SENATE-Friday, June 10, 1994
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12616 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE June 10, 1994 SENATE-Friday, June 10, 1994 (Legislative day of Tuesday, June 7, 1994) The Senate met at 10 a.m., on the ex the Senator from Hawaii [Mr. INOUYE], Pending: piration of the recess, and was called to the Senator from New Jersey [Mr. LAU (1) D'Amato amendment No. 1775, to estab order by the Acting President pro tem TENBERG], and the Senator from Vir lish a special subcommittee within the Com mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af pore [Mrs. MURRAY]. ginia [Mr. ROBB] are necessarily ab fairs to conduct an investigation into allega sent. tions concerning the Whitewater Develop PRAYER Mr. SIMPSON. I announce that the ment Corp., Madison Guaranty Savings & The Chaplain, the Reverend Richard Senator from Utah [Mr. BENNETT], the Loan Association, and Capital Management C. Halverson, D.D., offered the follow Senator from North Carolina [Mr. Services, Inc, and other related matters. ing prayer: FAIRCLOTH], the Senator from Texas (2) Mitchell amendment No. 1776 (to [Mr. GRAMM], and the Senator from Amendment No. 1775), in the nature of a sub Let us pray: stitute. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are Texas [Mrs. HUTCHISON] are necessarily absent. Mr. MITCHELL addressed the Chair. heavy laden, and I will give you rest. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem Matthew 11:28. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem pore. Are there any other Senators in pore. The majority leader. Gracious Lord, we thank You for this Mr. MITCHELL. Madam President, loving invitation and pray that all who the Chamber who desire to vote? what is the pending business? have need will respond. In our large The result was announced-yeas 78, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem Senate family, many may be hurting nays 13, as follows: pore. The pending question is the and most of us know nothing about it. [Rollcall Vote No. 134 Leg.] Mitchell amendment No. 1776. This morning we pray for every person YEAS-78 Mr. MITCHELL. I suggest the ab among the Senators and their families, Akaka Exon Mathews sence of a quorum. all the staffs and their families, the Baucus Feingold Metzenbaum The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem pages and their families. Bingaman Feinstein Mikulski Bond Ford Mitchell pore. The absence of a quorum has been God of love and mercy, be with those Boxer Glenn Moseley-Braun suggested. The clerk will call the roll. who are ill-in home or hospital. Make Bradley Gorton Moynihan The legislative clerk proceeded to them conscious of the presence of the Breaux Graham Murray call the roll. Brown Grassley Nunn Mr. DOLE. Madam President, I ask Great Physician. May they experience Bryan Gregg Packwood His healing power. Be with any who Bumpers Harkin Pell unanimous consent that the order for may have lost a loved one. Comfort Byrd Hatch Pressler the quorum call be rescinded. them in their grief. Be with every fam Campbell Hatfield Pryor The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem Chafee · Heflin Reid ily that is experiencing alienation. Coats Hollings Riegle pore. Without objection, it is so or Lead them in the way of reconciliation Cochran Jeffords Rockefeller dered. and the restoration of relationships. Cohen Johnston Roth Conrad Kassebaum Sarbanes We pray for husbands and wives who Coverdell Kennedy Sasser THE MEN OF D-DA Y are struggling with their own relation Danforth Kerrey Shelby ships, with their children, or with their Dasch le Kerry Simon Mr. DOLE. Madam President, earlier financial situation. DeConcini Kohl Simpson this week I had the honor to be present Dodd Leahy Smith for ceremonies commemorating the Loving Savior, give each one who has Dole Levin Stevens a need, the grace to receive Your rest Domenici Lieberman Thurmond 50th anniversary of D-day. I stood at and strength and let Thy blessing abide Dorgan Lugar Wellstone Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, and the upon all who labor here and their loved Durenberger Mack Wofford American cemetery at Colleville, re ones. NAYS-13 flecting on the sacrifice of Americans, In the name of the Great Physician, Burns Lott Specter Poles, British, Canadians, French, and we pray. Amen. Craig McCain Wallop many more who fought and died on the D'Amato McConnell Warner beaches of Normandy. Earlier, I was in Helms Murkowski Italy for ceremonies commemorating Kempthorne Nickles RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME the landings at Anzio and Nettuno, ar. l NOT VOTING-9 for the liberation of Rome. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem Bennett Faircloth Inouye The importance of the ceremonies pore. Under the previous order, leader Bi den Gramm Lau ten berg was brought home to me when a young ship time is reserved. Boren Hutchison Robb American lady-traveling with her So the motion was agreed to. grandfather, a veteran of D-day-said to me: "I never understood the mean VOTE ON MOTION TO INSTRUCT ing of American leadership until I THE SERGEANT AT ARMS FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRA TION AUTHORIZATION ACT OF came to Normandy." The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem Leadership is what D-day was all 1994 pore. Under the previous order, the about and it is a lesson that spans gen Senate will now proceed to vote on a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem erations. Many nations contributed, motion to instruct the Sergeant at pore. The clerk will report the pending but D-day never would have happened Arms to request the presence of absent business. without American leadership-at all Senators. The assistant legislative clerk read levels. American leadership from the The yeas and nays have been ordered as follows. man from Abilene, Dwight David Ei and the clerk will call the roll. A bill (S. 1491) to amend the Airport and senhower, who commanded allied The legislative clerk called the roll. Airway Improvement Act of 1982 and author forces on D-day, to Walt Ehlers, a hum Mr. FORD. I announce that the Sen ize appropriations, and for other purposes. ble sergeant from Junction City, KS. ator from Delaware [Mr. BIDEN], the The Senate resumed consideration of We all know the story of General Ei Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. BOREN], the bill. senhower-his careful planning, and his e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. June 10, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 12617 agonizing decision to move ahead with Entered service at: Garden City, N.Y. ten request for this mission was approved the landing despite a less than ideal Born: 11 August 1916, Enid, Okla. and he landed with the first wave of the G.O. No.: 1, 4 January 1945. forces assaulting the enemy-held beaches. He weather forecast. However, other sto Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and in ries of American leadership in D-day repeatedly led groups from the beach, over trepidity above and beyond the call of duty the seawall and established them inland. His are not as well known. on 5 June 1944, when he led a Heavy Bom valor, courage, and presence in the very The story of Walt Ehlers is told in a bardment Group, in an attack against de front of the attack and his complete uncon pamphlet I read this week, describing fended enemy coastal positions in the vicin cern at being under heavy fire inspired the Congressional Medal of Honor winners ity of Wimeraux. France. Approaching the troops to heights of enthusiasm and self-sac during the Normandy campaign. The target, his aircraft was hit repeatedly by rifice. Although the enemy had the beach stories of heroism and bravery are in antiaircraft fire which seriously crippled the under constant direct fire, Brig. Gen. Roo the finest tradition of American mili ship, killed the pilot, and wounded several sevelt moved from one locality to another, tary leadership. The story of Lt. Col. members of the crew, including Lt. Col. rallying men around him, directed and per Leon Vance who landed his bomber de Vance, whose right foot was practically sev sonally unfaltering leadership, assault ered. In spite of his injury, and with 3 en troops reduced beach strong points and rap spite serious wounds which prevented gines lost to the flak, he led his formation idly moved inland with minimum casualties. him from even looking out the plane's over the target, bombing it successfully. He thus contributed substantially to the suc windshield. The story of Lt. Jimmie After applying a tourniquet to his leg with cessful establishment of the beachhead in Montieth who rallied troops in the crit the aid of the radar operator, Lt. Col. Vance, France. ical first hours at Omaha Beach, led realizing that the ship was approaching a Pinder, John J., Jr. tanks through minefields, and made stall altitude with the 1 remaining engine failing, struggled to a semi-upright position Rank and organization: Technician Fifth the ultimate sacrifice on June 6, 1944. Grade, U.S. Army, 16th Infantry, 1st Infantry All American military units had beside the copilot and took over control of the ship. Cutting the power and feathering Division. their share of heroes. The 10th Moun the last engine he put the aircraft in glide Place and date: Near Colleville-sur-Mer, tain Division in which I served in Italy, sufficiently steep to maintain his airspeed. France, 6 June 1944. had many. Men like Pvt. John Gradually losing altitude, he at last reached Entered service at: Burgettstown. Pa. McGrath, the lOth's only Medal of the English coast, whereupon he ordered all Birth: McKees Rock, Pa. Honor winner. On hill 909 on April 14, members of the crew to bail out as he knew G.O. No.: 1, 4 January 1945.