WELCOME TO RADSTEIN IMPRINT Baumwipfelpfad Steigerwald You can experience beautiful Steigerwald from Bayerische Staatsforsten AöR another perspective since March 2016. Radstein 2, 96157 Ebrach Telefon: +49(0)9553 989-80102 Conveniently located on B22 near Markt Ebrach Mail:
[email protected] in Upper Franconia, it is a great excursion in www.baumwipfelpfadsteigerwald.de any season. @Baumwipfelpfad.Steigerwald High up in the treetops, on a length of 1150 meters Direction to Steigerwald- our path made out of Douglas fir and larch wood @baumwipfelpfadsteigerwald zentrum TREETOP PATH STEIGERWALD exit deer winds through the Steigerwald, rich in deciduous park way IN FRANCONIA back hardwood - the trees within your grasp! OBSERVATION TOWER DIRECTIONS pathway Out centrepiece is a tower, 42 meters in height, entry cash-desk dining area allowing you truly impressive views over the administration Franconian Plateau and the surrounding Steiger- wald. Take a moment and let your eyes wander. The design of this sturdy construction with a Handthal maximum incline of 6% is also fully accessible to Neuses wheelchair users, baby strollers and rollators. Schlüsselfeld Neustadt an der Aisch This institution is funded by the State of Bavaria. OPEN YEAR-ROUND Nr. PEFC/0421031/024200000001 WHEELCHAIR ACCESS The Bayerische Staatsforsten are PEFC-certified. This flyer has been printed on PEFC-certified paper. FAMILY-FRIENDLY (PEFC/04-31-2017) Content and structure of this publication are protected by copyright. The repro- duction of information or data, especially the use of texts, partial text or graphic material, is subject to prior consent by the Bayerische Staatsforsten. EXPERIENCE NATURE & ANIMALS UP CLOSE RESTAURANT AT BAUMWIPFELPFAD OPENING HOURS AND FURTHER INFORMATION Our restaurant caters to all appetites, big or small: we serve you a range of freshly prepared regional and international meals.