INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY ISSN: 2456-6683 Volume - 2, Issue - 10, Oct – 2018 Monthly, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal Impact Factor: 4.526 Publication Date: 31/10/2018 TEA GARDEN LABOURER AND THEIR LIVING CONDITION: A STUDY IN MORNAI TEA ESTATE OF KOKRAJHAR DISTRICT, ASSAM 1Premjith Mohendiar, (Researcher) 2Dr. Alam Ara, (Advisor) 3Dr. (Ms.) Jahanara 1Master in Social Work (student) 2Assistant professor 3 Professor and Head Department of Anthropology and Social Work Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad (U.P) Email –
[email protected] [email protected],
[email protected], Abstract: Tea Estate labourers play an important role in the society. The society will never be complete without their involvement and contribution. Moreover, the main occupation of the Tea garden labour is wage labour. Therefore, it is essential to study the socio-economic condition of this particular section. The economic condition they live in,
[email protected], socio-cultural values and institutions they cherish and the kind of relationship they maintain with the other people living around them and in the adjacent areas need to be understood in the light of the present- contemporary society. The study proposes to investigate the socio -economic life of tea garden labourers in Mornai Tea Estate. In
[email protected], this study researcher have randomly selected 120 respondents of Mornai Tea Estate. To collected of socio-economic data on random sample, household surveys were conducted in the selected tea estates. Key word:
[email protected], labour, Mornai Tea Esta te, socio-economic profile of tea labour.