Ultrasound Biomicroscopy of the Peripheral Retina and the Ciliary Body in Degenerative Retinoschisis Associated with Pars Plana Cysts

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Ultrasound Biomicroscopy of the Peripheral Retina and the Ciliary Body in Degenerative Retinoschisis Associated with Pars Plana Cysts 976 Br J Ophthalmol 2001;85:976–982 Ultrasound biomicroscopy of the peripheral retina and the ciliary body in degenerative retinoschisis associated with pars plana cysts Giuseppe Mannino, Romualdo Malagola, Solmaz Abdolrahimzadeh, Gianfrancesco M Villani, Santi M Recupero Abstract pathogenetic mechanism has been attributed Aim—To evaluate the ciliary body and to circulatory disturbances, the motility of peripheral retina in degenerative retino- accommodation, vitreous traction, holes in the schisis associated with pars plana cysts inner lamina, autolysis of retinal cells in the using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM). peripheral retina, osmotic procedures, and Methods—18 eyes of 12 patients with transudate from the choriocapillaris.17 Histo- degenerative retinoschisis associated with chemical studies have shown that the content pars plana cysts were selected through of the cystoid spaces and schisis of the periph- binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy and eral retina is hyaluronic acid.18 The same mate- Goldmann three mirror lens examination, rial had been found in pars plana cysts,18–20 both with scleral depression. These pa- where it would accumulate owing to an active tients were studied in detail with UBM. secretion from the non-pigment epithelium of Results—Study of the ciliary body with the ciliary body and especially of the pars UBM showed pars plana cysts of diVerent plana.19 Subsequent splitting of the ciliary pig- size and uneven shape. In cross sections ment and non-pigment epithelial layers would the morphology of pars plana cysts in lead to pars plana cyst formation. Once the detail and the close relation of the cysts similarity of the content of pars plana cysts and with the oral region and the peripheral of cystoid degeneration and retinoschisis of the retina, where areas of cystoid degenera- peripheral retina had been disclosed, the tion and retinoschisis were present, were hypothesis that retinoschisis also was caused by observed. In transverse sections three a secretory process was advanced.17 21 How- main morphological aspects of pars plana ever, no periodic acid SchiV (PAS) positive cysts could be diVerentiated (“isolated,” cells could be demonstrated within the walls of “confluent,” and “clustered” cysts). Fur- retinoschisis.17 In the past, glial cells, such as thermore, ultrabiomicroscopy allowed astrocytes and Mueller cells, were suggested as diVerential diagnosis between retino- a possible source of hyaluronic acid.16 schisis and associated retinal detachment Pars plana cysts have been reported as com- in six eyes. mon alterations of the posterior ciliary body19 22 Conclusions—The study of peripheral de- of no clinical concern423 that can be seen at generative retinoschisis and pars plana indirect ophthalmoscopy and Goldmann three cysts is possible in vivo by means of UBM, mirror examination.42425 Histologically,22 they showing the detailed morphology of the usually result from the separation of the two lesions (not otherwise evident through epithelial cell layers of the pars plana; less ophthalmoscopic examination) and the frequently, small cysts derive from the coales- close relation between pars plana cysts, cence of vacuoles within adjacent non- cystoid degeneration, and peripheral pigmented cells or alternatively from a general retinoschisis. loosening of cells within an area of epithelial (Br J Ophthalmol 2001;85:976–982) proliferation. In a histopathological study, the cysts were demonstrated to continue posteri- Institute of Ophthalmology, Degenerative retinoschisis is a common pa- orly with an area of cystoid degeneration of the 23 University of Rome thology in the elderly12defined as a splitting of peripheral retina. “La Sapienza,” Rome, the sensory retina.3 It may be better investi- Ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) is a pain- Italy gated clinically by means of indirect binocular less and non-invasive diagnostic technique that G Mannino oVers high resolution imaging.11 It has gained R Malagola ophthalmoscopy and Goldmann three mirror S Abdolrahimzadeh lens examination, especially with scleral much popularity not only in the diagnosis of 4–8 11 26 27 G M Villani depression. Both conventional and high anterior segment disorders, among which S M Recupero frequency ophthalmic ultrasound have proved are cysts of diVerent origin,28 but also of the to be helpful in the diagnosis and diVerential pars plana and peripheral retina.11 12 Recently Correspondence to: diagnosis of this condition.9–12 this technique has been applied to the diagno- Professor S M Recupero, 12 29 12 Istituto di Oftalmologia, Retinoschisis has been related to peripheral sis of retinal detachment, retinoschisis, Universita’ di Roma, “La cystoid degeneration,13 14 possibly resulting and detachment of the ciliary epithelium Sapienza,” Policlinico from an exaggerated response to the same fac- among other conditions.30 31 Umberto I, Viale del 15 16 Policlinico 155, Roma tors that cause microcysts. Controversy High resolution imaging of the peripheral 00161, Italy exists in the literature regarding the pathogen- retina and the ciliary body permits study of the [email protected] esis of these degenerative processes, as diVer- morphology of these regions in cases of degen- Accepted for publication ent theories have been put forward but none erative retinoschisis in vivo, providing interest- 26 February 2001 has proved to be unquestionable.13 16 17 The ing clues to the clinical and physiopathological www.bjophthalmol.com UBM of the peripheral retina and the ciliary body in degenerative retinoschisis associated with pars plana cysts 977 understanding of this condition. In the present For both pars plana cysts and retinoschisis report, UBM was added to clinical examina- location was prevalent in the temporal quad- tion to better identify and evaluate the location rants, the upper and lower temporal quadrant and extension of degenerative retinoschisis. being involved almost at the same rate. In six Furthermore, the entire ciliary body, pars eyes, retinal detachment showed a similar pat- plana, and pars plicata were studied in detail. tern of distribution. Pars plana cysts varied in size and shape. The cross sectional images showed that the Methods cysts emerged from the posterior third of the Eighteen eyes of 12 patients with degenerative pars plana in the majority of cases (16/18 eyes) retinoschisis associated with pars plana cysts to extend with a fairly bollous profile to the ora were studied. Six were males and six females, serrata (Figs 1A, 2A). This presented, at times, with an age range from 25 to 78 years (mean a band of microcystic degeneration, where 57.5 years, SD 13.97). Best corrected visual hyperreflective strands of tissue split the acuity was 20/20 in all patients. microcysts (Fig 1A). Beyond the ora, areas of Six patients had been diagnosed with peripheral retinoschisis were clearly imaged as bilateral retinoschisis and six had been diag- a single thin hyperreflective layer (Figs 1A, 2A, nosed with unilateral retinoschisis. They were 3A); thus, UBM examination confirmed the submitted to binocular indirect ophthalmos- ophthalmoscopic findings in all eyes. It was copy and Goldmann three mirror lens exam- notable that pars plana cysts were large and ination, both with scleral depression. UBM of the peripheral retina and the ciliary body was numerous in the same areas where retino- performed on all eyes. The device (UBM 840 schisis was located. Retinoschisis and pars System, Humphrey Instruments, Inc, San plana cysts were found to be adjacent to each Leandro, CA, USA) was adjusted to operate on other (Fig 2A) and sometimes associated a 50 MHz, high (2.5 × 2.5 mm) or medium (5 through a band of microcystic degeneration in × 5 mm) scan format, with a resolution of 50 between (Fig 1A). µm. The theory and technique of UBM is well In transverse sections three main morpho- described in previous works.11 26 27 32 logical patterns of pars plana cysts could be To achieve the best imaging of the peripheral distinguished: retina 24 mm eye cups or at times a water bath (1) “isolated” cysts, either adjacent to each formed with an operating room drape, colloi- other or separated by intact areas of ciliary epi- don around the eye, and a wire speculum, were thelium, presenting an internal wall with a used. The coupling medium between the eye smooth profile and a regular single convexity and the UBM probe was either saline solution, towards the vitreous body (Fig 3C); 2.5% methylcellulose, or both. The distance of (2) “confluent” cysts with an irregular profile the probe from the eye surface was 2–3 mm. of the internal wall which formed a double The patient’s cooperation was always needed convexity towards the vitreous body (Fig 1C); as imaging of the pars plana and the peripheral (3) “clustered” cysts, relatively the largest of retina is gaze dependent. the three types, extending for a few millime- tres, defined by a continuous but ragged inter- nal lamina, presenting multiple convexities Results towards the vitreous (Figs 1D, 2B, 3D). The peripheral retinal lesions and ciliary body On transverse sections, areas of cystoid changes are shown in detail in the Table 1. degeneration in the oral region (Fig 1E) and Table 1 Eighteen eyes of 12 patients with degenerative retinoschisis Sex Age Eye Refraction Peripheral retinal lesions Ciliary body changes 1 M 46 RE +0.50 cil (90) RS from 9 to 2 hr with OLB at 12 hr and RD Pars plana cysts in UN, UT, and LT quadrants from10to2hr;RSfrom6to8.30hr LE +0.75 cil (70) RS from 12 to 2 hr; RS from 4 to 6 hr Pars
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