt, Prescott, St John, NB, tor Balti- was the of the executive "‘to to meet the demand ior home Flour. Mover fb.11 Pennsylvania M’i'g. upon application father was in the Virginia campaign, up consumption. @15 more: Active, from Frankloit lor do. protect tne mate against uomesric violence, There is no noticeable change in prices either of White Winter ied Top tag 5 50 @ 6 00 PHILADELPHIA—Cld 9, sch DacntnU, H A ±1III S —The Toronto and him to Maine in 1784. cottons or woolens. choice xx 16 17 50 Shot. Partridge, an 1 yet hi overlooked the governor of the Globe says the articles from accompanied 00@ BA.POJSTIFOiHi. New Orb ana. % In a little xx 14 50 (o lC 00 >rop,fc)3001bs @1150 1 State, known to tie loyal, and communi- that city lor the Paris at last ac- 1800, at past 19 years of age, she FISH—The market is steady and prices are with- of 1st At Chapter 91 lb prig Sami Welsh, from Miragoane. Exhibition, X 13 OO fl li 00 luck. 50 (Patents and 8th Feb., 1859.) 300 CONGRESS cated witli the out is rather more local demand. @12 NEW YORK—Ar 10th, Union, fioiu STREET. directly lieutenant-governoi had been married Mr. wlio taken his change, There Red Winter barque Miller, counts, twenty days en route for New Wingate, haviug Soap. -OB- Messina. 70 days, (lost and split U febl3dlw and attorney-general, known not to be iu FLOUR—There is a little more ip the 14 n , sails); brig Lydia from ugtyvity xx. 50(fiS 15 50 fix ti Sfc’m Helmed 11* < Santa Cruz York, via Grand and had not degree Harvard College in 1795, had es- are ole, Sampson. with the govenor. and his action Trunk, been flour market, and prices firm. We notice the ar- x. 0O«) sympathy by 13 family.10* COYCEYTRACER LYE. Below, Vitula, from San Da- heard from. If tablished himself as a merchant in Hal- of hundred sacks of flour from San ship Francisco; brig Notice. gave such directions as, if carried out as un- the Canadiaus grumble at a general rival several Spring xx 14 00@ 14 50 4o. 1... 10 vid Irom Cardenas. came in less time than it takes to Owen, derstood the who received them lowed. Gen. Francisco, which x.. 13 25 o, 14 00 Mine. 13* It will 12 hard annual meeting ot the stockholders of the by parties delay of ten days, wonder what would Wingate’s grandfather, Paine flour is make pounds excellent soap, or 26 Ariirh, ship Vitula, Peck, San Francisco; bng rpilE they get, from Chicago, It retailing at the rate of .10 Oo («12 00 ■hem Olive. Ill I State of Maine Oil ..i>:ui\ la would have arrayed the military power of the Superfine gallons of the very best soft soap for only aboutSOcts. David Owen, Chadbournc, Carden x*, will la* id on say to have their freights four or five months Wingate, was minister of Amesbury, Mass., fiO 117 per bbl. St, Louis Southern ’nine’s. 13* Feb. at I o'clock United States on the side of Mayor Monroe'f $ Directions on each box. For sale at all Drug and Ar 12tli, ship Fleettord, Stover, irn San Francisco; Wednesday, 20th, P. M.,at the office on and his FRUIT—Raisins are firm at our advanced ol xx 16'>o@16 00 •oda. of H. 1\ Inane, No. 8 police in their arrest of the members the road. years, uncle, the venerable Judge Paine rate* dnperjor 13} Grocery stores. brig Virginia, Wood. Sierra Leone. Clapp's Block, Congress stieel, proposed last week. fruit is along more Canada Spices. to act upon the business: of the convention. The of N. Sicily coming freely. GF Cld 11th, barque Nellie Eenwiek, Small, Valparai- following President knew the There is a good deal of dissatisfaction that Wingate, Stratham, H.,diod in 1838, aged xx I6 0t)(£l6 50 1 lassia, pufe*.. 75 BEWARE COUNTERFEITS. 1st. To boar and act GRAIN—The stock of corn has been much Superior @ so via Boston; Luigs Prairie Rose. Ran luff, Galves- upon the reports of the IWroc- condition of affairs in Louisiana in last, then very Western Moves. 43 @ 15 Itf^Be particular in asking for Salt tors and other otlieers. July the Canadian at the Paris Exhi- 98, the oldest surviving graduate of Har- reduced. Holders are firm at our Michigan Pennsylvania ton; Maria Wheeler, Wheeler, Mobil.-; m-Ii aniiv He knew that the “rebels” management quotations. xx"?. 15 50 2S (a) Go’s 2d. and “thugs” and Supvr 50@I6 linger. 30 Manufacturing Saponitior. nol7sNcud&wly Elder, Shea, Galveston. To ch.Kwe a Board of Directors. men bition is to be in Lower vard. Gen. Wingate’s father moved early to receipts during the weok have been am- Fruit. 40 («) 2d. disloyal had controlled the election oi entirely Canadian HAY»|lie Maeo.t PROVIDENCE—( Id Itth. brig Ellen Bernard. To tranauct any other bnsiness that mnv coinc ply suniclcut to u+Aitst the increased demand for ship- Almonds—Jordan Ih. 25 1 before Mayor Monroe, then an unpardoned reb* 1 whc hands. Hallowed, and died at a very advanced age.— p Nutmegs.1 @ 3"* BKMOVAL. Burgess, Wood’s Hole, ro load lor Savannah. legally them. JOHN E. DONNELL, ping. Prices are unchanged, but firm. Sofl Shell... 35 2H 30 feb!3eodl w had beeu alter Ins election 0' ‘epper. @ NEWPORT—Sid Uth. Han on President. suspended from dis- A Lower went with Gen.Dearhorn to barque Gregory, _ Canada society for the protec- Mr.Wingate Wash- LEAD—Unchanged, with a lair demand for sheet Slid led.... Ob 40 MmentO. 30 @ 33 charging the duties of his office by Or- DUS. CHADWICK & FOGG Gregory, (trom Providence) lor Rockland. military tion of fish and a and was for chief clerk in and PeaNul^ p7f> j ’earl. ll}@ tor and must clare that the the War from he LEATHER—There Is a fair demand for immediate 12} have removed to Boston Cape Carnavvral, Fla; Frink & Emily, pardoued him. have known the reb- moose is rapidly Department, which position Currants__ 1C Sugar. Hoop Skirt disappearing use. Prices are unchanged. ig> Colley, do for Savannah: A hble Pitman, 1 timber I, el antecedents of Albert Voorhies and A. S. from Canadian wilds. was transferred to Custom House in new_20 dusoovado... 11 .‘101 1-4 COIMtiRKN* The value of the skin (h.e Bath, LIME—The present demand is small but an* Dates, @ @ 12} NTRKKT, Portlaml for Baltimore: El ban All n, Blake do lor DEALER IN he knew that riot and bloodshed prices Figs,.ip** 15 ml 25 lav. Brown 1 14 Hirrou; makes the moose a rich to and held the office of there until unchanged. The stocks are large. }@ Philadelphia: Arthur Burton, Froh.wk, Savannah prize the native In- Collector 1822, Prunes,., 18 lav. White... none brown’s new block, French and were apprehended: he knew that military or- OB lor Boston; T J Tiaiton, Tapley, fm Bo-ton tor Bal- English, American Corsets, who have slain him a of HIDES AND SKINS—'Hie market is dull and we Raisins. v ’rushed.. 154 ders were in force, and yet without the knowl- dians, long lor the profit his perils! great profit to-the principal officers @ 15} over the store of Messrs. Lowell Sentcr. timore. Goods have no change to note in prices. Bunch,pbx 4 00 @ 4 iiartn lap <1,.. 15: Fancy of the of War or of the Gener- hide affords. It is converted into in the revenue service. Ill that he 12$ @ 15} Hours—10 Also in port 11th, brig Almon Rowell, Maguue, AND LAOBS, edge Secretary moccasins year 15 •/ 4 25 *owdered.... Office to 12 A. M„ and 3 to 5 P. M. HOSIERY, GLOVES, al IRON—The stocks oi iron are good and there is a Layer.4 15} @ i.r>| from Turks Islands tor Poitlaml. of our armies, upon whose immediate with which the moved to Portland. On 3 On Dig And all kind* of TRIMMINGS anti Dress troops garrisoning the more in- the retirement of moderate but Steady demand. Under the increased Lemons,box 50 m>, 5 'Iagio Refinery A @> none Chadwick's residence 1<18 Cumberland street. HOLMES* HOLE—Ar9tli. wh E K Dresser, Ber- Buttons. responsibility those military orders had been lurid 5 00 do B a none Du. Fogg’s residence 28 stjeef. It if Tla^d-hftii German V, fuMi .j Garnleti is hr.Au clement districts are General as Governor of tho State in price .of gold, era arj* firm in their prices. Nails Oranges,pbox olotig, choice @ 1 05 ton for Boston; sch St Marc do. againts Orleans who bec. The animated and LUMBER—The demand for lumber is Eric, Percival, for chapel of the Congregation of 8t. somewhat hitter canvass was quite mod- -4iiirley.1 25 «i). 1 30 lapan, .1 10 @ t 25 A VIluable Medicine.—Dr. Poland’s White Sid Itth, sch K K Dresser. Glove Anodyne. had remained loyal during the war, and and then- is a large of all kinds in sought erate, supply tbe Cats. Oi! 75 Tin. Pine our to aid Itoch—an order of it carried on in the Democratic which re- 70 Compound, advertised in columns, is a suc- In port, brig Josie A Devereax; schs CO Clark, f PIIAT remarkable and suppmt by official sanction the nuns—was, seems, saved party, market. Southern is rather flat at 00 « specific tor Toothache and it* per- pine present. Shorts p toil.32 35 00 *anoa, cash.. 36 @ 37 cessful to combine and the medicinal D S Siner, and Areola. sons who to the attempt apply A associated ns desired suppress by arrest on from great fire of last October a sudden sulted, however in the selection of Jlr. new Fine Feed. .30 00 nr 38 00 •trails, cash.. 33 35 virtues neoralgies, prepared by only, can by Parris, MOLASSES—The molasses that has arrived @ ot the White Pine Bark. It has been thorough- POSTON—Ar Itth, barque Howland. Lewis, Suri- now lie Inruislicd criminal and under color of law 50 00 55 03 34 37 to consumers or to tho trade in process the of wind when in the most imminent who was tho successful candidate. General has proved to be a superior article, and has been free- Middlings... (g> English. @ ly tested by people in this city and vicinity, and the nam ; brig Julia P Carney, Carney. Galveston. change bar. I.C.. 13 00 50 quantities to suit, at our establishment, meeting of the convention, and that, althougii ly taken up tp spmit lot« hy the grncei*. Imp .i ters Gunpowder. @13 proprietor has testimonials to its value from persons Cld Uth, brig Lucy Ann, Rose, Galv.s ton. and for this a had been a member of the Conven- Blast lug.5 5o « m 00 Miar. 1. X.. .16 00 50 348 I'O.VCBKSS this convention was called with the danger; interposition splendid Wingate are firm |n their pri£$|wChe probabilities being li.r a @16 well knows to our citizens. We reccouunend its trial Sid, luigs Fanny Lincoln, J II Counce. STItPKT, demand in tlio with a Sporting.0 00 to) 7 50 Tobacco. in all those sanction of the Govenor and .one of the crown, composed of nine has been tion which framed tlic Constitution, and a very large spring, but limited cases of disease to which it is adapted. It B low 12th, barque >1 IS Stetson, from Cienfriogns. .1. R. HINT A CO. by hearts, just 'ives& __ of the Court of amount imported, jg Hay. Tens, is for sale by all our Druggists.—ludependant. Cld 12th. sobs E II Furbcr. Co b, Baltimore; wil- judges Supreme Louisiana, placed above the statue of the whose active and influential member of the 2 60 (d24 no Best Brands 70 80 Virgin, by party.— NAVAL STORES-*-1The , lis Putnam, hive. Calais and East]>ort. claiming to act as the president of the conven- very light Loose.22 00 a 25 00 Medium_ 60 65 Wanted. it is believed the favorable On the establishment of a Branch of the IT. S. are without @> PORTS if .UTH—Sid 8tb, sch Gertrude Horton, tion interposition change prices change. Straw.12 00 The Great Ntw or five moms @1500 Common... 55 @ 60 Englaud Remedy! Jameson, Now York. for a gentleman and his wife, occurred. The hearts Baak in he was the Pres- OAKUM.—Prices are and in a The effect of the action of the President was have in them the names Portland, appointed steady unchanged from Hides and Skins. i Ialf lbs. best Dk. j. W. POLAND’S fjXUTR soodtoeation, for w hich a iair rent will l« last week. Demand small. to very Bin-nos 29 ${i 31 brands. ... 75 80 I«W. Apply to W. U. Real Estate encourage the heart, to strengthen the of all the nuns. The was and ident of it. He closed his life at the age of 70 Ayres @ PORFjtLV PORTS. .IKGIUS, Ago.*. chapel crowded, last Western. 18 19 ! ial’ir,i af, lhs.1 00 (w 1 25 febl3dlw hand and to hold up the arms of those men OILS—No change from week’s quotations. ;<$ Ar at Tloa a desire that the anni- years, Nov. fi, 1843. Slaughter.... to m lbs. 75 Hong Kon;r Jfrot /, Galatea, Cook, from San who intended to the convention Bishop expressed Demand limited. favy @) 85 WHITE PINE COMPOUND prevent from Skins_ 30 .u* Franc'sca. aP of this In in which her husband was Cali* Twine. Person In this versary fete should be celebrated annu- every position ONIONS—Silver-skins command t?2 50«*3 00 Is now ottered to the atUicted the coun- Ar at ( alia > 13tli Any Idiiltlin^, assembling. disclosed intention to Lamb Skins. .1 (X) ««» 1 50 ( lottnu Sail... @ 80 throughout ult, ships J.*» ph C larke,-. ftn bbl. There are but tew in the market > alb r In en about, to to arrest, by police or the members of ally. placed, Mrs. Wingate was the gen- per Iron. i Tax.. 75 try, having proved bv the test ot eleven Aecapnlco; Itukn, stilphon, Mell»oim.<-, (and sailed build, wishing let part of a house sheriff, presiding in the at a lair to the PAINTS—Pure leads are lower and we Common. 4*.'a) years, New England Stan s, where its merits l#th for Chinchasi; 16th, Detroit, Chinchas, OR lent, apply convention, they were assured of his —A on ius. Gifted with a brilliant mind and a reduce 5 Varnish. Curtis, sup- movement is foot to establish a line digni- have become as well known as the tree from in sailed 19th for S H feb!3d3w» Box 11>4I. port and and it was with our quotations. The demand is chiefly for local pur- Refined. 5 iit> 54 I iainar.2 76 @ 3 75 which, (and England); I9tli, barque “II," aid; believed, good of steamers fied and attractive and part, it derives its virtues. Waterman,Bate-1, from Chile; between and mara- person, Swedish. 8 .. 20th, ship reason,that whatever steps the should Quebec the cheerful, guy poses. o,‘ 8*1 furniture .2 25 @ 4 25 Montpelier, mayor u) 9 ( Watts. Rio Janeiro; 21st, Italia, Whitmore, do. Westbrook in his office and under riine full of she and adorned ev- PLASTER-^Tlie stocks have become reduced and Norway. 8$ loach....3 00 @ 6 60 Seminary. take, color of law, to provinces. animation, graced The White Fine Sid /hi Talcahnano Dec 24, ship San Stront, the prices for hard and soft have advanced. We Cast Steel_ 26 m] 28 Wood. Compound, Carlos, SPEING TERM commences suppress the meeting of the convention would —The station which she was called to fill. In ev- quote Beaton* fJMIE February lately published statement of exports ery soft at 00 and hard at 76 Herman Steel. 17 b..x 30 @ 40 Cold*, Ripllirrin, shows a observed of all observers. In her home at are higher, bringing 35«$7c. Potatoes so itrouehiti*, of IEI«»o Skins.. 76 1 10 lYillienlty Voiiliuy fnegos nit, brig L WadswortlF, rebel leaders, military and who conducted PROVISIONS-^ @ @ IHeediii" from the JK and A tin Washington.) civil, over the ostentatious which made her house vision market. Beef is steady, with a moderate de- Belgian.... 22 @ Zinc. grille, idney* Bailey, wall; 20ili. Clarabei,Tracy, New York; g the war the Saguenay at Tadousic, the first time hospitality, Rlodrier, (■ravel aud other 1st sen do. against government during the re- mand. Pork rules tinner. Western packers having Liard. fosselman, sheet,14 complaint*. inst, Keokuk, Sniall, bellion—and that such au the resort both of and @14} For Pile* uud it will be foaaud Ar at Havana 1st Counsel ior-at-Law ami this is fully demonstrated the event has been known. always agreeable strangers advanced their Round arc at Barrel, II «> 144 I Scurvy, inst. brig Cossack, Elliott, from Internal Revenue by prices. hogs selling pit).. .ehigli.II @14} very valuable. facts before the committee. — Marinas; barque Isaac Rich, Arhorn. hath. The conquered In a man died of extreme her friends. In her prime, she was the cynosure fedgllc. Kegs, ptb,. liygi Solicitor, Canada, recently, Cld 4th inst, brig Gipsey York, Sierra Mo- country remains within the of the Uni- RICE--We is Give it a trial it you would learn the value of a Queeu, power aud w as buried at of ail eyes; and she bore the burden ol her ad- continue our Rangoon relia; ^o. ted to be held poverty, the expense of his quotations. Boston 5th, barque Acacia. Robinson, Cnbairieu. IT9 State St., BoNton. States, according to law until selling at 10c and Carolina at 121. Slo«*l« I.iwt. Sid 31>t \Vm the brother. other vancing with to GOOD AND TIDED MEDICINE. ult, barque K Anderson, Pierce, for safety of the republic shall be secured.— Among things provided for the years gentle grace, yielding SALT—The market is Sales at tlie 12. very quiet and prices arc Brokers’ Board, Dec i* Sagua. Until such time as funeral ■t Pleasant Safe aud Hare. PRESCOTT’S long experience in the Inter- Congress shall act and the were a number of candles to be used at their approach no faster than they compelled without change. American Sid ftn Mntanzan 29tli ult, barque • cean Home. ]V|R- Gold. 137 111 nul Revenue Bureau, in the Division of political State shall be in full communion with the United 7 Sold by Druggisls and Dealers in Weiden, New York. church. After the funeral subniission. Anil as we look over that life SOAPS—The demand for loathe & Gore’s steam States 3-lOtlis, 1st series. 105* Meilicipesgenerally. Frauds, having of all cases the United the brother de- long Sold at wholesale Ar at do 31st charge of violation oi States, the government of the reflimd is well maintained and orders are coin- 105 2 by ult, barque Neversink, Stills, from the Revenue manded the half all with and kind and soaps small.. Laws, his amiliarity with Departmen- State of however consumed but the aglow vivacity acts, its in from ®iJ over the Our 2d W, F. A St Stephens, NB. tal Louisiana, established, must candles, ing country. quotations give series. .... Phillip* Co., praettce, and his with the l.’ifij Sid fbr acquaintance Revenue from the of the case be cure claimed the candles for serene wo scorn to lie on the factory p.iees. 3d Series. 1051 J. W. Perkin* A Co., 1st, barque Dency, Gray. Philadelphia; sell Officers throughout the necessity temporary, in- his perquisites. sudden, close, gazing T Frazie country, will enable him to choate arid Un i ted S tales 5-206,I8C2. lrftf And W, (V. J Wells, Cardeias; 2d. barque Grace be successful in incomplete. act of the nation’s A lawsuit the as the sun SUGARS—Raw sugars are dull and inactive. Re- Whipple, peculiarly making a speciality of all By ensued which has been decided evening sky calmly descends into % Redpath. (Hr) Havener, Portland via just fined Julv. lsc.5. 10. PORTLAND, ME. Havana; brig mailers to the R. vt nuc Congress such government may be have slightly shaded from last week’s quota- g Minnie Boston. periainiug Laws. He will recognized, in favor of the cure. the shadows of his lints small. 106 sep2U-deow6ms.N Miller, Anderson, attend to claims tor confirmed and or it night, leaving parting tions. [ Drawback, Abatement, Refund- sanctioned, may lie United Stales Sid tin Cardeuas 29th ult, lor disap- Tcn-tortics. loo* Alicey Crocker, ing, and for the recovery of p* naliies of proved and set as the upon the clouds. She was one of STARCH—Firm at our a a North oi Hat torus. paid by wav aside, safety of the na- attending quotations, with moder- Eastern Railroad. port compromise. He will advise tion shall ate 107* WISTAR’S BALSAM parties as to the man reouire. those of whom it has been that have demand. Western Railroad.... 13 ncr of returns said, they making in accordance with law, or as w itlnn Louisiana civil government has been New Publication*. Tbe demand is Portland, Saco <& Portsmouth Railroad. 100 —OF— (Per steamer Australasian, at New York.] to decisions never grown old : green who refuse SHOT—Unchanged. quite light obtaining from the Department at and a patriarchs tor the season. Arat 24tk W organized constitution formed. The IV / E R CHERRY/ Liverpool ult, Frod Warren, PMnney, ashington, and will defend in cast s ot alleged vio- allegiance to advancing time to the last. Bremen; 25th, New lation of the law in military authority of the United States virtu- very TEAS—Tii tendency is upward. The stocks arc Wallace, Carney, Orleans; 2ofch, regard to taxes, penalties or crim- Records of Five SPECIAL NOTICES. HA8 BEEN USED NEARLY Hibernian, (»s) Portia El inal offences ally controls the State at this and Years.—By Grace Green- But why should she have desired to long-" ample tor present wants. Dutton, d; Dorado, Ofis, time, it linger New Orleans. Mr. must control until wood, author of “History of Pets.” “Me"- TINS—The demand tor all kinds continues to be HALF A Prescott will practice l»eft>re the various De- such civil government is es- My er on the strand; her early and con- CENTURY, Sid Belle rie &c. 16mo. 222. Boston: companions good. Holders are very firm. 2!5th, Creole, Knowles, Aden. partiiionts at Washing ton. the Couri tablished and such constitution ordained England,” op. With the most success in Supreme of tho by have all over the and TOBACCO—The market is The astonishing curing cld 23d. Thos Fletcher, Peudlclon, Buenos U.S., ami the Court oi the Tickuor and Fields. temporaries gone river, well supplied. Prices Assortment Ayres; Claims. people of I,ouit iana as shall assure safety remain with Effort, Hus ey. Charleston. For the few side were left for her to unchanged, light demand. of Ladies’, Gentlemen’*, Misses’ and Children’s Boob* Cough*, Cold*, ll«»ur*f lie**, More siH-edy transaction of business, Counsel of to the and receive tlie The contents of this little volume to things.this longer Throat, Ent tor Idg 25lh, Hibernian, (ss) lor Port- high republic legislative appear VARNISH—Wc have no change to note. The de- and Shoe* at T. E. MOSELEY & Summer ludnnizn, Whooping Cough, Dutton, standing, resluing in New York, M. Ciu- sanction of the CO’S., Croup. land; Glover, Savannah. emnati and Congress of the U uited States. consist of enjoy. mand for all kinds is fair St. are made from Liter Arcadian, are associated with fugitive pieces which have beeu call- Boston, up the best stock, in fash- Complaint*, ItrouehiliM, Ar at Washington, him. These results follow of from WOOL—There was more animation in wool Cardiff 21rh,^Moravia. Patten, Iau28 W &S 3in necessity the fact ed forth at Life’s blessings all enjoyed, life’s labor the ionable styles, and are disposed of at low prices. iobl3 Dillienlty of Breathiug, Antwerp. various times the in- done, last Ar at Newport 23d, from Ant- of successful war. They are the fruits ot vic- during period Serenely to her final rest she market week, ami llie tendency is upward. The A*tbnia and every Bazaar, Stinson, passed.” wool ol werp. Without them the war dicated in its title. About half of growers this Slate have made arrangements affection of tory. on the part of these come She has left but one Sid Cm child, the wife of Col. to have a in on the oi in- Shields 24th, St Paul. Martin, Boraltay. the United States has to this under the head of hearing Congress subject Batchelor’s Hair Kn been, extent, “Peace;” the rest are group- creased on wools. l>ye. THE THROAT) LUNGS AMD t ou t at Newcastle 22d M oonMght, N tehois, for furniture s in .vain— that while Clapp, in whom and with whom, her life was so duty foreign This CHEST, wag.-d victory has crown- ed under that of ZINC—No The demand at is not splendid Hair live Is the best, in the world. Aden. “War.” They are all marked change. present INCLUDING EVEN ed the valor of our armies, our'government sweetly blended, that they seemed hut twin heavy. The only true and perfect Ihjc—W armless, Reliable. Sid lin Glasgow 22d, St George, (s) for Portland. would be left by the keen the and Instantaneous. No No ridi< uloiis powerless either to impose terms vitality, impulsiveness cherries on one stem.” W. FREIGHTS—The engagements for the past week disappointment. of or tiuts. Natural Black or Brown. CONSUMPTION. Ar at Messina 12th ult. ftrom peace provide against rebellion or at- warm and the frankness amount- are schooner H. Curtis, out to Sagua and back to Remedies the ill Speedwell, Patten, enthusiasm, elici ts of Had Valencia. tempted secession in the future. north of Uatforas at *>1 75 for molasses and 52c tor Vue*. Invigorates the hair, having The unequalled success that has atlended the These results to as Mr. Jo- it soft and appli- Sid ini ing naivctQ characteristic of this writer, Accident.—Yesterday afternoon sugar; L to load with boxes for Car- beautiful. The genuine is signed Wil- cation of this mod cine in all Antwerp 23d ult, Rutland, Ingraham, for Rroiizt>03IS pre- Fine 19 It. M. « Se’sey, serve the Sheeting,.30. 17$«> ple Co., II. H. Hay, W. F. & E. L. Fellows, IX, Hill, N. H. be in dock. Union. gives of her visits to these The sketch some cuts and bruises. A was obtained Phillips Co., put places. pnng Fine Sheeting,. 40.222 Stauwood and J. W. l’erkins Co. W. H. M. Of the The rebel State was at it is jaul2sudly Webb, IX, Uapc Vincent, N. Y. undersigned. war, true, a»J of “The in the Prison” will in which a of buffalo rolies were Mediam Sheeting,.37.. 14 ^ 17 w&8 (i6i6&tod in Baby speak to the quantity W. B. SPUKRW its Attempt to overthrow tbc Light (a} 16 l.Yxcti, M. rx, Auburn, N. V. heart of and Mr. D. was Sheeting,.37.14 But we would every mother. Her of a placed brought to the city.— to 14 A uu aha M dan 2, lat 24 50 S, Ion 28 15 Buck government. not use the pow- description Shirting,.27 30.12 (g MI S EHAh BATHS AT Skillm ax, M. IX, Bonuiihrook, N. J. W, barque Henry CHAS. B. er HOME. I from Boston for WHITTEMORE, which has as week in when in the The horse on over the BLEACHED sheeting. Bombay. victory given, might well be camp, winter of 18<>4 she kept bridge, dragging H. D. Maktin, M. B., Pa. done it Good Bleached Mansfield, Feb 4, off'Charleston, brig Julia E 10 Louisiana had not been be tore the re- an invitation the with him. Sheering,.36.22 Cu} 27$ Arey, days Lancaster Hull. accepted to lecture before an as- sleigh Good Bleached OVNPKHN1A CtIKED The proprietois have letters from all classes from Martinique lor NO. bellion one of the United States, Sheeting,.9-8.25 (aj 32$ ofour Washington, Feb 12—dtf sociation of the second then in the ar- Medium Sheeting,...36.17 (Vi> 22 ItAitetJIVl ATAN1TA CI BED fellow from the hulls ol The war was conducted on the of the corps, citiaens, Congress to If. part of Shirting,.27 to 32.12$iS 15 EKCl'TIONS on Um< FACE I'lIKKD to her from my the will be read wiftli much in- Disabled Ship.—Collector on humblest cottage, and even the lor government prevent permanently Potomac, AVashburn, DRILLING. beyond seas; the To Let MISS SEM ALL, the tlie terest. For KCKOIDLA EUKEI) fame and virtu s ol tt disuniting States ot Union, Now, the sale by Davis Brothers. received orders to steam rev- Heavy Drilling,.30.22$ 25 iainr's KnUiiiu have ex- No. 1 Chestnut now o< A. Monday dispatch street, copied by WILL nt«l LESSONS IN end of war is, peace, and the to be estab- Medium,.30.20 ;a> BY TREATMENT WITH tended to the uttermost hounds of the Gowell as a Shoe as lie will take the store peace enue cutter in search of the 22$ MINERAL WATERS. earth,** STOKE Store, lished must be secured in view of the Mahoning, packet Corset Jearns,.16 £5 without on Congress street b> Mrs. require- Do away with all your various and often any attempt on our part to introduce it be- formerly occupied Emery. ments of the Constitution Berlin and Frederick the from Havre for New COTTON FLANNELS. perni- Said store will l»e a good one tor a tailor or ItGul itself. Until a loyal Sans-Sodci; or, ship Bavaria, York, cious drills nud nud use u lew built: the limits ol our own milliner, Pencil and Great Cotton Flannels,.25 (3 3ft qiuirk medicines, yond country. or any other kind of business. tfe!2dtf ('rays* Drawing. existe in luI1 accord and His Friends. An Historical Ro- which was fallen in with in lat. 39 30 Ion. Heavy prei-iied wil li With the Political T»iniU’P/ Q N, Medium Colton Flannels,.20 («> 25 Prepared by SETH W. FOWLh & 18 Tre- UlntAd Statou, Uixd thu dpmMhd of U*o liy Uuklbaolk, ctllilltM v*f "JuSOltll SON. And also instruct in the I* 10 on the 25th Bleached Cotton niont and all classes*)desiring, Elements Constitution is Second and His etc. AV., ult., by ship Flannels,.25 (a> 37$ Street, Boston, sold by Ixnggists and ot after Dr. complied with, that a govern- Court, etc., 'Translated Resolute, STRIPED “STRUMAT1C SA LTS !” Design, ltimiuer's method, at nent Mrs. at SHIRTING. liealcrs generally, in by Coleman and (arrived New which took Congress Street, six do« rs — republican form shall be guaranteed to Chapman Her daugh- York) off 170 emi 30 These SALTS are made from the concentrate*! WMMVMJLWSBJSMgL above Casco, up stairs the the tors. Heavy Striped Shirting,.3ft.25 @ Entrance through the store. .State, objects of the law wi‘l not bave 12mo.pp.3itl, New York: D. Apple- grant passengers, the Bavaria been dis- Heavy Striped Shirting,.27.22$ 25 Liquors of the Mineral Well oft he Penn’aSalt Mnn- been havttig in 4« R A 4? E’S PELEBRATEII TONS EiTApply every day but Saturday. attained. To ead the ton and Co. Medium Striped 20 fawturing Co., Pittsburg, and' are packed in air- HALVE! OOA* Cumberland Puie Raw Bone j&SOdtf accomplish that masted on the 21st ult. in a and Shirting.27.17 ig> of condition ot affuirs in gale, being TICKING. tight bases. One always sufficient for n bath. l»i- Cures iua short time V v" Phos. Lime. Louisiana ventures the This is one of the best of the very 50 establishment series: of histor- short of 50 recLions are attached. Tons Coe’s Phosphate of Lime. To temporary of a provisional gov- provisions. Heavy Ticking,..37$ ^ OLD SOKES, BURNS, SCALDS, 25 Tons K. P. Kent, T ical novels which this COTTONADKS. CUTS,WOUNDS, Coe’s Phosphate or Li mo. ernment. wonderfully prolific au- Capt. Webster, of the coaled INTERN ALL V USE 20 Tons Mahoning, up, Heavy doable and twist,.45 @ 55 BRUISES, SPRAINS,CHAPPED UANDS Lloyd’s Phosphate of Lime. VVAUKIIOCSK on Custom House Wharf. En- the of Louisiana such thor has It exhibits in a u 500 Barrels Lodi ▼ By loyal peqnke con- produced. interest- took in provision, and to sea in DENIMS. &c I’oudrette. 1 quire tmed as will assure to the Monday night. Medium Denims,.25 pints. One sufficient for Grace’s Celebrated Naive! Barrels Pish Guano. republic curacy the characters of Frederick :im] of ^ 32$ a day’s use. and free State of a Vol- CAMURlCg AND side at Cloaks iiixl llriNM'N a loyal worthy place within PRINT8. Sold Is prompt, in soothes the pain, takes out the S^'For Mauufaeturur’s Prices, by Cut anti AI:mIo taire, and the SroBT.—There was fine sport on back cove Colored by Druggist? generally. action, the Union, Xu the meantime the safety of all peculiar friendship which ex- Cambrics,.12$# 15 Merrill No. and reduces the most looking swell- Best Bros, 215 State si., Boston; Ravnclds, soreness, angry IN the Intont stjlc,.it No. rtu t Corner of Bruwn Union men within the State demands that sueh isted at «ine afternoon. Hundreds of teams were Prints,...... I6 (a} Is Pratt & No. lOti ings and inflammations, as if’ thus afford- KENDALL A WHITNEY. I and time between them. The- roman- yesterday Medium Co, Fulton st,., New York, Wholesale by magic; Congress streets. he formed for their Prints,. 14v4ti 16 .vents. ing ivliei and a cure. Feb 8.1867. government protection, for tic intf rest of out on the and the in which the n.iJOsNtiHlA w ly complete IWM ub2Mw MRS. K. I). the work turns on the of ice, way liotscs DELAINES. 25 cents a box: sent mail FOLSOM. tbe well-being of the nation and the perma- story Only by for 35 cents. the o nfortunate took the from the to DcLaines, .04 (g> 25 SH'J'il W. F^WLE & IX Fremont St. nent of the baron Frederick von Trenck gay sleighs Portland the Ear Colds nud SON, Boston, To Let. peace republic. CRASH. Concho, i'ousnmplion, Sold and dealers s' e.nd the beautiiul Westbrook was a caution. Proprietors. by Druggists gener- Photograph Ph In discharge of the duty placed upon them, princess Amelia, out* of the side, AVe have not C«yib.17 Try tin: old mid well known YERETAKI.E ally. Brick Store, three stories, No. Rt> Union ototjru pits! the committee submit the bill most seen such BATTING, *‘II'I«V ABV At A I.*l street. Apply to accompanying tragic episodes which conuect the1 nsclves an animating sight before, this sea- WADDING, &C. AAA,approve.I nnd usd Fobljb 't»t!—sNeotlT.T.s&weow QNE A. H. the Colton Batting, $i> lh..18 (S) 25 by our pUtc8i mldvAst ct Uh-cdeU ibr ja3dtf ST. JOHN SMITH. DAVIS. report. with the life of Mr. son. The ice is J'lif/xiepans ibrtv Carlyle’s ruthless hero.— thick and the track quite Cotton Wadding, (a) 35 yokes past. il. lb.- Washington,Feb. 11.—The bill to reorgan- it.,.30 genuine. i,11,,nu bl* former ize The hook is smooth. It will be the Wicking,.55 (a> 65 REED, CUTLER & \\T< matamrra the State government ot Lnuisiaua diners very handsomely issued the great place for sleigh CO., Druggists, 11,1,1 ,K! i* now I.. by WOOLEN GOODS. uecMsNdKwCui Boston, MARRIED. NOTICE. d .t kil U ii UX- from the oue Gen. Banks For sale as as the cold weather Proprietors. *!»••-• MAUkhl wkero be w.oibt proposed by lustwri- Appletons. by Bailey and es and riding long lasts. Kentucky deans,.25 50 gft SQUARE, ■ Noj @ V0 a It provides for the of the t llm' * isbiD8 r*T Fhotoempb., a*y _ also Davis H5 SOME Folks “ appointment by Brothers. Satinets...... ^ Can't Sleep Nionta.—We are Ill Naple.-, Fob. 16, at the of suth ring from that terrible ( lulls \iubrot .,s tor the Presi- Union tu.l residence the bride’9 FpilOSF malady |,"Mrt,'i‘ new organization by the Hoop Skibts, &c—It will be noticed that Meltons,...75 00 now pnumed to supply the father, Rev. J. 1 and Fever, who have hitherto bn n nimble t*» N. It. All work Black Union 00 Jlospilals, Physicians, by Cobb, John .1. Kmueiland Miss warrratert. dent, and that the rebels shall he enfranchised Cassimcros.. 80 («1 trade and the "rent piddle Willi the stand- Amanda b. \\ ml find ii remedy, will do well to writ© to 1 have Hodsdon, No. 6 all wool 1 generally, worth, both of N Gardeniro for Clapp’s Block, Congress street, Black assimercs,...... 1 oft m 1 50 ordand invaluable certain which 1 will SQUARE, 27 MAKKKT SQUARE- by a process of naturalization. Profit; A Guide to the Suc- remedy, bonify Nervine, which In ksport. Feb. Iff, Hiram S. K. a sale ami care, furnish to the J7.MA.?Kycjan 14—3m* 's to the ladies with all Blaek .1 25 0/1 75 article all yes, of Orland, Address cessful Cultivation of the ready supply the latest Doeskins,.’ .. surpasses known preparations for the cure and Clara»ju K. Wit oi ti. a 111 icted lor live dollars. The testimony taken the committee is Market nmt Fami- w\ 50 ham, by Garden. and best Fancy Doeskins,.. ..1 ot all forms of Nervousness. It is In GYKU8 LOWELL, ly By Peter Henderson. New York- styles of hoop skirts and corsets, man- Repellant, rapidly superceding fjewiston, Adalbert Holland and Alice R. Ham; Go to Adnuis A printed in a volume of SCO We 6-4,..1 37$;ifll45 every preparation of opium—the well-known result ot flohn Hunter and Etta Stevens’ Plains, Westbrook, Me. Cnmiton's pages. have Orange Judd & Company. ufactured iu the most faithful 1^‘iglu on; William K. Hilton for manner. Laces ...WOOL flannels. ^ costiVeilesg and other s*Trious andt hailotte I*. H nt; G onion January 25,1807. eodfiw* noli not space any portion of it Bine Mixed Twilled .30 mamC 111? it Tebbehs and Mary your Honse-furnishing Honda of all kinds; to-day. Perhaps the object of this little volume is and of all Flannels,.... (2£ 57$ difficulties; allays restlessness and spasms, allot Lewiston. and all kin* Is of fancy trimmiDgs descriptions, and BlueandSi and induces irritation, Brown, r Crocker v, Class, Tin’ ariei,. 35 @ 57$ regular action of the bow* mid secre- Jn Carpetings, set forth in its title. is the best While, Ellsworth, Feb. 2, Melatiah Jordan and I'mma Notice. Stone, Jsartbern and Wooden Ware, Tuittr sufficiently It prt par- makes of gloves can be found at his plain. .‘ j'J,. ..31 (d) 50 tive organs. A. Harm' The United'States Kincaid. clearing the mins nr collar, will ings. Window Shades, «X.v, &c., cornet oi Consih, in Cbetr ba a While, plain. 39 60 ® 10 No preparation tor Nervous dining Federal ami ed by gentleman whose expo rieuce in tlie store. .** #\. diseases ever sold so ! Al K. intail’s Feb. ol Clin PERSONStindagnnd place to Exchange streets. or met Mills, 3, John Jov, Jr., depoait their rabbi* on iu>l»3*l3ro recently received the letter readily, with such universal approval. For I. m, and Franklin wharf. following from tlie business treated of extends over a of Same H. chandler, ..1 Waterville. General period’ Sleeplessness, Loss of Energy, Peculiar Female ecpllodU S. Cretan Zymbrakakis: Portland Institute and Portland Weaknesses and ROUNDS, Whariinger. Scliooncr many years, and it embodies t’nc results oi Public Library. Daily Prem Stock Lilt. Irregularities, and all the .earful for Sale. Mr. Coueul: The Cretan A CORRECTED mental and people are full of that certified copy of the act the BY WM. II. WOOD ft SON, bodily symptoms that follow in the train treats of the incorporating _. white oak and for the experience. It very fully of nervous diseases, ihnid’s Nervine is the l»est a Jl ^5® copper-rtudoned gratitude lively sympathy which has above named Slock and Exchange 17R Fore St.. Portland. reme- For fast in their behalf location Institution has been received in Broker, dy known to science. Sold all _DIED._ Sale jhs L sailing Schooner IDA MOftTON, beeu exhibited by the great proper and mode of 1: lying out gar- For the week ending Feb. 1867. by druggists. Price $1. Cheap. 12-100 tons this We 12, U. //T I J® new measurement, well American nation. And that of city. presume that will Par Asked Goohwin&Co., In this Feb. 11, Mrs. Sarah M., wife of Sarn’l nn'1 they hope through dens, soils, and n of the organization Descriptions. Value. Offered. n city, a'lapD**! f"'' or drainage lanures, augllsnlyd&w Wholesale 1 t.11?!1 Counting American vessels will at once take Government 6*r, 109 Agents. Boston. L. Cobb, agod 52 years 10 months. e your intervention, soon formation place under the law by the cor- 1881,.' 49s. 1 SECOND-HAND Safe, size inzido 17} x 20. ‘slung business, is now offered foisale and of of Govern ment (Portsmouth papers please copy.] 1 the Eastern take oft' the poor Cretan families who are in the management hot-beds, porators. 5-20,1862,. .108.109 Platform Scale. by Packet Co. For particulars emiuireo Government (Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from trout mountains waiting for an to to transplanting, of the el mice of of insects 1 5-20,1864,.!..!!.'! 106_107 ANDFaKSOfi # CO.’S •10 M feet extra .Southern Pine, inch thick and M. N. RlrW opportunity get seeds, Govoninient f ile residence of S. Chesley, No. 17 Spruce street. have no and other 5-1*0,1865,.. 1 6$.107! 0 hi k incite., wide. janiKdtt No. 3 Wharf. Greece. These families longer either enemies of art; invited t<> Long the gar< and eon- j Liquor Government 5-20, July,. Fiiends attend.) 10 in width. aud if succor ieuer, Seizures.-Yesterday the Deputy .105.'.105$ HOOP-SKIRT FAC I M 1} inch do, 12 to 14 a home or provisions; prompt be n'any Government 7-*0, Id JOKY In this city, Feb. 0, Flora Viola, youngest child of will of practical value. It is i Marshals seized small series.. .105.105$ | It. nUERIKR, not afforded them, they perish. Will not ,ain, pro- quantities of liquor in Government 7-30, 2d and 3d Susan E. and llie late George C. Slight, aged 3 years aeries, 105.lo5$ 333 15 Hobson’. Wharf. Commercial street. Bricks and the United States of America receive themun- f‘>,ind - useful the and Government Oongress St, abova Casco. 4 months days. .ianHAtf Foundation Stone mannMmanual f shops kept by Ilsley Flaherty on Port- 10-40,.‘ 499.ini lor .. and Mr. der allt‘;d’am,WiU State of Maine B tSr=’Freiich,Ceniiaii American Corsets irom In Rath. Feh. 9. Davi«l Percy, aged 73 years the protection of their flag? Humanity ^ land and Richard mds,...... 91).100 To POR treats. street, Collins on Fore street. Portland 75 cts to a In Phipslmrg, dan 7, Elmer E., son ot Let. SALE! demands it. Received City Bonds,. .. 97.98 $10,00 ]*air. Henry an I ofT'w n WS a"d f°r Bath SiiKiin li. < lifting, aged 3 years •» months sale C°'; City Bonds,.' ‘pr,.% ITooj. skirts made to order at one second and third Inlla over T. Eldon A by Davis 20 hours notice. Augusta, Fob. 3, l!ev. John E, Brothem. Mains’ Elderberry Wine is thp best reme- Bangor City Bonds, .. .96 r,7 Free Street rn CISTERN years,.99’!. Fel> *»—sn d:>m Young, aged FIRST,Co.’s store, Block; also, offices over | ()()() bricks. The Case.—In this (Calais City [» over Homicide case, world for Piles. Bonds,. 95.% Seblottcrlieek's, and Crnsmau A in ne w Oo'»m«n Brick*. dy in the Buy one bottle and Cumberland National in riiouuiBton, Jan. 311, Mm. Co.’s, *•* Prrrb which has Bank,_49’ 49. .47 Jj2z|c u ,vite „f J)r. block corner Brown ami Congress streets. .. been on trial one week, at Saco, all Canal National II. C’. I.i vcnsallor. aged 33 yearn try it. For sale by druggists and country Bank,.100'' 494] ‘. 195 HALL’S B. BROWN. I». N. Hon. Charles Number seven oi First National VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR *’«»*• Mr- WOOD, W. Goddard his Northern lini.t. Bank,.199 .. lor, «. John «« Jantl-dlf_,1. resumed argu- jm] j Roberts, agod C~ 1>n‘* TB,i s ment for an grocers. janl2—AV&wty Casco National REN EWER. yeIanrs.Uar Writers terday report (eight Portland Company,.’ FROM FOR f’ATK. FICKETT-* -O’s 109'. ’99 ’. .«i5 Renews the Hair! r,.. a splendid specimen of for the Public;” the Portland Gas VM,I5 b16 forensic eloquence. continuation oif Convention. It can be had at Lancaster Hall. Company.. ..52...... IA Dublin.New York. .Liverpool.I‘‘ OFFVR FOR SALK AT THEIR STORK, “Neigh- Ocean Insurance Restores Gray Hair to its Color IB Court then adjourned to bor’s Wives,” which for accurate Company,. .. 199.jq*.19s Original Mftrivtan.Portland.. ..Liverpool.Fob yesterday morning portraitures At. ft St. Lawrence R. R.,. Prevents its off! 13 k when the case was to ^..90 tailing Aincn.Boston.Liverpool.Feb No. 187 Fore Street, xcuoi jy a given the of common character is one of the At. ft St. Lawrence R.R. Moro Iff i: n jury by best novels H. F. Bondsjoft..94 Makes the Hair Smooth and Castle.New York. .Havana.Feb Judge Janes, who founded the of Janes- Glossy! ami American Tapley, who over the an called city A. ft K. K. R. Bavaria.New York.. Hamburg.Feb Iff LEAD, Foreign Zinc, Lin- -For- occupied something two hours „f day; essay “Crocus,” AA Bonds,..^. It does not stain the skin! ami \ dincnssing ville, isconsin, in soon afterward emi- Maine Central R. R. Stock,... Arago...New Yora Havre.Feb Iff WHITEseed Oil, Coach, Furniture Florence ar- ( in his At a late hour ill tlie the 1836, .ioo. ..15..09 charge. afternoon question of whether it is better to di c of love Maine Central R. R. Bonds. It has proved itselI the ever York..Liverdool.Fob 16 nishes, Japan, Spirits Turpentine, French Yellow, grated to the Pacific now writes to the s'q.*3 best.preparation pre^itf. City Washington...New 7-30 the had not a coast,and R. York.. 20 Venetian Kcd, ami a full assotment ufjfciui. Stock ol jury agreed upon verdict, audtlw or live without it; the conclusion of the Leeds ft Farm’gfon R.SCk.'l no.’.99.'/.'.’79 cd to the public. Australasian.New Liverpool.Feb ’n, witty Janesville Gazette, he is Ken, ft Portland R. R. .109 90 Bail ie.New York.. Bremen.Feb 21 description, Window Glass, StBP Lead, and that would saying that, although Jlnnds, 85 Give it a trial. every —BY— general expectation was, they be sketch, a cb of ft Forest Av Ve GL^ Price $1.00 Deemi York. .California.Feb 21 Lead Agents Ibr Gardner’s Celrrosted (’opiter “Fleeing toTarshish,”apd apter sixty-three years ot age, he has Portland R. R., 109. '75..85 (Jiieou.New Pipe. U able to agree at all. the “Owl Club.” never yet seen Portland Glass Company,.loo.199.iol R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H., South America_New York. .Rio Janeiro... Feb 22 Paint for vessels’ bottoms. All order# for Painting a railroad or a Proprietors. York. executed at short notice and telegraph. Itichardaon’B WhariCo,,. ,,,..100.95 .100 For sale all Helvetia.New .Liverpool.Feb 23 satisfactorily.' W. H. WOOD & nr by druggists. te7d&w1 wsn 1. IW>7. eodlm SON Hermann.New York. .Bremen...... Feb 23 February Feb 9-.I2* in nil Market*. dignified manner, yet leaning vital lewuee wlti 00NGBE8S--SE00ND SESSION Cincinnati his Wldle we cannot XXXIX MEXICO. party. always agree with ull 01 ENTERTAIN MEATS. PROSPECim we NAl,CM. Cincinnati, Feb. 12. hia political notions, heartily bear witness to the AUCTION LATEST NEWS Washington, Feb. 12. Flour steady and in fair demand; sale3 of sujicrliae ability, character and culture lie has displayed in iti 9 Winter anil trodo and wish him and the BY TELEGUAHI TO THE Fears the at 75 @ lu 25 for brands, including management, proprietors ever ■£. SENATE. of Capture of Ju- Wheat in THE in the next than It 31, PATTEN & extra; tarnilj at 11 00 @ 13 50. fair demand FRESS more prosperity year has had Le Ocean Association CO., AuclioiuTr*. Sir. Wilson and sales No. 1 at 2 38 @ 2 40 tor and £& PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. Bills were reported by to amend aves. firm; Spring, Plutn Mtret-t. the Soldier*’ 2 90 tor Winter. Corn dull and prices lower; gales For 1807. is judiciously and selected, an 12 Bulk meats offered more and no Valentine be Bold tbe A« 1 would repeal the tariff law Jc. freely equal iu the State. Ball, entire cnniuuta, * are of- at conuaiifb Kt'l"'t\W!"1‘ and a uniform tariff of on prices vary; largo quantities of country meats DAILY Tlie enlargement argues a prosperous business, AT trexaoB. Beds trade impose per cent, ad' PEEBS, will MECHANICS’ tied,Hug. I'IT,. ulu“’,V OF MAINE. Mirainon’s fering; closing rates and 10$c for shoulders; least for ur and we hope it never HALL, LEGISLATURE valorem on all imported Troops Demoralized. 7$t9$c, eotemporary, Hardware, Oar pete. Bugs, Crock. rv n’lui^ ’l1"’ goods. loose sides at over these rates Packed bacon be dimensions ot tins On Ul‘“* Sir Poland J @ | A Paper Knlargcd to the size of the largest fouud necessary to curtail the Thursday Eve., Mirrors, Stove-, Kitchen "are, otU“*d a resolution clear sides at Feb. 14th. ruridturo.lf? looking to dull; shoulders at 9$; sides 16]c; 12$c. enterprising and respectable sheet. rVlso, eon touts of store the abolishment ol the Green and and New Dailies* Valentine* will br niTca la underneath. Sale DISPATCH TO THE PRESS.] office of Vice Presi- meats sales at 0$ 8] it)]c. Butter Eugiond aim.u* mf without 1 to and Flaar U*,d*!r» teaar weather, premises t., i». v. [SPECIAL dent and the LIBERALS SAXGUIXE OF cheese firm and scarce at 40c.—,? ** Feb. 12. limiting 1‘resident’sTrvfcT* unchanged. Eggs [From the Bangor Times.] ed ou evening ol sale. State House, Augusta, Mr' Gold 136 137. firm at par. The fcbtSdta Kli|l be did not an <& Exchange money The enlargement of our daily edition is equivalent iy* The to us consid- Tickets $1.50, to be obtained at .l.,,laml wish SUCCESS. is Portland Daily Press conies ihc do^r " ut SENATE. u)tilt'dmti' market steady. er Maiufen; Haller* Ticket* 511 l,lt: consideration of his resolution, and to the addition ot between three anti four columns to ibly enlarged and with a return to its old style of cent*. Important Sale of an oct 11 wa-H laid This Music by Chaudler’s GumlriUe Government The Senate to be over until to-morrow. to make-up.” enlargement—so toon after the Bund passed engrossed New Orleans Market*. its size. This additional space will be devoted de- tire—to w. Vessel. Mr. great a size equal with the leading Bostou AAi/wn/er#—Ed Hodgkins, A. II.Jacobi it I towns choose one Selectman, Sherman, from the Committee on Fi- authorizing to New Feb 12. Feb. 12. tails ot important events, which wo have heretofore dailies, speaks favorably for the of the a«U»*i«C e'. J. Bailey, C. it. nance, reported a bill for fundi rig Orleans, New'Orleans, pro.-perity Depot Qitarteiimastfr’s > for two and three compound Fears are Cotton—firm and sales to in and to selections from city and indicates a good of on the H.Pag.,^ D. Offii-i, Assessor, Overseer, &c., one, interest notes the entertained that Juarez has been unchanged; 4,800 bales; been obliged give brief, degree cuterprize Tripp._tHbl_M3t outstanding, authorizing at part of the proprietors. The Press with itattbiiore, Md, .January 3o, ls«7. j taken the under Middling 31$ n\ 32c; receipts for four days 10,400 or wo have Is edited a large majority. of the to issue prisoner by Imperialists Quis- current literature, grave gay, such as lias able II-Ti at years respectively, by Secretary Treasury therefor, bales, against 13,000 bales for the corresponding peri- ability, contributors, and as the leaiiing Portland \\r be . id at public .. the port 01 in raga. been to omit the dominant Theatre. 1 East The Committee on Library reported favor temporary loau certificates in the manner pre- od last week; exports 20,090 bales, Sugar firm; lair lately obliged altogether. liapcr of party, is a power iu the land. Baltiiuore, (litinlersou’s.wioul Baltimore) Humors are current here that Cortina is en ■lid well &' la wn A scribed in section 4 of the act authorizing the at Molasses fair at prime to choice What the character of the paper thus will Urawnr, illuiiajtrr*. uV,!'lu,r?Jay 13 M., February 28, 1m,T, the M J’EKB of a of Abraham route for the seat of 13$c. stiffer; 74c; enlarged purchasing portrait Lincoln, and for other tlie Republican Govern- 75 id 79e. Flour firm and [From the Portland UBEt, sJ'EA.UlB, CiJNMuI'CILITAN. issue of;(Juited States notes, pur- unchanged; superfine ^it be, its past history will show. The Press was es- Transcript.] ,,9 late President of the United States, to In* ment, to turn over bis command to the Minis- II extra 12 00 M 12 50. Com sah-s at Daily Press the but One of the tons;length, .as leet; breadib ol beam, 31 plac- February 25th, 1862, said cer- 75; very firm; The begins new year much en- Last Week Seasou. yjt poses, approved ter of War 1 tablished to represent the *''’*'*1:: at a rate and Marine. 1 12 (u) 15. Oats firm; sales at 85c. Hay firm* sales primarily Republicamjar- in size; we are to see such an 11 vli cylinder, 50inches, umi ed in a conspicuous place in the State House, tificates to bear interest not exceed- | larged glad evidence of leet strohjj°* Mejia is said to have abandoned the cause of at 23 00 (a) (g> 2500. Polk higher; sales at mess 21 75. ty of Maine. It was impossible for the controlling the of this excellent Crawning Uramatir Nen»aliau ! three cent., principal and interest prosperity journal. The Press j» at a not exceeding $1000. ing per pay- Maxiinillian. Bacon, sales of Shoulders at 13 @ 15]e; Gold has around the circle to another 7 "W—rtunity affonlcd, in the sale of iliis price on demand. 136$. party of the State to remain voiceless in this swung arrangement lealim able in lawful money National Bank Now York city. editorial and news after deairing to 1 urclmsc a really The Senate voted not to concur with the It is thought that a force will Sterling Exchange 26$. Exchange of its matter; all, the old February 11th, first-class ,5* banks are authorised to hold such Certificates large Imperial discount. The Press will continue to defend the principles of third Monday Franny, soon be sent into the State of $ Freights unchanged. second and page arrangement, presenting edi- House in the ot' the Gover- a-; a of the reserve for in sec- Tamaulipas. Liberal of America. w ar was the the also on most au4, that says gentleman left Monterey on f)ATlrBDAV insist and appoint provided, the 5th states that Liverpool, Feb. 11. which aristocracy at the South and democra- conferees, Messrs. Caldwell, not less than two-fifths of the entire inst., the bells were during POl.lTAN reserve ol ringing The Cotton market is firm at 14]d for Middling up- Tim in announcingthe close of the surisuueaunr^r n,"| V"Ul' and iu that and there was a at the North grew up side a of management, Governmont M de at "»'erod by Crosby Woodman were such hank shall consist of lawful city, general demon- lamIs. The sales for the are estimated at cy by side, period JANUAHY 26, 1867. most itili‘,1,II,:ller,u appointed. any money stration day 10,000 suncssml Dramatic season known for many Terms cash, in The of the United States. The of joy reason of the great bales. and conflict, resulting in an to arms in Ciovcriin.,.,,. act to remove on account ot act also restricts by victory jealousy apical years the city of Portland, take in pre- Further “n ,,;»V or sale. disability gained the Liberals under Gen. pleasure particulars may !„: the total amount of certificates at by Tievino over and the victorious supremacy of the democratic senting to their a new and race is any time London, Fel». II, Noon. prin- patrons Son to the or especially assigned for to-morrow. the under near unilersIgiuM m JS*"»»*“•*- outstanding, to Imperialists Miramon Acuaca- Consols f< »r 91 We have euterod on a Messrs. 1 $80,000,000. money ciple. state of transition, which ADKEON, TUOMAs &a COr l, Auctioneers, ho President the committee on lientes. The same news has been re- American States Gorgeous N“- «» South appointed The bankrupt bill was taken up and the officially Securities.—Uniftd 5-20**72 to Fairy Burlesque, Charles street. ceived at seems likely prove longer than most of 11s autici SPECIAL that ot re- vote winch it was headquarters iu Matamoras. 13-16. Hlinois C'eutral Railroad shares 80]. Erie order of the part the Governor’s message that by rejected being reconsid- The Press will ENTITLED By Quartermaster General ltuilroad shares 39]. pated. insist upon a settlement A. S. lates to Messrs. ered, the .Chair decided that the hill was not Washington, Feb. 15. KIMBALL, capital punishment: Crosby, Feb. which will secure the fruits of our victory. Nothing Captain and A. Q. M., s. amendable unless the vote ordering it to a The Mexican Minister discredits the London, 11, Evening. u, A report Consols for closed at 91. till it is settled tbitlil Fel)27 Depot Hillings, Hamblen, Dyer, Woodman, Wingate third reading was reconsidered. of the defeat of the Republican in Mexi- money is settled right. We must have de- Quartermaster. army American Securities.—The following are the CLOSING SALE CINDERELLA! and Fairbanks. Mr. Sumner said that one of the co and the of at the South as well as at the amend- capture Juarez, as published in closing prices of American securities: Erie Railway mocracy North—equal —Oft— ments he to otter excluded the this for all secured Beal Mr. Crosby reported a bill an act to surren- proposed late morning’s paper. shares 39$. Illinois Central shares 80$. United States rights l»y equal laws, freedom of Valuable Estate relicts from the beuetits of the bill. Gen. Trevino had started for with the 5-20’s 72 13-16. -OF- THE LOVER, THE der the charter of the Fire Insur- Alaya s|>eech, freedom of the press, impartial suffrage. Oi LACKEY, Piscataquis Discussion ensued as to the truth or of the to Feb. falsity Vanguard army, meet Miramon, who Frankfort, 11, Evening. the convictions of the fou sale : ance United States 5-20 bonds closed this prolbuud Republican party oi Company. of the reported prosecution and murder of was there with 15,000 men very much demoral- evening at And the an advance o! $. Maiue, the Press will remain a faithful exponent. Little Glass ! j Passed to be enacted—Act to amend 41 Unionists, white and black, in the South. ized. Castillo had assumed command of Me- Clipper virtue of a license from the Hon. of chap. Fob. will Judge a was Liverpool, 11, Evening. The present year probably witness the exten- WHITE After further debate vote was on and at with about GOODS! Probate for Cumberland 1 shall sell of the taken jia’s troops, Queretaro The Cotton was BY County, law's of lKii;;; act relating to the salary market steady during the day.— Additions have lieen made to the Company express- by the hill and it 13,000 men. The Liberals wen of suc- sion of the telegraph round the world. The comple- public ou SATU KI>A Y, March lbth passed,yeas 22, nays 20. It now |sanguine Sales 10,000 bales. Middling uplands Corn de- ly /or this piece. The Musical depart mem enlarged, l :m,'lion, next, of the of the county of Knox; for its cess. 14|d. oi the of Keal Estate County Attorney goes to the House concurrence in the clining, and was selling at 39s 9d. Poik ea- tion that great enterprise will comjiel a The SCENIC and MECHANICAL EFFECTS are ot fallowing parcels belonging to-day change, j to th« act to authorize to extend and amendments. sier. Lard beavier and dull. Tallow the most estate of the late C’HAICLE.'j K. HECKJtlT. certain persons steady. Petro- which has already begun, in the management oi viz: refined and Canada Laces & Embroideries! Mr. from the Southern leum, Pennsylvania White are 1 maintain a wharf in in the Morgan, Committee on Com- Hciun. The features of the At It Rockport harbor, quoted at Is 5d Is 6d. newspapers. leading world’s MACMIFICEIT DKSCRIPTION ! o’clock A. M., of said day, on tbe premia's, merce, a bill of ^ lot ol town of reported umeudatory the act St. Feb. 12. will be from to the tel- land corner of Congress and Smith hi reels, Camden; act to authorize Sipion Mc- tor Louis, history registered day day by it the providing the safety of the lives of Gen. Howard arrived here London, Feb. 12, Noon. And every effort ttiatle to render extending about 44 leet on and 13d feet, on passen- Maj. yesterday American Securities.—The egraph. The expense of special from all Congress Dougall and James Race to extend their wharf gersou board steam vessels. from the Fast. tbllowing are the dispatches At One Priee. Smith Street, with the untinisliod buildings thereon, current quotations for American Securities: Illinois of the world will prove too for 11 l'illiunt Attraetion to in the town act to make valid Mr. Wilson Jroiu the Committee on The parts great single subject mortgages of about $3,0* 0. of Boothbay; reported Republican’s Messilla, New Mexico, cor- Central Railroad United 5-20’s at At Shares81$. States and will some- half past II o’clock A. of the same day, or Military Affairs a new draft of^he bill to pro- the Indians arc trouble- 73 5-16. Erie newspapers, correspondence regain OF A M., the of the town of Fort Fairlield; act respondent says very Railroad sh;u'es39]. after the is on the doings vide for a oi its immediately foregoing disposed of, temporary increase of the pa> of some in that Much stock had At Paris Uni led States bonds are at thing old importance. Newspaper associations E. T. & lot ot land to the Matinicus Wharf and Dock neighborhood. 5-20^ quoted ELDEN CO. Dramatic Season !! premises, corner of Congress and frank- incorporate etc. other and at Franklort at s Triumplmut army officers, Among provisions it been stolen and several murders committed. 82$, 76]. or new agents will assume the task of lin Streets, containing about *x- furnishing Jail 28—dtf 8,oou square tret, act to authorize the Kennebec & gives all officers below a Major tending ubout its; leet on Company; General, 331-3,* Feb. 11. the daily dispatches, while corresjxmdents will fur- First appearance of Congress Street, subject U> on Louisville, Ky., mortgages of and interest. Wiscasset Railroad to unite with the per cent, increase their pay proper lor two The *5,500 Company steamer 1). Vernon was sunk near Aus- nish details, explanations and illustrations, by mail. Also, at. 3 o clock P. years from July 1st, 1807, and all other mount- WANTED. Miss Jennie M., of the sumo day, on the Knox & Lincoln Railroad act to tralia Total loss insured Atlantic has Kimball, lot of Lind corner Company; ed it continues the yesterday. $50,000; The telegraph already destroyed the 200 Doz. Linen Hdkfs. premises, ot Vaughan ami Pine officers, cavalry pay; pres- about 2*30 leet on the valuation of the town of Chelsea in $18,000. which our news has for from the Boston Theatre. Streets, Vaughan Street ami 143 on change ent pay of enlisted men three years from system by ioreigii years been Pine A colored school was opened here to-day. Wanted. Street, subject to mortgages of *4,Mu and in- the county of act to tbe August 20th, I860;.allows commutation of ra- furnished by steamer, aud already tlie Tribune has terest. Kennebec; incorporate Feb. 12. This Day Deceived l Re-Appearance of the charming medienne, tions to prisoners of war who died in Nashville, Tenn., nf\ t u\(\ FLOUR BARRELS, at Forest its established in almost Said lots are located in the most, desirable Trustees of tbe Norridgewoek High School; pnsou, The Senate lias the special correspondents part* of or who died to their passed colored suffrage JyJ V/ City Sugar Refinery, West Com- the city, and oher excellent inducements subsequent release; every capital in Europe. We cannot rival the feats o Miss MARTHA WREN ! to builders act to grant to Oliver M. bill to a second reading, to strike out mercial, near foot of Emery street. and capitalists to purchase. authority Reynolds abolishes the ofthv of Assistant of refusing York Secretary the clause on Proposals will also be received tor new Sugar Bar- New joumadsni but we must be the S. B. to construct or from prohibiting negroes sitting governed by ET-i/ Full particulars in Iteily Programmes. BECKETT, Admimsirat r. wharves piers in Lubee; act to War; strikes out the word “white” mili- ju- and a be-eeen at ries or holding office* the* bill will rels, sample may the cilice ot the same considerations. SELLING AT LOW PRICES febl1d6t HKNKY BAILEY A SOtf, tary makes it the duty of army and navy Probably corner Auction,*". annex SaivsfL-ld plantation to the (own of Fort laws; be to-morrow. Company, 159$ Commercial, at of Union St. Portland, February 13,18»*7. codBwulu! officers to prevent whipping and maiming of passed febl2d&wtt T. C. HEKSEY. We have Fairlield; act relating to bills of act engaged exchange; person for any crimes or misdemeanors by any Louisville, Ky.. Feb. 12. SOCIAL FESTIVAL! *J. S. BAIL1SY, to authorize the Portland, Saco & Portsmouth pretended civil authority in any State until The marble bust of President Lincoln was Regular Correspondent!* in Washington, such Stab* shall have been restored and WANTED ! E. T. Railroad Company to aid in the construction recog- inaugurated to-day at the Academy of Music, j New Boston and ELDEN & CO’S. The Ladies of the nized abolishes and York, Augusta, North American by Congress; forever for- which vy^s densely crowded. Gov. Uramlette I Jan 28—dtf Auctioneer & Commission Merchant of the Kurojieau & Railway; bids in peonage New Mexico and elsewhere, presided. Ex-Attorney General Speed deliv- MACHINE GIRL ! and occasional coiTes|ioiidcnts at various points Free Street Kaptist Society act to authorize Samuel B. Locke ami others and declared null and void all ered ail laws, resolutions eloquent address. the throughout the State. the session of the AMD APPRAISER, Subsequently j 1G Market During Ooods will hold a Festival in the to construct a dam and sluice across Lower and regulations which have maintained or en- bust was removed to the Custom House and Square, Housekeeping; Legislature, we shall publish f reed the ami on fore Kezar river, in tlie town of Lovell, aud estab- same, provides penalties for any placed permanently a pedestal at the west- ferntf nr. VESTUY OF THE CHtBtll, Office 176 St, at Mess. Garter & Dresers’ violation of this section. erly end of the law OP EVERT January 7—dtl the rates of toll for lumber library. Special l))Ki>al(‘lieK DESCRIPTION, On lishing shipping Mr. Wilson introduced a joint resolution to Wanted. Thursday I've., February 14th. the same. Ad journed. facilitate the settlement of claims for through quarter- American Gil l to do general housework in a from Augusta every morning, furnishing a synop- A T O IN E PRICE. Fancy Articles and Refreshments tor sale. C. W. master’s stores and furnished HOLMES, HOUSE. supplies by loyal Crea| B«'irc in New York—l.o^ FMliaualed ANsmall family. Apply ai No. 30 Myrtle street, sis of the previous day’s proceedings. Tickets of admission, 25 cents. persons during the late rebellion in ieblldtt Resolve providing that a sum not to exceed Maryland nl over One Million Dollars* To the people of Maine, and especially to people E. T. ELDEST £ CO. Supper served at 7 j o'clock. and the States in rebellion, creating a commis- three thousand dollars be for the New Feb. 12. who have business relations with Portland, we hope Jan 28—dtf Per order of Committee. AUCTIONEER, expended pur- sion for each State to hear and determine upon York, A on corner of Second STORE \Wl.YTEn to make the Press more valuable than MOO Congress Street, chase of the Kuox Mansion one all evidence of loyalty in support of such claims, building Broadway, any paper Portland, Feb. 11, 1887. dtd passed reading, S. Ii. Chittenden and to to what if street, occupied by & Co., dry outside of the State can be. We BLEACHED snow, it the and sured. {^r'Mtibic by Chandler's tut) l.’uadnilc Band, D. in the dav time, within three hours, and if in the mittee on State ing, yeas nays were called. Messrs. Jaffray & Co. are insur- Printing and Binding, after amply 21 1-9 Danfortli Review ol the Portland Markets, H. Chandler, Prompter. Dancing to commence at h night lime, before ten of the clock ot the forenoon, No quorum the Senate ad- and the insurers will be called for discussion Messrs. Brow being present ed, upon only Febfcdtf o’clock precisely. succeeding, cause such snow to be removed from such by n, Atkinson, I’lais- about 5 of J. B. BROWN & "k. t. iimv & journed. per cent, their risks. SONjj. and an accurate co., Floor A/anayi rs—Thomas Farker, James Rooney footway or sidewalk; tun!, in default there*d, shall and was and the ted, Berry others, negatived, HOUSE. Gen. Hillyer was installed James E. Marshall, Kobert/Dow, Patrick McCaferty forte it and pay a sum not less than two dollar*, nor to-day formally WILL contract made with Messrs. Stevens & ward ;us Revenue for New York and Report of Mniuc William H. Kalor. more than ton dollars; gnd lor each and every hour Say On of Agent New Wanted ! Shipping, motion Mr. Wentworth, the Secreta- Messrs. O'Riley &ud Bodkin will take charge of the thereafter that the same shall remain on such foot- was confirmed. Fngland. of the was commu- in and domestic will as de*:ildtf or such or ry Treasury requested to A Partner with a capital of from three to five tlious- foreign ports, be published THIS BAY clothing. way sidewalk, tenant, occupant, owner, nicate OPEN other shall forfeit and a sum not less than The vote of yesterday by which the report of the cost under existing laws, of the xi. aiul Dollars, to eugago in trade where there is a heretofore. person pay Central & Union Pacific hail road. WASHINGTON fine business already established and one of the best There will he one dollar nor more than ten dollars. the Committee on Agriculture was laid upon CORRESPONDENCE. On motion of Mr. Hill, the Secretary of the locations in the State tor Country trade. With prop- REAL ESTATE. All persons are hereby notified to govern them- the table, viz: The reports of W. A. I*. Dilling- er attention to business fifty thousand dollars worth Treasury was requested to inform the House NO INCREASE IN THE PRICE Five Cases of Linen Goods selves accordingly, as the above ordinance will be en- President of the Slate Col- of goods may be sold in a year to good advantage. ham, Agricultural whether Postmasters were required to account forced. JOHN S. Tlie Confirmation of Mr. Cowan. Full particulars may be obtained by application HEALD, for and the tax on the salaries of Of tlic Daily Press. For CONSISTING OF lege, of Hon. Phiuelias, Treasurer of pay salary to Woodman, True & Co., Shaw & Haskell, or Stev- House foi* Sale! declttdtf City Marshal. clerks, etc. & the same, and of Prof. Reed Law Olmstead, ens, Lord, Haskell, of Portland. Febtiedisif Mr. Eliot introduced a bill relating to the RIGHT DOLLARS A YRAR ! GREAT BARGAIN! landscape architect of the same, was, on motion mercantile murine of the United States. Re- The Loan Hill. Bleached, Wanted. We expect to furnish a MEDICAL ELECTRICITY of Mr. Oak, of Garland, reconsidered, and five ferred to the Committee on Commerce. paper, dUQ WILL buy a first rate two story MEN AND BOYS TO CALL AT 3.T5 v/ brick with 12 all in Mr. Darling offered a resolution, which was CONGRESS Half Bleached, House, rooms; thousand copies were ordered to 1m* printed. The Lars’ost ii» the good repair, with turmu-e and cistern. Lot 42xi 0. adopted, that Nf.w York. Feb. 12. STREET, where they can buy State, DR. W. ¥7 13 Meclianic St, or of \VM. H JERK1S, DEWING, Leave of absence was granted to B. W. Tay- The commercial marine of the The Post’s the And Brawn Enquire, Whereas, special says Senate Commit- OVERCOATS LESS THAN COST and as large as in other States is offered for ten or Real Estate Agent. Iebl2d3t# lor and 8. A. from ami after United States is to he in a tee on Wilcox Friday reported languish- Foreigu Relations have agreed to report twelve dollars a Medical Electrician^ Or'' THE «»N- B\ year. next. ing condition, and there exists also a great de- against the confirmation of Mr. Cowan as Min- Valuable Hotel Property lor Sale. in the to D A 31 A S K S ! 174 MIDDLE STREET, pression shipbuilding interests, owing ister Austria in place of Mr. Motley. “CALHORIVU CHEAP JOHN.” Uxford House, pleasantly situated in the vil- Act additional to act to supply the city of to the and rpHE legislation action of foreign Govern- The Senate Finance Committee have agreed Fob 4—d2w JL lage oi Fryeburg, Oxfortl county, Maine, is of- Nearly Opposite Ihe (Jailed Males Hole! Portland with pure water was amended and ments, and other causes, therefore, to tlie demand for a loan bill,but limits the fered for sale at a bargain, il applied ior soon. Tlie House is in wdh luruiture llTHEkEht! would respectfully announce to to be engrossed. The act forbids Resolved, That the Committee on Ways and amount to $75,000,000, and the rate of interest THE MAINE STATE PRESS Bleached & Brown Table Covers, large, good repair, passed taking and bxtures w ith all ▼ V citizens u* Port laud and vicinity, that lie b Means be, and it is hereby instructed to in- to 3 per cent. Wanted! Ibroughout, together necessary water from auy of the tributaries of Sebago Agents penuancntjy located in ibis city. During the three into the of the There is an that the Secre- Is not like many weeklies, a mere wasto basket for outbuildings. quire expediency amending understanding Towels, Fronting For lull ol years we have been in this city, we have cured some Pond. tariff act a to of Napkins, Doylies, particulars inquire by provision the effect that all i tary the Treasury will go on withdrawing OUT, Fnrragut and our Naval ffc- the leavings ot the daily edition. It is designed to he llORATIO BOOTIIBY, ot the worst terms of disease in persons who have in the brilliant a d in goods imported American bottoms shall be j $4,000,000 per month. JUSTroc*, by popular ilistoriui, J. as jparefully made up ns if it were a perfectly ianle- A Proprietor. tried other forms ot treatment vain, and curing entitled to a T. This is the Wjirk on the in tlie in short a time that the is EUROPE. rebate of ten per cent, of the du- j The Ways and Means Committee have agreed Deadly. only Navy jiendont publication. It contains from week to week, Linen Ac, Or Hanson* Dow, 54£ Union st. patient* question often aim everybody is buying it. Linens, Sheetings, asked, do cured? To answer this ties by said act. to let tin* wool tariff stand as it was in the War, tlie most which Fryeburg, Sep:. gy, 1st*. dtf they stay questioi imposed ini|N»riant articles appear in the daily, we will that all that do After other business the House House bill last session. tiROUliiAl If. ULAKE, sav not stay cured, we unimportant together with a considerable amount of doctor the second tune without resumed the consideration of Mr. Eliot’s bill GENERAL AGENT. House lor Sale. charge. XI VN B V TUB C A B I. R. At 5 Free St. Dr. D. ha> been a practical Electrician tor Feb4—3iu Box Me. One Price, House two Stable hard twenty* lor the reorganization of the State Govern- 827, Portland, good stories, attached, one and is also a ■*ri«* I ill .1 Matter for its Columns and soft lot located—con- years, regular graduated phy-ociait ment of Louisiana. Nuiigatucl< iini-itoii. Expressly Prepared Jan 28—dtt A water, good centrally is to chronic venient for two lamilies, if desirable. Inquire at Electricity perfectly adopted diseases in Mr. Einck withdrew his motion to the New Haven, Feb. 12. Wanted. shall tire form of nervous or sick headache; in lay Couu., We add to its attractions during the coming 13 Hanover or 1M4 Fare Mm, neuralgia Immense Reform Procession in bill on the table. There was a at Junc- the head, neck, or extremities; consumption when prize light Naugatuck A SITUATION by an experienced lady, as house- year, Grover tV J. A. FEXDERSON. near Baker, In the acute stages or where the lun^s are not The vote the main was re- tion, Bridgeport, to-day, between Race keeper or nurse. Jan. 18b7. dtf lully ordering question 24, acute or chronic rheumatic m considered. Bolster, of Washington, and Billy Warburton, Address, Portland P.O., Mrs. A. P. fo2d2w An involved; scrofula, hip London. Agricultural Department, diseases, white swellings, spinal diseases, curvature On motion of was of Hartford. Six rounds were when 1 will sell on lavoiable terms as to Mr. Eliot, the*l»ill amend- I fought, 3faehines, ol the spine, contracted muscles, distorted Warburton struck a Sewing payment, or let lor a term of years, the lots on liiut»s, ed by striking out the 12th whieh pro- I foul blow, and tlie referees Wanted ! ! To he conducted the NOT1CB. or St. Vitas’Dance, stam- section, Daily by the corner ol Middle and Franklin streets, and on palsy paralysis, deafness, vides for the election of a Irom Lou- decided for Bolster. The stakes were five hun- or ol speech, delegate Tlie General Agency and Employment Office AT MANUFACTURE 6tS PRICES, Franklin street, including tlie corner oi Franklin and mering hesitancy dyspeiuha, indiges- TIIL} CRETAN WAR. isiana to the House of dred dollars'a side. After the there tion, constipation and livei complaint, cure Representatives. prize fight ATNo. .'til 1-9 Cotigri'HN All per- Rev. WILLIAM A. DREW, of Augualn, Fore streets. Apply to WM. Hi LLIAUl>, Bangor, piles—we were two case that can be presented; bronchi- Mr. Eliot then renewed the motion for the I disgusting mauls, in one of which sons wishing to secure good Girls lor any respecta- or SMITH REED Attorneys, Portland. jyl2ti every asthma, Every Machine Warranted! tis, strictures oi the chest, and aLi terms of female previous question. Hilly Breen, of Providence, was pounded to a ble employmeut, will find them ai this uffiee. a veteran journalist, widely and favorably known in The New York & New Also please notice. We will send men and complaints. the Italian Mr. Eldridge said it was the understanding .jelly. Haven Railroad you Maine, and a contributor tor some time past to the FOR- SALF. Resignation of boys lor work in or tree ot a fall that the bill should Ik* left to debate. Company sent a special train, with a posse of any city country, charge. Muhiu Milk*, Thread and Twhl, By Klectrioitv open E We want good American, Provincial, Irish Press over the signature of “Traxi.” Mr. Drew’s Mr. Eliot was not a ware of it and had no I police on board, but no arrests were made. An Cabinet. and ColoraTWomcn and Girls, as well as Men and special for this work need no heralding. Anttortmeat. I The Rheumatic, the gouty, the lame and the lazy train was qualideations Grove Hill Fam to the bill debated one or two | early morning stopped halt *n hour tor all orts ot with aud move whh the and elastic- objection being Boys, every day situations in this The leap joy, agility if that would suit the on the the roughs to and Give us a above Farm is situated on an eminence over- of lire healed brain is the frost- hours, gentlemen by refusing pay. City vicinity. call. E. T. ELD EX A CO. ity youth; cooled; other side, rather than liave a renewal of the COX X' POWARS. News the Week THElooking the beautiful and thriving village oi bitten limbs restored, the uncouth deformities re- Feb. 10. \>7. utf Shipping of tenter and within one hall a mil. oi the iaitunes* converted to weakness to Florence, scenes witnessed in the House some weeks Portland, Me., Jan. 25, jau30 NO. 5 FREE STREET, Bridglon moved; vigor, Baron Ki sc a soli is about to introduce in the BYumIiIurIou flcniM. business portion. It to pronounced by all 4rho have strength; the blind made to see, the deaf to hear and ago. Will be published without abridgment in tlic State Italian Parliament a new bill in to tlie Jim 28 dtf seen it to l»e the best and most desirable 1< cation in the palsied form to move upright; the blemishes oi regard After miscellaneous debate in which Mr. Le- Washington, Feb. 12. ~ of the church. Flour Barrels Wanted. Press, as will also the the County. It comprises llu acres, convenient tv di youth are obliterated; the accidents oi mature liie property on The counsel of Sanford who was 1 Blond took occasion to comment the failure Conover, vided into tillage, pasturage, land and limber < prevented; the calamities ot old age obviated and an London, Feb. 10. convicted of has moved for FOB HALF. ot the Reconstruction Committee to report yesterday perjury, Xtevtew of the Portland Markets, land; cuts from 45 to Iso P.ns frst q ality of bay. active circulation maintained. A from announces a new trial. will pay 30 cents each for first class Flour dispatch Constantinople any measure whieh a majority of the House liigli pressure, horizontal Steam Engine, The buildings consist of a two s»ciy .muse, built in that the Sultan has resolved to his In the Barrels suitable for sugar. Li 1) ■ K S s resume Court Chief Justice WE with it! inches diameter, 44 inch birobe 185K, at an expense ol $3,000, wu.. barn and out- emancipate endorsed, Mr. Eliot ddne must the Supreme to-day BARKER & And the OKI] Cylinder Christian subjects from political disabilities, Carter delivered an on the LYNCH, CO., —iron bed and heavy wheel. Two Hue Boilers buildings in good refiair. floor. opinion application novl3dti 130 Commercial street. fly Who have cold hanus awl feet; weak stomachs, lam- a for the of a feet with two Hues in each 13 For to C. P. or II. and lias issued call assembling Mr. let the of Col. Magruder to be admitted to the liar 40 in. diameter,.10 long particulars apply KIMBALL, aud weak backs; nervous and nick dizzi- This has LeBlond—Very well, gentleman Brighton Market, Iteporis. in. diameter. The whole is complete In all Its parts, W. (firm ol gfro it & Gage,) Portland, BEN- headache; Turkish parliament. intelligence move, lus The Court said that in vi«*w of the circum- GAGE, ness and swimming in the hew I, with ami previous question. and in and will be sold at a bargain. JAMIN WALKER. Bridgtou. or to the subscriber. indigestion caused a rise in the Turkish funds. stances even it (he test oath in To good order, constipation of the bowels; pain in the side and back; In reply to a question, Mr. LeBlond sail In- stated, question LOST A NO FOIFND. country traders the weekly report of Portland to T. H. WKN'rON, RICHARD GAGE. did not it would be to Apply leucorrhcea, (or whites); falling of the womb with in- Athens, Feb. 10. wanted the left to debate until exist, impossible grant currrent aloue will Ikj w'ell worth the Or the PArilan«l iompnnp Dec., 18CC. dec 27 eoddfcwt question open prices subscrip- Bridgton, ternal cancers; tumors, polypus, and all that General the Greek to the it had been debated. the application. Feb. 1867. febo d30d cd long Kalergis, envoy reasonably tion price. In addition to a careful Portland, 2, train of diseases will find in Electricity a sure means sailed on 8th instant for Gen. Senator elect from L.OST! United States, the After considerable discussion as to what Thayer, Nebraska, Farm lor Salo, of cure. For painful menstruation, too r*'>! a left to-day with certified copy of the act of and all of those ol America. time should he allowed in which to discuss the Sunday, Feb’y 10, near Portland and Green Digest of General and State News, Yarmouth fore side; two story house menstruation, long line troubles ad to be laid before the Legislature for a Gobi Bosom Pin. The finder will with young ladies. Is a certain London, Feb. 11, Evening. bill, Mr. Eliot said that, having tried in vain mission, ONSts, large be PHOTOGRAPHS ! and outbuildings, 45 acres of land with orchard Electricity specific, LOCATED and in a short restore the The reform took this after- to obtain a its action thereon. The meeting of that body rewarded by it at the Office ot the We shall also furnish a ot and to sea aud a will, time, sufferer to the procession place reasonable proposition, he would leaving weekly page and wood lot, haudy dressing, p*od of health. turnout is to take about the 29lh. EASTERN EXPRESS CO. Terms For further vigor noon, and was a grand affair. The say that lie did not intend to call the previous expected place k ^ 4 It 18 I I tA 1Ul*iI wharf. easy. particulars enquire Feb 12—dlw* or on the was immense, but there was not the slightest for two hours. In that time the other E. S. WORMELE of H. Sinclair, of Cumberland, premises. TEETH! TEETHJ TEETH! question Miscellaneous for the C. C. I'AYSoN. disturbance the route. A del- side of the House could their views Reading Family. Feb7dlw&eodlw anywhere along explain j Damage llic Yre-Jid. Dr. D. still continues to Extract Teeth l»y No. 90 Middle street, takes pleasure In an- by Elec- egation ol‘reformers, headed by John Bright, against the hill. The edition is made in Formerly tricity without pain. Persons Feb. 12. Dollars Reward weekly up eight large pages, nouncing that he will on having decayed waited upon Mr. Gladstone ami were Messrs. and Harlan addressed the Norwich, Conn., Twenty-Five LAND ! teeth or wish to have removed to-day, Boyer Tlie end wall of the of bIx columns and is the TIMBER stumps they for reset- nearly completed each, he would a favorably received. House in onposilition t3 the bill. paper on Saturday last, on some one of the princi- ting give polite invitation to call. mill of Campbell, Hall & Co., at Greenville, J Electro Magnetic M y-it It is stated*tl^at Mr. DTsraeli will introduce Mr. Shellabargcr closed the debate in a ]OSTpal Streets ot this city, a roll of hills, amounting Largest Weekly Paper in New England. TUESDAY. JAN. 1, 186T, For Sale in Virginia. Superior inks tor sale having been nudermined by the freshet, fell to $175. The above reward is ollered tor' the return for family use, with instructions. in Parliament a plan of reform to be speech in favor of the bill, during which Mr. •M thorough adopted into the Shctucket river this ot the to the subscriber at or his Land Dr. D. can accommodate a lew resolution. The idea is received said the statement that the Courts in eveuiug damag- money Denmark, Mr. It is offered to the public at the low price of open subscriber lias lor sale 450 acres of patients with board by favorably Boyer and treatment at his house. in ing the mill to the amount of $20,000. Several POTTED, at the Portland House. THEheavily wooded with YY'hite Oak. lied Oak, political circles. Louisiana were under rebel control,and would Ottice hours from 8 o’clock A. of the workmen ha I a narrow escape. The C. 1*. PENDEXTER. DOLLARS A YEAR, invariably in advance. Chestnut and Pino timber, situated on the Kappa- \1. to 12 M.; Iron* l Paris, Feb. 11. not do to negroes and Union men, was to t5 P. and 7 to 9 in the justice mill was being finished in the highest style,and Portland, Fel» 11, 1867. felld3t* NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY bannock River. For limber particulars address M., evemug. It is announced that all the French soldiers unfounded in fact. This assertion created ADOLPHUS Consultation free. novltt was one of the finest structures in the To a club of new subscribers, eleven copies will YVKINBEKG, will leave Mexico on the 25th February. considerable excitement an* general calls to country. Box 347, Alexandria, Va. The whole building is iu danger. Tlie total Picked up Adrift! bo sent for twenty dollars, and the same discount is At No. 316 Congress Street, ja2od3w Feb. 11. order from the Republican side of the House. Antwerp, loss liy the freshet in this si tion will reach LOT of Spars. The owner can have the same offered to larger clubs. It is asserted here that the* Bel- The hill was ordered to be read a third time. Mechanic*’ Dr. Chaussier’s confidently $200,000. A call at. Little Chobegue Island, proving proper- [Opposite Hall,I Empress. This seemed to have liecn j by --—— — on Park St gian legion, now serving under Maximilian in point anticipated, ty and paying charges. 1'el ldlw* -4-— For Sale—House A CELEBRATED for the to the of the vrhuru lie will be to wait on Ids friends and Mexico, will soon return home. bill, surprise Democratic, pleased about to remove Iroro this city 1 oiler lor *■' of From Kim rraiM-iM'O. tlie r«-nt-h and the amusement of the side NOTICES OF TUG PRESS. public sale No. S3 Park St. It is good size London, Feb. 11. Republican Grateful for patronage, be hopes by strict at- BEINti my House, the House, bail been engrossed. The bill San Feb. 12. ItOAItn past ami wilball ibe modern PREPARATION Advices from Madrid that three edi- pass- Francisco, AND ItOOitlS. [From the Christian tention to business to merit a renewal ot tbe same. couvenent, improvements, report 4*4. Mirror.] in wnirh is Hot and Cola water, tias, FOB TUB ed yeas 113, nays 'Phe ship Roswell Sprague, from Boston, has tor Hnthing room, tors of that city have been condemned to im- The Press has been enlarged since New Year’s. Person.'} wishing liouse is a stable. Petitions were and referred. arrived. The officers and with the ex- r'uruace, Ac. Con eetod wltli at hard labor. presented crew, We are to see such evidence of With at prisonment Mr. Chanler the of Hoarders Wanted. glad prosperity. Po session given first day of May next. Enquire HAIR ! presented credentials ception qf two, are down with the scurvy. such as Portland now furnishes wc seo m> FIRST CLAM PICl CRK8 Feb. papers No. Commercial Ni. bead of Hobson’s Berlin, 11, Evening. William Aiken, Representative elect from tlie Hale & Norcross Mining Company declare a PLEASANT Robins with board tor and need of Dailies from Boston and New gentlemen importing wharf, of -J. H. II imli ii, the subscriber, STKPHEN lyFree from Polson- The Prussian Government has determined 2d district of South Carolina. Referred to the dividend of on the loth I their w ives. Also tbr single gentlemen. York. of all styles and sizes arc invited to call. $125 per foot, probably Apply PATTEN, or of W.H. JEKRIS, Heal Estate Agent. '/ otis Minerals or upon the evacuation of Dresden, which will he Committee on Reconstruction. inst. to GEO. McLELLAN, No. 4 Locust st. iehlldlw * Injurl- Picture* colored in Water Color* and Jau30eodtf ous Drags. in future garrisoned l»y troops of the North The House took up the bill to establish mil- [From the Portland Price Current.] Oil, German Confederation. itary Governments in the seceded States. To Let. The Press.—The crowded state of our columns India Ink one of tbe beat Artist* IT IM 1\«T A II.-a* } Frcnlicf ami F'atal lSe«iilt. by Lots DtK Mr. was entitled to the floor. last week us from noticing the eniagemeut JDesirable Store Athens, Feb. 11, Evening. Kelley Suit ot rooms suitable lor prevented Boston, Feb. 12. Gout ami Wife, and of the columns of the in the State* from Candia is to the effect that The House nt quarter past lour o’clock, took with board at 56 Clark re-arrangement Daily S tF*It will not soil the Intelligence A river A Street. FebGdtt which in its and with a recess until 7 1-2 o’clock. dispateli from Concord says White Press, present enlarged form, Uncut, linen! It wltl n--t six hundred Greek volunteers have surrender- to FOR SALE, was so blocked with ice at West its excellent editorial management, is certainly the Special attention paid Copying of all descriptions. tne nairi is tree irom tnc uisagreeanic •mien ed to the forces of the Porte. is Hartford, Vt., MTBSKT. gum King George EVENING SESSION. To be Let. leading journal of Maine, and equal to any in‘New work warranted to satisfaction. N COniHE KCIAL ot‘ It relieves the Em- yesterday, that water rose as high as the second j&ir^All give sulphur! scalpel' about to send an autograph letter to the England; especially when taken into consideration irritation! Prevent* the hair tVoin story of the hotel. The oldest daughter of Mr. unfurnished rooms without board, N. B—Work done for Photographers in Ink or subscribers ofter for sale the lot of Lind on pleasant falling off, peror Napoleon, Queen Victoria, and the Czar On motion of Mr. Starr, the Committee on the amount of interesting reading matter that is even alter fevers! Causes the new hair to grow on Williamson, hotel was drowned in PLEASANTsuitable lor tfentlcmen and their wives. En- Colors at reasonable rat is. janleodSm the side ot Commercial Street, head ot them for assistance to the ami was instructed to in- proprietor, daily furnished lor the money. THE southerly far- bald heads when fallen off from diseases. It will Alexander, asking Thinking Currency to to the quire ill. No. 6 South street, between 9 and 11 A. M. Dana’s measuring 72 bv 150 teet. Eor Ihc of trying escape depot. Wharf, Restore hair to it* natural color, or the Greeks. quire into preventing by each day. janSdtf ther JONASH. PER LEV, Gray money expediency [From the Gardiner Home Journal.] particulars inquire A. will he refunded in instance. JUOMiMJN, ren. i-s, xtmui. law the sale of by the Secretary of the 18 W. S. DAN every gold A Safe Investment! Oct Sold < ROSMAN , liad to have been returned him we increasing may increase its by applying immediately hnlf of the Brick Worn and Torn Ourrencv and Greenbacks Berlin, Feb. 12. seceded by to me,as remaining unpaid hope years prosper- WM. M. Nenl Street, upper front States. the Legislature to-morrow. on the 31st of his CLARK, in all 12 Rooms; cemented The Conference of the South German States Mr. K addressed the House in advocacy day May, 1866, by certificate of that ity. No 78 Commercial Street. ONHouse—containing Bonght at the Horse R. R. Office, by alley date, and now remain unpaid; and notice is the Eastern Jan. hard and soft water. A good Stable, ami has adopted an army system similar to that of of the bftLaud a that it would hereby [From Argus, 2] Portland, Feb lltb, 1867.—d2w* Cellar, expressed hope given that if the said taxes and interest and charges room. convenient and de-iruble. n. a. Prussia. be without —The Press appeared yesterday yard Very jaMti passe* amendment. are not paid into the treasury of said town within morning enlarged Possession sometime in March. Terms Feb. 12. THE ItlAIUiETS. the addition of 2! inches to the length of its col- given Florence, Mr. Mswnara spoke in favor ot the lull, say- twenty months from the date of the commitment of by on the or to umns. its make-up has also been changed again, Tilton & McFarland, easy. Apply premises, The Cabinet Ministers of Italy have all re- ing that through, ut. the unreconstructed States the said hills, so much of the real estate taxed as will WM. H. JKRIHS, Vinauciul. and on the whole it presented a decidedly impioved TO B1JILDEBS. tin* of rebellion was as as be sufficient to pay tne amount due includ- Real Estate signed. strong to-day therefor, Our “new clothes” arc Desire to call the attention to tlie tact that more than Agent. Frames spirit New interest and will, w ithout liutlk r appearance. coteraporary’s wisliin'' lor Spruce Dimension Constantinople, Feb. 12. it had since the attack on Fort Sumter. York, Feb. 12. ing charges, notice, than but F eb. 6—d3w 'PERSONS somewhat larger ours, the arc not ___ 1 lor a ill do well to leave bjfeu Money closed very with an abundant supply be sold at public auction, at the Town Mouse, in said biggest early Spring business, In the. new Turkish Cabinet about to be cre- The pcuat which was in the country now, was easy, always the best.” 4r O their orders at once with and demand. (Jail loans 4 (« G per and town, on the 1st day of 1867, at 10 o’clock A. Ali Vizer Fuad will the office of the of the volcano. light cent., March, For Lmm, ated, accept pe slumbering discounts 7 71 cent. There was more NTKVENN A HKBUII.Im aj*i prime ^ per the Portland Jan. Of tlieir Safes gave AMPLE PROTECTION in tlue comer of Middle and Foreign Minister. Mr. A®sou next spoke in favor ot the bill, in Gold this and the ad- Val’n. Tax. [From Evening Star, 1.] rnnE valuable lot or land Street. activity afternoon, premium late Are. Parties a I at their Lumber Wharf, Cohmfriiai. St. Feb. 11. tor either with or with- The Daily Press this in an en- desiring Pisu.ib Streets, lor a term 01 years. nquire Petersburg, it, vanced closing at. 137$. Foreign Exchange was a lit- Benjamin and $l5o oo appears morning I toot where can decUrjjnbiiuself Warren*home lot, $375 it now C. C. M1TCHELL Ar near of Maple Street, **J1 Lieut. Col. the of the Russian out t 11 e ml meet. tle weaker under the of a shipment of bonds. Albion barn and large terra, making lolly equal in size lo any 0V SON, " Knox, agent hejp prospect Blackstoiic, house, 1*8 found a lurirc Stock ol Hue, Spruce. American the hill would Hankers* bills Stocks wllb little daily lies spapei in New The editor, in FIRST KATE SAFE, A115. 28, <111 Fore Street. Telegraph, waited upon the Empe- Mr. Blaine hoped he amend- 108$ aj 108$. closed lot. 540 00 1 18 England. out aiid i.iiuiTimt Government, securities were his New Year’s show’s that the success of ror ed to theieffect that when the Constitutional or no change. stronger R. P. M. barn and Salutatory, At a MODERATE will on yesterday. Gredy, house, tlie for the has been PRICE, please call the and maintained the acres i*per past year most gratifying, Fimn for Sale. and ungb-ed, He that the on Atlantic A me in should be and one during afternoon, improve- thirty-five land, 1,325 00 33 13 Window Saebc,. *iazod line the latent ratifled, any at and we are glad ot its The return to the EMERY Sc WATERHOUSE, l&tti represented)»<• ment at the close. The speculative feeling the Horace P. house and 150 oo 3 60 prosperity. sell farm near AlU'iiV Corner West- side will completed in next. Govern- of the Sbthern Stab s had provided tor im- Kimball, lot, ol WILL my at lowest prices. & MERRILL. .Inly Mining board increases; business with a gener- Mrs. two original style arranging the contents ol the paper, Middle Street, A or Korsafchofl and large, York, and one-half acres most Portland, about three miles from Pott land, one mile I Remember—STEVENS Gen. in that that State should be re- al in is one ol tuc agreeable features of the I brook, Bhclasinkoff', Siberia, part ial3§Aragc, improvement prices. 50 00 1 95 change. Westbrook _—-- land, Or at IflO Hmlbury Boston. from horse cars, aud Seminary. formally acknowledged the courtesy of the William two one-half IKtrccI, teblld-’in_ storofljff--- Wagg, and the Said larm contains ;d»out 100 acres, part ot it very American in the arose between Messrs. Blaine acres [From Bangor Whig.) Congress regardto attempted A New York iTlnrkrf. land, 60 00 1 44 {^^Second-hand Safes taken in exchange for sale- valuable for and 01 it for building lots. notice. diajissiou — tillage, part assassination of the an assertion of the former Rachel True, one and one-half 2crcs The Portland Press was enlarged on the 1st of Jan Emperor. aud Kaniond upon New Feb. 12. 16—SNlstwin each ino&advremainder of time. There is a goW. who is A cable the Herald from the Coifftitulioiial Amendment require- bales Middling uplands at 3.1c. wmI il now makes To purchasers A, ilnly authorized to special dispatch Heirs of Jacob house .and dailies- a very handsome appear- Let, St. nu at to tbcunderrigned, on ment nGrolured Flour—active and 5 >•} IQ*- sa’es hi*ls.; I'avor, 6epll-dtt 165 Commercial London says the demonstration Monday suffrage. lower; 7,300 ance. This evidence of on the of ho State at 0 00 « 11 so. I'd, 60 00 1 44 prosperity part in the new block over a 20.000 Mr. ld his Round lioop Ohio 11 00 (tv a story Shaw’s Te tss Fore Street, over Canal National was a great success. Th«*re were persons C^niii explained that expression, WILLIAM B. Treasurer. good aud reliable paper as the Press is 13 25; Western at 0 00 @ 12 30. Southern sales at SKILLTN, gratifying, TIHIW)Store, Middle Street. Enquire ol for Sale. House No. S5 Danforih Street, corner of State in the and the streets wen* lined ‘the dodr of mercy was closed to the Soutlierii North Yarmouth, 1867. ll shows, too, that Portland has lost ol First Class Houses u»iik procession, 10 75 ((i> 1G 50. Jan.24ili, nothing vigor, JACOB McLELLAN, GKOKUL A. THOMAS. Tfia best order referred to the 28d3t (endow enterprise or resource, by the great but that its tint rlam bri. k h“U«*k w ith over 20.000 spectators. people,* only Constitutional Wheat—dull; sales 0,500 bush. No. 2 jan tire, | Ocean Insurance Exchange Street. YV E Offer tor «>le tbo oi*ht ood4w course is still onward—that its busim-ss is in fact in- OlHee, situated on Pun February 2,486£. was maintained the march. The clay Amendment, which all Tennessee had at 2 33. While California at 315. l <13w* V\ recently built by ns, during except creasing, the ! February St™**- with that rejected. aud 1 2c notwithstanding apparent calamity of between Cliuk and t’arlcfcm was and in striking contrast Corn—dull '«] lower; sales 44,200 bush.— that its » ro,ifl>, pleasant last promise ol commercial Tln-se arc built, Yarmouth to Mixed Western at 111 « 1 13afloat. Yellow year—and great- houses Uo.roU/hly .,^#1*011.— Paper Co. on which the Queen's procession Parliament m' S0®11 *P°ke against the bill. Jersey Jackson’s Catarrh Snuff! ness is certain to he fulfilled. The Press is FORGE ^*r- Vani 1 12 («> 1 13. among COAL. brick drains, and marble nn.nilelplcce1 vt-ry ,jiv,.ra- took French and Italian Horn obtained the floor when, at new, at the bestol the New Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the place. American, sales bush. Western at EIjECSANT TROCHE and England papers, and its present Tbey w ill bo sold at a low St. quarter before Oats—lower; 26,000 69 @ t*NTFF Is a arrived per wh a of ih Jwh^V^.L', pmiiiirth nbove named will bo held at IholroftiW flags worefcarried in the procession. Jicsolu- eleven, the House adjourned. appearance credit to the State. Clinton, cargo Fro ble terms. at our «>nir*‘ the THURSDAY, 14th, passed denouncing Derby gov- 67c. Combined lor u, opposite en- at [From the Hath Mines, Piedmont, Va. This Coal ia very nice ai id Real Estate 48 o’clock, A. M., for the choice of oflicers tor the ernment and demanding manhood suffrage. and heavy. Times.] suit. or WM. LI. JERIUS, bo provisions—dull warranted to Those wishing to purrbase lar ic dtt suing and tor any other business that may On afternoon the House of Commons lYffneellnneouH sales 1500 bids, in bond Western ty* Hie Portland Press comes out Prcido House. year, Monday l>i*,,„l«!io*. Whiskey—firmer; greatly enlarg- iota, will lind it to their to us before them. Cout/Jis, it and we suspect it now advantage give a ca [1. 16, J8C41. legally brought was crowded to hear the announce- at52 •o) 32c. Catarrh,Bronch is, ed, gives another settler to the October J. C. COOLIPGE, Clerk. expected Albany, N. Ym Feb. 12. which is “the ^hi» ment of tin* Government Mr. Groceries—gcnci ally quiet and dull. question principal paper in Portland.” RA.VDAIili, Me tl.INTKK A 1*87. losdlw programme. The Homeopathic Society an- Voids, Hoarseness, It is bound to distance Feb’y 7th, couunonoediit* Naval Stores—dull; Turpentine at 07 {&> Asthma, its eomi>eUtois. Sale. DTsracli delivered a Jong historical essay on imal session here, to-day. At its session Spirits «« for this 671c. Hosin at 3 87$ (o. 8 50. Coniine rcinl Mlrrrl, reform and the English Constitution. Towards the President delivered his ltad Breath, From the Ross” 1M ton* old evening annual ad- Petroleum—lull; sales of crude at 18]c; refined 1teadach&,dtc. I Lewiston Journal, Jan. 1.) Head of Maine Wharf. •i.iuwimr “Hattie First National itank of Portland. the close of his he said tin* < 1 overtiment icl.5 il 2w built in 1888 of the very speech dress. bonded at 30 a relieves The Portland Press inside J A mSwumitnent. to test 30$c. Instantly amjnying Crarin in rhnrch. has increased ils size equiva- L hard wood l»ottom and of the Flr-t Scries of Setsa-Thlrty would introduce resolutions the sense of Baltimore, Fob. 12. sales lbs at 11I 1 lent to an addition gt, material, Tallow—dull, 83,0(H) ] @ l$c. Cures f1 a la nli* nisirivKLV w it bout snfi/im.. of three or four columns. This notes can have the same exchanged tor gold Parliament iiefore reform which sailed to and firm. (w while ofi tor, coppered. *dfc, rigging HOl.nFK-S nresentinga hill,and The steamship Klla Knight, yes- Freights Liverpool—quiet Cotton] Valuable to Winder*, A c., clear* and enlargement, so upon its resurrec- well six cent bonds at this Bank at the usual fixed the them.— Clcrigy, the tojlowuig closely hi l in tirst rate condition, mid hearing per 25th as tie for offering for \ a., was cut through by $d by sail. the voice acts tastes tion from ashes of the shows i.lJW' spars day terday Petersburg Mlrca^lhca* ; quickly; pleas- great tire, that the lor business. commission .. The j it GAS AND I T T?^vervway,">a every w i.v, and ready and resolutions are and ashore on id*vi atfvocates COAL OIL in next, the vagiie unsatisfactory, | the ice off Fort Carroll, aud run antly ; nauseate*. principles and its otforts to eater to the lh, K(,^s & STURDIVANT, The First Series mature August and tastes of its and Third Series can also merely stale general principles. to her siuking. Seven fine ft go nifirkclH. Prevent* taking coin from Nknting, V.eelnre* literary readers are appreciated l»v the 7;: Commercial Street. conversion of the Second j Sparrow Point prevent J be a IditioHul f0 blldtf of hold. The Feb. 12. &c. IS 4r Sold by Druggists or sent by mail .Jjj public. sp cc now obtained will be / he ettocted on fsvorwble feet water are in her Chicago, — reported Eli lose 35 cts to devoted to details ot FIXTUUJESf , teetn.^ Provisions—The market is dull and with important events, and selections HoMton passengers were taken off and have returned weaker, from current Hoard of Trade. ligul sales of mess lor de- literature. A FULL SUPPLY jan2f. l m /■ pork for cash at 18 75, and _ here. in Wilson & Feb. 12. livery March, buyer’s option, at 19 50. English Hooper, Oo; Boston, Fort Feb. 12. meats [From the E. & SON, Laramie, sab s Worcester TARBELL Marinas At an of easier; of Cumberland middles at x$ («■ (Mass.,) Spy.] Portland and Steamboat adjourned meeting of tin Board of the 2d United States cav- s,<-. i-- Orcsaeii 5 u< I0c neW sheets and It RKONVISI'O Olotlriiiiar ties on the cental night. bogs lower, closing manilest signs of comm it measurement of wound is at 7 M m. on, ilivulina ..n 1 Boy’s grain rington’s better, but he is not yet 2110 lbs. Uve linKs close,! and the Hart tan 1 Special Meeting of the Stock- and the national were si, a,h ; Balm, a 5 sr. 11711. PAINTS AND th Vrcss . AT THE bankruptcy accepted. able tifc travel. Flnur-Thc market is OILS, m the largest and best BOSTON A bidders of the named Coiu- The ct of of tin* .lull ami wit linutdeeidcd c!,an„,.. \ in theti,«‘5* .State *1 lllS;|;r,1‘crof suhji purchase Worcester and Col. Patrick, Indian has established W|i.nt ,.uy ;u„| dsuly Maine, and the latter wc have ! any will lit ir til*-. ?:» was Agent, In inoiierate ileinaml, “* IN Clothing Com, Western Railroad debated and a motion No.s,.riuK declined No. J>i*h{-k, Mctlioinosi, Dye- °ne °f tlie ablest °r our AND D*r.ALKRS Hew England t'oniuirri iai Fort and. Feb- a reservation four miles from and has ami sales Jc; Connedlcnt MANUFACTURERS Sit., here, 1 scarce uommal; No. 2 — Pi reconsider the vote whereby tin* of ot at 1 s.3 a) 185 exchanges.1611 Market Sq.nrv. ruary t% 1807, at 3 o’clock P. M lor the following report now eighty lodges Indians on it, and more Corn moderately active ami Window (Uiikm. the was substituted for that of the steady, closing'niiiet at istnlls. purposes minority are for No. and G9c for No, 2. Oats coining. H2Je 1, and Ac [From the Portland Chandeliers, to sec l*‘ Act” of the Le- of the committee was 16 at lor Advertiser, Jan. LEVEENiCO^ l*t, they will accept the majority rejected, lower, closing nominal 50$c No. 2 in — A0ENT8 FOR 2.1 store ,lc8d*»_E. gislature the name of the Comj any and toll. Wines inactive and nominal. morning Vn an changing High enlarged form f'Vf a(’P°arei' ytstordav Brack'ets, Holders. increase its capital stock, Ac. 1 live I'ireto flour, 22,600 bush, 17 Forest Hirer . Warren Lead Vo.’s ,u,ly ‘1lml «» to any to Land ttrftlrn< Hoceipts—8,000bWs. wheat, m) daily naneJ in xi V'°JV Notxce 2d, to see if will increase the capital stock o» bush, corn, bush, oats, 3,000 hogs. Shipmenta_ a,“1’ ,h'’ arrangement they Muffragr in Hamm**. 7,300 oi re iiline nntter iE,1K .,n &c. the ami to what extent. Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 11. bbls. bush, wheat, 4,000 bush. corn. U burned to the style, Lamps, is bt t»kn ompany, 1,000 flour, 4,000 CRAFT* & ll.I.l tns, nrhieh withinh*thmk original ,>rD Bulhter. pn'paif'f ii any, will make In Feb. 12. were fires last qulte an in its O'DUROCHER. .K«n or lid. to sea what changes, they 8t. Louis, ifihdh; three incendiary night. ance. ^pcovement appear- FITTIMCS T for bulbil nc, cither by by Nos. 5 and 8 Commercial Boston. )n it9 branches. iT rmitru-ts the of the Coni ntmy. Tlie Democrat's says thi* V MnrhetR. Wharf, f'ttTiisb Kirst Vlass workmen By-Laws le- Topeka special lYilmimgfon Since the fVess has been D AY WORK 0»» to transact any other business that may in the Renate San Francisco, Feb. 11. under the editorial man- BAN NTOVKS, Heating. 4th, House to-day refused to concur N. Feb. foT siting an(j «l come belore them. Wilmington, C., 12. __flat-WMa, ^‘‘liardson, its editorials have been a, *gally J _ to A this in Falsom street HOUSE Clerk, amendment to the joint resolution change flue morning destroy- turpentine sales at GOe. Rosin high loned and a influ- CHAIDKhr Re-Gil- WILLIAM ROSS, Spirits dull; quiet; y,’ur or<,er8 for Job Work to reliable, wielding powerful I,AMPS*, *«.. m»frbttof^dj^g^cANIndia Portland. Daily Prc. ence 4JBR, Street, ,l2w flie Constitution so as to allow negroes to vote eoxievfral houses. Loss $20,000. I sales at 3 00 io< 5 00. Tar sales at l G5. its patrons on all .1 mutters. He Jan. j*"31 firm; OlhaT*461111 <»yer jiofifcic ed or 1866 augaoatf i 30,186T. has taken a fair stand, always discussing topics in a Bronze^ no21eodSm 1 topist 17th, IJ-— MERCHANDISE. MISCELLANEOUS. niMKM.ANroi'N Poetry. MEDICAL._ HOTELS. RAILROADS. E.o»e. The Sharpshooter’* The Eye. Ear, Catarrh New Trinidad Molasses 1 rnrMZAjm. Portland & A1VD FBB1T —— UNITED STATES OF WAR. A>'D- LITTLEFIELD liciltUml climate. mile, IS TIME MO- WILLOW’S F.1BH Thirty w”tlu,i m HIT DM. NEW TRINIDAD a, Railroad. in New SACO & 254 ) Ri'g adelpli by Jersey, ou'u lUthe sa,u®Li PORTSMOUTH R. R. 14 T'llvUt'ES; LASSES, cargo ol line ol latitude aa Baltimore, Aid. BY GEOROE ARNOLD. THROAT. 1U 11111.“. "Prank E. AUcn. The soil is rich and productive, varying from WINTER ___/•>*. ) aclav HOTEL, ARRANGEMENT, Porealeby to n sandy loan, suitable lor Wheat, Grass, Coni The finest friend I ever knew, 6EQ g> hUNT, WOOD MOULDING & PLANING Tobacco,Fruit aud vegetables. This is a t/rtat fruit ComwenriuK Monday, MILLS, Couu ainl nOUTLANJ), MAINE, And «nn with whom ldare not trifle; I'ounarrcwl Muccl. n/. Five hundred Vineyards Orchards in fbb2d3w 111 have been Iruit PM *»»*'*«.leave Portland for Who nil danger sees me through, planted ort by experienced growers. "eonUy Proprietor of the COM- at 6.40 A. M., immense rrHcuK»r. ai„j P M Whose aim is ever good and true, Grapes Peaches, Pears &c., produce prof- the HOUSI-' (which was destroyed in Leave Boston lor Portland at For and Boards i s, ere-M 7.^0 a. and Is my sweet idinic iune. Jointing and Vineland is ah one of the most beautiiul *<> announce to his old jatrona m., *2.30 Molasses. Planing, Matching Plank, in eddy and tlio'iuiKii, Jjpl*8. P. Al. New Crop places the United Slates. The entire territory, will lle h;,s I' used the aboTc hotel and Mrs. open for ill!"1 A Mea'iiamc'm and Labobku’s Train will She Manchester consisting wi fitly miles of land, is laid out ol h-ava gently rests upon my arm, square ,b* p'lblic peucr' Biddeiord excepted, at 6 A. lb upon a general system oi The land daily, Sundays M. and always alwave willing; THE improvements. at at ready, INDEPENDENT ALL is sold to Saco 6.06, arriving in Portland 6.40. And in general somewhat calm, MOULDINGS OF only actual settlers with provision ibr public j though, CLAYED NEW DESUMPTIONS, adornment. The Returning, will leave Portland lor Saco and BU1- Wakes up, upon the first alarm, j MOLASSES, place on account of its great beauty, and and as well as other heW0"'Hi2“~“{^^/?heC,.rlre“ge’ delord intermediate stations at 6.10 P. AI. To bhow she can be 7 bbls. ) CROP, advantages, has become the resort killing. CLAIRVOYANT! *'A A special freight train, with car attach- NEW ol people of lavte. It lias increased live thousand SUABLE. passenger 103 HIID3, (MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, „,g^ Jm ed, will leave Portland at 7.lo A. M. lor Saco and to & Circular Wood &c. people within th past three Churches. Stores. -- M. J. DAVIS. And she is very lair see, AND 4 TRCS. J CROP, Sweep Sawing, Turning, years. Biddeiord. and returning, leave Biddeiord at b.30 The moat fastidious fancy suiting: A. Horn Schools, Academies, Societies oi Art and Learning be, Per Brig Mary Chase, Matanzas, now land- and other Curd. and Saco at 8 40 A. M. Her LockB are as they can elements of refinement an d culture have bright Eclectic I ing and 'or sale by b« FRAHC1S CHASE. And that her Sight is good, to me Physician STAIR BIILDIIU PROMPTLY eui introduced. Hundreds ot people are constantly METROPOLITAN Sopt. EXECUTED, self 1IOTF.L, p C Portland, Oct 20, 1866. fohlldtf la as gure as shooting. to ling. Huudrcils of new houses are being con- Washington just From 618 New York, lias returned CHASE,CHAM d; STUHTEVANT on account of the educed price of Broadway, structed. Price of Farm Land, twenty acre lots and iwovhdoua, the rate epark and can be at her rooms at the upwards, $25 of board at this Hotel will lie Though lived to many Portland, consulted Wharf. per acre, Five and ten acre and Vil- Foun Pol la ns »flejy _feb2d2wWldgery’* hits lor t.r Bhe’n never e Preble House. Corner of York and lage sale. from date. lilt tne mark, .Maple Streets, (lay GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ail,, q|wavh aims to L5u* Fruits and Vegetables earlier in this district POTTS & ♦*»* * .f Cwrr*. rijien -v dee nthrons hark, Crrlilcalta NEW than in any other 1 north of SHELLEY. Ot Canada. I,, of Catarrh TAMARESD^ cality, Norfolk, Va.lm- find she’s no Secesher. This is to that I have been cured proved places tor sale January 1, 1867. .iuSdim They certify I have Men j in the worst form, bv Mrs. Manchester. r/wSff™'} ME. Openings mr all .kinds ol business, Lumber Yards, Load seems not to weigh out Urg 25 KEGS PORTLAND, The heaviest to New York and Boston,have paid au clls. lanuaryiSeodliu -Manufactories, Foundries, Stores and the lik. : and Ooi’liriin House ! -Alteration of '[Trains. her more than ’twere a Steam Power with Ui ou trifle; She told me room can he rented. and l*a iuL For MAINE. She6 fuguiy polished; pray, re°Se wor^r^wM^Tm and NEW TAMARINDS! persons who desire mild a healthful GORHAM, WINTER of the tube. In the throat STEAM A winters, ARRANGEMENT. Were I bereft friends tliib day, mv ^sl bad1 one, CARD. climate, and a good sml, in a country iiu- THE Subscriber having leased the above leave me Minie —AT— d. beautifully O, ltiflo! prov abounding in fruits, and jx^sessing all other House fora term of >cars, is prepared to ae- | after Monday, Nov. 12,186 social pBpMwffl."? w,,l OWEN & BARBER’S, REFIXED privileges, in the heart of civilization, it is commodate parties and the public generally, /-,rauiM run as follow#:— SOAPS! undersigned having REMOVEDIrorn Ware’s worthy oi a visit. and irom his in Hotel “"I Ht. long xjierience keep M«1l“ 1-ewfau.n, atl.40 A. M Account of Feb 7—r*2w No 13 Exchange THEHall, will Utf.Ts aud to the Dridger* her Interview with and her ine answered, tlie Vineland Rural a paper mg lioiies receive a lilieral share of M“u gv5/Jf taikiue a great deal, curing full in Pole 1. Montreal and giving formation, and of public a Hotel tor Ou.i'V '• if***™- ■ he Dentist. ot him.Ire. Is of dollars in pock- containing reports So- patronage, having kept T’bie train 1111 M. will^tiie iu^ans my Lumber. LEATHE~& GOllE, lon Kob nson, sent to more than coiuiectawiikv11 ulk without hurting me. Go and applicants twenty years. Charges reasonable. Delroil and train ibr Toron- (From the London ets/m now lean ■4 f°r use OPEN THIS DAY Address OH AS K. to, ChicjL, m Vre“’ Morning Post.] will be satisfied, /AfAfA Dry Pinc immediately solicit the attention ol the trade and LANDIS, VU.elaud P. O., Janl5d3m s. B. BROWN. Pond •>*>“ consult her, and you perfectly hemlock and Landis J j lslau.1 lo s H lvU» V/KJ vJ.iIho spruce, pine to their own>hip. New Jersey. yuebSe'ainiMSiSLS" “how did Stephens, Belfast, Me. WOULDconsumers Standard Biands of From Train lorSodin Paris at “Well, Bridget,” says Margery, dimension on hand or sawed to order at til f'om- THEIR NEW Report ol Solon Agricultural Fdi- a.oo p i'. STORE Robinson, No can be with the did Si. FebTdtt L. TAYLOR. tor of the **It is one ol MILLS baggase received you get along docthur—what ye mcreinl STEAM REFINED inbune; the most extensive HOUSE, or\betk,.,i after t Bangor, May SOAPS, ferule man tune above stated. say till him, and what did he do till yeest ?” 15,18(56. tracts, almost level jiosition and suitable Mrs. Manchester—Dear Madam:—When you condition tor Tr:un# will arrive as follows*— nor I to -viz:- pleasant farming that we know ol thi*» CHARLESTON,.SO. CAROLINA. Bridget—its he did till me, were in Bangor last 1 called to see with No. 3 Ftfee St. side of ti e From So. Palis, Lewiston and nothing summer, you LUMBER, Western Prairies.” Auburn * mi kih u mTuc that had EXTRA, Block, bas * him, that’s all—only says 1—“Ocb, doctliur, a cluid of been sick for four years. 1 sept13d<&wtim 37 proprietor the pleasure to Inform the From Montreal, Quebec, &c., to a Wholesale and Retail. FAMILY, £' that aches had taken her number of and none THEtraveling public that the above hoi iso is Uow open docthur dear, it's me tooth inlirely, physicians, NO. And would invite the attention of the lor | could tell what ailed her or even her You ami ol all sizes 1. the reception of guests, having made extensive al- sure it and mind lo have it dtawn oot. symptoms. Plank, Shingles Scantling The Company are not rrK(H>n*ible tor is; I've examined her and told on OLEINE, terations. and refurnished it baggage case, me exactly her symp- BOARDS,constantly hand. improvements, through- amomiL in value and it “Do it says be CHEMICAL OLIVE. it is now in any exceeding tfoO (and plane you.” pane ye?” toms from the commencement of her sickness, which Luilding material sawed to order. out, capital order, aud every exertion will unless notice is tharpergcn that be ul) given, and ndd Ibr at the rate o till me. can ax 1110 were also told mo that there was ISAAC DYER. CRANE’S PATENT, & made to render it to his Och murther, ye very peculiar; Clotliimr, Goods fHOTOGRAPHi acceptable patrons. oue pavseugcr tor every #5oo additional to see alive in No. Union Wharf. ANI» AMERICAN CASTILE. Tailoring Dry value. and me all the way down here ye something her, and also said there was a num- auglltf u| SODyt nolOeodOm JO**: PI I PIRCKI.L. ■L now, ... s’ O,rector, or ber of and told me that she drank them from a }{‘1 UauagtHy I* "Sure I haven t slept day them, Allot SUPERIOR QUALITIES, in package? suita- Trade to their if. ISAILr. 1, ia‘C'11 supennL mu n/. about it,” savs rain-water cistern. You said that would not I tried all you ble for the trade and tamily use. Portland, i\ov. 2, jS66. night, these days? ‘•Haven’t tnapes warrant a but would anil do the Ivst X cure, try you BUMHLGH Imitorting direct our chemicals, and using the aud well Assorted New Stock MEDICAL devil? they tql] could for her. She commenced medicine only Large to quiet the jumping taking your best materials, and as our goods arc manulact tired iu my mouth, but how in last, and from that time until December, me to put raw brandy August All kinds of under the personal supervision otottr senior partner, OF PORTLAND! ROCHESTER v the child lias off oi' what we ML it till me, sure? passed large quantities who has had thirty years practical experience in the could slay there, jist mall from and 1 a«id am DB. it in me Tadpoles, rain-water, think, business, we therclbre assure the public witii oon- J.B.IIUUHES devil a hit could I keep up mouth;' child must liave had it not been WINTER qp'tain that the died dence that we CAS and will furnish the ARRANGEMENT. far from the likes of me to bel 1 to see Mrs. Man- SPRUCE CUMBER, & Domestic CAM BE FOUND AT II14 though it's for you. And advisjBCTrerVbody Foreign Woolens, Onand alter Monday, Dec. 17, 18*}$ drinking the brandy without extreme provo- chester, for 1 know thaM^e has die power of know- Best Goods at the Lowest * IMF' itff trains will run as follows: the condition of ^pvsou diseased better than H H«LKH.U,K AND RETAIL. Frioes!. Tailors* trains leave Saco River lor cation or by accident.” So thin the docthdt ing any Trimmings, PRIVATE MEDICAL Passenger Portland at peya&cian thvt i have utfer Jieanl of. My child is now Having recently enlarged and erected NEW ROOMS, D.'»0 and 9.00 A. M., and 3.40 P. M. Leave took his instkruments in a with as 3To. 11 Portland hurry, lit- pehniUy healthy. Please have this published, and WORKS, containg all the modern improvements, we —AND— Preble Street, tor Saco River 7.15 A. M., 2.0o and 5.46 P. M. of as tle consamment mind Barney would let the world kno# that- there is one who practises | Frames and Dimension Lumber are enabled to iurnish a supply oi Soop* of tlic Nrarlfce Prrklr Freight trains with j asaenger car attached will what to. to the for Ex- llaiiw, leave Saco swape the knives and forks from the table.— they protesg Best Q,u»liiieKt adapted demand, be River lor Pori laud. 0.50 A. M. Leave Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods 1 he can consulted privately, and with Portland ‘‘Be Vs injurious! ****** u“d was Watertown, a E. J. WALTON. Booksellers & Stationers, in the kingdom. Farmington, and at my mouth lull of in vegetable The untbrtunate should be particular in V ■|.Pu!»!rs blood—“what the Also a lot of DRY SLAB WOOD, sawed in stove WILL orEN selecting Ivendall Mills with Maine Central tor dlvil are We have such confidence in its and are bis as it is a lamentable and R.L.) Bangor ye aftbur? want to make an delivered in any part ol' the city, at $8 per cord. 31 Corner Center Streets* merits, physician, yet incontroverti- intermediate stations, tuns as low bu D’ye length, Free, ble that w this route anatomy of a MONDAY, Jam. 14th, so sure it will do all we claim for it, that we offer lact, many syphilitic patients are made mis- asanyothtr. living erathur, ye grave robber, lij ^ JACKION & Have on hand a lull ot erable with ruined constitutions Leave ^ ^ ^ ^ PERKINS, CO., supply by maltreatment Portland tur U itU, Augusta and y#?’ a new and complete assortment ol from inexperienced in tor Lewiston, L. R. 1 was afflicted eight months with Canker in High Street Wharf, 302 Commercial, physicians general practice; intermediate .-tations on Satur«lay only at 7.45 P* \1. bit $1,000 Reward it is a point generally conceded the best still,” says he, jamming something like mouth, throat and stomaeh. It assumed an alarm- Foot of street. Law, School, Miscellaneous and by svpidlogra- M1Xl‘d Train leaves Portland lor Brunswick and In- a jantdtf High pbers, that the study and management of these termediate corkscrew intil me jowl, and the ing torn). I had to quit» usiness. I took three bot- the does not sat- com,* stations daily, except Saturday, at 6.50 P. twisting FURNITURE, Blank If Sicilian Hair Renewer give plaints should engross the of who sowl out of me. I sat tles ot Wellcome’s Liver Regulator and am quite an- Books, whole time those very still because the COAL ! isfaction in all cuses when in strict accord- would l>e aud other man. I have resumed business again. $8. CHEAP $8. Glass and Silver used competent successful in their treat- Freight with car thafe held me down Crockery, and Train, pa—eager attached, will murthering with his Bangor, Me. S. S. NASON. ol all Kiudo. ance with our instructions. ment eye. Tl»e incx|icricuced general practi- muve Portland tor and inte mediate Mlatiancry tioner. Skowhcgau sta- knee, and the of his Iron Wellcome’s Liver has been more having neither opiiortunity nor time to mak- tions gripe in my lug. Regulator worth can now offer nice CHESTNUT COAL Plated Ware, every morning at 7 o'clock. He then than $60 to for Liver HALL’S himself acquainted with tlieir commonly Trains trom Brunswick gave me an awful my wife, Complaint. at $8.00 per ton, delivered at any j»art of the Cash, Post Office aud Oases, Let* pathology, and Lewistou are due at wring,hard enough WE Envelope pursues oue system of in most cases mak- Portia mi at to a wet Richmoiul, Me. C. WHITE. Also for sale at the lowest market Bedding, Upholstery Goods, treatment, 9.20 A AL, and from and wring blanket as as city. price, ter Pen &c. Hair an indiscriminate use of that Skowhcgau dry gunpowder. WeUcomc(s Liver Regulator has been more than Presses, Backs, Vegetable Sicilian Renewer ing antiquated and dan- Farmington aud all intermediate stations at 2.00 Didn’t I think the of and a first class stock of the P. day judgment w as come, one hundred dollars' benefit to me, for Liver com- Old Co. gerous weapon, Mercury. Al. to connect with trains lor Boston. tell me? Leliigrli, Wo have received Iroru Now York a has itself to be the most perfect Didn’t I see the red tire of the plaint long standing. 8. LOR1NG. just lull sumiIj ol proved preparation I Stages for Rockland connect at Bath; and tor Bel- pit? HOUSE FURNISHING ARTICLES for the Hair ever offered to the Have i'ouidrarc. X fe lt my head off No. Yarmouth, Afe. public. All who have last at Augusta, leaving on autvalol'trainfrom fly my shoulders, and look- SVGAlt LOAF PAPER committed an exiess of any kind, daily Your Liver is all sold. Send us more. LEHIGH, of HANGINGS, a and no Boston, A. tor ing up, saw monstrous Regulator every description. It is vegetable compound, contains whether it be the vice of or the leaving *t7*au ; and Solon, Anson, someiing bloody in the The siieak of it. For Furnace*. solitary youth, sting- doctor’s people highly By a strict attention to business and the wants of Patterns aud Choice whatever. ing rebuke of misplaced confidence in m.tturer Norridgi wock, Athens amt Moose Head Lake at wrenching iron. “Is that head Me. YOUNG & CUTLER. ,y.New Styles. injurious properties years, lor my Camden, their are In a fair SEEK FOR AN ANTIDOTE IN SEASON S^ow^gaii, add China, East and North VattsaJ- For and Cook Stoves, John’. White customers, they Uopca to merit It is not a it strikes at the Roots and fills you vegot there,” says I. it’s V. P. C. I regard Wellcome’s Vegetable Pain Cur- Ranges Dye, and hurn at Yu. saUHtro': tor al Kendall's “No, only your Red which are free of all share of the of the public. of all The Pains Aches, and ladsitud^ ^ud b’ersou* laity Mill's he made answer. er, the best thing I ever saw for internal and Ash, Diamond, A.b, patronage papkb sizes. the with new life and coioriug matter. and lor Oanaun at Pisliou’s tooth,” be it said pain ! A An of our stock and is respect- • glands Prostratioii wilo> Ferry. “May is,” and very nice. Algo Cumberland inspectibn prices lu tha* m*y Coition, as sore throat and lungI. WIGHT. impurities the Impure I, my eyes began to fresh for Blacksmith nse. fully invited. are Barometer to the whole system. W. HATCH* k« per intrude hi. open, and, by puttiug Augusta, Me. cargo just lauded, mined, (J^Give us a call. IT WILL RESTORE UMAT HAIM TO Do not wait for the consummation that is sure to fol- Oct. my baud up, 1 found the outside of face Send two dozen more of Wellcome’s Pain Curer. Short A- Augusta, 27, i860. nov!2dU my Wareroom* Nos. 1 & 2 Free Street Block. I.oriug, ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. lows do not wait tor tor I as It is doing wonders and Lehigh Lump, for Foundry Use! Unsightly Ulcers, on, though felt if all the inside had been here, throws Perry Davis’s jy30dtf 31 Fxee, Corner of Center Street. Disabled tor Loss of into the shade. One case ot haw E NS & BAVI.EY, Liwl>s, Beauty hauled out. Sciatic Rheumatism .We keep constantly on hand a toll assortment ol It will the Hair from falling out. and yielded to it. D. N. KIDDER. Ja 1807. keep Complexion. MAINE CENTRAL R. “I had taken a Choice Family Coal. Those wishing to pur- Portland, ’2, janlhltf R7 dollar and a half to pay for N. H. J. & C. J. Haw Many Tbauaauda Can Te»ii(Y to Bristol, chase large lots will do well to givo us a call betbre BABliOUH, cleanses the and makes the Hair fkia the it Sold It Scalp, by WINTER operation, thinking would be enough by the Trade. Manufacturers and Retailers of Unhappy Kxper^uir! ARRANGEMENT, for a purchasing. BING’S ANJD SILKEN men troubled witn poor woman ro pay; but I I’d Prepared by I. C. WF LI. COME A SORT, LUSTROUS, Young emissions in sleep,—a thought CO., complaint generally the lesult of a bad in jest ax him the price. So jan4eod&wtt Yarns oath, Me. HARD AND SOFT WOOD habit □SSgSjM Oo a»»d alter Monday,November 12th, says I, ‘Docthur, youcli.—treated scientifically and a perfect cure war- Hains how much Delivered at of the at short notice. Boots, Shoes and IS A SPLENDID I yW^^Pwcunent. will leave Pot Hand for may y, ax beside the trouble?’— any part city Ambrosia Rubbers, IT HAIR-DRESSING ranted or no charge made. Vegetable Bangui uud all int« nucdiaie station on this line, at he. a but we ‘kitty eints,’ says eints.’ ‘sure McAllister & or should to use tt. Hardly day passes are consulted one or P* M. For iston and Auburn ‘Fiity saysl; M. T. T. I. Randall, Co., —for— NO. 8 EXCHANGE No person, old young fail by daily. ouly, at I have not been %* *#* %* STREET, more young men with the above sumo of submitting these three to No. 60 COMMERCIAL is recommended ana used the F1RST MED- disease, j-Bj days ST., It by whom are as weak and emaciated as thomdi that ot a tooth for of Maine Wharf. they had fcif 'Freight trams for Walervilleand all interme- tyrant fifty eints. Troth OC25dtt n Head PORTLAND, I?IE. ICAL AUTHORITY. the and their friends consumption, by are supposed lo diate station.-, leave Portland al 8.76 A M, this same tooth is not M I T I GRAY have it. AM such cases the pulling very expinsive, G~A TOR, HAIR. Hall’s .Sicilian yield to pro|ier and ouly Train iroiu Bangor is due at Portland at 1.45 P. and Lndies’ and IWiitfie"* and Calf fp- Ask for Vegetaule correct course M, I'm much ooleeged to ye, doctliur.” Southern Pine. Merge Boots, of treatment, aud in a abort time are in season lo< onuect with tram tor bo&toii. would call the attention of all tea new com- Hair and take no other. Mien’" Fine C’nlf and Thiek Boots. Renewer, made to rt^ojee in health, From Lewistou and Margery—“But wbere’B the tooth; yer should WEpound. never before offered to the American perfect Auburn ouly, at 8.10 A. M. have In r. to this m UO Yonth«’ and offer the Sicilian Hair Ue- EDWIN brought it home and it in people. gard imxliciiie c shall sav but M very superior Flooring and Step This is the Ambrosia that made. Boys’, Children*" Boots and The Proprietors v, NOYES, Snpt. dipped salt, little. Its Ring Nov. 1, lb06 and over cures arc too numerous, and its qualities ABOUTBoards now landing at Custom House Wharf, Mlioe", newer to tho confident that it will Middle-Aged Men. no9dli flung it your left shoulder into the public, entirely There are are too well known. Since its its cures in and for sale in lots to suit to its many men 01 the age of who are discovery purchasers. Apply Ruhher Rood back the hair to its original color, promote thirty ye’U have bad luck all the rest of your chronic as well as acute is snilicient C. M. DAVIS A aud Mhoes of uil kind". bring troubled with fix. frequent evacuations from the blad- cases, proof to CO„ This is the Cure that lay and in all cases where n has lulhsu cl»*JT2> To thousands who have growth, nearly der, often accompanied a or Travelers / |irej( used it ot its power and superi- 117 Commercial street. In the Ambrosia made. by slight smiuting burn- over tiiat'Ring off will restore it unless the pcrsoij is very aged. and Bridget—“The divil take the tooth, and the ority all medicines now known in America, for Portland, Nov. 21, 1860. nov22dtf ^ OAK AND HEMLOCK BELTING. ing sensation, weakening the system in a man- the class of diseases that it is calculated to cure. ner the patient cannot account for. On bad luck too, if 1 ever think of it I examining any more; ft. P. HALL Ac CO. Prop tit* ton', (he urinary deposits a ropy sediment w ill often be Through Tickut* from Portland aure I’ve LACE LEATHER. had enough of its Mans}!eld’s Vegetable Coal, Coal, Coal. found, ami sometimes small particles of semen or al- company.” Miligator N. H. To all Points I*IOI,ASSE» ENIJIIYE HOSE Nashua, bumen will api«ear, or the color will be qj 4 .bin mijk- West & South, Is entirely dillercnt and unlike other HOSE, ish any preparation RECEIVED and lor sale the hue, again changing to a dark and turbid appear- ▼I* THIS in and a by undersigned RUBBER Sold all •i-a-lar Cure for existence, ouly requires trial to prove it wor- BELTING. RUBBER PACKING. |Jp- by Druggist*. ance. There are many men who die of tlds LaziHeM. of the JUSTat their Wharf, This is the Man who was bald and difficulty thy high recommendation we claim tor it. Pre- ignorant of the cause, which is the New York Central, gray, ICubber Rubber How. The American pared ouly by Clolhiui;, SECOND STAGE OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. Erie & Agriculturist relates the Cor. Franklin Wharf & Commercial St., Who ucw has raven locks, Lake .shore, they say. I can warrant a cure DR. W. P. For Me. He used the Cure that JOHN BARBOUR. C. J. BARBOUR. E. R. BARBOUR. Great Fall in F 111*8 ! perfect in such cases, and a Aud following,— MANSFIELD, Hand, Tons lay full and restoration Cennsylvauia Central 275 Hazelton Lehigh, i In the novilG .in healthy of the tfrimfr v organs A Ambrosia that Ring made. Persons who lri'nd, whose name we are not at PRICE 25 AND 50 CENTS, BROKEN AND EGO SIZE. FROM AN cann0% personally consult the Dr., Kniiroadg, liberty can do so Far to give, but who is well ?nd I by writing, in a plain manner, a descrip- Male at fbc l.airr.i mlrs ;.t the M .,(• widely known as General Agency anil No. 27 Green St. $ioo. $100, tion of their and the Hart Ticket a business man of Manufactory 300 TONS LOCUST MOUNTAIN This is the Maiden, handsome and diseases, appropriate remedies f,r« way Ollier,—LANCASTER sterling worth, was last Portland, Me. ASSIGNEE’S SALE will be forwarded immediately. HALL BUILhlNU, Makiskt Squakl'. year erecting a One of his EGG AND STOVE SIZE. > gay, All correspondence building. excellent MANSFIELD’S VEGETABLE MITIGATOR Who married the man once bald and WA R CLAIM OFFICE. strictly confidential, and will is of new and elegant Furs hi Boston, be if desired. w. II. LITTLE d? peculiarities to allow no Intemperance or s»y* returned, CO., MANSFIELD’S VEGETABLE MITIGATOR -.XT-. Address: General Tick,-1 profanity his and to 300 TONS LOBEKY, Wlio now has raven Patterson .V DR. J. B. HUGHES, Agent.. among men, insist that MANSFIELD’S locks, they say. 01i:s ants should lile their claims any particularly Ladies, hiring the over- anker, Rush, Measles, Ague, To the man once bald and pminpth/. need a medical adviser, to cal! at his rooms. No. 14 of its virtue is to lowest price and deliver It to any part ol the city at gray, Pbank G. late Lieut, seeing the men, our friend asked whether experienced admiration, especially But who now lias raven Patterson, nth. Me. Vols, Preble Street, which will find for children. It short notice. | locks, they say, Paul they arranged their the hand had been among cures Cholera, Cramps, old Ul- Because he used the Cure that Cmadiuhjkne, late Maj. 1st Me. Cav. Hudson and American es|»ecial accommodation. lazy engaged for the sea- cerous &Jr*atcli any port. and Rank HUGHES. sml Iron, tins lor informed the hired'man of the A Office Clocks, SIIAW No. 14 I*.n Lively sail, SATURDAY, GREAT RUSH RYAN & DAVIS E. M. TUBES A BROTHERS, Preble Streei, Portland. iuh instructions given, and he at once went to the CO, Proprietors, February, 1667, Uomediatoly alter the arrival of -AT- Hie tram ol the previous from owner. April 161 Commercial St. Gallery Clocks, OPPOSITE PBEBI.E IIOI NE. N. B.—Lmlies consult day Montreal, tube lol- 17—dtf_ Pclcrboro’, X. II. desiring may one of their loweu by the-on the 23d of “I understand and dec22 Uif own sex. A lady of experience ill constant, attend- February. you are not satisfied with my P. •T. W. Parlor, Passage to Londonderry :uid Liverpocd, cabin, (ac- said M. Saint Louis Flour ! ! PERKINS & CO., JanL!865d&w. to work,’ he. FROST’S, All Kinds ee0* cording accommodation) «7U to *80 “I -FOR- febl SC COMMERCIAL of Clocks. Steerage, find no fault with your was the ST, PORTLAND. end3m Poor & »,8‘ work,” New Wheat Marrett, Co., Payable in Gold or its ‘‘but because don’t Family Flour ol the most equivalent. reply, you work.” celebrated brands. 64 EXCHANGE BT“Eor or CHOICE STKEET, taken the CHEROKEE Freight (manage apply to "I will leave, if you insist ou said BARGAINS 1 Having Chambers CURE, **• A. it,” the T. Harrison A .. ALL.LN. No. 3 India St. man. Co., LOAVELL TUB QBEAT ( Portland, Nov. 26,1666. NO BIG PROFITS, Press Job & SENTER. fcblldtd Not at all —I don’t turn Plant*. Daily 311 CONGRESS you away, hut I Eagle■, Office, Pori land Jan. 17th, 1«;7. J6m STREET, W INDIAN have orders NO DULL TRADE MEDICINE, given to have the best loom at Brilliant XXX, the hotel at ADJOINING MECHANICS’ HALL, Cures all leases caused by FARE BOSTON. put your service, since vou want 179 Commercial Street. //Jj to the Bui Croweb of Customer Dictator, FRANK self-abuse, viz.**?' REDUCED_TQ play gentleman at my expense, and I ABORN, Are now prepared to offer their friends nnd the pub- Summer promise you I will the Trapical, lic a large and well selected t-tock ol Arrangement! pay bill promptly every Who are receiving Blessings by buying Goods Cheap Lorn of hut I PRACTICAL JM Memory, Lasai- month, will not have your had Ainurtuilo, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WATCHMAKER! Unirerml, Until example ttitle, /'a in* in the Hack, Dim- further notice the Steamers amongmy men.” j ol the Blankets at Old Prices l Whitmore, NO. 1 FIUJE STREET IruSiM of Virion, 1‘rtnmture Portland Steam Packet Co, The BLOCK. CARPETINGS! will poor tellow, dumbfounded at FOB KALE BY In Old A gs, Weak X<-re*, run as follows:— utterly A Dijfi- Leave such treatment, scarcely knew liow to Only $4,00 per pair. & JOB large assortment of f^jcu/t Breathing, Dale fount?- Atlantic WhariTorBoston, reply, & Hanson BOOH, CARD, PRINTIM;, 1*11 nance, hut looked as he would like to Churchill,Frowns pci* Insanity, i\tnnttmp- I eVloeu. thoiigh sink augTdlf CLOCKS Hangings tion, snd till diseH>i• W1NCHES- ol X <» -1 Hails, Counters, any JPrinting-. els. Swell- “A I I-R. w ill I, dreds pedestrians crossed over. Block. hind of Furniture. This Polish lias been mlWthra, Ihirpdeal Rail Itoad U hart This was Dccring used by Mi IIP" Worsted Goods at Bcducod Prices. Dud then the severest season Dec 8—d&wtf j»24dlf at to liia Deponitn* state St., cvcr\ MONDAY, on record in this re- CvoBgman for the years, sat- The »*Ouly Madras, jnngi*£ricJb lasttwenty giving perfect anil all disease* that a,‘'1 St- John. A fewycars the isfaction to all. II Is warranted to stand a Brother at require tUEvlU(kM1|vV.‘0I oa,'’1'"'1'1 s'0?- ago remarkable Mr. Ley- tempera- We have superior iacilities for the execution ot I- O. a diuretic, and when used io '° 8U •l0"U ture oftwo hundred dogs, ami is not other- SCHLOTTEllBECIC d CO. tv“» 1HUKS- cralt,ol Williamsburgh, was asked if he re- ofheat, Worcester, May, 1851. conjunction with tho DAY “rthSt Im membered it. “Remember wise easily defaced. Furnitnro polislied with it will Good Sauce !” it?" he ORGAN he Atfcastport Stage Coaches will connect tor Ma- that I for an replied, perfectly dry aud ready for use in live minutes al- tniLtiuALt do, aunt of mine .... “Tell Lea & Pcr- dying in Maiden ter the Polish is put on. Price Seventv-Five and Fif- BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, & l.njj'Ajnu.N, her had to AND Apothecaries Chemists, And applicable to rins that their ^ E' & M‘ A' Lane, body remain at her Cts. one can Sauce docs not fail to euro Gleet and all Miu Railwa> wln connect residence ty per liotlle; any use it by following is unburied two in the Directions on 303 one highly esteemed in cou* in Male or lor'siuslhie!n weeks, consequence of the Melodeon the bottle. Congress St, door above EVERY Discharges Female, curing remit Catalogues, «&c.. Brown, VARIETY Ld is in cases in lair-Freight received »l' deep and impassable snow. Reference—Messrs C. & I,. FrnRt,Cant India, my from one to three day\ and is ondays sailing until 4 o’clk. Neighbors fordays Inman,USA, opinion the most especially could only visit each other’s MANUFAC- Messrs. Breed & Tulrey, Bcnj StevcnsT Jr., Win. Which ior neatness and cannot he PORTLAND, Jf|*s. pal- recommended in thorn* cases of FI no- Alim* or houses by narrow dispatch surpassed OF itabie as well as lanes cut TORY Allen, N. M. Woodman. the W hites in Female*. The two medicine* used in through the — ,k*a>-tl11_Agent. congealed barrier For sale Fobes & Orders from most wholesome conjunction will not tail to remove this There was great for by Burgess, Co, W. F. Phillips the country' solicited, to which M Hi disagn-tviblo suffering fuel, and old & H. H. & Samuel Compounding Physicians Prescriptions Sauce that is made.” complaint, and in those cases where other medicines tables and other No. 1*1 Co., Hay Co, Rolf, H. W. & A. prompt attention will bo paid. Special Steamboat Notice t chairs, furniture were cut ud Peering. Is one ol our have been used without success. Specialities. Using of our The success ol this and used in the of Chennai Preparations most delicious and unrivaled N conscquenceol the erv place firewood.” Manufactory 376 Congress Rt, own we are ahle to voueli Price, One Bottle, $2, Three f bat] weather the Steam. np stairs, opposite roanuufacture, ior their ** Remedy, Bottles, *5. L er At ** 44 ‘4 ** MAv BKUNSh that time it must be head of Green st. S. C. RIGGS, condiment caused $2, ILK, w.ll uot leave again lor remembered, there Agent, purity. having many unprincipled dealers Injection, $5, Lu-tin n't, und M. were no POETLAKD, 44 John until the ranges or and Portland, Maine. Press haT“1 a of The Cherokee Cure" 44 44 February 4ili. stoves, fireplaces took Me. Daily Job Office «SSlf*80jF®eP<)n supply LUBIN’S to the name to Remedy" nnd Injec- »»au-’..tlt.l dee28dtt_ 1'OW’lM apply Spurious Compounds, the are (T JCATON ti!^tri’la0ea Ui clmrchus ““<1 dwellings. But EXTRACTS, ii and SOAP, FANCY pub- tion" to be found in all well regulated drug they were as as I GOODS, Toiiet Ajrtides, lieed’s Liquid Colors, lic is and stores, and are recommended an<* large again those now used WILLIAM P. Dye respectfully earnestly requested to see that by pbysiciMl* and HASTINGS AT THE Wil on -a Herbs, Marsh's all over the for their PORTLAND AND very comfortable with of OLD STAND! 179 Commercial Celebrated Trusses ami druggists world, intriiw worth NEW YORK soned plenty well-sea’- now to to St., Portland, Supporters, Patent Ilair Restorers. the names ot Lea & Perrins are upon the and merit. Borne wood. Dr. prcp;ncd attend the wnnts of his former Medicines, * Ci- Wrap- unprincipled dealersjHwever. N1E.4MMIII" COMPANY. Frankh/first invented toe ISpatrons and customers, and gars Tobacco, try to deceive their customers, selling ami open stove called after the public generally N. A. FOSTER, Proprietor per, Label, Stopper and Bottle. by cMap himself; next came The su|»crior character of his worthless compounds,—in order to instruments, especiallyJ Artiste’ Ac. inuktilHmi-y— his Itlaleriulw, Ac., in of these. Be not deceived. S E M I W E i; k I, Jan Manufactured by place lfflE drug- V LINE. that OWE! & 12—d2m will not them severe^inter'thc poo? w^of Y UPRIGHT BARBER, &c. gists buy for you, write to Hand we auflerers, and then ORGANS' Flour, Meal, UEA At will send them to PERRINS, Worcester. you by express, sccnnKaacked The splendid and fast Steam- or three of gooil To which in ot finish resemble the Piano. Who’esale Dealers in and free from observation. We treat ull to circumstaces to crowd“ tL.T style upright Is 100 BBLS. Baltimore Flour. Hm.cs ships IUKKiU, < apt. 11. Sni k. er for the benefit of 1086111' too well known to an Family A NO. 1 which the human is one fire require extended notice. He 100 Baltimore extra Flour. John system subject. arfFitill be Wood, ami FKANCON1A, will on hand a full Duncan’s pleased to receive full and t’apt. OW Captain who keep assortment of instruments ot 15 Flour. Sons, explicit stab in#t» from W. Sum hood, will, Blake, reached his nineti the Kye those who have failed ;'V. until eth 10 to receive relief (iirtln-r run as year, related that there was & Domestic Buckwheat. NEW for the United States. HMygfore. notice, (bllnws: then a Foreign YORK, Agents Ladies or gentlemen can us in Leave brow./s highway from Port Most and Fruit, 20 half bbls. Buckwheat. ocl7dly address f 'd^UmXon- Whart,Portland,every YY KDNFS- Richmond down the Approved Styles Patterns, 40 SPOOL fidence. We desire to send our DAN amls.VTl I f. to the and “KilU" bbls. superior new Oat Meal. tbirty^^AjUL'e leave Pier bay, thence in a course to AND AT 25 free to every lady and hast New straight kiln dried Meal. pamphlet gentleir^nFlho Kiver, Xork, every WEDNESDAY* 3,1,1ami the loot of Courtlandt street, and *° land. Address all letters for SATUltDAA .ul 4 o’clock that he often Prices Fancy Grroceries, «‘ White Meal (for table use). pamphlets, HBlea, P. 41 saw from twelve Within the Reach sf All !! fuperior C hoicc and or advice, to the sole li I he»e vessels are to fifteen filled with 1000 lbs. Butter, in store and re- Southern Western proprietor, hte.lui’wuh hue sleighs, and trusts that the &c., &c., just tious lor aceoinnioda- in a row on the bound for superior excellence of tone, as weli ceived, for sale by Dr. W. B. 37 passengers, making this the must wood, ice, the as the Green, Dried and Canned COTTON! MEBWIN, Walker sate si..,.," city.— excellence ot an«l his as herc- Fruits, corniertable ruu e lor « That was the winter also when General Wash- workmanship, may, CHASE BROTHEBS, FLOUR AND traveller* totorc, coinmcud him to the public lavor and pat- CORN! ington encamped at Morristown, and ronage. Jan5ST&Ttf HEAD LONO WHARF. planned 7 for sale by as an attack on Staten Island, partly, no doubt, September 17.16C0. eod&wtl Pickles, Confectioner}', CENTS A SPOOL ! to divert his suffering from IMPORTANT lo LUMBE&IEN troops their very LOWELL & SEN TEE, O’BRION, PIERCE & CO., trying condition. Ffteen hundred men left AT GENTLEIHEN W’liolr.nlc I VJ Shipper* are the aud crossed over the ice at WISHING Tobacco, Cigars, Nuts, occupy tiie new Slorc IV®. 301 Con- Dealer*, C.mmercial requeued to semi their IVel-l,t .i,„ camp Elizabeth- Bt., steamers as 10 WILL corner of about earlv as *a 1l» A,ei*. town Point to the after a Brown Street, decSldly Me. of Hemloek M* tUtt ,hat island; marching few with a __PORTLAND, Owners LoJm leave Portland. Ua^ ,b*y miles, uec, 15th, new stock of Wntcbes, Jewel- encountering the snowdrifts literally up Clothing Cleansed ! Silver and BA VIS For or totheir DATES, &c., ry, Elated Ware, and Fancy & CO.’S. Irelgh! passage apply to necks, they retired. AND Goods lor the holidays. trregg’s Improved AMERICAN PATENTED IMPR^^frlENT Americans REPAIRED, TANNING COMPANY, of New VoKvn the j. F. ,• tA0 were discovered by the Eng- j™1 dti The AMES,lieVS Cannot And a place whore it can be exclusive right in the United States tor iheHbmulac- E»7K;;’e8rWharf* hills and done more tn Jams and They have reoccupied Oteir old stand No. 04 Ex- their ai8iv^“thenNew Brighton their aatisfaction than at Jellies, chanac ture of an imperishable “EXTRACT” froiHKemhx'k ^ *° the afreet, with a complete stock ol NAUfieal EXCELSIOK ———.*iiL Wi a body of CHRISTMAS BBICK PRESS. Bark for tanning purposes. -The Bark Hit met is horseman a Wo. 20 Good*, Chronometers, Watches, used Temple Street, FineifilnT lools for now extensively among Tanners, ung tiie de- “THK PEN (N o“toe passed Pure Spices, Clocks, Machinists and &c. it niKUTIEB THAN W^c an—. Second Door from Congress st. erionds and Engineers, mand lor rapidly increasing. ItcommuiH a ready bridge 8^ customers invited to old bead- sale in the Boston, New York and firmly closing te0”8 entlre2C* Garment will receive quarters. ,ni,tn™* state, rentiers it In wnrk- PhiladeHiia mar- THK NWOBD.n New York ihe. I^-Every prompt and faith- ml .V®“lakes e,!*y l,.Vls kets, at sixty cents per gallon. The bay. We ful attention. Lemon Dec 1,1866.—d3m the linest PRESSED ItltK’K, ns well uppHncos for the same Syrups, ns the lower : manufacturing are and not body of water w‘U^a .not> grades all of and of a simple expcnsivM, costing WEW equal size, quali- but little more than the ordinary The Gold Pen-Beat and been frozen since Ladies’ Sneqnes J YEAR'S. ty unsurpassed in and durability. It will al- leaches o^q bvTan of Pena’ then, tblee-o,T haJe so beauty ners. By this process, cords of Cheapest century ago, but for the of a Extracts. make superior FlliE BRICK. 1] BarkCfcv be r» CLEANSED IN FIRST CLASS STYLE! A New Place Just l The dueed so as to concentrate the and made Open AS THE value ot the machine lie ascertained from entire stiMMfLh into openings day and HOLIDAYS ARE APPROACHING may gallons of without in night by1^!?8? Givo me a trial and I will endeavor to the large prniitsmade bv those now forty extract, the aUBvcHt d.* through its waters, ty please. you can buy real French CALF SKINS running. its Morton’s especially those* selT ,„Wls 3Vo. 13 and For Rights and p-ee injuring tainting qualities, anil atTcust not Gold Pens! the giant forces of el,'lnov- Excliang-e St., WHEREPhilip,* and Canaud’s SARDINES, just Machines, address, one dollar ing by steam. CHARLES H. MAHONEY. received Irom U- NX. Excelsior Rrick ■*«•**** exceeding per cord, The savinlin freight Paris, now in and lor sale in lots FROST Co., alone, between the Cash for cast-olf suit bond, jaVOdlin Office 221 ( best nut Pa transportation of the Elrno t an,I The Best |yHighest prioe paid Clothing. to customers by St., Philadelphia, the wtll Pens in the World! ME. Has a bark, range trom six dollar* Nov 21—d3m PORTLAND, fresh Stock ot | tooiglit per e,,r,l Bibds ok a IBatheh.-A few I Feb 7—(]2\r P so that any one who may get out put three hunilrct! I days a,,,, H. E Y B E INDIA ItUBBEK GOODS. conlsot bark for sale at his committee of the Illinois t, per year, may stive tVnm iwo thousand 1 Headquarters, No 26 Maiden Lane, legislature visited H. out ol Rubber cw REDDY, OMce °*« been burned my Store, hundred dollars in the York, and the State Insane Asylum at "A. *bc Fish Market Xvicl solicit the ditlefeme in by every duly-appointed Agent at the Jacksonville MERCHANT TAILOR, TO LET! Grloven HAVING117 Middle St., I would trade to^wenty-tive same A rather amusing inulont ANI> | and I prices. occurred while the DEAhEH IN NTREE1 of the citizens oi Portland vicinity, (until Tfte Company does not propose to sell committee was GENTS' .Ian2d2in»_EEDERAL S5Milk Territorial going through the buildings FURNISHING GOODS, To Offer at Low re-open) iu my headquarters, Street, Boston, rights, bnt will grant exclusive privilege A with full 7 Third uud Fourth Stories Prices l of made trom tofiaiiutiil- Catalogue, description otSizes and One of the honorable members from FKDKltAL STREET. A GOOD where are kept every variety goods ture in certain charging a small FTIces, sent on pi letter Cook We have S®J).®ND»of the STOCK OF localities, Mvaitvr nX receipt postage. was the llie hneet assortment of 500 I*r». of India Rubber comprising in part Rubl»cr and Leath- on the amount nianutact tired. l*c" connty among party. One of the in- ENGLISH cep v!Vk.'c 1" World-renowned gallon jk DoJOd.t h Cm A, .V| O Trrfouw. er Machine Belting, Steam Packing, Gaskets, The will send It TO ft. sane men, who had been *>■<> domestic Store New "» °“'y Rings, Company com|iMent men a evidently something clothS^assImerI-J^^'1 Adjoining Canal Bank, and *. Hose lor conducting and hydrant purposes, Rubber tend the construction when he was Portland. These '« mund in Clothing Goods of the works, w lure miSi o’ '^“Politician outside,approached ’that,can KIDDLE Furnishing 500 l*r., of nt Clothing of every description, Combs, Balls, Toys. sire to enter into tlte ?. too and said: care and csimcially Creat STREET. fob CHoiliilde, only 1.00 business, ami to in„iC. '}i~ DLANO Chicago legislator ami at Sdamia ‘'shmnablo*i,th SAle, manufacture of the Extract. ‘“Iln th® HARD’S prises nil ,e triule, 3Yo. 4 y°u si*? You that'cannot' l. ani1 These hbamhers are well adapted tor Law WITH MTOKE TO As a of at1 <7.1’ £°, do, got elected thoroughly shrunk and ea*e’ a" h'00*1" offices. LET. Dct'piiijjRloolt, guarantee success to parties last didn’t saUa6S. Tailors rooms. Bonnet and small tills the you?” A ctill Is Millinery, wares, Inquire at business, will <-,,n on respectfully saloons. COiVRRENN NTKKKT. Company r„ , ['£ Improvement Steam Boilers! ””“orablo member drew himself lor past s^2fiiS;!?,,tee,i.*° ,Vlcni1" and Photographic the Extract iiiatmtacturctl uader their with” np patrouage, hoping"b tom merit ^o' 22—d&wll Air Beds, t‘\Fle.nl1 the same. merit'?a at office 164 Fore stroet, between 12 M. and 1 317 CONGRESS Covers, Pillows, Cushions, ami rants per gallon m*e tight, Iho waste l inatic: 10 “>» brother OILS!_OILS! blunt"& foss, UJ Union Wharf. DiimesUelttugs,Chemicals, _JuU O a* t'‘tr,i..(t through _No. rtides, Perfumery, and Fancy Goods, Y N T E K ! heaters, heating the steam to nysudan s the remaimh “Why do you know the IN he prepared, either thmnoh'S?1***10 dcsin-vi; r carried man?” DEALER8 'o’ C!ln found with a new stock or prescriptionscareiully ! through the and X\T by day night. BUTTEK | water heater, using up all the wimin Oh, I know him, s»ys the other. Lubricating Illuminating varjous kinds; Silk •dr. Charles 1>. william~h7 dabto beat but the beat It wag noticed WHOLESALE and Builder* Ware 1 klu 18 GreenJnai, who has been at tin's dUOdegs.; being reduced so ]i w that the •. retail. Wooden colors, Arc. there can be no member Hwi Hardware.Nails,Glass, Needles, O.l, stand tor a number ot years, will remain as Butter. danger of selling hies speak to 166Middle street, up ono flight stairs. .eod prescrip- 7RFURKTN9 dairy packed A “b>rcs, Nos. 231 A 233 Congress St, r thrown i.y another lunatic hte AND and CARPEN- jiill tion l -eod.V wit / O 40 la Tj*1*New Ironi engines, wlii.h will add much during L. I*. DOOB8!8ASH blinds, sepz Kogs Oliy Building. i» conntantly receiv value to® d.M“?e Brown, TOOLS in Great 200 clerk._ irnvals of invention, uedide* the saving 1-3 ti,c |Uej On lllHji' **! Variety. M-tniportodanudrioosi.cCigars For sale New York and Virginia Oysters » Tor lor sale 0. C. of Job by * particulars inquire o! .by r SON, ^HT*Kvery style work neatly executed at to tell or Street. JAS.Jas P. Bliwt. MITCHELL this prepared by tbe gallon, quart r \vm. ja24d3m» Jas.A-Fosi. 1 ITS Fors Street. office. UPUAM A ADAMS. wilurd, f.lMdSw upinany style. Whar' ■Inuarj t,m. W CEeb2rt^d