Tues., 26 November 2019 Lobby, 2nd floor, Leningradsky 9:00-10:00 Registration Prospekt, 51, bld. 1 10:00-12:40 Plenary session Leningradsky Prospekt, 51, Welcoming address by: bld.1, Assembly Mikhail Eskindarov, Rector, Financial University under the Hall Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation; Member, Russian Academy of Education; Discussion participants Anton Siluanov, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation; Minister, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; Dean, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Financial University; Aleksei Kudrin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation; Aleksandr Shokhin, President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Aleksandr Sergeiev, President, Russian Academy of Sciences; Boris Titov, Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights; Aleksandr Buksman, First Deputy Attorney General of the of the Russian Federation; Aleksandr Braverman, Director-General, Federal Corporation for the Development of SMEs; Vladimir Rashevsky, Director-General, SUEK AO; Kseniya Yudaeva, First Deputy Chairperson, Central Bank of the Russian Federation Mikhail Aleskeyev, Chairman of the Board, UniCreditBank; Joseph E. Stiglitz, holder of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001);

Moderator N.I. Korzhenevsky, economic journalist, Russia24 channel 12:30-12:45 Quality of Life Financial University Award ceremony 12:45-13:00 Financial University and overseas partners agreement signing ceremony 13:00-14:00 Break 14:00-16:00 Open lecture by Joseph E. Stiglitz, holder of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2001) 16:30 -17:30 Gala Concert Wed., 27 November 2019 10:00-13:00 Session Leningradky Why Does the World Economy Slow Down Prospekt, 49, Minor Hall Moderators S.Yu. Glazyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Commissioner for Integration and Macroeconomics, Eurasian Economic Commission; member, Russian Academy of Sciences; M.Yu. Golovnin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, First Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Economics, corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Contact information: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Speakers: M. Yu. Alekseyev, Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Board, UniCredit Bank; Dr. Antonio Fidel Romero Gómez, Dean, Faculty of Economics, University of Havana, Cuba; A.I. Bazhan, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Economic Research, Institute of European Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Prof. Grigoris Zarotiadis, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Economic and Political Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece); E. A. Zvonova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of the World Economy and World Finance, Financial University Ya. A. Kabakov, PhD (Economics), Financial Advisor, FINAM Holdings; Ismini Kriari, Rector, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece; A.V. Kuznetsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; P. A. Medvedev, Doctor of Economics, financial ombudsman; Ya.M. Mirkin, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Head, Department of International Capital Markets, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences; V.Ya. Pishchik, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Research Director, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; Salvador Pérez Alcaraz, Professor, Department of Legal Sciences, Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Spain;


M.A. Portnoy, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Lead Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of USA and Canada, Russian Academy of Sciences; D.V. Razumovsky, PhD (Economics), acting Director, Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; S.A. Roginko, PhD (Economics), Head, Center for Environment Protection and Development, Institute of European Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; D.E. Sorokin, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Research Director, Head, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University, corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Andras Horvai, former World Bank’s Country Director and Resident Representative for the Russian Federation (2015-2019), Hungary; José Luis Iriarte Ángel, Professor, Public University of Navarra, Spain

Topics for discussion 1. Why does the world economy slow down? Is it the end of the financial globalization model or the cyclical recession of the world economy? 2. The global imbalance growth in the world economy and the global financial markets. Should we expect the burst of the global debt bubble? 3. Economic wars in the trade sector, foreign exchange market, customs sector, commodity and raw materials market; 4. The polycentrism trend and the increasing impact made by the regions upon the global economy. Are there any European integration development prospects, given the Brexit procedure? 5. USA’s opposition to the geo-economic leadership demonstrated by the most successful developing countries. Is there any room for compromise? 6. A crisis of modern institutions and mechanisms that support sustainable economic growth. How can we accelerate the world’s economy growth?

10:00-13:00 Session Leningradky Technological Leadership Drivers Prospekt, 55 (in partnership with Stretegicheskiye Resheniya i Risk Cinema and Menedzhment (Strategic Solutions and Risk Management) Concert Hall journal)

Moderator I.A. Yermakov, Head, Department of Strategic Management, ROSATOM; A.V. Trachuk, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Director-General, Goznak; Head, Department of Management, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


Speakers Ye. O. Adamov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Research Director, Dollezhal Research and Development Institute of Power Engineering, member, Russian Academy of Engineering; F.V. Veselov, PhD (Economics), Deputy Director for Research, Head, Department of the Scientific Basis of the Energy System Development, Energy Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences; Giuseppe Valditara, Professor of Private Roman Law, Department of Law, University of Turin, Head, Department of Higher Education and Research under the Ministry of Education, University and Research, Italy; A.D. Kaprin, Doctor of Medicine, Director-General, National Medical Research Radiological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, member, Russian Academy of Sciences; M.I. Kovalchuk, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, President, Kurchatov Institute National Research Center, corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences; O.V. Krivosheyev, Deputy Director for IT and Product Lifecycle Management, Russian Federal Nuclear Center of the All- Research Institute of Experimental Physics; M.N. Strikhanov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Rector, National Research Nuclear University ( Engineering Physics Institute)

Topics for discussion

1. Nuclear technology and methods to be used to turn them into the new types of business operations. 2. The economic effect of introducing nuclear technology in the Russian economy and the technology exports development. 3. Nuclear technology used to support for human life and peoples’ health. Social effects of nuclear technology: education, healthcare, spatial development. 4. Nuclear technology used to ensure manufacturing process efficiency. 5. Nuclear energy as a clean, reliable and affordable type of energy. 6. Nuclear technology used for sustainable development: the environment protection. 10:00-13:00 Session Leningradky New Finance for the New World Prospekt, 49 Auditorium Moderators M.A. Fedotova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; A.A. Khandruyev, Vice-President, Association of Russian Regional Banks



M. A. Abramova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Lead Research Fellow, Center for Monetary Relations, Financial University; A.G. Aksakov, Committee for Financial Markets; Alberto Franco Pozzolo, Professor of Political Economy, Department of Law, Roma Tre University, Italy; S. A. Andryushin, Economic Theory Section Head, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences; S.N. Blinov, Head, Macroeconomic Research Unit, KAMAZ; S.L. Bondarchuk, Deputy Head, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation; M.Yu. Vasilyev, President, Association of Financial Analysts and Risk Managers; V.A. Gamza, PhD (Economics), PhD (Law), Chairman, Committee for Financial Markets and Lending Institutions, Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Russian Federation; partner, Audit Group, FalconFinance, YuFK; O.A. Goncharova, Director, Non-Lending Institutions’ Data Collection and Statements Processing Department, ; Daniele Bracchi, counsel lawyer, Agnoli & Giuggioli Legal Studio, Italy; Charles Giacoma, Director-General, European Institute for Export Compliance (EIFEC), Brussels, Belgium; Carlos Galán Cordero, Professor, Charles III University of Madrid, Spain; V.V. Zimin, counselor, Central Bank of the Russian Federation; A.Kh. Metov, Head, Department for Economics and Company Budgeting, ; Nikolaos G. Papaioannou, Rector, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; R.A. Prokhorov, Chairman of the Board, Association of Financial Innovation; B.B. Rubtsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; I.N. Rykova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Center for Sectoral Economics, Financial Research Center, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; Sergei Sarkissian, Associate Professor of Finance, McGill University, Canada; A.M. Subbotin, Commissioner for Industry and the Agro- Industrial Complex, Eurasian Economic Commission; I.E. Torosov, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; V.A. Usoskiy, Professor of Economics, Minsk State Linguistic University; A.A. Khandruyev, Doctor of Economics, Vice-President, Association of Russian Regional Banks; Francesco Sciaudone, Managing Partner, member, Executive Committee, Grimaldi Studio Legale, Italy; Detlev Hummel, Doctor, Professor, Head, Department of Business Administration (specialization: Finance and Banking), University of Potsdam (Germany);


V. A. Tsvetkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director, Institute of Market Issues, corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences

Topics for discussion 1. An outline of the new world order. 2. New Finance: what is changing? 3. Corporate finance as a driver of economic growth. Asset and business valuation in a digital society. 4. The financial services sector in the economy 4.0. 5. The financial market and national projects: a mechanism for interaction to achieve economic growth. 6. Financial innovation and financial technology of the new world.

Topic for discussion during the panel session What should be done to make the New Finance get the green light in the new world order? 10:00-13:00 Session Leningradky Digital Economy: a Person and Labor in a New Environment Prospekt, 55, Academic Moderators Council Meeting B. B. Slavin, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Director, Institute Room (room of Digital Economy Development, Financial University; 213) А.N. Zubets, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University.

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers K.V. Abramov, Director-General, All-Russia Center for Public Opinion Studies; L.N. Dukhanina, State Duma Deputy, Chairperson, Znaniye All- Russia Community Organization for Public Awareness Raising; Chairperson, Council for Professional Qualifications in Education; M.N. Dymshits, Director-General, Dymshits and Partners; S.Yu. Infimovskaya, Headmaster, School No. 21, Moscow; V.V. Korovkin, Head, Laboratory for Innovation and Digital Technology, Moscow Skolkovo Management School; Yu. S. Koryakina, Head, HR Policy Department, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; Marco Ricceri, Secretary General, Institute for Political, Economic and Social Research (EURISPES), Italy; I.N. Nosov, Deputy Governor, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region; D.N. Peskov, Special Presidential Representative on Digital and Technological Development; D.A. Sudakov, Head, Group of Developers of the Register of New Occupations; Terry White, author of books; Associate Senior Analyst, Ovum, UK;


A.V. Filatov, Director-General, SAP CIS; M.V. Shmakov, Chairman, Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

Topics for discussion Digital Economy and the Reality 1. The digitalization myth. AI: are there any limits? 2. Robotization vs new employment. 3. Is it the virtualization of HR or the war with the robots? 4. How does the Big Data change the business sector and people? 5. Digital Sovereignty. Digitalization and Creativity 1. The digitalization and creativity development. 2. Digital technologies: are they killing the creativity or not? 3. Can AI solve creative problems? 4. Digitalization vs socialization.

Digital Economy and Education 1. The digitalization process-induced labor market changes. 2. A university or the business community: which is the producer of the graduates who are in most demand? 3. Accelerated courses for the digital economy personnel: will we produce experts or hirelings? 4. Hard skills and soft skills: what should we prefer? 5. Entering the IT sector: are there any alternatives?

10:00-13:00 Session Leningradsky Poverty in a Wealthy State Prospekt, 51/1, Conference Hall, Moderators (room 1006) S.V. Anureyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Public Finance, Financial University; Enno Schmidt, staff member, Götz Werner Chair of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory, University of Freiburg, Germany.

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers N.A. Begchin, PhD (Economics), Director, Targeted Program Planning and Budget Funds Use Efficiency Department, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; L. I. Goncharenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University; Gustavo Rinaldi, consultant, International Labor Organization; A.B. Zolotareva, PhD (Law), Deputy Head, Laboratory for Budget Policy Studies, Institute of Applied Economic Research, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; Head, Legal Section, Gaidar Institute of Economic Policy;


Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker, Head, Götz Werner Chair of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory, University of Freiburg, Germany; V. V. Lokosov, Director, Institute of Social and Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences; V.V. Trubin, Expert, Social Policy Department, Center for Analysis under the Government of the Russian Federation; А. G. Tyurikov, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University M.F. Chernysh, Doctor of Sociology, First Deputy Director for Research and Academic Work Coordination, Federal Center for Sociological Research, Russian Academy of Sciences Enno Schmidt, staff member, Götz Werner Chair of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory, University of Freiburg, Germany; Dr. Saleem Khan, Professor of Economics and Director of the Russian Program in the Department of Economics, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, USA S. V. Yefremov, PhD (Economics), Head, Administrative and Analytical Department, Office for the Support of Directorate for the Protection of Businesses and the Moscow Project Office, Government of the City of Moscow

Topics for discussion 1. Poverty, social inequality and economic growth. 2. Modern transformations of social security systems. 3. Social inequality: how should we examine it and reduce it? 4. How can we provide equal access to social services, productive and financial assets to people? 5. Partnership of the government, business community members and the civil society as a prerequisite for economic growth.

10:00-13:00 Session Leningradky The Russian Entrepreneurs: are They the Growth Drivers or an Prospekt, 49, Endangered Species? room 406

Moderators O.Ye. Bulekov, PhD (Economics), Deputy Head, Department of Territorial Development Planning, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; G. F. Ruchkina, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Operations, Financial University.

Contact information: [email protected], [email protected] [email protected]

Speakers Dr Abrahim Althonayan, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Operations Management and Strategic Management, College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences, Brunel Business School, Brunel University London, UK;


А.О. Alekhnovich, Head, Expert Center under the Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights; Director, New Industrialization Center for Community Processes; Andrzej Wierciński, lawyer, senior partner at WKB, Poland; K.P. Annenkov, Director, Department of Law, Russian Bank for the SMEs Support; R.R. Bikulov, lawyer, Padva and Partners; O.Ye. Bulekov, PhD (Economics), Deputy Head, Department of Territorial Development Planning, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; A.V. Vilensky, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Regional Economy and Local Self-Government Sector, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences; V.K. Gartung, Chairman, Committee for Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship, State Duma; A.B. Kashevarov, PhD (Law), Head, Department of Federal Antomonopoly Service, Financial University; Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia; D.B. Kravchenko, PhD (Economics), Deputy Chairman, Committee for Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship, State Duma; Ye. V. Kuznetsov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director-General, Stelmakh Polyus Research Institute; E.B. Lenchuk, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences; A.G. Litvinova, Director-General, Innovative Management Systems innovative small business company at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Doctor of Business Administration; A.A. Mostovshchikov, member, General Council, Delovaya Rossiya (Business Russia) All-Russia Medium-Sized and Large Business Company Organization; member, Expert Council for Digital Economy and Blockchain Technology at the Committee for Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship, State Duma; Ya. E. Nilov, State Duma Committee for Labor, Social Policy and Veterans’ Affairs; R.K. Khusnulin, PhD (Didactics), member, State Duma Committee for Federal Affairs and Regional Self-Governance; A.A. Chursin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Research Director, Center for Industrial Sector Management, Faculty of Economics, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia Jan Rolinski, Senior Partner, advocate, co-founder and senior partner at WKB, Poland

Topics for discussion

1. New market niches the business community can use. 2. SMEs support infrastructure: the status quo and the operational efficiency. 3. Cooperation of SMEs and major companies: areas, opportunities, and the reality.


4. Export-oriented businesses: measures of support taken by the government. 5. Mechanisms used for engaging SMEs in the National Technology Initiative. 6. The access to financial services provided to SMEs: the regional and sectoral indicators. 10:00-13:00 Session Leningradky Is This the End of Liberalism? Prospekt, 49, (in partnership with Tetradi po Konservatizmu (Conservatism room 214 Bulletin) journal)

Moderator K.V. Simonov, PhD (Political Science), Professor, Vice-Rector, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected], [email protected]

Speakers A.Yu. Ashkerov, Doctor of Philosophy, PhD (Political Science), Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University; R.S. Grinberg, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Research Director, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences; Zahari Zahariev, Chairman, Federation for Friendship with Peoples of Russia and the CIS, Bulgaria; V.F. Isaichikov, Editor-in-Chief, Prosveshcheniye journal; A.A. Kara-Murza, Doctor of Philosophy, PhD (History), Head, Department of Social and Political Philosophy, Institute of Philosophical Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Giulietto Chiesa, journalist, writer, public figure, Italy; F.A. Lukyanov, Editor-in-Chief, Rossiya v Globalnoi Politike journal, Chairman, Presidium of Council for Foreign and Defense Policy; B.I. Makarenko, PhD (Political Science), President, Center for Political Technology; O.A. Matveichev, PhD (Philosophy), Professor, Higher School of Economics (National Research University) (Moscow); B.V. Mezhuyev, Associate Professor, PhD (Philosophy), Lomonosov Moscow State University; Alexander Rahr, historian, business consultant, political scientist and publicist, Germany; M.V. Remizov, PhD (Philosophy), President, Institute of the National Strategy; A.V. Shchipkov, Doctor of Political Science, Professor, First Deputy Chairman, Synodal Department for the Relations between the Russian Orthodox Church, Society and the Media

Topics for discussion

1. Liberalism: is it fair to say that the concept has run out of steam? If so, what will replace it? 2. Which concepts will underlie the states and the societies of the future?


3. Does this mean that we are now on the verge of the new era of conservatism? 4. Is it liberalism, social democracy or new social contract?

14:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Digital Transformation: from the Theory to Practice Prospekt, 55, Academic Moderator Council Meeting B. B. Slavin, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Director, Institute Hall (room 213) of Digital Economy Development, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers Udo Wagner, Professor of Management, Institute of Business Administration, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, University of Vienna, Austria; Đặng Thị Huyền Anh, Deputy Dean of Faculty of Economics, Banking Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam; K.K. Gazizov, Director-General, RosTech (RT-Inform); V. Zaichenko, Experts’ Consortium; A.B. Zatoplyayev, Director of Information Technology, Baucenter Company; D.Yu. Inshakov, IT Director Russia & CIS, KPMG; Marco Ricceri, Secretary General, Institute for Political, Economic and Social Research (EURISPES), Italy; Ye. S. Ovchinnikova, Head, Department of Technology and Digital Innovation, Raiffeisenbank; M.V. Petrov, Director for Digitalization, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation; D.Ye. Savenkov, Deputy Director-General for IT development, Energomash Terry White, author of books; Associate Senior Analyst, Ovum, UK; Ha Hu Tuan, Dean of the Faculty of Finance, Hoa Binh University, Vietnam

Topics for discussion

1. What is the digital transformation? 2. Data and the operations of the government. 3. Digital transformation of the financial sector. 4. Digitalization process and cybersecurity. 5. Breakthrough technology used in business operations. 6. Trends observed in the digitalization process. 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Logistics as the New Point of Growth Prospekt, д. 51/4, room 79А Moderators Frank-Detlef Wende, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Logistics, Financial University; I.A. Rachkovskaya, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Logistics, Financial University;


Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers N.A. Adamov, Doctor of Economics, Professor; Editor-in-Chief, Logistika journal; Director-General, Institute for the Study of Goods Movement and Wholesale Market Condition; Frank-Detlef Wende, Professor, Dean, Faculty of Logistics, Financial University; A.V. Yefimova, Financial Director, Promyshlennaya Okraska journal; Yu. Ye. Kislova, PhD (Economics), Director, Agentstvo Market Guide Publishing House; O.N. Kurbatov, PhD (Geography), Financial Director, Lakokrasochnye Materialy i Ikh Primeneniye, and Logistika journals; I.A. Rachkovskaya, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Logistics, Financial University; member of the editorial board, Logistika journal.

Topics for discussion

1. The role played by logistics in the Russian economic reforms. 2. Current trends observed in the logistics sector. 3. Modern logistics services market analysis methods. 4. New approaches to covering operations in the logistics sector used by research journals. 5. Promotion of Russian logistics journals in the international academic community 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Prospekt, 49, The Government, the Civil Society and Resolution of Modern room 200А Issues Related to the Global Dialogue and International Cooperation in Resolving Migration Issues

Moderators M. L. Galas, Doctor of History, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Financial University; V.Yu. Zorin, Head, Center for Research Cooperation with Community Organizations, Media and GR, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers O.V. Artamonov, Deputy Director, Department of Labor Migration and Social Protection, Eurasian Economic Committee; Karine Bechet-Golovko, President, Comitas Gentium France- Russia Association at the Embassy of the French Republic in the Russian Federation (France);


L.N. Bokova, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Legislation and State Building; А.А. Gromyko, Director, Institute of European Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; T.M. Zhaksylykov, Commissioner for Economics and Financial Policy, Eurasian Economic Commission, Republic of ; A.B. Paskachev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairman, Commission on Migration Issues and Social and Cultural Adaptation of Foreign Nationals under the Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations; S.V. Ryazantsev, Doctor of Economics, Corresponding Member, acting Director, Institute of Social and Political Research, Russian Academy of Sciences; S.V. Uyanayev, Deputy Director for Research, Institute for Far East Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Cui Zhei, Associate Professor, Liaoning University, China.

Topics for discussion

1. The role played by international organizations in regulating the global migration process. 2. The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration implementation issues. 3. International institutions and international legal instruments used when resolving issues of refugees and asylum seekers (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees).

14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Expertise in Modern Politics and Economics Prospekt, 49, room 314 Moderators A.B. Shatilov, PhD (Political Science), Professor, Dean, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; A.V. Yudelson, Deputy Director for Communications, SUEK

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers D.A. Kaptar, journalist, writer; A.A. Mukhin, Director-General, Political Information Center; K. Ye. Petrov, Head, Intelligence Department, Minchenko Consulting; S. A. Prosekov, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; O. G. Rumyantsev, Managing Partner, Rumyantsev and Partners consulting agency; President, GR League Association of GR Experts; P.B. Salin, Director, Center for Political Science Studies, Financial University;


K.V. Simonov, Director-General, Foundation for the National Energy Security, PhD (Political Science), Professor, Vice-Rector, Financial University; А.А. Suchilina, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; Jean-Louis Truel, PhD (Economics), Consultant for international development in relations with Russia and CIS countries; Associate Professor in International Business Management, Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne University; Vice- President, Cercle Kondratieff, Paris, France; V.L. Shapovalov, Deputy Director, Institute of History and Politics, Dean, Faculty of Applied Political Science, Moscow State Teacher Training University.

Topics for discussion

1. The expert analysis areas, the knowledge and its limits. 2. Training of experts in higher education institutions: issues and development prospects. 3. The demand for political and economic analysts in modern Russia and other countries. 4. Expert analysis and the media activity. 14:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Human Resources Development as the Russian Government Prospekt, 51/1, Program Priority room 0529

Moderator E.A. Didenko, PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Continuing Education, Financial University.

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers N.N. Aniskina, Rector, Pastukhov State Academy of Industrial Management, President, Union of Heads of Continuing Education Departments and Employers; A.A. Vuchkovich, PhD (Economics), Chairperson, Council for Professional Qualifications in HR Management; M.V. Danilchenko, Deputy Executive Director, Union of Employers of the and of Russia, Deputy Chairperson, Council for Professional Qualifications in HR Management; E.A. Didenko, PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Continuing Education, Financial University; M.V. Dulyasova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, acting Rector, Pushchino State Institute for Natural Sciences; I.G. Ignatova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice- rector for Teaching and Learning, National Research University of Electronic Technology; A.T. Kadyraliyev, Professor, Rector, Ryskulbekov Kyrgyz University of Economics, Kyrgyzstan;


I.A. Korshunov, PhD (Chemistry), Associate Professor, Deputy Director, Institute of Education, Higher School of Economics (National Research University) (Moscow); V.A. Kuimov, Managing Director, Znaniye All-Russia Community Organization for Public Awareness Raising; B.V. Padalkin, PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, First Vice-Rector for Teaching, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; N.A. Saparova, Chairperson, Pan-Slavic Association community organization of Russian compatriots, Greece; S.A. Shchennikov, Rector, LINK International Institute of Management, Head, Expert Council for Further and Corporate Education, State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Topics for discussion 1. Continuing education sector and adults’ qualifications issues and development prospects within the New Opportunities for Everyone Federal Program. 2. Pre-pension-age people’s competences development: the Federal Third Age Program trends. 3. Development of the administrative and economic mechanisms for the cooperation of members of the Network of Universities for the Third Age during the national program implementation period. 14:00-15:30 Session Leningradky Fuel and Energy Projects in the Arctic Region: the Challenges and Prospekt, 49, the Opportunities room 214

Moderators V.I. Bogoyavlensky, Deputy Director, Institute for the Study of Oil and Gas Issues, Russian Academy of Sciences; Yu.M. Gruzina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Deputy Vice-Rector for Research, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers A.Z. Vartanov, Professor, Rector’s Advisor, Far Eastern Federal University; Yu.M. Gruzina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Deputy Vice-Rector for Research, Financial University; Tarzan Legović, Professor, Vice-President, International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM), President, ISEM-; Head, Division for Marine and Environmental Research, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia; A.V. Myaskov, Director, Mining Institute, MISIS National University of Science and Technology; Åke Rohlén, Deputy Chairmen, Board of Directors, Arctic Marine Technologies (Sweden); S.N. Reyev, Deputy Head, Unit, Department of Public Energy Policy, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation;


D.G. Khramov, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

Topics for discussion

1. The Arctic Region development strategies: the Russian and international best practices. 2. Social, economic and environmental issues in the Arctic Region development. 3. Ways to increase the Arctic region energy projects’ attractiveness for investors. 15:30-17:30 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Arctic Region Projects as Drivers of the Russian Regions’ Social Prospekt, 49, and Economic Development room 214

Moderators I.A. Merkulina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Business Economics, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Logistics, Financial University; Kh. P. Kharchilava, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, First Deputy Dean, Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers I.A. Merkulina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Business Economics, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Logistics, Financial University; Åke Rohlén, Deputy Chairmen, Board of Directors, Arctic Marine Technologies (Sweden); A. M. Fadeyev, Doctor of Economics, Director, Program for Shelf Development Project Promotion, Gazpromneft Sakhalin; T.V. Kharitonova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor Department of Business Economics, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Financial University; Kh. P. Kharchilava, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, First Deputy Dean, Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. Transport support for the Russian Arctic Region. 2. The Russian Arctic Region’s economy development models. International aspects in Arctic region projects implementation. 15:30-17:30 Session Leningradky The Northern Sea Route Development: the Financial and Prospekt, 51/1, Economic Aspect room 0612



S.A. Zaitsev, PhD (Economics), Deputy Dean for Research and Master Training, Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Financial University; M.M. Pukhova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Deputy Dean, Gerashchenko Faculty of Financial Markets, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers Tarzan Legović, Professor, Vice-President, International Society for Ecological Modelling (ISEM), President, ISEM-Europe; Head, Division for Marine and Environmental Research, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia; D.I. Lidkovsky, Information and Analysis Center of the State Commission for the Arctic Region Development; I.V. Petrov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Business Economics, Dean, Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Financial University; M.M. Pukhova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Deputy Dean, Gerashchenko Faculty of Financial Markets, Financial University; A.V. Sharkova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Business Economics, Financial University; Ye. A. Shvarts, Doctor of Geography, Director of Conservation Policy, WWF Russia, Distinguished Ecologist of the Russian Federation.

Topics for discussion

1. The Northern Sea Route development issues and prospects and energy project implementation in the Arctic Region. 2. Ways to increase the Northern Sea Route’s attractiveness for investors. 3. The Northern Sea Route management optimization: the suggestions. 14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Cyclical Development Law and the Evolution of the Economic Prospekt, 51/4, World Order room 79 (in partnership with Simon Kuznets International Institute for Development and Self-Organization)

Moderators D.A. Mityayev, Managing Director, Sorokin and Kondratiev International Institute; S. A. Tolkachev, First Deputy Head, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]


Speakers A.I. Ageyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director-General, International Research Institute of Managerial Issues; Akio Matsumoto, Professor, Department of Economics, Chuo University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan; S.Yu. Glazyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Commissioner for Integration and Macroeconomics, Eurasian Economic Commission; member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Yuri Yegorov, Professor, Department of Business Studies, Faculty of Economics, University of Vienna; R.M. Nizhegorodsev, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Head, Laboratory, Institute of Managerial Issues, Russian Academy of Sciences; Franz Wirl, Professor, Institute of Business Administration, University of Vienna, Austria

Topics for discussion

1. The relationship between the technological and the economic world order. 2. The relationship between the technology and industries and the technological progress and financial institutions for the purposes of classifying the world economic order. 3. The industry sequence-based hypothesis of dissemination of the basic technologies from the ICT sector to industry and the transport sector. 4. A comparative analysis of the technological revolutions’ and financial institutions’ concept and development process. 14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky The Economy of Progress VS the Economy of Regression: Prospekt, 51/1, Examining Possible Alternatives room 0613

Moderators M.L. Alpidovskaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers N.V. Apatova, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Didactics, Professor, Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Head, Department of Business Informatics and Mathematical Modelling; L.A. Bulavka-Buzgalina, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Center for Contemporary Marxism Studies; M.E. Buyanova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Economic Theory, International and Regional Economy, Volgograd State University;


Ladislav Žák, PhD (Economics), Director of Karlovy Vary Development Institute (2012-2018), member of INSOL Europe, Czech Republic; L.A. Karaseva, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Economic Theory, Institute of Economics and Management, Tver State University; A.V. Kostina, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head, Department of Philosophy, Culture Studies and Political Science, Moscow University of Humanities; A.V. Kuznetsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; P.S. Lemeshchenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Theoretical Economics and Institutional Economy, Belarus State University; T.N. Litvinova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Volgograd State Agricultural University; A.M. Lugovskoi, Doctor of Geography, Professor, Department of Geography, Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography; T.M. Makhamatov, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University E.G. Popkova, President, Institute of Researcher Communications (Volgograd); Doctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Department of the Theory of Management and Business Technologies, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; P.S. Seleznev, Doctor of Political Science, Associate Professor, Deputy First Vice-Rector for GR and Regional Affairs, Financial University; M. L. Khazin, PhD (Economics), President, Khazin Foundation for Economic Research; V.V. Chaplya, PhD (Economics), Director, Economic Research Institute, Southern Federal District (Krasnodar); O.N. Chetverikova, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; N.G. Yakovleva, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Lead Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Center for Economic Theory of the Social Sector, Russian Academy of Sciences.

Topics for discussion

1. The national economy’s social and economic efficiency as an objective necessity. 2. Technological progress as a factor of economic growth and social and economic development. 3. Social and economic development: achieving high standards and ensuring national security.


4. The Russian reforms’ disappointing lessons: the dilemma of alternative models. 5. Worldview issues and the social reproduction. 6. The relationship between the nature, people, and culture: is it permanent, invariable and constant? 14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Insurance and Social Institutions as the Growth Multiplies Prospekt, 51/1, 0412 Moderators N.V. Kirillova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Head, Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University; A.A. Tsyganov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers S.A. Belozerov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Management and Insurance Business, Saint- Petersburg State University; Tatiana Verezubova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Taxes and Taxation, Belarus State Economic University, Belarus; E.V. Zlobin, Director, PhD (History), Associate Professor Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Director, Directorate for Cooperation with Education Institutions, Rosgosstrakh insurance company; N.V. Kirillova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Head, Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University; Klime Poposki, PhD, President, Insurance Supervision Agency, Professor, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, University of St. Kliment of Ohrid, Macedonia; I.L. Logvinova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Insurance Business, Sinergy University; N.I. Malyshev, Head, Center for Social Communications, All- Russia Union of Insurers; Ryszard Pukala, PhD (Economics), Professor, Director, Institute of Economy and Management, Vice-Rector, State School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław (Poland); R.Yu. Tochilin, Department of Insurance Services Market, Bank of Russia; A.T. Umarov, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean, faculty of Economics, Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan; B.R. Shamsutdinov, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Senior Manager, Department of Corporate Training and Advanced Training, Uzbekistan;


A.A. Tsyganov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. Social and commercial risks. 2. Institutional development of the insurance business sector. 3. The impact made by the social and commercial insurance businesses on mending the social and economic development gaps. 4. The Russian social and commercial insurance business: the status quo and development prospects. 5. The international best practices and the European experience. 6. The key social and commercial insurance business development trends. 14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky CONNECT: Artificial Intelligence at the Center of the Legal Prospekt, 49, Technologies and Economic Solutions room 406

Moderators Nicolas Rouiller, Professor, Business School Lausanne; Member, Société suisse des jurists; partner, MCE Avocats, member, Advisory Board at the Intellectual Property Rights Court, Russian Federation; A.V. Popova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Operations, Financial University

Contact information [email protected], [email protected]

Speakers A.A. Mostovshchikov, Chairman, Committee on Economics, Finance and Entrepreneurship of the Youth Parliament of the State Duma; Director, International Business School, Financial University; Nicolas Rouiller, Professor, Business School Lausanne; Member, Société suisse des jurists; partner, MCE Avocats, member, Advisory Board at the Intellectual Property Rights Court, Russian Federation; L.A. Novoselova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Chairperson, Intellectual Property Rights Court; Distinguished Lawyer of the Russian Federation; O.A. Ruzakova, Doctor of Law, Deputy Head, Staff of the Committee for State Construction and Law, State Duma; G. F. Ruchkina, Doctor of Law, Professor, Head, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Operations, Financial University; Maurizio Sala, attorney at law, Studio Legale Sala, Italy; А.А. Solovyev, Doctor of Law, Deputy Chairman, Arbitration Court, Moscow Region; G. A. Tosunyan, President, Russian Banks Association, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences,


Distinguished Scholar of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Law, PhD (Physics and Mathematics); M.A. Chereshnev, Secretary, International Decentralized Association of Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrencies, First Deputy Director-General, Corporation for Development, Moscow Region; A.V. Chirkov, PhD (Law), Head, Regulations Directorate, Service for Customer Rights Protection and Ensuring Access to Financial Services, Central Bank of Russia; Samuel Christophe Hutchinson, PhD, Lecturer, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Operations, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. Artificial intelligence in law and economics: new opportunities and/or new risks? 2. The international best practices in legal regulation of the artificial intelligence use. 3. The legal professional’s operations: the artificial intelligence use opportunities. 4. Are the robotic lawyers the future of the legal profession? 5. Artificial intelligence, law and economics: the practitioners’ point of view. 6. New legal technologies and the artificial intelligence 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Ensuring Asset Protection and Risk Analysis as the National Prospekt, 51/1, Economy Growth Factors room 0632

Moderators V.I. Prasolov, Deputy Head, Department of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University; V.M. Smirnov, Deputy Dean, Professor Senchagov Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers F.P. Abdullakhanov, Director, Department of Compliance, Countering Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism, KPMG Russia, Uzbekistan; L.L. Anuchin, Aide to Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights; A.O. Akhiyev, Deputy Director, Stolypin Institute of Development Economics; A.S. Bishenov, member, Expert Council, Head, Working Group for Corporate Intelligence, Compliance and Financial Investigations, Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; Igoris Krzeckovskis, EU expert in countering money laundering and combating financing of terrorism, Lithuania; I.A. Lebedev, PhD (Economics), Head, Department of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University;


S.N. Silvestrov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director, Institute for Economic Policy and Economic Security Issues; member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Financial University; V. G. Starovoitov, Director, Center for Economic Security Assessment and Monitoring, Institute for Economic Policy and Economic Security Issues, Financial University; A.Yu. Trofimov, PhD (Economics), Director-General for Security, INSIS co.; M.V. Trushin, Deputy Head, Center for Corruption Countering, Russian Railways; P.L. Chernov, Deputy Director, Financial Investigations and Forensic Studies Legal Expertise Center; E.A. Shvarts, Senior Manager, Center for Agro-industrial Sector Competences, KPMG Russian and CIS, Moldova.

Topics for discussion

1. Prerequisites for and factors in ensuring the national economy’s stable resistance to negative external factors’ influence. 2. Asset protection through the national economic security system. 3. Economic entities’ asset protection mechanisms. 4. Compliance as an economic entity’s assets protection method. 5. Modern approaches to and innovations in fraud, corruption, money laundering countering and combating financing of terrorism. 6. Corporate economic crime prevention system building 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Prospekt, 51/1, Growth Acceleration or Recession Mitigation: Accounting and room 0909 Monitoring Tools’ Strategic Possibilities in a Digital Economy

Moderators R.P. Bulyga, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University; S.V. Korop, Deputy Director, Statements Processing Department, Bank of Russia.

Contact information: [email protected]


V. I. Barilenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University; Yu.N. Guzov, First Deputy Dean, Faculty of Economics, Saint- Petersburg State University; O. V. Yefimova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University; Joanna Koczar, Lecturer, Department of Accounting Theory and Financial Analysis, Wrocław University of Economics, Poland; T.P. Karpova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis, Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics;


D.A. Lavrov, Head, Research Coordination Directorate, Financial University; M.V. Melnik, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University; L.I. Khoruzhiy, President, Institute of Chartered Accountants and Auditors of Russia; V.T. Chaya, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University; L. Z. Shneidman, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director, Department of Regulation of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Audit, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation

Topics for discussion

1. Businesses’ accounting and monitoring tool review as a factor contributing to economic growth. 2. Modern technology used to ensure business data reliability and transparency. 3. Information support to change management in economic entities. 4. Development programs: the implementation process monitoring. 5. XBRL technology: the new use opportunities and risks for the corporate statements and reports sector. 6. The economic reality and economy development prospects: statistical data and forecasts. 16:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Factors in Overcoming Recession and Achieving Economic Prospekt, 51/1, Growth room 0413

Moderators E.V. Kamneva, Deputy Head, Associate Professor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Financial University; Director, Center for Individuals’ Economic Behavior Examination; M.M. Simonova, Associate Professor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Financial University; Lead Research Fellow, Center for Individuals’ Economic Behavior Examination.

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers S.A. Bannikov, Deputy Director, State ATM Corporation Federal State Unitary Enterprise, Associate Professor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Financial University; G.N. Butyrin, Professor, Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Yu.V. Dolzhenkova, Professor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Financial University;


L.A. Zhigun, Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Professor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Financial University; Le Minh Nhat, teaching assistant, Financial University; Yu.G. Odegov, Head, HR Management Scientific School, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; S.A. Polevoi, Professor, Department of Management, Lead Research Fellow, Center for Individuals’ Economic Behavior Examination, Financial University; N.S. Pryazhnikov, Professor, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Professor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Financial University; T.O. Razumova, Head, Department of Labor Economics and Personnel, Lomonosov Moscow State University Salvatore Zappalà, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy

Topics for discussion

1. Investment in human capital development: education, science, healthcare, and information technology. 2. Public confidence and the social and economic reforms. 3. The living standards and the individuals’ real income. 4. Efficient labor market formation, operations and regulation mechanisms. 5. An efficient HR records management strategy. 6. Inertial and deviant economic behavior. 15:00-17:30 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Monetary Policy and the Economic Growth Prospekt, 51/1, room 0908 Moderator M.V. Yershov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director, Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Markets, Financial University; Main Director for Financial Research, Institute for Energy and Finance

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers Apurva Sanghi, Lead Economist for the Russian Federation, World Bank; O. I. Belenkaya, Head, Department of Financial Analysis and Economic Research, Alba Alliance Bank; A.L. Vedev, Head, Laboratory of Structural Research, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; V.A. Gamza, Chairman, Council for Financial and Investment Policy, Chamber of Industry and Commerce of the Russian Federation; community commissioner for economic entity protection; partner, Audit Group, FalconFinance, YuFK; O.D. Govtan, Doctor of Economics, Lead Research Fellow, Monetary Research Laboratory, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences;


Ya. N. Dubenetsky, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences; V.V. Kovalev, Deputy Director, Department of Financial Policy, Eurasian Economic Commission; M.Yu. Kopeikin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, member, Supervisory Board, Advisor to Chairman of the Board, VTB Bank; V.V. Kuznetsov, PhD (History), Director, UN Information Center in Moscow; A.K. Moiseyev, Doctor of Economics, Lead Research Fellow, Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Markets, Financial University; Head, Macrofinancial Research and Forecasting Laboratory, Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences; O.G. Solntsev, Head, Section of Monetary Policy and Banking Sector Operations Analysis, Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasts; A.S. Tanasova, Deputy Director, Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Markets, Financial University; G. A. Tosunyan, President, Russian Banks Association, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Scholar of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Law, PhD (Physics and Mathematics); A.G. Khachatryan, Director, Department of Financial Policy, Eurasian Economic Commission; I.Z. Yarygina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Economy and Banking, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Professor, Financial University.

Topics for discussion

1. What factors hamper economic growth in Russia? 2. The reasons for the liquidity surplus formation in the Russian banking system. Money transmission mechanism. 3. Is the money supply sufficient for the economy? Criteria used for examining the issue. 4. Domestic demand, inflation and economic growth. 5. Why do we observe minimal economic growth if the inflation rate is minimal? 6. Which mechanisms can the Central Bank of Russia use to achieve economic growth? 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky National Economic Development Issues: are They the Prospekt, 51/1, Consequence of the Forecasting Errors or Management Mistakes? room 0317

Moderators S. V. Shmanev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Macroeconomic Regulation, Financial University; I.L. Yurzinova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University.


Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers D.G. Vilmak, postgraduate student, Faculty of Research and Didactics, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus; D.V. Grib, postgraduate student, Faculty of Research and Didactics, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus; V.N. Grusha, postgraduate student, Faculty of Research and Didactics, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus; Ye. A. Yedinak, PhD (Economics), Senior Research Fellow Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences; M.A. Yekaterinovskaya, PhD (Economics), staff member, Department of Expert Analysis and Monitoring, Directorate of Budget Planning and Government Programs, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation; S.A. Ilminskaya, PhD (Economics), Head, Department, Oryol State University of Economics and Commerce; Yu. P. Kalmykov, PhD (Economics), Lead Research Fellow, Institute of Industrial Policy and Institutional Development, Financial University; S. Yu. Malkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Faculty of Global Processes, Lomonosov Moscow State University; S.S. Senkevich, postgraduate student, Faculty of Research and Didactics, Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus; P. V. Stroyev, PhD (Economics), Director, Center of Regional Economics and Inter-budgetary Relations, Financial University A.A. Shirov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Laboratory for Manufacturing Potential and Inter-Sectoral Interaction Analysis and Forecasting, Deputy Director, Institute of Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences; S. V. Shmanev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Macroeconomic Regulation, Financial University; I.L. Yurzinova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. Is it growth, stagnation or recession? Whose point of view is correct? 2. Decrees signed by the Russian President in May 2012 and the forecasts offered by the Ministry of Economic Development: what is in store for us? 3. Why forecasts do not work in economics?

15:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Russian Pension Reform’s Demographic and Macroeconomic Prospekt, 51/4, Risks room 24


Moderators A.K. Solovyev, Head, Department of Actuarial Calculations and Strategic Planning, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; Professor, Department of Public Finance, Financial University; M.A. Fedotova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers О.А. Aleksandrova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Director for Research, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Assia Billig, Chief Actuary, Superintendent's Office, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada; D.A. Karasev, ISSA Regional Coordinator for Eurasia, International Social Security Association; Ye. Zh. Kuanyshev, Deputy Director, International Association for Pension and Social Funds; A. M. Kurmanov, Director-General, State Fund of Social Security; V.G. Oikin, Deputy Head, Ivanovo Region Office of the Pension Fund of the of the Russian Federation; A.N. Ponomarenko, Chairman, Board, Russian Association of Statisticians All-Russia Community Organization; V. Yu. Popov, Professor, Higher School of Economics (National Research University) (Moscow); A.N. Pudov, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation; L. S. Rzhanitsyna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Economist of the Russian Federation, expert of the State Duma, international expert of the United Nations Development Fund for Women; A.K. Solovyev, Head, Department of Actuarial Calculations and Strategic Planning, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; Professor, Department of Public Finance, Financial University; M.A. Sorokina, Head of Unit, Department of Actuarial Calculations and Strategic Planning, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; Fabio Durán Valverde, Head, Public Finance, Actuarial and Statistics Unit, International Labor Organization; V.I. Sherstnev, Chairman, Council of the Association of Professional Actuaries; Jasmina Papa, Social Protection Specialist, Decent Work Team, Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia, International Labor Organization

Topics for discussion 1. Poverty of various categories of pensioners: the factors and conditions.


2. Poverty measurement and statistical analysis as a prerequisite for an objective assessment and efficient reduction. 3. Public support of pensioners’ poverty prevention programs and engagement of employers. 4. Objective prerequisites for building individual funds accumulation plans for the pension rights acquisition. 5. What are the reasons for the deficit of funds in the Pension Fund: is it the cost increase or the income reduction? 6. What should the future pension system be like in a digital economy where people acquire pension rights later? 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Is It Possible to Solve Modern Social and Economic Issues if Trust Prospekt, 51/1, is Lacking in Intercultural Communications? room 0316

Moderators A.Ya. Bolshunov, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Lead Research Fellow, International Center for Social Expertise and Development, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; S.V. Klyagin, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; Head, Department of the Theory and Practice of Social Interaction, Russian State University for the Humanities

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers L.N. Bokova, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Legislation and State Building; A.Ya. Bolshunov, PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor, Lead Research Fellow, International Center for Social Expertise and Development, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; S.A. Bolshunova, Junior Research Fellow, International Center for Social Expertise and Development, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; K.V. Velikaya, Researcher, International Center for Social Expertise and Development, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E.I. Zamarayeva, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; Kaja Gadowska, Assistant Professor, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University (Poland); S.V. Klyagin, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; Head, Department of the Theory and Practice of Social Interaction, Russian State University for the Humanities; T.V. Laptiyeva, Researcher, International Center for Social Expertise and Development, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University;


N.A. Orekhovskaya, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Deputy Head for Teaching, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; T.N. Seregina, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Deputy Head for Research, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; А. G. Tyurikov, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. Challenges and solutions to key intercultural communication issues in a changing environment. 2. Sociocultural dynamics and the practice of intercultural communication. 3. Promising intercultural communication models in the post- information world. 4. The issues in intercultural communication adjustment to a changing environment. 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Corporate Finance: How to Start Using Growth Resources in the Prospekt, 51/1, Digital Age? room 0804

Moderators L.G. Pashtova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; M.M. Ulbashev, Deputy Chairman, Committee for Budget and Financial Markets, Federation Council of the Russian Federation

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers Ye. B. Aimagambetov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector, Karaganda Economic University Karaganda of Kazpotrebsoyuz, Kazakhstan; D.D. Airapetyan, Head, Department of Project Support, Directorate of Finance and Economics, Rosspirtprom; S.S. Bachurina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; assistant of V.I. Resin, State Duma Deputy; E.V. Bykasova, Deputy Director-General for Economics and Finance, Klassika co.; Z.V. Gukezhev, Deputy Director, Department for Asset Restructuring, RT Capital OOO, RosTech State Corporation; K.V. Zabolotskaya, Deputy Director-General, Director for Research and Innovation, Youth League of Finance; Ye. B. Kuznetsov, Director-General, Orbita Capital Partners; A.S. Kudryashov, Analyst, Information Center, Gazprombank; I.A. Maksimtsev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector, Saint- Petersburg State University of Economics;


I. Postupinsky, Deputy Financial Director, UniService group of companies; I.V. Solovyeva, acting Rector, Northern Caucasus Federal University

Topics for discussion

1. Financial technologies and value assessment methods used by the government and business companies. 2. Patterns, trends and specifics of the corporate finance development in the epoch of digitalization. 3. Venture capital: global advantages in technology and business models. 4. Corporate finance: is this the struggle for having a right to participate in the global technology race or a right to understand what the leaders are doing? 5. Corporate business models transform to embrace ecosystems. 6. Digitalization of the valuation process as the path leading to the modern reality. 14:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky The United Markets of Labor, Employment and Professions: the Prospekt, 51/1, Gender Dimension, Contradictions, and Resources room 0615

Moderators R.M. Kanapyanova, Doctor of Political Science, Full Counsellor of State, Professor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, member, State Duma Expert Council for Nationalities Affairs; G. G. Sillaste, Professor, Honored Scholar of the Russian Federation; Chairperson, Expert Council, Research Director, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers L.A. Vasilenko, Professor, Doctor of History, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; T.N. Kochetova, Head, Department for Facilitating Civil Rights and Liberties Protection, Office of the Moscow City Commissioner for Human Rights; M.Yu. Milovanova, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of Political Sociology, Faculty of Sociology, Russian State University for the Humanities; Moscow Region Social Democratic Union of Women of Russia; N.A. Nikolenko, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Volgograd State University; L.A. Savchenko, Professor, Department of Sectoral and Applied Sociology, Southern Federal University;


V.G. Ushakova, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology of Political and Social Processes, Saint-Petersburg State University; O.A. Khasbulatova, Doctor of History, Editor-in-Chief, Zhenshchina v Rossiyskom Obshchestve journal, Chairperson, Government of the Ivanovo Region, Head of Staff, Government of the Ivanovo Region; M.V. Shmatova, entrepreneur, Head, Young Entrepreneurs’ Association, member, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs; Olga Szücz, PhD (Philosophy), University of Debrecen, Hungary

Topics for discussion

1. Why are the markets of labor, employment and professions united in the presence of accelerated academic mobility? 2. How does the markets’ gender structure affect the labor market demand? 3. What is the gender asymmetry of markets of labor, employment and professions? 4. Gender-dependent employment in a city. 5. The shadow market of female employees in a megalopolis; violence and employment. 6. The dying professions’ gender structure and the demand for new professions. 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Tax Risks of the Government and the Taxpayers: the Prospekt, 51/4, Transformation in a New Economic Reality room 34

Moderators L. I. Goncharenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University; D.I. Ryakhovsky, Managing Partner for Tax Policy, Legicon Law law firm, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers S.O. Bazanova, Head, Excise Tax Unit, Department of Tax and Customs Policy, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation; N.G. Vishnevskaya, Senior Tax Manager, Procter &Gamble; V. P. Vishnevsky, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Member, National Academy of Sciences of ; E.F. Kireyeva, Doctor of Economics, Professor, First Vice- Rector, Belarus State University of Economics, Belarus; K.V Novoselov, Deputy Head, Controlling Department, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation; O.S. Popova, Director, Department of Tax Support of Businesses, Managing Partner, Legicon Law law firm;


D.I. Ryakhovsky, Managing Partner for Tax Policy, Legicon Law law firm, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University; O.V. Silayeva, Director, Department of Tax Practices, Legicon Law law firm; V.Yu. Shashkov, trial lawyer, tax consultant.

Topics for discussion

1. Digitalization: tax implications for the government and business companies. 2. Tax administration as a factor in mitigating the tax risks of the government and taxpayers. 3. Indirect taxation as a new tax policy priority: risks for the government and business companies. 4. Tax disputes as a reflection of the key taxpayers’ risks: the current trends. 14:00-18:00 Session Leningradky Risks and External Challenges Faced by Russia as the Prospekt, 51/1, International Community Embraces Polycentrism: the room 1001 Economics, Finance and Business Sector *

Moderators V. V. Perskaya, Director, Research Institute of International Economic Relations, Financial University; E.S Sokolova, Center for Analysis, Risk Management and Internal Audit, Financial University

Contact information [email protected], [email protected]

Speakers A.I. Ageyev, Director General, Institute of Economic Strategies, Section of Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences; S.S. Daiyrbekov, PhD (Didactics), Associate Professor, Syrdarya University, Kazakhstan; A.A. Bakulina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Vice- Rector for Research, Financial University; Li Jingyuan, Minister Counsellor of Commerce of the Embassy of the Peoples’ Republic of China in the Russian Federation; Sun Jian, Minister Counsellor of Research of the Embassy of the Peoples’ Republic of China in the Russian Federation; L.N. Krasavina, Academic Advisor, Research Institute of International Economic Relations, Financial University; A.A. Krutko, former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Kyrgyz Republic; Ansori Muazzam Kudratzoda, Doctor of Didactics, Professor, Rector, Tadjik Teacher Training Institute; A.A. Ogryzov, Head, Budget Unit, Department of Finance and Economics, Government of the Russian Federation; M.L. Sneg, Director for Exports Policy and Analysis, Russian Exports Center;


A.N. Spartak, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, All-Russia Research Institute of Market Conditions; Suhail Naim Farah, President, Dialogue of Civilizations Open International University, Lebanon; Chen Zhigang, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director- General, Russian-Chinese Business Park

Topics for discussion

1. Modern challenges faced by the Russian economy as the international community embraces polycentrism and ways to mitigate the challenges. 2. Cooperation between Russia and India: the key areas that create incentives for mutual development. 3. Integration of the Euro-Asian Economic Union countries: ways to strengthen cooperation. 4. Global risks of the governments and the society in the digital environment. 5. Systemic risks and digital transformation opportunities. 6. Russia’s industry development aimed at ensuring economic security.

* Conference Proceedings will be published and indexed by Web of Science (

14:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky New Challenges in the Financial Market Development Prospekt, 49 Auditorium Moderators O. I. Lavrushin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; B.B. Rubtsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers M. A. Abramova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; N. A. Amosova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; A.K. Afanasyev, PhD (Economics), former Chairman of the Board, Moscow Stock Exchange (2012-2019); S.V. Zubkova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; V.G. Kiyevsky, PhD (Economics), First Vice-President, Association of Russian Banks;


S.V. Krivoruchko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; O. I. Lavrushin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; I.V. Larionova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; B.B. Rubtsov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; O.S. Rudakova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; Kazi Sohag, Adjunct Research Fellow, School of Commerce, University of Southern Queensland, Australia; V.A. Usoskiy, Professor of Economics, Minsk State Linguistic University; Detlev Hummel, Doctor, Professor, Head, Department of Business Administration (specialization: Finance and Banking), University of Potsdam (Germany). Claus Peter Luttermann, Professor of Business Law, University of Eichstätt Ingolstadt, Germany

Topics for discussion

1. Finance for sustainable development. 2. What results has Russia’s monetary policy produced to achieve economic growth? 3. Is it true that the financial innovation is the main economic development driver? 4. A new format for the banks’ and the real sector players’ interaction. 5. Ensuring people’s trust in financial market institutions in a digital environment. 6. Regional financial market as an economic growth factor. 7. Innovation in the payment industry aimed at achieving economic growth. 16:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Political Competition: a Driver of or a Limit to Economic Growth Prospekt, 49, Professors’ Club Moderators (room 200А) S.Yu. Belokonev, PhD (Political Science), Director, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Financial University; S.A. Markov, Director, Institute for Political Studies

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers Roberta Alonzi, PhD History of International Relations, University of Siena, Italy; M.G. Delyagin, Doctor of Economics, Editor-in-Chief, Svobodnaya Mysl journal; Director, Institute for Globalization Issues;


S.Ye. Zaslavsky, Doctor of Law, Advisor, Presidential Executive Office; Editor-in-Chief, Izbiratelnoye zakonodatelstvo i praktika journal; N.O. Isayev, PhD (Law), Director, Modern Economy Institute; K. Ye. Koktysh, PhD (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Theory of Politics, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Belarus; Yu. G. Korgunyuk, Doctor of Political Science, Head, Department of Political Science, Informatics for Democracy (INDEM) foundation; Ye. K. Mikhailenko, PhD (Economics), Head, Department of Modern Political and Economic Institutions, Domestic Policy Directorate, Presidential Executive Office; S.A. Mikheyev, political scientist, radio host, TV host; R. M. Nureyev, Doctor of Economics, Scientific Advisor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University; Ya. A. Plyais, Doctor of Political Science, Doctor of History, Professor, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Chairman, Professors’ Club, Financial University; O.A. Podberezkina, PhD (Political Science), Research Fellow, Center for Post-Soviet Studies, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Enrique Refoyo, PhD, Charles III University of Madrid, Spain; A.I. Solovyev, Doctor of Political Science, Head, Department of Political Analysis, Faculty of Public Administration, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Sun Ziqi, PhD (Political Science), lecturer, Department of History of Political and Economic Doctrines, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Topics for discussion 1. Institutional boundaries and economic growth; 2. Political and economic competition; 3. The establishment and the economic development strategy; 4. Foreign policy factors affecting domestic policy; 5. Breakthrough economic development policy implementation possibility. 14:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky A Roadmap for the Civil Service Sector Development in 2019- Prospekt, 51/4, 2021: the New Technologies and the Old Issues room 61

Moderators Ye. D. Bogatyrev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; T.M. Tokmurzin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University


Contact information: nlkprof201 [email protected], [email protected]

Speakers D. V. Basnak, Director, Department of Public Policy in Corruption Countering by Civil Servants, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation; N.M. Gorina, Head, Inter-Regional Operations Office, Federal Treasury; A.Yu. Oleinik, Deputy Head, Department of Budget Policy and Public Administration, Judicial System and Civil Service Rabah Nidal Hussein, President, Palestinian Association of Russian and CIS Countries’ Universities’ Graduates, Palestine; Shah Sultan Akifi, Doctor, Professor, Attaché for Cultural Relations, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Topics for discussion 1. Russian civil service sector appointment procedure improvement; 2. Creating incentives for improving civil servants’ operational efficiency; 3. Introduction of new professional development programs for civil servants; 4. Accelerated ICT introduction into the government institutions’ operations. 5. Public Administration and Municipal Management programs: quality of training.

14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Universal Basic Income: the Theoretical and Empirical Approach Prospekt, 51/1 Meeting Room Moderators (room 1006) Alexandra Pilus, postgraduate student, Götz Werner Chair of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory, University of Freiburg; S.P. Solyannikova, PhD (Economics), Professor, Head, Department of Public Finance, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers S.V. Anureyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Public Finance, Financial University; S.G. Belev, PhD (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Applied Economic Research, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Head, Laboratory for Budget Policy Studies, Gaidar Institute of Economic Policy; Dr. Saleem Khan, Professor of Economics and Director of the Russian Program in the Department of Economics, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania; S.P. Solyannikova, PhD (Economics), Professor, Head, Department of Public Finance, Financial University;


V.V. Trubin, expert, Analysis Center, Social Policy Department Financial University; Karl Justus Bernhard Neumärker, Head, Götz Werner Chair of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory, University of Freiburg; Enno Schmidt, staff member, Götz Werner Chair of Economic Policy and Constitutional Economic Theory, University of Freiburg

Topics for discussion 1. Traditional social security programs vs the Universal Basic Income: the pros and the contras. 2. The Universal Basic Income: is it a universal solution/platform for social security system building or does it mean a drastic reduction and unification of the regular social security programs? 3. The Universal Basic Income: assessment of the social and economic consequences. 4. The Universal Basic Income, economic growth and budgetary constraints. 5. Social support through tax reduction and the Universal Basic Income: the pros and the contras 14:00-15:30 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky The Language as an Instrument of Soft Power: Finding a Common Prospekt, 51/1, Ground or a Cultural Expansion? room 0116.1

Moderators A. N. Rementsov, Doctor of Didactics, Professor, Deputy Vice- Rector for International Cooperation, Financial University; member of Board, Russian Society of Teachers of and ; E.V. Brodovskaya, Professor, Doctor of Political Science, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers Abdulla Issa, First Secretary of the Embassy of the State of Palestine, poet, journalist, political analyst, film producer, Palestine; Al-Zafari Anvar, President, Association of Yemeni Graduates of the Universities of the USSR, Russia and CIS Countries, Yemen; V.M. Davydov, corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Director, Institute for Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; V.G. Ivanov, Doctor of Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of Comparative Political Science, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, executive secretary, editorial board, Vestnik RUDN journal; T.L. Kaminskaya, Doctor of Philology, Head, Department of Journalism, Novgorod State University;


V.V. Kaftan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Financial University; Ilona Kiss, PhD in Philology; Editor-in-Chief, Russian Quarter journal of Budapest Eö tvö s Loránd University; Professor, Department of the Worlds’ Literatures, Moscow Teacher Training State University; Senior Fellow, Russian Institute for Advanced Studies, Moscow Teacher Training State University, Hungary; I.I. Klimova, PhD (Philology), Professor, Head of the Department of Language Training, Financial University; I.E. Sokolovskaya, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Director- General, Sputnik International Educational and Tourist Center; Elahi Ahmadreza, Director, Iranian Culture and Persian Language Center, Iran

Topics for discussion

1. How do the cultural and linguistic influence relate to each other? 2. What is the dynamics and distribution of language populations? 3. The changes in the international language status: are we moving from the Anglo-centrism to polycentrism? 4. What technologies are used to promote language use and language expansion? 5. What is the status quo in and the future of the ‘Russian World’? 6. What is the place of a language in the digital world? Is it a means of communication in the social media, or a characteristic of the digital diasporas? 15:30-17:30 Session Leningradky Data Analysis, Decision-Making and FinTech Prospekt, 51/1, room 0625 Moderators D.A. Nazipov, PhD (Economics), Head, Department of Banking Automation and IT, Financial University; First Vice-President, Gazprombank; V.I. Solovyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Data Analysis, Decision-Making Theory and Financial Technology, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers Dušan Barać, Professor, Department of E-business, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia; V.A. Bragin, Director for Financial Markets and Macroeconomic Analysis, Alfa Capital; Dr. Marijana Despotović-Zrakić, Professor, Department of E- business, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia; A.А. Losev, Deputy Head, Department of Data Analysis, Decision-Making Theory and Financial Technology, Financial University;


S. V. Makrushin, Associate Professor, Department of Data Analysis, Decision-Making Theory and Financial Technology, Financial University; Karl Summanen, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Vice- President, VTB Bank; A.V. Chertok, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Managing Director, Center for Data Research, Sberbank Predrag Janičić, Professor of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Topics for discussion 1. Machine learning in risk management: the newest trends. 2. General artificial intelligence: the current trends. 3. Intelligent asset management: best practices gained by Alfa Capital. 4. Intelligent fleet management systems. 5. Graph analytics and question-answer systems. 6. Smart manufacturing: best practices gained by the Financial University. 16:00-19:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky The Impact Made by Research on the Social and Economic Prospekt, 49, Development of Regions and Municipalities room 406А

Moderators S.A. Bozhenov, PhD (Sociology), member, State Duma Committee for Education and Science, member, Expert Council for Regional and Municipal Research Development; P.V. Razov, Professor, Deputy Head for Practice-Oriented Education and Projects, Department of Sociology, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers Yu.A. Afonin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Samara State University of Economics; O.P. Bykov, member, State Duma Committee for State Building and Legislation; E.A. Dergacheva, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Bryansk State Technical University, member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Kaja Gadowska, Assistant Professor, Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University (Poland); V.L. Makarov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Director, Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences; V.V. Markin, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head, Center for Regional Sociology and Conflictology, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences; G.I. Osadchaya, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head, Center for the Study of Eurasian integration Processes, Institute of Social and Political Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences;


V. I. Patrushev, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation; President, Academy of the Sciences of Social Technologies and Local Self-Government; А. G. Tyurikov, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University G.V. Tyurin, President, Initiative Foundation for Local Community Development; K.V. Kharchenko, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Belgorod State Research University, corresponding member, Academy of the Sciences of Social Technologies and Local Self- Government

Topics for discussion 1. Researchers’ modern practices in supporting development of regional and municipal development programs and projects. 2. Regional research infrastructure as a tool used for making an impact upon social and economic development. 3. The role of researchers’ analysis in solving topical social and economic municipality development issues. 4. The potential of the human resources and regional and municipal science development: quality, issues and development agenda. Thurs., 28 November 2019 09:30-17:00 Corporate Governance in a Modern World’s Financial Market: Leningradky Business Course: Maximum Program Prospekt, 51, 14th All-Russia Student Competition room 0721, 0723

Chairperson of the prize awarding committee I.V. Lukashenko, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of the World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; Head, International Laboratory of Finance, Department of the World Economy and World Finance.

Contact information [email protected]

Chairman of the Organizing Committee D. E. Sorokin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences Research Director of the Financial University;

Organizing Committee Ch.V. Kerimova, PhD (Economics), Head, Office of Career Guidance and Interaction with Talented Students, Financial University A.V. Timokhov, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Head, Laboratory of business Games and Simulation, Research and Computation Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University. Topics for discussion


1. The competition participant runs a virtual firm that operates in a competitive environment. 2. A computer presents detailed information about the firm’s work results at each game stage as reports. 3. The game ‘lasts’ for 6 ‘years’ (with a month’s increment). 4. The user’s goal is to achieve the maximum value of the integrated performance rating, that is, the rating gained by the end of the game. 10:00-12:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky The Way Global Issues are Resolved in Modern China: the Prospekt, 49/2, Experience Russia Could Benefit from room 506

Moderators S. A. Prosekov, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; T.N. Seregina, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Deputy Head, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy

Contact information [email protected]


R.V. Antoshkin, 2-year student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; O.I. Ivanov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Government Regulation of Economy, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; D.E. Kovrigin, 4-year student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; A.Ye. Sergeyeva, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Head, Department of Government Regulation of the Economy, Institute of Civil Service and Public Administration, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; V.I. Tityayeva, 2-year student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; I.V. Tovachenkov, 4-year student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University.

Topics for discussion 1. Environmental monitoring and economy digitalization. 2. Global issues as a barrier to the Russian regions’ social and economic development. 3. The production and post-consumer waste recycling. 4. Cooperation between Russia and China in solving global issues. 10:00-18:00 Development and Self-organization of Social and Economic Leningradky Systems. World Economy, EAEU and the Russian Practice Prospekt, 55, International Sustainable Development Symposium SKISD2019 room 213



V.V. Dementyev, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University; D.K. Chistilin, PhD (Economics), Director, Simon Kuznets International Institute for Development and Self-Organization

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers Akio Matsumoto, Professor, Department of Economics, Chuo University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan; S.Yu. Glazyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Commissioner for Integration and Macroeconomics, Eurasian Economic Commission; member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Yuri Yegorov, Professor, Department of Business Studies, Faculty of Economics, University of Vienna A.N. Klepach, PhD (Economics), Deputy Chairman, Chief Economist, Vnesheconombank; V.I. Mayevsky, Doctor of Economics, member, Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Center for Evolutionary Economics; I.N. Morozov, PhD (Economics), PhD (Law), Deputy Chairman, Committee for Science, Education and Culture, Federation Council; P.G. Nikitenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Counselor, Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, member, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus; R. M. Nureyev, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University; Kozo Mayumi, Professor, Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Tokushima University, Japan; P. Nikitenko, Aide to President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Belarus; Orazaly Sabden, Professor, Doctor of Economics, member National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director, Institute of Economic Studies under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan; Jacques Sapir, economist, member, Russian Academy of Sciences, France; N.I. Suslov, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Institute of economics and Industrial Production, corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Franz Wirl, Professor, Institute of Business Administration, University of Vienna, Austria; A.A. Shirov, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Director, Institute of Economic Forecasting, corresponding member, Russian Academy of Sciences

Topics for discussion

1. The Kuznets - Kondratieff theory of economic growth, cycles and secular movements and the modern understanding of the social and economic system economic development.


2. The key global development trends: the EAEU and the Russian economy in the 21st century. Where is Russia moving? What is the place of Russia and the EAEU in the global future? 3. The world economy and the Eurasian international associations’ development prospects in 2020 - 2050 as seen through the prism of the theory of cycles. 4. The Schumpeter theories of innovative development, the Kondratieff theory of cycles and the Kuznets theory of economic growth: the strategy and practice of modern Russia’s social and economic development. 5. The adopted Russia’s development strategy and the implementation issues. Topical issues and solutions. 6. Russian macroeconomic policy formation and implementation institutions and their efficiency today. 7. The EAEU development strategy. The integration process start and the member states’ macroeconomic policies. Topical issues and solutions. 10:00-13:00 Master class Leningradky Economic Consequences of Digitalization and Technologies Prospekt, 51/4, that will Change the Business Sector in the Near Future (AI, room 24 IoT, RPA, Social Media) Moderator B. B. Slavin, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Director, Institute of Digital Economy Development, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speaker Terry White, author of books; Associate Senior Analyst, Ovum, UK

Topics for discussion 1. Labor market changes induced by the digitalization process; 2. Digital ethics 10:10-11:40 Roundtable discussion session in French Leningradky Russian Economy Development: the Myths and the Reality Prospekt, 49, room 434 Moderators N.N. Mikheyeva, lecturer, Department of Language Training, Financial University; T.V. Sedova, PhD (Didactics), Associate Professor, Department of Language Training, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers A. Yu. Alifirenko, student, student group MFF4-1, Financial University; P.A. Belova, student, student group ME3-8, Financial University; Ye.A. Demenkova, student, student group MF3-2, Financial University;


Giulia Vercesi, student of master program in Foreign Languages in a Business Company, University of Modena, Italy; A.I. Yekimova, student, student group MFF4-1, Financial University; A.V.Yermolaeva, student, student group MFF4-1, Financial University; I.S.Zaitsev, student, student group MFF4-1, Financial University; M.A. Lemegova, student, student group MBEK3-1, Financial University; N.A. Rozhkov, student, student group MFF3-2, Financial University; Célia Ziat, student of master program in Finance, Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, France; Yu.V. Tikhomirova, student, student group MF3, Financial University; A.O. Tulyakov, student, student group MF3-4, Financial University; A.P. Ushakova, student, student group ME3-8, Financial University; Ye.O.Ushenina, student, student group MFF3-2, Financial University A.K. Chentsova, student, student group ME3-7, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. The Russian market gives a helping hand. 2. The great power is back. 3. Russia and the new geopolitical reality. 4. Corruption as the national disaster. 5. Poverty and inequality in Russia. 6. The financial crisis: what are the consequences Russia faces?

11:00-14:00 Roundtable discussion session Ulitsa Tourism, Sports and Hospitality Industry: in Search of the Verkhnyaya Incentives for Growth Maslovka, 15, room 341 Moderators Yu.O. Ivanova, PhD (Economics), Deputy Dean, Faculty of International Tourism, Sport Business and Hospitality Industry, Financial University; T.P. Rozanova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean, Faculty of International Tourism, Sport Business and Hospitality Industry, Financial University Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers A.V. Averin, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, First Deputy Dean, Faculty of International Tourism, Sport Business and Hospitality Industry, Financial University; Ye. A. Alyamkina, PhD (Psychology), Chairperson, Youth Committee, Moscow Coordination Council of the Regional


Friendly Associations of People from Same Area under the Government of the City of Moscow; S.E. Volkova, Head, Department of Marketing and External Communications, Amadeus Information Technologies; I.G. Gladskaya, Director-General, D-Media; A.N. Kochurov, Director-General, Pioner Cup, counselor of Vice-President of the Russian Biathlon Players’ Union; I.D. Kudyakina, Chairperson, Student Research Association, Faculty of International Tourism, Sport Business and Hospitality Industry, Financial University; O.V. Leshchenko, Head, Department of Business Development, Amadeus Information Technologies; K.K. Pozdnyakov, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. How can we attract investment to the tourism and hospitality industry? 2. Profitable sports industry: is it possible to build it in Russia? 3. The key sustainable development goals of the sports and tourism sector. 12:00-14:00 Roundtable discussion session Ulitsa Logistics Competences of the Future Verkhnyaya Maslovka, 15, Moderators room 148 O.N. Larin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Head, Department of Logistics and Marketing, State Technical University MADI; I.A. Rachkovskaya, PhD (Economics), Deputy Dean, Faculty of Logistics, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers I.A. Yermakov, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, State University of Management, Editor-in-Chief, Sila Sistem journal; S.S. Kuzminykh, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, State University of Management, member, Organizing Committee, Logistics Open Tournament; L.B. Mirotin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Distinguished Scholar of the Russian Federation, holder of the Russian Government Award (Logistics), Chairman, Logistics Coordination Council; A.S. Sinitsyna, PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Russian University of Transport, member, Organizing Committee, Logistics Open Tournament. Topics for discussion

1. New educational standards development for higher education programs in logistics. 2. The interaction of researchers and businesses as a prerequisite for training of experts in logistics.


3. An expert in logistics/systems analyst is the profession of the future. 4. The role played by student competitions in logistics experts’ professional competencies formation. 5. Logistics Open Tournament-2020 International Logistics Tournament requirements for the university student team members. 14:00–16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradsky Fuel and Energy Sector Innovations: Technology, Economics and Prospekt, 51/1, People room 0625

Moderator A.V. Sharkova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Business Economics, Financial University

Contact information: lgahmetshina@

Speakers Aidrus Irina Akhmed Zein, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia; N.O. Kurdyukova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Technological University

Topics for discussion

1. The innovative technology introduction as an element of the company’s fundamental problem solution. 2. Economic characteristics and the role of technological processes and phenomena in solving modern energy sector development problems. 13:50-15:50 Roundtable discussion session Leningradsky Quality of Public Administration Services and Consumer Prospekt, 51/1, Satisfaction: the Possibility of a Breakthrough room 0223 Moderators Ye. V. Razumova, lecturer, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University T.M. Tokmurzin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University Contact information [email protected] Speakers M.L. Vasyunina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Financial Control, First Deputy Dean, Faculty of Public Administration and Financial Control, Financial University; N.A. Zavalko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; V.A. Istomin, Managing Director, Russian Municipal Academy; I.V. Lipatova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University, Deputy Dean for Teaching and Education,


Faculty of Public Administration and Financial Control, Financial University; L.A. Plotitsyna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; M.N. Prokofyev, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; O.S. Semkina, PhD (Economics), Professor, member, Russian Municipal Academy

Topics for discussion

1. The government spending efficiency. 2. Digital technologies used by public administrators. 3. Civil services sector improvement. 4. Government regulation instruments development and the quality of public administration services. 5. Engaging people into public administration and municipal management. 6. Quality of training in Public Administration programs. 14:00-18:00 Session Leningradky The Arctic Region: Economics VS Environment Protection Prospekt, 51/1, room 0422 Moderators A.P. Buyevich, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University; T.V. Kharitonova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor Department of Business Economics, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers A.P. Gubchevskaya, student, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; S.A. Malysheva, student, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Yu.O. Plekhanova, student, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

Topics for discussion 1. Environmental and industrial safety and the Arctic ice shelves exploitation. 2. International cooperation in resolving environmental issues of the Arctic Region of Russia. 3. Improving the Arctic energy projects’ attractiveness for investors.


14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Maly Insurance and Social Sector Institutions as Growth Multipliers Zlatoustinsky Pereulok, 7/1, Moderators room 204 A.S. Yermolayeva, senior lecturer, PhD (Economics), Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University; M.A. Selivanova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department Finance and Lending, Barnaul Branch, Financial University

Contact information [email protected] [email protected]

Speakers T.A. Belousova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University; A.V. Dorozhkin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University; A.S. Yermolayeva, senior lecturer, PhD (Economics), Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University; Ye.V. Zlobin, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Director, Office for Interaction with Education Institutions, Rosgosstrakh insurance company; N.V. Zozulya, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Insurance Business and Social Sector Economy, Financial University; M.A. Selivanova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department Finance and Lending, Barnaul Branch, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. The social and community sectors as the basis of the sustainable development of Russia. 2. New challenges posed to insurers of the generation Z. 3. Insurance and social vectors in career building. 4. Motivation for learning. 5. Topical insurance issues in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe. 14:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Ulitsa Economic Optimism VS Economic Pessimism: Which is Our Verkhnyaya Psychological Model? Maslovka, 15, room 358 Moderators S.M. Buyanova, senior instructor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Financial University; A.N. Nevryuyev, senior instructor, Department of HR Management and Psychology, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]


Speakers I.S. Artyushenko, Federal Research and Clinical Research Center of the Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia; Đậu Thị Huyền Chang, student, Faculty of Management, Financial University, Vietnam; A.Dolinsky, student, Faculty of Management, Financial University, Transdniestrian Moldavian Republic; S.B. Mokhova, Spravedlivaya Meditsina autonomous non-profirt organization; Miu Ruixue, master program student, Faculty of Management, Financial University, China; I.R. Sariyeva, Higher School of Economics (National Research University) (Moscow)

Topics for discussion

1. How do people perceive economic changes in the country? 2. Optimists and pessimists making economic forecasts: is there a difference? 3. The psychological model of economic optimism: what does it look like? 4. Can we /Do we need to study the psychological attitude to economic models? 5. Economic slowdown period: is it the time you can spend on analysis or is it just a totally bad period? 14:00-15:30 Roundtable discussion session in English Leningradky (a spacebridge) Prospekt, 49, International Project Management: a Russian and Eastern room 422 European View of International Student Projects

Moderators T.A. Goroshnikova, First Deputy Dean, Faculty of International Finance, Financial University; Ye. S. Smakhtin, Deputy Dean for Business Development, Faculty of International Finance, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers M.O. Arakcheyeva, Head, Laboratory, Department of International Finance, Financial University; A.I. Ilyinsky, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dean, Faculty of International Finance, Financial University; I.V. Lukashenko, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of the World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; Head, International Laboratory of Finance, Department of the World Economy and World Finance

Topics for discussion

1. Russian and European Arctic Region sustainable development strategies.


2. Drivers of interests in the Arctic Region. 3. Green lending as a tool used in green finance. 4. Incentives and instruments used by champions of green lending and other green assets. 5. Social economy and social entrepreneurship. 6. Sustainable development goals. 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Project Development Prospects within the Public Administration Prospekt, 51/1, System room 0411

Moderator I. V. Bitkina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers N.L. Krasyukova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; O.V. Panina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; S.E. Prokofyev, Deputy Head, Federal Treasury, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; N.S. Sergiyenko, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; S. Ye. Ushakova, PhD (Economics), Head, Section for the Analysis of Young Researcher Support Tools, Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science; L.V. Shubtsova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University Topics for discussion

1. Issues of project management methodology in the public administration sector and government institutions. 2. Russian and international project management best practices. 3. Project approach use: the difficulties and limitations. 4. Project activities within the public administration system: areas for improvement. 14:00-16:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Strategic Audit of National Projects Prospekt, 51/1, room 0909 Moderator N.V. Savina, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Public Financial Control, Financial University Contact information [email protected]


Speakers M.L. Vasyunina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Financial Control, First Deputy Dean, Faculty of Public Administration and Financial Control, Financial University; S.A. Gorbunov, President, Institute of Digital Economy and Law; N.V. Romanova, PhD (Economics), Head, Research Center for Accounting and Audit of Digital Economy, Institute of Digital Economy and Law; A.S. Saiko, Chief Inspector, Inspectorate for the Consolidation of Results of Analytical and Controlling Operations of the Department for Analytical and Controlling Operations in Federal Budget Spending on Communications, Informatics, Media, Periodicals and Publications, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation; E.A. Fedchenko, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Head, Department of Public Financial Control, Financial University; S.V. Frumina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Public Finance, Director, Postgraduate Training Department, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. National projects implementation issues. Strategic audit development trends. 2. Conceptual approaches to strategic audit of national projects. 3. Information support for the strategic audit of national projects. 4. A comparative analysis of Russian and overseas concepts and identification of strategic audit functions. 14:00-15:30 Roundtable discussion session in English Chetverty Russian SMEs Development: the Modern Challenges Veshnyakovsky Proyezd, 4, room Moderators 3810 P.P. Rostovtseva, PhD (Didactics), Associate Professor, Department of Language Training, Financial University; O.Yu. Tereshina, senior lecturer, Department of Language Training, Financial University Contact information [email protected]

Speakers V.A. Bardakhanov, student, student group Yu18-2, Financial University; G.V. Belozor, student, student group NiN19-3, Financial University; A.A. Berdnikova, lawyer, Center for Community Help; Ye.A. Vavilova, student, student group NiN19-1, Financial University; D.I. Nartsov, student, student group NiN19-4, Financial University; E.A. Safonova, student, student group NiN19-4, Financial University; P.I. Sevryugina, student, student group YALNbv-08-19, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia;


A.Kh. Sotavov, student, student group Yu18-2, Financial University; Ye. Khokhlova, student, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; A.V. Tsybakova, student, student group NiN19-2, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. The key SMEs development issues in the Russian Federation. 2. Legal regulation of SME operations in the modern economy. 3. Measures taken to develop SMEs in the Russian Federation 14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Young People’s Financial Behavior: is it a Myth or a Reality? Prospekt, 51/4, Moderators room 79a N.I. Kiseleva, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E.Ye. Pismennaya, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Student project managers N.V. Alikperova, PhD (Economics), senior lecturer, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; M.V. Baranovsky, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; G.V. Brega, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; L.A. Brushkova, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Academic Secretary, Expert Council, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; A.V. Brykin, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; Ye. V. Voyevodina, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; I.I. Gruntovsky, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; O.M. Dudina, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; P.K. Zalessky, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; M.V. Kibakin, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; N.I. Kiseleva, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E.L. Kruglova, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University;


Yu.A. Laamarti, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; S.V. Lvov, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; S.V. Nazarenko, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; A.A. Nikolayev, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; P.A. Peremibeda, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; V.A. Prokhoda, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; S.A. Yushkova, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. Financial behavior: the stereotypes and rules. 2. Financial success as a result produced by economic behavior. 3. Financial behavior as a factor in social differentiation. 4. Reasonable financial behavior: models and stereotypes. 5. The households’ financial culture. 14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Communication and Trust in International Relations as the Basis Prospekt, 51/4, for the World’s Sustainable Development: the Past and the Present room 34

Moderators A.A. Gorban, lecturer, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; M.N. Svintsova, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers N.O. Voskresenskaya, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; N.V. Yeliseyeva, PhD (History), Professor, Ne History Research and Education Center, Russian State University for the Humanities; A.S. Kislyakov, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E.V. Lapteva, Doctor of History, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University;


L.A. Muravyeva, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E.M. Murashova, senior lecturer, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; I.V. Potkina, Doctor of History, Professor, Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences; E.M. Skvortsova, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E.A. Yalozina, PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. Economic and political alliances as one of the stages in the European statehood development. 2. International unions and the globalization: the status quo and the prospects. 3. Sanctions as a tool for regulating intercultural communications: a historian's view. 14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Is It Unity in Diversity or a Global Cultural Code? Prospekt, 51/4, room 64 Moderators A.V. Volobuyev, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E.I. Zamarayeva, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers Ye.S. Buzhor, PhD (Philosophy), senior lecturer, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E. Ye. Zvonova, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; E.S. Kuzina, teaching assistant, Financial University; D.Yu. Kushnir, teaching assistant, Financial University; V.O. Mikryukov, PhD (Philosophy), Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; N.V. Opletina, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Bauman Moscow State Technical University; D.F. Testov, teaching assistant, Financial University; M.G. Shtrak, PhD (Philosophy), Professor, Head, Department of Philosophy, State Technical University MADI

Topics for discussion 1. Intercultural communication as a formula for sustainable society building.


2. Globalization, cultural codes and intercultural conflicts. 3. Globalized culture and local cultures: is it a conflict, assimilation or symbiosis? 4. Intercultural communication issues in the modern globalized world. 14:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Ulitsa Information Security in the Banking Sector Shcherbakovskaya, 38, room 308 Moderators (Assembly Hall), V. B. Gisin, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head, room 708, 709 Department of Information Security, Financial University; S.N. Kozminykh, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department of Information Security, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers S.A. Borisov, lecturer, Department of Information Security, Financial University; A.N. Veligura, PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor, Department of Information Security, Financial University; V.L. Yevseyev, PhD (Technical Sciences), Associate Professor, Department of Information Security, Financial University; G.O. Krylov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Department of Information Security, Financial University; A.N. Lesnikov, Head, Cybersecurity Department, Sberbank; S.N. Seleznev, Director-General, Echelon Technologies AO; V.M. Fomichev, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Department of Information Security, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. Information security in automated banking systems. 2. Secure information technology. 3. International issues in data and financial monitoring. 14:30-16:30 Roundtable discussion session Leningradsky Tax Administration and the Digital Economy Prospekt, 49, room 406 Moderators V.N. Zasko, Doctor of Economics, Dean, Faculty of Taxes and Taxation, Financial University; K.D. Krayushkin, student, Chairperson, Student Research Association, Faculty of Taxes and Taxation, Financial University

Contact informaiton: [email protected]

Speakers O.T. Astankulov, Head, Distance Training Department, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Uzbekistan; A.N. Baturkin, Deputy Head, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation;


O.I. Borisov, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Teaching and Education, Faculty of Taxes and Taxation, Financial University; V.P. Vishnevsky, Institute of Industrial Economics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; L.P. Grundel, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Director, Research and Education Center of Tax Policy and Tax Administration, Financial University; A.V. Gurnak, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Research and Master Training, Faculty of Taxes and Taxation, Financial University; A.S. Zhurayev, Director, Termez Branch of the Tashkent Agrarian University, Professor, Department of Taxes and Taxation, Tashkent Institute of Finance, Uzbekistan; V.N. Zasko, Head, Analysis Department, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation; V.A. Saskov, Director, Tax Consultants’ Association

Topics for discussion 1. Modern tax policy: is it an incentive or a barrier to economic growth in Russia? 2. Tax revenue forecasting and planning issues. 3. Digitalization process and modern tax administration. 4. Tax administration efficiency and the digital economy. 15:00-17:00 Session Maly Recipes for Business Growth: the Financial and Managerial Zlatoustinsky Aspects Pereulok, 7/1, room 307 Moderator D.A. Yegorova, PhD (Economics), senior lecturer, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University;

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers A.V. Dyadechko, Head, Financial Statements and International Reports Department, X5 Retail Group; V.Ye. Rasskazov, Head, Business Development Department, Rostelecom

Topics for discussion

1. The origin of the Russian economic reality: the last five years, seen in retrospect. 2. A range of a modern company’s financial manager’s instruments: the Russian and international best practices. 3. Investment into the corporate sector as a foundation for sustainable growth: the strategy and the tactics. 15:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Maly Corporate Governance and Investment in the Global Economy Zlatoustinsky Pereulok, 7/1 Moderators room 314


B.S. Batayeva, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; M.M. Izmailova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers M.S. Abrashkin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Technological University of the Moscow Region; A.V. Vavilina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia D.O. Gavrilov, student, Faculty of International Tourism, Sport Business and Hospitality Industry, Financial University; L. Luneva, student, Faculty of International Tourism, Sport Business and Hospitality Industry, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. Russian best practices gained in managing companies with public participation. 2. The impact made by corporate governance on the business companies’ attractiveness for investors. 3. Company value model as an indicator to be used in efficient corporate governance. 4. Member of the board and top manager remuneration issues. 5. Management practices, social corporate responsibility and environmental corporate responsibility. 6. Practice of managing business units in Russian companies. 15:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Maly The Far East Development as Russia’s Priority and Long-Term Zlatoustinsky Economic Policy Pereulok, 7/1 room 508 Moderators P.V. Kukhtin, Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; G.G. Chakhkiyev, Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers E.V. Koneva, Doctor of Didactics, Professor, Vice-Rector, Institute of Educational Technologies and Humanities; A.B. Mottayeva, Doctor of Didactics, Professor, Department of Management, Moscow Region State University

Topics for discussion

1. Far Eastern Federal District’s productive forces development. 2. Improving region’s attractiveness for investors.


3. Changing the demographic situation and attracting young professionals. 4. Far Eastern Federal District as a territory of advanced development and an outpost of Russia in the Far East. 5. Processing, fish breeding, fish product processing, shipbuilding, agricultural, tourism, sports, and leisure industry development. 15:00-17:00 An Open Competition of Innovative Projects Leningradky Prospekt, 49, Moderators room 02 I.V. Buturlin, Research Director, Business Incubator, Financial University; I.N. Dobrovolsky, Director, Business Incubator, Financial University

Contact information [email protected] [email protected]

Speakers I.V. Buturlin, Research Director, Business Incubator, Financial University; I.N. Dobrovolsky, Director, Business Incubator, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. The best secondary school student project. 2. The best project. 15:00-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Modern Pricing Trends in the Fuel and Energy Sector Prospekt, 51/1, room 0316 Moderators V.Yu. Barabanov, Rector’s Counselor, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of the World Economy and World Finance, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers M.Yu. Alekseyev, Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Board, UniCreditBank; N.V. Andreyev, student, Financial University; F.I. Arzhayev, postgraduate student, junior research fellow, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; V.Yu. Barabanov, Rector’s Counselor, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of the World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; E. A. Zvonova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head, Department of the World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; A.Yu. Kaplunov, PhD (Economics), member, Board of Directors, TMK OAO; G.A. Kashper, student, Financial University;


I.A. Novikov, postgraduate student, researcher, Department of the World Economy and World Finance, Financial University; I.V. Petrov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Business Economics, Dean, Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Financial University; V.A. Shchukina, student, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. The Third Energy Package. Is this the end of a dialogue with Russia in the energy sector? 2. The impact made by the American liquefied natural gas supplies on prices in the European gas market. 3. New Russian hydrocarbons supply routes as a driver of changes in the world gas market prices. 4. Tax optimization and transfer pricing in the oil and gas market. 5. Offshore deposits, the cost of oil production and oil pricing. 6. Digitalization and its impact on pricing in the fuel and energy sector. 15:30-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Ulitsa Sector-Specific Economic Entity Security Models Shcherbakovskaya, 38, room 710 Moderators L.Kh. Botasheva, Deputy Dean for Research and Master Training, Senchagov Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University; E.R. Myasishcheva, Chairperson, Student Research Association, Professor, Senchagov Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers Ye. A. Gorshkov, Lead Expert, Department of Risk Analysis and Internal Audit, United Aircraft Corporation; V.M. Smirnov, Deputy Dean, Senchagov Faculty of Risk Analysis and Economic Security, Financial University; E.E. Telenkov, Deputy Head, Risk Management Department, Nornickel

Topics for discussion

1. Special characteristics of the real sector’s economic entities’ economic security systems. 2. Financial institutions’ economic security, risk management and compliance systems. 3. Economic security, risk management and compliance systems in the real sector. 4. Industry-specific business risk assessment models and tools. 5. Money laundering countering and combating financing of terrorism in lending and non-lending financial institutions: the common and the specific. What special characteristics do other


entities’ systems of countering money laundering and combating financing of terrorism have? 6. Programs in industry-specific financial investigations: should we prefer to use own or outsourced personnel? 15:30-17:30 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Public Supervision and Monitoring Sector Development Prospekt, 49, room Prospects 334

Moderators L.V. Adamskaya, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University; Director, Self-Government without Borders practice-oriented student club; A.A. Kochetova, 2-year student, Faculty of Public Administration and Financial Control, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speaker A.M. Fedotov, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration and Municipal Management, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. Public supervision and monitoring system reform implementation prospects. 2. The Russian public financial control system issues. 3. Use of the international best practices in the public supervision and monitoring sector development. 15:30-17:00 Roundtable discussion session Chetverty Taxes and Modern Public Tax Policy Veshnyakovsky Proyezd, 4, room Moderators 3909 A.V. Tikhonova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University; A.S. Advokatova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]


A.N. Andreyeva, master degree program student, Financial University; A.D.Vasilchenko, master degree program student, Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University; A.V. Vlasova, bachelor degree program student, Financial University; M.A.Makeyeva, bachelor degree program student, Financial University; O.A. Pankratova, bachelor degree program student, Financial University;


T.A. Timoshina, 1st class expert, Moscow Office No. 27 of the Federal Tax Service; A.M. Chistilin, bachelor degree program student, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. Modern Russia’s tax policy. 2. Taxation as a tool used to balance the interests of businesses and the government in modern economic systems. 3. Tax incentives as a driver of economic growth. 4. Today’s tax risks of the Russian business community. 15:30-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Sustainable Development: is it a Myth or a Reality? Prospekt, 51/1, room 0315 Moderators V.Yu. Didenko, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; P.S. Shcherbachenko, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers A.M. Aksenova, student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University; S. Gerasimova, Head, School of Corporate Social Responsibility, MIRBIS Moscow International Higher Business School; D.V. Kukushkin, student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University; Yu.R. Oleinik, student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University; A.Potapova, Community Programs Director, DIKSI group; A.P. Ushakova, student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University; N.M. Tselykovskaya, student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University; Ye. V. Sharshkova, student, Faculty of International Economic Relations, Financial University; P.S. Shcherbachenko, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. Corporate social responsibility. 2. Identification of structural trends and cycles in the financial market. 3. Social and economic issues integration. 4. Adaptive management strategies used during the economic slowdown period.


15:40-18:40 Session Leningradky Can the FinTech Sector and Banks Ensure Economic Growth? Prospekt, 51/1, room 0412 Moderators L.S. Aleksandrova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; A.V. Berdyshev, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers М. K. Belyayev, Chief Economist, Institute of Stock Market and Management; N.A. Konkina, Director for Operations, Rosbank; R.A. Prokhorov, Chairman of the Board, Financial Initiatives Association

Topics for discussion 1. Does an increase in bank loans (incl. mortgage loans) create incentives for the economic growth? 2. Digital Economy National Program and the FinTech sector: do we move upwards? 3. FinTech and the Russian banking system: is growth accelerating? 15:40-17:30 Roundtable discussion session Ulitsa International Business Strategies: is There a Future for Them? Verkhnyaya (in partnership with Moscow State Institute of International Maslovka, 15, Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign room 333 Affairs of the Russian Federation)

Moderators S.A. Varvus, Deputy Dean for Research and Master Training, Faculty of Management, Financial University; D.A. Kadyrova, Chairperson, Student Research Association, Faculty of Management, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers E. V. Arsenova, Dean, Faculty of Management, Financial University; N.Ye. Ryazanova, PhD (Geography), Associate Professor, Department of International Nature Management and Environment Protection Issues, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Ye. V. Svechnikov, researchers’ consultant, BIOCad ZAO

Topics for discussion

1. The main areas of international strategic development;


2. The main ways of international capital movement; 3. Criteria and factors used by a company when choosing its international development strategy. 4. The key financial issues in the international strategy development and implementation and possible solutions.

15:40-17:55 Roundtable discussion session in Chinese Leningradky Prioritized Areas in the Russian-Chinese Economic Cooperation Prospekt, 51/1, room 0616 Moderators S.A. Barov, PhD (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Language Training, Financial University; M.P. Lymar, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Language Training, Financial University

Contact information [email protected] [email protected]

Speakers R.A. Yepikhina, Research Fellow, Department of Economics and Economic Geography of Asian and African Countries, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Research Fellow, Department of World Economy, Laboratory for the Study of Developing Countries’ Social and Economic Issues, Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University; T.I. Seliverstova, Deputy Chairperson for International Cooperation, Russian Youth Union All-Russia Community Organization; Executive Director, Russian-Chinese Young Entrepreneurs’ Club

Topics for discussion

1. Russian-Chinese economic cooperation: the status quo. 2. Prioritized areas in Russian-Chinese trade and economic cooperation. 3. Prospects for launch of joint ventures based on public capital. 4. Public-private partnership and the two countries’ business sectors’ cooperation. 5. Interregional and transfrontier economic cooperation. 6. Cooperation between Russia and China in the international markets. 15:40-17:40 Roundtable discussion session Maly Financial and Legal Drivers of Economic Growth in Russia Zlatoustinsky Pereulok, 7/1 room 505 Moderators O.N. Petyukova, Doctor of Law, Professor, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Operations, Financial University; B.V. Batyuk, Chairperson, Student Research Association, Faculty of Economics and Finance, Financial University, student, student group GMF4-1

Contact information [email protected]


Speakers Yu. Ye. Dyachkova, Deputy Head, Department for Interaction with Universities, ConsultantPlus; Ye. N. Nikitin, Partner, Legal Expertise legal center, member, Youth Financial League; D.V. Paidarkin, Sales and Marketing Director, TexTime co.

Topics for discussion 1. Strategic areas of Russia’s legal policy in the financial and economic sectors. 2. Legal incentives for economic entities’ financial support. 3. Improvement of the legal framework for operations in the corporate and public finance sector. 4. Financial mechanisms used to ensure digital economy growth in Russia. 5. How should we manage the financial sector operations to avoid an economic recession? 15:40-18:00 The First Step to Court Trial: Judicial System Efficiency as a Chetverty Prerequisite for Economic Stability Veshnyakovsky Case Study Competition Proyezd, 4, room 3501, 3301, 3305 Moderators A.A. Solovyeva, student, student group YUGP4-3, Financial University; A.V. Chernov, student, student group YUGP4-1, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected] [email protected]

Speakers Ye. K. Burakshayev, master degree program 1-year student, Higher School of Economics; K.S. Danilov, lawyer, Managing Partner, Q Group legal firm; I.L. Zuber, lawyer, Partner, Musayev and Partners, member, Center for International Help regional community organization; A.E. Karelina, bachelor degree program 3-year student, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Moscow State Law Academy); N.N. Novikov, master degree program 1-year student, Higher School of Economics; D.S. Tatarchenko, bachelor degree program 3-year student, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Moscow State Law Academy)

Topics for discussion 1. Modern tax law issues in the Russian Federation. 2. Topical financial law application practical issues. 3. Conflict of laws and civil law application issues. 4. Tax, banking, civil law cases will be solved. 16:00-17:30 Session Ulitsa Financial Aspects of Businesses’ Growth in a Digital Economy Verkhnyaya Maslovka, 15, Moderators room 160


O.V. Borisova, Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; I.Ya. Lukasevich, Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers T.V. Abalakina, Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; I.V. Vorotnikova, Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; Yu.I. Grishchenko, Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; T.A. Kozenkova, First Deputy Director-General, Ekonomika i Zhizn Publishing House; S.Yu. Moiseyev, Moscow Credit Bank; V.B. Frolova, Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University; T.A. Shpilkina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Finance, State Technical University (MADI)

Topics for discussion

1. A business success means an economic development success: the Russian business growth points. 2. The impact made by FinTech on the Russian economy development. 3. The key Russian business sector operations stabilization methods. 4. The modern financial strategy transformation issues and a digital economy development. 16:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Maly Financial Incentives for Russia’s Economy and Stock Market Zlatoustinsky Growth Pereulok, 7/1, room 403 Moderators E.V. Ryabinina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Financial Markets and Banks, Financial University; M.S. Shalneva, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance, Financial University

Contact information [email protected] [email protected]

Speakers V.V. Vasilyev, senior manager, Transaction Sector Development Department, Rosbank;


O.G. Logunov, Head, Consumer Cooperatives Analysis Center, Main Office of the Central Federal District, Bank of Russia; A.A. Lukashev, Deputy Director-General for Development, Veles Capital; D.I. Peshnev-Podolsky, Chairman of the Board, BKS Bank

Topics for discussion

1. Public and corporate finance issues and development prospects in a digital economy. 2. Factors of corporate growth: financial and managerial decisions. 3. The risks of economic recession in Russia: methods Russian companies should use to cope with the crisis. 4. The financial market and its basic concepts. Types of financial markets and their role in the national economy development. 5. Investment, technical, data, functional infrastructure, and the Russian financial market key issues and development prospects. 6. The Russian financial market: the status quo and development trends. 16:00-19:00 Roundtable discussion session Ulitsa Changes in Accounting and Controlling Tools: the Development Verkhnyaya Process and the Breakthrough Concept Maslovka, 15, room 329 Moderators L.V. Klepikova, PhD (Economics), Professor, Dean, Faculty of Accounting and Audit, Financial University; I.V. Safonova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Research and Projects, Faculty of Accounting and Audit, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers M.M. Basova, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Master Training and International Cooperation, Faculty of Accounting and Audit, Financial University; N.M. Delikova, Deputy Director, Department of Finance, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation; L.V. Dontsova, Doctor of Economics, Managing Director, Audit and Consulting OOO; O.V. Yefimova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University; M. Yu. Ivanov, Deputy Head, Internal Control and Operational Efficiency Department, Russian Border Infrastructure Building and Use Directorate; A.Yu. Melnichenko, Head, Methodology Department, Hold Invest Audit OOO; O.V. Rozhnova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University;


V.V. Sorokina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Education and Teaching, Faculty of Accounting and Audit, Financial University

Topics for discussion

1. Expanding the limits of accounting information and controlling procedures: a balance of interests, risks and opportunities. 2. Analysis as a driver of innovative and sustainable economic development. 3. Business audit as a tool used for ensuring business communications transparency. 4. Financial and non-financial statements: the breakthrough concept. 5. Management accounting and internal control as efficient corporate governance tools. 6. Accounting and audit platforms and technologies: trends observed in a digital economy. 16:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky World's Foreign Exchange and Financial System: the Modern Prospekt, 51/1, Challenges and the Prospects for Development in the 21st Century room 0236

Moderators A.O. Babanin, Chairman, Student Research Association, Faculty of International Economic Relations, student, student group ME4- 6; E.V. Ogloblina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of the World Economy and World Finance Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers M. Ye. Bionyshev, PhD (Medicine), Head, Competences Center, Siemens Health; D.V. Koshkul, PhD (Economics), Lead, Expert, Department of Planning and Analysis of Economic Interaction with Affiliated and Dependent Companies, Russian Railways; M.I. Rudakov, PhD (Economics), Senior Sales Manager, Director, Foreign Exchange Transactions Department, Eurasia Bank; G.V. Chicherin, PhD (Economics), member of the Board, Avtodor Russian Highways

Topics for discussion

1. Cryptocurrencies: do they constitute a new reality? 2. Modern debt crises: the special characteristics. 3. New currency union development prospects. 4. Opening a BRICS countries’ reserve fund of national currencies. 5. Anticipation of a crisis and the global gold market.


6. The impact made by trade wars on monetary and financial systems.

16:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky In Search of a Business Idea Prospekt, 49/2, room 02 Moderators Yu.M. Gruzina, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Deputy Vice-Rector for Research, Financial University; I. A. Firsova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Logistics and Marketing, Financial University; A.S. Anisova, student, student group ME3-7, Chairperson, Student Research Association, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers D.S. Razbagayev, Managing Partner, Boutique of Business Solutions consulting agency, School of Modern Management, Higher School of Business; A.B. Molotkov, Deputy Head, Department of Education and Science, Government of the City of Moscow; A.V. Ponyavin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Head, Committee for Interaction with Talented Youth, Council for Young People’s Affairs, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Topics for discussion 1. International best practices in the youth entrepreneurship development and opportunities for using them in Russia. 2. Interaction with young people, intercultural dialogue and entrepreneurship and young people. 3. How to find a business idea? Top recommendations and advice. 4. A StartUp: Top 10 list of mistakes and how to avoid them? 16:00-19:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky City 3.0.: How Urbanization Changes the Social and Economic Prospekt, 51/4, Structure room 25

Moderators I.A. Vladimirov, Chairperson, Student Research Association, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; student, student group SOTS4-1; A.A. Kiryukhina, Chairperson, Student Research Association, Faculty of International Finance, Financial University; student, student group MFFFZ3-1

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers L.A. Brushkova, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Academic Secretary, Expert Council, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University;


A.I. Ilyinsky, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Dean, Faculty of International Finance, Financial University; A.A. Kim, Head, Department of Business Projects, Office of Strategic Planning and Development, Mosvodokanal; G.V. Klimova, Portfolio Manager, SBD Global Fund; А.А. Troshin, PhD (Philosophy), Deputy Dean Master Training and Career Guidance, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; A.B. Shatilov, PhD (Political Science), Professor, Dean, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; S.A. Yushkova, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. A megalopolis and urban infrastructure: does the economy need the ‘independent’ cities? 2. Sprawling suburbs VS massive and tightly packed highrise developments: how builders shape social and economic behavior models in an urban environment. 3. A city of leasers: how an economy of sharing changes the attitudes to property. 4. Housing and Urban Environment National Project: where will it lead us? 5. Will My Borough Program change a model of recreation in the urban environment? 16:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Digital Transformation of the State and Society Prospekt, 49, room 506 Moderators O.G. Novikov, PhD (Political Science), senior lecturer, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Financial University I.A. Pomiguyev, PhD (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers S.A. Antonovich, master program student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; N. Belugina, postgraduate student, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Financial University; D. Borisov, student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; M.S. Vasilyev, postgraduate student, junior research fellow, Center for Political Studies, Financial University; P.S. Goncharov, student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; M.A. Davydova, student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University;


Đô Thăng Tu, postgraduate student, Department of Social and Political Studies, Institute of History and Politics, Moscow State Teacher Training University, Vietnam; D.R. Mukhametov, student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; N.M. Pechenkin, student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University; Rāghib Javish, postgraduate student, Department of Social and Political Studies, Institute of History and Politics, Moscow State Teacher Training University, Syria; L.V. Ryazanova, postgraduate student, teaching assistant, Department of Political Science and Mass Communications, Financial University; Yu. S. Tyan, student, Faculty of Sociology and Political Science, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. Real society and the virtual community. 2. The political dimensions of a digital nationality. 3. Digital technology and the targeted impact. 4. Social media and political behavior. 5. E-government and the digital state. 6. Electronic voting and changes in political institutions. 16:00-18:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradky Corporate Sustainable Development Strategy Development and Prospekt, 51/1, Implementation room 0611

Moderators I.V. Zenkina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University; M.A. Ponomareva, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers O.V. Banduristova, Head, Department of Accounts Receivable Management, Emerson; D.V. Dubovoi, Head, Regional Network of Service Centers, Samsung; E.A. Zvereva, expert, Moya Moskva journal; I.V. Zenkina, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University; D.V. Karpukhin, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Operations, Financial University; A.A. Kositsyna, journalist, writer, member, Union of Journalists of Russia, Editor-in-Chief, Opora Rossii v Podmoskovye newspaper, radio presenter hosting Business Week program on Radio 1 key Moscow Region channel;


N.V. Malinovskaya, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Accounting, Account Analysis and Audit, Financial University; M.A. Ponomareva, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Tax Policy and Customs Tariff Regulation, Financial University; A.N. Stolyarova, Doctor of Economics, Professor, State Social Science and Humanities University; member, Community Chamber, town of Kolomna, Moscow Region; V. F. Sharov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Public Finance, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. The sustainable development concept and the way it is reflected in the company’s development strategy. 2. Economic, social and environmental factors in company’s sustainable development. 3. Development and assessment methods and tools used for assessing companies’ development strategy implementation process. 4. Modern approaches to strategic management indicators system formation. 5. Criteria and indicators used to assess efficiency of company’s sustainable development strategy implementation. 6. The impact made by the sustainable development strategy implementation on the company’s attractiveness for investors. 17:15-20:15 Roundtable discussion session Maly Budget Priorities: the Social and Community Sector or Innovation Zlatoustinsky Economics? Pereulok, 7/1, room 115 Moderators O.I. Lozitskaya, Financial Director, Avers Group of Companies, senior lecturer, Department of Public Finance, Financial University; A.F. Khuzina, Research Fellow, Laboratory for the Fiscal Policy Studies, Institute of Applied Economic Research, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, lecturer, Department of Public Finance, Financial University

Contact information [email protected]

Speakers D.V. Aleshin, student, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Financial University; O.A. Fedyayeva, student, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Financial University; A.V. Kulakov, student, Faculty of Finance and Economics, Financial University

Topics for discussion


1. Priorities in the social policy: how can we improve the living standards? 2. Priorities in innovative development of Russia: what should we spend today’s budget funds on to increase tomorrow’s revenues? 3. What should we do to improve fiscal policy efficiency as far as innovations and social spending are concerned? 18:00-20:00 Roundtable discussion session Leningradsky Concepts of Great Reforms: the Past and the Present Prospekt, 49, Minor Hall Moderators A.A. Gorban, lecturer, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy, Financial University; I.V. Frolov, student, Faculty of Finance and Economy of the Fuel and Energy Sector, Financial University; student group leader, Debating Society of Historical and Economic Research, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University

Contact information: [email protected]

Speakers P.V. Arefyev, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University; A.V. Barkhota, PhD (Economics), Strategic Marketing Manager, Analysis and Strategic Marketing Department, Development Strategy and Development Project Directorate, Promsvyazbank; R. M. Nureyev, Doctor of Economics, Research Director, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University; V.V. Ostroumov, PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University; N.N. Solovykh, PhD (Economics), Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University; L.G. Cherednichenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Ya.S. Yadgarov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Financial University

Topics for discussion 1. Great reform concepts in the epoch of pre-market economies. 2. Great reform concepts in the epoch of unregulated market economies. 3. Great reform concepts in the epoch of regulated (socially oriented) market economies.