rosse Pointe ews 40 Pages VOL 45-No 16, Grosse POinte. Michigan Thursday. April 19. 1984 30 cents for YOUl" informatiClft • St. John Hospital grows, 1 " - :f\i'.~. part of $222 millionplan \ ~- I By Tom Greenwood health mdusll) \\ ould gro\1 .~ e<ll'(' umb B) Harriet :'\olall \ lughl) ~Ophll>tlcated emergcn Whelhel one prefer:> to u!>e the '\nd v. hill' II':> nupol t<lllt to ...llt (\ center. Iated al> one of the :ill A real pro 80s slang' ) ou" e come d long \~a) ceed fmancmlly. Il'~ ju<;t ,Il>11l1]l0l I major traum.1 eenter!> III the fla bab\" or the more dlglllhed pro ant to not lose touch \\ Ith thc peoplt' It's awfully tough to surpflse tlOn. Will be able to handle the en- Bill Rock. But that's whdt hap- \'erb "from htUe acorns big oak vou serve. !;dyS Wel>"elmdnll "Wt' trees gro\~," It'S eVIdent that :>ome don't want to lose the hUlll<ln qu,1! t\l'e ~pectrum of life thredtelllng pened recent!} In ChlC.ago when "'ltUdtlOll!> St Clall Health Cor thmg big IS gomg on at St John Ity " Rock was presented a plaque at POldtlon I!>wa Ilmg for an anl>\~ el the 15th annual Collectors A!>so HospItal. and on and on and on (\ 1.-l ....."'.,....... f""l .- ~ +1 ,. , ...... h"' ..."......... h.,..I •• f',h_", •• ro(~ clatlon conventIOn hononng him V'l\.. ''"VL _ .. I,--_\""I ~ -.i . 1")11.1. 1.11"- "" .. UL ""., "" ...,." '" ..... "In fiscal veal' 1983. our gloss \\hlle the hospital, !>eton17 3,ICll . to de\ clop an extended Cal e facIlI for hiS years a maglclan's mag- combmed operatmg re\ enue \\ as may appear to be the m<llll 10Cll . t) on the land fOl merly occupied by ICian $123 million." sa, s Glenn Wessel- It'S fast becommg onl) one 01 ,\uslm IIlgh School The acquI!>I' mann, vice presl<)ent and chief ex- several busme!>s component" run IJ) lion price for the land and bUlldmg!> Rock, who recently retlred ecutIve officeI' of St John On May the Sisters of St Joseph under the are $1 8 million and further SI. Clair Renal Center Is a 'amiliar place to patient a who have to rMke after workmg 34 )ears at Whit- 1 he \\ III succeed James T Farley name of St Clair Health development of a 200-bed nUr1:llOg thrice-weekly visits for dialysis StaN at the center allo mike referral. to tier Cleaners, was one of who WII! retlrt' al> pre!>ldent Corpora hon home \\ ould cost another $5 Hutzel Hospital for kidney transplants and teach pallents at home-dlalyai •. Amenca's premiere profes- ImlilOn. ~a~ ~ \\ el>!>elmann The $123 mllhon Wesselmann re The most Importanl ploJel!!> h'l sIOnal magicians. workll1g the the near future mclude seelllg lhl' :\ free ::.tandmg alllbulator~ fers to doesn't mclude $111 mIllion Ho!>pltal<; Il>bell1g formulated The '\\e \\anl to eaptur e referrals vaudeville boards with legends ne\\ bUlldlllg completed. foil 1)\\ ed :>urgery cltnlc IS bemg evaluated like Harry Houdll1l, Harry Thur the hospital received last year as a merger. under the banner Cnlted ,111<..1hold on to \\ here \H~ are." !>a)'S result 01 a bond sale to pay for the by modermzmg the pi esenl for use near the ho::,pltal and ston and Harry Blackstone hospital ~ateillte cenler~ will be needed for Health Svstems. WIll offer medical \\ e~...elmann "\\ e arc In the new constructIOn and renovatIOn !>ervlce . to corporatlOl1~ and bUl>Jllc!>",of health L'are "hlle hav- over a five-year penod people \~ho have to report for The 607-bed teaching hOSPlldl fdllo\~ -up programs after leavlllg busll1e~sel> fOI theu' cmplo) el> Ing Ihe hospItal rcmam \ labl~ " In those days, Bill would Will enJoy a total of 2bO 000 !>quare But. lookmg back to when St the Oxford In!>tltutc And keepmg the ho!lpltal \'Iable Ill' spend 40 to 50 weeks of the year feet of space when the new dddltlOn The ho"pllal abo plan::. to ext'l John opened ItS doors In the early eludes havlI1g a finanCial hand 111 all on the road entertammg 111 the IS completed No beds will be add Another future project, aceor- Clse ItS optIOn to buy lhe Pomte US. Canada and MeXICO No\\- 19505, who would have realized that dmg 10 We~selmann, IS Improvll1g Plaza ShoPPll1g Center at Seven phd:>e~ ot operatIOns the then gigantic sum of $2 mIllion ed, but the space prOVided Will adays he VISits friends and rela- the phy<;lcal faclltlles and I\tack Avenue JI1 ) !l8•. \t thl ... lime One of theM: bUSIOe5Ses IS the St that was raised \\ouldn't rate a allo\~ for the latest III technology tives ~nd attends numerous con- and prOVide for the care of crltlcal- resources at the newly acqUired We~!:>elmann say~ the plan I:> to Cldlr Henal Center. which grossed ventions like the recent one in raised eye-brow 111 today's mar- Harnson Hospital Also a venture continue maklllg It a VIable shopp- 19 million In operat1l1g revenue last ket? Who would have guessed to I) III mfant!>. children and adult1:l 1Il the WlI1dy City where he ~ave a new surgical sUItes and crltlcrll \\ Ith Beaumont ana Oakwood ing area (Continued on Pagt' 15.\1 45 mmute talk to magicians what glgantlc proportIOns the from around the world He got a standmg ovatIOn, too While he was there. he at- tended the White Sox's opemng Richard land game agamst the TIgers, which our boys handily \\ on When he got back home, he also attended their opener against the Texas Rangers. Once agam, we won lease okayed I wonder If Bill would IDlI1d traveling with the team to work By Susan McDonald thaI thl' nl'\1 lot \\ III be a boon Lo hiS magic all season long? ,Ion Gandelat l'llled fOl a \ote the 10\11.'1 end u{ the shopping Mondrl\ Illght Lind cnd( d Ill'dl h :JU ared ll!:> gl cat that they'n.' fi. Take me with yOU! ) eal... ()f negoll,lt IOn bel \\ e('n . Ihe IIdll) gomg ahead wnh this. 11115 SOald of Eduldtlol1 and Ul\ of ...huuld have ~n done a long lime CongratulatIOns are m order Glol>:>e POllltl' Farm3 0\'('1 a 'pal .lgll I\Il>ka said for Phoebe Weinberg, cel of pllmc KercheYdl land manager of Greatways Travel Corp in the Farms, as one of 15 The vote \l>'~ b.O in I~l\1ll Qi _ 11~i!1" aDd malkelabillt) travel agents 111 North Amenca leaSing the p<ll {:(>I In [10111 of MUdtes lJf lne'lnn area bav~ rei' lI1vlted to cel~Qrate the Richard Elementul'\' ~('hool tll th<> peatedl)' Jndlc<tle~ addltton~ malden voyage of the Sea God- F'Il'm!> \\ hll'h plan; to de\ elop a p,lI kll1)! IS nec<h.>d If rt.>tall bUSl- ~' : . k J I l th . Th' ne~lle~ .lIe to flOW'lSh The ~ dess I 111 Monte Carlo 14-~pac(' pal Il1g u el t: t: !>lllglt.>.It.'vl'l metered parking lot deCI!>I011 \\ a:. gl ectl'd \\ Ilh (he('I:> \1III !>er\'t.' the Central Llbl ar~ . 1\1s Wemberg was chosen b~ Fa! m!> coulltllm('n and bU:>1 hmel HIli and Punch and Jud) ne'>!> 0\1 nel ~ 011 the lilll \Ihu sa) 11 >. from more than 100.000 travel Ihe parkIng I!>bclulj nl'(>ded Some lL:atel agents to attend the lI1augural Richard p,lrl'llb 0ppol>l'd lhe d('lI festiVIties preSided over by her ~lOn l>a~Ulg It \\ III do I1lllhl11g 10 The land is DOW a PH\l>d pla~- Highness Prmcess Carohne IJencfll Ihell kId:> ground that IS lleldolll u~ed b, ...1udl'l1tl> becuu~e Illl hal d suti ac..e Gandelot called thl' qlll.'~llOlI I'" conl>ldelt>d dangl110ull accord- Ms Wemberg left 1\1oto\\n last PhQlO bl Tom GreenwOOd week and spent a special day m and forCl>d tIll' \otl' dlll'l 11l'(11) 1I1g to Richard PllI1t'lpal Dt. an hom !> dISl'lI~l>lOn of Ihe ll'.bl' llulI'(' Ba~co Monte Carlo before attending a Sunny silhouette led b, hl~ fellml hoC'll d l11l'mbel pnvate concert, followed by a Rog(,j MOUl ad l\101ll ad ab:.ldlllcd Possibly the only thing more beautiful than sunlight on Lake St. Clair Is the return of the giant ore carriers that '1 hl' FHI 1113 dnd ~l'hOtll boald candlehght supper at the Hotel flOm \ole ,lflel qllp~ Ihe IIII,d fll st Iwga 11 dl:-'l'u:-l>lng thl' pos. de Pans She was then sched- signals the welcomed return of spring. In a few more weeks. the warm weather will adorn the flowering Irees llOllIng ,II It'nglh 11ll' fllWllt 1.11 aloog Lakeshore Roed with millions of white, red and pink colored pelals In a perfect compliment 10 the watery ~Iblhly of bUlld1l1g ,1 pHi I-mg 101 in uled to return to earth. (read .l.,pel h ul Ihe !l'd~l' Detroit), on Monday. Apnl 16_ beauty prOVided by the lake. fI onl of HII.h,lrd ITl \hl.' I..\te 19JOS. In 1"lh,ll1ge flJl d 15-~ t'<l1 It'.I,>t. ,\ ht'n a l'llld :.\1 <lP bel \\ l'cn tht' I II II Ul11h of gon'l nnwllt \I as llXl' The Robb Report on Ihe land Ihp F.II 111'> h,I" <lgll'pd to Illdke ~5U OIJO \\ ollh of Iln "Idell'd '1he pi opt)~al \\ a~ leVI\ t'd III 1\178 'lild dgaJll t hl~ ) l'al \\ Iwn It's not often that a reporter The search begins pi ()\'l'nwnh 10 111l! pld\gl 1l11lld..
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