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The AMICA BULLETIN The AMICA BULLETIN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS’ ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2004 VOLUME 41, NUMBER 5 MARGUERITE VOLAVY BOHEMIAN PIANIST Scores Emphatic Success in Her Aeolian Hall Recital, January 29, 1921 WHAT THE CRITICS SAID: . She has a m usical touch ., . nimble fingerS" . much of h er w ork s ho we d delicacy of feeling. The a u d ie nce rece iv ed her enthusiastic a lly." New York Tribune, Jan. 30, 1921. Plays wi t h energy . .. g lowing vitality that p iques y ou r in ter es t ." . New York Evening Mail,' Jan. 31, 1921. " It wa s in a n a tt ractive pr o gr am th at Marguer ite V olavy elected to demonstrate her pi an istic s ki ll a t Aeolia n H all on Saturda y eveni ng, J an. 29 . That her re cital a r o u sed co n sid erab le in tere st was made m anife st b y the good a ttenda nce. T he a ud ie nce was empha tic in its repeated tributes to th e pl a y e r. "Mis s Vo lavy em p loys in h er work a co nside rab l e dynamic scale, She is liberal wi t h tone a nd looks fr equently for m assive effec ts. Her interpreta ti ons are intelligent a nd in te resting. "The Ba ch-Busoni Ch a conne opened t he re cita l. There was no hesitancy in the mode of a ttack . It was a Ch a eorme in prima r y colors . And a n t e in F , Beethoven; Rhapsodie in E Fl at, Brahms, a nd Schubert's F Min or Impromptu formed a gr oup that served to show someth ing of the pianis t"s technical equipment. Two pieces 'b y J o sef Suk-Minuetto a n d 'Idyl o f Sprin g '-;-were b r acketed with. Dvorak's 'D alliance ,' a work that was in terest. ingly interpreted. There fo llowed a Chopm g ro up a n d a TaUSSig arrangement of the Strauss walt z, 'One Li ves But Once .' '' Musical America, Feb. 5 , 1921. " O n Sat urday evenin g , J anua ry 29, Marguerit e Volavy, a p ianist who is already known in the m u s ical w o rld a s a n a rtis t o f ta le nt a nd abi li ty. gave a most succesefu I performance before a lar g e a nd ap preciative a ud ie nce a t Aeolian H all. She di spla y ed b rilliancy a n d a ri ch tone, large in volume, H er technic was cl ean a n d cl ear and h er legato sm o o t h ." Musical Courier, Feb, 3, 1921. ' Press Notices of Fonner American and European Recital Appearances. "The concert o in tr oduced a pian iste, Marguerite V olavy,-well liked b y the audience s. She re sponded to in si stent applau s e by an en co re. " New York Times. " T he solo p art of the concerto was rendered by Marguerite V o la vy in a thoroughly interesting style." New York Sun. "Mis s Volavy played in a brilliant manner." New York Herald. " Ma dame Vo lavy is an accom p lished artist who plays with animation and skill." New York Times. "Marguerite Volavy, the Bohemian pianist, proved herself a most capable a rtist. " A soulful tone with manly but delicate touch d istin guished Mi s s Volavy's pla ying." Skill, precision and brilliance are hers, a n d in her playing there is no sign of feminine Berliner Tageblatt. indeci s ion." New York Tribune. " Mies Vo lavy's infallible technic, her Impres s tve pl a y in g al most mascu lin e in to uch. "Madame Marguerite Volav y is a p taniste. of more than ordinary ability who corn- co u ld c rea te only admira tion . W e met once aga in a tal en t of hi gh est o rder.' bines a fine musical feeling wi t h t e chnical proficiency." New York Herald. Hlas Naroda, Prague. "Miss Volavy has g enuine musical p e rso na li ty and knows how to bring out all " Mis s Vola vy understands the gi v in g o f real values in her a rtis tic a nd t ho ro ughly the artistic ch arms ; sh e r eveal ed a stonishing technical qualifications together with mu s icianly renditi on s." Mu enchener N eueste Nachrichten. plenty of brains and tem per a m en t . s h e is no doubt one of the most masterly "Her playing wa s mas te rly in it s artistry and imp ressed the a udie nce pr ofoundly : ' and striking pianistes eve r he ard h ere." Dallas (Tex.) Daily News. II Momento, Turin. "Miss Volavy d isplay ed true artistic temperament and finished technic." "The certa inty wi th which she overcame the g rea te st d iffi culties" her repos e, h er Galveston (Tex.) Daily News. splendid mus icianship, gav e Mi ss Volavy not only a n undoubted Su ccess but a g reat w a rmt h of apprecia tion." Wiener T ageblatt. "A pianist of the h ighest rank; the audience was enthusiastic over her work." "Because of her most wonderful a rt of touch and s tupendo us te chn ic- we can Light, San Antonio. not refrain from gi ving our fullest ap precia tio n to th is a rtist: ' Breslauer Ze itung. "A masculine strength a nd brilliancy combined with feminine delicacy and sym­ "M is s Vola v y im pr e s sed through her g race of m anner and her presen ce a nd her, pathy distinguished h er play ing, while her t echnic is irreproachable." technic is of equal perfection: ' Caffero, Cenova. Daily Item, Mobile, Ala. " Mi ss V ol a v y played the S chuma nn Co ncerto u nde r t he wonderful di re ction of "Miss Volavy proved to be an a r tis t of rare ability." Montgomery (Ala.) Journal. S afonolf. The bril\iancy o f her technic. a nd wond e rf u l d ra m a ti c feeling com bi ned with "Mias V ol avy gained im me diate s uc cess through her glittering technic, perfect mascultn e s trength rem ind on e of Teresa Careno ." B irzevia Vedomosti, St. P et ersburg. evenness of the d ifficult p assage work and the extreme and perfect brilliancy of her "Miss Volavy co n v inced through her g ra ce o f manner and im pressi ve p erfe c t pl aying artistic fe eling." Julius Korngold in Neue Freie Presse, Vienna. tha t she is the re al artist." F igaro, P aris. Concert Direction-LOUDON CHARLTON, Carnegie Hall, New York City , . ~ ·1 J) THE AMICA BULLETIN AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT COLLECTORS' ASSOCIATION Published by the Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors’ Association, a non-profit, tax exempt group devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls and perforated music books. AMICA was founded in San Francisco, California in 1963. PROFESSOR MICHAEL A. KUKRAL, PUBLISHER, 216 MADISON BLVD., TERRE HAUTE, IN 47803-1912 -- Phone 812-238-9656, E-mail: [email protected] Visit the AMICA Web page at: Associate Editor: Mr. Larry Givens VOLUME 41, Number 4 September/October 2004 AMICA BULLETIN Display and Classified Ads FEATURES Articles for Publication Letters to the Publisher Telektra Player Piano — 287 Chapter News Piano Tuner Caught in U.S. - Cuba Discord — 288 UPCOMING PUBLICATION Painted Ponies — 289 DEADLINES The ads and articles must be received The Year The Duo-Art was Introduced — 290 by the Publisher on the 1st of the SOFI — Odd number months: 293 January July Tribute to Marguerite Volavy — 299 March September May November Aeolian Pipe Organ — 302 Bulletins will be mailed on the 1st week Ampico Music Cabinets — 303 of the even months. Dr. Michael A. Kukral, Publisher 216 Madison Blvd. Terre Haute, Indiana 47803-1912 Phone: 812-238-9656 DEPARTMENTS e-mail: [email protected] AMICA International — 282 President’s Message — 283 Letters —284 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES They Shall Be Remembered — 307 New Memberships . $42.00 New Piano Rolls & Recuts — 310 Renewals . $42.00 Additional $5.00 due if renewed Chapter News — 311 past the Jan. 31 deadline Classified Ads — 316 Address changes and corrections Directory information updates Additional copies of Member Directory . $25.00 Single copies of back issues ($10.00 per issue - based upon availability) William Chapman (Bill) Front Cover: Ad for Schulz Player Piano 53685 Avenida Bermudas La Quinta, CA 92253-3586 Inside Front: Marguerite Volavy - Aeolian Hall Recital (760) 564-2951 e-mail: [email protected] Back Cover: Zez Confrey drawing by Margaret Schloemann To ensure timely delivery of your Inside Back Cover: Brooklyn Repairing Company BULLETIN, please allow 6-weeks advance notice of address changes. AMICA Publications reserves the right to accept, reject, or edit any and all submitted articles and advertising. Entire contents © 2004 AMICA International Printed by Engler Printing Co., Fremont, OH • [email protected] 281 ISSN #1533-9726 AMICA INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS CHAPTER OFFICERS PRESIDENT Mike Walter BOSTON AREA NORTHERN LIGHTS 65 Running Brook Dr., Pres.
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