PLANESCAPE(TM) Campaign, Petitioners Fill the Roles Played by Commoners in Primematerial Worlds: Landlords, Grooms, Spies, Farmers, Guards, Etc
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Previous Next | Player's Guide DM Guide Sigil Monstrous Supplement Cover Table of Contents Designer: David "Zeb" Cook Editor: David Wise Multiverse Project Coordinator: Dori Jean Hein Box Cover Artist: Robh Ruppel Outlands Conceptual Artist: Dana Knutson Sigil City of Doors Graphics Coordinator: Sarah Feggestad The Powers by Plane Art Coordinator: Peggy Cooper Cosmographic Tables Prepress Coordinator: Tim Coumbe Typography: Angelika Lokotz Cartography: Rob Lazzaretti Unofficial HTML coding: Vsevolod A. Krishchenko Previous Next | Player's Guide DM Guide Sigil Monstrous Supplement Up Cover Maps and Miscellaneous Previous Next Index Cover MULTIVERSE Previous Next Index Up Cover Maps and Miscellaneous Previous Next Index Cover OUTLANDS Previous Next Index Up Cover Maps and Miscellaneous Previous Next Index Cover SIGIL Previous Next Index Up Cover Maps and Miscellaneous Previous Next Index Cover THE POWERS BY PLANE A Guide to the Known Deities With Their Origin and/or Worshippers THE ABYSS Baphomet (minotaur) Beshaba (Toril) Chemosh (Krynn) Demogorgon (ixitxachitl) Diinkarazan (duergar; held prisoner) Drow pantheon: Kiaransalee Lolth Echebala (foxwoman/wolfwere) Grankhul (bugbear) Great Mother (beholder) Hiddukel (Krynn) Juiblex (any) Kali (Indian) Kostchtchie (frost giant) Laogzed (troglodyte) Merrshaulk (yuan-ti) Ramenos (bullywug) Sess'inek (lizard man) Skiggaret (bugbear) Umberlee (Toril) Urdlen (gnome) Vaprak (ogre/troll) Yeenoghu (gnoll) ACHERON Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Japanese) Bahgtru (orc) Gruumsh (orc) Ilneval (orc) Khurgorbaeyag (goblin) Laduguer (duergar) Lei Kung (Chinese) Luthic (orc) Maglubiyet (goblin) Nomog-Geaya (hobgoblin) AIR Akadi (elemental lord) Caliph Husam (djinni) Shu (Egyptian) Stillsong (any) Yan-C-Bin (evil aerial creatures) ARBOREA Aerdrie Faenya (elf; also Ysgard) Chih-Nii (Chinese) Elven pantheon: Corellon Larethian Deep Sashelas Erevan Ilesere Hanali Celanil Labelas Enoreth Sehanine Solonor Thelandira Greek pantheon: Aphrodite Apollo Ares Artemis Athena Demeter Dionysus Hephaestus Hera Hermes Poseidon Rhea Zeus Iallanis (stone giant) Lliira (Toril) Nebelun (gnome) Nephythys (Egyptian) Sune (Toril) Syranita (aarakocra) Tymora (Toril) ARCADIA Azuth (Toril) Clangeddin Silverbeard (dwarf) Izanagi and Izanami (Japanese) Lu Hsing (Chinese) Meriadar (mongrelman) Osiris (Egyptian) Ra (Egyptian) Reorx (Krynn) ASH Vecna (Oerth) ASTRAL Bane (Toril; dead) Bhaal (Toril; dead) Dark God (none; dying) Leira (Toril; dead) Myrkul (Toril; dead) BAATOR Bargrivyek (goblin) Hecate (Greek) Kurtulmak (kobold) Sekolah (sahuagin) Set (Egyptian) Takhisis (Krynn) Tiamat (dragon) BEASTLANDS Balador (werebear) Chislev (Krynn) Deneir (Toril) Ferrix (weretiger) Generals of the Animal Spirits (Chinese) Habbakuk (Krynn) Kura Okami (Japanese) Milil (Toril) Puchan (Indian) Quorlinn (kenku) Remnis (eagle/sky creatures) Skerrit (centaurs) Stronmaus (cloud giant) BYTOPIA Ama-Tsu-Mara (Japanese) Callarduran Smoothhands (svirfneblin) Epimetheus (Titan) Gnome pantheon: Baervan Wildwanderer Garl Glittergold Flandal Steelskin Gaerdal Ironhand Segojan Earthcaller Ilmater (Toril) Inari (Japanese) Kiri-Jolith (Krynn) Tefnut (Egyptian) CARCERI Faluzure (dragon) Grolantor (hill giant) Karontor (formorian giant) Malar (Toril) Parrafaire (any) Raiden (Japanese) Talona (Toril) Titans: Cronus Oceanus Tethys Hyperion Mnemosyne Themis Iapetus Coeus Crius Phebe Thea Vhaerun (drow) DEMIPLANES Amerindian pantheon: Coyote Fire Great Spirit Moon Morning Star Raven Snake Sun Thunder Wind Elder Elemental God (any) Fu Hsing (Chinese; Land of the Immortals) K'ung Fu-tzu (Chinese; Land of the Immortals) Lao Tzu (Chinese; Land of the Immortals) Pa Hsien (Chinese; Land of the Immortals) EARTH Geb (Egyptian) Grumbar (elemental lord) Kabril Khan (dao) Ogremoch (evil earth creatures) ELYSIUM Belenus (Celtic) Bragi (Norse) Brigantia (Celtic) Chauntea (Toril) Hiatea (firbolg/voadkyn) Isis (Egyptian) Kuan-ti (Chinese) Lathander (Toril) Liu (Chinese) Majere (Krynn) Mishakal (Krynn) Nut (Egyptian) O-Wata-Tsu-Mi (Japanese) Savitri (Indian) Surminare (selkie) Trishina (dolphin/sea elf; also Mount Celestia) Tsuki-Yomi (Japanese) Urogalan (halfling) Ushas (Indian) ETHEREAL Lunitari (Krynn) Nuitari (Krynn) Solinari (Krynn) FIRE Imix (evil fire creatures) Kossuth (elemental lord) Sultan Marrake (efreeti) GEHENNA Gaknulak (kobold) Kanchelsis (vampire) Loviatar (Toril) Maanzecorian (illithid) Math Mathonwy (Celtic) Mellifleur (lich) Memnor (cloud giant) Sargonnas (Krynn) Shargaas (orc) Squerrik (ratman) Sung Chiang (Chinese) THE GRAY WASTE Abbathor (dwarf) Arawn (Celtic) Cegilune (hag) Cyric (Toril) Furies (Greek) Hades (Greek) Hel (Norse) Kuraulyek (urd) Mask (Toril) Morgion (Krynn) Panzuriel (any sea creature) Ratri (Indian) Shar (Toril) Yurtrus (orc) ICE Cyronax (paraelemental lord) LIMBO Agni (Indian) Fenmarel Mestarine (elf) Indra (Indian) Shina-Tsu-Hiko {Japanese) Sirrion (Krynn) Ssendam (slaad) Susanoo (Japanese) Tempus (Toril) Vayu (Indian) Ygorl (slaad) MAGMA Chilimba (paraelemental lord) MECHANUS Helm (Toril) Horns (Egyptian) Mystra (Toril) Nai No Kami (Japanese) Primus (modron) Psilofyr (myconid) Rudra (Indian) Shang-ti (Chinese) Varuna (Indian) Yama (Indian) MOUNT CELESTIA Amaterasu (Japanese) Bahamut (dragon) Berronar Truesilver (dwarf) Brihaspati (Indian) Chung Kuel (Chinese) Halfling pantheon: Arvoreen Cyrrollalee Yondalla Jazirian (couatl) Kuan Yin (Chinese) Mitra (Indian) Moradin (dwarf) Paladine (Krynn) Shifukujin (Japanese) Surya (Indian) Trishina (dolphin/sea elf; also Elysium) Tyr (Toril) NEGATIVE ENERGY Siva (Indian) OOZE Bwimb (paraelemental lord) THE OUTLANDS Annam (giant, hidden) Celtic pantheon: Daghdha Diancecht Goibhniu Lugh Manannan mac Lir Morrigan Oghma Chronepsis (dragon) Dugmaren Brightmantle (dwarf) Dumathoin (dwarf) Gilean (Krynn) Gond (Toril) Gzemnid (beholder) Ilsensine (illithid) Norns (Norse) Oghma (Toril) Semuanya (lizard man) Sheela Peryroyl (halfling) Shekinester (naga) Shinare (Krynn) Silvanus (Toril) Thoth (Egyptian) Tvashtri (Indian) Vergadain (dwarf) Yen-Wang-Yeh (Chinese) PANDEMONIUM Auril (Toril) Diirinka (derro) Gorellik (gnoll) Ho Masubi (Japanese) Hruggek (bugbear) Loki (also Ysgard) Queen of Air and Darkness (fairy) Talos (Toril) Zeboim (Krynn) PRIME MATERIAL Aztec pantheon: Axayacatl Centeotl Chalchihuitlicue Huitzilopochtli Ixtlilton Metzli Mictanchihuatl Mictlantecuhtli Nezahualcoytl Nezahuldilli Ometeotl Quetzalcoatl Tezcatlipoca Tialoc Tiazolteotl Xochipilli Xochiquetzal Ch'eng Huang (Chinese) Dragon Kings (Chinese) Earth (Amerindian) Earthmother (Toril) Eldath (Toril) Heracles (Greek) Mielikki (Toril) Torm (Toril) Wild Hunt (Celtic) Zinzerena (drow) SMOKE Ehkahk (paraelemental lord) WANDERING Baravar Cloakshadow (gnome) Brandobaris (halfling) Daragor (lycanthrope; Lower Planes only) Diancastra (giant) Koriel (ki-rin; Upper Planes only) Muamman Duathal (dwarf) Seelie Court: Caoimhin Damh Eachthighern Emmantiensien Fionnghuala Nathair Sgiathach Oberon The Queen of Air and Darkness Skerrit Squelaiche Titania Verenestra (Beastlands/Arborea/Ysgard only) Skoraeus Stonebones (stone giant) Stalker (all goblinoid races; Lower Planes only) Water Lion (any sea creature; Upper Planes only) Zivlyn (Krynn) WATER Blibdoolpoolp (kuo-toa) Eadro (locathah/merman) Istishia (elemental lord) Olhydra (evil water creatures) Padisha Kalbari (marid) Persana (triton) YSGARD Aasterinian (dragon) Aerdrie Faenya (elf; also Arborea) Anhur (Egyptian) Bast (Egyptian) Branchala (Krynn) Hachiman (Japanese) Loki (Norse; also Pandemonium) Norse pantheon: Aegir Baldur Forseti Frey Freya Frigga Heimdall Idun Odin Sif Surtr Thor Thrym Tyr O-Kuni-Nushi (Japanese) Selune (Toril) Shou Hsing (Chinese) Soma (Indian) UNKNOWN Brahman (Indian) Io (dragon) Ptah (Egyptian) Previous Next Index Up Cover Maps and Miscellaneous Previous Index Next Cover COSMOGRAPHIC TABLES A Brief Reference Guide to the Planes and the Realms and Towns Within Them KEY: PLANE (number of layers) Special feature Layer (layer number and name) + Realm (key power, powers, or inhabitants) * Realm town (influenced by local powers) - Site # Independent town or independent site THE ABYSS (infinite, interchangeable layers&realms - numbers only refer to the order in which they were catalogued by the Guvners) River Styx Layer/Realm 1: Plain of Infinite Portals * Gallowsgate * Sryros * Broken Reach - Lakes of Molten Iron - Tower of Chiryn (a succubus) Layer/Realm 6: Realm of a Million Eyes (beholder realm) Layer/Realm 7: Phantom Plane (Sess'inik's realm) Layer/Realm 12: Twelvetrees - Ship of Chaos Layer/Realm 13: Blood Tor (Beshaba's realm; Umberlee's realm) Layer/Realm 23: Iron Wastes (Kostchtchie's realm) Layers/Realms 45, 46, 47: Azzagrat (Graz'zt's realm) * Zelatar * Argent Palace - Zrintor, the Viper Forest Layer/Realm 66: Demonweb Pits (Lolth's realm) Layer/Realm 74: Smaragd (Merrshaulk's realm; Ramenos's realm) Layer/Realm 88: The Gaping Maw (Demogorgon's realm) Layer/Realm 113: Thatanos (Kianansalee's realm) * Naratyr * Forbidden Citadel Layer/Realm 181: Rotting Plain (Laogzed's realm) Layer/Realm 222: Shedaklah (Juiblex's realm; Zuggtmoy's realm) Layer/Realm 274: Durao (gateway layer) Layer/Realm 303: Sulfanorum (smoking realm) Layer/Realm 339: Worm Realm (Urdlen's realm) Layer/Realm 377: Plains of Gallenshu (Armanites' realm) Layer/Realm 400: Woeful Escarand (Nalfeshee's realm) Layer/Realm 422: Yeenoghu's Realm Layer/Realm 503: Torremor (Pazrael's realm) - Onstrakker's Nest Layer/Realm 586: Prison of the Mad God (Diinkarazan's realm) Layer/Realm 643: Caverns of the Skull Goddess (Kali's realm)