FLMJ-Nytt. Adnalms Förlag (Järnvägar) Edition 5/10 80p


FLMJ Open Weekend

Projekt Folke --- 2

And all the usual regulars… FLMJ-Nytt Edition 5/10; November 15th, 2010.

Published by Adnalms Förlag (Järnvägar).

Copyright © 2010 to Adnalms Järnvägar. All rights reserved.

“Siljan” Readers are welcome to copy parts of “FLMJ-Nytt” 38 Brookside Park provided that such copies are not used to harm the welfare Farnborough of Adnalms Järnvägar or any of its associations. All views GU14 9AZ expressed in this publication are those of the contributors England and do not necessarily reflect the official views of Adnalms

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[email protected] Contents: www.adnalm.org.uk 03 … Editorial 04 … F-lok — a steam flagship 06 … FLMJ Open Weekend EDITOR: 08 … Projekt Folke - 2 Adrian Allum. 10 … Loco Review (updates) 12 … DVD Review Front Cover: 13 … Website Questions Y7 1136 and T21 64 side 14 … News in Brief by side at Månstorp Including Stock Reviews, Rumours, and the usual. during the FLMJ’s Open Weekend in September. As we report in this Next couple of Editions: edition, the event went very well, with very few Edition Press-stop Published problems recorded on 1-2011 January 28th February 7th either day! 2-11 April 8th April 18th Produced with Microsoft Publisher on Windows XP. [C:\Data Files\Publisher\1-FN] Annual Subscription costs £4 (2010), post-free to UK addresses. Elsewhere at cost. To advertise in “FLMJ-Nytt,” A5 portrait = £4; A6 landscape = £2. We will only consider advertisements that are related to our subject; Swedish railways, prototype and model. All Photos by A. Allum, information published in good faith; no liability accepted. unless credited. Also available online (as PDF) at www.adnalm.org.uk E&OE.

2 … FLMJ-Nytt From the Editor…

I have bitten the bullet … I have a new printer. This is an Epson product, but without Duplexing, so double sided copies will have to be manually fed. Strangely, although I have set it as the default printer, all the Publisher files need to be reset manually! But I suspect that this is more of a Publisher problem than Epson. It is more of a “Home” printer than “Home and Office,” it doesn’t hold much paper (if compared with the one I’ve thrown out), and the ink cartridges are so small that by the time I have printed this edition, eleven copies of five editions will have used two complete sets of cartridges! But at least we’re back in print.

So, fingers crossed (or thumbs held if you’re Swedish), we are back on track; and to mark this, I am giving the journal a little facelift! The overall format is OK, but I think a little tweaking here and there is in order, and our next edition (which I have already been playing with) will have a few differences.

The more observant of you will have noticed many errors in the last edition; proof-reading is very difficult ‘on-screen,’ and being unable to print a copy for some time, there were many things that I missed - again, hopefully a problem that is in the past.

One problem that is taking much longer to resolve is that of the belligerent landlord. The Police are considering a charge against him, of Deception, which would be heard in a Criminal Court, not Civil. But as with all things British, it is taking a long time to get anything done. But I am not going to allow that problem to cause undue delay with the further projection of the FLMJ; so, Gärde and Fjällnäs, here we come!

May I wish all readers the complements of the season approaching, and I thank you for your patience during this difficult year.

Adrian Allum.

FLMJ-Nytt … 3 F-Ånglok

At the beginning of October, a steam locomotive arrived into the FLMJ’s fleet, and it is not one of the awaited models from Jeco. Rather, it is the “F” loco from Heljan!

When the model first appeared, it was priced at 4000:- SEK, which was well beyond the FLMJ’s budget. And thankfully so! Within days, reviews from all quarters were expressing upset and disappointment with the model; and as with their T21 diesel locomotive, it is just a poor model with too much super-detailing. With the cost and the reviews combined, it was actually quite easy for the FLMJ to dismiss the model as a possibility for being added to the fleet. A poor show for what was once the flagship of the Swedish railways! Without much warning, the model was suddenly advertised with one retailer for 2480:- SEK! This was quite a temptation. The specification for the model was studied (thanks to the help of “Google Translate”), and one of the model’s key problems, the wheels, had been modified. We decided that at the lower price, with modified wheels, we could afford to take a

4 … FLMJ-Nytt chance on the model, fully aware that there would be no warranty with it, and that we would need to spend a lot of time modifying it. So, we ordered it, and crossed our fingers — or as the Swedes do, we held our thumbs! When the model arrived, it was carefully checked over. Curiously, the front buffer-beam is an attachment for the purchaser to fit. Apart from this, the whistle (mounted on the cab roof) is the only thing that we have attached to the model. Well, the NEM couplings have also been fitted with coupling heads; Roco close couplings, because the NEM boxes appear to be in the correct place. However, the boxes are slightly too deep on the internal dimensions, so the couplings tend to droop a little! Steps are the main omission at the moment, but maybe once the model has been fully run-in, we will add these. That point made, however, there are many flimsy parts on the model; all of the boiler fittings seem to move when the model is handled, and this extends to the running boards! When handling the model, it seems that only the cylinders or wheels are the only strong points. Unfortunately, however, one has markings which could rub off in time, and the other has very lightweight valve-gear attached! The tender is permanently coupled to the loco, and there is a drive shaft going between them. It appears that the locomotive drive wheels are indeed driven, but also, the front bogie wheels on the tender appear to be driven also. A neat trick that should aid adhesion and pulling power. However, as a light loco, its speed varied considerably when ascending or descending the gradients on the Siljansbanan, and with a load, we wonder how well it would in fact, perform. On test, after running in, its performance is actually not all that bad! It did find the irregularities in the track levels and came off a few times. But it ran smoothly … in each direction. There were two versions of the model available, and we opted for number 1207 in the unusual grey/blue livery, so that it would be something different … the other steam locos that we have on order are all likely to be black. Note that unlike British steam locos, the colour is extended over the smokebox, but that the tender is plain black. Being produced by a Danish manufacturer, the model has also been available as the Danish class “E” and we imagine that this is why the top headlamp is missing; it didn’t suit the Danish railway scene! Although there are little issues to address, we are actually pleased with this model … but we do not consider 4000:- SEK a justified figure! _

FLMJ-Nytt … 5 FLMJ Open Weekend

With no Open event in July, due to the ongoing rebuilding of the railway, it was decided to have an open weekend in September! We had stopped doing weekend events because it was very difficult to get enough club members to turn up on the Sunday, but for this one event, it was worth a try.

A special train was run on the Saturday to declare the rebuilt railway open. Only one guest was present at that point, so his was the honour of cutting the ribbon.

Among the guests, we had a Danish “Skinnebuss” with trailer, but being a DCC model, this worked in the wrong direction, and at a scale walking pace when flat out! A few similar railbuses were used in Skåne, southern , and the manufacturer has produced a suitable model, but the 12v analogue version has sold out already (a good sign for the hobby), and being so localised, we’re not too concerned about getting one for the FLMJ!

6 … FLMJ-Nytt This weekend was also the chance to test the loco following repair, and it worked very well; better than ever before, in fact! TMZ 1410 has now had the Kadee couplings removed as we’re confident that it won’t be needing them now! There is a plan to electrify the railway (overhead cables), but not the Siljansbanan. So to prepare for this situation, we decided that no electric trains were allowed along that section unless a diesel was attached; and thus we have a photo of Du 373 being piloted by T44 349!

Finally, the photo of visiting Y2 set at Månstorp shews the new station building here (with more room for scenery behind). The connecting bus is seen to the right! _

FLMJ-Nytt … 7 Projekt Folke - 2

Many years ago, the term “Projekt Folke” was given to a big job that was being done on the railway. It went to time and was largely a success. With this as an omen, we’ve adopted the name for our next big project; the northern extension to Gärde and Fjällnäs. The official opening is projected for “Folkesdag,” July 14th, 2012! As with the rebuilding at Lövhöjden (especially), the plans are actually quite vague. We know where the railway is to go, roughly where Gärde station is to be located, and then again for Fjällnäs. We’ve settled on a track layout for Fjällnäs; we’re copying Beted, with the branch line being the short spur to the iron ore mine. The continuation will lead to a small marshalling yard for the goods trains. However, there are two sticky issues; the crossing place in the garden for people to get to Ålunden, and the hedge along the northern perimeter of the garden. Ideally, we’d get rid of this hedge as it is almost out of control (and the landlord would like that), but we’d want to replace it with a 6’ (2m) high fence (which the landlord would probably object to). Given the landlord’s general degree of belligerence, the chances of an agreement being reached are unlikely! We’ve virtually decided upon the crossing place, given that the H0e narrow gauge railway has been abandoned; but full measuring and surveying has still to be done.

Gärde could have a plan similar to Jössefors, but that layout has been chosen for a small exhibition layout (which we’ll feature in a later edition), so something else is desired. At the time of writing, we’re looking at the layout from Gustavsfors (DVVJ), but fear that it might be bigger than what we’d like; maybe the removal of one track would do the trick? The station building here was to have been the small one that has now been 8 … FLMJ-Nytt selected for Månstorp, so maybe a simple swap would work. Again, it would all depend on the available space, but see our notes about Fjällnäs! Gärde will have its own controller and panel. This is so that passing moves can take place here, as well as limited shunting for goods trains for local commodities!

Fjällnäs will have the passenger facilities nearer the line from Gärde and Lövhöjden, with the goods yard as the northern-most extremity! We have a station building earmarked for here (though we’d like to replace the actual model as it is rather battered), not especially Swedish, but it’ll more than do! However, there is a temptation to swap this with the model of Diö which we previously had at Månstorp (and are presently thinking about putting in at Gärde), so this longer model would go in at Gärde. To save space, one of the platforms from the original plan would be removed, but this does not reduce passenger facilities, it means that tracks 1 and 2 have a platform on one side only! It is here that we propose to fit a turntable and roundhouse, so we do need to be very particular about space saving, but without compromising the authenticity of whatever layout we finally fit in. We were fortunate with Lövhöjden, and moving the loco shed was a suitable and sensible answer; Fjällnäs needs the goods facilities, so the loco depot could be in the way if we’re not careful. We hope to have the line as far as Gärde open during 2011 for a limited service, along with a lengthy spur in the Fjällnäs direction. If we can achieve this, then we are on time for the proposed opening. _ Top Left: In the final years of the old FLMJ that circumnavigated the old home, there was a Fjällnäs station (located where Gärde will be on the new layout). It was truncated for a short while before it absolutely needed to be closed completely! Lower Left: Gustavsfors station layout, presently proposed for Gärde, but undecided! Above: Beted station layout as proposed for Fjällnäs! Note that ‘diamond’ number 9 would be a double-slip in the Fjällnäs scheme! FLMJ-Nytt … 9 Loco Update

Recent announcements of locomotive arrivals have been supported with short reviews; so now, maybe it is time to study them in greater detail. Arriving so late in the year, the Heljan steam loco will have to wait until later, but the T21, Du and both TRAXX locos can be considered.

Regrettably, we start with a warning … about ACME. This Italian firm is marketing models of the TRAXX locos (the centre two in the picture above), but their after-sales service is non-existent! The FLMJ’s Green Cargo Re-1423 had a part missing, and ACME is doing nothing to supply that part! We have been given the part by a mutual friend of the retail outlet, but maybe as a reminder to all ... final responsibility (and liability) lies ultimately with the retail outlet; so if the merchandise is faulty, it can be returned under the provisions of the Sale of Goods Act (UK only). The Green Cargo “Re” and the Hector Rail “241” are the same loco, just like the prototype. However, unlike the implication in the picture above, they are different to the Danish “EG” (on the right) and the IORE (left). Performance is very smooth, and the level of detail is about right. Some models can be a bit basic with detail level; others can have too much detail added, thus making them prone to damage - who needs 3D door handles? With these models, there are no handling issues, and it would take some effort (or just clumsiness) to break parts off. However, there is an issue with the couplings. Thankfully the NEM box is in the right place; and the use of singular is quite correct ... there is a coupling at one end only. There is a bag in the loco-box containing parts to make the coupling for the other end (and this is where we’re missing a significant component), but there are no instructions for this, and it is an extremely fiddly job to do. Neither of our models can be said to be 100% correct at both ends! Roco is also producing the TRAXX model, but is much slower with delivery; it would be interesting to compare…!

10 … FLMJ-Nytt The T21 from Heljan is a love-hate relationship. It is a nice and much-wanted model, but there are many problems with it. As reported before, the NEM boxes are too far in, and at one end, the curved shape of the buffer-beam prevents any sideways movement, so we have had to put standard H0-pattern couplings in. This means that the loco usually works with older non-NEM models; a sad reflection on the state of things! There is also still an issue with fittings falling off (see previous comment about too much detail), and we have given up refitting them! Performance, however, is much better, which is quite a relief. Further to the comment when the model was first reviewed in these pages, we have decided against a second model, powered or not. The Du from Jeco, has actually been victim to some negative feedback! We do have reservations about it. It is too fast … so fast that there is really no slow-speed control. And with this, the lamps are too bright - (see the video that we have put on YouTube)! When the loco is due its Clockwise from Top: GreenCargo Re; HectorRail 241 first annual service, we will (both from ACME); SJ T21 (from Heljan); SJ Du (from be looking at putting a Jeco). Left: TRAXX locos and similar-looking! resistor somewhere in the circuit, to at least slow down the model, but the lamps would probably need to be changed because they are LED. Comparing photos of the model with the prototype in our last edition, we wonder if the lamps are actually too small? Aside from this, though, we are actually very pleased with the model. And if Jeco was to reissue the model as a wooden body version, then, subject to price, we’d be interested. _

FLMJ-Nytt … 11 DVD Review.

Cabride —Hallsberg Teknikarv Media, Peter Berggren, Marmorvägen 12, SE-653 50 Karlstad, Sweden. Web: www.teknikarv.se/video DVD, 128 minutes, Swedish narration. © 2008. Colour.

Teknikarv has produced two cab-ride DVDs and we looked at the shorter of the two in our previous edition. This time, we look at the other; a ride in the cab of Rc2 1103 from Karlstad to Hallsberg, with a 1500 tonnes goods train. As with their other cab-ride, there are subtitles available in either Swedish or English, or not at all, and there is some informative narration along the route; interesting places pointed out, changes to the route and buildings along it, and a curious incident! As the train departs from the loop at Ölme (two greens in the usual manner) the “utfartssignal” goes back to danger in front of us. The driver (and the ATC) stops the train. The CTC at Hallsberg cannot explain why this should have happened, so the train is allowed to proceed at 40km/h to the next signal; Kristinehamn’s home signal (or infartssignal), some 6km away. Due to the weight and brake ratio, the train has a top permitted speed on 80km/h anyway, but this does mean that it is unable to make up for lost time, and the eventual arrival at Hallsberg goods yard is late! There are plenty of trains passed on route, and the narration gives a little information about each one. Although the DVD was released in 2008, it was filmed in 2002, and it is interesting to look back at rolling stock and liveries just those few years ago! The journey bypasses Laxå via the east curve (on a so-called “Triangle Junction”), and as we join the main line, we start the double-track portion; up to that point it is all single with passing places, and at one we wait for two trains due to our delays caused when leaving Ölme! The journey is completed in roundly two hours, and apart from a couple of short breaks (to change the film, we are told), it is complete, including the very long and straight section between Väse and Ölme; surely a contender for Sweden’s longest such section (a claim rumoured to be held by part of the Inlandsbanan route)! _

12 … FLMJ-Nytt Website Questions.

The website at www.adnalm.org.uk asks for your opinion on a number of subjects, and we have some more to report from. If you would like to look at the poll, it is toward the bottom of the home page, just read the question, select an answer and ‘click!’

In August, we asked: We are giving ourselves TWO YEARS to reach Fjällnäs, hoping to open "Folkesdag" July 14th, 2012. Will we do it? • 1 person said, "Yes, now that we know what we are doing." • 3 people said, "Yes, but a very compromised operation." • Nobody said, "No, but very close, maybe as far as Gärde," or "No, not at all realistic." If we reach Gärde by mid-2011, then we have a good chance of achieving this; but it will need to be a team effort!

In September, we asked: Should SJ repaint their X2000 trains black to suit their Rc-locos and coaches? • Nobody said, "Yes, absolutely brilliant idea." • 2 people said, "Yes, only to create a corporate image." • Nobody said, "No, variety is a good thing," or "No, they should repaint black trains into X2000 grey." • 3 people said, "No, they should repaint everything into something more colourful." • 1 person said, "No; for another reason" The original livery was certainly more interesting, but we wonder what an X2000 would look like in SJ’s older brown or orange / orange & cream liveries?

In October, we’re asked; Now that Jeco has advertised the X16/X17 (in addition to the Y6/Y7), should they consider the narrow-gauge Yp as a viable model? • Nobody said, "Yes, H0n3 obviously" or "Yes, H0e would be fine" • 2 people said, "Yes, versions for both H0n3 and H0e." • 1 person said, "Maybe - if there was demand." • 2 people said, "No." Fitting a new (or modified) body to the chassis is fairly easy. The Yp, however, would need everything new, so it is unlikely to appear as a model; at least from Jeco! A kit is rumoured to be available from another manufacturer in Sweden. _

FLMJ-Nytt … 13 NEWS IN BRIEF. Contributors: Åke Röjås, Bo Gillberg, Derek Van Ryne

SJ News. Eleven years after construction began, the first regular passenger trains ran at the end of August on Sweden's Bothniabanan with the launch of commercial services on the 112km Umeå - Nordmaling - Örnsköldsvik section. The 250km/h line was officially inaugurated in the presence of King Carl XVI Gustav, national and local politicians, and representatives of the companies involved in the project. Regional services on the new line are operated by Botniatåg, a joint venture between DB Regio and national passenger operator SJ. SJ will operate the long-distance services to Stockholm using X2000 tilting trains. The Örnsköldsvik - Husum section opened in 2008, but until now has only been used by freight trains. The remaining section of the line between Örnsköldsvik and Kramfors is expected to open in August 2011 when the upgrade of the Ådalsbanan to is completed. Botniatåg is leasing a Bombardier Regina EMU pending the arrival of its own fleet of Alstom Coradia Nordic trains in 2011. A high speed X2000 train collided with a service vehicle in eastern Sweden on Sunday September 12th leaving 18 passengers injured and one in a critical condition, who later died. The Stockholm to Malmö train hit a crane truck, located close to the tracks between Linköping and Norrköping just before 8pm. One of those seriously injured in the incident was a rail worker operating the crane. Gunnar Malm, the director-general of the Swedish Transport Administration, said that the accident was one of Sweden's worst in a long time but that it won't necessarily lead to new precautions in the nation's ongoing railway construction. However, an investigation into the details of the crash is now taking place, and the findings might indeed lead to changes. A passenger train derailed in southwest Norway, near the border with Sweden (Värmland) on October 1st. The train was heading for Stockholm. At least 27 people were injured, one seriously. Swedish rescue services, including two ambulances from Arvika, were in place to assist in rescue efforts. 14 … FLMJ-Nytt SJ cancelled a large number of trains over a weekend in October after cracks were found in a couple of wheels, affecting thousands of passengers. Many passengers were transferred to coaches from the Friday afternoon as SJ launched an inspection of its rolling stock, and cracks were found in a couple of wheels. "Two wheels of around 3,000 checked were shown to have cracks. We take this very seriously and have now decided to take all the trains out of service," said Elisabeth Lindgren at SJ on the Friday afternoon. In order to cope with demand for trains from Stockholm to Uppsala, SJ hired in trains from local transport operator SL. The inspection is a result of SJ's own inspection work following the accident in Skotterud, Norway two weeks previously. The accident was initially considered to have been caused by a wheel fault which had emerged as a result of general wear and tear.

MJ News. Hot on the trail of their model of Almunge station, Jeco is producing two more buildings, a small shop and a locoshed. No release date is known, and only sketches are shewn in the catalogue and on the website. Just as we were closing for Press, Jeco has announced that their T43 model will be available in December. Looking at the catalogue images, it would seem that they’re going to do two chassis versions, which would explain the price differences in the catalogue. Wait and see! Still with Jeco, they have released a limited edition version of Roco’s Da-loco with the large snow-plough and different running number, thus, 797. As usual, this is available in several technical versions, and is quite reasonably priced; but it is selling fast. Sadly the FLMJ’s funds aren’t healthy enough at this time! _

Stock Revisions. [SJ] F 1207 Steam loco delivered October 7th (Heljan). [SJ] B5 4774 Passenger coach delivered September 30th (NMJ). Rumours... The proposed TGOJ Bt-loco has disappeared from Jeco’s catalogue. Does this mean that it will not now be produced? _ And Finally… The FLMJ is after two Heljan models, both shewn in the most recent catalogue that we know about; kit number 157 is a brick-built station (of probably a Danish prototype, but we think it’s OK for Sweden, also) and kit number 1702 is a small supermarket. Both would replace weather-beaten models that we already have. Kit number 1775 might also be useful for exactly the same reason! _

FLMJ-Nytt … 15 Lövhöjden station with an assortment of Epoch-IV trains! Two Rc-loco headed trains are accompanied by Da and Du loco-hauled trains. At the far end of track 3, a railbus can just about be seen, also.