T3 bus time schedule & line map

T3 Low Moor - Upper School View In Website Mode

The T3 bus line (Low Moor - Tong Upper School) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Low Moor <-> Westgate Hill: 7:00 AM (2) Westgate Hill <-> Low Moor: 2:25 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest T3 bus station near you and nd out when is the next T3 bus arriving.

Direction: Low Moor <-> Westgate Hill T3 bus Time Schedule 43 stops Low Moor <-> Westgate Hill Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:00 AM Cleckheaton Rd New Works Road, Low Moor Fields Road, Tuesday 7:00 AM

Cleckheaton Road Chapel Rd, Low Moor Wednesday 7:00 AM Cleckheaton Road, Bradford Thursday 7:00 AM Hudderseld Rd Abb Scott Lane, Low Moor Friday 7:00 AM

Drop Kick Ph, Low Moor Saturday Not Operational

Hudderseld Road Netherlands Ave, Odsal

Hudderseld Road Larch Hill, Odsal Huddereld Road, Bradford T3 bus Info Direction: Low Moor <-> Westgate Hill Coll Place, Odsal Stops: 43 Trip Duration: 45 min Odsal Road Odsal Top, Odsal Line Summary: Cleckheaton Rd New Works Road, Odsal Road, Bradford Low Moor, Cleckheaton Road Chapel Rd, Low Moor, Hudderseld Rd Abb Scott Lane, Low Moor, Drop Odsal Rd Dean Road, Odsal Kick Ph, Low Moor, Hudderseld Road Netherlands Bank Drive, Bradford Ave, Odsal, Hudderseld Road Larch Hill, Odsal, Coll Place, Odsal, Odsal Road Odsal Top, Odsal, Odsal Rd Holroyd Hill Sanderson Avenue, Odsal Dean Road, Odsal, Holroyd Hill Sanderson Avenue, Holroyd Hill, Bradford Odsal, High St Acre Lane, , Fair Road High St, Wibsey, Fair Road Holden Rd, Wibsey, St Enochs Rd High St Acre Lane, Wibsey Moore Avenue, Wibsey, St Enochs Rd Watty Hall High Street, Bradford Road, Wibsey, St Enochs Road Marbridge Court, , St Enochs Rd Carr Bottom Road, Little Fair Road High St, Wibsey Horton, St Enochs Rd Haycliffe Lane, Little Horton, Wilman Hill, Bradford Little Horton Lane Thornton Ln, Little Horton, Thornton Lane Shree Hindu Temple, Little Horton, Fair Road Holden Rd, Wibsey Thornton Lane School, Bankfoot, Smiddles Lane Fair Road, Bradford Manchester Rd, Bankfoot, Mayo Avenue Mayo Rd, Staygate, Mayo Ave Rooley Lane, Staygate, Rooley St Enochs Rd Moore Avenue, Wibsey Lane, West Bowling, Rooley Lane Bude Rd, West Mount Road, Bradford Bowling, Rooley Lane Sangster Wy, Bierley, Rooley Lane Bierley Ln, Bierley, Bierley Lane Rooley Ln, St Enochs Rd Watty Hall Road, Wibsey Bierley, Bierley Lane Currer Ave, Bierley, Bierley Lane St. Enoch's Road, Bradford Midgley Row, Bierley, Bierley Lane Firth Row, Bierley, Bierley Lane Knightsbridge Walk, Bierley, Shetcliffe St Enochs Road Marbridge Court, Little Horton Lane Shetcliffe Rd, Bierley, Ferrand Ave Renee Close, Marbridge Court, Bradford Bierley, Ferrand Avenue Fawcett Pl, Bierley, Ferrand Avenue Fairfax Ave, Bierley, Higheld, Tong Street, St Enochs Rd Carr Bottom Road, Little Horton Tong St Tennis Avenue, Tong Street, Oddy Street, Tong Street, Toftshaw Lane, Tong Street, Tong St Enochs Rd Haycliffe Lane, Little Horton Cemetery, Tong Street, Tong School, Westgate Hill

Little Horton Lane Thornton Ln, Little Horton Farside Green, Bradford

Thornton Lane Shree Hindu Temple, Little Horton Murray Street, Bradford

Thornton Lane School, Bankfoot Hutton Road, Bradford

Smiddles Lane Manchester Rd, Bankfoot Bradford Outer Ring Road, Bradford

Mayo Avenue Mayo Rd, Staygate

Mayo Ave Rooley Lane, Staygate

Rooley Lane, West Bowling

Rooley Lane Bude Rd, West Bowling

Rooley Lane Sangster Wy, Bierley Sangster Way,

Rooley Lane Bierley Ln, Bierley

Bierley Lane Rooley Ln, Bierley

Bierley Lane Currer Ave, Bierley

Bierley Lane Midgley Row, Bierley Midgley Row, England

Bierley Lane Firth Row, Bierley Firth Row, Bradford

Bierley Lane Knightsbridge Walk, Bierley Walter Street, Bradford

Shetcliffe Lane Shetcliffe Rd, Bierley Fieldhurst Court, England

Ferrand Ave Renee Close, Bierley Pavillion Court, England

Ferrand Avenue Fawcett Pl, Bierley Fawcett Place, England

Ferrand Avenue Fairfax Ave, Bierley

Higheld, Tong Street Loris Street, Bradford

Tong St Tennis Avenue, Tong Street 337-343 Tong Street, Bradford

Oddy Street, Tong Street 417 Tong Street, Bradford

Toftshaw Lane, Tong Street 515 Tong Street, Bradford

Tong Cemetery, Tong Street

Tong School, Westgate Hill Direction: Westgate Hill <-> Low Moor T3 bus Time Schedule 38 stops Westgate Hill <-> Low Moor Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 2:25 PM Tong School, Westgate Hill Tuesday 2:25 PM Toftshaw Lane, Tong Street 515 Tong Street, Bradford Wednesday 2:25 PM

Oddy Street, Tong Street Thursday 2:25 PM 405 Tong Street, Bradford Friday 2:25 PM

Tong St Tennis Avenue, Tong Street Saturday Not Operational

Tong St Shetcliffe Lane, Tong Street Faireld Street, Bradford

Higheld, Tong Street T3 bus Info 2 Procter Street, Bradford Direction: Westgate Hill <-> Low Moor Stops: 38 Prince Street, Trip Duration: 45 min 110 Tong Street, Bradford Line Summary: Tong School, Westgate Hill, Toftshaw Lane, Tong Street, Oddy Street, Tong Street, Tong St Tong St Rook Lane, Dudley Hill Tennis Avenue, Tong Street, Tong St Shetcliffe Lane, Tong Street, Higheld, Tong Street, Prince Street, Church Rooley Lane, Bierley Dudley Hill, Tong St Rook Lane, Dudley Hill, Church Crestwood Close, England Rooley Lane, Bierley, Rooley Lane Croft Leigh Court, Bierley, Rooley Lane Bude Rd, West Bowling, Rooley Rooley Lane Croft Leigh Court, Bierley Lane Woodleigh Ave, Staygate, Mayo Ave Rooley 244-246 Rooley Lane, England Lane, Staygate, Mayo Avenue Mayo Rd, Staygate, Mayo Avenue Morrisons, Bankfoot, Smiddles Lane Rooley Lane Bude Rd, West Bowling Manchester Rd, Bankfoot, Thornton Lane School, Bankfoot, Thornton Lane Shree Hindu Temple, Little Rooley Lane Woodleigh Ave, Staygate Horton, Little Horton Lane Thornton Ln, Little Low Newall Field, Bradford Horton, St Enochs Rd Haycliffe Lane, Little Horton, St Enochs Rd Carr Bottom Road, Little Horton, St Mayo Ave Rooley Lane, Staygate Enochs Road Marbridge Court, Little Horton, St Enochs Rd Watty Hall Road, Wibsey, St Enochs Rd Mayo Avenue Mayo Rd, Staygate Oakdale Avenue, Wibsey, Fair Road Holden Rd, Wibsey, Fair Road High St, Wibsey, High St Acre Lane, Mayo Avenue Morrisons, Bankfoot Wibsey, Holroyd Hill Sanderson Avenue, Odsal, Odsal Rd Dean Road, Odsal, Odsal Road Odsal Top, Odsal, Bradford Outer Ring Road, Bradford Hudderseld Road Odsal Place, Odsal, Hudderseld Smiddles Lane Manchester Rd, Bankfoot Road Larch Hill, Odsal, Hudderseld Road Netherlands Ave, Odsal, Drop Kick Ph, Low Moor, Bradford Outer Ring Road, Bradford Hudderseld Rd Abb Scott Lane, Low Moor, Thornton Lane School, Bankfoot Cleckheaton Rd Hird Road, Low Moor, Cleckheaton Road Chapel Rd, Low Moor, Cleckheaton Rd New Hutton Road, Bradford Works Road, Low Moor Thornton Lane Shree Hindu Temple, Little Horton Murray Street, Bradford

Little Horton Lane Thornton Ln, Little Horton Christopher Terrace, Bradford

St Enochs Rd Haycliffe Lane, Little Horton Lemon Street, Bradford St Enochs Rd Carr Bottom Road, Little Horton

St Enochs Road Marbridge Court, Little Horton Marbridge Court, Bradford

St Enochs Rd Watty Hall Road, Wibsey

St Enochs Rd Oakdale Avenue, Wibsey Oakdale Terrace, Bradford

Fair Road Holden Rd, Wibsey Fair Road, Bradford

Fair Road High St, Wibsey Lower George Street, Bradford

High St Acre Lane, Wibsey High Street, Bradford

Holroyd Hill Sanderson Avenue, Odsal Warburton Place, Bradford

Odsal Rd Dean Road, Odsal Ashworth Place, Bradford

Odsal Road Odsal Top, Odsal Scott Street, Bradford

Hudderseld Road Odsal Place, Odsal Odsal Place, Bradford

Hudderseld Road Larch Hill, Odsal

Hudderseld Road Netherlands Ave, Odsal 159 Hudderseld Road, Bradford

Drop Kick Ph, Low Moor Bolton Street, Bradford

Hudderseld Rd Abb Scott Lane, Low Moor

Cleckheaton Rd Hird Road, Low Moor

Cleckheaton Road Chapel Rd, Low Moor Cleckheaton Road, Bradford

Cleckheaton Rd New Works Road, Low Moor Moorland Place, Bradford T3 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved