The Last Word in Player

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The Last Word in Player ,', f:~(,·_JJ \. ',' 'Of I ) ..•. .' ,,' 'I ~,..;~~-.J:_f-~,-·· " .. r:+i~"T\ ~ I ,! ',; 'l ' •. ,r--:;''':~PEC~L I~:n:~ayer ~:v ' ':':~ , r'_',.__-.. ~ .' . ..' ·'··.-1 , ' , "'''VOL, LVII. NEW YORK, NOVE~lBER 2<}. '9'3 No. 22. ! 1 ~. J ..... 1, '.., r The Last Word I You have' \~ j -- ~iano among your \ " in Player clientele many people to whom the .\:\ ~~ Construction player pianQ would be a , .. 'I magnet if it were possible for them to play some favorite compo- " __ ,sWon without themselves possessing a • mus~,cal knowledge, Under such conditions they would be interested in the player piano and a largerbusiness vista would be open to you, if the untrained player pianist could obtain delicate phrasing'and perfect musical results. Admitted-for a majority of people who buy player pianos are busy men and women, and, the Stoddard-Ampico mechanism incorporated in the Knabe piano enables every player to accomplish surprising results, in other words,it places the things previously unattainable directly within :: the reach of all. ' . ". Ii . " , It places in the hands of everyone the power t~pla'y.~nd,playwell :i elements~of and it also puts in the hands of the skUlful pian'ist perfection' • :!I' 'which have been hitherto impossible,to'attain. '" " "',',, '",, " If yOU' wish to spendari '~v~in~'~itJ~th<;'g,:eat' m'~sicians, if you' -'if as,,~reat, '( wish to pJay' artists playermecha-. \ ",,~ _. nism, which,iswubin reach, wiH enable yO\} to dothi3.· ". '.".. '. ". 0"; ~ ~'. .': ') ••.. • ..•.•• •. -~~~ot1otib";~great 900nto the atliateur b~t}t is.a greater.I;)(~on to .! ~ the skilled rriu~in, fqr while.the novice ,may get from it ide!\S as to, 1 ,how milsie.-shotild ,spund,' the '.eipe~i~nc~d ~player 'finds aClditional weap"onspla.ced in 'his'ha1?-cl ~ith·whi~h to conqvcr.the most subt1~ and delicate eleillents in 'piano :playing~lheelem.e'ntsof toueh, tone quaiity " and'! life. ",.:; " . ,,' "." • .. ;.' ~,' If you wjsl\. ,to enlarge your business operations' in ~ surpnsmg ',' maQne(this player mechanism, which, asid~ from' individual ,features, ,, .; ;" 'contains' everY worthy' type' of player' mechanism, llffords 'you the ' • opportunitY; in brief, it isthelast ~ord in player c.onstructiqn. : :-' " .,,' ' "f, .. ,-' :·~WMj,KNA.BE~ &·CO.· • .!,'.. ;,:.' "of.~· <•• ' ., j • • • .' ' ." r.; ~"NEW YORK! "'\"" ", '~BALTIMORE:. LONDON ......... "":' ' '!,. ,,1.,.- .• .... '.1 .. ' .",. ~ '-':'~:;'--~':'it~:.~'~:iij~~j~j~~~~:;'~Z~:':"tl~f::~:lf:~~~:~/,,>':~~~5;~L ~ '"i:; r)i':'" "-'-:'0/:>'~ - ' The AMICA BULLETIN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION MAY/JUNE 1995 VOLUME 32, NUMBER 3 /' .~ HOWARD LUTTER UPIL of Prof. Karg and Rafael Joselfy, Howard Lutter has P won a place of eminence not only as a popular pianist but as the leader of an excellent orchestra. He has had wide experience in the domain of popular music, particularly, and as a member of the De Luxe Organization is in large measure responsible for the excellent records of popular music released each month by this organization. " With bnt wi;Ju; for the ;uccn; of the wonderful De Luxe Welte." Jf:;;;;;;;d (~ / Front and back cover from The Music Trade Review Vol. LVII, New York, November 29, 1913, No. 22. THE AMICA BULLETIN ~~ AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION Published by the Automatic Muicallnstrument Collectors' Association, a non-profit. tax exempt group devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls and perforated musIc books. AMICA was founded in San Francisco. California in 1963, ROBIN PRATT, PUBLISHER, 515 SCOTT STREET, SANDUSKY, OH 44870-3736 - Phone 419-626-1903 Associate Editors: Emmett M. Ford and Richard J. Howe VOLUME 32, Number 3 May/June, 1995 AMICA BULLETIN FEATURES Display and Classified Ads Articles for Publication AMICA Honoraries - 177 Letters to the Publisher Steinway & Sons Sold - 178 Chapter News Single copies of back issues Stoddard-Ampico Pleases Grand Duke Alexander - 179 ($5.00 per issue - based upon availability) Piping Up - 180 Mike Barnhart Ampico Recording Instructions - 191 919 Lantern Glow Trail Dayton, Ohio 45431 DEPARTMENTS 513-254-5580 UPCOMING PUBLICATION AMICA Officers, Chapter Officers, Affiliates - 172 DEADLINES President's Message - 173 The ads and articles must be received by the Publisher on the I st of the Publisher's Notes - 173 Odd number months: January Letters To The Editor - 174 March May Tech Tips - 182 July September Chapter News - 183 November Classified Ads - 203 Bulletins will be mailed on the 1st week of the even months. ATTENTION READERS! Enclosed within the envelope containing your AMICA BULLETIN, you will find the first installment of the Instrument Listing Supplement to the AMICA Membership Directory. This MEMBERSHIP SERVICES is the first time this has EVER been done and AMICA has the Membership Secretary, Michael New Memberships Barnhart to thank for this monumental undertaking. Renewals Enclosed in these supplements you will find listed all of the instruments and items in your col­ lections, These are considered accurate as of late fall 1994, So if you have a new instrument or Address changes and corrections item in your collection it may not be listed. We hope this will help you cross reference any other .Directory information updates members with similar instruments with whom you may wish to correspond, or find out that you Additional copies of weren't the only one with a 14 1/2' Peaudaunk, with "Re-Actionary" repeating action or a special Member Directory FrenchlFreid Musical Box containing custom ostriches with heads that pop in and out of their own Mike Barnhart individual mini sand boxes, It is amazing seeing a list (all of a certain item) in one place! Hope 919 Lantern Glow Trail you enjoy this ... and "Thanks Mike!" Dayton, Ohio 45431 AMICA Publications and the Executivt' Board 513-254-5580 P.S. Just a reminder: WHEN you receive your AMICA Membership Renewal later this year, please check it over Very Carefully!!! We cannot be responsible for on-going errors in your To ensure timely delivery of your name, address, telephone number and collection listing if you wait u.ntil after the Membership BULLETIN, please allow 6-weeks Directory is printed to tell us. Please, check your renewal information -fllInually for accuracy when advance notice of address changes. you receive, renew and mail it in. Thanks Again! AMICA reserves the right to accept, reject, or edit any and all submitted articles and advertising. Entire contents C> 1995 AMICA International 171 AMICA INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS CHAPTER OFFICERS r BOSTON AREA NORTHERN LIGHTS PRESIDENT Maurice Willyard . Pres. Robert H. Hunt - 207-985-2308 Pres: Craig Remmen - 515-424-3677 1988 NW Palmer Lane Vice Pres: Tony Misianos Vice Pres: Donald Jones Bremerton, WA 98311 Sec: Charlie Randazzo & Sec: Jason Beyer 360-692-8885 Barbara McFall Treas: Robert & Katheryn Dumas Treas: Alan Jayne Reporter: Kay Dumas PAST PRESIDENT Mel Septon Reporter: Don Brown Ruth Anderson 9045 North Karlov Board Rep: Sandy Libman Board Rep: Craig Remmen Skokie, Illinois 60076 PACIFIC CAN-AM CHICAGO AREA 708-679-3455 Pres: Dan Brown - (509) 325-2626 Pres: Marty Persky - 708-675-6144 Vice Pres: Bill Chapman VICE PRESIDENT Linda Bird Vice Pres: Dee Kavouras Sec: Lorna Ullstrom 3300 Robinson Pike Sec: James Doheny Treas: Carl Kehret Grandview, MO 64030-2275 Treas: Elsa Pekarek Reporter: Jeff Davis (816) 767-8246 Reporter: Margaret Bisberg Board Rep: Dan Brown Board Rep: Mike Schwimmer SECRETARY Mary Wilson SIERRA-NEVADA FOUNDING CHAPTER Pres: Becky Kane - 916-448-9559 AMICA Headquarters Route I, Box 223-M Pres: Eric Bernhoft - 415-929-8464 Vice Pres: Vickie Mahr Old Monroe, MO 63369-9737 Vice Pres: John Motto-Ros Secffreas: Sec: Jack and Dianne Edwards Tom & Virginia Hawthorn TREASURER Roy K. Powlan Treas: Lou Klein Reporter: Lori Deal Registered agent for legal matters Three Crestview Drive Reporter: John & Nadine Motto-Ros Board Rep: Richard Riley Orinda, CA 94563 Board Rep: Bob Wilcox (510) 254-0236 SOWNY (Southern Ontario, GATEWAY CHAPTER Western New York) Pres: Cynthia Craig - 314-771-1244 Pres: Randy Sockovie - 905-734-9439 PUBLISHER Robin Pratt Vice Pres: Joe Lorberg Sec: Mary Wilson Vice Pres: Rick Drewniak 515 Scott Street SeclMem. Sec: John & Diane Treas: Dorothy Ruprecht Sandusky, Ohio 44870-3736 Thompson Historian: Larry Hollenberg 419-626-1903 Treas: Holly Walter Board Rep: Cynthia Craig Photographer: Mike Walter MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Mike Barnhart Reporter: ~ob Taylor Reporter: Mike Walter 919 Lantern Glow Trail HEART OF AMERICA Board Rep: Wayne Sockovie Dayton, Ohio 45431 Pres: John Washburn - 816-650-9350 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ./ 513-254-5580 Vice Pres: Sandy Schoeppner Pres: Lowell Boehland Secffreas: Rick McDowell - 714-526-8352 COMMITTEES - Reporter: Mary Jo Bopp Vice Pres: Richard Rigg TECHNICAL Harold Malakinian Board Rep: Ron Bopp Sec./Reporter. Shirley Nix Treas: Ken Hodge 2345 Forest Trail Dr., Troy, MI 48098 LADY LIBERTY Board Rep: Frank Nix Pres: Bill Maguire - (516) 424-6752 ARCHIVES Bob Rosencrans Vice Pres: Keith Bigger TEXAS 109 Cumberland Place, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Sec: Richard Karlsson Pres: Sal Mele - 214-233-5146 Vice Pres: Joe Morris PUBLICATIONS Robin Pratt Treas: Bill Albrecht Reporter: David Nernoff Sec: Janet Tonnesen Treas: Ken Long 515 Scott St., Sandusky, OH 44870-3736 Board Rep: Dianne Polan Reporter: Bryan Cather - (516) 673-0388 AUDIO-VISUAL Harold Malakinian Board Rep: Richard Tonnesen 2345 Forest Trail
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