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The one great rule We will serve no of composition is to • t group or party but speak the truth. ,fi 6v will hew hard to the —TiroREAu truth as we find it 4)#.• and the right as we .4■2;S> G'c, o Trurr see it. ff` hidepoident-/;' - C3, • $, Vol. 50 TEXAS, 0. A% 10c per copy No. 38 Strange Doin's A Juperintendent Exults BURNET anything political. I just don't get A s c h o o 1 superintendent Defends Program the connection. I don't guess I In a Water Unit who is taking an active part know politics well enough to get in the public school projects On Freedom specific points like that." of the busines s-financed Gift to a Colonel, Phone in a Car, Early Sale Asked to comment on Wells's Texas Bureau of Economic Protector, not a Provider. Please prediction that "Russia is warm- Of One-Fifth of Water to Lone Star Steel Co. Understanding (Obs. Nov. let every Burnet teacher redouble ing us up for the kill but not un- 28) said this week, "If we DAINGERFIELD, The 19,000 residents of the seven his efforts in teaching American til we are softened up by left- continue our socialistic move- Heritage in every class and grade wing commentators, left-wing edi- HUGHES SPRINGS, towns have an assessed valuation ments, we'll just become LONE STAR of $11 million, roughly a third of throughout the system." torial writers, left-wing teachers, more like Russia. The people and left-wing union leaders," Strange doin's in the actual values. One of the towns are afraid of strong central- Northeast Texas Water Dis- is Lone Star, home of the Lone `Misunderstood' Petty said he thought Dr. Wells ized power and government was right, "but I guess it all de- trict have set some of the pine Star Steel Co., but the company's The Observer asked Petty -if by in competition with busi- pends on how you define left- country folk in these parts to extensive properties are not in- first .quoting the criticism of anti- ness." wing." Petty said the study pro- wondering. cluded as part of the town. Negro, anti-Semitic remarks and gram was "not interested in the Marvin Watson, president of This means that Lone Star In an interview with the Ob- then asking the teachers to redou- server, J. C. Petty, Burnet County left-wing, the right-wing, or the the water district at $300 a month Steel's $150 million operation, or, ble their efforts, he meant to en- middle-wing." and also a "full-time" public re- for tax valuation purposes, $50 school superintendent, explained dorse such remarks. lations staff man for Lone Star million; pays no taxes to the water that the Observer "misunderstood Smiling, Petty said, "No, no, I Steel Co., has installed a private district. Were the company prop- our economics studies program" don't see how you can twist that `Too Detailed' mobile unit telephone at the erties included, the tax rate, in- and added, "It is not political." into there. We're an integrated water district's expense — more stead of $1.65 per $100, would be Petty, a slight, deferential man school here, been integrated for He said he thought the Ob- server had also misunderstood the than $30 a month — in the 1955 about 33 cents per $100. of about 45, said the program, over a year. I talked to Harvey Chrysler car he drives. The car Lone Star Steel Co. already has sponsored by the TBEU, a Dallas Bellew (the Lampasas superin- Texas Bureau of Economic Under- standing. "They're helping a study belongs to the Lone Star Steel Co. a pre-emptive right to 80,000 acre- business group, and the Texas tendent), and he and I both think of American heritage," Petty said, Watson is regarded in this area feet of water from the Ellison res- Educational Association, a Fort you people just misunderstood Dr. "not anything political." Petty as the right-hand man to E. B. ervoir adjacent to its properties. Worth business group, is a "study Wells—what did you think of said the management-labor-agri- Germany, president\ of Lone Star In addition, the firm has already of America's heritage" and that those things Dr. Wells told us culture - education panel teams Steel. In the company heirarchy bought one-fifth of all the water his teachers and their students about his trip to Russia?" Petty sponsored by the University of he works under L.D. "Red" Web- district's water. The water district have participated in the program asked quickly. (The reporter said Texas (Obs. Dec. 5) "were too de- ster, public relations director for issued $500,000 more bonds than for four years. he agreed that Dr. Wells had some tailed, over the heads of ignorant Lone Star Steel. He is the district it needed money for construction; "We're trying to raise a genera- shocking things to say about Rus- fellows like me," but that the pro- one man on the state Democratic Lone Star bought the bonds; held tion of students who will assume, sia, but he didn't quite under- grams of the Dallas and Fort executive committee. now in trust by Republic Bank, their own responsibilitids and not stand what relationship they had Worth business groups were "good The water district, at Watson's they are scheduled for cancella- look to the government for sup- with slum clearance or social se- programs." instance, paid more than $400 for tion as soon as the district can pay port, not feel that the government curity in the United States; that a gift of a tea set to a federal off its debts on almost $2'million owes them a living," he explained. for a talk on "America's Heri- Petty said that he thought Army engineer, a colonel, at the more in bonds it also issued. "America is moving toward tage," the speaker had somehow "what is important is the strong dedication of Ferrell's Dam July 5, Meantime the interest on them is stronger centralized control, more failed to say anything about centralized power in the federal 1958, the Observer has learned. used for the operating costs of the federal support than 50 years ago Thomas Jefferson or any other government that is leading us to The colonel, William A. Lewis, water district. —I'm not objecting to that—but American.) "Well, I think you socialism." He said a guide to was in charge of the New Orleans The district has issued $2.45 mil- we don't want any more. The bus- people just misunderstood him," what would be socialism would be office of the Army Engineers. He lion in bonds to date, but Watson inessmen in town tell me they said Petty. "I didn't think Dr. "any assistance received from the was about to retire and has' done says only $1.9 million was needed cannot operate a day without vio- Wells's talk was political. We're federal government that you so. for construction. Republic Bank lating hundreds of government studying American heritage, not (Continued on Page 2) Water district tax money has got the $500,000 from Lone Star regulations." also been used to entertain the and holds the extra half million The Observer interviewed Petty colonel and in one instance to pay worth of bonds. "We don't owe after learning of a "Faculty Bulle- motel costs for two of the federal $2.45 million, we owe $1.95 mil- tin" the Burnet Superintendent engineers. lion," Watson said. Then why had- published in response to the Ob- Educational Byplays . The water district is supported n't the district issued bonds for server's critical editorial appraisal by a $1.65 tax rate per $100 prop- only $1.95 million? "We had to of the address made before 300 erty valuation in just seven towns have the income to operate the Hill Country teachers by Dr. Ken- On Dollars, Standards ringing the Ferrell's Dam reser- district," he said. Privately a neth Wells. Petty's faculty bulle- voir, the largest body of im- water district official said the op- tin declared: "The first attack on AUSTIN • in Tyler "we cannot continue to pounded water in Texas, which erating income might have been our program came after Dr. Wells University of Texas and hold our heads in the sand, trying backs up conveniently to the dam reduced by application for federal talk. The Texas Observer, an Aus- Texas A&M officials braved to buy first rate education for our and lake adjacent to. Lone Star forbearance on some debts. tin paper, declared that 'It is only direct and indirect criticism youngsters at cut-rate prices." Steel Co. (Continued on Page 2) after a while, after 15 or 20 min- of the Governor of the state (5) At Lufkin, , Dr. Ralph Steen, utes of his oratory, that it be- while the National Education president of Stephen F . Austin comes apparent that Dr. Wells is Association was fur t her State College, said the public has a shrewd rabble-rouser seeking to down-rating the state's public been "treating as old wives' tales" infiltrate the public schools with school system. stories of "low teachers' salaries, Loan License Law, ideas curiously like the propa- Governor Daniel dealt U.T. and crowded classrooms, inferior li- ganda once parceled out by the A&M what their officials re- braries, and laboratories and easy followers of Father Coughlin and garded as solar plexus blows in academic standards," called on the Traffic Safety Urged Gerald L.