rosse Pointe ews 40 Pages VOL 45-No 16, . Michigan Thursday. April 19. 1984 30 cents

for YOUl" informatiClft • St. John Hospital grows, 1 " - :f\i'.~. part of $222 millionplan \ ~- I

By Tom Greenwood health mdusll) \\ ould gro\1 .~ etlcated emergcn Whelhel one prefer:> to u!>e the '\nd v. hill' II':> nupol t one of the :ill A real pro 80s slang' ) ou" e come d long \~a) ceed fmancmlly. Il'~ ju<;t ,Il>11l1]l0l I major traum.1 eenter!> III the fla bab\" or the more dlglllhed pro ant to not lose touch \\ Ith thc peoplt' It's awfully tough to surpflse tlOn. Will be able to handle the en- Bill Rock. But that's whdt hap- \'erb "from htUe acorns big oak vou serve. !;dyS Wel>"elmdnll "Wt' trees gro\~," It'S eVIdent that :>ome don't want to lose the hUlll St Clall Health Cor thmg big IS gomg on at St John Ity " Rock was presented a plaque at POldtlon I!>wa Ilmg for an anl>\~ el the 15th annual Collectors A!>so HospItal. and on and on and on (\ 1.-l ....."'.,...... f""l .- ~ +1 ,. , ...... h"' ..."...... h.,..I •• f',h_", •• ro(~ clatlon conventIOn hononng him V'l\.. ''"VL _ .. I,--_\""I ~ -.i . 1")11.1. 1.11"- "" .. UL ""., "" ...,." '" ..... "In fiscal veal' 1983. our gloss \\hlle the hospital, !>eton17 3,ICll . to de\ clop an extended Cal e facIlI for hiS years a maglclan's mag- combmed operatmg re\ enue \\ as may appear to be the mI' mann, vice presl<)ent and chief ex- several busme!>s component" run IJ) lion price for the land and bUlldmg!> Rock, who recently retlred ecutIve officeI' of St John On May the Sisters of St Joseph under the are $1 8 million and further SI. Clair Renal Center Is a 'amiliar place to patient a who have to rMke after workmg 34 )ears at Whit- 1 he \\ III succeed James T Farley name of St Clair Health development of a 200-bed nUr1:llOg thrice-weekly visits for dialysis StaN at the center allo mike referral. to tier Cleaners, was one of who WII! retlrt' al> pre!>ldent Corpora hon home \\ ould cost another $5 Hutzel Hospital for kidney transplants and teach pallents at home-dlalyai •. Amenca's premiere profes- ImlilOn. ~a~ ~ \\ el>!>elmann The $123 mllhon Wesselmann re The most Importanl ploJel!!> h'l sIOnal magicians. workll1g the the near future mclude seelllg lhl' :\ free ::.tandmg alllbulator~ fers to doesn't mclude $111 mIllion Ho!>pltal<; Il>bell1g formulated The '\\e \\anl to eaptur e referrals vaudeville boards with legends ne\\ bUlldlllg completed. foil 1)\\ ed :>urgery cltnlc IS bemg evaluated like Harry Houdll1l, Harry Thur the hospital received last year as a merger. under the banner Cnlted ,111<..1hold on to \\ here \H~ are." !>a)'S result 01 a bond sale to pay for the by modermzmg the pi esenl for use near the ho::,pltal and ston and Harry Blackstone hospital ~ateillte cenler~ will be needed for Health Svstems. WIll offer medical \\ e~...elmann "\\ e arc In the new constructIOn and renovatIOn !>ervlce . to corporatlOl1~ and bUl>Jllc!>",of health L'are "hlle hav- over a five-year penod people \~ho have to report for The 607-bed teaching hOSPlldl fdllo\~ -up programs after leavlllg busll1e~sel> fOI theu' cmplo) el> Ing Ihe hospItal rcmam \ labl~ " In those days, Bill would Will enJoy a total of 2bO 000 !>quare But. lookmg back to when St the Oxford In!>tltutc And keepmg the ho!lpltal \'Iable Ill' spend 40 to 50 weeks of the year feet of space when the new dddltlOn The ho"pllal abo plan::. to ext'l John opened ItS doors In the early eludes havlI1g a finanCial hand 111 all on the road entertammg 111 the IS completed No beds will be add Another future project, aceor- Clse ItS optIOn to buy lhe Pomte US. Canada and MeXICO No\\- 19505, who would have realized that dmg 10 We~selmann, IS Improvll1g Plaza ShoPPll1g Center at Seven phd:>e~ ot operatIOns the then gigantic sum of $2 mIllion ed, but the space prOVided Will adays he VISits friends and rela- the phy<;lcal faclltlles and I\tack Avenue JI1 ) !l8•. \t thl ... lime One of theM: bUSIOe5Ses IS the St that was raised \\ouldn't rate a allo\~ for the latest III technology tives ~nd attends numerous con- and prOVide for the care of crltlcal- resources at the newly acqUired We~!:>elmann say~ the plan I:> to Cldlr Henal Center. which grossed ventions like the recent one in raised eye-brow 111 today's mar- Harnson Hospital Also a venture continue maklllg It a VIable shopp- 19 million In operat1l1g revenue last ket? Who would have guessed to I) III mfant!>. children and adult1:l 1Il the WlI1dy City where he ~ave a new surgical sUItes and crltlcrll \\ Ith Beaumont ana Oakwood ing area (Continued on Pagt' 15.\1 45 mmute talk to magicians what glgantlc proportIOns the from around the world He got a standmg ovatIOn, too

While he was there. he at- tended the White Sox's opemng Richard land game agamst the TIgers, which our boys handily \\ on When he got back home, he also attended their opener against the Texas Rangers. Once agam, we won lease okayed I wonder If Bill would IDlI1d traveling with the team to work By Susan McDonald thaI thl' nl'\1 lot \\ III be a boon Lo hiS magic all season long? ,Ion Gandelat l'llled fOl a \ote the 10\11.'1 end u{ the shopping Mondrl\ Illght Lind cnd( d Ill'dl h :JU ared ll!:> gl cat that they'n.' fi. Take me with yOU! ) eal... ()f negoll,lt IOn bel \\ e('n . Ihe IIdll) gomg ahead wnh this. 11115 SOald of Eduldtlol1 and Ul\ of ...huuld have ~n done a long lime CongratulatIOns are m order Glol>:>e POllltl' Farm3 0\'('1 a 'pal .lgll I\Il>ka said for Phoebe Weinberg, cel of pllmc KercheYdl land manager of Greatways Travel Corp in the Farms, as one of 15 The vote \l>'~ b.O in I~l\1ll Qi _ 11~i!1" aDd malkelabillt) travel agents 111 North Amenca leaSing the pI In [10111 of MUdtes lJf lne'lnn area bav~ rei' lI1vlted to cel~Qrate the Richard Elementul'\' ~('hool tll th<> peatedl)' Jndlc \\ hll'h plan; to de\ elop a p,lI kll1)! IS necd If rt.>tall bUSl- ~' : . k J I l th . Th' ne~lle~ .lIe to flOW'lSh The ~ dess I 111 Monte Carlo 14-~pac(' pal Il1g u el t: t: !>lllglt.>.It.'vl'l metered parking lot deCI!>I011 \\ a:. gl ectl'd \\ Ilh (he('I:> \1III !>er\'t.' the Central Llbl ar~ . 1\1s Wemberg was chosen b~ Fa! m!> coulltllm('n and bU:>1 hmel HIli and Punch and Jud) ne'>!> 0\1 nel ~ 011 the lilll \Ihu sa) 11 >. from more than 100.000 travel Ihe parkIng I!>bclulj nl'(>ded Some lL:atel agents to attend the lI1augural Richard p,lrl'llb 0ppol>l'd lhe d('lI festiVIties preSided over by her ~lOn l>a~Ulg It \\ III do I1lllhl11g 10 The land is DOW a PH\l>d pla~- Highness Prmcess Carohne IJencfll Ihell kId:> ground that IS lleldolll u~ed b, ...1udl'l1tl> becuu~e Illl hal d suti ac..e Gandelot called thl' qlll.'~llOlI I'" conl>ldelt>d dangl110ull accord- Ms Wemberg left 1\1oto\\n last PhQlO bl Tom GreenwOOd week and spent a special day m and forCl>d tIll' \otl' dlll'l 11l'(11) 1I1g to Richard PllI1t'lpal Dt. an hom !> dISl'lI~l>lOn of Ihe ll'.bl' llulI'(' Ba~co Monte Carlo before attending a Sunny silhouette led b, hl~ fellml hoC'll d l11l'mbel pnvate concert, followed by a Rog(,j MOUl ad l\101ll ad ab:.ldlllcd Possibly the only thing more beautiful than sunlight on Lake St. Clair Is the return of the giant ore carriers that '1 hl' FHI 1113 dnd ~l'hOtll boald candlehght supper at the Hotel flOm \ole ,lflel qllp~ Ihe IIII,d fll st Iwga 11 dl:-'l'u:-l>lng thl' pos. de Pans She was then sched- signals the welcomed return of spring. In a few more weeks. the warm weather will adorn the flowering Irees llOllIng ,II It'nglh 11ll' fllWllt 1.11 aloog Lakeshore Roed with millions of white, red and pink colored pelals In a perfect compliment 10 the watery ~Iblhly of bUlld1l1g ,1 pHi I-mg 101 in uled to return to earth. (read .l.,pel h ul Ihe !l'd~l' Detroit), on Monday. Apnl 16_ beauty prOVided by the lake. fI onl of HII.h,lrd ITl \hl.' I..\te 19JOS. In 1"lh,ll1ge flJl d 15-~ t't. ,\ ht'n a l'llld :.\1 h,I" 1('('1'1\ l'd 113 ft'dt'ral reporter, but It happened to Free COIIl>lllll tllln of ,I lull ...1I1'd '>pllll ... ~I .lilt III IIllPlll\ t' Illl' IIIII Press \\'flter Robb :\-Iusial Mon- New superintendent may be hard to find fwld on Cldj,lll'lli I..ntl 'IIll' mOlll ~ day evenmg after the close of the I... Pdl t 01 Ihl lll~ ~ !'l84 Culllllllln BIl.1I d 1lll'1lI1X.'1 .:\lllUi .ld OUJl'llt.'(j 11\ Dl'\l'lopnH'tll Blolh (;1.1111 III till' IlIlll'lIl pllljXl .... Ul't'"lI:>t'. school board meetmg at Trombly some candl dd tes ay. tru~tee~ recall tru ...lees \\ ho 1..l\'ored lhe 11 B\ Susan :\lcDonald ,m fl ;llll IIIl' fl'tit'ldl gO\ l'l nJl1l'1I1 ,Ind hI' '>,lld I III Il,,! l OlllfOl t,lull' School I"ocal- school board members saj ...chaol CIO"llIg .... dr(' pI oml~lllg 10 mll~1 be ,>lWlll b) .lImp ~(J of thb 1\ Ilh 11ll' \'(111,111011 I III thl' ka~,-') MUSial a parent and \\oods should be gettmg good at conduc- be active thiS time around Ea~llck More members of the commul1lly ~d lei 111 all Inten Ie" la:.t ~~eek thaI ~t'dl reSident. has been a reporter for tmg searche!> for ne\\ supennten- I hI" b ,HI l"Pl'II"'I\ I' pll'\.' oi \\111 IIkel\' be "atchll1g the bOdI'd Iw wal> glad to ~ec Brummel go so the Fnendlv's east Side sectIOn dents bj no\\ Kenneth Brummel '11ll' I''.llnl'> \\111 tltldllll' lOll pi OPI II \ hl' 11Llll'tl \\ ( Il' IU1iol and wanlll1g a ~ay 111 the sele('tlOll lh,lt hi'" gloup could 'pick d ne\~ covenng Grosse Pomte and ad became the thIrd !>uperll1tendent to ...1I Ill' I IOn of till' lot bUI UlUI1l il ~l'1 llIl~ ~;)(l \lOll illl II proce~!> thll> time, as v.eH WI)('11 ...upelll1lendent \\ ho doe::.n' I thll1k JOining cilles for some months resIgn before he spent five years on Brummel \~a~ plck('d [or till' job \\ oman NalH') W.tll~ .. man -;ay'> the job earlier thiS month. laun- l'lellll'nldn ...cl1oob should h(' do:.' dOl.'~n 1 kllll\1 hO\\ Jib! \ l't now d ... Bill Uand('lot .lnd lx-,ard prt"S three )ears ago !>cdrcply nul ,II ed' TIle' I'ecall 01 gal1lldl IOn could chlllg the board on a search for Its Idt'lll .J\),11l 1l.1111-h'1l'1ddl'ndl'tl tht. He \~8S. admittedly a lillIe sur- tended meelll1gl> or a"ked quel>IHlll<., \\ 111 conlr 01 of t he ~~h()ol bOd rd bj' 'I hdt '> tlIt fll '>t IIIdel of bl1'ol fourth head m 10 year~ pIOpll ... i1 '><1\Ill": 1111' hO.lld h,l:< an lit''''' th,11 1lI1hl Ill' l.lhl'll '.III' "f pnsed \\hen GP Nev.s edItor But thIs ~prll1g s na t 1011 v.lae ef But DaVId ~~a!>lIck. ,1I . ,HId othel Idle <.,ull)JIwr If It '>ucceed'> ,It Ihe lll'\t [\11'" \\.I11gdllldll ".lId .II "hllj.:,1110n III l(l(lpt'I.lll' \\ith olhl'l Susan J\lc[)onald 81:lked him If fort to fllld hll> replaeement md)' he member:> of the group \\orklng to poll ... In .Julle OW ...{ hool '1O:1I d ... ~l"ncld \ nll't'l t olllmllllli \ 1IlII'll':.I:- It \\ as true that he had Signed a more dlffleul! Ihan pa ...t )edr, For But nol ('\ en one I... hJppy to ",('C lllg \\ l' 11 IId\ I' 10 gel III \1 III h (III pelttlon a<;kll1g for the recall of one thlllg l\~o other top l\flchlgan Brummel 4'1 I('a\ e lor hI" nl'\\ Joll II .. "'1' ,',llllg" IIlffll ull lu school board members He, .I'> '>Ulwfllllt>ndent of Or,mge Ih,11 IllInwdl,IIl'l\ If \\1' I " In 11.1\ l' school dlst riel <; Ann Arbor and tl1l' llll lOlnphit'd Ilt'lilll "lhll"l p.1I h 111'.1' I he hili .11 ~ ,lIld 1'1ht'r 111 fact, one of the flr~t to sign. on l!l Correction l I1Illl'd !>choo!'>. ~erYlllg 11)(' m ('a IHl"'lIlt "''>l'... (Ill Ihl' IIl!'1 l~pt't I.llly Bloomfield are also the markel Il'opt'n ... II<" t I.d I Jan 21. the day the petitIOn dnve for ne\\ "upeflntendenl,> And The :\1ern \10u<.,(' ](, ...t.l1JrJnl Hl .1 roulld 1\ 11.11)('1Ill. S.ll1td An.l. ,II lIl~hl. ".. ll1dd,,1 :..IK1 'I hiS launched Gros~(> POll1t(' <; v. plI publlclled the VIllage i~(,dUed ( .dl' \-(' Cildl Or,lI1ge and Yorha Llllda neal Lo~ Ed h.l'>l-.d pll, ..ldl III lIf Ihe 11ll! \1 II! hllp Ihll ...t' IHI:-Inl':-"l'" dnd Angde... Calif ~chool boal d "Yes. I Signed I II !>Ign to leI rucku!> OHr the board <; deel"lon to Jl wa" II1correc II) Id('nll [11'c1 In lIw ~Il'll h.lllh .\,>"'lIl1,111(l1I ",lIll ,IIIl'\ \1l' II' gl'1llng dlluthel qU!>ue « Olltllllll'd 011 P .1141> 7 \ ) thl' nll'('llllg .11 'Illlmbl~ ...(twol Ihlng: :"ald ~1U'>lrll I 11 sJgn for hand guns and agalOst hdnd gun<; For anythll1g to give people a • votr ., Arrested at Metro Feds charge tax evasIOn MU~lal ha<; cxlen"IH.'lv v.nlten IWlld!lll .... ,ln,1 11I1l'll ....\ 1I1~ln IOIllIlIIOIl lit' JIM> fdl't"lo aboul the Board of Edu(dllOn. In H\ 10111 (,1'('1'11\\ 00<1 Il1dkl' II look IJkt' lhl') n.lhlwd Ililn II) mg 10 flt'l' !Ill' l olmll ~ I' .11n .... ,I 11\ I' \1""'" IlIlpll"Olollll'1l1 ,I $) 011(1 11Ilt' or hoth on the cludlOg three '>Ione!> 111 la"l Th(' I ~ j)('llIde edltlon cia) 1Il ,I pi e reJe.l"e thdt Fal m~ I ('wlellt ~I U.llt PoI"'II'1 thE- Cldnc. :is. ha m.('n arre ...t('d l'! l'll)( ('I ,1111 ~.I'" 10l1lle! KIIIII\ 10 ~h('hl !lU ('.I Ih(' g.1I1 l{l'l'OI dl'l '> l 0111 101 1-){Ollill'> of t ,llll'g,'dly ov.(>d 101 \1'.11'" 1( .... M(' 1.11('1 ,>I'nll'llll'd !olhll'f' \('.11" proll.olllOn 1>, Rt"Cordfors Thl' md,tlmf>nh aga1l1 ...1 Crane \1.('11' relurrwd b) .I tho,>(' 1)('(tlv<'ly Itl77 $1.7111. 19711 COlli I ,J lId~(' \\ d I 11('1d \10111 (' .J I lit' \1 lound noC leckrdl grand Jill') on 1 hur"d,l) Apnl12 Ac (ordJllJ;( 10 S17, 1'17"~l7(r}'1 ,llld for Illf!O$lo(J {(12 a...,ti"o glllll\ nf l\~o ('HlIlh of \\ Ilhholdln~ ngan>1 la,~ from Inside hJ'" dttornl'\ .Iohn ( d I h ...I(' ('I'd m' \\.\ ... d rn, ...t<'d by I he rndlct!lwnt .1)..,0 (h.lrgl'''' thaI ('Idnl' \lllhlwld 1 .., \1.lI.,hd1'> al '\]('llopolilal' AII'P011 la,,! Fnday a.... ,md 111l'0 10 I ('nlO~ t' 'llld cOl)n'.11 bll ...lIIl' ...... I t't ord ... 1111' \1'IHhng m.t( hll11.... dl hI'> lIlol,'!'> \\ Ill! h h.ld hl'('n 'u 11P(II' 11.1('(I 1» tll( gl.lIIe! Jill \. ,md ( 1.1Il!' \1 ..... ,11"0 III 11('1I'd ,1I tll,lI !11ll(, 10 ll1elkl' r....lllu BU"'lI1e~<; 14A 111' \\ .1' IlW"''' lilp Cdble qA ( I,Hll' \I .1' tlwn ,lrr,ll~rll'd bt'[orc d 1 .., \1.lgl ...II',II<' lh,ll Ill' IH'e! dllling d gldnd Jut j .IPI 1('.1 1'.1 11('(' on ApI rl 11011111Ill(' "mOIIIlI ot $1 ll~h III dl'opllll'd t,I'('" lurn o\'f'r Cla ..."lflPd W In J)('!r0l1 ... r I'd"l'dl blllJdlllg \ller hi'> .II r,llgnnwlIl 14 j'Hl2 .ill hook ... lll ~ [)t'p.lrtllwnl .11111\\ ,('\ ordi-rf'd to pay }<'ealure Pil~P 12B bono !\C( 01 dlll~ 10 (',lrll ...I(', ( ranI' Imlnl'dl,tldy rp Ph J) 111 IIIJ...IIW ...... flom Indl.lI1.1 l'III\I'I"'lly dnd V..I" ,t $)/)ll (II\(' 101 f'a( h of Ihl' II I oun"" 01 t.n fraud Gro,>se POIl1I{' Heal turn('o tc, the ~Irporl 10 1)(,~1TlhI'" bu ...rne ...' lrrp 101 1111'11\ 111{'1>t',11l of !Ill' ll\lllitH' .....~hool at'Hoh ,Iont.s Dill m~ hi'> Indl (rellW ,I,llIlwl1 Ih ..11 the statf' hltd Estate ":xehange ilH . '\11 (r,ml' ha'> unre<.,tflc!Nj travl'! In thp uJIllllwn l'nlv('I""lt) 11(' ha" I)('('n Id('ntlfH'd as the own('r of 1I'Ill'~('d on pel' m~ for the hll\l~lOR of ~elfar~ J"f'C1- Leiter" to I-.:dltor 6 7A t PX mt'ntal patll'nls and f'X ('on~ al two of hiS y(> )2A lhe airport. lh(' ~oV('rnment I'> Ju ...t Ir} JI)~ to makl' a If eonvlct('d. ('rant' facp ...lip to fl\'(' pfl<,on, Prime TIme ) IA IHg de:!1 of It They kne\l. he ....a~ leaVing D('lrOll Ohim by tht' htal!' Soclet} ) 7B walled untll h(' wa!> at the boardmg ~ale They tfled to ('V(lll)On 11(' can he hubJ(>('tpd to 'ldrllhonal CIVIl tax. l('onUnuf'd on I'agt' U,\ I Sports 1, 2C

• <,

•" 'I \. 1 , " GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~y, April19,1984 ViNello's TV personality comes to town ...... ~ CUSTOM TA1LORING Dr. Joan Israel, popularly known pnvate pracuee BAIIME for her partlcipaliOrl 011 Mort POinters Mary Bnggs and Apbie ~ 6 MONTHS : MENS and LADIES Cnm's "Free of All" panel, VillI Roumell. are co-chairing this GRINDER? speak about "H~ to Value Your- f'vent whlch IS part of the War AL TERATIONS CII sell Whue Suppornng Others." at Memorlal's ongomg Woman to MAJOR AND MINOR the War Memonal, Monday, April Woman forum The topic of Dr of 23, at 8 pm, and Tuesday, April 24, Israel's address 1$ the dtrect re- £ .. FIIher 8. KercH •• 1 ttrrw~ at 10 am p~ sult of a commuOlty leadership t Grosse POinte ...... , -HElTIl! For over a decade the expecta- coffee held at the War Memoflal _ Mon., wee ,Fn '10-730 \.oes ThUlS sat 10-500 Ir.-~. __ tlons about a person's respon- last Januarv The concerns most : LOOK 0UTI1I : ,... IBDI'Ml • m.. 11 Slbillties to famll\', friends and often brought up at the brain. ~ In- M'U •• ~ community have been changmg stormmg sessIOn "here the splin- ••••••••••••••• With the changes there have also tered feelmgs women of the 19805 c ", been an increased number of op- must deal 'WIth feelings of bemg tIOns made available partlculnrl} spllt bet," een family, communIty to \\.omen and Jobs InSIde and outSIde the OVER Dr Israel v.III dl~cuss the ramlfl homes cations of these optlOn:- upon tradl TIckets to the lecture are $6 each tlonal and non-tradltlOnal role' f'or more mformatIOn call 881-7511 \\.hleh \\ omen are chOOSing in th( 1000 1980s She \\ III also address th( Chefs food show problem of handle d!ffenn~ opmlOns on these roles often of announces winners Boy's & fered b) \\ ell meanmg families ane P:-ofesslOnal chefs and asplrmg friends Each lecture Will bf students converged at Cobo Hall on follov.ed b) a question and ans\\.er Sunda}. April I, brmglng V.lth Young Metrs penod them over 400 edible creatIOns to be r-..~ Dr Israel has a gr?duate~degree judgE:d In ~hchlgan 's largest culin- -'U1I-iJ UI ::>IJI.ldl Y.lJlf. 11um ;')UIHII LOllege, \\ould have been bo,Ys In the The group, which fully par- mid-40s and earl) 1950s If anyone tiCipates 10 tradItional scouting ac- ha.!> any mformatlOn. eIther call tIVIties such as campmg, hiking, SAFE - FUN - EFFECTIVE 4i~2073 01 drop me a lme at 33436 backpackmg and canoemg, plus Orientation & Registration Shlav. a~'!'ee Road. Farmmgton, commUnIt) serVICes such as food MlCh 48024. dnves, IS actively seekmg funds to April 27 - 10 A.M. till Noon contmue their works Strong door fouls All contributions to St Brendan's Tought by Medical Professionals under ihe Explorer Post no 418 are lax guidance of your Physician, hurglary attempt deductlble Grosse Powte Park polIce re- For more information call or write: ported that a resident m the 16600 Calling all GPHS block of Jefferson wlllluckl1y only grads from 1934 THE HEALTHY OUTLOOK have to replace hlS front door after 15839 East Warren an apparent !:Jurglary attempt The 1934 graduat10g class of ..Apparently someone used their Grosse Pomle High School Willhold Detroit, Mich. 48224 shoulder against the door but It Its 50th reunIOn on June 2 at the 882.3033 didn't gIVe and there was no en- Grosse Pomte Hunt Club. try," saId Henry Coonce, Park For more mformatlOn, call Ed at pollce chief. 882-5496or VIrgInIa at 884-2528 Grosse Pointe News (USPS 22o-6OCl) BUYING Put*ItMId every ThI.nday • Rare CoinS • Gold & Sliver B~ Anlet"bo Pubhsher~ • K-Rar.ds CoIns Bars Scrap Gelebrate Spring at Can Sterr . . . !'f!I Kerche\ al AH'nue GtU!>!I>t' POlnle, \II 4!l2:l6 • Proof Sets • COIll ESlates Timeless sportswear for men and women by Merona Phone 882-6900 IN THE EAR AID OR C ass Par<:: al Available In cotton and cotton/ramie blends rJ.p1ro'" ~.AIC" ~~~.H~9 Gold and Siher Coins SolOS:: tpr or Ka'es S 3 00 pe i)J CANAL AID ~a ,,~f"""'~ $15 0\J1--o Slate ~ for Investments liInd Gifts'-e$S aj ~iJl S..;.r$('" o~O'1:!J N~!IOIlal Trlet!4Pt Service C~ cr AOO'-es~ FOf"'nS J.o..J 7'91099 -No Tubes -No Wires -No Cords K@"'~ ....a Gro!y. Po,"\t! Fa.!'I"''S I OPEN 9-5 30 DAllY THUAS till 8 30 ~.:t' RARE COIN l¥ oeAO ..~ l:)' r)llIwS J"0):.'f 'S

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GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three.A ....t rhursday, April 19, 1984 ~~Lucashegins petition drive ~:with attack on county hoard ~~ Wayne County Executive WIl- • Turn certam court clerk func~ to have the signatures collected by :. ham Lucas hopes to collect 90,000 tlOns over to the executive mid-June to gwe the county clerk _ signatures on ftve charter amend- Lucas decided to begm the pell- more hme to verify the slgnaturt's, ~ ment proposals by mid-June to put tlOn drive aiter the board of com- Johnson said '. them before county voters m No- mISSIOnsfailed to act on hiS request In a March mterview, First Dls- ,.' vember, hiS office ~ald Mondav to put the amendments on the tnct ComnllsslOner John Hertel ~- 'f\\'o ralhes Saturday kIcked off ballot. Lucas aide Bill Johnson said he agrees WIth the abohtlOn of the "Sav Yes to Counh' Reform" ~dlct the dram comlmSSloner and the campaIgn \\ Ith the circulation of three-member road commiSSion 'Thel (' has been no mdlcatlOn t tll Of petitIOns to put the ehal tel' amend- board and theIr merger III 0 e - ments on the ballot A 'Sav Ye:. to lcomml~:"lonel'sl \\111 put any of f1ce of Pubhc Works Countv Reform comnlltlee \\ as the:.e proposals on the November Hertel ~ald he opposed the tran:,,- also formed \\ Ith headquarters 111 ballot," Johnson said "Mr Lucas fel of contractual approval from SUite 2201. 65 Cadillac Square. De brl!eH':. the people ha\ e a right to the comml:.SlOn and the ImposItion trolt 48226 see these proposals' of a "just cause" sho\\1I1g for the Johnson :.ald the executive ~ent rejection of appomtments He The five amendments \\ ould the commiSSIOn the five amend- charactenzed both as "dangerous • Abohsh the Road CommiSSIOn ments III mld-Febl'uan dnd J.sked and unprecendl'nted power" fOI and put It under the e"ecutl\ e :"Of- they take dctlOn on thein b\ !\larch Lucas lice of Pubhc Works 16."The comnusslOn "just flatly re- Lucas has taken a harder Illle • Turn the elected dram commls- fused to tak.e up the matter to put toward the comnllSSlOn, partly be- ~lOn post mto a count) executIve the Item:. on the ballot as the) are cause 01 ItS failure to act on the appomtment empo\\ el ed to do, he added amendments, John:.on said In a • Take a\\ 8\ board of commls The committee needs to collect press release announc1llg the Slon rights to approve contracts 75,000 signatures trom registered ~aturoay r,LUCd::> I:>4uuleu • Allow executive dppOll1tments voters by July 6 to guarantee a spot as saYlllg waltmg lor commiSSIOn Without commiSSIOn approval on the ballot The committee hopes actIOn "IS too I'Isky " Woods officer changes jobs Front squad rOOnI to courtrOOnI A summer of music in the making B~ Mike Andrzejczyk Cavanaugh said he decided on the prosecutor's office TIt(. 27th annual Gros!>e Pointe Summt>r Musk Festh al committee met ..e('entl~ to plan a !>ununt>r full or li~ht Changmg umforms from Gros:.e Pomte pubhc safe- because It was less of a break from hiS former Cllreer and c1a!>!>icalconcert~ at the \Va•. Memorial. This ~('aI"!>genel'al dluirman (thu'd frol1l left) 'Irs. John Ella!>. ty blue to the three-piece SUits of the Oakland County "When you make 8 change III careers at my age - \liII be assisted b~ honorar~ chairman l\Ir!>. Sterling S. Sanford ' ..econd Crom right), and founder and artl.,tic Prosecutor's Offtce wasn't as big a change as you I'm 32 - It's sort of a traumatic experience." he saId dirl'ctol' Alexander Suczek (far right!. !\Irs. John Rainey (far h'fll "ill be in charge of the classical serie!> .md mIght expect. accardmg to Mike Cavanaugh "I deCided to stav m law enforcement because 1 MI'. and :\lrs. \\ 11Iiam I,aCer (in rrar) will chair the light sl"rie .., Seven concerts in all are schedulf'd, from a thought It \\ ould lessen the shock It has turned out "It's a pubhc service," the 32~year-old former Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band performancl" to a Grosse Pointe S~mphon~ Pops, both to be held outdoor!>, lakeside. to be a good move for me " follo"ed b)' a £ire"orks displa~. Other concerts include a trio redtal. a performance b) the "inner or thi!> Woods officer saId "Irs really another aspect of the Workmg m the \\arrants divlslOn is the first levelm law enforcement field" spring'., piano competition. on April 29. a Cabaret e"ening, and concert!> b) the Baroque (,hamber Orche!>tra the prosecutor's offIce, Cavanaugh said After servmg and HIl<;<;lanBalalaika Orchestra and dancers. Cavanaugh left the department Apnl 1 after almost m the dlvislOn for a while, prosecutors can move up to 10years of service to take the poSitIOn of aS~lstant pro- distrICt court to do hmlted trail work The fmal step IS secutor m Oakland County Whde offtcially on a leave to the CirCUIt courts, where felony trails are held. of absence unlll the end of the month, Cavanaugh All assistant prosecutors aspire to trymg cases m Stop! to fight child abuse began \\ orkmg In the warrants diVISIOn of the ofhce CirCUit court, Cavanaugh said, addmg he's no April 2 different Members of The Exchange Club other commumtles that \\ ant cen- somethlllg about It. chlld abuse \\ III "That was the hardest part for me, leavmg behmd In the warrants division. where reports are forward- of Grosse Pomte WIll nearly ters in thell' to\\ n." Reynolds said continue to mcrC3:.C at dn ex- the fnends I'd made both 111 and out of the depart. ed for requests for issuance of warrants. Cavanaugh "roadblock" one of Grosse Pointe "That. s why \\ e desperately need ceedlllgly rapid pace But 110 .... we ment," he said "I WI))always have a soft spot m my saId hiS expel'lence as an officer has been helpful Woods' IIItersec tIons on Sa turda y , pubhc support so that we can con. have a way to slo .... It do\\ 11 and. heart for Grosse Pomte Woods I thmk It'S a supenor Knowmg the baSIC termmology makes It easier to go Api'll 29 Garbed 111 bright orange tlllue to release chIldren from hopefUlly, With the help of the rest department The reSidents are also very good" through the submItted mformatlOn and deCide cars and vests, the Exchangites hves of fear and pam of America. eventually !)top II " Cavanaugh spent four years gettmg his law degree \\ hether a cnme has mdeed been committed, he WI be acceptlllg donatIOns from Reynolds said national statistICS The local Exchange Club mem- while workmg as a pubhc safety officer. He passed hiS added motorists III an effort to raise \\ hlch show that child abuse lo!> bers will be conductmg Child bar exam m July, 1982, and was c1erkmg With a HIS street patrol expel'lence has helped him to $100,000 for the preventiOn of child prevalent in all levels of our socle" Abuse Prevention Roadblocks downtown DetrOIt law firm m addition to hiS depart- another way, Cavanaugh said "I have a feel for the abuse 111 Amenca ty Based on past years, at least across the U S and Puerto RICO problems of the victims," he noted "That helps m this during April. ~atlOnal ChJld Abuse mental duties "Roadblock" IS The Exchange one million cases Will be reported PreventIOn Month The Exchange "1 thought the move was nght for me," he saId "It Job I've seen as a pohce officer the effects of cnme on Clubs of Amenca's natlOnal quest in 1984. mIllions more will go people ., Clubs of Amel'lca are a Iso Involved took four years to get my degree I deCided to go mto for pubhc educatiOn and support of undetected At least 70 percent ot 111 many other ventures which law on a full-time basIs" Changmg umforms does have Its drawbacks, child abuse prevention The Na- those children Will die from parent benefit communities across the When he began lookmg, the opemng m the pro. Cavanaugh added "I really hked bemg a pohce of- honal Exchange Club FoundatIOn mflicted mjul'les The victims are ficer Grosse Pomte IS a mce place to work," he said country, such as NatIOnal Cnme secutor.s office opened up, Cavanaugh said Although for the Prevention of Child Abuse IS mere mfants III half of the cases of "I really did hke workmg for the department" Prevenllon Week and the Freedom there was also a chance for gomg With a private firm. already helpll1g hundreds of serious child abuse "The horl'lble thlllg." Reynolds Shrllle progl'am~ Exchange IS the chlldren through Its 12 centers 111 largest service club WhiCh propose- the U.S and Puerto RICO Another said, "IS that abused children usually grow up to be abusmg Iy hmlts Its aCllnl)' to the U S and Piano concert will be held at Ford House 15 centers are scheduled to open 111 parents That's why If we don't do Puerto Rl~O, With over 1.300 clubs 'An evemng of musIc for two P)~QS \ reCitals \w,hl,Ghm<;ll,lde yearly pr~. Eubanltls the director of musIc at the near future. The Prevention Will be presented at the Edsel &. grams (or the Grosse Pomte the Grosse Pointe Unitarian Centers use trained volunteer lay Eleanor Ford House, Sunday, Apnl Chamber Plavers and an annual Church therapists to counsel abuslllg Park marks Arbor day 29, at 7' 30 p.m , by Doris Eubank of two-piano concert at the Ford Included m the program are parents and have achieved an 1m. The entry that took first place In "We felt a let of thought ~ent mto Grosse Pointe Park and Fontame House Sonata by Mozart, Rondo by presslve 98 percent success rate 1Il the Arbor Day poster contest con- It " Lamg of Novi Mrs Lamg IS the founder 01 a Chopm, Allegro Bnlhante by Men- ending abuse wlthlO those families, accordlllg to Mike Reynolds, presI- veyed more than a picture, but an MISS Devon, of 5t Clare of senes of chamber reCitals m Novi delssohn, Carnaval a la Nou- Montefalco School, .....on $10 for both plamsts teach pnvately and at velle-Orleans by Mllhaud and dent of tne local club Idea, according to Al Mazur, vice- Tickets are $6 and reservatIOns herelf and a tree to be planted at the DetrOit Commumtv MUSIC musIc by Rameau and Mozart- "The success of the foundatIOn chairman of the Grosse Pointe may be made by calling 885-7624 her school The contest open to ]\[rs Eubank and Mrs Lamg ap School. and are active In'the Tues- Busoni A recepllon WI)) follow the centers IS so outstanding that \\ e Park Beautification Commls~lOn Tara Devon's rendition oC a tree- all fourth grade students 10 the pear frequentl) III chamber mUSI( day !l1uslC:ale of Detroit l\lr.., concert have dozen:. of applicatIOn:. from hned street bore the captIOn "Re- Park, sald Mazur . - --- member when our streets looked l\hss Devon and the other 37 pos- hke thls'l Won't you please plant a ter contestants Will receive a pine MACK AVE, tree? " tree seedling and a .'Tree City-USA "It addressed the Issue of rre- Bulton" at Arbor Day ceremomes servmg eXlstll1g trees as wel as to be held Friday, April 'J:7, at 10 30 preservmg the contmued planting a m at Patterson Park of trees," saId John Crawford, All poster entnes are on display 1\.I.... I:»l~ I )~ Grosse Pomte Park City Manager at the Park mUniCipal offlce 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS 881.8210 EASTER OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY, 9-10. SUNDAY 10-6 _1 SkIn 8racet" AFTER SHAVE 200/0 FF EVERYDAY WEEKEND NEW HDR SKIN CONDITIONER From Rev10n Shampoo and ~l 8, tJ,MI~ ~I __ I a SAVINGS 1 HDR ft HOO CondltJoner ~, Regular & El<1ra Body Th\lr~d:I\, T m1.l~ ~- _" I - 14 kr & S.lllIlJ.1\ $2 150Z $1EVERYDAY~7'OZ ~ 69 U Apnl 19. ~O, .!I $1 EVERYDAY aft a 70z •• l "OW-I !>"'" r- "'....l. Trident Yal-u-Pack MENNEN Special Offer Apri115 thru May 6th OFF 2 For SKIN BRACER 20% ORGIHAL DD 00 DD SPEARMINT Save S1 S2 or S3 OFF 8UBBLEGUM 89° *ALL LINEN FRUIT OR C1NN"Il\ON FVERYDAY $29~ ON KODAK PROCESSING COORDINATES ."'ROM Ask for details at our film counter ~-J. '\ KAOPECTATE ,.~ .• ( I FOR DIARRHEA "''*'41 e PANT-HER FINAL I $ 77 MYCITRACIN • CAMPUS CASUALS i 18 oz FIRST AID OINTMENT TOUCH 1--- ~ '1CONC~RATI SOfTENER eTANJAY 07 ~ DETERGENT I \ S3 160Z 61~~ $1!! e COUNTER PARTS l,~ ----u.J I PYRROXATE _$5~,! EVERYDAY KAOPECTATE Ilf~ .. EXTRA STRENGTH r t1J-, CONCENTRATE II r'I.!~ FOR COLDS, SINUS I FOR DIARRHEA II AND AllERGIES * ALL BLOUSES ~ SUN * ALl .. SWEATERS LIGHT ill'~J'I $21! ' $2~~ounl ;1 ~ DOVE 18 FOR DISHES ALL RAINWEAR I S3 ,20Z Ite!I,-' ,~J DISH SOAP * ~>,'\5219 2for'1~! ~ 4IOl UIlICAP T COIITlIII 08 J:~-"---==1 STRESS FORMULA MAXIMUM STRENGTH ,~~""1 2201 '1 ~T VITAMINS CREAM ,~:;_- 6496 5159 ndl1l" I 6(1

\1, , ,II ~,

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 19, 1984 Churche. join for Tre Ore ,erriee at St. Clare Christ Chorale An Eculnemcal Tre Ore Serv1ce Jesus on the Cross. Each segment George Sehelter. Ms. ElalOe will be beld on Good Fnday, April will include prelude, coagregationaJ Radloff, Rev. Thomas Sboemaker I 20, from noon untLl 3 p.rn at St hymn, scnpture. meditation, Rev John CurPbeY, Mrs. Paula to perform Clare of Mootefako Olurch on \\'hIt- mUSical reflection and concluding Miller. Rev William Cummins, , , lIer and Mack in Grosse Pointe prayer Worshipers may attend any Rev John Molnar, Mrs. Brenda Brahms Part or all of the seven segments. Ushers Brege, Rev David Penniman, Rev. • • Sponsored by the Grosse Pomte wlll be seating people during the Jack Skiles, Sr. Rosana Buesh1ng, reqwem - MIOlstenal Association, the servIce preludes whICh wvide the segments Rev DaVId Antonson, Rev. Thomas Will be led by clergy and other Offenngs made by worshipers Gnffm, Mrs Carol Kohls, Rev. The Chnst Church Chorale, or- representatl\es from Bon Secours Will be gl\'en to People In Faith LOUIS Thompson, Rev, Stanton chestra and soloists will perform Hospital. Dominican Consultation l'ntted which operates five com- Wilson, Mrs Bonrne Nasr, Pastor the famous "German ReqUiem" ~ center, Ebenezer BaptlSt Church, mumt; mLOlStrles reachmg more Robert Rlmbo, Rev Robert Neily wrlUen by Johannes Brahms at 7:30 pm on Good Fnday, April 20 ~ Grosse POinte CongregatJonal and than 800 families a week These in- and Rev John Crepeau Amencan Baptist Church, Grosse clude a senior cItizen food and Brahms, a 19th century Lutheran, Pomte ~iemonal Church. Grosse friendship program. Crossroads The preludes and mUSical reflec- was contemplating death when he POInte l'mted ~tethodlst Church. East. pro\'lwng personal counsel- tions WIll be offered by orgamsts wrote the work 10 1868, and com- Grosse Pomte Woods Presb} tenan mg, emergenc} aid, food and ~1r Steven Hansen, Mr Carl Parks, piled a text from the Bible, a diver- - Church. Jefferson Avenue l'mted cloth mg. a youth program bul1dmg Mr Wilham De Turk Also mclud- sIOn from the liturgical requiem =-= ~tethodlst Church, St Clare of leadership among black children. a ed are solOlsts Ms RacheIO'Bnen, mass m Latm used by other com- ~tontefako Catholic Church, St soup kitchen servmg 2,000 meals a ~rs Agnes Ricard, Mrs Laura posers such as Verdi, Berlioz. 1:1 Dvorak and Durufle The score is Jamb Lutheran Church, St John week, and a housmg Inltlatlve This Atrasz. Ms Kathy Sickiesteel, Mr c=I HosPlLil and St ~itchael EpI~copal program concentrates In the Jeffer- Pat Shelby. ~1s Juhe Parker, written for chorus and orchestra For -great selection and values, shop Chur<.h son-Chalmers area of Detrolt flutiSt, Mr Paul ChampIOn, and 15 hlled WIth rich harmorues. The three-hour serv Ice y, III be The scriptural readmgs. me O,.JOloty comouters 1 .. I software package! by , software occessones ond: State of the II Authentic baroque concert at the Ford House The soprano solOIst Will be Bar. service Our Ilneuo 'eatures 0 I Art The Flauto e Basso Baroque Duo wlll area, are well known for thelf Saturday, May 5, at the Edsel & bara Rondelli, who has performed WIde selection 01quality bro'"lds "-... only S1andord I conclude Its forth MusIC from the authentlc ongmals found in Eleanor Ford House, 1100 10 on the leod,nQ edge cl cem '" In bUSiness I Germany, Portugal, SWitzerland Age of Enhghtenment season, on museums around the world Lakeshore Road TIckets are $7 ($5 puler technolCOy software and Denmark, and most recently in Here 01 ComputerLand friend May 5, at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford "The Rivalry. MUSICof France for chlldren under 12) Guests are the role of Madame Butterfly With 1'1'and Jn1o'med assistance by House and Italy' Will fJrst be performed mnted to tour the mam floor of the the Northern Indiana Opera Asso- our $loll o' cOMp ...ter SpeClollsts .'The RI\ aIry MUSICof France on Saturday, Apnl 28 m BloomfIeld mansIOn an Albert Kahn design clatlon /5 the bollgome and Ital}," a concert featufmg HIlls a the Blrmmgham llmtanan Both concerts begm at 8 p m Come lI"\ 10do,. and nd ou1 .IJ 1 Corelll's variatIOns on "Follla" Church, located on Woodward Call 656.1574for more mformatlon Bass solOist w111be DaVid Lud- why for so many people - It s and a Telemann trlO for two Avenue at Lone Pine Road The series IS presented 10 assocla- wig, a Christ church parishioner ComputerLond .n,an lIP"..,.. recorders and basso continuo. The concert w111be repeated on tlOn With WQRS, Timeless FM 105 who is completmg hlS graduate flute. and Damel Jencka, harp- S n ul p'_l S d 'd work In voice and opera at Indiana slchord The duo w111 be JOined by t, c a recreates w.ID un ay n e Universlty. Joy Crawford. recorder, and Debra Children at St Paul Evangelical wlth fourth-grader Bill SImonson, SntlUHG HEIGHTS ST.CLA" SHOlES Lonergan, baroque cello. for other Lutheran Church recreated the en- of the Park, III blbhcal costume on Tickets are Priced at $7 (re- 35850 Vo.n ~ 22000 Gt~teor works showing the Wide mfluence trance of Jesus mto Jerusalem as the ammal's back served seating) and $5 for tran- (betw.en 1~ 0' ,6 mlko (4~) (be<.-n 8 .. q mile tdL) of French and Itahan musical part of the church's 9 15a m Palm Children of St Paul hned the septs and rear of church Call the styles Sunday servIces sldev.alk. wavmg palm branches church office (885-4841) for tickets, 261-.. 00 :,;:.";::,."-~J >=" :;-~ S:>"'~00.11O.4 n2-6540 ClItm and Jencka. who perform A live donkey. supphed by Bob and s10gmg "Hosanna" led by reservations and information. prommently m the DetrOlt-Wlndsor Lutons, was led down the Sidewalk chOIr director Susan Kvale

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Page Five.A "Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Cities are considering water rate changes Belle .sle Awning Co. SPECIALIST By Mike Andrzejczyk by DetrOIt. The Woods and Shores Village Will pay more for water, its Farms and Woods officials said they are awaiting the setllllg of Cities are still mulling over also pay a surcharge to the county sewagt> treatment rate has de. IN their respective sewer rates changes In water and sewer rates as part of the Northeast Dramage creased, partlally offsetmg the So far, the Shores has been no- FABRIC AWI.JIGS they Will pay after July 1 before Dlstnct. higher charge for water, he added. The Woods and Park Will receive Because of a continumg defiCit in tified it will pay less for each 1,000 -RESIDENTIAL -COMMERCIAL dec.idmg the rates they Will charge cubiC feet of sewage it has treated residents decreases In water rates they pay the city's water and sewer fund, The current rate of $5 08 will drop Park and Shores ofhclals said The Woods rate Will drop from the Park w1l1most hkely mamtam 22704 HARPER s.c.$., MI to $4 87 after July I, a decrease of they may hold the lme on residen- $2 69 per 1,000 cubic feet to $2 59 the rate It charges residents per 1,000 cubic feet The Pal'k's despite the city being charged less 21cents The Park rate Will also qe- I tial rates although the rates the 774-1010 crease, from the current $4 58 per cities pay Will change. City of- rate IS scheduled to drop 20 cents for watel and sewage treatment, per 1,000 cubiC feet of water after city clelk/assessor Nunzlo Ortlsl 1,000 cubiC feet to $4 36 for the ficials said It IS probable the rate It same amount, accordmg to city charges residents Will rISe, but no July 1, from the current $3 60 to said. offiCials fmal deciSIOn has been made $3 40 While City offtclals expect the The Shores IS scheduled to re- rate It IS charged for water by the The city expects an Increa:>e m TH Woods and Farms offiCials said ItS rate to $6 75 per 1,000 cubiC feet WE'VE GOT 5 AVENUES they were unsure of the effect the celve a 26-eent Increase m ItS water Farms to remalll the same, a 5 6 rate per 1,000 cubic feet after July percent mcrease In the sewer rate of sewage, up from $6:i9 for the changmg rates they pay Will have same amount The city also pays a on residential rates I, accordmg to the Water Board It Will pay could Il1CredS('re!>ldents' The Shores' current rate of $.3 66 r<1tes. accordll1g to City Manager flat monthly charge for ~ewage The Woods. Shores, and Park re- treatment that Will decrease after ceive water from the Detroit Water wIlllOcrease to $.3 92 • Thoma:- Kressbach It I:>probable, Shores Village SUp<'nnlendent but not cerlam, lhal rates for res July 1, ofhcwls said and Sewerage Board The Farms The flat n.onthly charge I:>ex and City use water pumped from Michael Kenyon said the Village Ident:> \\ III be II1creased to off!>et pected to decrQ<1se $83, from $2,460 the lake by the Farms All five Will hold the hne on Its \\ ater rate the II1crea:>es the city will pay, he charged to reSidents While the added to $2,:in, KI essbach ~,lId TIlt' communltles ha\ e sewage treated decrease however won't affect rates because 95 percent of the CI- ty's co:>t comes from the per 1,000 'Whose Life' plays at Fries cubiC feet charge, he added r~uJ.H:t uffu .....:4:s ~rc :,t!!1 :lebo L _ assistant producer, and John Grosse Pomte Theater's presen- of the doctors With whom Claire hatlOg theu" sewer rate and flat must contend Karen Carlton ap- Casey, assistant techmcal director monthly charge, Carrol Lock saId tatIOn of the rlvetmg London and Tickets. reservatIOns and more 4 AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE Broadway hit "Whose Life IS it pears as Nurse Anderson The rest As It stands, the city may end up of the cast lOcludes Catherme Il1formatlOn may be oblamed by With a higher per 1,000 cubiC feet WITH LUXURY EQUIP. PACKAGE Anyway?" opened this week and callIng the Grosse POinte Theatre contmues through Apnl 21 at the Maher, Gmger Hupp, Michael charge whlle receivlllg a lowered box office at 881.4004 Includes 5-50 Warranty Fnes AuditorIUm Trudel, Emma Jean Evans, Geof- flat monthly charge, but there Will Precedll1g the performances Illl frey Proven, Sal DeMurcurlo, R J probably be a small Increase 111 PO\'vt'rwllldO\~~, pO\\l'r ~t'~efgd'n shed ~ In on on and green DIET DR. PEPPER - SQUIRT ~PP('" on a tla r.les'S '\tr8'Ner CAFfEINE FREE COKE CAffEINE FREE TAB CAFFEINE FREE DIET COKE (Nan Ready Stuffed ChICken Cordon $139 6 ~k c.n. $249 + Oep Bleu La BonOI9C)'S <'lt..(lrl f3rf1.Hilo 51 JNe<: wrth HdrTI and '>W,,, Ch." .... HlwAIiAN PINEAPPLES $1!~

LOIN END SEMI BONELESS STUFFED PORK Pine Wines for Loin 80 AOOCADOS 2 990 SAVE $3 on a 3 liter tallfomla Roast 89~ "WE WilL SELL NO WINE BEFORE IT'S TIME' ~odel 20680 f ... ., Y " >(.... ~..... ~""" ..J"'• .-,oM "'1 (M1'1 ~ .. 21 ", Self-propelled, ,..11".. •• J"<1"~r~ ~''.,!loll<. r•• l1,lrt'me~( CHABLIS. ROSE FRENCH COLOMBARD CHENIN BLANC SNOW WHITE $1 2-cycle Rear Bagger CAULIFLDWER 49~ ALL BEEF 10 MEAT LOAF SAVE $4 on a 750 ml ..#~t!~ READY TO CCX>K "THE CREAM SHERRY yAMS THATS. 19815 MACK, in the Woods 89 lb. pan [)(MIN RIGHT UPRIGHT OPEN MON.-FRIDAY 8.7, SAT. 8-4, SUN. 10-2 2 $2 SWEET POTATOES 39! Page Slx.A -~'~Opinions & letters Thursday, April 19, 1984

..~OU'R£ NOT A grim but realistic forecast THE EAStER DownsiZing and even closmg some public col- mimstratively prudent " Yet 1t is stIll seekmg leges and universIties in MIchIgan will be re- some kind of a straleg1c planmng mechamsm to quired to enhance the quallty of higher educatIOn ease recommendations such as those for ad- in the future, accordmg to the governor's com- mimstratlve mergers, program consolidations mission on higher educatiOn That IS a grIm but and elIm matlOns , and more clearly defmed rules realistic forecast, in thiS newspaper's opmlOn and m1SS1onsfor each mstitutlOn. In its progress report, the commisslOn warned In recent h1stOry, and espec1ally smce the that the state's system needs more careful system of teachers' colleges has been converted targeting of 1ts efforts and resources to max- mto a system of UnIVers1t1es and more commUnI- imize scarce dollars and respond to future needs t) colleges have been orgamzed, hIgher educa- These goals are necessary because, the comm1~- tIOn has become a vIctlm of log-rolling m the sian found, state ftnanclal support Will remam state Leg1slature RegIOns and areas served by relatively static until 1990 and enrollment IS ex- specIf1C mst1tutions have fought for advantage pected to declme at least 10 percent overall. for theIr partlcular colleges and umversltles ...,Hf."'",,,+- '""" n,.. nl""1""'....~ t"..,. +hn n.,"n"""" 11 n;n+.,,,"o LiKE fur~'l, ~ilLju~c1U';) :>.PLCtu vf t-,;gl'i-.:. "." •• V_1. , ...... , _ b-4 - ...... _ ..... _ ...... _ .... 1"""'- .._ ...- education "Just growed " Its system IS the most The result has been detrImental to the higher autonomous 10 the natlOn, and now the state 1S quality institutIOns and especially to the state's paying the penalty for such freedom. The state best, the Universit)' of Michigan. So much bet- can't seem to afford much more financial sup- ter coordination of programs and targeting of port and the tUition rates, already the appropriations are both needed. very highest In the nat1On, apparently wIll con- The commission is wisely focusing some at- tinue to nse tention on precollegiate education on the The commiSSIOn dId recommend tv. 0 impor- grounds that it must be strong and challengmg tant policy decisions It urged all institutions t~ in order to turn out high quality graduates who establish an immediate moratorium on slgmfl- can benefit from higher education. The broad- ~~ - cant new programs until a better stateWIde ening of the base of those attending Institutions ~ ~~- review process IS under way. And it recommend- of higher education obviously has already af------ed the continuance of the governor's morator- fected the caliber of students. But programs ium on capital outlay until priorities can be offered at colleges and universities have not established even for funds to meet maintenance always taken this change of base into conSIder- California is getting a fine educator and equipment problems. ation. To the Editor: Brummel by engagmg a new ture Will not Interrupt school As part of 1ts task of revieWIng current pro- IT WILL BE DIFFICULT, some say even im- I am very disappomted that supermtendent who wl11follow reorganizatIOn plans I hope blems in higher education, the commission is possible, to achIeve a consensus on the state's Dr Kenneth Brummel super- through WIth the Barnes clo- that one of the fmest school planning a senes of statewide public forums. future needs in higher education. As the commis- mtendent of schools, has chosen sure, movement of sixth-grad- systems in th1S country will not They ought to gIve the general public as well as sion suggests, that aim can be accomplished only to leave our school dIstnct at ers to the mIddle schools, and be destroyed by persons WIth the interested institutions more opportunities for If those concerned' 'set aside their parochial m- this time. Orange UnifIed future consohdatlOn of the selfish motIves and regress1ve input into the final commission report which is terests and consider the purposes of higher SChool DIstrIct of California distrIct as necessary. plans. Future bond sales, mIl- due in OCtober and which will include specific education for all the people of this state." Yet it will gain a fine educator lage votes, and searches for recommendations and attainable solutions, IS clear that current trends cannot be permitted Hopefully, the shocking de- The board me~bers ~ve ~taffin~ ~ill be The commissIOn rejected the idea of a single to continue without further damage to the state's parture of Dr. Brummel will been c.oura~eous m carrymg m~re dlff1cult I~our dlSt~ICt has governing body or superboard to guide the in- most valuable resource - its young people - act as a catalyst for respons1ble o~t their dutIes to y?te respon- gamed a notorIety of bemg un- stitutions of lugher education on the grounds it and further losses to the rest of the people of Grosse Pointers to support the sibly .on the de~lmmg enroll- settled or troubled. would be neither "politically practical nor ~d- Michigan. Grosse Pointe Board of Educa- ment Issue. The t~me spent and tion on the school closure and number of meet10gs attended Wake up Grosse Pointe and reorgamzation plan by reject- b~ the present board must be support our present board on ing the threatened recall of Without precedent I~ the history the reorgamzation plan In the An exchange or propaganda? Board Members Ernest Beuch- of the Grosse Pomte school alternative, chaos Will reIgn ler, John B Gandelot, and system and irreparable damage done know, even though we do know that the A new Soviet Department of Dismformation or Catherine E. Brierly. I express best wishes to Dr. to an excellent school system an honest exchange of views about issues involv. responses would reflect the opinions of the David B. Torrence government and Communist Party people who I trust that the board w1ll Brummel upon hIS new assign- ing the United States and the Soviet Union? carry on the legacy of Dr. ment and trust that hiS depar- Grosse Pomte Woods Which is it that the Information Department of run and work for the Novosti Press Agency, and the Soviet Embassy in Washmgton is offering to all Soviet newspapers. the American press'? SoVIet views already are being presented In a Mrs. Hanpeter deserves our support Those are the questtons that arose in the minds least one newspaper in Michigan on a regular To the Editor' ent hme Rather, It needs tIme Umversities commonly ap- of the editors of the Grosse Pointe News last basis, according to the Editor & Publisher story In the best of times, serV1ce to aSSimilate the seven-period point an Acting President from week when they received a letter from Yun The State News, the Michigan State University on the Board of Education is day m the high schools and to their bwn staffs when the time Popov, deputy chief of the Soviet Embassy's in- newspaper published In East Lansmg, has been frequently tedious, highly ac- absorb the ret1rement of a available to find a PreSIdent is formation departmt'nt, offering to have Soviet runmng every Monday for the past three months countable work, much of which large number -of staff people less than the time needed to experts answer readers' questions about world an editOrIal reprinted from either Pravda, the of- must be conducted in front of a Further, any candidate for f10d a fIrst-rate person There events involving the USSR. ficial Communist Party newspaper, or Izvestia, critical public There 1S lIttle supermtendent who does hiS are able people m the upper AT FIRST WE WERE puzlled that the Grosse the offiCIal government paper. praise when the job IS done homework will be unattracted echelons of this school district, Pointe News had been selected for this type of The editor of the MSU paper said the reaction well. In the worst of times, fac- to Grosse Pomte until the pre- who could serve a valuable, exchange. The News is a communIty paper has been "overwhelmingly positIve" with letters tionahsm in a commumty sets sent Board of Education stabilizing year as Acting Su- which does not cover world events on any running two-to-one in favor of the use of the up board votes m which mem- fracas IS settled 10 June per1Otendent, wh1le the brush regular basis. Then it occurred to us that the let. editonals But he said the mitIal response had bers are confronted WIth "no fires are put out, an Invitmg ter might have been prompted by the recent ex- been negatIve and some students still don't like win" sltuatIOns because of In my Judgement the district climate IS reestabhshed, and a change in the News' letters column over the com- the policy. One student, for example, complained vocal slipport on both Sides of should questIOn the motlves of a more productive search is ments made by the Rev William Phillippe, about paying fees for a paper publishmg ..the lies the Issue cand1date who would apply for mounted. pastor of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, after and filthy propaganda emanating out of a So Joan Hanpeter, in announ- the Job here while turbulent I strongly urge the board to a recent trip to Cuba. But a story in Editor & totalitarian country's government mouthpIece cing that she WIll run for an ad- conditIOns s1111 eXIst (One hold off on seek10g a superin- Publisher offered a better explanation. that calls my country's governmental policy one ditional term on the beleag- would ask why hiS present pOSI- tendent for a year untll the dIS- The magazine explained that the Popov letter of terrorism." uered Grosse Pomte Board of hon is less attractlve and less tnct can attract the caliber of had gone to many American newspapers and The Grosse Pointe News isn't about to offer its Education, while campaigning secure than thiS one.l As to person It badly needs. If that the SoVIet Embassy is also offermg the columns on a regular baSIS to any foreign for order and stabIhty, de- those applicants who wait to another short-termer or two Moscow News as a forum for American journal- government and we are inclined to agree WIth serves praise More than that, see which factIon WinS, one land m the supermtendent's of- ists and government offiCIals to respond to let- the MSU student that the State News is she deserves an overwhelmmg- would question both the In- flce, those who have cried wolf ters from Russian citizens. Popov's letter to the pubhshing Soviet propaganda We also tend to ly supportIve vote to demon- tegrity and durabIlity of a su- about property values declining News said, in part. think the new Soviet offer to the AmerlCan press strate that the majorIty of tax- per10tendent who v.ould aban- WIll fmd that the real wolf has "If you are willing, we might be able to open up is another attempt to use a free press for its own payers in thiS commumty are don another distrIct late in the fmally arrived in the form of a some kind of dialogue - person to person - be- purposes, even though pubhshmg the Soviet V1ew forward-looking people who school year. leavmg it without deterlOratmg school system. tween our two countries by letting us respond to might be instructive on occasion can see beyond the nelghbor- leadership, in order to take a Henry B Maloney their questIons and comments on the editorial hood elementary school. Job here Grosse Pomte Woods page of your paper The persons responding to HOWEVER. WE WOL'LD be interested m our Unfortunately, voter apathy S rts full f d ebb) your readers' questIons would be those persons readers' reactIon to the SovIet Embassy's offer. at the next school electIon w1ll pO page 0 n e with expertise in the parttcular area of discus- If readers have questions they would lIke to sub- do more damage than Simply sion, selected by Novostl Press Agency in mit to the Soviet experts for responses or 1fthev denymg Mrs. Hanpeter the To the EdItor Let's get a refreshmg sports I receIved your newspaper page. At least the Grosse Moscow" have opinions as the whether the Grosse Pomte tangIble praise she has rIchly These experts presumably would reiterate the News should publish any Soviet replIes, we'd be earned The Committee for of March 22 I was happy to Pointe Park Firefighters rec- Moscow line on all ISSUes So what would be the Interested m hearmg form them Neighborhood Schools and fwd your sports editor had ognize a sports page d1scovered basketball benefIt of such an exchange? Yet what IS the As our fnends who write editonals for TV other proponents of reversmg George Verdonckt Soviet VIew on many issues? We don't always says, what do you think? the deciSIOn to close Barnes can It must have come as some Ottumwa, Iowa be expected to get a very hIgh surprise that a local school percentage of theIr voters to had registered 40 victones and the polls They are well-orgam- no defeaL'5 Letters zed and tenaclOus, to a pomt Would It be poss1blf' to bor- The ~e",s welcomes letters to. where one v.ould not be surpns- row some space on your sports the editor from our readers. ed to see the \\ Ithdra \\ al of one (?) page and replace the lRtters should be signed with a of the three candIdates support. name, addrf'ss and tele-phone "dribble" m' (Peggy) O'Con- number at ",hlch the writer cart mg their poSitIOn, le~t the nor's column \\1th some facts group's votes lose clout by be- be reached during the day in Grosse Pointe News about thiS 'School team 'W11o'l {a'if' thf"re are qut"stions, commg fragmented Voter What'l When? \\ here? Why? PIdIIi.-. Weftly ..,. A...... hMliMn NEWS 'ame'i of letter writers wiU be CLASSlnED DISPLA\, apathy - because thiS group's and How? The coach's back- ., KERCHE\lAL A\lE. 111-0294 112-6900 882.3SOO ""Ithheld under "pecial circum- strong Involvement 111 the elec- 'itances onIv, Gros5e PoirM Far1D5, Mkhil(an 4!lZ36 ~USA'" Md)(} ...... lD ground, the players, leadmg 1'o'fW'i fPIlOIl tIOn IS clearly documented - >\ddres~ 'letter" to Editor. !Ifot'eooI 0- ...... Pail • r--.. lit...... JO"'''''. III R( "'R PHYIII' "'1'''''1 scorers? 'l tIIPll za.4IItI "'!>SIST.... , TO Pl BII~HER M ..." .. GFIl can cause thIS school dIstrict to (,ros'ie Pointe News. t9 Ker- a .. CI AS\IHH) "'IA"'AC,U It IS tlrmg to read the Junk JANET MUll t ER I'U Rot "FAt be wallowmg m instabIlity and In O'Connor's column What cbeval, (,ro"se Pointe Farms. 11 .. TIJIlF ',;r>klfJ( lYI( H{~'" P.I\( IIA 8fll""r>ETT'f fill LlH cludmg the recall \ ote, IS clear. HARRIET 'K)lA"I f \ r \1 \f(lr III fl( AH lANE f '1"10," Iy the most slgmflcant school Optimists say thanks TOM C,IlEf"lV.O()[) 'I to,H\ IIHot Dr 1 j electIOn thiS dlstnct has faced To the EdItor' Gro~se POinte and the sur- ClIlCULA no~ m some .,ears \loll BL~ Fl <;TO,", The Optlmli>t Club of Lake rounding COmmUl1ltles who rDITOIU ... 1 (O,",SUI TA'" D"\10~ HL"~DO In another area related to the shore v.ould like to thank ~u"an "'M"'''D .. "'HEATl El took the extra mmute from ftlJfWJ< T r; nlG Af\ Issue of sta blhtv thE' board McDonald and the Gro<,,,e PIIlIJ'>IfFft their schedule to !>top and buy should con!>lder' delayIng Its POinte :'\iews for theIr help and one of our papers, and whose Rotwrt B. Edgar, Editor and Publisher search for a nev. '>upennten- cooperation In our first annual 0,...... 7.) genf'roslty helped make thiS ' ....It "-rfllU df'l1t for a year CandidatE'S for ..,ale of a '"peclal ('dltlon" nf ( Irr.t.C-IDM fundralsmg event a tremen- MP.INT ...... "'"'- A~ ."l\ie&Maa1 NfowwpI!P"' A.Nt1elielo supermtendenl from out~lde Gro~se Pomte '\;ew'i dous success the dlstnct, wllI. If they are A~ YOU kno'Wall of the mcome Imaginative leaders, have nev. from'the sale of the<,e paIW'rs Kudos to the Grosse Pointe programs they WIsh to Install goes to'Ward the man) youth- News, our sponsors, and the ThIS school d1!>trlct does not OrIented proJect,> that our club frlendc;; of Optimism. need new programs at the pres- has undE>rtaken We would also Lakeshore OptimIst Club like to thank all of the people of of Grosse Pomte

l :pz

Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, Apnl 19, 1984

Sixth grade transfer weakens schools SiR("tUKE'" To the Editor. destroymg the neighborhood education m our system If It I~ I am writmg this letter to cor- elementary school concept really necessarv'to move our fOR ~tt! rect the Grosse Pomte News' which has been so Important to SIxth' graders' out of the April 12, front page article titl- the Grosse Pointe commumty neIghborhood elemental'v ed "Stage set for fight to con- for years The public VOIced an schools ~o they can obtalll ~l trol schools " Immediate and strong OppOSI- "qualIty" educatIOn, then the To quote the sta tement m tion to this plan children 111 tillS communi t\ question: "On one side IS a So how has the school board's have been ~hortchanged 10'1' band of citizens Jomed by a plan changed? It hasn't They years smgle event, the c!OSll1g' of are Just comlllg through the Truthfully, \\e do not ha\l' to Barnes Elementarv School" backdoor and they thmk thIS jeopardlle any of our neigh CorrectIOn This' school issue community is not smart enough borhood elementary ~choob or does not Just lI1\'olve the closmg to fIgure that out ThIS com. any schoob for that 111<1tlel of one elementary school It mum ty IS dehbera tely bemg Significant tdX ~JV1l1g~ Cdn Iw also Involves the' transfer of mismformed by the board, the realized by consolidatiOn of the sixth grade students mto the administration and the press central admilllstratlOn oflLce'> middle schools which is a ma t. They say one thmg m pubhc and support servIce'> mto tel' of grave concern to hun- and somethmg else behmd our available ~paee that no\\ eXI~t~ , , m our ~'!!d01f'> ::lnrl h't~h "'f'hool rireu~ 01 l)dreUl~ dlH.i wllIch ha~ ua~",:>. already caused the further loss If Barnes IS to be closed at facIhtles Thev can \\ ell aceom of many students to pnvate two-thIrds of Its capaCity, what moda te these' serv Ices schools next veal', Further- is to happen to the re~t of our LIsten The only dark and more, It involves the integnty neighborhood elementary disturbing shado\\ cast acro~~ of all the Grosse Pointes as a schools when they are at 50 per- our school distrIct IS the pre Viable growmg community As cent or less of theIr capacity sent school board Supt Ken- stated before, a community IS when the SIxth graders are neth Brummel I~ wI~e enough only as strong as Its .school moved? It stands to reason that to realIze thIS before "It rUlIlS system When you start weak- if the board used dechnmg all over hiS parade " emng the foundatIOn of a good enrollment as the cnteria for SUlanne Roland school system by clo~ing its closmg Barnes, then they would Grosse Pomte Woods neIghborhood elementary have to apply that same ~chools, then you are endanger- criterIa to the others schools as Honk your ()ne view frotn the capitell mg the strength of the entire well If we can beheve that they commumty are not gomg to close anymore protest elementary schools, then I The furor over school clos- ~Talking of "bad tm1lng," for guess the moon IS really made The $50 lDillion tug scandal mgs onginally occurred as a Grosse Pomters It IS dnvmg B~ \\'illiam H Bl'~anl creat.ed busmess the task of seas and other problems plague result at the board's first school of green cheese down East Jefferson Avenue closing proposal which called The board's contentIOn IS that There are about 50 mI1hon un- Stah' Ht'prl' ...t'nt,lti\ (' bluldmg a huge tug and four such confIguratIOns for the transfer of the sixth the SIxth graders are being necessary stops resulting m Th(' JlaSCO 01 the tug-barge barges not~hed so the tug would There was never planmng for graders mto the middle transferred to the middle several thousand tons of pollu- contract I~ the wor~t scandal of ~It neatly III the stern ~nd re- where and how the shIpping schools, thus drastically reduc- school for qualIty education tants blo\\ n east over the the 14-yc<1I' MI1hken admil1Is- Juv.enate cross-Lake l\llchIgan system would be lIsed It had no tration freight service? . place to land on the Michigan mg enrollment in most of our Well, this school system has two Pointes neighborhood elementary very well paid directors of As a DetrOiter, I feel our 01- Good mtentlOn~ aren't The cost IS well over $50 mil- shore schools Thus, they planned to education If they have any f~cIals should be speCially con- always enough When MIlliken hon For that money the state I had objected to the lack of close at least four schools the credibility, then they should be Siderate of vou folks because wanted to help the ten'lble un- has nothmg except a laWSUit planl1lng and competitive bid- fIrst year and many more m the capable of creating a "qualIty" you come to our downtov."n to employml'nt III fhe Lake Super- agall1st It and perhaps a few ding when the contract was ap- immediate future - totally curriculum for all levels of work You aren't bmldmg anv 101' "horelllw \\ e.stel'll Upper penl1les if a rusty, unused tug proved. When I wa~ the Repub- office bUIldmgs hke those ail ppl11nsula to\\ n 01 Ontonogan It and the one a~d only rusty hean leader we did our own m- over southern Oakland County \\as 11 laudable de~lre barge are sold m bankruptcy vestlgallon and aided the grand which take I.JU~mes~ from u<; WIH'11thr ~late l'nded up con- for scrap jUl'y probing the contract downtown tradmg \'. Ith an alleged thIef ~hat went wrong? Every- It was a mess from the start- What; new on dnd scoundrel It wa~ not laud. thmg. . bad people given responsibility What about everyone blowmg hiS horn at stupId and purely able at the tlIne, and if It didn't The state was blind to reality, for a bad project Even the obstructIve trafflc lights? it hurt ~o much, would be laugh- the governor, the Transporta- written contract itself was bad. would be one wav to be heard abl£' now lIon Department and the Leg- Experts m the held who re- -fl-IE I-llll Ho" much dId tim, contract IsI~ture VIewed the prOVISIons of the By Pat Rousseau from. We honk' at laggard motorists ahead of us. Aren't hurt, thl~ 11l1~~lOn to foster the 1he state ha~ contracted With contract were appalled at the stop lights that pile up dozens of Upper P(,l1ln~llla Shlpbulldlllg a guy named KI~kman to create looseness of It, at the rIsk the A Very Happy Easler Holiday to Everyone ...From the staff Compan~ and gl\e th!~ n('\\Iv UPSCQ, and VUlld a yard and ~tate; was takmg by failure to at MARIA DINON, 11 Kercneval cars when lbere IS no cro~s ______• then bUild the tug and barges mclude normal clauses, deCin- street even more offenSive'} Even the concept was faulty. mg the obligatIOns of the ship- • Examme East Jefferson and THE LEAGUE SHOP 72 Kercheval on the ' erZ.,1te,1de It The idea of a tug nestled into a builder DuBOiS Andrew T Court SUr11 1 notch at the stern of a barge for No, good mtentIOrlS are not Hill will be closed from 12: 00to 3' 00 on Good DetrOIt Fnday There's stIll a good selectIOn of Easter cross-lake service IS a very enough and it should not take a cards and paper parly goods for you to choose « UIIlIIlllI't1 frum Pa~l' 1 \) high risk concept. Ice, hIgh $50 mllhon fla~cO to know that from Golden Lion nH'mber~ d IHl 1l1..l11) of the people who \~Ol'l-. \\ Ith Brummel cl'eupl'rllltenc!l'nh 'eould give you a refreshmg, mOlstunzmg mini-faCial no~ l>peclal. and It wa~ hllanous I haven't aleompil"h III 10 ~lw .lCldPfj Iy pnced at $15 at the Greenhouse She'll also do an laughed so hard 111 years 1\11'':> KPIlI1l'] 1l1fi!Jon('~) hundJ£'d her dutIeS With ~ed~oned pro. Gro",,,l' POIl)Il' BOlllt'\ .lrd you or make Jp your own at Carohne's Can- 'Iht'.~ ,1I1'hothlop('.lIJher"'lhool dy Shop, 97 Kercheval m back fesslOnall~m - the audience adored her delightful satire P('te \\ Illh.l('r UB .1011\ IWl B \('II1:n 1Iw , h II III \ll'l\\U-...II'o Wmter mercha01dse I!> :\UW 40% OFF v.hLle hC'lI I 01 Iht' I nil ('I "It \ 01 ( on1\4'( "'. Gro,>~e POint/' Park they last 92 Kercheval PICARD NORTON llllli edlltdllOIl d"pdltnll'nl "d" Will be closed from noon to 3 p m on Good pl,H ('d 011 l onl I ,H' 1.1"I \\ (,l'k 10 Friday Ford sign is hI Ip till' ho,lId lool-. fill Hll1I11I1W]" • fl'pl,!l ( 1111'1\1 AT THAlL APOTHECARY Nowa ..alldlM outrageous Blllb,1I 1,1'1 n1l'1 \pI II 1i \\ Itll ~ and on ::.pecialls Trail 'r"own Cocoa butter Hand IIIJ"[('(''' III .111 opI' 11 1""10,1 10 To thl' Editor oUII/1l1' Itlt pi Ol e", .I!ld hi' 11 It,('11 '- ,.-.,.., I~ . and Bod)' lotIOn You get i60z for only $1 44, I could not a gr ep mol'£' \\ Ith \ J \ I 881-5688 lOIl( PI n" HI IIbdl hi" Ill').! 111 Ill" Phil L('(m:., leIter e;''''>lllg ( II ('I' III (d Ih" I' I' 01nil' 111I t. I 1.11I' ~~~ • 0PP0:"ltlorl to OJ(' propo"pd 10 1'I ,11 " I 1'.11 IIIIl ~ ,11 111' h .. I d I' 1('n l( '11 I,ll \ '.,( 111101 In till' I 011111'" .11111 "('I \ Sell it to US! EASTr~f{ THAD!THI'\ A very speCIal Off'''':> for d vcr) foot lighted ,>Ign n',u!JTlg speCial girl There'!> 'itlll a nice !>eJectlOnof r:aster dre<,!>c., "Wmdemen'1'J.I('e v.hlCh I'> 10 Ing .I" 1'lllllll',1I 01 Illl' \\ood" \1.1',11111'11111(111.11\ '>It\(, Illl'lIlH' b(>placed on Lake"hof(' HfJ £'ntran('(' to lht. n('\\ Ford iJd' "'" \ I'd ,olll 11lJ!('lIdl III 01 tllllllo: II 10 ( h.lIl. rholl" \Ipt'n.l pulJlll ',( !J'IIII" dill! .I <"".111 h' cheval, by Florence------EI!>emdn...... ~)------IVla Wh} le and !"unld.,Ja condo de\ f'lopment \\. H hll\l'r, o(.'\('r\ rlllll;: h•. '1l111111 \\,l"ll .111.1 dl"IIIII Matchmg brother and &Ister'lets arc al'iO avaJlable The'iu)re Thank IW.I\ (,I!'" for Coun( II \\, I'd' lilt' tllllh"l 1" h" \I IIII hu " , WIll be closed belVreen 12 noon and 3 pm on Good Fri~Y per'>on Marv Ghl.'<.,quI('f(' ....ho ",1 hool 1)1).11 II pi I "Id('nl In.'11 0111' 'm.III 11.1110/ ", •• 'ntHI • '1,111 had the ('olJrdW' rlnd Itlt('ll1 1I00npI!!'1 "did Bltlh,HIII ! \\d., • .,pll'( 1I'd IIt,( dU,,('!J, ~'\I)II" (rlO".,/, g('nce to OppO'>I' Ihe pJ,l('PIlH'lIt 1\lllrdn,.H 1101.' ,III ,ontlnd. 1111,,1,'11.1 I'olnlt 01/111hI' .lll"l tll' lid" 1100110ndl For a Happy Ea.,ter Pre<,erve<; INew of thiS out rdg<~()u", ,>Ign '11w P,I\ 1Il1'!)1 " I f111.1< d I,ll' pi OlJ1I1Wnl 1'111 011 l rill( ,dllHl lwld from Peto!>keyJ, Mustard.., Champagne, other COU!1< IIp<'r!>o!1:''. who ap III'" • ontl .It I 1\01" oIpprml'd b\ 1Iw II" m ..!>,< 'I' lor. n""1 l,I,'l< 1<\\,1" " Wme and Herbal Herbs and spIce" for lX'ar to 1)(. f('a cI) tll gra III Ihi' Hors D' Oeuvrer" and meals fresh coffee till" 1d Ap' il 'I /I~hl h. It III (,f 0", 1'01111.(Olll • ..,,," II' "Ign m"lallallol1 f('qlw,,1. bean!> and crOIssants \11., KPIlJll I ""Id Hrllt.,1C IWI II !II ~houJd Immrdlat('ly hC'f('('allpd hI' d"k( II 10 "UIJl'1 VI"'( 1111" Illig' 10 • If thl" looll~hn(':,,> I~ an ('xamplt. PerSnickety's A~M; AI..,WICKEH SALEo:Of.gms toddy g,ilhf'r (IJII.lflunrl .. 1I11l1l! Oil till' f1('I~ of theIr S('fVICI'to th(' r.~ltl/en:.,of .,IIIWIII1Il'lId( 111 III <1(.\ dop dnd CI~mhRllOU~1.~~~CO. 20% Of"!" EVERYTHING In stock and speCial orders Gro~~e P0ll11e Farm~ dl"lnlJIIlf d IlfOt hili I' ddll'l tlclng IIKII~ KtMCm.VAI. GROSIif<, POI!\i"n, 1\11 ~.n(J (III) Mj.I2SZ Don't mIss It II I 98 Kercheval Jonathan Templeton, Jll I hI' po..,1110Jl ,l!ld 10 "('1 ('I'll Ii ..,lIm 1'''' "/"1'101 ",."II/"r,'I". '''!,I''I''I;rI.!f'

,< , Thursday, April 19, 1984c Eight-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS • Checking petitions IS tim,e-consuming task miSSion County workers took three None of the school system's 15 manager Thomas Kressbach A SPEcraAR By Susan McDonald days for a cursory check of the bUIldtflgs have been closed before "Workers are declphermg names , . , , :Local dty clerks are fIDdmg out petitions before they shipped them and Jumpmg from one precmct RESIJ ON t verifying some 25,000 signa- off to local city clerks for formal County Clerk James Killeen said book to another to venfy them," he .r;._u on petitIons calhng for the reo \ enhcatlOn hiS ofhce would work as qUickly as said The petitions call for the recall of possible ~ process the petitIOn slg- The City hired one person for QW of three Board of EducatIOn lIllIAN BAY members is darn hard work Three board members Cathenne Brierly, natures so If there are a suffIcient four days to complete the task Canada t~eshave hired extra v. orkers or Jon Gandelot and Ernest Buechler number to call for a recall electIOn, Grosse Pomte Woods, which has a ed regular suff members to because of their vote last NO'l'em- that electIOn can be scheduled to higher populatIOn, has added four pork overtime on the project By bel' to close Barnes Elementary comclde With the regular June 11 workers for five davs at $3 '35 an ~w they have unhl next Wednes- School and transfer Sixth graders ballot Holdmg a special electIOn hour to handle the Job, accordmg to jlay, April 26, to complete the task to middle &chool next fall The re- for the recall questIOn could cost as LOUise Warnke, deputy city clerk The recall petltlOns v. ere flIed b) orgamzatiOn IS designed to cut much as $10,000 ' First the) ha\ e to aSSign a pre- ~ group of CItIzens on Apnl 6 I,I,lth costs m I1ght of the school dlstnct's Vent:vmg the names "IS a lot of cmct number to the address, then )he Wayne Count\' ElectIOn Com contmumg decline In enrollment work, said Grosse Pomte elt) go to the correct poll book fmd that ...... ::~ . ell C b G d person's card and check the signa- , .<~:~ Bl OS Y stars at uil benefit ~~~~~e ~~ns~:::;~~e"e>'Plamed ..It SUMMER VACATION PACKAGES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: Bill Cosh" comedian extra- The evemng begins at (,p m With Grosse POlnte Park's Treasurer • Dinners and breakfasts With a panoramic ordinaire, il11 headline one of cocktalls, follo\loed b\ dmner at Pam Kondllolka, brought 111 three DetrOit's major fund-ralsmg 7 30 and entertamment at 9 \\ orkers last Saturda v to check view of the 30,000 Islands $112u.s. events _ the 2-lth annual Samt Proceeds \\111 be donated to the petitIOns She e>.pected'to fJmsh be' • SpacIous rooms many With fIreplace and up, weekend John Hospital Guild's Dmner Part) Ambulatory Surgery Center for fore the end of thiS \\ eek But III the • 5 different Cabaret Shows every week on Thursday. l\1a~ 24, at the WestIn chtldren and adults, currently Farms. \\ here secretaf) Pam • Great movies every night Hntpl under constructlOn In the Hos- Baker I~ squeezmg the Job 111- • ,..., ~ ~~ - - - _~+I ."",1 • L.,iViC ( UU .... ll""' •• ~ , .. ~t' ... 1 ...... More than 1 BOO n \lo1Ipa\ $11' pltal s ~e\\ Concentrated Care h" ... 0"," ho .... ",,,",,1,,.. rl"h.,,, th., $240 u.s. per ticket to see cr:oy ~nd have ~ BuJld10g ~t;tl~~~~~.)~~t~e- completed un- • Supervised children's actiVItIes Sunday to Friday chance at the Grand Prize, a 1984 For detal1s, call the GUild OUIC,; t1l deadlme da\. next \\eek • Cruises In the Islands' Buick Skylark complIments of at 343-3674 from 8 30 a m to 4 30 After the clerks return the pet!- Jerry Mlckowskl BUick p m tlOns, the targets of the recall have • Sauna hot tub, heated pool two beaches eIght days to challenge the slgna- • Fishing charters gUides, & boat rentals' $340 u.s. Bon Secours frie _1~ t h CIDD tures Then the electIOn commls- • We'll cook your flsl'l for dlnnerl nfM r .1\ SlOn gets fl\ e more days to ex- and up. per wtek eac • Windsurfing waterskiing tennis The Friends of Bon Secours 1,1,111 the techmques amme the names before It sched- and racquetball With novice lessons 'extra cost sponsor a Town Hall for Health AdrmsslOn IS free but by tlcket ules an electIOn, \',Ithm 60 days • No tiPPing. No service charges community education program on only For fret tickets or more 10- Because school board secretary CPR at 7: 30 p m on Tuesday, Apnl formatIOn, call Glory Little at Buechler \\-ho normally oversees Write or c.II tor • c:06our brochure t~. You' 24, in Bon Secours HospItal's 343-1520 The class is hmited to 50 electIOns. IS a target of recall. the we why ~ nmI • five ... I'8ting, INI Science Hall people county by la\\ must appomt an Im- yOY'1I be pIHIed by the wery ~ praa CPR (cardiopulmonary resus- CPR recertifiCatIon will also be partIal publlc offiCial to supernse citation) IS an emergency treat- available on thiS date between 7:30 the electiOn That appolOtment has ment for victims of heart attack, and 8 30 P m RecertificatiOn takes not yet been made shock, drowning or suffocatIOn Ar about 15 mmutes and no tickets or Recall chaIrman DaVid Eashck, emergency treatment maneuvel reservations are necessary. Bon Jr, said he turned 10 more than for choking vIctims 1,1,'111 also be Secours Hospital IS located at 468 8,4(10 Signatures for each of the _ taught. Bon Secours Hospital's Cadieux Road at Jefferson in trustees About 6,700 are nf'Cessary health care profesSIOnals Will teach Grosse Pomte Comedian Bill Cosby to force a recall electIOn Pointer Landscaping ,LANDSCAPE DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION eCompIele SOddmg Service • Sprlnkhlli SY1!erm .8111:k Walks . ,., '." CONVERT 10 a lOW vOllage Golden :' Glo yardlight now ;: • Cosls Onl1 about " 90t a monllllo run :. 'Turns Itself on at ".: dusk - 011 at dawn ..:'0. SAVESYIU ,••. • "! $1DIAYEAR ~ ;.• OIIASRLS! ~ CALL: 967-3311 ...~ ~Jr Jrflnled are S~,~",'Cf' COLONIAL LAMPLIGHTERS

FROM SHIRLEY, DOROTHY & PATRICK AND THEIR STAFF ( f' AT THE PIRATES COVE ~ -----i3iOiiFF:,:;:-- ______, LARGE DEEP DISH PIZZA 11 a,m,-3 p.m. I w/CHEESE AID PEPPERONI ~~~::~s OURFMMWS ~------v:;g~~~To~pI PIlMTES COVE $1" 4~~' l 17201 MACK at Bluehill 882•• 5 ti el '--1T' (7 I If"\j T'\ ~ II I 1\f \ 'II I f~

1/)rmlIltr ':, I I ;1 I, IiI I,. _-' r j 1 J L llL L:l L~n....JJ m • ir ~ • j \ ,,... ~ .. 5316.M ~7 5561Q\ " 3331L 5562M ~ Height ~ Height -.I Height Heitftt ~ 2fnt," ~ 34. /=) 52" %7Vz" f '1 ~ MFG Sut. , MfG. Svt list MFG Sui LIst MFG SUI List list 1'\ 11. 11. s25CJ11 1315M IA1.f PAlCE SAlE PftICE SAU PRICE SAU PRICE I 00 At AAA. '" e'vt' Ju"t rE'Vl'>edour auto m"uranc~ rate~ And 8120°0 $130 $16000 $19900 \, chance.., (jre y()U lOuld '-,{lW' money wlth u'"' Imaglne paYing Ie,,", for thE' oe"t pro!t'<1Jon and claIm ,*fI,.lCe any"" here To ';ee how SALE ENDS APRIL 30, 1984 mue h, ~ AA Gin '-xlV(' \ ou, bnng In )-our prc..ent p')hcy 01 call .M> u<.,\\ (' 11tell yOU hrl\" much you can '>(j H' In a matkr of mmute" '/"'1 UMfTED QUANTITIES ~) to gE'tthe auto m<.,uranct' you\e a!",ayo;, wanted from M,dugan\ ••• largl'c,t duli, m<.,un:r talk t(l AAA today Michigan Erway Electri~ Co. ._'-Itl'''' , ,,. "","". 202:~~ If.\ H Pf..R -\ \ f_. Ele!ween i t8 Mole Ha,pe' WOOO5 HHl.HlJ4l .. ~AlL343-6000, GaI*'Y Hours: Mon, • Sat. a.5 p.m, FrI, till 6 p.m, or VISit the (,TOSse POinte AAABranch at 19299 Mack, just north of Moross Ave.

~ i-• ~ ~_.~ __ _'___~_~__ ~ __~_~~-~--...--... ./

Page Ntne-A Thursday. April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ,he LAMP REPAIR M & M DlSTRIBUTII'IG co. What's on Cable LAM' ,MIT. Cleaning Materials & Equipment A hsting of local ongmatlon prO(r8ms on Grosse Pointe Cable ship's wh•• I, TharsA.y. April I' inc. • 5:30 p m - The Health Field. "High Blood Pressure - How and When 19605 Mack WRIIIHT'S to Treat It With Drugs " (6) Grosse POinte Woods WE DEUVER • 6 P m - "Wherever You Are" - This IS an mformational fIlm 882-1340 about arthritIS (6) Open Mon Sat 9 30 5 Gift'_'"11650 MACK AVI. • 6 30 P m - Hank Luks Vs Crime (6) .... 1 •• ~ ,...... ~ 884-0520 • 7 P m The Savmg World - Weekly mNltaltons and musIc from Come In and browse 885.8839 the scnptures (8) PSI. "II TOVf (o,.,p /0' • 7 P m - People With Erv Stemer - Guests are contestants of the (1.110'0", fj"'~ 16734 L WAII(N DOIOtT, .t 41224 Grosse Pomte Logo Contest (6) • 7 30 P m - The Job Show. from the MESC (6) • 7 30 pm - Sldmg 29, The MUSICTheater StudIO Ensemble from the •••• ••••••• Banff Centre School of Fme Arts presents "Act.React," a S5 YORKSHIRE TONY'S CUSTOM TAILORS pubhc acc('SS program produced and dIrected by Larry I TV .~ Fox and tlhke McMahon (8) I. $5 off on aU Repairs AND CLOTHIERS • 8 P m - "Personal lnve!>tmg m the 80s" - Part 4 (6) • Sperf\ Taps'oe's • n?t1tlcal J!lI\elry • 'IJU! CJI g,lts • • 8 30 P m - Johanna GIlbert InterVIews " -!\Ir and Mr!> Leo • naIl! callamps • ,h p~ clarke. ShiP' II lI'e boltle • ht>O''> • AuthorIZ8d Serke on Cooney (6) I • ZenIth • FICA • 0.111 IF Monda). April 23 I •All 20% OFF • 4 30 P m - Amencan Catholic (8) m... ~ ~., • 5 P m - Faith 20 (8) I -Antenna Wortl-JI.c.R:"'JlII; • 5 P m - 'Sports Vle>\ Today" - Sports talk show With hosts Ron • FREE EST1MATES on ' ~,~ Also Wholesale price Cameron and Bob PaIge (6) I Cany-ln 5eMee ~ ;;. .5 30 P m - The Health Field 'Advances 10 DIagnOSIs" - Ho\\ can 35% to 50% Off! doctors diagnose mentalllllless? What techmques are be I $5 21t1S MACK 771 .... 109 used today to Insure an accurate diagnOSIs? 16) ___- I'f!-HI4'I, • 6 P m - "Wayne County A New Perspective" - With Wayne -_...... •.. -Suil~ - Snort.. Coat~ ('(lunl" FVPI'llhvl' Wl1l",m , 11(,~" ,1:\ • 6 30 pm - "Health Talks" - Guests are Dr Don LIU and Dr Benme 00 -Shirts -Ties GIlmore (6) ip------~$15 OFF • 7 P m - People WIth Erv Stemer - Guest IS JIm Gro~man, vice- -Topcoats presldent/marketmg for the Michigan Panthers (6) MEN'S & • 7 30 P m - .'SmgleSeen" - An alternative to bars and dalmg servo iAUTO ALARM™ -Slacks ICes 16) WOMENS • 7 30 P m -- '"Steady Gams " OBI I(w/kill) PMM ALTERATIONS • 8 pm - '"Russ Glbb at Random" - Guest IS Paul Laszlo. from ~l:ernll Lynch (6) I EAST SIDE LOCKSMITH'S II1-8211J • 8 30 P m - Selections from the Grosse POInte Commumty Chorus' 32nd I YOUR SECURITY IS OUR BUSINESS Ex...,. 22602 GREATERMACK annual Spnng Concert, performed at Parcells AudItorIUm I AUTO - LOCK & ALARM SPECIALISTS April 31. on April 8 (6) ST. CLAIR SHORES Tuesda), 4.pril 24 II 15138 E WARREN DETROIT, MICH 48224 .... • 5 30 P m - The Health Field - "Tomorrow's Psychlatrlsl TherapIst (Corner 01 LakepolOle) (Sec. 776-8515 or Neurochemlsl')" (6) .. • 6 P m - "The Waltmg Room" - An mformatlonal story of a hus. band and father who experience's recurrent stomach pam _._------and turns to self medicating hImself With off the counter drugs to relieve hiS pam (6) At • 6 30 P m - Hank Luks vs CrIme 16) Rembrandt Construction, • 7 pm - The Saving Word (8) • 7 P m - People With Erv Stemer - Guests are Sally Reynolds and we are perfectionists Heather Cross. from Grosse Pomte ChIldren's Theater (6) 118U ,L-18W 18811 .7 30 P m - The Job Shoy.. from MESC (6) Any builder can do what passes for • 7 30 P m - '"The Seven Last Words" - Presented by the Family Monday through Saturday 11-2 a m Thealer Producllons ThIS fllm serves as a tribute to Grace Sunday Breakfast 9-12:30 - Sunday Dinner 1-9 p m acceptable home or commercial Improvement Kelly and was the last film she was to make (6) At Rembrandt. acceptable Isn't good enough .8 P m - '"Johanna Gilbert InterViews " - Irene Blatchford (6) Wednesday. April 25 to tease the palate AND PLEAS,E THE PURSE We prefer to do the exceptional. WIth all • 4 30 P m - Amencan Cathohc (8) the care and craftsmanship It calls for • 5 P m - FaIth 20 (1) daily specials .'v10NDAY THROUGH FRIDA Y • 5 P m - . Sports VH'WToday" (6) • 5 30 P m - '"The Health Field "AnXiety and DepressIOn" - Are they That means we don't cut corners, We follow one and the same') How are they dlfferent') (6) try our "soup of the day" specifications Yoellabove standard. Not just • 6 P m - "Wayne County A New Perspective" (6) here and there Every>\ here • 6 30 P m - • Health Talks" (6) Join us in a warm, casual • 7 pm - Peopl«.>WIth Erv Stemer (6' If you are a buyer who demands the finest • 7 30 P m - "Russ Glbb at Random" (6) atmosphere for these Specials in quality construclion, we probably should • 7'30 pm - "Steady Gams" - News and mformatlon from your local schools (19) get together Why not call us today? • 3 P m - The Grosse Pomte Commumty Chorus 32nd annual Spring COMPLETE DINNERS 881-2427. concert (6) Baked Ham and Sweet Potato $7.50 Chicken Cordon Bleu w/Rlce Pilaf $7,95 REMBRANDT CONSTRUCTION Foster parents sought for kids Dmoer IncluJp~ \egf'tclble, soup dnd sdlcld, "olfef' tea or milk Residential and Commercial A campaign to recrUit Wayne $700 a month Imtlal and ongoing 881-2427 County reSidents to become foster tramlng IS offered by WCLS Also, Licensed, Insured I , parents for persons with mental reo f~ter parents receive assistance More L..Bow Room The L-Bow Room Free Estimates. ¥.~ •• ,.."." ...... ""'~ .. "..w,da~" be&aP. d.w';jgg.~~h, ..• f~ the professional staff of the L Speclfllists in: ClUtom additions. Nett' Menta! Retardation Awareness agency 25100' Kelly Road Gratiot at 13 Mile Road conS(rllct;on .lmpro~mls • Kitchens Month. For more information about at 10 Mile Road in the Georgian Inn • Bathrooms. Jacuzzi. D«b •Dormers "Our goal is to fmd homes for 50 becoming a WCLS foster parent, • Alterations. Generalcontracting chlldren and adults now hVIng In contact Ms Myers at 348-6200, "x- 775.1540 293-4500 mstltUlIons, nursmg homes and tensIon 236, or write to WCLS, 41001 other settings." saId Jan Myers, Seven Mile Road, POBox 160, foster care recruiter for Wayne NorthVIlle, 48167, Commumty LIVing ServIces E (WCLSJ "The campaign will focus on the Social security FURNACE many benefits of the foster care debt coUections program," adds Mrs Myers "Foster parents can experience increase in 1983 We're Turni AIR CONDITIONER the satIsfaction of sharing theIr The latest l'esults of efforts to homes and helpmg people, while collecl outstanding debts owed to earmng Income," CHECK-UP NOW! IndiVIduals and couples are be- the SOCial Securtty AdmllllslratlOn shows a contmued Increase III the mg sought to participate In the We amount collected, offiCIals reo brqont Products foster care program To qualify, tes feature Interest ported ColiectlOn& dunng fiscal one must be between the ages of 18 • CHECK Fll1ERS 1963 exceeded the !l'evlOus yeaI' and 65. hve In a SUItable residence, by 37 percl>nt, sal James Mm," be In good phySIcal and mental • Ofl MOTOR, CHECK BELT lener. distrIct manager of the of. health. and have a source of tn- • MAKE SURE VALVES ARE BACK SEATED flce located at 17420 Mack Av- come PrevIOus experIence IS not • CHECK CLOSELY FOR lEAKS enue necessary, although a teachmg or Total collectIOns for fiscal yeal • START UNIT. CHECK PRESSURE nurd-up effOll1> "We're lookmg for people who iN • CHECK CONDENSATE DRAINS to I>ccurt> the repayment of debt can commit themselves to the pro- • CHECK AMPS OF UNIT 0\\ ed the agency, collectlOnb to • CHECK CONDITION OF HEAT EXCHANGER gram, and who can prOVide warm • taled approxlmalelY $1 ollllOn, carIng home envIronments for per- aboul 52 percenl or $336 mIllIOn • CHECK THERMOSTAT sons WIth mental retardatlon," • Gas Unt~ higher than the pi evlOus year • PURGe LINES Slightly H,gher said Ms Myers The money oy..ed SOCial Sc'cuilly • CHECK CONDENSER Foster parents are paid about rebulls flom overpa)- menb to bcneflclanel> y..ho fall to I('porl COMPLETE Nurses can learn change~ thaI affed lhe amount of 00 12 POINT their heneflth In 1961 the Pre.,1 Effective Annual CHECK to be efficient dent dlredl>d federal agcncl('~ to Annual Ylelcl* 30 MONTH Rate $39 The nur!>lIlg education depart. take l>teps to eollc<'l mone} owed DETROIT WARREN TROY ment of St John Hospital Will pre- the gOYeI nmenl Moslc>nel :'dld lCSC7 Gr~lot 21707 van Dyk4!" 3373 Rochester Rd sent an all day workshop on "Per- People VI ho have quc!>llOn<; Ie , 527.1700 574-1070 524-1700 SpectiVes on Program EvaluatIOn gardmg theJl SOCIal ~('(,Urlt)' Effectiveness and EffiCIency" ovel payment, .,tlOuld cont.JcI the Thur<;day, May 10, from 8 JO a m SOCIal ~('l'U1lt} Admlnl:.ll'utlOn of Over A Century of Service to 4 pm at the War MemOrIal flet' !ocatl'd al 17420 Mack Avenue located at 12 Lake:.hore ROdd or by «:tllang 4qa III J. lh(' gt'ncral p,'\ nhl ...r 'II f"'",III I. I q Jill' 11.. to the Eastside Communiti~s The program IS open to health mfot moitlOn numl)('1 • "I UlEl II II II 1111I.1t ,_ r"\ I 1.,' •• care educators mcludmg those m- • lot I'" -..!'- IT 1I1 .. nrc rh"S1l.It:lOll f [..--:. I., I 'I I( volved In staff development, pa , c..r:f- ~'f.:.~4 Woods arrests two • '" III II t II Ill, fl 'L 1111 11,11\ hent educatIOn and trammg and rI I'll III l t llh "'"ItI 11 .~ II.. df'velopment department!> • k ltl " .. d~~l1 l tl i II IBl.,~ ~:~ l~~.7~ for shoplifting ~dt l~ul 11'.tUI r .....'. Participation m the workshop will Improve the skills of those re A Ml Clemens man and woman ·\*i~ \\It l!"l '.1 I I p"01d, d"Y-1l dXHJltl/l 1IIhrr"ltltt'\ll! \1111IIl.I, 111,1Ill< I" >/111111"1< N.!l1< 1Il1.-r ~pom~lble for evaluallO~ program fa(,e charge. of narcollc" pAra tftr""l\ ( ,,1"111 til, tI. I Ii It \CJII" I~, I, ,i".jtl""~ '10'111" IU' ,,1,'1" fill,IH.1 t«tlc:'flll" .ll.{" old. ui ""'lft" offering,> Matenal covered y..11I phernalla PO"~(''''!>lon .=nd .,hopllf!. 11"\ 1I1l' ,,, 1II,d /" 1/, I \ I,M, I", \llill 1I,,,d ( IIll1'd t1'ollllll' II i\ 1"'"1,, .... ""IIII~' .lIllt h"n'M' 109 III connection With an 1O(')(1ent prOVIde knowledge and further 10- 11101" .... \111111 'IL'" hl\, •• ,1"1 III ..... nlll< II II,"" '" I1Iwl-: '-:., \~, '.111,11, ..... 11~1" .. /rll .. ' .. ""'1I'1S Sunday, April 15, at .J C Penney 'aght mto l>ome of the problems lO ( ,," "fl, / \ "II pi"", I'."to Ii .0111< ~llllll<""'."1, 01111" Illn .. V'l1U n hen>nt 10 the evaluation proce!'>s ('0 In th<> Wood" • \~, I, ", , .. , ., "1"\ 1111 I< 1,1' If<.\ .11.,11\/ o-:h I'I,Ill filid .IIIIWh.-r, I 1'4' and prOVide po:':'lble solutwnl> Pollcf> wprc called to th(' ~tOI'(>by Ill •• ,1111< iii "PI~,rlllIllll" \. '" II ",11,1 III I.lIoW m"rt lilt 111111'1111"-:" I "I",".III"t. ',111' In Ih.- ,Ilollt through better method!> for a&'>c!>s :,c.curJt} police who I'('portt'd Hit' 1/. ":111",/1<".1 .1<", 10 ",I" r, 'Oil h~ "OO>n- CroP~heck Chapel of 109 adult If'arnmg nt"£>d& and pair (lb .,u<;pel1~ "hopllftpr!> A., of lOll 'hop evalualmg contmulng f'ducatlon flcefl~ pullf"d Into the lot, security and employCt' performan('e polin were I>l>en ge!>tunn~ at the heWm. R.-fIamilton <3'0. Guest speak('r al lhe Vlorhhop ty..() rt>portJ> bald Come in today••.seewhatwe mean. FJJNFRAI DIRFC TbR'i will be author and lecturer Belinda Orrl('er~ arrt>l>lt'd th(' 2.1y('ar old , f ./l 1" I 1)( Puel7 RN, PhD woman and thf' man, whOM' ag(' W3!\ unknown Pollcc. lo>aJ(1tht'y 226 (:ROCKI:.R BLVD ~ur.,mg ('ontact hour<; of 6 6 have I><'f>nawardf'd found In a bag In ttlt. man's PO~M>S lAU~\f rOI!'ll! IIH'O(l' ~l'o ... Mounr (I~m~n\ .1l06~ COLONIAL FEDERAL 'W'r,..,.,.t ..... *"1 Mon were a whitt> ~~In~ !'lUll, lwo Thf' cO'>I of the work.,hop IS $;lO 1""1lt own I, I"Il,r l4Mo .. ' ...... :',-." 463.0S77 and m!>handoul!'!, parklOll:, reo p.urs of bnef'), three pain. of bOCk:. SAVINGS nrnlnH ilUIIIwtI'r .. 1I0Io ..... \ lilliI' ~ m R t1ltlnlllon II and a pair of ~lacks Jo'ound 10 thf' . (.-c"' ... l"Otl'fll .,..." "I ""' __ 11., ...... freshments and luncheoo RegiS- l1li-1 190:1-19H I lratlon deadlme lb Tuesday, May 1 woman'~ purse was a blue bloube "l IIAllt 'HOlt .... 'lI.~1ItiorJ>o' ...... ~..."., .. D•• rt '" Hamillon John" Rro{'''man A non.refundable fee of $10 Will be VallW of all the merchandise was i 14 -"10(, *Mnl..o\Of I"'l( flU","" Mori ... ROIl.ld 0 Itl"' "mann lilo.d" \1onla"ul' charged for cancellations $65, report!> said 1."_1'1 ...... w •.o. _ lIlllll A...... f'IAIf' Ihrl"{'lor. ,"'or further information, contact While the pair wa., ~earctwd at Me ltJa, ..-.. no..,..,. ... • .. . the statIOn, two SU&pected marl- ~"""INI.'> AI I Oll~ I \ A1 fIII ONI"I H lit "A' \.....,N(.~ ,...., ...... 7 ,. ~ I ...... '\f nnh,r J,~ 11I1 11""0l/ program coordinators SUl>an O~SMJ ,uana clgareu. were found to the ARIIN\lJ"Hl TO 1100 000 00 IIY THI H [ltRAI ...... )•••• tII',. N"wflllli 5,1" "d '\forI/lillI!' Scasny and Teresa Scholten. at 343. ' ...... INI.' ANIII O"N IN\UkAN< I ( OIWOIlATION 'Ow ...... _ Oflk. - .... Ofeoo ...... 3380 man's tenms shoe, poltce said ~ rr, j

Thursday, April 19, 1984 Page Ten-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS

FURNACES Library Friends bring playwright to town (9hns PaKagos (DDS e, a BOILERS Helene Hanff, an aspJrlng Ne\\ porallon s of The entire book I::.made up of ab-' ReservatIOns lor the dmner even- or outside store. Excluding Bloomsbur) Street .. She has dbo solutel) pi H..ele.'>~correspondence mg at $9 per person may be made sale items, one coupon per customer done artJcle~ for Harpers, The ~e\\ bet \\ een the authol and the pro- by callmg the Fnends office at Expires April 30th, 1984 Yorker and Reader's DIgest Her pI wtor of a ~todgI1). pnm and 343-2077 An) one \\ Ishmg to come teleVISIOn WrIting Include~ propel London Bookstore kno\\ n for Ms Hanfl s presentatIOn onl) episodes for the Eller) Queen a~ Marks & Co Dunng hel starv- IS InVited courtesy of The FrIends of The Grosse Pomte Library senes and The Hallmark Hall of Ing ) cat ~ on Ea~t 95th Street In ------Shrubs, Evergreens, Trees Fame l'\e\\ York, Ms Hauff sought to She \\ III appear In the Fries Ro~ Bushes and Perenials ~"rrhr-C',... 'n..,...'t"'llrl 'f"t., i"); ... C...,4 ,~(irL--~ of AudltorlUm of the War MemOrial .. • ...... 11 "'.,.,. ~~t .~~ ~~~~~~~ C'~~~~ R~~~," l"'-~ ...a .. ...---..-""_"''''''.'''' --. rid) \\ 11t:;IlLUt:.t:.U: U ... Ul are now in Stock which the \"'all Street Journal call- htcl ature at reduced pnces b) or- on Lakeshore Road ed 'a real hfe love story and dermg u<,ed COPIC!>from Marks A Flowerina Easter Plants timeless perIOd piece," and about 20 ).ear ordermg' corre~pon \\hlch the I\e\\ York Times ~ald dence en~ued each letter the es State theater groups over 2,000, Gift Wrapped "It Will put you m tune With ~ence of under~tated erudItIOn and $399 to $25°0 mankmd," refuses to play dead In charm 1975, the Bnllsh Broadcastmg Cor- ~otable amidst all of the gossip willllleet here April 27 Grosse POInte Theater \\ III play Parker, restorat LOnthedt el 1'\ Ira FRESH CUT host to the Spnng ConventIOn of Pullen, ChOleogl aph)- :'I1a!C) DAFFODILS $1"eunch League takes a world cruise the Community Theater ASSOCIa- Kazmlro\\skl and Don Ro~s, <.os- tummg Mary Lou ~ldl1tho and 58 The Grosse POlnte Cmema AustralIa, Ne\\ Gumea, Hawau, tIOn of MIChigan (CT AM), Apnl Large flower, strong stem 2 for $3 Donna DISante, smg \Jut LOUIse I. Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong and 27,28 and 29 League will present "CruISIng With Gene Shea, and member:>hlp, 49 Your Camera" and "The Peace India DAISIES $2 eunch The CTAM \\as founded In 1951 mamtenance WIth :\'lJke COIbm "The Peace Game" beautifully 2 lor 844• Game" when It meets III the War and no\\ boasts of 85 community and Mar) Lou JOhn::.OIl • portrays the WildlIfe of the natural Memonal's Fnes AudItOrIum on theater group!> in Ib membership preserves In South Afnca All CARNATIONS . _. . . . . •.. $69900%. Monday, Aprl123, at 8 p m The two Its purpose IS to promote knowl- PartiCipants In the conventIOn ammals, from towermg giraffes to Large Flower 16mm movIes Will be presented by edge about and the enjoyment of WIll also see a speCIal perfor- Mary Fltzpatnck on behalf of her tmy lIzards are shown ll1 their theater In Michigan Each year mance of Grosse Pomte Theater's natural enVironment, engaged In ALLEMON FLORIST late husband. James, who filmed the aSSOCIatIOn holds fall and productIOn of 'Whose LIfe IS It and composed narration of the first their various actlvltes spnng conventlOn~ Boyne High- Any\\ ay? at the Gl o~se Pomte AND GARDEN CENTER fIlm The program IS open to the pub- lands has been site of the fall con- War Memorial's Flies Aud- 17931 E. WARREN 884-6120 "CrUIsing With Your Camera" IS hc Non-members of the Cmema ventIOn for the past 20 years ItorIUm A banquet and cham- the story of a 'round-the-world tour League Will be charged $1 admiS- Spring conventIOns are hosted by pagne receptIOn \\ III follo\\ the on a luxury crUise ShiP, With some sion varIOus member groups The con- Saturday evenmg performance scenes of shipboard activities and ventIOns focu~ on mamtalllmg Also planned \\111 be perfor- entertamment contact between the groups Artists meet mances by CT AI\l scholarship Numerous countnes and places through workshops on different are VISited, mcludmg Tangier, The ProgressIve ArtiSts Club Will aspects of theater \\mners Beslde~ the \\ urkshops, Naples and Pompeii and Rome meet at 8 pm Wednesday. April other actiVIties that \\Ill tdke Scenes are fIlmed in Egypt and 25 In the War MemOrial ~ base. ConventIOn chairpersons Mae place at the Gro~se Pomte Thea- Central Africa In the PaCifiC, menl Terrace Room to hear Corliss Gallagher and Mary Lou Johnson ter studIO \\ 111be games such al:> ports-of-eall are the Galapagos, Eden diSCUSSInk and pastel work have planned workshops III set Tnvlal PursUit and euchl e and TahItI and Raratonga The ship The program IS open to the public constructIOn, moderated by Harr)' VIdeo games that are bpl11g 111- stops at beautIful New Zealand, and ne\\- members of the group Stutt, stage combat, Wayne DaVid stalled f01 the \\ eekend

Bobby D. ' t And The Competitive Edge

ThiS ISBobby D , he's a Sixth personal and phYSicalgrowth grader who carnes a B-plus clearly hes With parents To grade point average He's Into assist parents With thiS Critical Little League Baseball In the task YES offers ennched EPLACEMEIT WIIOOW SPECIALIST spnng, Boy Scout Camp In the accelerated and IndiVidualized • Storm Windows • Aluminum Trim & Siding summer, hockey on the learning expenences for • Storm Doors • Steel Security Doors backyard Ice nnks In the children of all ages .., wrnter. At school, he has no problems With either hiS peers We at YES believe that we veall., 'lell", 1M. ~ or hIS teachers, and he ruts 'the can help your child Just as we books for a couple of hours are helping Bobby DOur '/OsI/!i- %1021 ...,.. • SI. CIIir - [WW511 after dinner He loves hiS Mom program deSigned by f# ~ 775-5190 I ~ ~ and Dad, and doesn't pick too University of MIchigan ~ VISIT OUR SHO WROOM w_ c.w. .. ~ much on hiS sister Bobby's a educators With extensl.le .. iiiiiiiiiil good kid And yet hiS expenence In educating school parents are worned, for good children and adults, ISof the reason fo,ghest quality It supplements the efforts of public and ~355 FISHER RD. We de/,lfer By the time Bobby ISready private schools With speCial 882-5100 for college, the best sections for adults Vv ho WISI"' prOJectIOnsestimate that It Will to enhance their 0\11,n cost $ 10.000 a year minimum capabilit es PARMS to go to a state college and tWice that to go out of state Our program ,'VIIIgive your or to a private schoo!, If he can child the finely honed skills Fresh Frying needed to compete II"' all Fresh Jumbo get In the school of hiS C'"lOlce CHIClE. The best schools seem to get aspects of today S soclet V - the SHRIMP more selective every year cClmpet,tlve eage so necessary BREAST TIMIf., FrI., sat. Only Bob s parents agree that he to succeed In a sOCIety trat

1M'" .... VI. S8!5 has to have the best education grows more cOrT'ple" ltr 5119 they can give him to prepare eacn passing year him for whatever emer ges Homemade PORK SAUSAGE LINKS S1~: from tomorrow's complex The YES learning program technological society They combines high tech w,th high Stouffers Empress think Bob needs a compet,tl.le touch by extens vely utli'lng CHICKEN edge Just to live as well as corrputer managed InstrUC+-lon SARDINES they '"lave. and hopefully a ,ntellpctually perc.onal.y and up r)y a S19'1 f,cant arrount ,n conjunction With -.rndl,'1rOur SUlESS I DELESS PIES httle bit better physlrall r' Bobby s scares ar ross the board That means Instruction j' 0799C were ,mpress,ve (as they are t+-'dt Bobby IS noVv capable 0' CAN S1~9 They heard abou, the Youth for most of our 5tud(~nts) ,. hI:' ran ,ling a .Iery high GPA Youth rnr"nrnpnt ~er "'I' pr, En....chment ServlcPs he (YES) four nour procpdurp shoNed trlrough r 191-]schOol and can IS helpIng Bobby D 'P

approac.r to personal growt h h.. could use <,ornehplp Wp T~IP r P~PCJflSlbll t y for Y0'J too Say YES ilnd IPdrrl and came to USfor help Thp are dblp to bUrT1Pthose scores enndling ehildrpn S cKddpmlc rnorC'about 0 Jr rpvO'utlondry YES Program began With a appr oach to pprsonol gr 011' senes of tests that resulted In and ennchrnent For 'no", a (ompreheflslve prOf,lp Inf0rrnat le.n call t O-)dy for an shOWingv,;h(~re Bobby was i'l[)polnt rYlpnt 777 ~U6()


J ~ " ./,. r.' ~~,( Prien in .ffect 2281 1 \XPB1 PC Mac I< SUltP 21 1 - ~:' until April 25th t Idrlri or, Squc\re r-'rof psc,runal F~Ulldir ,g " , St Clair ShorE"c, Mlch gan 48080 .',.

Page Twetve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 19, 19~

REMODELING? Obituaries THINK PRICE. William H. Sigsworth, Sr. Guenther Buergel LeRoy E. Cowles ServICes for Mr Buergel, 62, ServIces for Mr. Cowles, 74, ServIces for Mr SlgsWOrth, 89, formerly of McKinley Road, lately THINK QUALITY. formerly of Grosse Pomte, lately of formerly of the Woods, lately of Rochester, were held FrIday, Apnl of Sarasota, Fla were held Tues- St Clair Shores, were held Satur- day, March 'n, at the Pme Shores THINK LETO BLDG. CO. day, April 14, at the A H Peters 13, at the Wilham R Potere Funer- al Home and Calvary Lutheran PresbyterIan Church, Sarasota Funeral Home He died FrIday, March 23, at hIS Why wait? Call now. He dIed Wednesday, April 11, at Church Cottage Hospital home. ADDITIONS • DORMERS Mr Slgsworth was the founder of He dIed Tuesday, Apnl 10, In Born 10 WiSCOnSIn,he was are. Superior Pattern Works of DetrOit, Cnttenton HOSPItal tired General Motors executive REC ROOMS • KITCHENS and served for several years In the retiring In 1965 He was a member Born In Komgsteel, Germany, U S Treasury Department He was ROOFING AND SIDING of the DetrOit AthletiC Club for 50 Mr Buergel was employed by the years, a member of thE" Grosse a vice-president of the Sunnyland deal direct with Jeffrey Manufacturmg Company CounCil, Boy Scouts of Amenca, father & son owned POinte Semor Men'!>Club, lomc no 474 Garden City F&AM, hfe founder and past preSident of the and operated business He IS surVIved by hiS Wife, Gall, local chapter of Wood Carvers member of lomc chapter no 165 a son, Tom, two step-sons, Mark CALL 882.3222 ~ L~!~NGco s~~;;' RAM and a hfe member of the ASSOCiatIOn,member of the Pine and DaVid Ballantyne, two daugh- Shores Presbvtenan Church and Damascus Commandery, Moslem ter~ Mrs Lynn Ghc:.qUlere and Shrme, no 142 KT the Memona'"Soclety of Sarasota Mr:, Lucmdd StoetLel, four step- Mr Cowles IS sun'lved by hiS SEE ALL THE TIGER GAMES! He IS survived bv hiS wife daughters, !\1!'!> Mernll Hillde- Thelma, one daughter, Mrs Wife, Phylhs, t....0 sons, Donald and brandt !\1rs Jill Hamlin, Robm Da\ Id. a daughter Cathenne George (Marcelon) Savory, one Theas I. Anderson and Evan Ballantyne, one sIster. -ON OUR NEW 6Y2 FOOT son, Wilham H, Jr, two grand- Fischer, a brother, two sIsters and ServIces for Dr Anderson, 68, one brother and eight grandchild- eight granchlldren chJldren, three great-grandchIld ren WIDE SCREEN SATELLITE T.V. ren, and one sIster former superintendent of Grosse Memonal contnbutlOns may be Ti'ntnmhmf'nt was In Woodlawn Pomte pubhc schools, ....ere held made to the Sunnyland CounCil Cemetery SdLUIUdY, t\lJ!U 1,*, Ul irt:~1lLUIl Cremation was at ,,\ hlte lhapeJ ~Oj :-,couts 01 Amenca, r u tlox .------~An_nary v He died Wednesday, April 11, at Cemeterj 3858. ~aral'lota Fla 33578 I Special ., I the RIver's Edge Golf Course on I Monday Tuesday & Wednesday Only I Harold C. Springer Grosse Isle Pflvate services were held Dr Anderson supermten- TOWNSHIP dent of schools from 1967 to 1974 TOWNSHIP OF recently for Mr Springer, 77, of the GROSSE POINTE OF LAKE Woods and IS remembered WIth affectIon He died Thursday, Apfll12, at St by many of the staff members I;;s;Ai.tFOOO 't'Jll~I Joan Hanpeter, ....ho was elected to John Hospital A hfe.tlme banker, Mr SprInger the Board of EducatIOn dunng the ]tillage of <&rnsseJainte ~~nres last year of hiS tenure, recalls him I WITH THIS AD PltttRlA I first JOIned DetrOlt Bank & Trust Co In 1937after 11 prevIous years as a warm and friendly famIly Ribs not included WIt1l thiS offer NOTICE OF INTENDED USE OF I I as a teller With Bank of DetrOit and man. He was a natIve mId-westerner REVENUE SHARING FUNDS I(CARRYOVT & COCHONS NOT INCUJOfC .../to;I..r:I;;;I::.~\;.;"'appe. I as branch manager for Bank of the Commonwealth He retired 10 1971 born m IllInOIS He earned hiS lOU are hereby notified that a summary of the 1984-1985budget m- Bachelor's degree at Illmols State OPEN FOR WNCH 11 A.M. DAILY WNCH SPECIALS from DetrOIt Bank & Turst as assIs- c1udmg mtended uses of Federal Revenue Shanng Funds tOl the ._------~ tant vice.presldent, branch offices Normal Umverslty, hIS Master's at above captIOned governments ISavaIlable for pubhc inspectIOn :.10n. 18696 MACK 6Vz' SCREEN SATELLITE T.V. admimstratlOn Umverslty of Ilhnois and In 1952 day through Fnday from 8 00 A 1\1 to 5 00 P 1\1 at the temporary was selected an S D Shankland GrO$se Pte. farms HOURS MON • THURS - 11 AM 12 P ~ A natIve DetrOlter, Mr Springer Grosse Pomte Shores MUlllclpal BUlldmg. 3b Venller Road Glosse scholar by the AmerICan ASSOCIa- 885--9040 FRI -SAT -11AM.1 AM SUNOAY-1-11 attended Southeastern HIgh School Pomte Shores and was on the 1925MIchIgan State tion of School AdmInIstrators, and DetrOit CIty champIOn basket- which enabled hIm to complete hI!> doctorate at Teachers College, Co- RICHARD F. FOX, CLERK JAMES T. WRIGHT, CLERK ball team Lake TownshIp \'Illage of G P Shores A member of the LIOns Club, Mr lumbIa Umverslty JUST IN TIME Sprmger began hIS work WIth the He had worked as a teacher, high JAMES T. WRIGHT, CLERK LIOns more than 30 years ago. He school prmclpal and supermten- G P 1\ .; 198 .. Grosse Pomte TownshIp FOR EASTER held many offICes WIth the orgam- dent m llhnOls, Ne"" Jersey and zatlon, mclud10g president of the OhIO, as well as Grosse Pomte Lions Metropolitan CounCIl of De- Dr. Anderson left Grosse POInte trOIt and deputy cUstnct governor to become prmclpal of Huron HIgh CITY OF Qirnsst ltIointt IInolis MICHIGAN 100/0 Off He was last a member of the School In Trenton m 1980 When he Men s • Women's. Children's Grosse Pointe Woods Lions, where retIred he summed up hIS career m MISCELLANEOUS ASPHALT SURFACE REPAIR. Sealed pro- an mtervlew With a Trenton news- posals for furmshmg all labor, matenai, and eqUIpment for Install- All SIZes & widths he ""as bestowed a hfe membership status by the LIOns InternatIonal. paper by saying he hoped to inspire 109 25,399square yards of pavement chIp and seal, 4,079square feet Narrow-Mad lum,Wlde "devotIOn to truth, respect for ex- of miscellaneous 3 >phalt reparr will be received by the City of Grosse To Size 15 As a LlOn, Mr. Sprmger was in- volved With the Goodfellow Paper cellence, brotherimess, human Pomte Woods, 20025Mack Plaza, at the offIce of the CIty Clerk until TAN, WHITE, Sale. glaucoma chmc, leader dogs happmess and the belief In the 10 00 o'clock A M. Local TIme, Tuesday, May 1, 1984,at whIch time hIghest moral and spIrItual val. and place the bids wIll be pubhcly opened and read No bId may be , BROWN, BLUE, BONE .Many other styles- for the blind, Penrickton, Wel- come Home for the Bl1nd, Luther- ues." withdrawn after scheduled closmg hme for at least thIrty days I' an School for the Deaf, Umted He IS survIved by hiS WIfe SpeCIficatIOns may be exammed at the office of the CIty Clerk Bld- , CALL FOR MAIL ORDERS 775-5537 World Rehef, Michigan Eye Bank Kathryn FraZIer; hIS brother d10g documents MAY BE OBTAINED at the offICe of Pate, Hlrn and I and Home for Exceptional Chll. Everett, two daughters, Barbara Bogue. Inc , 17000T\velve MIle Rd , Southfield. Michigan 48076,at a VEIIFAIWE I cossmE'S SHOES I I dren He was also a member of Johnson and Margaret Moecker cost of $15 00 per set, not refundable Bidding documents WIll be WHERE FIT IS OUR CONCERN his son, Gary, and five grand- MAILED to bidders at a cost of $20 00 per set, not refundable BIds I SID& for E1I'8f)'0rle - Narrow - Med - X-Large the Grosse Po1Ote Semor Men S Club chIldren. may be rejected unless made on forms furmshed 10 bIdding 23$'~NItf£.~~K DRtV~,St. Clair Shores He IS survived by his wife, Arrang~ments w~re )landlep. ,\J.Y ,.c;I~Wij~n~/ j , the MartInsen's Funeral Home in A certifIed check, bid bond, or cashiers check acceptable to the Owner -- OVER 50 YEARS SERVING EAST SIDE Dorothea, two daughters, Paula I ~, [:0::-) Tr~n~Qn I m the amount of 5% of bid, made payable to the City Treasurer, must • Open Mon,-Thurs. 9-6, Fri. 9-7, Sat. 9.5 _A~ McCauley and June Ekholm, fIve grandchIldren, and one great accompany each proposal The depOSItof the successful bidder shall grandson be forfeIted If he fails to execute the contract and bonds WIthin four- Memonal contnbutlOns may be teen (14) days after award made to the Grosse Pomte Woods Dr. Cecil Lepard The CIty reserves the right to reject any or all bIds, waive mfor- LIOns Club SerVIces for Dr Lepard, 82, of mahtles, or accept any bId It may deem best the Farms, were held on Fnday, EASTER SUNDAY SPECIALS Apnl 13, at Chnst Church CHESTER E. PETERSEN He died Tuesda), Apnl10, lo Cot- G P N 41984 City Admmlstrator-Clerk Marshal Templeton tage Hospital BREAKFAST SerVICes for Mr. Templeton, 74, Born m Otsego, Dr Lepard's lately of KISko, NY, formerly of vocatIOn was ophthalmology HIS SERVED FROM 3 A.MT3 P.M. Grosse Po1Ote City, were held Fri' avocatIOn was poetry "He han- CITY OF <&rnsst 'ointt IlInolls MICHIGAN day, Apn113, at St Mark's Church. dles both rhyming and free He dIed Wednesday, Apnlll, 10 verse,'- saId hI!> son. Jerem) WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT Sealed proposals for furmshmg DINNER SPECIALS Northern Westchester HospItal Very often he'd have a pleasant all labor , matenal, and eqUIpment for IOstallmg approximately 1815 Center 10 New York e}.penence WIth fflends and \\ nte 1m ft of B lOch diameter water main replacement mcludmg all He IS survIved by his wife Cor- about that' necessary appurtenances will be receIved by the CIty of Grosse Pomte nella Marsh; two daughters An- Woods, 20025 Mack Plaza, at the offIce of the CIty Clerk untIl 9 00 ~~i.~~ ,S395 Dr Lepard received hiS under- ·:J":~.. nette C Slater and Jean Wyser- graduate degree from the Umver- o'clock A M local time, Tuesday, May I, 1984,at whIch tune and place Tra tte . a brother Theodore and slty of MichIgan and received hIS the bids Will be pubhcly opened and read No bId may be Withdrawn after scheduled closmg tIme for at least thIrty days • :~ ribsbat' $450 nme grandchildren medical degree from the same TrIbutes may be made to Marsh school m 1928 Plans and speCIficatIOns may be examined at the office of the CIty Sanctuary, Inc , Mt KISko, NY, He also worked as an ophthdl- Clerk Blddmg documents MAY BE OBTAINED at the office of Pate, S325 10549, or 8t Mark's Church m Mt molog) Instructor at the U-M med- Hlrn and Bogue, Inc , 17000Twelve M.ile Road, Southfield, MichIgan ·=~~.~..~.~ Kisko, 10549 Ical school until 1932 when he 48076,at a cost of $2000 per set. not refundable Blddmg documents WIllbe MAILED to bIdders at a cost of $25 00per set, not refundable entered private practice In DetrOIt ·:,:~c:~.~.~..~~~~S325 Dr Lepard was apPOinted Chief of Bids may be rejected unless made on forms furmshed \~Ith blddmg Richard Gibbs Opthalmalogy at ChIldren s HOC;pl' documents A certIfied check. bId bond, or cashiers check acceptable to the Owner 25 ServICes for Mr GIbbs, 82, of tal In 1948 a po!>t he held until · :a::I:-po::salad bar S4 Pemberton Road, were held Mon- 1968 He was also a profes~OI at m the amount of 5% of bId made payable to the CIty Treasurer must day, AprIl 16, at the A H Peters Wayne ~tate Umverslt) ~(hool of accompany each proposal The depoSit of the successful bidder shall NO RESERVATIONS NEEDED Funeral Home Medlcme until 1970 be forfeited If he falls to execute the contract and bonds wlthm four- He died FrIday, Apnl 13, In Bon BeSIde!>hiS love of poetr). other teen ( 14) days after award IV) IT (C RESTAURANT Secours HospItal mterests IOcluded bemg a . student The City reserves the nght to reject an} or all bids, waIve mfor- 1~ Mr GIbbs ISsurVived by hISWIfe, of the War Between the Statec; " mahtIes, or accept any bid It may deem best l8> ~ 16353 E. WARREN Frances a daughter, Janey M ~a!d hIS son Both of Dr Lepards' 885-0779 • 885-3979 Pollard and a sIster grandfathers fought on the Umon CHESTER E. PETERSEN Interment was 10 St John Ceme- Side dunng the ""ar GP,\ 419B .. CIty Admlm~trator-Clerk tery. Wmdsor Dr Lepard \\as a foundmg mem- ber of the i"hchlgan Ophthdl- maloglCal Society, a member of the Detloll Opthalmaloglcal Cluh and CITY OF <&rosse ,lninte Dlnobs MICHIGAN DRUMMY OLDS served a!>pre<,ldent of the DetrOIt ANNOUNCES AARP marks MedICal Club MIsrELLANEOl'S CONCRETE PAVEMENT REPAIR Sealed propo~al<; fOl furm!>hmg all lahor, matenal, and equipment for In- 75th DtAMOND ANNIVERSARY EDITION He was also a member of thl' year Countr) Club of DetrOit, DetrOIt stallm~ approxlmatel) 4,728 sq yds of ml!>cellaneou~ concrete CUTLASS its 25th Boat Cluh and the Founders Socw pavement to remove and replace, 2,7G7sq ft of 6 mch and 4 mch SUPREME The Grosse Pomte chapter of the t~ of the DetrOIt Instltutt> of Artc; thick ~lke'Walk and dnve ....ay approaches to remo\'e and replace ~,::--- AmerJt'an ASSOCiation of Retired Dr Lepard I!>'>un Ived b\ hl~ and all nece!>sary related work WIllbe receIved by the City of Gross~ Persons (AARP) Will gather at 1 \~Ife ElI!>abeth. hi!>~on, Jeremv a POInte Woods, 20<125Mack Plaza, at the offIce of the CIty Clerk until pm Monda}. Apnl 23, on the daughter Robm IJt'pard. jl1ne 930 A M Local TIme, Tucsda), May I, 1984, at whIch time and group'!> 25th anlllvt>rsary to honor grandchlldren and three great- pla(e the hld~ \\ III be publiclj opened and read No bid ma)' be the memor) of thr late founder of grandchIldren ....Ithdrawn after scheduled clo~mg time for at least thIrty days be the orga0J7atlOn, Ethel Percy An Interment was 10 forest Hlil Nece~~ary blddlllg documents ....111 a\allable after noon Monday dru~ Cemetery. Ann Arbor Apnl 16. 1984 . Dr Andrus a San FranCISco NEW '84 CUTLASS '84 CUTLASS CIERA I1cll!\,(>\\ho wa~ the fIrst woman Plan" and "peclfICdtlOt1<;mdY be examllled at the offIce of the CltV SUPREME SEDAN LS SEDAN - DEMO prinCipal 10 Lo~ Angeles She reo Mrs. Sophie Maliszewski Clrrl.. Blddll1g d()('umenL<;MAYBE OBTA1NED at the OfflCl' of f A (J"ll -- G 1') F po R Dn 't' ~I (~ "). ~\ l nO ,pI uldc; rill ~1 Del 1 It Cr,JI"lf-' 10 Patf> Hlrn and Bogu{' Inc 17()()()Twelve Mile Road, Southfield. AMfru STttrt-' ~..wr A, (nvpn,fln(. r Jrlp tJr('d from education 1944 to ~ervlces for Mr~ Mah~7('\\1>kl, AM I':~. 51r ff'{) ~ ~ Ar r u~<:.,,...~v~)fHC Body l~d Porula Op1 P¥'1 Pu ..."" Wf;~r~ Pw ...OCfl;C::: b(>g1O a ~('cond career as SOCIalac- Bfl, of the Pomte, \\ere twld Tu('s :\1lch n 48076a 1 a cosl of $15 00 per set not refundable Blddmg Mldq A (T 1 ('Iff ,Il <-, c;P H...~d,~1WW Tlrfllc,' A "" "I r"" ~"R~cJ", ww documl'nt" \\ 111 he MAILED to bIdders at a co~t of $2000 per set, not \,VI"r Whi C (\If' ') )I~ s; n if) tiVist foundlOg thf' National Re day Apnl17,atSt Clare of Monte f,'( ~ "uP'! 5" Wi' C;'t '3'" I llr('d Te,Hher<; A~<;oclcltlOnIn 1947 fako Church rf'fundable Bid!>may he rejected unless made on forms furnished flllri the AARP 10 1958 AARP no"" She dIed Fnday Apnl (} \\ hIle In biddIng documf'nL<; ha" morl' than 14mIllion memhers \ 1<,llmgIn ('allfornla $10,~96L$9898 100n('dto promote Uw well-hemg of Born In Toledo, sh(' lIvpd 10 A (ertlflf.>d Chf'LiI., hid bond. or ca!>hlers check acceptable to the older Amencan~ Gro<,se POinte for f)(, vears and 0\\ ner In the amount of 5% of bId made payable to the City SHOP SAT, & SUN. 10.5 BUY MONDAY! Tltl-'100aJchapter \\J1l also mclkf' the \\ Idow of the late Petrr Malic; Treasurer mu~! accompany each proposal Thl' depoSIt of the ~uc- PRICES WILL BE ON DISPLAY' a contributIOn to th(' Andrus Foun- 7ewskl ('e'>sful bldrj('f shall be forfeited If he fails to execute that contract da tlOn whIch was esta bilshed to Mr!> Mahs/ewskl IS "un Ivt>dby and bond~ 'Wlthm fourteen (14) days after award re<,t'arch agmg Speaker at thl' four daughlf'rs, Mrs Angelmr Apnl 2:i meetmg wIll be WIllard D Gregory, Irene MacombEtr. MlI- The CIty reserv('l'l thE.'right t.o reJE'Ct any or all bids, waIve mfor Cheek. who will present r.lldes on dred Morns and Lillian Anderson, mahtle~, or accept any bid It may deem best DIIUMMY DLDI Wall lJl~ney's Epcot Center The a son, Edward and two slstE"rs rn Chester E. Petersen EISHT MILE AT GRATIOT 772.2200 mN'tIng WIll 1)(> held at Memonal Interment was III Mt Olivet G P r-. 4 let R4 CIty AdmInIstrator-Clerk 'W/UIIAIi .-aDIE Dl',.,'LE 'EAlE'" Church, 16 Lakeshore Road Cemetery Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS p~ ThtrWen-A • Prime Time for senior citizens Ecklund will Marian Trainor rnalned unchanged know the neighborhood well My visit Finland In pursUit of career advance. In Detroit there have been grandfather bUilt hiS home just a Peter Ecklund, a junior at South EUROPEAN ment, Interests or preference, fam- changes III neighborhoods, which block from the church. Ten chil- High School, has been na,ned one Ilies In this mobile world move were brought about by urban re- dren were born there My mother of 10 winners of the 1984 Fmland. TRAVEL from one commumty to another, newal, social flux and economic m- was the youngest and one 01 those U.S Senate Youth Exchange Tra\'el through- from state to state and country to fluences. But there are areas that who survived After my father's Scholarship out Europe with an country. You don't fmd many peo. are baSically the same. They have death, my mother and I moved to The two-month full summer adult group for 26 pIe who remain in the area where been held together by church-spon- the old house to take care of grand- scholarship IS funded by the Fm- days, July 2 to July they grew up sored schools, ethnic groups, hiS- pa nlsh government to promote better 28, 1984 Cost of If you don't thmk thiS IS true, the tOriCpreservatIOn designation and, At that tune most of the Irish had understanding between the people tour $210000 whIch next time you're In a group of peo- most Importantly, a spmt that Will moved out and Imlmgrant:.- from of f<'mland and the U S and to in- mcludes com mer Malta had Ieplaced them ple, ask them how many are native not die crease American awareness and clal air flights, two DetrOiters or Grosse Pomters ThiS fact was brought home to They merged "ell Into the appreciation of Fmmsh culture and meals per day and Don't be surpnsed If you don't fmd me \\hen I attended the St Patrick commumty Workmg, savmg and society. three meals per day many who belong to the club Day Mass at Most Holy Trlmty stnvmg, like the Insh who Onl)' two students were selected while on the !>evel] PRESENTS To those ....ho have remamed In Church The church which IS lo- preceeded them, they moved on from Michigan Two students were day Greek cnll~e, the same area, adJushng to new en. cated at Sn"th and Porter Will be They \\ ere followed by MeXicans also selected from Massachusetts, flr~t cla~:- hotel vironments does not appear to be celebrahng Its 150th anniversary m who also needed help to get started Oregan, Mmnesota and Washmg- room:.. air rondl EVENT mvitmg But those who are used to June m a new culture The\' found that ton, other U S states where there hailed motor coach THE MAINE movmg around accept and live It bUill at a time \\hen the help at Holy Tnmty Church, whose are slgmflcant Finmsh popula- land tl'cl\ cl, dnd with the problems that come ....Ith a Insh were lmgratmg to the United pastor wa~ the reno""ned MonSig- lions toU! gUides CltlC~ WHOLE MAINE transient life States from the homeland durmg nor Clement Kern He dedicated Ecklund Will attend a four-daY to be VI,>lted are They put do,,"n roots wherever the potato fam1l1e Those who sur- hUllself to carryrng on that work orientation m Washmgton, where 1..011 don , Pdn~ Lu , LOBSTER DINNER they go Friends are made, left be- Vived the triP landed 111 Boston fill for ....hleh the church \Va!>so well he Will attend a reception 111 the cerne FIOl ence, hmd and remembered \\Ith occa- ed With hope that at least they had known, helpmg those 10 need He home of the f'mmsh Ambassador, A~'>I!>I,Home, Yen 95 sional greet 109 cards Parents SIS- escaped POvertv and near starva- hved With the poor But much of hiS orwr to nvinp' to F'mhmrl Hp will Ice, Hhodel>, l\1yko ~ $9 no:., Piraeus, uu- ters and brothers are vIsited on hon support came from those 111 better then spend two months livmg With Includes Veg and Potato hohdays If the distance IS not too It didn't happen They were met Clrcumstdnces who conSidered It a brovlllk, Innsbruck, a Fmnish family He IS also ex- Monday & Tuesday only far. The telephone becomes an un- \\ Ith hostlhty and prejudice "Help prIVIlege to help thiS dedicated pected to VISIt the Fmmsh Parha- l\1ulllch, and Hei- (Dinner clubs do not apply) portant line of commumcatlon hnk- Wanted" signs were prefaced priest With hiS work. ment and to meet With Prime Mm- delberg Eight years ('xperwnce ing famlhes and special fnends ....Ith "No Irish need apply" And so, the ~ame SPlflt of service Ister Sorsa and the American Am. FUlL I ~ POUHOS. fl.OWlIf IN ...... ItIfD Time and technology move for- The story IS told that one Insh- that began when the church was bassador Nyborg while III Fmland For InformallOn COOKED TO SUCCULENT 'EAnCT1O'C ward not backward It IS not hkelv man \\ Ith a family to feed and founded 150 )ears ago prevails Youth for Underslandlllg, which call OI'£N FOR l.l.lNa4 twLY that those who rate opportul1lt); house who desperately needed despIte phyMcal and SOCIOlogical conducts the exchange program, IS ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS A WIEB( chance and new experiences high- work added the followmg message changes 111 the area one of the largest and most dis- JACK BELLOMO RANDY CARMICHAEL er than stablhty and a sense of per- to the nohce Surprlsmgly enough, while some tmgUlshed teenage student ex- 294-9371 "fhe~ mancy Will change their way of "What you have written of the area has been taken over for change origamZ3tions in the U S Dr MAKE YOUR EASTER RESERVATIONS NOW' thmkmg. You ha ve written well urban renewal, most of the houses Nearly 100,000 students have ex. Nor should they But those who are still standmg Many of them perlenced life With a family lOUISE DORAN The self-same words are also 20930 MACK INE would not care to embrace such written are now bemg restored The old overseas through YFU exchanges 626-5583 GROSSE PTE WO$. ambience, feel Just as strongl)' _ On the gates of hell." school IS gone but a new one has s1l1ce its mception 111 1951 II ...... about their preference The, value &ta taken Its place Its students are Peter is the son of Mr and Mrs ~_ the sense of permanency 01 belong- There were others hke him who from many ethmc backgrounds Peter Ecklund of Harvard Road ing, of bemg a "part of," that settled m the area which became But on St Patrick's Day, they sang Peter's father is an instructor and comes With remammg In the same known as 'Corklown" In DetrOIt the same songs for the VISitors that execullve officer of Case Western commumty because most of the newcomers have been ~ung on March 17th for Reserve UniverSity and his mother Their environs may change, but were from County Cork Their over a century IS a te.acher at Ferry Elementary that IS a gradual change and It refuge and hope was the church There ISa certam sense of "gomg School allows them time to adjust It IS Thus from Its very begmnmg, home" that comes With returnmg very different from bemg uprooted Trlmty Church became known for each year to an area where one MSU prof to talk and thrown mto a whole new en- ItS mlmstry to the poor once lived, a feehng of belonging vironment The change can be ac- It IS the same today, a ma]esllc that cannot be experienced by to men gardeners cepted more readily If famlhar presence, that ministers both those who shut the door on the past Dr Wilham H. Carlson, Pro. . landmarks remam. In DetrOit, spiritually and fmanclally to those and move on 10 new lives and new fessor of Horticulture at Michigan Belle Isle, Tiger Stadium and In need ThiS church In the midst of experiences State Universlty will address the RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS? Eastern Market have endured for change has mamtamed the same You can go home agarn If you Men's Garden Club of Grosse decades. In Grosse Pomte ....Ith the SPlflt on which It was founded RUNNING OUT OF TimE? keep m touch with what was once Pomte at 7:30 p.m. tonight 111 the exception of some dismantled man- In many ways, so also has the home. valumg It for what It was Central Library, 10 Kercheval. sions, the neighborhoods have reo neighborhood that It services I 0 and for what It stlll remams The tOPiC will be the "AdvancE'- Whll not give that special secreto(ll gift cer- ments in Horticulture" and Dr tificate from mo.nhattan Unmentionables? We pro- Carlson intends to discuss the lat- mise thiS 91ft will be moiled in time for Secretor.Y's Feds charge tax evasion est developments 111 horticulture research by MSU and other reo Week. concerned, the tax laws are uncon~tltutlOnal " (Continued from Pagt> tAl search groups PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED "It is Mr Crane's contentIOn that the purpose of the In its press release, the U S Department of Justice law IS to protect the hfe, liberty and property of m- noted that a "grand jury mdlctment is not eVidence of Orchestra is tops dlVlduals and that the state of the law IS now per- gUilt and that the defendent ISenhtled to a fall' trial m BU Ream which the government must prove hiS gUiIl beyond a South High verse, II said Carlisle "It IS hemg used to do just the opposite of what it was meant to do It now mfrll1ges reasonable doubt" Play It agall1 sam, was Ihe upon the hberty and property of the mdlvldual The mveshgatlOn of the Crane case IS bemg con- response from the JUdges who hstened to South lilgh's Orchestra "As far as the defense ISconcerned, our mtenhon IS ducted by the Cnmmal Inveshgallon DIVision of the to make the trials an offenSive tactic on the part of dUring the District Orchestra IRS and IS bemg prosecuted by ASSistant U SAt. Festival, held March 11 at Warren Mr. Crane," added Carlisle 'We are gomg to chal- torney Richard L Deloms lenge the tax laws themselves. That was our mtent LlI1coln High School all along. It's Just unfortunate that It has to be done No tnal date has yet been set Crane had no com- Agalll South was awarded all through these c.rlminal PEoceedmgs As far as we're ment on the case upon adVice of counsel Number I rallngs by the four U5-&aoa Judges 22241 Kell~ Rood • Eost DetrOit Woods garage moo and Thu(~ 10 Q TU€'$ lhlu Sel 10-6 Cic$~ Sunday broken Into A garage on Ro~lyn Road In the Woods IS YOUR CAR IN THE SHOP? ""as broken into :.ome- time Sunday after- WE'LL PICK YOU UP FROM ANY REPAIR noon, Apnl 8 Thieves escaped With a la\\ n- SHOP, GAS STATION OR DEALERSHIP IN mower, sno\\ blower THE AREA AND RETURN YOU THERE WHEN and tools, report:. said YOUR CAR IS READY. FREEl The thicvc5 cntcl cd For as Iowa. the garage by takmg RENT A out the deadboll cy- A DAY! linder on the locked NEW Mde door to the ga 1984 ARIES FREEMileage rage, reports sal d BeSIdes the mo,," cr and snowblowel, a welder and cuttmg torch as well a5 two tool-boxes on-whel'ls were laken. reports :-aid A canvass of the area by pollee turned up nothlllg, report:. said We handle Insurance claims No member of "We SpeCialize in Customer SatiSfactIOn" Great Bntam's Parli- ament can die legally CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS while at a Parllaml'n tary se:>SlOn If striC- 884.7210 ken there, a member 18001 Meek. Avenue IS carrned from the 882-G110 cham hers ('ven before 130 K.rcheviY on 1M hili" a pull>C I., taken We Fix Kids Bruise~ sprains and cuts hurt. especially if you are a child. We treat minor illnesses and Injuries for ch iIdren every day of the year. We do it without YIOlflng, and with core.

EASTSIDE EMERGENCY CENTER 20048 Harper Ave., Harper Woods Between 7 & 8 Mile

Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9:00 a,m.-10:00 p.m. Sunday &.. Holidays 1:00-6:00 p,m. 881-6160 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. Apnl 19, 1984

Announcing the Grand Opening i ., This Week in Business ] - of the - 1 , Boll elected Farrell moves at Back Door Health Pointe president Chrysler Corp. Park reSident John 0\. Boll has Lee F. Far- F for people & pets on Thursday, April 19 CO;\I KEY~ 416 been elected president of the Con- rell, formerly'." Multi-brand products - all natural structlon ASSOCiation of M1chlgan Dodge truck ad. Come get acquamted - be our PHOSE The association. estabhshed m vertlsmg mana- guests for herb tea, coffee and snacks SYSTE:\1S 1885,serves all segments of MIChi- ger, has been gan's constructIOn mdustf) promoted to ad 884-8863 vertlsmg mana- 17116 Kercheval. back entrance of ger for Dodge VII. RIcenh .. T.... DI\'1son at Chr). Account supervisor sler Corp Prior rejoins Ross Roy to JOlmng Chry- ~ler, he ",as John J. 'Ie- vice-president Lellan has re- and selllor ac TOM'S FENCE Jomed Ross count executl\ e Roy, Inc as handlmg the Chevrolet account at • LICENSED vice-president. Campbell E\\ald F:urelJ has a group account Bachelor of SCience degree 10 In- • FULLY GUARANTEED supervisor He dustnal DeSign and Busmess from • 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE started hIS ad- the UI1IVerslt\ of IllinOIS He 11\es • RESIDENTIAL AND vertlsmg career III the \\ oods - COMMERCIAL '" Ith the firm • - Ban let '\01.111 ~~"e!",~l v,?,o;)r<;:; All Types of Privacy ago Pre\-lOu~l~ he ::.el \ ed a" \\'hatever yOU v. nte \\Ith. It pro- vlce-presldent management ~u babh \\ April 28 and continues throug~ th~ month of May, \'o~unt~ers .....ilI When ,ou thInk POllt,ClC - th,"11 RAY more I '. Hlrn and Bogue Ine . 170001\\ elve ~1l1eRoad Southfield Michigan. ,mum trade allowance 101 no, "'dod. ,ommer ,,' un I ~. " ond n n, '" call Walter Nugent at 886-0815 or IOLdtE-d at WI Mdpleton from tht' dental (Jf the Bulldlllg Depdrtment to hral r"um" .. " p.irl 0 '~parr I.mQr 885-2400_ 777-8808_ and three blocks south of 7 Mile) the Michigan Parkinson Founda- Issue a P-el nul fOl the (un~tru('tlOn of ,In <'nidi ged pUI (h 10 the real of IhE SERVING THE COMMl:I\/JTY FOR OVU 34 .. EARS All Parkison patlents are mVlted tIOn at 494-8916 re"ld~nce locdtl'd al thE fOIt WlIng dddre" ~U( h pel mtl IS~UdJlle II J' denied f 01 reason that

a I The re::.ldell(l lotated lln the fOlegoll,g pllml::.e'" I' nOlllonformlllg tOl FURNACES rea "on th<.lt II pi oJE'U, In\(. the flonl etnd real \ al d ,pale 1Il \WlatlOll 01 Ihe pro\ 15"'0::' of Arlldl AlII ~t'((lOn 1300 of the Clt~ ,Zol1lng OldInallU' & BOILERS and In accordanll I, Jlh pI 01l'lOlh of Atllde A \ ~el lwn 150~ ltl'nl'; A oj ltepl.c.cI Ihe C1t~ ., ZOlllng ()ldlnd!1(' no ~ulh <,lrutlul,' md\ tw enl'lI!;l'd 01 ,tnll tllrall~ altel eel unle~' d I dll"l1( I l' gl anted

Ii b! ThE plllp(hed dddithm Ilould mflIng, UpOll th, IlqUlI ed I edr \ dl d oj l' 30 fet't lea\ 1l1f: a I eJl \<11d of 20 fl'd "nd thl'1 Lb\ I l'qUJI'llg d I dlldtH E flom thl' pn'II.,,,,n' of .\tlllh' AIlI "('(lion 131.)()oj thl (It I , ZOt1lIlf-, ~I OrdmdJll!

'! C I Tht Pll'PI I t\ "t IV] lI,!apltloll I' /t'ld[{'d In th( H 1 lhlllJ,ng lh'lIl(1 ! alld unael -\Itltll \ III '-,Ehl'dult of Rl'gul"tlOn, ~('('tIUIl HIIII the mill f Imum lot (0\ ('I agl dllo\\ I'J trJ lhl' dl'!' 1(1 I' ,\:; of lot "ll d 1 hl toLd Clasifled bulldmg (O\('lagl' \Illh thl' m'll dddltwn Ilouid ('I.«'l'd th.' nJlIllmum dl Caring lov.ed b~ 44 ..q ft A \ .II ,dnl( It (".1IQ b( n ljUli ,'(j

Professionals dnd working Ads 2) 'lhE dpp' ,I! of !>oIl & \11' l(fl~ L \\'lIfwld O\I!lE't' of Ih, Pl'TlI1'(" together ]O(dtf,d "I nil IOUldllll flon, tilt dt'l1l,d of tht BuildIng llE'p,ntm, nt l" get 1,~Ut' " Buddlllg P"tlllll 10 m,tdll "n "11 «)J]dliloldng uml Ir lhl 'IdE OpOI for bener ~Pdll "f lhlll hUlllE JO(dll(] al thl' fOI"ho,ng dddre,~ ~U< h pt.t mil " ~Udn(' \1.1' dE nlE d f (,r It',,'on Iha t Ihl d11 r ondlt IOnIng Unit I' pr opo,ed to health care qUick l)t, 1,,(,de d IJ1 thl 'IdE \dlrl II hilt '\tlll IE 1\ St'Elion 404 of thE (11\, Z(JIlIng ( I' dlr."n( \' rt (lUll ( , Illq ,dJdt Ion In thE' n'd I of t hE' ~trUl IUI l twt IIt'l II tht p'rePH 'IdE" Ihcrdj~ rt'qulrln~ thd' d \an"n(E' bl' gldn\l'd from thE results. dfore,t dtf'd pi O\,l~lOn,

and Call J' Tht dPllldl of (Olt,I!::E HO~PIl,,1 ];" !>.('Irlll Idl from the d, n ,Ii of IIH BUI10lnl! IJql,'11 n,l nl 1(, 1<'<'(>( a Pt'l mil fOI thE lon" IUltWTI of ,I nl \1 Jobh) ~ ~ Q 882-6900 dnd \,t h" u!,n pdrkmg dt,( K ..,U( h pel mil l"UdJ]( f' \1.1'- df'llll'd for rt'd~on ~ that • PreSCription 3' lh( ,tru! tUIt 10' "I,d OILth' fOll'gOll11-,p'(ml~('- l' lion (onfllrrmr,g fllr DELIVERY service before n'a~on thd' 11pf(JJI'I h mil, tht front ~pJ« In \lOldllo:1 of Ihl' prO\I;'lOn~ nf • Jobst Support Artie It XIII "'E'EtlOn I IrK, of lh. (It) , ZonIng Oldman, l dnd In aE ('or HOSIery d,mc( Illth Ihl prO\ "Ion, of o\rlll I. X\ "'('(llOn 1:;02 111m 4 A of thE' • DiabetiC Self- Tuesday (11\ '- Znnll\g Ordtn"r'l! nn 'uen ~tlueIUrl' mat h,' l'nlargt'd or ,tru( Testing Center tllrall) alll'r('(j un IE" " ""mall, ( i' gr,mtE'd • Crutches & noon bl (oltdgE !Ir"plidl ", p,lrl of It~ propo'l'd pldll' to (oll,lruet d pdrkmg .....heelchalrs d('( k to thl .,outh nf Mlnr }{Odrl IntE''1O, to (on,t ru( 1 d nel' lobb\ ('ntl dntl' ..,. r:Jtnw farIng MUJr }{r',ld to ~E'rvl((' ~u(h dlCk v.hHh \.\ould proJl'(1 19i) wto the pat'IIONIJ MMce front bUlldm~' ~('tbal k ~II( h mfnng<'mpnl v.ollid h(' In \lOldtlon of ArLH If' XliI ~ecllon 1.'iOOof thE (J!~ ~ ZOlllJlg Ordlnan( v.hl( h requlr('~ d front ttK)IOU Md your bUlldlJl~ <,E'lbdek of 2.:; f('pt famIty () (nUdge HO~PII,d al", 'I'l'k' " Idlldnu f()f lh' air ~Pd( ( "pproxi ST.lUll matf'l\ 13 Il IlhOH MUir Road to pNml1 th(' u~( of ,ur'h air ~P1Hc for PHARMACY vehicular d('( k pa rklJlj.( Sf (,lall Prol BIdg TIll" ~h'an ng~ "III nf publl( IJltf'fl,,,tNI pI 0pl'rl \'r' and rt'"d('nl~ of 2<' 151 Morass Ad the ( It \ an mVII(.d to aHend DetrOfl ""I RICHARD G ~OL>\I\ (In l umK & io,t,(' Y 343-3n6 GPlIo - 4 1~1W ZOMM ... BOARD Of' APPEAL." Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

St. John ST. CLAIR HEALTH CORPORATION Get free t..... (COAtlOued from Page IAI through April DINIER SPECIALS year, according to Wesselmann. Tuesday Wedne~y NI(Jht ~ Night choice Of ...... • Located In the St ClaIr ProfessIonal The National Arbor BwldIng, adjacent to the hosPItal, 74 Slat.r. of Dar FoundatIOn IS Surf IlIrf II1II51wer, "tll' kidney patIents receIve dIalysIs glVlng 10 (ree Colora- It Joe"'" Fill•• Mf9non 88 • treatment three hmes a week do Blue Spruce trees • Morn! Flih u-w...... _ .... Another 15 patIents receIve rellef to people who become $gll Foundation Members .Iack... '9" by staff members who VISItthem at durmg April No 0 1<0001 Cordt 0<1 ~_ home, says Bobbl Lyons, director Happy Hour 4-6 weekd8ya of operation. "We have followed 25 8t Clllr H.. lt~ "1 ... ,Ollt.-I-:1 The free tree!> are Live Jazz Entertainment WNIcenda patIents through referral pro- Cor~or.llon Ho.plllt grams for transplants since the part of the founda- center opened " tIOn's effon to pro- O~n r...... s.t mote tree plantIng Lunch al'ld DInner Plans mclude provldmg dialYSIS throughout America, 11 a.m,.10 p.m. servIce elsewhere, according to Fri. and sat. Denms MarkieWICZ, board member ColOlado Blue Spru. 'W midnight and vice-presIdent of finance "We ce!>, evergreens With could branch out Port Huron compact comcal shape 15402 MACK Saini ",ehn Thl O.'ord 81 Clll' 8' CIII, AUllill.d HIH~.on Corftmunlly and sliver blue-green (corner of Notlll~"") would be a logical spot " t'lolpUai Amb~I•• o/y Cart In.Ut" •• R,n.1 C.nlar H.IU~ Slnlc •• Corporlllon Ho.pltll color, \\ ere ~clectcd In lhe Pant The Oxford Institute IS the because of thell' many VALET PARKING newest of the corporatlons Accord- • __'III •• ,l •• , • '.1' •••• • C.~, .. 15 1.1••• , In • +I ••• ",.1.• u~es home land. 881 ..0550 ...... 1'''( . 01.1 •• ;1 ...... mg to Wesselmann, $2 5 million IS c:: .... _.".,. •• . Jt ••• 'llfUI~' scapIng Foundation ' " Its fIrst year antIcIpated operating . "., ,,.." dIrector John Rose- budget • I' CI .. ll no\\ ~ald the free w., ,. C... lu trees can be used a<; dependancy treatment center nes- IM''tIC •• ornamentals, a prt- tles on 55 acres of land It is sur- vacy ~creen or \\ md. stltullons," says Slingerland ISused as an t.>mergency center and Their fundralsmg IS handled break, or as hvmg rounded by a wrldhfe preserve and St. Ambrose has nature trails, lakes, and sport "These types of \'entures usually Staub expects the servIces to have through gift bazaars. teas, fall's Chnstmas trees The fIelds for football, tenms, baseball generate about $150,000 net and we tnpled by the end of this year and an annual Chnstmas ball SIX to 12 Inch tl ees hope to have a 10 to 15 percent pro- wII! be shipped pos- and Joggmg Another responSibility for St fit margin In the near future" tage-paid with en. Accordmg to DaVid SeSSIOns.vice- Clair Ambulatory Care IS owmng, "They too have pledged $1 closed pIa ntlng In. preSident of the Institute, both Another offshoot of Affillate IS managing and operatmg the adJa- mllhon for the same flve-) ear- 1ltructlOns in Aprtl or female and male pallents can ProfesSIOnal Medtcal Services It cent ProfesSIOnal BUlldmg, The penod," says Sister McQuade May choose m-house or out.patlent pro- provides temporary nursmg help to tenants Include the gift shop, op- hospitals and homes. The three. tical and pharmacy shop, beauty grams m a "location that ISserene, In the past, the momes from both The NatIonal Arbor private and affords them confi- year-old $400,000 investment, shop and courtyard restaurant Day Foundation. a located on Kelly Road in Harper Also Included are 50 pflvate phySI- groups have purchased among dentiality " other thmgs, oxygen, a monitor for nonprofIt organiza- Woods, should now begm to recoup cian offices which the corporalion tion, IS \\orkmg to im- Mflllated Health ServlCes, a about a 20 percent margin, says does not operate cardiac pal1ents, beds, emergency carts, neo-natal equipment and prove the quahty of four-year-old busmess venture Shngerland life throughout the With $1.8 gross operatmg revenue Staub says the buildmg could add helped revamp patient care areas, Mflltate also plans to open a two more floors, but .'those aren't says Sister McQuade. country by encourag- In 1983, houses its offices nearby A durable medical equipment store in the plans for the next couple of Lng tree plantmg and department. 51. Clair Management conservation The Contracts, is located m the Pomte later thiS year. Located near the years." hospital, It would sell Items such as Wesselmann says that while all FoundatIOn \\ III give Plaza Shoppmg Center and pro- And not to be overlooked in the the budget figures loom large, the 10 free trees to vides staffing for River Dlstrrct oxygen, chaIrs, and beds to phySI- cians, hOSpItals and mdlvlduals fmanclal scheme of thmgs are the these fIgures do not reflecl ex- members contributing Hospital m St Clair volunteers who give their time and penses "We try to have an objec- $10 durmg AprIl. According to Edward V Shnger- Another corporatlOn, Sl. Clair money willingly. Many help run the tive of $3 mlillon to $4 mllhon left Time Fri •• MIIy 4, 1&84800 pm. Ambulatory Care, grossed $11 mil- gift shops and receptIOn areas over each year that we can use to To become a sat., M4ly 5, 1984 8'00 P m land, executive vIce-president, member of the Foun- Sun., May 8, 1M4 7.00 P m Management Contract supplies all hon worth of operatmg revenue among other things support the various projects or last fiscal year, according to dation and to receive levels of profeSSIOnal, managerial underwrite a loss Price $4.00 Gen.ral. 12.00 senior Wesselman Some of its ventures the free trees, a $10 and medIcal staff to the hospital for The St. John Hospital Guild IS include prOViding home care to membershIp contnbu- a set fee The same arrangement made up of 600 promment area "We also had $3 7 million of un- acutely ill pahents, says John tion should be sent to For IIck.t, or Info., call 822-2114 was agreed upon With HarrIson businessmen They stage four fun- compensated care last year ThiS Staub, executive vice-president TEN BLUE SPRU- or pick up a' St. Ambro .. RectOf'Y,. Hospital until recently Now It draising events yearly for an includes bad debts. chanty, clime 15202 Hamplon at "'aryland "We saw about 20,000 home health CES, National Arbor stands on the organizational chart average annual donation- of care VISits last year, outpatient lab discounts and losses on medicaid Day Foundation, 100 as a corporatIOn alongSIde St John $250,000 says Sister Vernice SIOllft1l will bl cabartl ",I. 10 0"'" .ad, aft" tests numbered 250,000, plus 35,000 Each corporation can do Its own AI'bol Avenue, bring your ow ... r.'r •• hM.nh Hospital McQuade, SSJ, board member and thing and make ils own areas radiology procedures " Nebl'aska City, Neb Ooorlll open 0"'. now' pllor 10 ped.,.",."ce vice-president of patient com- grow," he adds 68410, by Api'll 30 Also under Affiliated Health mumcations and commumty Services IS the pharmacy and op- St. Clair Ambulatory bUill, staffed and equipped, for phySI- affairs. tical departments m the St. Clair cians, the Ambulatory Medical ProfesslOnal Building Wanting to Center on Masonic Boulevard m St further expand, they're eying the "Thls year they've pledged $2 Clair Shores, says Staub. There, posslbihty of managing other off million for the First Fund Cam- six doctors, who speclahze in inter- premise mdependent pharmaCies. paign to be given between 1983and The optical department IS present- nal mediCine, obstetrics/gynecolo- 1988," she says. ly being managed by another com- gy and pediatriCS share common pany but when tOO contract expires records, charts and staff., I The F(m1bonne, the women's fun- in July, Slingerland says the cor- "In return, they pay a percent of dralslng arm, mcludes 1,300 poration plans to manage It too what they gross bill, a fee-for- women. Many are wives of the } ;JlI r (()fn pit.> /(' /.(')od u nd 11(.n .ruJ..:<' ( ~'n /(', service practice," says Staub male gUild members. Sister .. P:\CKACF I.IQl TOf< I>~ AI.l-i~ * Sl':'\I>:\ Y I !()l'O!< • "We also have management con- McQuade says they average about tract proposals out to two other in- After hours, part of the building $150,000 in yearly contribuliollS Center Cut MCUE will help FAMILY STEAK YOU'LL LOVE with problems THESE The MichIgan Coah- 82.69 LB, KENNEDY'S tlOn on UtilitIeS and Boneless, Rolled PRODUCE Energ~, (MCllE), is SPECIALS FURNISHINGS, ACCESSORIES, ANTIQUES operatmg a hot-line to RUMP ROAST help ~ple deal WIth 82.69 LB, Sno-White utility shut.offs and CAULIFLOWER other utility difficul- Fresh ties GROUND CHUCK 99° HEAD The program does Sw-eet, Red not offer flOancial 3 LBS. FOR 83.99 assistance but It does WATERMELON help the indiVidual 210 LB. through the utility EASTER '\ Fresh, Homemade company syslem POUSH KIELBASA Fresh PREVIEW The hot.llne ....111 WINE AND CANTELOUPES operate from 10 a m. CHAMPAGNE '1.9. LB, to 5 pm, Monday eeo EACH through Fl'lday Call SALE Winters 963-2465 and help us, German Style help you keep the heat SMOKED on MORRELL SALE E..Z CUT KIELBASA '2AI LB, UniverSity of Penn- HAMS Honey Bee sylvania researchers '7he mOnItored 1,056 dieters Glazed You're invited to take part in a rare opportunity ... our entire World~ to learn Utat those who Finest" SPIRAL SUCED inventory is being made available at reductions of 400/0 or more! started their maIn HAMS meals With soup lost HAMI We will be open for 2 weeks only; clearing our stock in prepara. Just as much weight as '2.99 LB, the yogurt and salad di- tion for renovation and grand opening of our new location, eters

CITY OF Cheesecakes from "The Cheesecake Shoppe" Final 3 Days ~rOS6 r J)olntr Stahl's Bakery • Fresh Coffee Beans • CI'OISSlJnts purk Doors Close 5 p.m. MICHIGAN Saturday, April 21 st INVITATION TO 810 CITY TREE REMOVAL ~ dJ('d bld~ "Ill !)(' r('C'C'lv 76 Kercheval "on.the-hill" f'd b) thr ( Ity ('Ierk of thf' CI!) of (.ro.,~f' POlnle Thur" Fri., Sat. 10:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M, P,l rk 1'.1\( hl/o:,m until 10 00 A M on Thur<,

HENREDON, BAKER, HICKORY CHAIR, I Bin "0\ ,'loJ)('" "h'l Il he CRUSH pl

ANTIQUES & MORE! ''"'Pf'<.'lflC'cltIOtt't arf' Pubht St'rVlf'e ~ 85.99 lWpli r1 mt'Jlt PlUS OEPOSlT 84.99 Pm'f'8 reqUf'Jlted arf' 10 be PLUS maeit' per hl7.f' of trPe 24-120l. DEPOSIT CANS N.J. OrtAai 24 11 oz. IOfTW KENNEDY'S I GPN 4/19/84 City Clerk

- \ t , , . -----.------

Thursday, April 19, 1984 Page Sixteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Nervous? The road to Recovery is positive, logical will-training gone through the process of Recov- she added. SteIner saId vise, dIagnose or treat people We form the baSIS of hl!l self-help tech- know our limIts" By Mike Andrzejczyk mques The orgamzatlOn currently ery and can demonstrate the tech- Although Recovery offers the Members of groups come from The Lord may help those who has thousands of weekly meetmgs mques to others, she added same group support as Alcohohcs all walks of hfe, Mrs Steiner said What Recovery offers IS a help themselves, but Recovery In the Untted States, Canada, Puer- Mrs Stemer was afraid of leav- Anonymous does, the Recovery Members can be former mental method of "thmkmg securely," shows them how to do It to RICO, Ireland and the Umted 109 the house alone For 12 years, meetings are more structured, patIents who have been released Mrs Stemer said "We even have Recovery, fne, the ASSocIatIOn Kmgdom she was unable to leave her house Mrs Stemer sa1d from a fac1hty or referred by a doc- our own language Part of our pro- of Nervous and Former Mental Locally, there are almost 50 alone or travel far because of the Both organizations offer group tor because they are capable of gram is a flve-mmute mutual aid Patlents, IS a Chicago-based 1Oter- meetings weekly throughout the fear 1t evoked After workmg support to break through to the m- self-help Others are walk-ms who telephone call If someone calls me natIOnal orgamzatIOn that helps tn-county area, with a Thursday through Recovery, "1 have become dlvldual to help remove the Imag- have heard of the group, Mrs. and says, 'I'm afraid,' 1 would ask, people overcome nervous symp- mght meeting at 8 p m at ~t MI- a group leader and have traveled med stlgma of the problem bemg Stemer added What bmds them 'Have you spotted your temper~' toms and unreasonable fears chael Epl~copal Church 20475 around the countrv and the world," faced But Recovery meetmgs together are the symptoms and You have to learn the method~ , through senes of self-help tech- Sunmngdale Pal k near Mack she added • follow a deftmte structure, Mrs fears they have mques Recovery came to DetrOit In 1952 Will-trammg and the techniques Stemer saId Common symptoms mclude Spotting, endorsmg and sympto- Group leader for the 66 De- and has smce become an accepted to achieve 1t aren't eaSily de- Meetmgs begm With a readmg of heart palpItations, shortness of matic IdIOm are some of the terms I ; troIt-area chapters, Isabel Stemer, part of mental health treatment, sCflbed You have to go to Dr a chapter from "Mental Health breath, dlzzmess, numbness, trem- 10 Recovery language that elIm- I ' &aId Recover" has put together a Mrs Stemer saId Referrab corne Lo....'s book for examples of pat- through Will-Trammg" or a taped ors, headaches, sleeplessness and mate th(' Judgemental and amI at cable program that aired on from doctors and hospitals as well Ients usmg the techmques a well as lecture, followed by examples of depreSSIOn Some members are the logIcal A patIent IS taught the Grosse Pomte Cable Monday and a~ walk-ms, 5he added readmg hIS explanatIOns of the how nervous symptoms are han- afraid of bemg alone, crowds, Jour- unbearable' pam Isn't, along Wednesday mghts The program Recovery doesn t dla gnose prob- vocabulary used and the processes dled usmg the Recovery tech- neys, open spaces, eatmg, chokmg WIth \\ ays to spot what keys the was "Just to mform the commumty lems, Mrs Stemer ~ald The pro- To call It a restructuring of thmk- mques A questlOn-and-answer pe- or have other compulSIOn!:. or ob pam and ....hat other ways to deal about the group and ItS functIOn," gram offers support for those ....111- 109 IS too SImple nod ISheld, followed by the larger sessIOns ....Ith those sltuatlOn~ she added Calling the group an "AA for group breakmg mto smaller, more Smce lay leaders aren't med- Ing to learn and use the techmques, Central to Recovery IS workmg Recovery was founded In 1937by she addpd the Nervous" Isn't qUite right, mformal groups Ically tramed, they don't offer the late Dr Abraham Low, whose Lay leaders are not tramed pro- either, Mrs Stemer said The The orgamzatlOn IS self-support- diagnoses, Mrs Stemer said at It, Mrs Stemer saId "You don't "Mental Health Through feSSIOnals, she said Leaders are group's work can't be likened to Ing and non-profit, so donatIOns are "Your doctor l!lyour authOrity," Just read the book It's not a novel Will-Tra101Og" and other books members of the group who have poSitIve thmkmg techmques either, accepted at the meetmgs, Mrs Mrs Stemer saId "We don't ad- You have to study It," she sa1d

t I

iI l


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~V24 °Curlls l,lathes JV729 Video Casselle Recorder$698 00 • TranSitional Styling • 100% 20 .. tt. System All lhe rest mrluded Great glftl Great value! 0Excluslve 4 Year limited Warrant\' Solid-State ChaSSIS • 82 0Vldeo Casselle Recorder $499 00 Includes powerful thfo longest Ir Ihe bUSiness No Charge Channel Tuning System • Auto 03 Year Extended Servlce War'anly 37650 oDellvery and Installat on amplifier • AM/FM tuner oDellyery and Installation 2895 by trained personnel No Charge Color • AFT • PIcture Control • cassette deck With "Lifetime MOVie Club Membership 4995 OLlfetlme MerT'bershlp 10 our mOVle library No Charge J2504MW metal tape capability • 0'00 MOVie Title Rentals $3 95 each 39500 0100 Free MOVie Renlals Includong belt dnve semi oHead cleaning once a year for 4 yrs $'5' 80 the ne,ye~! relfOase~arrllling carstantl\ (rfOnlone qet one free) No Charge automatic turntable • 53795 per yr x 4 deluxe rack HX2000 $688 oHfad cleaning once a year for 4 yrs No Charge .per channel Into 8 ohms Special 4 Yrs. Parts 20 from 20-20,OOOHZWith $1,501 $698°0 05% Of less THD 4 Vrs. Llibor Comp8re! You'll Agree Curtis Mathes is America's Greatest value! $598 ,•••••••••••••••11 r------.IS I Blank -r:120 Tapes I .. ENTRY BLANK • 77 IL a e Only $6 _ I I WIN A COLOR TV AT = I Limit4 - Cash & Carry ..I .. CURTIS MATHES = - II •• JUST FILL OUT COUPON BELOW WITH • I YOUR NAME ADDRESS AND PHONE • Curis ~ • NUMBER THEN DEPOSIT IN DRAWING • Warranty • BOX IN OUR STORE ONE ENTRY PER • • FAMII.Y Curtis Mathes gives you an ExclUSive Four ,I Year Limited Warranty on every E'lectronic part 1IIIIIIIIMalhes • NAME • evpn the picturE' tube' Includes labor Even • ADDRESS__ _ • after your Exrlus!ve Four Year Limited HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER • CITY _ • Warranty exp res a dependable CyrtlS Mathes • PHONE__ _ -- • continues to afford you low cost maintenance CurtiS r-Iathes products may cost a little more 16844 KERCHEVAL HOURS Mon Wed- 10 6 • DAMYINGWILL BE HELD 5.'." • Thurs-Frl-10 9 but they re 'NOrthIt 881.9170 GROSSE POINTE 8at-10 7 11•••••••••••••• 11 "IN THE VILLAGE"

• Section B The Second Section Thursday, April 19. 19M

From Another Pointe Pointer of Illterest Of View P.R., FLEe-initials are big In• J.D.'s life B)' lff1U!t M.#Uer

You've made It through the wmter wIthout a break You By Tom Grcen\\ood J 0 "He told me they needed help both need and DESERVE a vacatiOn How about some- Baslcallv. J D o~ens 10\ es \\ hat \\ Itll the public relatIOns end of the thmg dIfferent thIS year: a week's stay at an apartment m he's dOing" What he s dOll1gbasl- orgalllzatlOn I also started thmk- I London's Chelsea DIstrict, say, or at a castle m Italy? A cellly, ISever) thll1g mg about ho\\ FLEe might have to ! Greak Lakes freighter cruise? Currently, John Douglas ()~ens, help m~ kids some day So I JOined 58, ISpreSident elndfounder of J D I behevE' you should try to give Well. flOe and dandy, you admit, but how do I go O\~ens PubliC ReldtlOn~. situaled back to a commumty what )OUget about arrangmg a vacation like that? You could begm by 011 the lower concourse of the Col- out of It Bel>ldesthat, Joe Beals IS arrangmg to be at the Detroit Athletic Club Saturday, May omal I"ederal SavlI1gs bulldmg on a ver) persuasive guy" the fIlII J D has been on the FLEe board 12, for the 1984 edItIOn of the Grosse Pomte Academy's An- for the past five years m every pos- nual Action Auction. For among ActIon Auction's exten- He's also secretary of the Grosse '"' ~ • " 1 T .. r-, , r , • ,h,\I1 hilI Irp""llrpr "f h~"p pn",,,,h SIve, unIque list ot goods, serVIces and "other stutf," there j. uuu...... JUIII,. '-..-J'-C.U1 IV" IUl,.l p.l (.,O)IU(" III of a condominIUm aSSOCIatIOnand of :l pr0b!em balanCing my o\~n are always some of the most exciting vacation packages IS the out-gomg preSident of the checkbook, let alone bemg put 10 you'll ever come across Anywhere Family Life EducatIOn Council, charge of theirs," said J D HIS current term as preSident ends thiS Mr. and Mrs Walter Briggs Robinson are honorary (}<'LECl FLEC IShiS real baby .,Actually, my posItion Ib mostly June chairmen of the auctIOn this year. Mr and Mrs Edward J "I'll certainly miss It. but 1 told Stroble Jr. are general chairmen Auctioneers will be ceremomal, " said J 0 over lunch at the Grosse Pomte Yacht Club them I'd alwavs be available for Lawrence F and Ernest J DuMouchelle "The real person who runs thmgs any help I can gIve them," l>ald Owens The fun begins at 5 p.m., with a silent auctIon that runs there ISBarb Hoffman, our execu- tive director And qUite frankly, Born III OetrOlt, J 0 lived III Blr- to 6:30 p.m. The live auction IS scheduled for 7 to 9 p.m. mlllgham as a child, then moved I Hors d'oeuvres WIll be served, and cocktaIls will be our flllancial conditIOn at FLEC IS untenable \\Ith hiS famllv to Gro!>sePomte III available Free parking is included In the general admIS- S1I1ceBarb has gotten there. we 1934 He was supposed to graduate sion donatIon of $30 per person (tax deductible within legal I have so many more wonderful pro- from Grosse POlllte High School in limits). grams to offer the commumty that 1943, but somethmg called World War II popped up , There's also a dinner option, at $20 per person - the we Simply can't afford them "Actually, the war came along at DAC promIses cream of asparagus soup and an entree of That's why FLEC has decided to kICk off a fund ralsmg drive m Just the right time," smIled J D. Chicken Wellington with Madiera Sauce, plus Cherry the near future aimed at ralsmg "To tell the truth I was kicked out Turnover Chantilly for dessert - but dinner reservations $100,000 to continue our work and of high school a lot To the poml are limited and will be issued on a first come, first served payoff the mortgage on our Mack where they wouldn't let me back In basis; they should be In by Friday, April 27. Reservations Avenue busmess office any more and my folks were too as- for the auctIon and/or the dinner may be made by callIng "I know we have an Image m the hamed to ask them to let me In 886-1221 or 886.1802. commumty of always standmg again. So off to war I went at 17." there With our hands outstretch- He served in the Army and was If you can't make it down to the DAC May 12, you can ed," smiled J D "And It'S ab- always the "youngest guy in my still participate, taking a chance on taking home your solutely true We're a completely outfit " heart's desire Action Auction '84 items will be on display voluntary organtzallon With no "After three weeks in the Army I Friday, May 4, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m at the Grosse Pointe steady source of funds We depend realized that Grosse Pointe High Academy. Absentee bids will be accepted. on the Rotary, Fnends of FLEC, School wasn't so bad" said J D "I the Skillman Foundation. the Jun- figured I'd beller get an education • * * IOr League and the reSidents of when I got out" -ll'f Tem 0.-...- Action Auction has been the Grosse Pointe Academy's Grosse Pointe Our current budget Upon his discharge, J.D. fmished OUt-going FamHy Life Education Council (FLEe) preside. fund raiser every spring for the past 15 years. Each year is about $85,000 his high school diploma and went to J.D. Owens. has seen an increase in revenue. Last year's action net- "Many persons criticized us MIchigan State Umversity where think 1 was the first edltor/restau- ey keeps commg In When the man- ted $180,000, actually cancelling the operating deficit of the when we moved into our new build- he received a degree in "Social rant critiC in the city of Detroit I ey stops, we're all going to have to school which receives no federal funding or other tax sup- mg on Mack, but we have grown m- Sciences. " guess you'd call It the first 'gut edi- leave and go out and find real port and is totally dependent upon tUItIon and fees for oper- to that bUilding At 4 P m. when His first job was as a media re- tor' I loved it " Jobs" ating capital. school gets out and parents come presentaltve for MichIgan Bell. After the Times stopped opera- It's hard to Imagme J O. as an home from work, our SWitchboard "Just a mce way of saymg I sold lions, J D worked for a senes of advertlslllg man He doesn't seem The auction has been a tremendous asset since its incep- lights up like the tote board at advertisements for the Yellow small ad agencies before landmg a to fit the Image of the "ad exec" tion, providing additional revenue that allows tUItion to be Hazel Park! We help a lot of fami- Pages," smiled J D The Job was posItion WIthRoss Roy running from ageocy to agency m a kept within the reach of most families. The Grosse POinte lies out here" fun and the pay was good, but He spent 18 years With the agen- pr('ssure filled world Quite frank- Academy is almost 100 years old It opened Its doors in J D got Illvolved WithFLEe Just another ~upalton was calling ey, leavmg 15 months ago ol>lenslb- 1y, he's Just too eas) going to {Itthe after It was fouQded18 years ago In September, 1885, as a boarding and day sctmoL for...girls, "I'd always wanted to work for a 1)' to "rellI'e," "I started domg thiS mold operated by the Society of the Sacred Heart. responDe Lo the Qrui epldelmc thMt newapapel'. ~ j ended ~ WI&J;I 4Ae was sweeping \hOugh the Pointe. DetrOit Tim-," uld ,J,D ••• J...,. ...udUJat, t'-a~~rr:.~" ;s, ...... IIIIIIIIII...~'."j'm.:a:sra• I. H became an independent, co-educational day school in "At that time my doctor, Dr Joe cub reporter when I started and far things have been going reaTTy vetS "fJr, . ~ Beals, was president of FLEe and ended up as a columist by the time well T tell my two employes "Hey, derstandlllg of economiC'S,history, 1969, but still operates under the original charter. Four sort of conned me mto it," laughed the paper folded III 19&1 Actually, I thiS IS great fun a!>lon~ as !tw mOIl- ('onllnuf>d em Pa~f' 128) years ago, the Academy was designated an historical education complex by the Michigan Historical Commis- sion This year, it is providing an alternative to parochial and public school education to 305 Detroit metropolitan Short and to area families, with 402 children in the Early, Lower and Middle Schools. Tile Pointe An Easter Season Event Robert HathbulI, Even older than the Grosse Pointe Academy is Historic chairman of the Old Christ Church, located on East Jefferson Avenue at the Grosse Pomte South REPTILE TRIM foot of the Chrysler Expressway. This Victorian Gothic High School Art De structure, built prior to the Civil War, has been the site of partmenl. \\ as one of many important musical events which have become part 15 U S art teachers of the Story of Detroit belected to attend a two-da) bemlllar at ThIS Easter Season, Old Christ Church WIll be the settmg Parsons School of De- for another such event. The church choir, soloists and or- :'Ign In New York CIty chestra, under the dIrection of Professor Malcolm Johns, m February will present Haydn's "Stabat Mater" (the composer's favorite sacred work) on Good Friday mght, tomorrow, Gt'ne Pluhar, Grosse April 20, at 8 p.m. POInte South Il1gh Schoolart teacher, ha!> The text delIneates the sorrowmg Mary standing at the been nailled to the foot of the cross on which Christ is crucifIed. Soloists will Board of DII eclors of be Faye Washington, Carolyn GrImes, Eleanor Felver, Pe\.\ablc Poltery James Moore and Bronson James A grant from the Pluhelr teache!> Inlro MichIgan Council for the Arts helps make this special per- ducllon to Art. Figure formance possible, Dr awmg, DeSIgn \\ Ilh Me(al" Sculpture It's open to the public, and it's a wonderfully approprIate Flhers and Ceranllc!> way to observe a Good FrIday The church is surrounded at South by three free parkmg lots, aU light~d and supervlzed by securIty guards Further mformatlon may be obtamed by Thoma., 1)0\1 nlllg calhng 259-6691 ~()n of :\Ir and \Ir .. Hobert O. \\ IJhd III" of Another Musical Event HaJJ> \'. ood Road ha!> entei-l'd th(' ( ~ All Art of Poland ASSOCiates, an aUXIliary of the Founders Force'" J)elaH'd En Society DetrOIt Institute of Arts, WIl! present a speCial h"lment !)rogram Polish ConstitutIOn Day Commemorative Concert featur. Dim IIIng a Gro.,..,e mg mternatlOnal award wmnmg Pohsh emIgre plamst POInle :'.orth Iligh ~( hool "I'1lI0r \\ III Le~zek Bartklewlcz m a program of selections from the l'nl(>r the I('gular Air repertOIre of Ignacy Jan Paderewskl on Thursday even- !"one \('pl 24dnd fol 109, May 3, at 7 30 pm In the DetrOIt Institute of Arts Lec- lov, 1l1~ gr,Hlud I IOn ture/ReCital Hall from IJd"I(' IIam1l1g .II Dmrnotlcalty C1ff L.H:kland All FOI «' PALUZlO's new kzOfd wtzordty A meet-the-artlst reCE'ptlon, With Wille, In th~ mu~eum '!) H.I..,(' 'I I'll.I" \\111 n' on etegontty crafted bkJck potent Romanesque Hall WI)) folio .... the c<..ncert Adml!)blOn for «')\ t' gt'rwr dl tl't hili leather hoodbogs The cootrost 1$ the entIre evemng IS $750 (X'r person Rest>rvatlons are eillll.mung suggested Further mformatlOn may be obtained by con- • striking Shown, small f~ dutch S80 And large ckJtcn w1ttl tacting Delphine Puscas at 644-3478or Sm,an Bratkow~kl '1.10110\ 1\1111 Ho\ at 286-5611 (tHlgh!!'1 01 \lr .md gathered detOiM'lg, S' 30 Both with .. • • \1r.., '(''''''''l' Bn",' of shoulder straps that ~on be tuck~ Wlllo\l, 'J r P(' PI,H (. Inside Now In &ett... Hondboga BartkieWICZ currentlj a Doctoral Fellow In MUSICPer- V, .1.., horlllr('d \1a f( h 10 ---~~------formance at thf' tJmver51ty of Michigan, Ib vf'ry well for oUhl.lllc!lllJ.( ..,111 known In Gros~e POintE' HE'won last year'~ Gro~~e POinte (h'nl pC-rllll JndrH C' MUSIcal Festival CompetttlOn and will perform the Pro- \\ hill' PH'pd' Irlg to koflev r'lrst and the Chopin Second Plano Concerto!) ~Ith I(,il ( h J hI' Ilonol I tH' Alkn ~ \\ Illl nl'" the Grosse Pomte Symphony Orchestra, 1<'('11''\ He~mck Av.dl d \\<1" prl'"plll('d In conductmg, May h" till' 1111\1'1.,11\ of ~1J(hlgdn ~{hllof of In He has appeared reCItal at the Ed~el & Eleanor Ford I-:dIH dllon r ,U1kpc! a.., House, and recently for the FlIle Arts Society of DetrOIt at om' 01 t!H' h('", t III t he a private home In The Pomte Prior to cOTmng to the country II" till' (;ollr Umted States, he won the Young Pohbh Plamst Prize In rndl1 I{('porl M,.., Hoy 1978, and the Lugano (SWitzerland) InternatIOnal I~ metrl IPd to f{O\ H"" 0lOI. IV '"ONE: 2-4 tQn Q ~. 7 days Q week Masterplayer Plano Competition m 1980. the pair \0\111 return 10 Grob!>E'Pomte In June De4toI, call6CJ.2'k I ...... , toI-fTM '.I()().23J..2000, PageTwo-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 19, 1984 t , Among members of : Ort.... . the Players Guild of Dearborn whIch Howtohande • CIET101M n !he WoIveme Jazz Band : WSU Faculty presented "Encore at : Every Tuesday 8:30 p.m : the Old Ma]eStlc" m sibling fights Wives elect DiIiIg, late March, was Julie Almost all siblings fIght at some : TIE l.IIJQ Coct.taiIs : Smith, of Grosse • MIa E...... (Just North of 9 M/III) • lime or other during theIr growmg , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Pomte up years Here are some tIps from new officers GrowlDg Chud, the monthly chud Mrs. MaUrice H Bernstem, of • development ne\l, sletter, about ho... Blrmmgham, will accept the to handle such disputes Wa) ne State Umversity Faculty • Teach by example The wa} s WIVes Club presldentlal gavel from you settle your own has scheduJ- DetrOlt Institute for ChIldren, they Washington directs "The Prodi- including Corum, Concord, Concord Collection, Mavado, days It will be the last straw - and ed ItS mnth annual gm rummy tour- Will be used to purchase a gals" "Flashback!," a mUSical Seiko, longme5, and Wittnauer. you mIght blow up. Still, If you try to nament for FrIday, May 4. at the myo-electromc hand for a young In revue based on some of the univer- respond a way that ISpredictable, Falrlane Club In Dearborn Regls- woman, Ann Mane Botham sal moments of childhood, will be you will find you have much calmer. tratlOn Will run from 4 to 6 pm, AddItional mformatlOn may be directed by Gary M Witt less anxious children, since they when play promptl) begms \\JR obtamed by contactmg Manlyn edmund t. AHEE jewelers know vmat to expect sports director Frank Beckmann Toohey at 332-5630 The summer actmg company Before you know It, your chIldren Will be celebnty host WIll mclude Hilberry veterans 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse POinte \Noods will be grown and the lessons they Cost IS $100 per person, $200 per LeWan Alexander, Jodr Cooper, learn now about how to get along team tall. deductible mdudlng Jeff Dolan, James Harbour, C. An- 886-4600 Slate Detroit Rose thony Jackson, Richard Klautsch, with others, particularly slblmgs dinner and t\\ 0 complimentary will be carned lnto their OW~ cocktails door pnzes and over Society's meeting Denms North, Clifford A Reed, Gary RlgheUmi, Katie Sikorski, families $3,600 In cash prizes Proceeds go Larry Swam, State Department Thomas M Suda and Angela Yan. of Agncu!ture In.!>pector,Will speak non Moving, Engaged, New Baby? on diseases and msects at the Brochures With complete sched~ DetrOIt Rose Society's free, open- Getting Settled Made Sim~le ule and ttcket mformatton Will be to-the-publlc meetmg Fnday, Apnl available later In the sprmg They r~ew Town dilemmas faDe after a -WELCOME Zi, WAGON call at 7 30 pm at the Oak Park may be requested by calhng the LEARN HOW TO USE THE SUPERB ROBOT.COUPEr., As WELCOME WAGON Representative .t s rry Commumty Center box office, sn-2972 W8tch us demonsu.te on lob to help you make Ihe mOSIQ/ your new neigh. borhood Shoppmg Areas Communll\- oppor!"nJ t'huncs.y, AprIl 26 from 6 to 8 p.m., Grosse Pointe ties SpeCIal a!tracllons Lois of lipS 10 save \-ou time ana money See Why the RObot-Coupe food processors are Plus a basket 01 gJ!:s tor your fa'","Y III conSidered to be the best Dlscovei how be listening lor tOU' call "Pass along versatile they are able to do so many of HELPFUL HINTS for Wedding. and Engage- INn" too! your tediOUS cooking chores In seconds "f J{ a novel idea:' Watch them slIce, shred, chop. puree, mIx V~C~ and knead Be amazed by the state-of-the-ar1 ivfMmf Merlin Olsen Polnle "- 881-5618 accessones that let you process large St Clair Shores 881-2221 amounts at one time, make '-- N_ Baby 822-0819 ~ pasta, JUices, pastry, much more Of three dependable models, you Will find the one right for you whether you are a culinary artist, cook GERANIUMS for a small or large family, entertain occaslOnalty or often

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Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Florida home Margo Brown for Jacohsons speaks vows At home in Orange Park, Fla., where he IS servmg in the United A long-sleeved, waltz length States Navy are Mr. and Mrs gown of ivory Chantilly lace was Perry Joe Jacobson who vacatlOn- Margo Anne Brown's chOice for the candlelight ceremony at which she Happy 'Easter ed at Northport Pomt following their wedding Friday June 24 m became the bride of James Leland &l.lnt Paul's-on-the-Lakeshore ~nd Easterly She carrIed a cascade of a reception at the Gourmet H~use. off-white roses, stephanotiS and Mrs Jacobson is the former IVY, and wore a cluster of Momque Michele Czanstke stephanotis In her hair daughter of Mrs Beverly Quatrme Relatives and a few close friends Czanstke, of Mount Vernon Road attended the 5 o'clock rites Thurs. and Anthony F Czanstke The day, December 29, In the Hidden and Staff brIdegroom ISthe son of the Gerard Lane home of the bnde's parents, Jacobsons, of Northport Pomt 1\11' and Mrs Donald EdWin Brown Judge Roger J LaRose 11 KERCHEVAL AVE. MonsIgnor Frances X Canfield pt"v'O by h renee K Cd-1mlhae offICIated at the 6 o'clock ceremony presIded Mrs. Perry J, Jacobson A reception followed at the :\11'. and :\11'5. 882-5550 for whIch the bnde chose an off- James L. Easter!,) the-shoulder gown of Silk organza Best man was Charles Mehnev, Grosse POInte Hunt Club, after apphqued WIth pearls and sequms of Northport The brldegroom~s whIch the newlyweds left to vaca- ned a bouquet of red and \\ lute A headpiece of flowers and ribbon brothers, Gerard and Eugene tion In London, Ont , and Flonda roses dnd hall) Theodore B caught her veIl She carned a Jacobson, of Northport PolOt, They are at home In Falls Church, Easterly acted as best man tOi hill lavender-accented arrangement of ushered. Va, where the bridegroom IS a na- brother They are the SOl1llof ;\h'll tional solar energy consultant WIth stephanotis, orchIds and baby's- The mother of the bride, In a Beatrice Lands EasterI'., of ~t breath spaghetti-strappt;d gown of MeridIan Corporation Petersburg, Fla , and Dr Robert If you can't be He has a Bachelor of SCience Lee Easterly, of Trenton Honor attendant Kellv Alht-rt'c:; lavender and Violet chilfon. with a ~h~r~ ~o('~r~, off-the-shoulder dress of Ice pmk matchmg stole, wore cymbidIum utKl t:t: ilOIU j~il~hl~dll SLdle UllI- tseaueu uelallmg accentea llle silk taffeta was styled WIth short, orchIds and baby's-breath m her versity and a Masters degree In Ur. neckline and sleeves of the street Professional puffed sleeves and a neckline lace hall'. The bndegroom's mother ban Planning from Wayne State length, ;,Jln>'e) Pllnt dl'l:llS Medical Services Insert. Bl'ldesmalds, dressed iden- wore her cymbidium orchids and University. Mrs Brown chose for her is the next The former MISS Brown, a daughter's weddll1g The bride's tically In pale lavender silk taffeta, baby's-breath at the waist of her best thing. were Pam Nelson and Karen long-sleeved, V-necked dress of Grosse Pomte North High School mother pll1ned a gardema to her Kalchik, of Northport plum crepe. alumna, received her Bachelor of purse The bndgeroom smother 110mI' l are 'l/urslnl Arts degree in Psychology from Pm air Ou" "'Iunlnl wore a street length dress of beige lIonlrmakmg Sfon Ices Wayne State UniverSity and ex- chiffon. styled \\Ilh t It'l t'<1. capt' Jeanne Barr will be wed pects to receive her Masters sleeves, and a gardellla corsage If Ill' ( ple.IM' ('1111 North Brys Dnve, are announcing Boston, and IS employed as a Cathohc University, Washington, theIr weddll1g tnp, the bnde \\85 the engagement of their daughter, registered nurse at Massachusetts DC, in May wearing 8 pastel pll1k woo! dress 343-4357 Jeanne Kathryn, to Stephen General Hospital. Shelley Anne Brown, honor at- With 8 \\llllte \\ 001 coat Charles Carey, son of Mr and Mrs Her fiance was graduated from tendant for her sIster, wore a waltz Wells C. Carey, of Charlestown, Boston Latin School and cum laude length, Silver-grey prmt dress Mass The wedding is planned for from Stanehill College, with a MS mid-July Bachelor of Science degree in Proh'!>!I10nal i\fl.'dlral Sen IC('S Business Admimstration, He is a ~OO20Krlh Rd • Bllrper \\-ood'i. \" ~zzs A.1f,jl.rttd tIIltll 5'1'" JDhn H~Plt41 MISSBarr, a Grosse Pointe North candidate for the JUl'lS Doctor High School alumna, received her degree at Suffolk University Law THE PROFESSIONALS WHO CARE ~achelor of Science degree in Nur- School, Boston, and is a Certified SlOg from the University of Public Accountant, employed by ~---- ... --_ ...... 0/ ~chigan. She is presently a can- Eastern Gas and Fuel Association dLdate for the Juris Doctor degree as a senior tax accountant. WSU Friends will hold book sale ...~ ~he Jfriends of Wayne State used book sale Wednesday and a~ U~verSlty School of Medicme (of Thursday, April 25 and 26, from 10 ..f//, which Audrey France, of the a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 1350 of ot' Gail Park, is president) will hold a Scott Hall, 540 East Canfield. Barrie Miss Barrie :J!a Slrefja .Boutique Mary Ann Behm is engaged /({/"',I }lnMII/'t' 1/1({/I/IOII//( 1/& //,,, IIl'Il1 (}(/I/U'",'tht6- PI' July Wedding Late June wedding plans are be- ing made by Gall Barne, daughter ,-qere~a ~11UIliclHle of Mr and Mrs Theodore J Burne date is set II, of Peartree Lane, and Johna- mho IOfIl (Hltl/llll' to !#/',yol//',jtl{)OoNtt',jruluon lull'S, The engagement of Mary Ann thon Van Dore, son of Mr and Mrs ({,I a/J' //,(' .I'(',{'(){( ('.1: f(lfl t<.ljJc'( al .(a t fi/'fYlt ~"/(I"(, Behm and DaVid E McCoy has Quentin Van Dore, of East Grand


..... Tall OUty • R.tunded BRIDE... Full prem",m ~ Amer\C*' Fun 1-519-253-5612 484 Pel...... at. WIN)8()R, CANADA ~\ • at ••••••• uOally 9-530 I ~ B.&STSIDE CBARLEytS • B01JN1'IPUL BRUNCH AT AN INCREDIBLE S6.95 Made to order malted wafiles \ topped VJithfresh strawberries or bananas. Made to order fresh egg fi.:p;"'- '/i' I .. l J' L" omelettes. ... ./ Fresh squeezed orangejuice and fresh fruits in season. Made on premises pastries, corn bre ad m uffi ns and BEGIN YOUR NEW LIFE WITH THOUGHTFULLY doughnuts. SElECTED GIFTS FROM JACOBSON'S A spectacular dessert table Find ('X.lctly what you walll sparkling china. crystcll and Silver ../ OPcllJllllllly patlornC'd III1On5 &lUrdy, prolesslor1dJ style cookware Plus, a variety of traditional acu",sorlP<, lor your nflW homo Thon register your preferences In brunch favorites. our Bridal Gilt Req!!'itry For the convonlPnco of your family and frlf>nc1., anc! to ilIJOld duplication our expfHlerlC(\d consultants Every Sunday from lOa m to 2 p m ADULTS ...... S6 95 Will help you orqilnllf' your <,nloC!lons then kf'ep an CHILDREN UNDER 12 S2 95 up 10 c1rllfl roGord 01 gllh purchfl'led for you CHILDREN UNDER 3 FREE

Jilt sbops of Vl"mwr Road. ~a8f8ide ltCross from ------FA'itland Mall We welcome Jacoblon'l Ch.rge C.rd or The Amerlc.n Expr .... en. Ha~rWoods WaltDIt.Pi~rCt (Jlr,',<,e, POll"!' (8RarlegiJ 884-2811 Opf'n 1hllr,>clayl'l ,1n

Page Four-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 19, 1984

PACHYSANDRA Short nnd to Concert date for children To 'Play ball!' for Harbinger Trrmma!ls /JaPOtrtSt" 'iptURfJ The Ideal perrnaneI'll evergreen ground cover plant "A Carmval of MusIC:," with jug. available by calhng 446-0909 Come to the Music H~lI Center audIence for wme and dessert in: 10 grow In sunny as well as shady locatlons where The Pointe glmg, umcycles, puppets, pan- A related program at the Detroit and root for the home team when the MUSICHall lobby. Reservations grass 1_ Grows at even he1ght of aboIJt 8 Inches tom me, flre-eatmg and free baUo- Institute of Arts IS also offered at $25per person (afterglow tickets Plant 6 incheS apar1 Sturdy well rooteo plants Harbinger Dance Company cele- ons - but no elephants - will be April 21 At 11 a m and 2 p.m , 30 brates sprmg and the opemng of alone are a tax deductible $15) may: postpaKl 50-113 SO.100-122 8S. 500-'"115. Central MIChigan featured when the No-Elephant children Will be led through a 1000-115500 FInes! QuaJilyslock Postpaid and baseball season WIth a concert and be made by calhng Harbinger Umverslty's winter Circus JOinS the Detroit Sym- expertly packec Guaranleed to I,ve or He II replace special gallery tour, to see pamt- afterglow at 8 p.m Saturda)', Apnl Dance Company. 477-7014 semester degree recip- phony Orchestra, led by assistant mgs of music and mUSICians and up 10 1 year Prompt shlpmenl Order dlfecl from ad ients mcluded Anne M. 28 Highhght of the concert one of or send for o/anl foldfir conductor MIChael Krajewski, for those With circus and carmval Honorary chaIrpersons for the Srebernak, of Lincoln the company's flve appearances 80. 6A thIS season's fmal DSO Young Peo. themes, and WIll be taught how to benefit are Mr and Mrs LoUiS PEEKSKilL NURSER IES Shrub 0 .. NY 10588 Road, Bachelor of on MusIC Hall's Dance Sefles. Will pIe's Concerts on Saturday, April make musIc themselves With m- Allen. Mr and Mrs Frank Ger- Science In EducatIOn, be a performance of .Home" 21, at 11 a m and 2 p.m In Ford struments fashIOned from Simple mack and Mr and Mrs. Irvilll "-nn \'. Hirschfield, of Harbmger's witty take-off on the Audltotlum household objects Rose General chairpersons ar~ Saddle Lane, Bachelor sport of baseball Tickets, rangmg m price from $6 After their shdes, steals and Mrs Barbara Kuhhk and Ms Den- New Arrivals at P & J of Arts. and Thomas to $8, are on sale at the Ford Audit- AdmISSIOn to the one-hour E Geist, of Yorkshire stnkeouts, the dancers WIllJom the ny Farber orium box offlce and all erc out- museum workshop IS 50 cents per Road, Charlene G. lets MasterCard and VISA charge child AdditIOnal mformatIon and Reardon, of Chalfome card customers may order by reservatIOns may be obtamed by PARAMOUNT PROMOTIONS PRESENTS Avenue, Laune A Short and to phone at 567-1400 Group rates are callmg the DIA, 833-7883 &REATER DETROIT Frederick. of Stephens The Pointe Road. and Dale Sa\ age, of Country Offer Egg painting class ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE Club Drive, Ba'_helors of SCience m Busmess Martha Wlchorek, from the elementary school chIldren, semor Among btudents APRIL 20, 21, 22 AdminIstration Ukralman BlCentenmal CommIttee cltlzens and all those 10 between, named to the Dean s * • for DetrOlt and MIChigan, and her but It IS suggested that groups LIst for the fall tel mat DAILY 12 to 9 p.m. SUNDAY 12 to 6 p.m. Andre", D. Wood- assistants Will demonstrate the an- {scout troops, semor CItIzen orgam- Mlddlebul') College ro"', son of I\llan E. cient art of Ukralman Egg paintmg zatlOns, e g } make reservations In were Joanna D. '1ur- and Ruth Woodro"" of ray. daughter of John DETROIT ARTILLERY ARMORY and teach participants how to advance bv calhng 881-7511 1ennn .., I)"''' r ..n ur I It .. nItTUI ... " Kensmgton !toaa, nas decorate eggs for permanent dIS- The $2 50 fee mcludes admiSSIOn, l. ~lurra\ 01 ~loross ..,,,,,,, n. U ",ILL IIV.. " ..n" nvn"".n"., Luxu I) strollers, baby ("arrtages and been promoted In the play In a workshop runmng from stylus, deSign sheets - there are Road. an'd Teresa D. prams that become strollers nev, at U S AIr Force to the 9.30 to 11:30 a m tomorrow, FrI- scores to choose from - and bee's Ed'" ards, daughter of Punch a'1d Judy Toyland trom rank of airman first day, Apfl120, at the Grosse Pointe wax Each student should brmg Mr. and 1\11 s. -\ F. Ed- Aprica, Perego and Brio. class A 1981 graduate War Memorial three raw eggs, Wiped WIth '" ards. of Morass of Grosse Pointe South The program ISage-less, open to vinegar, to the class Road SINGLE? PUNCH & JUDY HIgh School, Woodrow • * * Join the "East Side Singles" - spon. ISa physIOlogy special- Grantland and Gar- sors of Dinners, Dances, Outings, and TOYLAND ISt at Beale Air Force Nurse of Year search is on Iett Rice, sons of Dr. 97 KERCHEVAL Theme Parties. Base, Callf, WIth the The March of Dimes is seekmg the March of Dimes, to help her and Mrs. Wilham J. Air Force Hospital Rice, of Fordcroft on-the-Hill • * ,., nommations for the 1984 Michigan continue her education or to pay for (E.S.S.) I for ages 21 to 35; 881.7075 Nurse of the Year, an award costs relating to the enhancement Road, achieved Dean's (E.S.S.) II for singles over 35. Marquette Umversl- List honors recentiy In of maternal/infant health care ty's College of LIberal recogmzmg outstanding efforts Nominatmg applIcatIOns are Grant IS a sophomore No charge to join - No monthly fees. Arts fall semester raIsmg the quahty of nursmg care Wethll.,t. • ~_I~ • Blrt .... ,." to MIChIgan mothers and infants available from the Southeait MiChI- at Colby College, For your free activities calendar, call Dean's List mcluded Nominees must have five years' gan March of Dimes office, 17117 WaterVille, Me, and 774.5950. Paula A. Kukucka, of experience 10 maternal and infant West Nme Mile Road, SUite 820, Garrett, a freshman Crystal Center Waybllrn Avenue Stu- health nursing They must also Southfield, MICh. 48075.Deadlme for vetennanan student dents so honored earn- submitting applications IS July 15 at MSU Warelaeatoe Outlet - Save Mp te 50~ ed at least a 3.5 grade meet cnterla established by the ex- ecutive committee of the DIviSIOn Announcement of the Nurse of ,., " We ...... lreetly r..... Earepe pomt average Nanq Port",ood, of Maternal Child Nursing Practice the Year WIlltake place In October, daughter of Eve and • • • of the Amencan Nurses' at the annual meeting of the Laurie Olsen, of Robert Portwood, of Association Michigan Nurses' Association Fur- Balfour Road, was in- The Woods, Will be llst- 'Easter IJeas A committee comprised of ther information may be obtamed itiated mto Omicron In Dukel5, cand) dillhes, Ullt'5. Jt... d hOl{t.~. eolort.d several nurses' orgamzatlons will by contacting Launan Hasselwan- ed the 1984edition of Michel Pi~t eJ'}'8\l11 IKI Delta Kappa honor "Who's Who Among Jean and much more. t.ach plect. choose the Nurse of the Year, who der, R.N March of Dimes health J't.nect. the qualll). preCIsion society at OhIOUmver- Students in American l AND ~ ( A PIN G will receive a plaque and $500from educator, at 423-3200 and pride of Europt'an sity Jan. 22 Laurie, a Universltles and Col- crdlsmen senior m the College of leges " She IS a semor Communications at Cry,lal Zoo from '7.25 Woods Boat Club parties majoring in political the Athens, OhIO, um- sCience and German at SpecialiZing In verslty, earned at least Riviera Terrace was the setting ing, Theresa Avery, from the Little Central Michigan Um- a 3 0 grade point aver- for what is becoming an annual Brown Bag Shop on Mack Avenue, verslty creative landscape design, and 19866 Mack Ave. introduced the group to samples of Bel. 7 &: II ~lill' age spring event for the Grosse Pointe • ,., * Woods Boat Club, as members the coffee her store stocks and pre- Among Central 343-9078 planting of quality shade trees, So gathered there Fnday, March 30, sented information on a variety of Michigan Umverslty "10:\ -FRI 16-5; SAT. 10-4 "I'm Depressed I to enjoy cheeses, crackers and coffees, teas and spices available students named to the shrubs, evergreens, and large Could Cry" frUit, accompanied by several vin- at the Little Brown Bag fall semester honors THERE'S HELP tage wines. Beer was also avail- The Woods Boat Club's schedule 11st are Jumor Daniel speCImen trees. \'E..\RBl able, for the non-wine palates of events and rendezvous planned Small, Allard Avenue, CALL 774-1214 Following a brief business meet- for 1984 includes a Spnng Fling John DeBoer, of Square Dance following next WashIngton Road, month's meetmg Annual member- freshman Katherine C Joseph Flemmg, Among students MSW ship IS $16 per family Information Insley, of Lakeland named to the Dean's on the club may be obtained by Avenue, and semor 823-6662 Llcensed-Certlfied List for the fall cootactmg Commodore Jerry Hen- Nancy Portwood, of Counselor -Any Problem semester at Saint son at 885-6789 Holl)wood Road See Yellow PaIJt!ll 854 Mary's College, Notre 22725Greater Mack St Clair Shores Dame, Ind , are semor Kathleen E. McCar- thy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McCarthy, of The Shores, and freshman Patricia A. Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Williams, of the Park.


821-3525 Quality NunTnR Care

linda Complete Even fhough Donny Dyer ho' undergone trealment, for (oncer I',day he lead' Ih,>I,/( "f (J IlI'al/h, happy 7 }eor old-Ihanks 10the m,racle, alMed/col ~Clencpand ho\pllal, lor dllidren NOli Service. Porcelain Nalls and Pedicures OnJune 2 &3 you have more than .e...G)\;. .. CD' a chance to see miracles . ~ Joseph's of Grosse Pointe NEXXUS UNDEM:OYERWEAR Youhave a chance to make miracles. 20951 Mack Avenue • Grosse POinte HAIR *T1lII_ ... _ CENTER ...... 882.2240 OR 882.2239 * ...... -- nJUne2& ~you 1--- ll('rJ('~tc;the hoc;pllal" ...... can see the mlrade I for ( hildrt'll 1!I ~ our - kldc; ('ommullIt" .*-..._ Oof overcomms;: I ~ handicaps that would And you II <;e(>how ...... T "'" _ -.. 811 __ -. Private Duty Nursing Care crumble moc;t adullc; I tilt mon!'\ YOU ( .mtnb And you 11see more I ule Iwl»" lo( al kid" wlIn CeII_ ... lura-_Ie serving the Grosse Pointes On June 2 & l you can ro'>I" ~------( ",II, dllldrf'n helpmg kldc; hke \-fanl ()"m(,fI J J dn \( 'HII II r \f(Jnl r \1 ( I fJ (' HI dTlI1~ I lHl~ ( all< I'r ~11 rl, (n<;. n IIWil.., \ (II fill , 1"<1 ( IlIldn' \ \1/. I Personalized Care, P.t Danny Dyer ]t>ad healthy f It an dl I Jell nt VI( tllno; INDIVIDUAL GROUP AND FA MIL Y THERAPY On lune 2 & l you II C;('( c;tar" like MaTlt' '>11 W,II( Ii II., ( hlldn n '0 \1Ir.H II \1 : .... "rl<. ()o;mond John '-< hneld('r Manlyn M{ Coo

I , • • 4 e •• P%4 0< 4. • • •

Ttlursday, Apnl 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five-B

Among recent m- AUsnN COUNSEUNG GROSSE POINTE Itlates mto the Theta Trowel, Error Club to meet Ph,D:-c.s.WT-NUTRmON 1ST Chapter of Alpha Chi Members of the Trowel and Er- of Grosse lIe, as ~uest speaker UCENSED lIf1d CERllF1ED Omega at the Univer- ror Garden Club gather todar, offerlflg persona' and profeSSIOnal sity of MIchigan are Thursday, Apn119, at 12.30 pm 10 MISS FruCCI Will present a (11m. Trac) Camp~l1, the Rldgemonl Road home of Mrs "Use It or Use It Up," demonstrat. Individual & Family Therapy daughter of Andre!! J, Ene Dale for their annual meetmg 109 the many ways Items one mlgtlt Psychological Testing II Campbell, of North Ox- and electIOn of officers, followed by ordmarlly dIscard can be utilized Career Auessment ford Road, and Jen- a program featUring Paule! FrUCCI, m constructive ways Weight & Cholesterol Counseling nifer Wild, daughter of :\lr and :\lrs. :\lichael by appointment Wild. of Umverslty 881.0180 Place Seek TLC help for newborns !lUll!.'1 1I0!>PltJI, :\llchlgan's mothers are dl:"charged Anyone In- lal'ge.,t materlllt} cent('r, I~lookmg tere~ted III devoting a few hours BEAUTY for help sl't>klllg \ olunteer~ to d~:"I!>t each "-l>ck to thl~ lkI~ 1O\lted to on a I eguldr bd~\:" III Its nur~ene~, contdct .Iedn BUl>hman, Hul/el'" \\ hrre 6,000 lieI' born~ dre fed dlld dlrectOl of voluntt'E'I'l>, at 494-7667 FOR cared for each} Cdi' -Ihe ho"pltal, located In the De tl Olt ~ledlcal Cpnter I~ d regIOnal Volunteer::. are palllllllarJ} need refel Ial cenler for hlgh-n..,k preg BEAUTY'S SAKE rd to help \\ Ith the fl'('(hng earl' nanc\('!) dnd ha~ a natIOnal reputa 01 b..lble" \\ ho 1l111:"tn'11l.llll m till' tlOn for excellence In the dreas of h()~Plt<11for trratment aItel their ob~t('tnc~ and g} necolog}

Hand hed bouquets $500

Give the gift of flowers this Easter with a Saint Mary's calls its alumnae • 1 I I i • rill' 1.Jt'1i VIl t\j Ulllllctt: '- IUU vi l ...UU\'U lJ ..~ \".vuLa ....L'uf5, VU'"') \..ral"'lJ1Jl. beautiful bouquet Samt Mary ~ Cullege, :'\otre D<1mc. club "lce-pre~ldent dnd co-chalr- Ind, 1\ III hold It~ annual !>prmg ~r",oll of the day, at 851-lJ692 ~ gathcllng Sa turda). :\la} 19. a I the (313) 88b-0300 DetrOIt Golf Club. anti tnvlte~ all 20311 Mack Grosse POinte, MI 48236 .. \ alumnae (many are POIl1Ler!».cur- Help at hand rent :"tudents, "mcomll1g fre~hmen A successful first 'Venture~ and their Illotlwrs, a'i \\ ell ill. 1nends of the college, to gather for for overeaters "A Salute to Spring '84," first major fund rai'iing project for the cash bar cockt,uls at 11 am. lUll- Ch eredter!> Anon\ mous meet~ \'enture Club of Grosse Pointe. resulted in the' pre!>e'ntation of a cheon and a Spnng FashlOlI Coor- Fnday morning!>, al 9 ,W am. al $650 check to the Foundation for Exceptional Children. Pictured dll1atlOn Program the Gro!>se POInte UOitandll above accepting the check from Venture Club Prrsident SUE Admission b $15, mcludll1g door Church 011 :\Iaumec Avenue. be- SAVAGE OefO, of The Woods, as DEBRA BRADY, of The City. prizes and cornphmentar) dls t\\ cen Neff Road and St Clair treasurer. smiles her approval in the background, is the founda- COUlltsat a local c10thlllg retailer Avenue The meetmg~ al e open to tion's director, DOROTHY :\lARTENS. Sue reports that the AddItional \II forma tlon ma~ be oll- the public fashion show and luncheon held at the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House early in March was sold out and could not have bt'en a big- ger success. "The response from the community" as tn'men- dous," she added, "and next year ",e hope to expand the erent in some way." The Venture Club, an organization for young businrss ~ Summer Horse Ranch ' and professional women who are concernrd about theil' communi. FOR GIRLS ty and desire to take an acti\ e part in its development. is spon- Ages 7-15 sored by the Soroplimist Club of Grosse Pointe. Further informa- tion on the Venture Club and its activities may be obtained by con- tacting Lynn Milo\\e at 885.3234. Happy faster to Our BR Girls Motor City ABWAto meet April 25 Black River Farm & Ranch The Motor City Charter Chapter Group, Ine . chalrlnan 01 Ihe Ac- CROSWEll, MI 48422 of the Amencan Busmess Women's countmg AId SocIety board and Im- ASSOCiationgathers at 6 p m next mediate past-president of the Na- (313) 679.2505 Wednesday, April 25, at the Univer- tional Association of Black Accoun- sity Club for cocktails preceding a tants OPEN HOUSE 6:30 pm dinner and program fea. Pierce MIddle School Auditorium turmg PhIllip Pierce as guest Reservations for the evelllng Grosse Pointe Monday, April 3, 198. - 7:30 p.m. with our speaker may be obtamed through Ms LOUIS Pierce ISpreSident and chaIrman Buck, 399-1590, or Ms Emma Lee • of the board of Asset Management Claypool, 565-7355 ~ Maconm Bonsai group will gather VIsItors are welcome at the Road, mne blocks east of GratIOt The Nail Connection meetmg of BonsaI Kenkyu Kai The program Will focus on styling (kenkyu kal means "study club") and wlrmg a planUor bonsaI Adc;lj- has mov~ to Grosse Pointe 20% OFF of Macomb this Monday, April 23, tiona I information may be obtained .... "' ..... '10- .. - at 7' 30 P m at the East Detroit by contactmg Barbara Forgie!. ON RecreatIOn Center on Nme MIle club secretary, at 574-9662 GRAND OPENING SPECIAL St. Jude Singles Merry-Go-Rounder Beautltul, Non-Lifting xulptured N,1dsor Tips NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE slate spring fling season is ending $28.00 Regularly $35.00 St Jude Smgles Club (ages 25 to More than 120 members of 50l Will !>ponsor a sprmg fling Merry-Go-Rounders and their WE ARE NOW LOCATED IN dance Fnday, Api'll 27 from 9 guests Will close the dmner-dance NEW VISIONS OF YOU p m to I a m at the MonSignor group's current season Saturday 21028 MACk AVENUE VI!>mara Kl1Ights of Columbus evemng, Apnl 28, WIth a black lie GROSSE POINTE WOODS 884.0330 Hall on Harper Avenue Admis- party at Lochmoor Club Plans for sIOn IS $3 at the door Cash bar the commg season, Merry Go- service \\111be aVailable Rounders' 35th, are alreadv under- way Membership mfo'rmatlOn 22420 GREATER MACK League-Goodwill may be obtallled by contacting JOSEPH P. PERSE with St. elmr Shores Juniors convene Trudy Alan at 886-9675 HOURS: 773-8110 MOD,-FM .• The .Junllll Group of League fOI .A~'rC l~J/'olsle,.'J Co. 10:00.5:30 the HandH.apped-Good\\ III Indu:> s••. 10:00.5:00 trIes held a meeting on Monda>, Florine to speak UPHOLSTERING & DECORATING Apnl 2. at Gro:-:"e POll1te MemOrial Classic Womm 5 Sportswear Church at II 30 am at War l\lel110rial • S.,.,cmfJ Ihe Pam,., 10' J I yH" Florine Mark, preSident of the • View art by Baker '''eight Watcher:" Group. fnc , 1\l1I ~peak at a Weight Watcher~ meet- ; . Wide Selection of over champagne mg Tup"day, :\1a) 15. at 7 pm ..It Dr and Mrs Howard .Ioondeph the Gro!J~e POlnte War Memon ..1! An drts and craft:- ~ho,,- of hdnd ~CASUAL & I opened their Fordcrofl Road home "" PICIr.-UP " aellrWfY I craft~ by WeIght Wat( her~ llH'm- Saturday, April 14, for a premier Iree estimates DECORATIVE WHITTIER TOWERS bel'S "-III IX'featured In connection (hdmpdgm' ...h()\I,Ing of ollglllal VA. 2-9660 .. 15 BURNS OR. OJ)<" dl1d IIdh'llO!Ol., b) ehll'-to "-Ith thl~ frel', open to the puhllc 12339 HA.YES FABRICS DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48214 phf.'r A Bdkt.r meeting

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()lllAtin~: \\\~rlvate rooms and Apartments -aU with private baths • Around-the-clock security • Registered Nurses on duty • Excellent Meals and • Beauty/Barber Shop • Grocery Store • Doctors' Clinic • Gift Shop all within the building

IlHm for Information or an appointment: (,UU...... I 1'01' If- I ...., IiI I\UW\ IW. call LOIS NAIR 823-6470 88;).:UM"1 822-9000 jllllU" (. Inr'luhar )UII" , ( r,tI.I( I'nrilulllll •

I, Thursday. April 19, 1984 Page Six-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS DSO to open 21st Meadow Brook season certs begm at 8 pm. grounds open- don't be chestra 1D London, KO) mltSle day senes features a large number Meadow Bcooi MU&ic Festival, a mg at 6 pm All Sunday symphonic cultural of Oakland Uni- directClC of the Chautal.KfU8 Sym- of popular symphonic master- program concerts begm at 6 pm. grounds versity, opens Its 21st season of out- phony and former music c:hrector pIeCeS, the performance of 'ftorks elllbea rassed opemng at -4 p m There are multi. door concerts Tbursday, June 21, of the l'tah S)'mpbony. and Shasta- never or not-often presented by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra 15 a pIe opportumtIes for plcnlckmg ',Hili Gunther Herlng. DetroIt Sym. ItO\ leh, son of the famous Russian and dmmg at Trumbull Terrace this sUIllIller! phooy Orcbestra music d1rector composer Dmltn Shostako\ich and special focus In 19lH designate, conductmg the DSO Pl. In demand world-wide as a guest The foIlo'ftmg pieces \\ III receive anlst Pblhppe Entremont IS fea. conductor their DSO premier performances Village Garden tured sowt The program In- The program for Thursday, Aug at Meado'oll Brook thiS summer eludes Stravmsky's FtreVo.orks, 9. should be of special 10lerest to Bntten's \'lOhn Concerto Rach- Club to meet Firm those thighs Racluna.mnoff s Concerto ~o 2 and adnmers of the late Shostako\ Ich, manlnoffs The Rock Korngold s Flatten that stomach TchaLko\'U)'s Symphon,) ~o 5 for both the !lrst and last Shosta.. SUIte from Roblll Hood Gold- "Flo\\ers for the Home" WIll be BeglIUUng tlus season. the kO.lCh S}mphomes v.lll be con- mark's \'101In Concerto and Shosta. the program for the Village Garden while your swimsuit festn al's Sunda) everung s) m- ducted bv }us son kovlch s Symphon) \0 15 Club's meetmg Fnday, April 'n, at is still hibernating! phoruc concerts ~ill start at 6 p m SoloIStS mclude pianists Entre- Featured In addltlOn v. III be these 11 a m In the Radnor Circle home The DetroIt Symphoo) will be m moot. h an ~loraH'(' C\ nthIa Ralm. pieces not performed b~ the DSO In of ~trs John Bockstanz who Will be resldence a t the festl' for eight Stephen Hough \ :\ aurn berg Plano at least 10 \ears Stra\lOsk\ s assisted bv co-hostesses Mrs Flrev. orks . Shchednn s :'\iLs. ~ eeks LD 19&4 CompetltlOn \\ mner'. Grant Johan- Robert Be'lmett, ~!rs Patricia CALL DANCE SLIMNASTICS TODAY Conductors for the 1964 s) m- nessen and Paul Badura-Skoda. Chle\OUS !\Ieloches. \\ alton's Jo. Brooks and :'Ilrs W Victor phoruc sertes UlClude Herbig. Vlohrusts Ida Haendel. Dmltn hannesburg Fest!\ aJ 0\ erture. Benjamin Da\ Id Zmman. S.xten Ehrhng. SitkO. etsk\ and D\ lana Jenson \'aughan \\ Ilhams S~mphon~ '\0 Bonsai class set GROSSE POINTE Walter Weller, Starnsla ..... SUow- and orgarust Berj' 2amkochlan. 1 Bruckner s S~mphon~ \0 3. HARPER WOODS DETROIT acze'ollskl. ~eeme JaI"\l, \'arujan knov.n for hIS recordings \lalth the Sibehus Karel1a 0\ erture '1 ar. for April 26 KO)ian and ~axun Shostaltovlch Boston Symphon) Orchestra dumlan's Armeman Folksong SUIte Four are makmg their Meadow The 1984 season marks the festl' and Ho\ haness :\1) stenous :\Ioun- Bon:-31 enthUSIast:> \\ ho are en- 886.7534 882-6634 thralled b\ the Bonsai entrIes In Brook debuts 10 1984 They mclude \'al debuts of Sltkovetsky. Hough. tam _ \'1. 3 .. • 'f""l ..s _ C't. ,.J _ ~ _ ~ " ... __ !=,~~h,,:" ,.."",..prt" <>TP hplrl In thp In", r."rrl';n rf'ntpr HortIculture oC.llllU

Christ United ~"" ~ "~ CHRIST THE KING Grosse Pointe Woods REDEEMER Grosse Pointe ~~L_' LUTHERAN CHURCH Methodist Church ,,/III ~ Mock & l""hmoor PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH .Ann ~... (;ro •.., Po,nle Wood. UNITED Unitarian Church 15932 E. W.-ren, Datroit 19950 Mack Avenue METHODIST 881-<>420 EASTER SUNDAY MAUNDY THURSDAY: jhalfway between Moross and Vernier Roads) CHURCH 8-9:30 a.m. Breakfast Communion Vespers 7:30 p.m. 886-4300 FAMILY EASTER by Reservation, 882-8547 GOOD FRIDAY: MAUNDY THURSDAY 20571Vem- 1:00 p.m. ~ Hal1*" WOOds SERVICE 9:30 SUNDAY SCHOOL Passion Service Holy Communion 7 30 P m ~2035 All Ages Communion Vespers 7:30 p.rn 11 am SeMce GOOD FRIDAY 9:15 Church SChool 10:45 EASTER WORSHIP EASTER SUNDAY. Eccumenical Tre Ora 10:30 a.m. Wooship f 17150 MAUweE f'partidpating in Life" Fellowship Breakfast B:30 a.m. ~ at 51. Clare Montefalco Church 12-3 p m Festival Service 10.30 a.m. Rev. Don Uchtenfeft ~ Jot'ln, M1rwur Rev. Frank R. Leineke Good Fnday service Orchestra Hall 8 p.m. GROSSE POINTE Grosse Pointe United EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE Methodist Church 7 a m In the Memorial Garden BAPTIST 8.00 a m Easter Breakfast 21338 IIec:k Av .... 211 Moross Road EASTER FESTIVAL WORSHIP 11 00 AM. Grosse POinte Farms ARST ENGlISti EV. LlffiiERAN CHURCH Come Celebrate the Resurrection GROSSE POINTE V.,.,..,.Aom.W %F ::rJDr .a--~WoodI and MAUNDY THURSDAY ReO' PaA "-*". ~ ,...".-. ,....."..""- Worship the Risen Christ 7:30 p.m. Communion Service MAUNDY THURSDAY: • MEMORIAL CHURCH WcnhIp .." HaIy Comm.non 8 p1'l EASTER SERVICES t MAUNDY THURSDAY GOOO FRIOAY: Saladay ~booI, 1:45 a.m. :..~ EASTER SU NDAY April 19, 8 p.m. AItemoon WorItItp 1 to 2 30 P m 7:30 am Sunnse ServIce EYenln; w~ WIth Tenebrae SeMce 8 pm Oasses all ages ~ : 9:15 & 11:15 a m. Easter WorshIp Service "The Cost of Love" 11:" EASTER SUNDAY. Monilit< Worship, a.m. Or. Wm. R. Phillippe Sunnae WontlIp 7 a m Candlelight and Communion Service Evelling ,~;P:~ODHour ~r LfJ!. I FatM! Worst1lp 11a m MInisters TENEBRAE Sunday Chu«:tl SChool 9 10 a m Nursery Provided ~~ '_ Robert W. Boley and DaVid B Pennlmen (1'UM"y tor ctliIdJen) Apnl 20, 8 pm Dramatic Presentation of the CrUCifiXion ST. MICHAEL'S HOLY WEEK EASTER SUNDAY St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church Apnl 22, 9 30 am. & 11 30 a m Chalfonte & Lothrop Grosse Pte. Farms EPISCOPAL CHURCH at "Three Women and a Man" 2G475 Sunnmgdale Park 16 Lakeshore Dr Or. Wm. R. Phillippe DJal.-\-Prayer ,Ne~r MKIt ancl Vernoer) CHRIST Holy Week Services 882.5:00 • 24 hr PRESBYTERIA.~ CHt:RCH (t:SA) ll82.g770 ~GKEElt~6S CHURCH THE GROSSE POINTE CONGREGATIONAL GROSSE HOLY THURSDAY MAUNDY THURSDAY 1 00 P m. Holy CommunIOn AND AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH 6:.045 a m & 7.30 P m Hoty Eucharrst POINTE 7'30 p m. Holy Communion 240 Chalfonte at Lothrop 61 Grosse Grosse POInte, MichIgan GOOD FRIDAY Pointe Blvd. I 12 noon & 7 30 pm-Good Friday Lrturgy Grosse PIe Farms GOOD FRIDAY and StatIonS of the Cross MAUNDY THURSDAY ...... ,., TM"."'. A;.ni 19 1.00 P m Good Friday ServIce (Communion Service) 8 00 o'clock p m 7 00 a m Moly 9 3ll a m l'IllIy Wcnansl 7:30 p m Tenebrae ServIce I HOLY SATURDAY 7 00 P 'T' Holy'an5l .,/Choo, of Mer & 50ys 4 p.m. The Great VIgIl _ fWtllAY ,t,pr,2() EASTER WORSHIP 12 00 !l) 3 00 p r-, ServIce Il' haI1-llou' ~ts 8 30 a m Easler Breakfast by Reservation 7 Xl r-;r !lat,ms ~ Dy The Dltlsl ClIun:t QloraIe & CXtteslr.I EASTER SUNDAY I 9 30 and 11 15 a m Eastef Service EASTER DAY WTER AI. AlY1I 21 8'00 a m Early Communion Service 5 30 p m HOlYE1lCT~ e 00 p m Easter 1/91 8.00 and 10:30 a m. 9'15 a m Breakfast Dr Roy A Hutcheon - Jack E Skiles W'mI DAY ~ 22 11'00 a m Festival WorshIp WIth Communion Crtb Room FaCilities Available 7 (Xj a '"l Ho!y ~uet.~, ilIte r wl{.a., HOLY EUCHARIST 9 '5 • f"1 Mc4y Eudl.YlS1 RIle i "tOlOer and er~ Part1clpatlflg In life (Nursery care at 10:30 ServIce) ., '5 a m Fesnvi!' fllCl'.¥:Sl Rile, .,.Qloo' il1ll 6r3ss T..est:ay AfI( 2-1 11 00 a m :,peoat E>lCt.ansl sen.a I:lr !Ile fora! Rev. Robert l. Curry. Ant. Pastor St Matt 28 1 19

MARINER'S CHURCH TRAaTIQr\JAL We Invite You To Worship With Us A HW!le of Prayer for all People At These Holy Week Services, .. In Det'O<1 s R ",erlronl C,oflC and Aena,ss.ance Ge'ilers EASTER SERVICE A fecerally and stale de$Jgnaled h,stoncal churcn MAUNDY THURSDAY EUCHARIST 'No"ttly 0' lhe tTlOSl ca'elUi prello8f ..allUn Fo.Jnded 10 1842 April 19, 9:30 I.m. and 7:30 p.m. Accurdlng to :'lC 192.11&Y.JK ,.If C Ii"' i"',',r I",h't r The oc>ok yOU thcJught "'de, dedd IS allLc drld 0,;:1'11'- C'Yle A".gl,car Ep,scopa' GOOD FRIDAY TENEBRAE dn(J u.,eJ (,I'Noj ')ur,dr;y' or HOl Y WEEI<'AND EASTER DAY April 20, 7:30 p.m. Usmg the 1928 BOClt'01 Common Prayer

MAUNDY TliURSDAY API"I 19 12 10 PM EASTER SUNDAY FESTIVAL EUCHARIST HOly 01 ST JOHN'S April 22, 7:30 and 10:30 8 m. The E~t,artS1 ,I' CO'TlmemOfllllOl'", the f,rst Lord" Supper

GOOD FRrDAv Ap', 20 ';' "Ix.n 3 00 PM "slllms The StallOOS 0' rr~ C'Of.S ana !tie Goocl Friday l.lurgy EPISCOPAL CHURCH Trie Ct\ot' "'Ii' prlJ'Soenl appropn81e MuSIC George M. Schelter, P.utor Wex-ch ....o.J A.e rj' ';-, f 'or, r f",,> II ,'" E"STER DAY Ap, 22 83() a.,(J 11 00 A M [Y>t. ,,! • WJ) 7 ~')1-' Robert A. Rlmbo, Pastor EASTEP THE liTuRGY rCo II fr.,f rr ,rl' Irf,)r, 0'1' ,f, 111f' , t If If''- FtI$llva Choral E~'1ar,SI al '1 00 A M The Re'V RIC~,a'(J IN IrlQallS RedO' l':efIfV~ ....ou.~ e 30 .~ 11 00 ,. M II (fII\Vt-Hnl). C(,rr''''rlJfll(,i, Wilt" f("AiVi \ h(,lf LUTHERAN CHUftCH Tntl Holy El.ICt,.r.-1 '1 00 A M CO""",,n S~y SChoo! and tsrdC,C, f nc,("mbl( •. "Jurr.,ery McMIU.AN ROAD AT KERCHEVAL Crlt> N""lefy and Toddler Care Thurtday 12 10 P M The Hot)- Comm",rMOfl IN GROSSE POINTE FARMS r L f N T Y 0 F F P [. l I" T T ~ N LJ F [) [.I ARK I N G Fr.. J:'.rtllng Sw'\days Yo~ re IrrvI!{'d to 10m us at bHrer or an~ 11m!" Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-B

No Horn~ . - No Ilullabaloo - No Flags - Short and to The Pointe No Fh~hl Lo th(' Moon - No Frills Attached' : Just plam old fd!>hlOned honc!>ly .md knowledge and human understandmg KatlilteD Want, of Harvard: Road, Among students recently In- at wmter term cornwencement ex- Grosse Pointer Donald B. Shu- of the century We ill e her(' Lo ~('Il) our house for Ihe top price nnd make you ducted into the Golden Key Na- ercises March 10 were Kathleen D. maker, DDS, was recently nam. Micbael C. Dale, ol Alme Drivel h,IPP) Do call u<,' tional Honor Society Chapter at O'Hara, of Hampton Road, John ed an Honorary Life Member of the Heidi A. FICb, of Hollywooo Michigan State Umversity is Linda Coutillsh, of Severn Road, Timothy Board of Trustees of the Michigan Road, Edouard J, Stmes, of West Malicki, daughter of Mitchtll and G. Kelly, of Brys Drive, Scott M, Chapter of the Nal10nal Multiple Wilhams Court, and Judith L. Laura Malicki, of Hidden Lane Mullan, of Sunmngdale Drive, SclerOSIS SocIety Dr Shumaker Vermeulen, of Broadslone Road, JJo~n$. ~oonmnn. Camputel/zed - Mullllisled She is a graduate of Our Lady Star Stuart W. Pack. of South Oxford has been a volunteer With the chap- Bachelors of Business Admmistra- of the Sea High School. Road, Diane L. Rauen, of Brys ter for nearly 20 years He was one tion 93 KERCHEVAL 886-3060 GROSSE POINTE Drive, Sharon E. Thams, of Blair- of the founders of the metro-Detroit • • • • • • F~/dbll~lJed /CiSI Among members of the Hillsdale moor Court, Dnid B. Howe, of branch and became its first chair- Among high school students who College Chorale which presented Mornmgslde Drive, Michael A. Lu- man In 1977-78, he was elected have been awarded Student Life two one-act operas In March are berto, of Canterbury Circle, Jen- chairman of the M.lchlgan chapter SCholarships at Oakland Umversl- Harr) Constant Jr" son of Mr. and nifer A. Stephan, of Audubon Road, and m 1980, received the Bronze ty are Grosse Pomte North High Mrs. Harry Constant Sr" of Grosse Robert E. Brownell, of BerkshIre Hope Chest -the highest volunteer School seniors Donna J. Marsden EASTER GREETINGS Pomte, and Bill [)(mnelh, son of Road, and Michelle C. Jurcak. of award the 1\1SSociety presents of Lee Court, and Paul Merlo, of (,rO,,('l'ollltl'( 11'-\1'11 1'lIgl,l1ld dMI1I1 Cl'nll'rl'nlrJIlCl'lloo ll~ '" '" Gallagher HIgh School semor ,Joe Grosse Pomte Both are Grosse Arts, Kimberly L, Pierce, of Pre!lton ~, :'tladll'r, son of Neal bulh~ lUll dl'ldtlwd ~.ll"gl' {"II fOI "ppollllnwnt \\ alk lo Village Pomte South HIgh School gradu- Ridgemont Road, and :\latthe\\ E. and \'irginia :\ladler, of Allard Solomon Jr., of Brierstone Road !>hop!> ates, and each sang prmciple roles Kiefer, of WhIttier Road, Bache- Road, recently receIved the rank of The awards are based on excellent In the opera "Down m the Valley" lors of Science, and Sara D. Flom, aIrman second class at Lackland records of high school and com. OUl!lilll\l1l1l~ (ulOlll,d Ill' III d~ d II hhlll' hl',IUlljul h,lrd,loo(] f1ooN, large • '* .. ... of Lakeland Avenue, l\laster of All' Force Hase, Texas Madler at- munity actiVIties and hIgh grades modclll kilt liell II Ilh l ,Illllg ,\11 diAl Illg I 110mII Ilh n,lturdl fIreplace. :'tlart) Hollerbach, a 1981 Busmess AdmlmstratlOn Coullhsh tended Wayne County Commumty Recipients Will attend Oakland Un- fanlll) room p,lI11'II'11 l.lrgl' II Ilod dcck, -1 b('drooms III baths graduate of Grosse POinte South and Rauen also receIved honors College, \\here he was named to iversity m the fall A~~Ullldb\l' $-'" (ll.~11I111i1gd~(, h,d,llltl' Don I 11,\'" (Juton tllI~ one' Pnce High School who IS the son of Rav- . . .. the fall semester Dean's LIst With • • • 1educcd to Sl\' \Jl)H mond and Audre) Hollerbach, has Navy ElectrlcJan's Mate FIre. hIS 3 86 grade pomt a\'erage Brian C. Ford, son of Jack E. and man Jay P. Strainovici. son of John Lesley J. Ford, of Amta Avenue. LOC\I'ED I \ 1m. m. \HT Of- Tm. f'.\B:'I1~ been promoted to assistant adver- ~- ,'n,.. ""...... , ,~. ,I .,: '"' i''"'-_ ~ _ ...... _ ... ., , ,J, , .,.. '-\'111." , 1\"'10 A ~'''.'' .'111' 1 '-"\.#11" 4 .. 1II1...J ,"' •• I'I~"".I. tlsmg manager on MarkeUme P. Strainovici. 01 ::,evern !toao, i~ '" '" na~ ~ll COUlUllbltlOllt:U ~ ::t~UIJJ Among those \\ho received de. kltchcll, !l'e loom II Ilh II l'l b,lI /1('\1 l'dfp •.'llIlg QlIlck po~..esslOn Near Magazme, an award-wmnmg stu- currently deployed to the Western lieutenant m the U.S. Air Force gree~ fi om \\'estt.'fl1 MichIgan upon graduation from Officer Ki'rl» dlld HI 01\ 1ll']I "hool.. $i!) '100 dent publication at MIchIgan State PaCifIC and Indian Oceans as a UmversItv al the conclUSIOn of the crewmember aboard the dock lan- Traming School at Lackland Air Umverslty Hollerbach IS a fall semester of the 1983-84 school Inlrlgumg Larger ('OIOIlI"] marketmg major at MSU ding ship USS Anchorage, home- Force Base, Texas. Ford, a 1977 1409Kensington-Supel ll.'/ltrl t'nll ,lllle Hl'gc/lC) Colonm] fealunng modern year, are Bridget A. Clancy, of graduate of Grosse Pointe North • • • port in San Diego, Calif Barrmgton Road, James D, Mar- kilchen 1IIIh l>n'dkfd!>1 nool.., falllll) loom, '! bdth and terrace, 4 High School, will now be assigned bedroom'>. 2 bdth~ on 2nd IlolJl' Idrge p.tnrled room on3rd floor Panel. Cynthia Marlow, daughter of kus, of Harcourt Road. Karen A. Ronald and Shirle) Marlow, of Ver- • • • Kelly Air Force Base, Texas ed rcc loom \lllh \FI' III hd"l'menl \('11 g,l .. hUllaeC'. J eliI' garage Among members of the Hillsdale Lemanskc. of Still Meadow Lane, Hecenll) It'dt'(()r,lll'd HOll.,q fj bu) mer Road, was In the recent perfor. Grl'nl College ChOIr which traveled to Paul G. Beaudry, of Country Club • • • mance of the musical "Cabaret" at Drive, Maryann G. Laethem, of Ann Marie Grifo, daughter of Mr, the Forest Roberts Theatre on the Washington, D.C. for perfor- mances in mid-March are Grosse North Oxford Road, Anne K. Mad- and Mrs. Jack G. Grlfo, of Grosse campus of Northern MIchigan Uni- igan. of North Oxford Road, Linda Pomte, has been named to the )"ll111S. VE'rsity, where she is a JUIDor. She Pointe South High SChool graduates Harry Constant Jr .• son M. Radulo\'ich, of Hampton Road, Dean's List at Trinity College m played "Ann" in the musical. and Thomas J. Vt'neri. of East- Washmgton, D.C , for the fall, 1983. 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Constant, of 17646 MACK (.2 J~L~~1-88-6-.4-4-44---" • • • Grosse Pointe; and WiUiam Don- brook Court. Bachelors of SCIence, Ann Marie is a freshman at Trini- Among cand1dates for MIchigan nelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. John John C. R}bicki, of Lakepointe ty. Students so honored earned at George L Pa lms 'I hom mOndl'1i DaVid lo: McCarron Cdthelllll' Br,lc( I Bill Mulkey State Umverslty degrees awarded Avenue, BachE.'lor of Arts; and least a 3.5 grade point average Wrn \\ QUCCIl Donnelly. G10rta Barker Leo Drobhdgcn LlI1rla SChade Ernesl Beck \ Gliald Leoll<' ('me!) Sp<>ncer

Planning to sell your house? Talk to a professional. Call any member of the Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange. •

Richard E Borland, Sr Judy Khng Elaine L Borland Carol Lambert LaFOI'I( Richard E Borland, Jr Duane Lamers GenevIeve W D' Hurne Eloise L Walsh J .. lca g.-lion Betl)' W~ e dIre, . FIRST OFFERING

Are your closets looking a PIN PEHFECT RANCH 1\ Ilh lovely yard a nd poliO fOl ~umlller fun NIfty Woods IOCdilOn, too In little seedy . . . are the trea- Side you'll fmd d UllIque corner fireplace to cheer bolh till' hVlIlg sures in the attic collecting and dlOlOg room, plu!> 2 bedrooms and a cozy drn 1\\ hleh can be a thll d bt.'hed basemenl An excellent I Jlue dl sprout . . . has the garden $68,000 Call 884 1>400for dl'l.llb gone to pot? If so, it's time OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 BUY. TRAm: OJ{L~ASI'. WIll! OPTION an cxlraordll1ary opportwuly to sift through those messy for the rlghl famll) ('omc to 70VI~R:\I~R next Sundayand carerully conSider II:, man> fllH' h',IIUI e~ the lIulstandlOg fanuly room and areas and turn those un- kllchen Ihe 1.,1 floor dt'll dnd Jdllllth). the lo\el) dl.'Ck, cl.'ntrdl all' And the large Ill\', fl''«'d r,llt' ,1"~lllnptlOll' If 4 bedrooms 21! baths and all wanted items into cash. abundance of cll"tom Il'dlun .... I" for ynu - let's Kt'l together Sc talk I A~kmg $164!100 1I11!JI'dl,lbh"

1462 ANITA (,lJT~: \\(0))" H[l'\l(, \L()\\ \\Ith Ints of !>pact' for Just $52,900 I':dllllllll' I,lrg(' ~Itl 111'11or forma I dUlIng room slt't'P UpstAIrs or down, Lhl'1e .II t' -1 !)('lh'llllm., toldl "fIlH~hed ba~emenl. newer rool Dig through the clutter and and dnve\~

weed out the unused items \ PLUS, BY APPOINTMENT . . just one ad in our Class- WOODS .1B H H.Wl h :\1.'\1 l'! I"Llof ,'I. l,lI pl'l ('Olill!l} kill hen natural wood. work, panrled rt'l loom ,JlI~1 $57 \lUll

ifieds could take care of If' yOU LO\ E COL\)\ IAl." Ihl .. 4 !I l 2'. 1l.llh ~l'm I' lor)'ou On "the eolOlllall,lJ1I' mlfdrper \\ooth .llI,t "n.I,llIng al $R':l,900 COMPARE your Spring cleaning. Call 884 h.II~1 HAN[)~Il\II; 1.,....\.1 hliin lilt' 111,'11 ut lhd'ill HUllllllthcr,'lfl,mhlp And, Classifieds can do and Chlll.h It r Jo ow 2nd 110\11 bl'droorn' ImUfl' nn till' 3rd floor Room for ('v('r~lhlOg.t f'ltllll) [1('1'11" 'lllli ,I cO\l'n'

Ll'Xl;ruol '" 1'Jl!1 'o1l(JIU"'o l ,I\I'ldol) (lhtOIll dl''''llllc,(! t'II~I()mbuilt to trucks it's your best \\llhlIlOf( ,.1 "1.1' ,oll)fllll~tli,lIl'hllldn~IMkl'

vice you wantl I'Ll'(,K A I'~.i\( \111\ PI' \\ Il i HI'I Ilr,lITlllll\ m.lIhlt. f1o.)ft"l1 fo)er, 20 II f.HlHly flw,rn 1'111,,I dl II ~

rr..COMJo"" ....'"'\Jo' fIll. I \\HIII' IHI'o\H.".I\~houldhll'''~nuluok It's easy to place an ad . . . IriR f"r \111- L 11.11 i At lh ~ho\\ ,Oil ~!IIl:. Lt[ Ih.' t><"'OllllH':Itm\"nl \/IiIIUCl1 ,lrfHl1ld t"l'li ....ll •• l'1I011gh I" It\t'!il t,K) dnil rl'nl th.' olher hltlf C.1l just call 882-6900 and 1"1 ,lPlwlIllllI1l llh .. I( A 1'1' 1'111\\111 \ HUll\! \lllhl,'II",dr,1i !W'IIl\l'dll'\IiIlK ~k"liKhl""l)(l call before noon on flf/'pl,1If' II I 'lllld, I( JI II till Ill,,~!rr h.'dflH'!n I....t\\l'('nlhi' hI and 2nd f1'H,r" 'JY.o 111"1' h. dlrl"l1l~ 2' IMlh~ r1I'ook ~ klt"hen porch. Tuesday! rnIJrl.', $l1l om (,III MIl H~~I


20647 MACK AVENUE 395 FISHER ROAD Oppo~lleI'ur('e)l~ Ml

."""'Il!~~~~------'-\.GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 19, 1984 Grosse Pointe Real Estate Exchange f ~ ~ ". ~~ "i THE PROPERTIES LISTED ON THESE PAGES ARE OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY I- , c, ~ @ BY MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ~

Register Now! ".,3, 10, 17,24- 7:30 p.m. I~'fm~. HEAR If/ome Ownership Brownell School Cafeteria Formerly There is no charge TOLES & ASSOCIATES, INC. the PAl'L R SCH\\EITZER PRESlDE'\T IS PLE<\SED TO <\~~OC~CE 1HE in the Pointes" Phone 881-8900 -\CQl'lSITIO,\ OF TOLES A"\D -\SSOCI<\TES. Il\iC ~IR C \\ TOLES, o\SSOCIATE BROKER -\"\D THE EXISTI\,G S<\LES STAFF H<\\IE COM EXPERTS BI\'ED RESOl RCES \HTH SCt!'\ EITZER RE -\L ESTATE IBETTER HD:\tES A..'\DG-\RDE\'S TO BRI.\G YO!) E\'E~ ~lORE COMPREHE,\SIVE REAL EST -\TE SERVICES WITH THE ADDITION OF THE KERCHEVAL- O\' THE-HILL OFFICE LOC>\TED AT 74 KERCHEVAL SCHWEITZER MAY 3 REAL ESTATE/BETTER HOMES Arm GARDE!'\'S :-';0\1,- OFFERS THREE OFFICES Il\; THE GROSEE POI~TES TO SERVE ALL YOCR REAL _~t!~ ~r-. E~T "..TE --'''~£!)~ TO • IchaJ.teltzer ••• U.1.11.t~p CALL OCR KERCHEVAL SALES TEAM AT 885-2000 Reol Ettote.ln(. I .md Gardens I H Denms Andru.s Manager Salh C Coe Doug Andrus. Manager ~farv F Ferber MAY 24 Two names you can trust C W Toles ASSOCiate Broker ph)ilJs Fries Sue Adelberg WlIham E Keane Ste\'le Anderson Edv.ard (Ted) Mllhgan ~Ikkl Andrus James D Standtsh, III 7:30-9:30 'Easter Betsj B Buda LUXCRY CUSTOM RA!\CH near Cnuntry Club of DetrOIt - Fabulous 24 foot Famll~ Room, 4 family bedrooms ....lth 31 ~ baths plu.s maid s BROWNELL FROM EVERYONE AT room and bath, ftrst floor laundry Schweitzer Real Estate/Better Homes & Gardens G P CITY - Well mamtained bungalow 2 bedrooms, ne.... carpetmg, SCHOOL GROSSE POINTE OFFICES: ne floor, formal dmmg room, leaded glass v.mdows Un- flmshed expansIOn GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE G P PARK - SpaCIOUScolomal near schools FamIly Room, Sun Room, 881.8900 Doug Andrus, Manager Mark Monaghan powder room, recreation room, 5 bedrooms and 2 baths on the second GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE Fred West, Asst Manager Art Moran floor plus 2 bedrooms and bath on the Hurd Fire alarm system, 3 car Kay Bauble Elsie Onychuk garage and spnnkler system $129,500 Brenda LaForest Gary Blanks Don Orttenhurger 562 N. Rosedale, G.P.W. Amber Lawson Jerry Blackford Anna May Olmsted MERRIWEATHER - Close to St Paul's 'lnd the Academy Custom bUilt AttractIVe 4 bedroom ranch With den and DorotbyMeeker Bowen Mary Ann Palazzolo Bob colomal ....Ith fIve bedrooms, 312 baths, paneled LIbrary, screened C8slmlJ' Mortka 2 full baths Many extras, Don Brenner Carol Pollma porch. recreation room $182,500 Jun Konooskt Dean &: Anne Brunke Lmda Potter well maintained Reduced $124,000 GeorgIa Pappas Dean Cbampane Grace Pwa TOWNHOUSE Recently decorated from top to bottom New carpetmg, Dorothy&: Jon Premo Sue D'Herde Tom Rousseau ne....furnace, remodeled kitchen Four bedrooms. 2 baths, plus study Joe Ru::h Laurette Dwnas Sue ShanDOn or 5th bedroom There's nothIng to do but move In' $99,500 DillON Jane sanford Jeanne Farley Mary Ann Smith Sbe1ly Selko Ruth FlLta Clara Smale 295 RIVARD - 4 FamIly Income ill pnme location In City of Grosse PROPERTY Usa Smd Joe Frazzltta Nonna Ann Stevenson POinte 3 unIts have 1 bedroom and bath, 1 umt has 2 bedrooms and Swart Larry Mary Gosselm Adell Stover bath All unIts mclude stove and refngerator and are leased to Oc. Bob Umpfenbach MANAGEMENT Mary Heimerd1nger Paul Sznuglel tober 1984 Joyce Vash Manon Hennezke Kathy Wilson 881-4147 Jeannette Waggoner Joanne LaRue Bette Wnght EXECUTIVE CUSTOM COLONLo\L on Warner road - A spectacular Del Wallnch Grace Lentlm Lmda Zamplch home featunng a",ard wmmng landscapmg and a beautiful lake vie ..... Jun Wl1k1e HelQe MJess MIchael Zlehr 4 bE-drooms, 412 baths, LIbrary. Family Room, and much more Bem1e Youngblood Pete MJsuraca SINE REALTY NEWBERRY PLACE - CHARMING CENTER HALL COLONIAL NEAR ... IT'S WORTH YOUR TIME AND OUR NEWEST THE LAKE Features are the SpaCIOUSrooms, central air, hardwood ADDITION: floors, and fme detall throughout 26-foot FamIly Room, large TO CALL SINE ... "KERCHEVAL-QN-THE-HILL" OFFICE breakfast area, 4 bedrooms, 212 baths S1. CLAIR SHORES DrlDIia ADdruI, Manager Ste\'1e Anderson saIl) Cae Wilham Keane WILLOW LANE - Cnlomal featunng a SpaCIOUSpaneled Library a cozy NORCREST - MARTER . JEFFERSON . 3 Edward (Ted) Milligan 1'2 DauI ADdraa, Manar NlkkJ Andrus Mary Ferber den and a large heated Garden Room Seven bedrooms, 4 baths and bedroom. P. bath - Bnck ranch WIth family C.W.T", Auociat.e Broker Betsy Buda PhyllisFnes James D StandIsh. III central aIr room - Natural fireplace. Attached garage. 8lIe A4eIber'& to settle Estate NOTRE DAME - 3 bedroom bnck home, formal dlmng room and large ,- carpeted recreatIon room Ne~ gas furnace, new carpeting. leaded GROSSE POINTE WOODS glass Windows, 6O-foot lot YORKTOWN - MARTER. WESTBROOK CT - 5 386-B NEFF - TWO-FAMILY FLAT - on 7Moot lot near Jefferson bedroom WIth den and farmly room - Attach- Each umt has 2 bedrooms, formal duung room, porch Gas hot water ed 2 car garage. Rec room" Extra large lot heat, recreatIOn room in basement, appliances mcluded $900 per . Cnvered pabo - Ideal for large family month rent FIRST OFFERING - Bournemouth off Mack - Be- 701 UNIVERSITY - WELL-MAINTAINED ENGLISH TUDOR nestled autIful 3 bedroom 11'2 bath Bnck Coloma I . amongst beautiful shade trees Four bedrooms, 21'2 baths, library, Natural fIreplace. FInIshed basement - 1I ~ and breakfast room car garage .. I .~ Schweitzer Real Estate/Better Homes & Gardens PRIVATE CUL-DE-SAC LOcA nON .-Gorgeous THIS HOME HAS EVERYTHING! Alum tnm, formerly Toles and Associates, Inc. SINE REALTY ML L ~ CoklIul 00 approx 3-4 acre lot In central aU", cedar closet&: ",et bar In dlVlded TIUST SERVICE &be Park. Great rm. hvmg rm &: master bdrm bsmt , attIc fan plus Ile'Ner furnace&: roof ThiS 74 KERCHEVAL 885-2000 F ARW:> OFFICE 88+7000 eKh haft a fd'ePiace. 1st floor laundry, screen- beautifully decorated Ranch also has 3 bedrooms ed parch 91/2 trio pabGfl also mcluded $210,000 6: updated kltchen Move nght In! $129,900 (G-4ll8) (F.-) ~ FIRST OFFERINGS ~Edgar &~ttes AUTHENTtC FARM HOUSE Newly decorated, country lutcher>. wood burmng fIreplace and newer 2 story bam WIth work shop are l11Cluded $115,000 (F-499) 88&-5800 114KERCHEVAl 886-6010 BURKEllIOS MOTEL Ie COTTAGES Just two miles north Df downtown St CiaU" ThlS fantastIc busmess opportumty may be JUSt what you have been loolung for 101 ft Df prune frontage on St Clair River LaDd Coutract terms available (G-502J 886-4200

A'M'RACTIVE 3 bdnn , 11" story trl: home offenng 2 full baths, lIvmg room ....Ith natural fireplace. family room, kltcben WIth ~bIe space all on large&: lovely lot (f ~97) 886-5800

COhDmON Ie LOCATION cannot be matched' nus 3 famIly Income has been freshl} pamted lnslde &: out New appbanees, carpet and hot water heater, natural woodwork thruout r f.5(1J 886-5WJO

SHOREPOINTE CONDOMINIUM featunng a luxunous custom mtenor Gourmet kIt has all apphaoces. fireplace In flnUlhed basement, beautiful mIrrored doors and large patio rF~94, 886-5800 FIRST OFFERING Five bedrooms 31"./ baths EnglISh t ....o story SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT Cla,,~I( Ct::Tlter Entr.mce colomal Four bed ~lth a slate roof PrIvate swte Ideal for law quarters or help High ceiling. gum wood GROSSE POINTE CITY Three bedroom bnck ranch WIth 2 full baths Prof finIShed ~ment ....Ith rec r(.JOm~ 21'2 bath!> famIly room. new kItchen (1'0' ner throughout peY>ablc tIle room, bdnn 6: bath New central air, roof HWH&: stonn doors Simple Asswnptlon. FHA IVA terms transferrt'tl $'19,100 (G-462) lI8H2OO

FRESH FOR SPRING !IieY.'lycarpeted, fresh!} pamted 4 bedroom Colomalm the farms FlOrida room NFP, Levokln, new porch 6: much more' Reduced to $83.:.00 fF.)46; 886-5800

POPULAR WOODS AREA elfers tlus .. ell maln~lned <:.oIorua1 ....,th many extra;' Central \acuum ~V!>tem ceotral .IT.Il\tercom.s, ~helves In kIt gas log flrep!ac;e In fimshed bsm t S73.900 rG~74! 88&-w1O WONDERf'1.JLFAMILY COLONIAL 'WIthfirst Ooor laundry and family room v.lth ~rP Thl!>home al!>o has att prage w / opener 6: grel'TIhouse $149 900 (F -4M) 886-5800 Cla~"lc En~h"h Tudor near the Lake GracIous O\er 3000 "quare fH"t of gracIOus lIvmg Four LOADED WITH TLC. thIS well mamtamed 2 bedroom P..anch ha!>charmmg kItchen and nnaJly decorated ~ In hVlng room Extra deep lot S62 500 IG-47f1! 886-4200 bf.dro(Jm, 41f2 bath!> 1st floor laundn and With ll'adt'd gldSs and carved plaster moldmgs ,,( r(.'('il(oQporth . Undf'r $128 000 NICE, OPEN FLOOR PLAN for comfortat>H!hvmg G P ""oods home V.lth nev. Kit all wllldo", treatfTlenl~ !Ie family rm p1Ufi l"Ie'Wercarpetmg PO&SlbleLand Contract terms $514,900 IF 3591 88&-5800

WELL PRJCED IN TIn: FARMS Three bedroorr, bnck 1'2 star) home for $59 !f(~j ("mpletc!\ remrJdeIf"d kitchen, fl!ushe

RAMBUNG EXEClJTIVE STYLE P.AI'lCH In the ~ oodt. thIS lovel) home offers loads of room ~paCIOU< kkhen, fannal duung room. family room. Cm'ered patio. central air and 3 bedrooms SIIl9!f(!O F-491 .. seoo FINER THAN FINE ()utstandmg Coloma I In G P ~oods "'lcel) dt'corat~ lhruout Kllchen bUilt In' ..... firep&aced grel"r.hou~ pallO l.mll} rm , Wlndov. In dmmg rm doorv.aJl to 4 bedroom!> mtercom ,. ;m1 Ie reduced pnce or $!li.liIOO IG 424 / 88fr.(2O() ~t Clair Shore<. ranch Impt'ccable condItIOn Charming 3 bedroom In the Woods pnct'd at FOR All fOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CALL OR COME IN four r.rorf>nm, 21'2 bath" natural hrepla<.e 'ill'IOO Ix'('(,rated In ((,mfortable e1: le('tlc miX OPU MOffOAY.FRIDAY 9 a m .9 p mind tcntrh(,(\n'( reatlOn rC}(lm Immil('ulatp coochtlOn OUT.Of.ARE.A, CALL TOLl FREE CLI-:Al'. A1"lI)1'IoJ<,A1 onl). ttle "e(ooo oY>nPTof !hls lu<,lom bUilt 3 i>edrOf,m 211\! hath colomal WIth 1~2411.5200 m :J3 panelloQ dpn ilnd ,,( ret'ned porch The all brick gara~e central air almost mamtenance fr,* exler.or and totally redone interIOr are JU1>ta ff'w reasons thIS houl>e would appeal to the bu that JUII!wanl~ to move nght In" yer .... LTOR" Fifteen Offices in Four Counties m ....ATERFRO~T PROPERTY On Lake ~t Clair In Harn<,on Townt.hlp ~ Impr""'lve sire of "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" IlOxllOOprOVide a wonderful opportumty to build your dr('am home on thiS beautiful Irf'ed Jot

_____~_~ ~ L _ ...... ---...""._------

Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine.~


~ 20439 MACK AVENUE 881.0800 Grosse POinte Woods \, 1 \1, I It ' (,ro"e POlllte \\ oods bungJlol1 Illth 01bcdroom~, 2 baths, updatE.'d kllchen fcatunng all E,~, g'~ ~e4~ Inlill Ilh IWII CI 01 \1 ell ,\\ ,Ino fUlIl,H:C, f1m~hed bnsemelll and much, much more 271111 "(~ 1 I I I In Iin., 1lt'11('I' -t bech oom 212 bath Coloma I complele II lth 10\'t.'I} slCp do\\n [amily room 886-8710 lllll'!ll'd b,hl'lllt'Il1 ll'l't!,ll ,ill lOlldltlOllIng

II \1 I \ lH I'l.E\ IlC,lI \ \1 .1\ r:d.,lIdIH! & SI John ~ Ho~pllal Offenng large kitchen \\ Ilh eating area, 2 hetl! 00111" II, Cdl netdcllPd g,ll dge full ba~{'ment, seduded lot and carpetmg

-'1- ( I H [ I \ I~ IIiF I' \~,,\\OHU IlFHE - 1':\.tl J .,peual J ~CJr old ranch Well mJlnlamed and many Happy ('\.11 h IlIl'Iudlllg ldf!!l' c!o"eb dllllo~lllell C,ll pl'tlllg JUdched gar,lge and central all' condihonlllg 8; I hI 11'1) b('droom" .Ill' "P,ICIOU., \ 1 \H (,BO""l 1'01\ I F III nil (' Dl'tl Olt IlX'

FIRST OFFERING-Grosse POInte Shores on Lakeshore Custom bUlIt b) \\altel ~'Jst De~I~Il('d!lll "HAPPY EASTER TO ALLI" elegant hvmg and entertammg1 You'll appreciate the excellent quality and supenor COIll1l110!l I tll' grounds are fantastic Offermg 5 bedrooms, master bedroom could be on the firsl or ~ecolld !lOIlI . Four full baths, 2 half baths Family room \\ Ith a lake Vle\\ Kitchen \\ Ith bUilt m ~ '1\10 fll eplall'" • Two furnaces, central all' Alarm system, sprmkler S)~lem, Circular dm e SlerC'll dlld ml('rcolll .. • system Please call for more details ~ William J. Chamoion & Company I AUDUBON COLONIAL 4 BDRM 0\\ ner anxiOUS to sell Nell er home In mlllt ~o!ldl t lOll BALFOUR FRENCH 6 BDRM Estate sale 4 baths 1 la\ 3 hreplace~ "'ell roof EASTER FIRST OFFERINGS ELMSLEIGH COLONIAL 4 BDRM Brand nev. house I Fam rm library, Ilr~1 flool Idlllldn I 11\"'1 \ 1I F1:H I\(, (I \S~II' ('r;:\ 1'E H HAl L COLO"; 1'\L 111the ell\ fl'Jlure~ hand,orne 11\lng room LAKESHORE COLONIAL 4 BDRM Grosse Pomte Shores Completely redecorated Lal g(' Family room 'I IIh III l'pld( I' .111<1bl'l l'led gld~" Frenl h doOl S II llich [e bedrooms, 2 2 blllh~ J!ld buill III 191-t Great house RIDGEMONT RANCH 2 BDRM Great starter home Fireplace Bdsement II, car till pnl('1 t a fll1e colomal featunn~ 3 bedrooms, den 11\.ng I Clom I\lth nalur,11 fireplace, all good room sIzes and a 2 car garage Popular Detroit Ip( d11OI1 $4-t 800

B[(, PHIl I: HErH l~1 [0;\ un Itll~happy colomal f'e.ltunng 3bedrooms, ,2'2 balh~, hbrnry, fanHI} room, JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. f,lI1t""llc hlldwn ,llld ct ,212 cal gJrage A ~hOllhollse' Nell pnce $128,900 HAPPY EASTER! SPRINGTIME SPECIALS! Mat gm el BI eltenbccher Dlllne Kelly EVcfyne Rupp SPECIAL EASTER SUNDAY OPEN HOUSE 2-5 ~all) elm ke Shirley Kennedy Lee Brunelle Tyler M, A"O l O.. P.... ~ DetrOIt Board of Realtors In a ho~e of this caliber If you have been lookmg for that speCIal home prlced III the $300,000 range \ 102 Kercheval 864-5700 don't mISS thIS very specIal offenngl 881-6300 '- -- - 2 -- TORREY ROAD - Here's a chOIce brIck Bungalow With bedrooms and bath on each floor plus n

I~T OFF&RI"lG-Washington CharmIng ColonIal 3 bedroom J 11llHlth, l\Iatur.J ftrep1llc:.. Dark .UlJned flOOl'~ Lo\,('!\ lot QllIck pOGSC""lOlI

I~ r 01"1' F HI NG - \\ (,sllhe~ter Lo\ el} 4 bedlOom 21 ~ balh Fdrm Coloma I Paneled hbrary With fireplace '>U ,'el\('d 11'11 dCI' Hl'C 1'00111 110 '" 190 lot

I~'I Or I' FH I"'l; - I hedroom 112 b.lth ranch on Bishop Hoad nea I' Mack III DelrOlt f'lIllshed ballemcnl (\'nll,1i ,\I I' "C,ir .Ill g,Il,lge

IIA \11"1 or-., I{O 'Ill In tll(' Shorc~ -t hedroom 2l ~ hath Colol1lpllce fOl' \1J~hel' & (It yel' Hec room Cen. tl.tI '11 2 l.1I .lll gal,lgl' TIus attractive Woods Colomal m MINT condltlon CHARMING 4 bedroom, 2 balh Cape Cod III offers 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths plus 2 half baths, prestige Shores locatIOn LlvlIlg room .lI1d dllllng 1~'1 Or r EHlj"'C; 1 bedruom 2'~ bdth .,emll'unch 011 beauillul Lochmoor Blvd H >, 21 [am rm With famdy room, library, fmlshed basement Lovely room With fireplaces, large famll} room Illlh 2 III epldl (' 18 ' 201gMl1C~ room I!>I floor I,Hllldry 21',11' all gu rdge Good slora~c are.1 Illl' lti2lot large rooms thruout all on beautIful 1OOx200 , site bedrooms on flrsl floor - one "U1table for d rlLn 881-6300 Many amemtlcs 884-0000 \\ I~"I'!H !l\ ',11',11 St ('1,,11 ~hOI ('~ locallon ne.lI MillieI' & Jeffen.on 3 lX'ol 001115, 1 full balh & 211l.\l> I .101111 loom \lllh [II epl('",slOn NEWLY DECORATED COLONIAL CHARMER III pnme location offen. 41)('droom~, 2'2 bath~ !it'll 11dl1lh semce StaIrS - everythmg III TIP-TOP condition - see thiS one soon - II won'lla<;11 $12lJ ~>OU 81110600 FIH,!':W()( ll) In "t Clair ShOle~ Hdrc fllld III <;uper St Clnlr !>hol'l's area Allructlvl' 2 bedroom center h.IJI hnl k I ,>(' Pomtl' F.1l /li., -t bl'd[ oom 2' _ [),Ilh lenter C'ntrance ('olollls I Family room Hee I ,,"nl '.,11 .lll.ldll'd g.lrag(' BUDGET MINDED? Check thiS 3 bedroom bnck Ranch \\ llh fireplace family room hm.,twd b,I"('llH'1l1 and attaced garage m Grosse POlOte school dlstnci Compdrc and ~a\e' 881 (,!OO II \ Il \ ,\ IU I l:~ 1,\1) .I\l~l ollhld(' (;1 o.,~e POInl(' ,11)('d10IJII\ ]1, h.tlh ('OIOllllll Vl'~llbull' & fronl hall l;lll:>:. , 1\( III~<'d pOI (h HI'(' loom 2 (.II g,ll 3~1' Illth [1('\1 dIll e $52,000 . OTHER FINE OFFERINGS SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT . 'l \ 1)1 11'1 \\n.., 1,[1,HIOU., r!':>ldl'l1lt' I.lbl,ll~ & .'nLlIN'fiICH,ll'!' 2 ht'droHm ...21! IMlh~ on I~I f1(1o.1r .. • 1,"<110011\",'\ Itl"th"'JIl211d Ih'( IOO/lillllhhdl 2'_1.\1 dllt'd ill 01X'll) 1,,11Rc hall Illth "II'<'ulllr .. .,\ ,)11., r ,'n,llI loolll V. Ilh h,lr 17 - 17 hhl,ll'y \1 Ilh fll Cpllll'C SPllCIllII'l kltdwn II Ith adJtllnll1g Illdlds .. I(h'I', I>. !J,ltlt l Ilt'dloom" 2 IMlh, & dCIl or Ill'dllltlllllln ~Ilrl IlL',III'd pt)(ll II-Ith JJl'IIZZ1 -i car hl'alt'

\kf \ II \\ j 1,,'dlllOIli 2' h,lth (010111.11 I MA(' p.llll'kd 1'1Il1l11 mom \\uh lldJPlllIllg dt'('k \tu~II'r 1)(dll\lllll h,~ (1l111f' 11,11101 hlllllll1 t111~l'" & .,II11llrl., 2')'1 ruoltl,'ell IIlI (;[c.III(X',11101l III !hl' Fllrml> I'",d i1J(' ( Olll\tl I (hill $11) t~~1 ..... \1, ( (l{ (\111 k \ I II I '1-1 1i"1 .I11hll~ !I(hpl1,d 2 h"droom III II " I ,IIl1 h \1 Ilh a IUlI\lIl111l\ I nm hudt III 1'1;:01 GROSSE POII\'TE PARK - Jl.'atural wood - stun GHO%E POPIjTF<: liIlOHE" "I( n dll ,r1 " ) \Ill hl,PI'HIlI I (lI

IN THE PARK - SpaCIOUS CALHOUN BLILT 4 bedroom ll. IMlh (I'nll'r ('!llr,HJ< I' ( 1)1I>llIdllr I ,Ilil III '-\lflll'I\I) IIi\toIJI"h,,!J"II' FII'II,h.,tll,'(ollllll,li till! ~llllilhilll'hdlil,r,ll\IIIItIIII"Jll:ll" decorated thruout IIlcludmg NEv.- kitchen .....llh bredkfcf ...l room ,md p,mtl \ lIpddt, d i"'(', d, I II'''' I " it I.IIn,1\ 1"0111\ Illth 111,111,1"1111(,1& 1111111',11('11 1>,,1 11.1I~" l,lIll111 lwdl(llllll'." 2' b,lth~ pili:> a library and flmshed basement Thl~ one ha~ II all' $134,000 fIllH)()(J() " 1" H] II! 1l1g 1'"'11' ....I~dh ""'I Ill,' 2 I ,II ,1'1,11 hl'(l gal I~l' Ill'( IIII'Iil (1'1111111.111 ... '1'\ 111111".,t('1\1 J h i IIhh< ,pld l.lld 1,IIh p,llio FISH AND ~AIL - EnJOY It all right al your door'p' 4 l.J(.droom \\ All' H~ ){(J'I,'I !lOI!I( 011 II\( r It III 0', an acre of secluded land WIth lovely large rooml> thruout lI('cfted ~XJ.llhOUM' Ilion ho,- I .,11" I '" ,,\( ,oil MAJOR PRICE REDUCTION - detaIls at 881 4200' "11111111\'1 II"dl0"11I '!l"th"'I!III,(nlhlll',11 \1l1111ll1l\h ".1Il1l1; I III1III HI'I rOIlIII 1\lth lll\'pllll'(' ,\ I'd, 'II !III 101 1111112, . 2, p,lllO «(,!lll,11 .111' 2, ,II ~,ll ,III" Sll~ (~~)

ROOM TO G R-O W III thiS 4 bedroom 2 hath Cololllill wllh hUJl:(' ~'utM hlt'r kill hltl fit l'pl.H t "I,d bl ,1,j' IIl1l ... ..,1 \\1'11(1 I', 1111111'" jl,,

\"11 ',III,' 1 I' I11I1 ,"I,,,I'llllIl"'" I "llllll,,1 11,,'dIIHIIl..,2' 1"lIh" 1,llg, 1.11()1I'1ll',ln,'ll'd GROS.~E POINTf~ FAHMh lmmedldt(' OCt Updfll Y I' 0[11'1«(}111 th', I tl( dr"(IIlJ \ 0), ,Hid !Ilk' I I" ,~ lti'l I I I I", d I'll.. h'l 1""11' .' loll ,tli 1-("1,I~I' IIKI ' I ,It lot $11'1 'IIKI Bungalow With natural rlreplace lrlosh dt>

;' I I ~ j II iIj I I 83 Kercheval Avenue I Iii' llll I fl 'I, ,I,' j( ~IIltt II \11«1 Ii 1'1. ~;-~..-- ii 1':1II III :-'

LOCATION PRICE BR/BA FEATURES B1Shop $99,600 51212 Beaullful ramll) home ~/fam rm and den, fu'eplace 884-6200 Fleetwood 73,900 2/1 Simple assumptIon mortgage, updatt"d lutchen, fanuly room Kens Il1g ton 139,000 5/31l SpaCIOUSTudor WIfam rm. rec rm , flrepJaee JOHN A MOSS, BROKER KensIngton 169.900 6/41~ Large gracIOus ColOnial. remodt'led kitchen .. Iblt.IDS SKIP MOSS MGR Lex Il1gt on 87,900 3/11l Ver} appeahng v.ell bUIll home, ree room WIth wet bar MARIAN BODE Lakepomte 58,9OO-M,9OO 3 Income properties available, land contract tt"rms' t ROBERT ELVIDGE Vermer Road 112,000 3/2'l Newer Coloma I In the Shores ¥./large kitchen & fam rm MARY KAYE FERRY Wedgewood 159,900 5/21~ GracIous foyer, kitchen v./blHIlS, fam rm w/fJreplace JERRY FITZGIBBONS Hollyv.ood 79,900 3/1 Remodeled kitchen famll~ rm , centrdl air, fireplace ELEANOR HAMMER ROBERT HELMS ROSSITER HONHART GLORIA KOTAS You"gblood GWENDY LAMBRECHT ON THE MOVE? JACKIE LEVITT If you re consldermg a move to ,mother lown \\ e ncalty Inc. MAXINE MA:-.ILEY can provIde you Vtlth drea housmg II1forma MARA MANOS tlon WITHOUT ANY OBLlG~TIO:'\ Call for CHARLOTTE SCHNEIDER details SL'E COWAN, SEC'CY o BOBBI MOSS SEC'CY

H\PP\, E~TER Please call us for }our Real Estate needs Our office IS ready to serve vou SCH ULTES REAL ESTATE Because every home IS different TAPPAN & ASSOC. 90 KERCHEVAL, GROSSE POINTE FARMS And every need 1S personal Because no two problems are ahke IT REALLY DOES MATTER WHO YOU CHOOSE IRST OFFERING TO BE YOUR REALTOR FIRST OFFERING-SpacIous Woods Colomal on Choose someone who knows AND CARES qUiet court 4-5 bedrooms, updated baths, FIRST OFFERING freshly decorated, hardwood floors, available SCHULTES REAL ESTATE Immedlately, thoughtfull) pnced at $134,900

FIRST OFFERING-Comfortable home ~ Ith 4 bedrooms and lots of updating In last two Happy 'Easter )'1lars New fl1'eplace, custom neutral drapes, hardwood floors, new storms and screens ?need III the mid $70's Alice Bover Schultes, Broker Cmdv Kerwin Ron CarPenter, AssOCiate Broker Cal'oime McKee DELIGHTFUL - MERRI\VEATHER located Wilham Mashim, AsSOCIate Broker Paula Moore near the Boulevard and custom built for toe Gmny Damman Dinah Murphy current owner TIlls colomal features 4 Janet Dreklch Lmda Parnell bedrooms plus expansion area over garage, Mananne Pear 3l,2baths, library, screened porch, hardwood .'.,,$' J. Cynthia Ethendge 881.8900 Sue Seward floors, copper plumbmg, and attached garage Beverly Haltom • FARMS-4 bedroom Colomal 21'2 baths, Sally Horton Charles Trowbridge LIBRARY AND FAMILY ROOM With raised 710 NOTRE DAME SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME Perfect for the hearth fireplace, large kJtc~n, attached garage groWIIJg and active family Beautiful natural woodwork, modern k1tchen WIth bwlt-ms, 4 BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAIJ'Io'ED EnglLsh WIth car attached garage, separate frreplaces In leaded glass and natural woodwork Large llvmg and dlmng rooms. room SIZeS and private master SUlte Excellent locatIOn near Village and schools Owners QUAlJTY BUILT Farms home, 3 bedrooms, 11,-'2 transferred baths, beautiful chestnut panehng 10 large ~ breakfast room, marble sills, french doors, NEAR THE STAR OF THE SEA, super home with gas forced 811' furnace. ... -2] f1J'Stfloor bedrooms, large famlly room (19 x . _ . t 12) attached garage. "McKINLEY" newer st)'le 3 bedroom In move-in ~ LOCHMOOR . I cood1uoo New carpetmg and decor are only WOODS-Great starter home in area close to some of the pJeasant surpnses Illcluded in Uus schools 3 bedroom bungalow with large Sit- Farms Colomal prICed m the SO's ~ ¥..: "",,/ ,f tmg room off master bedroom Large recrea- 42 S DUVAL - BEAUTIFUL 4 FANTASTIC OPPORTUNITY- uoo room WIth bar, and a screened porch for When you hst your home WIth bedroom, 31'2 baths Cape Cod col- Willison bwlt executIve residence summer enJOYtI1ent CENTURY 21 LOCHMOOR we omsl With famlly room, first floor In move.m condltion 4 bedrooms, place a pIcture of your residence laundry, hbrary, Jenn.Air island 25 baths, country kitchen, super CAPE COD-3"'! bedroom, 2 bath home, move-m in the Macomb M L S boolt as well cookmg center and whirlpool m rec room & more Ideally located cood1tioo, newer carpetmg, natural fu-eplace, as in the Grosse Pomte Exchange master bathroom Bmlt in 1981this In G P Woods Great LIC terms 2 car garage Super Woods location book You can double your home's home features Central All' and a Call us for details! ! I exposure by listmg It With us' 3-ear attached garage INDOOR POOL, plus LIGHTED TENNIS COURT' One of a kind home With every con- SUPERB INCOME I -1258 MARYLAND - POSitive cash flow when you assume the outstandmg balance ceivable amenity Colomal style borne WIth 5 on thIS G P Park two-iamlly tncome. Completely updated & redecorated Call for details II bedrooms, llbrary, family room (28 x 25) wtuch connects to the heated and air condi. VERY CLEAN HOME - 18779WOODCREST - ThiS sharp 3 bedroom ranch has been recently pamted tlOned pool house With a 20 x 40 pool Over an &.decoratee Updated kitchen w/dlshwasher & disposal Close to school & transportatIOn f ' 882-5200 acre of masmficent land. _ (" A VERY HAPPY EASTER

WALTER BAVOL LOUIS JOSEPH JULIA SAELENS JUDY BERGER MARY MANNING JAMES SNYDER SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EDWARD GOOSEN JOSEPH MAURICIO SUE SNYDER 786 BALFOUR' Fabulous Enghsh III Grosse ISABELLE GOOSEN PAUL MORRILL FLO WISE Pomt.e Park south of Jefferson Featunng a walnut LILLIAN WILLIAMS paneled hVIDg room, sefV1ce staIrs, and 5 bedrooms Bwlt like a fortres.~' Priced to settle estate at $175,000 or purchase the two 100' x 175' adj8Cef1t lots far a total package of $250,000 "m

22 WEBBER PLACE For the "SUPER EX. ECUTIVE"l Entertam ll1 a fashion that is second to none Old world Enghsh charm, WIth the HAPPY EASTER "decorator's touch" 24 hour notice IS reqwred for a tour of this one-

1338YORKSHIRE A first offenng on thIS elegant FIRST OFFERING I Spanish colomal It features 3 bedrooms, 212 baths, den, flmshed basement, beautiful enclos- Ranch located on Oxford Road Ideal for retired couple or young family Two bedrooms, 1I\'1Og t..-'-i ~~ ed sunroom, backyard patio and tile roof $104,900 room With fireplace, plus heated garden room, attac.hed garage \\ Ith electriC door opener, extra t- " .., mce lot, 671!zxl02 feel Only $66,000 ------Well main tamed bungalo\\ In Grosse POInte Woods ~ Ith two bedrooms and a full bath on the first floor and two large bedrooms and a half bath on the 'iecond Famll) room Pnced under $70,000

Grosse Pomte Farms - sensatIOnal coloma I complelel~ redone from lop to bottom New kItchen WIth every convemence, large formal IIvmg room and dmmg room library, healed terrace 1334BUCKINGHAM A first offer on thl~ charm- Master bedroom has fireplace, dressmg room and pflvate bath Call for addItIOnal details and 11113bedroom Tudor With 2'",1baths, stone carved an appomtment for inspection fll'eplace. finished basement Flonda room, new furnace Inground 20 " 14 heated pool v./beaU>d Grosse POInte Shores - Quad !('vel, four bedrooms two and a half bathrooms breakfast room, b:lth houses Home IS currently bemg redecorated family room WIth fireplace and wet bar Ea~y mamtenance move-In condItion $145,000 Centc: Entrance Colomal 10 Grosse POInte \ity - Three famIly bedrooms and two and a half baths 15231WINDM ILL POINTE One of the truly outstantone fIreplace. dmmg room and remodeled kItchen .....llh breakfast area mamtallled 'i generous ~Ize bedrooms With connt'Ctmg full baths Master bedroom features a cathedral celhng, .....alk m closet, and ddJOlmng stud} & bath Sunken hvmg room w/natural fireplace and a RIVIera Terrace - One bedroom and one bath custom decorated and read; for Immediate occupan view of the nver A breathtakmg home for 5230,000 cy 145,000

1689BROADSTOl''E An pxtra lot I~ Included In the sale of thiS solid Grosse Pomte home w/4 bedrooms, Three MIle - Center entrancE' colomal sItuated on a large \>,f>1! landscaped lot Four bedrooms and den thlf'1:lfloor expansion, and an attached garage $99,000 two and a half baths Cozy hbrar) plu'\ a ne.... famll} room WIth fireplace and ~kyhght FamIly room opens to a large dt'Ck FIOl!>hed basement v.lth fireplace, lav and ample storage space 1167 WAYBUR1'tJ Grosse Pomte Park - 4 family With separate electnc, furnaces Always rented A real money maker at $69 900 Shores sedu';tOn - FIrst noor master sUite larg[' famll ... room v.lth bar and fireplacE', formal hvmg room and dlmng room kItchen has breakfa1>t space, four bedroom,; and two baths on se- 14304SOMERSET Gro'>se Pomte Park 2 family Wlth !tepa rate furnaces and separate electnc Land cond floor Special features Include Grf>enhou<;c pool ..eparatl' apartment and private rear Contract terms Call today for detail!> I $79 900 yard 19685COUNTRY eLL B l "BELIEVABLE'" 3 bedroom bnck ranch located on a beautiful tlll brIck street Full baloCment and garage Only $49,900 CALL O"l THESE AND MA!'.Y OTHEH U::.TINGS 't\-E HAVE AVAILABLE

198!lSHOREPOI"iTE fleautlful Shorepomte condominium featUring large c1osel .. SpaCIOUS room,; and 117 baths Prlute courtyard $102,900 ' THOROUGH COVERAGE OF 2OlllIO'9\'ILD't\()OD Harper 't\-ood~ Elghl MilelHiJrper arf'8 ~paCIOU<;and beautiful 2 bedroom Unit In quality constructed adult complex Custom drapes and rarpetmg All appliances mcludmg washer GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES and dryer 76 KERCHEVAL Jim Saro:a A~£:"t:£, Jn~ TO BUY OR SELL 17108 MACK A HOUSE CALL 888-9030 372-2222 885.7000 Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven.B

• • IS In .

Are your closets looking a . . little seedy . . . are the trea- . . sures in the attic coIIecting dirt ... are the corners in .' . the garage beginning to sprout ... has the garden gone to pot? If so, it's titne to sift through those messy ... areas and turn those un- I , ,/", wanted -items ~into~Cash.

Dig through the clutter and weed out the unused item.s · · . just one ad in our Class- ifieds could take care of your Spring cleaning. And, Classifieds can do Inuch, much InoreI From garage sales to gardeners, antiques to autol11obiles, toys to trucks ... it's your best place to buy, sell or locate just about any item or ser-

. . vice you wantl . . .

, ":::'-'11 ' " It's easy to place an ad ... ~:'_-. ~~ just call 882-6900 . . . and ~ , '.: .. '. call before noon on . - . Tuesday!

.. ~ I;;. J :to{ '" ... ". ",,,, 1~101""'J.;t/"'i~~~~ ~sj..i&~..i1~Jt4t"!~ ",J'-7 f r 1 ., I

Page Twelve-B lFeature, Thursday, April 19, 1984 I ,------• Four holiday Elegant VJ.(Jt7zte treats at DIA Eating Four special exhibitiOns add to the pleasure of VISIting the DetrOIt Institute of Arts durmg the Pass. A st'lection of recipes from the Counter Points over IEaster hohdays Museum forthcoming 10" -calorie. 10"- By Pat Rousseau galleries Will be open to the public choleslerol - and penn) -wise durmg regular hours 9 30 a m to cookbook by Th)'ra Grey Howard EASTER Its almost here. The Pointe 5 30 P m Tuesday through Sunday, and Helena DeWitt Roth featuring, Fashions has many beautiful suits and dress- Includmg Easter Sunday, Apnl 22, this week, a bouquet of SPRING. es for a lovely Easter Holiday No charge for the onl)' exceptIOn IS Good Friday, TIME SOUPS. alterations. Sizes 6-16 15112 Kercheval 822- tomorro\\ , Aprll20, when the hours • • • 2818. will be 9 30 to 11 45 a m CREAM OF GREEN .. .. ONION SOUP • The special ex.tublts mclude a 2 Tbsp. unsalted margarine CELLOPHANES Add brilliant shine to drab hair, look at all the gear of kmghthood m 2 CUPS thinly sliced green OJC: AI ~ vi ~u ..Q~~:' E-.;;:;~~ $15 at Francesco's In the Village, 882-2550 Arms and Armor from The Metro- onions, WIth tops • .. .. pohtan Museum of Art," featurmg 1/4 tsp. salt more than 100 examples of eqUip- 1/8 tsp. white pepper ne Eti&er BtlMy ... aa4 ~r bapp) spriDg tboupli are food ment for battle, tournament, hunt 1/2 tsp. basil .. tIw p'tat se~ 01 Easlft' cards a.DCl paper party goods at "".;pt" Gift all4l Lamp Shop, ill'5O \lack A\'enue. FREE PJ\RK- and parade AdmISSion 15 $2.50 1/8 tsp. thyme (seruor CItiZens and students Wlth ING Hxt ~ o.e lMtUdiDg 2 Tbsp. flour ...... ill. $1.50, Founders Society mem- 1 cup boiling water bers and chtldren under 12, free) 1 cup chicken broth Pubhc tours are given dally at 1 1-2/3 cups evaporated skimmed The Easter Bunny .. comes p m. arms and armor demonstra- beari.Dg diamonds for the April . '~D 1£1 tions on saturdays at 12' 30, 2 and 3 milk birthday. It's the birthstone of BIJ C?c~!~ p.rn 1be exhibition continues Minced parsley for garmsh Melt margarine in soup kettle tbe mooth. Tony Cueter of Bi- through JWle 17 jouterie has a fme selectiQO of diamond jewelry in a over low heat; add sliced onions wide price range. He can also design ODe-

Section C Sports & classifieds Thursday, Aprtl 19, 1984 New faces lead North to 2.1 mark In fad, lhe Nor~cmen held a 4-3 year n~Rkk l\tarkt') 10:>:> to W"n'cn Wood~ Towel', Pltlhlllg. thank), to Harms and NOlih High N()Ith'~ Iccord !>tood at 2-1 advanta~e gomg Il1to the bottom of the nmth before Tower rallied cUlchlllg mute Mlch('lIe Wilt. will Bell 1'1 get ,l M'OI(!t'onl no\\' If In It~ fll'!>t game of lhe year, for two lun~ and \\011 5-4 No team be thl' !>lrellgth of thl!> :.oHball ~OU'll> ,\ f,1ll of 1"\01 th'~ gll h,' val Norlh got d gl eal effOl t out of team IIdnn~ ha~ all eady turoc>d Mty ~oflball tl'ntn Tlw f,lnull"l P,llli Harm~ who pitched l'lIX 1011. evcl 1& &atl~fted With IO!>lng but under the t'lrcurn~tal1ces of bcmg III 1\1U ()ul~taTldlng uUlIng'> clod ha~ f,'Ct>~:>... ball to CHI II a 7-) a heavy underdog, North \\ a!> ('n emel ged a., u rl'ul ...tupper l,lkl'l1 OVl'l IIw NOI ~l'IlHln JlI1l'Up \letOt Y (lvcr Bishop Gallagher COUIagL>(\b)' the lo~!> (ele~te ~llIl01 I... dOJn~ tl fine Joh ::'IX of Id~l \ l',ll ~ ...tall('I:' havc Commg light bat'k, the Nor~emell The Illtl II1g , a que~tlOl1 mark ,Ind gIV(' ... jI,(Hlh d l('[wll[e ]-2 been lepl.lll'c.1 b~ ...1,\ Ill'\\' playcl!> UM'sy PI l':>lon to gam a to.7 vl('lol') over commg mto the i>ea!>on,hl.wen punch on lhl' mound .,~.?~,~~., \Iho dIe pllIJpll!>e Peopl<> like '10\\ ('I ...qu l\Ollh ('\lll'Lled lhl \101 ...(' lun ...... houldn t b(' ,I plobh'rtl lhl.., leal l'l'11II" bUl \It'll It',lrn from 1\'lCllt ,lgdll1 ...t ill\1 ('1 bUl hl'ld Il'" 0\\ n this must be the place ... h,l\c gilm ,ll'll ',!lel,l -r4 (IUI II1I...t,I"l .... :".01th h,h m.ld(' .1Il Intl'l e!>llOJ.t I got a fan letter from Ottumwa, Iowa, last week The dl'cI"lOn thl ... )l'.l1 .I'" Jl \\ III g letter writer complained about the coverage this sports sec- \\Itt! t\\O ...oftb.JIl (O,lthe., In addl- ti~~ ~!!c:s He :!!S0 !'eferr("(l to n,,,. ('onh'c;;t of this column as I"'" In ., l\ I",' (; II\ Hpnlu,tt "Ill "drab tripe" and "dribble." ,11:'0 .,elv~' .1'" ,I lv,leh luach Taylor feci ...lhl" \1,1" a J,:oot! m()Vt' Okay so he's entitled to his opinion. Drab tripe? Maybe ai> the coatlung thl" )edr \'111 bt' But dribble? Nope I must admit that while shngs and mOl(' mell\-Iduc.lllZl'rl ,lIlt! dl'tulled arrows from Ottumwa, Iowa, don't normally bother me, I NOI th :,e1<,II:-.!>I~hl~ rOl 84 on a Bl Count\ lcdgu(' Iltll' ThiS I~ do take offense at the use of the word dribble in describing gUlllg lo lit.' a (lJfflulll la ...k, ) et It this column. Cdll be dOllL' l'llntonddle dnd L Anw (I ('U<,l' dpppal to be tht' Because unless Mt Ottumwa can bounce this column top team~ III the league but an). down a basketball court or let it run down his chin (pro- thmg C.penence I think the word Mr. Ottumwa was looking for was driveL Upcommg fOl Nor th I!> a horne doublehcadcl \\ Ith Rochc!>ter to- Webster's New World Dictionary defines drivel as "silly, day. Thul'!>dny, Api'll 19. at 3 30 stupid talk." And now that we've gotten the drivel part of pm this column out of the way, we can get on with the good stuff ... 20 not plenty for JV • My favorite part of any high school sports season is the The obJe('l III ...oftha II I!>to out- part where they hand out all the post.season honors. I score your 0PPolwnt... So \\ hen know, I know, it's not the important part of the season, but North's J V i:>oftball t,,'am came my favorite, nonetheless. up \\ Ith 20 I uns ,Igmn:.t C1mton- dale In a \\ In \"I~ n~",ult."ll, nght? One of the latest honors is the one the Michigan High Wrong Despite !>COlll1g20 run~, School Football Coaches' Association sent South High's the Norsemen ga\'l' up 23 runs and way. The MSHFCA made Blue Devil offensive tackle John lost, 23-20 Mikesell its first team East squad selection for the fourth Two days later NOllh ~ bats annual All Star Game, set for Spartan Stadium in East \\ E're boonung ngall1 Bllrblt' Lansing, Saturday, Aug. 6. LOt.'ht'1 \\l'nt two for film alld tlMl Ski champs Van Hollebeke \H'nl l\IO for t\\O Mikesell, a 6-2, 231-pound senior, helped lead South to That's ski champ Joe Portera, (third from right) and his teammat .. on the GM 5evllle Ski Club of Detrott, recefYing North !>(,()l'l'<1eIght rUIl:.. but North conse<:utive 9-0 seasons .nd first-round playoff action In their trophies as the first place IInlshers out of a field of 45 t.aml at the Grand Memler Ski Club Challenge Mktwtat lost 10 Centerline 22-8 both the 1982 and 1983 football seasons He also had an Regional Championship at Boyne Mountain, March 3 Ind 4. Mlklng the p'... nt8tton Is ClfOlyn KIll..,. (mkklle) of In Ihe ::>eason opener again~t outstanding season anchoring the defense on the inaugural Carlllon Importers, Ltd. Portera's team, with Its winning time of 295.73 elrned In all-expen.e pald trip to compete It Bishop Gallagher, l"\OI th got a South High varsity hockey team which won a regional hoc- the Grand Marnler Finals in Keystone, Colo., AprilS through 14. Telm members ar. from left to right, Palm Wong, Chris grent pltchll1g perful'mance b) key championship. Demo, J.J Gemmell, Portera, Nancy Johnson and Erik Lundte4gen. Amy Uomwl1lk and gave up Ju~t SIX run!> Sllll. thl'\ on[ \ :.LOl'{'(1 Mikesell is one of this year's great crop of senior athletes five rUllS .- and it's nice to see one of the Pointe's "Super Sen- Get 'Up for Health' at May 6 run iors" get statewide recognition. Blue Devil head coach Track wln Russ Will serve.u.. an.asaiatant C('O, and Chrt::> mile) race Will mclude dIVISIOnsfor The FUN RUN/WALK IS open to male and female walkers to cross courses. Bmgnman amateurs, expenenced runners, runners and walkers of all ages the finish hne, racewalker!> and pedeslrlan Each participant will r~elve a No, I knew it was sprmg when I drove by Harper Woods' Fanllhes are urged to participate The gll b' tl'aek matcht'd wdlke!'!> The l!IH-I run Ii>~ponsored Bishop Gallagher High School one rainy, cold mormng a together m thIS health oriented race T-shirt and a certlflcate Over the bo\ sand knol'kl>d off ~outh by Meade Leai>mg, 1.10 Kercheval few weeks back, Milling around outSide the school were event Clo~e to 60 trophies WIll be 300 runners and walkers are ex- 94-34 • Avenue pt:.>etedto turn out for the 1984 Cot- several squeaky-clean-looking baseball players carrying presented In the various divisions The ...tdlllllg gun WIll be IIred at 1 In the All-Slar Run, experienced tage HospItal Fun Run/Walk their even-cleaner uniforms on hangers It was team pic- Entry forms are available at Netters split ture day at Gallagher, the boys were cleaned up and look- p m on FI..,her Hoad. near Grosse runners will compete against each olher for first through fifth place Meade Leasmg, the Collage NUlth ~ bo~ S t('nllli> tet ing good ... and that means spring. POlllte Boulcvclrd, III the Farms Race headquarters for lhe day WIll trophIes In male and female dlVI' Hospital mformatlon desk, at the ha~n I hIt It:. :,tIl(1(' \ t.t .I:> It ~pllt a But I'll bet the Norsemen and their fans weren't too Im- be Ihe South Ihgh School Gym- Slons, and III the Amateur Run, Grosse POInte Pubhc Llbrarles, pall' \\ Ilh Gl,md Bl.lI1l ,lIld \\ ePomte Boulevard to Kerby through third place, male and fe. Road, lurns left lo Kercheval male, In diVISIOns 14 years and Completed entry forms and the Blant', 5-2 lilt' :>l,ll pel fOl'nldnCC • Speaking of sweeps, that's just what the North High $6 registration fee may be maIled wellt to Hogel \',IIlPI'1l \\ho girls' soccer team did with its first three games thiS sea- lQthe hospital through May 2, Late played ~p1L'Il(hdI) ,I'" Ill' \I on the son. Both Guido Regelbrugge's North girls and John Case's Good tennis start for SH regIstration will be held 111 the No 2 ~mgl(':> tompt'llll South team have started the 1984 season With the same fme n, Ihr Ht',Wl f,lI'(~d very \I L'il III I ('placmg L11l' from 10 to 11 am, on race day No combtnallOn of ,1,1\ n,w ...bul \ and play each squad displayed .last year And that means more fOUl v ,ll ~ll) pIa) PI'S that left Ia~t ~lI11lh lligh entnes Will be accepted aHer 11 Ruoul HeI) 0., .Ilong \\ JI h tllt-"~ II 3 ) Nil, lIIt'1udII1g two foreIgn ex. fun for soccer fans thiS sprmg ~PIIl1J.: h ..... ",plllng ,lI1d [he l'IIN a m on May 6 PreViously regIster- douhll'~ eombll of HI,Hi l'uok ...e\ (h,ll1ge :>ludenb ~()ulh bD~'" [('lllll ...... 1'.1..,011 h h('1 (' ed runners should pIck up theIr and R,dph B('a..,on ahead And \1 1111 I\~o 1',11'1\ \\lIh till" ...l'a race packets at the hIgh school 'llll'l'l> \\:I ...n 1 much to 1.1[" ...boul leave out the DetrOIt Tigers I'm glad pro baseball fans m of u::" and 1 hope \\ elan do as ~Oll look ... melll' ill Oll1l~lIlg tllLln from 10 a m to noon that day 111 tht' -1:1 10 ...., t II \\ ,II I ,'n \\ ood~ the area have a winning team to watch and talk about \\('11 If not lwltt'r than la ...t year's 1<1... 1 \ c'111' pk' ...till') \\.l,'" that and talk about . and talk about. But I do think It'S all ...qu,ul :;Cl1u' \\t' 1(' olll\ IO lllg low late regl~trants NOlth ... 1ll\11'1 IUllg pl,I)"p, \\00 as '1 am I('.l1ly happy to 1)(' a part getting a little silly, like this new pracllce of mormng, pl to continue afternoon and evening radio talk shows employmg mem- "a Id \ ('[('I "n I O,H h [)Oll Z\ ,,10. ThL' fourlh annual Collage Hospital pl,l) (> • .., lo ...l Ih pll" tht>11 I 1 lo pld) fO! the I e!>t of my Iligh bers o( the Tigers to come on and give dally Tiger reports ...Ingh...... poh \~lll bl' fdkd'b) '1h,lll "We're Up F'or Health" Fun "tart Ilohoc.h ... pu hll\g tht" panic.' :,( hool ('all'I'I," ...a Id newcomer Ang).1l Fll'd J<'l)l dotl l'elL'1 Run/Walk on Sundar' May 6. call buttoll l'O,II'h Tom Ht., ~l hbat:k t~ I sure hope my favorite claSSical music statIOn's morning \\,1('" thl' delendlng Easl. the Cottage Ifosplta Pubhc Hela. man was Jokmg when he .. advertised" a Tiger QuestIOn "'Il\ douhlt ... [( "lIh ,Ill' 1'.1H :\Il h Jl "III tw 1',l1!\ III :\\.t\ hdort' tht' c'l n l\hdllgan IA'd~ue ('hamplon,>. lions department at 1\&1-8600,exten- feature on hIS program thiS week. I can Just hear it, Sparky ol~(.n dilL! HotWI t 1I<111-.Ill.ln ll',lm Illt~ It... .,i lilt.: - \I a... I Unnl'l lip JIl the I ('glOna[" to sion 2456 Anderson talking classical music. I\l'\ In i\lo!wh,1I1 "lid (\lll Ed I:lth III \1.11 L!.. ,lI1d IJ

• P'I'celetllJ w r. l \>\')~ln9 ~fl'l TransmissIon Clutcltel • Aluminum (arl h..lndl... ""un '4'0\'1(1 ~ ' t I $99°0 Repair U-Jolnll shlOtt • .l66 iqul'il'" ,11,h They're-Here and • IQM0/ >~l" "".rm'nQ 1;1, ~ Hurry while they I•• t at thiS price • AUTO REPAIR • Gllrtdltl • F "II' i:oo fll n,h t PIM 1781. bit ..,. I - AleembMd, Futl Tank. FAR CMck 011 - 5..... 1 00 I SCHUMMER'S SKI SHOP DItrItt '188 LOCIII Dehwy 20343 Meek • South of Vern .... 111-2050 881.4363 2CJM7 MACK AVINUE GROSSE POINTE WOODS 20775 MACK t GROSSE POINTE WOODS Aold.$efYlce 4 bIca. N. of V..... t Towl"l Tu....'raQIUps IM-$HO OPEN MON .FAI 10.9 SAT 10 7 SUN 12-5 115 4170 ~ 10 I • • 4

I" \ r ... .._... ------.._..

Page Two-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~y, April19. 1984 ULS takes Kalamazoo win Sports Week For the Hurd year 10 a m\l, the that these boys will wcll'k hard to Coach Julie Granger's team Ulliversity Liggett School boys' Improve 1heu sl(1115."said Wright. plays at Kmgs\l,ood on Wednesday, (CoratiJaued from Page IC) varsIty tE'tlnlS team has won the Other members of the JV team Apnl25 • More post-season honors - this time to South High prestIgious Kalamazoo Central In. are ~Ike Fozo, Rob Glancy, Coley girls' varsity tennis coach ...... aaie Prydaitto. Prychitio ",tatlOnal Connolly, Tony Malcoun and Bill A soccer split Last y,eekend, the Kmghts Reuther 'The girls' varsIty soccer at has been selected as 1984 DiStrict .. Tennis Coach of the scored 33 pomts to defeat three of ULS opened Its season at home Year by the National High SChool Athletic Coaches Asso- the top high school tenrus teams 10 Bad baseball week Apn19, \\Ith a 5-1 defeat of Roeper ciation. the state East Grand Rapids fl' The l'LS "arslt\ baseball team JUnior Susan Edv. ards scored the All Prychitko did to earn the honor, which she will re- rushed second", Ith 28 pomts, host lost [\1,0 games last \l,eek and \l,as first goal of the season assisted by Kalamazoo Central was third ....Ith trailing In a third \\ hen ram stop- freshman Kim Wood Wood then ceive at the 19th annual NHSACA National Convention in Lexington, Ky., June 29, is led South to its eighth straight 21 POUlts and Three Rivers flmshed ped play seored two more goals, \I, Ith the fourth The Kmghts lost an eXCltmg 9-8 help of Susan Judge and Shelly TIb- Class A state tennis champIOnship this past fall Indl\'1dual flight ....mner the dif- \orthlA est had scored 12 runs half and Khe!oklan "C'orf'd on a "t"- ~f_t"" ln~ ("'...... ~ • .... ~••r~~.. ".....; __ : __ C"".;~""'" 111'~.\., llr,T....--e:."" ...._,.1 C' ...... \., ...~ .....~ ...... ~t!! ; ... l ....r"' .. 'Y' ...... _ ... ference,' commf:nted CLS Coach These t\l, 0 losses marked the first cond half penalt) soot. but that first pJace start.r on Princeton', vIr. d.~;:~;..du~tt~a.~kW~;t..~t~uth~N~rth';\600.~;t;r4 ~~~i';; Bob Wood lime In fl\€ )ears of rivalry that the extent of the l'LS attack semor SIty tennis A top-20 coaeglan, Frank Croclata at ~o 1 smgles either Oakland Christian or Lu- team won the last event of the day to give the Norsemen a goalIe Amy Raslffias made 18 Cummings t\ed defNtec:l IIcIIahon 71-66victory in a matchup that had the spectators on their won the consolatIOn match Da\ ,d theran ~orth'o\ est have beaten L'LS sa\ es In the ~2 loss last fan 11 I SyrecuM tournament, Barlow at ~o 3 smgles. -\shu :\au- In baseball This time, McMahon prevdecI, 6-1. feet and cheering. Coach Candy Bousquet's Lad) tiyal at ~o 4 smgles, and John On Saturday, Apnl 14. Coach the the third set. The Vale IqUild Knights play Bl500P Gallagher at Not-so-incidentally, running the first leg of the relay won Birgbauer and Scott Watson at ~o G1)nn Conley's Kmghts played cIominated nationalty-ran«ec:I Prine:- by team members Evard, Carrasco and Chris Bingaman 3 doubles, v. ere runners UP In their four and a half mmngs m a slow home on Tuesday, Apnl24, at 4 15 too, 1-2, In the ml1ch "layed April 6 was . , . Tim Monahan. The win was a satisfying result of a nIghts - rain before the umpIres suspended pm In New Haven. McMahon, • South Earlier In the v. eek the absence pIa;. oeeause of slIppery fIeld con- High graduate, has an IndMduaI lot of "hanging in there" by Monahan. reports his father of Pack make a difference The dItIOns At the time. PI)mouth Great boys' spring record at .1. Her Vale leem and president of the Tim Monahan Fan Club, John Mona- Knights lost to BlfTIllngham Sea- ban. ChnstJan hand an 8-5 lead lacrosse start has I 7+3 mark and wtU hIce Brown, holm, 5-2, on Apnl 10. and to [)e- A brIght spot m early season is HamIrd, Dw1mouttI end Cornell In And that, folks, ain't no driveL troit Catholic Central. ~3, on Apnl the hlttlOg of sophomore catcher B, William Seaman the remainder of the ..-.on. 11. Brian David The sophomore has - l'LS coach five ruts In SIX at bats and has \I, al.k- Rocky JV start ed four hmes The 1984 ULS boys' lacross team 15 off to an outstandmg start WIth Club crowns cage champs The ULS Jumor varsIty tennl5 The KnIghts play Hamtramck at ULS hosts two vlctones 10 three days Hopes team got off to a rock)' start tlus home on Thursday April 19 at 4 Twenty-two high school basket- tournament after a dlsmal 1-7 week by droppmg Its fIrst tv. 0 are high for a successful league record George Hess led the pm campaign. net tourney ball teams spent thell' free hme m matches gyms past wmter. Divided mto Unknowns with 14 points and Eric On Friday and Saturday, April t1us On Apnl 10. Seaholm edged the CLS' season-opener came three different diViSIOns, the teams Gremer added 10. The Nike's were ULS netters. 5-3 Wmners for LIg- Softball win 20 and 21, UniverSIty LIggett led by Boesenberry with 22 points agaInst L'Anse Creuse ~orth on School will host Its annual Tour. played a regular Neighborhood gett were Jeff Lambrecht at ~o 1 B~ TheDa Cberpes The girls' league had only two Apnl 12 and the KnIghts were nament of ChampIOns. Partic- Club schedule and a double ehmin- singles. Andrev. }iacLeod and Ro- In theIr season opener on April never really challenged m an 8-£ ation tournament With the support teams, one from each high school IpatlDg teams mclude the best Each team had a 4-4 mark; no tour- bert Niccohm at :'\0. 3 doubles, and 10, the CLS varsity softball team victory Seconds mto the game of the Grosse Pointe Public School Class A team In M.1chigan. Mid- nament was played Ralph Hoenle and Steve Everhardt soundly defeated Oaklaod ChrIs- mldfielder Craig Durno scored and System, the teams were able to use at No. 4 doubles land Do'o\; the best Class B team tian, 34-18 JUnIor Samantha ULS spnnted to a 4-\)jIIGE COMl'l.ftE • fare. hotet and Olympicl tlck.ts. Or win I Toronto • Co'ry 0", ~N'(~ Inventory IooIMt: • w .... nd get.away for two Including rail fare and hotel. • 16340 Harper 881.6010 We provide on Inventory booklet In which you • NOTHING TO BUY NOTHING TO COMMIT. JUlt drop In, pica.. up the rules, fill out an entry. and drop it in can record all senal numbers. desCriptIons. dote • I. the box of any partlCIpatrng Tuffy deater, SweepstakH • of purchase or)d price of aU your perwnal I close April 30. Winners announced June 4 property • Remember you always Win big with Tuffy. With • • the best •• hault systems, with the belt pnce and war. • Highly Trained. Bonded Staff. 20 Years • ranty. With brakes and shocks, professionally installed, • • competitively priced • Experience In The Field Of Property • • Loss and secUrity • • PROGRAMS ALSO AVAILABLE FOR: • • • Estate Inver-tory And Planning • Photo Documentation For MOVing And Storage Purposes •I DluffIers • OIL CttANGE I EXPERT WHEEl • Video Toping service • 1Iraka-1bec:k1 • • .ALn~ I AUQHMENT~I I •LUIMCAnoM IIlIOIT CAM • DmOfT • •...... fit...... •.. '10.11~ • .....,,,.,,,.' ..... Cefw ~'14 • 693C E ""'J"'er'l • ~ FOR A NO OBLIGATION FREECONSULTATION • IU.4U2 • 'FRONT. DISC BRAKES. I CALL .'nstall Ot.c erall:•. 011 .. ~4495. = Shock Special = I see Aeface Rotorw == I 521-3040 = ~3Get1 Free = ~I=r~TAPt REF€RENC:fSPROYO:D ON REQUEST • NoW tIru ABrIl 30 • •t . __ AADIA~~~ • STATE UC f'..O PO 1060 •••••••••••••• ir•••••••••• I ••••••• ~ •••••• _. -..-.---...... --~...... ------

Thunsday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ," ' Page Three-c

J u N E 2 2 2 3 A N D 2 4 8 4

Once more, Detroit's downtown will vibrate to the incred- ible sights and sounds of Formula IWorld Championship Grand Prix racing, the most colorful and exciting cars and drivers in the spOrt. - Thisyear the show gets even better as the SCCA Trans-Am series brings Mustangs, Comoros, Firebirds, Porsches,and other sports cars to the same challenging course. There'snever, ever, been anything like this on the streets of Detroit! If two great days aren't enough there are other special events and a FREEDAYof practice on Friday that promise to make Detroit Grand PrixThree the most exciting weekend of the summer and the most unique street-racing event In the auto racing world, You can purchase tickets at any Hudson's and all Ticket World outlets in Michigan, Ohio, and Windsor, Canada. To charge by phone call: 313-259-7749.

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Su"dl~ Rut" td sui lor 'iundly onl~ Grlndllind I,,"nJ,,"nd. (, It 1.1llurdll A<, 111111>.. ~rr III< '"rm"l. Oil< '"" 100 1'J O/hu uw only WIo.e~ Records U of M CornplI' ~ MeodO'wbrool< V,lIoqe Moll, Trolley Cor hi" Ih~ P'!tf." 1,111(,. ""Y ."'<1"'''' IIrmwtghcwli 8rrmlrlghom Theatre 211 S Wex>cJ-Jrd ~,Il~o,rl OUllet. EoslQ01e (enter , .....11 .. , ~ III j) Br.glwon. MIIt,( rIo. Br'Q~lon Moll ~ ()gI. ~.,...ordOutlet 11.', and Morr, ------Dearborn. Off Tt.e Record, Schaefer ond Mlcll AIIl! Souftlfield D,ckef1" Den 12Mole & ElIl!rgreen 1"01'"" .. Hlltdh". -- $100 o..rn.t, Fr~1 Nat.onol Bu,ld,ng. Sllopero', Drugl Qt..o. Abbey Rood N Svperoor St frtt- 8vtldlllg. Moln Looby RenOluOtlce Cenler, Troy. Kay Bourn. Ool

\ " ------_ / I ~--~------~------~_....-.-~~

I. ---

Call 882-6900

Page Four-C Classified ads Thursday, Apnl 19, 1984

1A-PERSONALS 1~ 1~SONALS 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 2-ENTERTAINMENT "BE A STARI" SMAll. DalIitbnI- Dat ower STORAGE ROOMS PR.-\ YER TO THE LIGHT-HEARTED 12 pcM'CIa, aiIo IJIIIlIlI5 24 I INDEX roCLASSIFIED OFFERED I PRA YER TO THE .",va1labie to swt your Deeds HOLY SPIRIT EfIl'TERTAL~ENT Haw 'JGW 1I1lfIlidaC cea emlll11' hour HOLY SPIRIT aDd receptioD VIdeotaped m can Exeelleat Space foe medIUm sue cars. 1. No ~s. ~ or corrKlIOfts after 2 p m Monday Hol) Splrlt,)-oo ",ho make me MAGICL~N rdaeucea. &plI. Hol) SPirit ~ou \\ ho make me full color aDd IOUZld. boats. recre.atJonal eqwp- No ucephOfls see e\ en thln2 and \\ ho see e'o'er}thing and v.ho ROBERT COOPER CAU KEMORIES VIDEO PREGNANCY AID, Inc, meat and bousebold goods 2. N_ (09)' only. deadline TOIes40Ynoon sho.....s me"the .; a\' to reach sho'>\s me the llIav to reach ALL AGES OCCASIONS .t mater. for bIrthday parties, ban. lal desires ma\ be I ....ant to 882-4968 TAKE A B-\LLOOS RIDE' 2F Sc'lools Property Wont&d lal des.!'.:.':> mOl' be I"ge 168 Pel Groom,ns 886-5601 "'...... ,."..~...... - ..r u_ .... c:. c.,...... "'to.. 14." 0_0. Q-. ..._..f_ .... ones Pra \ the:. ora' er J con ones Pra \ thlS pra \ er 3 con It~ _al! 5 - S':~~~'o~W~n;~ -_. 160 Ado~;A-Pe; secUfl\ e ctays ~ Ithout asJung secUll\ e da~ s ~ Ithout aslung PIAXO STYLI~GS for all Macomb Count} jOur \\ Ish after thlf d day ~our 'oIi:.h. after thIrd da) occasIOns. weddmgs, SOCial ...... L I)()IJIllITU J>OO£.U£TI()~ CALL 776-4626 SA Srfwon Domest,c 19 PrJrrflrlg ond Engrov 1\9 51 Employment Agency 20 Ge'\erol Serv.ce ) our ~ ISh ~ III be granted no jour 'oI'lShwill be granted, no affaIrs Reasonable 885. mOl} matter hoy, dIfficult It may "lIe1leY~T""" LID\ DRl\'I~G to Western 5C (elenns 20A Carpel loy,ng matter ho....oIfflcult It ~15 Canada \lo ants Chnshao 6 for Rent Unh.r",shed 201 Refngeral,on and AJr be Then promise to publISh be ThI'.Dpromise to publISh thLs prayer as soon as ) our passenger to share el'- 6A For Rtl'Il FU'nlshed CondItioning Repal( thIS prayer as soon as }our 2A-MUSIC fa\or has been granted penses 83H840 61 Room, lor Rent 20C Ch""ney and fireplace fa\or has been granted EDUCATION ~TP FREOAL 6C Offtce for Rent Repo" 11lank \ 00 for fa' ors receIV- Thank \00 for favors receiV. M5-()149 YOt:R HOME , ed Fa;: or Granted E ~l C ed L L A \l,ORK OF ART I 6D VccCrf,on Rental, 200 lod:stT1I'h WOODS MUSIC Framed. Pen and Ink 1 6E Gorog. for Ren' 20£ Insulation HAPPY 40th Blrthda\ to PR.-\YER TO THE STUDIO 6F S!'lor. LJVJngQuarters 20f Washer and Dryer Repcal Instrvmenh 21 H Carpet CIlKlnln9 for everythmg aDd confirm Please do not cocfuse Mrs DavIS prwate ana con!J(ienual j outline of preVIous ex. PlANO teacher with degree Yt,ln other Fortune Tellers Appointment only 521- 18 Antiques for Sale 21-1 Pa,nl'"9, Decorating perlence a'ld references to once more that I never ....anl Ie Offtce EqUipment 21J Wall Washing has opemngs for beguuu.Dg ALL READINGS ARE PRIVATE 1244 Parnes and home Bo). M-2.5 Grosse POl1lte to be separated from you no I 9 Ar1tdes Wonted 21K W,ndow Wasi-llng ho\o\ or advanced students. Ex- A!\~ COSFIDENTIAL \e","s. 99 Kerche'oal. Grasse matler great the mater. HALF PRICE 10 Snowl'llObile for Sale 21 L Tile Work Ial desIreS may be I want lo penenced 1D classical, pop, Pomte Farl1's, MI 48236 and]au 343-9314 WITH TIUS AD lOA MQtorcydfi for Sale 21M Sewer ServICe be v.Ith you and my loved ragtune, FOR APPOINTMENT CAll 884-2667 lOB TrvcIo:,for Sale 21N A$fIhalt Work PROFESSIONAL ones ill your perpetual glOf')' PIANO/ORGAN/ Accordlan 11 Cars for Sole 210 Cemerrt and Bnde Work Amen lessons Popular, Classical, 11 ... Car RlpOtr 21' WalerproofJl'lg BARTENDER Thank you for your love to- harmony. theory Your 111 Can to 8\1}' 21Q Plaster Work ~flxologlSt, be\erage consul. wards me and my loved home or mlOe 77&-1153. llC Soan and Motors 21. Furrulure Repair tant Complete set-up ser- o~ Pray thts prayer 3 con- 11D Boat Repair 215 Carpenter \'lee a\'atlable Pnvate par- secutlve days Without aslung P~O LESSONS - Qualified teacher, my home 882-7772 11E BoClf Dockage and 21T and Heating tIes anv size an\t1me your WISh. after thtrd day Storage 21 U JoMor Service Graduations '01 eddm"gs, an. ~our wtSh v.1ll be granted, no CLASSICAL musIc for your l1F Tro, and Campers 21V Silverploh'lg on 15 \ ears ex matter ho\'odlfftcull It ma\ next occasIon Solo, duo. llG Mobile Homes 21W Dressmalong and penence Pomte'resldent be Then promISe to publtsh lno, qumtet Wmds, gwtar, 11 H Airplanes T0110"n9 8S6-Q9.1.8 thts prayer as soon as your vOice 729-ia55 12 Surburban Acreage 21X Drapenes PRAYER TO THE favor has been granted PRIVATE or studIO, classical 121. Surburbon Horne 21Y SWimming Poob HOLY SPIRIT CKP style gwtar lessons Amato 121 Vocation Property 212 landscaping Hol) SpInt ) ou ~ ho make me INCOME TAX StudiO. 527-6134, home: 12C farms fQ1' Sole see e\erj thmg and \\ho 343-0376, (Peler) sho....s me the ",a\ to reach Prepared ill your home at your converuence Expenenced, GUITAR A.l~Dplano lessons 1A-PERSONALS mj Ideal You 'oIhogIve me 1A-PERSONALS the Dl\ me Gift to forgl\ e reasonable rates Free con- 884-2573 PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE and forget the v.rang that IS sultatIOn Call for FOR WOMEN PRA YER TO THE done to me and }ou who are a.PJlOlnlment 2B- TUTORING AND, Deep Muscle, HOLY SPIRIT m all mstances of m\ life 292-9171 EDUCATION GARAGE SAl ES ARE FUN! Reflexology Holy SPInt, ) ou v. ho make me \\ Ith me 1. In thIS 'short !'lulntlonal Counselmg see everything and "'ho dIalogue ....ant to thank you HORSE MI.!) Carnage rental TUTORING Let 18,600 readers HollsUc Weight Loss show,; me the '" ay to reach for e'oel)-thmg and confIrJl1 Add a "Royal Touch" to ALL SUBJECTS find out about yours. Call Judy at 882-3856 my Ideal You v.ho give me once more that I never ~ ant your weddmg or oc" GRADES 1 THRU 12 Advertise in The Grosse the Dl\1ne GIft to forgive to be separated from ~ou no caslOn Includes a dnver. PROFESSIONAL FACULTY MACOMB REFINISHEAS and forget the wrong that IS 752-6960 matter how great the mater, WE CAN HELP Pointe News ClassIfied 'W"E DO IT ALL done to me and \ ou ow ho are lal desires ma) be I \\ ant to PSYCHIC - certIfied healer section. m all lIlStanceS of my hfe be With )-ou and my loved - humans and anunals GROSSE POINTE From PIanos, ammg room sets, lacquers, hand .. ~ Ith me I. m thIS short ones ill your perpetual glor') Wlllmg to come to your LEARNING CENTER stnppmg repa~ boat woodwork Free esTImates Ask dialogue ",ant to thank you Amen home, messages Cassan- 63 Kercheval on the Hill for Claude for evel) thmg and confIrm Thank you for )our love tG- dra. 527-5394 343-0036 343-0836 Tuesday noon 792{J49!l once more that I never v.ant v.ards me and mj loved CERTIFIED speCial and to be sepa ra led from} ou no ones Pray thts prayer 3 con- BUILDING OWNERS deadline Let me manage the mamten- regular educallon teacher matter hO\\ great the mater- secutive days .. Ithout asking Offenng tutoring services Call early. PE\'OOLl!'\O S CHIM~EY SCREE!'. Laldesues ma) be I v.ant to )our 'oIlSh after third day ance of your bwldlng(sl 25 SERVICE years expenence for all ages Call after 5.30 882-6900 be WILl}you and m~ lo\ed ) our WISh\'0 ill be granted. no pm 754-7549, 247-{)853 GET READY FOR SPRI~G 1 , ones ill your perpetual glOl)' matter ho\\ dIffIcult It may 979-1920 Bnng your hOl.lSe Amen be Then promISe to publISh 2D-CAMPS up to code and Thank you for ) our love to- thiS prajer as soon as jour PARTY DECORATING keep un""an ted v.ards me and m\ lo'oed BY LILlA CAMP ARBUTUS - Private fa'oor has been granted Birthdays, Weddmgs, animals out ones Pra) tlus prayer 3con. MC gu-ls' camp Grand Traverse FREE ESTIMATES Anruversanes, secullve days v.Ithout askmg CUSTOM woodwork Quality area June 24th - July 21st, 881-2477 886-5870 Oc=:J c::;::j your "'1sh, after third da) All OCcasIOns July 22nd - August 18th carpentry With a personal Holiday Decoratmg - *SAVE $5 WITH THIS AD * c=:J c::=:r:s your ""'ISh ....,ll be granted, no touch Ornamental wood. call 881-9442 Wnte May. Oc::::Jr::t:! matter how dIfficult It may Halls, Homes, Etc fIeld, Michtgan 49666 be Then promIse to publISh work, home Improvement, I kttchen deslgnJ1lgm wood or 881-8261 885-7734 tlus prayer as soon as jour 2F-SCHOOLS favor has been granted fonntca Portfolto samples HASDCARVING JO sohd Marilynn G. Ruscbe, M.A., C.S.W. WISh granted F K and references available wood FIreplace mantels. GROSSE POINTE Coopera. upon request Free estl' stain ays. furniture, etc speclalizmg m: tlve Nursery School, 211 MRS. WOODS mates Bruno Trentacost Ken, 521-1637,527-9282 Moross. has opemngs For 754-6508 fall 1984 3 and 4 year old • Indi"idual Therap) SPIRITt:AL READER \\"EDDI!'\GS Beautiful flute and claSSIcal gUitar musIc classes 885-4806 or 822.1i63 e Famif) 1lIerapy Ad'ice On -\ll Problems LOCKSMITH Of LIfe Sucn as La"e Dead bolt InstallatIOns from for semce, dInners/recep- SUNr-.ryDAYS or cloudy, your e Marriage Counseling Busmess And Health $29 95-$39 95, lock and labor tIOns Expenenced musI- 3-4 year aids WIll love the Included Cians 832.2613/824-8375 "Sunny Days," expenencel All Readmgs Pmate Featunng field tnps, crafts, 882- '825 For Appomtment And Confidential GEORGE M VA!'.'TIE:rf RESUMES BY Lynn Profes- Sionally composed & IBM active and qUIet play, em Cards Palms and 882-3434 phaslZmg SOCIal develop- Tea Lea type wntten Phone for ap- ORIENTAL RUGS poIntment 774-J7(J8 ment and mdlvlduallzed -\'"Ilable For Parties learmng Opporturutles by t_ Pnce \\Ith Ad WANTED AYH V.1LL TEA CH vou to sail our profesSIOnal teachers (all for -\r A,ppomtmenl one or man) mexpenslVely Cail 54~11 ~on-denomlnatJOnal, locat- Prl\al( (oilc'\.!c,rv.di pay an~ for class lOforma t10n 521-7455 rea..,onar)],. price ed at Grosse Pomte Woods ,~.; -: 12 STAI!'."EDGLASS - WI1l00WS, Presbytenan Open house lamps, mIrrors. bevels, May 3m For InformatIOn, tempered glass, nE"W con- 885-2140. 774 1016 The Classified strucl10n and repairs References, 382-4112 3-LOST AND FOUND word for today is The TIe Tallor IS Back' Ha'oe your ""Ide tles narro'oled FOt:ND ty,o puppIes - healthy 779 132.1~1ane and lovable, need a good IILIV~~ home Please call 1S82-4284 1B-SECRET ARIAL MISSING small grey Tabby D...Hwce)ri: the 8d of mak- SERVICE female cat VICinity of Ing fK hMdng ower: tr8MfM'. Complete Kerb) ,Wilham on Tuesday You can count on the CJas- WORD PROCESSING 882..8180evenings to deliver your mes- Reports UJST - All orange tiger stnp- .,fleas H.epetltl'l' Lett.ers pea female cat wearing sage to thousands of eager Em elopes 'oIhIlenea ('ollar Answers to buyers every day of the year D1Sserta tlOns ~s<;\ Park area Rev..ard Any Car °UnWted TIfM BUying or seiling, the Classl- "" Manuscnpts B23 4124 ....., '" '- ,.. TechDlcal F..quatlons I.lJ">T I~-.-[->e-e-p-la-n-d.c,-a-r-ea-,,-t fteds are good busmess' ...- - rables • ~~A_YJlJT~"'A.ra_ Gro'>se POinte Shores WO!U.I<' I~ t:MBERS Buy.,.. tlftd Nt... mHt • At..&. wwn AM.-. IF I.IIQ '"'" female cat, mO'ltly black ma.urr. PROCI-':"<;"<,I\G CORP every day In tt'le Ctasslfleds, wwrn-.u_ WIth .,mall areas of whIte 831~ 884..(J'iOI where value and quality al- ° AU.CAM'ITI ••• ' eo. o ee.uTI CC.10 or ,.,.. .MA 884 WORD ways cost less Find what you o AU...... a WI~ .... RESUME';, lhese-<;--t,.-,r-m- If you lose me need and sell what you don't • AU. C"'"*I ~ papers reports. repetitive or fH)d me • ~ Ct.'A" A .... Jetter<; ","ORD PROCES.'r need In the Classlfleds Call .~ .x,.... ,•• I....G U,mpetltlve pncesl and place your ad today qualIty ....rJrX 521 3.300 o a. .. T)'PI\(, y. (If{f) processing 372.1884 r~um~ $3 ')/) a page 35' MTM"..- addltlr,nal onglnal<; ~otaf) Grosse PoInte ...... " .. a..rt ..... -" ( <, 772281:19 EXU-:LLE ....T I}Plst I~M News ~1eL1J1( ",l, ill type anythmg PnreJ; reasonable After 6 112-6900 pm 1'.86 7(~ TYP!V, Y.fJRLD p~ng We II run your ad resumes $.1 50 a page. 35( FREE" addltlOnalonglnals !'loury S C S 772 2809 882-6900

l ~ ~ ~- - ..... ~ ~-----_..

Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five-C 3-lOST AND 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED FOUND 5-SITUATION SA-SITUATION 8-FOR RENT GENERAl GENERAL GENERAl GENERAL WANTED YELLOW ISTRIPED male DOMESTIC UNFURNISHED BAR!\fAID - full or part time cat Red leather collar Lost ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE SAILBOAT mechaniC AURA'S Call bet\\een .3.9 pm. BROKERS NEEDED HOME/OFf'ICE AIR CONDITIONED, one bed. CLERK mamtE'nance and repair HOME SITTING SERVICE near Mack-St Clair 365.-4220 Please send resume to CLEANING room, Kelly Road Bright, 885-4652 Small but gro\\ IIlg firm m the Experience necessary 779- T L C of children, elderly Trade Port t<~nterprlses KAREN 772.~9 carpeted apartment In qwet, Health Care field has an WHY NOT put) OUI volullteer 6255 Hourly, overmght and 24 FOUND Tan/Broil n 'Black opemng for an Accounts 400 Ren Cen, SUlle 500 well mllmtamed complex, experience to \\ ork fOI vou EXPF.RIENCED HELP To hour rates 12 years With 5C-CATERING Femcl.le cat Harper/:\Ior- Recelvdole Clerk Should A localnon.profll orgalllza- DetrOit, 1\1I 48243 dOlle to l>hoPPlllg and car(" for children and elder Mrs Hammond, who~e aog area. 886-1479 After 6 be expenenced 111 the tlon I., loolo.lIlg for SOIllf'Qlll' FULL TIME secrelary - typ APRON ASSOCIATES pro- church $J95 Illcludmg heat pm I} m their homes 247-02B:.l a~encv !>erved Gros!>e 881~loo recel\ able c~de from bllhng \\ Ith pre\'LQus volunteer 109 and shorthand sklll~ re- Pomte over JO } can. Llceru, Vides Gourmet picniCS, LOST - Slamesl.' cat, light tor thru tnal baldnre and fundralslllg l'xp1 In bed and spe- GROSSE POINn: Park - 5 tOlse colOllng femall.', statemen~ Data Proces~. tel' to Cclre for toddler III my 11111off I('(' Ask for Mrs Cialty horl> d'ocuvres 882. room lower flat, ne galllze a fund ..m~er on a EXPERIENCED Nurse's allS\\ ers to Klkl Rosl\ n Lng E.'xposure I:>desirable home Heferenct'll t-~~enlLal CI,IIV!>on !l&l.fJOIO 7149 decoraled, $300 per month, comml~lOned ba!>l~ Hefer- Aide desires private duty in \\edgl.'\lood arl.'cl. 881-21ll 21l.0t>.l5 security dej>Ol>lt, ulIIlIJl's eilles I'<'~lbtanl - full or home EXl'Cllent references KAY'S KAPEH - !>peclahzmg If IIlter~tl.'d ~elld resume \\ Ith of pre\ lOu~ l....perlence and !>eparale, available May 1. FOP:\D Blac).. German CARETAKEH couple for p;lrl tlllW ":"peflence pre- No hve'Hll> 296,1167, 771- m dmnefl>, lunch~~, hor!> CO\er IE.'tter ~tallllg !>alar} I 1984 Call afler 6 pm 1>51 Shepherd. ) oWlg found III efl'relll'e~ to Ho... \1 2:; POlllte est to Grosse POlllle ~ell~. 99 Ker Prl\'Jle dCldched hVlIlg 3.31 291!l 2372 \ acmtt) of Allard IHarper at EXPERIENCED mom WIll X.\I a) ramp \\ ell tramed. Healthmar).. Illdu.,lnes Co l'h<'\ <11, GI o.,~e POllltc qU.lrtt'l'~ !Iu~bdnd ex. 4A-HELP WANTED HAHPt:H \\ehB\ ed 886 1-179after home or pelo.eepmg dUtll~ 01 none Wd!lher. dr)cr. cclrport Colli LOST Pdra)..eet S-.iturda\ lentlon Pen.onnel for fanllly With 2 boyb agt's UPPEH - 6 MIle/Gratiot and Gnll 165-l.3&ist \\ .II n'll SdIJf\ 0Pt'll plus benefits "CARING & DOING" for more lIlformdllOn $37'i Apnl 14 Bl'!anger \\ II!tams 5 alld!:l Send re!>ullle refer. are BABYSITTEH reli .Ill utilltle,> $21) 5:!l :.407 Wood:. OfflCl' 88~-8650 Club Dflve, SI CIUlr Shoreb. • RN s & LPN's ~UCII ,\ Df<:AL - Gro,>~e \\ drren d ftCI' 2 P In 0\\ n tl al1!>porlpllal area 2 30:; p m 1"01 Home Health Cart' Pomte Park Ldrgc ...unn} 2 SECHET-\R\ Part tllnc for bedroom uppcr newly 5290 per month plu:. ull!llu!l> small old broil n mdle dog glOus East Jefferson Salon Celli 11822016 LIVE IN hou~e)..eeper - Al Its Be:.t Call \I Ith \I hlte fdce and pall:' IOCdl b~Ine~ References Mature, Ilon.~moker for pdll1ted .ll1d p,lpered ;,('CUrlt)/$JOO lllJl7754 Experienced on I) .331-7501 PERSO:\, needed 10 c1eall ma MED-STAFF somell hat dl.'at IIearml! Sl.'lld repl) to Bo\ \' i5 elderh \l.oman plea~nt sur IVayburn wdlk 10 mdlll bu.... DRlJDGF. NO morp - (ATOP? SivCr\: rEn30Z", U:U~L ~ J01 duU e Oro\\ n studdl.'d collar and UrlJ;,~e J-'umte \ell~ ~ Ker JV' "l.Il-'il"l1"~ III"M;' roundlllgs, Harper/Moro!>s bbl 2bUt> Jllle~ t'arkltlg. 0\\ n utllllle!> bedroom !lalm mo\ e III <.on have good grades and be dell' ene~ Call Thun.da) or \I hitI.' flea collar l\luch 10\'- c he\ ,J1 Grosse POlllle area Need the end of May Security and reference!> dltlOn Put) our furmture m able to \lork after Septem Fnda), J 6 P m only &15 GHOSSE POl:'-lTE Farms ed Re\lard 82Hl673 Fdrrns. 1111-4823b References reqUired 463 JJ J.l96 7 $JOO place and hedd do\\ n to ber Apply at Mr C's Dell, 0079 healthy trim earl~ retiree as ASSISTAi\ T BooUceper 5995 OUTEH DB [\'E-Bt'acons. Gr~e POllitt' Park pdrk to LOST - Yello\\. female. long 16830 East Warren compalllon aide College haired cat Name Fluffv nl.'edl.'d at do\\ nlo\\ n DetrOit FULL TIME - housekeeper WE SPECIALIZE 111 the pldce. educated, experienced field area One bedroom up enJoy the freIghter!>, tenms, 886~1I4 Call after 3 30 • BARTENDER, WaItress, Hos- Beauty and Supply Cl.'nler. bab\,sltt('r 1Il WlIldmlll ment of profesSional, domes. traveler Falrl} good cook per, apphances, hedtlllclud sWlmmmg or a PICllIC ",a}. tess poSitIons open Nemo's mmlmum 3) cars pegboJrd Pouite area, Mu:.l drive. and IIc and nursmg personnel Can !>Iuy IlIghl" 11868375 ed No pet!> 9i9761i burn near Jeffel30n 331 FOV:\D - German Shepherd Ren-Cen Send resume or expenence, AIR AlP t~pe have 0\\ n transportatIOn, 1967 $3Q(Jov. n UtllLtll.'s anJ Hou~ekecpers - Cooks - U:T ME CLEM, }OUI hou~e ONE BEDHOO:\! upper for mix female all Ian \\ Ith appl) Tuesday thru Thurs -45\I pm Full or palt tune "e<.Urll) refl'rellce~ reqUIred Call Couple~ - Child Care - Day rent Ideal for \\orkmg peo black color 882 8660 da). 2 p m -5 p m only !lIar) 1I!l.3 7612 Ruth 963 2391 BI-6401 ,lfter b p m Work - !Ilald~ - Home pie $2l0 a month plul> $220 GRlh5E PO[:'>TE CII> Three FOU:'\D 2 ml\ed female pup- 259-1525 ATTENTION InterlOl /exterlOr LEGAL Seci etan - ex- FINANCIAL PLANN[NG Health Care Live In or Out !>l'Cunly depo!>lt AllutJlllles bedroom upper Large PIes, foot of WmdJmll Pomle pallllmg reasonable rales, SECRET AR Y needed by perienced Tro) iabor la\\ Teacher", coaches, prior Please call lllcJudl'd Sorr) , 00 pet:. 1m. room!>. mcludes one car 885-4936 references available 6 years Do ....ntown brokerage firm firm T)pmg 170 \\ pm J, busmess 0\1 ners, or sue. mediate occupancy Call ga rage References re GOLL experience 881-7378 -'lust have good typmg and dIctaphone, and profes;'lOnal ce~sful sa leb person, prefer. between 3 p m and 10 p m qUlred 540-0561 4-HELP WANTED shorthand skills Please sui>- PERSONNEL GENERAL lelephone anslI enng re red 10 lIlvl.'stlgate thiS NEED SOME.'THING moved? 8J93296 GHOSSJ<: POI~'TE \\00ds - mlt resume to Box ;;S.27. qUired Word processing ell. specialized fwld This career Two Pomte reSIdents Will AGENCY CLEAN, qUiet, carpet("d, 2 1974 \'ermer I bl"droom up- Grosse Pomte ~ews, 99 Ker. penence helpful $300 a opportumty offers extensive 106 Kercheval move or remove large or ATTENTION cheval. Grosse Pomte bedroom upper flat Grosse per, stO\ e, refngerdtor, \\ eek Ca II C a ral (H9-4~55 lechmcal and skills trammg Grosse Pomte Farms small quanlllles of funuture, drapes. garage. ne\l,l~ de- Farms, Mlch 48236 Our to qualified mdlvlduals Pomte Park $285 331.559i GUYS-GALS EXPERIENCED Recepllolllsl appliances, pianos or what corated $17:i plus heat employees are a\\are of thiS Plea~e call Rose Portaro 882-2928 RENT TO oy,n 234 bed TRAVEL far a bus) orthopedIC office, have you Call for free SecUrll} Occupdnc} :'tla} 1 ad Stale Licensed and Bonded rooms, all houses lepalred Immediate apenmg for 10 excellent salar) and bet" eell one ,1Ild four only eslima te 343-0481 or By appomtment 886-0614 sharp gU) s and gals Must LEGAL SECRETARY benefits Call 886-4010 649.3250 GROSSE POINTE 882-6737 and newly decorated No alleast 3 years experience III money dowl1 Workmg folks F[VE Room upper fl"t be 18 and over. neatlv dress. TROY Based supplier to NUHSERY SCHOOL teacher RETIRED HANDYMAN - 885-6.158 negligence Work III small EMPLOYMENT preferred ed and free to start immed. automotive mdustry seekmg for Grosse Pomte Woods Co- Mlllor repaIrs, carpentry, office III SI ClaIr shores, HANDLOS 882.iJOO EASTLAND - 7 Mile/GratIOt lately TransportatIOn fur- mechanrcallv mclmed m. op nursery. 4 mornmgs a AGENCY electncal, plumbmg, broken must have dlctaphone skills a rea :'tlodern lUXUriOUs. nished to all U S maJO! dlvldual for -sales POSlt101I wee).. Must have pre-school 885.4576 wlIldows and sash cord HARPER \\'00D5 - One cities, return guaranteed and good typlllg speed Need or earl} elementar: teach- replaced, etc Reasonable bedroom condo Near shop. qUiet terrace garden apdrl a very dependable, well Salar) and expenses based 50 years reliable servICe menl One bedroom. S2i5 Expenses advance durmg on experience Please rail mg experience Send re!lume Needs experienced Cooks, References 882~759 plOg and transportatIOn Ap- two week on the JOb trauung spoken person Please send to Barb Bertelsonen, 572 pliances, secunt) deposit 521.1225 or 751.l854 for mtervlt'w 589.1710 Nannies, MaIds, House. EXPERIENCED NURSES' If YOU are not ambitious, resume to Grosse Pomte Holly\\ood Grosse Pomte $325 II monlh 1\82.4662 BUCKINGHAM - East \\ ar keepers, Gardeners, Ch~uf. aides available Reasonable cht!erful and lookmg for an :O-:ews,99 Kerche\al, Grosse CARRY OUT Restaurant and woods, 48236, 881-1619 ren 2 bedroom. 11\IIlg dm. feurs, Butlers, Couples, rates Fraser Agency State EDGE Of<' Grosse POlllte excIting opportumty and Pomte Farms, MI48236 Box party store needs expenenc studIO or one bedroom Ing kllchen StO\(' r("Cnger. ;;B-25 ed manager, sales people EXPERIENCED barmaId Nurse Aides Compamons hcensed and bonded workmg WIth a fun group wanted. pari tllne - apply and Day Workers for private 293.1717 Clean bUIlding Call884-7965 ator Heat Illcluded Clt.'an your own age, please don t WANTED TENNIS recep- and kitchen help Tommy's and SpaCIOU~ Separate en at Ihe foot of AI:",r Road Your Place Lounge, I7J26 E homes GROSSE POINTE Area -- 2 waste our tIme If you qual- tlornsl 7 45 a m -3 p m $4 00 Warren 18514 Mack Avenue FRANK'S Handyman servIce tr"oce ~o pelS lilt! 7-479 278 -1213 before 9 a m or - Wallpapermg, pambng and bedroom apartment $295 uy contact Russell Wood per hour Call 881-8000 Grosse Pomte Farms GROSSE POINTE Park 1060 10 ooa m to5'OOpm atthe after 6 p m I\fATURE PERSON Property miscellaneous repairs per month mcludmg utilities PHOll.'E TECH has a part- and casualtv lIlsurance ELDERL Y Couple from 773.2123 822~952 Lakepomte Upper flOlt 2 Henta~e Inn, 14iOO East 8 tIme opemng for a mature, LACNDRY Woman, exper- bedrooms enclosed rear agency Expenence neces- Grol>se Pomte \\ ant hve-In GROSSE POINTE, one., t\lO' M1Ie Road or call5Z7-1070 for responsIble mdlVldual to Ienced, good dependdble porch Range, refngE'ralor sary Typmg, telephone, fll- Own quarter!> For cookmg, FLORIDA bedroom apartments, hvtng. appomtment Parents wel- handle the sales of tell.' worker St Annes, garage, basemenl ~195 ph~ come atmtervle\l. mg 886-5230, 9 a m .12 p m !tght hOllsekeepmg Must dining room, carpet. ap. phones and accessones from Cadieux IHarper YACHTSMAN ulL!tlLes Secunt) de~lt DENTAL AsSIstant/Orthodon- hke alllmais Must be able to Lookmg for work on boats Ex- phances 82-4.3lH9 our store, some light typmg BOOKKEEPER (ell.penenc- dr!\ c Salary negotIable No pelS Open House Satur CHANGING tic office Expenence pre- perienced both cosmellcally 7 !\lILE/Mack area Clean, 2 IS reqmred Please call mor- ed I \\ anled one day a month Benefits 823-9985 day, April 21st 2 4 P m ferred Part time Send and mechamcally Call any- Ix.' ut career semmar WAITRESS WANTED month old and 3 month old MEDICAL STUDENT seek:. ty depoSit Call 1185.35-15 ses Part-time, evenmgs BABYSITTER m my home Monday-Frldll), 8 a m -5 Ihtles and ~unt> deposIt Expenenced only References lawncuttlng Reliable, 8 LAKESHORE \'Illage condo "COUNSELING IN (Ans\l,enng machmeJ 885- onl) full time days, mfant p m Expeflence and refer. 8lll-QJ59 or 88.1 .3706 Apply 2-4 P m !\londay-Sat- years expenence Eclrl. mmlum 2 bt-droom central REAL ESTATE" 8288 (777-9304 ences reqUIred Call Chfls at L'PPER Flat. one bt-droom ' urday Pirates Co\e Restau- 884-8526, Thursday.salur- mr. uHr,1 modern kItchen, Sat AprIl 21 10 30 A:\l IMMEDIATE openmg for ex- 881-5102 for appointment dean. JUSt remodeled ~Ice' HIGH SCHOOL or college stu rant, 17201 Mack Ave d.iy wall to wall carpetll18 fulJ Schweitzer School dent to do y,eekend yard pel,enced receptlOmsl for area, L"ba~r Parll Drn'e' MATURE woman to babysit 3 basemen!, rec n!Om 1m. of Real Estate busy medical center Ap SERVICES OF A Freelance Mar WhItII" HBO. appll. \\ ork Set your own hours DENTAL young children, 2 evemngs maculate Out!>lde mamten. Sterling Heights pOintmenl and cashier writer - 773-8291 ances, laundry, slorage all Call 884-8406 after 6 00 P m per week 823.1717 ance mcluded Economical For reservatIOns & duties Computer exper- ASSISTANT HANDYMAN - all lypes of lIlcluded 881.213~ EXPERIENCED cashier BABYSITTER wanted Ma- heat Available May 15th mformatlOn, Ience helpful Call l\lrs Seekmg a personable 111- repairs, small Jobs, HARCOCRT.3 bedroom prl wanted 778-8182 ture mdlvlduallo care for m. $450/month plus !>ccurlty call Melame at 268-1000 Ruvolo at 77-4-7806 9 5 dlvldual for a full time POSI- carpenter work, palllllng \ ate drive, 2 car garage fant In our home Own DJys untLl 5 pm !l&l 7828, Sch\\ eltzer Real Estate ATTENTION Weekda)s tion Certification preferred Pete 882-2795 $b50//llollthl} Cdll8.!~ 7367 tran~portatlOn Referencel> evenlllg~/\l. eekends 1\85.9215 Better Homes & Gardens Yassoo Ice Cream Parlor m IM:\IEDIATE opemng for ex Will conSider sharp a~slstanl Please call 882-8087 even. 5A-SITUATION TWO BEDROOM ....llh apph- APART~IENT (or rent hlstonc Greek To\\ n has 1m. penenced lab techmclan St lIIterested III furtherlllg ACHIEVE 109:. 6-9 p m DOMESTIC GrOblte POlllte ~troll Gra mediate opemngs for full Clair Shores areJ Call skIlls and becommg cerlL- ances, flnl.,hed hardy, ood llOO~, pn\ale porch. must CIOII:>large one bt-droom l1at YOUR GOALS and part lime posItions No Laura SmIth al 774 71100 9.5 fled Ideal environment MATURE AIDE-houbekeep EXPER[ENCED cleanmg see 8827.321 on Canal rlreplal't'. ~un. \I, lth the real estate leader If expenence necessaf) Must \l,ieekdays Good benefit package cr to 11\I.' In With eldcrly lady Available every "~n. pol ch lle\\ cal petlng. lou\ l' you have a real estate be at least 18 Interestmg Qualified candidate should lady 881-4606 NEAR 7 Mllemaye~ .3 bed LOCAL pop band on the nse lour blind:>. fenced \ard, !tcense or a sales back. positIOn Must apply m per- contact Jeanne, 9i9-2BOO day References, reliable, room. ne .... carpetIng fresh seeks flllancJaI support All own tr.lnsportatlOrJ 885.4280 garage all clpplldllCl'S ground. and \l.ant to achIeve son 531 Monroe. DetrOit AFTER TWO INTEH\'IEWS 4C-HOUSE SITTING paWl $.300 month plus your potential give us a call IIltere~ted parties y,nle to WJsher and dr)er $250 plus WAITRESSES - HOSTESS YOU'LL WISH YOU'D SERVICES ~ecllnt~ I J:l9 5550 Schweizer Real Estate/Bet- POBox 36231. Gros!>e HOUSE A MESS? ul 11ItLe~ Se-I:Urll) :-.10pets Experienced, part time ar full POInte 46236 SAVED OUR AD PROTECT your horne and No Time? Call KELLY - B Mile One room Dependll ble prOfl':>blOna I ter Homes & Gardens offers WE ARE Cornerstone East pets Experienced hOUl>eand bnck duplex Slo\C, couple l'llra M.'t.'ure \lIn a umque commiSSIOn pro- YOU:\,G lady 10 help \lorklng A L Wllhams. A NallOnal THE Restaurant mother After s(hool hours pet ~lller, college graduate, refrigerator. c"rpetmg $'215 ut~ from hospital Il1H>J99 gram, ad\ anced trammg, 52 l-41 Il5 markelmg orgamzallOn - 1111June, full time durmg non smoker Excellenl refer HOUSE.KE. TEERS plus utllllles n2-oJ81 l:ROSSF. Pl)I:-.ITE Park - and markelmg programs the larg~l III our Illdu:.try - onlv avaIlable through an EXECUTIVE secretarv to "ummer vacatIOn Hcferen ences 8ll1.7196 Let Our Crew Come In &r Do LAKESHORE Road. Gr~se \\a}burn "Ice l ~Iroom y,ork With engmeerlng-mar- ell.pandmg and need top All of Your General Cleantng ehtc natJOna I affJhate as ce~ Mack and Cook Hoad management and sales pro- HOUSESITTING' WLll call' Powte Shon'" All the 10\1er StuH' refrl~eralor ketmg - corporate officers Wllldows & Ovens Too I t $2;)() 9bJ l.t.t! Betler Homes and Gardens Call 881 )8-40 fe!>~lOndl!>I for pets, plant:., phone calls, charm "nd pn\lAc) of'" Ilt Send resume to POBox Excellent References We \l,ant to help )au \I Ilh a WE OFF.I:.;R ctc WillIe away GJve home tI(, hOll;,(' III Iht.' countr) tlJI~ BALFOl H near Gro~st' ::98, Southfield, 1\1148(J:!7 GAS ATTENDANT. full or Gift Cerllflcale Available successful sales career part lime day or Illghl~ Complete trammg - Excep a !tved III look 7i2 11160. 2 bedroom. 2 b.lth home, POlllh.- Beaullful:l ~room Cell! Chfls WIth M'parllte s('{'ludt' Standard llOndl ca.-nmg~ - Guaran 775870-1 10\\ er LI \ Inj{ dllllng, Woods Office 886-4200 Doug detall-mmded, consCientIOUS t('cd advancement - Per YOUNG PHYSrCIA~ de"lr('~ 565.4300 flee or stud\ . IS llC'...t1ed bal'k flreplact' c:arpt'l ap Andrus G P Farm" Offlce mdl\ldual able to reiate to EXPEHl'~:'-'CED Bartender on a IlIrge- lan A career }OU can year Starting ,Jury 1st In HON":~T, depeno,lbll', Chrl'> A\'aJl:lhle Iht' middle of galllge KgI ~ IlIghl~ Appl) <.IIr ~26 Ed~1 May $I 200 a monl h Clair Shor~ Office m ~940 Good t} plst not afraid of boasl about' Gro~M> Pointe North Mea han \I oma n ~l'('k!> hou~e fJ~ures Send resume to Wdrren DetrOit l'!eJllIng or l,lUndry Ex 112l Il'l) or 884 606..'i Wll'SE For Rent u~t"ll'S REGISTERED ~VRSE Part CA!\DIDATES ~1l0ULD fIll2 31~~ cvelllng:. bt>droom finished b..tst' PO Box::98 ::,outhfleld.1\11 H-\BYSITTER - 3full d".,., d cellrnt refelence'> C,lll CIII time. weekends 3-11. Cottage He \I llhng 10 \\ ork hard - Like llf<:ACO:--'SFlf:LD uppt>r T\\o ment gJrage Wu 48037 I\('rk In ml Gros~e Po~nl(' dy, 372 079J or lellve me~. Belmont Nursmg Center 10 \Iork \11th lItl',lm - I1a\e 5-SITUATION lx'<1rOOIll:>, Idlllldn ,1\ all rt"n Outer UrlH arl'a ('It) home '1 year old lWIl1~ ~agc dt 1llI5 1lJ6.~. _ ,Ible Clean Ht' .. t mcluded lQR40 H;jrnf"r 881 9556 PCRCHASI;-';G agent ~teeJ ~U(,l<'''''' I('eord In dny field WANTED 8l! I ~r.i and fa!>teners College and 10 \Nlr old $2 an hour CALL )21-ut1.'i for npVCJIIl1rnent f<:XPERTENn:D lady ~Ilohel> $~) C,,11 821 6N6 "fll'r ~ GARDENER degree reqUired Send AA6 !l11'i Thur,>da} & Fnday EUIWPEA:O-:/g<.lrdner, land dll) \\ork ('.11l 921 510-4 pm CHARMI'lG 2 bfodroom house Experience ne(e~"dr}' In Iht> Parte. s«ursl\ IT re.,ume to PO Box::98 I{ESPONSIBLl': bdh)'>Jtter !Jam 2prn scapc:'r Groommg sprmg CIT\' OF 1-:,1,1 [X'trolt l'.IStH A I CU:AN['I;C; fasl and dfl qUlret1 ~ per monlh '1i7 Take (are of la\ln and &Juthfleld MT 48017 needed for dn Infanl In \\ OME~ lnd<'rcOVl'f\\C,lr of clean up feeding. ro"e!>. Clcnt ('.Ill Cilia, 52101197 Hl'lO 2 Ilt'droom lIppt'r flt''<\ 6Ul7 fl 0\1, er ~ G rOS'ie POlllte (.ro,,~e 1'01/l((- homl' \lon .,hruh~, tree:. 514 0")71 fl'r~ tun ('11'>\ Imllkmg ... .lnd IIOUSt<;C!.t<:ANT!\IG plca,>r I} l',If!1t'!I."O. ~tO\l' rl'lrlRl'r Shores homc Plu,> light REAL ESTATE dd\., and 1 uI,.,dd\' '1<1~ dtlll $JIO plu~ utllllit'l> gr('.iI Inloml' A\t'rdge $20 call Mdrllyn Thorough dr COZy l ~1r"".lm lIpp.-r fl.Jt hand}man \lork FI\e through ~'l>lc'mt)( I' (X","hl} THE AA5 01107 SALESPEOPLE p<'r hoUi No lol!edmg or penddhle (;ro~~(' Po Il1tl' [dl."oll for lint' P'"r~tln Heal month period .,Idrtmg Md) longl'r Hl'fc'l l'llU', (,ill for \1.Jkc lhl' m(n e to d twlll'r d<'ln('f\ \oll1\pnlor) ror HANDY.HELPER CLE.\N ~ll.lIl11U' 4 •• ndudt-tl 52S-~ I eX(ellenl pa) ~'all B rph'n'ncl'" E,,~tl,lIld .Ire" room up more productl\'(; offl( e In ,lppoll1trm nl fli'A l"ll mon' IIl(orm.t1101l c:lll a m to 4 30 P m Bi~7312 lIllI lt4~ 1)('1' ~ll'l.! 'IOIIlI'r'el CMpl'1 I'~A .Iom om' of the mo"t d( \PPL!( ATf(j!\~ 1)('111~ Idkl'n Y\ 01111(' Ilill{J If, I flom 'I 1 EXII nnr & Inl('rlOi ~pflng DUPl X I'll 1..11 gr hl'llroom :'ltor.lge Cadieux Mal'll: arcoa 17'JW tl\e real l'"tr: (k'rk 1\'u.,1 1)('III P 111 \1 I- horn" upcl,ltmg All art',l., EXP1':HI}O~NCED Womlln ~,1l0ft. /\ppll"'fU r.. 1m }o'nr that home f.lee 11ft Onllano :2 hfdroorn dt'n, Md(Omh Count., Ex<.el1l'nl or oldel York~hlrl' hxxi t.\ ~[)'-,(,\1'1-: lC>n'ltrll( IlOll \\ I'>h.'l>gener,1I hou!>t'v.ork, IlIt'llldtl' O( ( Uplllll) $215 111 ft"nl'l'd ) ard. llarlAlIt' comml",lOn program ('om ,\1drkl'l J6711 MdCk for('rn"n ,l!1(j 1,1....n ('re..... ~lol1day ,IllI'f1('nu' !or('1n 0111 V"lIlt I'd Jo;x l HAI.}o'(}lIR .. nd ""hlltlt'r ut IlItlf'$ ,"'or appotnt M"ndgem"nt po-..llOn open Al «. pIing .l ppll (d lIOn, 1)f'II('1I( ('<1 onl:-. 7,i , J H SPECIALIST ,71 l!lto 5i l (1417 Thrt'C !>t'drOOllllo II nwnt KR:.! 'H60 or ll8..'i "oon for 0('11 office <',11urdJ} Iwt II ef'n 2, '.25 ( ALL 1\IH V.IfITCHEI{ Ol-'I-'I(7E ~iA "IAGEH rl(.C'dl'O 1101 ''II-: CLEANlN«; all month .!/Wllllll -4'.U ..i <''\ Hl'rl,C'rh 1',117 f!lr I'l'dl:tln( Idn~ offl(,(' Vcn [(',I,on,lhl., 772 If,p,r, I'rofl'.,.,lOlIoIl tyP('" \('1"> n'lI~on('d I.;~tImalr, l<'fef('nu.., Mter ~ p In ('all ( A <,1111-:1{ .... 3ntM cxp<'nen( (. EX P 1',I!IF \ (ED v, ,Ill fl''''' rn<'111 dnli hllokk<'l'r,lnK c'x Illi I. 711 ~)1711 291J7',14 777",'1"1 pn'fl'rred p..(rt 11mI' $1 l'i dpph Idfll!., Lun(h l',()lJ p< II('n('e 1'1(>.1,,<' cdll -----.., GET LOST pc'r hour ('all at 11MHi!1 _~,.!:.(h~,~ .~<.~~ e nl _ fIl-If,lll1l "A ~\';-f~{mllli(f\ -m-;nl'r<'p MINI MAIDS In a 620 ~ Foot StudIo Af-tment ....llfk 1.,lrg( and IImall Jol)'> V. AI\" fEf) pt,It.VJ\ to d<'llwr HH'EPTIO\l\'1 fOl do\\n 1\">1 H \\('}o. 'UhU/h,11l HOUSECLEANING l{('fl'rl'lIl (', ''x [>I'rt work SERVICF morning <.dlt lOll of 1)('1 rOIl lo\\n I.v, flrm lll'('d('d fl 40 ('.t'h,c!(' ,I~( IH \ IIN'(h ('x \( ..... , 10 ul,lomt'r!> on ,\ I,m RH', 1121! lIll \ 11714 « '1111\ I'n\l'1I1 .I In ) I I P In d.lll\ pit I P"III'I1£ .. d IX 1'-011,11 l,nl'o, & \trill (t••hlt. - I <'.J,I"'I<11' of f)l'lroll ilnd ....101 II Ie ph",11' 111"1'1" J ,11111 Il<'r"oll for rolling IIncl!'1 -PR-ivA-iENURSING (,ro., ...,. Pmnh' an'd ph'd"(' lIondc'd & In.,ut I'd light 1Vlll/l~ ['('qu Irl'd (,(Jod Y,~ltlll~ I'I( ~4_~100 __ Aroull C'!Ol'k (dl1'tdm noon fIll)4))02 277-1713 ,.t», ..MOftey r tM H'-of ~ ------b"lwflh ( ,]11..,U<.,It 'l6l ,H4 III! IH II ,...t:t:IJEIJ' In homl' h(",pll.J1 nr nur,>llll( ~~, ... -1 r ....,_f~...JOf.Jtl.,., r' tor "ppoHllJJJ('nl (,ood dll\lnJo/, ","I hOrtH' It".: ... L1'''Il, AHIC',>. t ...."f f ~,.Jf I J " .\1 If It" Jl Pfl( n'corel LOOKING FOR A rom pl1l1 IOl1!> nJlllf' Htlf'n ~~ (I'''''' IT", '","I1.v I'll ,ii1rlu.:- \\(',\1 A"" n, I.dl d I II It ~fl~flf'(j and W. " ("j1~ J(I<¥ ,.,""oAlft"" ..... I l' owr tAJrn $I'.Ootl$2'iO{){J fIr,,' b,J",,,, '10Ild,l} thrnuJo/,h.. n pcf'IIn honrlt'd l4 hour flt>rvl<'e WIil'y W. r I l W. rl ,. j~" ", J tl( 1.1< ('n.,,'d nur!\t'!> for In It', ... f'\,lf' t,...,.,n' f 11}l11 ~ ,..,. In t \f'dr Jmn on,' (If lh,. mo"t dol \ Po !II" III I() L 10 P ITJ 1,.11 \It(kA~I' ... G",.,cm " d( lIV(' HI al I-"til\(' offl( <....1/1 ,url\ ~ ,11!r1,I, (,IMI,II:- Tll 4 11",1 ~ c I'n,(' c Iii.... monlhl., Ad Ildt.11 1'11,,'0( c ,1111~'llI,e "t 1M 1I k /\\'1' \dnu.d "a)('" lriJmlri~ prn l"/I,l'+1 "nd I' ,I\e n1l "~l "',t( I\'ft-.IW iil - ":~i;fI,,r p,lInt C.II ,,,. or M"ilyn my VldCofl BAWl '-,l'rf EH '1-,}o,llt.l) mil pl.I,>Il'nnl( "lilt'< II ,md ( l "'III ..n H ...('tI 1(1 1.. 1" (ALL MH "HJ1('Hr,H hntlH' '" IInday Ihrlll- IlIld v 824.2200 phorw 'wn..1 d,101 [>('r"'lIl:1 I ------~ - - ~ --- 1l.:I'.;M)A IU.E ck-anult( YolO Mnd your ( HAm Rt-.NTAL It" "1.11 ,pe,kt'n $4 00 lW'f r.)o:(,AL ..,":('[U:I ARY miln f{o""vIlI" r.-Illd"nl $70 A Y.EEK hour (,(Jod t)(om'flt" (all 1',lrl't 1mI' I..'rmruwllt po

\ ~( I

---~-~--,~-~...- ....-...... {- - -'-- PiIge Six-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~ay, April19, 1984

I-FORRENT &-FOR RENT 8C-OFF1C! FOR IO-YACA11ON 7C-GMAOE a::lRTiClES 8-ARTIClES UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED RENT RENTALS WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE GlUIFORD near Chandler Bl'CKINGHA.'i, East War- MACKIWoods Pnvate 0': DELTONA, DeW 2 bedroom CAR HOBBIST - Needs AREA RUG, one 9X12 oval, LIVING ROOM set. 7 ~, WHERE'S THE WOOD' 2 bedroom sets, com- Part Drive Upper. S175plus ffll Bnd 3 bedJooms, fir'e- fleeS, all uWJues, off-street IUXIll"Y coadomUUUUl near garage space foc old cae Me 6 foot round. one 6 foot S250 l/3 UtilitIeS 124-0028 Underneath la}'«S 01old pa1lIt plete, $235 each, bunk beds, place $:JOO optlOQ to buy, parktnc Secret&nal M!t'- Epcot. Disney World. 1bef'to lull be absolutely DO ....all runner Woodard and varnish Ues a gloWIng \lees a\'&llaWe 112-t6li1 Daytooa 882.1232 $30, trundle beds, $40. 4IOS DEVONSHIRE - 2 bed- .... 3.i59 Beach UlCOD'~ to ) ou Please '4 rought Iron glass top piece of real beauty - call Bob at 186-5860 an}'tune dmette set, $15, sola sleeper, room, den. 11\Ing room. SOYERSET. Detroit 4 bed- PRIME Grosse P1Mte Ioca. CLEARWATER, Flonda, 2 chnette set, small sola, one natural wood ~oId dla!r. one red vel\et, $115 i5!H240 oatw-al f~ large din. room bncll 2 ';t baths, $JOO hoo Corner of Kerebe\' all bedroom. 2 bath luxury coo- ~ A~'TED DOe car garage for Relle\'e yourself of that bur. ' crystal hangmg lamp, t ....m CLEAN FILL dirt delivered ing room, kllchen. SIO\ e. OptIOO to bu) 884.3559 Sotre Dame l'pper floor, 2 domll11UUl 00 beacb Call small car ~2848 donsome task and let pro- refngerator, Cflltral air, bedroom set, complete 54" free Stnpped off lawns 0NE bedroom aparlment or 3 offIce swte l\e'4" 4i7-81 f~ stnp and/or fuush separate utl!Jues, garage, ~:orated 1182-«200 • 8-ARTICLES mirror ""Ith frame, ot.her those old attic treasures 885-8+lo8 $340 month!) plus secunt) Gros:.e POintt' area HBO MARCO m ~ay l...uxur)' 2 bed- FOR SALE Items too numerous to mel' carpet appliances 5300 Call Sunshine Strlppmg and STAMP And COIOappraisals depo< 823-5838 M....CK Ave store froot lease, room condo, pools, t~1S tlon 771~7 for estates, banks, private moothl) Hld~ heal .. a- beaches boatulg. golfing HOrSEHOLD Items for sale Fuushlng, Co today for a KELLY-MORA:".G, bachelor bet .. een 71' Mlle 1100 GARAGE SALE Earh BINi free estimate - smce 19'70 collectlOllS Call John Sten- ler Ideal for adults 886- square feet, rent $100-$1 000 available Off season rales - Hoo\ er \'acuum $20 apartmelt $:!1O per month Apnl19 20 9 to 4 Come see We have hand-rubbed some del 881-3051 9770 88:2-~9 Call 882.SU; ast for Ed 882-1232 small chest. $5 stereo '" all plus secunl) Appliances ------4820 Three ~hle Dr life back mto th:it wonder of EAST 'l\ \RRE~ Outer Dm L-'KE CharlevoiX Pleasant 3 umt, $45 k.tthen set $50 m-3091 e EAST WAliRE=", near ~tack: CAR TOP carner $40, nalure Real Wood 757-1766 area 5 room Uppef" flat fi la cane hack Il\1ng room d1dU' WE BUY BOOKS Three ofilce sUite 750 bedroom cotta~ 1rep ce $25 \\ hIte pedal pusher autwnn haze mmk ~tole DUPLEX NE \R Cadieux Great shape' Appliances, sooth East \\ arren Clean, square feet $3'i5 per month sand bottom Available Jul} se.lIlg machine 19lJ - like $150 ceramIc fireplace l'SED BOOKS. Bought, oi baSEment rear screened-In IN YOUR HQ Illdudmg Utl1Jtles George and August $300 per ",eek nev., $35 stanold FI<.'t1on non-fiction Free offel':> no obllgatJon 2 bedroom den carpeted porco garage $28(l'rnonth, reasonable utilities $3'15 Kushner Real Estate 881- C.all 881~5 after 5 p m reading lamp, $'25 maho- 5 on v.eekda)s Hardco\ ers. paperback - apprahah. furmshed plus ulllltlo?S 8S2-liJi9 &I\.() 882.5624 PETOSKEY Cll.u.ET near gan~ coffee table, $:..>0 cedar FRIGID-\IRE electnc range nooo ul6 p m Tues thru I entIre estates .:Ilso deSired ALTER - Cll\RLEVorX Sat BOOKTIQUE, 15243 O~'E BEDROOM condo - ap- OFFICE space for rent 21oca. State Park, .. alk to beach chest S30 caned eoo tables self-cleaOlng o\en Grosse POinte Side. attractive - :w JOHN KING pl.t.ances. LltIlIues. carpett'd. tlOns - ~adt A\e Pnvate A\at1ableJul),AllgUSt $200 S35 pdlr cane bad.. rocker popp~ red $'200 Lad) Ken. Mack A\e bet ....een large one-bedroom. ()('studKl man) clos&. nev.l) decora. SltuatWClstartIng at $'-'00 per ....eek.I} ,616,347-1&)9 $65 small \\000 '\rllmg more dtsh\\asher. butcher Lahepomte and BeaC'Ons 961-0622 aparunents. $191.).$230, ltl- rr.onth mcludes utUItles or fIeld 885-2265 ted., arr 881-1311 b AVERSE CI...... ' "'-- desk $'-JO, lamps, po~ pans block top coppertone $90 Clip and ~a\ e ttus ad • eludes applLances and UWI' IX() square feet EXL'ellent T...... • • - ,,",...rm- steam Irons Fnda\ Satur- GROSSE POI~"TE - 2 bed 886-9139 after 6 p m ues 331-7852 for mall or office, hIgh traf. mg beachfront resort, East Ga\ 11.5 3/2 2500 14~1 East room bouse Rent or rent PO\TIO furmture - round RI\'ERFRO~T HIghrlse fic area Call Grosse POl1lte Bay $250.$350 ....eekly i Shle ROBERT C. CALLAWAY, INTERIORS Vt"lth optlon Grosse Pomte black \\TOUght Iron table and apartment - LuxuriOUS. Real Estate -~,,<'p ? NlI"" for Ed Bnr.k 882-3-435 ('l fo .to 'RW ~TF'R RE'l!('h 440 ~:.'::~ ::-:.:.::-.;:;:; ~: _~~~:- ,- . Q.1.~iLl V to' U& ~'VJO' Ud) r\PrIll~ Irom 10 00 a m to b 00 P m Monday Reasonable rent' 331 7501 BnLDI~G for lease, approx- West 2 bedroom, 2 bath Call after 5 p m 884--HQ'j' TWO CHILDRE'\'S bikes lhrough Saturda) and b) specIal eH.>nmg appomt- THREE BEDROOM 10000er. lmatel} 1,200 sq ft Ideal FOCR ROOM upper Ap- _coodo on gulf 66l=!.7!! __ Tv. 0 PIECE sectIOnal sofa _ boys PIXie, 16"\\ heels gIrls ment One of the area s outstandmg Deslgn StudIOS for East Warren Bedford, no locatlon 20818 Harper, tn- plIances ,Farms I ~o pets HAWAII orange \,n)l, 881174i Sch\\ Inn. \0\ heels 886 0\ er thIrty:> ears Hl'\'DREDS of Fabnc Samples Art pets. carpetmg S360 Harper \\ ClOds TU2.5-t20 :w eludes beat 331.7658 Reference;, deposIt Swt. Beautiful Condo on \\ al KI KI Dl"'\BAR PIECES 1 Four 85i6 Objects, AccE'Ssones, Chandeliers, Pictures, Fur able for mature, qwet. SIn- OFFICE Bl:ILDI~G, 15216 pool, tenms A\'aJ.lable ....eel!: shelved graduatmg ~tep-tler STEREO, RECORD Plaier In rulure, etc Please phone If mformallon deSired and CHALMERS-Houston area gle $370 - couple $430, plus for appomtments 884-4696 One bedroom large and &ght Mtle Rd near Gratiot Iy. monthly 886-8280 magaZlne stand Handsome French Pro\ mClal console uohtJeS 88&-~ after 6 p m SPECIAL B..\RGAl, PRICES clean ApplIances hea t and 1,440 square feet plus full FORT MYERS Beach - and unusual - 2 \\all Con cabInet A ~tagna \ 0'\ as water IOcluaed $2-15 per basement CompletelY re- Beautlful, 2 bedroom, 2 bath soles of Rare BUrl \\ ood In ne... In excellent condItIOn Tv. 0 house "lth modeled 88&-3598 • I mooth. Sec\.nt) and refer. garage and basement S325 rondo 00 Gulf Pool, pm'ate light fImsh Free ha'1g up 1 5(j' \\ldeA 19"deep x 29" hIgh ences ~ 526-1712 per mooth plus utilities beach ExceUeol rates, after concealled dra each GIve away price Phone 884- I Household 881-1271 6O-VACA noN 5 pm 264-59J1 SpeCial 'at bare cost' ~96 ! GROSSE POL''TE Park 2 RENTALS pnces Phone 8844696 bedroom lower IppUances, 6A-FOR RENT COt.:CH A.'\'D chaIr for sale I carpenng, clean $%1iO 6F-SHAR£QU~ SOF A. 10\ eseat, chaIrs, $150 884-7929 Good condI- Estate Sales FURNISHED PETOSKEY - chandelier andtrons, small 77!H1l4 ll-\RBOR SPRINGS lion WORKING Fem.aJe to share 3 elecrnc golden tools ....ork 5 ROOM duplex WIth garage, ~ICE HOeSE 00 Gw.Iford off Lakeside Club condo '" here TWO RUGS, all ....001. bedroom lower S200monthll' bench. tea cart, dressing CONOOCTEO BY CadieuxlVt a.rr"en area, $3.2S Cba1xiler Park Wl plus utI- summer lIfe IS us)' In our Karastan 8'8" x 12', BelgIan. month.. lI82-tfONS-EDISO~ 3 piece B8H104i OR SALE 88-H096 Appr8Jsai for Insurance. Estate Tax, Hardwood fIoon. kitcben- tennIS, golf. beach, pool, matchIng set includIng 1-t-O-U-S-E-H-O-LO- FamIly DIstrIbution, I.JqUldatJon. ette. East Detroit. S340 FOR LE ..\SE OR SALE Chatterton. 141Chftoo Blvd. 14840 KERCHEVAL 22x55 Cob/double dresser /chest of 885-1794. Bulgbamton, 1'Il'Y 13903, (607) 14834Kercheval 2Ox50, for dra~ers FeedIng table. and Sales of Personal Property: UPPER FLAT to rent 682 MEDICAL BUILDISG 722-4806 rent or sale 884-0930 port-a-beds, baby camers ESTATE SALES Tag Sales at the Home Neff. 2-3 bedrooms, De"" MACK AVE, bouncmg seats, slrollerJ> or by AuctJon at our Gaflenes MYRTLE BEACH. South 7-WANTED nursery lamps, S"')'Dgoma- Coodu<:ted by "K" carpetirlg. $S2S 1I8:2-9!MO GROSSE POISTE v.-ooDS carohna at Pebcan's Island Large waltulg room, busIneSS TO RENT llc sWlOgs foldmg hIgh ServJC1l1g Wayne, Landing 3 bedroom, 2~ 280 North Woodward Avenue INCOME - Harper-Cacbem: office, pm-ate olfioe. (; eum Chairs, bathtubs custom Oakland and area. 5 room lower carpet- rooms, lab and 3 lavatories, bath condo, elevator, ocean TWO to THREE bedroom made E)'elet Bassmette Macomb CounUes Birmingham, Michigan 48011 2 pools S Mac- In ed, Ito¥e. beat and water all m attractlvely des1gned, SIde, Cau home wanted Grosse " .rt, Wicker sleeping (313) 646-4560 Farland at 644-«illO. eve- Pomte/5t ClaIr Shores by fqroished. Swt.1lble for fam. ",ell malDtaloed bwkhng basket, converta-carnage Kay 247-0361 r:J6-r062 ily. CaD 82 ..... 6-9 P m ~111 rungs St John resIdent phYS!Clan stroBer, urn broJ]er , gates, Ann n1-Q197 Responsible, WlD provHie - TWO BEDROOM ~ apart- KEY LARGO Flonda Button- dIaper pads matchmg chlf - - GROSSE POP.ITE WOODS ,,000 Ba)' condo, exclUSive Grosse ?Ol1lte references ferobe and cnblmattress ment in Grosse Pointe ~ E'ERGV EFFlCIEST seeded by June Ii, 301 FINE ART OBJECTS Garage port, kltcben a - well funusbed 2 bedroom We Buy Dall) FREE MEDICAL SLITE to'A'nhousE Temus, beach, 484-&457 after 5 p m or wnte MOMS' TOY ATTIC ances. storage room. IaWl- VERBAL CASH ON CONSIGNMENT 2OK2SMack: - 1ffXl sq ft pool, manna, secunty 6802 Bonnie Ridge, =202 A To} Resale Shop dry room, all excelwm con- C.ornptetely lJushed Weekly. monttJy Call col- BaltImort! Maryland 21209 1663i E Warren 882-7631 APPRAISALS ONE ITEM OR WHOLE ESTATES dition. Ava1lable Yay 15 Immediate Occupancy, lect, \3(151 661-774.1or '3(5) ROOM FOR ChnstJan man $410 plus security depcslt Parlung of 111-28G6. 661.1571 office Grosse Pomte Ne't\-s, 99 Ker- FURS WANTED * Jevrelry, Siher Onental Rugs - Fme Crystal and Porce- chelo'al. Grosse Pomte Consignment or Buy lain - Fme Pal1lbngs • Sterhng. Jewel- DEVONSHIREfMack - De- GE!It'"ERAL OFFICE SPACE HIL TOS Head coodo OCean- * Art-Antiques Farms, MI 48236 Box L-19 * Other ob)eCts of 11'. Collechbles • Fine Anhque Furni- troit, 3 bedroom lo.. er, 2C83SMaclt - 2,100 sq ft \1e't\ , completely eqwpped ture fireplace, appha~, S350 Will Dn Ide to SLUI. One bedroom sleeps 4 2 CI..EAN 2 bedroom upper flat LEE'S BEAUTY &: VALt.:E Lease. references reqwred Adequate Parlung pools beauttful JJU1es long near stores and bus for semJ- 20331 MACK 881-8082 'PLEASE CALL OR WRITE 811-2653 884-134() 811lH068 beach Bike rentals, temus rettred woman QUlel area EARLY 19040s Art I.>eco, 9 Modest charge only If }OU courts sallboatmg, $3~ LOWER FLAT - 3 bedroom 343-<1148 piece dmmg set Inla) Vet') need It In WrItmg DuMOUCH ELLE'S large livmg and dmmg room OPPOSITE EasUaDd The ~~~~------CARRIAGE HOUSE or flat 10 good coodJl1on 882-9702after basement, slaVe refngera. Opal Plaza ProfesSional RELAX m Boyne Country, Grosse Pomte, $300-$325 5 P m I We re also "'1111ngto bu:\, 409 E. JEFFERSON BulkiIng has all Immedl.ate tor, 2 car garage 5e) mour I Petoslce) 3 or 5 bedroom beat Included Seed May ' most Items ....e appralse 1: DETROIT, 48226 occup3JiC)' One sUite 6 Ii Hayes area, S260plus secur ~Iet Dishwasher TV 15th or June 1st 88S-{)166or GARAGE SALE 963-6255 lty 64&-2900 roocns, 1 025 sq ft WIth phone, ea5; access to golf. 965-0100 1 Household IleITiS. a'T cr.ndJ I CALL uWIlJes 18301 East Elgbt Ing pool sandy beach, M1Je Road tlOners ofilce :>upphes CHARTERHOI JSE A GOOD MOVE m-t646 small lake, piCniC area, WA~'TED TO RE~'T IS TO college Impr"nted Items & CO. MEDIC U DE"T.o\L playground 6477233 Family requIres home or coo ! HAVE YOUR RENTAL Jev.elr>, offIce desk Buyer!> at Expert Apprals. HOUSEHOLD PROFESS 10 .....o\L51-'m rnI!'4l( SPRING' Hll'.oo Head do WIth three to four ref ngera tor, dec.ora II..e bedrooms and two baths at ers 16635Kercheval One PROPERTY MANAGED .o\\oiIIlableand attractlvel) IS lovely Palmetta Dunes Item~ musl see to I least 2,000 sq feet block \\est of Ja cob sons , LIQUIDATION BY designed ~ ell appomted Sleeps On ?refer belJe\.-e E.erytiung must I VIlla 6 golf long term lease Will pay up Grosse Pomte bUIldIng at Mil Kelly course Near pool and go' ~turda) l!r3 l(J:f.j I DILLON to $1 000 per month Bus- SALES Rd F.<:!-,lDetrOit Ample beach BICYcles 'ncluded Whittier In the Park 885-1232 PROPERTY mess 531 4513, Home I C()ll\ en!E'l'ltparkIng 186-9234 Estate S~les and AppraIsals Ft.1I \(amtenance 661-Jlr74 MANAGEMENT 1m lIes) au to celebrate the nev. year With a tnp to our 88HHi f!&'H'.illJ SCHUs.c, MOtr1'TAlN Olalet YOe!'lG PhysiCIan ~Jl'es to shop to "e amvals mcludmg by "'eek or "'eekend, full) ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED TWO BEDROOM lIppl'T' Car '36 piece Coalport Indian Tree deso;;ert c,et foqulppe-d Ski and nnm rent home In Grosse Pomte peted, applJ.ance; secunty. EXEfL TIVE OFFICE I Call Betsy 5Il.GSO or +tS- "\orlh area 382 31S4 Imel: mahogan> Chest ....Ith satmv.ood mlay references S'27S per month St'TTE r PA \- \fORE TH.I, .... 21«1evenIngs eo.enmgs PlOe Commode plus utLhlJes 52J 36M ' HAMPTO\ 'iQl'ARE \-(){'R !lI(JHt:ST OFf f:R FnJlt",ood Grandmother Clock \\ 11)0'1\ 'l\lSHES 2 or 3 bed. !\ ...~ ARB{JR 1 i 6f>3 i~fi GROSSE POINTE BLlI.DI"iG HILT()\ HEAD Villa ~ &>A3utlfulOne'ltal c;.ecrptan MOVING CO 22811 GREI\TER MACK oceanfront 2 bedroom 2 room fla t In Ha rcourt Pair fo'rench arm Chairs - A\E Ttomble) area by Ma} 15th .J Reasona We R.atel I bath l>akon) overlooking French chest v. Ith fTlarbJf' lop ST fLAIR C;HORES I ocean P()fjl lenns .. ,l!olf B)- ~o pets 82t-6329 Large mirror In gilt fram(' Rella bIe ServIce Tv.o lar!!*, room~ prl\ate (fio 21 ";I »3-<1ZJ7 ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED Fme C111na and Art ....ork mu(h much more Free ElUmatei l.i\ ",el har and slorage LO\\ ER FLAT duplex or 343-Ml doset -\1od,lable May 1st MJ,Rro ISLA\D FlondJI - sm~1I house Grasse p(Jl1'lte AlAR'S GALLERY Soulh Seas "'est 912 \\ oods ~chool dlst nct (me of the large <,electIOT'S!>of ()nl"ntal mgs Our ..hop ." 10< atl'd at GROSSE POI~'TF. P.rt; - at 88.H,lll 15115 Cbarl~~olll tractive, ,,'ell kept 2 12 Other ~.t~ Presently Beautiful 2 beoroom 2 bath Responsible ....orll:lng ilt minimum pnces ....oman 'J!le chIld ~9'389 (.r~w POlnlt> Park bedroom apartment F'rJ '\\ailablcJ conOo froot gulf\olew on the 2.')1 E \-ff:RRrLL fHR\1I ....C.IlA\1 ..ftf'r 6 p m vale panung, appl ...~ In r.oeach C.oJf tennsJo pool decoralor funus/l(od ca ble 644-7311 Hoof'<> Tuesda) and Thur...aay eluded, 00 pea Ideal ffK I-FOR RENT 7A-ROOM ]0 00 a m In 4 00 P m adults $325 a rnoottJ and T \ days 464011700 !!Veilings UNFUAHlSHED 47i-l!270 WAHTED secunty ~,t R:II6-1!f.2l) Call us at 331 34Ph dUrHlg huC,Ine<,<, hours to arrange for PO\{PAVJ Beach flOrIda ONE DAY MADNESS SALE DETROIT fireman siroglt' J~ spec.,,1 appomtments EXCl\~I\'e oceanfront coo looltlrtg for an un!uml~ SATURDAY ONLY EASTSIDE MANAGEMENT CO dominium Beautifully Income CJt & ma U naIm north RI<..Hlf..'S {;~ED APPI.IANlF-S Lauren Chapman Propert; M..rl/I~ compietel> furnished AvaLI Speoah%lfI(il In handh~ of pr~le'i on DetrOit S east DetrOIt In ~the'r the Stert'(o $20 ~Alkers $20, Turntables $20, u~ able trom May Weekly- Jill Williams EaStside tht C.rosK POII,tft and eut ~lde ..uburbs A 41224 or 4D)S area.. 'I\.lI Hoods and Muct! More mooth1) IlII6-GIJ) lull and v.'ldt ra. OIl ief'\. lcel offf!Tf'd If managing also conwder hVIIl(illn home Charles Klingensmith your O\Ionpropprt) ha' ~ an IOCOO\ erHence to you MARCO IslaDd "Sea Winds" ",tulle ownrn are ."'ay A COME AND JOIN IN THE FUN a 11010\'us t(1 lIoervlCl' ; ou Gulf tront, 2 bec:b ooms Call TeIpOf1II~ a ncl ac:eOent te WE ARE U>CATED AT WARREl'Ii We feature a selechoo of antiques fine used fUrnlture Eastsldr Ma~ Co !184 ., for broctKa'es 1II1....a:z, 111:2. !'\lInt Call JIIr 1'resU 5X7. BETWEEN YORKSHIRE AND OUTER DRIVE and accessones f 4513 ~

1 I Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven-e I-ARTIClES 8-ARTIClES -ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES I-ARTIClES .A-MUSICAL FOR SALE FOR SALE • FOR SAlE 9-ARTICLES 11-CARS FOA SALE FOR SALE INSTRUMENTS WANTED FOR SALE FURNITURE WINCHESTER Model 42, 410 REMODELING Sale - Hen- MEN'S DIAMOND nng, never WHITE formica table a nd BABY GRAND - 6'4' Superb Pabo s,,"mg, plano, lelevlSloo Deluxe Grade, Raised Mat- dredon Capri chma cabmet WANTED 1'0 buy Sheet 19(11CHRYSLER Newport - worn, 14 Karat, yellow gold, Chalrs 885 7132 concert quality $6.000 09 Inch RCA lUte new, $50). led Rib, 26' Barrel Skeet musIc for songs popular cream color, 40,000 mllea, $1.000 Baker Country 42 Karat Appraised $1,500 881-7097 eyen10gs and week. Walnut dresser WIth mirTO(', Choked As new $1,lnI Pnce French table - 6 Chain., 100 SUNN Beta gUlta r before 1950 Must be m good excellent condition $5,995 MUlot sell for $1,000 fIrm amplifier, SUits, blazers end Call after 4 30, 882.vu7 $135 Oak dres~r With mlr- firm 885-1938 or 268-1505 $1,500 Cocktail and lamp 88.l-7214 COn(hllOn :llld reasonably tables, $75 each Large clothing, furniture, toys • PLAYER PIANO, refinished, Priced 885 3939 1981 CHEVt-:TTE - 2 door, 4 ror. $135 54 Inch round DINING ROOM Table, 4 STATE SALE Three piece pedestal table, $26() Four cha brown \ elour chair, $100 ~ mISC, car parts 882-8562, plus rolls Net.' rnDgazlne:. - Novel !l84-2273 Large desk. $150 After 5. SUO, like new, 882-78n conditIon 774 3944 BASS GUITAH AlmOlot new Exchllllg<, 791 4903 Large mahogany dresser DINING ROOM Table, Pecan, saturday afternoon, 488 St le~ed table Jacobean cane back, mohall', loveseat SCHWINN SX-l00 red dir $145 or best orfer 1l84~63 or 198t Cm:VIWLET Cltallon - With suspended curved mlr- 44'X66', additIOnal leaves, 6 Clair ' ~OLLE(,TOn would like to l"OUI .Iacobean, mohair bike, mag wheels, excellen 886.7516 4 door, V6, automatiC, air, ror, $195 Vermont cherry Chairs, Ethan Allen white lIuy lJ S lInd forclgn !>tamp!> SIX PIECE carved ~olld dldlrs Empire dressmg conditIon, $60 884-3941 power !>Ieerlllg/brakes and mghtstand, $65 Brass and canopy bed Single, lou\'ered 8B-ANTIQUES and U & COlll~ 469-0906 wllldo\loy" "tereo, crUise, marble floor lamp, $20 night stand Best reasonable RO&e\l.'ood authentic Clunese table Four drawer, oak file WASHER and driJcr - ver hVlng room sUite 791-3010 FOR SALE rear wlndov. defogger, de- Plano - Schultz quallty offer Must sell 885-3898 c,lbulct ll'gal size 823-00&8 good condition, 125 for bo ~ 1o-SNOWMOBILE TWO LARGE furmture strip- b) appomtment or $75 each '!63-{)1ll,294-911 luxe trim, rustproofed, upright grand mahogany 194(1 OAK Kitchen table, 4 9 MAT.~RIAI.S tJNUMITEU FOR SALE 22 000 lTlIl~ One of lhe best ping tanks. both ha\c (estlmated Circa 1920), $895 ChaIrs, L'Oncealled leaf, Best ,A.NTIQUE SEWING machllle, ELEGANT traditIOnal velve t Fabulous 16 PieCE.' carved aroulld Well ....orth the heatmg elemenls 886 5821 Patio SWing, $85, rocker, offer Lo\'eseat, earth tone mill or. clock, ringer sofa and 011 pamllng Ex mahogany dlnmg set, turn of 1974 - -1.14:-'kl WhiZ ....Ide track $4.700a.,klll~ pnce 8814490 445-0006 $75, both rustic pint', 3-4 pnnt, hke new Best offer \\a~her. clothing - sIZe 14, cellent condition, $1,40 the Century Includes 14 ~lJ'>~{') .. urgc!>on, \I, lth 2 o ImOLD~!llllWgency 2-doo1', seaters, 1 ) ear old DinIng 886-r088 SEARS KenmorE.' portable lots of Imscellaneous Many value, askmg $600 '!63-{)1l I, carved chairs With hOIl!> pIJI'(' tl,lIler With hghts, 350 engllll', loaded 62,000 sel - Ethan Allen solid MODERN Storage chest 60" dlsh ....asher. :\lecchl deluxe ne\1 Api'll 19, 20 and 21 95 294 9119 heads and claw fL~t. round $500 lllli (7):' se", Ing machme Includlllg No eJrl) ~ales Ba!>ement of dmmg table With carved and , mllel>. extellent condItion maple 45 lOch round table long, 16' deep, 30' high, hght SOLID oak chairs - reflms h $3 195 2~ I 462.1 and four captain's ChaIrs, finish. 3 drawers and 2 cabinet 7757360 5115 ChdIM\orth, Delrolt or use 10 qua lOt or rustle se t. fluted leg~, claw feet, 6 10A-MOTORCYCLES lea\es. fine carved buffet 1001 HfVifmA - va dl~l pads, $360 All Items In ex. d I $7 77 7137 LADIES Schv. mn - 5 speed , tlng 886-1126 FOR SALE cellent conditIOn 885-94V9 oors On y 5 ,6- , MY SISTERS' PLACE With be\'eled mlrror~, fluted l>ldk flrelTll.l>t Cdl>~tte con 885~ . 26 Inch v.heels. 19 mch MUSKIN pool, like new, 4' SPRING CLEARANCE RESALE AND CRAFT columns and claw feet 19HIIJ!O\O \ (>'-)00 ('u~tom cert .,ound 62,000 miles frame, $65 8857953 deep. only lISed 1\\0 mont hs, 4 ple<..'e yello'W bamboo porch WALL UNIT In t....o SectiOns !>hJIl lil1\ l'. IInmaeuldte, $8.5(.111 lS86 'i938 STORE a II acceSllorles mclud furniture, hke new; RCA Cabmet Makers pIece 10 off A)'I,'TIQL1Esnooker tablE.', 5x 7 ed Dealers of architectural antl 4 400 llllle~ $1595 IlllI ~.lO has opened anolher store to $425 885-5095 llm ClIEVnOLET ~tonza color console TV, Full size wlute paint fuush Can adapt excellent condition 791-3UlO ques, fine PCllod rurm!>h ~ef\e you al l!1i2 I!O\flt\ J,)() l'1l One To\\ n (oupe 4 cy hnder h".,.lh,,'l~~ f"~H,,,~~.. to own useage TV bar, (,HTI\I'" (';lom!"! <:oht1 ('hprn FLUORESCENT hghts, blac k I~S decoraII ve a('ee..~orles , , -n'~""" ot+l'"" -r' ~ (", •• -.... .: IlH.J h.i:.LL I .. 10-1 1":1 v..- u ...... ll.)~" IUU ....., , ...... V.l ...., ,..~ ""0' _ _,.. .. -- - -. ._-,-~-,-, books, stereo, art display. Must sell Make offer After and white TV, 19", Black & Downtown Ypsllantl at Queen size mattress. box- etc Overall sIze 92. Wide X Qualll) IS our goal Please conditIon ThiS might be lhe 6 p m 773.8441 Decker electriC Iawnmower 2 W MIchigan Ave HlSI 1I0:,\[),\ 650 lw,lom, lov. bargain you ve been sear visil to see umque hand- Open 10 a m -5 p m 111llt.'dgl' ('\( ('Ilent conditIOn ('hmg for ,\J,kmg $1 700 882 ~ee~' ~~~I:~~~:95' high X 19' deep Give TWO PIECE sectIOnal couch garden hose With sprinkler made craft~, and quality (Mon -Sun) $1 500 01 b01t off('r 8828-159 2199 cellent conditIon, Harman away price Phone 884-4696 and picture wlndo ....drapes stereo shelf Unit, g1a!oSWare clothmg punch bo.....l- cups, garde n ( 1) 483-6980 Kardon FM turner and turn- HAVE EASTER dinner In 881-1054 Open Monda) thru Saturday, 1982 HO~D,\ Sabre - bfdCk. -W-I-N-'D-O-W--\-'A-N-'----197-9-Bea-u- table, Levolor deSigner style Antique table, 46x54, tools, Barbeque grill , 15 PANEL glass door Inside or 105 We take consIgnments like n('\\ 1,400 miles riffle Ville 20 automatiC, all' blinds, almond, 33.36' WID- expands to eight feet to easl- vaporizer, 2 card tables- 4 DENLEY'S out, storm door With screen by appointments {:1rI1Ig cH'lr !l!e and engme po'" er "teerlng 'brakes do ...., 2 sets Call 881-9346 ly seat 12 Handsome 60 lOch chairs, 881-7031 ANTIQUES to match, 78' sofa bed Our Children's clothmg at gUMd~ After II pm, 3l>kfor crul~e 8 passenger m lOt SOMETHING SPECIAL buffet, 6 chaIrs, SpaCIOUS 885.1343 22217 Kellv, 5 blocks south of G E SIDE by Side refrlgerato 1', Furmture, clocks. DecoYl>, \lIke -'27 HR7 B.191-129 garage kept 49,000 miles , ON THE HILL" china cabmet 10 a restrain 9 lillie • excellent condlllon, $225 toy, and prlmillves 27112 250 (' C em .\m T:"'T - Good _B86_-_n_I8 _ has the best In handcrafted ed 1920's style wIth Inlaid RATIAN cushIOned sUnl'oom 885-oo'nl Harper, bet~een 10 and 11, 777-6551 1'0nlllllOII $39:i 885 91-18 1980 !,'ORD Mustang 4 Americana made for you In wood trim Askmg $1,100 furniture $1,400 Came I 9-5 Monday through Friday MAHOGANY DROP leaf din' KENMORE automatl c the region at reasonable 776-7137, 885-6877 back sofa, 3 chairs, has!>OCk, Call first for Saturday MOPED SACHS German cylmder manual. 27.000 2 tables and teacart 822- 109 table, 4 chairs, pads, washer, excellent condItio n, made d('luxe model chrome mllell, $3,500 9bl.2242 , ext pnces Includmg folk art, BELL. Old Canadian School leaf, best offer lI8H748 after $95 885-0079 hours 772-9385 2901 WE BUY AND SELL ga~ lank 'lnd "'heeb 1982 480 822.ll109afler6pm shaker peg racks, wreaths, House BelllZ' high, 16"Wide 5 pm TAPPAN 30' gas sto\'e, ex. teddyl> and much more at bottom With Yoke In- TV'S COLOR, black and ~Iodel Ibed 1 ~ea!>on only 1979 DATSUN, alltomatJc. all', cellent condition, $140 85 KERCHEVAL terestlng $125 885.1938, wlute, reconditioned, cheap ALUMINUM Kaufman storm KENNARY KAGE I.J50 mile., to!>t $875 - hl'St ne", tires, AM/t'M stereo, 885-0079 884-4422 10-5 MON -SAT 268-1505 881.5771 doors With hardware, ANTIQUES $-100Idke!> ll86 6100 excellent COndition, S3,OOO Kalser shade - screens, FRIGIDAIRE, 2 door. refnge r- 1982 YA~lAHA Seca. ran Qne 237 :i675 da)s. 839-5355 ev~ LINDEMAN & Sons console DISTRESSED Anllque Pine GAME TABLE and chairs Open Wednesday, ThUisday, I plale glass, standard 36" and se,lson Sl200rbest offer _n_Jn..:g:;,,-~ _ sohd oak, $400 Drexel end alor. exce:lent condillon FndaY, 12-4 p m slyle plano. needs tumng, reproductlons Hutch/Buffet 30' \1lde, $40 each 881-0937. $145 885-0079 $400 or best offer, 2600 Atan and round duung room table table, $125 Excellent condl- Saturday, 9 a.m to 4 p m 33100-11 1!J18.1LTD Cm ....n Vlctona, 4 Video game With 28 games, With two leaves Excellent hon 343-9198 GARAGE SALE - 6008 Kens. SUNSHINE FINISHING - WE BUY AND SELL 1979 YAMAHA 1100 S X doo r, 302 engine fully IoId - mgton, baby Items, miscel- ed. 3,000 mllell, exceUent $100 mcludes you slicks, condillon $775 882-7515 SCHWINN Contmental - 10 Strlppmg speculls for Aprl CadIeux at E W!l11 en SpeCldl, 10\\ nllieage ex- laneous, garden tools, kit. condItIOn $13.000 For ap- paddles, Indy game and SNOWTIRES 7 35x14 on speed, $85 good conditIOn "Varnished" - chairs, $15 882-4396 cellent condl tlOn $1,800 chen Ilems Saturday, 9.5 polntmert after 6 p m 87.... paddles 886-7854 after 5:30 Mustang Rims $30 for pall' 885.9148 interIOr doors, $30, kltche n 979--1-1l0 pm table, $35, end tables, $25 MANCHESTER 3m pm 885-1933-268-1505 RATIAN SOFA, chaIr, table n. ANTIQUE MALL 1I0NDA CH250;\\ Elsmore dil'l 1983 SCHWINN Traveler, 24' "Pamted" - chair, $20, I 1977 CAPRICE ClassiC V-8, KENMORE WASHER and GARAGE SALE, Furniture, yellow cushions, $350 Con bike E\ceJlent condition 10 speed, 24" gIrls SChwmn tenor door, $45, kltche n "'me 18th Century tall case 4-<1001', loaded $2,900, new gas dryer, white, $250 clothes, ([nexcellentcondl- temporary sofa, chaIr, blue , $-100or tJc~t 82J.I175 bike $25 791.9119 ta ble, $55, end table, $3.5 clock in Mahogany, SIgned tlres/ballery 1J8&.39lH together or sell separately hon), toys, rugs, cnb mat- $35 Settee, gold velvet, $100 chllla cabinet, $175 Wrough Osborne 116 E Main, Man 5Z7.2431 tresses, play pen, house hold 2 pedestal tallIes. $5 each BLONDE MODERN dlnmg Iron furniture 20% ocr chesler Open 7 days 1~ 5 10B-TRUCKS CAPRICE E!>t3te Wagoo 19112. MOVING SALE Amana re- Items, including stove and 821-1505 set - buffet table, four Reflmshlng specials - "Va r. 428-9357 FOR SALE Excellenl condltloD, 9 cham; No chma Reason- passenger, loaded, fuel fngerator, Side by Side. Ex. refngerator, and much WHITE - Westmghouse 18 nished" - chair. $60, I able - 882-3618 n. ANTIQUE clock repairs plus 1976 SCOUT - 4 wheel drive, economy diesel, 36,000 cellent condlllon, harvest more! 798 Neff Saturday on- cubiC feet refl'lgerator/ tenor doors, $100, kltche n old and new parts Cor sale \'B, .Iutornatlc, steer- miles or best orrer gold, Itahan commode and ly I 9 a m to 3 P m freezer, self defrost, Ice SONY Walkman Cassette- table, $155, end table, $65 sa.300 822.3859 IlIg/brake!>, AM/FM, ne .... 1182-22tY7 mirror, antique green, can TWIN Canopy beds, French maker, harvest gold Also radIO Brand new $145 or We've been serving Gr osse FURNITURE refinished, re- tire:., 6' ~' plow $3,100 be used In foyer, hall, or dIn- provmcial, while, $100 each matchmg CaloriC 30" gas best offer 884-6263 or 886. Pointe area residents Wit h SAAB 1976. 99GL, fuel Injee- 881-795:> 109 room, Large Webber Captain's bed, dark pme, range $350 or best offer 7516 , their furmture needs smc e .palred, stnpped, any t) pe tlon, 4 speed manual, very gnll 881-Z747 $100 After 6 p m 372-2508 527.2431 EDISON - JUnior furniture, 1970 0( canmg Free estlmales, DODGE HALF ton, 1980 pick- clean $2,500 Call between 474-8953 up, 111<111) optIOns, low 1.5 p m 821 9582 PORTABLE dishwasher, MOVING SALE TORO SNOW blower, Sears nautlcal theme 3-drawer Ask about our "In The Home -- custom wood refinishing a -~-- mllpalw $4 -150 882.3655 works great, $125 ~ Warren-Knight translt- dehumidifier, Kenmore chest and 5-<1rawer chest , nd ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE TRANSPORTATIOS Specaal, decorating 25' COLOR TV, great PiCture, Level and Tnpod draftmg clothes dryer, ladies down desk and chair n5.5666 Somerset Mall- Troy 11-CARS 1971 BUIck Skylark, O"'ned coat, sIze 16 All less than 9 CALL TODAY' 757-1766 by mechamc Top shape $195 885~9 table and flourescent light BRAND NEW chest freezer SUNSHINE FINISHING Co April 26 thru 29 FOR SALE masonery tools aluminum months old 823-3388 12X2 cubiC feet, still In box During mall hours mechamcally MU!t sell $800 FRIGIDAIRE. heavy duty 18 extension ladder. lawn WHERE'S THE WOOD? or best Bob - 776-550&1 ATTIC boat sale - Call afte r 882 7142 after 5 30 19i\! ('UTLASS - low mlles, Ib dryer, like new, $160 roller new bar sink Heavy Have you been shopping for ae-OFFICE excellenl condillon, air, 1978 LABARON, full power, 3 pm., 885.9166 NIPIT BALLY - 4 player pm new furniture lately? Ma 885-0079 duty boys bike new dress- ball machme, $150 G E ke EQUIPMENT !>t('reo ne", Ilres. 881-8328 Silver, 97,000 miles, looks MOBILE telephone - Motor sure It'S wood, not a plast IC MA YTAG heavy duty washer, form: extra Wide pink electriC dryer, $85 882.2610 19711 HEDIHI-W r'lreblrd good, ru!lll good $2.200 ... excellenl condition, $145 drapes: pmg.pong table ola 7 Channel, $700 882 InJected mold that has been COPIER Sharp 770, lop condl 6409 3072 QUEEN SIZE mattress set , photoct)emlcal~ hmsh cd lion, any paper, lIx17, E'>Plllt bod~ In cxcellent 885-0079 weight hftIng equipment cOlldll IOn, 11Hlded $2,500 1981 CORVETTE. ffld, biadt KENMORE automatic dryer smgle bed 886-8242 CHIPPENDALE Lov~at - $45 885.2648 Make sure the W'el'l • re '!,500: five drawer I.tteral file, 36x18, $250, IBM Model 3430591 InterIM, moon-roof, eJC- works great, $95 ~9 ELECfRIC Stove. Tappan brick color, velvet dovetailed, chairs have gIue GRANDFATHER blocks, chllla cabinet has a C typewriter, $150. Rl'l11 CUTL,\SS 51 TPREME Broug- cellent c ondl lion , stored G E 30' range, excellent con- Smooth top, self cleamng Stoneware for 8, both ex . wmters, 6,900 mIles $15,700 cellent condition 886-1877 CLOCKS wood back, not Masomte mgton large type manuel h,lIn 19711 power sleenngl dltlOn, $135 885-0079. oven, warming shelf. $200 or 6 to sell Regularly $1,600 - These tiPS brought to you by typewrIter, $20, 822-0050 brakes, VB. ,ur, AM/FM, 881-5896 STEREO console, dark pine, best offer 881-0986. TRAILER Heavy duty, lights now $650, $1,850, now $750 ; Sunshine StTlPPlng an d THREE M CopIer, 3 yean. old ~7,000 11111('!>,new tlrelt. \\ Ife 1979 DODGE Colt - '" speoed, good conditIOn, $200, 884- 11,000 BTU AIR ConditIOner u6, $250 or offer 4 pairs 52,500. now $1,050 LlqUlda . Flnlshmg Co, 11357 East \lheC'b $.1,900 Call after 6 AM radIO. good condition, brownweavedrapes SOx63 8 legal Size, ory, original cost 8863 With frame, $150.5,000 BTU t10n sale Mile Rd , 757-t766 p OJ 1\22 119J 59,000 1I11~, $1,600 882-a:!94 $4,000 best offer Call Air Conditioner, $50 Col $35 882.1360 268-2854 REFRIGERATOR - Washe 1', 922-1144 DODGE MUE:-'19ll.1 C.Jll88J LANCIA 1977 Sc~IO - like COUCH, Earthtone, tweed, omal plaid couch, loveseat , CORNER CABINET of Maho- perfect condition, $115, chair Needs repair, $100 BOX SPRING electriC dryer, gold a nd b845 nev., one of a kmd, 39,000 gany, With Cabinet below, I AND MATTRESS green gas stoves, and bar DESK - sleel case, walnut nu1es, man) extras $10.500 Large wmdow all' condl- Complete two Holl)'Wood drawer, 2 open shel\'f's ES('OHT 1'1111G L, 3 door. sets by Serta I.zoff Twill $125 refl'lgerator 882.5681 fmlsh lop and offlce chlllr~, 549-2086 after 7 pm 759- lionel', $40 771-6621 beds, $75' open-weave hned above With Gallery tnm coat rack sland 777 4tH6 h,llthh:Hk !>Ierco, rear SPORTING GOODS, Hunting drapes 144x84 , $50 double , FuJI $150 Queen $225 King BIKE - ROSS Dlamo nd lief ro~lt.'r 4 speed $3,69,1 4-109 Wlth curved face 28' Wide x $J25 All first quality LI and flshmg Parker 16VH dresser Wlth mirror, blonde Cruiser, fat tires, all-terral n, 779 'lIOG 1!f81 DELTA 8ll ROYALE - " 19" depth Bargam price qUidallOn Sale i-ARTICLES double, 2 tnggers, straight ,",ood, $100. four poster IWIn Call 884-4696 mint conditIOn $125 521- WANTED 19111TORO:\ADO. diesel. load door, ('xcellent condition, gnp stock, 26' barrels, open bed frame, $100 girl's 268 2854, 371-5400 5272, berore 4 p m ALUMINUM Kaufman storm t.'d ('all 8112bm dlesd, 35,000 miles. ,,"II'~ chokes, $1295 Brownmg 20 Sch'Wmn bike With basket GARAGE SALE - Mlsc 'EASTSIDE bookselfer deslret v.heeb, crUI"e control. CB/ , doors With hardware FLOOR JACK, 9 Hlen Wer ner, \'w ~CIHOC(,() 1978 - 4 ga Grade III 261'2" barrels, $40 886-8406 after 6 p m hou!>ehold Items Wal I signed limited editIOns, fine. KaISer shade.screens, plat 11~ ton, $100 Excellent co n- AMIfo'M stereu "'lIt! tape open chokes, new In 1953, ex- e decoratIOns, boy's clothing Illustrated children's litera- speed, alr, crUl~e, sunroof, glass, standard 36' and 30' dillon 521.5272 before 4 p m Ar.1i Fr.I, mJg~ extra l>hdrp deck ,ur. $5,500 or be51 otfer cellent $2,700 Browmng 28 II'URNITUREWholesale Dls- 7-12, and toys Saturday, 9-3 ture, art. photography, 881 6100 or lI2.! !H8J ga 1963 Pidgeon Grade 28" lJibutors of MIchigan, AAA Wide $40 each 881-Q937 p m 1786 Bournemouth TOOLS - llCrewdriver Be 1$. Americana Detroit, Civil R8.'i 109.1 1970 COHD H.o}llie With -HO barrels, skeet choked as new "Wholesale Direct To RED MAHOGANY dining $1.50, vl8egripe plye rs, War Occult, Avant Garde CUTLASS 197b Suprellw. 10\\ , KENMORE Heavy Duty ga s Chr) :t1E.'r engmt' ('all 882- $2,300 Bro ....mng Grade II You"l Selhng all new mer -, room set, buffet, table an d $2 25. aSSl 1''\('clll'lIt ~h'reo I $3 50, folding knIves, t3 25, B M \\ 19&1 .l:lOI, 51opP.ed, &11', Small Redfield scope $30 tons 2 piece mattress sets $350 fish tank, stand, an d Call after 5 pm 882-0081 worthwhile books for collec. $2 "'lUll ('.111 n.l). 778 216J • With mount for BrOWning twm $59, full $79, queen $99) Misc Items 885-0079 tlons In all categones Cash -11,000miles 88,'i.8S35 aftl"r i acces'>Orles, $80, Basset t 111110TUYOTA Tereel. Deluxe, 22's Fox 16 Ga (Savage) sofa sleepers $119, bunk' cnb, walnut, $100 Two case ATAHl Computer - new a t paid and Immediate reo p.m or'tlo~ Chrlslmas. no software , WANTED 1111 A~I 'FM .,tereo, bt'lge double barrel field grade beds complete f88 7 piece , ment air conditIOners, $250 moval 1975 PO~TlA(, $115 882-5584, after 1 p m $2, >ou 77b H41 aH('r ti LeMan', shot gun \F,jth case $250 llving rooms $239, decora -, and $150 885-8745 BUYING SWORD s GRUB STREET Wagon. $750, Kood C'OOdihon. Remmgton 1100 12 Ga trap live lamps from $14 88, 5, W711 1'1. \'MOliTlI HorIZon. TOLE COLUMN Lamp, 26-, JALOUSIE WINDOWS GUNS, DAGGER S A BOOKERY 10\1,IIlIle,II(C, good condition, 82'1 5218 after 5 p.ol week- gun With 26',28", 3()" vent nb piece wood dmettes $159 , soft orange-rust, $45 mlr da}~ SIX 75' ><34'. alummum, Com RI\h oj 122 barrels all for $375 Spnng. $800 pits now $375 Open to 774-9651 17194 Easl Warren, i 1'01', antique gold frame plcle ....lth all glass panes TOW."." Cdle,l 1978, 7:2,000 6-70 the pUbhc, dealers and Instl near CadieUX 191111en \110~ 1'01l~' - ne\l, fields 121 1873 tutlOnal sales welcome }O'xZ7', $45 Wall hugge l' hardware and storms $250 HEAL Tn INSURANCE milt'S lilr !:ondllll1nlng. models both ~1 ongmal Delrolt, Mlchl&!ln \'111-\111<' u{'\\ Ilrcs ""uto rechner, brown corduro) or bel.t orfer For all ages Premiums beg to :.Iert'tl ca">:oellt', 5 spt'e'd $25Oeach Wmchestermodel Name brands, serta, etc I , 882-7143 1ll.llll' nulgs Manfred new m box $275 Butt stocks block north of Holbrook, cellent condl lion 881-fI802 1£ ASSOCiates, [nc " CAllI fOR lf~1 '10\ (11',\ :-.uprJ - lo..llk>\l block east of Conant), 875- 1\ 1182 and 1196lfa ....1home 19t1l HI\'lr:RA Vel'} clean, for "0' Grade Parker and 7186 Telegraph (2 blocks 1184....750 lOll 111 tit':. ("I(('(,llcnt ('onol , 7' COUCH. !lold toned good Snov. blower. old glas':>. piC KIDS CLOTHES Illd(ied, dleM'1 only $5,9!lIS. Wmchester model 21 - $50 south of 6 Mile), 532-4060 EXCELLENT CONDITION 11011 '\Iu~t '>l'll, $1..!.OOO each Remmgton 300 savage conditIOn $125 or best offer nIt table (urnlture and 10L" EASTEI~ NUTS - Fan cy ~ 1.101 , 882oW19 VERY CLEAN, BE'ITER ,Ill Il(Jl I nf]e sheels $5 a box Carl Monday through saturday , of InJ'>cellaneuu!! Saturday , Mammouth pe<:an halv ell 19711l m:\,y l'aprtC't' - lt2S- zeiSS, Jena 8x3O Deltnn JO 8, Sunda}, 12-5 1446O!, WESTINGHOUSE deluxe ga ., Apnl 21 (rom 10 a m to 3 $5 50 per pound PrO<'eeds BRANDS, INFANT TJlRU 101 In BO\\FViTI.I';---::-;U Bnll8 In Monday, TueM1ay 4tW '~m, center focus bmoculars Gratiot (2 bloc~s north of 7 dryer, brown. $75 ",e,>tmg pm for Smith College SChol ar. POI\t, t'\( l'Ilt'nt l'OlhllllOlI u: • MJle Rd ) 521.3500 Monday , or ThurMllly, l(}4 p m S.IK!lII17I272 19i3 III :-'Tl-.:R :ol.tnt 6 dl'ptn. ....Ilh case. very good $150 house two-speed washe r IU':A{;fn lJ L Velvct 82 ship Fund Call 1184-9432 ON HANGERS PLEASE ll,l h It' IrM\.'JlOrl.lllOO 882. Fishing equipment 16 rods, through Saturday, 10-8 , V.lth extl'd IJrg!:' load capac I eOUI h $1lO Heavy bras jlilll III let-. -,1.... I,ll k .1 ooor s A LARGE selectlon - Like ~1-l $30 r ty brown $50 882 1461 ,1l,MMII1III,'., I'hllkd S:i 101l 16 reels From $2 to De- 10909 Grand lUver (come ldille lamp, highest bidder new SchWinn bicycle :I, LEE'S RESAlE H&. H7i 1983 l.o\~iAtW !I~ cent starting equipment of Oakman! 934 6900 Mon HOU!'lEHOLD Sal£' l{amaln 171 i,Jl 886'1968 822 4130 m~ 20331Maek 881 lnl2 110 1'1\I1It(' Woman's car Couple of 8' True Temper day through Saturday. 10-7 109 Contents G E Slov(' & MA'IU{:\ITY rlothl"'>, sum 1'l76 TOHI\O pO\'C'r ,l~r hollow '>Ieel fly rods as new 4575 Dune Hwy , Waterford STERLING silYer, Oatwar e, '1.111) Ilpt IIlfI:o ti,bOO mlloes. ,j RefrIgerator both Tur m('r "'171' 14 t~xeellenl con lug phlp (3 miles west . quol!>e The pair (or $HWJ ) (!IlIOn llIlHi274 Barton, '>t'rvlce for 9, 54 GAS STOVES "hl'" 11',III!t'lo~t'r 6100 \\t"t'kt'lJ(h V.lth l>oml' contenl..!> from $3 Telegraph) 674-4121 Mon Whirlpool I') 2 cubl( fO(II IlII Ii', "I 1I1111~ltlllll ,hk 11Ittoves, and checks accepted Del I pwcc !>cl 'iohd quality $22.'> DOLI. APPRAISAI.s 885-0079 6111\1 one large one smaller $15 very available B.•tI('r} or decl fie t;xtr a 11,11011,,1' ,III pOWt'r,ln'rllll( ------Drop leaf 40' 2 drav.f' r ANTIQUES OR l!*ll ( HE\ t:1''TF------f'-ach Colf'man tWin mantle flbl.lOn {,lrlndgell $130 R86 COU,ECTIBLES A~TIQlIE OR COLI.ECTI s! mil H2 I ",21 ~Up('r Mrihogdn)o InlaJ(lldhlt. Vf'r ) 111,1 ..11.1rp \'I"lI'Ictlt','In must Jf'1l ga, lantern'> $15 ('ach Rub- SUSAN'S 00[.1. MUSEU M RLt: DOLl." SUC!I AS Illl \JlI IWJt{IlI'lT, lolllll~~ MAHOGANY 01((' $1'>0 Tdhlt' lamp w'r y MADAM": Ar.Jo:XANIlEH l'.tll P.wl 1tJ.1.3t187 or 1M- hf.r m'>ulated high top hunt large 4 footcr flaha n $7', I.A \V-"MOW j:; It ~ott l>i1«>n I 75755e8 lo~ rnill'~ n,) IIl.,t pmH'1 INTERIORS RAHIm:, ":'1'(' ,2211 Ing hoots &17~8 and 9 $.''> a (' hdnrl fTlO\I,1'1 l>hdrpened thl s AnlJquc and Flne Small 2 tllp pt'df'.,ldl ttakes and poles, fan('y IJhlr lamp WI ( olf( 'f' CO ....Vr.:\'IIONAL Krf'f' II " IIII' no tlIat excC' Jlen t $30 K erO!lene 1613<,Mack AV(' UI5060 CASII PRill fur p8pl'ftlM('ks and - - - SJ IN,'i Afll>r Ii .. 3Q1 , or INI c;('1 4 pll'<.t'l> 'iIIH 'r 1'>11( h ~I". whItt. ename I l'lll! ( 11l'\ I((\U. r (',1\,1111'1 (corner of Bedford and Mark ? men s magllllllt"'l Noy!'1 !.mall hf'ater 14' high, $10 plalf'd $.'IlJ Purple Onental ('IN' fI( rd nl((' ('Il'an ('ond 9.>"4 Karutan Onent'1119 lSarouk paltern) ('}ll~n INSTRUMENTS 11I1I1 (, \1 t- WI lit 1\1' S:',!l'.I!.) 2- 4 wtk..-l .1nvt &If WI, 100 p;n 1938, 268 15O'i After look In~ S100 Porr 1'111n ------nJo:ST PHr7t:"AIi) !,'or daledmmgroom <;('1 liRhlcd r Alii Lot r.., Orll'nt"I.,( rt.'l'n. Ii ~ \('lHnjo(~ \I,-,'k,'n(h 11.13 ..xet'llt'flt l'ondltlon AI ... r 10 {)(jam enamel top kill ~n t.ihl I' Lora n posilion lndl('lt.lor, Chippendale mah(Jgan Y p,mpl., 12 ,t " mlnt,lI, II bu y XLl \~llll S2.<, Lug(' .,lr.Jml'r lrun k radIO directIon Clnd('r ('om l'~tenof ""lIOO nl ~ COLOR T.V.'S chma rablfW't, ChlWndal e "I ~ I !~I!J !W, 0(lf!4 PIANOS WANTED lo\'~at, Onental p!(turl:-'1; $21'1 "'mal1f'f Of\{' SII) \1 .. y1.Ii( ------pau llnd d!'plh flllON MIl"/ \ 1'1110 ~.: 111\ '.to FROM $125 ., I',,\n.l LEN') c-oodllllm I'l'(~) TOP CASH PAID 822 711lO and lamp" Q~n Anne an d w8,>h('r ',HlnRpr j;f'ldom u c phon n'( or II., AT ONCEI hl,.kl,,,,.,II't'nn~ 1111w~1 C'hlppendal!:' v.lngba( IIt'Y ( .... { SAIL }WAItII YtJIHI'lIr{l"1 • R.ecoodlllOflCd lilt eat h 770 ( ddll'UX (I Jr .,Io\!(' \l,llh '11'1 <-halni Mah'">gany bfodroom 541-6116 !l '*I~ .,Ie I I" $!lUti Illll llU'i.llftl'f • Guarantefld ,I",IJIH'K douhl!' 0\1'0 tarl! I' ('all a m 11iJI 1121 RAY furnllurf'. antlqul' fou r rlf'r of YtdlNloo AA'J19IR ------"Ilk r'.Il'l 74','1 'I I' III • Dehverf'd and set up h 2fjl I,"Y. aftl'r ](I 'WI d m PIANOS WANTE D SHOTGlJN~ and rlflt'~ wilnlt, W.. rf'p8lr all makes p&lIlC'r l'ledrrlOm wi "'rf'nr -- CAMPISE I ( I "'-11 lllllir!IIl~\ ,lllrlCultura I GkI\ND~ Spl I'If'ta, COflIOIell - Parkt'r "'II); Smith. Win Kaleldoi'.cope TV Lows XV hVJn~ room furn f'H~:N(jf-do(,r;;- ~'\ mil rM I-ARTICLES ture Heppll'Whlte dlmn R ching '>('1" (rom $'lIJ "om f' (omln' rn,li full frlctor y and Small U~Ih!Jl C'tM-!lIfr and otl~r~ I"rII'.t.. WANTED ~ho'f\'room Location room M't, mahogany kl'lf'e hlghr'r l.r'ddt'd wlndo V...... trl,"11) all ~1t"f'1()f'1l r TOJ' PHI Io:S PAID collector 47J 5315 Z7!151Harper (North of 11 hole desks, Duncan 1"hyf e from $1', AI<,()leaded an d 'p.ln "!Thllll"" buildln$! 'i(jx VE7-Q506 -, DRUMMY Mllet, 'il Clair Shores and French sofa!!, crysla I ~Jl'Vf' 11'<1 HZ4 2<1'+4 4(J,. Hl ldrj(t"t 70,t l'l'iX 16 -~-IOOKS71JSE[)AND -RARE 'j() 4(, 'lll, fill ft wldlhs In STARn< BAJJY grand pia no, 774-93lIO Lenox and Art ~o lamps ~ lor cull II" (;(;fomiiTj)i:;tiOrm- rock(:r:-and mahaRany. $1,600 25i 2 llPI¥'~iI«l OLDS TOP", PAJD Monday lhru Saturday, 11 V Call 24 40lI eatala a1al ~In home ~ ha';I>metti' IlI!2 2fl21 hour~ I 1100 W 4242 Jo:xten For Color TV's, air condi- a m to 5 30 P m Closed afte!.~ JOHN KING .'.&1AND tioners, mlcrowa"es, Wednesday PINBALL machine - urc Ii slon '>4(1 MUllI "ell Ct\('dp 1m BEAUTIFUL BaktwJn t:lm.Al ~'MbC1c VCR's, washel'l and 1940 Nef'dli eledrlcal rcpEu r mN!lIlIf'ly, Jo' 0 H, wi II 961~ 882-5622 grand pano Excellent, 772-280 dryers (wor1unc or not) Make offer 11&'>-7132 fit'llvN 10 t>lllldlnl! 'i1te tlfled, '15.000 I2HIOl. • and Slve th6I ., •

~l ~: 't . 1 , <' .,.;!~~.....t~ ~",""'I\""'W 6ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. Apnl 19'; 1984

1.11iiM 11,~ 11-eHtS 11-eAAS 12E-CO'P EACIAL ',3 REAl EiTATE 13 AE1LmITE FORULE FOR SALE FORULE FOR SALE PfIOflERIY FOR SALE .....fS!!!.I!!! 197'7 PONriAC Ventura 51 - CIIOWN Victena., DLlIIt 1182 CA\' ALlER, lrt4 CHEVY Maltbu Wap Babcodl CcHlp Apu'tl:DeDt PRl CEO TO sell: • Mt.Ie/Kel- au; bJl SIft'eO, rear defoaer, STEPHENS Dn\'e comer 1.c.... loaded, full po9eor steering, J)OWeor Good second car l'ses ST. CLAIR m...... yes 3,:JOO square feet Of. ODe bedroom, sec:oad floor ly area, 3 bedroom brakes, atr. low mIlt'S 305, automatic, DO rust regular gas, l'UftS .. 'fl1 $750 ...... 12.,- 1IUks, Nit Magwftcfl1t four bedroom flCeS and lII'anbouse Fran Bluehill and Denver, oif BurlpIow 5eUer motivated $5.&50 44S-Q4 5l,GlIO mUes. C,l5O 01" best ~. CIlI after 6 p m &2"J-7483 proofed. alarm lI,toO f« 774-1__ riverfront home features taged 1:ll6 'x 7'0 , depth, plus Mack and C8dtNX Dns 937-3145, evernng 1913CHE\,Y Van Custormud LECAR 1982 - Sunroof. g~t apartmeftt, two extra lot 52' \( 1t6 ' 2 bedroom pnced to sell, Opal 527_ .mz STATION ""agM. I97'S Chev. loaded .,th e:xtra5 Must see stereo 15,000 miks, llke P ALMs-Ql'EEN at Warren near Mack 1m nBBIRD Formw.a, rolet, mIDt roodIbon, garag. f~. ceotra.I au' coodI- Harper Woods - Large 1 aDd WHY NOT ..... ~ CJI"lCIIII.,I owner, to appreciate n4-l564 De"oIl $3 ~ 792.5081 t:1GIWlI, pant fanul)' room, 886-+H4 ed 1\0 rust, automatic, 2 bedroom Excellent CONSIDER exceDeat C'ODdIboG. $3,150 1m USCOL'i Town car, 4 1974 ,\E""PORT - 51,000 eutertamment center, 412 __ after Moaday povr'ef'. iil.11'condltlorung lug. 12F-NORTHERH cond1l.Jon RENTING YOUR door. Immaculate, loaded. gage Tad exceilent condJ. mlles, runs ...eU. some rust. baths, r;'Y 42 boat bouse WlUi 1.. 0 wells boIsts anc1 exten. C W Babcock l Soo's PROPERTY' HONDA Cine 1m, 4 speed factory C 8 r.,!om Paid For \ our Junk or l3.ndseaped setl1ng of ~orth FOR SALE Gd\ iord area 10 • FSCORT -4 door 5 speed cassetl", 42 000 !nIles carpetea Sunroof auloma l.l' ...."nted Car Rn eJ'Slde Dnve "''lth \ ~ oC acres Wllderne-s:, Valle) $3 OQO or best offer Brent tiC p"" Iwl bedrooms three baths. ....ooded re;"lr:,'ted S7 995

881~8091 and recline, sport ....h€eb 1 I1IO MtJSTASG Gh!a 6 894-4488 faml!) kitchen ....Ith Call 517 66!1-9134 ,517 eylinder automatic, air 1966 CHEVELLE 2 door ~ml condition 1""" mile;" flIE'pla~, S<>lar Coo! eJas.sed ;H!j.3137 - stereo, medium blue extra roupe, bucket ~ts rail)' $5.950 88lH>180 WANTED Flonda roo;:), full Ic'.,\er 'deeD. $3,900 88H19li '.,\bee!s Eag.les ~OOO miles. 1982 C~~';'RO Berhnetta Jl:;...KCARS Ie. el enterta .nment center 13-REAL ESTATE f''l('pl~t ('()l\(j,hnn () :;r., J:'1,.."t t""'~)(l rt.o ...._ P-, VT'r.Uil,c, I'P .... ,Tn second klt ...h,," FOR SALE W"~VlUJ .our, a..:,QJ Wii 77+-7119 881 :HlO FREE TO\\ H,G $180.000 S,;,ME DAYPICKL'P TWO BEDROO'i Bungalo ....ill ..... 197'9CADlLL,;,C Coope de\ ille 1980 DATSL"~ 280 ZX 2~2 Lamplighter condomlmum Harpel' Woods. Fully cafllel MUSTANG Ghla 1980 6 excellent condltloo loaded. 874-1883 cylinder, automatIc sun Loaded, sun roof ne'4 ures Tv. 0 bedrooms spaClOUS 11\- ed, \l,lth appliances and one 0....ner $8,200 Call after sa 500 or best 885-1431 or Jng duung, kltehen area fac. rfd, air, lea mer ct'1J1Se .n:~1{OR .necked cars large family room l'~ car 5 p m 574~2ol25 369-9006 and LOg St C1aJr RJver aDd open. garage Asswnable mort. premium soond. black beau- trucks Top dollar paid Ing onto \'leYt1J1g verandah t)'. $t.OOO 96-3360 1976 LE~1A.\S - Z door. alT, 1981 ESCORT - 2 door GLX. 7/64529 or m-8352 gage at 11 ~% Gre41t for Tv. 0 full baths, abundant starter nome' :\slong 1m M.ALIBC StatIon Wagoo steering hrakes 4 speed. alr, rear defrost. IWA.\"T)ourbeatupcar Bill storage. two car garage $33,500 !llv balance IS BEAl'TY .\SD THE BAY Power steering hrakes locks cruISe stereo extra stereo tape best offer Aiter clean $L65I.1 885-713:2 6 p m YT9-U52J 372 968-l $89 500 m,ooo your p3)ment ....Ith Beautlful wateIiront Colomal located on \IIIde open 00) near automabe, aJr ramo.35.000 taxes under $-iOO pee month \fetro Beach l!nbe1le\able \'le"t\ Huge great room C'OOCept 1979CAPRI Glua - -l speed 1~6SAFARI""agoo-l~s JIliIe5 S2.,996 882.7'232 11C-BOATS AND River Club condo The model I am ready to deal Call after ....'lth beamed cathedral cet.lL'lgand wUldcM'S ll'-erloolong the V6 air cond.ttlOOlng moor good runs good. alT. po~er urnt has been marked down 1m PLYMOlJ"'l'H F'ur), lID. UOTORS 'pm ~12 ....ater Wet bar, draft beer tap. Sunken pit fireplace. roof, stereo, $3.300 882-ffi'46 steenng,/brakes, 882-95<11 to $84,500. for a 1.650 square JDIlCUlate, .u,OOO nules. new BEACON Hill. 4 bedroom, 21~ J-bedrooms; 3-baths. Dream kItchen, Jenn.Air range. Cen~ 1962 CADILLAC, FIonda car, 1'T.9 1981 n~ZER 22 excellent foot custom-bwJt, carpeted tires. S2.,toO lB:!-Q1!J7 FORD Fiesta - excellent bath, attractIVely decorated, tral a 11'. -H-foot dock extenmng out lOWbay i.Year land 62,000 mlJes ~600 or offer coodltJOfI Cront "'heel dn\e. roop- JI7I DODGE, St Regis. 4 door, clean ~o brokers, senoos Contract terms ItWii75 $2.200 or best Call 527 1606 54{}-3624 phances $8-1,500 CALL GIL WI'ITE?\BERG FOR PRIVATE !II, VI, an power, except tl1t mqwnes only 1-329-7205 1982 CORVETTE - 23 000 1974 MO:'>.'TE CARLO - \'-8 SE -\R.W 1981 Sundancer 240;- &ver Coloo) Custom bwJt APPOI:-.TIlE. ...'T SHOWING CEl\'Tl'RY 21.AVID 773-8100 - wbeel Good bres. runs pre- GROSSE POinte Woods 2 nuJes. good cond1uoo, load. po steering po'A er 50 hours onl) Sto\'e. electnc and proCessIOnally fect, beautiful cood1t1on, bedroom bnck ranch ~ove- ed. Call bet'4-eet1 5 3() P m -8 brakes, alf, $500 Rum good alcohoL refngerator, port~a. decorated three story town 52,000 mJles. 13.395 shghtly !D condItIOn Air. mam'. FAMILY HOME aeptiabIe. 7'":79-564'7 p.m 116i-3439 881-368'7 pot!) camper tnm tab bouse offenng maxunum sta bllizer In/outboard extras, dmlng room, 10.... 1982FORD EXP -loaded, ex~ 1978 ct"TUSS Supreme Lan. privacy, VIew and comfort 384 MORAN ROAD It'l'J 0lDS Cutlass SUpreme. MercCrulser mamtenance $69.900 By cellent conditIOn, 21,')00 dau. 260 \ -8. erulSe, arr, 240 Llvmg-dmmg area, Cully GROSSE POINTE FARMS aD; s&ereo, c:nuse. Wt, ~ horsepo',\er Ship-shore owner 886-9384 , IJ1BeaIe, spotless 811.2429 mUes 82+--9041. 882~2247 stereo ~e~ tires, batter) eqUIpped kitchen, two Four bedroom Colomal With upstairs sewmg room, radIO compass depth bedrooms. lIbrary, famtly SPACIOUS custom home 1D 1983HO~'D:\ Accord. 5 speed. brakes 10.... mileage mmt natural fireplace in ll\'lIIg room, formal dinIng LTD, IJ'15, 400 cubtc engme. finder $18500 ~Iust seU room, 2'~ baths Attached Harper Woods. large Sony A.'dIFM stereo cas- rondttlOO m-197i' room. eating area m SpaCIOUS updated kltchen, air, AJlIFM radIo. CB, m-022O 88&-2958- 6 P m garage and abundant rooms Wide hallwavs. JIllIM!r aatemIa, new exhaust sette, excellent. 51.000 1m BnCK Century Franklm stove ill famIly room attached 2 car gar. Custom 1973 23' Flberioam lB/OB. storage MlOt condition natural fireplace Ander~ system,brakes. batteI') 822.2351 age, v.ell.mamtamed home lD super Farms area. statIon ""agall. no rust sleeps 4 ship to shore. S2lJ7 000 sen WIndows, country $750 or best offer' II8lH)1IS V-6. air. pov,e!' steenng. $134,900 Call Jun Blake 1913 ESCORT Wagoo G L. 5 Haller. stove, smk, porta Charmmg three bedroom tn. st) Ie kitchen. sunny ~after4pm speed aIr, PO"" er steer- stereo. 50,000 mLles. call Flonda room and patiO. jOhn. £lev. camper eam'as. le\oel has duung room, famJ. STARTER HOME IllAZDA RX-7. 1979, I~ mg! brakes 16,000 miles ~ter 6 ~ ~ 882.2937 move In condition, 2 s....lm platform liCe jackets. Iy room, two flrep1aces, ef. JIliJeaIf, &ood condition, Best otfef', 886.fi088 bedrooms Open Sunday 10327 ROXBURY 1971MERCEDES 250 C, p<)""er trailer. etc.. ~.500 886-5821 flClent kitchen, attached after 6 J) m or steering brakes An 2-5 $59.900 .... ean 1m JEEP CJ5. summer and ~ garage Patio ""th bnelt NEAR WHiniER ...... a2-4lO9 AM/FM rear defogger Call tor an appomtment. wmter fun. ~.lD.l rrules, nms HOBIE CAT 16' - excellent wall bench seating, 10 nice- Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungaloVl v.'lth lots of 1m FORD Country SqUIre great' $1.000 Busmess $4.SOO 886-3465 Barb Somes 527-6523 condlton extras ~Ith ly landscaped yard $91,500 Real Eslate One 296-0010 extras ?\e~ carpetIng and no "'ax kltchen floor 1I'aIlJIl, low mJ)eagt, super +tH3OIl home 1182-a776 1983 JEEP CJ.7 Blue Wlth trailer. 7i6-6226 MacGLASHAN CO. Natural fireplace In LIving room Large master eaaditiGIl, ~ $US(} or 19i9 CHEVROLET Impala black hardtop 6 cy hDdef'. 4 bedroom ....'lth walk~1D closet on 2nd floor As. aik speed, exceUent caodJhon, 24' C&:CSHARK OpposIte St Clair Inn .-5771. '4agon exreUent condJuoo. ~e", motor, trailer 6 Boston 1740 ALLARD sumable 8 5'0 mortgage $28,500 Call JIm Blake ~.5OO or best 822.-8!J70 1t'II CiitVY Nova, S1X Cj Un- lo\I. mileage. air CaD aCter salls fi',OOO (517) 7~3310 329-2294 GROSSE POI~TE WOODS det. 2 diu, m, power. 5IlCM 5 p m B86--296!l 1!J73 CHRYSLER Newport DU FOUR . Wing sa11Board PRICE REDUCED on ..... IIIiDimal rust, recent. Four door Good conditIOn Tastefully decorated and PLYMOt:TH 1976 \"olare ExcelJent Condition. ven' beautlfullakefront property, ... aDd froateDd repiW'SJ s-KIO well maIDlamed 3 bed. Prftmer. " door. sedan 8, 884-9521 call aile!' 6 fast $600 ll85-&t!}g • ll()'x 800' wooded lot In Har- tl,,. room, story and a half In or belt offer m-472 ..\WJmabe. steermg.. pm nsoo TO'A'tlSlup Buy now CHRIS CRAFT 16 ft Run mce area of Grosse POffite 1m PONl'1AC LeM.ans. two FactOI') AM/FM stereo, 40 1964 vw camper/Van Runs, an ex- coodiuon.loaded $1.450 88&- WbiIe, I'1mI good, bod). good. zzn 19' GL-\SS~tASTER Deep \ much more' Call Domuuc ~. 251-24O!l haust s)stem 567.4201 00.,\ nder 165 for showmg Earl Keun, 29+- Grosse POL'lteWoods Tv.o spectal houses One. a 3 bedroom ranch ~Ith a 1115-4186 Joe 19i2 PO"'TI.\C Grand Ville, 3088 J:t74 AlIDI Fe. AutomalJc.. \lercCnJlser 1'0 romertl famll) room. central all; ~er furnace and 2 car garage ....Ith opener great condltlon, ex. ll'edwnin Ily good coodI- 1982-2-28 Camaro, loaded new hie top and ....Indo ....s FOR SALE or trade for The other. a charmmg upe Cod style home Y.Qth 3 bedrooms. (amlly tkla. body a m r , AlIfFM great conchtlOO slher and ha LIS t I'leW ba tter). 82,000 Trailer, battery and camas Traverse Cltv or Flonda room ....Ith fireplace and a fmlShed basement - miles, $575 Call Tom at moorIDg cover $8,500 .. II ttlJ f750 01" best otfer charcoal. 25..000 miles propert} 2 100sq ft custom Altef' 6 pm ask Cor Mike 372.3799 822-9348 Grosse Pornte Park 1'went). percent dw.n will make your year payments 111...- home on canal 10 St Clair fin>t 5%i -1-117. &39-1429 BOW RrDER 1m.16 1201-0, mclud1ng taxes S260(or Uus charmlng 3 bedroom home newer!umace 1m CBEVETTE, 5 door PI~'TO 1978, 4 C)hnder. 4 Shores 778-0416 Mere Crwser fiberglass Spiral staU'S to second floor 2 car garage. Pnced to ~ $2S 000 ' JDaDIIal bJact, AM/FM 19'77 PACER Wagon Stereo/8 speed. poIIWe!' brakes, rear comrertlhle top, trailer, can- ori&iaai O1lI1Jer, 5ha rp track Power steering I defrost. AM/I'M cassette, 12E-eoMMEACIAL. brakes air ~Ice car' sno.. tires, De'Vo- brakes vas. ll86- 257 4 PROPERTY Grosse Pomte Shores the most >.quare footage far the smallest capital m...... )lore 62 000 miles Ex~ .estment In the Shores 56 Roslyn Dnve by and call for details SU195 Must sell -.7518 CAL2S 1979 CTUlSeeqwpped ceUent condition $1.600 OFFICE SUITE ~ RELIANT SE two door. 1~ HO.\"DA ChIC, 5 speed hke IJe'.,\ 881-7527 JIO'W'eI', air, CB, stereo 1182.9608 MEDICAL - DE'\jAL- cas.s.ette sttTeQ. greal 00 FIBERFOR'Y 1971 28' al I PROFESSlO!liAL .... IIUIeI "'-1 1m MALIBU ClassiC. good S5"- 241$. S3.!l6O 884-1791 glass. lu beam t',\ In \'01\ o ST ('L-\IR SHORES transportatIOn a little rust Penta 170 1'0 tnm tabs $1 150 792-6457 sv; 1m pLatform sleeps fl\ e 2320.1 Jefferson - 1500 sq ft 884-4750 1982 FlREBIRD SE, ..elV excellent condition Gr osse furmsbed receptIOn room clean. 13 000 miles. 17 oP- P01nte Farms boat $18500 Full mamtenance Ample BOOS autom41Uc. air, 885- 8&.S--Wl8 "ell Up a. Retamflato parkmg Immediate ClCCU- Z&55 wrr..- 3 HOURS 20 FT CE ....I'ER board sloop panc) 199J BERl.I~ETT.~ Camara How Much Do You Really Know • SiT I 4, Rub Out Comp'ete Clear;,~~ 0' 1 sa.l< DeV, 5 h P motor. Yll\ite extenor Lmed dehlXe J n1et'1Ol' aod E denO/' S3'5 00 trdller summer and '" IOter D>\~AHER BAER, lntenor Clean 2S 000 mlies CO\ er m..:.n) extras $4,500 \'\ILSO:'I, & STROH rr..e two _.-.en :;;-~t GY'dalJQ(' ~(C'ec' a~'-5' About Your Income Property? 58 20Q 5Z7-1487 after 6 pm 8l'~ 885-7000 ptIMt ""lh~ .. .nte< _a:1lef 01-<: ~'. a"C ~O¥ ~ y:r~' ca' Wfth • IItQfl gIoU t ." 51'> 1975 CHEVY Malibu ~ev. SKI BO.\T - 1'T.9 C\"I86 - BtJSJ:!Il"ESSand can you answer the following? . ,.... slret!t radials batterv 196 fout \"2 po".,\ ered 10-... ~'VEST'MEl'Iij (Two YearWnrtet"... G'.IOlfanleel S50 00' ... stereo cassette 1. What is your property actually worth? pla~er GoOd ruom l'.g hours ilkF Tl€"~ \1.1 th • Pt ...... s..e.t PROPERTIES uphr,uter) body OK $575 trailer a c(essotles (T!'wee Vear W"tte' Guarantee) $7:; OC. "nd Excluslvel} 2. What tax advantages does your property still of- 885-4683 must sell 8ft.') ,Oil "Complete Clean,nf,j 01 SALES - LEASES fer, if any? I~teflor.nd Extenor Ol/Ul,' 0"01 $'5,y) 1ge:1CHALLE~GER dream 3J SAILS7 ~ R full k~!. 3 salls, EXCHA.~GES car PO'A~r sun roof '«In 3. What was your actual after-tax return on your " ,.., JIll~, ..... eM__ ,. .",-,...... ,..,rlt.",f'rotors 7 '2 h P m ot01' G<>od Condl do ...s Stereo cassell£: tlOn k) fj(JO 8li6-~4~1l \"Irglnla S Jeffnes Realtor investment last year? • a.....~' ,., o..r • ~ cruise till .Olce al~rt 88Ue99 dlg,tal read out $9,800 1.5 liP Jc.r.nsr,'l- boal fPolor 4. Is It time to sell or should you continue to hold $:"~,(J f,r best offer 547 22;;2 FOR SALE --- - , negtJt.a ole J 247.fi336 your investment? 7'i KERCHEVAL oo-the-Hill I~J \~ fUlbOlt 2 door, dark 11F- TRAILERS AND T vro- <;tot') b UllduJg. 20x 100 5. How much can you increase your rents without metallic blue 3Ii (l()'J miles CAMPERS WI th basemerK NOWAY 1:1200 n~ TOLES •. .o.5SOCJATES creating a vacancy problem? 1973ec>P"sAIR Traller ~Ieeps 1m Bt:JCK Rl1l1er", Loaded -':!J)f.Wl ~'J( Three ....a~ refngerator " you are not absolutely certain about any of the above ques- extras Ln'A mileage nev. le . r; ood condlllOn F(>R ~ALE liOns, you are most hkety lOSing substantial profIts annually DRUMMYOLDS ;lres exallt'nt rondJtlfJO In (,E ....ERAL OFF'TCE B84J>M4 t~Of" nc~J1ent S3,8W 886- \lf~l)ll $,1. BUJG AUract.w; G TROPH't Tralkr - 26 f(Jot 2"ri1 lde .. lj., loc.l te:I bwldmg 1th Therefore. :n order to aSSist property owners In aChieVing the ttDl s~ 7 ~Pr heat y,!T ed *9 FIM,;':i'c" l~! PL Y~OL TH Reh.ant - 4 ex(ellenl eXpo<;ure eJJ maximum return on their Investments, the Cc:;:~~rc;Q: InveS1. r()f air ~2~ .:170 DIRECT LEASE 000Y. 19 000 miles loaded malnlalrled all brick ment DIVISion of the Jim Saros Agency IS pleased to announce EXP1RES 4-»-&4 mint $04 ~J 8M-8'!ill 128-VACATJON f. rP'fJr 00'f ('om truct Ion Yo Ith an Investment service desfgned specifICally for owners of Income elf'~alor ....ear full occu~n (.zftA"'-D PR I X i!li!l PfJ\\ fOr HURRY WHILE THEY LAST PROPERTY n Term' . 211l! ment ~I.el~ remodel ,.. (auelll' equllIzer full e.1 ?N,.. ~',~ real estate Investment Industry ThIS analystS WItt provide you pr?'Al'!'l" till 9 ~ miles !lllI& (,RA '\;1) FlP,n !..k,. H..IrfJf) GR(.1SSt PO~"TE WIth answers to all 01 the above questIOnS, plus other vital 10101- NEW '84 2:';74 &.C'h rJ PIne< 1~) k<1t~root KERCHEVAL matlOO that can substantially Increase your profr!s' (.-'od \'OLAFtF.: air ptT.,\eT 2 ~tf1n ~umm"'r CUSTOM CRUISER 9 PASS. WAGON 1m CornmerC1al bUlldmc for IU' Sleer,n!! t,rales rear r.rff'H Tf'T,"I- (f).jl'1 dfA .. ,h )000 Iq ft drvJded lDtO 4 ~ defrfllStef' S2 2f1J ~1 126.'; ed ~rdji!;" tJlUs..J',bll, JaT'l'1 For more ;nform~1on abou1 how we can help you determine tall Unlh On-S11-e PlU'ItUl(l :-~ c::.:.:;==:. 824380 <,('~ 4 Ian~" bedrl)(..rr,~ 2 your" bottom hne contact ...... " ~ 't' ~ Sol tIOWTHL Y 11A-eAA toa oflrn~ ul~ra m~n for l' can to' ~ tr~ I405t lint to popdar rntMarant lIMYMUll A-...... REPAIR IlMlo kltc~ l '12'7 0lXI Tenna 412 1TOCI RM family room TOLES. AS';{x,'I AT'ES .IUTE IB.Mit' A'klng EASTSIDE SJ~ (rOC) C!o> POOne 1 -'JIlOO Jim Saros Agency, Inc. •• .....,. UBI 'I It __ ...... "I~ 4il i24i .'IT r LAIR SH(JRE'i - TlWllIISSION Commercll'll~st,.,." DNtM>rI ...... ,.... Gm..F rm:RSE kit - Port r,r~ter MaMl: I 200 1Iq ft --....., 11301~.3M1 ASK FOR RAY CAMPISE ...... TaT 5t Lucie I florida being bulklu'lil (~trallur Land 17108 MACK GROSSE POINTE, MI 41224 ~K GUAAANTEED ~ WlII sacntl~ lor Cl)ntract term,; lukln/il .JAMU IlUrr A.KJS, CCN a2 000 )eu than builder'S .1 900 ~ury 21 - l'ant~ DRUMMY OLDS 772.2200 "'OIDbIT 886-9030 ....- 51 .7l3-'n 61 7il.3750

t \ I Thursday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine-C 13 AEAl ESTATE 13-REAl ESTATE 13-REAl ESTATE 13-REAl ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAl ESTATE 1I-PETS 20A-eARPET FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE LAYING WHITEHIlL - Kelly IMoraiS CLINTON To .....nship-Schultz TOWNHOUSE BY OWNER - well mamtam. area, 3 bedroom bnck Col- STARTERS and retirees REGENT AND STATE Fair ESUo.te Condos, now bU11d- Off Cadleu.x 3 bedroom, bnck. ed Colomal Grosse POlllte MALE GOLDEN Retriever, 10 CARPET uwtallabons-$I 50 a onsal, finished basement and Gros~e POInte Woods 2 bed- Three bedroom Colorual, 1111 ibg ranches agam, 1,141 1 2 car garage, on qUIet .....ell Woods. 3 bedroom, large months old, needs adult yard Call 882-3175 gorgeous famIly room, na- ' room. Idrge kitchen With baths $29,900 Zero down square feet, 2 bedrooms, 2 kept, dead-end street, 3 felmlly room, ne\\ er kitchen home WIth no other pets tura) fLreplace, formal din- and gJrage Nice extl dS eallllg area Fllost floor Inun. 286 8113 881 4977 JERRY'S CARPET mg room, 2 car garage baths, II:! car atlached gar. minute fide to Village dl ~ enclosed front porch, age, privately landscaped $27,900 ~tld $70's 884 1064 SERVICE $3$,500 bnng oHer Gdlen 11_ ('dr gal age $.37,500 2108 13A-L.OTS A K C BouVier ~~-Champ pallo, basement, fIreplace, Real Estate Market 445-1300 FOUR DIFFERENT InCOllle 10ru.h1P blood lne Call week Installation -- RepaU"Il, a Realty, 886-3665 1I01l)\lood 8817819 FOR SALE JJ appliances, $75,000 Also of. KENSINGTON near St Paul, properties Gmsse Pomte day:> after 4 30, 293 1238 kinds In home sale 8 ST CLAIR Shores canal home 1585 FORD Court A newly feflng 2 story condos - 1,274 Gros~e Pomte Park Four Park and DetrOIt Mu..,t Ix> Warehouse priCes Over 20 with view of the lake 3 dt'{'ol ,Ill'd .1bedroom bunga VACANT IU';SlDENTIAL "TWIGGY" needh a perma. square feet, III bath. atlach. bedroom English Tudor, ~old III 10 da,s 1O'\J dO\1 n years experience bedroom brIck ranch, fLre- 10\\ 011 a qUiet'iac. PROPERTY nent home, caplivatlllg t ed garage, prIvately land- panelled library fllllShed rec Land <.'ontrac't Redl E..,t,lle year old ~ Ire hair Terner, 776.3004 place, flffiShed basement I(,dlul e" n,lllll al hn'place 111 50 foot frontage on rel>ldentlal scaped pallo, basement, ap- room, ne\\er kitchen, neu Toda) , .372 o442~ female, (!>pd)ed) 4Opountb, l!llIIg Iomn, pal qut' floor In ..,treet m the Park 175 feel With wet bar, 10 ton cover phances, some With fire. tral decor Refllllshed hard 20B-REFRIGERATION 61 REGAL Plael" Gro..,st' dllllng room dnd new cal pet. deep Cash or Land ContraLt while/carmel ..,pols, wan[o, ho15t Chamberlam Realty, places, $60,000 to $65,000 \Iood flool'S 885-6739 By AND AIR nl-8900 POlllte Shores 4 bedloom II1g till ough out Excell('llt terms to ad~t a new mother Cur. Also 1,650 square foot Col. o\\ner CONDITIONING Georgian Colonld I. o4.UOO mOl l' IIICJlndltlon Sno\\ n b) rent lsable foster mother omal - 1l'2 baths, 212 car GROSSE POINTE Farms, 239 GROSSE POINTE SHORES ..,quare feci. clrt'lIl,ll dll\ e movmg to apartment 881 REPAIR McMl1lan - 3 bedroom Co). garage, balcony, pm'atel) dIJpollllmenl 01l1~ llllh Io3-t1 WAnmFHONT PHOPER. Custom French Colomal \llth profeSSIOnal!) dl'''lgned TY, 80' x 800', lovely wooded 8146 omal, ne~l\' redecorated landscaped court ) ard Htl!'\G.\LO\\' .1 bedloom, In SPIUNG CLEANING vie" of lake Jo~eature" III \Ioad dec!. dnd blld, pdllO lot on Lake St Clair In liar throughout, "Ith Mutschler basement, formal dlnmg, d('>lldLJ!t. dle« nedl SI TO GOOD IIOM1':, G month old SPECIAL elude :; bedrooms, 4 full $3~q,OOO AppOIntment onh rison To"nshlp Buy now to neulured killen ('dilco, ha.., kitchen, h\'mg room "lth fireplace and appliances 961 6725. 881 40')8 i\'o .Johll \lICl'1~ cdrpl'lt'd. Doe~ your fireplace all d bath!>, 3 natural flreplacel> bUild m the sprmg and be had all shol,>, l.<1J1 after 6 natural fIreplace, formal 286-2330' nt'\1 kltdll'n, Ila"llel .lr c1ealU~') No meslo I Insu I~COME &. APARTME~TS KltLhen Call for mdn~ extl a HL'rl/ll:\(;TO\' WOODS "ummer I'>over Land Con re a Cod st\ led 2 faml!\ 1I1 ex. Featm e" ,1 Idl ge 0<110. be,lIned more $85 000 882..Uo32 lX'd: oom CoJollldl on qUiet J&J Clll~NEY SWEEPS cellent"condllton 2 bedroom GHO~~E POIt\TE PAHK f,lllllh room II Ith ,1 lott, 1n..,t H G lo.:dgar & ASSOCiates LILAC POll1t Sldme,c LOUIt .1'_ bdth.., ('('1l1rdl,1I1 n31444 ST CLAIR Shores - .3 bed UllltS \ er) SpaCIO~ t\e\ er BalfOlJl St,lteh 6 bedloom floO! tx>dl oonll>wte Qu,lIll~ 886 6010 1'; putered, Ill,lle Indool room brick ranch, flOlShed \acant ~tOIl('Tudm Bedutlful \\ ood F'lIIl1l\ loom lecredllon home on I} "'ree Ammal FlHEPLM'~: throughout $117 UOO I)P('II \VOUBON - He"'Jdentlal lot "000 ,>Iu\' e". basement, garage Land ALTER ROo\D - Excellent ....ork throughout Llbrdr) I nom \1Jtll \1('t bal Lol" of IIruopltal 885 (J-1b6 Oil Clue (h',1II11l1ol Cap' d Sunda) I 5 a050 L1I1coin nCdr Jeffcrson Lot size n( Contract Immediate occu 2 faml!y IIlCOJnE.'IlE.'ar Wllld- I'ec room \\ Ith llrepla('e built III ~lor,lg(' 'pace ,( r~I'n, lII'>t,lIled Dme 54t 2606 ~ ... I .. 1::;(' " .+'h ~'1.\~ rl l , TWO MALI-~ Neutered c,II'> In ..ur ffi I on"..... ~ ' b ...., ", 1kI111.) ,'1'1V:I t"rmcelon 1Il111 t"OllllC ~ l>e<.lroolll:>III l\ldny extras Uller' ..I '- •• ,,'"u Ij~ ILt_ .... diU O(lJ 1898 OXFORD !lo,HI CdPC «vdllable fOl 03/4 bedroom Tiger l>trlped LonA dnd no nil."'> l'rufe'>,wnal :\1'as I n8-8216 E.'ach Unit. garage Terms 4-172 t t'r ~,,"eep Cod N('\\ Io.ltche!l, '1 Colomal Schullel> Heal !>hort ha Ir 1 \ I'd r oJd 10 rl.'C <':03('hll;: hT BEACO~SFIELD - 4 famll) ST CLAIR SHORES l'hJmne~ ~\\l'ep Compal BY OWt\ER - LexlI1gton bedroom II _ balh II\'lI1g IIdf\'al d - J\1,lck (;orgeou~. 3 Estate - 881 8900 Anl/nal HO~Plt.l1 885 M6b I) Roonn 2 bedroom um~ \1lth Sharp, 3 bedroom bnck near 88.')-37JJ area, ne" er ) ear round room, dll1lllg loom, fJlII'>hed bedloolll bl Ick Enghsh Col appliances PrimE.' rental LakE.' Fireplace, basement, TWO !,'AMIL Y SITE EASTER PUPPIES - Amen - ---- home 3 bedroom, 112 ba ths bdsement, Illcel) del'orated Ollidl Natural flrepldce car area popular" Ith all age double lot Mother III la .... On Trombley can Cocker Spdlllcls. A K C RESIDENTIAL l'ommcrcl al attached 212 car garage on I mmaculate condit lOll pcled Ihroughoul, Idrge kJl groups Good lII\'estment apartment up Just reduced I Near Wmdnllll'Pte ChamplOlI bloodllne'i ex. service All 2 SpaCIOUS lots, overlookmg Pnce reduced SH47.1')1 chell, hlll~hed b,,,enll'llt brands, 10 Lake Huron, private beach 13 Ut\IT Apartment BUlldlllg Will conSider ever) lhlllg g,lr,lge Asklllg $45,900 Palms - Queen cellent temperments, ..,hol!> rdtes, licensed guarantu ~" privileges, 10.... mamten East Side \'0 \acanc\ L/C' Sll1\'SET PI.AZA A" ..umptlOll ,lVallabll' buff, $~50 BIlb!J171 ~en Ice Ru.,,> 881 il87 terms Excellent ca..,h nO\\ Jefferson - 11 1111e Z bed 886-4444 ance, restrIcted subdi\ 15lon, EAST DETROIT LHASA ..\p..,o pups - -\KC, RIClII E'S a pphan('l.'S ser\'lc e NEFF-Top quality Income 10 Immaculate J bedroom bnck room lOller condo a 11 , pool, CddICU\ - i\ldck ~hdrp .3 ELMSLEIGH !.dne, Grosse priced for qUIck sale, registered, 2 male. one fl" center ServIce on all ma )Of' pnme Grosse POlllte CJt~ ten dce, Scmla bedroolll bnck, remodeled Pomte City 100 x 120', half $45,000 5.."7.5309 or 1.359-5146 ranch III prune area Rec male. health guaranteed, apphances 1(()% guarant ee localton 2 bedroom Ulllts, room, all', appliances, EARL KEIl\1- Ldke..,horc kitchen, fllll..,lwd bdsement, block to lake 886 3729 shots, raised \11th TL('. 885-0079 RIVIERA Terrace Condomm- extremely SpaCIOUS and In garage Priced to move A..,k for l':veh n gardge 4111d Contracl terms iums 9 Mile / Jefferson GROSSE POINTE PARK n6-6084 beautiful condition Sharpl 777 9700 771 405'; aVdllable, dsklllg $29,900 2 vacanllots on Balfour Both Large upper 2 bedroom, 2 NOTTIt\GHA:'>l - Room) ('<'lllur,.1t - '\lance KITTENS 7 'l\ eeks old lookIng 20F-WASHER AND bath Attractive setting HARPER WOODS - QlI,lIlty tOOx 175 Stleber, n5-4900 DRYER REPAIR bnck 4 famll) 2 bedroom bUIlt, first floor co op ulllh, 771 03750 for good homes LIller lram. Lovely clubhouse and pool UOltS Excellent 1Il\ estment STIEBER REALTY MERRIWEATHER Hill. ed 884-4805 after 3 p m_ Congemal neighbors, 775 -t900 ne\1 er cal pet III bedroom, FOR S.\LE bv 0\\ ner - bllck LET GEORGE DO IT' return kitchen Jppllances, pn\ dte Cololl1dl III Gro!>..,e POInte Gro!>se Pomte Farms. 75x ADuRABLE Kittens free to $57,500 Land Contract RIVARD - Elegant 3 family BY OWNER - Cledn 3 bed 169, 882 1-100 Washer, dryer, dlshwash er area III basement fOl wa ..hcr Woods l1e\\ Illsuldroolm 2 b,lth~ Land 884-95111 E paint! ....mdo ....s. sun room natural tiles, Haye.." 7 r.hle, 10"" 14-REAL ESTATE makes NO SERVIC area, park at rear door (ontrac! a\ allable Askmg REX KITTENS - show quah R.R S tnc .0'Wner fireplace Excellent dOl"n 13595550 WANTED CHARGE If repai red. $28,500 Ask for VIl'gIOla $72,()(J0 1'\0 realtor calls ty ChampIOnship lines 776-7260 884.7276 condItIOn Guaranteed parts and se r, Schultes Rf'dl E..,late, 573 4b9 1093 dftel' .I p m C 10' A regl..,tered Call SCHULTZ ESTATES - Clm- SCHULTES REAL ESTATE G ROSSE POI NTE vice Speclahu~in G E, 3900 CASH FOR HOMES 882-7086 after 6 n m Kenmore and Irlpo 0) ton Townstnp - Carnage 8818900 MIDDLESEX SCHULTZ ESTATES - Chn. SERVING AREA 45 YEARS Here's a rare opportulllt) to BY OWNER Duplex on products unit with attached garage, Ion Township 1,900 square 20-GENERAL CADIEUX ROAD and Chand own a truly outstandlllg MorOl>S, 3 bedrooml>, a..,l>um foot condo, 3 car garage. STIEBER REALTY PERSONALIZED balcony, fIreplace, air con. Ier Park Dnve Bnck 3 SERVICE dltiomng, central air, appll. home 6,000 'sq ft of lux able morgage After 5 iO pnvately landscaped patiO, 775-4900 SERVlCE SINCE 1965 bedroom, draperies and George ances, 1,330 square feet, unous hvmg on a 240 ft lot P m &197659 $23, ')()() skylltes, fireplace, base ALL CASH - DetrOit proper- Stults carpeted, remodeled kit. Many excltlllg fealures such ment 1st floor laundry, ap 815-1762 $55,000 286-2330 BUCKINGHAM - bilek, 3 lies, eastSide, ImmedIate Spring Special ------chen. dish" asher. eleclrlc as Pe\\ablc Illes, Indian pha nces, studiO celllllgs ST CLAIR Shores, 2 bedroom bedroom, fireplace, gardge, e1osmg.., Call 886-9116 East- stove, remodeled bathroom hand pallltE.'d murals, leaded Solal abo avallable LAWNMOWER SPRING RICH IE'S App Il/II1C"eSe.rvi ce brick ranch, attached $21,000 or $300 rent 11'ltl1op- land Really Co 16325Harper With Swan sho enclo glass, cr) stal fixtures, a .186 2330 Center Sen'J~ on all ma ]Ot garage, central air, natural sure, ne", bath tub and van. tIOn to buy 884.3559 DetrOIt 48224 Smce 1946 TUNE-UP - $42.50 60'< 20 sllimmlllg pool and BLADE SHARPENING appliances 100 .... ~uara n- fireplace, 1st floor laundry, ItV Immediate occupancy NO'ITINGHAM - KIst \\ar CLINT01'l To ....nshlp - lux- Realtor tct' We have a comp ~te 11 cabana, 5 bedrooms and 11 I OIL CHANGED ne TIuele Home ConstructIOn Priced 10\1 for qUick ..,ale UriOUS condo IIv1l1g at TIlIHTY YEARS Farms resl. of new nod used pans car heated garage A com. ren Bnck Income 5 down. POINTS AND PLUGS 88S- $49,900 By owner. 294-7830 777-1646 bmatlOn of restoratJon .lnd 4 up $.13:>rent With optIon Schultz E.,lates featunng dents lookll1g for smaller 0079 .) 400 squal e feet. ". , b,lth.." home III Farm.., WIth some FREE PICK.UP BY OWNER moderlllzatlOn made thiS an Excellent Inve~lment excltmg place to call home $25,000 81lot 3:>5'1 2i, cal dttached gar,lgl' Ima!!llIatlOn Hnd character - DELIVERY 20H-FLOOR Grosse Pomte Park - English Tudor Five bedrooms l>tudlO ceillng~, pm'dle \Iood SOMERSET - bnck 4 I>pd- Call after 6 p m No Brokers 772-0858' 774-0906 SANDING 3 full. 2 half baths Updated kitchen and heatmg deck, atnum, balcony, sk)- 8860159 system Attached 2 car garage Extras butler's ESSEX room, 21 ~ baths, ne\\ fur- Beautiful Wmdmlll Pomte ..,ub htes, fireplace. appliances LICENSED/Insured builder to KELM pantry, sunroom, slate pallo, recreatIOn room" Ith nace $22,000 or $300 lenl 15-BUSINESS bUild garagel>, all types of ThiS 3 bedroom Coloma I $108,500 Solar slyles avail. Floor laylllg ..,andlng, reCl n- Pewablc tile fireplace and kitchenette For details With option to buy 884 3559 cement work, brIck patIOS. features a !lvmg room \\ Ith able also 286 2330 OPPORTUNITIES IshlOg E,tIroom, 2 full see Immaculate 6 and 6 in repairs Re-roo(lQR and new G t\ G FLOOR CO DEVONSHIRE come Great IIIvestment 16-PETS baths, semi ranch With Free estImates 554.493J Floor sandm ~ prof~slonaJl ) Owner wants actIOn! 4 bed $48,500 HI' owner 1lll.1-2156 FOR SALE CREATIVE DIRECTORS room Cololllal master bed family room, centrdl air 5382616 ~ dont.' Dclrk stammK and fill room w/OHS. ]l ~ bath, kit Grosse POInte Schools ST CL1\IR ~hOl es condo, one Istunlo: All \lork guarantl"t'lt GROSSE POINTE PARK HOME S1' CLAIH SHORES ADORABLE orange-white kIt- FENCE - NOJOB too l>mall chen wllh nook - 2 car at bedloom Beautifully dec Any type Install, repair I-~rl."t.'e"t1males Rt'ferencl'S Martel' -- .! bedroom, IHlck ordtcd ",'parate laundry tens Box tra lIIed $5 each 1ndoor sWlmmmg pool Indoor Bar-B-Que Two fireplaces tached garage Plus 4 room Wood SpeCialist.., Free 885 0257 ranch Fdmll) room, 11<1 facillt II'S, c'lrport $42,0Cl0 885-2656 Three bedrooms - deck off master By owner attachE.'d bldg , With 800 sq estmlale 772-5009 $140,000 ft multiple u!>es poSSible tur al flrepldu', ne\\ cdrpc[, 77,1 1401 118t8817 CUODL Y orphan puppy - 21-MOVING $i4,9(lO despJrately needs lovlllg HANDYMAN With truck FOR APPOINTMENT 331 5914 or 582 7079 BY OWNEI{ 'W) IIILome !>'ICIC GROSSE POINTE home Goldcn RetrlCvtlr / Clean basements, gllragt>~, ALDRIDGE & WILCOX REALTORS cOJHhiIOn Genel.tles $,)7,/ MOVING CO Shepherd nllXed 331-1i7l4 etc Any hauling, odd Jabs POllltt> re"ldents \11111move ASSOCIATES 884-3550 monlh E\ eJllng" w('elo.end, Bob 885-6227 16812 CRANFORD LANE -. 11l121M)11 AOOHABLE kIttens free to or remo\'e IlIrge or .smllll GROSSE POItI.'TE CITY 884-6960 OUTER OHIVE EdSt hllLk I good home 88-t.9518 o N G CONSTRUCTION CO qUllntltle.., of furnltu reo SpaCIOUS 2,400 sq ft cOndOmlJllum With natural flreplaLe bedroom, [j ~ hath..,. nalural 16-PETS Ma,>onr) Jl'Pall '>. LhllTllle)S, appliance:., pianos - or 10 fl ceIlings. hard"'ood floors 3 full balhs, carport and EXCELLENT Priced 110mI' - flreplare ('al pctmg, formdl A K (' , Cocker Spamel pups - pUll(}..>"poll'hc~ S!>t-'CuAI'lmg whal have you Call {or dllung room, L!ol:oe 10 ..,[ FOR SALE he,wtlful buff male!> $195 much more, located on peaceful shaded SIde of streel 19B7 Manchester $1>';,500 III l"wldbtont> flrt'Place-. LJ- free estimates 343-0481 or Cldre Church and >('honl'> 4(j3 b427 Three bedroom ranch. at cetl500 839 9ot59 882 6737 Operated b)' LAND CONTRACT AVAILABLE ImmedldtC' pro'>('''!>IOIl'> John Stenunger SHO\\N BY APPOI~nlE\T ldLhed garage famlJy room Hem ode led Kitchen apphan M A Gerndy Red! E~tal<, QUALITY /'V';les - 20A-CARPET ~l A GERN A) RE ~L I-:<;THE 1,118408 LAYING ST CLAIR 111 8.w8 ces. ne" er carpel.." 0" ner STUD SERVICE TO MO\'ING CO SHI-6845 TODAY'S BEST APPROVED BITCHES CARPET LAYING Compt't111\'e rates Fr~e CHARMING \\001J!, ranch BUYS A KC REGISTERED NEW AND OLD C!ltlm • GROOMING lI86 ~189 ALSO and furnace, extra m,u!a 5/"']\10 fam Ily flaullful Cdl (XlllIg huillin'> Sf ClAIR SHORES, MI .. 8082 ClOSfD SUNDAY" HOLIDAYS ------tu-:L1AHl. ...; POINTE n!'S1drnt dmlng area, natural fire ,>Idl' drill' 2 t('POinte ,( hool!> A nace~ 'Ide dnVl" 2 c,lr A PET A PET INSllHEO re:11 heduty' ga rag(' 1l('11 loof IWII / lOI.lH HS TO ACCENT Hob 8lt2 1968 ,lillnllllum '>Idlng pllu'd Ie I \'Ol'R 1'1H-:SI-;l\fTmXOH Large ,1hedroom hnlk r,wcll 'ell ,It $17000 E.I'» tl'II11'> 21 A-PIANO \\.lth l.lrge famJl} room mo 1';1'" L"llng GIo'"c 1'1111,1. (',III for ,In apl)(lIntUH'llt SERVICE dprn kitchen 2 balh" fl P,lrk I 1)(droom (010111,1 J Anti-Cruelty llI..,hf'd b'\'cment. allil('hecl II \1h d('n on hi floor 11'(n'd TOM 772.2189 PI \"0 :->FH\Il'to'S l\llllnli: gar.lgC' (,rn"e POlnll lion room ,cdl' ell 1\ (. IlrjZf \ ASSOCiation ,IIH! r.'\I,I!i Qu.lllfll"t! lr"h ~Lhool<, A home -..llh eVf'r) 2l,lrgdldg<, l'll(ldl"<,, Ii \ 13~}69 Joseph Campau 16-PETS Ill< 1,ln "'1"\1111,' hOllr, R",.\ lhlllg I $1.1 '~JI) INII" FOR SALE 'Il!lllhir Illlt', .1 I:li'6 t'I' 'I .. CROWN REALTY Vl'r) IlIcl'lllulnlllUm r,lII(h ,I \:'\0 Tl ""INt, ,11"1<1i~a.lf t 10 a m to 4 p m - - ~----11'1!nit W.)rk i/.u.(ranll'~ 821.6500 It an .JrrordahJe pnc(' In f'X you lose me ~lt'll\t~ 'U'M 1-'<1" .lrd 1" TOM M( ()O/>'ALII & "lJ\" ~.' , I I, 'I' I"" If '1 Iy c('llenl condilion ~f'Wf'r or find me ,k,' -tb:i b.1M "" ll{l) (,~.\JI:){AIllJ\ \ carp<'tmg Ol( ely hlll,hl'c I - - - - - ba,eml'nt Floml.J room ani J (;H():"<"~, POINTE" ,Irnl'> I -2-Q£---IN-SU-L-A-T-ION---1 1 I!drdl!(' Prr( I' )u,>t f('(lw /'(j 44'J Mor.11I I /)(>(Jrooll1 ('01 , , 1 t r r d ~I J I ".. I VI II I r 1'1 I '", I." I ------, I Plea'" rl'>lo. for ~i r '- II,,\'. ,..I I I I( II I l \t I' PI Itllt. IJOwl Klt( h('1l With MJllRu INSl'l..ATlnN Kdlliv Wl"/Lk for mor!' dpl,lIl,> bn'akf,I,1 ,(rf',l L.u /0(1 for II (I ~ ;r y t., I, 1 ", I~~q I n t,Pl t' 1ft .tl'") Cf'lllury :ll ('on.,olltla!(-d ~nt'f' IMe mal dllllnj{ room f.ll1l1Jv r< '" I '" Kill 9',(11) Wonderful family )fome ------room 1)\ 1f11( room 1I.llh V( II ,fll( I r ~""p Wdflll'c1 p(" Ill( I(i i1nd (.-II TIT",,1 0( pll\ Int( 'lk~ I ,l('\('( (,J{(J~"Jo: POI'WI-: ('iI~ 77iI Fllln,J( f' [. HI h()u~..., from the Jake In Gro<><;c POlnt(. '>hore, 4 n"tural flll'rIMI' Idt)('I' WI I( l}fI,I'(j ~ or Ifllorrnd!IOfl (rill Mary I~ f\Jf'1 hili." \ ..k for b~drl)()m., 1', balh" !l86-4';';1 ( artll ux (hd rrTllnl! old,"r 2 ,fill! hol v"lt('r 11f',lh'r nl'w ltur ~'1ortfol"" (l( nomf'!oo hf-droom doll hou,l' "'.ilk If) lJ1 1'1&1 n'('rl',l t Iltn rOflln I' 891-7188 ....1111eurrl'nl fUf'1 hill ..( IlfJ()h ,hoppll1g bu, I,n( IMtI~, lOon' $'12 ',(XJ l:J.') l')~'l '"' IIll' Comfor1 fnr 1111 or (.'1111 .IIlf'r r, p m Pr,l ('<1 rrght for '1u Il k .."II aw, ,C'((~lln, t:l', !,'t"dC"ral $(,0 'j(jI(l Lancl ('on Iroll! "Ith (11'1',"1 "I ....f)i\ Y 2 " We 1I(\In your ad rax l'.t"11l VI') .'1 on\,d "('I1II'd \ ,i1 d t II ,. I A82.6900 l -1'lJCO~I-: "jttj}.j:;lrI Jt"~ I'I,J( I 11'..... fllrllol( I III 11,( I (,re",.,f' Pom!I' I'"rk $'. (~~I 1"of I \1 ill lln\ I' \1'( II; ----xl ;lOC-CHIMNEY AND 2OC-.CHIMNEY AND clown Land ( on!r,H I (,ood n'I'''I! ',II 1100 ,/I f,',,'. FIREPLACE FIREPLACE ( a~h no,> nt kill'" !>d h ~flIt '>AI.I'. I,r r op (I'nl r,d ,fll ~,I" ~nlJ $lh "oIl [If)1l .... 11 C' '. 1 In' omt !'..II> I 1111 f1i,4f. 1'1,:,,1>01.1'\0 -, ( 1II\l'\~ '\ -,( H~ ~ '\ W"rn nil /IlIN J In1'1' J(f'nh "'f (LAtH C,IIOHl'" t !2:, jf)\l.('r $C,c'1 upr)('r lh .....l'r ". H\ J( to WATERFRONT SHOWPLACE H!':f rlt!',M",~ I/:"'J 1,ln 1',11 (i":1' HI-. \In H)H ..,I'HII\'(," ullllltvail.JfIII' ,Junl' 1"I (tlr Truly outstAndll'li ho~ /Ill /lmerlltJf''' W~ df"ep !10M!' III 11l~ ~Olll h"ll,t, With pt"tlnjl drdpt'S, dppJIt«nl t'<; , T....cj t)( droorn hrlt ~ Jl.II\( II lip Iu I ew1i' IIld elMI dOle to like Prl~ f'XecutlVI' area 3 1Jf!d w",hcr rtrvf'r (In'I,I,,( I' wIlh J"rl(l' (olllllr) kit, 111'11 kel'l' \IIl\lo.tlllc'<1 rooms 21A1blUli, dreAm kltchfon huge family room, dldrm I»~ll'm \".11 dpply nt«luraJ Iin jll,J( f' l.Vl'r) ,'lIlmHI, 0111 wet ~ MuteT' bedroom tUIte, sunkell tub Jo'ull j(J()% of rf'nl to\\ltrd .,IlJ( f()(,m n'd(,( tJrt«lc.d willi 11' l"ln:l-: ";:-'I'IMi\Tto;~ buement Docka,e for larie bolt Call 11Le of $'l'S,c)(!, _fIIl2 71~_ tI~ y('", MoVl' III {omll! Ion AAt2,m GIL Wlm;N8ERG fo'(JR PRIVATE THRJo;"; Rf.;DROOM tu.,me, 2 ('xtrlUl OfJ('f1 ~lIlurdllY oInd APPOrNTMENT SHOWING car JArage, alumInum, new ~und",y or by Itp(X)lnlm('nl .SAVE $5 WITH THIS AD. c::J CENTURV 21, AVID 778-8100 roo( 5t ,lohn 11643449 77& 466(j --~-~~-~------••-. --_ ... IIIIlO_-••-- __ - - O_ ...- .._._.

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Th~~y, April19,1984

21F-HOIIE 21F-HOIE 21F HOlE 21G-ROOANG 21 G ROOFWiIG 21-1-PAINT1NG., MI'RO¥BENT ~ "'AQYEIIEHT SERVICE SERVICE DECORATING All CARPENTRY T.J. JESNtG CO. M t.: SCHt"STER CO INTEREST FREE HADLEY HOME ROC>FING PAINTERS Repalrs and retooling PorcI!Ies . IBlerior'Extenor ResaderJtiaI , Com.m«aal THE HOUSE MECHA.'\lC FINANCING IMPROVEMENT SERVED EUROPEAN a-u-s.PaiDbD&.Etc • K1tcbeDs • Baths HOME REPAIRS Aluminum trIm and gut. .'.PPRE?Ii'TlCESHIP FREE ESTDIATEs - .Carpeotz; J P SIMO" INC. tl'rS Father JOO Sons Inten«-Extenor ~ • AddJtlODS 6; Dormers CO~[PLETE UCESSED • Sldmtl 6; W~"S - Pamung Bl'ILDIXG CO Bob Isham Dale Isham 10 replunng damaged plas• 5Z7~70 1-468-5099 • • Ymor Plumbmg • CCIJ'.plele Heme .lrnpro\~ ROOFl'C SER\'ICE ~0666 ter dr) ."all and cracks, 8asemeDts - Minor E.lecll1cal • ~ Estimates CmL\tERCIAL &. FREE ESTIMATES peeImg paml, "mdow pulty- CRAFTED RES IDE 'iIAL mg and caulkmg. ,,'&llpaper. JCW4NA WESTERN • All k1ncb d. Carpentr) Work 886-8035 EXPERT REPAIRS - Kltcllens Tear~ff Ing All" orit and malenal WADE'S ELECTRIC UCE~SED A..'\DISSl'RED E-\STU.'I,D Reshmgle GUTIERS WINDON SHADES XDiEROCS REFERE~CES - Rec Rooms guaranl~ Reasonable CO.ANY. PAoHT ...... -E~ 8u~ • Bathrooms -\Ll \Ii'l"\i Hot Tar ROOFING Semor citIzens discount FOR FREE ESTLMATES Roll Rooting • Addluons PRoDlCTS Grosse Po1Ote references INCORPORATED S~OR4W 000t'.g L'"L'"'1 rooitng :-t:'.:lm!e:,." FAST 24 HOUR n4-4405 Gutter::. 774-9651 anyume, 776.9439 RE-'!ODELl:\G gu:ter~ "torm ooor" ,-nd ------~------~ODER.'IL-\TrO" Repairs SERVICE ~nKE S '041000 ....s r otlllr:gs alJ.ffi! Ul en.."€d a nd 1m,ured JOHN 0 SIMON BUCHANAN & CO ill.. \\ORK PER.S{)~ALL y n.l:n ,nutte~ pcr.::h endo::> .... 9500 GRA'TOP Roolmg ana Repair PERFORMED S8&{l51\.1 77S 1O~ - 'i7 3-e386 GROSSE POlf'OTERS Sl'.J:-tgles and Flat Roofs ure:, Frfe t0U"'N.b e:,tl RoofIn~ raulklll~ ~fIKE SCHtSTER 8824J2S PROFESSIu\AL gutter ~er" SER\"I:'-.G THE POI!".TES COlVILLE SALES AND SERVICE Glome!> and Sll:lmgs Mat"" \\ ""tr,t'r'trlpp,pg Repair' 150 11 KEAOtEV A1. FREE .E::ll'I\l-\ TES \ Ice S!dmg and tf!m rouf SI'\CE 1972 \\ IJ)OO;I, RfoplaC'ements and ,1'Ple ~"v.\f(\0m UC£.\SED l\SL'RED ELECTRIC CO. EASt O! LICE.'\SED &. I'Sl."RED repaIrs Rea~vnJ. ble • \\' all paper aNi re-mo\'a1 ".£'" • ...~ p.,.. Homes IIp to ~ ~215 H.::r-~r ------Ranges, Dr) ers ~n lces TU 5-6000 Rehab!~ I do 1m 0...l' \\ ork • Pamtlng IIn1 and Ext ) l~ \ear., In the Pomte::. S C '" :-4-J..~J -\LL ROOFS K-edamage f)al Doorbells C~""or~\f"! LICE\SED &. hseRED r(){)fs "hmgles gutters • Staml1lg and \'armslung .'11.. e 88:"! 51~ \!llce 775-~ HADLEY HOME • Pla:,ter rep..:ur \10L"'TIO~S IMPROVEMENT K BUILDING CO. JOHN WILLIAMS staron "Hndo"" S lJlsulatJOn FAST E}tERGE.~CY • Te\.turt' C'elbng" and ",..lis INC DC KEUY BllLDER 385 5l:iU Llc<.'r.:>t'd rEG Roofing SER\ ICE KITCHEN DESIGN SPECIALIST I [ree <>stlmate:- 757 72J2 UCE~SED I\;S~RED COMPLETE RE\iODELl'G - Q.Jaht~ RemodelJng 886-4374 774-9110 COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE . SER\ ICE - -\J"lderson Replacement PROFESSlu'l, -\L C.>rpet and -\UE' FREIV,ALD ESE ~LBA KJ{crd"~ Baths \\ ,n~o~5 ~ l~rs ROOFS and DECKS uphubte-r} at rea Gl TIERS and QUALITY 1.lcmsea elect."lCal -\ddlll()lb Porcr16 • -\ddhlons Ol aU typoes ~o!1ablf rate:> usmg the \'on GROSSE POINTE DOW.'\SPOCTS WJ:i-;,1:>.:> ~~&ii.~-"" isis';::-,;S4t>,j '\elo\ ;i11d Hep.ur Work Cl STOM PAl:\'TING AND Gutler, Do'" r. Spovts LlCE:'\SED .!. I\Sl F.ED WALLPAPERING .-£LECTRICAL 'A Lnllg aDd RILEY & DUFFY CONSTRUCTION I.Jcensed ,md Insured GUTIER AD\ A.\CE MAI:\ TE.'\A ..'\CE EXPERT ANTIQl:ING repms - ~ '1OlatJons COMPLETE HU~LE R£~IODELI\;G o~_~m ~md~"':- ~ -\LDll\Ul \ l:\iL ,Idwg 17:319 East Warren CLEANING corrected - pernuts - low Ucr'SED I'\Sl RED nu:'-:,mg m.'lg.e,d'~g__f and tnm gutters ,torm 885-8155 ""um,nu SI u' .. au d d BM.9512 ~ prices - IJCensed - Ron SPEcr-\UZIXG 1.'\ \10LUIO' \\ORK . Gutter Clednlng ....In 0\\" oor:s a\\ mng, SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES . Dann - 881-C'i-lt or 881-8515 Gl-\RA.'TEED ro PASS !:\SPEL'TIO' F R rs of all kmd" shutters roollng roof,ng 774.9651 INSlRED -7 days eneb ~Ind I~"'ur-" H'nts Free e:,t:mates Joe ~!Ichael Satmarj Jr 842 "170 AFTER 6"30 885-5!&? lce~"""aL ,~<:U 886->1$6 ALL ROOF LEAKS METRO ELECTRIC ...... ~llilh 8lil6-U5.2l) ------21H-CARPET Laceosed I.: Insured STOPPED CLEANING GIOVA~"NI SACCO DOUGLAS SHAW DECORATING SERVICE . AD types ei ElectncaI Yi on WOOD HmiE RE\U\ -\TIOX ResidentIal. Com.rnerclal FREE E.STnl~ TES Pamtmg, ",allpapenng staID- V"taocI CorTected Quallt) FHushed Carpen~n PROFE~OXALCARPET UPHOLSTERY CLEA.\'mG mg. \l, all paper removal AlC Meten ,.- RUDDER CONSTRUCTION- -Complete Kltch€ns . wcensed • Guaranteed at REASO~ABLE RATES patchmg, cauJtmg Insured Free Estunates rIESICEHTW. - C~ DECKS -Llbranes • -\ddlt.lOflS DO \\ORK :\fYSELF & * and * :'\.-\T Hl ''T We use \'on Schrader> dry and licensed !lahan Jour" ~ ~fi, ':0'~5TR'_C'C*. ','OJE~A."JI'. PEPA."S 'Dormers .Custom Bwlt ....- foam extractIon eqwpment neyman ~~:::A'•-f f>JJ- - C -.,f Y It t.At 754.2180 COMPLETE eIectnca.l ser- Decks • RepaIrs of all I(mds • Deep Soli Removal 2I64-75i'9 Yice.. .NoJOb too liID&D t.o ban- 884-7410 *GAZEBOS * 885-5253 T J GlTIER SER\ ICE • Fast Dr}1Dg t:y . die. 1~ dl5COUDt to semor BART LEVi IS REPLKE\[E\;T - ',l,.nduv.s Ifhtal!ed. Cleant.'d - Repatred • Lea\e5 no reSOilIng restdue WHITEY'S : ~ 24 bouremerg~ Ongtnal Designs and doors Steel doors ....ood Spnng Cleanme. Sl)f'<"lill • Ortental Rugs COO\'eDlenUy • Wall Papermg sernc:e. 757..f:'84 cleaned m ',our horne • Inlenor Pamtmg References I \lo Indo% s ',\lth exterior 10% DiSCOUNT :aE'l'lllED MASTER eIectn alwmnum clad .-\11enel"K\ Free EstlInate. For Free esumale call • Reasonable Pnces - cia. Lie •• !~ VICIIlabom 286-3503 effic:ent Ene~ Outlet Ioe -\II \\ Ol'k Guaranteed DlstlDcuve Carpet & • Good Work L"pboLstery Cleaners SetYi~ lnereased A1s P.S ..()kj patios broken 88HOOI Free EstImate CALL TED 823 1623 • Call - no JOb too small IIDaI1 jotl5 nJ~_ CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENTS 839-5155 774~0414 out and hauled away. MODERNIZATION SPRI\;G SPECL\LS Ask for Torn Barrese 30 YRS. EXPERTISE Don t cn a bout those leak> S • J ElECTRIC No Problem. DunenslOnal Butldmg ('{) KJt- SaUSfactlGn Guaranteed INTERIORS Dtrit-t.&al-Com~ - Garages - Roofmg cbens Sa ths Basements roofs aDd gutters \\ ell keeP BY DON & LYNN •• o\ddi tKlnS • Cement No Job Too Sman ..\ddlUOOS Licensed Rea. ~ou dr) Sa\e on an) sIze • Husband.Wlfe Team • SidIng J MODERNIZATION 115-293D - Dormers sonable 772-4176 roof. flats or shJngles - K-CARPET • Wallpapenng • KItchens • Pamtmg M. T CHARGOT rene\l, ed or repaired Call CLEANING • Pamtmg ElECTRICAL wort~. ba!ns- • Baths - Gutters 21 G-ROOFJNG 00\\ for speCial sa, mgs • Meticulous eel, iDsured dectncal corr- BUILDING CO. COMPANY LICENSED & I~CRED 1 PERSO:'oi -\LL Y DESIG!I'ED SERVICE 2~, • Insured tractor. 881-97'51 ('-\RPET • O\er 20 Years Expenence COMPANY j • Kitchen:. - ,!,Ules J. HAGAN SPECIAliSTS 21D-lV AND 468-8182 I • BaselNnts - Porch~ ... ROOFING .. RUOFL\;G SER\ lCE • Sleam Ell.tractlon 527-5560 RADIO REPAIR FREE ESTIll.o\ TES Gl"ARA!\TEED 'AORK t I' Bathroorm - Rec Rooms Re r..JOf. leaks repa:red. >\nt Res1dentlal a'ld commercial • SlIampoo ! Ou:cloot de..-k en'.lronmenls le- g'.Jarantt'C te<.>O:b ex \l:nor reD SPECiAl DIliIdt are RES'[)EIliT'Al , lrfIe. BGO C4ker 463-ZilS • Paperl:.aDgJDg COMPANY ShmgJes and Repairs 2 ROO:'llS cleaned:" 3rd room .Full Time not Part Tune PET PEIliS • Floor La}lDg Work Guaranteed cl~ned FREE .16 Years Expenence S~"- FENCE EI,.rt rll' rl"if'l. .1..0\1, Rates 21F~ • MInor Electncal Insured 88&-3245 D. CARPET ~ • MInor PlumbL'lg StJi.,w - siat. .Insured. Free eSllmates • Ref - tilt. CLEANING CO. Also offennjl custom pamt- • Oearung Rat rllts SHr\.\IPOO & st~m extrac- mg. Intenor and extenor BARKER H~ PAQUIN 719-5235 7l>'J!im CONfRACTORS • Home Improvement &: tIOn, spot &: stam removal. Mamtenanee wort. free estunates, lowest pnces STEVE'S PALVrING-- IIodei ttizabClD • AJU!ratJOnS • ,.tttr • IntenorJ Extenor ROOFING m the Pomtes In1enor &: ExterIor ....ddihOns _ Fa~ Rooms Citu.en DL"«JUnl All.In lamt ... • SenJor Patching &: Plastenng .1CJ1chem • ReereaUoo L'\Sl"RED 881-5999 SPECl-\L1ST~ I'\ 773--0525 UcIIs•• H. FL-\T ROOFS Wallpapenng, Wmdow Area.. SHORX::SIDE Carpet Clean. JAMES BARK£R FRANCISCO ilslr ••. LlCE\SED-I\SLRED Puttymg, caullung -.5OM Ing professional carpel Good work-Free .Es1unates CUSTOM BUILDERS 839-7534 clearnng Work guaranteed Reasonable PrIces LETO Bt.;ll..DING CO • Adcbhoos 371-6572 Full; Insured Free Est!. Sernor CitIzens 10% Off SINCE Ifll - Basement mates Call 7i5.3450. 24 Call Steve anytlme CUSTOII BlILDLl\iG • Kitchens hours • Complete coo::>trueuoo RILEY & DUFFY CONSTRUCTION LOOK - 30 )'ears expenence 365:5635 REMOOf'1.L-.c QUALITY PAINTING REC BOOMS Res u::leflttal &: SPECIAL steam clearung carpet and C(Jmmerclal SERVICE Kl1'CRENS 2 Free P.oot\enls Installed "'Il!l Even Complete SILngle Roof furmture B} Wilbur, Doug ID-322! Aroos I HUM€" \iodenuz ..t:rJf' LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR EQL.-\L TO TlfE BEST A. HAMPSON • Dn\e. ;ocal ((,f PAI:\II\G - mterJ()r~xteT WE STOP LEAKS GL.O\P...... lEED GlaZing, wood fimshmg, Highest qualll) Ul'AeJdentlal ~€".;;~ expeneocf; .\Jl ... rJfk pamt.r-I'( tJOtr, InterIOr and ~ £L.afa"teec fr("/' ~lm.o'e'- Stllngles • Flat • Slate • Shake • Gutters • SIding exu-nor pot mt Ir.g '" e Ll9' or; PaintIng ",\ ~ l' l, 1 1 \ "le-nt. 00 r72:w>l I~ the flTle-;l ma lerlals Yo to 1 822.0600 offer the t.e.t 1'1 prepara lloo ....allpaper \ - 1*) - Prompt free EstImates - tJE'kn: p..mfirlg [r, gat' long HangIng &: \ AD: /1r ir),-,- [.JECK" l re<.uJl<. Call B .:..T Hf'(,r) \1" fu:mo ~ FEATURING for d (n-i: f;"!lmat~ 839 5154 =,==~WOOD "IT( fjr:\~ or AA2.(f.{.di Pia~ter R.ep&IT"'> DUTCH IIADE • QUAKER MAID "l'\!Jf)'II.'- PO~lHf~o;, .'.tuuo & ((1\{\1F:kl' A,L Textur~ Availabie '" OM. Maple • Beech • Ash • Pecar, • CI;e-ry • I-1'C"c.~1 • Wa!n ...! kt:\l(JLJE.Ll \ (, CALL WALLPAPERING ~ _ _ deSIgn ser,....a> il"o'ailable T~ Bf,,,t Papr-rhanger ~~ ...... - 1.J1f.'~ED" I''''l kE.D A --- Jr, T(f".4n '" ood R.eflnlo;htng \' , ' GUY DeBOER HfJ Al Sf. >\LI. I IXJ I~ L ...Extentif' Book:ngs /lR.',.~,2~ -;-; ,..H~ ~~PRO" hA\G f'APr,H lJ "till d\"dablf> J'; 'r e"r" In the tll.L'> ( ;, IJ f{r),)for vour (zt;OFf kEY \1 Plf,lurK .-:-JP f'rofes' I(A"l\\ &: fn,SUJ ...... TI ...L PtE(»AI\~aAUSTS 1"\1\ f1\(, , II";UJkATI"'G "r~fi "l~AJ'" ~~~!if()_ PU-:.<.,l)\AL ( I STf)"'I " ....:R\ ICE _____;.!~~J£"''''' •• ,'; (./.NU(~'" " I lit 'u:dr, PX~I'o#' Ir L.r and f'r,'-H1 Ins.urM .. S""~~()lES ., ~J.'" '~~r'*'tI: • ( ...... oLtf ~ "":''''Ff'',~ .. • So. jI.."-E .. r~ .." '"'f&,tl"".. • (H~f"''''-, (l u ....,..n I __ CALL 468.8182 • ~, r . '~~Sr>';,.. ~(. • r:.H~~F"S "'.fP,l ~F:::; - ;t,"",;': ;~-~~:.; ..~:,; ::, ;;"-{I~'I';"-':'f -", Of;eM;OO+- B' ~~ .. r 'E~.~If" ....~,~~.J'O~.[ •• '~ .leek D..Totty f..'''''A I (0,," r.M 7(~ ...... 3. 1-.....- .....-.-.

Thutsday, April 19, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven.C 21-l-PAiNTING, 21K-WINDOW DECORATING 21o-cEMENT AND 21P-WA TERPROOFING 21S-CARPENTER 21X-DRAPERIES WASH!NG BRICK WORK 21Z-LANOSCAptNG 21l-LAHOSCAPtNQ FRANK B WILLrAMS, LI JACK WILLIAMS CUSTOM DRAPERIES WOOD REFINISHING RICH'S WINDOW ANDY'S MASONRY AND c('Iu,ed builder SpeclING CHIMNEY REPAIR WATERPROOFING In home Ull.d,doors "d 772{)532 * PROPER I\IETHODS OF ~ewn Discounts on rods, KItchen cabinets bathroom • PAINTING * truck pomtlng and small Jl1~lE.'d, l.J(lOk~hl'lve, IllStall LAWN & WATER PROOFI:'\G ONLY shades and blinds 978-2691 ROB'S LAWN SERVo UOItH.'S, ree family room 5.26-£300 JObs licensed, msured .BUCKLED BASEMENT cd, panellllg, ne\1 rounter Lawn Cullmg • Spring Clean. panehng. doors, tnm and 758-0020 Reasonable Frt'e estimates WALLS HEP.\I1Um, lop~. V.lllltl('~ CodE.' Viola CUSTOM Draperlel> - By SNOW moldings 881-{l5()5. 882 -3006 Up • Power Rakmg • Ferti. G ODUN STRAIGHTENr~D A:'\D 11011., corrected For COUI l\1Mlil Free I'sllmatel>. free LIcensed In"ured IJZlng • fo'ree Estimates \\I:-'OOW CLEANING BRICK, stOfl(', block, concrete, BRACED lcou<; C'pel t 1381 'm 2471. LANDSCAPING SEHVICE DA \'ID ROLE\\ ICZ \\ E ARf: I:-'SLRED * ALL T\ PES OF ('OJ\; BBI 0790 FREE 296 7386 7785025 CHAS F. JEFFREY .Sprmg ('lean up CRETE .\ND BHI('h. QUALITY C,1I IX'nll ~ .1lId For 21Z-LANOSCAPtNG .Po\\er Haklllg LAWN SERVICE l,\jERIOR and e,tenor p.lJnt 372-3022 MASON CONTRACTOR HEPAlH ml( ,I \\'or" ne\1 01 f('faced .Weeklj La\1 n M,lbo plrl(' Im\ II care Llc('n~erj Hemc)\ ,II CalltodUl('<1 , h,lIlg door, All _._r_('_f~_'I_el_ll_e_~_('._t1__I_H2_3__1_7_51_ much .\'ou can be !la\ mg I IMPROVEMENT o \\ I\'DO\\ CLEANING CO- .Tu,'1( Pomtlng ESTIM \'rESl .Call nllVofor ~pccl,1I dll>COlint Storms and scret>n~, alumi- .Pallas of any kind lep"lI, ,lIld f1ll1,h wOlk IG 0 LANDSCAPING I.H:cn~ed & Inl>ured I~TERIOR E:>.TERIOR \ C.II '('''pt.'IIl'J1Cr Fn'(' e,lt num and gutters cleaned, 885-0602 GREAT LAKES PAI:'\Tlr\G SPECI -\UST PORCHES AND ALL BRICK 111,11{'., Vito :-'dpleJ1ld 774 COMPANY free ('stlma le~ Lo\\ est WORK A SPECIALTY If no ,II1S\\ el call aft('r I 00 \\ E.'\\ III beat \ our lOll e"t H'1.1; • ~prlng ( lean l'p LANDSCAPING CO. pnces In the Pomtes CHi\RLES F JEFFHE\ 445.1617 reasonable bid b\ lO'1J 15'1J -.---- • Cutting 882-1800 FllH \lIe \ "pl'lI,IJ,,1 kllchen 1. 885-0502 Senior CUlz"n rdte 773-0525 11112 IllOO 1 • BaM'ment Wall'l"proollllg ,lIld iJ"lh lu,lolll eclbllleb • Il'u~(' rr Imming Gl TIERS LUIGI-F • Edglllg WOODLAND HILLS GHO\\I\'G - YOU\,(; PLl'\lBI'\G ELECTRIC-\L 21L-TILE • Underpm footmg:> He,holl,lbll' (,111 am tl'ne LO\I e.,l Pncel> Alollnd GHOU'WS MAINTENANCE LA'IDSCAPfo, CO CEMENT WORK • Crach.t:'d or Cd\cd III \1<111., LIl'('n,ed 'i'72 -l17b ' DRY\\ -\LL WORK • Free Io;l>ltm"te~ • J\ND LANOSCAPI~G WA,\ 1'S <. USTO~1fo;H,'l Good \\-ork on fight pflce • 10 :.ear guarante!' HE<"IIJENTI,\L CODE \\ORh. New and Rep,llf Work C\HPE:\THY ~mclIlJob.,on 7730,:;.25 - Spllllg 1'1l'''n ups CERAMIC TILE - Ne\l, and Licensed hhul"t'd 1\ Hf'40~t)n lhlp \n\ "llIHY'll Unu,...,...... 1.-"'''1 ('0\1 ~1ER('I o\L ~!:' CES UIl\ ~ gltl dg~ hdl:>IUg remode1l1lg Baths. kllchens num .,Idmg, tllm -guttcrl> HILLCREST - L~IIJl tu'lllng CO;\IPr.:1 [1'1\ l'. HAn;~ JOH~ - 885 ..0269 Walks • Steps. Porches • J.W. KLEINER and fOjers, shower pans Ilcl'n<;ed In,ured 777 8714 ~EHVICE co - Ferllhzlllg PAl\'1T\G A:-;O Free Form Patio, Basement Waterproofing 527-8073 884-8426 repaired Call Rick at J..lIldl>Cdplng & La\\ n/c.mall prullJng Industnal-Commercial Tuck Pomlmg, &. Chimney removal TU2 5~1).j TO\'\' S ASCOT Tile _ !J!ge Job" 32 }E.'ars ex ~Pll1lg Clean lip... - Weedlllg and cultlvatmg Re.ldfntlal Free Estimates Basement WaterprooflOg LICEXSED pencnce fo'ree e~tlmate5 its 2266 Bathroom. kitchen La \I' n 1\1<111\tena nce - Seedlllg and soddlllg LAWN M.llntenance - 'I'our 882 2118 3891774 Free Estimates LlcelN'u 5:!7 6{i;)b floors and counter tops Free TU 2-0717 PO\I Cl Haklllg - Plantlllg flo\\er~. trees, lawn net.'pnng dean for medIUm SI15large Call Free Estllndle~ Rel>ldentlal d ~E\\ Ims A:\)) DR"\I!'.:' LA:'oJDSCAPING CO LANDSCAPING ;Soddmg PAINTIlIi'G, ~all \\ashlng C &. J ASPHALT TONY 885-0612 All \\lork GUdrdnlecd Lltl'nsed & [nsul cd • Spring Clean.Up Lcl~ n Customers Will Get Paving Inc BOILEH ~PECI \LJ~d'S Elmer T LaBadie 882.2064 RYAN 88-l71J9 296 ..2215 • Fertlhzlllg Same Good Job As James Commercial parking lots, • POI~er Haklllg Tree ServJce & FIrewood INTERIOR o\ND exterior "PHI\'I\.I FH HEP \IHS HESIDENTIAL repaIr. sealcoatmg and CONSTRUCTION R.A. CODDENS &. COMMERCIAL • \\'"c"l) Ld\1 n Care CUl>tomers pamtmg and paperhangmg stripping ReSidential Cement and Block Work ESTABLISHED 192-1 • Top SOlI Reasonable rates 30 jears LANDSCAPI:-':G 791.4338 725.4598 driveways 0" ner /Super. Dnves - Pallas - Floors All types of ba~ement \Iater Sad. :>hrub I'emoval & rcpllln. • Soddlllg expenence Ray Barnow vIsor Free estimates 885-7711 Seawalls - Decks prooflOg 7 years guarantee tlllg {<'ull-slzed II ees FREE: ESTIMATES sky 372 2392 after 6 p m CALL ANYTIME ,181I\.Ei{CHE\\1 F\I{\IS Garages built or raised References 886 ..5565 pldnte SOD ~lI1rt' 1'125 839-7033 365.7129 PAINTING-Interior/ex 773-a087 Free Estimates. ProfessIOnal - Free Esllmates GREEN THUMB K('lth DG 210-CEMENT AND 881-1016 21Q-PLASTER SERVICE 10'\) Off \\ Itn Ad dent seekmg summer I'm (Son of EnHI) Complete resldenllal Intenor, extenor, wallpaper .. BRICK WORK WORK HOWARDS ployment Free EstImate mg, mmor repaU'S. patching, J.W. KLEINER 882-0029 mal ntenance • Cullmg Ver)' reasonable Charlie plastenng Free estimates HAROLD CEMENT CONTRAerOR SUPERIOR PLASTERING TREE SERVICE B8HOO3 CEMENT - BRICK. STONE AND PAINTING COMPANY All Plumbmg Hepa:rs Ne\\ • L\(IUld Fertilizer • tll.'(? I emovnl Reasonable and honest CHAUVIN GENERAL Landscaping - References Call any tune Patios, walks. porches, Cement Slucco Repair FI'I,turel>, Watel If~aters, • Shrub Tnmming • slump removal CEMENT CONTRAl"TOR steps, drl veways • Gardemng Lawn cutting, CUltlvlltll1g. Eurypean 777-8081 PlaslefllJg and dr)-walJ re Dls»osa 1<;,\'lOlcltIOlll> .trmllllll1g ALL TYPE OR Flagstone repair • Spnng Clean.up weedmg plaOllllg. shrubbel') paIr Intenor and extenol Corrected, SC\\'E.'rs and .loPPlIlg QUALITY INTERIOR pamt. CEMENT WORK Tuck polOtlng, patchlOg • PO\\ er Rak mg trlmmmg JO j'ears expel" pall1tll1g Guarantet:'d \l,llrk OJ ams Eleclrlcallv ('Ie.tIled • c,lbhng mg. wallpapenng, carpentry • Walks • Drives. Porches Asphalt patching and sealing • Fully In.ured- lence 751-7117 Insured Call Tom -865-6991 :\11 \\Jork Guaranteed • ,torm damage and repair Experienced. - PatIOs • Waterproofing FHEE ESTH\lATES • Stale LICensed Full:. 1I1<;lIred fl ee e,tlmrltes reasonable. Insured • Pre-cast Steps SPECIALIZING IN LANDSCAPE QUALITY Plastenng" crack~ 781-4667 Seaver's, 882-0000 • TuCK Pomtlng SMALL JOBS DAN ROEMER 758-6949 • ChImney RepaIr FREE ESTIMATES eliminated Tailored re LAWN SERVICE. lawn cut, GARDENING PAINTING. mtenor and ex- PLUMBING ------Design, construction. pantuli, No job too small LICENSED pairs 30 years Gro~se LICENSED tlOg Sprmg clean-up. gar. MAC'S tenor. wallpaper. paneling, Pomte refe rences Free PRUNrNG, mallltenance. Free Estlmates l\IASTEH PLUMBER demng. B yedrs experience, p1astenng, textured cel1mg TU 2-0717 estimates, Jim Black""el1 SPRING CLEAN.UP Grosse POinte reSident 779-8427 886-0899 FULL I~SUI{ED low Iates Semor CIllzen dls, Complete yard work. lawn Reasonable LIcensed 772- 22 Years Expenence 821-7051. II no answer. 294 counts CaJl884.7186 for free . INSURED 4176 R.L. STREMERSCH 0034- 772-2614 shrub and tree tnmmll1g , ROBERT NEVEUX 884-0536 - Llcensed- CEMENT CONTRACTOR estimate etc Reasonable rates, qual. SUNRISE PAINTING Cement PALMER PLASTERING and Ity servIce Call Tom 77t). SUMMER U\l, n cutllll{(. pow- A.R. CODDENS Driveways dry\~all, 20 years ex. TONY AND DECORATING The Mal>ter PllImbE.'r Need youl la\l, n cut thl!! 4429or882.0195 er raking. :>hrub work and CEMENT Patios peflenoe No Job too small summer or spnng gardemng Quality \II ark at PalOtll1g - wallpapering, I ~1Il of E 11111) DAN'S Brickwork Free estimates, reasonable dean up to grt st .. rted? reallOOable pTices fo'ree esti- , plaster repair Fully msured CONTRACTOR Basement WaterprooflOg \0 Joll 100 .,m,11I N('\\ and LAWN &. GARDEN Family Busmess for 55 years All work warranteed, Call Rob mates 775-1733 dfter 6 p m 526-7494 or 245-9263 Steps rep.1JI', \ 101.ltIOll'i MAINTENANCE • 1'\ew and repaIr work 792-2736 Tuck POlntlllR .l!l.I.l18) 8868629 QUALITY DECORATING • No job loo small PLASTERING And Dr>'waJl ------.SPRlNG CLEAN.UP LAWN SERVICE I!IllERIOR/EXTERIOR No job too small * POWER RAKING FREE ESTIMATES • Dnvl"Ways and porches Free Estimates repaIrs TextUring and 808 QUBE Painting - Wallpapering our speclaht~ stucco Insured Pele PLUMBING ,lI1d HEATING .. TRIMMING GROSSE POIl'.'TE STUDENTS Staining • Varmshlng • Patios SPECIALIZING IN Taormina, 469-2967 I.'l"en,,'d M,\.,ler Plumber READ NO FURTHER! 776.1858 Patchmg • Repall"S • Chlmnejs ~EWEH eLF. \NING, DON'T GAMBLE WITH YOUR I DO ALL WORK DRIVEWAYS AND PLASTERING and dr) \Iall, TONY RICK Wmdow Glazmg • Caulkmg • Waterproofmg ~PIW\ KLEH Hr;p \IH, fo:TC ..\IY~ELF References Free Esllmales BASEMENT textured celhng, painting LAWN MAINTENANCE. 886.6892 882~5160 - ViolatIOns repaired (,ro."l' POlJlte W()(){I., DEPENDABLE college stu. CALL BILL AT 526..9664 CALL A~Y TIME Ilallpapermg,{'hng Call WATERPROOFING anytIme Licensed 7724176 ll86 11l'Ji FOR THE BEST SERVICE, dent to cater to ~Ilyour land- TRIMMING. rl"moval. "pray. QCALITY I "1TERIOR/EX. 884-7139 scapll1g needs I have my 109, (t"edlllt! and :>lump re- TERIOR pamtmg, y,allpa 886-5565 PLASTERING and Dryv. all PLUMBING REPAIRS YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY own equipment and 6 years moval Free E:>umall,s penng, carpentry and re REA & SON NeJI SqUirE.''' 757 f!772 MORE. experience In the Grosse Complett' tref' :.ef\'I<'e Call CEMENT WORK CONSTRUCTION INC & pair Expenenced reason POinte areri I offer a nexI' FIe-mint{ 'fret' StarVll'l'. 774 able 1I1sured Seaver s, Speclahzmg In ALL TYPES OF 21 R-FURNITURE SEWEH CLEANING 6460 _ • PORCHES Hea~onabh' J{ate~ For All SEE OUR AD ON PAGE C1. ble qualltj :>ervlce al an af 882-0000 CEMENT WORK REPAIR fordable price For free • STEPS Mike Poller - LIC Garages and ModermzatlOn ChTls • PATIOS FUR1'IITlJRE HIo;STORI;-..'G 8l\.2 1558 JIM BERN$, INe. e.,tlmate l'all at SUPERIOR MICHAEL'S Licensed and Insured 11840479 .n;CK POINTING Over 30 Years Experience Hand ~Iflppmg rl'fJI1I.,lllng EXTERIORS 2AINTING & Free EstImates and repalr5 of ~ood('n fur DECKARD 885-4725 EAHLY L \NDSCAPING - For The He:>t ()ul:)lde r.1ft' .\t REFINISHING 3lJ Years Experlencp. 372-7191 772-7191 OIturc 20, I'dI', ('xpI'rH'nce .prlllg delll1 lip:>, gllrdtm/ PLUMBING CO Re Tiseo AUglstlOO Free Pllk up ,tnd d('lI\en • Il,.Ollllom, Hl'moc1{'Jcd f1ov,pr bftl plepcrallon, fer. ('It'an up, Hnck Patlft> Sod Pamtmg JACK WILLIAMS 8.193063 tlhlJllg F: \pc.'raencl-d St!a 772-3731 • \ IIlI,1I lOll' 1 orl!'r Il'd dtna, Shrub Nemll\al <1nd GENERAL CONTRACTOR H' dnllqum~ clnd \drnl,hmg BOll'~ UPHOL.<,TERY .!'),\" • \11 I ill{'., of In,I.1Jl,,1I011" r~ llIl2-OOOO UledI hmg .DRIVEWA YS.PORCHES • FII'I' {'.,tJln,.l(', referenc('.s Hour, - 9 to 'I, .. DeclduOWi OrnamenUlIs . Fr('(' E'ltlmate'i - 885-1230 CONSTRUCTION .PATIOS-STEPS.ETe • \11 \\ork GlldlJlltced .C--em!'nt dm es, nOOrl>, patlfJ!, Monday thru Saturd,l\' I. I L' "T TRElt: St-nlt"N, aboo compk-tt' ------88.5-{)6()2 \1\ "'I ER LH 1:\"trHIo:l> p Cmu App ("lo."rUh reoes la ....n lien I~" Excellent • Old garages ra~ and 7i2912G, Bob Mt Vey . PAINTI~G "'llllpa~,erJng JACK WILLIMfS "1 EVE BW,If,l1l6 • Lllcu~t:> 1111 thornes, elc mt'rt"ll(-":' JnsuredILH..'t'!\S- renev.ed WI' know ho to trim your «l 19.'J-(1.453 and wlllJ wd,hll1g ~erllor GENERAL CONTRAerOR FU!tNlTlfRE reflm,hl-d r(' * CJtlzen dl'lcount 884 • '\ew gardge doors and tr('('s. no", 's tilt- time ._ CONCRE-IE & BRICK WORK paired. ,Inpped <111\ lyJl<' of DRAIN SERVICE 1175. Kdlh)- /71-9589 refrdmlng caning Fn'(' ("tlmah', • DRIVfo:WA YS • PORCHES 7 DAYS THREE C'S GRASSCt:TTI~G rt>rllllllllg. • ~eVo garage.s built 474-8953 or W,61511 • PATIOS • STfo;P~ • ETC LANDSCAPING pm4t'r rollll~ ~1h«tchll1g 'lOt :'.G'S fo'amlly operaled ,Ince )962 531-9671 Bowan 1..lInd:il'.pln~ 7ilI PAIt'.rr ....G SEHVICE Llct'n-.ed and Inr-ured 1l8,).Q602 f:XI'F'RT AN11lJtJE f('1l<1JI', 757-5339 ~ _ rcflOl<;hHll( r(' gluc Ing 'By 21 U-JANITOR Quality Pamtlng & Wallpaper 774-3020 772-1771 SHICK WORK Small lob" mg PJal>ter & Dryv. ...J] tuck pomhn~, chimney por Tonv ~ertlth ')21 l'l'Jl\ SERVICE Repair Referenl-es Free che, vloJlltlCJn, rE>palr(,d MELDRUM & SONS LANDSCAPING MIKE GEISER 21 S-CARPENTER 01, I II E (1t',I/IIIl~ dour h} Estimates Insuret1 ~I'HIN(, CL!.:t\NUP AI FEHTII.IZING R.edl>~n~ble _~_5515 _ (,10'" l'OlOh' POlll('JIldn Call an).ttmf' CEMENT ALl EH/\'lllJ\'" \foll,', fI! ,)1\(1 .... Ih. C'x(l'llc'nt • ~'t'(hn~ • ~l(1(111\tl. • PlolnlJn!! • Pallt». Jim Young 02 4165 CONTRACTOR TESOLIN BROS. 1,111011 ,III Inllldlng r,l' 01, nltll'III(', !all 11171 MICHIGAN TREE LoW MONTlIl.Y RATIo:S ('(iMPLF:TI. PAI\TI!l.G WATERPROOFING CEMENT CONT I oll~h 10 flllhh HI ,Ii III ,dl" SPECIALISTS A:-'[) IWI'Of ....h..Jllrl~ ,111'1 HI'llwI j[ I ~ dllpdpl'fJrli( - HI" .."ndbl" (oollngs, poltlO' r,Jllng Tl'( K POI"1TJNG • "rH'1 I,d .!')(~, 'pnn~ dl' rWr I- ftE\( 1-.... F'f('f' 885-4624 772-3446 ...0 J(JB TlJIJ "'MALL Karag(',; ",lunatI'''. <'1.;\ \1" I HI "" 11oJh. \H'cI 10\1111 HAl-PH rWTH !l8I>~~ 44 ' Yf':Jr'l In Hlk'lnel-.I-. dill'" "II'rntJOn, family. ALBERT 0 THOMAS * .'I t!Olrl ,'nll'l 1l"llly .,l'r FREE ESTIMATES 777 (.1642 or 777 -f,2Il1 tll I'''~m,''(, f1/-( homt. d"('lIr 21J-WALL \111' INC J<.Xpl'IIIIH I'd r('[('r!'nlr!>, 881.6000 D &: L MA<;(JN (ontr,wlor, WASHING 10 ....IH,\'.!OI!<, 1'1 (r< .111\1 Illli ~,I,) iI Illd~no~l~ .1nr! 1,1111)- brick Mid blcxk fu('r,I,wr Ill'"lnll lit CALANDRA WI' an f:"Il'1 Ii I 'JlIII "'0' ~ K MAI\1E'\A ....( fo. 1 (Imp;,n.\' and Il'b,1l1 7i4ltl'J'l2 '">\1,\11 \II'r.llllll~ f(lJ,h)"I", Or;(' ",II I,k" "II or ,,~ • HII,h Hid ht'fljo(' .,1l, 'J 1.'1 '!r.ll!(ht"llllljo( ,111<1 .. 00 V.d~lfJh I- 1'1'(" lunalt" (or', ( 1'(111\11' 1',1: k • (",r,'~l' r",',n~ &< fr.HTlJ~ pro/,I'III' I,rgl '" liI,,11 \111,'" ~ I,lrt' flJ', I ' ~O. CB2-0688 .1 • rrll'nl Ilrl\' v. .. I' CAPIZZO CONST. ...<'I'~ 1 IAI. ()~" ".Il .. • I'or< ~ Ill' k p,,,nlln~ TU 2-0628 \01\ IlIrou;.:h "'pll'llo( llJt\ol Kt.t (,f{()"'~F: POr;"Tfo: fireman HA.'l"':M F,II,! --~-_.._-- .. \I'LHI AII"f/ltltlf\, "Ill'l'll} • ~IJ"III., Irl md'I'lldl :,nd ItJ/('I;JTl HI', i\ 'IJ/) kll' )lI'[( profl"'Il/n,11 I{I'/('n'nt ("\ f. ,'I' cJ,.< 011111\ I' nUl ~t'rv Wlll do ""all Wd ~hJnI( 82) WAn:RPJWOfo'IM, "'(Irkfll,JlI~hIIJ (.ttmwt~ l \1,1 om III.Jlll IhH,;! (II"" ~ It h I'IH'h ....Mk 29.,( 1)1l ..."; HI(,1f1 (,ro'"c' l"lInl" W()'J(ls I " I II'I"f1 & In~lJtl'fJ IIIYI-:AR(,UAHANTU. ,olirl tinrd" I,od' )(, II r Hili fHl'1 III dc'r K('f'p' ....'.,.'1'1 1'011 Irolh'd ,I $t>X \',111.1(" 21K-WINOOW JOSEPH !.H t;r-.SJ<;I> 1!Il~lJH"'J) .'nl(' k.l'n ,JIUd. c.T, '(j""1 I JlU'1 1f,1 'row III hu III, nl J< III' F,lnll,II(', BOB SCHOMER WASHING TONY 885-0612 ,dl",IIlon' ,'lId " .....IIll( 468-7069 ( AHI' ...... r1'.H ""rk ".1(\' 1 )')~~ I'If/Hr,' "r/"fn, I/ul kllc hf'n" cf'll.flK~ rl'pnlr, f"Jr' -21T-PlUMIlNG AND RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 1/'[' ,duml (,I'rlf}{,d In I 1lII:l TN'. * 'u[('d r ['" r ',mdl, .... "IATING • TH" ,,: IU:MOVAI. • CAtlLlNG .. PRllNINO 882-0688 • ...nrM}' tU:MoVAL • STORM OAMAGE • rRI',"; TOI'PINfi • I.AND CLEARING H .. , r VI ,nd"" ,I. ,ir~ • 1'HIMMI~(, • ~NOW REMOVAL I~ c "rr~ I r \.,;If"nio, uph"l ANI)rRSEN l.,(~1) c Jf"6mnK 2nd (,(>~I" PLUMBING, SEWER CLEANING • 24 !fOUR t:MERGENCV WORK Lion '127 &1(,') t'rf'f' 1':,11 • FRta.: Io.:STIMATES SP.NIOR ('ITIZJ1.:N l>lSCOUNT m6tt' (,utlf'r (Ie ..nrnj.( hillrd I0IO Au.AJW wood nCj()f"'\ pa~t.e v.

to., " , GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 19, 1984


758-1800 $13,980 $11900 I.. See rJJ SAVE $4,000 SAVE'$3,000 WE LEASE ~ "IITON_ I GM VEHICLES P.n:nfanna designer of Such exot,c sports cars Relalrvely few Bertone sports cars are produced as Ferran and Jaguar now custom builds hiS own each year Handcrafted tn the coach works that classiC con ...ert'b!es And bUilds them very slow. once designed and bUIlt limited runs of such cars' ly In h s own coachworKS Tne time goes Into as Maseratl and Lamborghlnl. the Bertone sur- handstltCh,ng the fine Italian leather ,ntenor rounds you wrth Italian leather upholstery and lux- FmlSh1J'19the woodgrain dash and console ury appotntments Its racing heritage IS reflected ~EHANEY CheckIng al'ld tine lunmg each fuel Injected In the body s wedge shape. mid-mounted engme. engine The result IS exceptlonalluxury and a lot alloy wheels. and P,relh tires True sports car per- 01 perfor""ance In a claSSically styled convert'. formance plus open aIr touring DATSUN.NISSAN ble Simply beautiful 10 MILE ROAD AND ORAnOT Both cars are fully covered by some of the best limited warranties in 773-3100 the business, inclUding 7 years against rust perforation. While most aUYOR LEASE cars only promise quality, we deliver. ALL TRADES NEEDED! Test drive the sheer fun of driving, - STANDARD FEATURES - Availabfe now, only at this exclusive • Arr Cood1lotl1flg • AJ"M aooy wheels Bertone and Pininf.rina dealer. • ETR stereolcassene • r"es • p.1tf Ml1
