Men Of Violence 1 Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown Men Men Of Violence Perpetrators the Post-Election of Crackdown June 2010 June 2 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 Crackdown of thePost-Election Perpetrators Of Violence Men June 2010 Hossein Shariatmadari Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi Ali Saeedi Rouhollah Hosseinian Yadollah Javani Ayatollah Mohammad Moghisseh Mohammad Ali Jafari Mohammad Ali Abolghassem Salavati Sadeq Mahsouli Moghadam Ismail Ahmadi Seyed HassanFirouzabadi Introduction Table ofContents Gholam HosseinMohseniEjei |Representative ofSupremeLeaderinIRGC |CommanderoftheBasijForcesattimeJuneelection |HeadoftheIRGCPoliticalOffice |MinisteroftheInteriortimeJuneelection |

Tehran’s prosecutorGeneralatthetimeofJuneelection |CommanderofIRGC | MemberofParliament |ManagingEditorofKayhanNewspaper |PresidingjudgeofBranch15theIslamicRevolutionaryCourts |HeadofBranch28theIslamicRevolutionaryCourts | SecretaryGeneraloftheGuardianCouncil |HeadoftheIranianPolice |

Chief ofStaff oftheJoint Armed Forces |

Minister ofIntelligenceatthetimeelection |Memberofthe Assembly ofExperts Men Of Violence 3 Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 4 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown families ofthedeadregarding publicizingtheirnames. much higher, but thegovernmenthasintimidated human rightsdefenders,the numberofthosekilledis at theKahrizakDetentioncenter. According toIranian well asfourdetaineeswhoweremurderedundertorture protestors diedonthestreetsduringpastyearas responsible thosecommittingwidespreadatrocities. unfair trails,ithastakennostepstoidentifyandhold in prosecutingdissidentsandprotestorspatently as wellprintformatsontheCampaign’s websiteat: against protestors. The reportisavailableinmultimedia of repressionorinstigatedandpromotedviolence of fifteenofficials whoeitherimplementedbrutalpolicies the PostElectionCrackdown,providesdetailedprofiles against peacefulprotestorsandcivilsocietyactivists. officials responsibleforcarryingoutthebrutalrepression in Iranisreleasingthisreportnamingfifteenleading in Iran,theInternationalCampaignforHumanRights and oneyearofunprecedentedviolencerepression The Campaign callsontheinternationalcommunity, According togovernment’s ownaccounts,atleast48 Although theIranianJudiciaryhasmovedswiftly The 36-pagereport,MenofViolence: Perpetratorsof On theanniversaryofdisputedJune2009election Introduction detention andtortureofpeaceful protestors. command participatedin massbeatings,murder, during thetimeofJuneelections. Forcesunderhis prosecution ofthoseresponsible. judicial branch,isobligatedtoordertheinvestigationand of thesecurityandintelligenceapparatusaswell armed forcesaswelltheultimateauthorityincharge Sayed Ali Khamanei,asthecommanderinchiefof promoters ofviolencehere.Iran’s leader, Ayatollah is presentingsomeofthemainperpetratorsand encouraged, andinstigatedviolence. The Campaign There arealsonumerousofficials whohavepromoted, subordinates areresponsiblefortheseatrocities. either throughtheirowndirectactionsorthoseof of alltheperpetratorsthisviolentcrackdown,who calls foracomprehensiveinvestigationandprosecution Union, Canada,UAE,andMalaysia. particularly includememberstatesoftheEuropean them andfreezetheirassets. These countriescould financial assets,toimplementtravelbansagainst violators namedinthisreportmaytraveltoorhold particularly countrieswherethefifteenhumanrights 2)Gholam Hossein MohseniEjei,Minister of 1)Hossein Taeb, CommanderoftheBasijForces The fifteenindividualsnamed inthisreportinclude: The InternationalCampaignforHumanRightsinIran Men Of Violence 5 Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown

11)Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Yazdi, is the is the Yazdi, Mesbah Taghi Mohammad 11)Ayatollah Head of the IRGC Political Javani, 12)Yadollah of Parliament. 13)Rouhollah Hosseinian, Member 14)Ali Saeedi, Representative of Supreme Leader in 15)Hossein Shariatmadari, Editor-in-Chief of Kayhan 10)Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, Secretary General of Jannati, Secretary General of Ahmad 10)Ayatollah the . Since the 12 June presidential Since the 12 June presidential the Guardian Council. has unabashedly incited violence, election, Jannati sentences for election protestors, demanded death rhetoric with the IRGC and security and coordinated his called protestors "corruptors forces. He has repeatedly Jannati that carries the death penalty. on earth," a charge sentences from has continuously demanded execution and supported the implementation the Iranian Judiciary, of such sentences. Institute inhead of the Khomeini Education and Research the . Over and a member of the as “the theoretician past decade, he has become known and defense of of violence,” for his unabashed promotion Through his state-sponsored violence against dissidents. a leading figure in inflammatory statements, he has been objectinginstigating violence against peaceful protestors to election results and human rights violations. He has repeatedly supported the use of violence Office. post-election and harsh interrogation tactics against statements have become the basis protesters. Javani’s have resulted in for indictments against protestors and takeover of interrogations. the IRGC’s and demanded He has continuously incited violence He led a group death sentences against protestors. of 36 parliamentarians in introducing an urgent bill in Parliament that would reduce the appeals period for persons charged with moharebeh (enmity against God) The bill was and sentenced to execution to only five days. justified as a means to expedite the implementation of death sentences issued for post-election protestors. IRGC. Saeedi vehemently defended the role of IRGC forces in post-election crackdowns and their use of violence on citizens, becoming one of the highest ranking Islamic Republic authorities to sanction the actions of security apparatuses. Newspaper is one of the individuals who first accused reformist presidential candidates of a velvet revolution during the vote count after the June presidential elections and promoted violence against protestors. Shariatmadari's definition of a “velvet revolution” soon became the dominant literature used by the IRGC, Ministry of Intelligence, , and police forces for cracking down on the post-elections protesters. protesters. 3)Ismail Ahmadi Moghadam, Head of the Iranian Head of the Iranian Ahmadi Moghadam, 3)Ismail prosecutor General at ’s 4)Saeed Mortazavi, Interior of the 5)Sadeq Mahsouli, the Minister of the judge of Branch 6)Abolghassem Salavati, presiding of the Joint 7)Seyed Hassan Firouzabadi, Chief of Staff Ali Jafari, Commander of IRGC. Forces 8)Mohammad 9)Mohammad Moghisseh, Head of Branch 28 of the Intelligence at the time of elections and the country’s time of elections and the country’s Intelligence at the agents under Intelligence current General Prosecutor. responsible of detention, torture, his command were confessions under duress from and extraction of false journalists, dissidents, and hundreds of activists, reformist politicians. command led brutal Moghadam’s Police. Forces under on and destruction attacks on peaceful protests, attacks night time attack on the and a violent of private property, University. Tehran dormitories of a blanket order the time of June elections. He issued journalists, used for detention of hundreds of activists, the blanket arrest and students. In some instances, two days before warrant bearing his signature was dated for sending the 12 June elections. He is also responsible Detention detained street protestors to the Kahrizak resulting Center where they were tortured and ill-treated, in four deaths. As Interior Islamic Republic of Iran at the time elections. Mahsouli had authority over all police forces, Minister, its plainclothes interior ministry security agents, and for attacks on the agents. His forces were responsible University on 15 June 2009. Tehran dormitories of During the post 15 of the Islamic Revolutionary Courts. only three judgeselection show trials, Salavati is one of the in charge of post-election cases. He has sentenced more than a hundred political prisoners, human rights activists, and peaceful demonstrators to lengthy prison sentences as well as at least nine execution sentences, earning the Judge of Death." "The moniker, Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the highest military organization responsible for directing all military divisions and policies, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and police. Forces under his command carried out brutal repression of peaceful protestors as well as mass detentions. under his command were directly responsible for a significant part of post-elections violence and arrests of reformist political figures, activists, and journalists. Islamic Revolutionary Courts. He has been in charge of the cases of many activists and protesters arrested after the June 2009 elections. He has not only issued long prison sentences based on unfounded charges, he has also issued at least three death sentences for the 6 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown foreign statesand groupsopposedtotheIslamic Republic people's viewsabouttheirown children." by doinguglyandunwarranted actionsinordertochange Anyone canjoinBasijveryeasily andsabotageitsimage to discredittheBasij,saying,"It isveryeasytojointheBasij. his command, Taeb claimedacampaignwasbeingwaged protestors duringprotests. Many ofhisforcesusedwarmandcoldweaponsagainstthe forces for"streetriots"shortlypriortothepresidentialelection. prison afterelections. Taeb alsotrainedadivisionof his Basij confessions project"forarrestedpoliticalprisonersatEvin background, hewasoneofthemanagers"prisoner began. These officials allegedthat,dueto Taeb’s security responsibility formaintainingorderafterelectionprotests on theconditionofanonymity, describe Taeb asassuming to "rioters."(vii) on 20Juneaswellthedeathsofnumerousotherprotestors (vi) Taeb attributedthemurderof27-yearoldNeda no doubtabouttheillegalforcedentryandsubsequentabuse. police andBasijforcesontheuniversitydormitories,leaving leaked ontheinternetinFebruary2010,showsattackby rooms, destroyingtheirpropertyandinjuringmany. A video, university dormitories,violentlyforcingtheirwayintostudent’s University, Basijforces,togetherwithpoliceagents,brokeinto for shooting(iv)andkillingdemonstrators.(v) and eyewitnessreports,Basijforceswerewidelyresponsible plainclothes agents.(iii) indicates thatatleast34peopleweremurderedbyBasijand eleven peoplewerekilled,buttheCampaign'sresearch mayor threemillionprotestorsparticipated,authoritiesclaimed In onestreetproteston20June,inwhichaccordingto Tehran's threatened protestorswithdeath.(ii) forces beat,abused,psychologicallyorphysicallytortured,and stations orIntelligenceOffices. Duringsuchstays, Taeb’s Basij and BasijMeghdadBase177,priortobeingtransferredpolice illegal detentioncenters,suchasLolagarMosqueBasijBase Basij forces.(i)Someprotestorsweretakentobasesand Human RightsinIranconfirmthebrutaltreatmentdoledoutby election unrest. were instrumentalinbeatingandkillingdemonstratorspost- Leader Ayatollah Khamenei.Forcesunderhiscommand He wasappointedtothatpositioninJuly2008bySupreme Resistance ForceduringtheJune2009presidentialelections. On 29June2009, Taeb claimed theunrestwascausedby Following criticismoftheviolentactionsforcesunder Former governmentofficials, who spokewiththeCampaign During thenightof15June2009,indormitories Tehran The mostextremeactsofabuseoccurredsoonafter12June. Eyewitnesses interviewedbytheInternationalCampaignfor Hossein Taeb wasCommanderoftheparamilitaryBasij According to documents, photographs, According todocuments,photographs, Commander oftheBasijForcesattimeJuneelection Hossein Taeb Agha Soltan

these results..." Taeb hasnever deniedhisinvolvement. with thoughtandwisdom prudence, wemustanticipate to peoplelike Taeb who are morefamiliarwiththebatonthan our people." considering thesocialdevelopmentandhighintelligenceof that managingthiscrisiswasnotsuchadifficult taskafterall, there hadbeenelectionfraud.We couldhavethenobserved had becomeangeredanddisillusionedreallythoughtthat we couldhavedealtrespectfullywithordinarypeoplewho on IRIB[state TV andradio]abouttheelectionprocess, issuing afewdemonstrationpermitsandcontinuingdebates campaigns andinappropriateoftenunfairdebates,through protesters whichhadreacheditsheightfollowingtheelection We couldhavecalmeddownthehugeexcitementof martyrdoms, murdersanddamagescouldhavebeenavoided. have managedthiscrisisinsuchawaythatmanyofthese for thecrackdownonprotestors.Mottahariwrote,"We could Mottahari, explicitlymentionsHossein Taeb asresponsible written 10 August 2009,byconservativeIranianMP Ali Campaign. Mousavi’s presenceatthat hospitalintheirstatementstothe were presentatImamKhomeiniHospitalhaveconfirmed Mousavi remainambiguous,buttwomedicalsourceswho to denythenewsofmurder. Detailsofthefate Taraneh used oneofhisownrelativesbythename Taraneh Mousavi said thattheirdaughterwasalive. According toKarroubi, Taeb of ayoungwomanbythesamenamewereinterviewed,and the newsappeartobealie.(x)During TV program,thefamily accused Taeb ofmastermindingatelevisionprogramtomake Taraneh Mousavi,presidentialcandidateMehdiKarroubi of Basij,somepeoplewerekilled."(ix) ended thisdebacle.Duringaconfrontationwiththeseattackers protesters wereabletogetarms,wecouldnothaveeasily base anddisarmit.Ifthisactionhadbeenallowedthe creating riotsin Tehran, intendedtoattackaBasijresistance several peoplewhowereprotestingtheelectionresultsthrough murders ofseveralprotesters,saying,"OnJune15thisyear, Mashad, heoffered acontradictoryexplanationaboutthe were transferredtohospitals."(viii) injuries throughstonesandsticksknivesofrioters claimed thatmanyBasijiswerekilledandseveral"sustained elections." Accusing theprotestersofusingfirearms,he suspected thattheyplannedtousetheseweaponsinIranian country byoppositiongroupsandforeignstates,butwenever different kindsofweaponsandbulletswereimportedintothe when hesaid,"We heardonthenewsseveraltimesthat The International CampaignforHumanRights inIran Mottahari added,"Butwhenwe delegatecrisismanagement A criticallettertotheextremistnewspaperKayhan, Following thenewsofmurderaprotestornamed A monthlater, duringaspeechatBasijgatheringin

Men Of Violence 7 Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown In the past two years, after a command change took place change took place In the past two years, after a command ix.Speech by Taeb at a Basij gathering in Kayhan News, 1 at a Basij gathering in Kayhan News, 1 Taeb ix.Speech by Mousavi “News”, BBC Persian, Taraneh x.Karroubi Protests August 2009, Ali Mottahari Blog, 10 xi.Ali Mottahari Letter, vi.Tehran University Attacks, University vi.Tehran Agha Soltan, vii.Murder of Neda Accuses Foreign States of Intervening in Interview viii.Taeb there, Taeb developed a reputation as one of the most violent of the most violent developed a reputation as one Taeb there, interrogators. Taeb integrated, at the IRGC and the Basij and IRGC were Deputy Commander of the Basij was appointed as the IRGC’s Ali Organization (representing IRGC Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari appointed Jafari). In 2008, Commander Mohammad as nationwide Commander of the Basij. He was removed Taeb from this post in October 2009 and appointed to the newly- The IRGC Intelligence established IRGC Intelligence Unit. Unit is directly responsible for the majority of the arrests and interrogations of political activists, journalists, and human rights activists imprisoned after the elections. homes and automobiles, abuse and mistreatment of prisoners, homes and automobiles, abuse and mistreatment in illegal detention forced confessions, detention of prisoners the deaths of tens of centers, the shooting of civilians, and peaceful protesters. July 2009, 20 August 2009, with Kayhan, 30 June 2009, mousavi.shtml Footnotes Background Account from the Streets of Tehran, International Tehran, Account from the Streets of Hossein Taeb was born in 1963 in Tehran. After Ali Khamenei After Tehran. was born in 1963 in Taeb Hossein International Campaign for Toufanpour, Amir The Death of v. iv. Interview with mother of Yaghoub Barvayeh shot by Basij Barvayeh shot by Basij Yaghoub Interview with mother of iv. Apparently Far Exceeds Government Claims, Toll iii. Death ii. Iran: Basij member describes election abuse, Channel 4 i. Eyewitness The International Campaign for Campaign for Human Rights in Iran The International independent investigation demands a thoroughand events in post-election Taeb into the role of Hossein an independent committee in Iran and urges that arrests, be formed to look into widespread forces thepresence and activities of plainclothes attacks on in the suppression of public gatherings, abuse people's private homes and automobiles, confessions, andmistreatment of prisoners, forced centers, detention of prisoners in illegal detention of tens of the shooting of civilians, and the deaths peaceful protesters. was made Iran's Supreme Leader in 1989, Taeb was transferred Taeb was made Iran's Supreme Leader in 1989, of Coordinationto the Leader's headquarters as Deputy in charge Cultural Deputy for several years. He was subsequently made Guard of the Joint Command of the Islamic Revolutionary Corps (IRGC) for three years, as well as the head of Imam During the IRGC's exclusive university. Hossein University, worked Taeb , Ali the presidency of Ali Fallahian as at the Ministry of Intelligence under Minister Commander of the IRGC Information Security Unit and Deputy Commander of Counter-Intelligence within the Ministry. was Taeb After the chain murders were exposed in 1998, dismissed from the Ministry of Intelligence. During his tenure asij+member+describes+election+abuse/3466142 demands a thorough and independent investigation into the role demands a thorough and independent investigation in Iran and urges that in post-election events Taeb of Hossein look into widespread an independent committee be formed to forces in the arrests, the presence and activities of plainclothes on people's private suppression of public gatherings, attacks Human Rights in Iran, 31 July 2009, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 15 July 2009, forces before his death, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 30 June 2009, News, 16 December 2009, Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 10 July 2009, 8 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown coerced duringinterrogations toconfesstrumped-up Campaign forHumanRights inIranthattheywere after severalweeksormonths, toldtheInternational arrested aftertheelection andreleasedfromprison legal counsel.Severaldistinguished politicalfigures, charges beingbroughtagainstthemwhiledenied many ofthosearrestedhavebeendetainedwithno unethical practices.UnderMohsenEjei’s direction, Ministry havebeenriddledwithinconsistenciesand main operativesandelementspriortotheirtrial."(iv) no choicebuttoarrestthemandpubliclyintroducethe and ifpeopledidn'theedthewarning,wewouldhave issue awarning,thenIwouldgeneral authorization fromjudicialauthorities.Isaidwould Mohsen Ejeisaidinaninterview, "Ihavereceived confrontations withprotestorsandarrestingthem. his roleinacquiringblanketwarrantsandauthorizing days beforetheelection.MohseniEjeihasconfirmed human rightslawyer, thewarrantwasissuedseveral on it.Inthecaseof Abdolfattah Soltani,aprominent a blankwarrantwithoutanychargesornameswritten Rights inIranthattheirclientswerearrestedbasedon election toldtheInternationalCampaignforHuman will bearrested."(iii) coming daysandnights…theycanrestassuredthat and iftheykeepcomingtothestreetsagainduring "I announceherethatwearemonitoringtheiractivities, elections, MohsenEjeithreatenedprotesters,saying, and MehdiKarroubi'scampaigns.(ii)Soonafterthe journalists, andseniormanagersofMirHosseinMousavi Group, theFreedomMovementofIranParty, several Participation Front,theIslamicRevolutionMojahedin members startingwiththeleadersofIslamic officers beganarresting activistsandopposition polls hadclosedonthenightof13June,Intelligence (i) prominent activistsandjournalistsfollowingtheelection. investigation, interrogation,andtortureofhundreds Ministry ofIntelligencewasresponsibleforthearrest, currently thecountry’s GeneralProsecutor. The Iranian Intelligence inMahmoud Ahmadinejad's cabinet.Heis Gholamhossein MohseniEjeiwastheMinisterof At thetimeof12June2009presidentialelection, Post-election investigationsbytheIntelligence Lawyers ofpoliticalprisonersarrestedfollowingthe Immediately followingtheelection,only22hoursafter Minister ofIntelligenceatthetimeelection Gholam HosseinMohseniEjei

interrogations wasneverproven. forced confessions,theinformation gatheredduringthe information forforeignstates. (v)DespiteBahari's reporters, includingMaziar Bahari,ofcollecting on him. footage ofhisapartmenttoputpsychologicalpressure tapes ofphoneconversationsandhiddencamera According tothissource,intelligenceofficers presented confession tomeettheMinistryofIntelligence'sgoals. surveillance oftelephonecallsinordertohastentheir charges. Hesaidtheinterrogatorsreliedonmonthsof vigorously attemptedtoforcethemconfessfalse during thefirstfewdaysaftertheirarrest,interrogators of thosearrestedaftertheelectionstoldCampaignthat abuse andtortureatthehandsofintelligenceofficers. One charges. The court'sdecisionwaspre-determined." produced byofficers involvedinmycaseaboutthe while mydefensewasignoredandnoevidence retribution. "Atmytrial,Iwassentencedtoimprisonment, arrest hadnothingtodowiththeprotestsbutwaspolitical years old."HetoldtheCampaignthathispost-election about politicalchargesthatwereatleastsixorseven solitary confinement. After thattheystartedaskingme interrogating meforfourwholeweekswhileIwaskeptin agree toconfessthingsIhadn'tdone,theystopped which sometimeslastedtenhoursperday, Ididn't time inprison...When,underunbearableinterrogations, wife wouldloseourjobsandthatIspendalong many times.Iwasthreatenedthatbothmyselfandmy and confessoncamera.ForthisreasonIwasbeatenup so thatafterwardIwouldacceptmypoliticalcharges based onprovingchargesaboutmyimmoralconduct, charges againstme. All theinterrogators'efforts were arrest theintelligenceofficers didnotraiseanypolitical told theCampaign,"Duringfirsttwoweeksaftermy your wifeaboutthis.'" your involvementinthepost-electionunrestorwewilltell can destroyyourlife. Therefore eitheryouwillconfessto relationship withoneofyourcolleagues.'Hesaid,'This The intelligenceofficer toldme,'We areawareofyour I gatheredthattherewerenolegalchargesagainstme. told theCampaign,"Fromverybeginningofmyarrest charges againstthem.Inonecase,areleasedjournalist Mohseni Ejeialsoaccused someinternational From themomentofarrest,politicalprisonersfaced Another politicalfigurearrestedaftertheelection

Men Of Violence 9 Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown of Ebrahim Sharifi, International Testimony viii.Appendix: and Threatening Protestors, Center for Women ix.Ejei . x.Ibid.,,4677374,00.html,,4677374,00.html Statements Regarding Sexual vii.Mohseni Ejei: Karroubi’s Assault of vii.State Medical Examiner’s Report on the Sexual On 16 June 2009, Mohseni Ejei justified arresting arresting On 16 June 2009, Mohseni Ejei justified Ayatollah Shahroudi, Ayatollah Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 20 September 2009, 16 June 2009, Affairs, Family Abuse Accounts are Baseless, Islamic Republic News Agency, Accounts are Baseless, Islamic Republic News Abuse Ebrahim Mehtari in Prison, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 27 May 2010, assault. from sexual abuse. (viii) None of the victims' statements from sexual abuse. (viii) None of the victims' and instead,regarding sexual abuse were acknowledged rape victims thatMinistry of Intelligence forces threatened and members of if statements were not retracted, they the consequences. (ix) their families would suffer for the arrests political activists, claiming that the reason the "penetration of prominent and well-known figures was campaigns." He of anti-revolutionary groups in elections saying, "Those accepted responsibility for the arrests, elements have been identified and arrested, too, and they (x) are in detention right now." Footnotes Mohseni Ejei has confirmed his role in acquiring Mohseni Ejei has and authorizing confrontations blanket warrants Mohsen with protestors and arresting them. "I have received Ejei said in an interview, I said authorization from judicial authorities. issue I would issue a warning, then I would heed a general warning, and if people didn't but to the warning, we would have no choice the main arrest them and to publicly introduce trial." operatives and elements prior to their vi.’s letter to the head of the Judiciary, letter to the head of the Judiciary, vi.Mehdi Karroubi’s iv.Ibid. Jamejam Online, 24 June 2009, on the Instability, v.Ejei and Threatening Protestors, Center for Women iii.Ejei ii.Iran Election Update: Reformist Candidate’s ii.Iran Election Update: Reformist Candidate’s i.Tales of Torture, Violence Continue to be Heard from Iran, Violence Torture, of i.Tales Physical torture carried about by intelligence officers officers Physical torture carried about by intelligence was widespread and brutal. In August 2009, presidential was widespread and brutal. In of the rapecandidate Mehdi Karroubi presented evidence to officers and sexual abuse of detainees by intelligence After (vi) Judiciary. a three-member committee from the as General his dismissal from the Ministry of Intelligence, Mohseni Ejei was one of the three committee Prosecutor, Mohseni members. Regarding Karroubi's statements, Investigations by Ejei said "they are totally baseless." (vii) show that in the case of at least the Campaign, however, Tehran -- the one of the detainees -- Ebrahim Mehtari under the auspices of the Iranian Medical Examiner, issued a certificate confirming injuries resulting Judiciary, Headquarters Seized and Locked, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 13 June 2009, 16 June 2009, Affairs, Family International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 31 July 2009, 10 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown to usethebathroom. Onthelastdayatlunchtime, theythrew sticks severaltimeswithdifferent excuses,includingrequesting in thebasementofapolicestation, policeforcesbeatuswith arrested. Hesaid,"Duringthe40 hoursthatweweredetained was transferredtoapolicebase incentral Tehran afterbeing beaten near Tehran's Azadi SquaretoldtheCampaignthathe numbers approach5,000.(viii) A demonstratorwhowas 1,032 individualsbyforcesunderhiscommand,thoughactual demonstrators andcrackingdownonprotests.(vii) even thankedpoliceforcesforplanningconfrontationswith accused themof"attemptingavelvetrevolution".Moghadam by policeforces.Moghadamcalledprotestors"rioters"and major protestsof15June2009,theywerebeatenandinjured International CampaignforHumanRightsinIranthatduringthe Several peoplepresentduringpost-electionproteststoldthe figures, journalistsandstudents,abusingprisoners. demonstrators, arrestingdozensofprominentreformist a dominantroleinquashingpeacefulprotests,murdering arrested someindividuals."(vi) cleansed Tehran Universitydormitoriesin15minutesand University dormitories,saying,"Basedondutyandlaw, police 2009, Moghadamtookresponsibilityfortheattackon Tehran showing thebrutalityofpolice.(v) 18-minute recordingoftheattackwasleakedinJanuary2010, students weremurdered,dozensinjured,and300arrested. Tahkim-e Vahdat, duringanattackon Tehran University, five entering campuses.(iv) According toareportbyDaftar-e cities despitelawsprohibitingmilitaryandpoliceforcesfrom university dormitoriesin Tehran, Shiraz,,andother then beatenandarrestedwhilefleeing. buildings toforceemployeesandsupportersout,whowere and MehdiKarroubiin Tehran. Tear gaswasthrowninto campaign headquartersandoffices ofMirHosseinMousavi and plainclothesofficers, known astheNOPO,stormed Tehran. (iii)Ontheeveofelectionday, PoliceSpecialUnits higher security"inthesquaresandthoroughfaresofGreater Strength" in Tehran, whosestatedaimwas"toinstateorderand while pollswerestillopen,policeforcesbegana"Maneuverof over-crowded. (ii)Startingat5pmonFriday, 12June2009, and MehdiKarroubiinseveralcities,claimingtheywere campaign headquartersofcandidatesMirHosseinMousavi arrested protesters.(i) under Moghadam’s commandactivelybeat,injured,and following the12June2009presidentialelection,policeforces a positionhehasheldsince2005.Duringpeacefulprotests On 1July2009,Moghadampubliclyconfirmedthearrestof Following theelection,policeforcesandSpecialUnitsplayed InaninterviewwiththeIranStudentNews Agency on1July Between 13and15June2009,policeforcesattacked Prior to12June2009,policeforcescloseddownthe Ismail Ahmadi MoghadamisHeadoftheIranianPolice, Head oftheIranianPolice MoghadamIsmail Ahmadi

An arrested during theriotswillfaceassertiveconfrontation as death sentencesforthosearrested saying,"Thosewhoare face thepolice'sassertiveconfrontation." of sedition.Whoeverparticipates inthesetypesofprotestswill said, "Thetimeforpatiencehas endedandwewillblindtheeye opposition groupswithviolence.On30December2009,he Judicial andIntelligenceofficials asherepeatedlythreatened (xiii) monitored, becausewehavebeenpatientwiththemsofar." they mustnothavetheerroneousideathatarebeing mustn't thinkthatanti-proxy[software]willprotectthem,and are sentfromaplacewhichinourcompletecontrol...they 15 January2010hetoldreporters,"E-mailsandtextmessages heralding anewstageofrestrictionsonindividualfreedom.On privacy aspoliceforcesmonitorede-mailandtextmessages, warrants toenterthem. yards arenotprivatedomainandpoliceforcesdoneed inside residentialcomplexessuchashallways,rooftops,and by police.(xii)Moghadamlaterclaimedthatsharedspaces Iran attesttowidespreadviolationsofcitizens’ privatedomains received bytheInternationalCampaignforHumanRightsin dishes andthrowingthemintotheyardbelow." Various reports door forthem,theanti-riotforcesstartedbreakingsatellite While thebuildingresidentsweretoofrightenedtoopen went totherooftop,breakingallwindowsontheirwayup. it andhittingwithsticks,theyenteredourhomebyforce door, "Afterfouranti-riotforcesbrokedownthedoorbykicking rooftops, policeforcesattackedhishomeandbrokedown that onenightwhenpeoplewerechanting Allah-o-Akbar from need warrantsandthereisnoprobleminthisarea."(x)(xi) allowed toenterbuildingsduringvisiblecrimesandtheydon't the policecanenteritaccordingtolaw...Police officers are which foranyreasonbecomesasafelocationtherioters, property basedonMoghadam’s assertion that,"Anybuilding hours, andforcingthemtolickthepolicestation'stoiletbowl. making themstandunderthesuninhotsummerweatherfor at themselvesandtheirfamilies,dousingtheminpetrol Police forcesalsotortureddetainees,forcingthemtoswear flogged detaineeswhilekeepingtheminorganizedlines.(ix) police forcesunderMoghadam'sdirectionhavebeatenand ranking membersarecurrentlyinprison,hasallegedthat sticks, forcingustoeatourfoodfromthefloor." our hands.Whenweresisted,theybeatusoverheadswith our foodofRiceandstewonthefloororderedustoeatwith Though withoutjudicialauthority, Moghadampromised Moghadam’s rhetoricfollowingtheelectionechoedthoseof Moghadam alsoacknowledgedtheviolationofcitizen’s A residentofSa'adat Abad in Tehran toldtheCampaign Police forcesalsoraidedprivateresidencesanddestroyed The IslamicParticipationFront,manyofwhosehigh Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 11 Ansari compared During his tenure, special units and anti-riot battalions were During his tenure, special units and anti-riot Elucidating his demand, Ansari said, "As a first step, step, Ansari said, "As a first Elucidating his demand, ix.They Want to Hide their Crimes, Radio Zamaneh, 29 July 2009, to Hide their Crimes, ix.They Want x.Police Smashing Car Windows on the Street, Them Will Confront xi.Police Commander Emphasizes: We June 2009, Attack, CNN, 20 Night-Time Terrifying xii. Are Being Messages and Emails Text xiii.Ahmadi Moghadam: 30 Agency, is Over for Rioters, Fars News Tolerance of xiv.Period Security Run Over Protestors, xv.Iran xvi.Moghadam Confirms the Coordination of Government xvii.Call for Dismissal of Moghadam, RadioFarda, 21 January 2010, Moghadam implemented projects such as "Moral and Social as "Moral and Social Moghadam implemented projects such arrests of thousands Security", a campaign that resulted in the hejab. of young men and women on charges of poor urban anti-riot equipped with advanced arms and several and other large cities. Tehran maneuvers were staged in the events which took place under Moghadam's supervision supervision the events which took place under Moghadam's in the summer of with the serial murders of Iranian intellectuals for what 1998. He asked Moghadam to accept responsibility Najafabadi had in transpired just as Minister of Intelligence Dorri shown accountability1998, and to resign. Moghadam has never said, Ansari for the actions of police forces under his command. Iranian society is shocked by the atrocities and crimes "Today Ahmadi Brigadier which took place in the organization under will not be convinced and the public Moghadam's responsibility, with such explanations and dodging of responsibilities." the intentional destruction of private property and vehicles by of private property and vehicles by the intentional destruction force during 'post-elections incidents, a number of the police of the crimes and atrocities which widespread public knowledge and the illegal and Detention Center, took place in Kahrizak of some of the detainees,' are some of inhumane confrontation the Political Ansari, Secretary of the instances which Jamshid Iranian Parliament Committee of Imam's Line Faction in the Moghadam from his posed as reasons for the dismissal of position as Head of the Police Force. Ahmadi Brigadier considering the direct responsibility of be taken to dismiss Moghadam in recent events, action must website, him." In an article on Parleman News’ Strongly, IribNews, 30 November 2009, Strongly, num=209827 badi.badiozamani.intv.cnn?iref=videosearch Aftab News, 15 January 2010, Monitored, December 2009, Agencies, 20 February 2010, ahmadimoghadam.shtml police_Iran/1797905.html Footnotes Background Additionally, the Judiciary has also increased Additionally, Ashura protests on 25 December when a police vehicleAshura protests on 25 December when a police Ismail Ahmadi Moghadam was born in 1961 in Tehran. He He Tehran. Ahmadi Moghadam was born in 1961 in Ismail During his five-year command over the police force, Within only two months after the election, the Secretary the Secretary Within only two months after the election, During i.Peaceful Protest in the Street, Headquarters ii.Iran Election Update: Reformist Candidate’s by Police, Jamejam Online, Implemented iii.‘Maneuver of Strength’ Dormitories: Police and University Tehran Attack on of iv.Video Release, http:// Attack Original Video University Dorm v.Tehran Attacks, http:// Responsibility for University Takes vi.Moghadam vii.Ahmadi Moghadam: BBC and British Embassy were the Centers viii.Arrest of 1,032 Individuals by Police in Recent Unrest, 1 July is a former IRGC commander who held positions as Head of positions as Head of is a former IRGC commander who held the Basij until 2005. In Basij and Deputy Commander of Tehran’s election, Ahmadinejad's summer 2005, shortly after Mahmoud Police Forces by Moghadam was appointed as Head of Iran’s Ali Khamenei. Supreme Leader of the Political Committee of Imam's Line Faction in the Line Faction in the of the Political Committee of Imam's Ahmadi of Ismail Iranian Parliament demanded the dismissal The abuse and beatings of innocent people, Moghadam. (xvii) ran over a protester, Moghadam refused to take responsibility Moghadam refused to take responsibility ran over a protester, into the incident. and refrained from ordering an investigation of the efforts (xv) Moghadam has confirmed the coordinated police forces saying, and Judiciary, Intelligence Ministry, of Intelligence, "The void among the Police Force, Ministry eliminated and our Basij, IRGC, and Ministry of Interior was 2009. With a good February coordination reached a peak at 11 presence of those command center and with the coordinated a safe and peaceful from the top all the way to the lowest ranks, atmosphere was realized." (xvi) the intensity of its confrontation." (xiv) criminals. Actions of those who participate in the gatherings participate in the gatherings Actions of those who criminals. is moharebeh." Ignoring the insecurity, of rioters and cause protests he said, "The time for patience citizens' right to peaceful has ended and henceforth, whoever with rioters and anarchists of protests will face the police's hard and participates in this kind assertive reaction. Seized and Locked, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 13 June 2009, 12 June 2009, aspx?newsnum=100909260513. Abuse of Students, Plainclothes Forces Responsible for Brutal International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 23 February 2010, attack-on-tehran-university-dormitories-police-and-plainclothes- forces-directly-responsible-for-brutal-abuse-of-students 6 July 2009, Turmoil, of Recent 2009, Though without judicial authority, Moghadam promised promised Moghadam authority, judicial without Though saying, "Those for those arrested death sentences riots will face assertive during the who are arrested of those who Actions as criminals. confrontation of rioters and cause in the gatherings participate citizens' right Ignoring the is moharebeh." insecurity, he said, "The time for patience to peaceful protests has ended and henceforth, with rioters and anarchists in this kind of protests will face whoever participates Additionally, assertive reaction. the police's hard and increased the intensity of its the Judiciary has also confrontation." 12 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown in anopensessionon10January 2010.(vii) 2010, submittedtotheParliament PresidingBoard,andread investigating eventsatKahrizak, wascompletedon6January a specialcommitteeoftheIranian Parliament,chargedwith Mortazavi toreleasedetainees fromKahrizak. The reportof that otherprisonshadnovacancies. Noactionwastakenby Mortazavi evadedmovingdetaineesfromKahrizak,reasoning and ifnecessary, transferalldetaineestoofficial prisons." Security Councilto"shutdownKahrizakDetentionCenter, ordered SaeedJalili,SecretaryoftheSupremeNational and hoodlumsbeingbeaten."(vi) The sameday, he was informedof"detaineesbeingkeptnexttogangsters Prosecutor's Office duringtheirarrestanddetention. Campaign forHumanRightsinIranofabusebyagentsthe make confessions.SomeofthosearrestedtoldtheInternational Intelligence Unit,duringwhichsuspectswerepressuredto interrogations bytheMinistryofIntelligenceandIRGC’s after theelectionsclaimthatMortazavihadadirectrolein to Kahrizakfordetainees.Someoftheindividualsdetained confirmed Mortazavi’s personal issuanceoftransferorders claims byMortazavithattheydiedofmeningitis.(v) The report manslaughter throughinjuriessustainedinbeatings,despite on 18December2009reportedtheircauseofdeathas sent toKahrizak. following violenttreatment.(iv)Intotal,147detaineeswere Javadifar, MohammadKamrani,andRamin Aghazadeh at leastfourpersons,includingMohsenRouholamini, Amir and subjecttotortureabuse,resultinginthedeathsof Center alongsidehighriskcriminals,insubstandardconditions, the transferofpost-electiondetaineestoKahrizakDetention provoking riots."(iii) that theywerearrestedduringtheconfrontationsandwhile the indictmentsofpeoplearrestedintheiroffices falselystated general warrant.SalehNikbakht,alawyer, said,"Inoticedthat for theirarrest,butwereratherarrestedbasedonMortazavi’s in post-electionprotestsnotonthebasisofspecificwarrants confinement, withoutcontactwiththeirfamiliesorlawyers.(ii) and heldwithoutchargeforprolongedperiods,ofteninsolitary these arrestsasdetaineesweretakentounknownlocations "suspicious." (i) known journalists,students,andpoliticalactivistsdeemed security andintelligenceagentstoarresthundredsofwell- arrest warrantfourdaysbeforetheelections,laterusedby of theJune2009presidentialelections.Heissuedageneral On 13July2009,SupremeLeader Ayatollah Khamenei A statementbythe Armed ForcesJudiciaryOrganization Nicknamed the"Torturer of Tehran," Mortazaviordered Lawyers fordetaineesreportedthatindividualsarrested Iranian andinternationaldueprocessrightswereviolatedin Saeed Mortazaviservedas Tehran’s Prosecutoratthetime Tehran’s prosecutorGeneralatthetimeofJuneelection Saeed Mortazavi established ina competentcourt." considered legallyguilty, except incaseswherehisguiltis the IranianConstitution. Article 37statesthat,"Noperson is Parviz Soroori'sinterviewwithPanjereh Weekly). Center withoutpermissionfrom the Tehran Prosecutor(MP no oneshouldhavebeentransferredtoKahrizakDetention detention centers."(xii) about thenumberofdetaineesandthosetransferredtoother was notourresponsibilityeither, andwehavenoknowledge oversight andmanagementofKahrizakDetentionCenter Justice Departmentandwehavenoinformationaboutit. The and riotsin Tehran, thismatterisnotrelatedtotheKahrizak Tehran andthedetainees werearrestedduringconfrontations introduced thedetaineestothisdetentioncenterwerelocatedin refuted theseclaimsbyMortazavi,saying,"Sincethosewho of ReyCityandIamthe Tehran Prosecutor." (xi) the Judiciary....On principle,Kahrizakiswithinthejurisdiction to thosewhoweredoingthetransferandisnotrelatedusor hospital andoneofthemlosthislifeontheway. This isrelated transferred toKahrizak. Two ofthemweretransferredtothe in Kahrizakwereinjuredduringtheconfrontationsandriots and isnotrelatedto Tehran. The threepeoplewholosttheirlives taken place,itiswithinthejurisdictionofReyCityProsecutor has notcommittedanyviolations.Evenifviolationshave legal andthepresidingjudgeincaseofrecentriotssuspects dispatch ofsuspectstoKahrizakwascompletelyofficial and responsibility forcrimesatKahrizak,saying,"Thearrestsand taken inMortazavi’s prosecution. events." (x)However, asofthisdate,noactionshavebeen brought upinrelationtoSaeedMortazavi'sroleKahrizak Agency, "Presently, theJudge'sCourtisreviewingcases post-election eventsfact-findingcommittee,toldMehrNews Gholamreza Mortazavi andseveralotherjudgeswhowereinvolved. and lawyersofothersmurderedintendedtofilesuitagainst was murderedatKahrizak,saidon11 January2010thathe Saleh Nikbakht,lawyertothefamilyof Amir Javadifarwho "removal ofthejudicialqualificationsSaeedMortazavi." Anti-Smuggling Task Forceinhisadministration. namedMortazaviastheHeadof sparkling reportcardduringtherecentriots."(ix)Subsequently, and said,"The Tehran GeneralandRevolutionaryCourtshada ceremony, Mortazavicalledelectionproteststhe"bigsedition," country’s DeputyGeneralProsecutor. (viii) At hisfarewell Prosecutor on30 August 2009,andwasappointedasthe Suspect," hewasremovedfromhispositionas Tehran’s Parliamentary fact-findingcommitteeas"theKahrizak Mortazavi’s actionsareagainst Articles 37,38,and39of Rasoul Jalali,HeadoftheKahrizakJusticeDepartment, On October13,2009,Mortazavipubliclydeniedany Families ofsomethoseharmedatKahrizakdemanded After theofficial announcementofMortazavibythe Asadollahi, anMP andmemberof theParliament's

According toordersfromtheJudiciary, Article 38oftheConstitution Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 13 Amibi Ligabo and Loui In his position as Head of Branch 1410 and Press Court in Press Court in In his position as Head of Branch 1410 and Campaign Blogger Dies in Prison, International xiii.Young Iran: Four Journalists Sentenced to Prison, Floggings, xiv. viii. Mortazavi Named ‘Kahrizak Suspect’, Deutsche Welle, viii. Mortazavi Named ‘Kahrizak Suspect’, Deutsche Welle,,,5092244,00.html ix. Mortazavi Gives Judiciary Spotless Report Card, x.New Developments in Role of Saeed Mortazavi in xi. Mortazavi Denies Responsibility in Kahrizak Events, aspx?newsnum=100864991590 Innocence in Kahrizak xii.Rasoul Jalali Refutes Mortazavi’s At the time of publication of this report, the Iranian Judiciary hasAt the time of publication January 2008, only to die in custody on 18 March 2009, under March 2009, under January 2008, only to die in custody on 18 in the "Case of the suspicious circumstances. (xiii) In 2004, orders to arrest, torture, and coerce false Bloggers", Mortazavi’s Mirebrahimi, Javadconfessions from Omid Memarian, Roozbeh were verified by all and Shahram Rafizadeh Tayamomi, Gholam to kill the prisoners four detainees. (xiv) Mortazavi threatened the torture they by orchestrating car accidents if they mentioned endured in prison when released. "wholesale banning 2000, through actions later referred to as of publications, of the press," he ordered closures of hundreds journalistssending tens of journalists to prison. Most imprisoned in closed door courts. were kept in solitary confinement and tried United Nations Special Rapporteurs, Two and restrictions on Juane, who investigated the arbitrary arrests in a report from freedom of the media in Iran, provided testimony The Rapporteurs called for the dismissal of Mortazavi from 2005. all judicial responsibilities. for Human Rights in Iran, 17 March 2009, 10 February 2009, Human Rights Watch, 6 January 2010, Kayhan, 3 September 2009, Kahrizak Events, Radio Farda, 6 January 2010, Jamejam Online, 17 January 2010, August 2009, Aftab News, 19 Events, refused to hold Saeed Mortazavi accountable. The International Mortazavi accountable. refused to hold Saeed Rights in Iran demands a comprehensive Campaign for Human about the direct role of Saeed and objective investigation the claims of rape in Mortazavi, as well as an investigation of Saeed Mortazavi those prisons and detention centers to which has dispatched prisoners. prison-floggings responsible_for_death/1922684.html Footnotes Background After

Mortazavi was the main official responsible for the murder responsible for the murder Mortazavi was the main official Omid Reza Mirsayafi, Another journalist and blogger, Mortazavi was born in Meibod in 1967. So far he has filled So far he has filled Mortazavi was born in Meibod in 1967. vi.Detainees in Kahrizak Held Next to Criminals, Alef, 6 vi.Detainees in Kahrizak Held Next to Criminals, vii. Report Regarding the Situation in Kahrizak, Radio v.Statement by Armed Forces Organization, ISNA, 19 by v.Statement iii.Saleh Nikbakht on Mortazavi’s Warrant, Etemaad, Warrant, iii.Saleh Nikbakht on Mortazavi’s 26 January 2010, Tabnak, of Four People, iv.Deaths ii.Campaign Report on Human Rights in Iran Since 12 June i.Mass Arrests and Detentions Signal Increasing i.Mass At the time of publication of this report, the Iranian this report, the Iranian of publication of At the time has Judiciary accountable. hold Saeed Mortazavi refused to for Human Rights Campaign The International and objective a comprehensive in Iran demands the direct role of Saeed investigation about as an investigation of the claims of Mortazavi, as well and detention centers to which rape in those prisons has dispatched prisoners. Saeed Mortazavi his dismissal as Tehran Prosecutor, Mortazavi was appointed as Mortazavi was appointed Prosecutor, Tehran his dismissal as General Prosecutor, Deputy to Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, as Ahmadinejad's request, he was appointed but on Mahmoud Force. Task Anti-Smuggling Head of the Kazemi, who died in of Iranian-Canadian photographer Zahra June 2003 as a resultcustody nineteen days after her arrest on 23 a Presidential report of "a hard item hitting her head." Even after never admitted implicated him as most responsible, Mortazavi his involvement and avoided prosecution. was arrested and imprisoned on the orders of Mortazavi in many government positions including: Head of Shahr-e Babak many government positions including: Head General Courts; Tehran General Courts; Head of Branch 9 of Judicial Complex;Head of Branch 34 of Government Employees Prosecutor. Tehran Head of Branch 1410 and Press Court; and in 1994. He was appointed Political Deputy of the Judiciary html January 2010, states that, "Any kind of torture used to extract an admission of of torture used to extract an admission of states that, "Any kind is forbidden. Compelling people to guilt or to obtain information or take an oath is not allowed. Such give evidence, or confess Any person or oath is null and void. evidence or confession is to be punished in accordance with the infringing this principle Article 39 states, "Aspersion of the dignity of and respect law." or put in detention, or due to any person who has been arrested is forbidden in any imprisoned or exiled by command of the law form, and is liable to punishment." December 2009, Zamaneh, 10 January 2010, 2009 - Appendix: Testimony of Ebrahim Sharifi, International Testimony Appendix: 2009 - Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 20 September 2009, Repression, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 17 June 2009, 14 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown of Interior'smainbuildingbasement,therewasa ever published. the MinisterofInterioror Tehran Governorwere Tehran University. (iii)Noreportsofany investigationsby to theGovernorof Tehran toinvestigatetheattacksat Parliament Speaker'sactionsledtoMahsouli'sorders June 2009,anddemandedhebeheldaccountable. The identified Mahsouliasresponsiblefortheeventsof15 reported sexualabuse. longer thedetaineeswerebeaten. The studentsalso was allowedonlyfor30secondsandiftheytookany into asmallroomandbeatenwithsticks.Bathroomuse Ministry, thestudentsweretortured. They werethrown floor. Duringtheirtransferandwhiledetainedinsidethe four levelsbelowthegroundlevelandknownas"-4" arrested weretakentotheMinistryofInterior'sbasement, Campaign forHumanRightsinIran,the50students students insidetheInteriorMinistrybuilding. destruction ofstudentproperty, andthedetentionof50 attacks resultedinthebeatingsandinjuryofstudents, heard askingthepolicetostopbeatingstudents. The that insectionsofthefilmplainclothesforcescanbe The violencedisplayedbypoliceforcesissosevere police andplainclothesforcesinthedormitoryattack. (ii) This videoclearlyshows thecoordinatedefforts of dormitories wasleakedandpublishedovertheinternet. who waspresentduringtheattackon Tehran University University on15June2009. were responsibleforattacksonthedormitoriesof Tehran agents, anditsplainclothesagents.(i) These forces authority overallpoliceforces,interiorministrysecurity presidential elections. Islamic RepublicofIranatthetime12June2009 Sadeq MahsouliwastheMinisterofInterior According totestimonies,on"-4Floor"oftheMinistry Conservative ParliamentSpeaker, Ali Larijani, According totestimoniescollectedbytheInternational On 22February2010,avideorecordedbyanindividual As InteriorMinister, Mahsoulihad Minister oftheInteriortimeJuneelection Sadeq Mahsouli in detentioncentersthebasementofMinistry and theabusemistreatmentofdetaineeswhile and injuryofprotestersonstreetsduringgatherings, University dormitoryattack,themurder, physicalabuse, Mahsouli's directandindirectroleduringthe Tehran Iran demandsanindependentinvestigationofSadeq forces weredirectlyresponsibleforitsoperation. auspices oftheIranianPrisonsOrganization,andPolice light. The detentioncenterdidnotoperate underthe widespread abusesanddeathsundertorturecameto to deathatKahrizakbeforeitwascloseddownafter Detention Center. At leastfourprotesterswerebeaten is responsibleforthetransferofdetaineestoKahrizak claim thenumbertobeconsiderablyhigher. the post-electionprotests.Iranianhumanrightsactivists statistics reportthedeathsofatleast48peopleduring batons andfirearmstoinjureprotesters.(vi)Government crimes duringpost-electionpublicgatherings,using he said. police truncheonacrosshisback,leavinganastywelt," with abeltbuckle. Another time,theybeathimwitha sister andmothernames."Atonepointhewasbeaten language byagentstowardshistranslator, callinghis sworn at."Longleyalsoreportedabouttheuseofvulgar during thisprocessmytranslatorwasbeingkickedand confirmed itsexistence.(v) with histranslatorinthisdetentioncenterforafewhours, Longley, an "-4 DetentionCenter"attheInteriorMinistry. (iv)James the Committeehadreceivedsomeinformationabout situation ofthosearrestedaftertheelections,statedthat the Parliament'sSpecialCommitteetoinvestigate Mahsouli. KazemJalali,anMP andspokespersonfor detention centerthatoperatedunderthesupervisionof The InternationalCampaignforHumanRightsin By virtueofhiscommandoverthePolice,Mahsouli Police forcesunderMahsouli’s orderscommitted On thetorturethatoccurredthereLongleysaid,"All

American journalistwhowasdetainedalong Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 15

Mahsouli’s weak management in responding to criticism for Mahsouli’s vi. Police Chasing Demonstrators During Peaceful March, vii. New Developments in Role of Saeed Mortazavi in iii.Mahsouli Orders Investigation of Dormitory Incidents, to Investigate Illegal Detention Centers, Radio iv.Committee v.James Longley’s Testimony on Existence of ‘-4 Detention Testimony Longley’s v.James Council. He is currently the Minister of Welfare in Mahmoud in Mahmoud Council. He is currently the Minister of Welfare Ahmadinejad's cabinet. University dormitories, on Tehran events such as the attack on the Sonhan residential complex, the shooting of protesters, and the detention of protesters in the basement of the Interior Ministry Ahmadinejad not to appoint him to the post of Interior forced Minister during his second term. Even so, Mahsouli remained in the cabinet in an advisory position and was eventually introduced to Parliament. as the Minister of Welfare Kahrizak Events, Radio Farda, 6 January 2010, BBC Persian, 23 February 2010, Farda, 30 July 2009, responsible_for_death/1922684.html Special Committee to investigate the detainee abuses detainee abuses Special Committee to investigate the that independentreleased on 6 January 2010, and believes under Mahsouli’s investigations into the role of forces events can reveal command during the post-election the months after facts that have been covered up during the elections. (vii) bbcfootage.shtml Against_Protestors/1788302.html Center’, Radio Zamaneh, 15 June 2009, Footnotes Background Sadeq Mahsouli, 50, was born in Orumieh in the Province in the Province Sadeq Mahsouli, 50, was born in Orumieh The Campaign strongly objects at the omission of SadeqThe Campaign strongly objects at the omission ii.Tehran University Attacks, University ii.Tehran i.On 28 December 2008, upon request from Mahsouli, with The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran Campaign for Human Rights in Iran The International investigation of Sadeq demands an independent and indirect role during the Tehran Mahsouli's direct physical attack, the murder, University dormitory of protesters on streets during abuse, and injury of gatherings, and the abuse and mistreatment in the basement detainees while in detention centers and other police Kahrizak, of the Ministry of Interior, of protesters detention centers to which hundreds and were taken. Under the doctrine of "command held accountable responsibility" Mahsouli should be forces or for any unlawful actions taken by police interior ministry personnel. of Western . He has an engineering degree from He has an engineering degree from Azerbaijan. of Western also Ahmadinejad where Mahmoud Elm-va-Sanat University, in Management from studied, and received his graduate degree Mahsouli Agency, News According to IRNA University. Tehran has cooperated with Construction Jihad Corps and prior to that served as Governor of Orumiyeh, Deputy Governor of Western Azerbaijan, Commander of IRGC Region 5 (East and West Army 6, Azerbaijan provinces), Commander of IRGC Special Deputy Minister of Defense in charge of budget and planning, Advisors for the Expediency and Secretary to the Council of Mahsouli's name in the report of the Iranian Parliament's Mahsouli's name in the report of the Iranian Interior, Kahrizak, and other police detention centers Kahrizak, and other police detention centers Interior, taken. Under the to which hundreds of protesters were Mahsouli shoulddoctrine of "command and responsibility" actions taken by be held accountable for any unlawful police forces or interior ministry personnel. the endorsement of the Chief of Staff of Iran’s Joint Armed Joint of Iran’s the endorsement of the Chief of Staff Ayatollah Forces and the approval of Supreme Leader Armed Forces Ali Khamenei (Chief Commander of Joint according to Iranian law), Mahsouli was delegated the Supreme Leader’s authority over the Iranian police. Mahsouli gained full oversight and final decision-making authority over only the powers of appointment and dismissal all police affairs, In of the Police Chief remained with the Supreme Leader. he stated that request letter to the Supreme Leader, Mahsouli’s given the Ministry of Interior’s responsibilities in maintaining order and the intertwined relationship between the Ministry of INterior and Police, the authority over police should be transferred to the Interior Minister. 16 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown Human RightsinIranthatSalavatihasrefusedtoaccept of prisonershavetoldtheInternationalCampaignfor detainees beforetheyevenenterthecourtroom.Families an impartialevaluation.Salavatihaslimitedtherightsof interrogations conductedbyintelligenceofficials without such thathisrulingsaredirectlybasedonthecontentof -the accusedwillreceiveaheavysentence." trial withSalavatiasitsjudgehasapredictableoutcome- is nohopeforseeingjusticedeliveredinhiscourtroom. A intelligence organizationsinchargeofthecasethatthere so aggressivelytakessideswiththeProsecutorand only doeshenotpayanyattentiontotheirdefense, 'defending' theaccusedbecomesmeaningless.Not Campaign, "WhenJudgeSalavatipresidesoveratrial, representing severalpost-electionprisonerstoldthe in protestsanddemonstrations. A humanrightslawyer citizens. The onlychargeinmostcaseswasparticipation society, frompoliticalactivists,tojournalists,ordinary doled outbySalavatiforprotestersspanningallstrataof executed on28January2010.(i)(ii) Rahmani PourandMohammadReza Ali Zamaniwere Reza Arefi.Arash Valian,and Amir Mohammad Amin Ghanbari, Karimi, Abdolreza Zamani, Ahmad Reza Ali Abdolhosseini, Arash RahmaniPour, Mohammad defendants: RezaKhademi,HamedRouhinejad,Nasser has issueddeathsentencesforatleastninepost-election sentences, earningthemonikerof"JudgeDeath."He the election.Hehasissuedhighestnumberofdeath Man" inissuingdeathsentencesforthosearrestedsince aftermath ofthe12Juneelectionandis"NumberOne prison sentencesinpatentlyunfairtrials. rights activists,andpeacefuldemonstratorstolengthy instrumental insentencingpoliticalprisoners,human presidential electionof12June2009,Salavatihasbeen Substitute Judgefor Tehran’s GeneralCourts.Sincethe of Branch15theIslamicRevolutionaryCourtsanda Abolghassem Salavati is the head and presiding judge Abolghassem Salavatiistheheadandpresidingjudge Salavati’s cooperationwiththeIntelligenceMinistryis Over 120yearsworthofimprisonmenthasbeen Salavati haspresidedovernumeroustrialsinthe Presiding judgeofBranch15theIslamicRevolutionaryCourts Abolghassem Salavati Nejad. Morteza Layeghi,GhaderRahimi,andHosseinBastani Varshoee, Faramarz Abdollah Nejad,SaeedHazari, Mohammad Pourabdollah,KiarashKamrani,Mehrdad Mohammad Ali Abtahi, OzrasadatGhaziMirsaeed, Ramezanzadeh, Mohsen Aminzadeh, BehzadNabavi, Mohsen Mirdamadi,DavoodSoleimani, Abdollah Tabatabaee, Morteza Alviri, Mostafa Tajzadeh, Hessam Salamat,OmidMontazeri,Shahabeddin Abdollah Momeni,SalmanSima,MassoudBastani, family, books,newspapers,andvisitationrights. rights availabletoprisonerssuchastelephonecallshis Tavakoli wasdeprivedaccesstohislawyersoranyother Throughout hisdetention,onordersfromSalavati, of education,andafiveyearbanonforeigntravel.(vi) years andsixmonthsinprison,fivedeprivation months injailbeforebeingsentencedbySalavatitoeight sentence forValian. (iv) file. An appealscourthasoverturnedSalavati’s death neither Valian's familynorhislawyerhadaccessto three rocksduringaprotest.(iii)Duringtheproceedings year-old universitystudent,toexecutionforthrowing figures wereprosecutedin August 2009. activists, protestors,journalists,students,andinfluential the presidentialelection,wheremorethan100political Salavati wasthejudgeinfirst"showtrial"heldafter results," and"deprivingtheregimeofpublictrust." illegal congregations,""creatingdoubtaboutelection in thedestructionofpublicproperty," "participationin "disrupting publicorderthroughriots,""participation and mutinywiththeintenttodisruptpublicorder," "propaganda againsttheregime,""congregation charges including"actionsagainstnationalsecurity," allowing forindependentlegalcounsel. the defenselawyers'powerofattorneydocuments Other notablefiguressentencedbySalavatiinclude: Majid Tavakoli, astudentat Salvati sentencedMohammad Amin Valian, a20- Salavati hasruledinpoliticallymotivatedcaseswith Amir KabirUniversity, spent

Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 17 Most cases presided over by Salavati have ended with heavy Alaei, Silva Harotonian, Arash Against Kamiar and vi.Case vii.Alaei Brothers, Silva Harotonian, and Mohammad’s-death-sentence-for- Eight Detained Students of Cooperation Accuses v.Judge "propagation against the regime." Salavati was also in charge of a case against Iranian author and satirist Seyed Ebrahim According to Nabavi, he was summoned and after he Nabavi. did not appear in court, Salavati detained and threatened his Ahmadi. Nehmat lawyer, sentences based on indictments lacking legal bases and proper evidence of "crimes," and reflect a lack of adherence to Iran's Penal Code Procedures and international standards of due process. 2010, Agency, and Mohammad Ehsani, Mehr News Ehsani Court Rulings -- English, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 28 May 2009, with Terrorist Organization Mojahedin-e Khalgh, International Terrorist with April 2009, Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 29 throwing-rocks-reversed Footnotes Background Salavati also sentenced Saeed Matinpour, a journalist and a journalist and Salavati also sentenced Saeed Matinpour, There is little information on how Salavati became a judge There is little information on how Salavati became a judge iv.Student’s Death Sentence for Throwing Rocks Reversed, Death Sentence for iv.Student’s Throwing Rocks, iii.Student Facing Execution for Accelerating, International ii.Pace of Political Executions i.Student Facing Execution for Throwing Rocks, i.Student Facing Execution for in the Revolutionary Court system or his prior record. Salavati in the Revolutionary Court system or his prior record. Salavati Revolution" case against first became known during the "Velvet Alaei, Silva Harotonian, and Mohammad Arash Kamiar and The Ehsani. (vi) He sentenced them to three to six years in prison. ruling indicates that the case review of Salavati’s Campaign’s lacked the evidence to support such sentences and was primarily allegations. (vii) a rehashing of the Intelligence Ministry’s human rights activist, to eight years in prison on the charge of "relations with foreigners," and to one year in prison for Salavati has ruled in politically motivated cases with in politically motivated cases with Salavati has ruled "actions against national security," chargesincluding the regime," "congregation "propaganda against intent to disrupt public order," and mutiny with the order through riots," "participation "disrupting public "participation in in the destruction of public property," about election illegal congregations," "creating doubt of public trust." results," and "depriving the regime trial" held after Salavati was the judge in the first "show than 100 political the presidential election, where more and activists, protestors, journalists, students, August 2009. in influential figures were prosecuted death death International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 16 May Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 28 January 2010, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 8 February 2010, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 8 February 2010, 18 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown operates underthesupervision oftheIslamicRepublic's of Staff ofIran'sJoint Armed Forces. The Joint Armed Forces Firouzabadi wrote,"We arestandingwithallourmight assurances. (iii) of supportfor Ahmadinejad continueddespitesuch in theelections."Firouzabadi’s unlawfulstatements Firouzabadi replied,"RestassuredIwon'tintervene Mehdi Karroubiobjectedtothesestatementsinaletter, happen. They arewrong."(ii) candidate toendthe Ahmadinejad matter, butthis won't been successfulin...introducinganewpresidential said, "Somegroupsofpoliticiansthinktheyhave... claiming thatnocandidatecoulddefeathimwhenhe expressed hissupportofMahmoud Ahmadinejad, behavior. PriortotheJunepresidentialelection,he Constitution andmilitaryprotocolprohibitingsuch and governmentcritics,despitelawsintheIranian opinions andsupportofviolenceagainstdissidents Intelligence andIRGC'sUnit. clients' sentencesaccordingtoordersbytheMinistryof told theCampaignthatJudiciaryissuedtheir long prisonsentencesforpost-electionactivities confessions. Lawyersforactivistswhohavereceived IRGC Intelligenceforcescoercedthemtomakefalse International CampaignforHumanRightsinIranthat tens ofpeoplewerekilledonthestreetsorinprisons.(i) by unitsmanagedtheIRGC’s IntelligenceUnitand protests. At least5,000peoplewerearbitrarilydetained played aprominentroleinsuppressingpost-election Corps (IRGC)andpolice. The IRGCandpoliceforces policies, includingtheIslamicRevolutionaryGuards of Iran,responsiblefordirectingallmilitarydivisionsand Staff oftheJoint Armed ForcesoftheIslamicRepublic authority intheIslamicRepublicofIran.HeisChief Seyed HassanFirouzabadiisthehighestmilitary In 1989,SeyedHasanFirouzabadi wasappointedasChief In apost-electionletteraddressedtothe Twelfth Imam, Firouzabadi hasconsistentlypublicizedhispolitical Several peoplearrestedaftertheelectionstold Chief ofStafftheJoint Armed Forces Seyed HassanFirouzabadi After presidential candidate After presidentialcandidate Background above mentionedforces. direct responsibilityfortheatrocitiescommittedby and policeforces.BrigadierGeneralFirouzabadibears of forcesunderhiscommandincludingtheIRGC,Basij, post-election violenceagainstprotestorsandtheactions Brigadier GeneralSeyedHassanFirouzabadi'srolein demands anindependentandobjectiveinvestigationof Armed Forces,approvedDecember30,2003) years inprison."(Article40ofLawsGoverningCrimes and consideredacrime,punishablebysixmonthstothree controversies, andelectionscampaigningisprohibited by employeesofthearmedforcesingroups,political which statesthat"interference,participation,oractions regulations ofthe Armed ForcesJudiciaryOrganization support ofthegovernmentandagainstitscriticsviolates determined." (v) must submittothepunishmentthatShariaandlawhave does notonlyincludeshowingremorse,butthesepeople were attemptingtoweakentheregimeatasensitivetime those whohavecommittedinjusticeagainstpeopleand dissidents whenhesaid,"Theroadtorepentancefor Revolution inFebruary2010,Firouzabadithreatened demonstrators. DuringacommemorationoftheIslamic Basij forcesinpoliticsandconfrontationswith protests, Firouzabadidefendedinterventionsby Basij basesandGod'smosques." With destruction,massacre,andriotstheyattackedthe interior thatharmedthecultureandpeopleofmyland... a velveteenexterior, butwithadryandpricklyrough attacking mosques,callingthemovement"seditionwith election, inhisletterFirouzabadiaccusedprotestorsof expressed anyopinionsaboutthosearrestedafterthe to sustaintheregime."(iv)Beforejudicialauthorities Chief ofStaff. Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, whoappointsits The InternationalCampaignforHumanRightsinIran Firouzabadi's constantstreamofpoliticalopinionsin After theelectionandduringcrackdownsonpublic

Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 19 iii. Karroubi’s Letter Objecting to Firouzabadi Saying iii. Karroubi’s Imam, Twelfth Post-Election Letter of Firouzabadi to the iv. 2010, Threatens Dissidents, IRNA, 1 January Firouzabadi v. Ahmadinejad Will Win, Farda News, 27 January 2009, 12 July 2009, Tabnak, Footnotes ii.Firouzabadi Claiming No Candidate can Defeat i.Death Toll Apparently Far Exceeds Government Claims, Toll i.Death After the election and during crackdowns on public and during crackdowns on public After the election defended interventions by protests, Firouzabadi and in confrontations with Basij forces in politics of the demonstrators. During a commemoration Firouzabadi Islamic Revolution in February 2010, "The road to threatened dissidents when he said, injustice repentance for those who have committed to weaken the against people and were attempting only include regime at a sensitive time does not must submit to the showing remorse, but these people determined." punishment that Sharia and law have Ahmadinejad, Fararu, 27 January 2009, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 15 July 2009, 20 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown violence as a means to counter the putative velvet revolution against the violence asameans tocountertheputativevelvetrevolution againstthe military officials beforetheelections(see Yadollah Javani'sprofile). presidential candidates. The termhadbeenusedby various IRGCand to accuseprominentreformistpoliticians andthetwocontending used repeatedlybytheIslamicRepublic's highofficials andcourts a "velvetrevolution."(vii) The subjectofavelvetrevolution waslater inseparable." (vi) the Basij'sresponsibilityissame,asBasijandIRGCare "If theIRGC'smissionistodefendRevolution'sachievements, admitting thatBasijforcesaremobilizedunderhiscommandsaying, sentences forpost-electionprotesters. forces routinelycoerceRevolutionaryCourtsjudgestoissuesevere for months. he hadbeenundersurveillanceconductedbyIRGCIntelligenceforces was detainedhisinterrogatorsputforwardasubstantialfile,showing prominent reformistswereplannedpriortoelections.(v) the InternationalCampaignforHumanRightsinIranthatarrestsof to putdownanychallengetheresults. the IRGCandsecurityapparatuses,priortoelection,hadplanned of intendingtooverthrowtheregime,thereisevidencethatofficials from accepting aroleinpost-electionpublicprotests. confessions againstthemselvesandtheircolleagues,aswell Their interrogatorshadstatedtheconditionoftheirreleaseas psychologically abused,andwerecoercedtomakefalseconfessions. months followingtheelections,weremistreatedandphysically custody oftheIRGC'sIntelligenceUnit,especiallyduringfirsttwo out bytheIRGC'sIntelligenceUnit.Manyprisonerswhowerein Office, buttheir investigationsandinterrogationswerecarried Human RightsinIranthattheywerearrestedbytheProsecutor's harm. The IRGCand Basijbroughtthemundercontrol." members didnotgiveintodoubtandtherogueswhowishedcause said, "TheIRGCperformedadmirablyduringthe2009events. election publicdemonstrations.(iv) At agatheringofIRGCforceshe Force admittedtotheIRGC'sdirectroleincrackdownonpost- streets. (ii)(iii) Assa, andSohrab Aarabi areamongstadozenwhowerekilledonthe use offorceagainstunarmedcivilians.Neda Agha Soltan,Kianoosh The useoffirearmswithlivebulletsisaclearinstanceexcessive that therewereasmany100fatalitiesandhundredsofinjuries. were killed.However, researchconductedbytheCampaignindicates as the15June2009attackon Tehran Universitydormitories.(i) are asubsetoftheIRGC,haddirectroleinpost-electionviolencesuch extraction offalseconfessionsfromthosearrested.Basijforces,which activists, andjournalists.Heisalsoresponsiblefororchestratingthe significant partofthepost-electionarrestsreformistpoliticalfigures, Revolutionary GuardCorps(IRGC)wasdirectlyresponsiblefora Major GeneralMohammad Ali Jafari,CommanderoftheIslamic Commander Jafarijustifiedthecrackdown andtheunleashed After theelections,Jafariaccusedprotestersoftryingtoinstigate As earlyas29September2007,Mohammad Ali Jafarihasbeen Human rightslawyersalsotoldtheCampaignthatIRGCIntelligence A prominentpoliticalfigurewhowasarrestedaftertheelectionstold Even thoughofficials oftheIslamicRepublichaveaccusedprotesters Several releasedprisonerstoldtheInternationalCampaignfor In Authorities claimedthatduringpost-electionviolence48people April 2010,MohammadPakpour, CommanderoftheIRGCGround Commander ofIRGC Mohammad Ali Jafari As soonashe

actions." (x) action, intimidation,arrests,andunjustified, un-Islamic,andinhumane saying, "Preservationoftheregimecannot beachievedthroughmilitary Association ofResearchersand Teachers ofQomissuedastatement "preserving theregime,"aprominent religiousorganizationofIran,the against IRGCcommanderswiththeIranianJudiciary. Society ofCombatantClerics,announcedthatitwouldfilealawsuit warrant areply, theyshouldbepursuedbythelaw." and reformistleadersnotonlylackanycredibilityvaluedo based ontheseconfessionsagainsttheservantsofrevolution There isnodoubtthattheunfairallegationsandfalseaccusations repeatedly refutedbydifferent groupsinsideandoutsidethecountry. claimed confessionsandthelegalityoftheseprisoners'trialshavebeen some imprisonedpoliticalactivists. The credibilityandaccuracyofthe personnel intheelections,arebasedonclaimedconfessionsof are adeflectiontactictocoveruptheeffective interferenceofmilitary by law. Intheirlettertheywrote,"Thesedegradingcharges,which the prisoners'confessionsillegalandIRGC'sactionspunishable imprisoned reformistpoliticians.(ix) The parliamentarianstermed Parliament denouncedtheextractionofcoercedconfessionsfrom to knowledge,theymustknow." (viii) and youcanthenjudgehisreasoning.Becausethepeopleareentitled made thosestatements.Ofcoursehewillleave[theprison]someday friends, throughfreediscussion,hewentatransformationand the atmospherewhichnolongerruledhimandbyseparationfromhis to lie.Duringthetimeofhisincarceration,Mr. were madeunderforceandduress. The claimantshavenochoicebut may saythatthepublishedconfessionsofpeoplesuchasMr. Abtahi confessions. organizations vehementlyobjectedtothetelevisedbroadcastofthese pressure toconfessactionstheyhadnotcommitted.Humanrights prisoners whowereforcedunderseverephysicalandpsychological Atrianfar, aformerMinistryofInteriorofficial andjournalist,weretwo threats oflong-termprisonsentencesforthem. authorities' threatstorevealcertainpersonalsecretsoftheprisonersor Commander JafariisreferringwereobtainedthroughIRGCIntelligence information demonstratesthatsomeoftheconfessionstowhich psychological andphysicalpressureonpoliticalprisoners. The added. (vii) is thesameasdeviatingfromfundamentalsofrevolution,"he change ofbehaviorintheIslamicRepublic. This changeofbehavior announced inourenemies'statementsthattheywerepursuinga same goalsbefore,butinadifferent shape." made confessionswhichexplicitlystatethattheywerepursuingthe saying, "Someofthegentlemenwhowerearrestedawhileagohave he said.Hereferredtotheconfessionsofprisonersprovehisclaim, has happenedinmanycountriesthroughelectionsanddemocracy," revolution,' becauseit'simpossibletohavearevolutioninIran...butthis revolution throughelections."Manysaywemustn'tusetheterm'velvet Islamic regime.Hesaidthatoppositionforceshadattemptedavelvet Also reactingtoJafari'sstatements justifyinghisforces'actionsfor On 8September2009,apolitical-religiousorganizationinIran,the On 9September2009,thereformistminorityfractionofIranian Replying toobjectionstheforcedconfessions,Jafarisaid,"Some Former DeputyPresidentMohammad Ali Abtahi andMohammad The Campaignhasreceivedcredibleinformationaboutsevere "These eventsweredesignedmonthsinadvanceanditwaseven Abtahi wasremovedfrom Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 21

ix.Reformist Faction in Parliament Denounces Forced Confessions, of Qom Statement, Radio Teachers Association of Researchers and x. August 2009, Assessment, Radio Farda, 29 Post Election xi. Jafari’s Aftab News, Ali Jafari, xii.Profile of Mohammad vii. Jafari accusing protestors of planning a ‘Velvet Revolution’, Advar Revolution’, vii. Jafari accusing protestors of planning a ‘Velvet Advar News, 1 vii. Jafari explaining the plans of the IRGC were planned, Advar News, Place, Take viii. Jafari Claims Forced Confessions Did Not The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran demands the in Iran demands the The International Campaign for Human Rights Campaign for Human Based on existing evidence, the International He received a graduate degree in Architecture in 1992. He also in 1992. He also Architecture He received a graduate degree in at IRGC's and Staff completed a high military degree in Command University in 1992 and 1993. He taught Command and Staff War with his education, he at IRGC University for awhile. Concurrent was Head of Joint Command Operations and Deputy Commander of IRGC Ground Forces. Beginning in 1992, he became Head of IRGC Ground Forces for 13 years during the last five years of which (xii) His last Tehran. he was also Commander of Sarollah Base in position to which he was appointed by Commander-in-Chief of the Ali Khamenei in 2005 and in Armed Forces, Seyed Iranian Joint which he continues to serve is responsibility for the establishment and operation of IRGC's Strategic Center. show that Basij forces were not present in this incident. Though it is Though it is were not present in this incident. show that Basij forces Basij forces may have entered the scene,possible that a few unorganized among the plainclothes and vigilante we scarcely saw Basij members plainclothes forces who were not related to forces. Most of them were said. Basij," the IRGC Commander Corps Commander accountability of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard to pre-planned efforts for the systematic violations of human rights, and abuse crackdown on political dissidents, torture, mistreatment, murders of people of prisoners aimed to extract forced confessions, attempts to conceal the on the streets by forces under his supervision, them, interfering in truth and to misrepresent the events to exonerate heavy sentences the decision-making process of judges by demanding through subsequent for political prisoners, and promotion of violence speeches and statements. as one of the chief Rights in Iran holds Commander Jafari accountable implicated in the post-election crackdown and for systematic officials demands The Campaign violence against the protesters and activists. committee to determinean investigation by an independent and impartial hold him accountable so that the Ali Jafari's role and to Mohammad thousands to prison, atrocities, which claimed dozens of lives and sent against Iranian citizens, leading to a deepening of systematic violence is prevented in the future. ASSESSMENT/1810345.html Mardomak, 9 September 2009, Zamaneh, 8 September 2009, News, 1 September 2009, September 2009, 1 September 2009, Footnotes Background

Association of Tehran Tehran Association of Ali Jafari reported the deaths of nine "opposition" members,Ali Jafari reported the deaths Architecture. He joined the Islamic Brigadier Commander Mohammad Ali Jafari was born on 1 was born on 1 Ali Jafari Brigadier Commander Mohammad vi.Jafari admitting Basij forces mobilize under his command, Mehr News iv. Jafari admits to the role of the IRGC in crackdown, Rooz Online, 10 iv. Arrests and Detentions Signal Increasing Repression, v.Mass iii.After Withholding Information , Authorities say Youth Demonstrator Youth Authorities say iii.After Withholding Information , i.Video of Attack on Tehran University Dormitories: Police and Tehran Attack on of i.Video "Investigations conducted by IRGC's Security and Intelligence Unit "Investigations conducted by IRGC's Security The IRGC Commander who also heads the Basij forces further Basij forces further The IRGC Commander who also heads the Jafari never showed any accountability for the murders of dozens of Jafari never showed any ii.Murder of Neda Agha Soltan on the Street, ii.Murder of Neda September 1957 in . He attended primary and high schools He attended primary and high schools Yazd. September 1957 in University's Tehran In 1977 he was admitted to Yazd. in the City of College of University as his college's representative. He was also active in University as his college's representative. He was also active in the onset of At Tehran. American Embassy in the occupation of Ali Jafari was dispatched to the war Mohammad Iran-Iraq War, He joined the IRGC in 1981 and served front as a Basij member. and South Operations Bases continuously as Commander of West assuming positions such as IRGC's Deputy throughout the war, Ashura Operations Commander at Sousangerd, Commander of After the war Brigade, and Commander of Quds and Najaf Bases. University to complete his studies. Tehran ended, Jafari returned to The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran in Iran Rights for Human Campaign The International of the Islamic Revolutionary the accountability demands of the systematic violations Commander for Guard Corps on political to crackdown pre-planned efforts human rights, prisoners and abuse of torture, mistreatment, dissidents, people murders of forced confessions, aimed to extract his supervision, attempts by forces under on the streets and to misrepresent the events to to conceal the truth in the decision-making process exonerate them, interfering heavy sentences for political of judges by demanding of violence through subsequent prisoners, and promotion speeches and statements. discussed the 15 June 2009 attack on the Tehran University dormitories Tehran discussed the 15 June 2009 attack on the role in the incident. He and did not completely deny the Basij forces' Tehran the attack on the said some Basij members had participated in Investigations aimed University dormitories in an unorganized manner. University Tehran on at identifying agents responsible for the brutal attack ended in the arrests of dormitories which left tens of people injured and of the students' at least 50 students, causing widespread destruction led to identification of any responsible individuals or has not property, organizations one year after the event. protesters at the hands of forces under his supervision or the police. He of forces under his supervision or the police. He protesters at the hands had been killed. In September 2009, claimed that only nine protesters Mohammad Parliament's special a member of the Tajjari, even though Farhad the post election prisoners' issues, had earlier committee to investigate This number as 30. (xi) announced the number of murdered protesters Ashura Day after the grew during the coming months and especially Alireza Beheshti, the same time, At protests, which left ten more dead. Mousavi and Karroubi the speaker for the joint committee appointed by presented the to investigate the conditions of post-elections detainees, deaths during the post- Parliament with a list of 69 individuals whose elections incidents were confirmed by the committee. dormitories-police-and-plainclothes-forces-directly-responsible-for-brutal-abuse-of-students Agency, Agency, April 2010, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 17 June 2009, Died of Gunshot Wounds, International Campaign for Human Rights in Died of Gunshot Wounds, Iran, 12 July 2009, Plainclothes Forces Responsible for Brutal Abuse of Students, Plainclothes Forces Responsible for Brutal International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 23 February 2010, 22 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown Courts, JudgeMoghisseh triedtwodetainees,Jafar the MinistryofIntelligence," headded. This hasturnedtheIranianJudiciary intoasubsidiaryof suspects andtheirlawyers,issuepoliticalrulings. evidence inthefilesanddefensepresentedby intelligence organizationsclosetheireyesonthe judge wouldeverconfirmhisrulings." machine forheavyandbaselesssentences.Nohonest simplest judicialconceptsandonlyservesasasignature with himisthatheincapableofunderstandingthe Rights inIran,"Whatwesawournumerousmeetings prisoners toldtheInternationalCampaignforHuman their imprisonment,includingdeathsentences. the interrogatorshadthreatenedsuspectswithduring foundation. The sentencesverycloselyfollowedwhat that rulingsissuedbyJudgeMoghissehlackedlegal post-election politicalprisonerstoldtheCampaign sentence andSaberiwaseventuallyreleased.(i) prison in April 2009. The appealscourtoverturnedthis accused ofspying,andsentencedhertoeightyearsin ,theIranian-Americanjournalistfalsely intelligence agents. has issuedsentencesdemandedbyinterrogatorsand defense presentedbythesuspectsortheirlawyers,and cases JudgeMoghissehhaspaidnoattentiontothe the sentencewasimprisonmentorexecution.Inmost the suspectshavebeendeprivedofafairtrial,whether most ofcasesreviewedandruledbyJudgeMoghisseh, received bytheCampaignclearlydemonstratesthatin families ofprisoners,andreleasedprisoners.Information has conductedinterviewswithhumanrightslawyers, sentences fortheprotesters. prison sentences,buthehasalsoissuedseveraldeath the June2009elections.Hehasnotonlyissuedlong the casesofmanyactivistsandprotestersarrestedafter the IslamicRevolutionaryCourts,hasbeeninchargeof Judge MohammadMoghisseh,HeadofBranch28 During the show trials in Branch 28 of the Revolutionary During theshowtrialsinBranch 28oftheRevolutionary "Unfortunately, a fewjudgeswhofollowordersfrom A lawyerwhorepresentedseveralpost-election Several humanrightslawyerswhorepresented Judge Moghissehpresidedovertheprosecutionof The InternationalCampaignforHumanRightsinIran Head ofBranch28theIslamicRevolutionaryCourts Mohammad Moghisseh

their clientsinprison,aswell asforsigningthepowerof refusal toissueordersallowing lawyerstomeetwith temporary detentionorders withinthelegaltimeframe; minimum punishmentfortheir crimes;refusaltoend should notbedetainedfor aperiodlongerthanthe of suspectsdespitethelaw'sstipulationthat in thisbranchare:theillegalextendedimprisonment which shouldbereviewedandespeciallyexamined Citizen's RightsLaw. Forexample,someoftheviolations such astheIranianCodeofCriminalProcedureand particularly actedagainstbasicandfundamentallaws cases, someofwhichIhaverepresented.Hehas has actedagainstthelawduringreviewsofseveral Mr. MoghissehofBranch28 oftheRevolutionaryCourts Revolutionary Courts,theattorneywrote,"Regrettably, wrote aboutthisjudge'sviolations.(iv) represented severalpost-electionspoliticalprisoners Mohammad Mostafaei,ahumanrightslawyerwhohas recommendation. So fartheIranianJudiciaryhasabstainedfromtakingthis independent judgestoreviewthecaseshehadreviewed. further demandedthattheJudiciaryappointagroupof that hisrulingsarepoliticallymotivated. The Campaign repeated violationsofthelawandagrowingsuspicion Moghisseh fromhispositionasajudgeongroundsof Campaign askedtheIranianJudiciarytosuspendJudge sentences wereissuedbyJudgeMoghisseh,the the crimesandtheirpunishment. After thetwoprison rulings isthedisproportionaterelationshipbetween their clientsincourt. the twodefendants'lawyerswerenotallowedtodefend evidence ofanycrimeinhercasefile. According toBaharehHedayat'shusband,therewasno half yearsandMilad Asadi tosevenyearsinprison.(iii) Asadi. HesentencedBaharehHedayattonineand Iranian studentactivists,BaharehHedyatandMilad both suspectsguiltyandsentencedthemtodeath. propaganda againsttheregime.(ii)Moghissehfound Mojahedeen-e KhalghOrganization(MKO)and of moharebehforcontactingandcooperatingwith Kazemi andMohammad Ali Haj Aghaee, oncharges Reporting ontheviolationsinBranch28of In alettertotheHeadofIranianJudiciary, Another repeatingpatterninJudgeMoghisseh's Judge Moghissehissuedrulingsfortwoprominent

Against Iranianlaw, Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 23 iv.Mostafaie: Judge Moghisseh Has deprived Defendants iv.Mostafaie: Letter by Evin Prisoners Detailing Ill-Treatment, v.Open On 19 April 2010, several political prisoners at Evin political prisoners at Evin April 2010, several On 19 of Many Rights, International Campaign for Human Rights in April 2010, Iran, 10 April 2010, BBC Persian, 20 letter.shtml letter.shtml prison wrote an open letter, detailing their ill-treatment detailing their ill-treatment prison wrote an open letter, (v) In and lack of due process during their prosecutions. conditions described their difficult the prisoners the letter, abuse they and the physical, sexual, and psychological have had to endure during their detention. Footnotes ii.Two More Death Sentences Upheld by Appeals Court, More Death Sentences Upheld by ii.Two Activists, iii. Draconian Prison Sentences Doled out for i.Acquit and Release Roxana Saberi, International Another repeating pattern in Judge Moghisseh's rulings is the Another repeating pattern between the crimes and their disproportionate relationship sentences were issued by After the two prison punishment. Campaign asked the Iranian Judiciary Judge Moghisseh, the from his position as a judge on to suspend Judge Moghisseh a growing suspicion grounds of repeated violations of the law and The Campaign further that his rulings are politically motivated. of independent demanded that the Judiciary appoint a group So far the Iranian judges to review the cases he had reviewed. Judiciary has abstained from taking this recommendation. attorney documents; refusal to serve the defense with the defense with attorney documents; refusal to serve the refusal accurate trial dates and more importantly, dates and more to serve the defense with accurate trial the related court papers and copies of the importantly, from their chance indictment; and depriving the suspects to present a fair defense." Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 19 April 2009, Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 19 International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 1 May 2010, International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 20 May 2010, 24 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown Courts shouldtryandconvict them.(vi)Hecontinued, punishable bythedeathpenalty) sayingRevolutionary earth" (chargesof"corruption onearth"ormoharebehare describing themas"manifestationsofcorruptorson again demandedmaximumpenaltiesforprotestors 2010 ata Tehran FridayPrayersermon,Jannationce is awaitingyou." After protests on Ashura, on1January Ashura? Isaythatifyoushowweakness,aworsefuture many peoplewereexecutedwhichledto(theprotestsof) suppressed bypolice)(v)We mustasktheJudiciary, how (Reference tostudentdemonstrationsin1999thatwere protesting, "We showedweaknessafter18 Tir. (iv) of executionsasameansdissuadingcitizensfrom a man."(ii)(iii)Jannatibelievesintheimplementation you executedthosetwoindividuals,thankyou,standlike revolutionary attitude.So,forGod'ssatisfaction,justas Judiciary, saying,"...youhaveananti-oppressionand more executionsinanaddresstotheHeadofIranian Rahmanipour, carriedoutthedaybeforeandcalledfor two politicalprisoners,Mohammad of allcorruptionbeenarrestedyet?"(i) whom allknowtobetherootsofseditionandmother the leadersnotbeenarrestedyet?Whyhaven'tthose Friday Prayersermonin Tehran, heasked,"Whyhave reformist politicalleaderswhen,on1 August 2009ata in punishment."JannatiprovokedtheJudiciarytopursue their promisewerekilled,wecannothavecompromises as whenduringthetimeofProphet,thosewhobroke room forcompassion;theremustbeconfrontation,just those whoshowmercytocorruptorsonearth. There isno saying forexample:"IhopeGoddoesnotshowmercyto of suchsentences. the IranianJudiciary, andsupportedtheimplementation has continuouslydemandedexecutionsentencesfrom earth," achargethatcarriesthedeathpenalty. Jannati He hasrepeatedlycalledprotestors"corruptorson Revolutionary GuardCorps(IRGC)andsecurityforces. protestors, andcoordinatedhisrhetoricwiththeIslamic incited violence,demandeddeathsentencesforelection 12 Junepresidentialelection,Jannatihasunabashedly of thecountry’s highestranking authorities.Sincethe the IslamicRepublicofIran’s GuardianCouncilandone Ayatollah Ahmad JannatiistheSecretaryGeneralof On 29 January 2010, Jannati defended the execution of On 29January2010,Jannatidefendedtheexecutionof Jannati hasexplicitlyadvocatedtheuseofviolence, Secretary GeneraloftheGuardianCouncil Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati Ali Zamaniand Arash Arash only naturalifthespectators getconfused."(ix) a refereeannounceshissupport foraparticularteam,itis Ahmadinejad's candidacy...When beforeagameisheld opponents. But,unfortunately, theysupportedMahmoud referee mustnotexpressanopinioninfavorofonethe The GuardianCouncilisinthepositionofreferee,anda have mademistakesintheirapproachtotheelections. ,aswellGholamhosseinElham, Council suchasMohammad Yazdi, Ahmad Jannati, Agency, "Inmyopinion someofthemembers for Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. MotaharitoldILNA News having madea"mistake"byannouncinghissupport Member oftheIranianParliament,accusedJannati Iranian MPstoreact. Ali Motahari,aconservative Jannati’s lackofobjectivitymovedevenconservative talked aboutsentencingandpunishinghisopponents. supported Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s candidacyand Jannati isexpectedtoremainimpartial.However, he Council (responsibleforvettingPresidentialcandidates) television duringshowtrials.(viii) Mohammad Ali Abtahi werebroadcastonIranianstate Khatami’s cabinetincludingformerVice PresidentSeyed of severalformerhighrankingofficials inMohammad Jannati's statements,on1 and psychologicallytortured.Onlyafewweeksafter or otherreformists.Somesaidtheywerephysically coerced tomakefalseconfessionsagainstthemselves Campaign forHumanRightsinIranthattheywere and releasedafterseveralweekstoldtheInternational degree thatitisappropriate."(vii) providing confessionsandwewillinformthepublicto said, "Somepeoplehavebeenarrestedandtheyare On 3July2009,duringaFridayPrayerssermon,Jannati his knowledgeofwhatwashappeninginsideprisons. confessions bypost-electiondetainees,demonstrating wimp judges." revolutionary judgesof1979tothesecasesandnotsome Judiciary mustactswiftlyinthisareaandtoassignthe given anotherchance;theymustbepunishedandthe after Ashura (30December2009),"Theymustn'tbe saying thatifprotesterscontinuetheirdemonstrations As afaqih,ortheologicalexpert,ontheGuardian Several individualsimprisonedaftertheelections Jannati announcedthecomingoftelevisedcoerced

August 2009, the confessions August 2009,theconfessions Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 25 vii.Jannati Announces Televised Confessions During Friday Televised Announces vii.Jannati Confession, Fars Abtahi’s Ali viii.Broadcast of Mohammad Mottahari on Guardian Council Expressing Opinions on the vi.Jannati Demands Execution for Protestors, 1 January Prayer Sermon, Radio Farda, 3 September 2009, 31 December 2009, Agency, News Election, BBC Persian, 27 June 2009, 2010, PRAYING/1768680.html shtml Footnotes iv.Jannati Speech on Executions, iv.Jannati On, BBC, 9 July 2004, Years Iran Student Protests: Five v. iii.Pace of Political Executions Accelerating, International iii.Pace of Political Executions Prisoners, BBC Two ii. Jannat Defends Executions of i.Jannati Provokes Judiciary to Pursue Reformists, BBC Jannati has explicitly advocated the use of violence, Jannati has explicitly "I hope God does not show mercy to saying for example: to corruptors on earth. There is no those who show mercy there must be confrontation, just as room for compassion; of the Prophet, those who broke their when during the time in promise were killed, we cannot have compromises to pursue punishment." Jannati provoked the Judiciary August 2009 at a reformist political leaders when, on 1 "Why have the he asked, Friday Prayer sermon in Tehran, those whom leaders not been arrested yet? Why haven't the mother of all all know to be the roots of sedition and corruption been arrested yet?" shtml Persian, 29 January 2010, Campaign for Human Rights in Iran, 28 January 2010, http:// Persian, 21 August 2009, Persian, 21 26 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown physically andpsychologically abused,andpressured two monthsfollowingtheelection, weremistreated, to theIRGC'sIntelligence Unit, especiallywithinthe the IntelligenceUnitofIRGC. Prisonersturnedover interrogations andinvestigations werecarriedoutby were carriedoutbytheProsecutor'sOffice, butthat Campaign forHumanRightsinIranthattheirarrests [what ishappening]behindthescenes."(ii) sedition's eyecanonlybepossiblebyshiningalighton sedition's eyeandremoveitfromthesocket.Blinding but itwasn'tblinded.We mustnowcompletelyblindthe During theseincidents,thesedition'seyewasdamaged, and peoplewillknowthisfaceevenmoreinthefuture. elections eventsshowedthefaceofnewdissension whose sourceisthenewdissension. The pre- andpost- During theelections,wefacedadeepsedition;sedition left theseconspiraciesfruitlessandnippeditinthebud. predicted] thevelvetrevolution.People'sawareness Sadegh, Ipredictedtheefforts ofanti-stategroups, [I the elections,inananalyticalreportIwroteSobh-e the useofviolenceagainstprotesters,saying,"Priorto of IRGCauthoritiesandleaders,Javanipubliclysupported the electionsinsocietyandamongsupporters."(i) objectives otherthanrallyingsupportandenthusiasmfor their scarves,robes,hats,wristbands,etc...pursues public invitationofsupporterstousethecolorgreenin publication oftheIRGC,quotedJavaniassaying,"A the elections,Sobh-eSaadeghWeekly, theofficial the electionsof12June2009. Two weeksbefore have becomethebasisforactionsofIRGCsince some madeevenbeforetheelectionhappened, formulate itsconfrontationmethods." Depending onthenatureofthreats,IRGCwill for defendingtherevolutionandencounteringthreats. against dissidentssaying,"TheIRGCisresponsible described theroleofIRGCasarbiterjustice of interrogations.Javani,sincebeforetheelection, protestors andhaveresultedintheIRGC’s takeover statements havebecomethebasisforindictmentsagainst tactics againstpost-electionprotesters.Javani’s supported theuseofviolenceandharshinterrogation Guard Corps’ (IRGC)PoliticalOffice. Hehasrepeatedly Yadollah JavaniistheHeadofIslamicRevolutionary Released prisonershavetoldtheInternational Just underonemonthaftertheelection,ataconvention Javani’s statementsagainstelection-related protests, Head oftheIRGCPoliticalOffice Yadollah Javani

confessions byprisonerssuchasMohammad confidential. Javanihaspubliclyquotedfromthetextsof of Iranstipulatethatdetailsinterrogationsmustremain from prisonerinterrogations.LawsoftheIslamicRepublic apparent inJavani’s publicuseofconfidentialinformation be broadcastontelevision.(iii)(iv) forced tomakeconfessionswhenhecalledforthem has confirmedthatdistinguishedpoliticalfigureswere to broadcasttheconfessionsofthosearrested"and of theseconfessions.Javanihassaid,"Itisnecessary a staunchadvocateforthepublicationandbroadcast were madeaconditionforrelease,andJavanihasbeen to makefalseconfessions.Confessionscharges velvet revolutioninIran."(vi) [excuse ofthe]presidentialelections, intendedtohavea supported bytheWest andespeciallytheUS,using during thepost-electionsriots, itisexpressedthatagroup as theconfessionsofsuspects andthosearrested referring todocumentedandavailableevidence,aswell and treacherousgroup.Inthetextofindictment, religious regime,mustbepunishedasanoverthrowing the IslamicRepublicregimeandtoreplaceitwithanon- who wishestoaccompanytheGreatSatanUSchange individual, regardlessoftheirbackgroundorposition, working towardsavelvetrevolution,"Anygrouporany demanding punishmentofprotesters,accusingthem Javani publishedanarticleinSobh-eSadeghWeekly, of thatindictment. According toFarsNews Agency, in post-electionspeechescomprisedalargepart those arrestedandputontrial.Javani’s statements indictment madeagainst100peoplewhowereamong election thesubjectofasoftrevolutionarosein Republic government.Severalmonthsafterthe sweeps ofattemptinga"softoverthrow"theIslamic sentenced tofiveyearsinprison. power atwhatevercost. A fewmonthslater, Aghaee was strategy inthepresidentialelectionhadbeentocome as sayingthatthereformistandoppositioncandidates' trial hadnotbeenheldyet.(v)Javaniquoted Aghaee a memberofthereformistKargozaranParty, whose information fromtheconfessionsofHedayat Aghaee, Mousavi beputontrial.Inhisspeech,herevealed demanded thatpresidentialcandidateMirHossein another politicalfigure.On17 August 2009,Javani former Vice PresidentofIran,andMohammad Aghaee, Proof oftheIRGC’s infiltrationofthejudicialprocessis Javani hasaccusedthosearrestedinpost-election Ali Abtahi, Abtahi, Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 27 As a leading military iv. Javani Says Confessions Should be Broadcast and iv. v.Ibid Article in Sobh-e-Sadegh Demanding vi.Javani Publishes vii.Ibid. Reveals Information in Them, Aftab News, 15 August 2009, Aftab News, 15 Them, Reveals Information in August 2009, Punishment for Protestors, Fars News, 11 politics by military personnel is illegal. Javani has incited violence before, Yadollah authority, of 12 June. He during, and after the presidential election revealed the has advocated violence against protesters, interrogation transcripts before their contents of suspect’s protesters. trials, and defended using violence against Footnotes ii. Javani Supporting the Use of Violence Against Protestors, ii. Javani Supporting the Use of Violence iii. Javani Supports the Publication and Broadcast of i.Javani Quoted Saying Plans Existed to Target Protestors Target i.Javani Quoted Saying Plans Existed to According to the Iranian Constitution, any interference inAccording to the Iranian Constitution, any Javani made explicit references to IRGC's interference Javani made explicit references to IRGC's Javani made explicit references to IRGC's Javani made explicit post-elections events, saying, interference in the to presence the IRGC was able its maximal "With effective role in the elections." have a positive and Constitution, any According to the Iranian is illegal. interference in politics by military personnel Javani Yadollah As a leading military authority, and after the has incited violence before, during, has advocated presidential election of 12 June. He the contents of violence against protesters, revealed transcripts before their trials, interrogation suspect’s protesters. and defended using violence against in the post-elections events, saying, "With its maximal "With its maximal in the post-elections events, saying, a positive and presence the IRGC was able to have the elections." (vii) role in effective Wearing Green, Sobh-e-Sadegh, Wearing June 2009, RFI, 11 Aftab News, 24 June 2009, Confessions, 28 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown punishment ofperpetrators,andprevention[ofsimilar need fortheimmediatereviewofchargesagainstrioters, "Considering recentevents(postelection),andthe of theparliamentoffered thefollowingjustification: overturned thesentence. sentenced todeath. The appealscourtsubsequently throwing threerocksduringapost-electionprotest,was Valian, atwenty-yearoldmanwhose onlycrimewas legal defense.Inoneofthesecases,Mohammad Amin conditions withouttheopportunitytobuildaneffective are broughttocourtafterenduringharshdetention are deprivedofaccesstoalawyertheirchoiceand where suspectsareconvictedofmoharebeh,defendants objective trials,aswellIranianlaws.Inmostcases international standardsandproceduresforfair arrested afterthe2009presidentialelectionsasviolating described thelegalreviewprocessappliedtoprotesters Campaign forHumanRightsinIran,haverepeatedly days, insteadofthe25dayscurrentlyallowed. cases of"disturbingpublicorder"andmoharebehtofive and wouldreducetheperiodallowedforanappealin Iran's GeneralandRevolutionaryCourtsCriminalCode, approved, itwouldbecomeanaddendumto face ofstrongcriticismsduringthefollowingweeks,if MPs. Although thebillwaseventuallyabandonedin Hosseinian andsignedby35otherpro-government fraction, reportedaboutthisurgentbillinitiatedby News, thewebsiteforIranianParliament'sminority since beenexecuted.On4January2010,Parleman charged withmoharebeh. Two ofthoseconvictedhave handed downatleastthirteendeathsentencesforthose death sentencesissuedforpost-electionprotestors. justified asameantoexpeditetheimplementationof and sentencedtoexecutiononlyfivedays. The billwas persons chargedwithmoharebeh(enmityagainstGod) Parliament thatwouldreducetheappealsperiodfor of 36parliamentariansinintroducinganurgentbill In January2010,RouhollahHosseinian,ledagroup In the introductory section of the proposed bill, member In theintroductorysectionofproposedbill,member Human rightsorganizations,includingtheInternational During post-electiontrials,RevolutionaryCourtshave Member ofParliament Rouhollah Hosseinian Article 236 of Article 236of

and instigateofficial violencemustbeheldaccountable. such asHosseinian,whosestatementshelpedpromote are nottheonlyindividualsresponsible,butalsothose, protestors anddissidentsthroughorganizedactivities who weredirectlyinvolvedinviolenceorcausedharmto by theIranianJudiciary. The Campaignnotesthatthose issuance ofpolitically-motivatedverdictsandsentences atmosphere ofsupportforofficial violence,andforthe figures havehadasignificantimpactincreatingan Hosseinian andotherreligious,political,media believes thatstatementsbypersonssuchasRouhollah Republic "mustallbetreatedtotheblade." Emami believedthatthosewhoopposedtheIslamic strong intelligenceoperative."Hosseinianhasalsosaid genius," hehassaid:"SaeedEmamiwasapowerfuland after beingarrested.Praisinghimas"anintelligence who reportedlycommittedsuicideinaprisonbathroom a supporteroftheformerDeputyMinisterIntelligence, committed byagentsoftheintelligenceministry. Hewas least fiveintellectuals,knownasthe"chainmurders," and theprimesuspectfor1998assassinationsofat Saeed Emami,aformerDeputyMinisterofIntelligence assassinations byintelligenceagents.Hedefended many executionorders." executions, adding:"Whenhewasajudge,issued Hosseinian, hesaidthathadaspecialinterestin its initiators,especiallyMr. Hosseinian."Describing "This billreflectstheextremistandradicalmentalityof Ali Mottahari,memberofthePrincipalistFraction,said, an interviewwithParlemanNewson5January2010, the MembersofParliamentwhoproposedbill.In signed theproposedbill. government PrincipalistMPs,wereamongthosewho Kamran, EliasNaderan,andFatemeh Alia, allpro- crimes], [this]urgentbillispresented." The InternationalCampaignforHumanRightsinIran Hosseinian hasahistoryofdefendingextra-judicial Government criticsandsomeMPshavecriticized Rouhollah Hosseinian,HamidRasaee,Mohammad Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 29 Previously, Hosseinian was the Head of the Center for Islamic the Head of the Center for Islamic Hosseinian was Previously, education at Haghani School until 1981. as Mahmoud Revolution Documents. He was appointed in May 2008. Advisor Ahmadinejad's Security and Political

Background Hojjat-ol-eslam Rouhollah Hosseinian was born in 1955 in Shiraz.Hojjat-ol-eslam Rouhollah Hosseinian was born He moved with his family at age five to an Abadeh village named village named Abadeh He moved with his family at age five to an school education in Saghad, and finished his primary and middle in 1970, continuing his the same village. He entered Qom Seminary Government critics and some MPs have criticized Government critics who proposed the bill. In the Members of Parliament Parleman News on 5 January 2010, an interview with of the Principalist Fraction, Ali Mottahari, member and radical said, "This bill reflects the extremist Hosseinian." Mr. mentality of its initiators, especially he had a special Describing Hosseinian, he said that he was a judge, interest in executions, adding: "When he issued many execution orders." 30 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown have madedirectdemands ofRevolutionaryCourts have toldtheCampaignthat IRGCintelligenceforces Republic ofIran. Additionally, humanrightslawyers without anypriorrecordofactivities againsttheIslamic protests andwerearrestedat theirhomes,mostofthem in suppressingpeacefulprotests. and thepremiseforuseofforcebyIRGCBasij appointed bytheSupremeLeaderprovidedjustification comments asahighlyrankedgovernmentofficial directly people killedforpreservingtheregime."(iii)Saeedi’s emergence ofIslamhesaid,"Itisworthittohave75,000 dead duringthefirstthreebattlesofImam Ali afterthe in ordertoprotecttheregime,referringnumberof stated thatmoreaggressionandmurdersareacceptable in theinterestof"maintainingregime."(ii)Hefurther Saeedi supportedusingviolencebygovernmentforces during aconferencetitled"Defending and twoofthemweresecretlyexecuted.(i) "enmity againstGod." They receiveddeathsentences, protestors, havebeenconvictedof"moharebeh,"or at leastelevenpeople,inshowtrialsofpost-election charge thatcancarrythedeathpenalty. Sincetheelection reformists intended"anoverthrowthroughelections,"a Saeedi demandedpreventativemeasures,claimingthat During apre-electiongatheringofIRGCcommanders, government’s preparationtomeetprotestswith force. subsequent actionsoftheIRGCserveasevidence sentences. and applyingpressuretoJudicialofficials toissue harsh the IRGChasplayedavisibleroleinforcingconfessions protestors andpoliticalprisonerssincetheJuneelection, IRGC forcesagainstpeacefulprotesters.Duringtrialsof prisons. of protestors,fourwhomweremurderedinIranian security apparatuses.IRGCforcesarrestedthousands Islamic Republicauthoritiestosanctiontheactionsof violence oncitizens,becomingoneofthehighestranking forces inpost-electioncrackdownsandtheiruseof (IRGC). SaeedivehementlydefendedtheroleofIRGC Ali KhameneiintheIslamicRevolutionaryGuardCorps Ali SaeediistheRepresentativeofSupremeLeader Hundreds ofthosearrestedwerenotpresentinthe Months beforetheJuneelections,inDecember2009, Saeedi’s statementsbeforetheelection and the Eyewitness hasconfirmedviolentattacksbyBasijand Representative ofSupremeLeaderinIRGC Ali Saeedi Against A SoftWar," days, answeringthequestion ofwhoisresponsible on protesterstotheBattleof Saffein duringIslam'searly West, andprotectIslam?"Helikened thecrackdown to streetsandchantslogans underinfluencefromthe asked, "Shouldn'twestand againstthosewhocome murder ofcitizensas"sheddingbloodforIslam."(v)He 2009, Saeediinvokedreligiousfervorbydescribingthe "threats" "thehighestgrade."Inaninterviewon27July area." (iv)HeevengavetheIRGC’s performanceagainst and theyhelpedthepoliceforcesinnationalsecurity helped theMinistryofIntelligenceinintelligencearea with threats,theIRGCenteredlogicallyandlegally. They post-election events,wherevertheregimewasfaced confrontation withoperativeswhouseforce." action againsttheIslamicRepublicofIran,"and"legal that intendtosabotage,overthrow, orcommitanyother "legal confrontationwithoperativesandmovements statement ashisreasoningthattheIRGCisallowed IRGC's Articles ofIncorporation,underIRGC'smission suppress dissidents.Saeedicitedthesecondchapterof the presenceofIRGCinpoliticswasnecessaryto by theSupremeLeader, Saeedimadeclaimsthat law, usinghispositionwithIRGCandappointment personnel inpoliticsisprohibited.Withoutregardforthe be abletocontinuemyeducation." the reformistleadersIwouldlosemyjobandnever sick. They saidthatifIdidn'tmakeconfessions against But Ihadn'tleftmyhouseaftertheelectionsbecausewas confess toparticipatingintheorganizationofprotests. was fromIRGC'sIntelligenceUnitrepeatedlytoldmeto week, kickingandslappingme,theinterrogatorwho and degradation.Duringtheinterrogationsinfirst they triedtodefeatmepsychologicallythroughinsults not attendedanyofthegatherings. charges ofparticipationinprotests,eventhoughhehad individuals wasarrestedtwodaysaftertheelectionson confess toactstheyhavenotcommitted.Oneofthese after theirarrest. They attesttobeingpressured mistreated andabusedphysicallypsychologically Campaign forHumanRightsinIranthattheywere protesters. judges toissueharshsentencesforthepost-elections Saeedi claimedon24February2010that,"Inrecent According toIranianlaw, interferencebymilitary He toldtheCampaign,"Immediatelyaftermyarrest, Several post-electiondetaineestoldtheInternational

Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 31 Asr Iran, 27 Actions: Saeedi, Deserves Highest Grade for v.Government iv.Saeedi Defending the Actions of the Government Against Protestors, Actions of the Government Defending the iv.Saeedi served as one of the main centers responsible for designing the post- election crackdown, operates under Saeedi's direction. Saeedi is a Association, a conservative former member of Combatant Clergy organization for the clerics. July 2009, him] who will be responsible for the shed blood? Imam shed blood? Imam him] who will be responsible for the Ali answer as Imam replied that we will provide the same Battle." did to protect Islam during the Saffein Yazd Farda, 24 February 2010, Yazd Footnotes Background Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Ahmadinejad's election, After Mahmoud Ali Saeedi succeeded Movahedi Kermani and served in the Ali Saeedi succeeded Movahedi Kermani and served in the Against Protestors, Radio ii.Saeedi Supporting the Use of Violence iii.Ibid. i.Pace of Political Executions Accelerating, International Campaign for i.Pace of Political Executions position of the Supreme Leader's Representative in the IRGC until 2005. Supreme Leader, appointed him to the IRGC as his representative. Supreme Leader, which according to several sources The IRGC's Political Office, Saeedi’s statements before the election and the statements before the Saeedi’s of the IRGC serve as evidence subsequent actions to meet protests preparation of the government’s a pre-election gathering of IRGC with force. During demanded preventative commanders, Saeedi intended "an measures, claiming that reformists that can carry overthrow through elections," a charge Since the election at least eleven the death penalty. protestors, have people, in show trials of post-election "enmity against been convicted of "moharebeh," or and two of them God." They received death sentences, were secretly executed. for people's lost lives as, "This is just like the message like the message for people's lost lives as, "This is just Qom during the which was sent to Imam [Khomeini] from [asking the war, asking him to end Imposed [Iran-Iraq] War, Zamaneh, 12 January 2010, Human Rights in Iran, 28 January 2010, 32 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown a fewweeksbeforegroupofarresteddetaineeswere through "riots."(iii) Supreme Leaderhaveattempteda"velvetrevolution" results "sedition,"sayingsomewhoopposedthe Mashad, Yazdi calledpeacefulprotestsagainstelection moharebeh. Inanotherspeech,on17July2009,in election resultsandanycriticismof Ahmadinejad as of Presidentialinfallibilitycharacterizesprotestsover him isthesameasobeyingGod."(ii) Yazdi’s assertion receives theordersofSupremeLeader, obeying transition willreceivethelight...whenPresident Leader, hebecomeshisoperativeandthroughthis President isappointedandconfirmedbytheSupreme at theImamKhomeiniInstitute, Yazdi said,"Whenthe support lettersforbothof Ahmadinejad’s terms.(i) staunch supporterofMahmoud to supporttheinfallibilityofgovernmentofficials. Heisa and oppositiongroupsbyusinghisreligiousinfluence post-election trials. individuals havebeenchargedwithmoharebehduring that arepunishablebydeathunderIranianlaws. Thirteen on earth"and"mohareb,"or"enemiesofGod,"charges government, includingelectionprotestors,"corrupters election, Yazdi calledallindividualswhoopposethe results andhumanrightsviolations. violence againstpeacefulprotestorsobjectingtoelection statements, hehasbeenaleadingfigureininstigating violence againstdissidents. Through hisinflammatory unabashed promotionanddefenseofstate-sponsored become knownas"thetheoreticianofviolence,"forhis of theCouncilExperts.Overpastdecade,hehas Education andResearchInstituteinQomamember Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi isheadoftheKhomeini In January2010,inameetingwithIRGCcommanders In an August 2009meetingwithagroupofBasijforces Yazdi haspubliclylicensedactsagainstdemonstrators Following protestsovertheJune2009Presidential Member ofthe Assembly ofExperts Ayatollah MohammadTaghi Mesbah Yazdi Ahmadinejad, publishing Ahmadinejad, publishing must beinvestigatedandheldaccountable. Campaign forHumanRightsinIranbelievesthat Yazdi extremist clericshavebeenestablished,theInternational Revolution, thefootprintsoffatwasmadebycertain that inmanyofthemurdersdissidentsafter1979 death penaltytosuppressdissidents.(vi)Considering Yazdi hasclearlyadvocatedviolenceandtheuseof the executionsofdissidents. suspected asareasonformoharebehsentencesand Iranian security, intelligence,andjudicialpersonnelis election crackdownsonprotesters,hisregardamongst not haveanyadministrativeresponsibilitiesduringpost- violence fromhisreligiousposition. Though Yazdi did through publicspeech.Hiswordshavelegitimized promotion, propagation,andincitementtoviolence such afatwajustifyingpoliticalexecutions.(v) Campaign expressesconcernabouttheexistenceof assassination attemptonreformistSaeedHajjarian,the Intelligence Ministryagentsin1988aswellthe2000 the fatwaforchainmurdersoffiveintellectualsby name wasmentionedasthereligiousleaderwhoissued for theexecutionofpoliticaldissidents.Since Yazdi's or lackthereofofanyfatwaby Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi demands anobjectiveinvestigationabouttheexistence earth." (iv) different, buttheyallsharethesametitle--corruptionon course thetypesofslogans,actions,andcoversare throughout historyandthiswon'tbethelastofthem.Of months inthecountry, havenotbeenunprecedented sedition andevents,whichtookplaceduringtherecent election protests"corruptiononearth"saying,"The sentenced todeathformoharebeh, Yazdi explicitlycalled

Extremist cleric Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi's speechesareaclear The InternationalCampaignforHumanRightsinIran Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 33 vi.One of Yazdi’s most controversial statements in the promotion of most controversial statements in the Yazdi’s vi.One of Seminary. After the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Yazdi had an active Yazdi After the Islamic Revolution of 1979, Seminary. for Coordination of Hawzeh role in the establishment of the Office and Universities. In 1990, he was elected as a member of the Council of Experts from the Province of Khuzistan, and in the subsequent Tehran. elections for the Council of Experts, he was elected from journalists. He also wrote a letter to Iran's Supreme Leader to uphold the Ahmad Aghajari and prominent cleric execution sentences of Hashem After the 2001 chain murders in the city of Kerman, several Basij Ghabel." members, prosecuted for committing the murders, said that after hearing they determined it was their duty by Sharia to kill those Yazdi a speech by denied a Yazdi "whose blood should be wasted." In a letter to the court, specific fatwa for the five murders, but confirmed his speech about "guiding orders" and the necessity of the personal actions of Basij members in following "guiding orders." violence by the government in confronting opposition is: “If the realization of Islamic goals cannot be attained in any way other than violence, then it is June 7, 1999) Sobh-e Emruz Newspaper, necessary.” Footnotes Background Born in 1934 in Yazd, Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi is the founder and Yazdi Mesbah Ayatollah Yazd, Born in 1934 in as the Yazdi Ganji, in his trail in December 2000, named v.Akbar 17 Calling Protests ‘Sedition’,, Yazdi iii.Lecture by Aftab News, 6 January Calling Protests ‘Corruption on Earth’, iv.Yazdi i.Letters by Yazdi in Support of Ahmadinejad, Raja News, in Support of Yazdi i.Letters by August on Obeying the President, Farda News, 12 Yazdi ii. Speech by director of the Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, director of the Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, a member of the Council of Experts, the High Council of Cultural Association, Head of Teachers Revolution, and the Qom Hawzeh Ahl-e-Beit, and a scholar at Qom the International High Society of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi's speeches are a clear speeches Yazdi's Mesbah Ayatollah and incitement to promotion, propagation, public speech. His words have violence through position. legitimized violence from his religious did not have any administrative Yazdi Though crackdowns responsibilities during post-election Iranian security, on protesters, his regard amongst is suspected intelligence, and judicial personnel and the as a reason for moharebeh sentences executions of dissidents. individual who provoked the murders by issuing the requisite fatwa for them, calling him "the leader of Grey Eminences." Ganji wrote: "Ayatollah issued the fatwa for the murder and massacre of the Yazdi Mesbah June 2009, 2010, 2009, 34 Men Of Violence Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown discussions we musthaveabouttherecentunrest in Tehran Room of The Riots?"Kayhanstated,"Oneofthemostimportant newspaper neverpresentedany evidenceforitsclaims. were "completely"relatedtointelligence circlesabroad. This announced thatthemainelements inchargeoftheprotests stepping intotheshoesofMinistryIntelligenceandIRGC, spontaneous post-electionpublicprotests"organized,"and, them. false confessionsresultinginlong-termprisonsentencesfor and mistreatthemindetentioncenters,forcingtomake IRGC tocrackdownondissidentsandarrest,torture,abuse, used asafactualaccountbytheMinistryofIntelligenceand attributed thepublicgatheringstoforeignpowers.(iii) street protestsweretakingplace,Shariatmadarirepeatedly Mortazavi. specific chargesonit,wassignedby Tehran Prosecutor, Saeed the generalarrestwarrant,whichdidnothaveanynamesor human rightslawyer Abdolfattah Soltani,haveconfirmedthat for many. Severalarrestedindividuals,includingprominent names andthatthedocumentwasablanketarrestwarrant Rights inIranthattheirarrestwarrantsdidnotcontain arrested individualstoldtheInternationalCampaignforHuman Mehdi Karroubiwerearrestedandimprisoned.Someofthe managers forreformistcandidatesMirHosseinMousaviand reformist politicalfigures,severaljournalists,andcampaign street riots."(ii) rumors, aswellorganizinghoodlumsandgangstersfor and Mostafa Tajzadeh, andisplanningpropagationoflies 24 hourswiththeeffective participation ofMohsen Aminzadeh latest reports,thisgrouphasmetseveraltimesduringthepast operations groupin Tehran." (i) is aproductoftheplanbyreformists'riotsandanarchy Tehran duringthe24hoursafterpresidentialelections that, "ThecollectionofscatteredmovementsintheCity claiming thatinformationreceivedbythenewspaperindicated election protesters. police forcesasajustificationforcrackingdownonthepost- concept usedbytheIRGC,MinistryofIntelligence,Basij,and definition ofa"velvetrevolution"soonbecamethedominant and promotedviolenceagainstprotestors.Shariatmadari's the votecountafterJune2009presidentialelections, presidential candidatesoffomentingavelvetrevolutionduring Newspaper, isoneoftheindividualswhofirstaccusedreformist In a16June2009articleentitled "WhereIstheCommand On Tuesday, 15June2009,KayhanNewspapercalledthe Kayhan's narrativeaboutthepost-electioneventswaslater During thedaysimmediatelyfollowingelectionsandwhile Only hoursafterthenewspaperwaspublished,dozensof Accusing reformistfigures,Kayhanwrote,"Accordingtothe On 14June2009,KayhanNewspaperpublishedanarticle Hossein Shariatmadari,Editor-in-ChiefofKayhan Managing EditorofKayhanNewspaper Hossein Shariatmadari this whilenewsand substantiveevidenceexists [showing]that conditions forallthesecrimeshave beenprovidedornot? All claims]--would thebackgroundand atmosphereandnecessary only meansthathedoesnothave anycredibleevidence[forhis question thatifhehadn'tinsisted onbreakingthelaw--which such aslightingcandles,etc.He cannotescapeansweringthe participating inmemorialservices forthedeadorchildishactions Hossein cannotdodgeresponsibilityundertheguiseof against MirHosseinMousavirinincreasingeveryday. Mir arrested aftertheelections. The newspaperwrote: large groupofthisreformistcandidate'sclosesupporterswere Mir HosseinMousaviofinvolvementintheseactions.(vii) A protesters. The newspaperfurtheraccusedthosecloseto wrote thatmoneywasdistributedamongstthepost-elections against theprotesters.Forexample,on24June2009,Kayhan intensifying thecrackdownofintelligenceandsecurityforces and groups,itplayedapivotalroleinlayingthegroundfor accusations KayhanNewspapermadeagainstpoliticalfigures believes thatduringthosecriticaldays,withthewiderangeof up newchargeswhichwereneverproveninanycourtoflaw. streets tothecriticalcandidates,KayhanNewspaperbrought responsibility forthedeathsofdozensprotesterson security forcestocrackdownontheprotesters.(vi)Byassigning Mousavi", thisnewspaperattemptedtorileintelligenceand such as"A Wave ofPeople'sVendetta Against MirHossein never proveninacourtoflaw. confronting andsuppressingjournalistswithclaimswhichwere acted asapartoftheintelligenceandsecurityapparatusin during thepost-electiondaysKayhanNewspaperpractically and mentalcoercionforextractingthoseconfessions.Ineffect, was finallyabletoleavethecountry, hedescribedthephysical Maziar Bahariwasforcedtomakefalseconfessionsandafterhe states. (v)Severalmonthsafterhisarrestandimprisonment, Kayhan repeatedlyaccusedjournalistsofespionageforforeign and withasinglecue,theywouldendallrioters." voted forMr. Ahmadinejad wouldnot[just]watchthesescenes Northern Tehran, andalsothefactthat25millionpeoplewho of alltheriotsdidnotspreadatandarelimitedtoafewareasin main problemoftheplannerstheseriotsrightnowisthatfirst and confrontingthemisbeingseriouslypursuedatthistime. The related tointelligencecentersabroadandofcourseidentifying the mainelementsresponsiblefortheseriotsarecompletely of themaremercenaries,thisviewisnowstrengthenedthat the coordinatedefforts oftheriotersandfactthatmany Central Asia, aswelltheexistenceofampleevidenceabout elections tothecolorrevolutionmodelsofEasternEuropeand plans implementedbycertainelementsbothbeforeandafter scene. Consideringthecompleteandthoroughsimilarityof money andakindofcoherentorganizationexistbehindtheir is thattheseriotsarecompletelyorganizedandconsiderable "It isinthewakeofsuchcrimes,awavepeople'svendetta The InternationalCampaignforHumanRightsinIran Also duringthepost-electiondays,usingprovocativetitles Concurrent witharrestsofjournalistssuchasMaziarBahari,

Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown 35 And it wasn't fortunetelling either! (x) Kayhan has And it wasn't fortunetelling either! (x) Kayhan "Many of those who were blaming Kayhan on Wednesday, were blaming Kayhan on Wednesday, "Many of those who accused Mir In the same article, Kayhan's Editor-in-Chief The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran v.Journalists Are Spies for Foreign States, Kayhan News, 23 June 2009, v.Journalists Against Mir Hossein Mousavi, Kayhan Vendetta of People’s Wave vi.A vii.Ibid. Confession, Kayhan News, 28 June 2009, viii.Amir Hossein Mahdavi’s ix.Protest Plans were Dictated to Reformists by Foreign States, Kayhan x. Ibid. law against the individuals named, stating: law against the individuals predicting the riots which would follow Mir 10 June 2009 about in elections, complainingly asking Hossein Mousavi's defeat Starting on Saturday 'How do you know there would be riots?!.' many would ask 13 June 2009 in their telephone calls or visits, Mousavi's gang was with surprise, 'How did Kayhan know that perform any And our answer is that we didn't planning to riot?' miracles here! those who All story. only had a cursory look at the process of this from a few months have carefully followed the recent events and who have observed the undeniable attunement ago till now, circles, American and Israeli of those claiming reforms with the awful-sounding would reach the undeniable conclusion that from the other trumpet of the recent sedition is being played is installed inside side of the borders and only its loudspeaker have presented ample, Mousavi's [campaign] headquarters. We all we have heard in undeniable evidence about this so far and been curses and return, instead of denials or reasoning, have profanities..." arranging riotsHossein Mousavi of "murders of innocent people, foreign services for and fracas, and especially cooperation with threatening trials and weakening the Islamic Republic regime," The quoted instances are only a small potential punishment. by Kayhan's sampling of statements and positions reflected the elections. Editor-in-Chief made during the days after demands an investigation into the role of Hossein Shariatmadari in planning and directing the post-elections crackdown and the utilization of Kayhan newspaper in promotion of violence against peaceful protests, accusations and libel against legal The dissidents, and support of violence against the protesters. International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran also demands that considering the background of Kayhan Newspaper's Editor-in-Chief in security and intelligence agencies and his direct interference in cases such as the 2005 arrests of bloggers and similar cases, his relationship with security organizations be clarified and his role in manipulating public opinion toward implementation of goals and plans of intelligence organizations toward political objectives be further investigated. News, 24 June 2009, News, 28 June 2009, Footnotes All these actions were done All these actions were While journalists such as Newsweek reporter Maziar Bahari While journalists such as Newsweek reporter Khatami, or Though people such as Mir Hossein Mousavi, Kayhan's Editor-in-Chief addressed the surprise of many iii.Protests Are the Work of Foreign Powers, Kayhan News, 15 June Are the Work iii.Protests is the Command Room of the Riots?, Kayhan News, 16 June iv.Where Accusing Reformists of Plotting Protests, Kayhan ii.Article in Kayhan i.Article in Kayhan Claiming Protests were Planned by Reformists, The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran demands an for Human Rights in Campaign The International in planning and Shariatmadari into the role of Hossein investigation utilization of Kayhan and the the post-elections crackdown directing protests, against peaceful in promotion of violence newspaper support of legal dissidents, and and libel against accusations Campaign for The International the protesters. violence against also demands that considering the background Human Rights in Iran Editor-in-Chief in security and intelligence of Kayhan Newspaper's interference in cases such as the 2005 agencies and his direct security and similar cases, his relationship with arrests of bloggers and his role in manipulating public organizations be clarified of goals and plans of intelligence opinion toward implementation political objectives be further investigated. organizations toward during the recent days, large sums of money were distributed large sums of money were distributed during the recent days, and certain individuals who have all been amongst the rioters busy organizing hoodlums and gangsters identified have been on the streets. for creating insecurity and in significant within the framework of supporting Mousavi members of his [elections campaign] instances of it, official were involved." headquarters and reformists close to him Mahdavi Amir Hossein and reformist newspaper journalist Newspaper widely were forced to make confessions, Kayhan In the meantime, publicized contents of those confessions. all refutedindependent lawyers and human rights organizations of its articles, Kayhan the credibility of such confessions. In one Amir Hossein Mahdavi's confessions Newspaper published first of their kind," and predicted that his confessions were "the to the "prisoner a statement which attracted a lot of attention few weeks after this confessions project." (viii) Over the next by reformist figures article was published, more confessions proving that were published and broadcast on television, that extracting forcedKayhan's "prediction" had been correct and in prisons. confessions had in fact been seriously in progress after immediately Karroubi were never tried in a court of law, began a campaign to the elections, Kayhan's Editor-in-Chief of the opposition claim that he had predicted the objections to them by foreign candidates and that all this was a plan dictated indicated powers. (ix) Kayhan Editor-in-Chief's statements that the crackdown on protesters had been discussed several months prior to the elections. In many ways the statements closely resembled the indictment against some 100 individuals arrested during the post-election protests, which was read in The court several months after the publication of this article. similarities between Hossein Shariatmadari's statements and what was stated in the indictment also strengthens suspicions about the Kayhan Editor-in-Chief's coordination or cooperation with intelligence organizations or the influence this newspaper has on security organizations, all of which led to the crackdown on the protesters, which left dozens of people dead and hundreds injured. about his predictions regarding the post-elections unrest by making accusations, which have never been raised in a court of 2009, 2009, News, 14 June 2009, Kayhan News, 14 June 2009, 36 Men Of Violence

Perpetrators of the Post-Election Crackdown and Malaysia. Union, Canada,UAE, member statesoftheEuropean countries couldparticularlyinclude them andfreezetheirassets. These to implementtravelbansagainst may traveltoorholdfinancialassets, rights violatorsnamedinthisreport countries wherethefifteenhuman international community, particularly The Campaigncallsonthe names. dead regardingpublicizingtheir has intimidatedthefamiliesof is muchhigher, butthegovernment defenders, thenumberofthosekilled According toIranianhumanrights Kahrizak Detentioncenter. were murderedundertortureatthe year aswellfourdetaineeswho died onthestreetsduringpast accounts, atleast48protestors According togovernment’s own committing widespreadatrocities. identify andholdresponsiblethose unfair trails,ithastakennostepsto dissidents andprotestorsinpatently has movedswiftlyinprosecuting Although theIranianJudiciary Campaign’s website). as wellprintformatsonthe (The reportisavailableinmultimedia protestors. and promotedviolenceagainst policies ofrepressionorinstigated who eitherimplementedbrutal detailed profilesoffifteenofficials Post ElectionCrackdown,provides Men ofViolence: Perpetratorsofthe society activists.The36-pagereport, against peacefulprotestorsandcivil for carryingoutthebrutalrepression fifteen leadingofficials responsible Iran isreleasingthisreportnaming Campaign forHumanRightsin repression inIran,theInternational ofunprecedented violenceand June 2009electionandoneyear On theanniversaryofdisputed