17 January 2011 Dear Councillor, Special Development Control Committee A Special meeting of the Development Control Committee will be held on Thursday, 27 January 2011 at 2.00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore. The agenda is attached. Yours sincerely Chris Wilkes Committee Administrator. N.B. (1) Members should, if possible direct any questions on the planning application to Neil Pearce and have them answered by him, prior to the meeting. (2) The deadline for public speaking registration is noon on Friday 21 January 2011 (3) A light lunch for Members will be served in the Conservatory at 1pm and there will be a refreshment break for teas at 3.30pm-3.45pm. (4) All Members are reminded to collect their committee updates from the members’ room, prior to the commencement of the meeting. (5) A map of Pershore showing public car parks is attached. However, the car parks closest to the rear of the Civic Centre and the hospital are likely to be very busy, so anyone attending the meeting is urged to allow time to park elsewhere in the town, if necessary. Plans of the application site are attached to the committee report. Chris Wilkes Committee Administrator Direct Dial 01386 565436 Fax 01386 561091
[email protected] The agenda and associated papers are now available for public inspection during normal working hours at:- Civic Centre Evesham Community Contact Droitwich Community Queen Elizabeth Drive Centre Contact Centre Pershore Abbey Road 44 High Street Worcs WR10 1PT Evesham Droitwich Spa