Why Do We Physically and Mentally Torture Detainees? by Dr Syed Husin Ali
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.tranJ. ' . \ "' spirited group of M a laysians converged in Kamunting (nc:tr Taiping), Perak, to mark the 1Oth anniversary of a mass crackdown against dissent under the Internal Security Act- code-named Op eration Lalang. About 150 of us from all over the country turned ('f!;:--:;::-::::::::::'--~---F£ Behind the iron gate:,: up on the morning of Sunda). 26 the dreaded KfllfllOiling October, at the gate~ of the Detention Camp. dreaded detention camp with one aim: to vigorous!~ oppo~e the ISA and call for iL' repeaL Malaysicm.f wi1h a I mis.fitm : tlu! prottmers We were all there: the young. the arrive at the camp'~ entranL·e. middle-aged and the old: men and women: Muslims. Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians from all ethnic groups. Among us were representatives from PAS, Parti Rakyat Malaysia. the Democratic Action Party, Suaram, Komas. Sahabat Wanita, the Estate \\ rk ers Support Group, the l rban Settlers support group, I OMCA andAliran. We gathered at the entrance t"'f Free tlutm!: £1:-detninee Irene Xavier the detention camp. just in front calls rm thi! gcwemmenJ to release all of the guard house. at11.00 a.m /SA detainees. I A/iran Monthly 1997: 17(10) Page 2 Protest At Knmunllng Remembering Operation Lalang 5-14 Abolish The ISA 40 Abrogate The ISA IS 16 Islam And The West 27 Thinking Allowed 19 ALIRAN'S HOMEPAGE 23 http:/lwww.llllllaysia.net/aliran Current Concerns 34 Poem: They CaU Us Many Things 8 by ll.P Prinkro Slid. Bhd. Poem: Jen!bu 17 & 70 Jlllan Air hllm 10-160 Pulau 1'iDanj:, M.olapilo. Subscription Form 18 : 604 • 2:USs.l6 Aliran is a Malay~i:m non-governmental organi~ation li<.,ted on the ro\ter of the Economic and Social Councll of the United Nauons. Guided by universal spiritual values. Aliran strives for genuine unity by promoting Publil.bcd by Ali ran Kcsedaran Negara (ALIRAN) \OCtal ju~tice and human dtgnity. Membership is open to 12, Jallln PaniAI ALi£ Ibrahim, all MaJayMans above 21 If you are interested in joining 11900 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. (Po~UJI Address: P 0 Bo- 1049, Aliran. ph.:a~e contact the Hon Secretary at the address 10830 Pulau Plnang, Malaysia.) ~hown tn this page. Tel/ fa~ : 604 • 6415785 Alira11 Mo1111rly 1997: 17( /0) PtlfW J PRM president Dr Syed Rusin At 2.00pm, the forum got under Ban Chen, detained in an earlier Ali read aloud a statement, signed way after a few songs to awaken crackdown and for a longer pe by 36 organisations, in Malay, everyone from lunch. Syed riod than the others, ta1ked of his fo11owed by Sababat Wanita 's Husin, Lee Ban Chen, Mohd time inside. But he said the ways Irene Xavier in English. Other Sabu, Julian Jayaseelan, Irene, the interrogators dea1t with de former detainees spoke out Lim Kit Siang, and Dr Mohd tainees were the same. They against the ISA in short speeches. Nasir spoke of their experiences. played him against his fellow de At times, they were emotional tainees. even against his mother, lt was then time for slogans. and l saw tears flowing down as they tried to persuade him into "Mansuhkan JSA! (Abolish the some cheeks. making a confession. Actually, Internal Security Act!) /SA Zalim they were always fishing for (The ISA is Cruel)," we shouted Some extracts loosely recalled: more infom1ation. They played in unison. The crowd released up expectations of an early re dozens of brightly coloured bal Syed Husin stressed that the lease and then didn't deliver, all loons, some of which floated TSA and other measures of con to make one's head go into a spin. above the camp grounds. All in, trol are vestiges of the colonial Be vigilant, be strong, he said. we were in front of the camp for era. Just as the imperialists have almost an hour. gone, so too must these laws Nasir said he was not a hero and especially the lSA. The abuse didn't aspire to become one. His Interestingly, no uniformed po of the TSA is commonplace. problem was that he is a socialist lice sho?'ed up - only plain First used against miJitant com and wants to fight for the righls clothes Special Branch (SB) munists, it's now used against of the oppressed. He admitted types who videotaped and opposition parties, critics and, that detention was tough. He snapped lots of pictures of every during Operation Lalang, cried in private, but neYer in front one. The camp wardens looked against the NGOs, too. of his interrogators. The time on behind their gates, at times spent insicie has made him pointing to this or that ex-de Very often, these arrests take tougher. tainee in recognition. place when the government finds itself facing a political and/or Irene, detained j n Singapore and Apparently, the police had been economic crisis, as was the case handed over to the ~falaysian informed beforehand and were during Operation Lalang. He authorities, clarified that women told that it would be a peaceful asked us all to read his book did notrcceive s~cial treatment. gathering. Rightly, they had cho "Two Faces/Dua Wajah" for in She herself was ph~ ,jcaJ1) beaten sen to play it low-key - for, re formation on how he and others by a man. The ~arne tactics, ally, we were only making noise were treated during the time he which were used again't the oth in one small comer of Perak and was detained. ers as recoumed by the other the media were hardly presenL speakers. were also LEed against Mohd Sabu said the ISA is her and. as t:a:r as she knows, Everyone then adjourned for zalim, degrades the individual, is against other\\ omen Loo. lunch at the Taiping rest-house, opposed to God's law whatever where a meal had already been our religions. He said everyone Kit Siang said ir \\-as important prepared. The plain clothes folk - whether from government or to situate Operation Lalang followed suit and some joined in opposition parties, NGOs, and the meal. (Apparently, lheSB had concerned Malaysians - must questioned the rest-house man work together to get rid of the CONTINUED .;] ager on the arrangements to use ISA God-willing, the ISA will ON PAGE... ..0 the premises.) go. Aliran Momhly 1997: 17(10) Page 4 COVER STORY Malaysians should never ever forget that Operation Lalang happened by Dr. Chandra Muzaffar emory is important. Ma put forward on behalf of this instru laysians should never ever ment of repression, should be chal g forget that Operation lenged in Parliament, in the courts. Lalang happened: that on through the media. at NGO meet 27 October 1987, 118 politicians, so ings, at academic conferences. We cial activists and academics were ar must aim to persuade more and more rested under the infamous Internal Malaysians that the ISA is not the Securit)' Act (ISA) which allows the guarantor of our security, the keeper government to detain a person with of our peace. On the contrary, it out trial for any length oftime in the transgresses all the decent human name of national security. values that peace-loving people cherish. Though all the Operation Lalang detainees were released within two It is crucial that sound, solid criti years. the ISA remains in the statute cisms against the ISA are expressed books. For 35 years it has been that from time to time in various circles. one law that concerns Malaysians There is a danger that since the ISA The ISA should the most. Of course. the ISA has has not been used en masse against been around for a much longer political leaders and social critics for go. It should be while. Tt was the British colonial some time now, the general public power that introduced the JSA in will slowly begin to forget that the abolished 1948 in order to thwart the militant law is sti II around. Lt may not occur communist movement. Next year. it to them that the law can be used any immediately. wi II be the fJftieth anniversary of the time to stine the growth of a politi TSA. cal opposition orto preserve the po The ISA is a blot sition of a ruling elite. The ISA is a The ISA should go. It should be "Sword ofDamocles" hanging over on our dignity. It abolished immediately. The lSA is our heads all the time. a blot on our digniry. It is a slur upon is a slur upon our democracy. It shames our nation. This is why it is important to remem It smears our people. ber the 271f1 of October 1987. It is our democracy. only by remembering a great injus But the ISA will not disappear to tice that we will continue to struggle It shames our morrow or the day after or even in 5 for a greater justice. 0 IUliWn.lt smears years time- unless something out of the ordinary happens. In the mean ( luuuha \lu al/tll '' fouudtll-.; ourpeople . time, we should continue to speak l't t 'ldt 111 oJ \ /u till tlltd I'' (\(uti\ out against the lSA. The TSA. and l'rt 'idt nt,J/ II 'I 1/, H t1., d( tcJIIl( d dtllllf!.: t Jp( ta/11111 I a lou!.: all the arguments which the state has A/iran Momhly 1997: 17(10) Page 5 Mllltqsii:uls mUNt never forget the iniquities of Opemtion l4/tmg and the onslaughts on democracy. by Lim Kit Siang alaysians should not forget • amendments to lhe lnternal Secu Lalang and the onslaughts on de Operation Lalang for il rity Act to remove judicial review mocracy and civil society, for we do g represented the worst set ofMinisterial powers in ordering not want another Operation Lalang.