The Stamp Collector's Handbook
ALL RIGHTS -OF TRANSLAtiOM ~0R "RE9RGDUCIIDU RESEE VEQL Shanghai Local dulk&. „ Post Card. I riELIGOLAND fJ •0«T CA'KD H JO1J0; Cart«-forrespondancc. m%. / ~ 8 E.- L. PEMBE'RTO'N-.: " .oe : ,^"" ^*^c>*v „.-.•'»••*,,,•;; ^>l.\- f iitttC.'Uk ^ "A \/\ SH . ,].\M B, (ill ANT M Qo rMOUTH: STA Price 3^-; Post-free, 3/ft (Abroad, 4 .''-). IMPORTANT TO PHILATELISTS. BEING A COMPLETE CATALOGUE OF POSTAGE STAMPS AND POSTAL ENVELOPES AND CARDS, With voluminous Notes on Reprints, Forgeries, and every Subject of Interest. By EDWARD L. PEMBERTON. WITH FAC-SIMILE ILLUSTRATIONS OF MORE THAN 1000 TYPES. This important Work is now in the Press, and will be illustrated by thirty-one plates of Photographic facsimiles by the Heliotype process. The beauty of the process is such, that it has been adopted in preference to wood engraving. Although more costly, it will enable us to publish a far more valuable work than was at first deemed possible ; and we are convinced that the result will be the finest and most complete Standard Catalogue and Philatelical vade-mecum ever contemplated. The Contents will embrace everything issued to the end of 1S73 : Complete List of Adhesives. ,, ,, Entire Envelopes. ,, ,, Post Cards. Bands. ,, ,, Locals. An Illustration of every Type. It is proposed to issue, at the end of each succeeding year, a volume containing the novelties and discoveries of the twelve months, printed and illustrated to match the Catalogue. PUBLICATION. Part I. is now ready, containing 119 fac-simile Illustrations (the exact sizes of the stamps), and 52 pages of letterpress, large crown octavo. The remainder of the Work will be issued in Seven Parts, containing an average of 130 Illustrations in each Part.
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