My Fellow Citizens Doctor Prisoner Liver or Die My Lawyer, Mr.Joe 2 Left-Handed Wife Just Dance Feel Good to Die It's My Life Matrimonial Chaos Others KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 7

My Fellow Citizens 국민여러분 is a criminal comedy drama about a conman who somehow ends up getting married to a police detective and finds himself wrapped up in a case he didn’t want to be involved with, which ultimately leads to him running for Congress. Yang Jung-guk played by Choi Si-won Jung-guk is an expert conman—born into the third generation of a family of con artists—who started his path of fraud at the age of 10. How did someone like him end up marrying a police detective? Well, he didn’t even know his wife’s true identity until the day of their marriage. For 3 years, Jung-guk lived in hiding his true identity. But then one day, he encounters one of his victims and he starts to being chased. To extricate himself from the situation, he decides to attack a random pedestrian so that he can get arrested. Although he figures getting arrested is better than living in hiding, this pedestrian ends up being a thief, and Jung-guk becomes a hero on social media as people talk about how he had helped catch a thief. Now a hero, Jung-guk finally decides to run for Congress at the persistent insistence of the victim he had been running from. But could a conman like Jung-guk really get elected to Congress? Mi-young played by Yoo-young After losing her parents, Kim Mi-young led a reckless life until the day she was deeply moved by a program for the youth held by the police department. This led to her turning her life around and she worked hard to get accepted to a police academy. She then gets dumped by her boyfriend just for being a police officer, and falls into a life of drinking and fighting with others until she runs into 国民の皆様 ┃ 各位国民 Jung-guk. As soon as she gets married to Jung-guk, she tells him that she is a police detective, which creates a rift HD 70mins x 18eps Production Year 2019 in their relationship. Then one day, Jung-guk becomes a Director Kim Jung-hyun Writer Han Jeong-hoon national hero and even runs for Congress! As Jung-guk’s popularity as a politician shoots up, Mi-young becomes uneasy as she hopes to one day return to her job as a police detective. During this time, she finds out that Jung- Cast guk and his entire family members are con artists.

「国民の皆様」は、そうとは知らず警察官と結婚した詐欺師が、あ る危機的な状況を避けようとして思わぬ事件に巻き込まれたこと がきっかけで国会議員に出馬し、繰り広げられるお話を軽いタッ チで描く、犯罪コメディドラマだ。

Choi Si-won Lee Yoo-young 《各位国民》讲述稀里糊涂跟警察结婚的诈骗犯,不由自主地卷入 国会议员竞选中,以此展开的一系列故事,是一部犯罪喜剧。

Kim Min-jeong Tae In-ho KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 9 Doctor Prisoner 닥터프리즈너 is a one-of-a-kind, suspenseful prison medical drama that features Na I-je, the best surgeon at one of the largest hospitals in Korea who volunteered to be the head of a prison’s medical center; a job everyone else usually hopes to avoid, in order to achieve his dream. The lone wolf I-je soon becomes heavily involved in various schemes and revenge plots against ‘Taegang Corporation’, a huge conglomerate in Korea. Ironically enough, these stories play out within a prison’s walls, where some of Korea’s most important and powerful people come together as one. Na I-je played by Namgung Min Despite growing up with nothing, not even a degree from a prestigious university, I-je became recognized as the best surgeon at one of the largest hospitals in Korea based solely on his medical skills. His father had been in and out of prison a total of 17 times. Even before and after I-je was born, his father went to the prison more often than home. One day, one of I-je's patients died because of the power tripping of hospital board member’s son. As a result, I-je’s medical license was suspended, and he was not able to find another job because of the influence of ‘Taegang Corporation’, a massive, powerful conglomerate in Korea. I-je then decided to take revenge not on the board member’s son, but on the entire social system, choosing to fight in a prison as the head of the prison’s medical center. Han So-geum played by Kwon Na-ra So-geum is the psychiatrist at a women’s prison. Although she used to be known for her bright personality, everything about her changed after her younger brother died in prison. Although she tried to reveal the truth ドクタープリズナー ┃ 囚犯医生 behind his death, her efforts were thwarted by the head of the prison’s medical center Min-sik. That’s when she asks HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2019 the new head of the prison’s medical center, Na I-je, to Director Hwang In-hyeok Writer Park Gye-ok help her. Once the two of them find out that they actually go way back, they begin to trust each other more and more, and even end up in a romantic relationship. Cast 大学病院の外科医のエース、ナ・イジェが、誰もが忌み嫌う刑務所 の医療課長に志望して繰り広げられる、刑務所×メディカルサスペ ンスドラマ。ナ・イジェが刑務所の医療課長に志望した後、彼の夢 が実現しはじめる。巨大企業の「テガングループ」と金もコネもな いナ・イジェとの、もつれにもつれたエピソードと復讐。皮肉なこと に、韓国最高のコネクションが結集している場所である刑務所。そ んな刑務所で繰り広げられるスリリングなエピソードがやってくる。 Namgung Min Kwon Na-ra

该剧讲述大型医院著名外科医生罗以济自告奋勇,勇敢担当起别 人避犹不及的监狱医院科长一职。该剧以规模庞大的“泰强集团” 与没钱没势的罗以济之间错综复杂的关系为铺垫,以汇聚韩国各 阶层最强人脉的监狱为背景,是一部新概念的集医学和监狱为 融合的悬疑电视剧,将给观众呈现精彩有趣的故事。

Kim Byeong-chul Choi Won-young KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 11 Liver or Die 왜그래 풍상씨 Pung-sang devoted his life to support his siblings. Even though his siblings became trouble makers, he believed that families are to support each other no matter what and supported his siblings. But when he was hospitalized because of his burden and fatigue of supporting family, no one was there to support him and donate liver. He was shocked and felt betrayed to his siblings. However, each of the sibling also had their stories of their own… Lee Pung-sang played by Yoo Jun-sang First born who devoted his life to raise his younger siblings that their parents left. He tries his best but harsh reality makes him hospitalized. Contrary to his expectations, his siblings stepped back when he asked for liver transplant. He was dying in feeling of betrayal and sadness but one anonymous person came up and donated liver. After getting a new life, he starts to wonder who the mysterious donner is… Lee Jin-sang played by Oh Ji-ho Second born who lives under Pung-sang’s house. Walking disaster. After he loses all his college tuition which Pung- sang earned for him to a fraudulent gamble, he makes many troubles and make Pung-sang sad. One day, he meets the friend who seduced him to gambling and ruined his life. When Jin-sang found out that he is living a rich life, he decides to murder him as a revenge but Pung-sang says he needs to have live transplant. What choice will he make?

一生家族のために生きてきたプンサンと、厄介な弟妹たちが巻き 起こす超絶ダイナミック・トラブル!事件事故を解決・理解する過 程の中で家族の意味を考えさせるドラマ「どうした、プンサンさ どうした、プンサンさん ┃ 为何那样,奉尚先生 ん」。家族というのはだれにでも一番大切な存在。そんな家族の 話を通して視聴者の共感を呼ぶ。 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2019

Director Jin Hyeong-wook Writer Moon Young-nam 《为何那样,奉尚先生》是一部讲述以弟妹控身份活了大辈子的 奉尚,以及他的啃老又爱惹是生非的弟妹们的家庭故事。是一部 在解决和理解问题的过程中,让我们重新思考家庭意义的电视剧。 本剧将通过世间最平凡但又最珍贵的家庭故事,来吸引观众。 Cast

Yoo Jun-sang Oh Ji-ho

Jun Hye-bin Lee Si-young KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 13 My Lawyer, Mr.Joe 2 동네변호사 조들호 2 : 죄와 벌 Our friendly neighbor lawyer Joe Deul-ho is back! In season 2, upgraded Joe Deul-ho will present audience joyful, fresh and thrilling court room drama to the audiences. As Joe Deul-ho is upgraded, his enemy is bigger than ever! Will he be able to face against this big evil? Joe Deul-ho played by Park Sin-yang Based on his fame and popularity, he became a celebrity lawyer but his over confidence caused irreversible trouble to an innocent victim. This made him panic and he is living a miserable jobless life playing video games and gamble over a year. One day, Detective Yun’s daughter So-mi came to find Deul-ho. Detective Yun was the person who he spent his first appointed year as a prosecutor. So-mi, who has autism, asks Deul-ho to find his missing father. Deul-ho could not ignore the friendship in the past and starts to help So-mi. Every step he takes to help her, he finds out the great enemy is behind all of this… Lee Ja-gyung played by Koh Hyun-jung She is a favorite of Guk Hyun-il the chairman of Gook- Il conglomerate group and heavyweight who manages everything of the group. She is no bloodline of chairman Guk but he trusts her like own daughter. She was a born orphan but selected by chairman Guk and was raised like a step daughter. She is elegant and marvelous at work but she is heartless. She controls politics, finances and press in her hand. She is an evil who would kill anyone who is on her way and now she is about to have her life-long cherished wish.

シーズン1の成功に続いて、「町の弁護士チョ・ドゥルホ」がシー ズン2で帰ってきた。シーズン2では、検察の不正を明かした検 町 の 弁 護 士 チ ョ・ド ゥ ル ホ 2 ┃ 邻家律师赵德浩 2 事チョ・ドルホが、奈落に落ちている中で繰り広げられる人生の 第2幕を描いている。法曹界を舞台にしたドラマが氾濫してい HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2019 る今日だが、「町の弁護士チョ・ドゥルホ2」は、型破りながらも Director Han Sang-woo Writer Choi Wan-gyu 我々の周りでよく見かけそうな人間味のあるお話だ。そして勿論、 チョ・ドゥルホらしい「愉快・痛快・爽快」なエピソードを盛り込 んでいる。

Cast 继第一季成功之后,《邻家律师赵德浩》第二季再次回归小荧幕。 第二季描述事业有成的检察官赵德浩在告发检察机关的非法行 为之后跌入谷底,从此开启人生第二幕的故事。虽然目前有许多 法政类电视剧,但《邻家律师赵德浩2:罪与罚》很有特色,由日 常生活中经常会接触到的故事组成,还继承了赵德浩特有的“愉 快、痛快、爽快”风格,为观众献上不同的荧幕感观。

Park Sin-yang Koh Hyun-jung

Lee Min-ji Byun Hee-bong KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 15 Left - Handed Wife 왼손잡이 아내 There was a loving couple who would give anything for each other. But their faith was twisted by the ones who are blinded by the power and greed. She lost her husband on the day of honeymoon and he lost who he is. However, the woman believes that her husband is still alive in somewhere and keeps looking for him. One day, she encounters a man who reminds his husband… Oh San-ha played by Lee Soo-gyung On her 20th birthday, Su-ho came by her side like a gift. Su-ho and San-ha was a soulmate and they have promised their life to each other. However, on their honeymoon, Su-ho has gone missing. for 5 years, he could not be found. When everyone was assuming Su-ho is dead, San-ha believed that he would return. One day, she meets Park Do-gyung and starts to feel something towards the Do-gyung who reminds her of Su-ho. Every habits of Do-gyung were habits of Su-ho. She kept telling herself it’s all just a coincidence but she realizes that her heart is already starts to love him… Lee Su-ho / Park Do-gyung played by Kim Jin-woo The lost grandson of Aura group, but Su-ho was raised as an orphan because of jealousy of greedy adults. He learns about true love when he meets San-ha. However, he falls into coma because of the accident that happened in his honeymoon. 5 years later, he miraculously wakes up but he now is Park Do-gyung the heir of Aura group not Su-ho the orphan. Since he couldn’t remember anything because of lesion, he tries to deny all the unusual feelings inside him and concentrate on the company. However, there are strange yet familiar memories thrusting into his heart and this woman San-ha, every time he looks at her 左利きの妻 ┃ 左撇子妻子 he feels strange… Production Year 2019 HD 40mins x 100eps 人はなぜ生まれ、なぜ生きるのか?それは「愛」ゆえだ。「左利き Director Kim Myung-wook Writer Moon Eun-a の妻」は、衝撃的な事故により他人の人生を生きることになった 男性と、新婚旅行中に失踪した夫を探してさ迷う女性、もつれた 欲望と運命の中で、二人の男女が本当の愛と家族を見つけ出す 過程を描いた大逆転ロマンスドラマだ。 Cast

人来到世上,意义何在?靠什么活下去?那便是“爱”。 《左撇子妻子》讲述一个因事故过上另外一个人生活的男人和苦 苦寻找蜜月旅行时离奇失踪丈夫的女人,在欲望和命运的交织中, 两个男女找到真正的爱情和家人的过程,是有反转的爱情剧。

Lee Soo-gyung Kim Jin-woo

Jin Tae-hyun Ha Yeon-ju 16 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 17

Just Dance Feel Good to Die 땐뽀걸즈 죽어도 좋아 portraits the growth of students in dance When her boss dies, the day restarts! Based on a web sports class of girls’ commercial high school. In the small comic of the same name, is an office yet beautiful city Geoje, there are students who chase drama about the battle of a girl named Ru-da, who’s their dreams in their own ways. Even though their grades stuck in a time loop where she must reform and save her are hitting rock bottom, they will struggle and grow to terrible boss, Jin-sang, who comes back to life every time make their future shine like a dance stage. he dies as the time loop resets. Kim Si-eun played by Park Se-wan Baek Jin-sang played by Kang Ji-hwan Si-eun’s only hope is the life after her 20s.. Escaping Jin-sang who has always been No. 1 in his life, is also Geoje where lots of people think Si-eun weird for pursuing “No. 1 Most Cussed At” and “No. 1 Boss You Want To Kill.” freedom and progress, is her goal as a teenager. To enter However, Jin-sang believes that he is not trying to belittle the university in special screening, she joins the dance others, but stick to his principles and do his best to make sports class with her friends. Can she successfully achieve the world a better place before he dies. But then one day, her goal? he really does die, to his disbelief. At first, he thought it was a dream, but then he starts dying every day! Just Kwon Seung-chan played by Jang Dong-yun then, Ru-da tells him about the time loop and that he can He is a natural born introvert but since his father accused only escape it by becoming nice. His reply? “I lived my life him for not being manly enough, became acquired wrong? Don’t be ridiculous!” extrovert. For his father, he has learned almost everything but only thing he was interested was sports dance taught Lee Ru-da played by Baek Jin-hee by his mother. While he was secretly practicing the dance Ru-da may seem like a positive girl, but she really just sports sneaking the dance sports class, he gets caught by wants the day to go by. One day, after a business dinner, Si-eun… Jin-sang, who everyone wants dead, really dies in front of her! Then she wakes up in her bed and realizes it was 成績は散々な点数であるが、ダンススポーツだけは上手くなりた all just a dream. But then she notices the same day い!リストラ旋風が吹き荒れる、衰退する造船業の都市、巨済(コ is repeating over and over again. What she eventually ジェ)。ここにダンスにハマっている巨済女子商ガールズがいる。し discovers is that whenever someone yells out, “Jin-sang, かしダンスの楽しさだけではこの世も、18歳の少女たちの人生も die!” Jin-sang dies and the day begins again! Thus, Ru-da 手 ご わ い の だ が …。ワン・ツー・スリー・フォー 、アンド ワン・ツー・ begins her “Making Jin-sang Human” project to move on スリー・フォー!18歳少女たちのダンススポーツへの挑戦は成功す to tomorrow. るのだろうか。 「上司が死ぬと、一日がリセットされる!」100回倒れてもまた生き 虽然成绩落后,但想成为体育舞蹈“DANSPO('dance sport’)”的 返る悪徳上司の「タイムリープ更生記」!ウェブ漫画を原作とする ダンススポーツガールズ ┃ 国标舞女孩 佼佼者。经济萧条、在进行结构调整的造船业之城——巨济。这 死んでもいい ┃ 我的老板每天死一次 「死んでもいい」は、傍若無人なチーム長のペク・ジンサンと、彼を 良い人間に変化させようとするイ・ルダとの激戦記を描いたオフ HD 70mins x 8eps Production Year 2018 里有一群热爱舞蹈的女子商业高中女生。然而,要想开心尽情地跳 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2018 舞,她们面对的社会和花季人生却困难重重。一二三四,一二三四! ィスドラマ で あ る。 Director Park Hyeon-seok Writer Kwon Hye-ji Director Lee Eun-jin Writer Lim Seo-ra 十八岁花季少女们究竟能否成功挑战“DANSPO”呢? “要是上司死亡,一天就会复位!”无数次倒下,但也会穿越时间 重生的缺德上司,该剧改编自同名人气网漫《我的老板每天死一 次》,是一部职场剧,讲述了目中无人的“白辰上组长”与欲将他 Cast Cast 洗心革面的“李露达代理”之间展开激战的职场故事。

Park Se-wan Jang Dong-yun Kang Ji-hwan Baek Jin-hee

Kim Gap-su Lee Ju-yeong Gong Myoung Park Sol-mi 07 18 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 19

It's My Life Matrimonial Chaos 비켜라 운명아 최고의 이혼 You are the creator of your own destiny! tells Everybody dreams of getting married and most people do the tale of four young men and women through the topic end up doing so. But is a marriage really the final step of of clothing. Just like new fashion trends bloom into style, love? A couple here is about to get divorced, but why are these individualistic, fun-loving youths full of hope grow they getting divorced and why did they get married in the through experiencing both love and pain. first place? is a romantic comedy TV series that portrays the differences in men and women’s Yang Nam-jin played by Park Yoon-jae points of view on love, marriage and family in a comical Nam-jin is armed with a bright smile and an ultra-positive yet touching way. attitude. Although the employment office he owns only has one employee, Nam-jin is still technically the CEO. Jo Seok-mu played by Cha Tae-hyun Due to his kindhearted nature, he works hard without Seok-mu is a picky and sensitive man. dreamed of getting much in return and takes on whatever work that becoming a musician is currently working at a security comes his way to make two women happy: his mother system company, still he is secretly writing songs as well. and his first love, Ji-na. As he is doing his utmost day by After marrying Hwi-ru, realizes that marriage is basically day, destiny knocks at his door; he is apparently a blood unending torture and a lifelong act. As he loses his relative of the family that runs the massive conglomerate confidence and gets depressed, he meets his ex-girlfriend Hyeongang Group! And with that revelation, he is tossed Yu-yeong. He falls for Yu-yeong again even though she headfirst into a battlefield of dreams and love. is married, and Hwi-ru suddenly asks for a divorce. He wants to find out why he is surprised by the request that Han Seung-ju played by Seo Hyo-rim he had long hoped for and why the news pains him. Seung-ju, a famous fashionista and the only daughter of a major business tycoon, has lived a lonely life ever since Kang Hwi-ru played by Bae Doo-na teenage, when her mom passed away. After studying Hwi-ru is a carefree person with a positive attitude. She abroad, Seung-ju returns to Korea and is shocked to did track and field, but it wasn’t easy to find a job. She discover that her father is dating a gold digger and currently owns a guesthouse on the second floor of her Seung-ju herself is to be betrothed to the grandson of the home and earns pocket money as a PE teacher, living a owner of Hyeon-gang Group. Right then, Nam-jin appears life completely different from Seok-mu with her easygoing before her as if by destiny. They butt heads every time attitude. While she lived a somewhat disappointing and they meet, but her feelings for him also deepen. Being a lonely life with Seok-mu, she declares she wants a divorce romantic, and thus a believer in love, Seung-ju vows to over a slice of cake. What is the real reason behind her seize both love and a bright future. request?

運命は自ら切り開くもの!「どいて、運命よ」は、服というテーマを 誰もが憧れ、ほとんどの人々がするに至る結婚、果たして結婚は どいて、運命よ ┃ 让开吧,运命啊 通じて4人の青春男女の現在を描く。恋愛や傷心を経験しながら 最高の離婚 ┃ 最完美的离婚 本当に愛の完成なのだろうか。ここに離婚を控えた夫婦がいる。 成長する若者たちは、華やかなファッションのように、それぞれの 果たして彼らが離婚しようとする理由は何か。またなぜ彼らは結 HD 40mins x 120eps Production Year 2018 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2018 色へと生まれ変わる。そんな彼らの姿が、楽しさや希望を与えてく 婚したのか。「最高の離婚」は、愛・結婚・家族に対する男女の考 Director Gwak Gi-won Writer Park Kye-hyeong れるだろう。 Director Yoo Hyun-ki Writer Moon Jeong-min え方の違いを、時には愉快に時には切なく描いたロマンチックコ メディド ラ マ だ 。 命运是靠自己开拓的!《让开吧,运命啊》借“服装”这一主题讲 述四个青春男女的故事。他们经历爱情、伤痛而成长,如华丽的 结婚是所有人的梦想,而大部分人会走进婚姻殿堂,难道结婚真 Cast Cast 时尚一样,带着各自的色彩与光明重新塑造自我,将为我们传递 的是爱情修成正果的象征?面临离婚的夫妇,他们离婚及当初结 乐趣与希望。 婚的理由是什么呢?《最完美的离婚》讲述男人女人因想法差异, 产生对爱情、婚姻及家庭的不同见解,是一部时而令人感动时而 让人愉快的浪漫喜剧。

Park Yoon-Jae Seo Hyo-rim Cha Tae-hyun Bae Doo-na

Kang Tae-sung Jin Ye-sol EL Son Seok-gu 07 20 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 21 My Only One The Ghost Detective 하나뿐인 내편 오늘의 탐정 Anyone who commits sin must be punished. But is it fair Inhuman crimes are no longer surprising in today’s world. to live under prejudice and disdain just because a criminal The number of attacks on random targets is rising, along is in your family? begins with this question. with the rate of suicide, and these are all damaging our Do-ran, whose life is turned upside down when her father, society. Are all these issues actually caused by human Su-il, appeared for the first time in 28 years and Su-il, beings? What if they were not? who had to hide his identity, finally meet "the only ones” begins with the idea that all of these things are controlled on each other’s side in the world. This give them hope and by ghosts. To solve this problem, a private detective and show them the beauty of life. his fearless female assistant head out to pursue the ghost causing these crimes in a chilling, thrilling horror drama Kang Su-il played by Choi Su-jong with unpredictable twists that will captivate viewers. Do-ran's biological father, Su-il. He lives under a fake identity. He grew up in an orphanage but is warm-hearted Lee Da-il played by Choi Daniel and kind. He was charged for the crime committed by a Da-il, a private detective tasked with catching a ghost, friend at the orphanage and struggled in life after getting has sharp investigative abilities but is uncontrollable. His out of juvenile detention. After many hardships, he got true talents only show when he's tackling a case that he married and had a beautiful daughter. But while trying to wants to handle. He accepts Yeo-ul as his assistant when gather the money for his wife's surgery, he committed a she comes to him asking for help in revealing the truth crime by accident and went to prison. He is released after behind her younger sister's death. Thus they set out to 27 years, changes his name, hoping that no one will ever solve the case together. In the midst of this, he runs into recognize him. a mysterious woman dressed in a red dress named Hye, learns that a ghost is involved and realizes it is his destiny Kim Do-ran played by Yui to catch it. In high school, after her father was laid-off from his company, she had to work odd jobs and repeat school. So Jung Yeo-ul played by Park Eun-bin she only just managed to graduate from college two years Assistant detective Yeo-ul has years of part-time work ago. She currently prepares for law school as she balances experience, which has given her an extraordinary amount her studies and working part-time. She hated her mom for of patience. Without their parents, her sister was the only treating her younger sister as the favorite from a young family she had and could rely on until she mysteriously age, but she was able to manage because her father committed suicide. Yeo-ul’s strive to discover the truth adored her so much. But as soon as her father dies in an behind her sister’s death led her to meet Detective Da- accident, her mother tells her that they're not biologically il and she becomes his assistant. Her sister informed her related and directs her to live her own separate life. In the of a woman in a red dress through sign language right midst of this confusion, she finds out about her real father. before she died, and Yeo-ul works with Da-il to discover たった一人の私の味方 ┃ 我唯一的拥护者 今日の探偵 ┃ 今天的侦探 the mysterious truth and find the woman. HD 70mins x 53eps Production Year 2018 罪を犯せば罰を受けるのは当然のこと。しかし犯罪者の家族とい HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2018 非人道的な犯罪が起きても大して驚かないほど不特定多数を狙っ う理由で偏見と蔑視の中で生きるのは正当だろうか?「たった一 Director Hong Suk-gu Writer Kim Sa-gyung Director Lee Jae-hoon Writer Han Ji-wan た犯罪が増え、自殺率も高まり、社会の闇は深まる一方だ。果たし 人の私の味方」はこの質問から始まる。28年ぶりに現れた実父に てこれらすべては人間の仕業なのか?万が一、違うとしたら?「今日 より大変な目に遭うドランと、正体を隠すしかなかった父スイルが の探偵」はこのような出来事が、恨みを持った“怨霊”の仕業で発 「世の中のたった一人の味方」に出会い、人生の希望を取り戻して 生しているという想像から始まっている。この状況を解決すべく行 Cast いく過程を通して美しい人生の道を見せてくれる。 Cast 動する私立探偵と、恐れ知らずにも探偵を手助けする女性助手、こ の2人が事件の秘密、“怨霊”を追跡してゆく。背筋が凍る身の毛 凡有罪者皆应受罚,但罪犯的亲人也因此得遭受蔑视吗?《我唯 もよだつ恐怖、予想不可能な展開がお茶の間を訪れる。 一的拥护者》从这一问题拉开序幕。本剧通过讲述因为时隔28年 出现的亲生爸爸,人生出现坎坷的陶兰,跟不得不隐瞒真实身份 如今惨无人道的犯罪事件已不再让人们震惊,无目的犯罪和不断 的爸爸秀日,遇到“我唯一的拥护者”,开始重新寻找生活的希望 攀升的自杀率正在威胁我们的社会。难道这些都是人类造成的 的过程,展现美丽的人生之路。 吗?如果不是呢?《今天的侦探》假设了这一切都是由身负仇恨的 Choi Su-jong Yui Choi Daniel Park Eun-bin ‘鬼’来操控事件的发生。为了揭开谜底,私人侦探和胆大包天的女 助手携手追踪案件的秘密和‘鬼’。惊悚悬疑故事即将呈现到观 众朋友的面前。

Lee Jang-woo Na Hye-mi Lee Ji-a Kim Won-hae 07 22 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 23

Lady Chadalrae's Lover Lovely Horribly 차달래 부인의 사랑 러블리 호러블리 There are friends who were once a legendary girl's high Our hearts begin to race both when we are in love and school band. Each of them was proud to say that they when we are terrified. Our hearts race at the prospect are living a happy life above average, thank you very of an unknown world that we have not yet experienced. much. Now they hit the middle age and became weary That’s the similarity of love and horror. Whatever housewives who are facing the crisis in their life. is about the three friends trying true in real life. A sweet yet horrific love story begins desperately to escape from the crisis and grab the between her and A-lister Yu Phillip, the main star of her happiness once again. script, as the two are stuck between coincidence and fate, as well as horror and melodrama.“Your beginnings will 平均以上の幸せな人生を過ごしてると自負していた3人の女性に、 seem horrible, so lovely will your future be!” 突然やってきた中年の危機!そして、遅ればせの愛。石につまず Yu Phillip played by Park Si-hoo いた時より痛く、交通事故より致命的な人生の危機の中、ちゃん A-list celebrity Phillip has been lucky, going from an idol とした道を探し出すために奮闘する45歳の「四十春期」少女た singer to a famous actor. He had a dark childhood as he ちのダイナミックな日常諜報 + 激ヤバロマンス。ウチの話にも、 grew up in poverty with his mother who was a shaman, 隣の家の話にもある夫、子供、お金、そして失われた愛の話!果 but after debuting as an idol singer, he has been on the たして 「チャ・ダルレ夫人の愛」の彼女たちは愛を取り戻せるだ fast-track to success. However, on his 34th birthday, his ろうか。 perfect life begins to crumble. After hearing a terrifying prophecy from a fortune-teller, he meets scriptwriter Eul- 自负过着平均以上幸福生活的三个女人,突然遭到中年危机的 sun, who had written about an incident that he’s been 无情侵袭!后知后觉领悟的爱情!节目讲述了面对让人痛不欲生、 hiding for the past 8 years. 如车祸般猝不及防的人生危机,四十五岁的“四十春期少女”们, 为寻找正确道路孤军奋战的超特级日常生活谍报,让人啼笑皆非 Oh Eul-sun played by Song Ji-hyo 的罗曼史。既像自家故事、又似邻里故事,描述了丈夫、子女、金 Scriptwriter Eul-sun was born with a silver spoon and 钱,以及失去的爱情!我们的“车达莱”究竟能否寻到属于自己的 grew up in a wealthy family. But when she turned 10, her 爱情呢? father’s business went bankrupt and misfortune befell her. Nothing went right for her. Eight years ago, her drama script won a contest and gained the opportunity to make it to the screen. However, due to an unfortunate accident on the day she was supposed to hand over the script, she missed her chance. Then on her 34th birthday, she runs into A-list celebrity Phillip and her life takes a sudden, unexpected turn. チャ・ダルレ夫人の恋人 ┃ 车达莱夫人的爱情 ラブリー・ホラーブリー ┃ 可爱恐惧 HD 40mins x 100eps Production Year 2018 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2018 愛を感じる時、私たちは心臓が破裂しそうな経験をする。同様に 恐怖を感じる時もしかりだ。私たちがいまだ体験したことのない Director Koh Young-tak Writer Choi Sun-sik Director Kang Min-gyeong Writer Park Min-joo 未知の世界が贈る胸の高鳴りと鼓動、まさしくそこに愛と恐怖の 類似性がある。書いた台本通りの出来事が実際に起こるという、 不思議な力を持つドラマ脚本家オ・ウルスンと、その台本の中の Cast Cast 主人公であるトップスターのユ・フィリップ。偶然と運命、ホラーと ラブの間にはさまれた男女2人のゾクっとしながらも甘い、ホラー ラブストーリーが始まる。「始まりはホラブルだったが、その終わ りはこの上なくラブリーだろう!」

女主角吴乙顺是一位拥有超能力的电视剧编剧,她写下的故事会 在生活中原封不动的发生,犹如神明附体一般。男主角刘弼立是 Ha Hee-ra Kim Eung-soo Park Si-hoo Song Ji-hyo 一位人气巨星,而他正是吴乙顺剧本里的主人公!这对夹在偶然与 命运、恐怖与浪漫之间的男女,即将开启一段惊悚刺激又甜蜜的 爱情故事。“伴随着恐怖感而开始,但故事将以欢乐划为句号!会 在生活中原封不动的发生,犹如神明附体一般。男主角刘弼立是一 位人气巨星,而他正是吴乙顺剧本里的主人公!这对夹在偶然与命 运、恐怖与浪漫之间的男女,即将开启一段惊悚刺激又甜蜜的爱情 故事。“伴随着恐怖感而开始,但故事将以欢乐划为句号!”

Ahn Sun-young Koh eun-mi Lee Ki-gwang Ham Eun-jeong 07 24 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 25

Love to the End Your House Helper 끝까지 사랑 당신의 하우스 헬퍼 is about rebuilding a broken family. After a long day at work or when returning home after These characters love each other yet mustbut are fated to traveling, wouldn’t you like to come back to a nice, clean separate and fall from grace through no fault of their own. home? “House fairy” Ji-un will come to you when you are Seeing them overcome hardship through the power of love down. Solving problems in life and housekeeping have a lot makes viewers take a look inward for deeper introspection in common. Life is too hard to go through it alone. Let your about the people and love that surround them. house and your heart be healed with your own house helper. Han Ga-yeong played by Lee Young-a Her parents are divorced and she lived through poverty, Kim Ji-un played by Ha Seok-jin but Ga-yeong is a cheerful, energetic person. She takes Ji-un is a handsome house helper, aka a male maid. He care of her family on behalf of her mother, and then with does housekeeping for other people and does consulting her father she starts a new business, which succeeds due on how to organize. When he visits a customer’s house, to her fiery ambition. Then she meets Jeong-han , gets a he looks around and makes an estimate. Ji-un started crush on him, and ends up marrying him, only to discover this unusual job because of his mom and his ex-girlfriend. that he has a secret past with her sister-in-law, Se-na! What is his unusual secretive past about? Ga-yeong’s life ends up in turmoil in the blink of an eye. Im Da-yeong played by Bona Yun Jeong-han played by Kang Eun-tak Da-yeong is an intern at an ad agency who has given Jeong-han, who grew up in a wealthy family, falls in love up on love and life to become a full-time worker. Then with a woman named Se-na while studying abroad in one day, she comes up with a new ad idea: a “handsome America. He even pays off her debt, but when Jeong-han’s male housekeeper” with Ji-un as the model. Her idea is family goes bankrupt, Se-na cruelly leaves him. Jeong- a huge success. In order to become a full-time employee, han leaves his painful past behind and returns to Korea to she must shoot more ads with Ji-un, but he is being too save his father’s factory. That’s when he meets Ga-yeong. difficult. They bicker at each other and emotions start to As his feelings for her begin to grow, he finds out that Se- build up inside her. She starts to sense danger. What is na is her sister-in-law… this feeling that she has for Ji-un?

「最後まで愛」は崩壊した家庭をもう一度立て直す人々の話だ。主 仕事に疲れて帰宅した時、旅行から帰って来た時、常にきちんと 人公たちはお互いに愛し合いながらも別れ、罪もなく奈落の底へ 整理された家をお望みですか?心身ともに疲れ切ったあなただけ 突き落される。このドラマは、主人公たちの愛と、彼らが試練に打 の為に「家の妖精」ジウンがやってきます。人生の様々な問題を ち勝ち再び立ち上がるまでの過程を描いている。自分自身を振り 解決することと家事は共通点が意外と多いもの。人生に疲れたシ 返り、人とは何か、愛とは何かについて深く考えさせられる。 ングルライフ、ハウスヘルパーとともに、家と心のヒーリングタイ ム が 訪 れます。 最後まで愛 ┃ 爱到最后 《爱到最后》讲述的是重建破碎家庭的故事。主角们彼此相爱却 私の彼はエプロン男子 〜Dear My Housekeeper〜 离别,或被冤枉地坠入谷底。但通过克服种种挫折,重新振作起 HD 40mins x 104eps Production Year 2018 你的管家 拖着疲惫的身躯下班回家时,或者结束旅行时,你是否希望家里 来的过程,让我们不禁回顾自己的过往,也对人性和爱重新省思。 Director Shin Chang-seok Writer Lee Seon-hee HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2018 能时刻保持整洁?为身心疲惫的你,特别倾情献上“居家精灵” 志云。其实解决人生中的许多问题跟做家务事有很多共同点。在 Director Jun Woo-sung Writer Hwang Young-a 独自一人度过的孤单又疲惫的人生中,你的管家将带给你治愈和 心灵鸡汤。 Cast Cast

Lee Young-a Hong Soo-a Ha Seok-jin Bona

Kang Eun-tak Shim Ji-ho Koh Won-hee Seo Eun-ah 07 26 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 27 Sunny Again Tomorrow Are You Human? 내일도 맑음 너도 인간이니 Today’s young people are hurting. Forget the exuberance ‘Artificial Intelligence Robot’ Nam Shin III was created by a of youth; they are desperate just to get by. roots for the young people of today through she secretly replaces with the robot after he fell into a the success story of Kang Ha-nui, a poor job seeker with coma one day. Now he must pretend to be a real human no family or educational background, and the stories and fool people into believing that he’s real until his of the drama series’ various main characters. Moreover, mother’s real son wakes up! Placed in the midst of a fierce through the fun and moving tales of the assorted families power struggle of a business mogul family, Nam Shin III around Kang Ha-nui, the drama series will bring together seems more humanlike and better than actual human viewers of all generations. beings. His fraud project against the people begins now! There’s also a woman who protects him as a bodyguard Kang Ha-nui played by Seo Ri-na but doesn’t even know if he’s a human or a robot! Ha-nui is hardworking and positive despite hopping from one part-time job to another. She is unjustly fired Nam Shin played by Seo Kang-jun from a call center job at a home shopping network. She Shin, a grandson of the family that owns PK Group, resolves to make something of herself and starts an Korea’s top conglomerate, is known to be a scoundrel who, apparel business. After much trial and tribulation, she in order to rebel against his grandfather, causes trouble gets a chance to sell her product on K1 Home Shopping. on purpose. He travels overseas to find out about his birth Her contact person is Han-gyeol, the merchandising mother and runs into someone who looks just like him, director whom she already knows and who has been very upon which he gets into a car accident and falls into a dismissive of her. But thanks to Ha-nui’s tireless hard coma. work, they become trusting work partners and feelings Nam Shin-III played by Seo Kang-jun begin to develop between them. Shin-III is an AI robot who was made by a mother who Hwang Ji-eun played by Ha Seung-lee longed to see her long-lost son. When her real son falls Ji-eun is a well-educated, pretty, and personable fashion into a coma, Nam Shin-III enters the human world as a merchandising director at K1 Home Shopping. Contrary replacement. Now Shin-III must fool everyone into thinking to appearances, she is the product of her hard work. She that he is human and keep the real son’s place as the heir looks up more to her successful aunt than to her mother, until the son awakes from his coma! but she also agonizes over the secret behind her aunt’s daughter’s disappearance. She asks out her colleague 人間のようで人間じゃない、人間のようなロボットの、対国民人 Han-gyeol but is rebuffed. When she finds out Ha-nui is 間詐称詐欺プロジェクト!私たちは既に人間と人工知能の囲碁 the reason, she tries to get Ha-nui’s product rejected by 対決を目撃し、人工知能はもはや遠い未来のお話ではないという the home shopping network. And it is Do-gyeong, whom ことに気づかされた。ところでもし、人工知能が人間の体と結び 明日も晴れ ┃ 明天也晴朗 she dismissed, who reaches out to comfort her. 君も人間か ┃ 你是谁? ついたら?人間と全く区別のつかない外見、人間よりずっと優れ た人工知能を搭載したロボットが私たちの目の前に現れたとした HD 40mins x 121eps Production Year 2018 HD 70mins x 18eps Production Year 2018 現代を生きる青春は痛々しい。春どころか、あくせくと生きるのに らどうだろう?それも韓国最高の財閥家に現れたとしたら? Director Eo Soo-sun Writer Kim Min-ju 精 一杯だ。「明日も晴れ 」はハイスペックなどとは程 遠いスペック Director Cha Young-hoon Writer Cho Jung-joo 皆無の主人公、カン・ハニのサクセスストーリーと、様々な登場人 似人非人的机器人隐瞒举国上下,设下骗局!我们亲眼目睹人与人 物のエピソードを通して、この時代を生きる若者にエールを送る 工智能的棋赛,意识到人工智能不再是遥远的未来。如果人工智 ドラマだ。また、彼女の家族の涙あり笑いありのエピソードも交 能与人体相结合会是如何呢?外貌与人完全一致,丝毫辨别不出, Cast Cast え、全世代が共感できる物語を綴る。 加之拥有远远超越人的人工智能,这样一个机器人如果出现在我 们眼前,还是在韩国首富家里出现,又会如何呢? 这个时代的青春是充满伤痛的,每天为生存而奋斗,忙碌不已, 看 似离“人生的春天”很遥远。《明天也晴朗》讲述没什么学历、背 景的女主角江哈妮的成功经历,以及通过讲述各具个性的主角们 精彩斑斓的故事,以此来鼓励这个时代的年轻人。哈妮以及身边 人的故事,将为我们带来不一样的感动与乐趣,吸引不同年龄段 Seo Ri-na Ha Seung-lee Seo Kang-jun Gong Seung-yeon 的观众。

Jin Ju-hyung Lee Chang-wook Lee Jun-hyuk Yu Oh-seong 07 28 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 29

Suits ? 슈츠 같이 살래요 An eye-catching bromance of two suit-wearing, handsome The 21st century has given rise to a variety of new, men armed with perfect looks and eloquence! Forget all diverse family structures. The drama those ordinary and just lawyers you’ve seen on TV! Two is a sometimes tearful, sometimes cheerful reflection of articulate and, intelligent men in suits are coming to steal these new family structures. It is a drama that portrays their clients’ hearts by day and women’s hearts by night! the birth of a new family as the parents get ready for the Choi Gang-seok is a legendary lawyer who wins cases second stage of their lives and the children who are not before he even enters the courtroom and Ko Yeon-wu has yet completely independent engage in love and war. never even set foot in a law school! The drama takes place Jeong Eun-tae played by Lee Sang-woo in Korea’s top law firm and is about these two men, who Regardless of his terrible personality, Eun-tae is a very are complete opposites yet seem similar. talented doctor. Thanks to his nickname “Crazy Dog,” he Choi Gang-seok played by Jang Dong-gun was able to overcome the burden of living in the shadow of Choi Gang-seok is a legendary lawyer at Kang & Ham, Schweitzer’s son. ‘Korean Schweitzer'Jeong Deok-hyeon’s Korea’s top law firm. He is thorough and only plays games son! That’s the nickname that followed him everywhere. that he knows he can win. As a result, he gets all the Eun-tae’s father, Jeong Deok-hyeon, neglected his own high-dollar cases that are in the spotlight and enjoys his family because he spent his whole life saving people’s lives fame and high income. He even has perfect looks! But by providing volunteer medical service. Because of that, Gang-seok’s perfect life starts to wobble little by little. Eun-tae cut ties with his father. Due to his hatred towards his father, Eun-tae has declared celibacy. And then he Ko Yeon-wu played by Park Hyung-sik meets Yu-ha. First as his patient! Then as his archenemy! Ko Yeon-wu is a newly-hired lawyer at Korea’s top law firm, Kang & Ham, but he doesn’t even have a lawyer’s Park Yu-ha played by Han Ji-hye license. All he has is an incredible photographic memory. After her divorce, Park Yu-ha ran back to her dad and After his parents died when he was a child, he dreamed he accepted her with open arms. She doesn’t quite get of becoming a lawyer and it seemed plausible because he along with her siblings like she used to, but she has fully memorized law books. But reality had other plans returned to her old, confident self again. She works in the and he ended up going down the wrong path. How will his administrative office at a hospital and while she plans on life turn out in the end? downsizing on its overseas contribution business to start a new business, she gets entangled with Eun-tae and 完璧なスーツ姿、そして完璧な話術で武装したセクシーな2人の they become enemies. What is waiting for Yu-ha in her 男の、目が離せないブロマンス! 法廷に立つ前に勝利を手に入 future? れるという伝説の弁護士チェ・ガンソクと、弁護士免許はおろか、 法学部に通ったことすらないコ・ヨヌのコンビ!韓国最高のローフ 21世紀、我が国の家族の形態は卒婚、カンガルー族(ニート、親 スーツ ァームを舞台に、180度違うようでどこか似ている2人の男の、鮮 一緒に暮らしますか ┃ 一起生活吧 のすねかじり)など、数多くの新語が誕生するほど多様化した。 やかなコンビプレーが繰り広げられる。 「一緒に暮らしますか」は、時にはコミカルに、時にはシリアスに HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2018 HD 70mins x 50eps Production Year 2018 描いた作品だ。人生第二章の準備を着々と進める新中年・親の世 Director Kim Jin-woo Writer Kim Jung-min 一个是贴身西装的英姿飒爽,另一个是口若悬河的百战百胜,两个 Director Yoon Chang-bum Writer Park Pil-joo 代と、完全に親から独立できないカンガルー族・子供世代の愛と 性感男神的兄弟情直击少女心!以庭下决胜负为闻名的律师界传 のバトルを描く。そして彼らが互いに惹かれ合い、またはぶつかり 奇人物 崔 康 硕 和 无 证 律 师 高 延 宇,两个人个 性 截 然 相 反 却 又 完 美 合うことを繰り返しながら、次第に相手を理解し和解し合ってい 默契,是韩国第一律师事务所首屈一指的黄金搭档。 く、「新しい家族の誕生」を描いたドラマだ。 Cast Cast

21世纪,社会出现了毕婚、啃老族等多种现象以及多个现象下组 成的多个新型家庭组成形式。《一起生活吧》将此诠释人生的喜 怒哀乐,该部电视剧讲述正准备进入人生第二幕的中年父母一代 和啃老族子女一代的爱、恨以及最终相互理解和睦相爱的过程。

Jang Dong-gun Park Hyung-sik Lee Sang-woo Han Ji-hye

Go Sung-hee Chae Jung-an Yoo Dong-geun Jang Mi-hee 07 30 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 31

Queen of Mystery 2 Radio Romance 추리의 여왕 시즌2 라디오 로맨스 In Season 1, Serl-ock had to hide her work as a wannabe In the small radio booth that lies behind closed doors detective because of her mother-in-law. But in Season exists the world of listening, which is vaster than the 2, she is free and goes on to investigate the more cases. world of seeing. is a romantic drama She dreams of solving all crimes in Korea as she prepares about an A-list celebrity who always needs a script to to become a police officer, but harsh obstacles await her. talk to the media becoming a radio DJ that has to handle Her good detective buddy Wan-son suddenly treats her interactions with the listeners that requires improvisation. like his enemy and she fails the police officer exam. She It is the story of speakers that tell of the ordinary lives finally gets an administrative job at a police station, but of regular people through the radio rather than cameras nothing goes her way. Will Serl-ock be able to become a that visually show the successful stories of others. The true police officer? special story of people working in the on air-radio booth is brought to you. Ha Wan-son played by Kwon Sang-woo Detective Wan-son is the top officer who goes after the Ji Su-ho played by Yoon Doo-joon bad guys. But everything in his life goes away starting Su-ho became the top star by starting his career early on the first day of his new job. His fellow colleague who with his actor father. He may look confident and perfect did worse than he did back in the police school is now his on the outside, but he actually wears a mask, treating his manager, and to make matters worse, his friendship with life as a business. Then one day, he meets Geu-rim who is Serl-ock turns sour and he faces the worst crisis of his determined to recruit him as a radio DJ to her show and is life. getting dangerously close to becoming one. Su-ho’s mask is on the verge of being revealed once again. Yu Serl-ock played by Choi Kang-hee After her divorce, Serl-ock is finally free and sets her Song Geu-rim played by Kim So-hyun sights on working hard to become a police officer, but she Song Geu-rim has wanted to be a radio script writer. She keeps failing the exam. Thanks to friend’s recommendation, was destined to fall in love with radio because she used Serl-ock finally gets an administrative job at a police to listen to the radio with her blind mother. She finally station. Will she ever become a police and continue to achieved her dream of becoming a radio writer, but is now solve crimes? facing the most difficult challenge in her career: casting Ji Su-ho as the radio DJ! シーズン1では姑に内緒で遠慮がちに捜査に参加していたソルオ クが、シーズン2では自由の身となり、よりスケールの大きな舞 ベールに包まれていて人々にあまり知られていない空間、わずか 台で思う存分推理を働かせる!本格的に警察官になる準備を始め、 数坪の狭いラジオブースには、「見える」世界より、より広い「聞 この国で起きている全ての事件を解決するぞと意気込むソルオク。 こえる」世界がある。「ラジオロマンス」は、台本がないと何も話 しかし過酷な試練が待ち受けていた。仲良くしていたはずのワン せないトップスターが、自分の想像の域を超えた、決して台本通り 推理の女王2 ┃ 推理的女王2 スンはガラリと態度を変えてソルオクを目の敵にし、警察採用試 ラジオロマンス ┃ 电台罗曼史 にいかないラジオのDJを任されたがゆえに起きる数々のエピソ ードを描く、ヒューマンロマンスドラマだ。華やかに成功した人々 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2018 験には落ち続ける。紆余曲折の末、警察署の行政事務のアルバイ HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2018 トに就くが、何一つ思い通りにいかない。果たしてソルオクは本物 を「 見 せ る 」カ メ ラ で は な く 、些 細 で 平 凡 な 日 常 を「 聞 か せ る 」ス Director Choi Yoon-suk, Yoo Young-eun Writer Lee Sung-min の警察官になれるだろうか。 Director Moon Joon-ha, Hwang Seung-ki Writer Jeon Yoo-ri ピーカーのお話。オンエアのラジオブースの中の人々と、そういっ た人々のとっておきの物語が始まる。 在第一季中,雪玉碍于婆婆的脸色只能暗中查案,而在第二季中, 雪玉重获自由并能按照自己的意愿参与规模更大的案件调查。雪 电台直播间对许多人来说是一个神秘的地方,在这个小小的空间 Cast Cast 玉正式开始准备成为一名警察,她心中还抱着解决韩国所有不法 里,“耳之所闻”远比“目之所见”更加广阔。《电台罗曼史》是一 案件的梦想,但是后面却有着数不清的困难在等着她。一向与自己 部浪漫爱情剧,讲述了凡事离不开剧本的大明星,出乎意料地变 关系要好的完胜突然把雪玉当成了仇人,警察考试也是连连落榜, 成一个绝不按剧本出牌的电台DJ的故事。故事讲述的是诉说平 经历了一连串的曲折后终于能在警察局做行政工作的兼职,但是 凡琐碎日常的扬声器,而不是展现华丽成功人士的摄像机。电台 却并不如意。雪玉最终能否如愿以偿成为一名真正的警察呢? 直播开始,直播间里的人物登场,发生在他们身上的特别故事即 将展开。

Kwon Sang-woo Choi Kang-hee Yoon Doo-joon Kim So-hyun

Park Byung-eun Lee Da-hee Yoon Park Yura 07 32 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 33 Mysterious Personal Shopper Through the Waves 인형의 집 파도야 파도야 Hong Se-yeon has been the top salesperson at a luxury A human family drama depicting the story of a family goods department store for 3 years in a row. Then who lost their property and became separated families one day, she happens to witness Eun Gyeong-hye, after the war. This is not just a drama about success of an granddaughter of a business mogul, shoplifting. Because individual. There is no such device like secret of birth. This of Gyeong-hye, Se-yeon is fired, but the group’s secretary is story of a family and neighbor delivering true meaning comes and offers her the chance to become Gyeong-hye’s of family and love. personal shopper. Her fate with Gyeong-hye seems to continue in unexpected situations… 「波よ、波よ」は、戦争で離散家族になって全財産まで失ったボクシ ルと彼女の家族が、波のように押し寄せるあらゆる困難にもめげ Hong Se-yeon played by Park Ha-na ず、強く生きていきながら夢を叶え、家族愛を取り戻していくヒュ Se-yeon is beautiful and eloquent. Because of her poor ーマン・ファミリードラマ!歌手を夢見る貧しい離散家族の娘ボク family, she started to work right out of high school. She シル。しかしお金のない低学歴のボクシルに機会は訪れなかった。 coincidentally ends up at Chairman Eun’s mansion as ところがある日偶然、養成所で歌の勉強ができるチャンスが訪れ Gyeong-hye’s personal shopper and does her best to win る。歌手として成功への道が見えてくるようになると、小さい頃か Gyeong-hye’s heart in that doll house-like place. When her ら頼りにしていたギョンホと、事務所の社長サンピルの間で揺れ hard work is about to pay off, the shocking truth begins to るようになり…。 surface and Se-yeon is locked up in a mental institution without knowing why…. 《海浪啊海浪啊》以战争时期的离散家族为背景,剧中讲述了因 Eun Gyeong-hye played by Wang Bit-na 战争而失去全部财产的福实一家人的故事。福实一家人的生活就 Beneath her nasty façade, Eun Gyeong-hye is a 像被一阵阵的海浪拍打一般充满艰辛,但他们为了实现梦想还是 vulnerable individual who is hurt and lonely. . What ties her 坚韧不屈地面对生活,是一部记录家族之爱的温情家族剧。 down is an incident 5 years ago. Her husband, who knows 福实是穷苦人家的女儿,她的梦想是成为一名歌手,家人因战争 her weakness, abuses her psychologically and Gyeong- 而离散。家境潦倒加上学识不多,这些都让福实很难得到机会。一 hye relieves the stress through pathological shopping. 次偶然,福实在培训中心学习唱歌,并得到了成了歌手的机会,就 Then she meets Se-yeon and right when she is about to 在成功向她招手时,她却在两个人之间摇摆不定,一个是自己从 try to change, she discovers a truth that freezes her in her 小就离不开的京浩,另一个则是自己所属公司的老板尚必…… tracks.

ブランド館3年連続の優秀販売員ホン・セヨン。偶然、財閥3世ウ ン・ギョンへが物を盗んでいるのを目撃する。盗人猛々しく開き 直ったギョンへのせいで会社をクビになるが、驚いたことにグルー プの秘書室長がやって来て、ギョンへのパーソナル・ショッパーを 人形の家 ┃ 娃娃之家 やらないかと提案する。顔を合わせたくなかったギョンへとの出 波よ、波よ ┃ 海浪啊海浪啊 会いは、思いがけない所で繰り返されていく。 HD 40mins x 103eps Production Year 2018 HD 40mins x 143eps Production Year 2018

Director Kim Sang-hwi Writer Kim Ye-na, Lee Jeong-dae 连续三年的名品馆优秀导购员——洪世燕,有一天偶然看到富三 Director Lee Duk-gun Writer Lee Hyun-jae, Lee Hyang-won 代银京慧偷窃的场面,然而因京慧抵赖不认账而被迫辞职。可是 万万没想到集团秘书室长邀请世燕做京慧的私人购物员。从此, 世燕与不请之客京慧结下不解之缘 Cast Cast

Park Ha-na Wang Bit-na Cho A-yeong Park Jeong-uk

Lee Eun-hyung Choi Myung-gil Kim Gyeon-u Chang Jae-ho 07 34 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 35

Jugglers Black Knight Witch at Court Mad Dog 저글러스 흑기사 마녀의 법정 매드독

ジャグラス 黒騎士 ┃ 黑骑士 魔女の法廷 ┃ 魔女的法庭 マッド·ドッグ HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2017

is a romance drama about Yu-ni, a secretary with What can and can’t be seen. What exists that can’t be is a drama series depicting how Ma I-deum Unlike other crime investigation shows thus far, is a great social skills who has spent her life as a professional perceived. What if there is a type of power that we are unable and Yeo Jin-wook, two prosecutors who hate each other, crime series that puts the countless forms of insurance fraud supporter, and Chi-won, her boss who couldn’t care less to feel and don't know about? Supplementing that unknown investigate and solve cases together in the Department of in the spotlight. Through the Mad Dog team, the Avengers of about others, but outside of work, the power structure in their mysterious power with our imagination, we've created a Crimes Against Women and Children. Ma I-deum is a tough- the insurance investigation world, viewers will be entertained relationship is flipped the other way around. love story between a man and a woman. is a as-nails prosecutor who finds herself unexpectedly embroiled and shocked by the authentic and novel depiction of the romance drama about a man who accepts his risky fate for the in a case that may jeopardize her fast-track career to success. realities of insurance fraud. 「ジャグラス」は、天性の処世術と人懐っこさを生かし、プロフェッショ woman he loves. Rookie prosecutor Yeo Jin-wook abandoned his medical career ナルなサポーターとして生きてきた秘書ユニと、他人への関心ゼロ、人 to become a defender of justice. 「マッド・ドッグ」は、これまでの犯罪捜査ドラマとは一線を画した、あり 間関係を全面的に拒否して生きるボスチウォンの、社内での絶対的な 「黒騎士」は、愛する女性のために危険な運命を受け入れる、純情派の とあらゆる保険犯罪を専門的に捜査する、保険犯罪捜査ドラマである。 主従関係が社外で逆転し、繰り広げられるロマンスを描く。 男の、熱い恋の物語を描いたドラマ。 見えるものと見えないもの、存 「魔女の法廷」は、出世街道をひた走っていた矢先、思いがけない事件 保険捜査界のアベンジャーズチーム「マッド・ドッグ」を通して、視聴者 在するかどうか分からないが存在するもの。我々が感じられないもの、 に巻き込まれ危機に追い込まれた曲者検事、マ・イドゥムと、医師のガ にリアルな現実を告発する。ショッキングさと面白さの二兎を追うドラ 《Jugglers》讲述了发生在秘书允伊和老板致源之间的故事。允伊为人 あるいは誰も知らないある力が存在するとしたら?我々の知らない未 ウンの代わりに法服を選んだ新米検事、ヨ・ジヌクが、「女性児童犯罪 マ。 处世十分得体而且亲和力极强,是办公室里的出色助手,而他的老板 知の力に想像力をプラスし、2人の男女の恋の話を紡いでゆく。 専門部」で腐れ縁ながらもコンビを組んで捜査を繰り広げ、事件を解決 则是对外界事物漠不关心的高冷男,二人在公司之外的关系发生了逆 していく過程を描いたドラマ。 《Mad Dog》讲述了调查保险诈骗的故事,该剧与以往犯罪案件侦破 转 ,展 开 了 一 段 浪 漫 的 爱 情 故 事 。 有些东西,肉眼看不到它,但它的确存在却不为人知。人类无从感知也 剧 的 形 式 大 有 不 同 。素 有 保 险 调 查 界“ 复 仇 者 联 盟 ”之 称 的“ 疯 狗 组 尚未发现它是一个怎样的存在。在这个神秘之力上加一点人类的想象 《魔女的法庭》讲述了发生在“女性儿童犯罪特别小组”里的故事。剧 (Mad Dog)”为观众呈现栩栩如生的情节,并让观众在震惊之余体会 力 ,创 造 了 一 对 男 女 的 爱 情 故 事 。 中主人公马利盾梦想着有朝一日能出人头地,却因一次意外事件在顺 到故事中的乐趣。 《黑骑士》是讲述纯情派男主为了心爱的女人,不惜卷入危险命运之中 遂的升职路上面临危机;菜鸟检察官吕镇旭放弃成为医生而选择走上 的温暖的爱情故事。 检察官之路。剧中讲述了这对冤家搭档进行调查、办案的过程。


Couple on the Backtrack My Golden Life Love Returns The Secret of My Love 고백부부 황금빛 내 인생 미워도 사랑해 내 남자의 비밀

ゴ ー・バ ッ ク 夫 婦 ┃ GO BACK夫妇 黄金の私の人生 ┃ 我黄金光辉的人生 憎くても愛してる ┃ 即使恨也爱你 私の男の秘密 ┃ 我男人的秘密 HD 70mins x 12eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 52eps Production Year 2017 HD 40mins x 120eps Production Year 2017 HD 40mins x 100eps Production Year 2017

This is a drama with a strong message that will remind married portrays the story of a woman who gets a takes a fresh, new look at familial ties through portrays a man who is desperate to couples who are stuck in a rut what love is like once again! chance to join the upper class dreaming her golden life and a children who consider their mothers foes and mothers who really become the man he is pretending to be and a woman Almost everyone wishes to return to the moment before they man who is the heir to his father’s company and happened to consider their children a nuisance. presents who abandoned her little sister to have her parents’ affection make the most regrettable decision of their lives. The same be her long-lost brother. However, contrary to the expectation, the stories of children who grow up through marriages and all to herself. They both gained wealth and comfort through goes for the married couple in this drama, who got married at her life ends up getting into a mess. follows divorces while developing binding ties with their new families deception. However, have they gotten what they really wanted? the young age of 24 because they were blinded by love. While the journey to find the true happiness by her and people they live in regret, they get to be 20 years old all over again. around her. 母親を仇のように敵対視する子供たちと、子供をお荷物だと感じる母 「私の男の秘密」は、仮面を被り本物になるために、壮絶なまでにもが The life-changing project for the couple begins. 親たちの、様々なエピソードを通して2017年現在の家族愛にスポット き苦しみながら生きる1人の男と、幼い頃、両親の愛情を独り占めした 「黄金の私の人生」は、人生大逆転のチャンスをつかんだ一人の女性が、 を当てるドラマ「憎くても愛してる」。このドラマは、結婚と離婚、そし い一心で妹までも捨てた女が、完璧な幸せを求めて孤独な戦いを挑む お互いが日常になってしまったマンネリ夫婦に、もう一度愛情を確かめ 逆に奈落の底に落ちるが、そこから幸せの見つけ方に気づいていく話 てその狭間で育った子供たちが、本来の家族よりずっと強い絆で結ば 姿を描いたドラマ。良心すらかなぐり捨て、安楽さを手に入れた彼らは、 させてくれる、強烈なメッセージを与えるドラマがやって来る。人間誰 を描いたドラマだ。ヘソングループの 契約社員2年目のジアン、当面は れ、情感豊かに生きる話を描いている。 果たして本当に幸せで完璧な本物になりきれるのだろうか。 しも過去の選択を後悔し、その前の瞬間に戻りたいと思うときがある。 正社員になることだけを夢見ている卑屈な会社員だ。コネ入社の友人 「ゴー・バック夫婦」に登場する同い年夫婦もそうだ。恋は盲目とはよく のせいで、その夢すらも粉々に砕かれ挫折しそうになった瞬間、奇跡の 视母亲为仇人的子女们,视子女为难伺候的小祖宗的母亲们,本剧讲 《我男人的秘密》讲述了一个男人冒充另一个身份,为是否假戏真做挣 言ったもの、24歳という若い身空で「赤縄の契り」を結び夫婦になった ように自分がヘソングループの娘であるという人生大逆転のチャンス 述他们精彩斑斓的故事。本剧再度审视家人之间的情感,是2017年推 扎不已,还有一个女人为独享父母亲疼爱,为占有完整的幸福,幼时竟 二人。向こう見ずな過去の決定を後悔しながら暮らすこの夫婦に、再び が訪れるのだが…。 出的家庭剧《即使恨也爱你》。《即使恨也爱你》讲述结婚、离婚等背 抛弃自己的妹妹。在不惜违背良心赢得财富地位之后,这一对男女是否 訪れるハタチの頃のロマンチックライフ。二人の戦争のような人生を変 景下的子女们,演绎出比有血缘关系的亲人更相亲相爱的故事。 能得到完整的幸福,是否能假冒为真呢? えるプ ロジェクトが今 始 まる。 《我黄金光辉的人生》讲述了原本以为迎来千年一遇机会提升自己身份 的女主角,反而走进了人生的低谷,在此期间重新找回幸福的故事。 为柴米油盐夫妻唤醒爱情,扣人心弦的一部电视剧来袭!谁都会有想 回到做出错误选择之前的时候。《GO BACK夫妇》中的同龄夫妻正是 这样的一对,为情所迷,仅24岁结为夫妻,为当年轻率鲁莽的决定追悔 的他们,重新开启二十岁的浪漫生活!夫妻如同战争的改写人生课题 开始了!


Girls' Generation 1979 Manhole School 2017 란제리 소녀시대 맨홀: 이상한 나라의 필 학교 2017 쌈마이웨이

2018 Houston International Film Festiva Platinum Remi / TV Series 2018 Drama Awards Winner / Excellence Award for Hallyu Dramas

ランジェリー少女時代 ┃ 内衣少女时代 マンホール~不思議な国のピル ┃ Manhole:奉必的梦游仙境 恋するレモネード ┃ 学校2017 サム、マイウェイ~恋の一発逆転!~ ┃ 我的打架之路 HD 70mins x 8eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2017

The drama is a coming-of-age tale that features the romance deals with time travel as Bong Pil weaves back and 'School' series, the most popular youth drama series on KBS, is is about young people who struggle to do and friendship of high school girls in Daegu in the 1970s. forth between the past and present through common manholes. now in its seventh season. portrays the lives of it their ways, although the society sees them as lacking and The purpose of his time travel is to stop Su-jin, his crush of 28 high school teenagers in 2017. How has school changed since forces them out of the spotlight. It portrays their quirky life 1979年、大邱(テグ)で一番イケメンだと言われるケソン高のソン・ジン years, from getting married and capturing her heart. Will Pil’s 1994? Watch a group of 18-year-olds learn from their mistakes and romance. の顔を見るために、オシャレをして教会の文学の夜という行事に参加して time travel end successfully? and grow in this boisterous coming-of-age story. いたジョンヒとジョンヒの友達は、お手洗いで不良サークルのアカシア派 「サム、マイウェイ~恋の一発逆転!~」は、世間的に見てこれといったス とケンカになり、追われることになる。その時、ある男子生徒の助けで危 「マンホール~不思議の国のピル」は、天性のプー太郎、無職男ボン・ピ 「 恋 するレモネード」は、KBSを代表する青春ドラマで、シリーズの7 ペックもなく、マイナーな人生を歩まざるを得ない現実にもめげず、他 機を免れる。微笑みが魅力的なあの男子生徒ソン・ジンを見た瞬間、ジョ ルが、街のどこにでもある平凡なマンホールを通って過去と現在を行 作目。2017年の、とある高校を舞台に繰り広げられる青少年の物語。 人が何と言おうと堂々と我が道(マイウェイ)を行く、マイナーリーグの青 ンヒは一目惚れしてしまう。ソン・ジンへの気持ちが深まっていた頃、ソウ き来する前代未聞、荒唐無稽な「タイムトラベル」をテーマにしている。 1994年度の「学校」と2017年度の「学校」では、何がどれくらい 年たちの、風変わりな成長とロマンスを描いたドラマ。テコンドー韓国 ルから美しい顔に暖かい心を持って、さらに勉強まで上手なヘジュが転校 ピルのこのとんでもない「タイムトラベル」の目的は、18年間も片想 変わっただろうか。18歳、青春を生きる彼らの愉快な成長ストーリー 代表になることが夢だったドンマンと、「9時のニュース」のキャスター してくる。ある日、ジョンヒの学校の放送部と、ケソン高の放送部の連合 いし続けている女友達スジンの結婚を妨害し、彼女の心をつかむこと。 が描かれる。 が夢だったエラ。ずっと友達として付き合ってきた二人だが、いつしか 放送際が催されることになり、ヘジュの勧めで放送際のメインアナウンサ 果たしてピルの旅は無事成功するのだろうか。 別の感情が芽生えていたのだが…。 ーを務めることになったジョンヒ。しかし放送際の前夜、帰宅中にアカシ 《学校2017》是KBS代表性青春电视剧的第七季。本剧以2017年的 ア派に会って、逃げていたジョンヒは湖に溺れてしまう。病院で意識を取 《Manhole:奉必的梦游仙境》是一部史无前例的荒诞无稽穿越剧。终 高中为背景,讲述了在高中里发生的故事。1994年的学校和2017年 《我的打架之路》讲述二流社会青春男女的成长与爱情。因为各种条 り戻したジョンヒは、放送際よりもソン・ジンにプロポーズをされたいと 极无业青年峰弼通过随处可见的下水井穿梭于过去与现在,其目的只 的学校之间会有多大的区别呢?本剧主要讲述18岁花季少年的青涩 件不过硬,剧中四个年轻人面临十分残酷的现实,逼不得已只好生活 いう一念で、患者衣姿で学校に駆け付けるが、ヘジュにソン・ジンが花束 为阻止单恋28年的“女性朋友”随珍的婚礼,成为随珍的男朋友。峰 成长故事。 在二流社会中,但尽管处于这样的生活条件下,但四个年轻人并无退缩, を渡すところを見てしまい…。 弼的“时间旅行”能否达成目的,令人拭目以待! 而是勇往直前…

相信每个人的青春岁月里,都会有难忘的回忆、爱人以及朋友。《内衣 少女时代》据同名小说改编,以1979年的大邱为背景,讲述了女高中生 们之间难忘而充满欢乐的友情,以及浪漫的爱情故事。这部电视剧能 引发各个年龄段观众的共鸣,能让成年人感受到依稀的乡愁,对现在 的青少年来说又充满新鲜感。


Queen for Seven Days Lovers in Bloom Blossom Dalsoon 7일의 왕비 최고의 한방 무궁화 꽃이 피었습니다 꽃 피어라 달순아

七日の王妃 ┃ 七日的王妃 最高の一発 ┃ 最佳一击 恋の花が咲きました ┃ 木槿花开了 花を咲かせろ! ダルスン ┃ 花开了, 达顺啊 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2017 HD 40mins x 32eps Production Year 2017 HD 40mins x 120eps Production Year 2017 HD 40mins x 129eps Production Year 2017

is a historical drama about the tragic is a refreshing and touching drama focusing deals with Mu Gung-hwa, a police officer at a Eun-sol is the only daughter of a CEO for a shoemaking Queen Dan-gyeong, who sat on the queen’s throne for the on the not-so-ordinary lives of those in their 20s and their patrol division, and how this woman, who ranks at the bottom company. She lives a happy life, but an unexpected incident shortest time in the history of the 500-year Dynasty constant, tough-to-solve dilemmas regarding love, life, and of the police organization, puts various snobbish people who causes her to lose her memory and she begins to live under before she was deposed. The drama depicts her love story with work. What if a top star who vanished 20 years ago and believe they are above her in their place. This drama portrays the name of Dal-soon. She has a bright personality and takes King Lee Yeok and Lee Yung. suddenly appeared jobless in your neighborhood? What if there petty crimes and offenses that ordinary people can engage in, an interest in shoes. Dal-soon reveals her past and succeeds was a woman who had waited for him all this time after his satirizing modern society, and portraying the honest lives of as a shoe master. 「七日の王妃」は、在位期間たった7日という、500年の歴史を誇る朝 sudden disappearance? And what if someone else was raising different types of families. 鮮王朝史上最も短い間、王妃の座に就き、そして退位した悲運の王妃、 that top star’s son as their own child? Is the return of a top 1945年ソウル、独立運動をするジェハが便りがないと、グムソンは娘 端敬王后・慎氏を巡る、中宗と燕山君のラブストーリーを描いた、ロマ star who vanished long ago a miracle or a curse? 「恋の花が咲きました」は、交番を舞台に、警察の階級のうち一番下の ヨンファとテソンの結婚を進める。ところがヨンファがテソンとの結婚 ンス時代劇だ。 巡警(巡査)であるム・グンファが、ありとあらゆるパワハラに対抗し、 を受け入れようとしていた日の夜、ジェハが帰ってくる。こっそりヨンフ 「最高の一発」は、恋して、語り合って、食いつないでいくことを激しく 逆襲する痛快なお話だ。交番で働く警察官の男女主人公が遭遇する、 ァに思い寄せていたテソンはジェハを殺してしまう。ヨンファはジェハ 《七日的王妃》讲述了在500余年朝鲜历史上在位时间最短(仅七天即 悩む、この頃の20代たち、そしてちょっと普通じゃない20代のお話を、 身の回りでよく見られる生活に密着したタイプの事件や事故を取り上 の子どもを妊娠していたが、ソンイン製靴とソン家の財産を奪うため 被废除),命运悲惨的端敬王后慎彩景与中宗以及燕山君之间的爱情 ユーモラスに感動的に描いたドラマだ。20年前のある日、忽然と姿を げ、世相を風刺していく。また、様々な家族に巻き起こる、愛情や恋に に、テソンはヨンファと結婚する。9年後、テソンを父と知って育ったジ 故 事 ,是 一 部 浪 漫 悲 情 历 史 剧 。 消したトップスターが自分の街に遊び人になって現れたらどうだろう? 関するエピソードを率直に描いたドラマだ。 ェハの子ウンソルの家に、9年前テソンがジェハを殺した証拠(ジェハ 「風と共に去った」彼を今も待ち続けている女性がいたとしたら? そし のメモ)が届く。その証拠を読んだウンソルは逃げる途中、川に溺れて て、誰かがそのトップスターの息子を、自分の息子のように育てていた 《木槿花开了》以基层警察为背景,讲述了警察队伍中最底层的“乙方” 行方不明になってしまう。記憶を失ったウンソルは、ダルスンという名 としたら? 巡警木槿花与形形色色的“甲方”之间发生的故事,剧中男女主人公 前でブンイ、ジョンオクと暮らすようになる。ある夜、ジョンオクは長い 在派出所中工作,通过讲述贴近实际生活的大小事件,讽刺现实,描 間計画してきた家出をし、ソウルのヨンファの家でホンジュという新し 《最佳一击》讲述认真思考爱情和生活的20几岁年轻主人公之间所发 绘出各个家庭的亲情故事。剧中木槿花酣畅淋漓的回击时常让人拍 い名前で生活するのだが…。 生的故事,该剧情节轻松流畅,颇有特色,并能给人带去感动。能否想 手称快。 象生活在自己家附近的无业游民竟是20几年前销声匿迹的巨星?还有 《花开了, 达顺啊》是一部记录成长的励志电视剧,主人公达顺因时代 一个女生一如既往地在等待消失的他?还有人把巨星的儿子视如自己 悲剧不得不认杀父仇人为父,后来又因此而被抛弃。达顺一步步揭露 的儿子一般抚养?眼前发生的这一切都难以让人相信。再次出现在眼 过去的真相,最终成为了皮鞋大师。剧中还讲述了动荡不安的时代,人 前的巨星,究竟会成为令人激动的奇迹,还是会成为尴尬的奇迹呢? 们命运多舛以及描述了何为正义等内容。


Unknown Woman Sea of Her Own Queen of Mystery Ms. Perfect 이름없는 여자 그 여자의 바다 추리의 여왕 완벽한 아내

名前のない女 ┃ 无名的女人 その女の海 ┃ 那女人的大海 推理の女王 ┃ 推理的女王 完璧な妻 ┃ 完美的妻子 HD 40mins x 102eps Production Year 2017 HD 40mins x 120eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2017

portrays the journey of two women, Yeo- Set in the 1960's and 1970's. Soo-in is a smart student who is a humane mystery series where Serl- is a girl-crush drama series in which the heroine ri and Ji-won, who clash with each other out of motherly love. has never missed ranking at the top of her class. Due to her ock, the queen of mystery, and Wan-son, a hot-blooded Jae-bok, a tough yet exhausted homemaker, reclaims her They are bound as mother and daughter out of intention, and poor family situation, she begins to work at a factory instead of detective, solve the cold cases and help heal the hearts of womanhood and finds new hope for life as well as exhilarating various exciting stories develop around them. going to college. Nevertheless, she pursues her dream. those whose lives have been affected by crimes. On the surface, romance when she becomes embroiled in an unexpected turn Serl-ock seems like an ordinary married woman who wouldn’t of events. 「名前のない女」は、母性愛ゆえに衝突する2人の女性、ヨリとジウォン 息子を産めなかった本妻スンオクは、夫ドンチョルの借金のせいで住 have anything to do with solving crimes, but her deductions, の物語。女は弱し、されど母は強しという言葉のごとく、強き2人の母 む場所を失った妾ヨンソンと息子ミンジェを家に入らせる。絶対に馴 which seem sloppy at first but turn out to be brilliant, will make 「完璧な妻」は、オバサン生活にどっぷり漬かって生きて来た主人公、ジ 親を描いたドラマ。意図的に母娘関係を結んだ2人の女性を中心に、 染むことができないと思われた二つの家族は、時の流れとお互いの努 you laugh and cry. ェボクが思いがけない事件に巻き込まれたことをきっかけに、失いか 思いがけない出来事が次々と起こる。夢多き女子高生だったヨリは、ウ 力により、一つの家族になっていった。そんなある日、スインの過ちで けていた女性らしさを復活させ、人生の新たな希望と生き生きした愛 ィードグループのオーナー家の運転手を務めていた父親の事故を機に、 ミンジェが行方不明になってしまう。それから10年、ヨンソンはスンオ 「推理の女王」は、推理の女王ソルオクと熱血刑事ワンスンが迷宮入り を取り戻すまでを描いたガールクラッシュ・ドラマ。初恋の相手と別れ ウィードグループの養女となる。暮らしは豊かになったが、白血病の義 クを手伝って実質的な家長となる。時は過ぎ成長したスインは、高校時 した事件を解決しながら、犯罪で傷ついた人々の心まで癒すヒューマ た後、学校一のイケメン男、ク・ジョンヒと結婚したジェボク。しかしジ 弟、へソンと骨髄が一致したため、骨髄移植を敢行する。2度目の骨髄 代の同級生セヨンの父が運営する製麺工場に就職。そこで出会ったジ ン推理ドラマだ。推理とは縁遠そうなおばさん「ソルオク」の不器用な ョンヒが浮気していることに気づいたジェボクは離婚を決心、新たな人 移植が必要になったとき、ヨリはお腹の中の子供のために移植を拒否 ョンウクと恋に落ちるが、ジョンウクは野望に目がくらんでセヨンを選 がらも完璧な推理が笑いと涙を誘う。 生計画を立てる。ところが、ジョンヒの不倫相手が目の前で急に死んで し、家を飛び出す。しかし殺人罪で刑務所に収監され、名前と過去の全 ぶ。ジョンウクの婚約式の日、妊娠を知ったスインは家を出る。そして、 しまうという事件が起き、ジェボクの人生は得体の知れない渦に巻き てを消すことになる。 家を出て働くことになったソウルの縫製工場で、女工と社長としてスイ 《推理的女王》讲述推理女王雪玉和热血刑警完胜一起搭档破解悬案 込まれていくのだが…。 ンとソヌは出会う。スインはソヌとソヌの祖母クムリェのおかげで無事 的故事,此剧能够为那些因遭受犯罪受到心灵创伤的人们带来安慰, 《无名的女人》讲述两个妈妈的心路旅程,同样身为妈妈的榈丽和智源, に息子を出産する。3年後、ソヌのプロポーズに応じたスイン。一方、ジ 是一部人性推理剧。家庭主妇雪玉看似与推理搭不上边,但是她的推 《完美的妻子》讲述身为大妈的主人公沈载福,被卷入一系列意想不到 却也是母女关系,两个人之间因母爱发生冲突从而引发种种事情… ョンウクと結婚を控えたセヨンはスインに息子がいることを知るのだ 理由粗浅走向完美,给观众带来无穷欢笑与泪水。 的事件后,凭借不屈不挠的性格,重新找回她早已忘却的少女情怀,重 が…。 燃人生希望,收获美丽的爱情,是一部讲述剩女的电视剧,刻画了剩女 不屈不挠的形象。 《那女人的大海》以六七十年代为背景,讲述了因时代悲剧而经历痛苦 家族史的三母女之间,比血缘更深的感情故事。剧中描述了最为伟大 的母爱,在时代的悲剧中诞生的让人痛彻心扉的爱情故事,以及形形 色色的人物身上发生的温馨感人的故事。


My Father is Strange Good Manager Hwarang: The Poet First Love Again 아버지가 이상해 김과장 다시 첫사랑 Warrior Youth 화랑

2018 Houston International Film Festiva Platinum Remi / TV Series 2018 Houston International Film Festiva Gold Remi / TV Series

お父さんが変 ┃ 爸爸好奇怪 キム課長とソ理事~Bravo! Your Life~ ┃ 金科长 花郎(ファラン) 漆黒の四重奏<カルテット> ┃ 再一次,初恋 HD 70mins x 52eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2017 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2017 HD 40mins x 104eps Production Year 2017

, a heartwarming family drama with a is about Kim Seong-ryong, a chief accountant History says, “Beautiful boys were chosen, dolled up and given Falling in love for the first time happens to everybody and hint of comedy, is about to the lives of Han-su, a hardworking and a master of embezzlement who has keen financial sense. the name ‘Hwarang,’ and followers gathered around them. people miss their first love. deals with this father who is hiding a secret but is devoted to his family, He gets a job at TQ Group as a chief accountant so he can They studied morals and martial arts and travelled the country. topic and portrays the story of love, hate and forgiveness of his reliable wife Yeong-sil and their four children, who are embezzle enough money to achieve his dream. But ironically, he Among them, the elites were recommended to serve in the Do-yun and Ha-jin, who were each other’s first loves and have interesting and unique in their own ways. Han-su’s family was starts to stand up for what’s right, fighting against corruption government.” (From Samguk Sagi, King Jinheung) is set in Seorabeol, the capital city has never gotten over his first love, and Ha-jin has erased her peaceful, but one day a famous but arrogant actor moves in on its feet again. Kim Seong-ryong works as a chief accountant of Silla in the Three Kingdoms, and it portrays friendship and first love from her mind. So how have their feelings changed with them, affecting the family dynamics. for TQ Group. The longer he works there, the more he finds romance of the Hwarang. How did the Hwarang become the over the past eight years? The stories about these two people out about how corruptive TQ Group was. At first, he didn't care backbone of Silla that unified the Three Kingdoms? and their acquaintances will be captivating. 「お父さんが変」は、秘密を抱えてはいるが、家族のことだけを考えて much about the company. Not until he meets his coworker, Yun 生きて来た誠実な父親、ハンスと、心強い妻、ヨンシル、個性的な4人 Ha-gyeong. Because of her, he decides to help the company 「美しい男たちを選び、身なりを整えさせ、花郎と名付けて仕えさせる 「漆黒の四重奏<カルテット>」は、誰もが一度は経験し、胸にそっとし 兄弟の家族の話。時には騒々しく、時には平和に暮らしてきた家庭に、 survive the crisis. ようにすると、雲のように群れが集まった。彼らは道義と武芸を錬磨 まってある初恋をテーマにしたドラマだ。8年ぶりに再会した初恋の相 ある日突然、無礼で傲慢な有名俳優が居候することに・・・!そこで繰り し、山や川を遊覧した。その中から善良な者たちを選び、朝廷に推薦し 手、ドユンとハジンを中心に、好きなのに憎み合い、また許し合う様々 広げられる話をコミカルに描いた、温かなホームドラマ。 「キム課長とソ理事~Bravo! Your Life~」は、金儲けに関しては天賦 た。」歴史はこのように花郎について記録している。(三国史記 真興 なエピソードがスペクタクルに描かれる。初恋が忘れられない男、ドユ の才を持つ“ピンはね専門キム課長”、キム・ソンリョンが主人公。夢を 王編)「花郎(ファラン)」は、三国時代新羅の首都、徐羅伐(ソラボル)を ンと、初恋を記憶から消し去った女、ハジン。8年という歳月を経て、2 《爸爸好奇怪》是一部家庭温馨喜剧,主要围绕着虽有不为人知的秘密 叶えるため、より大きく完璧に一山当てるため、紆余曲折を経てTQグ 舞台に、花郎たちの友情と恋を描いた青春ドラマだ。花郎たちはどのよ 人の想いはどう変わったのか。変わった2人と、彼らの周囲の人物との 但为家人付出一生的好爸爸汉洙和生活能力强的汉洙老婆英实以及个 ループの課長に転職するが、皮肉なことに不正と理不尽に立ち向かい、 うにして、古代三国を統一させた新羅の中心になれたのだろうか。 間でも興味深い出来事が次々と巻き起こる。 性四异的四个兄妹展开,讲述原本和气融融的普通汉洙家庭,突然一 崩壊寸前の会社を救うことになるという、オフィスコメディドラマ。 个明星寄后发生的故事。 【自民间选拔俊美的男子,并加以乔装打扮,名曰“花郎”。报名之人络 《再一次,初恋》讲述了一段深情难忘的初恋爱情故事。道允与夏真是 《金科长》是一部职场喜剧,讲述爱财如命的腐败经理部课长金成龙 绎不绝。他们读书习武,游览山水,从中再度筛选出天性善良之人,引 一对初恋情人,分离后时隔八年再次相遇,谱写了一段爱恨交织到最后 的故事。剧中金成龙想大捞一笔从而千辛万苦进入TQ集团成为经理 荐于皇宫。】 历史所记载的花郎,如上所述。(三国史记 真兴王篇) 彼此宽恕的爱情故事。对初恋念念不忘的男主道允和已将初恋抛诸脑 部课长。他原本以为梦想即将成真,不料却站在了反腐败斗争的最前列, 《花郎》故事发生在朝鲜三国时代新罗之都城徐罗伐,讲述花郎们的友 后的女主夏真,在分离的这段时间会经历怎样的感情变化?时过境迁 让公司死里逃生。 情与爱情,是一部青春古装剧。花郎如何成为统一朝鲜三国的重心?请 、物是人非,两人以及周围的人物关系又会展开怎样惊心动魄,峰回路 拭目以待。 转的剧情呢?


My Fair Lady Sweet Stranger and Me Love in the Moonlight The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu 오 마이 금비 우리 집에 사는 남자 구르미 그린 달빛 Tailor Shop 월계수양복점 신사들

2017 Houston International Film Festiva Grand prize / TV Series 2017 Asian TV Awards Grand prize / Drama · 2017 Seoul Drama Awards Grand prize / Drama

オ ー ・マ イ・ ク ム ビ ┃ 噢!我的金菲 ウチに住むオトコ ┃ 住在我家的男人 雲が描いた月明り ┃ 云画的月光 月桂樹洋服店の紳士たち ┃ 月桂树西装店的绅士们 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 18eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 54eps Production Year 2016

is an uplifting and heartwarming story. The is a funny and heartwarming drama Taking place in the Joseon Dynasty, is a story about four story begins when a lousy con man, Hui-cheol, gets to meet series of a flight attendant whose life turns upside down when is a love story between a Crown Prince and a girl who men working at more than 100-year-old Wolgyesu tailor shop. his ten-year-old daughter Geum-bi whom he didn’t even know a man younger than her claims to be her step-father. Nan-gil, happened to disguise herself as a eunuch. Despite a series Their lives are full of ups and downs and each of their story about. Although Geum-bi was an unwanted daughter for Hui- the self-proclaimed father, carries with him a dark past, but his of misunderstanding, missed connections and coincidence, it comforts, inspires and gives hopes to people. Get a glimpse of cheol, he learns about the value of life and the love of family fervent devotion to protecting Na-ri and her mother’s humble seems the star-crossed lovers are meant for each other. Are each family’s history, their love and success, all with an array as they live together. However, Geum-bi gets child Alzheimer’s. dumpling restaurant attests to his kind heart. Na-ri, the alleged they friends, or more than just friends? While Ra-on must do of various suits made at Wolgyesu tailor shop. will remind the viewers about the preciousness step-daughter who is three years older than him, may be an all she can protect her identity, Young is immensely confused of family. oddball at times, but is always fit for duty once in her uniform. with his feelings for Ra-on, standing in front of him as a 「月桂樹洋服店の紳士たち」は、由緒正しきオーダーメイド専門店であ How did this unconventional family come about? A step-father eunuch. る月桂樹洋服店を背景に、四人の男の波瀾万丈でダイナミックな物語 「オー・マイ・クムビ」は、三流サギ師として生きていたフィチョルの前に、 and step-daughter, will these two find romance despite their を描いたドラマ。それぞれに異なる彼らの物語は、見る者に癒しと励ま 自分の娘だという10歳のクムビが現れ、二人とその周辺に巻き起こる seemingly impossible relationship? 「雲が描いた月明り」は、朝鮮時代を舞台とした、悲しくも美しい青春ロ し、そして勇気を与える内容となっている。このドラマでは、愛や成功、 事件を暖かく愉快に描くヒューマンドラマである。ある日突然、想像も マンスストーリー。内官を愛した皇太子?!誤解と偶然、数奇な縁から そして家族のエピソードに、男性を象徴する様々な「洋服」が結びつい 願いもしていなかった娘が自分のもとにやってきたフィチョルだが、彼 「ウチに住むオトコ」は、自身を「一家の主」だと主張する若い男性とそ 始まる孝明世子ヨンとラオンの出会い。二人の悪縁は運命へと変わる。 て物語が展開していく。 女と共に生活することで人生の価値を学んでいき、家族の絆を感じ始 の家族の紆余曲折を、楽しく、そして切なく描いたドラマだ。 世子と内官として再会したことで、内官に感じる自身の感情に混乱する めた瞬間、クムビが児童認知症に罹っていることを知る。 年下の新しい父ナンギルは、暗い過去を胸に抱いて生きているものの、 ヨン。自分の正体が男装した女だと知られてしまうことを恐れるラオン。 《月桂树西装店的绅士们》是一部以历史悠久的定制西装专营店—— ナリの母の餃子店とナリを守るために努力を惜しまない。年上の娘ナ そしてこの二人にまつわる暗い過去の影…。むしろ出会わなければよ 月桂树西装店为背景的电视剧,讲述了三个男人曲折、精彩的人生。 《噢!我的金菲》是一部轻松愉快的生活剧,讲述了一个三流骗子辉哲 リは、普段はそそっかしい性格だが、ひとたび制服を着ると、パーフェク かったのだろうか…。 他们各不相同的人生故事会给观众带去安慰、鼓励和勇气。这部电 突然有了一个十岁的女儿金雨,围绕父女两人展开的各种故事。尽管 トな客室乗務員になる。 视剧在讲述爱情、成功、家人的故事中间穿插了象征男人的各色各样 出乎意料,且十分不情愿有了这样一个女儿,但老爸辉哲还是带着女 以朝鲜时代为背景的古装电视剧,内容风趣、感人,故事情节完全不 的“ 西 装 ”。 儿一起生活,在逐渐体悟到生活价值和家庭温情的时候,女儿却患上 《住在我家的男人》讲述的是自称为“爸爸”的年轻男人与其家人之间 同于传统古装剧,讲述一个喜欢“太监”的皇太子的故事。孝明太子 了小儿痴呆症。《噢!我的金菲》刻画略显生疏却尽心尽力照顾生病女 发生的各种悲欢离合的故事。年下男继父南吉虽然有着灰暗的过去, 旲与乐瑥的初遇充满了偶然、误会和针锋相对。原以为不会再见面的 儿的老爸形象,通过故事描述,强调家庭的珍贵与重要,把这种思想 但拼命努力想要保护娜璃妈妈的饺子铺和女儿娜璃,是一个让人讨厌 两人,谁知却以太子和太监的身份重逢,两人的孽缘逐渐变成了姻缘。 传达给观众。 不起来的人物。年长的女儿娜璃平时虽然散漫不羁,可是穿上空姐制 本剧讲述了在皇室外戚势力的压迫下苟延残喘,但不放弃复兴国家伟 服后立刻变身完美的乘务员。小三岁的南吉是如何成为娜璃继父的 大梦想的君主李旲与不得不以女扮男装生活,却总不失笑意的洪乐瑥 呢?继父和继女能冲破世俗的观念而相爱吗?两人惊险的同居生活即 之间凄美、浪漫的青春爱情故事。 将开始。


Uncontrollably Fond Secrets of Women A Beautiful Mind The Master of Revenge 함부로 애틋하게 여자의 비밀 뷰티풀 마인드 마스터 - 국수의 신

むやみに切なく ┃ 任意依恋 女の秘密 ┃ 女人的秘密 ビ ュー テ ィ フ ル・マ イ ンド ┃ Beautiful Mind-美丽心灵 マスター・ククスの神 ┃ Master-面条之神 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2016 HD 40mins x 104eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 14eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2016

is the story of the ill-fated breakup of is the story of a young woman named is a human drama which breaks away from is based on the popular comic book Joon-young and No-eul who had an unrequited love for him Ji-yoo, who after her accident, turns from being as pure as typical medical dramas and conveys not just a battle of wits, series of Park In-gwon, one of the great cartoonists of Korea. when they were young. In adulthood, the pair ends up meeting a snowy white swan to as ferocious as a tiger on a mission but the fragility of the human being and the tenderness of Covering around three decades, the series portrays a man’s again as an audacious Korean pop star and an obsequious to avenge her father and reclaim her stolen child from her humanity. Lee Yeong-oh is an incredibly skilled neurologist, but turbulent life story with his spirit of vengeance, contortioned and materialistic documentary producer. As No-eul films the avaricious and treacherous enemy. After the accident, her life he is cold and completely devoid of sympathy. One day, he gets desires, fatal love, and despite the whole conflicts, the drama is documentary on Joon-young, they come to know each other's has been completed turned upside down all because of Seo- himself entangled in the strange deaths of some patients in a filled with a touch of humanity pasts and discover things that have changed about each other, rin, Ji-yoo’s old friend. They are entangled in a thrilling tale of hospital that's supposed to be the safest in the world. In the giving rise to the beginning of a passionate relationship. love, betrayal and hatred. process, Yeong-oh meets a girl and starts to feel the emotions 「マスター・ククスの神」は、韓国の有名な漫画家パク・イングォンの同名 of love and compassion, and starts to recover his humanity. 漫画、「ククスの神」を原作とした作品だ。麺(ククス)を巡り、約30年 「むやみに切なく」は、若くして悲しい運命によって引き裂かれた、ジュ 「女の秘密」は、真っ白な白鳥のように純粋な女性ジユが、謎の事故に にわたって起きた話や波乱万丈な復讐、そして歪んだ欲望や致命的な ニョンと彼に思いを向けるノウルの物語だ。大人になった二人は、かた 遭った後、亡くなった父の復讐のために、そして奪われた子供を取り戻 「ビューティフル・マインド」は、頭脳戦を描いてきたこれまでの典型的 恋を描くヒューマンドラマである。バスも通らない山奥で、記憶喪失の や傍若無人なスーパー韓流スター、かたや卑屈で俗物的な番組プロデ すために、強靭な女性となり、自分を裏切り欲の亡者となった因縁の相 な医療ドラマとは違い、人間の持つ弱さと美しさの両方を描き出すヒ 父と母の3人で暮らすミョンイは、父が作った麺(ククス)を食べなが ューサーとなって再会する。ドキュメンタリーを撮影していく過程で、お 手に立ち向かい、戦っていく物語である。事故に遭った後、長年の友人 ューマンドラマである。主人公イ・ヨンオは、優れた技術を持つ一方で ら貧しくも幸せに暮らしていた。そんなある日、母のオクシムは新聞で 互いに初めて知る過去とそれぞれ昔と異なる一面を発見し、2人の不器 ソリンと入れ替わってしまう境遇、彼女たちの愛と陰謀、そして裏切り 他人の感情に対する共感能力を一切欠いた冷血な神経外科医だ。ある 夫の財布の中にあった写真の人物を見つけ、夫の記憶と身元を明らか 用で切ない愛の物語が始まる。 と憎悪の対象となる兄弟に至るまで、4人の男女の絡まりあった運命の 日、本来安全な場所であるはずの病院において奇妙な患者連続死事件 にするために、その人物に会いに行く。その人物の名はキム・ギルド。実 糸が次々と展開し、スリルたっぷりに繰り広げられる。 が発生しヨンオもそれに巻き込まれるが、事件の過程で一人の女性と はミョンイの父、ジョンテを崖から突き落として殺そうとした男だった。 《任意依恋》讲述了年少时结下心痛恶缘后, 黯然离别的晙暎和暗恋 出会い、愛と感情を覚えることで次第に人間性を取り戻していく。また、 ギルドはオクシムを尾行し、一家が眠った隙に家に火をつける。地獄の 他的鲁乙之间的故事。长大后,两人以目中无人的顶级韩流明星与卑 《女人的秘密》讲述了曾经如白天鹅般单纯的女子智宥遭遇被下毒手后 自身に何故感情がないのかについても次第に知ることとなるのだが… ような火の中でミョンイだけが生き残る。ミョンイは自らの名を捨てて 微势利的纪录片编导的身份再度相遇。鲁乙来拍摄晙暎的纪录片的 为了替父亲报仇、找回被夺走的孩子,变身女强人与贪婪、背叛之人展 ギルドへの復讐を誓う。 过程中,逐渐知晓了两人年少时鲜为人知的真相,并且重新相恋的悲 开斗争的故事。遭遇事故后,智宥与老朋友书琳的身份发生了天翻地 《Beautiful Mind-美丽心灵》是一部表达人性美的情感剧,摆脱了传 伤爱情故事。 覆的改变。故事围绕两个女人之间的爱与阴谋、彼此背叛、两兄弟之间 统的医学电视剧框架,讲述的不是头脑风暴,而是人性柔软的一面。 《Master-面条之神》改编自韩国漫画界的大师级人物朴寅权的同名作 的彼此憎恶以及四个男女的孽缘激烈展开。 主人公李泳五是一位医术精湛,但是无法感知各种感情的冷血无情的 品《面条之神》。该剧以面条为轴心,讲述了近30年里跌宕起伏的人物 神经外科医生。某一天,本该是世上最安全的医院卷入了患者的离奇 传记,包括一波三折的复仇记、扭曲的欲望、致命的爱情、以及在这无 死亡案件中,在此调查过程中,李泳五遇到了一个女孩,并从她身上感 尽沧桑中溢出的浓浓的人情味。 受到了爱与情感,人性逐渐被唤醒,同时得知了自己无法感知各种感情 的原因。


My Lawyer, Mr. Joe Still Loving You Reaching for the Stars The Unusual Family 동네변호사 조들호 빛나라 은수 저 하늘에 태양이 별난 가족

町の弁護士チョ·ドゥルホ ┃ 邻家律师赵德浩 輝け!ウンス ┃ 闪耀的恩秀 あの空に太陽が ┃ 天上的太阳 愛の香り~憎しみの果てに~ ┃ 怪异家族 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2016 HD 40mins x 125eps Production Year 2016 HD 40mins x 121eps Production Year 2016 HD 40mins x 149eps Production Year 2016

is a courtroom drama about a lawyer is a family drama about two women. They In-gyeong is a naive and beautiful woman. She starts working is a human drama that portrays the Joe Deul-ho, who was once a promising prosecutor with first met as a teacher and a student, but they end up hating at a local boutique to pay back her brother’s settlement money, moments of success and frustration of the young people and power and reputation but loses everything at once after he each other and part ways. They never thought they’d see but after she is nearly raped by the owner, she leaves a note their romances through the stories of Dan-ee who has come to opposed unbearable corruption by becoming a whistle-blower. each other again, but end up becoming sisters-in-law. In and heads for Seoul. In-gyeong gets to Seoul Station, but gets Seoul with the dream of reviving rural areas and Sam-wol who Now he starts the second chapter of his life as an eccentric the modern Korean hierarchy, Bit-na was born with a silver robbed by Chun-ja, and is left penniless at the station all by dreams of becoming a Cinderella concealing her identity as a neighborhood lawyer who protects innocent people and the spoon, while Eun-su was born with a “dirt spoon.” And the herself. She is about to be taken by the brothel brokers when country girl. story of his struggles for keeping the justice in order starts. drama portrays their stories of family, love, and careers and Min-woo shows up and saves her. In-gyeong and Min-woo shows the true meaning and value of money and what is fall in love and In-gyeong is happy for the first time in her life 「愛の香り~憎しみの果てに~」は、農村の復興を目指してソウルに来 「町の弁護士チョ・ドゥルホ」は、同名のウェブ漫画を原作とした法廷ド really important in life. as she plays small roles in Min-woo’s play. Min-woo and In- た主人公ダニと、田舎出身であることを隠しシンデレラを夢見るサム ラマだ。エリートだった検事チョ・ドゥルホが、正義のため中央地検の gyeong spend the night together. ウォル、そしてまったく異なる夢を抱きソウルに来た人々の成功や挫折、 最高権力者を告発し、家族も職場も失いさまよっていたが、町の弁護 「輝け!ウンス」は、教師と生徒という間柄で犬猿の仲になり、お互いに ロマンスなどを描く。現在の「ソウルドリーム」について語るヒューマ 士として生まれ変わり、人生の第2幕を開いていく。弁護士に対する偏 二度と出会うはずがないと思っていた2人の女性が、姻戚として再会し 「あの空に太陽が」は、1970年代の映画界を舞台に、純粋で美しい田 ンドラマ。ある日、ダニはソウルに野菜を運んでいる途中、野菜の入っ 見を破った主人公、「庶民型弁護士」チョ・ドゥルホが、依頼人のためな たのちに巻き起こる、彼女たちとその家族を取り巻くエピソードを愉 舎の少女インギョンが、あらゆる逆境を乗り越えて最高の女優になる た段ボールを財閥2世のドンタクに車で踏まれてしまい口論になる。手 ら水火も辞せず戦い続ける話を描いた。 快に描いたホームドラマ。現代版、新社会階級のひとつ、“泥スプーン 奇跡の物語だ。ソウルに上京したインギョンが、売春ブローカーに連れ 持ちのお金がなかったドンタクは後で弁償することを約束し、電話番 (貧乏人)”ウンスと、“金スプーン(金持ち)”ビンナを中心に、ドタバタ 去られそうになったその時、近くで演劇の広告のためポスターを貼って 号を交換するが…。 《邻家律师赵德浩》是改编自同名网络漫画的律政电视剧。该剧讲述了 家族の日常や、青年たちの仕事や恋を描きながら、お金というものの いたミヌに助けられる。それをきっかけに恋愛を始めた二人は…。 前途一片光明的检察官赵德浩,出于正义举报了中央检察厅的最高级 本当の意味と価値、そして人生において本当に追求すべきものは何か 《怪异家族》是一部讲述怀抱不同梦想的两人来到首尔打拼的励志电 掌权者,却招致了失业、离婚的悲惨结局,陷入了人生低谷。后来以奇 を面白おかしく解いてゆく。 纯洁美丽的凤和村姑娘仁京,为了替弟弟汉洙偿还和解金,便到母亲 视剧。主人公丹依为了改变农村现状而来而侄女三月则是因农村出生 葩律师的身份卷土重来,展开“第二人生”的故事。作品塑造的“平民 末顺的介绍的镇里洋装店作为见习生工作。洋装店老板对仁京图谋不 而感到自卑,隐瞒身份,一心想成为灰姑娘,开始新生活而来。电视通 律师”——主人公赵德浩,打破了以往律师经典职业形象,讲述了他为 《闪耀的恩秀》讲述着两个女孩子的故事,她们曾为师生关系,后来便 轨,差点强暴仁京。仁京无法忍受,留下纸条说钱以后会还给他,就前 过两个年轻人各自的成功与遇到的挫折,并且通过多个浪漫爱情故事 帮助委托人而赴汤蹈火、孤军奋战的故事。 成为势不两立的冤家对头,本以为再也不会相见了,而后来却成为一家 往京城。到了首尔站以后,一个同乡口音的女孩儿春子跟仁京搭讪,不 生动展现当今首尔梦的模样。 人 。这 是 一 部 欢 快 风 格 的 家 庭 剧 。 料春子是个骗子,偷走了钱包与包。仁京身无分文地站在首尔站又被一 现代版的新阶级概念当中,本剧讲述作为“土勺子”(平民阶层)的恩 群青楼团伙看中,差点被他们拉走。恰巧在首尔站附近偷偷贴话剧海 秀与作为“金勺子”(豪门出身)的耀娜之间的恩怨情仇。通过年轻一 报民宇路见不平、拔刀相助。两个人一见钟情、陷入爱河,共度春宵,在 代的爱情与事业、亲情与友情,探讨金钱的真正意义。本剧以轻松愉快 仁 京 出 去 后 ,警 察 突 袭 ,民 宇 因 违 反 表 演 法 而 被 警 方 逮 捕 。 的方式,让人思索人生中应该追求的价值。


Flowers in My Heart The Promise Five Enough 내 마음의 꽃비 태양의 후예 천상의 약속 아이가 다섯

2017 Houston International Film Festiva Special prize / TV Series 2016 Asian TV Awards Grand Prize / TV Series 2016 Seoul Drama Awards Grand Prize / Represantative

私の心は花の雨 ┃ 我心中的花雨 太陽の末裔 ┃ 太阳的后裔 凍える華 ┃ 天上的约定 ドキドキ再婚ロマンス ~子どもが5人!?~ ┃ 五个孩子 HD 40mins x 128eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2016 HD 40mins x 102eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 54eps Production Year 2016

Korean War in 1950. Seung-jae should flee to the south to is a human romantic blockbuster It was Na-yeon's 15th birthday when Yun-ae and Na-yeon's is a family TV series describing two single protect his pregnant fiancé but he cannot because of his duty TV series depicting love and comradeship of young soldiers mom learned she had been deceived by the woman who took parents finding true happiness through their love and conflicts. as a doctor. Then the official order to evacuate Seoul comes on and doctors who try to find true life values and dreams of her lover and Na-yeon's father insisting she had a baby of The series shows the second love of life of a single father who the radio and Seung-jae heads to his family’s house in success in Uruk, a strange land with the extreme environments him. But it was a lie. Yun-ae, full of anger, went to the woman’s lost his wife and raises two children alone and a single mother with his fiancé. Meanwhile, Il-lan, who was abandoned by her suffering from war and disease. "Healing Romance set in place but died from the unexpected accident. Na-yeon grew who divorced her cheating husband and raises three children boyfriend after she got pregnant, gets Seung-jae and Yeon- beautiful Southern Country's nature. Believing in love, not in up to be a cheerful woman adopted by a warm family. She alone. hee’s help as she evacuates. Due to an unexpected bombing, miracle, they try to make a miracle from their love. Here goes has a boyfriend named Tae-joon and they have depended Seung-jae goes missing and Yeon-hee faints. Il-lan heads to the story of the heroes in our mind." Every dream is bought for on each other. However, after Tae-joon enters a company, he 「ドキドキ再婚ロマンス ~子どもが5人!?~」は、家族の愛と葛藤を通じ Seung-jae’s family’s place in Busan instead… a fortune and some say that happiness is followed by success. goes to America for overseas study and gets engaged to Se- て、真の幸せを見つけていくコミカルファミリードラマだ。妻と死別し、 Those who compromised only to succeed are extolled and those jin, the granddaughter of thr company. Knowing that, Na-yeon 二人の子供を育てるシングルファザーと、浮気した夫と離婚し、3人の 「私の心は花の雨」は、戦争の惨禍の中、他人の人生を丸ごと奪った女と who fought against for justice are ridiculed for being reckless. who had Tae-joon’s baby tries to persuade him to come back, 子供を育てるシングルマザーが出会い、人生2度目の恋に巡り合う話 奪われた女と、その子ども世代の夢と愛、そして許しと和解に関する物 The world is in which nobody is ashamed of saying "Greed is but Tae-joon turns down her. What is worse, Se-jin’s mother is を描く。5年前に妻と死別し、今は2人の子供ス&ビンを育てているサ 語だ。1950年のソウル、医師であるスンゼと日に日にお腹が大きくな good." That's why we need a hero. the one who had taken Na-yeon's father from Yun-ae with a ンテ。ある日、サンテは舅のチャン・ミノとパク・オクスンと共にスの授 る彼の婚約者ヨンヒは避難民を助けて釜山にある本家に向かう。一方、 vicious lie and is related to the death of Yun-ae. 業参観に参加していた。サンテの母オ・ミスクは毎回孫の行事の時に 妊娠して男に捨てられ一人で避難していたイルランは、彼らに助けられ 戦争と疾病に苛まれた地、ウルク。「太陽の末裔」は、この極限の環境で 息子の嫁一家が仕切ることに不満を持っている。同じ頃、ミジョンはス る。そして予想外の爆撃によりスンゼは行方不明になり、ヨンヒは意識 花咲く、愛と成功を夢見る若い軍人や医師の戦友愛、仲間愛、そして人 「凍える華」は愛する人に裏切られ、2代にわたる邪悪な愛に踏みにじら と同じ学校に通う息子ウヨンの授業参観を後にして、元夫が開業する を失ってしまう。イルランは彼らの代わりに、釜山にある本家へと向か 生の価値を描く超大作ヒューマンラブストーリードラマだ。 れた、一人の女性の波乱万丈な人生を描く。初恋の彼を奪った、ある母 というパン屋に押しかけていた。 うのだが…。 娘に復讐するため、双子の姉に生まれ変わり凄絶な復讐を行う。1997 《太阳的后裔》是一部展现生存价值以及战友爱、同志情的大片级人类 年。貧しくも幸せな日々を過ごしていたナヨンは、12歳の誕生日に母 《五个孩子》是一部通过家庭里的爱情与矛盾探寻何谓幸福的家庭喜 1950年首尔,正值韩国战争,街上到处是武装的军人。胜才一想到自 情感剧。故事发生在硝烟滚滚、疾病蔓延的生疏之地乌鲁克地区,剧 ユネとファミレスに来ていた。同じ店ではお金持ちの子どもの誕生日 剧。这里有一个因妻子病逝而独自抚养两个孩子的单身爸爸和一个与 己的未婚妻妍熙肚子越来越大,就觉得应该尽早回故乡避难,但作为 情围绕着一群纵然身处极端恶劣的环境却依然渴望着爱情与成功的年 パーティが盛大に行われていて、ナヨンがトイレに行くとお金持ちの子 出轨丈夫离婚后一个人养育三个孩子的单身妈妈,该剧讲述了两个人相 一名医生,他的使命感总是让他迈不开脚步。有一天,广播通知疏散令, 轻军人与医生展开。 に間違われて話しかけられた。そのことを母に話したところ、何か思い 遇之后重新开始人生中第二次爱情婚姻的故事。 胜才和妍熙也终于踏上避难之路,前往故乡釜山。一路上,两个人尽心 当たる事があるようでお店に走っていたが…。 尽力帮助避难的老百姓。途中结实只身一人走在避难之路上逸兰,怀 着身孕被男人抛弃了,幸而得到胜才与妍熙的帮助。而一次突袭中导致 《天上的约定》讲述由两代母女的狠毒爱情被蹂躏并被深爱的男人抛 胜才行踪不明,妍熙也因此晕厥过去。逸兰则决定代替胜才与妍熙前 弃的女子的曲折人生。她为报复一对夺走自己初恋的母女伪装成自己 往釜山的老家…… 的双胞胎姐姐开始一段彻底的血色复仇人生。


Moorim School Jang Youngsil : The Greatest Oh My Venus Cheer Up ! : Saga of the Brave 무림학교 Scientist of Joseon 장영실 오 마이 비너스 발칙하게 고고

フ ァン タ ス テ ィッ ク・ク ラ ブ ┃ 武林学校 チャン・ヨンシル~朝鮮伝説の科学者~ ┃ 蒋英实 オー・マイ・ビーナス ┃ Oh我的维纳斯 恋にチアアップ! ┃ 无理的前进 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 24eps Production Year 2016 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 12eps Production Year 2015

is a global youth action is a TV series is a romantic comedy that depicts the progress is a young romance story of 18-year-old youths series to show how young men with different reasons learn depicting the life of Jang Young-sil, a prominent scientist of of how the polar opposite man and woman, namely, a female happening at a prestige boarding high school. The story friendship and love through special life lessons in Moorim Joseon Dynasty in the 15th century, who was born into the lawyer who used to be an icon of beauty in her school days starts with an event that ‘Real King’, a dancing club with low School, a special school not for job and career but for virtues lowest class of Joseon and bound to live as a slave for the rest but now became just an overweight woman and a guy, a world grades gets merged into ‘Baekho’, a cheerleading club of honor for fighting against the world and the true way to become a of his life, but finally managed to enter the royal palace and famous personal trainer, meet, try out for a secret diet and students. Through the conflicts and reconciliation between the human. led the great technological advancement of Joseon Dynasty. finally heal their inner pains. students, these young people learn what they really want and what the real friends are. 「ファンタスティック・クラブ」は、就職やスペック作りを目標とせず、 「チャン・ヨンシル~朝鮮伝説の科学者~」は、儒教だけが世界の秩序 1999年、高校生のカン・ジュウンは、誰もが一目を置く美しさと知性 世の中に立ち向かえる徳目、人間として成長する方法を教える特別 だとされていた朝鮮時代、賤出として生まれ、生涯奴婢として生きる運 を兼ね備えた“大邱(テグ)のビーナス”と呼ばれ、恋人イム・ウシクと 「恋にチアアップ!」は、高い大学進学率を誇る名門の全寮制高校「セビッ な学校、「武林学校」を背景にした青春ロマンスだ。 様々な理由で集 命だったが宮廷に入り、15世紀朝鮮の科学技術を世界最高水準に引上 の交際も順調だった。それから15年が経った2014年、ジュウンは念 高校」で起こる青春の成長ストーリーである。ダンスを愛する劣等生サ まった若者たちの友情や恋愛、そして特別な人生教育を受け悟ってい げた、天才科学者チャン・ヨンシルの一代記を描くドラマだ。妾(めかけ) 願の弁護士となるが、日頃のストレスで体重が増加、さまざまなダイエ ークルと入試向けの優等生サークルが「チアリーディングサークル」に統 く話を描く、グローバル青春アクションドラマである。 の子として生まれ、奴婢(ヌヒ)として暮らしていたウンボク(後のチャ ットを試みるもののすべて失敗し、気付けば体重77kgの“ぽっちゃり” 廃合されながら繰り広げられる物語。18歳青春のドキドキロマンスを ン・ヨンシル)はチャン一族の祭祀(チェサ)で高麗(コリョ)時代に書雲観 体形に。さらに、ウシクとの交際15周年記念日の夜、いよいよプロポ 描く。Apinkチョン・ウンジ、VIXXエンなど演技派アイドルが大活躍す 《武林学校》是一部国际青春武打电视剧,以不强求为了就业而积累资 (ソウングァン)として気象を観測していた父チャン・ソンフィに初めて会 ーズを受けると期待するも、告げられたのは“別れ”だった。最愛の恋 る舞台はある名門高校。優等生のサークルと劣等生のサークルが1つ 历,只教授世事品德和人类法则的特殊学校——“武林学校”为背景, い、‘チャン・ヨンシル’という名前をもらう。一方、漢陽(ハニャン)では 人に振られて絶望の中、仕事でアメリカに渡ったジュウンは、帰りの に統合されることで起こる様々な出来事を描きながら、若者たちの成 讲述了以各自不同的理由聚集于此的年轻人们领悟友情、爱情及特殊 太宗(テジョン)が王の力を見せるため、災いをもたらすと思われている 飛行機の中で倒れてしまう。その窮地を救ってくれたのは、やたらと 長を綴った学園ドラマ。 人生教育的过程。 日蝕に向けて求蝕(クシク)の礼の準備をするが…。 嫌みな男キム・ヨンホだった。偶然にもヨンホが世界的に有名なスポ ーツトレーナー“ジョン・キム”であることを知ったジュウンは、彼の指 《无理的前进》以大学升学率高的名牌寄宿高中“世光高中”为背景, 《蒋英实》是讲述天才科学家蒋英实传记的电视剧,蒋英实出生于儒教 導のもとダイエットに励むことになるが…。 讲述了热爱舞蹈的差生社团和优等生大学预备社团合并成竞技拉拉队 占主导的社会,因庶出的身份险些终生为奴,后来有幸入宫,把15世纪 社团后,十八岁少年之间懵懂的成长故事和青涩的浪漫爱情。 朝鲜的科学技术创造至世界最高水平。 《Oh我的维纳斯》是讲述身材从21世纪维纳斯变成古代维纳斯的女律 师与世界著名的男健身教练这两个极端的男女走到一起,在挑战秘密 减肥的同时治愈内心伤痛的浪漫爱情喜剧。


All is Well The Merchant The Virtual Bride All about My Mom 다 잘될 거야 : Gaekju 2015 장사의 신-객주2015 별난 며느리 부탁해요 엄마

きっとうまくいくよ! ┃ 一切都会好的 客主 ┃ 生意之神-客主2015 嫁 は 崖っぷ ちアイドル ┃ 奇怪的儿媳 お願い、ママ ┃ 拜托了,妈妈 HD 40mins x 102eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 41eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 12eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 54eps Production Year 2015

is a delicious ‘Cook’ drama telling the stories tells the story of a successor of is a delightful comedy series that depicts is a family drama telling a story of mother of dreams, love and passion of the youth while unravelling the ruined merchant family Cheon Bong-sam who begins his a war of nerves between Oh In-yeong, a girl singer group and daughter who have a strong love-hate relationship. The the colorful stories of various enemies around us, such as life as a market tout and becomes the most powerful merchant member who becomes a virtual daughter-in-law of a head series pleasantly and movingly describes how a stubborn parents and children, husbands and wives, and couples, with of Joseon after going through experiences as a head of a family house by being casted in an entertainment show titled daughter Jin-ae, who never wants to live like her mother, finally bittersweet love. private merchant army and a chief master merchant. Based "Experience a Daughter-in-Law" and her virtual mother-in-law, comes to understand her mother San-ok after her marriage on Kim Ju-young’s historical novel, , the series vividly Yang Chun-ja. This drama will reminisce the true meaning of while experiencing her mother-in-law Yeong-sun, going through 「きっとうまくいくよ!」は、親子、夫婦、恋人など葛藤する人々の様々な depicts the tumultuous lives of late Joseon’s peddlers. family through various conflicts and reconciliations happening a variety troubles and being a genuine family in the end. 人間関係を、甘くてほろ苦い愛で描くヒーリング・クッキングドラマ。料 between mother-in-laws and daughter-in-laws. 理の達人クム・ミンスの娘であるガウンは父のレストランで働くのを避 「客主」は、閉門した「チョン家客主」の後継者チョン・ボンサムが、市 「お願い、ママ」は、犬猿の仲の母と娘を通じて感動深い親子愛を描い けるため、ある食品会社の公募にヒョンジュン、ジングクと一緒に参加 場の客引きから始め、真の商道徳を守りながら、商団の頭、大客主を 「嫁 は 崖っぷ ち アイドル」は、「嫁体験」というバラエティ番組に出演する、 た家族ドラマである。「母みたいに生きたくない!」と思う娘ジネ、「あな することに。そのせいで、これまでメンバーになるために努力してきた 経て朝鮮一の巨商として成功していくサクセスストーリーだ。キム・ジ ガールズグループのメンバー、オ・イニョンと、仮想の姑になった宗家の たたちにママのことが分かる?私の立場になってみて!」と叫ぶ母サン ヒジョンの努力は水の泡となってしまいガウンへの敵対心は強まって ュヨンの歴史小説「客主」を原作にしており、朝鮮末期行商人の波乱万 嫁、ヤン・チュンジャの一本勝負を描いたコミカルホームドラマだ。作品 ウク、「私は誰よりクールな姑になる」と決心しているもう一人の母ヨン いた。 丈な人生をリアルに描く。 はバラエティとドラマを行き来しながら、様々な姑と嫁のエピソードや ソン、「誰の味方になればいいの?」愛する彼女たちの間で悩むフンジェ。 その中で起こる対立や和解を通じて家族の真の意味を描いていく。 愉快で爽快な、でも少しユニークな彼らの物語!! 《一切都会好的》是一部围绕父母子女、夫妻、恋人等各色各样冤家之 《生意之神-客主2015》讲述了没落的“千家客主”继承人千峰三从市 间甜蜜苦涩的爱展开的美食题材电视剧,讲述了年轻人的梦想、爱情 场的托儿做到首领、大客主,然后成为巨贾的成功故事。该作品由金 《奇怪的儿媳》是一部家庭喜剧,讲述了出演综艺节目《儿媳体验》的 《拜 托 了,妈 妈 》是一部讲述世上绝无仅有的一对怨怼母女之间怵目又 和热情的故事。 周荣的历史小说《客主》改编,生动描绘了朝鲜后期货郎们波澜起伏 女子组合成员吴仁英和假婆婆宗家宗妇梁春子之间斗法的趣事。作品 心酸的爱憎故事的电视剧。声称"讨厌像妈妈一样生活!" 的女儿真爱、 的人生。 介于综艺和电视剧之间,在各种婆媳之间的骚动中展开,通过矛盾与 呼喊“你们了解妈妈吗?你们站在我的立场试试!”的妈妈三玉和决心 和解探索家人的真正意义。 “我要成为最酷的婆婆”的另一位母亲英善碰到一起,制造出一段组建 家庭过程中充满矛盾又愉快贴近生活的故事。


Assembly The Producers Orange Marmalade The Man in the Mask 어셈블리 프로듀사 오렌지 마말레이드 복면검사

ラスト・チャンス!〜愛と勝利のアッセンブリー〜 プロデューサー ┃ 制片人 オレンジ・マーマレード ┃ 橘子果酱 恋はドロップキック!~ 覆 面 検事~ ┃ 蒙面检察官 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 12eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 12eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2015

is a political drama surrounding the National shows a variety of stories that happen is a fantasy romance drama featuring tells a story of a man who hides his Assembly while describing agonies and pathos of the people in the entertainment division of a broadcasting company. a pure love story in the background of the world where a identity behind two different masks, legitimacy and illegitimacy, who struggle to make our society a better place to live in. Every detail of the production field is vividly described going vampire and a human live together while delivering a message justice and malice and solves cases that have been unsolvable It portraits a simple-minded, thus righteous former welder, back and forth between reality and fiction. This is 100% about discrimination toward social minorities. even with his status as a prosecutor by using force. Congressman Jin Sang-pil, transforms his image of being an pure reality entertainment drama where highly educated ugly troublemaker into a sincere charismatic man. fools who are armed with overtime nightshift, mind reading 「オレンジ・マーマレード」は、ヴァンパイアと人間が共存する世界を背 「恋はドロップキック!~覆面検事~」は、顔を覆面の下に隠し検事の力 skills, and Herculean physical strength are struggling to live 景にした、感性ファンタジー恋愛ドラマだ。純粋なラブストーリーに社 では解決できない事を拳で解決する男の話だ。昼と夜違う顔で生きて 「ラスト・チャンス!〜愛と勝利のアッセンブリー〜」は、国会を背景と from day by day. 会的弱者に対する差別といったメッセージを盛り込んだ。同名のWEB いく、拳は本能、ずうずうしさはオプションの俗物検事ハ・デチョル。そ して繰り広げられるヒューマン政治ドラマだ。無知で勇敢、単純で正義 漫画を原作とするこの作品は、人間社会で生き残るため必死になる、 して、正義は本能、知性はオプションの情熱溢れる感性捜査官ユ・ミニ。 感の強い元溶接工の国会議員チン・サンピルが、「迷惑男」からカリスマ 「プロデューサー」は、お笑い番組を制作する芸能局を舞台とし、そこに 現実的なヴァンパイアの話を描く。ヴァンパイアを憎む少年チョン・ジ この二人の活躍を、シリアスながらも愉快なタッチで描いていく。 溢れる「真心男」に変貌していく成長過程を描く。これまでよく知られて 勤める芸能プロデューサーたちの話を描いた。実際に、KBS芸能局を ェミンと、人間の愛を信じない少女ぺク·マリの種族と世紀を超える運 いなかった国会の裏側や、政治に携わる人々のリアルなエピソードを 背景とし、リアルとフィクションを行き来しながら芸能現場と放送局の 命的なラブストーリーをみせる。 《蒙面检察官》讲述了主人公躲在分别代表合法和正义,非法和邪恶的 通 じ て 、韓 国 政 治 の 断 面 を 鋭 く 語 る 。 素顔をさらけ出す。残業は日常、徹夜はオプション。空気を読む力と体 两种蒙面后面,每当遇到无法以检察官身份解决的问题,就变成蒙面 力に身を固めた、KBS芸能局の高スペック・天然な者らの100%リア 《橘子果酱》讲述了在吸血鬼与人类共存的世界里发生的纯粹爱情故 英雄,改用拳头解决问题的故事。 《Assembly》是一部以国会为背景的人性政治电视剧,讲述了有勇 ル 芸能ドラマ。 事和传递歧视社会弱势群体信息的浪漫奇幻爱情故事。本作品改编自 该剧是向用合法手段武装的恶势力及庇佑它的法律挥出重重一击的搞 无谋、单纯、正义感爆棚的焊工出身国会议员陈尚弼从“真相男”走向 同名网络漫画,讲述了为了在人类社会生活,挣扎求生的吸血鬼故事, 笑电视剧。剧中人物河大哲生活在被金钱和权利绑架、失去正义的世 “魅力真心男”的愉快成长记。通过其间不为人知的国会琐碎的内在和 《制片人》以拍摄综艺节目的电视台综艺局为舞台,讲述了综艺局工作 憎恶吸血鬼的少年郑在民和不相信人类真心的少女白玛丽之间跨种族 界里,且白天和夜晚拥有两幅不同的面孔,是一个喜欢用武力解决问 超现实的政治人逸话如实描绘了韩国的政治背面。 人员和综艺PD的故事。本剧以KBS综艺局为背景,穿梭在真实和虚 和跨世纪的宿命式爱情故事。 题、虚与委蛇的世故检察官;柳敏熙是集正义、智慧和热情于一身的 构之间,为大家揭开综艺现场和电视台的神秘面纱。这是一部讲述 感情搜查官。本剧真实地呈现了在两人之间发生的有趣故事。 在加班是家常饭、熬夜是选项、靠眼色和体力过活的KBS综艺局内 资深PD们漏洞百出故事的综艺电视剧。


Who Are You Sweet Home, Save the Family Love on a Rooftop 후아유 Sweet Honey 우리집 꿀단지 가족을 지켜라 오늘부터 사랑해

恋するジェネレーション ┃ Who Are You-学校2015 我が家のハニーポット ┃ 我们家的蜜罐子 家族を守れ ┃ 守护家族 今日から愛してる ┃ 从今天开始我爱你 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2015 HD 40mins x 129eps Production Year 2015 HD 40mins x 123eps Production Year 2015 HD 40mins x 101eps Production Year 2015

A youth romance story of 18-year-old students surrounding is a story of survival adventures A family drama series that portrays love, hatred and conveys the true meaning of family of a mysterious case happened in a school where the school’s of the youth fighting against the exhausting reality as reconciliation of a family based on the 3 generations – the today through a heart-warming story of a woman who finally heroine suddenly disappears and comes back with her memory the unemployed generation, which is depicted through a grandfather who once abandoned his family, the father who becomes a part of a family after re-adoption and a man who erased. The series realistically describes the youth lives and tumultuous social life of the heroine who inherits debt of 50 has lived and worked hard only for the family but has nothing chooses love over family. various sensibilities of young students and the stories of million won from her parents as well as a story of a family that to give out, and the son who is a materialist, even calculate teachers and parents around them. was once hurt and torn being united again. love to get out of the life like his father’s. 「今日から愛してる」は北村(プクチョン)韓屋村にある250年の歴史を 持つユン氏宗家の「トンラクダン」を背景にする。養子縁組、離縁、再養 「学校」の6番目のシリーズ「恋するジェネレーション」は、18歳の学 「我が家のハニーポット」は、学費ローンと最低賃金のバイトに苦しみ 「家族を守れ」は、様々な家族の人生を描き、親や子どもとして責任と 子縁組を繰り返しながらやっとトンラクダンの家族になれた女と血肉 生たちの素直で多様な感性と彼らを巡る先生や親の話を、リアルで ながら、社会人になってしまった若者たちの話だ。この作品は、親か 道理を果たしているかを考えさせる、家族と愛の真の意味をテーマに の代わりに恋を選んだ男の結婚までの話を描いたドラマである。 繊細に描いた青春学園ドラマ。この作品は、いじめっ子から一晩で江 ら借金5千万ウォンを相続された主人公が、波乱万丈な社会経験を通 した家族ドラマだ。家族を放置して人生の半分は五大洋を回っていた、 南の名門高校の売れっ子に生まれ変わった女子高生イ・ウンビを中心 じ、「青年失業時代」という厳しい現実を乗り越えていく話や、傷つき マドロスのお爺さん。一生家族のために生きてきたが、何一つ家族にあ 《从今天开始我爱你》以北村韩屋250年历史的尹氏宗家“同乐堂”为 に、校内で広がる様々なエピソードを盛り込んでいる。 バラバラになってしまった家族が一つになる話を描く。 げるものがないお父さん。そしてお父さんのような人生から抜け出し 背景,讲述了领养、罢养、再领养后最终成为家庭成员的一个女人和抛 たくて愛さえ計算してしまう息子。作品は、この親子3代の話を中心に 弃血缘选择爱情的男人之间的一波三折的爱情故事。作品女主人公尹 《学校》的第六个系列《Who Are You-学校2015》是一部青春校园 《我们家的蜜罐子》讲述了依靠申请助学贷款和最低工资小时工艰难 家族の愛、憎み、和解を描く。 胜慧是被经营古美术店的北村尹氏宗家“同乐堂”长孙尹大浩和韩东 电视剧,除了真实和细腻地描述18岁的真挚而多样感性情怀,还讲述了 完成学业后,被卷入社会洪流的一群年轻人的故事。该剧讲述了一群 淑领养、罢养和再领养的伤痛下成长的人物。作品就讲述了虽然没有 伴随他们一起成长的老师和父母的故事。 年轻人冒险冲破青年失业时代的残酷现实以及受伤、破裂的家庭重 《守护家族》是一部通过讲述几个不同家族的生活,探讨父母和子女 一滴的血缘关系,但是生活在这个家庭的他们之间的真正的寻亲故事。 新复合的故事。 究竟是否尽到自己的责任和道理,重新诠释家族和爱情含义的家庭 作品还通过医生出身的糕点师姜道镇和尹胜慧这青春男女向着自己的 电视剧。 事业和理想几经周折终成眷属的过程,想展示出真正家族的条件。


Stardust Always Sunshine Blood The Jingbirok 별이되어 빛나리 그래도 푸르른 날에 블러드 : A memoir of Imjin War 징비록

2016 Houston International Film Festival Silver Remi / TV Series

星になって輝く ┃ 星星闪烁 それでも青い日に ┃ 依然绿茵的日子 ディア・ブラッド~私の守護天使 懲毖録(ジンビロク) ┃ 惩毖录 HD 40mins x 128eps Production Year 2015 HD 40mins x 129eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 50eps Production Year 2015

A success story of a strong woman who lives a tough life with Young-hee was born as a child of concubine, but soon switched is a fantasy medical series about an immortal vampire is a historical series boundless energy and becomes the best fashion designer in with the child of legal wife twice. Due to these subsequent coming to realize the worth of human lives and the true based on a war memoir called ‘Jingbirok’ written by Ryu Korea. attempts to switch two babies, Young-hee’s fate is totally meaning of what it is like to live like a human. Taking place at Seong-ryong, one of the revolutionary leaders of the Joseon messed up. Not knowing her baby has been switched once Korea’s most renowned cancer hospital, the series depicts a dynasty. It depicts the inside story of the Joseon dynasty and 時は1945年、激動の韓国。自分の出生の秘密を知らぬまま、チェギュ again, Ae-sim, Yeong-hee’s real mother, only cares Jeong-hee, personal growth of a vampire surgeon, as he goes through a its court during the Japanese invasion of Korea from the battle ンの次女として元気いっぱいに育つボンヒ。ある日ボンヒは、ユン会長 thinking she is her real daughter. One day, Ae-sim and Jeong- lone struggle to save people’s lives, bring justice, and preserve of Imjin to the death of commander Lee Sun-shin at the battle の息子ジョンヒョンに出会いお互いに好意を持つようになるが、このと hee suddenly disappear with all family’s property and it makes the dignity of human life. Also, various types of blood appear in of Noryang. きはお互いの父親が敵対関係であるという事実を知らない。成人した Young-hee’s life tougher than ever. this drama. Cold blood has been living under a curse; Evil blood ボンヒは洋装店で働きながらデザインに目覚め、のちにアメリカから帰 tries to destroy humans for its sake; and hot blood loves a 「懲毖録(ジンビロク)」はリュ・ソンリョンが書いた「懲毖録」の内容を 国した有名デザイナーのサラ・パク(ミスン)の元で実力を磨く。このと ヨンヒは生みの母に捨てられ、父も亡くなった本家で、酷くいびられな woman and fights for human. ベースに壬辰倭乱が発生する前から李舜臣将軍が戦死した露梁(ノリャ きは、ボンヒもサラ・パク(ミスン)も、実は彼らが親子であることを知ら がら育つ。10代の時、家族の生活費や学費を稼ぐため上京した彼女は、 ン)海戦まで朝廷で繰り広げられる話を描いた大河ドラマである。「懲 な か っ た の だ が ・・・。 家政婦を始め、バスの車掌、女工、露天商、化粧品の訪問販売など、あ 「ディア・ブラッド~私の守護天使」は永生の存在であるバンパイアが 毖録」は国と国民を守ろうとした革新リーダーのリュ・ソンリョンが7 らゆる厳しい職業を転々としながら働く。しかし、それにもかかわらず、 人間らしく生きるという真の意味を悟っていく過程を描いたファンタ 年に亙る壬辰倭乱を経験した後、国家の危機管理ノウハウと実利中心 《星星闪烁》以1945年,动荡的韩国为时代背景,讲述凭着坚韧的生命 心折れず、何度転んでも再び起き上がり、走り続ける…。たとえ、立ち ジー·メディカルドラマである。「ディア・ブラッド~私の守護天使」は韓 の国政哲学を集大成した同名の著書「懲毖録」で、予め国を強くし兵乱 力战胜坎坷生活的女子如何实现韩国顶级时装设计师的梦想,这是一 向かっては敗れ、信じては裏切られ、傷だらけになっていても、むしろ 国最高の「テミン癌病院」を中心に不治の病にかかった患者を治療し、 に備えなければならないというメッセージを後世に訴えている内容で 部励志电视剧。 より輝く。そんな彼女の青春や成功の物語。 生命の尊さと正義のために孤軍奮闘するバンパイア外科医の成長スト ある。 ーリーを描いている。 《依然绿茵的日子》是一部出身高贵,却过着贫寒生活的主人公永希的 《惩毖录》是以柳成龙先生执笔的《惩毖录》内 容 为 中 心 ,展 现 并 记 载 青春记事簿和成功记。希望与绝望、欣喜与悲伤不断席卷而来的动荡 《Blood》是一部讲述了不死不灭的吸血鬼领悟到人类生命的珍贵和 了从壬辰倭乱之前开始到李舜臣将军殉国的“露梁海战”期间,朝廷中 70年代的长篇叙事诗。 人生真正意义的过程的科幻医疗电视剧。作品以韩国最顶尖的“泰民 发生的故事,是一部大河连续剧。为了保卫国家保护百姓,朝鲜王朝官 癌症医院”为背景,讲述了一个为治疗癌症患者和守护生命的尊严和 员柳成龙亲身经历了7年的壬辰倭乱后,执笔写了《惩毖录》。而 这 部 正义而孤军奋战的一名吸血鬼外科医生的成长故事。 电视剧正是改编自柳成龙的这本集国家危机管理、技术和实利、国政、 哲学之大成,要早建立强盛国家,并向后世传达预防患乱教训的同名 史书《惩毖录》。


Unkind Ladies House of Bluebird SPY Healer 착하지 않은 여자들 파랑새의 집 스파이 힐러

2016 Houston International Film Festival Bronze Prize / TV Series

優しくない女たち ┃ 不善良的女人们 青い鳥の輪舞(ロンド) ┃ 青鸟之家 スパイ ヒーラー HD 70mins x 24eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 50eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2015 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2014 ~ 2015

features four hot-blooded women of three is a cheerful and beautiful family drama A former North Korean spy Hye-rim becomes an ordinary describes a story of three young people. generations living in the same family battling with their messy, that awakens the preciousness of our nearby family just housewife in Seoul. One day, a crushing mission is given to her A Mysterious messenger who steals the secrets of others at love and hate relationships to find the true meaning of life. as the title “Bluebird” symbolizes, through the stories of from North; It is to win his son Seon-woo over, who works for night, an online newspaper reporter who works hard not to be maternal love that goes beyond blood ties, and the stories NIS(National Intelligence Service). Now, she has no choice but a ‘yellow journalist’, and a popular news reporter who agonizes 「優しくない女たち」は、30年前退学させられた女子学生と彼女の母と of parents and children struggling in the reality of the to gamble risking her life to protect her family. over the truth of a past incident. When these three people 娘、情熱的な3代の優しくない女たちが憎み合い、愛し合う人々と人生 ‘Sampo’ generation (the generation that gives up three things: meet, a passionate romance starts and the truths from the の真の意味を探っていく成長ストーリーである。このドラマは人生の師 courtship, marriage, and childbirth). 「スパイ」は、元スパイという過去を隠し、平凡な主婦として生きてきたヘ past and present reveal themselves to the world. 匠がいないこの時代にぎごちないが良い先生に成長していく3代目の リムに国政院所属の息子を包摂しろという任務が下され、それから広が 女マリと、劣等感で固まったトラブルメーカーからようやく自分を愛する 「青い鳥の輪舞(ロンド)」は「就職難、希望退職、甲乙関係」を代弁する る家族諜報ドラマである。「スパイ」は、複雑な諜報ドラマとは違い、韓 「ヒーラー」は大手放送局に勤めているスター記者がある日、気付いた ようになった2代目の女ヒョンスク、不幸な女だと思ったが人生が祝福で 大韓民国の中で、これらを克服していく青春の成長と多彩な家族の話 国的情緒である「家族愛」を語る新しい試みをしてみた。我々の周りに 過去の事件の真実、信念との間で迷うストーリである。政治や社会正 あることが分かった1代目の女スンオク。この3代に渡った彼女たちが危 を描いた。血縁を超える母親の偉大なる愛、そして三抛世代(恋愛、結 いるような平凡な家族が主人公である「スパイ」は、愛する息子のために 義なんて気持ち悪いと思い、無視してきた若者らが、親の世代が残し うげな人生を耐えながら経験する愛と成功、幸せ探しを描いている。 婚、出産の三つを放棄する世代)の現実を一緒に乗り越えていく親と子 もう一度「スパイママ」に戻る母の切々たる母情と、母の隠された秘密 てくれた世界と立ち向かい、自分と「ヒーラー」は親世代から現世代ま 供の話。タイトルである「青い鳥」が象徴するように、近くにいる家族 を知った息子の話を込めた「新概念・家族諜報ドラマ」である。 でつながっている事件のつなぎを知っている唯一の人物、スター記者 《不善良的女人们》讲述的是30年前遭到退学的女学生,和她的母亲 の大切さを悟らせる愉快で心暖まる家族ドラマである。 キム·ムンホが、事件に関わっている主要人物に意図的に接近し、彼ら 和女儿等与其血脉相连的不善良的母女三代的爱恨故事,以及她们的 《SPY》讲述了一个隐藏自己过去曾是间谍的事实,过着平凡的家庭主 を助け、真実と信念の間で葛藤する話を描いた感性アクションロマン 生活挫折和与人的恩恩怨怨中寻找人生真正意义的成长故事。本剧叙 《青鸟之家》描述了在“就业难、内退、甲乙关系”等大变化中的大韩民 妇的生活的惠林有一天突然接到了要收买吸纳在国情院工作的儿子的 スドラマ である。 述是在这个没有真正导师的年代,虽然有点松懈,但逐渐成长为好老 国现实和在这一现实中一起克服困难的多种多样家庭中的年轻人成 任务而展开的家族谍报的故事。《SPY》与 一 般 的 难 解 的 、复 杂 的 谍 报 师的第三代玛丽;从充满自卑感、爱惹是生非,到现在才知道应该爱自 长的精彩故事。该剧描写了超越血缘的伟大母爱,以及一起经历“三 剧不同,是一部试图融入韩国式的 “家族之爱”的情感的电视剧。我 《Healer》以在某大广播电视公司工作的明星记者有一天了解到过去 己的第二代贤淑;曾认为自己是不幸的女人,但后来才明白人生就是美 抛世代(抛弃恋爱、结婚、生产)”现实的父母与子女之间的故事。就 们周边的平凡家庭的主人公 “间谍”为了自己心爱的儿子,重新站出 的事件的真相,从而在信念与真实之间相矛盾为主线,描述了一群认为 好的祝福的第一代姜顺玉,这三代女人的故事。横跨三代的她们,在摇 像题目“青鸟”象征的寓意,告诉你眼前家庭的珍贵。是一部优美愉快 来成了 “间谍妈妈”。虽然过去曾是间谍,但是现在却过着平凡的家 政治或社会正义等都是与自己的生活无关的、倒霉的单词的年轻人同 摇摆摆的人生中坚定地找寻着爱情、成功和幸福。 的家庭剧。 庭主妇的生活。该剧是一部体现这个爱子心切的母爱与了解到自己的 父母留给自己的世界相抗争,从而治愈自己和世界的、痛快淋漓的、各 平凡的家庭主妇妈妈的隐藏的秘密的儿子之间所展开的“新概念家庭 种体裁相结合的热血浪漫故事。 谍 报 电 视 剧 ”。


Spring Waltz Scent of Summer Autumn in My Heart 봄의왈츠 여름향기 가을동화 겨울연가

春のワルツ ┃ 春天的华尔兹 夏の香り ┃ 夏日香气 秋の童話 ┃ 蓝色生死恋 冬のソナタ ┃ 冬日恋歌 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2006 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2003 HD 70mins x 16eps Production Year 2000 HD 70mins x 20eps Production Year 2002

A boy and a girl who have been friends from childhood, grow Three year’s ago, Min-wu lost his first love in a tragic accident. One day Eun-suh has a car accident and by a blood test it is tells the story of three people, Lee Min- up happy together. But one day, they separated from each As he struggles on with life, he meets Hyae-won who reminds found that Eun-suh and Shin-ae was swapped at birth. Girls hyeong, Jeong Yu-jin and Kim Sang-hyeok, that are bounded other by an incident. The story succeeded with Eun-young’s him of his lost love, but is racked with emotion and confusion were returned to their original places. Eun-suh’s brother Jun- together because of the destiny of their first love. Destiny flight to Austria, where she happens to sit next to Song Ina, as his feelings for these two women become intertwined. suh is especially confused and saddened by this. Some years has made these three meet, separate, and become entrapped who is on her way to meet her love, Jae-ha. However, Jae-ha Unbeknownst to the florist Hyae-won, she has received her later, Eun-suh and Shin-ae bump into each other at hotel. by their family they had long forgotten about. The chained does not seem pleased with meeting Ina again after 15 years heart transplant and the second chance at life from Min- Eun-suh is a poor worker and Shin-ae is a hotel manager. relationship intertwining among these people will slowly unfold of separation. Eun-young, on the other hand, excited about her wu’s first love. When the two cross paths, Hyae-won notices Meanwhile, Jun-suh has become an artist and has a fiancee. in a mysterious way. first overseas trip, bumps into Phillip. The four meet in different her unusual heart beat. Nobody knew it was her heart that One day he’s introduced to his friend’s girlfriend and she was turns of circumstances and incidents, as the story of love, fate remembered and beats strong for her lost love, Min-wu. As his long lost sister, Eun-suh. このドラマは、3人の運命的な愛を語ると同時に今の時代を生きる人た and destiny begins to swirl. Hyae-won starts falling in love with Min-wu, soon the conflict ちが忘れていた頃の友人たちを懐かしく思い出させてくれる。そして生 erupts between the lovely florist and her fiancé Jeong-jae. 10月に生まれた二人の女の子がいた。同じ日に生まれ、同じ町に暮ら きることに疲れた人たちの心の片隅に埋もれている淡い初恋の思い出 誰もがその人なりの傷を抱いて生きている。このドラマは心が満たさ し、同じクラスの友達でもあった。ひとりは愛情溢れるあたたかい家庭 を呼び覚まし癒してくれるだろう。それがこのドラマのスタート地点で れない現代人に純粋で美しい愛の力を伝える癒しのドラマだ。全てを 3年前ミヌは交通事故で愛する恋人と死別した後、辛い日々を過ごす で両親、兄と幸せな日々を送り、名前を ウンソと名付けられた。 だが もあり、ゴールでもあるのだ。 受け入れる大自然と変わらない四季の美しさ、その中で繰り広げられる 中でへウォンという女性に出会う。ヘウォンはミヌに死別した昔の恋人 もう一人の少女は貧しい母子家庭で育ち、名前はシネと名付けられた。 男女の純愛。「春のワルツ」はユン·ソクホ監督特有の繊細さと叙情的な を思い出させ、ミヌは二人の女性に対する感情のはざまで混乱し悩む。 ある日ウンソが交通事故に遭い、血液検査を通じて実はウンソとシネ 该电视剧讲述的九时因为初恋的命运而纠缠在一起德三个男女的故事. 映像美を通して、私たちが心の奥深くに葬ってしまった純愛のノスタル フローリストであるへウォンは心臓病を患い心臓移植を受けようとして が生まれた日に病院で取り違えられた事実が明らかになる。少女たち 命运使他们相遇, 又使他们离开, 同时将他们牢牢套在"家族"这张曾经被 ジー を再 び 呼 び 覚 ましてくれるだ ろう。 いた時に、ミヌの事故死した恋人から心臓の提供を受けたのだった。 はそれぞれ本来の家に戻ることに。ウンソの兄ジュンソは混乱し悲し 遗忘的大网中.俊相, 有珍, 尚赫和酷似俊相的民亨—围绕着他们之间的 む。数年後、ウンソとシネはホテルで偶然出会う。 锁链通过推理式的结构逐渐明朗起来。 故事发生在韩国的一个小岛上,一对青梅竹马的少年和少女,一起哭过, 民宇由于一场车祸失去了初恋情人。三年后的一天偶然遇见了与初恋 一起笑过,一起幸福地长大。可是,由于意想不到的事故,两人不得不 情人言行举止非常想象的惠媛,感到莫名其妙的害怕和爱情。惠媛市一 14年来接受命运交换的两个少女,命中注定的因缘。有两个同样出生 分开,背上自己人生的行李,走上了不同的道路。人世中的辛酸,带给 名种花人,是以民宇的初恋情人捐赠的心脏来得到性生命的。惠媛遇 在10月的孩子。偶然的一天,由于一场事故银稀的血型得以确认,大家 他们心情的创伤。而那创伤,使他们的生活更加辛苦。终于,在异国奥 见民宇的时候,心脏就坪评跳。第一次认出民宇的就是惠媛的体内怀 这才得知两人出生时被调换了,两家一时间不知如何是好。俊稀因不得 地 利 ,他 们 重 新 相 逢 。 着跟民宇的恋情跳动的心脏。惠媛徘徊在未婚夫正宰与民宇的爱情之 不与一直当做自己亲妹妹的银稀分开,而感到十分困惑。面对眼前的 间 ,感 到 很 苦 恼 … . 银稀,尹教授夫妇痛心不已,便匆匆远走美国。

07 68 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 69 HIGHEST RATED DRAMA PROGRAM Production Average Highest DRAMA 2014 Min. Eps. PROGRAM (1995 ~ 2018) Year Rating(%) Rating(%) 제빵왕 김탁구 Bread, Love and Dreams 2010 70 30 37.9 49.7 장밋빛 인생 Rosy life 2005 70 24 34.1 48.3 가을동화 Autumn in my Heart 2000 60 18 - 42.3 태양의 후예 Descendants of the Sun 2016 70 16 27.8 41.6 풀하우스 Full House 2004 70 16 30.0 40.2 아이리스1 IRIS1 2009 70 20 33.0 39.9 Mini 추노 2010 70 24 32.0 36.3 왕의 얼굴 고맙다 아들아 당신만이 내 사랑 달콤한 비밀 꽃보다 남자 Boys over Flowers 2009 70 25 28.4 35.7 HD 70mins x 23eps HD 70mins x 2eps HD 40mins x 120eps HD 40mins x 102eps 미안하다 사랑한다 Sorry, I Love You 2004 70 16 - 27.2 구르미 그린 달빛 Love in the Moonlight 2016 70 18 - 23.3 The King's Face Thank you, My Son You are the Only One Love & Secret Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 굿닥터 Good Doctor 2013 70 20 - 21.5 성균관스캔들 Sungkyunkwan Scandal 2010 70 20 - 14.3 첫사랑 First Love 1997 60 66 - 65.8 젊은이의 양지 A Place in the Sun 1995 60 56 - 65.7 바람은 불어도 Blowing of the Wind 1996 35 245 - 55.8 목욕탕집 남자들 Men of the Bath House 1997 60 84 - 53.4 야망의 전설 The Legend of Ambition 1997 60 60 - 50.2 솔약국집 아들들 My Too Perfect Sons 2009 70 54 29.7 49.7 정 때문에 Because of Jung 1997 30 257 - 48.7 소문난 칠공주 Famous Princesses 2006 60 80 32.1 47.8 내 딸 서영이 Seoyeong, My Daughter 2012 70 50 33.5 47.7 가족끼리 왜이래 민들레 내일도 칸타빌레 연애의 발견 사랑할때까지 Until We Fall in Love 1997 35 231 - 47.1 왕가네 식구들 Wang's Family 2013 70 50 33.5 46.8 HD 70mins x 53eps HD 40mins x 134eps HD 70mins x 16eps HD 70mins x 16eps 넝쿨째 굴러온 당신 2012 70 58 33.9 46.3 What Happens to Mindeulle Naeil's Cantabile Nodame Discovery of Love My Family Cantabile Korean ver. 황금빛 내 인생 My Golden Life 2017 70 52 33.9 44.6 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Daily Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 수상한 삼형제 Three Brothers 2009 70 70 33.2 43.8 Weekly 웃어라 동해야 Smile Again 2010 35 159 28.9 43.6 가족끼리 왜 이래 What Happens to My Family? 2014 70 53 31.0 43.4 미우나 고우나 Likable or Not 2008 35 172 33.8 43.1 엄마가 뿔났다 Mom's Dead Upset 2008 70 66 28.0 42.6 하나뿐인 내편 My Only One 2018 70 53 28.2 42.3 열아홉 순정 Hearts of Nineteen 2006 40 167 31.1 42.5 좋은 걸 어떡해 More Than Words Can Say 2000 35 190 - 41.5 아이가 다섯 Five Enough 2016 70 54 33.4 40.4 부탁해요 엄마 All About My Mom 2015 70 54 27.2 38.9 별난여자 별난남자 Strange Woman, Strange Man 2006 35 170 30.3 37.5 트로트의 연인 빅맨 아이언맨 조선총잡이 파랑새는 있다 A Bluebird Has It 1997 60 64 - 36.5 HD 70mins x 16eps HD 70mins x 16eps HD 70mins x 18eps HD 70mins x 22eps 최고다 이순신 You Are The Best! 2013 70 50 27.5 36.4 Lovers of Music Big Man Blade Man Gunman in Joseon 하늘만큼 땅만큼 Heaven & Earth 2007 35 165 28.3 34.8 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014


골든 크로스 뻐꾸기 둥지 고양이는 있다 하이스쿨 러브온 천상여자 사랑은 노래를 타고 비밀 루비반지 HD 70mins x 20eps HD 40mins x 102eps HD 40mins x 119eps HD 60mins x 20eps 40mins x 103eps 40mins x 151eps 70mins x 16eps 40mins x 93eps Golden Cross Two Mothers My Dear Cat Hi! School-Love On Angel's Revenge Melody of Love Secret Love Ruby Ring Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013

태양은 가득히 참 좋은 시절 정도전 감격시대 왕가네 식구들 굿닥터 칼과 꽃 상어 HD 70mins x 16eps HD 70mins x 50eps HD 60mins x 50eps HD 70mins x 24eps 70mins x 50eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 20eps Beyond the Clouds Wonderful Days Jeong DoJeon Inspiring Generation Wang's Family Good Doctor The Blade and Petal Don't Look Back Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2014 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013

드라마 스페셜 예쁜 남자 미래의 선택 총리와 나 천명 직장의 신 아이리스2 광고천재 이태백 HD 70mins x 26eps HD 70mins x 16eps HD 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 17eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 16eps Drama Special Bel Ami Marry Him If You Dare Prime Minister & I The Fugitive of Joseon The Queen of Office IRIS2:New Generation AD Genius Lee TaeBaek Production Year 2014 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 72 DRAMA KBS PROGRAM CATALOGUE 73 DRAMA 2013 - 2012 DRAMA 2012 - 2011 DRAMA

최고다 이순신 학교2013 전우치 울랄라 부부 드림하이2 난폭한 로맨스 대왕의 꿈 영광의 재인 70mins x 50eps 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 24eps 70mins x 18eps 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 16eps 60mins x 70eps 70mins x 24eps You are The Best School 2013 Jeon Woo Chi Ohlala Couple Dream High2 Wild Romance Dream of the Emperor Glory Jane Production Year 2013 Production Year 2013 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012

착한남자 각시탈 사랑비 적도의 남자 로맨스타운 강력반 가시나무새 드림하이 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 28eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 16eps The Innocent Man Love Rain Man From the Equator Romance Town Detectives in Trouble The Thorn Birds Dream High Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2011 Production Year 2011 Production Year 2011 Production Year 2011

빅 내 딸 서영이 넝쿨째 굴러온 당신 오작교 형제들 프레지던트 정글피쉬2 공주의 남자 구미호 여우누이뎐 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 50eps 70mins x 58eps 70mins x 58eps 70mins x 20eps 60mins x 8eps 70mins x 24eps 70mins x 16eps Big Seoyeong, My Daughter My Husband Got a Ojakgyo Family The President Jungle Fish 2 The Princess’ Man Grudge: The Revolt of Family Gumiho Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2011 Production Year 2011 Production Year 2011 Production Year 2012 Production Year 2011


성균관 스캔들 전우 제빵왕 김탁구 국가가 부른다 엄마도 예쁘다 천추태후 솔약국집 아들들 수상한 삼형제 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 30eps 70mins x 16eps 30mins x 174eps 60mins x 78eps 60mins x 54eps 70mins x 70eps Sungkyunkwan Legend of the Patriots Bread, Love and Secret Agent Miss Oh Pretty Mom, Pretty The Iron Empress My Too Perfect Sons Three Brothers Scandal Dreams Woman Production Year 2010 Production Year 2010 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2010 Production Year 2010 Production Year 2009

근초고왕 거상 김만덕 부자의 탄생 추노 그저 바라보다가 결혼 못하는 남자 파트너 아가씨를 부탁해 60mins x 60eps 60mins x 30eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 24eps 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 16eps 70mins x 16eps The King of Legend The Great Merchant Becoming a Billionaire The Slave Hunters The Accidental Couple He Who can’t Marry The Partner My Fair Lady Production Year 2010 Production Year 2010 Production Year 2010 Production Year 2010 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009

공부의 신 명가 아이리스 꽃보다 남자 열혈장사꾼 남자이야기 미워도 다시 한번 풀하우스 70mins x 16eps 60mins x 16eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 25eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 20eps 70mins x 24eps HD 70mins x 16eps Master of Study The Reputable Family IRIS Boys over Flowers Hot Blood The Slingshot Again, My Love Full House Production Year 2010 Production Year 2010 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2009 Production Year 2004