

ISSUE NUMBER 3 • SUMMER 2000 Freedom of On February 17, 2000, World Pantheist Movement members parts of the USA (page 12). from four countries gathered in Rome to commemorate the It’s important for us to re member that pantheists, martyrdom of (page 8). We came, not just humanists and atheists enjoy the same religious rights as because Bruno was a pantheist, but to celebrate the everyone else. The International Covenant on Civil and importance of and of ideas. Political Rights guarantees freedom of religion, worship, Freedom of religion is a recent gain in Western history, observance, practice and teaching, and bans any form of but history has shown that is critical not just for coercion which would impair that freedom. The low-level liberty, but for in science, and ways of . pressure and discrimination which our members and other Repression has a longer history. The pagan Romans fed non-Christian minorities face in the Bible belt is a violation Christians to the lions. Christians, as soon as they achieved of rights – rights which the USA has recognized, promotes power, persecuted pagans. Throughout the dark ages, the abroad and should guarantee at home. Middle Ages and the , heretics were tortured Those rights mean that we pantheists have a right to and burned, and to express or meant have holidays for our special “” days, such as the almost certain . solstices and equinoxes. This grim repression took its toll, not just on religious We have the right to promote our views, and to educate thinking but on all thinking, writing and research. At every our children in our own beliefs. That right is internationally turn the established churches stood out against advancing recognized (Page 4). science, persecuting scientists whose ideas contradicted The use of one’s religious rights is essential to the the Bible. competition of ideas. If we don’t use our rights to promote We owe our modern freedoms to a very long struggle and to teach, while others do, then pantheism will remain reaching back to the Reformation. In the 18th century the still small voice, discovered by a lucky few, that it has courageous tested the boundaries and paid with been until now. Meanwhile the voices of and exile and the banning of their works. will permeate the globe. It was not till the nineteenth century that dissenters and Of course, we don’t have the right to force our beliefs on Jews could aspire to political office in most European anyone, nor do we have any means of doing so, nor would countries, and atheists and pantheists could speak, write we ever wish to. All we seek to do is to inform, make aware, and publish without fear of imprisonment. communicate and debate. Religious freedom is still not fully secure in the modern Every human is a free agent who can choose to world (page 2). Even supposedly civilized Western countries believe as he or she wishes. Only when that freedom is fully are not exempt. Members of the WPM and lists often tell of recognized and supported is intellectual progress possible. how they suffer discrimination and ostracism in certain Paul Harrison

The state of religious Bruno in R ome ...... 8 Almanac ...... 1 4 Teaching freedom ...... 2 Free funding ...... 1 4 childre n Pearls of wisdom . . . . 1 1 pantheism Action Zone: Credo ...... 1 5 Page 4 saving forests ...... 7 and the USA . . . 1 2 Membership form . . . 1 6

Editorial: Paul Harrison Design: David Wright Distribution and US printing: Blessed Bee Inc. 1 Religious Freedom Religious freedom is a recent gain, and despite United Nations recognition it is still being fought for in many countries.

Religious freedom, like so many other Roman state in 380, and in 391 banned and practice. human rights, has had to be struggled pagan worship. From then until the The establishment of the United for at great personal cost by many Reformation religious freedom vanished Nations broadened the scope of the courageous . from the West and heretics risked human rights approach. Freedom of In ancient Greece it was dangerous ostracism or death. Jews were tolerated, religious , worship, not to venerate the of the state: but often persecuted. observance, practice, and was condemned to death for It was the wars and teaching was recognized alleged atheism. The Roman Empire civil wars between in the Universal eventually encompassed so many Catholics and Declaration of Human cultures that religious freedom was Protestants, and the Rights in 1948. This was generally tolerated and Rome became a compromises necessary expanded in the huge melting pot of . The to bring peace, that gave International Covenant Christians, almost alone, were singled rise to the first steps in on Civil and Political out for repeated persecution. religious freedom in the Rights of 1967 (see 17th century. The Dutch panel), and further in the Everything changed when Constantine Constantine converted to Christianity in Republic was the prime 1981 Declaration on the 312 AD and began to favoritize the leader from 1648, but it Elimination of All Forms religion. The emperor Theodosius made was not till the end of that century in of Intolerance and of Discrimination Christianity the sole religion of the the UK, and not till 1789 in France, that Based on Religion or Belief. dissent could be pursued without Religious freedom now covers all of serious risk to life and liberty. the following: Religious rights In the USA settlers were often The right to have a religion, to ancient and modern refugees from persecution and the early change your religion, or to have no colonies enacted religious tolerance – as religion at all. To worship, to assemble All ... are to be allowed the free and long as you were some type of Christian. for worship,to have places of worship. unrestricted practice of their religion, Tolerant Maryland in 1649 made it a To observe holy days, to be given for it accords with the good order of crime to decry other Christian holidays for these, and to observe the realm and the peacefulness of our denominations – yet blasphemers and that each should have freedom ceremonies. To observe practices such atheists were to be put to death. to worship God after his own choice. as special clothing or diets. To solicit The American and French funds, to appoint clergy, to teach your Constantine, Edict of Milan, 311 CE revolutions, with their of the beliefs publicly, to publish and There should be no compulsion in Rights of Man, established religious disseminate materials about them. religion. freedom on a firmer footing (see panels). Finally, parents have rights to rear their Mohammed, Koran, The Cow: 256 But disadvantages still remained in most children in their own religion, and to No person shall be molested for his of Europe for Jews and dissenters, who send them to religious schools. opinions, even such as are religious, could not hold political office until well Under the UN rights instruments, provided that the manifestation of into the 19th century. none of these activities is to be subject these opinions does not disturb the Totalitarianism in Germany and to any form of coercion, including public order established by the law. Russia reversed some of these gains. In discrimination, distinction, exclusion, Declaration of the Rights of Man, Germany persecution of Jews, followed restriction or preference – not just by French National Assembly, 1789 CE by the Holocaust, was based on a governments, but by any institution, Congress shall make no law respecting twisted view of race rather than religion. group of persons, or person. an establishment of religion or In Russia, while it never became illegal In practice this means that governments prohibiting the free exercise thereof. to pursue a traditional religion, should take active steps to prevent these US Constitution, Amendment I, everything possible was done to practices when they occur. The only 1791 CE suppress and discourage worship exceptions are practices that interfere

2 with the rights and freedoms of others or moslems. Adherents of other religions development projects only in with public order and morality. could be forcibly converted. where there are Christians, is this Of course making declarations about Today a number of Islamic countries improper pressure? Are tribal religions rights, and actually realizing them and have a poor record on religious freedom, so vulnerable that all proselytization guaranteeing them for all, are different especially where clerics are powerful should be banned? things. The UN (and resurgent Is it an interference in religious machinery to enforce has freedom if a religion claims the right to human rights is weak, made them a force to be dictate details of your private ethical and relies on moral and reckoned with behaviour – eg, whether you should use political pressure. everywhere). Moslems modern contraceptives or not – and Religious freedom is are not permitted to threatens you with divine if still restricted in many convert to other you disobey? countries. Outright religions. In some Intolerant fundementalism may suppression is rare but countries apostasy is appear to be on the rise, but this is pri- does occur. Iran has done punishable by death or marily because its positions are under its best to eradicate the confiscation of property. growing threat. In the long run tolerance Bahais, who numbered Abu Zaid If an apostate is married and religious freedom will prevail. some 300,000 before the 1979 to a moslem woman, he may be forcibly Paul Harrison revolution. Two hundred leaders have divorced from her. Egypt saw the been executed, the hierarchy destroyed, notorious case of Professor Abu Zaid, people have been forced to convert to who dared to suggest that the Koran had Islam or flee the country. been subjected to different inter- The United Nations In China, all traditional religions pretations throughout history. Abu Zaid declarations were attacked during the cultural was labelled an apostate, his revolution: monasteries were wrecked, was annulled against his wife’s wishes, Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms forth in this religious personnel were denounced, and the couple were forced into exile. declaration, without distinction of temples were closed and their If religions are to develop and adapt race, colour, sex, religion, political or possessions destroyed. After Mao's death to their times, religious freedom is other opinion, national or social origin, in 1976 a policy of toleration of religion essential. Islamic fundamentalism and property, birth or other status. was introduced, but there is still its political power means that Islam is Everyone has the right to freedom of considerable state interference in bound literally to words composed thought, and religion. This religious affairs, especially in Tibet nearly 1,400 years ago, and is hampered right includes the freedom to have or where Buddhist monks are seen as in adapting its teachings to the modern to adopt a religion or belief of his potential rebels. world in the way that most forms of choice, and freedom, either individ- Low-level persecution is quite Christianity and have done. ually or in community with others and common in Asian countries, usually at Even where religious freedom exists, in public or private, to manifest his unofficial popular level. Sometimes governments can in effect discriminate religion or belief in worship, police forces, by turning a blind eye, in favour of one religion – and therefore observance, practice and teaching. encourage persecution to grow. Attacks against others. Although the United Universal Declaration of Human on Christians and their churches are Kingdom, according to polls, is among Rights, UN, 1948, Art 19 and 2 common in India and in Indonesia. the most irreligious nations in the world, No-one shall be subject to coercion Discrimination is much more wide- bishops sit in the House of Lords as of which would impair his freedom to spread. In a number of countries jobs in right, and schools are legally required to have or to adopt a religion or belief of the army or bureaucracy are restricted hold a Christian act of worship every his choice. to people of the dominant religion. day, in the USA, though the constitution Freedom to manifest one’s religions forbids the establishment of any religion, or beliefs may be subject only to Islam has a particular problem with God is written into the oath of allegiance such limitations as are prescribed by religious freedom. In its early days Islam and features on the currency (page 12). law and are necessary to protect was very tolerant for its , especially public safety, order, health or morals Some issues in religious are still not of Christians and Jews – whom or the fundamental rights and clarified. Preaching and conversion are Mohammed saw as worshippers of the freedoms of others. same God. They were allowed to practice permitted – but are there some forms of harassing proselytization that are an International Covenant on Civil and their religions freely, and their rights Political Rights, 1966, Art 18 were protected. They did, however, have infringement of religious or civic to pay a special tax not paid by freedoms? If a mission in Africa offers

3 Should we teach our children One of the basic r eligious is the right to teach your pantheism? religion to your children. Some pantheists believe strongly in using this right, others are more hesitant. This key issue raised a mass of comment on our lists...

I have a seven year old daughter. She direct her in that way? Should I let more than make-believe. Through the has been lead to believe (by neighbors, her make up her own ? Is it even process of applied reason, my four school, day care, family members, and advisable to allow her imaginative play daughters have come to that friends) that (1) there is a god, (2) to continue? Liz Gildea conclusion entirely on their own. there is a and a , and (3) Andrew DeMario good people go to heaven, and bad people go to hell. When we lost my Teach them to think I tell my children what is a fact and grandparents last year, these beliefs for themselves what is my opinion or belief. I tell made it MUCH easier on her. While I The best thing to do is let the kid them why I just “believe” in something didn’t have that blissful ignorance believe what it wants, and let them and what could be my opponent's view myself, I couldn’t bear to take it away find something on their own while on it. I encourage them to argue over from my daughter. growing up. But if you are going to my beliefs and . If they disagree I think children and christianity teach your kid anything, teach them with me and give some wonderful go hand in hand. Children need that “pantheism” by showing them to argument, I take it as a sign of their cushion from . I’m thinking she respect nature and all of life. And maturity. In fact, I learn from them will realize and accept the obvious re mind them and teach them to think thinking afresh on some issues. even earlier than I did, without me for themselves. Tell your kids the facts If I convert my child in my faith, pushing her to it at all. In the mean about everything you know and enable without telling him/her it is just my time, she gets the benefit of social him/her to be able to tell between “faith”, either s/he may succumb to acceptance among her peers, and a and superstition, fact and fiction, my faith or s/he may revolt against it good deal of creative fun. positive and negative. Chuck Ade when s/he grows. In both the cases, She is growing up to be mature the child is a loser and by implication and responsible. She cares for all I have raised two daughters to I am also a loser. A healthy debate living things, and is as considerate adulthood. I have two more to go. and gentle as she is keen and bright. rather than silence is required for a My daughters have grown or are Aside from the whole god/heaven/hell sound development of a child. growing to become responsible issue, I am raising her to be a good Harihar Jha freethinkers. They have always had little pantheist. the freedom to take on any While I do not tell my daughter belief they wish. I only teach them to Just be how you are and the little what I believe, I am also very careful use reason. I ask them not to dare ones will follow suit, but bear in mind not to ever suggest that I actually believe anything that I do, just on my that they are each entitled to form believe in god. She assumes that I do. word. They are to come to their their own views, and to alter them She is still much too young for us to own conclusions. When they along the way. By all means teach deal with this. For her, religion hasn't have questions about gods, the your kids the reality of our existence, taken on a feeling of “reality” just yet. , right and wrong, etc., but be wary about teaching them a It’s just another imaginative game to I ask them their opinion, give them belief system. All kids are natural her. She and I will discuss it more in mine, and never, ever ridicule. They Pantheists from the beginning of their depth when she is ready. are free and encouraged to come to , and so long as you give honest My questions are these: What more their own conclusions. The effect has and informed answers to their can I be doing to guide her towards been that , , gods, incessant questioning they will pantheism, without directly attacking heaven and hell, etc., are not inevitably try out the other religions to her belief in god? Should I even try to recognized in my home as anything see if they fit before returning to the

4 most sensible and reliable model of because of that, she I fear would be issues for herself. reality they grew up with. Ray Lee resentful if I were to allow her to I believe a rich fantasy life allows believe a non-truth. She got very upset children to be creative, to imagine the when she found out there wasn't a Teach them the truth and its many possibilities, to tooth fairy! Being bright she devise ways to cope with difficult I am not a pantheist parent, I am a questioned the existence of the rest, issues. I would never take away the pantheist child... 17 years old. I have Easter Bunny, Santa, etc. . . I said I fantasies that my daughter creates. never believed in god. Children do not didn't lie, they are real “I am them and But should parents devise fantasies need a cushion from reality... I provide I am real!” She hugged me for the for their children and pretend that my own little fantasies, but I do not efforts! Tammy Morgan these are reality? My personal answer actually believe them. I have a very to this is, “no.” Cindy Harmon-Jones strong, vivid imagination... is it really In dealing with my own daughter, compatible with the logical truths of Sylvia, who just turned 4 years old, science? There MUST be a balance. honesty is of utmost importance to Teach them what you Think of all the possibilities, what me. I hold the belief that children are believe might be, but don’t walk into them very resilient, and that they can cope I’m a mother of three children, 19, 15 with your eyes shut. A hope does not with difficult truths when allowed to make it true... always hold to reality. and 12 years old. do so in a loving environment. Sylvia But that doesn't mean we still can't It’s important to always be honest knows that, if she asks me a question, dream. Lunar Magic because one day your child will grow up and find out and perhaps ask, “why did you lie to me?” I taught my children without God and Christianity and they are all three very creative and inventive thinking children. When you have progressed and gotten yourself away from Christianity, why not pass that down so your child can stand on your shoulders and start from there and can continue your tradition? That would be a much healthier atmosphere. Pantheism is perfect to teach children. I can teach them honesty, unconditional , self respect and the respect of others, to think more and more freely and to openly celebrate the diversity of mankind. There are also ways to handle talking about death to children. You can tell your child, we Being a parent of three and a she is going to get the “truth” as I see Pantheist I found it rough at times it, not a sugar-coated tale. When she will always remember so and so who being true to my beliefs and brings up the subject of death, which died because... You can talk about the attempting to teach my children what she does frequently, she cries and tells person, look at pictures, teach the is right. I grew up a Catholic, then me, “But I don’t want to die!” I have to child to enjoy the memories of him Baptist. My children, the two oldest be able to sit with my own anxieties as and tell the child your personal were dedicated in the Christian well as hers. I feel the impulse to give memories of that person. church as I was born-again at that empty reassurances, but I realize Cindy Christensen point. My youngest sometimes says that if I did, it would be for my benefit, she in God, “Do you?” I tell to quiet her fears temporarily because Parents may not want to teach her that whatever makes her fell safe I can’t handle her emotions. children their beliefs and values, but can’t be bad, but no I don’t. I always Instead, I try to give her what comfort the rest of the world will feel very free leave the door open that I MAY be I can, by holding her and empathizing to teach theirs. Christians will sell wrong and that helps. I have always with her feelings, and trust that she our children their god and their hell. been very truthful. She trusts me can and must work through these Advertisers will sell the latest product,

5 promoted as bringing fulfillment and My own parents were neutral on the why shouldn’t we? It would seem rather lasting happiness. The school system subject of religion – in fact the issue strange to a person, in adult life, if they will preach its version of reality, was something that was not to be found that just about everyone told as will the peers children meet at discussed. I realized that there them what their religious beliefs were, school. Do we really want these was something missing from my own but their own parents kept their beliefs to be the major influences on our life. But finding it was a long, secret; if everyone out there was children’s development of beliefs, frustrating search, and my childhood allowed to influence their religious ethics and values? I don't want my was less happy because I had no beliefs, teachers, , friends – just children to learn religious beliefs only religious direction. not the people who raised you. outside the home, while I pretend to Because my parents said nothing What does it mean in practice remain neutral. about religion, and my friends had though? It means inculcating a respect I’m a Pantheist because I believe in plenty to say about it, I came to see my for and love of nature, a love of natural this . I believe it is humane, parents as “fallen” Christians – people form and beauty, a healthy curiosity realistic, and life-enhancing. For me, who would go to Hell and who had about the world, a questioning attitude Pantheist beliefs are not a mere neglected to ensure that I don’t go to towards accepted wisdom. And yes, it intellectual, philosophical exercise, but Hell by having me baptized. If I had means raising questions about any are an integral guide to the choices I children, I would be sure to tell them other religions the child may come make. My beliefs in my life, and what I believe so they wouldn’t feel the across. In all of this of course adapting they are important enough to be worth lack that I did growing up. what is said to the age group, not passing on to my children. Dorene Braun forcing your beliefs down your kids' Now I realize that, as they grow up, throat, not making the kid think it has to believe like you or you won’t love it. my children may come to disagree with I think that saying childhood and the my beliefs. That will always be their Christian heaven go hand in hand Even if you do raise your kids as choice, and I hope to always have a could be damaging. I was raised in a pantheists, they will, in their teens, relationship of honesty and respect very militant Christian home. I was explore other possibilities anyway, and with them, regardless of their choices. terrified as a child about hell, and I still change religions if they feel like it just However, I see my honesty and clarity harbor fears concerning Christian as most of us did. But at least they will regarding my beliefs as part of mythology. Mark Foley have a solid basis if they want to come expressing my respect for them. back to it. Paul Harrison Cindy H-J We have always raised our children as pantheists, from square one. We have a Children want answers, not questions. I We affect our children’s ideological firm belief that pantheism is wholesome believe that you give the answers first – formation all the time. It’s not a and beneficial. Not teaching it to kids the question comes by questioning the frivolous act of power abuse, bur rather would seem like not teaching them our answers. This is the child’s “home base” our responsibility to the children. We ideas of right and wrong. – their starting point. This provides an teach them what we believe to be right anchor in a safe harbor. Once the ship Of course they haven’t always had and wrong, wise and foolish, beautiful is ready, it can sail the uncharted the same ideas as us. One of our boys and ugly – these values will ultimately waters – but not before. went through a fear of death phase form the very underpinning of any when he was five or six, and started to Children do not need a cushion ideology. Why then are people so eager believe in . Given that this from reality – they need a reality that is to teach their children “what’s right” was his own way of dealing with fear, cushioned – safe. But it is still reality – ethically or aesthetically, but not take it we left well alone. But we have talked the reality of the home. Children should one step further towards building a about death as a merging with nature, not have to search for their spiritual coherent ideological outlook? I do not which is how we see it. There is a place answers, any more than they need to understand why we oughtn't try to on Hampstead Heath where Alvina and butcher a cow for hamburger, or day- teach our children that which we I want our ashes buried so we become trade for their allowance. Children believe to be true. Ultimately, I see it as part of the trees and squirrels and should grow up trusting that Mommy nothing short of being our parental rabbits and birds. This is a lovely idea, and Daddy are there and you can go to duty to teach our children as much it’s a lot nicer than heaven. And so Alex ask them the tough questions and get a about the world as we can – and this has come round to that way of real answer. Tony van der Mude includes high-level ideological thinking. constructs like SciPan. I believe we should rear our kids in Victor Danilchenko our own religion. Everyone else does,

6 Visit these sites daily and save the world's forests: * The Rainforest Site: http://www.rainforestsite.com/ * Race for the Rainforest: http://rainforest.care2.com/ * Webreleaf: http://www.webreleaf.com/ Help save the forests Almost two acres of tropical rainforest disappear every because if you register, you can see every day how second. Every hour, six species are lost forever. many square feet of rainforest you, and the friends Thanks to the Internet and an imaginative new you introduce, have saved. Here, each click currently approach to advertising, however, we can help change saves 25 square feet. and reverse that. Another forest donation site is Webreleaf On the World Wide Web, sites are now appearing (http://www.webreleaf.com/), This raises money to that, when you simply click on a button each day, a plant trees in the USA. But non-US visitors to the site donation is made to charity. The donations are usually can also click daily – and why not approach tree and made possible by sponsors whose adverts you get forest charities in your country and suggest that they

Action Zone Action shown after you click. The charity shopping outfit introduce click-donation programmes? GreaterGood has set up the Rainforest Site Visits to The Rainforest Site and Race for the (http://www.rainforestsite.com/). The front page of Rainforest during May alone allowed The Nature The Rainforest Site uses an animated graphic to show Conservancy to protect over 1,600 acres or rainforest the dramatic reduction in the extent of rainforests (or over six square kilometers), while visits to from 1990 to 1999 and the projection of this trend Webreleaf in their first sixteen days of operation paid through to 2011. Watching the green areas shrink is for the planting of 12,000 trees. almost painful. The loss of the world’s rainforests clearly implies a The site donates money to The Nature huge and irreversible loss of biodiversity, a large part Conservancy’s Adopt-an-Acre program, to buy, of which hasn't even been catalogued yet – not only protect and manage land in biologically rich areas. are we rapidly destroying irreplaceable natural Each time you click, you save between 10 and 15 treasures, but we are destroying most of them before square feet of forest. we have even catalogued and researched them! A similar site making donations to The Nature However, you can help to change this by visiting Conservancy is Race for the Rainforest these Web sites, at the cost of only a minute or two of (http://rainforest.care2.com/). This is more fun, your time each day. Andrew Millard

Forest Facts • In Peru, 43 ant species were massive damage from forest fires found in a single tree, the same in the late 1990s. In 1998 alone Consider these statistics: number of species as in the more than 6 million ha were • The world’s rainforests entire British Isles. burned in Indonesia, Brazil and represent 3.4 million square • Tr opical rainforests have Russia. miles of tropical forest that provided between 25% and 40% • The World Resources encircle the equator. of all pharmaceutical products, Institute found that only three • A piece of rainforest just half not to mention tomatoes, coffee, areas of very extensive natural the size of San Francisco vanilla, chocolate and rubber. “frontier forest” remain on – contains 545 kinds of birds, 100 • Over the last decade, 113 in Canada/Alaska, in Russia, species of dragonflies, and 729 million acres of rainforest have and in the Amazon basin. Some types of butterflies. been destroyed. 39 per cent of this re maining extent is threatened, mostly by • The Costa Rican rainforests • As Nino and global logging, mining and roads. Some are inhabited by 205 kinds of warming brought droughts in 76 countries have lost all their mammals, 845 types of birds, unexpected places, there was and 10,000 varieties of plants. frontier forest.

7 Bruno in Rome Remembering a victim of religious persecution

In February the WPM had its first international gathering in Rome, to mark the 400th anniversary of Giordano Bruno's martyrdom at the hands of the Inquisition.

In the Field of Flowers about 11am, the Italian, French and labelled “From the World Pantheist German contingents began to appear. Movement.’ Twelve-year old Alex Grandiose plans had been bandied These were all atheist, freethinker, Harrison paused for the benefit of around in advance: hiring monks’ humanist and anti-clerical groups. cameras, then laid the flowers on the robes, staging a mock burning, lying They set up their tables, awnings and plinth. Our beautiful banner attracted prostrate in protest. In the , we banners and began to sell their tracts media attention: I gave one newspaper decided simply to walk the last walk and sign up members. There was a and three TV interviews – one to a that Bruno would have taken, at dawn, “Dewojtilized zone”, and one stall was Dominican TV programme. exactly four hundred earth-orbits ago. offering De-. Later in the day there were films We knew that, before his execution, A continuous stream of people made about Bruno, pop groups, and more Bruno had been held in Rome's civil prison, the Torre di Nona. This is now demolished, but we knew the rough location – by the Tiber, opposite the vast Castel Sant’Angelo – so this was where we assembled at 6am the following day. There were only Americans, British and Finns there. No Italians at all. It was still dark, raining hard and bitterly cold. We walked through the quiet streets, probably much as they were in 1600, to the cobbled Campo dei Fiori where Bruno was burned alive at the stake. Some of us tried to imagine what it must have been like. Bruno was painfully gagged to stop him preaching heresy. For me the worst part would Rain before dawn, February 17 Photo: Marko Grönroos have been the chanting monks who accompanied Bruno on his last steps, their way up to Bruno’s statue, where harangues. Strangely, we were the only trying to get him to recant up to the they paused in thought. Some posted pantheists there. It was a haunting and very end, thrusting the crucifix onto his notices on the plinth, others left flowers formative experience I will always lips just before the fire was lit. Bruno and candles. Various groups took the remember. Paul Harrison turned his head away in disgust. stand in front of the statue and harangued the crowds through The Campo is named for the weekly megaphones. Most of them looked like Events in and around flower market that has been held there old hard-left troopers. for centuries. In the centre, an Rome imposing statue of Bruno in monk's We had our brand new World Many of the Pantheists and Brunians robe gazes down paternally (though it Pantheist Movement banner, which we stayed on in Rome over the weekend appears from what’s known that Bruno took turns at holding, and handing out following the commemoration of was short and fiery.) leaflets. The sky cleared, but the Bruno's martyrdom. We made weather remained very cold. memorable outings to Hadrian’s Villa, When we arrived the square was to the Catacombs on the Via Appia, and empty, so we retired to a bar to rest At around noon Tor Myrvang to the Alban Hills, Castel Gandolfo and and warm up. Later in the day, from brought a huge wreath of red roses

8 Raleigh as well Giordano Bruno. “The Expulsion of the Triumphant Beast” is possibly the most interesting of Bruno’s books in defining his views about religion. It is also the most daring, with thinly veiled criticisms of Christianity, and praise of the pantheistic views supposedly held by the ancient Egyptians. A copy of this book, once owned by Queen Elizabeth I of England, passed into the hands of John Toland and contributed significantly to the development of Pantheism in England in the early Eighteenth Century. On Saturday night, a number of friends who live in Rome dropped by to Alex Harrison with our wreath Photo: Paul Harrison participate in the reading of Bill Bruehl’s play “Giordano Bruno in the the haunting Lake Nemi. Ocean. A video gave us a good idea of Field of Flowers”. The play is an I had the pleasure of hosting two get the beautiful scenery of Big Sur and of imaginative reconstruction of the night togethers at my home on the Friday Robinson Jeffers’ life. before Bruno’s execution. It portrays and Saturday evenings. On Friday After dinner, I gave a talk on the attempts of the Church to secure a evening John Courtney presented a talk Giordano Bruno's book “The Expulsion last-minute denial of his pantheist on the pantheist poet Robinson Jeffers of the Triumphant Beast’ followed by a views, and his courage in persevering to who lived for most of life in Carmel, discussion. Julia Jones, who was the very end. California. John is Vice-President of the making a film about Bruno, told us After the non-pantheist guests had Tor House Foundation, which has about “The School of Night” – a secre t left, the assembled Pantheists preserved the dwelling which Jeffers London society of the 1580s whose communed with Nature until late into built largely with his own hands on a members are thought to have included the night on the terrace under the light promontory overlooking the Pacific Christopher Marlowe and Sir Walter of the full moon. Tor Myrvang

Bruno’s Life and Death

Giordano Bruno was the first pantheist in the modern mould. Completely abandoning Christian , he resurrected the and of the ancient world and combined it with a prophetic view of an infinite of solar systems, united in a single interpenetrating unity. For his intellectual courage he was condemned by the Inquisition and burned at the stake in Rome on February 17, 1600. Bruno was born in 1548, the son of a soldier, in the small town of Nola near Vesuvius. In 1565 he became a Dominican monk, but left in 1576 under suspicion of heresy. He travelled and taught all over Europe, and spent prolonged periods in London, Paris, and various German university town. Giordano Bruno In 1591 he received a fateful invitation to teach a young nobleman in Venice, Zuane Mocenigo. When they fell out, Mocenigo took him prisoner Nature is none other than God and denounced him to the Inquisition. Transferred to Rome in 1593, Bruno in things. Whence all of God is was held for six long years before solid charges were laid. Though he had in all things. Think thus, of often offered to recant, this time he refused. The sentence was read on the sun in the crocus, in the narcissus, in the heliotrope, in February 8th 2000. "Perhaps you who pronounce my sentence," Bruno the rooster, in the lion. replied, "are in greater fear than I who receive it."

9 Pearlof wisdoms Among the most moving and inspiring aspects of the W orld Pantheist Movement and its lists are members' statements about what they believe. The evidence of my senses tells me there is most definitely a universe. I agree to call it the only true Alaska was like nothing I’d being the best person I can merely because I recognise no other divinity. ever experienced. Such be – loving, compassionate, However, the term ‘divinity’ does not mean to me vastness, such wildness, inquisitive, seeking , what the term God does to a Christian or a Moslem or a such diversity – I immersed being respectful – I am Jew. I do not grovel before the Universe, nor do myself in it, and it taught me adding what I can to the I worship it (though I do dance alone under the moon). I to love the other places I universe while I am here. respect the Universe, its laws and its workings (those visited. For the first time, I When I am gone, I am tiny few I understand and the vast complexity of those was able to gaze with wonder stardust, and nothing could I will never have a hope of understanding). I am in total at a hawk circling over the be better than that. awe of and in love with It. I believe and feel that I am an interstate in Ohio – a sight Rachel Zahnd interconnected part of It. The idea thrills me to my very I’d seen hundreds of times bones. I am a tiny strand in its totality. When my before, but it had just never I believe that personal flickers out, like the flame of a registered as an important is simply natural and that it candle, I hope the people I have loved will retain some sight. Now, every detail of the is not ugly or sinful. I believe happy memories of me. I also believe the beautiful truth world took on new meaning. in and that when I that the matter and energy that make up my physical It is a big, beautiful universe pass away, my body and my body will be re-integrated into various parts of Nature, out there, and our little tiny life force will return to the like the earth, the rivers, seas and winds. It is all so corner of it is enough to earth and join back with the simple. So beautiful. inspire endless awe. circle of life. Misty Coulter Sue Williams Once when I was hiking, I paused to watch the sunset I was raised in an American colors on the view before me. Indian family in Montana. nearly 30 years ago. In workings of life are incredibly I overheard a nearby couple Growing up, I was taught a trying to explain to others awesome. Jill Miller talking. One said to the deep respect and reverence my religious beliefs, I was other, “When you see for nature. My family branded an Atheist. I I feel a growing sense of something like this, you belonged to a Christian resigned myself to that connectedness to others, to can't help but know that it Church that seemed alien , and have been the wider community, to the was created by God.” And I and barren. So, as a young living all these years thinking world itself. This isn’t simply had just been thinking to man I began searching the I was an Atheist. Now at last a cognitive thing, it’s very myself, “Isn’t it miraculous libraries for a philosophy I feel I have come home to a deeply emotional, a kind of and incredible that this that put in words what I felt philosophy that truly reflects trust in a unity which astounding sight just growing up among a people my way of thinking and a embraces everything. appeared out of the random who for thousands of years group of people who share Nick Merleau-Ponty chaos of the universe? How had worshipped nature. I my beliefs. Patrick Juneau wonderful!” eventually discovered the I believe that what you see is When I look up to the night I am a pantheist because writings of Spinoza, and what you get. This is it. sky filled with stars, a part of I believe in the of the realized that what I felt was There ain’t no more. Yet the me joins with it. I feel the universe, I believe that by called Pantheism. That was universe, nature, the power of “god” in the

10 thunderstorm and rejoice in I am a biologist and as a its coming. I breathe in the As a scientist, I am happy to look down the hierarchy for scientist, I never understood scent of the woodlands and I an understanding of the parts and their properties. As a how one could study the pantheist, my finds its expression at the am refreshed. Am I not part inexplicable magical beauty highest reaches of the hierarchy. When I say that my god of all... and all in me? and wonder of creation and is coterminous with the I hope to imply that my Dawn Usack not be drawn close to The All god is that system for which there is no supersystem. I That Is. Science is a tool of hasten to add that my god is NOT anything and To me a miraculous thing is observation through which everything, but rather the ALL. I do not worship each a cat always landing on its and every part, but rather the whole shebang as a we might gain a greater feet, the plants and weeds totality. I can accept the loss of a single tree, but I will understanding of something that grow between the cracks fight to save the forest. The biosphere is more sacred to so fantastic it defied meager of a 4th floor cement balcony me than any single species, including Homo sapiens. language. Only the language as well as the anthills, bees Lloyd West of love, through the channels collecting pollen, shooting of acceptance, empathy, art, stars or the wonder of no two and music, approach the snowflakes being alike. The ...the gravity of your own pebble totality suspended multidimensional fluency to universe is a beautiful thing there, in the vast infinite... that silent witness who through timeless inward flowing answers the touch the skirt of how and needs to be revered and unnameable question... pebble in the hand I AM... tossed wondrous the Life we share preserved. Melissa Wells to that boundless abyss... and rippling shimmer bliss... truly is. Ruth Miller and when you shake with laughter... when you shake I used to be a strict Southern with tears... at that very moment, you are a pulse Baptist. On my journey, I I have always felt a “kinship” radiating outward into the void... this precious utter realized I primarily with earth, from the tiniest shudder that can’t help but be heard... felt all the way to experienced God in the speck of sand to the oceans. the opposite ends of the universe to return beneath your stability of the trees, the I have always found the feet like distant peals of thunder... this is my universe awe inspiring. I silent beauty of the stars, in heart going out to you at this very moment... an open another person. I depended heart knows a network of vibrations across the cannot conceive of anything less and less on the Bible, fathomless night. more powerful and am and opened myself up to the Billy Culver unable to believe in an universe and grew less intelligence greater than the fearful and more happy. Try sitting quietly in a natural setting, or just walking in universe itself. Ahnru Hurok Jason Clark a wood, or sailing on the ocean, away from the distractions of human urban society and ask yourself I believe the only ultimate I KNOW the Universe is what you feel. A sense of connection perhaps? Can you reality is the natural world Alive, and that I am to it as a feel yourself being alive? What is that pounding through which I hold sacred. cell is to my own body; an your veins, feeding your brain so that you can think and Alfraetta Zannelli intrinsic part of a greater be aware. Why does that green leaf look and smell and whole. This is something feel so good? Why does the sight of a leaping whale fill I cannot remember a time that transcends “belief” or you with awe and love? Why do the stars sparkle so when I didn’t love nature, “faith”; it is as immediate brightly for you? And what is that sensation rising in and realizable as the your chest, so that you draw in air and stand fixed, and feel that only there, was knowledge of the fingers at gazing into infinity? I in my one true home. Everything I explored in the the end of my hand. As above, so below. Within you and without you. All is Robert Reppy one. That from which we came, and that to which we will woods and around the lake. all return. when I was growing up, was a miracle to me. I simply While searching my heart, Ray Lee being, and surroundings for could not join the church; it ultimate Truths, my love and seemed too much like reverence always returns to From the tiniest sub-atomic When I sit and look out to emotional blackmail. I’ve our immense and wondrous particles, to the violent the ocean, I feel a real called myself a pagan before, Universe. I’m simply blown and beautiful nebulas connection, almost as though and I think I’ve always been away by the vastness and giving birth. the waves and I are one. I feel a pantheist in . possibilities of this Universe. Kim Hummel an energy. Elaine Amenta Glady Morgan

11 God and the USA The unmet promise of religious freedom

Though the USA began with refugees from religious persecution, and the Bill of Rights enshrines religious freedom, America is still a way from reaching full freedom of religion, argues Walt Mandell in this personal viewpoint.

On the first of June in the year 1660, on Boston Common, a Madison, were aware of this threat to individual rights and woman named Mary Dyer was hung by her neck until dead. fought to have a Bill of Rights which tried to guarantee Her crime was being a Quaker. She is remembered for the freedom of religion. words “My life not availeth me in comparison to the liberty of Significantly many of these “founding fathers” were not the Truth.” theists but deists. is the belief, allegedly based solely From the founding of the American colonies until today, a on reason, in a God who created the universe and then fundamental leitmotif of the American experience has been abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no tension between the will to freedom and the pursuit of social influence on natural phenomena, and giving no supernatural control. Between the freedom of the individual, and the . Jefferson for example was clearly of this belief. tyranny of the majority, or at times, of a vocal and dominant As a result of a compromise at the Constitutional minority. Time and again this conflict has played itself out the Bill of Rights was tacked on to the around the issue of religious freedom. It still does today. Constitution more or less as an afterthought, and became Many of the British colonies were founded to secure the part of it after being ratified by the individual states. rights of particular religious communities to practice their The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United religion. The Puritan colonies of New England, the Quaker States (Article I of the Bill of Rights) states: colony of Pennsylvania and the Catholic colony of Maryland Religious Establishment Prohibited, Freedom of Speech, immediately come to mind. Others like the commercial of the Press,: Congress shall make no law respecting an colony of Virginia had, as both a strong secondary motive for establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise their founding, and as an important component of their thereof; or abridging freedom of speech or of the press. operation, the promotion and enforcement of militant Thus, Article I of the Bill of Rights PROHIBITS the Protestantism. establishment of a state religion, and GUARANTEES the In many instances, it was all too clear that what was citizens’s right to the free exercise of whatever religion they sought was not religious freedom for all, but rather religious choose to practice. These two concepts are the legal freedom for a particular sect at the expense of the freedom or foundation of America's freedom of religion. even the life of dissenters. Examples that come to mind But, as Jefferson knew, “the price of liberty is eternal include the Salem witch hunts, the persecution of Annie vigilance”. Hutchinson, the forcing of Roger Williams out of Massachusetts (he then founded Rhode Island as a religious One of the hardest tasks for those with power is simply to refuge open to all), and the destruction of the Moravian refrain from using it to advance their own interests. Many missions to the Delaware Indians. Nor did religious can resist the temptation to use power to line their own persecution stop with the establishment of the United States. pockets, but it is far harder to resist power's subtlest the founder of the was lynched by a seduction – the temptation to advance the agenda of a group hostile mob, and his followers were forced west to Utah. to which you belong. And if that group is a religion the temptation may be overwhelming, for you will sincerely The tension between those who wanted to have religious believe you are serving God. So how could that be wrong? freedom, and those who wanted to intermingle Christianity with the state, was apparent at the time of the writing of the It is for this reason that freedom of re ligion requires American Constitution. freedom from religion. By “freedom from religion” I mean that no individual shall be forced into (or publicly humiliated into) Fortunately some of the sharpest intellects of the age, taking part in ANY form of worship, or religious no men like Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, George Mason, and

12 matter how non-denominational. Nor shall anyone be forced mainstream religions. Thus Satanists, Pagans, Polytheists to observe any religious prohibition. Only by removing all and Atheists must be every bit as free to practice their religious coercion, can a people enjoy freedom of religion. religions (or their atheism) as are Christians, Jews, Moslems, And freedom of religion includes the freedom to completely or other theists. The proviso must always be that no one’s disown any religious display at all if one so chooses. health, safety, property, rights (including animals’), or Well, at least the U.S. now has religious freedom, right? freedoms, are endangered thereby and no harm is done to Despite the Bill of Rights, in practice this freedom is not as nature. nearly complete as you may think. Look on a U.S. coin, it It could even be argued that religions that, genuinely and says “In God we trust.” historically, have used as sacraments drugs such as When you take an oath to testify truthfully in court you ayahuasca, or peyote, or cannabis (rather than the swear on a bible and say the words “So help me God”. When mainstream religious drug – wine) should be free to you recite the Pledge of Allegiance you are pledging allegiance commune with the divine in their particular way and to use to “One nation UNDER GOD”. The Senate begins its the sacrament of their choice. Furthermore, if a religion legislative session with an official . wishes to solemnize gay as well as heterosexual ones, it should be permitted to do so without restriction. The In the U.S,. freedom of religion does NOT encompass basic is that so long as no one’s safety, rights, or freedom from religion. While there is no one established property are threatened, and no harm is done to nature, any denomination, there is a loosely defined non-denominational religion must be allowed to “do its own thing.” enshrined as the official state religion. The situation is worse in many states. For example evolution can no longer If you put the consequences so explicitly, you might find be taught in Kansas public schools. that most people are not for religious freedom in general, but are only for religious freedom for themselves or for religions The most basic right, the one from which all liberties flow, not so very different from their own. And that has been the is the right to be left alone to live your life as you please, so dilemma of advocates for religious freedom throughout the long as your behavior is not harmful to the health, safety, history of America. rights, freedoms or property of others. It is from this right that freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the Section 4 of the World Pantheist Movement credo states: press, freedom of association etc. all derive. We support and work towards a world community based To realize how radical a notion religious freedom is, just on full respect for human rights. Section 9 adds: consider that from it there may follow consequences which We uphold the separation of religion and state, and the might make many people – perhaps even World Pantheist universal human right of freedom of religion. Movement members – VERY uncomfortable. One of these is These statements implicitly commit us to work for that no religious group has the right to force others to live by religious freedom throughout the world. For a religion cannot its specific mores – work for “freedom” in those that are not general without founded on generally committing itself to acknowledged human protect religious ethics. This is true freedom in particular. whether the mores in And full respect for question are refraining human rights, from buying alcohol democracy, non- on Sunday, or discrimination and participating in school justice requires that prayer. everyone’s religious If you can accept 1937 Buffalo dime, and 1976 silver dollar freedom be re spected. this consequence, But make no mistake, “In God we T rust” first crept onto the US coinage during the Civil W ar, then consider this even now, more than in 1864. It was first used on paper money in 1957, after Congress made one: religious freedom 200 years after the US this the national motto. The words “ under God” were added to the Pledge also means that Bill of Rights was of Allegiance in 1954 following a campaign initiated by the Knights of anyone with enacted, freedom of Columbus, a Christian organization. These 1950s developments occurred unconventional religion still remains a at the height of the cold war against “ godless” Russia. Cases have been religious beliefs must VERY radical notion. brought to r everse both these insertions as unconstitutional, but the be free to practice But isn’t it yet time to courts have held that the word “god” does not constitute state sponsorship their religion – even if try it? of any particular religious faith. it is anathema to

13 Almanac

Meetings On-line chat every Sunday at: http://www.egroups.com/chat/pantheistnews Equinox es & Full Moons Special dates 6 pm London time, 1pm New York, 10 am Solstices California. 2000 2000 August 12-13 San Diego: Autumn equinox July 16 at 13.55 Peak of Perseid August 5, September 2, October 7 Contact Andrew September 22 at Meteor Shower Millard [email protected] 22.17 August 15 at 05.13 Los Angeles: Winter solstice Sept 13 at 19.37 October 31 July 16 picnic, Tapia St Park, Malibu Canyon December 21 at 22.27 October 13 at 08.53 Halloween/Samhain Contact David Harrington [email protected] 2001

Ithaca, New York: Spring equinox March 20 at 13.31 Monthly meetings, contact Cory Carter [email protected] Summer equinox All times Universal time aka Greenwich Mean June 21 at 07.38 Time (= Eastern Standard Time + 5 hours) Raise Funds for WPM – For Free

The backbone of the World Pantheist How it works: First, register at Greater Good Movement's activities are its subscribing www.zeal.com/users/register.jhtml. Greater Good are the people who members. Not only are you the leading When they ask who referred you, fill in run the Hungersite and the Rainforest edge of the living community of the [email protected]. After you’ve Site. World Pantheist Movement, you also confirmed your e-mail address, Zeal will GG is a non-profit online shopping make all our activities possible – from credit the World Pantheist Movement service with dozens of top name with two dollars. Search for the name this magazine and the Web site and lists, discount retailers, covering all sectors World Pantheist Movement and click to advertizing and promoting the WPM from books, software and toys to “Set as my favourite charity.” After this, so that we can reach the numbers clothes, sports gear and tools. The every time you recommend a Web site needed to create local groups in prices are exactly the same as these you earn $0.10, and every time you rate many places. retailers’ regular prices, but a a Website you earn $0.02. After you commission of There are two significant ways in which have built up just 25 points, you can 5-15% goes to your chosen charity. you can help gain extra funds for the become a resource person for a specific Shoppers can indicate which charity WPM for free: shopping with Greater sector such as your favourite science or or charities they would like to benefit Good, and hanging around Zeal, a new from their shopping. environment sector or pop music, or kind of Web directory. sport, and get your sites approved As a recognized tax-exempt non- immediately. You can help to shape profit, the WPM has set up an Zeal association with Greater Good so that your corner of an up-and-coming We b Zeal is a unique user-driven We b our supporters can shop there for our directory. directory. Users submit Web sites benefit. to be listed – and also approve them Zeal has helped volunteers raise How it works: To do this, simply go and update the . And they significant amounts for charity and 69 to www.pantheism.greatergood.com review Web sites, either with simple of our members have responded and start browsing around. We have numerical ratings or by entering some heroically. As we go to press WPM and tried to remove from the list of shops text giving their opinions. Zeal pays list members had raised over $1,900, any that might offend any of our users for all these activities – not pushing us up to fourth place in the list members on ethical or environmental direct, but through donations to your of 431 charities – ahead of the Sierra grounds, but if you spot any that have leaked through, please let us know. favourite charity. Club and the American Red Cross!

14 What we are about When you look at the night sky, are you filled with awe at the beauty and power of the universe? In nature, do you feel a sense of the sacred, like being in a vast cathedral? Are you sceptical about a God with a mind like ours, separate from, and outside, the universe? If you answer yes to these questions, then you are already a Pantheist. Natural/scientific pantheism transcends both theism and atheism. Its central tenet is that the Universe is the and the highest object of human What we believe reverence, while nature and each one of us is a sacred part of the totality. Our We revere and celebrate the Universe as energy/ matter, which is vibrant and naturalistic approach accepts and reveres the universe and nature just as they are, the totality of being, past, and infinitely creative in all its forms. Body and and promotes an ethic of respect for human and animal rights and for lifestyles that future. It is self-organizing, ever-evolving mind are indivisibly united. sustain rather than destroy the environment. and inexhaustibly diverse. Its overwhelming We see death as the return to nature of power, beauty and fundamental mystery We do not believe in supernatural entities or personal creator gods. This earth is our elements, and the end of our existence compel the deepest human reverence and not a temporary stage that God will soon destroy, it is a we must restore, as individuals. The forms of “” wonder. preserve and cherish. Life is not a passageway to an imaginary world after death: it available to are natural ones, in All matter, energy, and life are an inter- is all we have, and each moment must be celebrated for itself. We humans must the natural world. Our actions, our ideas connected unity of which we are an and memories of us live on, according to create our own ethics and purposes, to explore and appreciate reality, to save the inseparable part. We rejoice in our what we do in our lives. Our genes live on planet, and to ensure a life of dignity for all its inhabitants. existence and seek to participate ever more in our families, and our elements are deeply in this unity through knowledge, The Wo rld Pantheist Movement opened at the Spring Equinox 1999. Our goal is endlessly recycled in nature. celebration, meditation, empathy, love, to promote natural/scientific pantheism as an alternative option to traditional ethical action and art. We honor reality, and keep our religions. We aim to create local pantheist groups in as many places as possible, for open to the evidence of the senses and of We are an integral part of Nature, which mutual support, shared celebration and action – and to provide a network of science's unending quest for deeper we should cherish, revere and preserve in understanding. These are our best means celebrants so that pantheists can have and in harmony with their all its magnificent beauty and diversity. We of coming to know the Universe, and on beliefs. should strive to live in harmony with them we base our aesthetic and religious Nature locally and globally. We acknowledge The WPM grew from the Scientific Pantheism mailing list, set up in 1997, which feelings about reality. the inherent value of all life, human and now has members in 47 countries and all US states. We have a quarterly magazine non-human, and strive to treat all living Every individual has direct access PAN and a growing number of mailing lists, bulletin boards, and local groups. We creatures with compassion, empathy, and through perception, emotion and are a vibrant international community of lively, spiritually aware folk, from high- respect. meditation to ultimate reality, which is the school students, gardeners and busdrivers to computer programmers and university All humans are equal of Universe and Nature. There is no need for professors. Join us today, or find out more at our web site awareness of the Universe and nature, and mediation by priests, or revealed http://www.pantheism.net. all deserve a life of equal dignity and scriptures. mutual respect. To this end we support and We uphold the separation of religion and work towards freedom, democracy, justice, state, and the universal human right of and non-discrimination, and a world freedom of religion. We recognize the community based on peace, an end to freedom of all pantheists to express and poverty, sustainable ways of life, and full celebrate their beliefs, as individuals or in respect for human rights. groups, in any non-harmful ritual, symbol There is a single kind of substance, or vocabulary that is meaningful to them. Join the World Pantheist Movement today... Personal benefits: Public benefits: • Making possible an WORLD PANTHEIST MOVEMENT • Quarterly ‘Pan’ magazine. • Helping promote earth- expanding pantheist WORLD PANTHEIST MOVEMENT presence in all media. • Free e-mail forwarding honoring life-affirming address at our domain, eg: natural/scientific • Helping to promote the [email protected] pantheism as a religious formation of local groups. • Membership of associated option and alternative to • Making possible free mailing lists and bulletin traditional religions. associate membership for boards. • Supporting the creation under 17s, hardship cases, • Membership of a rapidly of a network of celebrants and people from developing growing, vibrant for pantheist weddings and countries and emerging international community. funerals. economies. ReveringRevering Name: the Universe, Address: the Universe,

City: State: CaringCaring forfor Nature,Nature, ZIP code: Country: Phone: Celebrating Life E-mail: Age: Celebrating Life Membership level (please tick box and write in amount sent):

J Low income ($10) J Family* ($60) J Supporter ($150-$249) J Student ($15) J Friend ($50-$99) J Sponsor ($250-$699) J Basic ($30) J Sustainer ($100-$149) J Life ($700) J Donation (please write amount here) $ ______A religion that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw * Family provides one copy of the magazine plus up to four e-mail forwarding addresses forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the @pantheism.net and four memberships of the World Pantheist Movement bulletin board. conventional . Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge. Please mail with your check (US dollars) to: Local contact: Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot. The World Pantheist Movement, Email: PO Box 12056, La Jolla, Phone: California CA 92039-2056, United States. Please photocopy double sided and give to friends. http://www.pantheism.net/